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August 7, 2020

If I would have to describe Mrs. Truc in a few words, I would share the own words of my 4 kids:
kind, patient, fun, calm, and creative. Who can describe their teacher’s the best, but her own
students. Mrs. Truc was my youngest son Salvador’s TK teacher and my other 3 kids had the
privilege of joining her for a lot of activities in school.

On my own experience I can share some of the memories that come up to my mind from the
time I spent in her classroom volunteering to help with the TK class. I remember how pleasant
it was to enter that room full of 5 year old kids energetic and noisy but at the same time you
could enjoy that peace and calm environment that Mrs. Truc created. It was something that
happened natural because that was her essence. You could see how Mrs Truc taught and
corrected the students in a respectful and loving way. She knew how to set boundaries, how to
manage the class without raising her voice, the kids felt loved and knew they could count on her
so when she expected them to pay attention they were willing to respond in a positive way.

The communication with us the parents was always transparent and very organized and she
always made sure to keep us informed of all the activities and events way ahead of time.
Whenever a parent couldn’t complete an activity or bring a material that the student needed she
would do everything in her hands to make it happen. She would always go the extra mile to
help others. She always showed empathy towards everyone surrounding her. I never saw her
complaining or in a bad mood.

I remember one day I was helping in the classroom, we were doing centers, so the kids needed
to rotate from one station to the other. One of the stations consisted of Mrs. Truc taking time to
go with each student at a time and pray with them in front of a little altar with a fluffy Jesus Toy
and just be there for half a minute talking to God, it was very sweet to see that picture of her
praying with her students.

I always felt so blessed to have her as my son’s teacher. Her talents flourished all throughout
the school year. She planned the best plays, we had fun activities on mother’s day, daddy and
me, and alot more. You could tell how art was one of her fortes because I could see how good
she was at decorating the classroom, coming up with ideas for backdrops for the plays,
Christmas programs, and graduations. She made tons of videos of the kids singing, dancing
and there she was playing the tune with her ukelele. Such wonderful memories.

Her curriculum was challenging, every week was full of different lessons that she managed how
to make fun and dynamic so the kids could learn but not be bored. We were like a train all
year, never lost the momentum, we just kept learning and moving forward.
My youngest son is now in 4th grade. There are so many good memories from Mrs. Truc’s
class. I enjoyed so much being there, that even with Salvador moving up grades I kept asking if
I could help in her classroom. I always tried to see if there was something I could do to help,
because that’s what she has always been doing. Giving herself to others.

Ana L. Corona 714-612-0419

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