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7/21/2019 5.3.2.

8 Packet Tracer - Examine the ARP Table

Packet Tracer - Examine the ARP Table


Parth Patel

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7/21/2019 Packet Tracer - Examine the ARP Table

Packet Tracer - Examine the ARP Table

Addressing Table

Interfa MAC Switch

Device ce Address Interface

Router0 Gg0/0 501 G0/1
S0/0/0 N/A N/A
Router1 G0/0 !01 G0/1
S0/0/0 N/A N/A
10.10.10. 0060.2F84.4
2 "#rele$$ A6 F0/2
10.10.10. 0060.4706.5
% "#rele$$ 72 F0/2
172.16.%1 000&.85&&.1
.2 F0 'A7 F0/1
172.16.%1 0060.70%6.2
.% F0 84! F0/2

172.16.%1 0002.1640.8
.4 G0 '75 F0/%


Part "# Examine an ARP Re$%est

Part &# Examine a Switch MAC Address Table

Part '# Examine the ARP Pr(cess in Rem(te C(mm%nicati(ns


 Th#$ a(t#)#ty #$ opt#*#+e, -or )#e#g P'$. The ,e)#(e$ are alrea,y (ogure,. ou
#ll gather P' #-or*at#o # $#*ulat#o *o,e a, a$er a $er#e$ o- 3ue$t#o$
aout the ,ata you (olle(t.

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7/21/2019 Packet Tracer - Examine the ARP Table

Packet Tracer - Examine the ARP Table

Part "# Examine an ARP Re$%est

Ste* "# +enerate ARP re$%ests b, *inging "&."/.'".' fr(m


a. &l#( "&."/.'".& a, ope the C(mmand Pr(m*t.

. Eter the ar* -d (o**a, to (lear the ARP tale.

(. Eter Sim%lati(n  *o,e a, eter the (o**a, *ing "&."/.'".'. To
P'$ #ll e geerate,. The *ing (o**a, (aot (o*plete the &P
pa(et #thout o#g the A& a,,re$$ o- the ,e$t#at#o. So the (o*puter
$e,$ a ARP roa,(a$t -ra*e to , the A& a,,re$$ o- the ,e$t#at#o.

,. &l#( Ca*t%re01(rward  o(e. The ARP P' *o)e$ Switch" h#le the &P
P' ,#$appear$ a#t#g -or the ARP reply. 9pe the P' a, re(or, the
,e$t#at#o A& a,,re$$. $ th#$ a,,re$$ l#$te, # the tale ao)e: No

e. &l#( Ca*t%re01(rward  to *o)e the P' to the e;t ,e)#(e. <o *ay
(op#e$ o- the P' ,#, Switch" *ae: %

-. "hat #$ the P a,,re$$ o- the ,e)#(e that a((epte, the P': 172.16.%1.%

g. 9pe the P' a, e;a*#e =ayer 2. "hat happee, to the $our(e a,
,e$t#at#o A& a,,re$$e$:

Sour(e e(a*e ,e$t#at#o FFFF.FFFF.FFFF ture, #to A& a,,re$$ o-


h. &l#( Ca*t%re01(rward  ut#l the P' retur$ to "&."/.'".&. <o *ay

(op#e$ o- the P' ,#, the $#t(h *ae ,ur#g the ARP reply: 1

Ste* &# Examine the ARP table.

#. Note that the &P pa(et reappear$. 9pe the P' a, e;a*#e the A&
a,,re$$e$. 'o the A& a,,re$$e$ o- the $our(e a, ,e$t#at#o al#g #th
the#r P a,,re$$e$: e$

 >. S#t(h a( to Realtime a, the p#g (o*plete$.

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7/21/2019 Packet Tracer - Examine the ARP Table

Packet Tracer - Examine the ARP Table

. &l#( "&."/.'".& a, eter the ar* 2a (o**a,. To hat P a,,re$$ ,oe$
the A& a,,re$$ etry (orre$po,: 172.16.%1.%

a.  geeral he ,oe$ a e, ,e)#(e #$$ue a ARP re3ue$t:

"he #t ,oe$ ot o the re(e#)er?$ A& a,,re$$.

Part &# Examine a Switch MAC Address Table

Ste* "# +enerate additi(nal tra3c t( *(*%late the switch MAC address

l. Fro* "&."/.'".& eter the *ing "&."/.'".4 (o**a,.

*. &l#( "5."5."5.& a, ope the C(mmand Pr(m*t.

. Eter the *ing "5."5."5.' (o**a,. <o *ay repl#e$ ere $et a,
re(e#)e,: 4 $et 4 re(e#)e,

Ste* &# Examine the MAC address table (n the switches.

o. &l#( Switch"a, the the C6I ta. Eter the sh(w mac-address-table 

(o**a,. 'o the etr#e$ (orre$po, to tho$e # the tale ao)e: e$

p. &l#( Switch5 the the C6I ta. Eter the sh(w mac-address-table 

(o**a,. 'o the etr#e$ (orre$po, to tho$e # the tale ao)e: e$

3. "hy are to A& a,,re$$e$ a$$o(#ate, #th oe port:

e(au$e oth ,e)#(e$ (oe(t to the $a*e port through the A((e$$ Po#t.

Part '# Examine the ARP Pr(cess in Rem(te C(mm%nicati(ns

Ste* "# +enerate tra3c t( *r(d%ce ARP tra3c.

r. &l#( "&."/.'".& a, ope the C(mmand Pr(m*t.

$. Eter the *ing "5."5."5." (o**a,.

t. Type ar* 2a. "hat #$ the P a,,re$$ o- the e ARP tale etry: 172.16.%1.1

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7/21/2019 Packet Tracer - Examine the ARP Table

Packet Tracer - Examine the ARP Table

u. Eter ar* -d to (lear the ARP tale a, $#t(h to Sim%lati(n  *o,e.

). Repeat the p#g to <o *ay P'$ appear: 2

. &l#( Ca*t%re01(rward . &l#( the P' that #$ o at Switch". "hat #$ the

target ,e$t#at#o P ,e$t#at#o a,,re$$ o- the ARP re3ue$t: 172.16.%1.1

;. The ,e$t#at#o P a,,re$$ #$ ot "hy:

 The gateay a,,re$$ o- the router #ter-a(e #$ $tore, # the P@4

(ogurat#o o- the ho$t$. - the re(e#)#g ho$t #$ ot o the $a*e etor
the $our(e u$e$ ARP pro(e$$ to ,eter*#e a A& a,,re$$ -or the router
#ter-a(e $er)#g a$ the gateay.

Ste* &# Examine the ARP table (n R(%ter".

y. S#t(h to Realtime *o,e. &l#( R(%ter" a, the the C6I ta.

+. Eter pr#)#lege, EE& *o,e a, the the sh(w mac-address-table 

(o**a,. <o *ay A& a,,re$$e$ are # the tale: "hy:

Bero The ea#g o- th#$ (o**a, #$ totally tha $#t(h (o**a, $ho
*a( a,,re$$Ctale.

aa.DDDDDDDEter the sh(w ar* (o**a,. $ there a etry -or "&."/.'".&: e$

"hat happe$ to the r$t p#g # a $#tuat#o here the router re$po,$ to the
ARP re3ue$t:

t?$ t#*e, 9ut.

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7/21/2019 Packet Tracer - Examine the ARP Table

Packet Tracer - Examine the ARP Table

S%ggested Sc(ring R%bric

7%esti(n le Earned
Activit, Secti(n 6(cati(n P(ints P(ints

Part 1 E;a*#e a Step 1 10

ARP Re3ue$t Step 2 15
Part " T(tal &8
Part 2 E;a*#e a Step 1 5
S#t(h A&
Step 2 20
A,,re$$ Tale
Part & T(tal &8
Part % E;a*#e Step 1 25
the ARP Pro(e$$ #
Re*ote Step 2 25
Part ' T(tal 85
T(tal Sc(re "55

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