WH Essential Standards 2020

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Modern World History (Grade 10)

ES 1 I can identify the key values and thinkers of the Enlightenment 1 week

ES 2 I can explain the experimentation of Enlightenment ideologies 1 week

in the American Revolution, Latin Revolution, French

ES 3 I can justify the extent of success that the French Revolution 1 week
had in implementing democratic and enlightenment ideals

ES 4 I can demonstrate how urbanization and industrialization 2 week

changed the lives of people in the Industrial World both
positively and negatively

ES 5 I can identify what factors drove European nations to pursue 1 week

imperialist policies in the late 19th C. and the impacts on
native populations

ES 6 I can describe the major causes of World War I and how it 2 week
lead to the outbreak of war

ES 7 I can explain the way in which the Treaty of Versailles 1 week

resolved WWI and established the inevitability of future conflict

ES 8 I can explain the causes and course of the Russian Revolution 1 week

ES 9 I can explain the growth of totalitarian regimes and how global 1 week
circumstances allowed for its development

ES 10 I can identify the goals and strategies of the Axis and Allied 1 week
powers during WWII

ES 11 I can describe the progression of Nazi atrocities in the 1930s 1 week

and 40s.

ES 12 I can explain the causes of the Cold War and the creation of a 2 weeks
bi-polar world using Korea, Vietnam, and/or Germany as

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