Understand Pt-Impt Outcome post-ICU Dinglas Curr Opin Crit Care 2018 Open Access

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OPINION Understanding patient-important outcomes after
critical illness: a synthesis of recent qualitative,
empirical, and consensus-related studies
Victor D. Dinglas a,b, Leeza N. Faraone a,b, and Dale M. Needham a,b,c

Purpose of review
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Patients surviving critical illness frequently experience long-lasting morbidities. Consequently, researchers and
clinicians are increasingly focused on evaluating and improving survivors’ outcomes after hospital discharge. This
review synthesizes recent research aimed at understanding the postdischarge outcomes that patients consider
important (i.e., patient-important outcomes) for the purpose of advancing future clinical research in the field.
Recent findings
Across multiple types of studies, patients, family members, researchers, and clinicians have consistently
endorsed physical function, cognition, and mental health as important outcomes to evaluate in future
research. Aspects of social health, such as return to work and changes in interpersonal relationships, also
were noted in some research publications. Informed by these recent studies, an international Delphi
consensus process (including patient and caregiver representatives) recommended the following core set of
outcomes for use in all studies evaluating acute respiratory failure survivors after hospital discharge:
survival, physical function (including muscle/nerve function and pulmonary function), cognition, mental
health, health-related quality of life, and pain. The Delphi panel also reached consensus on recommended
measurement instruments for some of these core outcomes.
Recent studies have made major advances in understanding patient-important outcomes to help guide future
clinical research aimed at improving ICU survivors’ recovery.
critical illness, health-related quality of life, mental health, outcome assessment, physical function

INTRODUCTION centered research, which dictates inclusion of

Advances in medicine have reduced short-term mor- outcomes that patients consider important (i.e.,
tality from critical illness [1,2]. Coupled with patient-important outcomes) [24]. Furthermore,
increasing demand for critical care services from understanding patient-important outcomes allows
an aging population [3,4], there is a growing number researchers to prioritize and standardize evaluation
of ICU survivors. However, surviving critical illness
frequently comes at a ‘cost’, with new or worsened a
Outcomes After Critical Illness and Surgery (OACIS) Group, bDivision
long-lasting impairments affecting physical [5–7], of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine and cDepartment of Physical
cognitive [8–11], and/or mental health status [12– Medicine and Rehabilitation, School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins Univer-
14], collectively known as ‘post intensive care syn- sity, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
drome’ (PICS) [15]. Related to these impairments, Correspondence to Victor D. Dinglas, MPH, Division of Pulmonary and
ICU survivors also commonly have impaired quality Critical Care Medicine, School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University,
1830 E. Monument Street, 5th Floor, Baltimore, MD 21287, USA.
of life [16,17], delayed return to work [18,19], and
Tel: +1 410 502 7040; e-mail: victor.dinglas@jhmi.edu
increased healthcare utilization [20–22].
Curr Opin Crit Care 2018, 24:401–409
As focus shifts toward understanding and
improving the functional status of ICU survivors,
there is a rapidly growing number of studies evalu- This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
&& Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives License 4.0
ating these outcomes [23 ]. However, the critical (CCBY-NC-ND), where it is permissible to download and share the work
care community must advance its understanding provided it is properly cited. The work cannot be changed in any way or
of post-ICU outcomes, in part, to ensure patient- used commercially without permission from the journal.

1070-5295 Copyright ß 2018 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. www.co-criticalcare.com
Critical care outcomes

increases the chance of selective reporting of study

results [26]. This scoping review [23 ] underscores
 Heterogeneity in the outcomes and measurement the importance of understanding patient-important
instruments used in studies of ICU survivors after outcomes and standardizing measurement instru-
hospital discharge creates a major barrier in ments to improve the relevance and rigor of ICU
synthesizing results to inform a comprehensive survivorship research.
understanding of ICU survivorship.
 Understanding patient-important outcomes is necessary
for researchers and clinicians to advance research and
care for ICU survivors. OUTCOMES?
In many fields, researchers are focused on under-
 Patients, family members, researchers, and clinicians
standing outcomes that matter to patients. Within
consistently supported physical function, cognition,
mental health, and return to work as important critical care, some researchers have advocated focus-
outcomes, with social health being an area for ing on patient-oriented outcomes, rather than dis-
future investigation. ease-oriented outcomes, in randomized controlled
trials (RCTs) [27]. A recent systematic review
 An international consensus panel, that included
reported that after excluding mortality as an out-
substantial patient and caregiver representation,
recommended the following core set of outcomes for come, only six of 112 (5%) ICU RCTs used ‘patient-
use in all studies evaluating acute respiratory failure important’ outcomes (e.g., physical function, qual-
survivors after hospital discharge: survival, physical ity of life) as primary outcomes [28 ].
function, cognition, mental health, muscle/nerve In determining patient-important outcomes, it
function, pulmonary function, health-related quality of is imperative to clarify the involvement of patients
life, and pain. in these processes [29]. Patient-important outcomes
should put weight on the ‘preeminence of the
patient’s values and preferences’ [30]. Hence,
of these outcomes. In this review, we synthesize patient involvement is paramount in this process.
existing literature regarding patient-important out- Methods for engaging patients in determining
comes for ICU survivors, with emphasis on a 5-year patient-important outcomes include undertaking
program of research in this area that was funded by qualitative research, conducting surveys, and/or hav-
the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (grant ing direct patient participation in related meetings
R24HL111895; www.improveLTO.com). or conferences. Family/caregiver perspectives on
patient-important outcomes are also vital as they
are often informants of ICU survivors’ recovery in
HETEROGENEITY IN MEASURED both research and clinical settings. Researcher and
OUTCOMES AFTER HOSPITAL DISCHARGE clinician perspectives also must be understood given
FOR ICU SURVIVORS their role as key stakeholders in designing studies and
We conducted a scoping review [23 ] of 425 publi- translating research findings into clinical practice.
cations examining ICU survivors after hospital dis- Ultimately, patient, family, researcher, and clinician
charge demonstrating great variability in reported perspectives must be synthesized to gain a cohesive
outcomes. For instance, quality of life was the most and representative understanding of patient-impor-
frequently reported outcome (276/425 (65%) tant outcomes for ICU survivorship research.
articles), whereas physical activity limitation (requir-
ing in-person assessment of patient performance) was
the least reported outcome (6%) [23 ]. Such variabil- PATIENT AND FAMILY PERSPECTIVES ON
ity reflects the growing nature of this field of research PATIENT OUTCOMES AFTER HOSPITAL
and the lack of standardization in outcomes evalu- DISCHARGE
ated. Inconsistently evaluating outcomes prevents a Both patient and family perspectives have been
comprehensive and comparable representation of evaluated in understanding patient-important out-
ICU survivorship across studies. comes after hospital discharge for ICU survivors.
Our scoping review also identified 250 different
outcome measurement instruments used in 425
articles [23 ]. For example, at least nine different Understanding patient outcomes after
instruments were used to evaluate posttraumatic hospital discharge through qualitative
stress disorder in ICU survivors [23 ]. Such hetero- research
geneity in measurement instruments limits compar- In our qualitative study investigating the recovery
ison across studies, impedes meta-analyses [25], and experience of ICU survivors after hospital discharge,

402 www.co-criticalcare.com Volume 24  Number 5  October 2018

Understanding patient-important outcomes after critical illness Dinglas et al.

FIGURE 1. Summary of thematic analysis from qualitative interviews of acute respiratory failure survivors [31 ] organized

using the National Institutes of Health’s Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System framework [32].

we conducted telephone-based, semistructured ICU, whereas others reported gratitude for surviv-
interviews [31 ] with 48 survivors of acute respira- ing, a new-found positive outlook, and valuing their
tory failure (ARF) recruited from 35 hospitals across health more.
the United States. Survivors were interviewed at a To put these findings into context, we also
median of 9 (interquartile range: 7–13) months after conducted a systematic review of qualitative studies
ICU. The interview began with open-ended ques- that reported ICU survivors’ outcomes after hospital
tions about recovery followed by structured prompts discharge [35 ]. This review excluded studies con-
guided by the US National Institutes of Health’s ducted in specialty ICUs (e.g., trauma ICU) or
(NIH) Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement focused on specific diseases/syndromes [e.g., acute
Information System (PROMIS) framework [32]. respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)]. A total of 22
The interviews were recorded, transcribed, coded, studies were identified, with 19 (86%) published
and categorized under physical, mental (including after 1999. Synthesis of these 22 studies demon-
cognition), and social health (Fig. 1). Themes from strated consistency with the themes outlined above
the interviews largely focused on health issues and regarding physical, mental (including cognition),
specific impairments, consistent with well-docu- and social health, with the psychosocial aspects of
mented post-ICU morbidities reported in existing recovery [31 ] encompassed as part of the ‘Global
empirical studies [5,6,8–10,12–14,33 ]. Consistent Satisfaction with Life’ domain in this systematic
results were also reported in a recent Danish quali- review.
tative study evaluating patient-important outcomes
through interviews with 10 ICU survivors [34 ].
Notably, our qualitative study also elucidated Importance of specific patient outcomes to
social aspects of recovery [31 ], not widely explored patients and family after hospital discharge
in prior empirical studies [23 ]. In our qualitative To address the issues of feasibility in ICU survivorship
study, patients expressed distress about employ- research, it is important to understand which mini-
ment status, interpersonal relationships, and partic- mum set of outcomes is most important for inclusion
ipation in social activities and hobbies. Patients in all relevant research studies. Hence, we surveyed a
described positive and negative thoughts and emo- national cohort of ARDS survivors (n ¼ 78) and
tions related to the psychosocial aspects of recovery. family members (n ¼ 80), including 55 patient-family
For example, a survivor wished to have died in the pairs, to empirically evaluate this issue [36 ].

1070-5295 Copyright ß 2018 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. www.co-criticalcare.com 403
Critical care outcomes

&& &
For this survey [36 ], we proposed and refined a survivors [34 ]. Thirty-two patients were asked to
list of 19 potential outcomes based on existing rank these 20 outcomes by importance [34 ].
research and review of the World Health Organization Because of different methodology for composing
International Classification of Functioning, Disability the list of potential outcomes and for ranking out-
and Health [37], the U.S. NIH PROMIS framework [32], comes, these results are not directly comparable
and the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) PICS with our survey findings. However, this Danish list
framework [15], along with additional patient and of outcomes overlap with many of the outcomes
clinician input (Table 1). Survey respondents were evaluated in the survey-based research described
asked whether each of the 19 outcomes should be above (Table 1).
measured in all research studies of ICU survivors.
Support for an outcome was defined as a response
of either agree or strongly agree (versus neutral, dis- RESEARCHER AND CLINICIAN
agree, or strongly disagree). Overall, 15 (79%) of the 19 PERSPECTIVES ON PATIENT OUTCOMES
outcomes were supported by at least 80% of the AFTER HOSPITAL DISCHARGE
patient and family respondents as important to be Understanding researcher and clinician perspectives
measured in all research studies of ICU survivors. The is an important consideration as they are primary
most highly rated outcomes were physical function/ stakeholders in designing research studies evaluat-
symptoms, pulmonary function/symptoms, cognitive ing ICU survivors and in translating research find-
function/symptoms, mental health conditions/symp- ings into clinical practice.
toms, pain, fatigue, and return to work or prior activi-
ties. Social roles, activities, or relationships; survival;
and sexual function/symptoms had the lowest level of Researcher perspectives on important patient
support. Family members’ level of support for each outcomes after hospital discharge
outcome was similar to patients’, including within the Using the same list of 19 outcomes rated by patients
subset of patient–family member pairs. (see above, and Table 1) [36 ], we surveyed an inter-
In a Danish study of ICU survivors (see above), national sample of 121 researchers [36 ], who were
36 outcomes from qualitative interviews with ICU corresponding authors of the ICU survivorship pub-
survivors were distilled to 20 outcomes using semi- lications in our scoping review [23 ]. Researchers
structured interviews of a different group of ICU rated their level of agreement (using the same five-

Table 1. List of 19 outcomes and descriptions provided to respondents [36 ] &&

Survival (how long do people live after leaving the ICU?)

Fatigue (are you feeling tired, having too little energy to get through the day, or needing more rest?)
Muscle and/or nerve function (have you felt weak, sore, or numb?)
Physical function/symptoms (how easy it is to walk, dress, or eat?)
Pulmonary function/symptoms (do you have trouble breathing, shortness of breath, or cough?)
Swallowing function/symptoms (do you have any trouble swallowing foods or liquids?)
Gastrointestinal function/symptoms (do you have stomachaches, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, gas, or indigestion?)
Sleep function/symptoms (do you have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or a need for a sleeping medication?)
Sexual function/symptoms (do you have a decreased desire for sex, inability to have sex, or pain or discomfort during sex?)
Cognitive function/symptoms (do you have problems with memory, communication, concentrating, or understanding instructions?)
Mental health conditions/symptoms (do you have trouble with emotions and mood, anxiety, depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, or
Type of residence (when you left the ICU, did you go to a rehabilitation center, nursing home, or to your own home?)
Return to work or prior activities (are you doing the same things you did before the ICU? Did you return to your prior job full-time or part-time?)
Healthcare resource utilization (are you seeing more doctors or physical therapists, taking new medications, or have you returned to the
hospital? Do you need help making doctors’ appointments?)
Financial impact on patient (are you dealing with hospital bills or lost income from time off work? Do you have to pay someone to help with
your care or transportation?)
Impact on family and/or caregivers (do you feel you are a burden on family or friends? How does being sick affect other people in your life?)
Social roles, activities, or relationships (are you still able to connect with others, maintain friendships, and romantic relationships? Able to
complete activities with/for others?)
Satisfaction with life or personal enjoyment

404 www.co-criticalcare.com Volume 24  Number 5  October 2018

Understanding patient-important outcomes after critical illness Dinglas et al.

point scale used with patients and families, above) our survey findings, above, because of differences
with having each outcome measured in all studies of in the composition of the list and methods for rank-
ICU survivors after hospital discharge. These research- ing outcomes.
ers were from 26 different countries, with self-reported
expertise in physical (79% of respondents), cognitive
(52%), and mental health (61%) outcomes. A total of Patient versus researcher and clinician
71 of 121 (59%) respondents had clinical training, perspectives on patient outcomes after
with 53 (43%) being critical care physicians. hospital discharge
The five outcomes with the strongest support Patients, researchers, and clinicians had the highest
(i.e., ‘agree’ or ‘strongly agree’) were survival, physi- level of support for the following four outcomes
cal function/symptoms, cognitive function/symp- after hospital discharge: physical function/symp-
toms, mental health conditions/symptoms, and toms, cognitive function/symptoms, mental health
return to work or prior activities. The five domains conditions/symptoms, and return to work or prior
with the least support were gastrointestinal func- activities. Notably, these outcomes fit within the
tion/symptoms, swallowing function/symptoms, SCCM PICS framework [15]. Survival was the top-
sexual function/symptoms, financial impact on rated outcome by researchers and clinicians;
patient, and impact on family/caregivers. whereas this was the second lowest rated outcome
by patients. This difference could be explained by
the sample consisting of all ICU survivors and family
Clinician perspectives on important patient members of mainly ICU survivors (rather than dece-
outcomes after hospital discharge dents), potentially leading to lower awareness of
Clinicians play a vital role in translating research high mortality rates for critically ill patients [39].
findings into clinical practice. Hence, clinician per- Also, researchers may rank survival more highly due
ceptions of research outcomes are important. As a to their awareness of the importance of accounting
part of our program of research, we conducted two for death when evaluating functional outcomes
separate modified Delphi consensus projects with after hospital discharge [40 ], and the common
clinician participants, during in-person meetings practice of evaluating mortality as the primary out-
held in the United States (n ¼ 44) and in Australia
come in critical care studies [28 ].
(n ¼ 85) [38 ]. Participants were physicians [United
& &
In the previously-mentioned Danish study [34 ],
States, 16 (36%); Australia, 3 (4%)], physical thera- anesthesiologists highly ranked outcomes involving
pists [12 (27%); 73 (86%)], and others [16 (36%); 9 physical function and mental health; whereas
(11%)]. Using an a priori threshold for consensus of nurses also highly ranked cognitive function. In
at least 70% of respondents agreeing to ‘always’ contrast, among the 32 Danish patients surveyed,
measuring an outcome in studies of ICU survivors physical outcomes were highly ranked, comprising
after hospital discharge, the following outcomes seven of the eight highest ranked outcomes (lack of
reached consensus in either or both studies: survival physical strength, fatigue, decreased walking dis-
(United States 72%; Australia 95%), physical func- tance, dyspnea, difficulties with ADL, less indepen-
tion/symptoms (95%; 99%), cognitive function/ dence, and pain).
symptoms (80%; 86%), mental health conditions/
symptoms (62%; 72%), health-related quality of life
(90%; 80%), return to work or prior activities (72%; SYNTHESIZING PATIENT-IMPORTANT
66%), and type of residence (54%; 78%). OUTCOMES TO GUIDE RESEARCHERS
The previously-discussed Danish study also asked To mitigate the heterogeneity of evaluated out-
ICU nurses (n ¼ 54) and anesthesiologists (n ¼ 17) to comes, many areas within healthcare are establish-
rank 20 patient outcomes with respect to the greatest ing core outcome sets (COS). A COS is a minimum
challenges facing ICU survivors [34 ]. The nurses’ five set of outcomes recommended to always be evalu-
highest ranked outcomes fell under physical (fatigue), ated within a specific field, to facilitate comparison
cognitive (concentration and memory), and mental of results and meta-analysis [25,26,41,42]. Building
health (depression and anxiety) categories. For the on a COS, a core outcome measurement set (COMS)
anesthesiologists, the five highest ranking outcomes is a minimum set of outcome measurement instru-
all fell under physical (fatigue, activities of daily living ments used for measuring the COS. Recently, there
(ADL), strength) and mental health (depression and have been several COS/COMS projects within criti-
anxiety) categories. For anesthesiologists, cognition- cal care [43]. Our NHLBI-funded infrastructure proj-
related outcomes of concentration and memory ect (R24HL111895) aimed to establish a COS and
ranked as 9th and 12th among the 20 outcomes. COMS for follow-up of ARF survivors after hospital
&& &&
These results are not directly comparable with discharge [44 ,45 ].

1070-5295 Copyright ß 2018 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. www.co-criticalcare.com 405
Critical care outcomes

There are important clarifications on what a In this modified Delphi process (Fig. 2), consen-
COS/COMS entails. For example, a COS/COMS for sus on each outcome/instrument was defined a priori
studies evaluating ICU survivors after hospital dis- as at least 70% of panel members rating an outcome
charge does not mandate that all critical care studies as ‘critical’ for inclusion into the COS/COMS and
perform evaluations of ICU patients after hospital 15% or less rating it as ‘not important’. If any of the
discharge; this COS/COMS applies only to ICU stud- minority stakeholder groups (patients/caregivers or
ies that have a goal of evaluating postdischarge clinicians) commonly voted an outcome or mea-
outcomes. Furthermore, any COS/COMS does not surement instrument as ‘not important’, then that
preclude researchers from evaluating additional out- outcome/instrument was assured to not achieve
comes and additional measurement instruments. A consensus for inclusion in the COS/COMS. Results
recommended COS/COMS aims to be relatively from our program of research, as described in the
brief to help ensure feasibility for inclusion in all preceding sections, were shared with the interna-
relevant studies. tional panel as part of the COS/COMS consensus
&& &&
We used a modified Delphi consensus process process (Figs. 2 and 3) [44 ,45 ].
(Fig. 2), with an international consensus panel, in From this modified Delphi consensus process
developing a COS/COMS for studies evaluating ARF (Fig. 2), the international panel recommended eight
&& &&
survivors after hospital discharge [44 ,45 ]. The outcomes as part of the COS: survival, physical func-
consensus panel consisted of four stakeholder tion, cognition, mental health, muscle/nerve func-
groups: patient and caregivers (25% of panel mem- tion, pulmonary function, health-related quality of
bers), researchers (45%), clinicians and representa- life, and pain. (Fig. 2) [44 ]. The recommended COMS
tives of professional associations (25%), and US [45 ] (Fig. 3) includes the following measurement
federal funding bodies (5%). Researchers and clini- instruments: date and location of death (for survival);
cians were represented from around the world (rep- EQ-5D (for the outcomes of health-related quality of
resenting >16 countries from six continents), life and of pain); and Hospital Anxiety and Depression
whereas patients/caregivers and representatives of Scale and Impact of Event Scale-Revised (both for
professional associations were included from the mental health outcomes). Many more resources
four English-speaking countries with the greatest related to the COS and COMS are available at the
number of publications in the field of ICU survivor- study website created for dissemination of these results
ship: [23 ] USA, Canada, United Kingdom, and and related research infrastructure aimed at ICU sur-
Australia. vivorship studies: www.improveLTO.com.

FIGURE 2. Summary of the modified Delphi consensus process.

406 www.co-criticalcare.com Volume 24  Number 5  October 2018

Understanding patient-important outcomes after critical illness Dinglas et al.

FIGURE 3. Summary of understanding patient-important outcomes in creating a core outcome set [44 ]/core outcome&&

measurement set [45 ].


CONCLUSION and implementing interventions to improve the

ICU survivors face many challenges in their outcomes of greatest importance to ICU survivors.
recovery after hospital discharge. Clinicians and Understanding such patient-important outcomes,
researchers are increasingly interested in under- as synthesized in this article, can help provide focus
standing this recovery process and in designing for future ICU survivorship research.

1070-5295 Copyright ß 2018 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. www.co-criticalcare.com 407
Critical care outcomes

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The current work received funding from the National 23. Turnbull AE, Rabiee A, Davis WE, et al. Outcome measurement in ICU
Institutes of Health/National Heart, Lung, and Blood && survivorship research from 1970 to 2013: a scoping review of 425 publica-
tions. Crit Care Med 2016; 44:1267–1277.
Institute (R24HL111895). A scoping review that empirically demonstrates the heterogeneity in outcomes and
outcome measurement instruments used in the growing field of ICU survivorship
research; thus, motivating the need for a core set of outcomes and measurement
Conflicts of interest instruments in future research studies.
There are no conflicts of interest. 24. Domecq JP, Prutsky G, Wang Z, et al. Eliciting patient perspective in patient-
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