Waste Management

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Waste Management

2.4.1 Loads for Development

The hospital will have 60 plus bed, operating theater, dental facility, laboratory and other amenities.
The total population loading at peak is approximately 80 people on weekends and over 200 people
during the week per day.

2.4.2 Treatment Systems

The Ministry of Health intends to survey and lay sewage lines and install a pump to connect the
hospital to the main sewage lines. Preliminary discussions with the Engineer at the Ba Treatment
Plant suggests that current upgrade and expansion. They have indicated that the proposed hospital
can link into the Ba Wastewater Treatment system.
Grey water from the showers and hand basins will enter small pits for inspection purposes and then
soakage. Effluent from the kitchen will enter a soakage pit identical to the grey water pits on site.
Solid waste or household waste will be separated, recycled, whilst biodegradable will be used as
garden compost. The remainder is disposed off at the Ba Landfill

Roading and Access

The development site is accessible by a two lane sealed Clopcott Road that connects to the main
Kings Road. The access to the site is through the Clopcott Road at the front of the property. New
drains to be constructed with the pavement for pedestrian to walk on. The distance into the
property from the Kings Road is only 10m.
2.6 Storm water
Existing main storm water drain currently runs from the main road and other properties before
discharging into drains or a creek that is located to the south of the property.
The proposed development area will have new drains that run into silt traps and erosion control
structures that would be constructed towards the lower end of the site towards the main back drain.
The structures will filter or trap soil and dirt particles from runoff during rainy conditions before
effluent discharges into the back drain and finally the main storm water drain which runs to the
south and discharges close to the bridge along Namosau.
2.7 Construction Program
On approval of the Environmental Impact Assessment Report and other development approvals, the
project proponent would commence immediately on constructing the hospital, operating theater,
dental and other associated facilities. They intend to commission the hospital in 2016.

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