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bien 0 GIAO DUC VA BAO TAO. KY THI OLYMPIC THANG 4 THANH PHO HO CHI MINH LAN 4 ‘TP HO CHI MINH NAM HQC 2014-2015 MON: TIENG ANH 10 ; ‘Théi gian lam bai: 160 phat (khéng ké thoi gian giao da) DE CHINH THUC Ngay 04 thang 4 nam 2015 Dé nay gém 4 trang LISTENING (20 pts) SECTION I. Listen fo the recording carefuly and write down the missing words on your answer sheet Driving a tax isnt only (1), I's bad for a person's health as well Taxi drivers (2)__a ot of stress every day out on the street. Of course, we all know they Rave to drive in (3)__ traffic, but they also have to dive In bad weather (4) Think about having to try in a big cy during a(n) (5), In addition, taxi drivers have to work on holidays! There isn’t much time for them to spend (6)___with their friends and families. All of these can (7)____@ drivers health. 'sno (8)__a lot of taxi drivers have high blood (6) —_and ether health problems. Driving a taxis (10)____e stressful job. ‘SECTION Il. Usten fo the recording. For questions 11 - 15, choose the option (A, B,C, or D) which best completes the blank space or best answers the question. ‘1. At ballet school in New York, Elena ‘A. was the only student from Bulgaria 8. found leaming the language hard . suffered from a rare disease D. learned to be dependent 12, What does Elena say about the ballet called Cinderella? ‘A. Children will enjoy i. B, The music was unfamiliar to her. . She wes 30 moved when performing it D. She saw it when she was a chil 19. Inher free time, Elena tikes to ‘A. go fishing . go sightseeing ©. goto cubs . go shopping 14, What does Elena often do to her fans? ‘A. She gave them a fiower. B, She eats out with one of them, CC. She sends them a free ticket . She signs one of her photographs. 415. What does Elena like best about her job? ‘A setting applause _—_B. appearingon TV __C. doing something she loves __D.. travelling to diferent countries. ‘SECTION Ill. Listen fo wo pieces of radio news. Give brief answers to the questions. 16. Why did the explosion happen, according to the Gas Board officials? 17. What cracked the gas main? 18. How many goals did Rangers score in the first hai? 419. When did Franklin start imping? 20. How was the weather during the match? USE OF ENGLISH (40 pts) Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, of D) that best completes the sentence. 1. They told me he was home then. ‘A. a great place from B. far away C.adistance of D. along way from 2, Don't you think they are able to help ‘A. each other one B their own C. one another D. together 3, Up high inthe sky A Js a plane fying past B.the plane's fling CC. pastflewaplane +. is fying past a plane 4, He doesn't drink much the police catch him as he drives home. A. in the event B. incase C. despite D. otherwise 8, He gave me allt of information, and | couldn't remember__. ‘A them all B.Itall nothing . none of it 6. This plan is very good. its feasibity. ‘A in contact with 8. in terms of ©. im return for D. in addition to 7. They may have their fight rescheduled, they wil let you know A in which event B. in which case - . by which time D. atwhich point ‘8. She seldom goes shopping without her mother by her side, a ‘A, doesn't she B. does she Cis she D. wouldnt she. 9. Men cause. fatal accidents es women do for every mile they drive, A. twice more B. twice as many C. double as much D. as double 10, Had we known they a road right there, we would never have bought the house. ‘A. were buiding B. could have built . mustbe building . were going to bulls 114, The goverment set up a(n) ‘body on the use of drugs in sport, ‘A. advisable Brinadvisable C. welhadvised D. advisory 12. The principal doesn't alow. in the auditorium, ‘A. us smoke smoking ©. to smoke D. us smoking 13, Im not, them staying with us, as long as i's only for @ couple of days, ‘A. disagreeing with B. looking forward to C. opposed to D. objected to 44, That workeris__ than sick. ‘A lazier 8. more lazy ©. sony 1, much lezy 16, There is one kind of sports which lke playing above el and itis tennis. ‘A sports B other of sports © oFathers| D. others 16, He drove away as soon as the lights ___ green ‘A became 8. uimed ©. changed D. grew 117. The spectators hurled _at the referee when he disallowed the goal A abuse B. complaint ©. petition D. objection 18. He's so Hell beieve enything you say. ‘A, generous 8. stubbom C. believable .gulible 419, He promised her a loan but disappointingly he on his word ‘A turned over B. stood off CC. went back D. sat down 20. eel e bit dizzy | didnt sleep ‘Aan eye C.ajet Deeninch 21. Thal was not e genuine Van Gogh. i's a A fraud fake ©. countertet De wreck 22. Your steak looks really nine is so tough I cant chew it Asoft 8. flexible . tender Dis 23. Our planning fo the sales atthe last minute. ‘A. went up B fel through ©. came apart D. broke away 24. drather__ itfferentyin that situation! ‘Abe doing B.tohave done .ldid . heve done 28. [could play the guitar wel | professional guitarist, but! decided to become a businessman instead ‘A. may have become B would become . could have become. was becoming 26..We carit bear nothing ‘A.to sit around too 8. sting around to do__C. siting around doing. to st around without doing 27. People came from to take pert in the peace demonstration in Weshinaton ‘A round and round 8. outand about G. there end back D fer and wide 28. The teacher requested all the assignments by the end of his week. ‘Aare submited 8. be subritied . should submit . wil have been submited 28. Would you ike tea or coffee?” * : ‘A. Yes, please. 8. Please, do ©. 1d preter both Either wil do 30. Lose this important match, ‘Aor you will have been sackea 8. youvwillbe fred . s0 you will be sacked immediately D. end yout be fred right away 31. She would make en excellent lawyer she's conscientious and has mind, ‘A. wellrained Biwel-intentioned —. wel-b D. welLinformed ‘32. The baby cannot craw yet, ___ walk. ‘A let alone T not to mention C. least of all D. by degrees 33. The internship ina psychiatric ward forthe rest of his ite. ‘A.had en influence on him _B. had influenced on him —C. had him as an influence D. exerted an influence for him 34, Since he changed professions, Fred's yearly income has. ‘A near tripled B. got almost three times bigger C. almost grown by three times D. just about gone up three times 36. Advertising ‘peopl ino buying things that they don't really want. ‘A: makes blackmails ©. brainwashes D. threatens Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, of D) that is incorrect. 36. Nearly all the electricity for industrial use almost comes from large generators driven by steam turbines. A B c D 37. The class leader, on behalf ofthe others, promised not to come to the schoo! late again any more, A Gg c D 52, Ws al shoud Inereane he usage of aternave every ane help efucee emsson of carbon cot, A 39. There ar so some isi handsome Soaieh tat soshinge mite sje ‘our hostel 40. Pinata fats gene ba fresno Peocmewen, wtih woodaut anf erage two petals c WORD FORMS 40 pts) ‘A. Fill in the blank with the appropriate form of the word given in brackets. 4. For all his hhe never really connects with other people. (SOCIAL) 2. The work was done well thanks to their attitude. (OPERATE) 3. They started the search in a farm. (DESERT) 4. He's one of the best ‘we fave ever worked with. (NEGOTIATE) 5. Her i's more important to her than anything else. (DEPEND) 6. The rate of crime is high in the area, and the authorities must do something about t, (INCREASE) 7. They made certain. ‘about the market. . (ASSUME) 8. Isnttit time for you fo Rave @ medical (CHECK) 8. They are discussing the cof the effectiveness of the system. (MAXIMUM) 410. The hobby of studying wid birds in their natural environment is called (BIRD) 1B, Put the words given in the correct blanks. You have to use their correct forms to make a meaningful passage. There are two extra words that you cannot use. wander plenty case camp cruise = * stave spirit probabie politics concept vary study It's a common (11)___ thet people in the Stone Age lived on the edge of (12) in small groups, (13)_around from place to place. On the contrary, recent (14)__of archaeological sites have in fact shown that ife was a great deal (15)__ than it was for later farming communities, After The Tee Age the weather was warmer than itis today and food was (16)____ There ‘were large numbers of animals to hunt, fish could easily be caught in rivers and the sea, and a huge (17), ‘grew in the forests, During the Stone Age or Mesolithic Period, as itis known to archaeologists, men and women led gn active social and (18)____ Ife. Large (19)__, where up to 200 people may have lived, have been found in several parts of Europe, in addition to the remaing of communal tombs and temples, Making stone tools was (20). seen as a communal activity, in which even children Used to take part GUIDED CLOZE TEST (10>pts) Read the passage and choose the best option (A, B, C or D) for each blank space. ‘Speech — the act of uttering sounds to (1)___"_ ‘meaning - is a kind of human action. Like any other repeated action, speaking has to be learned, but once itis learned, it becomes a generally (2) ‘and apparently automatic process. ‘As far as we can determine, human beings do not need to Be (). to speak; most babies seem to possess a sort of instinctive drive to produce speech-lke noises. How to speck and what (4) are another matter altogether. These are learned from a particular society (5)__ the baby is born: so thet, lke all conduct that is leaned from a society — from the people around us = speech is 3 patterned activity “The meandering (6) ‘of plants and berries and chatter of young child are eventually channeled by imitation nto a few orderly grooves that ”. the pattern accepted es meaningful by the people around him. Similarly, a chid's indiscriminate (€), of putting things Info his mouth becomes limited to putting food into his mouth in a certain day. The sounds that a child can make are more ©) ‘and numerous than the sounds that any particular language utlizes. However, a child bom into a society with a pattern of language & encouraged to make a small (10), to make these sounds and no others. ‘of sounds and fo make these few sounds over and over untl itis natural for him 4. A. transmit 8. describe ©. convey D. reveal BB unknown C. insensibie D.irationat B forced directed D. leamed B teling Ctosay D. speaking B. into which into this D. into that chirp C. babble D. croon B. express Ctl D.give 8. practice custom D. habitation y 8 distorted varied D- reflected 10. A gathering 8 accumulation C. get-together D. selection READING COMPREHENSION (10 pts) Choose the item (A, B, C or D) that best completes the unfinished statement about the passage. Large animals that inhabit the desert have evolved a number of adaptations for reducing the effects of extreme heat, One ‘adaptation Is to be light in color, and to reflect rather than absorb the Suns rays. Desert mammals also depart from the normal mammalian practice of maintaining a constant body temperature. Instead of trying to keep down the body temperature deep inside the body, which would involve the expenditure of water ang energy, desert mammals allow thelr temperatures to rise to what would normally be fever height, end temperatures es high es 46 degrees Celsius have been measured in Grants gazelies. The overheated body then coois down curing the cold desert night, end indeed the tempereture may fall unusualy low by dawn, as low as 34 degrees Celsius in he camel. Ths isan advantage since the heat ofthe fst few hours of dayight is absorbed in warming up the body, and an excessive buildup of heat does not begin unt well into the day. ‘Another strategy of large desert animals is to tolerate the loss of body water to a point that would be fetal for nen-adepted animals. The camel can lose up to 30 percent of its body weight as water without harm to itself, whereas human beings die after losing ‘only 12 to 13 percent of their body weight. An equally important adaptation isthe ablity to replenish this water loes at one drink. Desert animals can drink prodigious volumes in @ short time, and camels heve been known to imbibe over 100 liters in a few minutes. A very dehycrated person, on the other hand, cannot drink’ enough water to rehydrale at one session, because the human stomach is not sufficiently big and because a too rapid dilution ofthe body fluids causes death from water intoxication. The tolerance of water loss is of obvious advantage in the desert, es animals do not have to remain near a water hole but can obtain food from grazing sparse and fer- flung pastures. Desert-adapted’ mammals have the further ablity to feed normally when extremely dehydrated, it is a common ‘experience in people that appetite is lost even under conditions of moderate thirst. 1. What is the main topic of the passage? (A) Weather variations in the desert (8) Adaptations of desert animals (C) Diseases of desert animals, (0) Human use of desert animals 2. According to the passage, why is light coloring an advantage to large desert animals? (A) Ithelps them hide from predators, (B) It does not absorb sunlight as much as dark colors, (C) Ithelps them see their young at night () It keeps them cool at night. 8, The Word "maintaining" is closest in meaning to (A) measuring (8) inheriting (©) preserving (0) deleying 4, The author uses of Grant's gazelle as an example of (A) an animal with a low average temperature (8) an enimal thats not as well adapted as the camel (C)a desert animal that can withstand high body temperatures (Da desert animal with @ constant body temperature ‘5. When is the internal temperature of large desert mammal lower? (A) Just before sunrise (6) In the midole of the day (©) dust atter sunset (©) Just after drinking 6. The word "tolerete" is closest in meaning to (a) endure @)replace (©) compensate (©) reduce 7. What causes weter intoxication” (A) Drinking too much water very quickly (8) Drinking polisted water (C) Bacteria in water (©) Lack of water. 8 What does the author imply about desert-adapted mammals? (A) They do not need to eat much food. (@) They cen eat large quantities quickly (©) They easiy lose their appetites. (©) They can travel iong distances looking for food. ‘8, Why does the author mention humans in the second paragraph? (A To show how they use camels. (©) To contrast them to desert mammals. (6) To give instructions about desert survival (0) To show how they have adapted to desert ite 410. Which of the folowing is NOT mentioned as an adaptation of large desert animale? (A) Vartion in body temperatures (8) Eating while dehydrated (©) Drinking water quickly (0) Being active at right ‘OPEN CLOZE TEST (60 pts) Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word to make 2 meaningful passage. PASSAGE A For years, concem has been (1), by parents and teachers about the effect of computer games on the moral and 2, make-up of the next (3) ‘Some have warned that a relentless diet of whiz-bang ‘shoot-em-ups' fosters antisocial behavior, (4)__ playground violence. (6)___elleve that he age of the zombie i upon us. But expert opinion is (6)__radicaly. Peychologists in America and Britain now suggest that (7)___computers games hhold some dangers for children, they also provide opportunites their parents (8)___ enjoyed to amplify powers of concentration and memory. Researchers (8)__'_also highiighted the positive (10). ‘of children to the way computer games reward success, thereby spurring (+1)__ on fo look for greater challenges — a boon Wie same atitude is applied to schnodl (12), A leading ‘academic atthe Unversity of Washingion has even claimed that children think (13)____ when they play computer gamves, learning te deal with problems in paralel rather than in sequence. In (14). children are Being trained to tackle problems in a (16). which s nat only more rapid but also more effective. PASSAGE B “The geographical (1)__ of a country and its physical characteristics are very important to its (2). United States is very fortunate This (3)_ ‘ First of all, it has a good cimate, In (i) all sections ofthe country its possible to live comfortably during the (5). year. tis true that inthe south it sometimes gets very 6) ‘and in the north very cold, But the people who live in these (7) become accustomed tothe climate and never suffer (8)__— when the weather is ether very hot of very cola ln @ large country (8)__is usually a great variety of different physical cheracteistics. In the United States, there are wide plains and high (10) ‘housands of lakes and rivers of all sizes, cool forests and hot (11), ‘and a coastine several thousand miles long ‘The many lakes and rivers, es well as the long coastline, have been of great (12) to the development of the county, singe they have made (13). the easy transportation of people and all the things they need. Transportation by water Is stil Necessary and important In moder (14)___ however, trains, automobile, trucks and aitplanes are doing much of the work which wes (15)__done by ships and boats ‘SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (20 pts) Rewrite each sentence in such a way that it means almost the same as the one printed before it. Use the word in brackets without making any change to it. 41, He took little notice ofthe man standing at the gate. (WAS) > He dicn't pay 2. She burstnto tears immediately afer Saying (HAD) 5 NO Ron rae 3. The artist's performance altracted such a big crowd thet Kado Slat late. (SHOWED) > Somany 4. | should have Bought the car at last week's auction, (AUCTIONED) Sit 8, The farmer and fis children used to do mostof the farm work (WELL) > Most of 6, The attendance at the football match was very low. (SEE) > Hardly 7 Although Fe perhaps has some faults, meanness Is rotone of them. (INCLUDE) > Whatever: 8, Everyone heard about the accident before did. (NFORMED) > Iwas 8 Someone hae suggested banning cars Rom the cy center (AUTHORITY) t 10, You cannot nd fat precious BOOK anywhere else excéptin her pveteHbrery. (RATHER) itis and progress, The ‘THE END OF THE TEST s0 GIAO DUC VA BAO TAO TP HO CHi MINH Hl $e. KY THI OLYMPIC THANG 4 THANH PHO HO CHi MINH LAN 4 NAM HOC 2014-2015 MON: TIENG ANH 10 Tig 200 mrcakes KEY LISTENING (20 pts) ) SECTION 1.((0.5 pt each correct answer) (4) dangero (2) experience (3) rush-hour (4) conditions , (5) snowstorm (8) relaxing SECTION Il/(1 pteach correct answer) “= 9 41. D. learnkd tobe dependent 12. A. Children will enjoy it 13. D. go shopping 14. A. She gave them a flower. 15. C. doing something she loves cs OF x40= D> (7) affect (8) wonder (9) pressure (10) indeed SECTION IIL. (2 pt each correct answer) 2921 16. (due to // because of) leaking gas 17. vibration from // road works 18. 2/ two goals 19. towards the end of // the second half of. 20. appalling (V/ bad (1 pt)) USE OF ENGLISH (40 pts) (1 pt each correct answer) \4. Da long way from °5Cone another 3. D. is flying past a plane 4. B. in case 5.8. itall 6. B. in terms of 7. B. in which case 8. B. does she 9. B. twice as many 10. A_were building 11. D. advisory 12. B. smoking 13. C. opposed to 14. B. more lazy 15. D. others WORD FORMS (40 pts) A./(2 pts each correct answer) 1, sociability 2. cooperative S. deserted - ‘4, negotiators (no $ > 4 pt) 5, independence ~ B. (2 pts each correct answer) 14, misconception 42, starvation 13. wandering 414. studies (no s > 1 pt) 16. B. turned 17. A. abuse 18. D. gullible 49. C. went back 20. B.a wink 21. B. fake 22. C. tender 23. B. fell through 24. D. have done 25. C. could have become 36. C. siting around doing 27. D. far and wide 28. B. be submitted 29. D. Either will do 6. increasingly _ 7. assumptions (nos > 4 pt) 8, check-up / checkup 15. easier 16. plentiful 17. variety 48. spiritual 30. D. and you'll be fired 31 well-informed 32. A. let alone 33. A. had an influence on him 34. nearly tripled ~~ 35.C.brainwashes “36.C a 38.8 39. 40. ( x f 9. maximizing / maximization + 10, bird-watching (no - (hyphen) > 1 pt} += 49, encampments (no 5 > 4 pt) 20. probably GUIDED CLOZE TEST (1 pt each correct answer) (10 pts) (dpe into which 1, C..convey 5.8 8. B. practice 2. Alunconscious 6. C. babble 9.C. varied) 3. B. forced 7. A. represent 10. D. selection 4. C. to say READING COMPREHENSION (10 pts) 40- 1 ((1 pt each correct answer) : “1(B) Adaptationsof desert animals ) 2. (B) It does not absorb sunlight aS much as dark colors. 3. (C) preserving 4. (C) a desert animal that can withstand high body temperature 5. (A) Just before sunrise OPEN CLOZE TEST (60 pts) PASSAGE A (2 pts each correct answer) (1) expressed (2) mental (3) generation 3£(4) even | and (1 pt) (5) Others =(6) shifting / changing (1 pt) " (7) while / meanwhile / whereas (8) never PASSAGE B (2 pts each correct answer) (1) location (2) development (3) respect (4) almost / nearly (5) whole _ (8) hot (7) regions / areas (1 pt) * (8) much SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (2 pts each correct answer) (20 pts) 6. (A) endure 7. (A) Drinking too much water very quickly 8. (D) They can travel long distances looking for food. 9. (B) To contrast them to desert mammals. 0. (D) Being active at night. 2x45 = 30 (9) have, (10) response / attitude (1 pt) / reaction (1 pt) nee (11) them (12) work, (13) differently (14) effect ~ (18) fashion / way (9) there : (10) mountairis (11) deserts a (12) significance / importance (13) possible (14) times» (1) formerly 2 «102 26 > He didn't pay much attention to the man who was standing at the gate. > No sooner had she said it than / before she burst into tears. > So many people showed up at the artist's performance that it had to start late. . > If only }hag bought the car (that was) auctioned last week. ces > Hardly anyone came to See the football match. > Whates er faults he perhaps has, they do not include meanness. > | was the last one to_be informed / who was informed about the accident, > It has’ been suggested that the authority (sh 4 2 3 4 25. > Most of the farm work’ was dond by the farmer as well as his children. 6. i 8 9 Id) ban cars from the city center, 10. > It is (only) in her private library that you can find that precious book rather than anywhere els THE END

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