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beard a) et Wa has oes oe ! cee es pera ) 1. Do you like dogs? Do you like cats? . Ifyou had a choice would it be a cat or a dog? }. Did you say cat? . Is it true that cats have 9 lives? . In Tom and Jerry is Tom the cat? ~ So its not Jerry! . | thought it was. Are you sure? |. So Jerry is a rat? 10. Is Mickey Mouse a cat? + Do you like Pop music? . Can you say what is number 1? . Do you like heavy metal? . Do you like Reggae? . Do you like rap? . Was Bob Marley a heavy metal singer? . Do you know who Bob Marley is? . Do you care? Will you sing a song now? 10. Did you say yes? . When's your next birthday? . How old will you be? . Is that all? . Are you going to have a party? Can | come? . Are you going to have a cake for your birthday? . Do you like birthday cake? 8. Really? . Did you make a wish when you blew out the candles last birthday? 10. Did it come true? . Do you like the colour purple? . Do red and green make purple? - Do red and blue make purple? . Do you associate Royalty with the colour Purple? 5. 1s our Queen Elizabeth 3rd? 6. Did you say no? 7. Is she the 1st. then? 8. Did you say no? 9. Is she the 2nd? 10. Will Charles be the 2nd too? LOOK AT THE PLAYER ON __ RIGHT...AND AS| 1. How many legs has an Octopus? . How many legs has a Spider? . How many sides has an Octagon? . Does a fly have 8 legs? . Does a fly have 6 legs? . Are Maggots baby flies? - Do fishermen use maggots as bait? . 1s it true that they suck them first? . Would you suck a maggot? 10. Really? . Are those your awn teeth? In the morning do you brush your teeth before breakfast? . Or after? }. Before you wash . Or after? . You're sure they're your own teeth? . Where were we, that's right you don't brush your teeth do you? You do? . Was that before breakfast? 10. Not after? 1. What does on say backwards? 2. You're not going to be caught Out that easy are you? Think of a day of the week, but don’t say it out loud! . | guess it was Sunday, was it? . Was that yes or no? . Should shops open on Sundays? Do you shop on Sundays? . Are you sure? ). Do you ever do the shopping? 10. This is a stupid game isn't it? Think of a number between 1 & 10 . Now add 3, done it? . Now add 6, done it? . Now take away 4. ...Done that? . Add 5....Ready? . Take away the first number you thought of ....Done? . You should be left with 10, yes? 8. Are you impressed? 9. Want to try again? 40. Could you do it? . Gan you name a TV puppet show? 2. Did you watch it? . Did you think that they are better than cartoons? . Can you name a cartoon show? Is that on TV now? . Are you sure? . Are there any puppet shows on Ww? 8. What day is that on? 9. Did you say Saturday? 10. Are there any cartoon shows on Saturdays? . Have you just eaten? . Is March the windy month? . What month is showery? . April did you say? 1. Spell April! . Isn't that APR.LLL? ~ Its got two L’s hasn't it? . Only one L then? ). Are L plates on English cars blue 10. Are they red? SeONrennwenpo . What 2 words can't you say? . Im going to count stop me when | get to your age. Did you say stop? . Then are you over 10 years old? . Don't you think that’s old? . Take away 2 from your age, add 3, take away 1 do you have 17 left? 7. What number then? 8, (Repeat what person answered) 9, Not 17? 10. But you are 17 aren't you? . Do you ever snack at bedtime? . Do you like sandwiches? \s it true that sandwich is named after the Earl of sandwich? . What is your favourite filling? Did you say Ham? . Does ham come from a cow? Why are beefburgers called ham burgers then? . Don't you know? . Does McDonald's have an A init? 10. Not after the N? What's my name? . Do you know my middle name? . Don't tell me, just say yes or no! .. Do you know my middle name? ;. Do you think | know yours? . It's Cecil isn’t it? . Only joking, it wasn’t funny was it? 8. Do you like any of my jokes? 9. Have | ever made you laugh? 10. Did you say Yes? 4, What's your favourite colour? 2. Did you say green? 3. Is it true that green means stop? 4. Spell green! 5, Shouldn't that be G..R..E..A.N2 6, Are you sure? 7. Two Ef’s then? 8. Not EA? 9, Like cream, that’s got two EES hasn't it? 40. You're sure about that? . | know what words you can’t say, but can | say them? . Did you say yes? . Right shall we start then? . What is your name? . Did you say... (repeat answer)? . That's a silly name isn’t it? . Would you change it if you could? . You're quite happy then? Do you know anyone famous with the same name? 10. You're sure you wouldn't change? 1. In your head count to 5! 2. Now add 5, take away 2! 3. You should have 6, do you? 4. Did you add it up right? 5. Do itagain, 5 add 5 take 2 = 6! 6. What does it equal then! 7. Eight! 8. Are you sure? 9, Do you have eight fingers? 10. Not ten then? 1. Da you eat out? 2. What is your favourite quick snack? 3. Did you say Beefburgers? 4. Do you like those Gherkin things that they put on them? 5. Do you take them out? 6. Ordo you suffer and eat them? 7. Ifyou go to a fast food place do you always clear your table? 8. Do you like fries? 9. Do you like the shakes? 10.Can you suck it up the straw ok? . Are you sure it’s your turn? . Its not mine? . Ok then are you ready to start? . Ready now? . You think I've already started don't you? | HAVE AND YOU JUST SAID YES! . You did so! . Ok, will Tony Blair ever again be prime minister? ). Would you want him to be? 10. Did you say yes? 1. Do not do it now, but eb a Spell Logarithm if | asked you? 2. Can you ‘Spell little too? 3. Does it have 2 T's? 4. It'S got 2 Us as well hasn't it? 5. Spell out your first name! 6. Has it got an E in it? 7. IsEavowel? 8, Name another vowell 9. Did you say 0? 10. Has not got a vowel in it? 4. Is it true red means stop? . And dangers? . Italso stands for envy doesn’t it? . You're sure about that? 5. Didn't you just say yes? |. Ifyou mix red and yellow do you get blue? Do you get orange? . Is there red in the Union Jack? . Are strawberries red? }0.Do you like strawberries? 4. For this card you GAN say yes ‘or no but you can't say yellow OK? 2. What colour is a lemon? 3. Did you say Yellow? 4, Did you say Yes? 5. Good, because | just lied about the yes or no bit so! got you!!! 4, Have you been on holiday yet? 9. Did you go abroad? 3. Did you say yes? 4, \s Madrid the Capital of Spain? 5. Are you sure 6. It's not Barcelona then? 7. Are you still sure? . Did you have a bath last night? . Yes? . Then why do you still smell? |. | don't think that you did, did you? . Did you shower then? . When, this morning? . think you are fibbing? . OK, OK, do you use a deodorant then? 9. It's nota very good one is it? {0.Do you think I'm rude? 4. Are you the youngest? . Are you sure you know what you have to do? Are you allowed to say yes? . Can you say no? . So what 2 words can’t you say? . Didn't you just say one of then? . Spell know! . Spell the other version of NO! . Is that the one that is the opposite of Yes? . Are you sure? So K.N.O.W is the opposite of yes? . No, N,0 is the opposite? . You're really sure? . Then what does K.N.O.W mean? |. Not the opposite of yes? 0. Well, what's the opposite of No? . Listen, one and one make 2 right? And 2 add 2 make 4 yes? . And 4add 4 make 8 right? . All even numbers OK? . So why does 8 add 8 make 17? . You don't agree? What does 8 add 8 add up to . How do you spell cress? . What famous loch has a monster? |. How do you spell mess? }. What is the opposite of no? ). Did you say yes? |. Ok we'll try again, what is the opposite of Yes! . I'm not going to catch you out quite that easily am I? 8. But | nearly did there didn't 1? 9. Are you ready for the next one? 40.Do you like me? . Are you ready to start? | said are you ready to start? . Good, can | start then? . Do you think that | have already started? . Well | have and you have just said yes? . Yes you did | heard you! 1. Name your favourite actor! 2. Did you say....(repeat answer)? 8. Would you like to meet him? 4. If he called now and asked you out, would you say yes? . Did you say yes? . And where would you take him? Toa restaurant? Toa nightclub? . Or somewhere else 10. Would you like to kiss him? 1. Do you know the name of the Prime Minister? 2. Do you know what party? 3. Will we have an election this year? 4. Will you vote? 5. If|_asked, would you tell me ‘which party you would vote for? . Are you sure? Good, Shall we start then? then? Now? 8. 16? 8. Itis Madrid, but is Madrid in the South of Spain? Are you sure? 6. Should it be a secret? p : . ' , You said no then! 7. Should we change the way we oe an ae 40.And what are we not supposed 9. Are you sure? You must have! vote? 10. That's not allowed say yes oF to say? 40. It’s not an odd number then? 0. What does y-e-s spell? 8. Do you like the Prime Minister? no! 9. Did you say yes? 10. Can you name the Chancellor? 1. Are you ready? 2. Ifa really ugly person gave you $400 to kiss them, would you? 3. Isit true you have bad breath? 4. When do you brush your teeth? 5. Twice a day? 6. Did you say twice? 7, \msure that you did. Did you? 8. Are sweets good for your teeth? 9, Are carrots good for your teeth? 10.Do you like carrots? 4. What's your name? . Are you sure? . Its not Cecil then? , Or Gertrude? . But you are a boy aren't you? . You did say your name was Cecil didn’t you? No, what was it then? But that's a silly name isn’t it? . Did you just say no? 10.Are you absolutely sure about that? . Say |. . Say am. . Say a. . Say big. }. Say smell. . You've just said | am a big smell. . Wsit true? . Now say Yes it’s true. ). Did you say yes? 40. Are you sure? . Isittrue that women are better drivers then man? 2. But they can’t park can they? . Are men more aggressive drivers? . Do men drive faster? . Would you like a Ferrari? . Did you say yes? . Do you drive a Ferrari? . Do you drive? . Would you make a good driver? 10. Did you say yes? . Will you hold my hand? . Can you read my palm? . Have | got a long life line? |. Did you say yes? ;. You can let go now, do you want to? . Did you like that? Do you believe in fortune tellers? . Have you ever been to one? . Would you? 10. Have you ever met a tall dark stranger? 4. Who is your favourite actress? 2, Really...(repeat answer) 3. \f they phoned now and asked you out would you Say yes? 4, Would you ask them home? 5, Do you think they would come? 6, Would you ask for an autograph? 7. Ifthey gave you one would you sell it? 8. Did you say yes? 9, Have you ever met a ‘film star? 40, Are you sure? ts 2. Why not? 3. What else shouldn't you say? 4. Say No! 5. Close, you nearly said it! 6. t 8. 9, { Yes you dicl! You said it then! Are you sure? You're not cheating are you? 0. !'m ready then, are you? 1. How old are you? 2. That's very ald isn’t it? 3, You're older than me then? 4. Then you must be younger? 5. You did say you were 45 didn't you? . Yes you did | heard you! . So you're younger.than 45 then are you? 8. Did you just say yes? 9. Lets get it Right how old are 2 10. REPEAT YOUR LAST ANSWER! 1. Is Charles the Prince of Wales? 2. Is there an Hin Wales? 3. Is there an H in the Whales that live in the sea? 4. They're not spelt the same then? 5. Isa whale a fish? 6. Is Wales named so because it is the same shape as a whale? 7. Are you sure? 8. Soa whale is a fish? 9. And it’s spelt without an H? 10. The country has an H in it then? . Answer yes ar no! . London is the capital of England! . Paris is the Capital of France! . Berlin is the Capital of Germany! . Denmark is the Capital of Holland! . Did you say False? . What is the Capital of Holand? Is it Amsterdam? . Did you say yes? 10. That's the end well done, | didn't think that you knew the answer did you? . Do you have a computer? . Do have a computer game console? . Do you like them? . Or do you prefer card games? 3. 4. 5. Have you heard of Sonic? 6. Is Sonic a plumber? 7. What is he then? 8. A hedgehog, are you sure? 9. Have you ever seen a real one? 10. They're blue just the same as Soni aren't they? Ifyou saw a mouse would you ‘scream? Are you afraid of mice? . Are you afraid of spiders? |. Ifyou saw a spider would you squash it? 5. Don't you think it's cruel? 6. Have you ever had one in bath? 7. Did you swish it down the plug? 8. ) Bow . Did it come back up? . Would you pick one up? 10. So you're not scared of them? 1. Can | start now? 2. Did you say Yes? 3. Do you like apples? 4. Do you like any other fruit? 9. Name a red fruit! 6. Do they serve strawberries at Wimbledon? 7. With cream? 8. Do YOU like cream? 9. On strawberries? 10. You just said yes didn’t you? 1. Can you ride a bike? 2. Do you? 3. Have you ever tried @ unicycle? 4. Would you? 5. Did you say no? 6. Do you agree with bicycle lanes? 7. Do you think that cyclists should Pay road tax? 8. Did you Say yes? 9. Are cyclists a menace? 10. Or are they doing their bit for the environment? . Do you enjoy cooking? it month is your birthday? : ls ie Bes 2. Can you bake a cake? 3 foes eerie have 30 days? . Could you bake one for me this 4, Are you sure? weekend? = 5. Does January have 30 days! . Did you do cookery at school? 6. Name a month that does! . OF i re ae old to 7. Did you say September? eee 8. Is that the same as your birth 3 yl ts . Have you ever had major cooking disaster? . Yes you have? |. | hear you can’t boil an egg! 10. Did you say yes you can? month? 9. Ohno, you said December didn't you? 10. Yes you did! . Repeat after me... Toe, Foe, H ie ) ie 2 Slow, Snow, Crow, No! vue a 2. Did you say No? 4, Not. ..(repeat answer)? ; ea 5, Don't you think that’s a bit . i 3 t stupid? 5. Are you sure’ Would to car 6. Would you record an episode if 6 sg ‘you want me to carry i iss it? yeu yee binge eis 7. Do carrots help you see better? 7. Ordon't you care? i 8, Should it be on TV every day? . ee Coe a 2 oe YN ide se 10. Does Bugs Bunny eat them? the stars? 10. Did you say yes? 1, Are you the ugliest player? 2. Did you say no? 3. Apart from you then who it? 4. (Repeat answer) 5. That’s not nice is it? 6. Would they pick you if | asked them? 7. Well | think that you are the ugliest! 8. Are you? 9. Yes you are! 10. Yes you are! What did they call the area between the trenches in the war? 2. Did you say no....Mans Land? 3. Does a Sergeant have two stripes? Does he have three? ls a sergeant a higher rank than a Corporal? 6. Are you sure? Do you know any soldiers? 8. Have you ever met a sailor? 9. Would you like to? 10.Do you get seasick? os ~ SS vf PE eNom and up Take a card, read the quick fire questions to your opponent, Fadi 2S ac No! ring the bell, and Petey URS PLA) A el the end of the Pesaro aiiiaredeld PNT a os they keep Pretec a ite cA CRS er tne ee Cana Po mice cn aR ALS Hath det don ea Ho my sha spr Pa Sali eT ee Aaa rn a LY ten de Pn) ical Carry Ot peta) aor i aad eee oer co Leon akc enalmes from Prism Leisure Corp © 1994 and 2008 Ces ll ll saci os ® rye aa a Ina nLot i e > 0 7 nee

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