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Body Composition: Salt and Water

Jennifer L. Ruth and Steven J. Wassner

Pediatr. Rev. 2006;27;181-188
DOI: 10.1542/pir.27-5-181

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BACK TO Body Composition:

Salt and Water
BASICS Jennifer L. Ruth, MD,* Steven J. Wassner, MD†

Objectives After completing this article, readers should be able to:

1. Recognize the different body fluid compartments and the percentage of

body fluid with different ages.
2. Know how the equilibrium between extracellular fluid and intracellular
fluid is maintained.
3. Describe how to calculate the plasma osmolality by using electrolytes, blood
urea nitrogen, and glucose concentration.
4. List the daily requirements for sodium.
A review of the scientific 5. Discuss the relationship between serum sodium concentration and total
foundations of current clinical body sodium content.
practice 6. Understand the relationship between chronic sodium depletion and
intravascular volume depletion.
Introduction and electrolyte problems seen within
Author Disclosure Primitive, single-celled organisms the pediatric age group.
Drs Ruth and Wassner did not began their ocean life continually
surrounded by water and a steady Body Fluid Compartments
disclose any financial relationships
supply of nutrients. As more complex and Growth
relevant to this article.
organisms developed and finally left Water is the most abundant com-
the oceans for dry land, the external pound within the human body. It
sea had to be internalized. The great can be found within cells, around
19th century physiologist Claude cells, within the blood vessels, and in
Bernard coined the term “milieu in- smaller amounts within ligaments
terior” to describe that internal envi- and bones. The percentage of body
ronment. He said that our escape water changes with age and body
from the sea was due to our ability to composition. Early in gestation, al-
control our internal environment, a most 90% of a fetus’s body weight is
concept we now call homeostasis. water. This ratio falls to 80% in se-
Humans have developed sophisti- verely preterm infants, 70% in term
cated homeostatic mechanisms that infants, 65% in young children, and
control salt and water metabolism. approximately 60% in older children
This dynamic process changes with and adolescents. Body water is dis-
age and sex and in response to a tributed into two main compart-
variety of disturbances. In this article, ments: the intracellular and the ex-
we discuss fluid and electrolyte tracellular. In the average adult,
homeostasis as well as selected fluid intracellular water makes up approx-
imately 40% of body weight or two
thirds of total body water. Water
*Resident in Pediatrics, Pennsylvania State comprises approximately 80% of a
University Children’s Hospital, Hershey, Pa. cell’s weight. Adipose tissue is an ex-

Professor of Pediatrics; Chief, Division of Pediatric
Nephrology and Hypertension, Pennsylvania State ception that essentially is free of in-
Children’s Hospital, Hershey, Pa. tracellular water. Because obese per-

Pediatrics in Review Vol.27 No.5 May 2006 181

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nous end of the capillary, the contin-

ued decrease in hydrostatic pressure,
coupled with increasing oncotic
Figure 1. Starling forces. Kⴝcapillary filtration coefficient, Pcⴝcapillary hydrostatic
pressure, alters the balance of forces
pressure, Piⴝinterstitial hydrostatic pressure, IIcⴝcapillary oncotic pressure,
IIiⴝinterstitial oncotic pressure. to favor fluid reabsorption into the
capillary lumen. Approximately 90%
of the fluid initially filtered into the
sons have a higher ratio of adipose able for filtration. For example, the interstitium at the arteriolar end of a
tissue, they have a lower percentage glomerular capillaries have a much capillary bed is reabsorbed back into
of total body water. higher capillary filtration coefficient the intravascular space; the other
In addition to the water within than other capillaries, a necessity for 10% is returned to the circulation by
cells, water circulates between and adults who produce more than 150 L the lymphatic system. When the nor-
around cells as well as within blood of glomerular filtrate each day. If the mal state of homeostasis has been
vessels. The water bathing the cells is capillaries in the feet were as perme- disrupted, as in dehydration or other
called interstitial fluid and comprises able as those in the glomeruli, every- causes of decreased blood pressure,
approximately 15% to 20% of body one would have pedal edema. the net flow of fluid is from the inter-
weight; the serum, or water part of Figure 2 depicts the Starling stitial compartment into the intravas-
the blood, comprises another 4% to
forces acting along a typical muscle cular compartment, thus maintain-
5% of body weight. Collectively, the
capillary. At the arteriolar end of the ing blood pressure and restoring
interstitial and intravascular fluid vol-
capillary, the net hydrostatic pressure homeostasis. Conversely, both intra-
umes are termed extracellular water
gradient minus the net oncotic pres- vascular volume overload (by in-
(ECW). As a whole, ECW makes up
sure gradient favors the movement of creasing the capillary hydrostatic
approximately one third of total
body water, or 20% to 25% of body water out of the capillary and into the pressure) and hypoalbuminemia (by
weight (depending on age). interstitium. As water leaves the cap- decreasing the capillary oncotic pres-
illary, the hydrostatic pressure falls, sure) lead to the net movement of
Transfer of Water Between and the oncotic pressure begins to fluid out of blood vessels and into the
Compartments rise. At some point toward the ve- interstitium.
Starling Forces
Exchange of water between the in-
terstitial and intravascular compart-
ments is rapid and governed by the
balance of forces known as Starling
forces, named after the physiologist
who first described their operation.
According to the Starling formula
(Fig. 1), the net movement of fluid
across a capillary membrane is a func-
tion of that membrane’s innate per-
meability as well as the difference in
hydrostatic and oncotic pressures on
the two sides of the membrane. Both
act to maintain intravascular volume
and blood pressure. As might be ex-
pected, some capillary beds are in-
nately more permeable than others
(have a higher capillary filtration co-
efficient). The capillary filtration co- Figure 2. Starling forces at work. The balance of Starling forces along a muscle
efficient takes into account, and is capillary. At the arterial end, the direction of the net force is out of the capillary and
proportional to, the permeability of into the interstitium. At the venular end, the balance of forces is reversed, and fluid
the capillary wall and the area avail- moves back into the capillary.

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Osmotic Equilibrium cose (as in diabetes mellitus), or even on a stable volume to keep the intra-
Unlike the movement of water other unmeasured osmoles (such as cellular concentration of enzymes,
within the extracellular compart- lactate, ethanol, or methanol) also cofactors, and ions at appropriate lev-
ment, the transfer of water between can contribute to total osmolality. els. Therefore, the movement of wa-
the extracellular and intracellular Total and effective osmolality ter and the resultant cellular swelling
compartments occurs in response to should be distinguished. Com- (or contraction) can lead to cellular
osmolar gradients. Osmolality is de- pounds such as ethanol or methanol dysfunction. The brain has limited
fined as the number of milliosmoles rapidly diffuse across cell mem- tolerance for either cellular swelling
of solute per kilogram of water. One branes, so although they contribute or contraction, which explains why
milliosmole is equal to one millimole to the total osmolality, their presence disturbances in plasma osmolality
of solute. The osmolality of both the does not lead to the movement of can be accompanied by central ner-
intracellular and extracellular spaces fluid across cell membranes. Urea vous system dysfunction, including
reflects the amounts and different diffuses more slowly, and the acute lethargy, seizures, and coma. As
types of solutes within each compart- administration of urea has been used noted previously, the hyperosmolal-
ment. The kidney regulates solute to increase extracellular osmolality ity of uncontrolled diabetes mellitus
and water homeostasis in the extra- and decrease cerebral swelling. How- leads to a shift of water out of cells
cellular space, but the concentration ever, when serum urea concen- and into the extracellular fluid space.
of these solutes within cells is care- trations are chronically elevated, In contrast, decreased plasma osmo-
fully controlled by a variety of cellular intracellular and extracellular con- lality (as sometimes occurs with vom-
transport mechanisms. Because cells centrations are equivalent, and urea iting, diarrhea, or the administration
are bounded by semipermeable does not contribute to effective of hypotonic intravenous fluids) is
membranes, water flows across these osmolality. associated with movement of water
membranes to equalize extracellular Glucose, unlike the previous com- into cells and the development of
and intracellular osmolalities. The pounds, diffuses poorly across cell cellular swelling. This swelling is of
major extracellular osmoles are so- membranes. High serum glucose most concern within the brain,
dium and its accompanying anion, concentrations always lead to the de- where the ability of brain cells to
chloride. Other physiologic osmoles velopment of an osmotic gradient expand is limited by the bony skull.
within the ECW are glucose and urea and the movement of fluid from the As a result, acute hypo-osmolality
nitrogen (BUN). Serum osmolality intracellular to the extracellular com- (hyponatremia) can be associated
can be estimated by the following partment. This condition is seen with the development of intracellular
equation: commonly in the hyperglycemia of cerebral edema, seizures, and death.
uncontrolled diabetes mellitus. The In addition to its presence within
2*Na (mEq/L) ⫹ [BUN (mg/dL)/ movement of water from within cells a skull of defined volume, the brain is
2.8] ⫹ [Glucose (mg/dL)/18] to the extracellular space leads to a tethered to the skull by membranes
lower serum sodium concentration that contain blood vessels. Condi-
Multiplying sodium concentration (hyponatremia), which some authors tions that induce hyperosmolality
by 2 reflects the presence of the an- have incorrectly called “factitious hy- may cause brain cell volume to de-
ions (predominantly chloride) that ponatremia.” In truth, this is an ex- crease acutely by as much as 10% to
accompany each sodium ion. Divid- ample of true hyponatremia because 15%. To reverse this shrinkage, the
ing the BUN by 2.8 and glucose by the ECW content is increased for the brain has the unique ability to main-
18 converts their units from mg/dL amount of sodium present. Lower- tain intracellular volume by produc-
to mmol (mOsm)/L. By conven- ing blood glucose concentrations by ing organic compounds such as tau-
tion, potassium usually is ignored in the administration of insulin de- rine, glycine, glutamine, sorbitol,
the calculation of plasma osmolality creases ECW osmolality, which leads and inositol. Collectively, these com-
because its contribution is negligible. to diffusion of water back into the pounds are known as idiogenic os-
As can be seen from the equation, intracellular space and an increase in moles. An increase in the concentra-
hypernatremia always is synonymous serum sodium concentration. tion of the idiogenic osmoles has
with hyperosmolality, but hypona- Rapid changes in ECW osmolality been detected as early as 4 hours after
tremia does not necessarily imply always are associated with compensa- the onset of hypernatremia, but does
hypo-osmolality because urea (as in tory changes within the intracellular not become significant until after
acute or chronic renal failure), glu- compartment. Cell function depends 24 hours. If hyperosmolality devel-

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ops acutely, the brain may not be able 140 mEq/L (140 mmol/L), infants Water Metabolism
to respond quickly enough to pre- also must retain approximately 360 The excretion of free water (ie, water
serve cell volume. The resultant cel- mEq (360 mmol) of sodium or unaccompanied by solute) is under
lular contraction can lead to struc- 2 mEq/d (2 mmol/d). During this the control of the posterior pituitary
tural changes, tearing of the time, breastfed infants ingest about 1 hormone, antidiuretic hormone
membrane-bound blood vessels, and mEq (1 mmol)/100 kcal per day, (ADH). The release of ADH is regu-
development of intracranial hemor- and formula-fed infants consume lated primarily by highly sensitive os-
rhage. This combination of changes 1 to 3 mEq (1 to 3 mmol)/100 kcal moreceptors within the hypothal-
helps explain the relatively high inci- per day, so they are easily able to amus. Experimental studies have
dence of permanent neurologic dam- achieve adequate sodium intake. For demonstrated that these osmorecep-
age associated with hypernatremic infants and children requiring intra- tors can respond to changes in osmo-
dehydration. The brain’s production venous therapy, 2 to 3 mEq (2 to lality as small as 1% to 2%. At plasma
of idiogenic osmoles increases its in- 3 mmol)/100 kcal per day is appro- osmolalities below 280 mosm/kg
tracellular osmolality and re-expands priate. One exception to this rule is H2O, the secretion of ADH is sup-
brain cell volume. In experimental that preterm infants may require two pressed; above this level, ADH con-
rat studies, when hypernatremia was to three times this amount due to the centration rises sharply. An increase
maintained for 1 week, the brain was immaturity of their renal function in osmolality also stimulates osmolar
able to regain approximately 98% of and initial rapid growth. Once a child thirst receptors within the brain. The
its water content. Once idiogenic os- begins to eat table foods, sodium in- release of ADH is not equally sensi-
moles are present, they dissipate tive to all solutes. For example, the
take greatly exceeds recommended
slowly. Therefore, the treatment of release mechanism is maximally sen-
amounts, with the largest contribu-
hyperosmolality must proceed cau- sitive to sodium, but minimally sen-
tion of ingested sodium coming from
tiously. If ECW osmolality is cor- sitive to urea and glucose. ADH se-
the salt added during processing and
rected too rapidly, the presence of cretion also is regulated by a less
manufacturing. For healthy infants
the idiogenic osmols within the brain sensitive volume receptor system.
and children of any age, 1 to 3 mEq
can lead to cerebral swelling during Animal studies have shown that a loss
(1 to 3 mmol)/100 kcal of sodium is
the recovery phase. of approximately 5% of body water is
necessary to stimulate the release of
The human body is very effective
Sodium and Water ADH.
at keeping total body sodium con-
Homeostasis The sensitivity of the osmorecep-
Salt Metabolism tent constant, and with allowances tor system underlies the importance
As noted previously, sodium is the for growth, salt intake is balanced that the body places on maintaining
major extracellular osmole and, in exquisitely by salt excretion. The kid- normal serum osmolality. For exam-
large part, regulates the volume of ney performs this function through ple, in situations where excess so-
the ECW. Given the importance of the filtration and reabsorption of dium is retained, serum osmolality
sodium in the control of both body large amounts of glomerular filtrate. increases transiently, causing in-
fluid volume and osmolality, the hu- Each day, the kidney filters a volume creased thirst and ADH secretion.
man body has developed complex approximately three times as large as Water is conserved to restore serum
mechanisms to regulate both serum the individual’s total body water; the sodium concentration (and osmolal-
sodium concentration and total body tubules reabsorb 99% of the filtered ity) to normal. Until the excess so-
salt content. Of particular impor- sodium and equivalent amounts of dium is excreted, affected individuals
tance to children is that sodium also water. Throughout the nephron, a have a normal serum sodium concen-
is required for growth, and any in- variety of local factors and hormones tration and an expanded extracellular
crease in body size requires a positive control and modulate salt and water fluid volume. Conversely, until the
sodium balance. This need is partic- reabsorption, with the most impor- patient loses approximately 5% of to-
ularly apparent during the first post- tant hormones being angiotensin II, tal body weight, losses in serum so-
natal year, when growth is rapid. aldosterone (sodium), and antidi- dium are accompanied by propor-
During the first 6 months after birth, uretic hormone (water). Although tional losses in water to preserve
infants gain approximately 4 kg (or other hormones are important, a full serum sodium concentration. Al-
2.6 L of water). To maintain their discussion of their roles is beyond the though less sensitive, the volume
serum sodium concentrations at scope of this article. regulation system is more powerful

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than the osmoregulatory system. In

the face of significant dehydration,
ADH secretion increases, free water
is retained, and the serum sodium
concentration decreases. In essence,
the body chooses to maintain blood
volume and tissue perfusion over se-
rum sodium concentration.

Disorders of Salt Metabolism

Salt-losing States
In the middle of the summer, you are
called to the emergency department to
examine a previously healthy 6-year-
old boy who has hypotonic dehydration.
He has no history of vomiting or diar-
Figure 3. The protective and restorative responses to volume loss. When the kidney
rhea, and his mother notes that he al-
senses a decrease in the ECW, it secretes renin, which initiates a cascade of responses
ways has been drawn to salty foods and that ultimately leads to increased systemic vasoconstriction and the maintenance or
uses the saltshaker liberally. Examina- restoration of blood pressure. At the same time, volume loss (particularly if associated
tion of an old chart reveals that this is with increased osmolality) leads to increased thirst and ADH secretion. Increasing ADH
the child’s second episode of hypotonic levels are associated with increased water reabsorption, while ADH, along with
dehydration in the past 2 years, the angiotensin II and aldosterone, increases sodium and water reabsorption. In the
previous one being last summer. His absence of continuing losses, these responses lead to the restoration of the ECW
urinary sodium concentration is less volume.
than 5 mEq/L (5 mmol/L). Because
there is no history of gastrointestinal tain blood pressure and a restorative response that replaces the salt and
losses, you suspect that sodium loss may response to replenish the ECW vol- water losses. In addition to produc-
be occurring through his skin. After ume (Fig. 3). As mentioned, salt loss ing arteriolar constriction, Ang II
rehydration, you refer him for genetic always is associated with ECW loss. stimulates salt reabsorption by two
testing, which reveals a mild variant Acutely, the kidneys sense this salt mechanisms. First, it acts directly in
of cystic fibrosis. loss as a lowered perfusion pressure the proximal tubule to induce so-
The most common salt-losing and respond by secreting renin. Once dium reabsorption. Ang II also stim-
states in children are associated with in the bloodstream, renin cleaves the ulates the release of the potent min-
vomiting and diarrhea. Other causes protein angiotensinogen into angio- eralocorticoid aldosterone from the
include cystic fibrosis, diuretic use, tensin I. Angiotensin I is biologically adrenal cortex. Aldosterone acts on
salt-losing renal disease, and the inactive and must be cleaved by the cortical collecting tubules of the
common forms of congenital adrenal angiotensin-converting enzyme into kidney to increase sodium reabsorp-
hyperplasia. Salt-losing states always angiotensin II (Ang II). Ang II is one tion. As renal sodium reabsorption is
are associated with a loss of ECW, of the most potent vasoconstrictors increased, water reabsorption fol-
and affected children present with known, acting directly on vascular lows, and as long as the inciting event
evidence of volume depletion and smooth muscle to produce arteriolar ceases, ECW volume is restored to its
weight loss. Individuals who have constriction and increase systemic baseline state.
chronic forms of volume depletion, blood pressure. Ang II also facilitates
such as with chronic diuretic use, the release of norepinephrine, an- Salt-retaining States
may be reasonably well adapted to other potent vasoconstrictor. During A 2-year-old boy presents with a 2-week
their volume-depleted states and may this cascade, ADH is stimulated, history of eyelid swelling and weight
not show overt signs of volume which conserves water by concen- gain. He was seen 1 week ago, believed
depletion. trating the urine. to have an allergic reaction, and
When salt loss occurs, the body Although the acute response pre- treated with an over-the-counter anti-
has two coordinated response path- serves blood pressure and perfusion histamine. Physical examination to-
ways: a protective response to main- to vital organs, it is the restorative day demonstrates a weight gain of 3

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kg, normal vital signs, bilateral eyelid Clinically, affected patients present mia. Conversely, the retention of wa-
edema, a nontender abdomen with ob- with increased body weight (due to ter in excess of sodium intake leads to
vious ascites, and pitting edema from retained water) and a relatively nor- hyponatremia. Because these state-
his ankles to his knees. Nephrotic syn- mal serum sodium concentration. ments refer to sodium and water rel-
drome is confirmed by laboratory stud- Depending on the degree of sodium ative to each other, hyper- and hypo-
ies, which reveal a urine specific grav- retention, edema commonly is natremia can be present with a total
ity of 1.030, no blood, no glucose, and present. The primary abnormality is body water content that is decreased,
4⫹ protein. Serum electrolytes, BUN, abnormal salt retention, with water normal, or even increased and leads
and creatinine levels are normal, but being conserved to maintain serum to another seemingly counterintui-
the albumin concentration is 1.7 g/dL osmolality within the normal range. tive statement that “disorders of water
(17 g/L). The measured urine sodium A third category of disorders, pri- metabolism present as changes in se-
concentration is only 5 mEq/L mary salt retention, is relatively un- rum sodium concentration.” These
(5 mmol/L). In spite of the normal common in pediatrics. In these situ- changes are most obvious when
blood pressure and pulse, this child’s ations, salt is retained due to primary caused by primary disorders of water
kidneys are avidly retaining sodium mineralocorticoid excess (Cushing metabolism (diabetes insipidus, syn-
and water. The amount of salt re- syndrome, primary hyperaldosteron- drome of inappropriate secretion of
tained over the past 2 weeks can be ism, the less common forms of con- antidiuretic hormone [SIADH]).
calculated, noting that the child has genital adrenal hyperplasia), adminis- A full discussion of these complex
gained 3 kg of weight or about 3 L of tration of exogenous steroids, or rare disorders is beyond the scope of this
water. Because his serum sodium con- genetic syndromes of increased renal article.
centration remains normal, his kid- salt retention. Affected patients also
neys have had to retain 140 mEq present with increased body weight Hypernatremia
(140 mmol) of sodium for each liter of and a serum sodium concentration A 6-month-old infant presents with his
water retained, for a total of 420 mEq within the normal range. A clinical second episode of diarrhea and hyper-
(420 mmol) of sodium or about 3 tsp of distinction is the frequent prominent natremic dehydration (serum sodium
salt. Retaining 3 tsp of salt, therefore, physical finding of hypertension and 173 mEq/L [173 mmol/L]). His
led to his 3-kg weight gain. rarity of edema. mother notes that he is always hungry
When total body sodium concen- As discussed previously, changes and that she feeds him at least 32 oz/d
trations are low, salt retention is the in total body salt content are associ- of a commercially prepared ready-to-
appropriate response. There are nu- ated with concomitant changes in to- feed formula. He has at least 15
merous conditions, however, in tal body water, with salt-retaining “soaked” diapers each day and except
which salt is retained in the face of states leading to weight gain and salt- for the two episodes of diarrhea, he gen-
normal or increased total body so- losing states associated with weight erally is constipated. Family history re-
dium content. When plasma oncotic loss. In both of these situations, se- veals that the mother had a brother
pressure is low (as in liver disease, rum sodium concentrations gener- who died in infancy of unknown
cirrhosis, or severe malnutrition) or ally are maintained within the normal causes. Intravenous rehydration is dif-
when tissue is damaged and mem- range, which leads to the somewhat ficult and requires large amounts of
brane permeability is increased, ex- counterintuitive statement that “dis- fluid over several days before the serum
amination of the Starling forces pre- orders of sodium metabolism present as electrolyte values return to normal.
dicts the movement of fluid from the changes in total body weight (body wa- Throughout this period, the infant has
intravascular to the extravascular ter).” copious urine output, and the urine
compartment. Such movement of specific gravity is always less than
fluid out of the intravascular com- Disorders of Water 1.005. Because recurrent hypernatre-
partment is termed “third spacing.” Metabolism mic dehydration is uncommon, you
The kidney senses this situation as a In addition to the movement of wa- search for a possible underlying cause.
reduction in perfusion pressure and ter and sodium within the kidney, in The infant’s BUN, creatinine, and
acts to increase salt and water reten- a number of conditions, water loss or renal ultrasonography findings are
tion, even though there is no net loss retention occurs independently of normal, ruling out chronic kidney dis-
of salt or water from the body. sodium movement. When water is ease. Given the presence of normal re-
Another situation in which salt is lost in excess of sodium, the result is nal function and the suspicious family
retained is congestive heart failure. volume depletion and hypernatre- history, you suspect that the infant is

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unable to concentrate his urine be- He has received several doses of mor- chronic decrease in “perceived” in-
cause of X-linked diabetes insipidus. phine for pain. He has taken nothing travascular volume, most commonly
Hypernatremia can result from orally since the operation, receiving chronic diuretic use or congestive
two primary mechanisms: an increase D5 1⁄4 normal saline as his mainte- heart failure. In both cases, the mild
in sodium intake by a patient who has nance intravenous (IV) fluid. Over hyponatremia is due to increased
no access to “free water” and the loss the past 11⁄2 days, he has had approxi- ADH secretion, released appropri-
of water in excess of salt. The activa- mately 2 L of IV intake and has uri- ately by the pituitary to preserve in-
tion of osmoreceptors within the nated only 500 mL. You tentatively travascular volume. Chronic, severe
brain stimulates both the release of diagnose SIADH due to both the pain hyponatremia is due most likely to a
ADH and the sensation of thirst. Be- and morphine. Because he is asymp- hormonal disorder that affects the
cause the desire to drink is so intense, tomatic, you limit his free water intake kidney’s ability to excrete water. In
most patients who present with hy- and put his IV on “Keep open” status. addition to ADH, two other hor-
pernatremia are very old, very young, The child recovers without incident. mones, thyroid hormone and corti-
or physically unable to get to water. Acute hyponatremia most often is sol, are required for the kidney to
For example, as soon as children who a consequence of acute dehydration, excrete a water load. Thus, patients
have diabetes insipidus can access wa- which results from two mechanisms. having either hypothyroidism or Ad-
ter independently, they are able to First, infants who have diarrhea fre- dison disease may develop hypona-
maintain normal serum tonicity and, quently are given hypotonic solu- tremia.
in the absence of intercurrent illness, tions and second, the decreased vol-
do not develop hypernatremia. ume stimulus for ADH release causes
the kidney to reabsorb water and Suggested Reading
Hyponatremia maintain blood pressure even at the Keating JP, Schears GJ, Dodge PR. Oral
You note that one of the hospitalized expense of hyponatremia. Other water intoxication in infants: an Ameri-
patients you are covering, a 6-year-old causes of acute hyponatremia are re- can epidemic. Am J Dis Child. 1991;
boy (status-postappendectomy) has sig- lated to the administration of water 145:985–990
Shaffer SG, Bradt SK, Hall RT. Postnatal
nificant electrolyte abnormalities. His in excess of the kidney’s ability to changes in total body water and extracel-
serum sodium level is 126 mEq/L excrete it. Such water excess can oc- lular volume in the preterm infant with
(126 mmol/L), potassium is 3.7 mEq/ cur in both acute and chronic renal respiratory distress syndrome. J Pediatr.
L (3.7 mmol/L), chloride is 111 mEq/ failure as well as in neonates, the el- 1986;109:509 –514
L (111 mmol/L), and bicarbonate is derly, and postoperative patients Trachtman H. Cell volume regulation: a
review of cerebral adaptive mechanisms
25 mEq/L (25 mmol/L). His BUN is who inadvertently receive excess and implications for clinical treatment of
5 mg/dL (1.8 mmol/L) and creati- fluid. Mild hyponatremia often is osmolal disturbances. I. Pediatr Neph-
nine is 0.3 mg/dL (26.5 mcmol/L). present in cases in which there is a rol. 1991;5:743–750

Pediatrics in Review Vol.27 No.5 May 2006 187

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PIR Quiz
Quiz also available online at

10. Although sodium concentration is the major determinant of plasma osmolality, other compounds can
contribute to total solute load. Excessive plasma concentrations of which of the following compounds is
most likely to lead to the development of an osmotic gradient?
A. Ethanol.
B. Glucose.
C. Lactate.
D. Potassium.
E. Urea.

11. Idiogenic osmoles are organic compounds produced by cells to preserve cell volume in states of
hyperosmolality such as hypernatremia. Production of idiogenic osmoles is limited to which of the
following cell types?
A. Brain.
B. Cardiac.
C. Hepatic.
D. Muscle.
E. Renal.

12. Which of the following diseases is most likely to be associated with a disorder of water metabolism?
A. Acute glomerulonephritis.
B. Bacterial meningitis with SIADH.
C. Congestive heart failure.
D. Cushing syndrome.
E. Nephrotic syndrome.

Disorders of sodium metabolism present with changes in total body weight, and disorders of water metabolism
present as changes in serum sodium concentration. Match the following patients with the most likely findings
in body weight and sodium concentration.

13. A 4-year-old who has congestive heart failure.

14. A 7-year-old who has Cushing syndrome.

A. Increased body weight, normal serum sodium concentration.
B. Increased body weight, increased serum sodium concentration.
C. Decreased body weight, normal serum sodium concentration.
D. Decreased body weight, increased serum sodium concentration.
E. Decreased body weight, decreased serum sodium concentration.

188 Pediatrics in Review Vol.27 No.5 May 2006

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Body Composition: Salt and Water
Jennifer L. Ruth and Steven J. Wassner
Pediatr. Rev. 2006;27;181-188
DOI: 10.1542/pir.27-5-181

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