My Father Essay

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My Father

My father's name is Tan Kim Chui, he is 50 years old. My father was strong and had

glasses. His friend called him "Four eyes". My father was a mechanic. Every

morning, he goes to his workshop after breakfast. He will work until dusk. Sometimes

the father will return early if his work is completed earlier.

Although my father was busy working but he still cared about the education of our

four siblings. Each night, Dad would set a time for us to review the lessons. At that

time he will check our school work. We could only watch television after finishing all

the school work. My father was friendly and helpful. When neighbors or villagers

need help, the father is sure, will help them.

My father's hobby is playing ping pong. When he has free time, he will play ping

pong with his friends. My father was a good ping pong player. He has represented

our district to participate in the Pahang State Open Table Tennis Championship and

has won second place. My father loved us very much. When he has free time, he will

definitely take us as a family to travel to the resorts. I feel lucky to have a

responsible, kind and friendly father. I am so grateful to my father for giving me a

happy life.

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