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The Company Rule (1773-1858) Regulating Act of 1773 “Tis acts of great constitutional importance as (a) twas the fst step taken bythe Bish Government to contro! and equate the afar ofthe East india Company in naa; (0) ecogrised or the fst tne, the potical and amnistratve functons of te Company, and (c) aid he foundations of central administration in Ina Features of the Act 1 Tedesighated the Governor of Bengal as tne ‘Governor-General of Bengal and created an Executive Council of four members to assim, The fat auch Governor-General wes Lord 2itmads Unlike earl, when tne tree presidencies were ncependent of one 3k rovided for he establishment of a Supreme Court at Calcutta (1774) comprising one chet lustce and three other udaes. 4 prohibited the servants of tne Company from engaging in any private trade or accepting presents or brbes fom tho natives 5. K sitengthened the control ofthe British Government over the Company by requiring the Court ‘of Directors (governing body ofthe Company) 0 report on fs revenuo, eva, and mitary ‘tars in in Pitt's India Act of 1784 1 In a bid to rectify the defects of the Regulating Act of 1773, the British Parliament passed the Amending Act of 1781, also known as the Act of Settlement. The next important act was the Pitt's India Act of 1784. Features of the Act 1. It distinguished between the commercial and political functions of the Company. 2. Itallowed the Court of Directors to manage the c affairs but created a new body called Board of Control to manage the political affairs. Thus, it established a system of double government. 3. It empowered the Board of Control to supervise and direct all operations of the civil and military government or revenues of the British possessions in India. (Charter Act of 1933 ‘This Act was the fal stp towards centralisation in British India Features ofthe Act 4. tmade the Governor-General of Bengal asthe Governor-General of India and vested in him all lvl ang iiltany powers: Trus, te at createg forthe fst ime, a Government of a having authorty ver the enire ‘ecrtoval ares possessed by the Ertish in India, Lord Willam Bentlck was th fst govemor genera cf India. 2.1 deprived the governor of Bombay and Madras of ther leaislative powers, The Governor General finda was ‘ven exclusive logilative powers fr to ene Brite india. The lave made under the previous acts were called ae [Reaulations whte avs made under this act were called as Acts 3 stlvites of pany a8 a con sy " ‘administrative Body I provide thal the company's ltiones In nda were held by Hin st fr His Majesty, His eis and euceossore’ 4. The Charter Act of 1823 ‘This was the last ofthe series of Chater Acts passed bythe Bish Parlament between 1783 ‘and 1863. twas a significant consttutional landmark Features ofthe Act 1. It separated or he frst ime, the legislative ané executive functions of the Governor General's council It provided for adltion of six cal = IL inher words, t ‘established a separate Governr-Goneral' legsiatve council which came tobe known as the Indian (Central) [Leaislative Council. Ths legislative wing ofthe council funeoned as @ minl-Parlament. adopting the same procedures as ine Brien Partamant, Thus, legislation forthe tst me, was treated ae 2 special function of he ‘Severnment, requiring special macrinery and special proce 2 lkintroduced an open competition system of selection and recruitment of civil servants. The covenants civt ‘Serees vas thus thrown open tothe Indians alse, Accorcingly, the Macaulay Commitee (the Committee on the {ndlan Civil Service) was appointed in 1854 4. extended the Company's rule and alowed itto retain the possession of Incan tetris on trust forthe Bish (Crown. But, iL did net specify any particular period, unike tho previous Chartors. Ths was aelear indication that the Company's rule could be terminated at any time the Parlament liked, 4. tinroduced, forthe frst time, local representation in the indian (Centra Legislative Council Of the sixnew. oltive members of the governor-genera's council. four members were appointed by the local (provincial ‘Sovernments of Madras, Bombay, Bengal and Agra,

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