Outline Essay 2

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Kaetlyn Luna

Professor Massie

ENGL 1301-IN2

June 28, 2020

Outline Essay #2

Thesis: Gun control is very debatable conversation between people with two differences, there’s
people who believe gun control is an issue that should be stopped and those that believe freedom
of arms.

Topic Sentence: People who are for gun control believe they have a right to bear arms and they
have a right to protect themselves.

Ex. People explain how if getting gun control taken away It won’t stop the crime rates spiking
Ex 2. They also say it’s against their rights to have this taken away with It being a law for them
to have a right to protect themselves.

Topic Sentence: Although to this, there are also people who believe this right should be taken
away or at least enhanced.

Ex. People believe this will reduce gun rate deaths but enhancing the law to make It stricter so
it’s not easily accessible for people to purchase guns.

Ex 2. More gun control will lead to less suicides for people being able to acquire guns less easily.

Concluding Topic Sentence: In conclusion both sides have very good reasons to their beliefs,
people for gun control want to keep their rights to protect themselves versus people wanting
more control want to help protect others and not risking anymore fatalities.

As Sean Philpott-Jones says in his report over a mass shooting “Current federal laws allow
nearly anyone who is eighteen years or older to legally purchase and own a gun, with only a few

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