Trendmicro "Applying Cybersecurity To Your Online Classses"

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“Applying Cybersecurity to your Online Classses”

An online webinar was prepared and conducted by TrendMicro which focuses about
cybersecurity. The webinar tackles about how to apply cybersecurity to our online classes. In
this ongoing pandemic in our country, online classes became a norm for students and teachers
to continue delivering educations to students like us. However, using video conferencing
applications for conducting online classes lacks security and others can disrupt the class if the
security was bypassed. This webinar helps us to improve the online safety of our classes and
our files to avoid being accessed by others without permission. The webinar focuses in three
areas: improving application security, improving file protections, and improving our online

Application security is a must for online classes because it can greatly disrupt ongoing
classes. In video conferencing applications, it is possible that others without permission can join
and possibly disrupt the class showing inappropriate images or video which can harm the
students. You can improve the security of your video conference or online class by keeping the
meeting URL secure and shared only to who has permissions. This makes the meeting URL only
available to those who you invited. Another way is to use waiting room feature by video
conferencing applications to filter persons who can join the meeting. However, the easiest way
to secure your online class is by using passwords that are hard enough to guess. Having at least
12 characters long unique password can make your online class secure and free from others
that might disrupt the class.

In doing online classes, uploaded files can also be accessed by others without your
permission. Even though you only gave the files to your students or teachers, it can be still
accessed by others without the permissions of the owner. This is why file protection must be
improved. In securing the file for online usage, you can add passwords to the file itself and only
let the receiver knows the password for it. This prevents others which also have the file to open
it without your permission. Also, it is necessary to backup your files by having at least 3 copies
of the file itself, at least 2 different types of media, and at least 1 file which is located off site or

However, doing this steps can still endanger your online safety. To further improve your
online safety even after securing applications and files, it is recommended to have an anti-virus
software in your computer. Having an anti-virus software can keep your computer and its files
safe from harmful downloaded files which can access or change your computer settings and
also your important files. Invest on a good anti-virus application that can secure your files and
stops you from harming it. Also, aside from anti-virus softwares, it is also recommended to have
your online accounts a two-factor authentication when accessing it. Two-factor authentication
is an additional security which is asked after logging in with your password. There will be one
more additional verification process aside from a password. This improves the online safety of a
user and prevent others to access the account even though they have the password.

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