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Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to the honourable judges, teachers, and the fellow
participants. Today, on this fine day, I would like to present a speech entitled ‘The Impact of
Corruption toward the Nations" . It is an issue where it takes place in mostly every country in
this world.

Now, the world is getting more globalized and is witnessing wealth getting accumulated more
and more into the hands of few. The issues of poverty is elevating across the world, irrespective
of development. If there is one factor which can further complicate and make these situation
worse, it’s none other than corruption.

Corruption may be defined as the misuse of power or influence through monetary or other ways
to gain undeserved benefits. Most common form is the bribe and kickbacks given or received to
undercut the normal processes and gain huge, undeserved profits. It’s an epidemic which has
infested all countries irrespective of their wealth or location.

Corruption is now a reality and is present in every segment of the society, whether its
governments, politics,judiciary, military or even media. Its will he be huge shock to know that the
top ten corrupt countries in the world hold more than 10,000 Billion Dollars of black or corrupt
money. This is much more than the national budgets of many advanced countries and so is a
treat to even governments.The effects of corruption has multiple faces and effects.

The United Nations in its study has concluded that corruption breeds poverty and is a destroyer
of human prosperity. The accumulated black money completely bypasses the tax systems, there
by draining government income. This results in the decrease of public spending by the
governments, there by affecting the lives of deserved citizen. Poor public spending will also
negatively influence and drive away commented citizen as more and more people try to get
away from taxes as they view it as useless.

Another effect of corruption is the way it encourages unhealthy competition and destroys
entrepreneurs and innovation. It gives huge advantage to incompetent players there by
destroying efficiency and competence. Now a days corruption has even infected the media,
which can lead to the propagation of biased and scripted news, heavily influencing the common
man and the public opinion. Often, corruption also leads to the formation of organized cartels
which is a threat to law enforcement and has the potential to destabilize the society. In short, it
can destroy the progress of a nation and throw it back into the dark ages of anarchy.
So how we can tackle this problem.


As children, do we have a role in it ? Yes. We are the leaders of tomorrow. Fight against
corruption starts from our firm commitment that we will never pay bribes or will accept them in
our life. If we can develop a committed young generation with this firm belief, we can make a big
change. We have several examples of how a committed leadership can make a big impact
against corruption and black money. We will also commit our self to report corruption to the
concerned authorities.

Another solution is to go for complete digitization and making the process more transparent to
the public there by eliminating the chances of corruption. So let’s be optimistic and dream about
a corruption free society in our life time itself.

With that, Thank you.


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