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SE Drawings

Solid Edge Drawing Formats

Drawing Type Sub Category Description
Usually ISO Metric part is created by Machining, Casting
ISO Metric Part None
or is just for visual representation.
ISO Sheet Metal part will be manufactured at our
Company and hence all the consideration of machine
ISO Metric Sheet Metal None
limitations such as minimum bend, minimum hole, etc.
shall be taken into consideration.
ISO Metric Assembly in this sub-category has ISO Metric
Fabrication Part, ISO Metric Sheet Metal, Fasteners, FRAME Parts
welded together to form one part.
ISO Metric Assembly
Different Parts or assemblies joined together by
Assembly Fasteners form an ISO Metric Assembly in this sub-
Part Template is used for drafting for ISO Metric Part
Sheet Metal Template is used for drafting of ISO Metric
Sheet Metal models. This template consists of Material
Sheet Metal
and Material Thickness table along with other required
Parts that are combined together by Fabrication (i.e. ISO
Drafting Templates Fabrication
Metric Assembly with sub-category Fabrication) are
drafted using this template.
Final Assembly of drawings with all the required details
for assembly such as Gasket, Fasteners, etc. is to be
shown in this Drafting Template.
This template is used for sending drawings to customer.
Details to be filled while saving each drawing -
1) Document Number : Auto Filled with Auto Increment.
2) Revision : Auto Filled with Auto Increment.
Name of the Part best describing it, should be a standardized name that
3) Title :
is easy to search in future.
Saleable Customized – Item made to be sold to one customer only.
Saleable Standard – Item made to be sold to any customer.
Machined/Casted – Item to be manufactured by Machining or Casting.
3) Category : Accessory – Item to be used as an Accessory such as Hinge, Lock, Eye
Bolt, Fasteners, etc.
Internal Use – Item to be manufactured of Internal Use such as Gauge,
Table, etc.
4) Item Name : Name of the Product for which the part is being created for the first time.
Manufacturing Order number for which the part is being created for the
5) M.O. :
first time.
This is to be filled ONLY in ISO METRIC ASSEMBLY with sub-category
FABRICATION or any drawing to be release in Type C file. This is the
6) Finish :
finishing of the Product, it can be a Shade of Powder Coating or Paint
Color or Matte/Glossy in case of S.S. fabrication.
Before Releasing Drawings – DE-01-A (Design Release Form) to be filled.

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