T4 English 2017

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(20 MARKS)

Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

1. Please put these wet __________ in the washing machine.

A. towel
B. towels
C. towells
D. toweles

2. The girl is very pretty. _________ name is Beng Chuan.

A. Her
B. She
C. His
D. He

3. She is poor __________ honest.

A. so
B. as
C. but
D. because

4. She bought the house ______________ the cemetery because she wanted a quiet
A. between
B. on
C. middle
D. next to

5. The queen is the __________ ant in the colony.

A. largest
B. large
C. larger
D. more largest

6. Have _______ faith,little boy. Your life is about to change soon.

A. an
B. –
C. the
D. a

Choose the best answer for each blank.

Bavitra and her mother went to the market. Her mother went to Uncle Lim, the
(7)_____________to buy some fish. Bavitra’s mother likes to (8)____________fish from
Uncle Lim because he sells fresh fish. The (9)____________ is also reasonable.

7. A. butcher
A. hawker
B. fishmonger
C. greengrocer

8. A. buy
B. buys
C. buying
D. bought

9. A. quality
B. weight
C. price
D. size

10. Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

A. We spent our holidays in Sarawak.

B. We spent our Holidays in Sarawak.
C. We spent our holidays in sarawak.
D. We spent our Holidays in Sarawak.

Choose the most suitable proverb.

11. Saiful and his brother have the same interest in sports. They are like the saying
A. look before you leap
B. practice makes perfect
C. learn to walk before you run
D. birds of the same feather flock together

Questions 12 to 15

Look at the picture and choose the best answer.

This is En. Roslan. He is a (12)___________. He makes (13)_____________

such as table, chairs and cupboards in a (14)____________________. He starts work at a
quarter past nine in the morning. He uses a (15)_______________ to tighten the screws and
bolts of the table.

12. A. plumber B. tailor C. mechanic D. carpenter

13. A. apparatus B. furniture C. stationery D. cabinet

14. A. workshop B. storeroom C. staffroom D. bedroom

15. A. screwdriver B. blade C. spanner D. chisel

Read and answer the questions.

16. When is the salted egg eaten?

A. It is eaten for lunch.
B. It is eaten as a dessert.
C. It is eaten as an appetizer.
D. It is eater before dinner.

17. What does the original recipe use ?

A. The original recipe uses chicken eggs.
B. The original recipe uses bird eggs.
C. The original recipe uses duck eggs.
D. The original recipe uses goose eggs.

18. How many steps are needed for the above recipe ?
A. 4 B. 3 C. 5 D.2

19. Where are the uncooked eggs placed ?

A. Into a teapot.
B. Into a bowl.
C. Into a large jar.
D. Into a bottle.
20. How long is the jar sealed tightly ?
A. 30 days
B. 30 weeks
C. 30 months
D. 30 minutes


(30 MARKS)

Question 21

Write a suitable response for each picture in the space provided.





Question 22:

Read the story and answer the questions that follow.

One day, the Kingdom of Renosio was attacked by a group of ogres. The fairies and
elves who lived in the kingdom were taken by surprise. They tried to escape but not all of
them succeeded. The ogres captured many fairies and elves and put them in dungeons

One fairy named Rosemary escaped through a secret passage. She knew about the four
gnomes who lived in the woods. They were famous for making potions. She quickly went to
their cottage.

Rosemary told the gnomes about the attack by the ogres. The gnomes knew about the
terrible ogres and the harm they caused. The gnomes decided to help Rosemary. They
mixed some colourful liquids in a large bowl. After a puff of smoke rose from the bowl, the
gnomes poured the liquid into five small bottles.

Then, Rosemary and the gnomes went to the kingdom of Renosia. They sneaked into
the castle through the secret passage. The ogres were in the main hall. Rosemary and the
gnomes went to the top floor. They could see the ogres below. They poured the magic potion
on all the ogres. Once they turned to stone, Rosemary and the gnomes went to the
dungeons so they could release the captured fairies and elves.

Rosemary was very happy and thanked the gnomes for their help. Later, the fairies and
elves gave the gnomes a gift of gold.

a. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ in the space provided.

1. Rosemary escaped through a secret passage. ______________ (1mark)

2. Rosemary went to see the gnomes because she wanted to learn how to

make potions. __________________ (1mark)

b. Why did Rosemary go to see the gnomes ?

(2 marks)
c. Why did the gnomes decide to help Rosemary ?

(2 marks)
d. Why did the elves and the fairies give the four gnomes a gift of gold ?

(2 marks)
Question 23

(a) Tick (/) the correct answer.

The playground is beside the bookstore.

Minah’s house is near the playground.
The grocery is next to the supermarket
(1 mark )

There are many books in the library.

People buy computers at the grocery.
Post office sells toys.
(1 mark )

(c) Match the phrases in List A to the suitable phrases in List B.

List A List B
Children play at the playground at the post office.
Amir buys some stamps in the evening.
Last weekend my mother at the bookstore.
Suraya bought some story books brought me to the supermarket.
(2 marks)

Give directions:

(d) from the bookstore to the public library.

Walk along __________________. Turn _____________ and go______________
on. You will go past the ___________________. The public library is on your

(2 marks)
(e) from the playground to the school
Walk __________ Jalan Mawar. You will go _________ the post office. Then turn
__________. The school is ______________Minah’s house. (2 marks)
Question 24 and 25
Study the programme and read the dialogue below. Answer the questions that follow.

Puan Wani : How was school today, dear ?

Wardina : We had a celebration for our teachers,Mum.

Puan Wani : Really? How was it?

Wardina : It was fun !There were some performances by pupils. And I didn’t

expect our teachers to be so sporty. Some of them took part in the

telematch events and played games and sports with the pupils.

Puan Wani : I think it’s a good idea to celebrate Teacher’s Day. We should show

our appreciation and gratitude to them.

Wardina : Yes, I agree with you, Mum. Besides, it’s only once a year and it’s

during this time that we get to see the other side of them. They usually

have to be strict and stern at other time.

24.Tick ( / ) the correct answer.

(a) Where would the teachers be at 10.00 a.m. ?

The school hall.

The school field.
The school canteen.
(1 mark )
(b) “ It was fun !” The word it in the dialogue refers to ........

the telematch events.

the performance by pupils.
the Teacher’s Day celebration.
(1 mark)

25. Write your answers in the space provided.

“And I didn’t expect our teacher to be so sporty.”

Why do you think Wardina said that ?



(2 marks)
b) Firdaus likes to play sports. Suggest an activity he should take part during the
Teacher’s Day celebration and give reasons to support your suggestion.



(2 marks)

(c) Why do you think the pupils have a celebration on Teacher’s Day?



(2 marks)


(10 MARKS)

Study the notes and use the information to complete the following text.

The Apple Watch is a smartwatch. It is available in two sizes- _______________

________________(1). The Apple Watch has many functions. It can be used as a

digital wallet, to make calls from your wrist and _____________________(2). If your

friend also has an Apple Watch, you can share information about ________________

_________________(3) . The Apple Watch has more to offer when used with

applications. For example, the application ‘History Here’ lets you learn ____________

________________(4). The application ______________________(5) is used to

translate words and phrases to any one of the 90 pre-loaded languages using the voice

recognition function in the watch.


(15 MARKS)

List out three gardening tools needed for Cleaning Campaign.




(3 marks)

ii. Complete Khairil's diary below with the suitable words given.

16 September.

Today was the annual Cleaning Campaign of my school, SK Seri Setia. I had

my breakfast with my family before going to the school. Mum prepared nasi lemak

and omelet for our breakfast. I helped Dad to load some cotton rags,

sponges and mops into the car_________________(2). At a quarter past seven, we

arrived at school. There were so many parents and pupils gathered at Dataran

Cemerlang. They brought along cloths, brooms, pails and ________________(3).

The briefing was given by Encik Mustafa and later we were divided into a few groups.

The male teachers mowed the school field while the female teachers cleaned

the staffroom. Some parents_______________(5) the school gate and trimmed

the bushes. My classmates and I picked up rubbish in the school compound.

At twelve, the event ended and everyone_____________________(6) at the

school canteen. We had fried noodles and cold drinks as refreshments. The pupils

and parents were_________________(7) but happy when the school was clean

and tidy. The headmaster__________________(8) everyone for their support to

the school. Finally, dad brought us to a restaurant to have our lunch there.

tired thanked gathered

rakes painted boot

(12 marks)


(25 MARKS)

This section consists of two questions. Answer one question only. Write your story between
80 to 100 words.

Question 1

Saufi and Bakri - friends – cyling – tuition class - talking

saw – lady- standing – car-stopped- bicycle- pity –

asked – flat tyre-phone – left at home – unable to


offer help – open boot – spare tyre – jack – spanner-

jacked up- lift it from ground – removed – flat tyre –
replaced – the spare

? Question 2

Write a story based on the given pictures. You may use the questions given to help you.

1. Where are the students ?

2. What is going on ?
3. How many students took part ?
4. How many teachers came along ?
5. Who welcomed them ?
6. Did the man give them a briefing ?
7. What did they see there ?
8. What are the other activities carried out there ?

9. How long were they there ?


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