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Oleh: Arensy Aprillia

The development of information and communication technology is growing

rapidly. Many applications are findings that continue to take place in this field. Tik Tok
is an application that provides unique and interesting special effects that can be used by
users of this application to easily create short videos that are cool and can attract the
attention of many people who see it. The emergence of tik tok applications in the
community has a positive and also a negative impact. The positive impact is the tik tok
application has many features that can be implemented into learning. The negative
impact is that this application is very well known to many people, especially millennial
children, school-age children or commonly known as the Z generation. Lots of content
that is inappropriate for seen and imitated by minors, millennials or children of
generation Z.

Social media can be seen as an online facilitator who says the relationship
between users as well as a social bond. Social media which is now widely used as a
medium of entertainment for the public is a music video platform that is tick tock.
Community behavior which is a group of people who use the tik tok application is a
phenomenon that needs to be investigated. What happened to people's behavior in
utilizing internet-based applications during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The results of the study concluded that (62%) 20 respondents had a tik tok
application on the cellphone, (59%) 19 respondents often used the tik tok application
during the COVID-19 pandemic, (69%) 22 respondents used the tik tok application to
make videos, (68%) 22 respondents used the tik tok application to view videos, (56%)
18 respondents used tik tok to fill their free time and (66%) 22 respondents used the tik
tok application to relieve stress during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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