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Citations From References: 1 From Reviews: 0

MR0388449 (52 #9285) 58F05 53C15

Klein, J. [Klein, Joseph]
Structures symplectiques ou J -symplectiques homogènes sur l’espace tangent à
une variété. (French)
Symposia Mathematica, Vol. XIV (Convegno di Geometria Simplettica e Fisica
Matematica, INDAM, Rome, 1973), pp. 181–192. Academic Press, London, 1974.

The author is concerned with the geometry of the tangent bundle of a differentiable
manifold, particularly when it admits a symplectic structure. After a concise introduc-
tion in which the canonical almost-tangent structure J and the canonical vertical vector
field C of TM are defined, the author lists a number of formulae involving the algebra of
derivations and the theory of connections (in the spirit of J. Grifone [Ann. Inst. Fourier
(Grenoble) 22 (1972), fasc. 1, 287–334; MR0336636]). With this as background he pro-
ceeds to a discussion of the case when TM admits a symplectic structure Ω that satisfies
θC Ω = Ω and iJ Ω = 0. The former of these is a homogeneity condition and the latter
is related to the problem of when Ω is the lift of a form on M . When these conditions
hold, it is shown that Ω is exact. In fact Ω can be derived from a globally defined func-
tion E which is homogeneous of degree 2. Furthermore, Ω determines a canonical spray
and connection for TM . The corresponding horizontal and vertical spaces are Lagran-
gian. As well as the above structures, Ω also determines an almost-complex structure
and an almost-Hermitian metric whose Kähler form is Ω.
The rest of the paper considers various weakenings of the above assumptions on Ω
and some applications of the results to dynamical systems and general relativity.
{For the entire collection see MR0357003.} J. R. Vanstone

c Copyright American Mathematical Society 2020

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