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8/8/2019 SAP PI Availability Checks - SAP BASIS Tuts

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SAP PI Availability Checks

Below are the few basic tests we can perform to validate the availability of SAP PI systems. These testes will confirm that
all the required building blocks of SAP PI are working .

1.PI Java Availability check.

    1.1 Verify all server nodes are up and running- using JSMON
    1.2 Verify all server nodes are up and running- using NWA.
    1.3 Verify the availability of PI Java Application/tools.

2. Integration engine check.

    2.1 Verify PI queues are registered.
    2.2 ICM availability.

3. Connectivity check.
    3.1 SLD availability check.
    3.2 RFC connections.

4.Cache availability checks.

4.1 Cache monitoring via RWB.
4.2 Cache check via transaction SXI_CACHE
4.3 Adapter engine cache check via SXI_CACHE

5.PI availability check by using Runtime Work Bench( RWB).

5.1 Component monitoring using RWB
5.2 SLD Registration monitoring using RWB

6.Advanced Checks 1/21
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6.1 WS runtime check(If used)

6.2 SPROXY check

1.PI Java Availability check.

1.1 Verify all server nodes are up and running.(With all required service active).

-Log on at OS level and go to /sapmnt/<SID>/profile directory (at UNIX level) and execute following command.

jsmon pf=<SID>_DVEBMGS<XX>_<hostname>

for example if your SID is PIP and the instance is DVEBMGS10 and hostname is sappipci then the command would be

jsmon pf=PIP_DVEBMGS10_sappipci

JSMON is available starting SAP PI 7.1, for earlier release use JCMON tool.

-Once you get below mentioned screen enter "P V" in the command prompt(shown in red). 2/21
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-"P V" is for process view, this will show you all the process running , you should see all the sever nodes running with all
the services like HTTP,P4 etc (Shown in red).

-Enter "Exit" command to get out of the tool.

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1.2 Verify all server nodes are up and running- using NWA.
If you do not have access at OS level you can also use SAP NetWeaver Administrator (NWA) tool to monitor the
process availability.

- Enter following URL in browser and log in with the user with administration access profile.
http://<hostname>:5<xx>00/nwa for example where the instance number
is 10.

- Now go to "Operation management" -> "Systems" -> "Start & Stop" as shown below. 3/21
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-now you should see all the instances,verify all the process are in running status and should be green. (shown in red box). 4/21
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1.3 Verify the availability of PI Java Application/tools.

In this section we will check the availability of various SAP PI tools which are used for development and configuration

-Enter following URL in browser

http://<hostname>:5<xx>00/dir for example where the instance number is

Or you can also go to SAP transaction SXMB_IFR to get to below page.

Now click on the highlighted tools (Integration builder and Enterprise Service Builder) one at a time,and verify that tools
are launching without any problem.
We will check the availability of SLD via ABAP stack in following steps.

2. Integration engine check.

    2.1 Verify PI queues are registered.

-Log on to the ABAP stack of PI and execute transaction SMQR, verify all the PI related queues(XB*) are registered or not. 5/21
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if the queues are not registered go to transaction SXMB_ADM ->Integration Engine -> Administration -> Manage
Queues and select "Register Queues" 6/21
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2.2 ICM availability.
By this test it will be confirmed that the ICM is running fine.

-Log on to the ABAP stack of PI and execute transaction SMICM , you will get below screen. 7/21
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Verify that the ICM status is "Running" and the current /Peak threads/connections/queue entries are below then the
maximum value.(Should not be more than 60-70% of Max)
-Execute this ICM step on all servers.

3. Connectivity check.
3.1 SLD availability check.

SAP PI is heavily dependent on SLD , so its very important that SLD problems are detected early and should be resolved
ASAP.Below test will check the availability of SLD for the ABAP stack of PI.
These steps can be executed for any ABAP system which rely on SLD for any sort of functionality.

-Log on to the ABAP stack of PI and execute transaction SLDCHECK. You should get a web browser opened with option to
log in to SLD. Log in with Dialog user and see if the the SLD status is running by following the red box shown int the below
screenshot. 8/21
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-Once you verify that the status is running , now go to the ABAP screen where you executed SLDCHECK
transaction.You should see similar screen like below: 9/21
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-In the section “Properties of RFC destination SAPSLDAPI” there should be the statement “RFC Ping successful” (As
shown above)
-In the section “Calling function LCR_LIST_BUSINESS_SYSTEMS” there should be the statement “Function call
terminated successfully” and you should be able to see a list of a few business systems.(As shown above).
-In the section “Calling function LCR_GET_OWN_BUSINESS_SYSTEM” there should be a statement “Function call
terminated successfully” and you should see the business system of the integration server.(shown beolow)
-In the section “Calling function LCR_GET_BS_DETAILS” there should be a statement “Function call terminated
successfully”. Check if the URL given in this section corresponds to http://<hostname>:5<xx>00/sap/xi/engine?
type=entry (shown below)
-In the section “Properties of RFC destination LCRSAPRFC” there should be the statement “RFC Ping successful”(shown
-In the section “Calling function EXCHANGE_PROFILE_GET_PARAMETER” there should be the statement “Function call
terminated successfully”.(shown below). 10/21
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 3.2 RFC connections.
RFC conection are very important for SAP PI functioning, below are the RFC destination you should check via
transaction SM59.

-LCRSAPRFC (also checked via SLDCHECK)
-SAPSLDAPI (also checked via SLDCHECK)
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First four RFC in the list are TCP-IP Connection(type T) , you can view the registered program/configuration in the JAVA
stack of SAP PI(shown below).

-Go to following URL to launch NWA and navigate to

"Configuration Management" ->"Infrastructure" ->"JCO RFC Provider". Yo will get similar screen like below.
http://<hostname>:5<xx>00/nwa for example where the instance number
is 10.

Here you can identify various Jco's with the register program ID, if any of the TCP-IP RFC is not working on ABAP stack , abo
for troubleshooting.

Points from the Integration Server to the mapping runtime. The program ID corresponds to the entry under JCo RFC
provider for the J2EE Engine.This RFC is used for the mapping run time, value mapping,
and the exchange profile
Points from the Integration Server to the XML validation service. The program ID corresponds to the entry configured for the
destination on AS Java (used for XML validation). 12/21
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The RFC destination LCRSAPRFC is required for the connection to the System Landscape Directory (SLD). It is used to
read the exchange profile.

The RFC destination SAPSLDAPI is required for the connection to the SLD. It is used by the ABAP API.

For all the above RFC you should get similar screen output(shown below) when you perform connection check in SM59.

This RFC is of type H (HTTP Connection to ABAP System) , this RFC is used to update cache. You should get 'HTTP
response 500' as the output of connection check ,

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4.Cache availability checks.

Cache is used in SAP PI to provider faster access to various objects at various object life cycle steps. In this section we will
do basic cache availability test to make sure PI cache is
available to various PI components,

4.1Cache monitoring via RWB.

In this procedure, a change list with a test object is created in the Integration Repository and released, and the Integration
Directory is notified. The Integration Directory in turn notifies the
relevant consumers, who then retrieve the test data and update their run time cache accordingly.

-Go to following URL to launch NWA and go to

http://<hostname>:5<xx>00/rwb for example where the instance number is

to "Component Monitoring " ->"choose ‘All’ from the drop down menu of the field “Component with Status”" ->press"”
-now press "Start Test" ,You should get similar screen like below.

4.2 Cache check via transaction SXI_CACHE

-Log on to ABAP stack of SAP PI and execute transaction SXI_CACHE, you will get screen as shown below, verify that the
cache content is up to date(Will show a green light). 14/21
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-if its not showing green then you can trigger cache refresh from menu option "Runtime Cache" - "Start delta cache
Please do not trigger "Full cache refresh" in production system when the messages are getting processed.

4.3 Adapter engine cache via SXI_CACHE

-Execute transaction SXI_CACHE in ABAP and go to menu option "Goto" -> "Adapter Engine Cache".
-You should see a URL entry at the location shown below, the test is successful if you find the URL of your Adapter Engine.
Please note that the cache is filled when a first message has been processed and sent to the Adapter Engine.

5.PI availability check by using Runtime Work Bench( RWB).

5.1 Component monitoring using RWB

- Enter following URL in browser and log in with the user with administration access profile.
http://<hostname>:5<xx>00/rwb for example where the instance number is

to "Component Monitoring " ->"choose ‘All’ from the drop down menu of the field “Component with Status”" ->press"”Disp
you can ignore component like Business Process Engine if you are not using that component in your company. 15/21
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5.2 SLD Registration monitoring using RWB

-It is important for PI to get all components registered with SLD,you can verify this registration using the "SLD
Registration" tab of RWB.
look for the status of various components and verify that its all green. I you see any red entry check the availability of that
component and try to re-register the component. 16/21
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6.Advanced Checks

6.1 WS runtime check(If used)

If you are using Web Service Runtime (WS-RM) functionality in your company then you can validate it by using a standard

-Go to transaction SE38 and execute report SRT_ADMIN_CHECK. 17/21
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We are not using this functionality,therefor the configuration is not done.

6.2 SPROXY check

If you have nay interfaces that are based on the proxy , then you should verify the availability of SPROXY functionality of

-Execute transaction SPROXY and press the connection test button( shown in below screen), You will get a pop up with
various reports highlighted in RED. 18/21
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-Click on highlighted reports , SPROX_CHECK_IFR_ADDRESS should give you the status: OK: address maintained.

-Click on highlighted test reports SPROX_CHECK_HTTP_COMMUNICATION should give you the information that the
communication is working. 19/21
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-Click on highlighted test report SPROX_CHECK_IFR_RESPONSE should give you a following output.




Note 1143732 - BPE-TS: Troubleshooting Guide ccBPM in PI 7.1

SLD 20/21
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