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ANTIA LEONARDO C.I. 29.909.527



In 1999, a child named Rio was born. He lived in Venezuela with his family and was 8 years old,
even though he was not responsible for the things he did. The mother and father always tried to
teach him that this aptitude would bring him problems if he did not take responsibility he would
not get far in this life. Rio was actually 25 years old and was now a college student but his aptitude
never changed, he graduated from high school always leaving his homework to others, the
individual exams he always paid to pass.

Rio was several years old when he did not visit his parents as he did not like being reminded of his
problems with responsibility. One day he was walking to his college when suddenly he saw
someone who looked familiar to him, a young man in a black jacket. "Hi, it's been a while since
you've been here," the young man turns around and pulls out a knife and tells Rio to give him all
his money and anything of value.... The young man looks at his face and thinks, "He's such a
human waste." The young man looks at his face and thinks, "He is such a human waste." Rio is
surprised by this, so he talks to him and says, "What's wrong with you? The young man opens his
mouth and says "Look at that coward again"; Rio returns to his apartment and lies down on his
bed with a pale face "Because I change in such a way"... Rio begins to have a certain dream. He
was in his high school in his break time when suddenly he sees that a young man of his age is being
molested, "Please help me Rio", those who were molesting the young man look at Rio "And that
you will help him", Rio looks at them and smiles "I don't have to be responsible for helping him,
after all it would be a beating, besides I don't even know his name", the young man looks at Rio's
back leaving the boy's eyes were empty as if something inside him had broken and whispers
"You'll pay for this".

In a distant part of town a young man in a black jacket walks into an alley... "That coward because
of him stopped trusting the people around me" and sees Rio he decides to follow him; Rio decides
to go to his mother's house to talk about what happened to him that day, when he arrives to his
mother's house he sees her watering the plants in her house "Hey mom you would have some
time to talk is about something that happened to me" In the beginning, the mother sees him out
of the corner of her eye and says, "You don't come to visit me for years, but when you have a
problem, you come to have someone solve it for you.

Rio sees her mom out of the corner of her eye "Please mom it's urgent I want to take responsibility
but I want you to give me some advice", her mom smiles and we go inside the house and talk so
Rio enters and starts to explain what happened on her way to the university and what she saw in
her dream. The mother says "It's possible that it's the same guy" You have to solve this, then
something unexpected for both of us happened a scream in the street some bullies are assaulting
a young man with a black jacket, A déjà vu happened in Rio's mind "This scene again, maybe they
are giving me another chance". Rio begins to approach when he hears the voice of the young man
"You don't come closer"; Rio decides that he wouldn't let them beat him up this time he faces the
thugs he beats up 2 of them but the other two give him a blow and knock him down and give him
a beating then they hear some sirens "Demons the police" The thugs run away but the police
followed them at some point Rio's mom went back to the house to call the police. Rio being
beaten up next to the young man "Because you tried to help me" Rio "Like because I will no longer
allow myself to be that kind of person who leaves others who ask for help to their fate, from now
on I want to be responsible for making amends for all that I have done wrong because of that,
Juan I want us to be friends again I know that you could not forgive me but, the path that you are
following is not the right one I want to help you I will not abandon you as I did that day, that is why
I was willing to try to help you this time".

Juan looks astonished and speaks "hahaha a beating made you remember my name, it's ok I don't
want to follow this miserable path either, of stealing and hurting others, would you be willing to
help me"; Rio looks him in the eye to speak "Sure friend".

Two years later, Rio is now a professional in his career. His friend started again thanks to the help
of Rio and his mother to get into college.

Rio "I have realized that our decisions hurt others in many ways. I hurt my friend by not acting and
ignoring him.

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