Kolfe Keranyo Sub City Educational Office Grade 8 Biology Final Examination 2010

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Kolfe keranyo sub city educational office grade 8

Biology final examination 2010

Choose the best answers from the given alternatives and write your
answers on the given answers sheet
1. one of the following types of of breeding horse with donkey, this hetrogens are called

A) Selective breeding C) genetic engineering

B) Hybrid D) genetic modification

2. which one of the following is not health care worker

A. Physician B. Nurse C. Laboratory technician D. Agronomist

3. One of the following the role of biology in the society?

A. Advising the overuse agro chemicals C. Advising the importance of hygiene

B. Advising the action of deforestation D. Damaging the environment

4. What is the function of stethoscope?

A. Measuring blood pressure

B. Measuring body weight

C. Listening the internal body sound

D. None

5. Which one of the following is used to treat tape worm in Ethiopa?

A. Kosso B. Hinna C. Yemich medahanit D. Ensosilla

6. which one of the following is locally for conditioning and beautify of the body.

A. metarae B. Nech bahirzaf C. Ensosilla D. Yemich medahanit

7. The process of Amoeba engulf solid food is called --------------

A. Photosynthesis B. phogocytosis C. conjugation D. chemo synthesis

8. Which of the following classified under eukaryotic organisms

A) Paramecium B) Amoeba C) Euglena D) all are correct answer

9. which of the following unicellular organisms and their locomotors structures are Correct matched ?

A) ParameciumFalse feet C) Euglena cilia

B) AmoebaFlagella D) AmoebaPseudopodia

10. Which of the following is the Harmful effect of bacteria?

A) Producing toxic chemical C) making nitrogen fixation

B) Production of antibiotics D) compose waste material

11. The rhythmic contraction and relaxation of the heart to pump the blood is Known as

A) Blood circulation C) Heart beat

B) Blood pressure D)Blood vessels

12. An organism that breaks down dead bodies of plant and animals are called?

A/Producer B/parasite C/Decomposers D / Consumer

13.The structure of flowering plant transports food the leaves to the other parts is called

A) guards cell B) Phloem c) Xylem D) Stomata

14. Which of the following is different from the other

A) Conductive tissue c) Epidermal tissue

B) Mesophyll tissue D) Epithelial tissue

15. Which one is correct about paramecium?

A) Sexual reproduction by binary fission

B) Reproduce both sexual and asexually

C) A sexual reproduction by conjunction

D) Speculation by Spore formation

16. Bacteria with ``comma`` Shape are

A) Cocci B) Vibro C) Bacilli D) Spiral

17. The digestive system consists of

A) Brain, Spinal cord , peripheral nervous and nerve cell

B) Mouth ,esophagus ,stomach ,large and small intestine

C) Heart ,vein, capillary ,artery and blood

D) Nasal acuity ፣ Pharynx, thorax ,bronchus , trachea and lung

18. The end of fertility in the reproductive cycle female is

A) Ovulation B) puberty C) Menopause D) menstruation

19. Which of the following are `not` considered as sexually transmitted disease?

A) Syphilis B) Gonorrhea C) Cancroids D) tetanus

20. Which one of the female reproductive organs, which involve partial or total removal of clitoris, is
called __________

A) Illegal Abortion C) Female genital mutilation

B) Rape and Abduction D) Early marriage

21.which of the following cells are not responsible for making blood cells?

A) Red blood cells B) white blood cells C) nerve cell D) platelet

22. Which of the following unicellular organism has cell wall?

A) Paramecium B) Amoeba C) Euglena D) Bacteria

23. What is the the sexual reproductive organ of flowering plant?

A) stem B) root C) flower D) leave

24. Ovaries produce by

A) Estrogen and testosterone C) Androgen and testosterone

B) Estrogen and progesterone D) Androgen and progesterone

25. Which of the following male reproductive organ is matched correctly with their function?

A) Cowper`s glandMucous secretions

B) prostate gland  secretions milky and alkaline fluid

C) UrethraSemen and Seminal fluid

D) All are correct answer

26. Microscope used to Studied Small object by ________________

A) Designed B) diminished C) enlarges D) small

27. The fusion of sperm cell with an egg is known as -------------

A. Ovulation B. Fertilization C. Implantation D. Menstruation

28. A thin rubber that is used to collect and retain sperm cell no to enter the female reproductive system


A. Contra captive pills B. loop C. Diaphragm D. Condom

29. An Erectile and sensitive tissue found in front parts of vagina is called -----------

A. Cervix B. Hymen C. clitoris D. Vulva

30. The male reproductive structure where sperm cells are temporarily stored is -----------

A. urethra B. Epididymis C. Vas deference D. Seminal vesicle

31. A tube that serves as a common passage for both semen and urine is called -----------

A. Urethra B. Sperm duct C. Scrotum D. Seminal vesicle

32. Among the following which one is a bad traditional practice of women in Ethiopia?

A. Rape B. Early Marriage C. Female genital mutilation D. /all

33. The release of egg from ovary to fallopian tube is -------------

A. Ejaculation B. ovulation C. menstruation D. Gestation

34. The role of female reproduction organ where fertilization is take place is called ----------

A. Womb B. oviduct C. Cervix D. vagina

35. which part of the world has high HIV/AIDS pre valence?

A. North America B. Middle East C. Sub-Saharan Africa D. Central Europe

36. Which one of the following is not secondary Sexual Characteristics of female?

A. Thin voice B. widening of chest C. pubic hair D. Menstruation

37. Which one of the following agro chemicals used to kill weeds?

A) Fertilizer B) Pesticides C) Herbicides D) antiseptics

38. Which one of the following has no definite nucleus?

A/ Amoeba B/ paramecium C/ Bacteria D/ Euglena

39. Which one of the following single celled have two nucleus systems?

A/Amoeba B/ Bacteria C/ Paramecium D/.Euglena

40. The small opening on the surface of the leaf through which exchange gas takes place------

A/ xylem B/Phloem C/Stomata D/Guard cell

SE BY Anbese Bejure and Mubarek Redwan


1 B 11 C 21C 31A
2 D 12 C 22D 32D
3 C 13 B 23C 33B
4 C 14 D 24B 34B
5 A 15 B 25D 35C
6 C 16 B 26C 36B
7 B 17 B 27B 37C
8 D 18 C 28D 38B
9 D 19 D 29C 39C
10 A 20 C 30B 40C

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