NEPS Biology Model Exam

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Name 4 Quarter Date 2020 Subject: Biology

Model Exam (40%) Grade-8__ Teacher’s Name Mr. Meresa Time Allowed 1hr

Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write
your letter of choice on the space provided.(1point each).
_____1. Which of the following is not true concerning desert ecosystem?

A. The annual rainfall received is about 2000mm.

B. Desert survival depends on water conservation.

C. Desert organisms show structural and behavioral adaptation.

D. Snake and Lizards are among desert animals.

_____2. Perennial plants are plants that_____.

A. have their stems underground C. complete their life cycle in one year

B. survive from year to year D. store their food in their stems

_____3.Which of the following animals are ruminant?

A. Cows and goats C. Camels and horses

B. Mules and pigs D. Cats and dogs

_____4.Which of the following is an example of predation?

A. Relationship between bees and flower. C. Tick living on the body of cattle

B. Tapeworm living in the body of humans D. A tiger killing a zebra

_____5. Which of the following are the best fodder trees?

A. pod corpus trees C. Leguminous trees

B. Acacia trees D. Eucalyptus trees

____6. What is the role of water for photosynthesis?

A. It dissolves sugar C. It provide oxygen

B. It is a source of hydrogen D. It absorbs solar energy

____7. The process of water cycle includes:

A. transpiration, Condensation and respiration.

B. humidification, weathering and raining.

C. evaporation, Condensation and Precipitation

D. evaporation, condensation and transpiration

____8. Which one of the following is different from others?

A. Mesophyll tissue C. Epithelial tissue

B. Epidermal tissue D. Conducting tissue

____9.The source of oxygen during the process of photosynthesis is_______.

A. chlorophyll B. carbon dioxide C. glucose D. water

____10. A form of symbiosis in which both organisms get benefit from the relation is ________.

A. commensalism C. parasitism

B. neutralism D. mutualism

____11. The digestive system of herbivores is very large, because they_______.

A. Eat large amount of grass C. Give more meat

B. Drink much more water D. Eat small amount of grass

____12. Which of the following trees is different from the rest?

A. Sholla B. Zigba C. Yabeshatid D. Bahirzaf

____13. In which part of ruminant animals’ stomach cellulose which is found in the food is fermented

by an aerobic bacteria?

A. Abomasum B. Omasum C. Rumen D. Reticulum

____14. Which of the following groups of organisms act upon dead organic materials?

A. Parasites B. Producers C. Decomposers D. consumers

____15. Which part of a leaf carries most of the photosynthesis of plants?

A. Upper epidermis C. Mesophyll cells

B. Lower epidermis D. Guard cells

____16. Before testing a leaf for starch, it is necessary to heat it in a liquid to remove the green color.

Which of the following liquids is used to do this?

A. Alcohol B. Water C. Benedict’s solution D. Iodine solution

____17. A plant tissue which involves in gas exchange and reducing water loss from the body of plant


A. conducting tissue C. epidermal tissue

B. mesophyll tissue D. strengthen tissue

____18. What are indigenous plants? Indigenous plants are plants that______.

A. exists naturally at a given place C. give high yield crop

B. are new to a given place D. are used to make cosmetics

____19. Which of the following cannot be considered as a cause for loss of vegetation?

A. Deforestation C. Crop rotation

B. Overgrazing D. Climate Change

____20. A building where horses and donkey are kept is called_________.

A. barns C. paddock

B. stables D. pens

____21. The amount of food an animal needs every day is called_________.

A. daily ration C. balanced diet

B. diary product D. deficiency

____22.The fuel source that is produced from cow dung is________.

A. ethanol C. biogas

B. charcoal D. benzene

____23. A collection of green grass and plants cut stored in air tight container for feeding ruminant’s


A. hay B. silage C. pasture D. grassland

____24. In animal reproduction which one comes first?

A. zygote formation C. pregnancy

B. embryo formation D. birth

____25. The vector for Trypanosomiasisis______.

A. cluex mosquito C. tsetse fly

B. house fly D. sand fly

____26. Which one of the following statement is incorrect about liver fluke?

A. It seriously affects sheep. C. It is caused by bacillus anthraxes

B. Its symptom is general weakness. D. It is transmitted by animals eating spores in grass.

____27. Which one of the following animal product is used as a source of fertilizer?

A. Leaf litter C. Molasses

B. Manure D. Horn

____28. Disease causing microorganisms are called________.

A. vectors B. vaccines C. pathogens D. diabetes

____29.The proper cares that should be given for pregnant animals’ are_______.

A. proper feeding C. should be checked twice a day

B. should be kept close to home D. all are possible answers

____30. Which one of the following is not obtained from poultry?

A. Egg B. Meat C. Milk D. Feathers

____31. Which one of the following aquatic habitat is the smallest in size?

A. Ocean B. Sea C. Pond D. Lake

____32. Which one of the following is abiotic factor of the ecosystem?

A. Bacteria B. Plants C. Animals D. Water

____33. Which one of the following habitat has high salt concentration?

A. River B. Pond C. Sea D. Lake

____34. Which one of the following is the physical factor of an ecosystem?

A. Producers C. Primary and secondary consumers

B. Decomposers D. Soil

____35. The part of terrestrial ecosystem that serves as a habitat for variety of species of plants and

animals is______.

A. desert C. tropical rain forest

B. savanna D. grass land

____36.The sum of all the ecosystems on earth is________.

A. environment C. ocean

B. biosphere D. topography

____37. Which of the following is not the climatic factor of an ecosystem?

A. Temperature C. Light

B. Soil D. Humidity

____38. Which one of the following is an example of Endoparasites?

A. Fleas C. Bugs

B. Ascaris D. Ticks

____39. A symbiotic relationship between algae and fungi is called_____.

A. mycorrhizeae C. fern

B. lichen D. liverwort

____40.The type of soil which is suitable for making pottery is______.

A. sand soil C. top soil

B. loam soil D. clay soil

___41. _______are the most diverse groups of animals on earth.

A. Amphibians c. Mammals

b. Insects d. Reptiles

___42. Caterpillar is NOT the larval stage of ___________.

A. Moth C. Grasshopper

B. Butter flies D. All are possible

____43. What is the disadvantage of using pesticide chemicals in controlling army worms?

A. It is quite traditional method C. It declines the crop harvest

B. It cannot be applicable in Ethiopia D. It destroys useful insects

____44. Which of the following stages of metamorphosis is missing in grasshoppers?

A. Egg C. Nymph

B. Larva D. Adult

____45. The type of insect that causes huge damage to human food supply is:

A. House flies C. Termite

B. Mosquito D. Locust

____46.The correct order of the life cycle in house fly is:

A. Egg PupaLarva Adult

B. Egg  Larva Pupa Adult

C. Egg  Adult Larva Pupa

D. Egg  Pupa Adult Larva

___47.The body parts of insects that contains reproductive structures is _____.

A. head C. abdomen

B. thorax D. leg

____48.The food substance that young larvae of bees feed to become a queen is ______.

A. honey C. nectar

B. royal jelly D. leaf trunks

____49. Which of the following cannot be described as a social insect?

A. Bees C. Ants

B. Butterflies D. Termites

____50.The worker bees’ are______.

A. sterile female C. sterile male

B. fertile female D. fertile male

____51. Which of the following organisms have endoskeleton?

A. Mollusks C. Mammals

B. Worms D. Sponges

____52.The connective tissue that connect bones to muscles are called_____.

A. tendons C. ligament

B. cartilage D. joint

____53. The sensitive layer of the teeth is:

A. Pulp cavity B. Dentine C. Cement D. Enamel

____54.Which one of the following is considered to be voluntary muscle?

A. Cardiac muscle C. Skeletal muscle

B. Smooth muscle D. Intestinal muscle

____55. The role of living cells in bone is______.

A. provide strength and shape of the bones C. manufacture of neurons

B. growing bones D. none of the above

___56.Which one of the following types of bone is found in the middle of your chest cavity?

A. Skull C. Sternum

B. Pelvis D. Patella

____57.Which one of the following types of joint is found at the elbow and Knee?

A. Ball and socket joint C. Fixed joint

B. Hinge joint D. Gliding joint

____58.Axial skeleton includes______.

A. bones of hips C. bones of arms

B. bones of feet D. bones of chest

____59.Which of the following nutrients are vital for making bones strong and hard?

A. Iodine and salt C. Sodium and Chloride

B. Calcium and phosphorous D. Potassium and Zinc

____60.Calculate the total number of teeth for an organism having a dental formula of _____.

I =3/3 C=1/1 P=4/4 M= 2/3

A. 32 B. 22 C. 42 D. 44

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