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No: 16 X English Paper - I

16. Edit the following passages correcting the underlined parts.
A. There is (a) more than 750 crore people lives (b) on the earth. The earth provide (c) us the
air, food, water. It give (d) us material to build houses beside (e) clothes.
a) __________ b) __________ c) __________ d) __________ e) ___________
B. I was work (a) in a shop that sold luggages (b). While (c) a man came in for (d) return a bag
he has buy (e) two days ago.
a) __________ b) __________ c) __________ d) __________ e) ___________
C. Once upon a times (a) there lived a farmers (b) and his wife in a village. A (c) farmer
worked all the day in the field and she (d) returned home on (e) the evening.
a) __________ b) __________ c) __________ d) __________ e) ___________
D. There are (a) a steady increase in the number of childs (b) who are obese. We often sees
(c) five and six years (d) old childern who are three times more obese than his (e) ideal
body weight.
a) __________ b) __________ c) __________ d) __________ e) ___________
E. After she had take (a) her seat. I put a woollen rug over her knees to kept (b) her warm on
the journey. She handed me a ten rupees (c) note as parting gift and sweet (d) said Good
bye. I watched her wave (e) her hand till the lorry was out of sight.
a) __________ b) __________ c) __________ d) __________ e) ___________
F. Three of life's most difficult words to said (a) are "I was wrong". But they are also three of
the most power (b) words we can utter. "I was wrong" break (c) down barriers between
(d) people. It bring d) estranged people together.
a) __________ b) __________ c) __________ d) __________ e) ___________
G. There is a tremendous happy (a) in making others happy, despite our own situations. Shared
grief are (b) half the sorrow, and (c) happiness when shared is double (d) Today is a
gifts(e) that is why it is called 'The Present.'
a) __________ b) __________ c) __________ d) __________ e) ___________
H. Cocoa trees grows (a) only in warm areas that get a lot of rains (b). Long fruits called 'Pods'
grow in this (c) trees. Pods range in colour from bright yellow to deeply (d) blue. Inside the
pods are rows on (e) seeds.
I. The country people are closer to mature than a (a) people in big cities are. The lifes (b) of
the country people are closely link (c) with the changing season (d) of the year. Life on a
farm follow (e) the cycle of planting, growth and harvest.
a) __________ b) __________ c) __________ d) __________ e) ___________
J. There are four categories of working woman (a) in India. Some works (b) while they are
wait (c) for Matrimony. A majority on (d) women work, because they are qualified, want a
second incomes (d).
a) __________ b) __________ c) __________ d) __________ e) ___________

DCEB, Guntur 1 X - Class ENGLISH

KEY To Q.No: 16
16. A) a) are B) a) working C) a) time
b) live b) luggage b) farmer
c) provides c) when c) the
d) gives d) to d) he
e) besides e) bought e) in
D) a) is E) a) taken F) a) say
b) children b) eeep b) powerful
c) see c) rupee c) breaks
d) year d) sweetly d) among
e) their e) waving e) brings
G) a) happiness H) a) grow I) a) the
b) is b) rain b) lives
c) but c) these c) linked
d) doubled d) deep d) seasons
e) gift e) in e) follows
J) a) Women
b) Work
c) Waiting
d) Of
e) Income
Q. No. 17. X English paper - I
Q.No. 17: Combine the following sentences as directed.
1. Victoria is a precocious girl. She is ten years old. (Combine the sentences with 'Who')
2. This is the man. He stole your bag. (Combine the sentences with 'Who')
3. The puppies belong to the woman. She is my neighbour.
(Combine the sentences with 'Who')
4. Spoorthy is a bank officer. She studied in our school.
(Combine the sentences with 'Who')
5. IIT Kanpur is the best engineering college. It was established by the Government of India.
(Combine the sentences with 'Which')
6. The concert was held in the Venkateswara Vignana Mandiram. It was an excellent
programme. (Combine the sentences with 'Which')
7. Nick has a small foot on his left hip. It helps him a lot. (Combine the sentences with 'Which')
8. This is the gold watch. Our father promised it to our Jimmy.
(Combine the sentences with 'That')

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9. This is the new car. It uses water as its fuel. (Combine the sentences with 'That')
10. English is a foreign language. It can be learnt easily. (Combine the sentences with 'That')
KEY to Q.No. 17
1. Victoria, who is ten years old, is a precocious girl.
2. This is the man who stole your bag.
3. The puppies belong to the woman who is my neighbour.
4. Spoorthy, who studied in our school, is a bank officer.
5. IIT kanpur is the best engineering college which was established by the Government of
6. The concert, which was held in the Venkateswara Vignana Mandiram was an excellent
7. Nick has a small foot on his left hip which helps him a lot.
8. This is the gold watch that our father promised to our Jimmy.
9. This is the new car that uses water as its fuel.
10. English is a foreign language that can be learnt easily.
Q.No : 18 Using Participles in combining sentences
Combine the follwing sentences using present participle (or Ground).
1. The little girl suddenly saw her mother. She ran fast towrds her mother.
2. Raju has completed his project. He went to a movie.
3. The potter drew his sword. He rushed at the enemy.
Combine the follwing sentences using Perfect Participle.
4. Kiran did his homework. He went out to play Tennis.
5. Sunitha read the book on English Grammar. She returned it to the library yesterday.
6. He failed in every career he had attempted. He started to paint houses.
Combine the following sentences using past participle.
7. The environment was degraded. It caused a lot of havoc.
8. The yong men were addicted to the smart phones. They because anti socials in the society.
9. The tiger was severely wounded. It tried to chase the hunter.
KEY to Q.No : 18
1. Seeing her mother suddenly, the little girl ranfast towards her.
2. After completing his project. Raju went to a movie.
3. Drawing hiw sword, the potter rushed at the enemy.
4. Having done his homework, kiran went out to play tennis.
5. Having read the book on English Grammar, Sunitha returned it to the library yesterday.
6. Having failed in every career he had attempted, he started to paint houses.
7. The degraded environment caused a lot of havoc.

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8. The smart phone addicted youngmen became antisocials in the society.
19. The severely wounded tiger tried to cahse the hunter.
X English - Paper - I
Q.No. 19
Change the following into the passive voice. 1 M
ˇø£ yêø£´eTTqT Active Voice qT+&ç Passive Voice ≈£î e÷s¡Tà $<ÛäeTT
1. Subject, verb and object, in the given sentences should be identified.
Ç∫Ãq yêø£´eTT˝À ø£s¡Ô, ø£s¡à, ÁøÏj·T\qT >∑T]Ô+#·e˝…qT.
2. The object of the sentence should be changed into the subject.
Ç∫Ãq yêø£´eTT˝Àì ø£s¡àqT, ø£s¡Ô>± e÷s¡Ãe˝…qT.
3. The suitable helping verb and the past participle form of the verb should be used according
to the tense of the verb in the given sentence.
Ç∫Ãq yêø£´eTTì verb jÓTTø£ÿ tense Á|üø±s¡eTT <ëìøÏ dü]j·T>∑T 'helping verb' qT eT]j·TT past
participle form qT Áyêj·Te˝…qT.
4. Preposition 'by' should be used. (In some cases some other prepositions are to be used
instead of 'by')
'by' nqT preposition (ø=ìï dü+<äsꓤ\˝À 'by' ø±ø£ y˚s
π Ç‘·s¡ prepositions qT yê&Ée\dæ e⁄+≥T+~.)
5. The subject of the sentences should be written as object of the sentence.
Ç∫Ãq yêø£´eTT˝Àì 'subject' qT object' >± Áyêj·Te˝…qT.
Ex: Rama played cricket (Active Voice)
á yêø£´eTTqT ô|’q #Ó|æŒq 5 steps Á|üø±s¡eTT passive voice ˝ÀìøÏ e÷s¡TÃ<ëeTT.
1. Rama Played Cricket :
  
Subject Verb Object
2. Cricket
3. ô|’ yêø£´eTT 'past simple tense' ˝À e⁄qï~. ø£qTø£ <ëìøÏ dü]j·T>∑T 'helping verb' - was eT]j·TT
'past participle form' of the verb - played - Áyêj·Te˝…qT.
Cricket was played by
4. Cricket was played by
5. Cricket was played by me (Passeve Voice)
While changing a sentence form Active Voice to Passive Voice the change of personal
pronouns is as follows :

DCEB, Guntur 4 X - Class ENGLISH

ˇø£ yêø£´eTTqT Active Voice qT+&ç Passive Voice ˝ÀìøÏ e÷s¡TÃq|ü&ÉT Personal Pronouns
á ÁøÏ+~ $<ÛäeTT>± e÷s¡TqT.
Active Voice Passive Voice
I me
We us
You you
He him
She her
It it
They them


1. Present simple Tense S + v1 + O S + am / is / are + v3 + by + O
2. Present contiuous Tense S + am / is /are + O S + am / is / are + v3 + by + O
3. Present Perfect Tense S + have / has + v3 + O S + have / has + been + v3 + by + O
4. Past Simple Tense S + v2 + O S + was /were + v3 + by + O
5. Past Continuous S+ was / were + 'ing' S + was/were + being + v3+ by+O
Tense form of the verb + O
6. Past Perfect Tense S + had + v3 + O S + had + been + v3 + O
7. Future Simple Tense S +will/shall + v1 +O S + will/shall + be + v3 + by + O
8. Future Perfect Tense S + will/shall +have S + will/shall + have + been + v3
+ v1 + O + by + O
1. My dad put me in the water.
2. My friends supported me.
3. His parents insisted Nick on attending the mainstream school.
4. She taught me how to surf.
5. They waved at him.
6. You want anew pair.
7. She could only see my head.
8. I will teach him myself.

DCEB, Guntur 5 X - Class ENGLISH

9. His father was reading a newspaper.
10. They shared good years in school and college.
11. You should have made it.
12. We could see it from here.
13. I will fasten the front door.
14. She is wearing an outfit of new mourning.
15. You will tell us all about it.
16. We had finished dinner.
17. Do it at once.
18. I don't see them.
19. Be quiet.
20. Thick black clouds covered the evening sky.
21. You must fillup the form.
22. He had asked his wife to help.
23. The king rewarded the potter.
24. How could I allow my old father to carry my trunk ?
25. What would they give ?
26. I gave him the can of wine.
27. Give me an old pair.
28. I couldn't convince him.
29. Does he use her name ?
30. How do the neighbours address her ?
31. How does a woman gain her identity ?
32. What shall I do now ?
33. Do you know my name ?
34. I hanve't asked your name.
35. I have forgotten my name.
36. I haven't brought them here.
37. Will they allow him ?

DCEB, Guntur 6 X - Class ENGLISH

38. The Indian film industry has completed one hundred years.
39. I did not inform him.
40. We havenot shared our resources equitably.
41. We have allowd some people to acquire a lot.
42. Let us plant the trees.
43. They destroy all the local biological diversity.
44. We lost all our local biological divesity.
45. We shall use the common sense.
46. Have you finished your job ?
47. What transformation did you see ?
48. Our efforts influence the other people ?
49. We must restore our environment.
50. I can remember the time.
51. They built those monsters.
52. I had not read that book.
53. He invited me for a meal to his home.
54. She was watering the plants.
55. I am writing a poem now.
56. He may help you.
57. Close the window.
58. They might attend our job.
59. Please open the book.
60. When will you answer my questions ?
61. He has taken a cup of coffee.
62. How will you do it ?
63. Which do you want ?
64. Who rings the bell ?
65. Someone has picked my purse.
66. Somebody has painted the house.

DCEB, Guntur 7 X - Class ENGLISH

67. Nobody informed the police.
68. Some thieves robbed the house.
69. The post man has delivered the letter just now.
70. The police will arrest the criminals soon.
Answers - X English paper - I : Q. No. 19
1. I was put in the water by my father.
2. I was supported by my friends.
3. Nick was insisted on attending the mainstream school by his parents.
4. I was taught how to surf by her.
5. He was waved by them.
6. A new pair is wanted by you.
7. Only my head could be seen by her.
8. He will be taught by me myself.
9. A newspaper was being read by his father.
10. Good years were shared in school and college by them.
11. It should have been made by them.
12. It could be seen from here by us.
13. The front door will be fastened by them.
14. An outfit of new mourning is being worn by her.
15. We will be told all about it by you.
16. Dinner had been finished by us.
17. Let it be done at once.
18. They are not seen by me.
19. You are told to be quiet.
20. The evening sky was covered by the thick black clouds.
21. The form must be filled up by you.
22. His wife had been asked to help by him.
23. The potter was rewarded by the king.

DCEB, Guntur 8 X - Class ENGLISH

24. How could my old father be allowed to carry my trunk by me.
25. What would be given by them.
26. The can of wine given to him by me.
27. Let me be given an old pair.
28. He couldn't be convinced by me.
29. Her name is used by him.
30. How is she addressed by her neighbours ?
31. How is her identity gained by a woman ?
32. What will be done by me now ?
33. Is my name known to you ?
34. Your name hasn't been asked by me.
35. My name has been forgotten by me.
36. They haven't been brought here by me.
37. Will he be allowed by them ?
38. One hundred years have been completed by the Indian film industry ?
39. He was not informed by me.
40. Our resources have not been shared equitably by us.
41. Some people have been allowed to acquire a lot by us.
42. Let the trees be planted by us.
43. All the local bilogical divesity is destroyed by them.
44. All our local biological diversity was lost.
45. The common sense will be used by us.
46. Has your job been finished by you ?
47. What transformation was seen by you ?
48. The other people are influenced by our efforts.
49. Our environment must be restored by us.
50. The time can be remembered by me.
51. Those monsters were built by them.
52. That book had not been read by me.

DCEB, Guntur 9 X - Class ENGLISH

53. I was invited for a meal by him.
54. The plants were being watered by her.
55. A poem is being written by me now.
56. You may be helped by him.
57. Let the window be closed.
58. Your job might be attended by them.
59. You are requested to open the book.
60. When will my question be answered by you ?
61. A cup of coffee has been taken by him.
62. How will it be done by you ?
63. Which is wanted by you ?
64. By whom is the bell rung ?
65. My purse has been picked.
66. The house has been painted.
67. The police were not infromed.
68. The house was robbed.
69. The letter has been delivered just now.
70. The criminals will be arrested soon.
X English Paper - I : Q. No : 20
Chage the following into reported speech. 2 M
1. Priyanka : What are you doing ?
Ganesh : I am doing my homework.
2. Latha : What are you doing ?
Kamala : I am watering the plants.
3. Hari : Where did to yesterday ?
Giri : I went to Guntur.
4. Vani : Gopi, I am not feeling well.
Gopi : Go and seea doctor.
5. Raju : What did you eat this morning ?

DCEB, Guntur 10 X - Class ENGLISH

Swetha : I ate poori.
6. Arun : Which subject do you like ? English or Maths.
Varun : I like English.
7. Srikar : Where are you siddhu ?
Siddhu : I am here in the garden.
8. Mani : I am looking for you.
Vani : Waht's the matter ?
9. Sailaja : When will you return from Mumbai ?
Sailaja : On the 10th fo the next month.
10. Geetha : Will you drop me at the bus stop ?
Gowriandh : Yes, I will.
11. Rushi : What have you been doin since morning ?
Pramod : I have been studying for the examinations.
12. Raju : How old is your grandfather ?
Abhi : He is eighty years old.
13. Venky : I have completed my homework.
Pinky : Let me see it.
14. Vanaja : Are you planning to meet the chairman ?
Girija : No. I am not.
15. Padma : Have you invited all our friends to the party ?
Veni : Yes, I have.
16. Manga : I will attend an interview for a job tommorrow.
Ganga : Good luck.
17. Prasad : Why didn't you join us at the party last night ?
Ramu : I was busy with my office work.
18. Mary : Where are you going now ?
Hasan : I am going to college.
19. David : I can speak English.
Latha : I can speak French also.

DCEB, Guntur 11 X - Class ENGLISH

20. Radha : I am going to meet my friends.
Sreenu : When will you return ?
21. Gopal : Why are you late ?
Manoj : I missed the bus.
22. Kiran : I will come back at 5 pm to drop you at the airport.
Roopa : I will be ready by that time.
23. Ananya : Could you please show me the way to the railway station ?
Meghana : Go straight and take left.
24. Aruna : Can you lift this box ?
Kamala : No. I can't.
25. Hanuma : When are going on holiday ?
Manvi : I am going next month.
26. Giri : There is problem with my car.
Teja : You can book a Ola service.
27. Krishna : Are you supposed to be here now ?
Venkat : I don't know.
28. Arjun : Could you join us for dinner tomorrow ?
Prasanth : I hav some other appointment.
29. Kranthi : Where can I got pens and pencils.
Santhi : You can get them in the shop at the end of the street.
30. Pavan : Please close the window.
Charan : Sure.
31. Amala : Why did you go there ?
Vimala : To meet my friend.
32. Karan : I have finished my homework.
Balu : It will take one hour for me.
33. A man : How often do you eat Hamburgers ?
A woman : Never. I am a vegetarian.
34. Raju : How are you today?

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Banny : I am alright.
35. Deva : Will you meet Teja tomorrow ?
Isac : I wii meet him day after tomorrow.
36. Sayed : Will you attend the Englsih class tomorrow ?
Johm : Certainly, I can't miss it.
37. Chinna : Do you think it's not correct ?
Kanna : I don't think so.
38. Balu : What can we do ?
Roja : We can do many things.
39. Neeraj : Why didn't you go to work ?
Dheeraj : I woke up feeling ill.
40. Ravi : I want to go to New York next year.
Pardhu : What will you do there ?
ANSWERS - X English paper - I : Q.No. 20
1. Priyanka asked Ganesh what he was doing. Ganesh replied that he was doing his homework.
2. Latha asked Kamala what she was doing. Kamala replied that she was watering the plants.
3. Hari asled Giri where he had gone yesterday. Giri replied that he had gone to Guntur.
4. Vani told Gopi that she was not feeling well. Gopi advised her to go and see a doctor.
5. Raju asked Swetha what she had eaten that morning. Swetha replied that she had eaten
6. Arun asked Varun which subject he liked, English or Maths. Varun replied that he liked
7. Sirkar asked Siddhu where he was. Siddhu replied that he was there in the garden.
8. Mani told Vani that she was looking for her. Vani enquired of her what the matter was.
9. Sailaja asked Satish when he would return from Mumbai. Satish replied that on the 10th of
the follwoing month.
10. Geetha asked Gowrinadh if he would drop her at the bus sotp. Gowrinadh affirmatively
said that he would.
11. Rushi asked pramod what he had been doing since morning. Pramod replied that he had
been studying for the examinations.
12. Raju asked Abhi how old his grandfather was. Abhi replied that he (his grandfather) was

DCEB, Guntur 13 X - Class ENGLISH

eighty years old.
13. Venky told Pinky that he had completed his homework. Pinky asked him to let her see it.
14. Vanaja asked Girija if she was planning to meet the chairman. Girija replied in negation that
she wasn't.
15. Padma asked Veni if she had invited all their friends to the party. Veni replied affirmatively
that she had.
16. Manga told Ganga that she would attend an interview for a job the next day. Manga wished
her good luck.
17. Prasad asked Ramu why he had not joined them at the party. Ramu replied that he was busy
with his office work.
18. Mary asked Hasan where was going then. Hasan replied that was going to college then.
19. David told Latha that he could speak English. Latha replied that she could speak French
20. Radha told Sreenu that he was going to meet her friends. Sreenu asked her when she would
21. Gopal asked Manoj why he was late. Manoj replied that he had missed the bus.
22. Kiran told Roopa that he would come at 5 pm to drop her at the airport. Roopa replied that
she would be ready by that time.
23. Ananya asled Meghana if she could show her the way to the railway station. Meghana
replied her to go straight and take left.
24. Aruna asked Kamala if she could lift that box. Kamala replied in negation that she couldn't.
25. Hanuma asked Manvi when she was going holiday. Manvi replied that the she was going
the following month.
26. Giri told Teja that there was a problem with his car. Teja replied that he could book a Ola
27. Krishna asked Venkat if he was supposed to be there then. Venkat replied that he did no
28. Arjun asked prasanth if he could join them for dinner the following day. Prasanth replied
that he had some other appointment.
29. Kranthi asked Santhi where he could get pens and pencils. Santhi replied that he (kranthi)

DCEB, Guntur 14 X - Class ENGLISH

could get them in the shop at the end of the street.
30. Pavan requested Charan to close the window. Charan replied affirmatively.
31. Amala asked Vimala why she had gone there. Vimala replied that she went there to meet
her friend.
32. Karna told Balu that he had finished his homework. Balu replied that it would take one
more hour for me.
33. A man asked a woman how often she would eat Hamburgers. The woman replied negatively
and said that she was a vegetarian.
34. Raju asked Banny how he was that day. Banny replied that he was alright that day.
35. Deva asked Teja if he would meet Teja the next day. Isac replied that he would meet him
(Teja) the after the next day.
36. Sayed asked John whether he would attend the English class the following day. John replied
affirmatively by saying he couldn't miss it.
37. Chinna asked Kanna if he thought it was not correct. Kanna replied that he did not think so.
38. Balu asked Roja what they could do. Roja replied that they could do many things.
39. Neeraj asked Dheeraj why he hadn't gone to work. Dheeraj replied that he had woken up
feeling ill.
40. Ravi told Pardhu that he wanted to go to New York the following Year. Pardhu asked him
what he would do there.
10th ENGLISH - PAPER - I : Q.No. 20
Additional questions form the text book.
1. Victoria : What are they coming for ?
Mrs. Slater : They are coming to talk over poor grandpa's affairs.
2. Henry : They'll be very small for me, my dear.
Mrs. Slater : They'll stretch, won't they ?
3. Victoria : What have you got your coat off for, father ?
Henry : Mother and I are going to bring grandfather's bureau down here.
4. Victoria : Are you plannig to pinch it ?
Henry : No, Grandpa gave it to your mother berfore he died.
5. Victoria : That's grandpa's clock.
Mrs. Slater : Be quiet. It's ours now.

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6. Mrs. Jordan : What do you say, Ben.
Ben : I am not particular.
7. Victoria : Mother, I don't think grandpa went to pay his insurance this morning.
Mrs. Slater : He went out.
8. Father : Do you have a pair of old shoes ?
I : Why ?
9. I : Take a new pair of shoes.
Father : Give me old pair of shoes.
10. NHK Radio : How is peace connected to a good environment ?
WM : Many wars that are fought in the oworld are fought over natural resources.
11. NHK Radio : Why do you think they responded so well to your message ?
WM : It was a need.
1. Victoria asked Mrs. Slater what they were coming for. Mrs. Slater replied that they were
coming to talk ove poor grandpa's affairs.
2. Henry affectionately told Mrs. Slater that they would be very small for him. Mrs. Slater
expecting a positive answer asked him if they wouldn't stretch.
3. Victoria, calling Henry, father asked him what he had got his coat off for. Hery replied her
that Grandpa had given it to her mother before he had died.
4. Victoria asked Henry if they were planning to pinch it. Henry replying her negatively and
told her that Grandpa had given it to her mother before he had died.
5. Victoria told Mrs. Slater that was grandpa's clock. Mrs. Slater told her to be quiet and went
on to say that it was theirs then.
6. Mrs. Jordan asked Ben what he would say. Ben replied that he was not particular.
7. Victoria told her mother Mrs. Slater that she didn't think grandpa had gone out to pay his
insurance that morning. Mrs. Slater that he had gone out.
8. Father asked me if I had a pair of old shoes. I asked him why.
9. I told father to take a new pair of shoes. Father asked him to give a pair of old shoes.
10. NHK Radio asked W M how was peace connected to a good environment. W M replied
that many wars that were fought in the world were fought over natural resources.
11. NHK Radio asked W M why she thought they responded so well to her message. W M

DCEB, Guntur 16 X - Class ENGLISH

replied that it was a need.
10th ENGLISH - Q.No. 21
Q.No. Combine sentences using adverbs as / since / because / when / inspite of / such ... that /
Syllabus Reference :
Adverbial cuases of reason, time ------- Unit - 3
Combine the following sentences using the adverb given in the brackets.
1. He had some urgent work. he did not attend the party. (As)
2. The price of gold is very high. Most of the women want to buy one gram gold. (As)
3. Govervment banned the usage of plastic carrybags. Plastic leads to environmental pollution.
4. The old man wants to marry. He is neglected by his daughters. (Because)
5. the climate is very cool in winter. All people wear woollen clothe. (As)
6. The pollution is increasing day by day. We have to grow plants more in number. (Since)
7. Most of the villagers were busy in the fields. I didn't find anyone to carry my luggage.
8. Savitri was nervous on the sets. She was given a small role of less import. (Since)
9. Most of the parents are very much interested in English. So, English medium is introduced
in schools by the Government. (Since)
10. Srivastav is a Pilgrim. He visits holy places every year. (As)
11. Sid Sriram has a peculiar voice. He sings a variety of songs. (Such ... that)
12. He was ill. He could not go to school. (Because)
13. He worked hard. He secured good marks. (As)
14. Nick's father was a computer programmer. He taught Nick how to type. (Since)
15. He is a salaried person. He can't afford the expenses of his son at IIT. (As)
16. Victoria is so glad. Her grandpa is not dead. (Because)
17. Mr. Abel did not wake up. So, the slaters thought that he was dead. (Since)
18. He was late. He missed the school bus. (As)
19. People use millets. They are benificial to health in many ways. (As)
20. He saw the snake. He ran away. (When)

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21. She went to the exhibition. She bought nice hadicrafts. (When)
22. He completed his work. Then he returned home. (When)
23. She helped me. I was in need. (When)
24. I'll call you. My mother arrives home. (When)
25. He is a good speaker. He is appreciated by all. (Such .... that)
26. It was a bad experience. It shocked all of us. (Such ... that)
27. 'Titanic' was an intresting movie. Many people watched it. (Such ... that)
28. The Box is very heavy. I cannot lift it. (So... that)
29. Nick has no arms and legs. But he can do so many things. (Although)
30. I called him. He gave me no answer. (Although)
31. Abel was over seventy. He was Vigrous and well coloured. (Although)
32. He worked hard. He did not succeed. (Inspite of)
33. He made several efforts. But he failed. (Inspite of)
34. The housewife had a good bath and supper. But she could not sleep. (Inspite of)
ANSWERS : 10 th ENGLISH - Q. No. 21
1. As he had some urgent work, he didn't attend the party.
2. As the price of gold is very high, most of the women want to buy one gram gold.
3. Government banned the usage of plastic carrybags because plastic leads to environmental
4. The old man wants to marry because he is neglected by his daughters.
5. As the climate is very cool in winter, all people wear woollen clothes.
6. Since the pollution is increasing day by day, we have to grow plants more in number.
7. As most of the villagers were busy in the fields, I didn't find anyone to carry my luggage.
8. Since Savitri was nervous on the sets, she was given a small role of less import.
9. Since most of the parents are very much interested in English, English medium is introduced
in schools by the Government.
10. As Srivastav is a pilgrim, he visits holy places every year.
11. Sid Sriram has such a peculiar voice that he sings a variety of songs.
12. He could not go to school because he was ill.
13. As he worked hard, he secured good marks.

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14. Since Nick's father was a computer programmer, he taught Nick how to type.
15. As he is a salaried person, he can't afford the expenses of his son at IIT.
16. Victoria is so glad because her grandpa is not dead.
17. Since Mr.Abel did not wake up, the slaters thought that he was dead.
18. As he was late, he missed the school bus.
19. People use millets as they are beneficial to health in many ways.
20. When he saw the snake, he ran away.
21. When she went to the exhibition, she bought nice handicrafts.
22. When he completed his work,he returned home.
23. She helped me when I was in need. (or) When I was in need, she helped me.
24. I'll call you when my mother arrives home.
25. He is such a good speaker that he is appreciated by all.
26. It was such a bad experience that it shocked all of us.
27. Titanic was such an interesting movie that many people watched it.
28. The box is so heavy that I cannot lift it.
29. Although Nick has no arms and legs, he can do so many things.
30. Although I called him, he gave me no answer.
31. Although Abel was over seventy, he was vigorous and well coloured.
32. Inspite of his hard work, he did not succeed. (or)
Inspite of working hard, he did not succeed.
33. Inspite of making several efforts , he failed.
34. Inspite of having a good bath and supper, the housewife could not sleep.
10th ENGLISH - PAPER - I : Q. No. 22
Combining sentences using 'Linkers'
Reference : Unit - 6 page No's : 191 -192.
Linkers are words or Phrases that we use to link or connect or join ideas. Linkers are
grouped in the following table according to their function.

DCEB, Guntur 19 X - Class ENGLISH

S.No Function Linkers
1 Indicating additon besides, further more, more over
2 Contrasts on the other hand, on the contrary, Yet, still
nevertheless, all the same, however
3 Result as a result, thus, therefore, hence, so, consequently
4 Indicating sequence later, suddenly, at the same time, meanwhile,
in time subsequently
5 Indicating a parallel Equally, in the same way, like wise, similarly
6 Ordering points Firstly, to sum up, thirdly, secondly.
Her are some sentences for the practice of Linkers.
Combine the following sentences using the 'linkers' given in the brackets.
1. He is poor. But he is honest. (Though)
2. He missed the bus. He managed to reach his destination. (Although)
3. She worked a lot. She did not get the medical seat. (Although)
4. My room is small. But it is very comfortable. (Yet)
5. Forests are cut down carelessly. There is pollution on Earth. (So)
6. He had made a mistake. He was punished. (Therefore)
7. He got good marks. but he is not happy. (However)
8. She drove very fast to the airport. But she missed the plane. (However)
9. Rani is regular to English class. She is also interested in the language. (Besides)
10. Sravan is a musician. He is a singer too. (Besides)
11. He had no qualifications. But he got the job. (However)
12. He did not like fast foods. He ordered Pizza. (Inspite of the fact that)
13. He worked very hard. he did not pass the exam. (Inspite of the fact that)
14. It was raining. But the football team continued their training session.
(Inspite of the fact that)
15. The reviews were very bad. The film was still a box office success. (Inspite of)

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16. He had some disadvantages. But he possessed great innate wisdom and a true generosity of
spirit. (Inspite of)
17. It is a small house and requires a lot of repairs. It is also a long way from the center.
(More over)
18. He works hard. But he doesn't earn much. (However)
19. She teaches English. She teaches Biology also. (Besides)
20. They had not trained hard. But they won. (Nervethless)
1. Though he is poor, he is honest.
2. Althought he missed the bus, he managed to reach his destination.
3. Although she worked a lot she did not get the medical seat.
4. My room is small yet it is very comfortable.
5. Forests are cut down carelessly so there is pollution on Earth.
6. He had made a mistake therefore he was punished.
7. He got good marks; However, he is not happy.
8. She drove very fast to the airport; however she missed the plane.
9. Besides being regular to English class, Rani is interested in the language.
10. Besides being a musician, sravan is a singer.
11. He had no qualifications ; however, he got the job.
12. Inspite of the fact that he did not like fast foods, he ordered pizza.
13. Inspite of the fact that he worked very hard, he did not pass the exam.
14. Inspite of the fact that it was raining, the football team continued their training session.
15. Inspite of the reviews being very bad, the film was still a box office success.
16. Inspite of having some disadvantages, he possessed great innate wisdom and a true generosity
of spirit.
17. It is a small house and requires a lot of repairs. More over, it is a long way from the centre.
18. He works hard; however, he doesn't earn much.
19. Besides teaching English, she teaches Biology.
20. They had not trained hard; neverthless they won.
10th ENGLISH - PAPER - I : Q.No. 23

DCEB, Guntur 21 X - Class ENGLISH

The usage of correlative conjunctions
Either ----- or / neither ----- nor
The structure either ---- or is used to connect two choices.
Eg: Venkat went to Sonovision to buy either a smartphone or an I-pad.
The structure neither - nor is used to connect two negative choices. It is the opposite of both
- and.
Eg: Venkat went to Sonovision and bought neither smartphone nor I-pad.
Combine the following sentences using 'either ... or', 'neither ... nor'.
1. You can pay by cash. You can pay credit card.
You can pay either by cash or by credit card.
2. I must go to the party. My brother must go to the party.
Either I or my brother must go to the party.
3. You can read a book. You can play indoor games.
You can either read a book or play indoor games.
4. Shikha can communicate in English. Shikha can communicate in French.
Shikha can communicate either in English or in French.
5. You could go to the movie. You could go out fishing.
You could go either to the movie or to fishing.
6. You may take this chocolate. You may leave this chocolate.
You may either take chocolate or leave it.
7. I will come to your house. I will go to Delhi.
I will either come to your houe or go to Delhi.
8. He drinks Tea. He drinks buutter-milk.
He drinks either Tea or butter-milk.
9. Vipul will look after his ailing mother. His brother will look after his ailing mother.
Either Vipul or his brother will look after the ailing mother.
10. He will be sent to jail. He will be released on bail.
He will be eihter sent to jail or released on bail.
11. Charly will not write the report. Bill will not write the report.

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Neither Charly nor Bill write the report.
12. His father did not believe his son. He did not believe his friend.
His father believed neither his son nor his friend.
13. He does not eat mangoes. He does not eat oranges either.
He eats neither mangoes nor oranges.
14. We don't speak English. We don't speak Hindi.
We speak neither English nor Hindi.
15. The poor man connot feed his son. He cannot clothe him.
The poor man neither feed his son nor clothe him.
16. We could not play. We could not work.
We could neither play nor work.
17. It is not useful. It is not ornamental.
It is neither useful nor ornamental.
18. She couldn't sing. She couldn't dance.
She could neither sing nor dance.
19. He didn't wash his hands. He didn't wash his face.
He washed neither his hands nor his face.
20. Mr. Martin can't teach French. He can't teach German.
Mr. Martin can teach neither French nor German.
10th ENGLISH - PAPER -I : Q.No. 24
The structure 'too - to' is used to talk about undesirable excess. It has a negative meaning.
You are too young to get married.
Your are so young that you cannot get married.

She was too distressed to answer my question.

She was so distressed that she could not answer my question.
Too - To
So - That - not
Rewrite the following sentnces using 'so - that'

DCEB, Guntur 23 X - Class ENGLISH

1. He is too young to do things on his own.
He is so young that he can't do things on his own.
2. The tea is too hot for me to drink.
The tea is so hot that I can't drink.
3. The teacher is too weak to control the class.
The teacher is so weak that he can't control the class.
4. The thief ran too fast for the police to catch.
The thief ran so fast that the police couldn't catch him.
5. She is too proud to beg.
She is so proud that she can't beg.
6. She is too old to live without help.
She is so old that she can't live without help.
7. I am too busy to talk to you.
I am so busy that I can't talk to you.
8. I am too tired to climb the steps.
I am so tired that I can't climb the steps.
9. The problem is too complex to be solved easily.
The problem is so complex that it can't be solved easily.
10. It was too cold for us to go out.
It was so cold that we couldn't go out.
11. Her behaviour was too rude for me to tolerate.
Her behaviour was so rude that we could not tolerate.
12. The weather was too hot for us to go out.
The weather was so hot that we could not go out.
13. He was too poor to send his children to school.
He was so poor that he couldn't send his children to school.
14. The puzzle was too difficult for me to solve.
The puzzle was so difficult that I couldn't solve.
15. He is too weak to become an army officer.
He is so weak that he can't become an army officer.

DCEB, Guntur 24 X - Class ENGLISH

10th ENGLISH - PAPER - I : Q.No. 25
Combine the following sentences using 'if'.
1. Paint the house. It may look better.
2. I see him there. I give him a lift.
3. She must consult a doctor. She does not know her exact problem.
4. Go by train. It is cheaper.
5. You are hungry. You have something to eat on the dineing table.
6. I am not all. I can not play basketball.
7. He does not know French. He can not go to France.
8. She does not do homework. She does not go to the school.
9. He can not get a post. He is not a computerate.
10. He can not clear his VISA. He can not go to the USA.
11. He did not invite her. She did not attend his birthday treat.
12. She failed in her finals. She did not workout well.
13. Mr. Abel married Ms. Jhon shorrock. His daughters did not look after him.
14. He lost the election. He sold his pharma company.
15. The magician met with an accident. He could not attend ourschool Annual Day celebrations.
ANSWERS : Q.No. 25
1. If you paint the house, it will look better.
2. If I see him there, I will give him a lift.
3. If she consult a doctor, she will know her exact problem.
4. If you go by train, it can be cheaper.
5. If you are hungry, you can have something to eat on the dineing table.
6. If I were tall, I could play basketball.
7. If he knew French, he could go to school.
8. If she did her homework, she would go to school.
9. If he were a computerate, he could get a job.
10. If he cleared his VISA, he would go to the USA.
11. If he had invited her, she would have attended his birthday treat.
12. If she had workedout well, she would not have failed in her finals.
13. Mr. Abel would not have married Jhon Shorrock, if his daughters had looked after him.

DCEB, Guntur 25 X - Class ENGLISH

14. If he had won the election, he would not have sold his Pharma company.
15. If the magician had not met with an accident, he would have attend our school Annual Day
Tense pattern of conditional sentences
If clause Main clause.
1. Open conditional sentence : If Kohli plays well, we will win the match.
S + V1 S + will / shall / can / may + V1
2. Imaginary conditional sentence : If Kohli played well, we would win the match.
S + V2 S + would / could / might/ should +V1
3. Unfulfilled conditional sentence : If Kohli had played well, we would have won the match.
S + had + V3 S + would + (have +V3)
10th ENGLISH - PAPER - I : Q.No. 26
Preposition and compound prepositional phrases.
Syllabus reference : Unit - 2 & Unit - 4
Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions given in brackets.
1. a) The shops were closed early ________ rain. ( instead of, together with, on account of)
b) The patient is suffering ________ fever. (with, from, by)
2. a) My house is __________ from all the houses in my village. (because of, inspite of, apart)
b) Savitri is __________ us with her unforgettable roles (among, between, for)
3. a) SaiRam got a good job _______ his own abilities and skills. (instead of, by means of, in
additon to)
b) Ravi has been living here __________ two years. (Since, from, for)
4. a) Satish goes to school __________ with his father daily. (along with, a head of, inspite of)
b) Radha is good ________ music. (in, at, in)
5. a) Call the police ________a theft. (in case of, inspite of, infront of)
b) She brought ________ the orphan child as her own son. (in, up, on)
6. a) ______ his poverty, Ravi completed his MBBS. (for the sake of, in place of, inspite of)
b) They'll be very small _____ me, my dear. (for, to, with)

DCEB, Guntur 26 X - Class ENGLISH

7. a) Bhagat Singh died _______ India's freedom. (for the sake of, in addition to, infront of)
b) Sarada came first ________ the music competition. (on, over, in)
8. a) Ther is a big neem tree _____ my house. (instead of, in front of, in case of)
b) Sindhu is dedicated _______ her job. ( in, to, of)
9. a) You should wear socks _______ shoes. (in addition to, in front of, a head of)
b) SriRam was always arguing ______ his brother. (to, at, with)
10. a) Victoria dressed _______ her mother's instructions. (according to, by way of, instead of)
b) For me, my greatest activity is ______ plant a tree. (to, on, at)
11. a) Sheela went to her house ________ the bank. (according to, in front of, by way of)
b) People started to shout _____ the driver. (on, at , of)
12. a) ______ my promise, I lent him Rs. 40,000/- (in accordance with, by way of, in addition to)
b) The accident sadly resulted _______ the death of a man. (from, in, at)
13 a) They arrived late _____ the storm. (instead of, because of, a head of)
b) Ramani is ashamed ______ her failure. (of , with, at)
14. a) Police will take action against him __________ law. (according to, a past from, because of)
b) A.P.J.Kalam belonged ______ a middle class family. (to, at , with)
15. a) Vanitha missed her school bus ___ her slow walking. (according to, because of, instead of)
b) Ben applied ______ the manager for a leave of 5 days. (of, for to)
ANSWERS - 10th ENGLISH - PAPER - I : Q.No. 26
1. a) on account of b) from
2. a) a part b) among
3. a) by means of b) for
4. a) along with b) at
5. a) incase of b) up
6. a) inspite of b) for
7. a) fir the sake of b) in
8. a) infront of b) to
9. a) in addition to b) with

DCEB, Guntur 27 X - Class ENGLISH

10. a) according to b) to
11. a) by way of b) at
12. a) in accordance with b) in
13. a) because of b) of
14. a) according to b) to
15. a) because of b) to
10th ENGLISH - PAPER - I : Q.No. 27
Tense means time. The tense of the verb indicate the time of its occurrence. It is better to
know the uses of tenses when you write the question No. 27. ie Forms of Verbs.
Simple Present Tense : V1 form and present 'Be' forms.
a) It indicates a habitual action.
Ex: He drinks coffee every morning.
b) To express universal truth.
Ex: a) The Sun rises in the east. b) Hone is sweet.
c) In exclamatory sentences, beginning with here & there.
Ex: Here comes the bus !
d) To express future event.
Ex: The next flight is at 7 a.m tomorrow.
e) To introduce 'Quotations'
Ex: Keats says 'A thing of beauty is jou for ever.'
Present Continuous Tense :
a) On going actions.
Ex: The boys are playing cricket now.
b) For an action that has already been arranged.
Ex: I am giving to the movie tonight.
Ex: My uncle is arriving tomorrow.
Present Perfect Tense :
a) To indicate completed activities in the immediate. (wiht just)

DCEB, Guntur 28 X - Class ENGLISH

Ex: He has just gone out.
b) To indicate an already completed action.
Ex: I have already paid the bill.
c) To denote an action begging at sometime in the apst and continuing up to the present.
Ex: Ramu has been ill since last work.
d) It indicates an actin not yet happened.
Ex: The news paper has not yet come.
e) Has / have / been + to indicates a visit.
Ex: I have been to Kasmir once.
Present perfect Continuous Tense :
Indicates an action that started in the past and still is goin on.
Ex: I have been working in this school since 2012.
Simple Past Tense :
a) To indicates an action completed in the past.
Ex: Sneha left the school last year.
b) It is also used for past habits.
Ex: She always carried an unbrella.
Past Continuous Tense :
a) It indicates an action that was goin on at a certain time in the past.
Ex: When I came, he was reading a novel.
b) The cojunction 'while' preceeds past continuous tense.
Ex: While we were discussing the issue, many new ideas came up.
Past Perfect Tense :
a) An action that took place before another past action.
Ex: I had done my homework before I went to bed.
b) When simple past and past perfect are joined by the conjunctions before, after, when adn by
the time, the following sequence is maintained.
1. Before and by the time preceed simple past.
2. After proceeds past perfect.

DCEB, Guntur 29 X - Class ENGLISH

3. When proceedes either.
Examples :
1. Before I reached the station, the train had left.
2. By the time I reached the station, the train had left.
3. After the train had left, I reached the station.
c) Past perfect tense is used to report a past action.
Ex: 1) He said that he had paid the bill.
2) Ratna said that she had seen the movie 'Bahubali.'
Q.No. 27 : Forms of verb. 4x 2 =2

Syllabus reference : Unit - 2 & Unit - 4

1. a) Hari _____ (completed) his homework before he went to bed.
b) The doctor arrived after the patient _____ die.
c) If you left for Vizag tomorrow, when _____ (will) you return ?
d) My grand mother ______ (see) the cahrminar year ago.
2. a) Finally we reached Dirang. The bus from Tiwang ____ (reach) yet.
b) Murthy never ate 'haleem' before he _______ (visit) Hyderabad.
c) I never _______ (meet) him after I left India.
d) The narrator saw the road, that _____ (come) by looked like a giant motion less rope.
3. a) When Rohini reached the class , the teacher ____ (start) the lesson.
b) While Rukmini _____ (sing), Nalini ______ (dance)
c) My father ______ (read) the news paper every day.
d) I _____ (leave) for Hyderabad tonight.
4. As all the actors _______ (take) their positions the curtain _____ (rise). They ____ (start)
acting, as the director _______ (ask) them to do.
5. "Do you know Mrs. Geetha" ? alsed Ramya. Yes, I do . I _______ (know) her for nearly 4
years. It ____ (be) at a high school that I first ______ (see) her in 2009. I _____ (work) with
her for several years.
6. a) The narrator's father's feet ____ (develop) cracks and some how _____ resemble those of
an elephant.
b) Suma ____ (cut) her finger when she was cutting vegetables.

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c) Have you ____ (see) my diary, today ?
d) Ajith ____ go to Chennai last week.
7. a) What ______ (happen) when you started working with the woman ?
b) If I _____ (do) anything worng, I'm sure I'm sorry for it.
c) The narrator finally _____ (decide) to go.
d) Savithri _______ (give) a song sequence in the film 'Pathala Bhairavi'.
8. a) If I were the Primeminister, I ______ (provide) for free education at all levels.
b) I _____ (think) of discussing my proposal wiht you, sir.
c) The manager asked the clerk what the time _____ (is)
d) India ______ (have) a rich cultural heritage.
9. a) The electrician ______ (restore) the power before the audience left.
b) The CM ______ (leave) for Delhi last month.
c) Anil _______ (not come) yet.
d) We ______ (live) in our ancestral house which was built in the middle of the 4th century.
10. a) I ______ (loose) my pen yesterday.
b) Raju _____ (write) three exams this week.
c) _____ (has) you done your homework ?
d) He ______ (come) when I was cooking.
11. a) When we reached the station, the train _______ (not come) yet.
b) I ______ the film 'Bahubali' last year.
c) Ramu _____ (cut) his finger and it is bleeding now.
d) The fightened soldiers _______ (flee).
12. a) It's time my friend ______ (make) a phone call time.
b) I _______ (give) him the can of wine just now.
c) He _____ (live) in Nellore for 10 years.
d) It ______ (rain) . The ground is wet.
ANSWERS - 10 the ENGLISH : Q.No. 27
1. a) had completed b) had died c) would d) saw
2. a) had not reached b) visited c) met d) had come

DCEB, Guntur 31 X - Class ENGLISH

' 3. a) had already started b) was singing, dancede c) reads
d) am leaving
4. a) had taken b) rose c) started d) had asked
5. a) have known b) was c) saw d) have worked
6. a) had developed b) cut c) seen d) went
7. a) happened b) have done c) decided d) was given
8. a) would provide b) thought c) was d) has
9. a) restored b) left c) has not come d) lived
10. a) lost b) has written c) have d) came
11. a) had not yet came b) saw c) has cut d) fled
12. a) made b) have given c) has lived d) has rained
10th ENGLISH - PAPER - I : Q.No. 28
Articles ('a / an' and 'the')
 a /an is used before countable singular nouns.
 The difference between 'a' and 'an' :
- 'an is used before countable singular nouns starting with vowel sounds.
Ex: An apple, an hour, an honest man, an M.L.A, an umbrella.
 The uses of a / an :
i) Used before indefinite (unknown / firstly mentioned) countable singular nous.
Ex: There is an old man at the gate.
ii) Used in the sense of 'one', certain (some), 'any' and 'per'.
Ex: He bought a house.
A boy has come for you.
A cow is a useful animal.
She bought onions at Rs. 200 a kilo.
 The uses of 'the' :
i) Used before definite singular nouns.
Ex: please give me the book in your hands.

DCEB, Guntur 32 X - Class ENGLISH

ii) Used before the names fo oceans, seas, rivers, deserts, bays, gulfs, group of islands,
chain of mountains, famous hotels, famous books, historical monuments, famous
abbrevations and before superlative adjectives.
iii) Used before double comparitives
iv) Used before adjectives to make them into common nouns.
Ex: the pacific, the Arabbian, The Godavari, The Thar, The Arabian gulf, The Bay fo
Bengal, the Andamans, the Himalayas, The Guitar, The Moon, The Bible, The Hamlet,
The Tajmahal, The Mourya Sheritan, The Indian Express, The UNO, The Greatest.
The more you earn the more you want.
The rich should help the poor.
 The Omission of Article :
 Article is not used before proper nouns, Abstract nous, natural nouns, the names of
public places, the names of relations, food items, game, diseases, sports, seasons, days,
months, languages.
When they are used in their primary sense.
The following are the cases where 'the' is not used in the pimary sense. (In a special or
partcular sense, 'the' is used before them.)
a) Before proper nouns (Rama, Sita, Mohan, Ramya, India, Ongole, Gandhi Nagar etc.)
b) Before abstract nouns and material nouns (honesty, beauty, poetry, iron, gold etc.)
c) Before the words 'man, woman, society, heaven and hell'.
d) Before the names of diseases, games and sports, seasons, days, months. (fever, cricket,summer,
April etc.)
e) Before the words 'church, jail, prison, school, college, market, hospital, office, university,temple,
mosque, bank, home and nursing home.
f) Before plural nouns (books, people, villages, pens etc.)
g) Before the words referring to relations. (mother, father, brother, sister, aunt etc.)
h) Before the names of languages. (Telugu, English, Hindi, Tamil, French etc.)
i) In certain expressions or phrases ( catch fire, send word, set sail, set foot, at home, inhand, in
debt, by car, at night, on demand, on earth, on foot, etc.
Fill in the blanks with suitable articles : (Mark the omission of the article with 'x' mark.)
1. 'Can I ask ___ question ?' __ question will be single.
2. Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to __ city centre ?
Yes, go straight and then take - next left turning

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3. Winter season is ___ best sason in ____ Delhi.
4. ____ sky is blue andit is sunny most of _____ time.
5. I have _____ horse of my own I call her ____ pretty girl.
6. Nick won ____ Australian young citizen of the year award for his bravery and ____ preserverance.
7. Move _____ books off that chair and sit down ____ books are expensive.
8. ____ life is complicated. I am studying _____ life of Nepolean.
9. One day ____ partially deaf four year kid came home with ___ note in his pocket from his
10. "Your Tommy is too stupid to learn , get him out of ____ school." His mother read ____ note
and answered.
11. Henry Ford forgot to put ____ reverse gear in ____ first car he made.
12. IIT entrance results came. He had passed with ______ high rank.
13. ______ flowers really brighten up a room and ____ flowers you brought me are lovely.
14. _____ dog which chased postman is ____ pet dog.
15. ____ Chief Minister and ____ Chief Secretary are visiting in this town.
16. ____ birds are flying under ___ blue sky.
17. _____ countries around ____ mediterranean have temperate climate.
18. Who is in ____ cowshed ? It is _____ cowboy.
19. ____ queen Elizabeth ruled over ___ England for a long time.
20. ____ Mount Everest is one of ___ highest mountain peaks of world.
21. Everyday I go to ____ temple to pray . Today I went to ___temple to meet the priest.
22. He was admitted in hospital after ____ accident. The social workers are distributing food among
____ patients in the hospital.
23. ____ government passed ____ order.
24. He has got ___ little money. But ___ little money he has been given by his brother.
25. I waited for him for ____ hour and ____ half.
ANSWERS - 10th ENLISH - PAPER - I : Q.No. 28
1. a, the 11. the, the 21. x, the
2. the, the 12. the, a 22. an, the
3. the, x 13. x, the 23. the, an

DCEB, Guntur 34 X - Class ENGLISH

4. the, the 14. the, a 24. a, the
5. a, x 15. the, the 25. an, a
6. the, x 16. x, the
7. the, x 17. the, the
8. x, the 18. the, the
9. a, a 19. the, x
10. the, the 20. x, the
10th ENGLISH - PAPER - I : Q.No. 29
Q.No. 29. It's time / It's high time / It's about time + subject + V2
The structure expresses delay in the action to be done.
Exercises :
1. Kamala goes to college by 9 am everyday. Now it is already 9:10 am. She has not yet satrted.
Tell her that she is late and to start using 'It's time.'
2. Suresh and Naresh are classmates. They did their graduation. Naresh got a degree. It has been
five years since Naresh got his degree. Suresh is still without a job. So advise Suresh look for
job using It's high time.
3. The guest will come by 1 p.m. It is 12.30 pm. still the lunch has not been prepared. Ask your
mother to finish it using It's about time.
4. School anniversay programme is scheduled to take place on 15th of this month. Today is already
12. But the invitation cards have not yet been distributed. So advice the school staff to do it
immediately using "It's time".
5. You are studying in 9th class. Your friend Gopal is still unable to read English text book properly.
So you ask your friend to practise seriously using the phrase 'It's hgh time."
6. You have an important function to attend 20th ofthis month. So you gave a tailor new cloth for
stitching a new dress. It is not yet ready. So express to much delay in action using "It's high tme."
7. The sanitary conditions in your street are in very bad condition. The gutters are blocked and
omitting bad smell and there are mosquitoes too. The conditions are becoming worse. So you
advice your panchayat Sarpanch to get the gutters / drainage can also cleared immediately using
It's high time."
8. On a festival day your mother has been working since morning serving different dishes to the
guests. It's 2 pm. your mother has not eaten anything. So advise her to eat something using "It's
high time."
9. Your grandfather is coughing very badly during nights everyday. Advise your father to take him
to doctor using the phrase. "It's about time".

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10. The long bell has to be rung by 4.45 pm. It is 5 pm. already. The bell has not been rung by the
attender. Thinking yourself to be the Headmaster ask the attender to ring the bell using the
structure "It's high time."
11. The road leading to your school has been badly damaged. It is full ofditches. It needs immediate
reapair. Ask your local R&B officer to get the road repaired using "It's high time."
12. Your brother has been coughing severely for a week. you think he needs to consult a doctor
immediately. so advice your brother to meet a doctor, using the phrase "It's high time".
13. The prices of essential commodities are shooting up. Even middle - class people are also not
able to afford them. You think it is urgently needed that Government take immediate steps to
curb the prices. How do you express this idea using "It's high time".
14. The final exams are scheduled to be conducted in the month of March. It is already the end of
January. But your friend Rajesh has not yet begun preparation. You think It is late on his part.
How do you ask him to satrt his preparation using the phrase - "It's high time".
15. You have borrowed a book from your school library. You are supposed to return it within a
month. But it has already been two months since you borrowed it. How do you express your
idea of returning the book using the phrase "It's high time".
ANSWERS - 10th ENGLISH - PAPER - I : Q. No. 29
1. It's time Kamala started for college.
2. Suresh, it's high time you looked for a job.
3. Ma, It's about time you finished cooking lunch.
4. It's time you distributed the invitation cards.
5. Gopal ,it's high time you practised seriously reading.
6. It's high time you stitched my dress.
7. It's high time you got the drainage canals cleaned.
8. Ma, It's high time you ate something.
9. It's about time you took grandpa to hospital.
10. It's high time you rang the long bell.
11. It's high time you got the road repaired.
12. It's about time you consulted a doctor.
13. It's high tome the Government curbed the prices of essential commodities.
14. Rajesh, it is high time you started your preparation for the examination.
15. It's high time I returned the book to library.

DCEB, Guntur 36 X - Class ENGLISH

10th ENGLISH - PAPER - I : Q.No. 30
Q.No. 30 :
Some important ways of making advice
1. It's already evening; you had better leave for home.
(Subject + had better + V1)
2. You should / ought not to use mobiles too much.
(Subject + should / ought to + V1)
3. It's high time you started your preparation.
(It's high time + Subject + V2)
4. If I were you I would not behave like this.
(If I were you + subject + would + V1 / would not)
Exercises :
1. Your friend isnot studying well.
Advise him to concentrate on studeis.
2. Your sister has not completed her homework.
Advise her to complete it.
3. Your uncle is very old. He wants to travel alone.
Advise him to take someone along with him.
4. Your friend is not serious about his / her studies.
Advise him / her to take it seriously.
5. Your friend wants to have a good physique.
Advise him to join a gym.
6. Your friend wounded .
Advise him / her to see a doctor.
7. Your brother has stolen some money from the house.
Advise him not to do so.
8. Your grandma is not taking medicines regularly.
Advise her to take medicines regularly.
9. Your sister is watching too many T.V. serials.
Advise her not to do so.
DCEB, Guntur 37 X - Class ENGLISH
10. Your brother is always playing mobile games.
Advise him not to play.
11. Your friend is very poor about current affairs.
Advise him / her to read newspaper daily.
12. Your classmate is putting on too much weight.
Advise him / her to do exercises regularly.
13. Your brother is getting pass mark in mathematics.
Advise him to put more effort in mathematics.
14. Your friend has been evading to help his old father.
Advise them to be humane.
15. Your neighbours are often making two much noise.
Advise them to quiet.
16. Your uncle is bed ridden. He tries to do everything for himself.
Advise him to takethe help of others.
17. Your brother is waking up till midnight.
Advise him not to dot like that.
18. Your friend is making many spelling mistakes in his / her writing.
Advise him / her to practise spellings.
19. Your brother is always asking you meanings for the words in his text books.
Advise him to refer to a good dictionary.
20. Your benchmate is often wearing unwashed socks wich are causing so much inconvenience to
you. So advise him to get the socks washed regularly.
21. Your classmate is calling you by nickname.
Advise him / her not to do so.
22. Your friend is often caught sleeping in the classroom.
Advise him / her to take enough rest at home.
23. Your friend often comes late to school.
Advise him / her to be punctual.
24. Your friends eat fast foods every day.
Advise them to eat healthy food.

DCEB, Guntur 38 X - Class ENGLISH

ANSWERS - 10th ENGLISH - PAPER - I : Q. No. 30
1. You should concentrate on your studies.
2. I think, you ought to complete your homework.
3. (I think) you had better take someone along with you (or) You had better not travel alone.
4. You should take your studies seriously.
5. You had better join a gym for a good physique.
6. You should see a doctor.
7. You should not do such things. (or) You should / ought not to steal things.
8. You should take medicines regularly.
9. You should not watch serials.
10. You had bette stop playing mobile games.
11. You had better read newspapers daily to improve your general knowledge.
12. You should do exercises regularly to lose weight.
13. You should put more effort in Mathematics.
14. You should be more humane and help your old father.
15. I think you had better be quiet. (or) You had better not make much noise.
16. I think you should take the help of others.
17. You should not wake up till midnight.
18. You should practise spellings.
19. You had better refer to a good dictionary.
20. Why don't you wash your socks regularly ? (or) You should wash your socks regularly.
21. You ought not to / should not call others by nicknames.
22. You had better take enough rest at home.
23. You ought to be / should be punctual to shcool.
24. You should not eat fast foods.
10th ENGLISH - PAPER - I : Q.No. 31
Polite Requests
 different ways of making requests politefully :
- Can you please give me a glass of water ?

DCEB, Guntur 39 X - Class ENGLISH

- Could you please grant me leave for two days ?
- Would you please explain the last line of the poem ?
- Will you please make room for my scooter ?
- Would you mind accompanying me to my home ?
- It is already dark and I am very much scared.
 Exercises :
Change the following into polite requests.
1. You to your friend : Come with me to college.
2. A stranger to you : Tell me the address of my friend.
3. You to your brother : Light a candle for me because I am taking bath and lights went out suddenly.
4. You to your brother : Leave my alone. I am upset.
5. You to a stranger in a queue : Move on.
6. You to your teacher : I want to go out.
7. You to a bookseller : show me the books on the top shelf.
8. You to your sister : Help me to comb my long hair. I can't do it on my own.
9. You to your friend : I have an examination tomorrow don't disturb me.
10. You to a stranger in a running bus : Hold my hand. I want to get in.
11. You to a motorist : Give me a lift to my school.
12. You to a guide in a temple : Describe the history behind this temple.
13. You to your servant : Clean my room.
14. You to your teacher : Give me your book. I want to see it.
15. You to a waiter in a hotel : What are the dishes available in the hotel.
16. You to stranger at a theatre : Bring one ticket. I am with my family.
17. You to your students : Help me carry these books to staff room.
18. A student to teacher : Take special classes for us, we are weak in English.
19. A student to another student : Lend me your class notes tonight.
20. Teacher to Head master : I want to leave a little earlier today as I have some urgent work.
21. You to a shopkeeper : What is the price of a kilogram of onions ?
22. You t oa servant maid : I want to have another plate of puri.

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23. You to your father : I want money to go on a study tour.
24. You to your neighbour : Reduce your T.V. volume.
25. You to a meeting organiser : I want to speak for a minute.
ANSWERS - 10th ENGLISH - PAPER - I : Q. No. 31
1. Can you please come along with me to college.
2. Will you please tell me how to find out this address of my friend ?
3. Can you light a candle for me. I am taking bath and power went off.
4. Could you please leave me alone.
5. Could you please / will you please move on ?
6. May I go out, teacher ?
7. Could you please show me the books on the top shelf.
8. Can you help me comb my hair. I can't do it myself ad it is very long.
9. Please don't distrub me. I have an exam tomorrow.
10. Will / can you please hold my hand ?
11. Would you mind giving me lift to my school ?
12. Could you please describe the history behind this temple ?
13. Can you / will you sweep / clean my room ?
14. Would you please give me your book Sir / Madam ? I would like to see it once. (or)
Would you mind giving me your book sir / madam ?
15. Will / can you (please) tell me what dishes are available in the hotel ?
16. Would you mind helping me buy a ticket for me too as I am with my family ? (or)
Could you please help me buy a ticket for me as I am with my family ?
17. Will you help me carry these books to staff room.
18. Could you please take special classes for us as we are weak in English ?
19. Can you lend me your class note for tonight ?
20. May I leave a little earlier today sir ? I have some urgent work.
21. Can I know what the price of a kilogram of onions is ?
22. Can I have another plate of puri ?
23. Dad, please give me money to go on a study tour.

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24. Could you please reduce your T.V. volume ? (or) Would you mind reducing your T.V. volume?
25. Could you please permit me to speak for a minute ? (or)
May I speak for a minute ?
10th ENGLISH - PAPER - I : Q.No. 32
Q.No. 32 : What do the following sentences mean ?
Choose the correct answer and write it in your anser book :
1. Would you mind waiting for me for an hour ?
A) Making request B) Suggestion
C) Taking request D) Giving advise
2. May I switch on the fan ?
A) Making request B) Taking permission
C) Asking a question D) Making enquiry
3. Yes, You can go now.
A) Expressing ability B) Making a statement
C) Giving permission D) Offering help
4. Can I carry the bag for you ?
A) Expressing ability B) Asking a question
C) Taking permission D) Offering help
5. Would you like to have dinner with us ?
A) Invitation B) Asking a question
C) Taking permission D) Giving suggestion
6. What shall I do after tenth class ?
A) Asking for a suggestion B) Giving suggestion
C) Expressing futurity D) Asking a question
7. Let's have a cup of coffee.
A) Giving an offer B) Giving a suggestion
C) Making an announcement D) Making a statement

DCEB, Guntur 42 X - Class ENGLISH

8. What about cultivating blackgram :
A) Asking a question B) Making an enquiry
C) Giving a suggestion D) Giving an order
9. We may visit our uncle's house this summer.
A) Expressing an opinion B) Expressing possibility
C) Making a statement D) Expressing futurity
10. I can't help you.
A) Expressing inability B) Making a statement
C) Expressing ability D) Threatening
11. She can speak five languages :
A) Expressing ability B) Expressing possibility
C) Making a statement D) Givng suggestion
12. Carelessness can cause dangerous accidents
A) Expressing ability B) Expressing probability
C) Threatening D) Making suggestion
13. The speaker was stubborn. You had better not ask him any question.
A) Order B) Giving advise
C) Suggestion D) Making request
14. All the valuable things in my house have been burgled. I must inform the police.
A) Obligation B) Expressing a need
C) Probability D) Order
15. You will need to reduce your expenditure
A) Obligation B) Order
C) Necessity D) Ability
16. You must not sing so loudly. All are asleep
A) Order B) Negative obligation
C) Probability D) Making a statement

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17. You haven't got to attend the meeting as the meeting has been cancelled.
A) Absent for obligation B) Order
C) Obligation D) Probability
18. It can't be an aeroplane. It must be a helicopter.
A) Ability B) Probability
C) Deduction D) Obligation
19. He will have finished his supper.
A) Assumption B) Futurity
C) Deduction D) Confirmation
20. I used to smoke cigarettes
A) Expressional discontinued habit B) Description
C) Necessity D) Possibility
21. I will win
A) Determination B) Futurity
C) Necessity D) Assumption
22. All the candidates shall be in the examination hall by 9 am.
A) Futurity B) Official instruction
C) Necessity D) Request
23. Don't talk loudly
A) Statement B) Order
C) Suggestion D) Advice
24. I beg your pardon
A) Request B) Command
C) Apologizing D) Thanking
25. I am extremely obliged to you
A) Apologizing B) Thanking
C) Order D) Statement.

DCEB, Guntur 44 X - Class ENGLISH

ANSWERS - 10th ENGLISH - PAPER - I : Q. No. 32
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) A 6) A 7) B 8) C 9) B 10) A
11) A 12) B 13) B 14) A 15) C 16) C 17) A 18) C 19) A 20) A
21) A 22) B 23) B 24) C 25) B
10th ENGLISH - PAPER - I : Q.No. 35
Q.No. 35 : Read the following passages carefully focussing on the underlined parts and frame
WH qustions to get the underlined parts in the passages as answers.
1. He became a pioneer of Inda's software Industry (A) and started at the information technology
wave. Today he has become an icon fo simplicity, un compromising quality and fairness (B)
apart from being philanthropist. He really believes in the motto powered by intellect and driven
by vaues (C). He is none other than Naga vara Rama Rao Narayana Murthy (D). The founder
of Infosys (E), a leading IT company in the world.
2. On the afternoon of that day, a potter had arrived home after a hard day's work. He was tired
and thirsty (A). He had asked his wife for some palm - wine (B). The more he drank, the better
he felt. When he had drunk all the wine he no longer felt tired. When the storm began, the potter
suddenly remembered that he had left his donkey tied under a tree (C). He rushed out of his hut
to take the animal into the stable (D). You can imagine his anger when he discovered that the
donkey was not there any more (E) the only thing left was its chain !
3. When they passed a young tree, the potter (A) grabbed a branch. But the horse did not stop.
Instead the tree was pulled out of the ground. A sentry from the enemy camp saw the potter
galloping towards the camp (B) with a tree in one hand and his reins in the other (C). "That must
be the general who captured a tiger with his bave hands, he thought. The Tiger General is coming
at the head of a large army to attack us (D). He has the strength of a giant ! He has uprooted a
tree with one hand (E)
4. Dawn broke, but the search for the certificates (A) among the files in the attic (B) had not ended.
Now the wife asked every one she met - she asked the trees - the ant hills - the pond - the
school (C). Where she had studied - the college. After all the shouting and wailing, she met a
friend (D) - and succeeded in receiving her name (E).
5. Savitri gets totally involoved (A) in what ever role she plays, "Chivaraku Migiledi" is one film.
She played the role of a nurse in a Psychiatry ward (B) in a Particular scene the nurse (C) has a
nervous breakdown and cries un controllable. The shot was over. Cut, the director said, but
Savitri who played the role could not stop crying (D). Everyone in the set had to run to her and
pacify her (E).
6. Mr. Sunday Nana stopped frowning troubled look on his face (A). "In the last five years, 13
people have died in this village, my own elder brother one of them. Lots of our children are sick.
We have asked the government to take the drums away (B) but they do nothing. We have
written to Italy, but they do nothing. The chief says we should move our houses to another place
(C). But we have no money to buy land. We have no choice. We have to stay here (D). "And
they" - pointing to the mountain of death (E) in the clearing " are our neighbours."

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7. India, a country of many ethnic groups (A) is a land of myriad languages, a variable babel of
tongues and numerous modes of apparel. For the most part, the continental dimensions of the
country (B) account for these variations and diversities. Besides there are several religions, sects
and beliefs (C). But there are certain common links and uniting bonds (D) that people have
sought to develop in order to achieve the eminently desirable goal of unity amidst diversity (E).
8. India has a rich cultural heritage. We are inheritors of several grand treasures in the fields of
music, fine arts, dance, drama, theatre and sculpture (A). Our sages and seers have left behind
a tradition piety, penance, spiritual greatness, conquest of passion (B) etc. Our scriptures are the
storehouses of spiritual wisdom (C). Our saints aspired to the realisation of the infinite (D). We
have inherited great spiritual values (E) contrasted with which the materialistic progress of the
west appears insignificant.
ANSWERS - 10th ENGLISH - PAPER - I : Q. No. 35
1. A) What was he a pioneer of ?
B) What has he become a symbol of ?
C) What was the motto he believed in ?
D) Who was the pioneer of India's Software Industry ?
E) What is the name of the IT Company established by him ?
2. A) How was the potter ?
B) What did he ask his wife for ?
C) What did the potter suddenly remember ?
D) Why did the potter rush out of his hut ?
E) What did the potter discover ?
3. A) Who is referred to as the Tiger - General or the 'giant' in the passage ?
B) What did the sentry of the enemy camp see ?
C) How was the potter galloping ?
D) Why was the Tiger General coming leading a large army ?
E) How can you say that he has the strength of a giant ?
4. A) What had not ended ?
B) Where did she search for certificates ?
C) Who did she ask for her name ?
D) Who did she meet ?
E) What did she succeed in ?

DCEB, Guntur 46 X - Class ENGLISH

5. A) How did Savitri play he roles ?
B) What role did Savitri play in the film 'Chivaraku Migiledi' ?
C) Who had a nervous break down ?
D) What could she not stop ?
E) Why did every one in the set have to run to her ?
6. A) How was Sunday Nana ?
B) What did they ask the government ?
C) What did the Chief say ?
D) What choice did they have ?
E) Who were their neighbours ?
7. A) What kind of country is India ?
B) What are responsible for the diversities in India ?
C) What religious variations are there among the people of India ?
D) What are the factors that unify the people of India despite the diversities ?
E) Why should people develop certain common links and bonds ?
8. A) What are the Indians inheritors of ?
B) What did our sages and seers leave behind us ?
C) What are the scriptures storehouses of ?
D) What did our saints wish to achieve ?
E) What have we "inherited" ?

DCEB, Guntur 47 X - Class ENGLISH

Q. No. 16. X English paper - II
Q. 16. Read the paragraph and write the synonyms of the underlined words choosing from the
words given in the box. 4x½=2
1. achieve, power, tough, jerk, victory, cause
'I felt there was no purpose (a) when you lack purpose and strength (b). It is hard (c) to
hold on', he said. But with the help of his religion, friends and family, Nick managed to pull
through to become an international symbol of triumph (d) over adversity.
2. totally, strong, beautiful, decided, scared, wonderful
'She was amazing (a)', said Nick. 'She taught me how to surf and I was terrified (b) at first,
but, but once I got up there it felt absolutely (c) fantastic and I caught some waves pretty
(d) well'.
3. quickly, trival things, fortunate, possess, understand, almost
Mrs. Slater : In the kitchen; but you want a new pair, those old ones are nearly (a) worn
out. (Nearly breaking down) You don't seem to realize (b) what it's costing me to bear up
like I am doing. My heart's fit to break when I see the little trifles (c) that belonged to father
lying around, and think he'll never use them again. (Briskly). Here ! You'd better wear
these slippers of my father's now. It's lucky (d) he'd just got a new pair.
4. plate, totally, completed, piece
Slater : And when we'd finished (a) dinner I thought take up a bit (b) of something on a
tray. He was lying there for all the world as if he was aleep, so I put the tray (c) down on the
bureau-(correcting herself) on the chest of drawers - and went to waken him. (A paues) He
was quite (d) cold.
5. instant, craving, instantly, movement, calm, carefully
Father was quite (a) for some time. He thoughtfully (b) looked at the sun for a moment; (c)
and then his eyes fell on the can of the home-made wine that I was carrying. Wetting his lips
with his tongue he said in a matter-of-fact manner, 'I am thirsty (d).
6. standstill, concurrently, comfortable, began, slowly, huge
I saw my father gradually (a) receding into the distance. I saw that the road we had come by
looked like a gaint (b) motionless rope. Father would use the same road to got back home.
Simultaneously (c) our journeys started in two opposite directions, with me seated in the
luxurious (d) seat of a bus and father walking back with weary legs on the pebble strewn
7. name, leader, complaint, scarcity, intuitionally, certify
Reberge does not endorse (a) the accusation (b) of Ray's detractors that the master director
made his reputation (c) selling Inida's poverty (d) to the West.

DCEB, Guntur 48 X - Class ENGLISH

8. clever, showing, huge, lovingly, prod, restrained
It was a very quite friendship that developed over the years. Manikda [as Ray was
affectionately (a) called by his friends] was a shy person and always very discreet (b)
about displaying (c) his emotions, said Roberge. Though to outsiders, Ray's massive (d)
stature-physical and intellectual-might have made him come across as cold, aloof and even
9. Forms, alter, because, frequent, basis, scarcity
The forested mountains were the source (a) of water and the source of rain, so when you
deforest you cause a shortage (b) of water and a change (c) of rainfall patterns (d) and
therefore people are not able to get food and water.
10. Duty, instantly, evidently, recover, hardly, saving
We gave them eductaion both in civils and also in environment. That made them understand
clearly (a) why they should take up the responsibility of protecting (b) their environment-
that it was not the responsibility (c) of the government or the reponsibility of somebody
else to come and rehabilitate (d) their environment on thier own land. It's them; it's their
11. Disparity, blowout, particular, sharply, blameless, called
After school, we went home and told our respective (a) parents about the incident. Lashmana
Sastry summoned (b) the teacher,and in our presence, told, the teacher that he should not
spread the poision of social inequality (c) and communal intolerance in the minds of innocent
(d) children
12. Dissident, interesting, honest, conventional, separation, firm
On the whole, the small society of Rameswaram was very rigid (a) in terms of the segregation
(b) of different social groups. However, my science teacher Sivasubramania Iyer, though
an orthodox (c) Brahmin with a very conservative wife, was something of a rebel (d).
Anwers - English Paper - II - Q.No. 16
1 a cause b power c tough d victory
2 a wonderful b scared c totally d beautiful
3 a almost b understand c trivial things d fortunate
4 a completed b piece c plate d totally
5 a calm b carefully c instant d craving
6 a slowly b huge c concurrently d comfortable
7 a certify b complaint c name d scarcity
8 a lovingly b restrained c showing d huge
9 a basis b scarcity c alter d forms
10 a evidently b saving c duty d recover
11 a particular b called c disparity d blameless
12 a firm b separation c conventional d dissident

DCEB, Guntur 49 X - Class ENGLISH

Q. 17. Read the paragraph and match the words under 'A' with their antonyms under 'B'.
(Write your answers and their corresponding numbers in the answer book.) 4 x ½ = 2
1. Water sports aren't Nick's only thing - he also plays golf with a club tucked under his chin,
and is a huge (a) fan of the English Premier League. His parents decided not to send him to
a special (b) school - a decision he said was very hard (c) for him, but which may have
been the best (d) decision they could have made for him.
a. Huge ( ) 1. Ordinary
b. Special ( ) 2. Above
c. Hard ( ) 3. Worst
d. Best ( ) 4. Small
5. Easy
6. Humble
Ans : a - 4, b - 1, c - 5, d - 3
2. His disability (a) came without any medical explanation - a rare (b) occurrence called
Phocomelia - and Nick and his parents spent many years asking why this cruel (c) trick
would happen to them. 'My mother was a nurse and she did everything right during pregnancy
but she still blamed (d) herself', he said.
a. Disability ( ) 1. Kind
b. Rare ( ) 2. Humble
c. Cruel ( ) 3. Ability
d. Blamed ( ) 4. Tidy
5. Praised
6. Common
Ans : a - 3, b - 6, c - 1, d - 5
3. Mrs. Slater : In the kitchen; but you want a new (a) pair, those old ones are nearly worn
out. (Nearly breaking down) You don't seem to realize what it's costing me to bear up like
I am doing. My heart's fit (b) to break when I see the little trifles that belonged to father
lying around, and think he'll never (c) use them again. (Briskly) Here! You'd better wear
these slippers of my father's now. It's lucky (d) he'd just got a new pair.
a. New ( ) 1. Always
b. Fit ( ) 2. Old
c. Never ( ) 3. Unlucky
d. Lucky ( ) 4. Unfit
5. Lost
6. Achieved
Ans : a - 2, b - 4, c - 1, d - 3

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4. Mrs. Slater : And when we'd finished (a) dinner I tought I'd take up a bit of something on
a tray. He was lying there for the entire (b) world as if he was a sleep (c), so I put the tray
down on the bureau-(correcting herself) on the chest of drawers - and went to waken him.
(A pause) He was quite cold (d).
a. Finished ( ) 1. Partial
b. Entire ( ) 2. Awake
c. Asleep ( ) 3. Proud
d. Cold ( ) 4. Natural
5. Began
6. Warm
Ans : a - 5, b - 1, c - 2, d - 6
5. He then arranged the belt that was attached (a) to the trunk carefully (b) on his forehead.
So, this was the picture: my father carrying my luggage on his back (c) and me following
him with a tiny (d) bag in my hand.
a. Attached ( ) 1. Front
b. Carefully ( ) 2. Big
c. Back ( ) 3. Able
d. Tiny ( ) 4. Carelessly
5. Tidy
6. Detached
Ans : a - 6, b - 4, c - 1, d - 2
6. We rested at two places on the way and had our tiffin but we hardly (a) talked. Finally, we
reached Dirang. The bus from Tawang had not yet reached Dirang and so we had some
time in hand. We entered (b) a tea shop and sat facing ecah other. Father appeared tired.
(c) I felt sorry (d) for him but couldn't bring myself to say anything.
a. Hardly ( ) 1. Exited
b. Entered ( ) 2. Completely
c. Tired ( ) 3. Pleased
d. Sorry ( ) 4. Active
5. Honest
6. Quiet
Ans : a - 2, b - 1, c - 4, d - 3

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7. It was a very quiet (a) friendship that developed over the years. Manikda [as Ray was
affectionately calld by his friends] was a shy (b) person and always very discreet about
displaying his emotions, said Roberge. Though to outsiders, Ray's massive (c) stature
physical and intellectual - might have made him come across as cold, aloof (d) and even
a. Quiet ( ) 1. Bold
b. Shy ( ) 2. Noisy
c. Massive ( ) 3. Friendly
d. Aloof ( ) 4. Strong
5. Small
6. Minute
Ans : a - 6, b - 1, c - 6, d - 3
8. The last time the two friends (a) met, Ray was in hospital, on his deathbed. It was a Sunday
and Roberge, true to habit, arrived on the dot at 9 a.m. "He had grown so weak that he
looked frail (b) as a child. I did not stay long (c), and as I was leaving, Manikda said, 'Bhalo
laglo' [it was nice]. Those were his last (d)words to me," said Roberge.
a. Friends ( ) 1. Clever
b. Frail ( ) 2. Enemies
c. Long ( ) 3. Strong
d. Last ( ) 4. Brief
5. Discreet
6. First
Ans : a - 2, b - 3, c - 4, d - 6
9. W M : Many wars that are fought in the world are fought over natural (a) resources. Some
wars are fought because the environment is so degraded (b) that it is not able to support (c)
communities and so they fight over the little that is left. Others are fought because some
people want to take a lot (d) of the resources, to control them, and to keep many other
people out.
a. Natural ( ) 1. Oppose
b. Degraded ( ) 2. Ugly
c. Support ( ) 3. Improved
d. Lot ( ) 4. Huge
5. Artificial
6. Little
Ans : a - 5, b - 3, c - 1, d - 6

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10. Now whether this happens at the national level or at the regional level, or even at the global
level, sooner or later there is discontent; and when that disconent is strong enough (a) there
is conflict. So good management of the natural reasources, equitable distribution of these
resources, is important for peace. (b) At the same (c) time, good management of the natural
resources is not possible if you do not have democratic space, respect (d) for human beings,
respect for human rights, giving other prople dignity.
a. Enough ( ) 1. War
b. Peace ( ) 2. Inadequate
c. Same ( ) 3. Impossible
d. Respect ( ) 4. Obvious
5. Different
6. Neglect
Ans : a - 2, b - 1, c - 5, d - 6
11. The second World War broke out in 1939, when I was eight years old. For reasons I have
never (a) been able (b) to understand, a sudden (c)demand for tamarind seeds erupted in
the market. I used to collect the seeds and sell them to a provison shop on Mosque Street. A
day's collection would fetch me the princely sum of one anna. My brother-in-law Jallaluddin
would tell me stories about the War which I would later attempt to trace in the headlines in
Dinamani. Our area, being isolated, (d) was completely unaffected by the War.
a. Never ( ) 1. Combined
b. Able ( ) 2. Frequent
c. Sudden ( ) 3. Always
d. Isolated ( ) 4. Unable
5. Vivid
6. Gradual
Ans : a - 3, b - 4, c - 6, d - 1
12. On the whole (a) the small society of Rameswaram was very rigid (b) in terms of the
segregation of different social groups. However, my science teacher Sivasubramania Iyer,
though an orthodox (c) Brahmin with a very conservative wife, was something of a rebel.
He did his best to break social barriers so that people from varying backgrounds could
mingle easily (d).
a. Whole ( ) 1. Complete
b. Rigid ( ) 2. Difficultly
c. Orthodox ( ) 3. Partial
d. Easily ( ) 4. Intolerant
5. Flexible
6. Unconventional
Ans : a - 3, b - 5, c - 6, d - 2

DCEB, Guntur 53 X - Class ENGLISH

Q. 18. Fill in the blanks with the right form of the word given in brackets.
1. Imagine having no arms to stretch in the morning to ________ (a) (help / helped / helping)
You scratch that itch, to allow you to wrap your arms around your ________ (b) (love /
loved / lovely) ones. ________ (c) (Imagine / Imaginary / imagination) having no legs to
kick pebbles down the street, to walk or run, to bicylcle or skateboard or ________ (d) (get
/ got / getting) you from point 'A' to point 'B'.
2. Nick who was ________ (a) (tease / teased / teasing) and bullied, had an ________ (b)
(electrical / electric / electricity) wheel chair for ________ (c) (mobile / mobility / mobilise)
and a team of carers to help him. "I was deeply ________ (d) (depress / depression / depressed)
when I was eight years old", he said. I went to my mom crying and told het I wanted to kill
3. Mrs. Jordan : Except his gold watch. He ________ (a) (promise / promised / has
promised) that to our Jimmy.
Mrs. Slater : Promised your Jimmy! I never heard of that.
Mrs. Jordan : Oh, but he did. Amelia, when he was ________ (b) (live / lived / living)
with us. He was very fond of Jimmy.
Mrs. Slater : Well, (Amazed) I didn't ________ (c) (know / knew / known)
Ben : Anyhow, there's his insurance money. Have you ________ (d) (get /
got / getting) the receipt for the premium he paid this morning.
4. Father ________ (a) (want / wants / wanted) to say something but the bus started ________
(b) (move / moved / moving). I saw my father gradually receding into the distance. I saw
that the road we had come by looked lika a gaint ________ (c) (motion / motionless /
motionlessly) rope. Father would ________ (d) (use / used / using) the same road to got
back home.
5. It was a unique friendship that ________ (a) (develop / developed / developing) between a
French Canadian - priest and one of the world's ________ (b) (great / greater / greatest) film
directors and had a singular impact on Bengali films both academically and ________ (c)
(practical / practically / practise). It was enroute to India in 1961, at a stopover in New
York, that 26-year-old Fr. Gaston Roberge was acquianted with the ________ (d) (work /
works / worked) of Satyajit Ray through the Apu Trilogy.
6. Once we had planted those trees, we saw the need for them to ________ (a) (understand /
understood / understanding) why we have to have good ________ (b) (govern / governance
/ government) so it became important to give them civic ________ (c) (educate / educated
/ education) so that they could understand how we govern ourselves, why we govern
ourselves the way we govern ourselves, why we are ________ (d) (manage / managed /
managing) our environment the way we are managing it.

DCEB, Guntur 54 X - Class ENGLISH

7. Every child is born, with some ________ (a) (inherit / inherited / inhertitance) characteristics,
into a specific socio ________ (b) (economy / economic / economical) and emotional
environment, and ________ (c) (train / trained / training) in certain ways by figures of
authority. I inhertited honesty and self discipline from my father, from my mother, I inherited
faith in goodness and deep ________ (d) (kind / kindly / kindness) and so dod my three
brothers and sister.
8. The new teacher could not stomach a Hindu priest's son sitting with a muslim boy. In
________ (a) (accord / accordance / according) with our social ranking as the new teacher
saw it, I was ________ (b) (ask / asked / asking) to go and sit on the back bench. I felt very
sad, and so did Ramanadha Sastry. He ________ (c) (look / looks / looked) utterly down
cast as I ________ (d) (shift / shifted / shifts) to my seat in the last row.
Anwers - English Paper - II - Q.No. 18
1. (a) help (b) loved (c) imagine (d) get
2. (a) teased (b) elctric (c) mobility (d) depressed
3. (a) promised (b) living (c) know (d) got
4. (a) wanted (b) moving (c) motionless (d) use
5. (a) developed (b) greatest (c) partically (d) works
6. (a) understand (b) governance (c) education (d) managing
7. (a) inherited (b) economic (c) trained (d) kindness
8. (a) accordance (b) asked (c) looked (d) shifted
Q. 19. Complete the spelling of the words choosing
"ae, ea, ee, oo, ou, ai, ia, io, oi, au, ei, iu, ie"
1. His mum invented a (a) spec __ __ l plastic device that (b) m __ __ nt he could hold a pen
and pencil.
2. He has visited different (a) c __ __ ntries all over the world. The football fan is now a (b)
motivat __ __ nal speaker.
3. Nick and Kanae write an (a) inspirat __ __ nal book, love (b) with __ __ t limits together
and it was published in 2014.
4. They are coming to talk over (a) p __ __ r grandpa's (b) aff __ __ rs.
5. We could put that shabby old chest of drawyers (a) upst __ __ rs where the (b) bure __ __
is now.
6. have you got the (a) rec __ __ pt for the (b) prem __ __ m he paid this morning.
7. My parents had arranged my (a) marr __ __ ge, according to the customs of our tribal (b)
soc __ __ ty.

DCEB, Guntur 55 X - Class ENGLISH

8. Father had provided for my (a) educat __ __ n, and I had been able to (b) r __ __ lize his
9. I (a) l __ __ ked at father bare (b) f __ __ t.
10. He (a) f __ __ nd the world of Apu so fascinating that he saw all (b) thr __ __ films in one
11. But it took him nine (a) y __ __ rs after reaching Calcutta (now Kolkata) and (b) j __ __
ning St. Xavier's collage.
12. Ray (a) w __ __ ld invite Roberge over for private (b) scr __ __ nings of his latest films and
welcomed comments on them.
13. They forested (a) m __ __ ntains were the (b) s __ __ rce of water and the source of rain.
14. They wanted to established (a) commerc __ __ l plantations of exotic (b) spec __ __ s.
15. I see a lot of Africans (a) l __ __ ders encouraging ecah other to engage in (b) d __ __ logue.
16. I am quite (a) cert __ __ n that for more (b) __ __ tsiders ate with us than all the members of
our own family.
17. My (a) __ __ stere father used to avoid all (b) messent __ __ l comforts and luxuries.
18. Half a century later, I can stll (a) f __ __ l the surge of pride in (b) __ __ rning my own
money for the first time.
Anwers - English Paper - II - Q.No. 19
1. (a) i a (b) e a 2. (a) o u (b) i o 3. (a) i o (b) o u
4. (a) o o (b) a i 5. (a) a i (b) a u 6. (a) e i (b) i u
7. (a) i a (b) i e 8. (a) i o (b) e a 9. (a) o o (b) e e
10. (a) o u (b) e e 11. (a) e a (b) o i 12. (a) o u (b) e e
13. (a) o u (b) o u 14. (a) i a (b) i e 15. (a) e a (b) i a
16. (a) a i (b) o u 17. (a) a u (b) i a 18. (a) e e (b) e a
Q. 20. Complete the words with correct suffixes given in brackets.
1. Nick's father was a (a) compu ____ (tar / ter) programmer and (b) account _____ (ant / ent).
2. His disability came without any medical (a) explana ____ (sion / tion) a rare (b) occurr
_____ (ence / ance) called phocomelia.
3. (a) Fina ____ (lly / ly) they fell in love and their (b) engage ____ (ment / mant) happened in
August 2011.
4. He went out soon after (a) break ____ (past / fast) to pay his (b) insur ____ (ance / ence).

DCEB, Guntur 56 X - Class ENGLISH

5. One thing we may as well (a) de ____ (side / cide) now is the (b) announce ____ (mant /
ment) in the papers.
6. He always was (a) thought ____ (ful / full) in that way. He was too (b) honour ____ (ble /
able) to have gone without paying his premium.
7. I finally (a) deci ____ (did / ded) aganist it because (b) marri ____ (age / ege) had increased
my responsibilities and I had got into debt.
8. My parents were (a) tru ____ (ely / ly) proud to me. It was through me that they had earned
a greater degree of (b) admira ____ (sion / tion) and respect from the villagers.
9. Never having worn shoes, his feet had (a) develop ____ (id / ed) cracks and somehow
resembled those of an (b) eleph ____ (ant / ent).
10. Reberge does not endorse the accusation of Ray's detractors that the master (a) direc ____
(tar / tor) made his (b) reputa ____ (sion / tion) selling India's poverty to the west.
11. If the impulse that motivated his eariler films was (a) aesthe ____ (tic / tics), in the last three
it was self-expre ____ (shion / ssion)
12. The three legs : one leg is peace, the other leg is good (a) gover ____ (ance / ence), the third
legs is (b) sustain ____ (eble / able) management of resources.
13. We lost our local biological (a) diver ____ (city / sity). So that's a lot of (b) dam (ege / age)
to our environment.
14. I was one of the children - a short boy with rather (a) undistingui ____ (sed / shed) looks
born to tall and (b) hand ____ (some / sum) parents.
15. He did his best to break social (a) barri ____ (ars / ers) so that people from varying backgrounds
could (b) ming ____ (el / le) easily.
16. He quoted Khalil Gibran to my (a) hesi ____ (ent / ant) mother, "your children are not your
(b) child ____ (ran / ren)".
Anwers - English Paper - II - Q.No. 20
1. (a) ter (b) ant 2. (a) tion (b) ence
3. (a) lly (b) ment 4. (a) fast (b) ance
5. (a) cide (b) ment 6. (a) ful (b) able
7. (a) ded (b) age 8. (a) ly (b) tion
9. (a) ed (b) ant 10. (a) tor (b) tion
11. (a) tics (b) ssion 12. (a) ance (b) able
13. (a) sity (b) age 14. (a) shed (b) some
15. (a) ers (b) le 16. (a) ant (b) ren
DCEB, Guntur 57 X - Class ENGLISH
Q. 21. Find the wrongly spelt word and write the correct spelling
1.(a) morning scrach imagine pebbles
(b) shocked vomit premiar decision
2.(a) explansion trick happen blamed
(b) occurence accountant league courage
3.(a) mainstream pregnency device mobility
(b) surfing challenges torse drumstick
4.(a) change upstairs precosious colours
(b) telegram mustache trousers bowler
5.(a) delicate stretch stupefiad bedroom
(b) pinch mantle piece planning appealed
6.(a) ketle particular announcement furniture
(b) snug overdue complasent swindling
7.(a) thought lethargy extended obvioasly
(b) terrein certainty special purpose
8.(a) trunk villagers except lugage
(b) solution disuade chest crowd
9.(a) thirsty aranged poured attached
(b) strangers different strength useles
10.(a) friendship priest unique singlar
(b) culture compiletion publish analysis
11.(a) materiel detractors poverty convert
(b) insight depicted arogance spiritual
12.(a) notation explained manscript culprit
(b) didactic acusation dictum analogy
13.(a) firewood environmant building rural
(b) rainfall sustein pattern concerned
14.(a) resourses communities control distribution
(b) management balance expence majority
15.(a) foder ocean timber fauna
(b) ordinary peaceful indegenous pristine
DCEB, Guntur 58 X - Class ENGLISH
16.(a) erstwhile helpmate possesed wisdom
(b) necessities medicin limestone comfort
17.(a) century cousin errupted reason
(b) orthodox conviction characteristiks faith
18.(a) ceremony amongst thred accordance
(b) segregation ancestral consarvative perturb
Anwers - English Paper - II - Q.No. 21
1.(a) scratch (b) premier 2.(a) explanation (b) occurrence
3.(a) pregnancy (b) torso 4.(a) precocious (b) moustache
5.(a) stupefied (b) mantelpiece 6.(a) kettle (b) complacent
7.(a) obviously (b) terrains 8.(a) luggage (b) dissuade
9.(a) arranged (b) useless 10.(a) singular (b) compilation
11.(a) material (b) arrogance 12.(a) manuscript (b) accusation
13.(a) environment (b) sustain 14.(a) resources (b) expense
15.(a) fodder (b) indigenous 16.(a) possessed (b) medicine
17.(a) erupted (b) characteristics 18.(a) thread (b) conservative
Q. 22. Note the following key words and abbreviations to answer the question 'Dictionary
a. Entry word : Seperation of syllables.
The 1 notes there are more than one definition entry.
b. Pronunciation : This is separated into syllables and tells you how to pronounce the entry
c. Parts of speech : n, v, adj, adv, this abbreviation tells you what parts of speech the
defined word is
n : noun; v : verb; adj : adjective; adv : adverb; pp : past participle; pt : past tense
Other abbreviations :
Syn : synonym Opp : opposite (anytonym)
Sth : something Sb : somebody
IDM : idiom Phr.v : phrasal verb
Pl : plural form T : transitive I : intransitive

DCEB, Guntur 59 X - Class ENGLISH

3. Origin : It shows the origin of the entry word.
Definition : This explains the meanings of the entry word. If there is more than one
meaning, the definition is divided by numbers. Also, an example sentences is often used
to make the meaning more clear.
Note : This question is for 2 marks only. But for practice more questions are given.
Reference : Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary.
1. attract / atraekt / Verb :- 1. [Usually passive] if you are attracted by sth, it interests you and
makes you want it; if you attracted by sb, you like or admire them : ~ sb I had always been
attracted by the idea of working abroad. ~ sb to sb/sth What first attracted me to her was
her sense of humour. 2. ~ sb/sth (to sth) to make sb / sth come somewhere or tke part in
sth : The warm damp air attracts a lot of mosquitoes. The exhibition has attracted thousands
of visitors. 3. ~ sth to make people have a particular reaction : This proposal has attracted
a lot of interest. His comments were bound to attract criticism. She tried to attract the
attention of the waiter. 4. (Physics) if a MAGNET or GRAVITY attracts sth, it makes it
move towards it OPP repel POSITE n.
(Possible questions)
a. What is the opposite of the word 'attract' ?
b. Write the part of the speech of the word 'attract'.
c. Use the word 'attract' in sentences of your own.
2. beneficial AW / beneifill / adj. ~ (to sth/sb) (formal) improving a situations; having or useful
effect SYN advantageous, favourable : A good diet is beneficial to health. OPP detrimental.
Answer the following questions. 2x1=2
a. Write the two synonyms of the word 'beneficial'.
b. Pick out the antonym of the word 'beneficial' from the above text.
c. Use the word 'beneficial' in sentences of your own.
3. fea.ther / feoe(r) / noun, verb
noun one of the manysoft light parts covering a bird's body : a peacock feather a feather
pillow (= one containing feathers) VISUAL VOCAB page V2
IDM a 'feather in your cap an action that you can be proud of ORIGIN This idiom comes
from the Native American custom of giving a feather to sb who had been very brave in
battle. more at BIRD, KNOCK v., RUFFLE v., SMOOTH v.
a. Pickout the idiom of the word 'feather'
b. What is the part of the speech of the word feather ?

DCEB, Guntur 60 X - Class ENGLISH

c. What is the meaning of the word 'feather' ?
4. grati.tude / 'graetrtju:d; NAmE - Tu:d / noun [U] the feeling of being grateful and
wanting to express your thanks : He smiled at them with gratitude. ~ (to sab) (for sth) I
would like to express my gratitude to everyone for their hard work. She was presented
with the gift in gratitude for her long service. A deep sense of gratitude. I owe you a great
debt of gratitude (= feel extremely grateful). Opp ingratitude.
Answer the following questions.
a. Pickout the antonym of the word 'gratitude'.
b. What is the collaction of the word 'gratitude' ?
c. Use the word 'gratitude' in sentences of your own.
5. / 'larkli / adj., adv
adj.(like.lier, Help more likely and most are the usual forms. 1. Probable
or expected : the most likely outcomes (to do sth) Tickets are likely to be expensive ~
(that....) It's more than likely that the thieves don't know how much it is worth. They might
refuse to let us do it, but it's hardly likely. LANGUAGE BANK at EXPECT 2. Seeming
suitable for a purpose SYN promising : She seems the most likely candidate for the job.
Answer the following questions.
a. Pick out the synonym of the word 'likely'
b. What are the usual forms of comparison of the word likely ?
c. What are the parts of speech of the word likely ?
6. drive / draiv / verb, noun
verb (drove / drauv; NAmE drouv /. driven /'drivn/)
VEHICLE 1. [l, T] to operate a vehicle so that it goes in a particular direction : Can you
drive ? Don't drive so fast ! I drove to work this morning. Shall we drive (= go there by
car) or got by train ? ~ sth He drives a taxi (= that is his job). COLLOCATIONS at
DRIVING 2. [T] ~ sb ( + adv./ prep.) to take sb somewhere in a car, taxi, etc: Could you
drive me home ? SYNONYMS at TAKE 3. [T] ~ sth to own MACHINE.
1. Different shades of meaning of the word 'drive'.
2. Pick out the collocation of the word 'drive'.
3. What is the verb conjugation of the word 'drive' ?
7. Pro.duct.ive / pre'dvktiv / adj. 1. making goods or growing crops, especially in large quantities
: highlu productive farming land. productive workers opp unproductive. 2. doing or achieving
a lot SYN fruitful : a productive meeting . My time spent in te library was very productive.
compare COUNTERPRODUCTIVE. 3. ~ of sth (formal) resulting in sth or causing sth; a

DCEB, Guntur 61 X - Class ENGLISH

play productive of the strongest emotions adv. : to use land more productively.
It's important to spend your time productively.
a) Pick out the synonym of the word 'productive'.
b) What is the antonym of the word 'productive' ?
c) Pick out the adverb for the word 'poductive'.
d) Use the word 'productively' in sentence of your own.
8. max.imum / 'maeksimam / adj., noun
adj. [only before noun] (abbr. max) as large, fast, etc., as is possible, or the most that is
possible or allowed : the maximum speed / temperature / volume. For maximum effect do
the exercises every day. a maximum security prison compare MINIMUM.
Answer the following questions.
a. What is the plural form of the word 'maximum' ?
b. Pickout the antonym of the word 'maximum'.
9. vig.or.ous / 'vigaras / adj. 1. very active, determined or full of energy SYN energetic : a
vigorous camaign aganist tax fraud. a vigorous opponent of the government. Take vigorous
excercise for several hours a week. 2. strong and healthy : a vigorous young man. This
plant is a vigorous grower. adv.
Answer the following questions.
a. Pick out the synonym of the word 'vigorous'.
b. Write down the two different shades of meanings of the word vigorous.
c. Which part of the speech the word 'vigorously' ?
10. rust / rust / noun, verb
noun [U] 1. a reddish-brown substance that is formed on some metals by the actions of
water and air : pipes covered with rust. rust spots a rust-coloured dress see also RUSTY 2
a plant diseas that causes reddish-brown spots the FUNGUS that causes this diseas
ver [l,T] if metals rusts or sth rusts it, it becomes covered with rust SYN corrode : old
rusting farming implements. Brass doesn't rust. ~ sth Water had got in and rusted the engine.
rust.ed adj.: rusted iron see also RUSTY PHR.V, rust a'way to be gradually destroyed by
Answer the following questions.
a. Pick out the phrasl verb for the word 'rust'.
b. What is the synonym of the word 'rust' ?
c. Pick out the compound adjective of the word 'rust'.

DCEB, Guntur 62 X - Class ENGLISH

Key to the Dictionary Entry
Anwers - English Paper - II - Q.No. 22
1. attract :
a. repel
b. verb
c. The beautiful statue attracted many visitors.
2. beneficial :
a. advantaged, favourable
b. detrimental
c. A sound sleep is beneficial to health.
3. feather :
a. a feather in your cap
b. noun/verb
c. one of the many soft light parts overing a bird's body
4. gratitude :
a. ingratitude
b. a deep sense of gratitude
c. I owe you a great debt of gratitude
5. likely :
a. promising
b. more likely - most likely
c. adjective, adverb
d. heardly likely.
6. drive :
a. to operate a vehicle, to take somebody in a car, taxi
b. at driving
c. drive - drove - driven
7. productive :
a. fruitful
b. un productive
c. productively
d. It is important to spend our time productivity.

DCEB, Guntur 63 X - Class ENGLISH

8. maximum :
a. maxima
b. minimum
c. for maximum effect do the exercises every day
9. vigorous :
a. energetic
b. very active; strong and healthy
c. adverb
10. rust :
a. rust away
b. corrode
c. a rust - coloured dress
Q. 23. Arrange the following under the correct headings. 8x¼=2
1. bye bye, dilly dally, chit chat, tata, papa, haha, ping pong, tick tock
Duplicative Expressions Alternative Expressions
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
2. recycle, disprespect, protection, unhappy, insecticide, assertive,
hemisphere, examinations
Prefixes Suffixes
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
3. malcicious, intrepid, outgoing, haughty, finicky, enthusiastic, observant, aggressive
Positive Qualities Negativ Qualities
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.

DCEB, Guntur 64 X - Class ENGLISH

4. 4.
4. datum, media, axis, bases, syllabus, erratum, theses, crises
Singular Noun Plural nouns
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. pebbles, porter, villager, mug, can, boots, officer, stranger
People Things
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
6. lethargy, protest, decide, worry, spend, carry. certainity, plight
State Action
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
7. trusting, confident, lazy, quarrlesome, arrogant, optimistic, generous, self centered
Positive Qualities Negative Qualities
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
8. foot, toe, fatalist, teetotaller, mercenary, chin, torso, misogynist
People Body parts
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.

DCEB, Guntur 65 X - Class ENGLISH

4. 4.
9. village, terrain, luggage, trunk, field, chest, wallet, hill
Places Things
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
10. take out, set foot, call into, forages, get rid of, look at, at a loss, put out
Phrasal verbs Idioms
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
Anwers - English Paper - II - Q.No. 23
1. Duplivative Expressions Alternative Expressions
1. bye bye 1. dilly dally
2. tata 2. chit chat
3. papa 3. ping pong
4. haha 4. tick tock
2. Prefixes Suffixes
1. recycle 1. protection
2. disrespect 2. insecticide
3. un happy 3. assertive
4. hemisphere 4. examination
3. Positive Qualities Negative Qualities
1. intrepid 1. malicious
2. out going 2. haughty
3. enthusiastic 3. finicky
4. observant 4. agressive

DCEB, Guntur 66 X - Class ENGLISH

4. Singular Noun Plural nouns
1. datum 1. media
2. axis 2. bases
3. syllabus 3. theses
4. erratum 4. crises
5. People Things
1. porter 1. pebbles
2. villager 2. mug
3. officer 3. can
4. stranger 4. boots
6. State Action
1. lethargy 1. protest
2. worry 2. decide
3. certainity 3. spend
4. plight 4. carry
7. Positive Qualities Negative Qualities
1. trusting 1. lazy
2. confident 2. quarrelsome
3. optimistic 3. arrogant
4. generous 4. self centred
8. People Body parts
1. fatalist 1. foot
2. teetotaller 2. toe
3. mercenary 3. chin
4. misogynist 4. torso
9. Places Things
1. village 1. luggage
2. terrain 2. wallet
3. field 3. chest
4. hill 4. trunk

DCEB, Guntur 67 X - Class ENGLISH

10. Phrasal verbs Indioms
1. take out 1. set foot
2. call into 2. for ages
3. look at 3. get rid of
4. put out 4. at a loss
Q. 24. Use the following expressions in a sentences of your own.
In this section you have to write own sentence for (A) phrasal verbs, (B) Idiomatic
Expressions (C) Binomial Expressions and (D) Foreign Expressions. 8x¼=2
A. Phrasal Verbs :
1. Take off : ____________ 6. Break down : ____________
2. Be off : ____________ 7. Look after : ____________
3. Come across : ____________ 8. Get into : ____________
4. See off : ____________ 9. Go about : ____________
5. Go through : ____________ 10. Broke out : ____________
B. Idiomatic Expression :
1. Get one's own way A. __________________________
2. For ages A. __________________________
3. Set foot A. __________________________
4. Drive a hard bargain A. __________________________
5. Get rid of A. __________________________
6. Muster up confidence A. __________________________
7. At length A. __________________________
8. On purpose A. __________________________
9. Took by surprise A. __________________________
10. At a loss A. __________________________
C. Bionomial Expression :
1. Part and parcel
A. __________________________
2. Rough and ready
A. __________________________
3. Leaps and bounds

DCEB, Guntur 68 X - Class ENGLISH

A. __________________________
4. Pick and choose
A. __________________________
5. Give and take
A. __________________________
6. Bread and butter
A. __________________________
7. Heart and soul
A. __________________________
8. Thick and thin
A. __________________________
9. Odds and ends
A. __________________________
10. Near and dear
A. __________________________
D. Foreign Expression :
1. into to
A. __________________________
2. in absentia
A. __________________________
3. ad hoc
A. __________________________
4. lingua franca
A. __________________________
5. bonafide
A. __________________________
6. magnam opus
A. __________________________
7. en masse
A. __________________________
8. ex officio
A. __________________________

DCEB, Guntur 69 X - Class ENGLISH

9. status quo
A. __________________________
10. viva voce
A. __________________________
Anwers - English Paper - II - Q.No. 24
A. Phrasal verbs :
1. Lawyers take off their coats as soon as they come out of the court.
2. Be off. I don't like to talk to you.
3. I came across on old woman while coming from school.
4. I went to the air port to see off my friends.
5. Please go through the instructions before you start your exam.
6. My brother broke down when he heard that he had lost in his exams.
7. My sister looks after my grand parents.
8. My friend always gets into problems.
9. My uncle is not going about in the right way to find a solution to the problem.
10. The fire broke out in the middle of the marriage.
B. Idiomatic Expression :
1. Radha always gets her own way at the end.
2. I have not met my grand parents for ages.
3. My brother set foot in U.S.A.
4. The two sisters drove a hard bargain for their father's assets.
5. My sister tried a lot to get rid of her debts.
6. No animals in the forest mustered up confidence to talk to the lion.

7. We discussed our brother's marriage at length.

8. My sister went to Hyderabad on purpose.

9. You took me by surprise when you celebrated my birthday.

10. My father's trade left us at a loss.

C. Binomial Expression :

1. Sports is a part and parcel of education.

2. The new house is rough and ready.

DCEB, Guntur 70 X - Class ENGLISH

3. The film industry is expanding in leaps and bounds.
4. It is the customer choice to pick and choose.
5. Give and take is the best policy.
6. Teaching is not my beard and butter but also my passion.
7. Ray gave his heart and soul to reading books.
8. My friend stood by me through thick and thin.
9. The main goods were shifted first, then the odds and ends were shifted later.
10. I invited all my near and dear one to attend my birthday party.

D. Foregin Expressions :
1. The judge accepted the testimony into to.
2. Pooja was convicted of the crime in absentia.
3. The minister appointed an adhoc committee to study the quality of education.
4. English is the lingua franca for the entire globe.
5. Ramesh is the bonafide student of this school.
6. Bahubali is the mangum opus of the director Rajamouli.
7. The supportors of our local M.L.A arrived enmasse for the rally.
8. Priyanka is an ex-officio member of the company.
9. The high court gave status quo on the land issue
10. The students are requested to attend viva voce examination.
Q. 25. Match the following one -word substituties in part - A with their meanings in
part - B. Write only the numbers and their corresponding letters in your
answer booklet. 4x½=2
1. Part - A Part - B
1. Stop over [ ] A) A person or thing that cannot
be corrected.
2. Verbose [ ] B) One who is the first to study and develop a
particular area of knowledge, culture etc.
3. Incorrigible [ ] C) An impressive entrance to a building.
4. Intellectual [ ] D) Using more words than needed.
E) A person of good understanding,
knowledge and reasoning power.
F) A short stay between two places in
one's ourney.

DCEB, Guntur 71 X - Class ENGLISH

2. Part - A Part - B
1. Optimist [ ] A) One who expects bad things to happen.
2. Pessimist [ ] B) One who behaves proudly.
3. Arrgonant [ ] C) One who knows many languages.
4. Polyglot [ ] D) One who expects good things to happen.
E) One who cannot move.
F) One who hates women.
3. Part - A Part - B
1. Stop over [ ] A) A person who is extremely important or
large in size.
2. Colossus [ ] B) One who haters women.
3. Misogynist [ ] C) One who believes in God.
4. Fatalist [ ] D) A short stay between two places in
one's journey.
E) A perosn who can do anything for money.
F) A person who belives on fate.
4. Part - A Part - B
1. Agnostic [ ] A) A person who abstains from taking alcohol.
2. Aesthetics [ ] B) A result o a situation or of an action.
3. Fallout [ ] C) A branch of phylosophy that studies the
principles of beauty in art.
4. Documentary [ ] D) A person who is not sure about the
existence of God.
E) One who believes in God.
F) A film that gives facts about something.
5. Part - A Part - B
1. Fatalist [ ] A) A position for which no salary is paid.
2. Misogynist [ ] B) One who believes in God,
3. Biography [ ] C) One who spends too much.
4. Spend thrift [ ] D) A life history written by somebody else.
E) A perosn who hates women.
F) A person who believes on fate.
6. Part - A Part - B
1. Trilogy [ ] A) One who spends his time and money
for others.
2. Dictum [ ] B) One who is the first to study and develop
a particular area of knowledge, culture etc.
3. Philanthropist [ ] C) One who hates women

DCEB, Guntur 72 X - Class ENGLISH

4. Pioneer [ ] D) A life history written by three persons.
E) A group of three films that has the same
characters or subjects.
F) A statement that expresses something
people believe is true and is to be followed.
7. Part - A Part - B
1. Portal [ ] A) A person who is extremely important or
large in size.
2. Detractor [ ] B) An impressible entrance of building
3. Colossus [ ] C) A person of good understanding,
knowledge and reasoning power.
4. Culprit [ ] D) A person who makes something less
good by criticising it.
E) One who belives in God.
F) A person who is responsible for a problem
or a crime.
8. Part - A Part - B
1. Biography [ ] A) A meeting place.
2. Documentary [ ] B) Which cannot be imetated.
3. Rendezvous [ ] C) A hand written document.
4. Manuscript [ ] D) A film that gives facts about something.
E) A life history written by somebody else.
F) A short stay between two places in
one's journey.
9. Part - A Part - B
1. Agnostic [ ] A) A hand written document
2. Theist [ ] B) A position for which no salary is paid.
3. Teetotaler [ ] C) One who believes in God.
4. Honorary [ ] D) A person who is not sure about the
existence of God.
E) One who spends too much.
F) One who abstains from alcohol.

DCEB, Guntur 73 X - Class ENGLISH

10. Part - A Part - B
1. Ambiguous [ ] A) One who is present every where.
2. Inimitable [ ] B) One who cannot be corrected.
3. Omnipresent [ ] C) That which cannot be imitated.
4. Verbose [ ] D) A sentence whose meaning is unclear.
E) A perosn who brings new books.
F) Using more words than needed.
Anwers - English Paper - II - Q.No. 25

1. F D A E 2. D A B F
3. D A B F 4. D A B F
5. F E D C 6. E F A B
7. B D A F 8. E D A C
9. D C F B 10. D C A F

Q. 28. Information transfer : The process of changing the given text from non-verbal to
verbal or verbal to non-verbal is called information transfer.
In this question students will be tested through tables / pie charts / bar charts / tree
diagrams. Here the student has to write a paragraph based on the non-verbal text.
Evaluation indicators (Each indicator carries one mark) 5
1. Using appropriate headline.
2. Writing appropriate lead sentence.
3. Presenting facts in an order and organising the information.
4. Using appropaiate language.
5. Conventions of writing (spelling, punctuation and capitalization)
Note : * Incorporate all the points in your paragrph / paragraphs.
* Use appropriate vocabulary and grammatical structure while writing.
* Before attempting to answer study the given text carefully.
* Number of sentences you write is not important, how effectively you cover
the ideas is more important.

DCEB, Guntur 74 X - Class ENGLISH

A. Procution of the various minerals in different states and their uses.
S.No Mineral Major producing states Uses
1 Iron ore Jarkhand, Orissa, Chattisgarh Making steel
2 Bauxite Orissa, Chattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh Manufacture of aeroplanes,
electrical appliances.
3 Magnaese Karnataka, Orissa, Goa, Charrisgarh Making steel and other alloys.
Now, write a paragraph describing the information depicted in the diagram above.
B. Study the following pie diagram .
Academic standard wise % of weightage in English

R e udi d se
d c t i o est ion

inc mbl
a d ng
wr nne t r a n n s ,
an r m a q u r e s s

g 3 ons f e r

i n g st nten

0% of
o ing xp

c o udy ces 3

m p sk
far ative

itin cti

r e h ills %

e n an

sio d


a b ula g
c in
Vo c l u d a r y Grammar 20%
i n tion e
dic fernc 0%
re ls 2

Study the following Bar graph.

C. Favourite colour of students in a class for different colours.
Number of students

25 12345678
20 12345678
12345678 12345678
12345678 12345678
15 12345678
12345678 12345678 12345678
12345678 12345678 12345678
12345678 12345678 12345678
10 12345678
12345678 12345678 12345678 123456789
12345678 12345678 12345678 123456789
12345678 12345678 12345678 123456789
0 12345678
12345678 12345678 12345678 123456789 123456789
12345678 12345678 12345678 123456789 123456789
12345678 12345678 12345678 123456789 123456789

Red Blue Green Black Pink

Favourite colour
Now, write a paragraph describing the information depicted in the diagram above.

DCEB, Guntur 75 X - Class ENGLISH

D. Study the following tree - diagram.
Source from where children get their values.

Material Spiritual
(hard wrok, discipline, etc) (truth, generosity, etc.)
Source from where childeren get their values

Family School Books and elctronic media Self experience

Direct Simple Scriptures and Films,

insrtuction observation biographies documentaries
etc,. ect,.

Formal teaching Regular school

(Books and syllabus) activities sports etc,.

Anwers - English Paper - II - Q.No. 28

A. Production of various minerals in different states and their uses :
The table is about the production of various minerals in different states and their uses.
In the table three minerals are mentioned. They are Iron ore, Bauxite and Manganese. Iron
ore is available in Jarkhand, Orissa and Chattisgarh. Iron is used for making steel. The
second mineral in the table is Bauxite. It is found in large quantities in Orissa, Chattisgarh
and in Andhra Pradesh. Bauxite is useful in manufacture of aeroplanes and electrical
appliances. Manganese is available in Karnataka, Orissa, Goa, Chattisgarh and in Maharastra.
It is useful in making steel and other alloys.
B. Academic standard wise % of weightage in English :
The pie diagram is about academic standard wise % (percentage) of weightage in
English. Reading comprehension including study skills and jumbled sentences carry 30%
of weightage. Grammar carries 20% of weightage. Vocabulary including dictionary reference
skills carry 20% of weightage. Remaining 30% of weightage is given to creative expression,
farming questions, information transfer and conventions of writing.

DCEB, Guntur 76 X - Class ENGLISH

C. Favourite colour of students in a class :
The given bar diagram is about the favourite colour of students and their choice for
different colours in a class. Red is the favourite colour of 25 students and it is followed by
blue as the next favourite colour of 20 students. Green is the next favouite colour, favoured
by 15 students and it is followed by black from 10 students. Least favourite colour of the
class is pink. Just 5 students showed interest on it.
D. Types of values and source of values :
The tree diagram tells about kinds of values and the source from where children get
their values. There are two types of values. They are material and spiritual values. Hard
wrok, discipline etc,. Come under material value where as truth, generosity, etc., come
under spiritual value.
Family, school, books and electronic media and self experience are the source from
where children get their values. Children acquire values through direct instruction and simple
observation from the family. Children get the values by formal teaching eg. books and
syllabus and regular school activities like sports etc,. Scriptures, biographics, films,
documentaries etc. Come under books and electronic media which give values to children.
Self experience is another source to children to get the values.

DCEB, Guntur 77 X - Class ENGLISH

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