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Journalize the transactions for July

Date Description Debit Credit

july 1 : All the inventory transactions will look for valuation class:During Good Receipt amount$60,000
1-Jul Inventory Account $60,000
G/R I/R account $40,000
Other expenses payable $20,000

july 2 : During invoice verification on amount $40,000

5-Jul G/R I/R account $40,000
Vendor/supplier $40,000

july 5: purchase $20000 for goods that are issued to the production order. the following transactions ta
Move Type Debit Credit
5-Jul Raw Materials account $20,000
Inventory A/c $20,000

july 15: When the goods are received from the production order,the following transactions takes place:
15-Jul inventory final goods A/c $70,000
Cost of goods produced $70,000

july 18: When sell goods of amount $45,000 that are dispatched to customer through delivery the followi
18-Jul Cost of goods sold $45,000
Inventory A/c $45,000

july 22: When the charged off $10,000 against expenses the following transactions takes place
25-Jul Repairs and maintenance A/c $10,000
Inventory A/c $10,000

july 24: When the goods are stock transferred from one place to another,the following transactions take
Stock A/c $15,000
stock A/c $15,000

july 28: when Revenue earned of $80,000 from sale goods

cash $80,000
Inventory Revalution A/c $80,000

july 30: When the work in progress of amount $30,000 is calculated,the following transactions takes pla
Work in progress A/c $30,000
Change in WIP $30,000

$370,000 $370,000
where G/R=good receipt,I/R=invoice receipt

Receiving location
Sending location
Online Inventory Manageme
Trial Balance

Account Name Ref

1 Inventory Account
2 G/R I/R send
3 G/R I/R receive
4 Payable A/c
5 Supplier Expense
6 cost of goods prod
7 cost of goods sold
8 Repair Expense
8 Stock send A/c
9 stock receive A/c
10 cash
11 Cash Revenue
12 Work in progress A/c
13 Change in WIP
14 Inventory finalgood
15 Raw material expense

Online Inventory Management
Trial Balance
Debit Credit

$395,000 $395,000
Online Inventory Manageme
Income Statment
For The One Month Ended July 3

Cash Revenue
Stock receive
Cost of good sales
Total Revenue

Expenses G/R send expense

good produce
Repair expense
Stock send
Change in WIP
Raw material expense
Total Expense
Income Statement
Online Inventory Management
Income Statment
The One Month Ended July 31,2019

enue $130,000
eive $25,000
od sales $45,000
enue $200,000

expense $40,000
duce $80,000
pense $10,000
d $15,000
WIP $30,000
rial expense $20,000
($35,000) revenue-expense=income statement

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