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Tutorial 4


1. Briefly explain the steps in the research process “onion”.

there are different layers to the research onion, the premise being that you start
from the outside and peel each layer away until you reach the core. These layers are
broken up into six main areas: research philosophy; research approach; research
strategy; research choices; time horizons and techniques and procedures. I will
explain what each layer means below.

Research Approach

This is referring to the approach that the researcher takes, which can largely be
described as either inductive or deductive. The deductive approach starts small and
gets bigger. It starts with a specific hypothesis or hypotheses that has been
developed based on information or patterns that have been observed by the
researcher. It then seeks to test this hypothesis and develop a broader theory from
it. The inductive approach is the opposite. It starts with a board theory and then
focuses later on the smaller, more specific details. This is sometimes referred to as a
move from the specific to the general. Typically, a deductive approach is associated
with quantitative research and an inductive approach is associated with qualitative

2. What is the difference between a research design and a research strategy? Give

Research design refers to the last three steps of the research process: data collection, data
analysis and report writing.
A research design is a general plan of how you will go about answering the research
question. It contains clear objectives, derived from the research question, specify the
sources from which you intend to collect the data and indicate the constraints you will face
such as time, financial resources, location, access to data and ethical issues. It also involves
analyzing the data and writing the research report.

A research strategy (a plan of actions to collect data) is actually an approach that has been
developed and used by other researchers. Basically, the research strategies are classified
into two categories: quantitative strategies and qualitative strategies (this stage is known as
the methodological choice). It is the strategy that is used to collect the data to answer the
research questions.

3. What are the major differences between inductive research and deductive research?
A deductive approach is aimed and testing theory, an inductive approach is concerned with
the generation of new theory emerging from the data.

Deduction emphasizes
1.scientific principles
2.moving from theory to data
3.the need to explain causal relationships between variables
4.the collection of quantitative data
5.the application of controls to ensure validity of data
6.the operationalization of concepts to ensure clarity of definition
7.a highly structured approach
8.researcher independence of what is being researched
9.the necessity to select samples of sufficient size in order to generalize conclusions.

Inductive emphasizes
1.gaining an understanding of the meanings humans attach to events.
2.a close understanding of the research Context
3.the collection of qualitative data
4.a more flexible structure to permit changes of research emphasis as the research
5.a realization that the researcher is part of the research process
6.less concern with the need to generalize

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