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1. Explain what is meant by the following ‘Research Methods’ concepts.

5 concept 1 q
5 marks

Final exam 25 marks

a) Research

The word research means to search again. It signifies patient study and scientific
investigation. The researcher is taking a more careful look at the data to discover all that is
known about the subject.

b) Business Research

Business research is the application of the scientific method in searching for the truth about
business phenomena. It is not performed to support defined ideas but to test them.

c) Basic Research

Generates a body of knowledge by trying to comprehend how certain problems that occur in
organizations can be solved.

d) Applied Research

Solves a current problem faced by the manager in the work setting, demanding a timely
solution. Expand knowledge of process of business and management. Results in universal
principles relating to the process

2. (a) Why managers should know about research? Final exam famous question

-Identify and effectively solve problems in the work setting.

- Appreciate the multiple influences and effects of factors impacting on a situation.

- Take calculated risks in decision making.

- Prevent possible vested interests from exercising their influence in a situation.

- Relate to hired researchers and consultants more effectively.

- Combine experience with scientific knowledge while making decisions.

(b) Briefly explain with a diagram, the steps involved in a research

process(important for exam also)
3. Identify the principal ethical issues that would generally affect the research process.

- Preserving participants’ anonymity (eg: VIP-name)

- Exposing participant to mental stress (eg: cancer patients)

- Asking participants questions detrimental to their self-interest

- Use of special equipment and techniques e.g. tape recorder, video or health-hazardous

- Involving participants in research without their consent

- Use of deception/trick

- Use of coercion/force to get information

- Depriving participants of their rights e.g. of self-determination

Tutorial 2

1. Why is it important to spend time formulating and clarifying your research topic?
Give five justifications.

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