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First Year Important Questions

10 Marks
1. Explain the Scope of Political Science?
2. Explain the Elements of Nationality?
3. Explain the Civil Rights?
4. Explain the advantages of Democracy?
5 Marks
1. Write any Two Elements of the State?
2. What are the differences between State&Govt?
3. What are the differences between State&Society?
4. Is India Nation State?
5. What are the differences between Law&Moralities?
6. Explain the Safeguards of Liberty?
7. Explain the kinds of Liberty?
8. Write about Political Rights?
9. Explain the kinds of Justice?
10. What are the advantages of Secular State?
11. Write about qualities of Good citizenship?
12. What are the merits and demerits written constitutions?
13. What are the differences between written & un written Constitute
14. Explain the functions of Judiciary?
15. How the lost of Citizenship?
2 Marks
1. Ancient city States 2. Define Political Science
3. Define State 4. Write about Society
5. Define Law 6. What is meant by Constitutional Law

7. What is meant by National Law 8. Define Liberty

9. Economic Equality 10. Define Rights

11. What is Meant by National Rights 12. What is meant by Legal Rights

13. Classify rights 14. Positive Responsibilities

15. Define Justice 16. Political Justice
17. Define Secularstate 18. Define Democracy
19. What is meant direct Democracy 20. Recall

21. Define Citizenship 22. Alian

23. Define Classification 24. What is meant written Constitutions

25. Premble 26. What is meant by Palliamentes Govt

27. Advisory Functions 28. Check Balances

Second Year Important Questions
10 Marks
1. Indian Constitutions Features
2. Explain the powers &Functions of Indian President?
3. Explain the Powers&Functions of Union Legiscature?
4. Explain the Powers&Functions of District Collector?
5 Marks
1. Explain the Sources of Indian Constitution?
2. Write about Preamble?
3. What are the differences between rights &Directive Principles
4. Write about Fundamental Duties
5. Explain the Powers&Functions Union Judiciary(Supreme Court)
6. Explain the Powers&Functions at State Government?
7. Write about Legislative Council Composition
8. Explain the Powers&Functions of (HighCourt)
9. Write about recomanditions of Sarkariya Commission
10. What are the Legislative relations between Union &States?
11. Explain the Functions of Estimates Committees?
12. Explain the Functions of Election Commission?
13. Explain the Charactistic Features of Political Parties?
14. Write about B J Party
15. Write about T R S Party
16. Write about D M K Party
17. Write about T D P Party
18. Write about Sree Krishna Committee
19. Write about National Human rights Common Functions
20.Write about Right to Information Act 2005
1. Preamble 2. Drafltions Committee
3. Right to Property present position 4. 19th Article
5. President impeachmeant 6. Cabinet ministers
7. Article-356 8. P.M,President,Vice President Names
9. Collective Responsibility 10. Loksaba Quorum
11. Zero Hour 12. Stareed Questions
13. Rajyasaba Qualification 14. Supreme Court Judges Qualifications
15. Suprem Court other powers 16. Habeas corpus
17. Quowarranto 18. Govener Qualifications
19. Govern Appartment 20. Legislative Assembly Qualifications
21. Public accounts Committee 22. Highcourt Administrative Powers
23. Union List,State List,Concurrent list, 24. Sarpanch, MPDO,
Residuay Powers ZPChaiman,Contonmentbo ands
25. EVMs 26. Electrol Offiences any two
27. National Party,State Party, names 28. Define Political Party
29. JVP Committee 30. NHRC

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