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Recent world-wide corona virus outbreak

Corona Virus is an infectious disease which is caused by Severe Acute Respiratory
Syndrome(SARS-COV-2) and was first reported on December 2019 in Wuhan,
China. According to authentic sources, the virus was originated from a wet
market where animals such as bats, snakes, rabbits and birds were illegally sold.
Humans along with animals were in close contact often in unhygienic conditions.
At the beginning, it was assumed that bats are the carrier of the virus. However,
bats are incapable of transmitting it directly to humans. Some also assumed the
virus to be transmitted by snakes. Later on, it was found that pangolins carry
viruses that have a 99% DNA match with covid-19 virus. The pangolin may have
been illegally sold at the sea food and wild animal market of Wuhan, in China
where the virus originated.

Corona Virus has affected many countries all over the world. On 11 March,
WHO declared the outbreak as a pandemic and has warned all countries about
COVID-19. Statistics show that there are 540,846 cases of COVID-19 out of
which 125,297 are recovered cases and 24,294 are death cases. Italy, which has
the largest number of reported cases outside China, locked down the entire
country to prevent the spread of the virus. The European country has more than
24,000 cases and 1,809 deaths. Iran has reported 13,983 cases with 724 deaths,
with several government officials infected, and some dying, from the disease. The
epicenter of the infection in Iran appears to be the city of Qom, which is home to
many shrines significant to followers of Shia Islam. Concern has also surrounded
South Korea, with 8,162 cases and 75 deaths reported as of March 16. However,
South Korea, like China, has shown a downward trend in new cases. In general,
over 200 countries have reported cases related to corona virus.

How does the virus spread? People can catch COVID-19 from others who have
the virus. The disease can spread from person to person through small droplets
from the nose or mouth which are spread when a person with COVID-19 coughs
or exhales. This is why it is important to stay more than 1 meter (3 feet) away
from a person who is sick. These droplets land on objects and surfaces around the
person. Other people then catch COVID-19 by touching these objects or surfaces,
then touching their eyes, nose or mouth. Coronavirus infects lower respiratory
tract of human beings. Besides there are signs and symptoms of a person who had
a potential exposure to the virus. Some of them are

 Runny nose
 Sore throat
 Dry cough
 Fever
 Fatigue
 Headache
 Chills
 Shortness of breath
 Nausea or Vomiting
 Muscle and Joint Pain
 Loss of smell and taste
 Sputum Production
 Diarrhea
 Nasal and conjunctival congestion
 Bluish lip and face
The symptoms may appear within 2-14 days as it varies from person to person.
The groups of people who are at risk/more susceptible of the virus are elderly,
young children and pregnant women as well as people with previous health
conditions with compromised immune system, diabetes, heart disease, respiratory
disease or hypertension. Smokers are also at a high risk.

Public Health Challenges

 A critical tool in controlling such a pandemic is having proper, reliable and
fast detection method - i.e. test kits - available for screening.
 The need for "science-based" approach and the benefit of collaboration
between government officials and public health experts.
 Establishing electronic recording and tracking systems with local response
teams to handle and monitor cases 24/7
 Evaluating medical resources and response systems.
 Establishing preventive measures in communities, schools, offices,
businesses and homes that can minimize contacts and reduce impacts.
 Keeping the public well informed and providing guidelines concerning
health, hygiene and individual lifestyles and related procedures to follow.
 Prevent the disease from increasing i.e. lockdown cities or countries.
 Force people to stay at home quarantine for at least 14 days as they have
returned from abroad.
 Prepare more isolated wards/beds and prepare the doctors mentally and
physically to deal with the pandemic.
 Inspire the people to deal with the pandemic both mentally and physically
i.e. give them hotline numbers to connect.
 Provide hotline numbers so that, if anyone has symptoms or is in doubt that
they are infected by the pandemic disease can take the right actions.
 Specific guidance has been developed and posted online for health care
settings, including for patient, infection control, prevention, screening,
international travel


 Aware people through news, by letting them know about all the essential
details about this virus.
 Using social media platforms, such as videos which shows how to clean
hands and what to do in such a pandemic situation.
 Using banners/posters of taking precautions.
 Spreading WHO guidelines with the help of news and social medias.
 Ask the celebrities and government leaders to aware the general people as
they get more influenced by them.
 Telephone companies are providing caller tunes as “Wash your hands
regularly” and many precautions to alert people and encourage them to do.
 Making short films and cartoons for children, which tells about
 Doctors are posting pictures as “I stay at home for you, you stay at home for
 Miking around cities to spread awareness.
 Controlling the spread of misinformation that is spreading panic or
misleading the people
 Following the preventative measures (over the counter medication, self-
 Educational institutes putting up reliable information up on bulletins to
spread awareness
 Among health workers- look out for yourself, maintain protective
measures, eat sufficient and healthy food, stay in contact with family and
 Women with covid-19- can breastfeed, practice respiratory and hygiene,
use of mask, and other preventive measures.
 Measure to stop the spread of the virus in work places through
collaboration and coordination

The only effective way we can prevent COVID-19 is to avoid being exposed to the
virus. There are certain ways in which COVID-19 could be prevented. Some of
them are listed below.

 Cleaning hands more often

wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds,
especially after using the washroom and when preparing food. Use
alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available
 Staying at abode if a person is ill or have minor symptoms of the virus.
 Covering mouth while coughing or sneezing
cough or sneeze into a tissue or the bend of your arm, not your hand.
Dispose of any tissues you have used as soon as possible in a lined waste
basket and wash your hands afterwards
 Using a facemask
The mask acts as a barrier and helps stop the tiny droplets from spreading
you when you cough or sneeze.
 Using disinfectants to clean surfaces
with regular household cleaners or diluted bleach, you should always clean
surfaces that are frequently touched such a doorknob, keys, phones,
television remotes etc.
 Maintain social distancing
 Avoid touching facial parts i.e. mouth, nose and eyes.
 Follow the essential guidelines provided by WHO
 Travelling abroad is dangerous in such a pandemic. Stay wherever you are,
just don’t travel.
 It will be a wise decision for the government to shut down airports and
 Cook your food properly and don’t consume raw foods at all.
 Try to avoid cold drinks cold foods, cold fruits, ice-creams, cold water.
 Avoid smoking as smoking people are also the high risk groups of
coronavirus. Also stop consuming alcohols.
 Do not eat wild animals such as, pangolins.
 Avoid close contact with healthy person if you have respiratory symptoms
like fever, cough, sore throat, breathing difficulty.
 Avoid hugging and shaking.
 Maintain at least 3 feet but ideally 6 feet (1-2 meters) of people with
 Practice respiratory hygiene
 Do not travel internationally or nationally without necessity
 Do not eat raw food, cook the food properly
 Do not go near sick animals/ birds
 Stay informed and follow advice from healthcare provider
 Avoid overexertion
As of yet, the Covid-19 has no solution and cure, but thousands of doctors and
scientists are working day and night to come up with vaccines and solutions to
bring the pandemic to an end. Vaccine for the Coronavirus is still in trial stage.
The antiviral drug, called Favipiravir or Avigan, showed positive outcomes in
clinical trials involving 340 individuals in Wuhan and Shenzhen, said Zhang
Xinmin, of China's science and technology ministry. Moreover, the U.S. Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) now allows treatment of life-threatening
Covid-19 cases using blood from patients who have recovered but still it is not
a certified treatment. In addition to this, Malaria and HIV vaccines are also
being used to treat patients. Pain relievers (ibuprofen or acetaminophen),
Cough syrup, proper rest and fluid intake are temporary solutions. Following
WHO guidelines and all the preventive measures are highly encouraged.


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