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Reading is one of the basic literacy skills that a student must possess. It is the process of
looking at a series of written symbols and getting meaning from them. The main purpose of
reading is to comprehend the ideas in the material. This will serve as a tool for a learner to learn
the different subject areas.

As early as possible a child needs to engage in reading books and other materials, for him
to have a passion in reading in an early age. By the help and guidance of parents and teachers the
student will learn how to read correctly. He can use her prior knowledge to understand the text
he is reading. The student needs to practice reading for him/ her to be able to become a good

Without comprehension, reading would be empty and meaningless. So, we need to

follow the steps in teaching reading so that the students will easily understand the materials that
they are reading. First, teach the students the letter forms, letter sounds and letter names. They
must also develop the competency in four areas simultaneously which are word identification,
comprehension, fluency and motivation.

We have different ways on how to determine the reading level of the students like the
Marking and Scoring the Oral Reading Miscues. By finding the miscues of a student like the
mispronunciation, omission, substitution, insertion, repetition, transposition and reversal.
Through these findings, it may help us to determine the letter or words which are hard for them
to read.

Some students see reading as a chore which is so hard to do. So, instead of reading they
are just watching videos to learn different things. They explore with the use of the internet. This
case leads us to conduct a research and provide an action for this existing problem.

A grade 5 student who is currently enrolled at Maligaya Elementary School had a

difficulty in reading, a basic literacy skill which is needed to acquire knowledge from the
different materials. He belongs to a section that has a different learning preferences and
intelligence. Based on him, he is actively participating in class. When the teacher asks him to
read, he will read it confidently.

In their house there are a lot of books like story books which are provided for him. Her
mother bought it, for him to learn how to read. But he is more engage on using his cellphone
instead of reading the books. The child was not reading those materials because it is too long for
him. The child always wanted to use his phone and search different videos to watch instead of
reading those materials. His technique in finding the videos he wants to watch is by simply
typing and clicking the correct spelling of the words or videos in the search box.

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