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OpenTouch Conversation PC from R2.

Troubleshooting Guide
TG0087 ed07 Release 10.0 and above

OpenTouch Conversation PC Troubleshooting


This document describes most common problems encountered during installation and usage of OpenTouch Conversation
PC running on Windows environment.

Revision History

Edition 1: 14 November 10,2016 Replace TG0075

Removal of deprecated articles in TG0075
New OTC PC with OT 2.2
Edition 2: 30 November 2016 Some minor corrections
Edition 3: 2 May 2017 Logs for Contact services with Notes Integration
OffCat tools for Office Diagnostic
Outlook unable to cast COM Object
Prerequisites VSTO OTC PC
Edition 4: October 2017 Variable forceOpenGLRenderer no longer used
Use Registry key ‘AnglePlatform’ (§
Logs of installation of OTC PC, New conference plug-in
Edition 5: December 2018 Outlook addin disactivated with Outlook 2016, Auto run SKYPE and OTC PC
Edition 6: February 2018 Path for IBM logs (§10.1.2)
Logs in Meeting Manager
Edition 7: August 2018 No Telephony resources with VPN, Logs Skype for services

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The Alcatel-Lucent name and logo are trademarks of Nokia used under license by ALE. To view other trademarks used by
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property of their respective owners. The information presented is subject to change without notice. Neither ALE Holding nor any
of its affiliates assumes any responsibility for inaccuracies contained herein. © 2018 ALE International. All rights reserved.
Table of contents
1 Scope ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
2 OTC PC .................................................................................................................................................. 5
2.1 Installation ....................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1.1 Prerequisites............................................................................................................................... 5
2.1.2 Software Overview ...................................................................................................................... 5
2.1.3 Installation problems ................................................................................................................... 6 Could not access VBScript run time ...................................................................................................... 6 Could not access Jscript run time ......................................................................................................... 6 Cache issue........................................................................................................................................ 7 ContactsService.exe could not be installed ............................................................................................ 7 JSScript issue ..................................................................................................................................... 8 DSSourceFilter.dll failed to register ....................................................................................................... 8 Update failed with Windows Installer error ...........................................................................................10 Error ‘Could not access network location none’ .....................................................................................18
2.2 Traces & Log setting ....................................................................................................................... 18
2.2.1 Silent mode .............................................................................................................................. 18
2.2.2 Install logs ............................................................................................................................... 18
2.2.3 Uninstall logs ............................................................................................................................ 18
2.2.4 Logs files .................................................................................................................................. 19 Configuration files .............................................................................................................................19 Enable logs OTC PC ...........................................................................................................................20 Collecting log files..............................................................................................................................20
2.2.5 Logs Synchro contact ................................................................................................................ 20
2.2.6 Logs Contact Services ............................................................................................................... 20
2.3 Starting and display issues .............................................................................................................. 21
2.3.1 Black screen ............................................................................................................................. 21
2.3.2 Application failed to start with no window .................................................................................. 21 Check Process List .............................................................................................................................21 Check Graphic Display Driver ..............................................................................................................22 Check DirectX installation ...................................................................................................................24 Try DirectX 9 compatibility .................................................................................................................25 Try OpenGL Mode .............................................................................................................................26 Try Software 3D renderer ...................................................................................................................26 Take logs with specifics parameters ....................................................................................................26
2.3.3 Application failed to start with a crash ........................................................................................ 27 Solution 1: remove OpenTouchConversation data directory ...................................................................27 Solution 2: Uninstall program .............................................................................................................27
2.4 OTCv PC display is not good ............................................................................................................ 27
2.4.1 Windows and text are very small ............................................................................................... 27
2.4.2 Font display is not good ............................................................................................................ 27
2.4.3 Error OpenGl when OTC PC is started ........................................................................................ 28
2.5 Crash OTCv .................................................................................................................................... 28
2.6 OTCv PC very slow .......................................................................................................................... 29

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2.7 No telephony resources with VPN access .......................................................................................... 31
3 Outlook Add-in ...................................................................................................................................... 31
3.1 Outlook 2010 .................................................................................................................................. 32
3.2 No Synchro with Outlook 2013 ......................................................................................................... 33
3.3 Synchronization with Outlook is wrong ............................................................................................. 34
3.4 Presence and Call actions don’t work ................................................................................................ 34
3.5 Outlook is very slow ........................................................................................................................ 36
3.6 Outlook doesn’t start ....................................................................................................................... 37
3.7 Outlook add-in deactivated with outlook 2016 .................................................................................. 37
3.8 Diagnostic, repair and update Outlook .............................................................................................. 39
3.9 Outlook Unable to cast COM object .................................................................................................. 40

4 OTC WEB ............................................................................................................................................. 42

4.1 ACS Configuration ........................................................................................................................... 42
4.2 Log with Midleware analyzerCache issue .......................................................................................... 42

5 OT Meeting Manager ............................................................................................................................. 43

5.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 43
5.2 Installation ..................................................................................................................................... 43
5.3 Logs ............................................................................................................................................... 43
5.4 Restrictions..................................................................................................................................... 44
6 OTC one ............................................................................................................................................... 45
6.1 Logs ............................................................................................................................................... 45
7 Conferencing plug-in ............................................................................................................................. 46

7.1 Installation ..................................................................................................................................... 46

7.2 Debug of the plugin embedded in OT < 2.3.1 ................................................................................... 46
7.3 Debug of the plugin embedded in OT >= 2.3.1 ................................................................................ 46
7.4 Exception ....................................................................................................................................... 46
8 OTC4Skype ........................................................................................................................................... 48
8.1 Silent mode Installation ................................................................................................................... 48
8.2 Problems ........................................................................................................................................ 50
8.2.1 Skype user with no number to call ............................................................................................. 50
8.2.2 OTC PC not started when Windows starts ................................................................................... 51
8.3 Logs ............................................................................................................................................... 51
8.3.1 Configurations files ................................................................................................................... 51
8.3.2 Logs ......................................................................................................................................... 51
9 IBM Sametime Integration ..................................................................................................................... 52

9.1 Enable Logs .................................................................................................................................... 52

9.1.1 Instructions .............................................................................................................................. 52
9.1.2 Logs ......................................................................................................................................... 52

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10 IBM Lotus Notes Integration ................................................................................................................ 53
10.1 OTC service .................................................................................................................................. 53
10.1.1 Service check-up ..................................................................................................................... 53
10.1.2 Logs ....................................................................................................................................... 53
10.2 Notes Plug-in ................................................................................................................................ 53
10.3 Anomalies ..................................................................................................................................... 54
10.3.1 Buttons are greyed out ............................................................................................................ 54

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1 Scope
This document is the Open Touch Conversation PC application troubleshooting guide.
It describes most common problems encountered during installation and usage from OT 2.2


2.1 Installation
2.1.1 Prerequisites
 OTC PC works with Win7/Win8/Win10 32 and 64 bits.
 Does not works with Windows XP.
 Compliant with Office 2010, 2013 onwards
 OT 2.2.x
 The OTC PC installation package OpenTouchConversation-2.xx.msi, is available in the DVD OT core (ot-
R2.x-2.iso Clients_software\Windows\OpenTouchConversation )

 VSTO 5 Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime

-> required to access local outlook contacts

2.1.2 Software Overview

When OTC PC is started, some dedicated processes are running:

core software
Presence provider
Add a purple frame when screen sharing
shortcut keyboard (F4) for call

Used to synchronize local contacts from Outlook

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2.1.3 Installation problems Could not access VBScript run time

On some PC during OTC conversation installation there are an error message "Could not access VBScript run
time for custom action”
It is Microsoft issue.
A Microsoft fix exists.
What this Fix does is to remove incorrect or corrupted registry entries that interfere with VB support in
windows and then re-registers the DLL ensuring that the correct registry settings are there. After running the
Fix it solution you may be able to immediately try the operation that previously gave you the error, but to be
sure, a reboot is suggested. This will address similar issues with other programs as well and not just the
applications that are specifically mentioned in this thread.

The link to the Fix it is:

Temporary Solution :
Open a command prompt as administrator and run the following commands
reg delete "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{B54F3741-5B07-11CF-A4B0-00AA004A55E8}" /f
regsvr32 vbscript.dll Could not access Jscript run time

On some PC during OTC conversation installation there are an error message "Could not access Jscript run
time for custom action”
It is Microsoft issue.
A Microsoft fix exists.

See recommendation

Click on the Start menu, choose Run, type cmd and click OK
To unregister the JScript engine on a 64-bit OS, run this command: reg delete
"HKCU\SOFTWARE\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{F414C260-6AC0-11CF-B6D1-00AA00BBBB58}" /f

Temporary Solution :
Open a command prompt as administrator and run the following commands
reg delete "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{F414C260-6AC0-11CF-B6D1-00AA00BBBB58}"

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Copyright © ALE International 2018 page 6/55 Cache issue

Outlook deleted contact still found when we search in personal contacts list
Contacts from call log and favorites remains in OTCv PC cache
Cache mechanism removed in OT 2.0.1 ContactsService.exe could not be installed

During update process, user is prompt because a file (for example “ContactsService.exe”,
“IMProvider.exe”) that needs to be modified is currently in use.
It needs to be closed and/or stopped
- Make sure that Outlook is correctly closed.
 Make sure that the user installing the program has administrator privileges.
 Stop the windows service “ContactService.exe” if started and chose “Retry”

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Copyright © ALE International 2018 page 7/55 JSScript issue

Run a cmd window in administrator mode

cd "%systemroot%\System32"

regsvr32.exe /u jscript.dll

cd "%systemroot%\SysWow64"
regsvr32 jscript.dll

For more see the following site: DSSourceFilter.dll failed to register

During installation process, user is prompted about a problem to register DSSourceFilter.dll

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- A DLL from VS2013 runtime is corrupted (i.e. MSVCP120.DLL). You must repair or uninstall
Microsoft VS2013 runtime.
 Go on “Control Panel”, “Uninstall a program”, Select “Microsoft Visual C++ 2013
Redistribuable” and click on “Change

After that, you will be prompted to Modify Setup, click on “Repair”, and follow the wizard

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Copyright © ALE International 2018 page 9/55 Update failed with Windows Installer error

At the end of the update process an error message appears. Setup tries to do a rollback but it failed, and
uninstall process will failed with an error. The error message at the end of the update process looks like this:

Something is broken in the installation process, and the most clean process is to restore the previous
installation in order to uninstall it before doing any other installation. Another solution is to uninstall properly
the previous version.

To restore the PC with the previous version, follow this tutorial.

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1) Go to the “Control Panel” and click on “Backup and Restore”.

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2) On the Backup and Restore Window click on the link “Recover system settings or your

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3) Click on the button “Open System Restore”

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4) Select “Choose a different restore point” and click “Next” button.

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5) Click on “Show more restore points” and select the version installed just before the one who

6) Click “Next” button and wait that restoration process is finished (should reboot at least one
7) Save your configuration : backup the file “otc.ini” located in
8) Uninstall previous version: got to control panel, and uninstall OpenTouchConversation version.
9) Try to install the new OpenTouchConversation program (who failed to update)
10) Overwrite the otc.ini with the backuped file.

 Solution 2 : Repair and uninstall previous version.

After an update failed, uninstall process of the previous version could failed. Most of the time,
OpenTouchConversation is present in the Windows programs list, but the installation directory

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(C:\Program Files (x86)\Alcatel-Lucent\OpenTouch Conversation) was cleaned and empty. That’s why
uninstall failed, because it tries to unregister DLL which are not present.
In this case it’s possible to repair the previous installation in order to uninstall it correctly. For that, we
need to have the MSI of the current installed version (not the next !).

If you haven’t saved the previous MSI, it’s possible to find it in Windows system:

1) Open the hidden directory C:\Windows\Installer

2) Windows store all the MSI currently installed in this directory, but unfortunatly it changes their
name. To find the OpenTouchConversation MSI, sort files by size and localize files with a size
between 66 an 72 Mo.

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3) Right Click on each them, open their properties, and click on “Details” tab, you should find one
with subject = “OpenTouch Conversation”, and Authors = “Alcatel Lucent”

4) Copy the file in this directory :


5) Rename it “OpenTouchConversation.msi”

6) Right click on it and select “Repair” option

7) At the end of the repair process, verify that all the files in directory “C:\Program Files
(x86)\Alcatel-Lucent\OpenTouch Conversation” were restored

8) Launch the uninstall process.

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 Solution 3 : Diag tool

Use the diag tool from Microsoft :
installed-or-removed Error ‘Could not access network location none’

Impossible to install new release of OTC PC
De-installation of former release impossible
Unplug the PC from the network while uninstalling the current release
Use diag tool from Microsoft to clean –up registry

2.2 Traces & Log setting

2.2.1 Silent mode
msiexec /qn /i “OpenTouchConversation.msi”

2.2.2 Install logs

To get logs during installation process, you need to open a Windows Console and execute this command :
C:> msiexec /i OpenTouchConversation.msi /l*v install.log
Installation logs will be saved in “install.log” file.

2.2.3 Uninstall logs

To get logs during uninstallation process, you need to open a Windows Console and execute this
C:> msiexec /x OpenTouchConversation.msi /l*v install.log
Uninstallation logs will be saved in “install.log” file.

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2.2.4 Logs files Configuration files

Configuration log files are located in directory “%APPDATA%\AlcatelLucent\OpenTouchConversation”
Depending of logs needed, different configuration files are available

log4cxx.xml VoIP/Audio/Squale libraries

Otcpc_log4cxx.xml GUI Interface and middleware
outlookSynchroContact-log.xml Outlook Contact Add-in
highlight_log4cxx.xml Highlight / Click to Call process
breakpad_log4cxx.xml Breakpad process (dump management)
Deskband_log4cxx.html Deskband
Log4net.config ( IMProvider) IM Provider
pcmm_log4cxx.xml Desktop sharing

SIP messages

sipphonelogEvent.xml SIP messages

sipphonelogAlarm.txt Alarms
sipphonelogTrace.txt Logs

After each update these files are cleared and regenerated with their original values.

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Copyright © ALE International 2018 page 19/55 Enable logs OTC PC
In the Settings panel, select the line ‘Support’ Collecting log files

Pressing the button ‘Save logs’ compress content of the user profile, log folder (%temp%\Alcatel-
Lucent\OpenTouchConversation) and system info for PC
Select folder to save the zip file (with previous version, zip file was uploaded on the desktop)

2.2.5 Logs Synchro contact

 Modify file %APPDATA%\AlcatelLucent\OpenTouchConversation\outlookSynchroContact-log.xml
With level value -> DEBUG
 Restart outlook
 Logs

2.2.6 Logs Contact Services

 Stop service ContactsService and OTC PC
 Remove old logs
Remove database
 Activate logs
C:\Program Files (x86)\Alcatel-Lucent\OpenTouch

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level value -> all
 Start ContactServices
 Start OTC PC
 Logs

2.3 Starting and display issues

2.3.1 Black screen
When starting client, a black screen is displayed
Video driver issue, trouble with Graphic layer / openGL
Re installation of direct X

2.3.2 Application failed to start with no window

Application start and stop quickly without showing any window: no SplashScreen, no Login Form, no Main
window, no warning window Check Process List

Open the Windows Task Manager and check that the OpenTouchConversation.exe process is not running.
If there is an OpenTouchConversation.exe process running, you can try to stop it. Select the process and click
on “End Process” button.
You will also need to stop these process:
• OTCPCLyncIMProvider.exe
• OTCVHighlight.exe

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Copyright © ALE International 2018 page 21/55 Check Graphic Display Driver
Graphic chipset with an old driver version could prevent OpenTouchConversation program from displaying
correctly. Check that your graphic display is up to date and installed with the last version.
1) Open Control Panel\System and Security\Device Manager
2) Localize “Display adapters”, and double click on the graphic card
3) Click on “Driver” tab and click “Update Driver…”

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Copyright © ALE International 2018 page 23/55 Check DirectX installation

Check that DirectX installation is working correctly. Go to Windows Start Menu, and execute “dxdiag”
command. A Window like this will be opened, verify that in the “Display” tab, DirectDraw and Direct3D
Acceleration are Enabled.

If DirectDraw or Direct3D Acceleration are “Not Available”, program couldn’t start. Some ways to resolve this
issue are:
1. Install again Microsoft DirectX 11
2. Check that graphic display driver is correctly installed and up to date with the last version.
3. Some PC could have more than one graphic display, check all of them
4. Try to run in OpenGL mode (see chapter “”)

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Copyright © ALE International 2018 page 24/55 Try DirectX 9 compatibility

Open a Window Console, and set this environment variable :


C:> OpenTouchConversation.exe

Always from the Window Console, launch the OpenTouchConversation.exe program.


Add an environment variable

Variable value: d3d9

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Copyright © ALE International 2018 page 25/55 Try OpenGL Mode

Modify the file otc.ini located in “%APPDATA%\AlcatelLucent\OpenTouchConversation” directory. Add

“forceOpenGLRenderer” parameter in [Settings] section like this.


Note : forceAngleRenderer and forceSoftwareRenderer must be cleared or set to false. Try Software 3D renderer

Open a Window Console, and set this environment variable before launching the program:


C:> OpenTouchConversation.exe

Another way to change the renderer is to modify the file otc.ini located in
“%APPDATA%\AlcatelLucent\OpenTouchConversation” directory. Add a “forceSoftwareRenderer” parameter in
[Settings] section like this.


Note : forceAngleRenderer and forceOpenGLRenderer must be cleared or set to false. Take logs with specifics parameters

When all of these modes failed, launch OTC PC with specific settings in order to get more logs concerning
display problems.
Open a Window Console, and set these environment variables:

C:> set QT_LOGGING_RULES=*=true

C:> OpenTouchConversation.exe

From the Window Console, launch the OpenTouchConversation.exe program

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2.3.3 Application failed to start with a crash

Application start, Login window is displayed, but application failed and exit (sometimes with a crash). Solution 1: remove OpenTouchConversation data directory

Go to “%APPDATA%\AlcatelLucent\OpenTouchConversation” directory, and remove it.

This directory will be created again at the next start.
Be careful, when doing that user configuration will be loose. Save the content of the otc.ini file in order to be
able to retrieve user public/private server, login name… Solution 2: Uninstall program

Go to the Windows Configuration Panel, and uninstall the “OpenTouchConversation” program.

When uninstall is finished, go to “C:\Program Files (x86)\Alcatel-Lucent\” and verify that there is no
“OpenTouch Conversation” directory. If it’s the case, remove this directory.
Remove also the OpenTouchConversation temporary and data directories.
Install again the program.

2.4 OTCv PC display is not good

2.4.1 Windows and text are very small

On some PC with a high-resolution screen density, OpenTouchConversation Windows and text display may
seem very small.
Create a file called “qt.conf” with this content:

WindowsArguments = dpiawareness=0
Copy this file in OpenTouchConversation installation directory:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Alcatel-Lucent\OpenTouch Conversation

2.4.2 Font display is not good

Modify the file otc.ini located in “%APPDATA%\AlcatelLucent\OpenTouchConversation” directory. Add

“fontFamily” parameter in [Settings] section like this.


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2.4.3 Error OpenGl when OTC PC is started
An error message is displayed during the launching of OTC PC

Windows 7 32bits
Error due to a bad access to directX
Checkup directx ( dxdiag )
Modify key ‘AnglePlatform’ ) in the registry ( available from OTC PC 2.3.018 )

Values :
 warp: software render

 d3d9: use direct3d 9

 d3d11: use direct3d 11

2.5 Crash OTCv

OTCv PC application crashes when accessing on Headset Device modification menu
OTCv 2.1.1

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Windows 8.1
Bad configuration of windows
bad default format in the speaker properties
For Windows 8.1 (in this case) can NOT choose the audio setting correctly.
--> Right click on audio systray
--> Choose "Playback devices"
--> Choose "Headset earphone"
--> Click on "Properties" button
--> Select tab "Advanced"
==> "16 bit, 48000 Hz" was selected. And it's WRONG.
--> Select a better quality (for example, choose between)
16 bit, 16000 Hz (Tape recorder quality)

2.6 OTCv PC very slow

Some slowness may occur with OTCv PC on some PCs (e.g. Dell)
OTCv 2.1.1
Windows 7, 8.1
This is due to the Microsoft “antivirus” used which do a scan each time we write in log file.
To check that OTC PC logs files are monitored by Antivirus/Antimalware software, go to the
“%APPDATA%\AlcatelLucent\OpenTouchConversation” directory and create a new text file
with this content.
If the Antimalware/Antivirus Software detect a virus, that means the directory is monitored. In this
case you must write rules to exclude it.

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Apply a script to add an exception to antivirus rules:

- copy the file

- rename it OTSCEPFilter.bat
- double click on it
- reboot your PC

For further info, navigate to the following:


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2.7 No telephony resources with VPN access

After having logged the OTC PC , a yellow triangle is displayed on the right top of the screen and there is an
error message ‘ telephony services are not available’
No issue when LAN access
Windows 7
VPN access through Pulse secure
Firewall rules for private/public access not allowed
Modify rules dedicated to the application ‘OpenTouch Conversation’

3 Outlook Add-in
Check if add-in is running

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3.1 Outlook 2010

If add-in is present in the session Inactive Application Add-ins, activate it by selecting ‘COM Add-

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3.2 No Synchro with Outlook 2013
Local contacts are not seen in OTCv
Add-in Contacts (Opentouch conversation add-in) disabled due to a slow start
In Outlook2013, see File -> Slow and Disable Add-Ins

Click the button “Always enable this add-in” of OpenTouch “Conversation add-in”
Restart Outlook

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3.3 Synchronization with Outlook is wrong
When searching from OTC PC a local contact from Outlook, the search result doesn’t reflect
my Outlook contacts.
ContactService database is wrong or corrupted. In this case you must clean it.
- Stop Outlook
- Stop ContactService
- Clear the ContactService database : remove the file
- Restart service
- Restart Outlook

3.4 Presence and Call actions don’t work

OpenTouch Conversation Integration for Microsoft Office is installed but user presence is empty,
and it’s not possible to start an audio call, an IM or a video call from the Outlook Persona card.

1 ) Execute “Regedit” and open the Windows registry key
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\IM Providers
Verify the presence of “DefaultIMApp = OTCPCLyncIMProvider”

Set the key with the right value, and restart Outlook.

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2) Verify that OTCPCLyncIMProvider.exe is running
=> open Windows Task Manager and check that the process OTCPCLyncIMProvider.exe is

If the process is not running, restart OTC PC

3.5 Outlook is very slow

Cache must be activated in Outlook options.
Microsoft Outlook go to: File → Info → Account Settings
Double click on user Exchange account, and verify that “Use Cached Exchange Mode” is checked.

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3.6 Outlook doesn’t start
Sometime, it could happen that Outlook start, load extensions, show first page and immediately
Diagnostic :
This phenomenon could be caused by a mix of Microsoft Office software (2007 / 2010 / 2013).
Even when Office program was uninstalled, you should manually remove some registry

"PrimaryInteropAssemblyName"="Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook, Version=, Culture=neutral,
"PrimaryInteropAssemblyName"="Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook, Version=, Culture=neutral,

"PrimaryInteropAssemblyName"="Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook, Version=, Culture=neutral,

More information on this problem :

3.7 Outlook add-in deactivated with outlook 2016

After first start-up of outlook it even prevent the application to start and was discarded in the list of disabled

Diagnostic :
As plug-in takes a long time to be loaded, it is deactivated by Outlook


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Press the button ‘Always enable this add-in’

Check the key LoadBehavior of the registry.

It should be equal to 3


And possibly a second key

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3.8 Diagnostic, repair and update Outlook

When problems happened with Outlook, the first thing to do is to download and execute OffCat
Microsoft tools.
Go to this link:

Install and execute the OffCat program:

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3.9 Outlook Unable to cast COM object

- Either the buttons of the Add-in are disabled

- Or Outlook crashes with the following error: « Microsoft Outlook has stopped working »

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In extensions logs, we can read this kind of error TYPE_E_LIBNOTREGISTERED or

Case 1 : buttons of the Addin are disabled

2017-02-03 15:50:39,003 DEBUG 19 OutlookAddIn2010.ExplorerWrapper: 0 -

UpdateExplorerRibbon - Global try/catch - source:[mscorlib] - message:[Unable to cast COM object of
type 'System.__ComObject' to interface type 'Microsoft.Office.Core.IRibbonUI'. This operation failed
because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '{000C03A7-0000-0000-
C000-000000000046}' failed due to the following error: Library not registered. (Exception from

Case 2 : Outlook crash at startup

2017-02-03 17:09:24,305 ERROR 15 OutlookAddIn2010.ThisAddIn: 0 - GLOBAL EXCEPTION

2017-02-03 17:09:24,307 ERROR 15 OutlookAddIn2010.ThisAddIn: 0 - Source:[mscorlib
- Message:[Unable to cast COM object of type 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.ApplicationClass' to
interface type 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._Application'. This operation failed because the
QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '{00063001-0000-0000-C000-
000000000046}' failed due to the following error: Error loading type library/DLL. (Exception from


This could be caused by an installation / uninstallation of Microsoft Office software in different

versions (2007 / 2010 / 2013 / 2016). In this case, you should probably have to remove
manually some registry keys.

Case 1 : buttons of the Addin are disabled


Case 2 : Outlook crash when starting


More information on this problem:

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4.1 ACS Configuration
Configure ACS for HTTPS

Acces thru WBM


Use debugger console of the browser

 Chrome
Shift+Ctrl+j or Tools > Console Java Script

 Firefox
Shift+Ctrl+j or Web Development > Web Console
 IE10

4.2 Log with Midleware analyzerCache issue

Clean the browser cache to be sure data stored from the server and not from the computer

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5 OT Meeting Manager
5.1 Introduction
Open Touch Meeting Manager is a Google packaged application available on Chroms Store.
Aim is to allow managing Meetings for The Open Touch Server

5.2 Installation
Link to download it :

To Install Open Touch Meeting Manager, open Chrome Browser, copy the above link or go to the
Chrome Store Web site, search for “OpenTouch Meeting Manager” and click on the “Free” button.
This application is now visible in the Chrome extension session.
Once installation is done, create a shortcut on the deskstop.
To start the application, click on the shortcut.

5.3 Logs
On ‘Settings’ tab :

Select directory to store the log file

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5.4 Restrictions
Only French and English labels

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6 OTC one
6.1 Logs
To collect OTC one logs,
Click the button ‘settings’ and select the item ‘About’

Select the line ‘Save logs ‘ in the copyright window

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7 Conferencing plug-in
7.1 Installation
The new Outlook conference add in can be delivered in a standalone mode for user having only the
“conferencing” license, or embedded in the OTC PC.
It is available from Outlook 2010.
From OT 2.3.1 (OT release 14), the conference plugin has been redesigned

7.2 Debug of the plugin embedded in OT < 2.3.1

- Stop Outlook
- Edit the file

C:\Program Files (x86)\Alcatel-Lucent\Outlook Conference Scheduling Add-in\traces.xml

- Set the level to DEBUG
- Remove old logs in
%Temp%\Alcatel-Lucent\Outlook Conference Scheduling Add-in\log
- Start Outlook
- Collect logs in %Temp%\Alcatel-Lucent\Outlook Conference Scheduling Add-in\log

7.3 Debug of the plugin embedded in OT >= 2.3.1

- Stop Outlook
- Edit the file
- Set the level to DEBUG
- Remove old logs in
- - Start Outlook
- Collect logs in %TMP%\Alcatel-Lucent\OpenTouchConversation

7.4 Exception

When starting Microsoft Outlook, an error is raised
OpenTouch Outlook Conference Scheduling Add-in has fired an exception”

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- Turn on the Microsoft .Net 3.5 feature. Go to the “Control Panel”, click on “Programs” and choose
“Turn Windows Features on or off”

In the list of Windows features, check “Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1”

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8 OTC4Skype

8.1 Silent mode Installation

msiexec /i OpenTouchConversation.msi DEBUG_DIALOG=1 SKYPE_MODE=1

DEBUG_DIALOG is used to identify set up requirements

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8.2 Problems
8.2.1 Skype user with no number to call

When user click on “Start an Audio call” from a Skype contact, an error is raised saying that user
doesn’t have a phone number.
When editing Skype for Business Options, there is no numbers in “Phones” section:

Diagnostic :
Synchronization between Active Directory and Skype user’s database doesn’t keep user phone
number. On Skype server, check events viewer for Lync, you should have a Warning with a link
on the file “Invalid_AD_Phone_Numbers.txt”.
Download and install “Skype for Business Address Book Normalisation Tool”:

For more see the following url:

For internal numbers with 5 digits, the rule looks like :
Priority : 1
Pattern : (\d{5})
Translation : $1
Suppress the user directory to force the update of ABfiles.

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8.2.2 OTC PC not started when Windows starts
OTC PC is associated to Skype and Skype is automatically started when Windows starts.
At starting of the PC, OTC PC uses lot of CPU but not working, this is due to autorun of OTC PC.
Diagnostic :
Because OTC PC is associated to Skype, this is Skype which starts OTC PC so the autorun on OTC PC has not
to be enable.
To fix it is needed to delete the key OTCPC in registry

Change startAppAtPcLogon=true by startAppAtPcLogon=false

8.3 Logs
8.3.1 Configurations files

Log4net-otc4skype.config Skype integration component

Level value : WARN - ALL

8.3.2 Logs


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9 IBM Sametime Integration
9.1 Enable Logs
9.1.1 Instructions

 Stop Sametime
 Clear logs
%appdata%\IBM\Sametime \logs\error-log-*.xml, trace-log-*.xml
 Modify the file
 Add the line
 Start Sametime

9.1.2 Logs
%appdata%\IBM\Sametime \logs

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10 IBM Lotus Notes Integration
10.1 OTC service
Service running after installation of OTCt

10.1.1 Service check-up



10.1.2 Logs

Stop the Alcatel‐Lucent OpenTouch Connection Service service

Goto the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Alcatel-Lucent\OpenTouchConversation\Service
Or the folder C: \Program Files (x86)\Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise\ OpenTouch
open as administrator the file ContactsService.exe.config
modify level value
level value="DEBUG
Start service
Path for contact database is %allusersprofile%\Alcatel-Lucent\ContactsService
File for traces :

10.2 Notes Plug-in

File C:\Program Files\IBM\Lotus\Notes\Data\workspace\.config\
Modify line:
C:\Program Files\IBM\Lotus\Notes\Data\workspace\logs

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10.3 Anomalies
10.3.1 Buttons are greyed out
- Check-up if contact service is running
- Removal of contact database %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Alcatel-

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