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Technical Bulletin OXO Connect /Rainbow PBX Integration

Rainbow solution 1.65 and above

TC2479 ed.08
OXO Connect R3x / OXO Connect Evolution R3x

Rainbow WebRTC Gateway with OXO Connect /

OXO Connect Evolution

This document provides the configuration details required to install the WebRTC Gateway for Rainbow PBX integration in
the context of the OXO Connect R3x and OXO Connect Evolution R3x. In the document, OXO or OXO Connect are
used to simplify the wording.

Revision History

Edition 1 : October 12th, 2018 creation of the document

Edition 2 : December 20th, 2018 update. Add screenshot in 4.3.1, update screenshot in 4.3.6. Update troubleshoot section
Edition 3 : April 26th , 2019 update of the document
Edition 4 : July 5th , 2019 update of the document for SIP carrier interop.
Edition 5 : July 12th, 2019 introduction of internal WebRTC GW, update for codec , direct RTP
Edition 6 : July 25th, 2019 replace “embedded” by “internal”, update for license bypass and for number of calls supported.
Edition 7 : October 25th, 2019 refresh OMC screenshots for OXO release R32
Edition 8 : January 28th, 2020 update of the document

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The Alcatel-Lucent name and logo are trademarks of Nokia used under license by ALE. To view other trademarks used by
affiliated companies of ALE Holding, visit: All other trademarks are the
property of their respective owners. The information presented is subject to change without notice. Neither ALE Holding nor any
of its affiliates assumes any responsibility for inaccuracies contained herein. © 2020 ALE International. All rights reserved.
Table of contents
1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................ 4
2 Restrictions ............................................................................................................................................. 5

3 WebRTC gateway configuration ............................................................................................................... 6

3.1 Pre-requisites ................................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Network configuration in case of external WebRTC gateway ................................................................ 7
3.3 Declaration of the OXO in the Rainbow company ................................................................................ 7
3.3.1 Declare OXO in Rainbow ............................................................................................................. 7 Manual declaration of OXO in the admin webpage : ............................................................................... 7 Declaration using BTS mode ................................................................................................................ 8
3.3.2 Configuration in case of external WebRTC .................................................................................... 9
3.3.3 Reboot in case of external WebRTC gateway ................................................................................ 9
3.3.4 Activation in OMC in case of internal WebRTC gateway ............................................................... 10
3.4 Rainbow Admin Configuration .......................................................................................................... 10
4 OXO configuration guide ........................................................................................................................ 12
4.1 Creation of the AnyDevice subscriber ............................................................................................... 12
4.2 Configuration of WebRTC GW SIP trunk ........................................................................................... 13
4.2.1 Creation of WebRTC SIP gateway .............................................................................................. 13
4.2.2 Configuration of the SIP Account with the Rainbow PBX ID : ....................................................... 17
4.2.3 Creation of VoIP accesses ......................................................................................................... 17
4.2.4 Creation of the trunk group ....................................................................................................... 19
4.3 Configuration of the numbering plans and ARS ................................................................................. 20
4.3.1 Configuration of the installation number ..................................................................................... 20
4.3.2 Configuration in ARS table to route public calls ........................................................................... 20
4.3.3 Configuration of the internal numbering plan .............................................................................. 20
4.3.4 Configuration of public and private numbering plan .................................................................... 21
4.3.5 Configuration of ARS table to route Rainbow calls ....................................................................... 21
4.3.6 Barring table configuration ........................................................................................................ 23

5 Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................................... 24
5.1 Log files ......................................................................................................................................... 24
5.1.1 OXO Connect CDB database and logs ......................................................................................... 24 Logs from Webdiag : .........................................................................................................................24 ccrbagent.log in webdiag application ...................................................................................................24 ISDN trace in OSC tool .......................................................................................................................24
5.1.2 Rainbow client logs ................................................................................................................... 25
5.1.3 External WebRTC GW logs......................................................................................................... 26
5.1.4 Internal WebRTC GW logs ......................................................................................................... 26
5.2 Troubleshoot .................................................................................................................................. 26
5.2.1 Check configuration .................................................................................................................. 26
5.2.2 Nomadic right must be checked for the AnyDevice ...................................................................... 26
5.2.3 Port 3478 must be opened for UDP protocol ............................................................................... 26

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5.2.4 Check the connectivity of the Rainbow agent .............................................................................. 27
5.2.5 Check the status of the external SIP Gateway on OXO Connect ................................................... 28
5.2.6 Contact support team................................................................................................................ 28

6 Annex................................................................................................................................................... 29

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1 Overview
The purpose of this feature is to allow softphone or mobility for users with an OXO coupled with Rainbow, by
making possible the use of Rainbow applications as VoIP media termination to make or receive business calls
through their OXO.

This diagram gives you an overview of the solution and of the data flow :

Interactions between OXO media server and Rainbow WebRTC gateway are managed through a private SIP
Trunk. That will need to configure :
 SIP gateway and account
 SIP trunk and bundle
 Internal dialing tree
 DDI dialing tree for call from Rainbow
 ARS table for call to Rainbow

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2 Restrictions
This section gives some usage restrictions.

Warning Caution:
Features and services not mentioned in the document are not supported.
The restrictions listed below are not exhaustive.

As the solution is using multi-set configuration, the subscribers configured to use WebRTC feature can not be
members of attendant group. They can not be ACD agent or ACD supervisor. Please see Expert documentation
User Services : 8AL91202USAE for more information.

A multiset must not contain both an AnyDevice for Rainbow and a My IC mobile

Hot desking users are not supported in Rainbow context environment :

 an HDU must not be associated to a Rainbow user as it is not a physical device,
 an HDP must not be associated to a Rainbow user as it is not always the same who will be associated
to HDU.

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3 WebRTC gateway configuration

3.1 Pre-requisites
The WebRTC gateway has to be installed as a virtual machine or, since WebRTC release 1.66, has to be
installed on a standalone PC : please visit for supported hardware and
installation details.
Since release R3.2 of OCE the WebRTC GW is embedded on the same hardware platform ( the box OXO
Connect Evolution ) as the OXO call server. OCE administrator must declare either the internal WebRTC or an
external WebRTC GW. When the internal RGW is activated ( in OMC=>Cloud=>Rainbow menu ), RGW and
OXO Call server are running side-by-side on the same OCE device.

Warning Only one WebRTC GW can be associated with a given PBXID ( go to OMC=>Cloud=>Rainbow menu and look
at field “Rainbow PABX-ID” ) .
The configuration in case of internal WebRTC is the same as for external WebRTC. In case of internal
WebRTC, the IP address configured in the SIP Gateway profile can be OXO IP or OXO voice vlan IP and the
port is 5059 not 5060.

In this document some chapters are reserved for external WebRTC GW and some others to internal WebRTC
gateway : it is specified in the chapter’s name.

Warning License bypass is available since ( up to R3.1 it is mandatory to purchase a license for
the SIP trunk )
Up to OXO Connect R3.1, SIP trunk licenses are needed to use WebRTC GW’s SIP trunk on OXO.
From OXO Connect, SIP trunk licenses are not required anymore for the WebRTC GW’s SIP
When the WebRTC GW’s SIP trunk is properly configured (ARS, Trunk Group and private SIP Trunk, the
WebRTC GW’s SIP trunk is identified by a Rainbow icon displayed on the trunk configuration screen in
OMC, meaning also that no trunk license is used. SIP trunk license is not used with WebRTC GW in all

At the time of publishing the edition 08, the version of WebRTC to use is the 1.73.17-178.

The sections 3.x below explains how to configure the WebRTC gateway to interwork with OXO. You need first
to log on the WebRTC gateway to enter the commands in the command line interface. For more information
about WebRTC configuration, please refer to help on line provided on
In Rainbow administration page, a company linked to the OXO has to be declared and the users created in this
company have to be associated with their OXO professional phone number : please go to and read the guide “Administration - Manage your Company or your
Customers” for more information.

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Once the configuration described in this technical communication document is fully done, the user will have to
activate the computer mode in his Rainbow client application to use the feature :

3.2 Network configuration in case of external WebRTC gateway

The configuration of the network of the WebRTC gateway requires that IP address has to be assigned to the
WebRTC gateway ( YOUR_IP_WRTCGW ) and the netmask (YOUR_NETMASK), address IP of the gateway (
YOUR_IP_GW ), IP of DNS ( YOUR_IP_DNS ) and NTP server <YOUR_NTP_SVR> have to be configured by
using the following command :



Example :
mpnetwork --IP= --NETMASK= --GATEWAY= --DNS= -–

Warning -In case of voice Vlan configured in OXO, the WebRTC gateway has to be declared in the voice vlan
network. Configuration has to be done on the router because the WebRTC needs also the access to data
-Time configuration : if you want for example the time to be displayed in Central European Time (CET)
format, you can type “sudo ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/CET /etc/localtime” in the console
-IMPORTANT : each time command mpnetwork is executed it must be followed by command
mpconfig. It is mandatory in order all WebRTC components are updated with the new configuration

3.3 Declaration of the OXO in the Rainbow company

3.3.1 Declare OXO in Rainbow
Two ways of doing are described. The BTS mode has to be used when OXO is in factory state. Manual declaration of OXO in the admin webpage :

To activate the OXO Rainbow agent the first time, you need first to declare the OXO in the company within
your Rainbow administration page : please go to and read the guide
“Administration - Manage your Company or your Customers” then “[DR] How to Manage my Equipments

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Once you get the “Equipment ID” ( PBXID ) and the “Activation code”, you have to put these information in
menu OMC=>Cloud=>Rainbow . Declaration using BTS mode

Here are the steps of an installation in BTS mode.
 Partner needs to connect to Rainbow administration site to set the PBX Id and activation code during
the declaration of a new equipment.

In equipment declaration, “Specify equipment ID and activation code” must be checked, then the two
fields “Equipment ID” and “Activation code” must be filled with the same value “FLeet_ref-Install_id”
before clicking on “Next” button.
Activation code is saved on Rainbow administration site to be reused in case of activation code
 On customer site connect the OXO to the network
 Use the BTS installation method giving the partner fleet reference (Fleet-ref) and the installation
reference (Install_id) used on Rainbow administration site.
 Rainbow feature on OXO is then configured and activated by default using BTS “Fleet_ref-Install_id”
as Equipement Id and Activation code, same value is used in the two parameters. Activation code is
only used on first login, after that it will be automatically modified by Rainbow infrastructure.
 Partner does not need to configure the Rainbow feature manually.

Configuration on OXO can be used to stop the rainbow feature or modify the parameters.Configuration order
is not important. OXO can also be configured before Rainbow administration.
BTS field format:
Field Nb characters Authorized characters
Fleet_ref 3 to 5 A to Z, 0 to 9

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Install_id Up to 26 A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9, + - . * /

The format of the value to enter in Rainbow administration site is: Fleet_ref-Install_id
( minus character is used as separator between the two values )
Sample: ALE12-1234.5678.90 with Fleet_ref = ALE12 and Install_id = 1234.5678.90
Rainbow administration site is adapted to accept the same characters as BTS in configuration of Equipment Id
and Activation code.

 No specific treatment is needed to manage the + - . * characters.
 / character is escaped with \2F when used in Equipment Id.
 This has no impact for administrator of Rainbow administration site and OXO configuration, who will
use + - . / during configuration, they don’t need to replace / by \2f.

3.3.2 Configuration in case of external WebRTC

The configuration of the WebRTC gateways requires the IP of the OXO ( YOUR_OXO_IP ) and the PBX ID (
YOUR_PBXID ) that you get from the Rainbow admin webpage have to be configured by using the following
command :

Example :
mpconfig --PBX_DOMAIN= --PBXID= PBXe36b-ce97-7d78-450c-8ad9-f78d-da6d-cf67

3.3.3 Reboot in case of external WebRTC gateway

Warning After doing the initial configuration of the WebRTC gateway it is mandatory to reboot the
virtual machine

sudo reboot

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3.3.4 Activation in OMC in case of internal WebRTC gateway
In OMC, go to menu Cloud=>Rainbow and check the checkbox “Internal webRTC gateway enabled”.
If a voice vlan is declared on OXO, check the checkbox “Voice VLAN”

Warning Limitation : do not check the checkbox “Web Proxy (Advanced)”. Will be available in further

3.4 Rainbow Admin Configuration

For the OXO connected to the WebRTC Gateway you'll have to select the option "Activate the WebRTC
gateway" in the Rainbow admin page.

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Note It is recommended to NOT configure the numbering rules in the Rainbow administration page
of the company. Reserved for specific use cases : see help on
In the “Members” tab of the company, two cases to declare the phone number of OXO users :
 The user has a physical set : in that case declare the phone number of the physical set of this
 The user has NO physical set : in that case declare the phone number of the AnyDevice associated
to the user.

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4 OXO configuration guide
Warning In this chapter we highlight the main points of the configuration. In the Annex you will find all
the parameters of the SIP trunk and their values.

Warning If a Public SIP Trunk is used on the system, it is recommended to enable the sending of Invite
with SDP on this Public SIP trunk (some carriers don’t accept Invite without SDP ).
This parameter “INVwSDPtrk” is available under:
“External Lines / SIP / SIP Gateways”, then under “Advanced” in the details of the SIP trunk.
For the Public SIP Trunk, set the value of label “INVwSDPtrk” to “True”.

Remark : IP addresses used in this document

-IP address of the external WebRTC = IP address of OXO Connect =
-IP address of the internal WebRTC = Voice Vlan IP address of the OXO Connect Evolution =
Data Vlan IP address of the OXO Connect Evolution =

4.1 Creation of the AnyDevice subscriber

Using OMC, you must create an AnyDevice terminal for each user that will use the WebRTC GW.

This AnyDevice terminal must then be added as secondary of the user main terminal.

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4.2 Configuration of WebRTC GW SIP trunk
Warning To restrict/allow the calls through the WebRTC GW SIP trunk, you will have to check the
Barring/Routing rules configuration.

4.2.1 Creation of WebRTC SIP gateway

Go to SIP Gateway and click “Create” button.

In General folder :
 Fill index label
 SIP Numbers Format index set to 1 or other you defined
 INVwSDPtrk has be set to false ( default value ) from WebRTC 1.71.4-61. With former WebRTC
versions it was required to set INVwSDPtrk to true.

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Domain Proxy folder, IP address of WebRTC GW VM :

Warning If IP type is dynamic please deactivate first the DNS in the DNS tab.

Warning In case of internal WebRTC gateway, the port must to be set to 5059. The IP Address must be
set with OXO IP address if there is no Voice VLAN or with OXO Voice IP address if a Voice VLAN
is declared

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Registration folder :
 Requested is selected
 Registrar IP address set with IP address of WebRTC GW VM

Warning In case of internal WebRTC gateway, the port must to be set to 5059. The Registrar IP Address
must be set with OXO IP address if there is no Voice VLAN or with OXO Voice IP address if a
Voice VLAN is declared

Media folder :

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Warning Due to a temporary restriction, G722 can not be used. Will be fixed in a further maintenance

 Voice active detection not selected

 Only G711a and G711µ are supported.
 It is recommended to check “RTP direct” checkbox. RTP direct is mandatory in case of WebRTC
internal in OCE ( available from release R3.2 ). Codec pass-through for SIP trunks must be unchecked.

Protocol folder, keep alive active protocol set to SIP_OPTION :

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4.2.2 Configuration of the SIP Account with the Rainbow PBX ID :

 In SIP Accounts, click add line and fill with your Rainbow PBX ID and GW Param. Index :

4.2.3 Creation of VoIP accesses

 Go in OMC / External lines / List of accesses folder
 Click on Add VoIP button
 Set the wanted Trunk channels number (see picture hereafter for channel number configuration)
 Select the associated gateway index (when selected, displayed gateway status must be alive if
WebRTC GW is already reachable)
 Click on Link-Cat button and configure all values
 Validate Link-Cat and VoIP-trunk configuration

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Number of Rainbow WebRTC OXO users Number of trunk channels in RGW SIP trunk
5 5
10 7
20 11
30 15
50 20
70 27 (*)
100 36 (*)
150 50 (*)
(*) for external WebRTC gateway
Warning The number of simultaneous WebRTC gateway calls allowed in case of internal WebRTC is 20

Warning Public trunk must be unchecked.

Since R32, Reserved mode has to be unchecked

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4.2.4 Creation of the trunk group
 Go in OMC / External lines / List of trunk groups
 Select one trunk starting after index 1 (for example index with 414 number)
 Click on Details
 Click on Add button and select the VoIP-Trunk you just created before
 As for VoIP-Trunk, click on Link-Cat button to configure different values

For easier management, give a name to the trunk :

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4.3 Configuration of the numbering plans and ARS
4.3.1 Configuration of the installation number
 Go in OMC / Numbering / Installation numbers
 Set installation number and validate

Example for French target. Please configure for your own needs.
Warning Remark : As the main trunk group is configured as “ARS”, the Recall Prefix must be configured.
If not the virtual terminal nomadic will not be created as the system will not be able to
allocate resources keys.

4.3.2 Configuration in ARS table to route public calls

It is mandatory to modify the configuration in the ARS table to route the public calls.
The main trunk needs to be handled in the ARS table. Add the following line in the ARS table to route the call
to your public trunk access :

4.3.3 Configuration of the internal numbering plan

A call setup made by a Rainbow user is transmitted to OXO via the Rainbow link in CSTA protocol, and has
following format : BBB+Rainbow extension number. This number has to be analysed in ARS table.
That’s why the entry corresponding to the primary trunk index must be configured with the below parameters,
to be able to use WebRTC GW numbering prefix in ARS (value BBB) :
 Function: main trunk group
 Start: 0
 End: 0
 Base: ARS
 NMT: Drop
 Priv: no

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Warning " Main trunk group" function must be unique – other trunk group prefix must be configured as

4.3.4 Configuration of public and private numbering plan

These numbering plans must allow to route incoming calls to PBX subscribers.
As example, in public and private numbering plan folders do the following :
 Select the function Subscriber
 Set Start to 100, End to 199, Base to 100 ( it is given as an example, to be adapted to the current
numbering plan )
 Click on Add button

4.3.5 Configuration of ARS table to route Rainbow calls

At first, a trunk must be created to be used in ARS to reach WebRTC GW.
 Go in OMC / Numbering / Automatic Routing Selection / Trunk group list folder
 In Trunk group list part of the OMC window, right click and select Add, a line appears
 Click in Index field and select the trunk group you created in Extern lines (with number 414 in our
 Right click under the created line to Apply

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Then, you must add an entry in ARS table with below parameters to use the WebRTC SIP trunk for all calls
to Rainbow though the GW.
In details,
 Go in OMC / Numbering / Automatic Routing Selection / Automatic Routing Prefixes folder
 Right click in Automatic Routing Prefix part of the OMC window and select Add, a line appears
 Right click a second time and select Optional parameters. Fill the new line as following:
o Activation: Yes
o Network: pub
o Prefix: BBB
o Ranges: empty range to manage all numbers starting with BBB
o Substitute empty
o TrGpList: Trunk Groups Lists=>List number to use the previously created SIP
trunk ( 8 here in the example )
o Called(ISVPN/H450): het
o Called: priv
o Calling: default

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4.3.6 Barring table configuration
The number of a WebRTC call is 17 digits long. In the barring table configuration, field “Counter 1” should be
configured accordingly, at least 17. If not the case (for example “Counter 1” set to 15), the call through
WebRTC will not be authorized :

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5 Troubleshooting
This section explains how to troubleshoot the feature and list the information to be provided in addition to the
OXO Connect CDB database if you need to create a ticket to report an issue. For the troubleshoot on WebRTC
side,please visit and check the troubleshooting guide for WebRTC.

5.1 Log files

5.1.1 OXO Connect CDB database and logs
For any support request, it is required to provide the OXO CDB database and the following logs. Logs from Webdiag : Logdebugfiles.tgz
Collect the logdebugfiles.tgz Tcpdump
Enabling the tcpdump in OXO Connect webdiag before doing the call through WebRTC gateway is helpful to
follow the SIP call. ccrbagent.log in webdiag application

Get ( copy/paste in text file ) the content of log ccrbagent.log as this log is not a part of the logdebugfiles.tgz.
This is the log of the Rainbow agent giving in particular the state of the service. ISDN trace in OSC tool

In case the call is made to an external number, the external lines accesses of the OXO are used. ISDN traces
are useful in case Tx ISDN link is used. As for tcpdump traces, please activate them before doing the call
through WebRTC gateway.
1. From OMC, launch the OSC tool

2. Connect as “installer”

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3. Activate the trace recording

The windows to display the traces appears

4. Start the ISDN trace

5. Do the experiment. Once finished, select all the traces in the traces window and copy paste to the text
file for analysis purpose.

5.1.2 Rainbow client logs

The logs of the Rainbow client are available in menu “Settings” of user profile :

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5.1.3 External WebRTC GW logs
Please follow the troubleshooting guide on :

5.1.4 Internal WebRTC GW logs

Archive Logdebugfiles.tgz has to be collected by the ALE support connected to webdiag as “wdt” user.

5.2 Troubleshoot
5.2.1 Check configuration
With the help of this document and with the Rainbow help on line (, check
the whole configuration.

5.2.2 Nomadic right must be checked for the AnyDevice

When the AnyDevice is created, its related nomadic right is automatically checked and the checkbox is greyed
out ( see subscriber=>Cent.Serv=>User tab ) : this is the normal behavior. If not checked then the feature
can not work : in that case delete and recreate the AnyDevice. If still unsuccessful then please collect the OXO
CDB database and the logdebugfiles.tgz and create a Service Request to welcome center to OXO support team
using email

5.2.3 Port 3478 must be opened for UDP protocol

If the WebRTC gateway status shows that the WebRTC is not connected, please check the IT policy about
internet access and ports. Especially, the port 3478 must be opened for UDP protocol in output : if not, in
Janus log there will be an error about contacting the turn server ( in future WebRTC release a test will be
added to check this port is opened ).

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5.2.4 Check the connectivity of the Rainbow agent
In OMC->Cloud->Rainbow the status must be connected as shown hereafter :

In the log ccrbagent.log ( see OXO Connect logs ) status of Rainbow agent and of the associated services has
to be “in service” :
Jul 5 08:49:36 (none) : 081ms [D] rainbowagent.AlarmManager 3.#WsMx log(): State: WebSocket link with is in
Jul 5 08:49:36 (none) : 083ms [I] rainbowagent.WebSocketMux 3.#WsMx WebSocket link is in service
Jul 5 08:49:36 (none) : 511ms [D] rainbowagent.AlarmManager 4.#Xmpp log(): State: XMPP link (authenticated) in service
Jul 5 08:49:36 (none) : 512ms [I] rainbowagent.XmppApplication 4.#Xmpp XMPP link (authenticated) is in service
Jul 5 08:49:37 (none) : 573ms [D] rainbowagent.AlarmManager 5.#Csta log(): State: CSTA link with is in service
(cause: 3 type: 2)
Jul 5 08:49:37 (none) : 778ms [D] rainbowagent.AlarmManager 6.#Http log(): State: HTTP link is in service (cause: 3)

If it not the case, please check that your OXO system has access to the ALE Rainbow infrastructure : it could be required to review your network configuration settings.
If despite that the network configuration is correct the services are still not “in service”, please collect the OXO
CDB database and the logdebugfiles.tgz and create a Service Request to welcome center to OXO support team
using email .

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5.2.5 Check the status of the external SIP Gateway on OXO Connect
The field “Gateway Alive Status” has to be “Alive” :

If it not the case, please review the OXO configuration of the sip trunk.
If despite that the configuration is correct the gateway status is still not “Alive”, please collect the OXO CDB
database and the logdebugfiles.tgz and create a Service Request to welcome center to OXO support team
using email .

5.2.6 Contact support team

If the configuration checking and the analysis of the logs collected in 5.1 is not sufficient to solve the issue,
please open a ticket to suitable support :
 if you think the problem is more related to OXO Connect
 if you think the problem is more related to WebRTC Gateway or Rainbow

Warning Please provide the OXO CDB, the logs listed in 5.1 and the use case detailed description

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6 Annex
SIP trunk Configuration Abstract : The following tables gather the overall system configuration.

Table 1 (System General)

NP_Instal_Number_example 3******** Value given as example
NP_International_Prefix 00
NP_International_Code 33
NP_Intercity_Prefix 0
NP_Intercity_Code_example Value given as example
NP_Recall_Prefix 0
NP_System_Alt_CLIP_example Value given as example
NP_DDI_Range_example 3890 3890 Value given as example
/Numbering/ ARS
ARS_Called_Mode het
/External Lines/ ListOf Accesses -VoIP
Access_is_Public False
Access_Alt_CLIP_example Value given as example
Access_Channels_example 2 Value given as example
/ Misc/Feature Design
Misc_CLI_Ext_Diversion True
Misc_CLI_is_Diverted_Party False
/ Misc/Memory Read-Write

Table 2 (Voice Over IP)

/VoIP/VoIP Parameters/General
VoIPgen_IP_QoS_example 10111000 DIFFSERV_PHB_EF Value given as example
/VoIP/VoIP Parameters/SIP Trunk
VoIPsiptrk_QoS_example 10111000 DIFFSERV_PHB_EF Value given as example
VoIPsiptrk_SIPSourcePort 5060
VoIPsiptrk_RTPpxyPortsFixed False
VoIPsiptrk_UdpToTcp True

Table 3 (SIP Accounts)

/External Lines/SIP/SIP Accounts
SIPaccnt_Login_example Value masked partially
SIPaccnt_Reg_Username_example P***************************************** Value masked partially
SIPaccnt_RFC6140_Enabled (N/A)

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Table 4 (SIP Public Numbering)
/External Lines/SIP/Public Numbering
SIPnum_Out_Calling_Format Canonique
SIPnum_Out_Calling_Prefix +
SIPnum_Out_Called_Format Canonique
SIPnum_Out_Called_Prefix +
SIPnum_Inc_Calling_Format Canonique/International
SIPnum_Inc_Calling_Prefix +
SIPnum_Inc_Called_Format Canonique/International
SIPnum_Inc_Called_Prefix +
SIPnum_Alt_CLIP_example Value given as example and masked

Table 5 (GW Parameters)

/External Lines/SIP/SIP Gateways/Details/Domain Proxy
GWgen_eod_timeout 5.0 s
GWgen_eod_table_used False
/External Lines/SIP/SIP Gateways/Details/Domain Proxy
GWdom_IP_Type Statique
GWdom_Def_Transport UDP
GWdom_Remote_SIP_Port 5060
/External Lines/SIP/SIP Gateways/Details/Registration
GWreg_Reg_Requested True
GWreg_Check_Before_Req False
GWreg_Reg_Port 5060
GWreg_Reg_Expire_Time 3560
GWreg_Reg_AoR_In_Contact False
GWreg_Reg_AoR_In_From False
GWreg_Reg_AoR_In_PAI False
GWreg_Reg_AoR_In_PPI False
GWreg_Reg_AoR_In_Rsv1 False
GWreg_Reg_AoR_In_Rsv2 False
GWreg_Reg_AoR_In_Rsv3 False
GWreg_Reg_AoR_In_Rsv4 False
GWreg_RFC3327_Enabled False
/External Lines/SIP/SIP Gateways/Details/Media
GWmedia_RTP_Direct False
GWmedia_Trunk_Codec_Passthru False
GWmedia_G711_MOH False
GWmedia_DSP_VAD False

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GWmedia_Bwidth_example >=1024 kBit/s
GWmedia_DTMF_Mode Hors bande (RFC 4733)
GWmedia_DTMF_Payload 101 Value given as example
GWmedia_Forced_Codec_Framing Aucun
GWmedia_Selected_Codecs G711.a G711.µ G722
GWmedia_Preferred_Framing 30 ms
GWmedia_Fax_Mode T38
GWmedia_T38_Add_Signal Aucun
GWmedia_T38_CED_Tone False
GWmedia_T38_UDP_Redundancy 1
GWmedia_T38_Fax_Framing 0
GWmedia_T38_ECM False
/External Lines/SIP/SIP Gateways/Details/DNS
GWdns_DNS_Mode Désactivé
GWdns_Prim_DNS (N/A)
GWdns_Sec_DNS (N/A)
/External Lines/SIP/SIP Gateways/Details/Identity
GWident_RFC3325 True
GWident_HistInfo_DivHeader History-Info
P-Asserted-Identity P-Preferred-Identity From
Reservé-1 Reservé-2 Reservé-3 Reservé-4
GWident_Inc_CLI_Headers Reservé-5
GWident_Out_CLI_PPI_Used False
GWident_Out_CLI_PAI_Used True
P-Asserted-Identity P-Preferred-Identity Contact
GWident_Out_COLP_Headers To Reservé-1 Reservé-2 Reservé-3 Reservé-4
GWident_AltCLIP_Contact True
GWident_AltCLIP_From True
GWident_AltCLIP_PAI True
GWident_AltCLIP_PPI True
GWident_AltCLIP_Rsv1 False
GWident_AltCLIP_Rsv2 False
GWident_AltCLIP_Rsv3 False
GWident_AltCLIP_Rsv4 False
GWident_EmergLocID_PANI False
/External Lines/SIP/SIP Gateways/Details/Protocol
GWprot_SessTimer_Time 720 min
GWprot_PEM_Enabled False
GWprot_UPDATE_Enabled True
GWprot_PRACK_Enabled True
GWprot_GWalive_Prot SIP Option
GWprot_GWalive_Timer 300
GWprot_RFC4904_Enabled False
/External Lines/SIP/SIP Gateways/Details/Topology
GWtopo_SNAT_Enabled False
GWPtopo_SNAT_PubIP (N/A) Value given as example and masked
GWPtopo_SNAT_SIP_Port (N/A) Value given as example
GWPtopo_SNAT_RTP_Range (N/A) Value given as example

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GWPtopo_SNAT_T38_Range (N/A) Value given as example
/External Lines/SIP/Gateway Parameters Details/Advanced parameters
GWadv_auth_optimize false
GWadv_ExtNuFoVoip 22
GWadv_FaxPasCd 01ff
GWadv_inhibit_t38 0
GWadv_initial_reg_username false
GWadv_INVwSDPtrk false (1)
GWadv_MultAnsReinv true
GWadv_multiple_option_req false
GWadv_MYICcaller 00
GWadv_no_rport 0
GWadv_PrefCodec 0000
GWadv_PrefFraming 00
GWadv_rfc4916_off 0
GWadv_SimulIpAlt true
GWadv_sip_capa false
GWadv_SIPdtmfInB false
GWadv_sipgw_fax_offer false
GWadv_sipgw_namedisp false
GWadv_sipgw_prefid 0
GWadv_sipgw_priv_lvl false
GWadv_sipgw_reg_trigger_01 0
GWadv_sipgw_reg_trigger_02 0
GWadv_sipgw_reg_trigger_03 0
GWadv_sipgw_reg_trigger_04 0
GWadv_sipgw_reg_trigger_05 0
GWadv_sipgw_reg_trigger_06 0
GWadv_sipgw_reg_trigger_07 0
GWadv_sipgw_reg_trigger_08 0
GWadv_sipgw_reg_trigger_09 0
GWadv_sipgw_reg_trigger_10 0
GWadv_sipgw_regid 0
GWadv_sipgw_rem_maxptime 0
GWadv_sipgw_Req_URI_route_call false
GWadv_sipgw_to_ruri false
GWadv_sipgw_voip_caun false
GWadv_SIPInDspNm 01
GWadv_SIPOgDspNm 01
GWadv_special_char_truncation false
GWadv_SuprAlerTone false
GWadv_t4_jit 0
GWadv_trigger_alert False
GWadv_USalterfrom False
GWadv_userlvlpri False
GWadv_v21_jit 0
(1) : since WebRTC 1.71.4-61

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Submitting a Service Request
Please connect to our eService Request application.

Before submitting a Service Request, please be sure:

 The application has been certified via the AAPP if a third party application is involved.
 You have read the release notes that list new features, system requirements, restrictions, and more,
and are available in the Technical Documentation Library.
 You have read through the related troubleshooting guides and technical bulletins available in the
Technical Documentation Library.
 You have read through the self-service information on commonly asked support questions and known
issues and workarounds available in the Technical Knowledge Center.


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