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Guidelines to prepare Role Play script

1. You need to submit your complete script before you do your role play presentation. The script is 15
marks and presentation is 15 marks, total 30 marks.

2. If seminar 5 (28/6) is the role play day, it is better to get ready your script 2 weeks before so that you
have time to go through and recite.

3. Group leader is encouraged to submit your script for me to check on the 1st week of June so that the
grammars and the sentences be corrected. I will strongly encourage you to prepare this before Raya so
that you can enjoy your holiday and festival.

4. Follow the format of the sample role play script. I already uploaded in i-Class---announcement.

5. Content: need to cover 5-6 chapters. One students need to say at least 12 sentences, include not more
than 3 very short phrases like xiexie, zaijian as your sentences. Total 12 to 15 sentences.

6. If your group is the combination of 2 simulation group students, you have 4 group members. The easier
way to prepare the dialogue is, 1 simulation take 3 chapters as your content, the other group take
another 2-3 chapters. If you have 3 or 5 members, your dialogue will be A-B, B-C, A-C. If you are
confident enough to have 3 together in your dialogue then go ahead. Conversation between 2 persons
is more simple.

7. You are allowed to take the simulation sentences to be part of your dialogue. To be fair, 1 group can
take half and the other half for other group. Please modify the sentences so that you are not just fully
copy it, change a bit of words. Same thing applies to other chapters.

8. Design a few scenes, if you need them, like one in the restaurant, one at the bus station etc. Minimum
two scenes. The changing of scenes enable you to change your dialogue content from one chapter to

9. Avoid repeating same sentence structure, like: “ Ni ji sui le? “ “Ni baba ji sui le?” “Ni gege ji sui le?”
[ Level 1 ]. If you are level 2 or 3, please focus on the sentences that are appropriate to your level
standard. Try to use different kind of questions that you can ask, you can look for the question words
from end of every chapter, or in dialogue 1 and 2 in every chapter.

10. Synopsis: One paragraph in BM or Eng. At the end type: eg. Cover chapter 1,2,3,5,6.

11. Leader: assign task for every member, eg. Type synopsis / dialogues, prepare the group members’
profile, do translation, script front cover, arrange time for practice etc. Type your group name and
leader’s name in I-Discuss.

12. Create your whatsapp role play group. If your leader is Siti, name it Roleplay Siti.

13. Submit your script at your group for me to check. You may divide it to part 1, part 2 so that I can start
to check whenever you have done your personal 5-6 sentences. Final and complete one you may
submit to I-Class assignment.

14. You may use simple way of Q & A so that you can easy to recite. Eg.
[level 1] A: Ni de shengri shi shenme shihou? B: Wo de shengri shi 3 yue 1 hao.

[level 2] A: Ni xihuan chi shenme shiwu? B: Wo xihuan chi yejiangfan he shadie.

[level 3] A: Xiangcun de kongqi zenmeyang? B: Xiangcun de kongqi hen qingxin.

Use different question words that you have learned in your level like shei, zenmeyang, nali, ji, zuo shenme,
shenme shihou……….

15. Need to have BM translation under every Pinyin sentence.

16. Put number sequence beside every name in your dialogue, eg. Fariz 1, Fariz 2, Fariz 3……

17. Presentation method: similar to simulation, need to cover your eyes with an eye cover. Present
through whatsapp video call.

18. Before the role play, each group is encouraged to read a few sentences from the script together with
me, you may ask questions and discuss with me the difficulty that you face. Do this practice with me at
least 1 to 2 weeks before the test presentation.

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