The World Citizen Constitution and Definition and Color of A Civilized Society

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Definition and Organization of a Civilized Society

The truest definition of civilization--a civilized society with a civilized government--is a world without war, for it has become unified by global democracy, not at the hands of a calculating minority, but by will of the People for a more perfect union, drawn together by ideas like those in the Declaration of Independence. The promise of civilization is the escape from the primal hunt, and the development of a society beyond, not against primal nature. A civilized government is well organized, having at its core the will of the people. No longer do its citizens have to struggle to survive, nor do they work tirelessly to obtain money/debt, which they must invest in a bank/racket, and no longer must they save those funds, or spend them on things that are necessary for their survival, thus restricting their available time and resources to experience the world in their own way. Simply put, if mankind were pitted against nature in competition to create perfection, nature would win every time. Therefore, the only way a more perfect union can be formed is to reference nature as an example. Using the body as an example for government, we can come to some evolutionary conclusions as to how a more perfect union can be formed. Like by feeding my body I feed every cell and like every cells procession keeps me alive, civil government is kept alive by keeping its constituents self-actualized. It is within the powers of government to reciprocate to its constituents as the foundation of its constitution, the way a body does to its cells: without reason or exclusion. Impartial communication of resources relative to needs regarding populations of people is therefore quintessential in civilized government. In other words, equality, because in the body no one fully functioning aspect of the body is given more power or resources than it requires to function. Given their contribution to society, the individual shall be rewarded with all the available necessities to aid their self-actualization: nourishment, clothing, shelter, transportation, information, and health care; all of these are the obligation of a truly civilized government to provide to its people for their participation in the process alone. In this premise, labor is considered taxation to civil government, and the first half of the exchange process regarding individual transactions between people. By imposing this obligation of reciprocity upon government, and by establishing a system of obliged reciprocation of goods or services between individuals with entitlements earned, the reason for wanting to work is changed, increased, and it eliminates the need for money as we know it. Also it stems an entirely different psychology to the world at large: instead of government as a leach or a curse, it is a blessing, and the people of the world are not competing with you, they are serving you just as you will serve them in return. It is a harmonious cycle, repeated by government as payment for its sustained creation by this process of collaborative individual effort. Participation in society and agreement with the laws and rules of society cause government and society to function. And when government as a system comes into adulthood it must be held to a higher standard than any individual man because it is an ideal of man, it is where man finds meaning and it should reflect the highest standard of maturity in mankind. Under dignified, civilized government the worlds resources are valued with the same respect an adult has for his or her god, freedom, or the lives of their family. The importance of informing the public, through media, education, and the leadership of both private and public figures is therefore essential. The World Citizen is society, organized with conscious intent to organize

2 itself. Government, given only the powers that citizens grant it, is a source of benefit to society, and can act only at the request of constituents collectively or individually to act at all. In a mature society, the worlds processes are valued as an adult does, with dignity, society, love, education, civilization, and government, and in maturity, acts to preserve and cultivate: Dignity, the conscious attention, combined with learning, that takes place in true gentlemen, is necessary for a proper model for the father figure of the World Citizen, and for a general standard of decency; Society, being an abstraction of a collection of relationships and interactions to the literal mind, is in simple reality you and me having an interaction or making a transaction; Love, having the intent of others in mind, and cultivating that into a creative process; Education, taken seriously pays attention to the minds of the children, and their well understood potentials are pandered to through different methodologies, varying from school to school and teacher to teacher, the point being to cultivate the minds creative ability, and critical capacity; Civilization can be a promise of transcendence from the game of survival, and from the struggle of the hunt. To have a civilized society, first this measure of certainty must be met: that we are free, with liberty and life granted not from man, but from god; Government, or society organized with conscious intent, is in truth an evolutionary creature of nature, more complex than any of its parts or constituents, yet not beyond them; Evolution, of government or of species of life, is the cause of death, it is why death matters; it is why the process of life matters. Stagnancy is the only real death in anything. We have the money, the power the, medical understanding, the scientific know how, the community and the love, to create a kind of human paradise, but we are led by the least among us. It is through an understanding of these words above, not as ideas to be defined and memorized, but as experiential realities that each and every one of us should communicate to one another through example that we can create the conditions for such a paradise to exist. In a civilized world, no one should be without shelter, unless they want to be; in a civilized world, no one should have to starve, unless they want to; in a civilized world, no one should be naked, unclothed, unless they want to be; in a civilized world, no one should be uneducated, unless they chose not to be; in a civilized world, no one should have to pay for transport, unless they want to; in a civilized world, no one should be denied medical care unless they deny it to themselves; in a civilized world with every opportunity in abundance, shouldnt the necessities be free for the taking, and not forced upon you like citizenship; in a civilized world even the title of citizenship is a choice that can be amended with the same innate sovereignty that created it. In a civilized world the key words are freedom and choice. Innate sovereignty is the soul and the cornerstone of civilized principles; the one soul that animates the many forms of life animates the planetary organism of civilization in self-similar fashion. The one soul is responsible for your sense of self, and is the true wellspring of intelligence. This and this alone is the reason mankind is created equal, not by the nature and composition of their flesh, but by the nature and composition of their soul. In a civilized world everyone is recognized as equal generally by innate sovereignty, and specifically by their deeds. The way to recognize one for their deeds is simple; evaluate them when they request their deeds be assessed, provide compensation to the individual for those deeds relative to the deed, and guarantee individuals the ability to purchase items and exchange goods without debt or monetary influence.

3 By providing key opportunities for self-actualization, and by making citizenship a contribution to society away, the individual can chose to be not only self-actualized, but a contributing member of society. This makes labor a choice rather than slave labor, and it also makes life a game rather than a chore.

The World Citizen Constitution

Part. 1.
A civil society invests its resources in services and opportunities for the common good, and a just society ensures that no one is excluded from access. --Hathaway Ferebee Section. 1. Based on the principle of benefit reciprocation obligation, (the agreement that whatever I do as work, which benefits someone, obliges someone to reciprocate with services or goods in exchange) and that being a working principle fundamental and inherent in all systems of exchange, and subconsciously underlying all peoples sense of justice, we can organize a system of government for the productive people of the system, and hold government to the same and higher standards of reciprocity as between people. People have the choice to participate in society, or to be independent. Therefore it is within the realm of possibility that a majority of the people will not participate in society, and they are welcome to do so. It is by choice only that one applies to have their labor evaluated. Perhaps the most honorable way of living would be to work without applying for the evaluation of labor, simply doing for naught. Section. 2. Taxation, debt to banking institutions and all forms of capital debt are hereby unconstitutional and unnecessary by any authority. The first half of the exchange process and the first act of benefit to society is the act of labor, whatever it may be. That labor, once observed and evaluated by a managerial officer of the Just-meant Claims Office [see part 4], is reciprocated equal to a jobs overall difficulty, rarity, and benefit to society, objectivelythrough personal observation. However sometimes a managerial officer will be greedy, and want to see more in what someone has contributed. However, because the officers are paid by how generously but justly they grade the work of people, this can only be a positive form of greed, one that benefits a citizen instead of harming anyone else. The benefits of citizenship are reciprocated by society, through society, to society; all citizens will have granted to them the available necessities to help self-actualize them. The world order must therefore be formed to establish an abundance of food through ideas like garden towers in cities. Initiatives to cloth the public by request and evaluation of necessity through individual inspection shall also be established to ensure everyone is clothed. The development and utilization of all houses built shall help to establish a no homeless policy of government: no home will be vacant. And the necessity of information, transportation, and health care shall be

4 established through a resource-based economy, making the profit motive the benefit to mankind, rather than the accumulation of so-called capital gains. Taxation, being recognized as labor itself, shall no longer be a debt, which must be paid to government or any other entity whatsoever from ones earnings or entitlements. The first half of the exchange process is the act of labor or performing a trade. Citizens are also granted entitlements according to the objective complexity, difficulty, rarity, and observable human benefit that ones labor or trade provides, the wise council of every state shall determine the values of these factors, ensuring just valuation of ones labor. Stored in a card, entitlements shall be relative to ones own given participation in the process of society and government. A notable similarity between this system and the Egyptians is cause in effect that you are not born a citizen under this system. Because you are born a person the laws and rights of persons under the united States constitution and bill of rights will still apply, and will transfer to the other states or countries wherein this system is accepted. Section. 3. To keep brevity in language, All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a congress of the united States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives the united States constitution and Bill of rights is implied as an essential skeletal structure of the World Citizen system, and would continue under the world citizen structure in America. However, different regions of the world can use their version of government structure, as long as it works for them. The World Citizen shall realize and continue most aspects of the constitution of the united States, or whatever government of its people are more comfortable with, and continue its functioning without impediment from the time of the World Citizens adoption until the appropriate changes to the system can be made, changes which are incongruent from the united States constitution, and likely from any that exist today. Article one section seven and eight cannot be recognized as necessary or applicable to this constitution from the United States constitution, and the entirety of article two cannot be recognized as well.

Part. 2. A Fourth Branch of Government

Section. 1. The executive power shall be vested in one Council of seven members and in such inferior councils as the congress may from time to time ordain and establish. Section. 2. The council members shall hold their positions for life terms. Each state shall appoint, in such manner as the legislature thereof may direct, an odd number of members. Members of the council are to be appointed by the people of their region of influence by public means. A vote held for the first nine members of a state council shall be decided one-byone. Each member of the council shall be given a standard of integrity and wisdom set by the congress including but not limited to; The people can test council applicants by requesting an interview; Before one can begin the process of consideration for becoming a member of the council of wisdom, one must first sign his or her rights of privacy away; Council members are voted into office, and approved by both the president and the congress. Both president and congress shall publicly interview the members for public scrutiny and assurance.

5 Once a council is first established it may elect two thirds of its members thereafter by election. Elections would proceed as follows: A person puts their name forward, either by internet or by physical attribution, his or her name to be heard, interviewed, and gauged, to be televised and publicly scrutinized using critical, intense, penetrating questions. The point being to get real, and see this person: he or she will be recognized for the rest of his or her life if he or she gets elected. After the establishment of a state council, and higher councils, a system will be established, whereupon the councils of every state selects four thirds of its members, under this premise it is important to understand that this is after the fourth branch of the system has already been formulated: One requests evaluation of their contribution to society by the J.C.O. as a council member [see part 4]. That request is sent to the council applied to. Once informed of such a request, the council must then interview that person, and come to agreement of the applicants soundness of mind, and degree of learning. One shall be elected or not based upon a ratio higher than fifty percent of the council members positive vote. Section. 3. Council members are hereby exempt from the protection of the laws regarding assault and battery. More specifically, the council members are not protected from assault and battery from the People, all persons holding any office of the world citizen may not apply. However, attacks on council members found to be frivolous shall be punishable by law. Exemption from protection of certain laws is necessary for the People to be put on top of the political totem pole. Giving this branch so much power is necessary for the people to become the rulers of their government. Instead of having a direct democracy, this kind of order may be established in pursuance of a more perfect union due to power diffusion through a system of checks and balances. Further, it is then the compulsion of each council to justify their actions, and pursue demonstrably favorable decisions and actions for the benefit of mankind. Section.4. The Council shall be given the power to veto legislation, given a three-fourths vote of its members, the power to end acts of congress with a vote of one-third of its members, and stop an amendment to the constitution with a unanimous vote. Section. 5. Every Council of every city shall establish an education system according to the standards and practices of the World citizen constitution [see part 5], an office for the evaluation of labor and trades according to the standards and practices of the World citizen constitution [see part 4 below], and any other offices the Council or the public may deem necessary. It is through education that the people will become intelligent and able to defend themselves and their rights. Through proper education people become discerning, and less likely to fight over trivial motions of the council, and therefore less likely to use their ability to harm the members, but more likely to use their god given right to protest. Section. 6. The Council and the people of every state in coordination shall have its responsibility to organize festivals for the people of the state therein. Festivals may be held seasonally, or at the discretion of the people, and the Council. Each state shall be unique and emergent with its laws, and it can then be the nature of the state government system to establish laws that cater to different groups of people and their sensibilities. Given the ease of transportation, and work availability, the potential for emigration to a new place can be made easy and painless. Section. 7. The council has the power to interfere with the proceedings of the judicial court, and the judicial proceedings of courts in every city. The council can hereby repeal or decrease sentences for imprisonment, and for the cause of imprisonment: laws. A judge can then

6 determine and communicate their degree of being complicit to the councils action by giving the council members tasks in order to settle the dispute in the councils favor: a judge can require that an increment of three of the council members must vote ye for the sentence to be repealed or lowered. Equal to or more of the agreements ye votes amends a judicial courts conclusions. However, a judge could potentially ask anything of the members. Section. 8. The federal council can hereby interfere with the executive processes of its inferior councils, including the process of education, and the process of the J.C.O. The inferior councils may also hereby interfere with the executive process of its superior councils. Section. 9. The council may set values on products, jobs, or natural resources in question of what their value aught to be, or aught not exist at all according to dignity, society, and love. Section. 10. With the collaboration of the people, the council shall hereby be granted powers to establish civic projects for the public good, such as road building and other construction. The president or mayor may appeal to the council for establishment of new projects on behalf of the people, as can the congress of every state.

Part. 3.
Section.1. The presidential power of the united states of a continental region, and of the state governmentthe state version of which is a mayoris hereby vested in a president, to preside over the state, the region, the global situation; working with the other presidents of continental regions to come up with a critical portrait of the world, of mankinds affairs with like council to the wise and congress, but without censorship. Section. 2. The President shall not be censored. Section. 3. The power to establish media interviews, and public appearances is hereby granted to the president. The president is also the Priest to the councils statewide festivals. Presidents will be voted into office by popularity contest via Internet voting, president and vice president will hold that office for four years after inauguration. The mayoral position, being indifferent, shall serve a different purpose: to be critical of the state, and to share executive responsibility with regards to instituting law enforcement with the council. Section. 4. Sheriffs are the samurai of the World citizen. Provided with military grade training, and permitted to follow a felon all over the world. A sheriff serves the public good through protection and prevention of harm. Only one sheriff, and few deputies are necessary for an entire town or city. The power to enforce state laws is hereby vested in a sheriff, whom shall be selected by a mayor or sub state office, and his few deputies. A mayor can only elect one sheriff, or have one on duty in his town at a time, but he must employ at least one. A sheriffs first deputy is his replacement, unless the mayor chooses a select other.

Part. 4.
Section. 1. Citizenship applies to those who apply to society, who effect and are affected by society, and the effects of civilization. One goes to a county or state office, or to its official

7 web site to request an officer [soon to be mentioned] for recognition or evaluation of their labor or trade. A network of intersecting oversight must be formed: government over corporations, people over corporations, people over government, government over people, and people over peoplethis could be enacted via an office established by the Council of every state that shall be called the Just-meant Claims Office. The J.C.O. shall act as managerial oversight for standards of quality and value rather than profitability. Value shall be determined by the people through voting and polling opinion, and by the wise council when necessary. Section. 2. The wage of the official who would qualify work is hereby paid by how generously but justly he evaluates performance. As judged by the wise council, who are judged by the people, hence and [the council members] shall not be protected by the laws regarding assault and battery. Section. 3. The J.C.O shall have a universal standard of operation: this office will be a local entity, each isolated but not compartmentalized from one another, and working primarily by first hand observation, and with strictly electronic data devices to record these observations; this automatically secures its efficiency, and makes sure that the old form of stagnant bureaucracy does not occur. What also prevents stagnancy is that this entity reports directly to the Council. This office, which will collaborate with business owners, tradesmen, and laborers, will have as its mission to establish standards of quality that are as close to objective as possible, while keeping the citizens best interests. The rewards for higher performance are based on the relative performance of others. Agents of this office, in one of their many forms, would be like journalists for artists, musicians, mathematicians, scientists, physicists, engineers, architects, philosophers, writers, directors, actors, poets, chefs, astrologers, anything that the mind can dream of to produce wealth, both of intellect and of capital, will be given official recognition, documentation, and be in published articles, put up on the internet and media like news and news papers for interested citizens and people alike to view and vote upon. The publics vote is a factor of several that affects the value of a nounthat is to have a price value for an exchange between a consumer and an outlet. A regions council determines the price-value of a thing when necessary. Nothing is preventing individuals from buying and selling between them, like as in time banking, a perfectly valid, non-commercial transaction that is beyond any government to control, and every individual to determine. Bartering also is a fine way to not have to participate in the electronic system, especially if all one needed to do is have proof that of work, to prove that one has helped or benefited someone is a quintessential barter. A commercial jobs value is determined by how positive as a whole the whole company is to the society that the person works for. Therefore the people help to decide whom or what becomes successful by the observable attention or consumption of a product, and through subsequent non-evasive polling of the consumer about the product, which they must go and find themselves. Every four months an officer of the J.C.O. shall audit business expenses for consumption by the consumer, and based upon public polls, and based upon a scale of relativity to other similar businesses and products, a J.C.O. officer determines the new installment of entitlements

8 to a business and its employees, along with the total performance of its employees as a factor. For that four month period, if the popularity and quality exceeds the amount previously determined, then that, showing improvement obligates greater government reciprocation through providing benefits to its workers, who get the same degree of reciprocation individuallyfrom the government in the form of entitlementsas the business they work for, set to a fraction that must be from the time they got hired, to the point they are now, and its history. Section. 4. What this kind of system would do is allow for non-evasive human interaction to take place to establish wage earnings. This means that a laborer has a human being he can talk to about his work conditions that is not attached to the business or industry itself. Further, the human element of critical examination is more thorough, and less arbitrary than hourly wages and yearly salaries. The way pay would be allocated to an individual is simple: every four months their entitlements are renewed, but within that period a persons performance determines the new grade they are given in that quarterly period. The official documentation of the activity and productivity of the minds ingenuity, to replace monetary influence, will lead to prosperity unparalleled in history. The more acts of regular productivity, and the greater complexity and development of that productivity, the more entitlements one shall acquire. If one has a talent, they will receive entitlements based on their documented excellence; in addition, one can receive entitlements from both a talent and an occupation to increase their prosperity, which would otherwise be less with one or the other occupation alone.

Part. 5.
Section 1. Society in the World Citizen shall be an informed, critical, and conscious entity unto itself. In order for a public to be capable of effectively controlling their government, they must be well informed, mindful of the ramifications of their actions, and they must have the time to interact with their government on a regular basis, and be given incentives to do so. With an education system that is designed to cultivate the brain and the body, and with a government that is designed to put the people at the head of the political totem pole, society has conscious, intelligent activity. In other words it is dignified. In order to have a dignified society, its majority of individuals must also be dignified, meaning to have conscious, intelligent action. Instead of ignoring the eastern sentiment, and psychologies that stem from meditation and various methods of discipline like martial arts, the steady incorporation of mental relaxation inevitably result in the greater conscious comprehension of the mind and consequentially in dignified society. Therefore, the obligation of the wise council and the education system shall be the propagation of the worlds cultures equally, for that is the key to a universal and conscious being, and to a dignified society. Changing the networking capacity of the social structure by redesigning the housing and neighborhood structure, tightening up the suburban community, eliminating the use and necessity of cars in smaller communities, increasing the use and necessity of horse in such areas, then to interstate transportation, such as train or jet to the farmer or whatever in that area; giving special attention and funding to the development of new and better flight and mass transit

9 technologies; giving special attention and funding to the development of ideas for Vertical farming for cities and suburban areas; Section. 2. The expansion of the potential environment and freedom of the individual, combined with the choice and freedom to potentially apply for any job in any region of the worldthat recognizes world citizenship or is of the united states of the world citizenwill dramatically change people, their lives, and culture. The idea of a global village is correct, and in that sense, it takes a global village to raise a child. A child is someone between the ages of birth and death. In order to raise an adult out of the child of this world is indeed an immense task, which must involve the entire global village and regular village to do so.

Part. 6.
Section. 1. Education taken seriously: the minds of the children and their well understood potential are pandered to through different methodologies, varying from school to school and teacher to teacher. Students in kindergarten through fifth grade would learn subjects ranging from English to mathematics, to acupuncture and agriculturethe idea being to increase the level of contact with the earth and the world. Subjects would be taught for five hours with three recesses and two meals a day, making it a seven-hour day. Students would also learn culinary and marital arts by fifth grade. Education in the World Citizen may act as an aspect of parental community life. Parents are encouraged to help maintain the facility through agriculture and general maintenance of the school facility. Parents are also encouraged to help educate their children, and are given free information and training to do so by request. Section. 2. Teachers are valued and paid demonstrably more, and given an equally greater education for teaching. Like professors, the teachers knowledge and understanding of their field should be able to withstand the test of a curious child. Given the freedom from strict time schedules, the discourse and gradual development of an idea can take place in the minds of young students so that they can fully understand what they are learning, and internalize not only what they have learned, but the process of learning itself. This model for teaching will stand as the first hypothesis for an improved standard teaching model Section. 3. The primary focus of education shall reside in the first five years of education, and continue to become more specific and complex as the students reach high school, where students are taught how to drive a car effectively among other, more practical things. By the time a student graduates, their intelligence will be equal to a genius today, because their minds will be so cultivated, and their health comparable to an athlete. One teacher will spend the day with a group of students; the hours will be the regular high school duration, but broken up by numerous recesses and group activity. Five teachers would educate five generations, one per day (i.e. gen. a. on Monday by teacher a, gen. b. on Tuesday by teacher a, gen. c. on Wednesday by teacher a, and etc.; further, teacher b would teach gen. a. on Tuesday; teacher c would teach gen. a. on Wednesday, and so on, enabling a single handful of people to handle what would otherwise take many). The teachers would thus be educating the same set of students in the cohort style, so the teacher and students are able to better interact, and so more effective methods of instilling information would likely emerge. Also, the mindset that one generation is exclusive to another would be less likely, as all

10 of them have the same teachers. [Hopefully this would foster a perspective of less divisiveness and more compassion will innately be the result.] Further, the use of curriculum would be gone, if not the practice could be used as flexibly as a loose guideline, or say used at the teachers discretion. Various methods of memory consolidation would be implemented, which can increase the intelligence of the child by many times what is currently used. For instance: teaching the students Spanish first, then once they are comfortable in Spanish, teaching them math in that language, and doing similar things with history and science; teachers reminding the students of what they learned yesterday, by correlating what they are learning today, would also help with memory consolidation, but also with the understanding of how things are connected, fostering critical thought; teaching the students one subject for a few hours per day, and having five subjects (in k-5) which cover broad topics like practical math applications such as geometry (something visual and tangible); and during recesses the students would not stop learning, because agriculture, acupuncture, meditation, and martial arts could be taught to the children while they are not learning their primary subject, and they will see this as a break from education. The point of this kind of process would be to have the children in a constant state of learning from beginning to end, and for critical thought to emerge as early as possible. Section. 4. The entire staff is there to teach the children, and paid based on how well they benefit the children; even their chefs would teach them how to cookthis would be done so that when the student has harvested his or her agriculture project, they can then make their own lunch with the chefs approval and observation. With the idea of really internalizing what is learned as the most fundamental premise to education and without the restriction of time and curriculum, the teacher can, with enough dedication, attention, and cooperation with the other teachers and the faculty, instill the true reason education is important, and help the students reach an understanding as to why they learn what they do. The faculty would consist of a staff of child psychologists, office secretaries, and the local wise council. The job of the faculty would be to concentrate on finding the best environment for a child: teacher, method, and atmosphere etcetera. The child psychologists would act as a catalyst for the teacher between the students, making sure the two understand each other. The wise council would then act upon information given to them, their priority being the proper functioning of those schools, and the proper placement of the students. The intensity of education would gradually transfer from the teachers to the students as they pass from fifth grade to middle school, and further when they reach high school. This is done by gradually changing the role of the teacher from being professorial to an amateur, tradesman, or professionalthere to facilitate the students curiosity and prepare them for the world through drivers education, and technical things like engineering, science, physics, human anatomy, and so on. Depending upon the interests of the student and their overall character traits they will be placed at a location that fits, and educated in subjects that suit their interests. The teachers of high school students would resemble librarians, finding information and directing students towards experts in whatever fields they have shown interest in. With the opportunity to receive lessons from tradesmen, the students would receive hands on training from experts in the field. Those who volunteer to educate students and give apprenticeships to the students interested in whatever field would receive benefits or entitlements for their service. Section. 4. By sixth grade a sixth day will be added to the schedule, and a sixth subject: philosophy. Throughout middle school this subject will be taught until the students reach high

11 school. The goal of teaching the students philosophy is to instill greater critical thought into the minds of the students, and to further their interest in life, existence, and the pursuit of happinessand all that that implies. We believe that if students are exposed to the philosophies of the world, and encouraged to think for themselves, to see that reality is interesting, that life is precious, and that their brothers and sisters are not separate from them, many of the problems of the world: most crime, bullying in schools, and in general arbitrary acts of violence will drastically decrease. Section. 5. The teachers of elementary school and middle school, having the greatest responsibility would be paid with the greatest degree of entitlements: that of a modern day surgeon or athlete. The point being that their value can be far greater than any other field. Depending upon a teachers individual performance they will be paid substantially for the incredible responsibility and frustration they will inevitably go through to teach the children of the future. And because the degree of their expertise must be such that they can answer any erroneous question asked, the education of teachers must also be evolutionized.

Part. 7.
Section.1. The Ratification of the Conventions of seven continental States, shall be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution between the States so ratifying the Same. Section. 2. With regards to the apportionment of the states, the level of technological and urban development determines a states size. The more developed a state, the smaller, the more rural the larger a state shall be according to sensibility. Each states apportionment will be determined by geological, agricultural, and cultural factors in the pursuit of the peoples peaceful and swift acquiescence of the development program into world citizenship. Section. 3. The density of population determines the further development of a states living conditions: housing, roads, sidewalks, businesses; the more densely populated, the more these considerations need to be addressed. However, agrarian states shall also have the benefit of development in the direction of further organizing agrarian systems, and systems of train and jet public transportation. At the farmers request, state government with public cooperation, can effectively help with funding to develop farms to produce more. Section. 4. Cities, and densely populated areas shall be developed according to the necessities of the people therein. For instance, the development of vertical gardens,a conceptual technology todaycould be used in cities to make the people independent, and food no longer a commodityif the idea were to be fully embraced by the people. No longer would a people be dependant upon some foreign source for food. No longer a commodity, food shall be free in the twenty-first century. Section. 5. No state shall be larger than the size of the continental united States, and no smaller than that of Japan. Section. 6. The government will be structured similar to the united States form, the unique and various cultures of these regions shall be kept as long as they are kept by the people, and their expression encouraged. The beauty of a cultures unique expressions of creativity shall be cultivated, directed, but not forced; doing so will ensure diversity while opening the possibility for evolution.

12 Each continent will have its own centralized governmental entity made up of the following: the elected official of each of the states, and one selected member, of the nine, of each states wise council. These centralized entities will then aggregate once again, forming a wise council of seven, and a congress of state officials at the federal level. Corresponding districts of wise council shall supervise governmental activity from the highest levels of the system down (i.e. county, state, interstate or continental, and intercontinental or terrestrial). The various levels of the wise council when combined form the society of the wise, or the wise society. Section. 7. Though the name is the same, the president [see part 3] under this structure does not follow the same precepts because the need for a military is drastically reduced, and the wise council would take up the legislative responsibilities that the president would normally have. The role of the president will be restricted to spokesperson of a continentsomeone objectively observing over the affairs of the whole continent and its people. The president of one continent will committee with the other seven continents presidents, and also give his opinion on various subjects from time to time. This role requires virtually no educational background, and has virtually no legal requirementsliterally anyone can be elected president (the idea being that the people elect a good, observational Citizen to hold this office, someone who will be a critical thinker about the affairs of our times). Each state officials job will be to enforce the necessities of the citizenry through projection, and to intercommunicate with other statesmen to ensure appropriate distribution of state-to-state, or state-to-central resources for the people of their regions. Centralized resources will then be allocated to whichever projects are interstate, or further centralized to the global union for worldwide projects, or distributed into the public market. The central wise council (who will be informed by the professional community) selects worldwide projects, and shall do so based upon the overall resources of the planet, the overall necessity of the projects, and the worldwide demand. [The enactment of this structure will not ensure international goals immediately, but will help as an interstate distributor of resources and will further solve the education dilemma, as well as food and whatever needs of the World Citizen. If the notion that this is a world-changing process is understood, it needs to be carried on like this is how it has always beenfor the children of the future to feel natural about such change if for nothing else. [I cannot stress this enough, that the (proposed) federal government shall not own, or otherwise control the whole world. All continental and central government action is done by state vote; there should be no one person or group who rules the world as it were, and the size of states shall not determine their power. No state shall have more influence in central government than another, and no continental state shall have more influence than another, and the principle government or federal government shall not have dictatorial powers over any or all states or subsidiary federations. Government is a facilitator to the impetus of mankind, not an overruling power whose place is above mankind, for ultimately mankind is the essence, the soul of its government, not the other way around.]

Part. 8.
Government does not have the privilege of regulating the farm or factory. Only by setting standards of quality, and helping in the distribution of resources at the discretion

13 of the farmer or factory owner does government have the privilege of involvement. Choice is a key in creating a free society.

Section. 1. The authority of federal government cannot, whatsoever, extend into the daily lives of the people, unless empirical proof can be given that whatever act or behavior affects the lives of others negatively in a demonstrable way. Further, the authority of state government shall be particular to that state, and shall in no way have authority over the lives of its constituents or the legality of their actions. However, the government does have the authority to regulate drug usage, such as putting age limits on recreational drugs, as well as regulating standards of dosage. Other regulations include the testing and proof of quality regarding pharmaceutical drugs. The release of such drugs will be contingent on their side effects and the effectiveness of the drugs. However, the policy of W.C. government is that holistic, herbal and dietary methods of solving illness are more interesting, and preventative medicine is more effective. The education of drug effects and sensible dosage can be found at, or could be taught in high school. Section. 2. Changing the nature of global trade, solving the fundamental problems first, then establishing commercial connections around the globe; from putting importance in buying and selling between nations to establish commercial economic equilibrium, to developing a country where poverty and homelessness does not exist through public projects officiated by government process. Section. 3. Government, acting as organized society with conscious intent, would have the authority to commission green projects in the name of solving the problem of hunger, both locally and globally. The city being a major factor in the problem of hunger, being that a single city takes a large land area of farms to feed its populations, would require an idea like vertical farms to resolve its hunger problem. Section. 4. At no point can information be classified secret, by the government of the World Citizen. Section. 5. Travel is free from restriction in all areas of the World Citizen. All territories represented by World Citizen status are free to roam, unless that individual is doing obvious harm to the environment. Section. 6. The World Citizen government cannot form a standing army at any time, nor can it establish a military for any reason; defense or otherwise. Section. 7. Each state and city government has the right to determine their own laws regarding drug legalization, and regulation. However, both regulation and distribution within states shall be based upon high standards of decency and lawful procedure. No person within a legal drug state shall have the right to distribute to any citizen outside of the state wherein drugs are legal, to a person in a state where that drug is illegal; such actions shall be punishable by law. If all drugs are legalized and regulated within a state, to whatever degree is determined acceptable to the councils of regional culture, local state government is thus obligated to contribute to the harvest of Cannabis and hemp, or to the scientifically regulated production of heroin, mescaline, L.S.D., etcetera, which one could purchase only from the people who are producing it directly, or from companies that buy their products for a highly regulated procedure of distribution.

14 Section. 8. State and federal government has the power to organize and maintain roads, and, by request to maintain landing areas for aircraft, as well as docks, and whatever the people deem necessary and request of their state or of the world. Government is not our servant; it is our slave. "This topic brings me to that worst outcrop of herd life, the military system, which I abhor... This plague-spot of civilization ought to be abolished with all possible speed. Heroism on command, senseless violence, and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism -- how passionately I hate them! Albert Einstein

Provisions of the Constitution

Provision. 1. Compliance with this program guideline is to be confirmed by Treaty signing, either by a private representative of the people of a nation, or by a trusted and approved government representative. Otherwise, the people themselves may vote for its approval. Provision. 2. A governmental systems Compliance with this programs guideline must therefore be accomplished before a Treaty of assimilation can be signed. Amendments to the government system, the replacement of heads of state, or by disregarding the authority of the state can accomplish this, maybe all three. To preface my statement regarding this third provision, I will say this, Technology in the computing field is now only slightly less advanced than our own perceptions clarity; the video quality of CGI is progressing to a level of advancement, where life and entertainments are now in competition with one another. The reason being, that the stories, and the level of graphic quality, make the entertainments as great or greater than actual bodily motion and interaction. Therefore, there is a disconnection between the real world and the person who is entertained. Besides, the real world is frightening and complicated! However, entertainment must not surpass our own bodies, our own perceptions clarity; such technology must not develop in the near future. We are not ready; there are too many people that have no ability to survive or cope with that level of immersion. Moreover, such endeavors service no one but moneymen; with our enslavement to consumption, and distraction from truth, we have unwittingly become livestock for human resources. Such ideas Caesar could never have dreamed of. The control that that kind of technology wields, over top of the already hypnotizing nature of television humanity shall become enslaved by the middle of the 21st century. Therefore, to the provision:

Provision. 3. With the overall, World Public approvalover fifty percent minimumthe advancement of computer graphics technology shall no longer continue to advance above less than .001 percent of its 2009 levels, sufficient to stunt growth over a prolonged period of time. And in that time, funds being put into whatever construction, development of energy extraction, and whatever other productive fields, the internet for exampleand whatever resources left be put into the food garden initiative.


Provision. 4. There is to be no secret classification of any form of information, and all information will be available to all venues of learning in society. (The use of Internet will be helpful in this endeavor.) Provision. 5. The right to life includes home-ownership, and no citizen shall be prevented or hindered from whatever necessary action home-ownership entails. A citizen shall not have the right to call out a person from living where no one will, or would take it from them. Health is also an aspect of life, and therefore contained in the right to life is quality food, and no citizen shall be prevented or hindered from purchasing or acquiring quality food, either by self-production, private sale, or by public or social production. By whatever means of acquisition, food is to be a virtually free, and plant life, so prevalent, will be absolutely free. [However, plant life should be regulated internationally as done today, in order to ensure cross infestations do not occur.] Provision. 6. The appropriation of goods will be distributed by the states themselves, between each other, using the system of either bartering, or by the principle of benefit-to-benefit obligation. The same operation will be applied between businesses. In general, aggregate entities will exchange goods in this way. Therefore, if a state is in great need of a resource, and another state has surplus, the distribution of that resource will be uninhibited, and facilitated by the interstate, continental system of transportation upon request of the state in need. This model will be applied between the continents themselves as well, as well as the sub states: counties, cities, and so on. Provision. 7. The so-called corporation must be redefined, and its purpose and functionality redesigned. Thus far the corporation has been an entity, similar in law to a person, whose purpose is to sustain itself via profit. Different from a business, corporations are like organs of the society, which produce and digest the raw materials of the earth for individual consumptionturning them into technology and whatnot. In order to redefine the purpose and functionality of this entity, the way in which we perceive the corporation must be changed. First, a corporation is not a person, but an organ of the state or global society. The more productive and beneficial the organ is to the world and biosphere, the more attention and development that organ receives, as exhibited in the body through evolution. *All entities: corporations must be in harmony and systematic with the other few corporations. *Harmful chemicals must be contained and used with discretionas exhibited in the body. *No corporation will exist for the mass production of goods, which could otherwise be produced by a small business or businesses, or by individuals. *Corporations are not people, and are therefore not given to ownership or usurpation of wealth or so-called wealth creation; they are given to the demand of the common society within reason, and the regulations of a representative republican government, democratically run. *Corporate advertising must be made illegal due to its toxicity; public exposure of purpose and functionality must replace the superficial propaganda of so-called advertising. (People must know, above all else, how toxic their consumption is, in other words they must

16 know the expenses of their consumption. It is governments job, in partnership with news media, to disclose the facts about how corporations function.) *No living organism, created by lab or otherwise, can be patented or owned. Life, in its every form, cannot be owned or traded or treated as a nonliving object (by this it could be argued that pets would be disallowed, but pets are companions, and are not owned, nor treated as non living objects). Farming is therefore to be limited to the farmer, not any industry. Farmers can get as big as they can get, but they can never resort to mass industrial slaughter and processing of animals. Provision. 8. All voices will be heard, depending upon their substance and content will be listened to, regardless of citizenship-grade or non-citizenship. Provision. 9. Those born retarded, or made so in life, are made citizens in effect by having an automatic job, which only they can have. Their job is to help us appreciate what we would otherwise take for granted. Their grade will then combine with the parents gradesor to ones immediate familyuntil the retarded can sign the card that has his or her grade on itafter a handicap. The more severe their handicap, the better they do their job by effecting an audience to appreciate their existence. a. A handicapped or otherwise retarded child will be (specially) educatedeven though they are a citizenby the mental age of four, by a high school level teacher (present standards), who will be evaluated for the job, and will work with a psychologist present. The first special teachers will be evaluated by the wise council, and set into practice by state organization, the school administration, and by civic participation. Tutors and tutor networks will be benefited in equal part to their quality as teachers, as teachers in public schools. The tutor/network can establish themselves in religious facilities or housesat the owners discretion whereby the parent will act in constructive partnership with the tutor, to better educate the student. Tutors are defined as educators of special children, both more and less smart than the average, and parents who want private education for their child. Child psychologists can be requested and hired on at no expense to the educators or facility owner thereof. Depending upon the evaluated grade of the person, the base standard income shall be the maximum of a high school teachers average annual income in America today.





Provision. 10. Teachers, in line with the blueprint plan for childhood education, and beyond, will be paid the equivalent of professional athletes (at the American standard), and so will the psychologists in line with the education system. The administration will be paid equal to the teachers; as would the chefs of the schools, up into high school; this implicates that the quality evaluated by the J.C.O. is on par with all other aspects (this is why critical thinking and wisdom is essential in the J.C.O., and why they are advised by the wise council).

17 Provision. 11. Two kinds of drivers education will be given, one to all people, and another for all citizens. During the education process, at the high school age (14-17) the students will be trained to drive; after education, and after a person becomes citizen, the training to become a driver of more developed and technical computer-enhanced cars will be given by professionals. The same kind of training for cars will be given for plains, and such training will be given by request, just as anything within the bounds of reason can be requested for and freely given by The World Citizen. Provision. 12. Cultural events and cause for celebration. Provision. 13. The reintroduction of the trivium and quadrivium to basic education from fifth to twelfth grade.

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