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Vocabulary Words

Name: ____________________________ Score: __________

Date: ___________

A.General Directions: Read carefully and analyze the following unfamiliar words and give the exact but
specific description or definition on the line before each number. (20pts)

____________________1. Arrogant ____________________11. Arrogant

____________________2. Dilatory ____________________12. Indefatigable
____________________3. Ecstatic ____________________13. Imperfection
____________________4. Vivacious ____________________14. Nonplussed
____________________5. Inchoate ____________________15. Extravagant
____________________6. Progress ____________________16. Exhausted
____________________7. Cliché ____________________17. Uncanny
____________________8. Low-life ____________________18. Violence
____________________9. Unabashed ____________________19. Discrimination
____________________10. Crucial ____________________20. Despicable

B. Grammar: Read and fill-out the following blanks with the correct word to make each statement right and
ease. (15pts)

1.(Their, There) are many baskets under the tress.

2.When (was, were) the press conference held at?
3.President Rodrigo (has, have) declared the ABS-CBN station will be banned.
4.Jenny (forget, forgot) her assignment notebook yesterday.
5.The Philippine Constitution (is enacted, are enacted) by the Philippine Congress of the Malacanyang.
6.Jordan (sets, set) classes (these, this) Saturday for the preparation of (their, there) examination for tomorrow.
7.My parents still deciding (whether, either) I will study at private (and, or) public school.
8.Teacher Amy (wants, want, wanted) to be part of their reunion (this, these) coming 2020.
9.Educations (is, are) very important in every human (lives, leaves).
10.CEO of the company ABC (eliminate, eliminated) their officers this morning.

C.Creating Jargons: Use the following words in a sentences. (2pts each)

1. Expensive-____________________________________________________________.
2. Statement-______________________________________________________.
3. Severe-_________________________________________________________.
4. Empathy-________________________________________________________.
5. Sympathy_______________________________________________________.
6. Misunderstand-___________________________________________________.
7. Allocate-________________________________________________________.
8. Worse-__________________________________________________________.
9. Love-___________________________________________________________.
10. Missing-________________________________________________________.

C. Essay: Restate the given quotable words below then explain them in your own opinion or understanding.

Total 50pts

“Do not just dream, make your dreams happen.”

“Beauty is not just having a beautiful body or faces but true beauty seems to be seen inside the heart.”


“God is good all the time.”


Luke 11:4, “Whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you will receive it and it will be yours.”


Good Luck

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