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living cells

29-5-2020 JUNIOR BOTANY 2) Centrioles are the only non-membrane bound cell organelle present in animal
1. Smallest cells are 3)Non-membrane bound cell organelles are found in animal cells only are
1)Bacteria 2) Cyanobacteria 3) Mycoplasmas 4) RBC centrioles
2. Extra chromosomal, small, circular, naked DNA present in some bacteria is 4) All the above
called 9. What is not true about ribosomes?
1)Transposon 2)Extron 3)Intron 4) Plasmid 1) these are small and primitive cell organelles
3. Bacteria are divided into Gram +Ve and Gram –Ve based on 2) These are ribonucleo-protein granules
1)Nature of cell envelope 2) Response to staining 3) Plasmids 4) 1 & 2 3) These are dimorphic in all living organisms
4. Bacterial flagellum is composed of 4) These are the sites of m-RNA translation
1)Basal body 2) Hook 3) Filament 4) All the above 10. Neutral solutes may move across the cell membrane by the process of
5. Amembrane bound systems which are present freely in the cytoplasm 1) Never by passive transpsort
1)Ribosomes 2) Inclusion bodies 3)Residual bodies 4)Baker’s bodies 2) Simple diffusion along the concentration gradient
6.Nuculeus with nuclear membrane is found in 3) Always by active transport
1)Protists 2)Plant & fungal cells 3) Animal cells 4) All 4) Simple diffusion against concentration gradient
7. Most widely accepted model for plasma membrane is
1)Sandwich model 2) fluid mosaic model
3)Unit membrane model 4) Trilamellar model
8.The fluid nature of cell membrane is due to
1)Proteins 2) Carbohuydrates 3)Lipids 4) All the abve
9. Movenet of molecules across the cell membrane without the requirement of
energy is called
1)Active transport 2)Passive ransport 3) Osmosis 4) Plasmolysis
10. The fluid nature of plasma memebrane helps in
1)Cell division 2) Cell growth 3) Endocytosis 4) All


1. Ribosomes were first observed by
1)Stroma 2) Inner membrane 3) Thylakoids 4) 2 & 3
2. Chromatin found in the nucleus is a
1.Ribonucleoprotein 2) Nucleoprote in 3)Lipoproteoin 4) Lipoxyprotein
3. Cell organelle not found in erythrocytes of many mammals is
1.Mitochondria 2) Ribosomes 3) Nujcleus 4) All
4.A Chromosome with only one arm is
1)Acricebtruc 2) Telocentric 3) Metacentrc 4) Sub-metacentric
5. The cell organelle which helps in oxidative phosphorylation is
1)Chloroplast 2) Mitochondria 3) Ribosome 4) ER
6.Na+ and K+ pumping across the membrane is a/am
1)Passive transport 2) Acive transport 3) Diffusion 4) None of these
7.Choose the incorrect statement
1)Primary cell wall is formed between middle lamellum and plasma inembrane
2)Middle lamellum is formed between primary walls of adjacent cells
3)Cell wall is not always three layered
4)Secondary cell wall is formed between primary wall and plasma membrane
8.Choose the incorrect statement
1)Ribosome is the non-membrane bound cell organelle found in all types of
Dt:28-5-202 Junior Vip A

1. The position vectors of P and Q are respectively a and b If R is a

point on PQ such that PR = S PQ, then the position vector of R is
1) sb – 4a 2) 5b + 4a 3) 4b – a 4) 4b + 5a
2. If  (2i – 4j + 4k) is aunit vector then  =
1 1 1 1
1) ± 4 2) ± 7 3) ± 5 4) ± 6
  
3. Unit vector making angles 6 , 6 3
With i, j, k directions is :
1 1
1) 3 (i+j+k) 2) 3 (i-j+k)
2) 3) 3 (i-j-k) 4) Impossible to get such a vector

4. If a=j-2j+k, b-4i+2j-k, c=i+2j-k and a+  b is parallel to c then  =

1) -2/ 3 2) 2/3 3) 3/2 4) -3/2
5. The ratio in which the line segment joining the points with P.V.’s
i+2j+3k, -3i+6j-8k is divided by xy-plane is
1) 3 : 8 2) 3 : 3) : 3 4) 8 : 3
6. Let ‘O’ be the origin and A, B be two points, p, q are vectors
respresented by OA, OB and their magnitudes are p, q respectively.
Vector bisecting AOB is
p q p q
 
p q p q
p q p q
  p q

p q

1) p q p q p q p q
2) 3) 4)

7.The equation to the line passing through the points A(i+j+k)and

b(i+j-k) is
1) r=i+(1+t) j+(1-2t)k 2) r=(1+t)ij+j(1-2t)k

3) r=i+ j+(1-2t)k 4) r = i– 2j + tk
8. If the points, with position vectors 60k+3j, 40i-8j, ai – 2j are collinear
then a =
1) -40 2) 40 4) -80 4) 80
9. a, b, c are three vectors of which every pair is non-collinerar. If the
vectors a +2b and b + 3c are collinear with c and a respectively.
Then a + 2b + 6c =
1) a 2) b 3) c 4) 0

Dt:29-5-202 Senior Vip B

1. If the straight lien y = mx+c passes through the points (3, -4) and
(-1, 2) then values of m
10 . If a, b, c are non coplanar then the vectors a – 2b+c, 2a + b – c , 7a – 4b+2c 2 3 3 2
are 1) 2) 3) 4)
1) Collinear 2) Coplanar but non collinear 1) 3 2 2 3
3) Non coplanar 4) cannot be determined
2. Equation of the vertical the passing through the point (-4, 5) is
1) x+4=0 2) x-4=0 3) x-5=0 4) x+5=0
3. Equation of the line with slope 2 and x-intercept 5 is
1) 3x+2y=15 2) 3x-2y=15 3) 3x+2y=10 4) 3x+2y=12
4. Normal form of x- 3 y+6=0 is

  2 2
1) x cos 3 +y sin 3 =2 2) x cos 3 +y sin 3 =3

3 3 5 5
3) x cos 4 +y sin 4 =6 4) x cos 6 +y sin 6 =2
5. A line passing through A (1, -2) has slope . The points on the line at
a distance of 4 2 units from A are
1) (3, -6), (5, 2) 2) (-3, -6), (5, -2)

3) (-3, -6) (5, 2) 4) (3, 6) (-, 2)

6. P (a, b) lies on the line y = 6x – 1 and Q (b, a) lies on the line 2x-y=. Then
the equation of the line PQ is
1) 2x+y=3 2) 3x+2y=3 3) x+y=6 4) 3x+y=7

7. If the angle between the lines kx-y+6=0, 3x-y+7=0 is 4
then one of the value of k =
1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4

8. If the distances from the points (6, -2) and (3, 4) to the lines
4x+3y=12, 4x+3y=12 are d1 and d2 respectively then d1 :d2
1) 2 : 3 2) 4 : 5 3) 3 : 7 4) 1 : 2

9. The area ( in sq. units ) of the triangle formed by the lines x=0; y =0
and 3x+4y=12 is
1) 3 2) 4 3) 6 4) 12

10. The trinangle formed by the lines x+y=0, 3x+y=4=0, x+3y-4=0 is

1) Isoceles 2) Right angled 3) Equilateral 4) Scalane
SEC: Juniors MARKS:75 SUB:Chemistry Paper-I GRAND TEST -I DATE:14.02.2020
I. Anwer the following questions 10x2=20 SEC: Juniors MARKS:60
1. If f : R → R are defined by f (x) = 2x + 3 and g (x) = 3x-2, then find
I. Anwer the following questions 10x2=20
i) (fog) (x), ii) (gof) (x), iii) fof (0) iv) go (fof) (3)
1. What is meant by ionic product of water ?
2. Find the domain of the real valued function f (x) = x 2  25 2. What is chemical oxygen demand ?
3 0 0 3. Lithum reacts, with water less Vigorously than Sodium give your reasons?
0 3 0 4. Why is gypsum added to cement?
  5. Explain inert Pair effect?
 0 0 3
3. If A = , then find A4 6. Give the formula of borazine? What is its common name ?
1 5 3   2 1 0  7. Graphite is a good conductor Explain?
 2 4 0  and B   0 2 5  8. Why is co poisonous?
    9. Name the common components of Photo chemical smog?
 3 1 5 1 2 0  10. Write the IUPAC name of
4. If A = then find 3A – 4B1.
a) b)
1 2 3 
2 3 4
  II. Answer the following six questions. 6x4=24
 0 1 2  11. What is Lechatelier’s Principle ? Discuss the application lachateliers
5. Find the rank of a matrix
principle for the industrial synthesis of ammonia.
6. Find the unit vector in the direction of the sum of the vectors.
12. What is PH. Calculate the PH of 0.001 M HCl solution?
a=2i+2j-5k and b = 2i+j+3k 13. Explain with suitable examples the following ?
7. Find the vector equation of the line joining the points 2i+j+3kand-4i+3j-k i) electron deficient ii) electron precise iii) electron-rich hydrides.
8. If the vectors λ i-3j+5k and 2 λ i- λ j - k are perpendicular to each other , find λ 14. Explain the term hard water and soft water.
9. If | a | =13, |b| = 5 and a. b =60, then find | a x b|. write anote on the i) Ion Exchange method
10. If the vector a = 2i – j + k, b = i+2j – 3j and c=3i+pj+5k are coplanar, then find p. ii) calgon method for the removal of hardness of water
II. Answer the following six questions. 5x4=20 15. What do you know about castner kellener Process?
 cos  sin   Write the principle involved init?
  sin  cos   16. Explain the structure of diborane ?
11. If A =   then show that afor all the positive integers n, 17. Explain the differences in properties of diamond and graphite on the
 cos n sin n  basis of their structure?
  sin n cos n  18. Explain a) position isomerism b) chain isomerism
An =   III. Answer any two of the questions 2x8=16
bc b  c 1 19. How do we get benzene from Acetylene ? Give the corresponding Equation.
Explain the halogenation, allcylation, A cylation, nitration and sulphonation
ca c  a 1 of benzene ?
ab a  b 1 20. Describe the two methods of preparation of ethylene. Give equation for the
12. Show that = ( a – b) (b-c) (c-a) reactions of Ethylene with the following.
 1 2 2  a)Ozone b) Hypohalousacid c) Cold dil alk Kmno4
 2 1 2  d) heated with O2 at high pressure.
  21. Give two methods of preparation of acetylene. How does it react with
 2 2 1 
 water and ozone ?
13. If A = , then show that the adjoint of A is 3A1 Find A-1
SUB:Chemistry Paper-I GRAND TEST -I DATE:04.02.2020
SEC: Seniors MARKS:60
I. Anwer the following questions 10x2=20
1. What is relative lowering of vapour pressure?
2. Give two examples for zero order reaction.
3. Give the composition of the following alloys.
a) Brass b) Bronze c) German Silver
4. What happens when white phosphorus is heated with cone.
NaOH solution in an inert atmosphere of CO 2 ?
5. How is chlorine manufactured by Deacon’s method?
6. What is Misch metal ? Give its composition and use.
7. What is PHBV? How is it useful to man ?
8. What is PDI (Ply Dispersity Index) ?
9. What are analgesis? How are they classified ?
10. What are antiseptics ? Give examples.
II. Answer the following six questions. 6x4=24
11. Describe the two main types of semiconductor and coatrast their
conduction mechanism.
12. Define mole fraction. Calculate the Mole fraction of ethylene
glycol (C2H6O2) in a solution containing 20% of C2H6O2 by mass
13. What is an Emulsion? How emulsions are classified. Give one
example for each types of emulsion.
14. Explain the purification of sulphide ore by froth floatation.
15. How is ammonia manufactured by Haber’s process ?
16. Explain geometrical isomerism in co-ordination compounds giving
suitable examples.
17. What are harmones ? Give one example for the each of the following
a) Steroid hormones b) Polypeptide hormones c) Amino acid derivatives
18. Explain the Grignard reagents preparation and application with
suitable example.
III. Answer any two of the questions 2x8=16
19. Give the different types of Batteries and explain the construction and
working of each type of battery.
20. How is ozone prpepared from oxygen ? Explain its reaction with
1) C2H4 ii) KI iii) Hg iv) pbs
21. Describe the following
i) Acetylation ii) Cannizaro reaction
iii) Cross Aldol condensation iv) Decarboxylation.
SUB:Chemistry Paper-I GRAND TEST -I DATE:04.02.2020 SEC: Seniors MARKS:60
SEC: Seniors MARKS:60 I. Anwer the following questions 10x2=20
I. Anwer the following questions 10x2=20 1.
1. What is relative lowering of vapour pressure? II. Answer the following six questions. 6x4=24
2. Give two examples for zero order reaction. 11.
3. Give the composition of the following alloys. III. Answer any two of the questions 2x8=16
a) Brass b) Bronze c) German Silver 19.
4. What happens when white phosphorus is heated with cone. NaOH solution in
an inert atmosphere of CO2 ?
5. How is chlorine manufactured by Deacon’s method?
6. What is Misch metal ? Give its composition and use.
7. What is PHBV? How is it useful to man ?
8. What is PDI (Ply Dispersity Index) ?
9. What are analgesis? How are they classified ?
10. What are antiseptics ? Give examples.
II. Answer the following six questions. 6x4=24
11. Describe the two main types of semiconductor and coatrast their
conduction mechanism.
12. Define mole fraction. Calculate the Mole fraction of ethylene
glycol (C2H6O2) in a solution containing 20% of C2H6O2 by mass
13. What is an Emulsion? How emulsions are classified. Give one
example for each types of emulsion.
14 Explain the purification of sulphide ore by froth floatation.
15. How is ammonia manufactured by Haber’s process ?
16. Explain geometrical isomerism in co-ordination compounds giving
suitable examples.
17. What are harmones ? Give one example for the each of the following
a) Steroid hormones b) Polypeptide hormones c) Amino acid derivatives
18. Explain the Grignard reagents preparation and application with
suitable example.
III. Answer any two of the questions 2x8=16
19. Give the different types of Batteries and explain the construction and
working of each type of battery.
20. How is ozone prpepared from oxygen ? Explain its reaction with
1) C2H4 ii) KI iii) Hg iv) pbs
21. Describe the following
i) Acetylation ii) Cannizaro reaction
iii) Cross Aldol condensation iv) Decarboxylation.
SUB:Physics Paper-I TERMINAL EXAM-4 DATE:31.01.2020
SEC: Juniors MARKS:60
I. Anwer the following questions 10x2=20
1. What is the contribution of S.Chandrasekhar to Physics.
2. How can ststematic errors be minimized or eliminated.
3. The velocity of a body is given by V=At2+Bt+c. IF V and t are expressed SI
what are the units of A, B and c.
4. Show that the maximum height reached by a projectile launched at an angle of
45o is one quater of its range
5. A car travels the first third of a 10 kmph, the second third at 20kmph and the
last third at 60 kmph, What is its mean speed over entire distance.
6. If P = 2i+4j+14k and Q = 4i+4j+10k. Find the magnitude of P +Q
7. Why shock absorbes used in motor cycles and cars.
8. Wht is inertia? What gives the measure of Inertia.
9. To maintain a rator at a uniform angular speed of 200 rads-1, an engine needs to
transmit a torque of 180Nm. What is the power required by the engine.
10. What are polar satellites
II. Answer any six of the following questions. 6x4=24
11. a) What is orbital velocity? Obtain the expression for it?
b) What is Geostationary stallite? State its uses.
12. a) Define angular velocity (W) . Derive v = rw.
b) Define angular acceleration and torque.
13. Develop the nations or work and Kinetic Energy and show that it leads to
work. Energy theorem.
14. State newton’s second law of motion. Hence derive the equation of motion
F=ma from it.
15. Define terms momentum and impulse. State and explain the law of
conservation of linear momentum. Give examples.
16. State Parallelogram law of vectors. Derive an expression for the magnitude
and direction of the resultant vector.
17. A Ball is dropped from the roof of a tall building and simulataneously
another ball is projected upword and some velocity. Describe the change to relative
velocities of the balls as a function of time.
18. Show that the trajectory of an object thrown at certain angle with the
horizontal is a parabola.
III. Answer any two of the questions 2x8=16
19. Derive the expression for the variation of acceleration due to gravity
a) above and b) Below the surface of the earth.
b) Two Spherical balls of 1 kg and 4 kg are serated by adistance of 12 cm. Find the
distance of a point from the 1 Kg at. Which the gravitational force on any man becomes zero.
20. Show that the motion of a simple pendulum is simple harmonic and hence derive
an equation for its time period. What is seconds pendulum..
21. a) What are collisions? Explain the possible types of collisions? Develop the
theory of 1-D elastic collision.
b) A machine gun fires 300 bullets per minute and each bullet travels with a
velocity of 600ms-1s. If the mass of each bullet is 5gm. Find the power of the machine.
SUB:Physics Paper-I TERMINAL EXAM-4 DATE:31.01.2020
SEC: Juniors MARKS:60 SUB:Chemistry Paper-I TERMINAL EXAM-4 DATE:01.02.2020
I. Anwer the following questions 10x2=20 SEC: Juniors MARKS:60
1. What is the contribution of S.Chandrasekhar to Physics. I. Anwer the following questions 10x2=20
2. How can ststematic errors be minimized or eliminated. 1. What is Aufbau Principle ?
3. The velocity of a body is given by V=At2+Bt+c. IF V and t are expressed SI
what are the units of A, B and c. 2. What is diagonal relationship? Give one pair of elements that have this realtion?
4. Show that the maximum height reached by a projectile launched at an angle of 3. How many σ and π bonds are present in a) C2 H2 and b) C2H4 ?
45o is one quater of its range 4. Cl- ion is more stable than Cl atoms. Why ?
5. A car travels the first third of a 10 kmph, the second third at 20kmph and the 5. What is surface tention ?
last third at 60 kmph, What is its mean speed over entire distance.
6. If P = 2i+4j+14k and Q = 4i+4j+10k. Find the magnitude of P +Q 6. What is Boltzman’s constant. Give its value ?
7. Why shock absorbes used in motor cycles and cars. 7. How many times methane diffuses faster than sulphur dioxide?
8. Wht is inertia? What gives the measure of Inertia. 8. How many number of moles of glucose are present in 540 grams of glucose?
9. To maintain a rator at a uniform angular speed of 200 rads-1, an engine needs to 9. Calculate the oxidatgion number of Cr in K2 Cr2O7 ?
transmit a torque of 180Nm. What is the power required by the engine.
10. What are polar satellites 10. Stae the third law of thermodynamics?
II. Answer any six of the following questions. 6x4=24 II. Answer the following six questions. 6x4=24
11. a) What is orbital velocity? Obtain the expression for it? 11. State and explain the Hess’s law of constant heat summation?
b) What is Geostationary stallite? State its uses.
12. a) Define angular velocity (W) . Derive v = rw.
12. Define heat capacity? What are Cp and Cv ? Show that Cp – Cv = R?
b) Define angular acceleration and torque. 13. Balance the following redox reaction by ion electron method in acid
13. Develop the nations or work and Kinetic Energy and show that it leads to medium ? MnO4-(aq) + SO2(g) →Mn+2(aq) + HSO4- (aq)
work. Energy theorem.
14. State newton’s second law of motion. Hence derive the equation of motion 14. Calculate normality of H2SO4 solution of 50ml of it completely
F=ma from it. neutralizes 250ml of 0.1 N Ba(OH)2 Solution?
15. Define terms momentum and impulse. State and explain the law of 15. Find RMS speed average speed, and most probable speed of CO2 gas
conservation of linear momentum. Give examples.
16. State Parallelogram law of vectors. Derive an expression for the magnitude at 27oC?
and direction of the resultant vector. 16. Write the postulates of kinetic molecular theory of hydrogen bonds ?
17. A Ball is dropped from the roof of a tall building and simulataneously
another ball is projected upword and some velocity. Describe the change to relative
17. What is hydrogen bond? Explain the different types of gases ?
velocities of the balls as a function of time. 18. Explain the hybridization involved in PCl5 molecule?
18. Show that the trajectory of an object thrown at certain angle with the III. Answer any two of the questions 2x8=16
horizontal is a parabola.
19. Give the molecular orbital energy diagram of a)N 2 and b) O2. Calculate the
III. Answer any two of the questions 2x8=16
19. Derive the expression for the variation of acceleration due to gravity respective bond order. Write the magnetic nature of N 2 and O2 molecules?
a) above and b) Below the surface of the earth. 20. a) What are the Posatulates of Bohr’s model of hydrogen atom ?
b) Two Spherical balls of 1 kg and 4 kg are serated by adistance of 12 cm. Find the b) Explain Emission and absorption spectra?
distance of a point from the 1 Kg at. Which the gravitational force on any man becomes zero.
21. Write an Essay on s, p, d and f- block elements?
20. Show that the motion of a simple pendulum is simple harmonic and hence derive an
equation for its time period. What is seconds pendulum..
21. a) What are collisions? Explain the possible types of collisions? Develop the
theory of 1-D elastic collision.
b) A machine gun fires 300 bullets per minute and each bullet travels with a velocity
of 600ms-1s. If the mass of each bullet is 5gm. Find the power of the machine.
SUB:Maths Paper-I-A TERMINAL EXAM-4 DATE:29.01.2020
SEC: Juniors MARKS:75
VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE CHITTOOR I. Anwer the following questions 10x2=20
SUB:Chemistry Paper-I TERMINAL EXAM-4 DATE:01.02.2020 2
1. If f : R → R are defined by f (x) = 2x + 3 and g (x) = 3x-2, then find
SEC: Juniors MARKS:60 i) (fog) (x), ii) (gof) (x), iii) fof (0) iv) go (fof) (3)
I. Anwer the following questions 10x2=20 x 2  25
2. Find the domain of the real valued function f (x) =
1. What is Aufbau Principle ?
3 0 0
2. What is diagonal relationship? Give one pair of elements that have this realtion? 0 3 0 
3. How many σ and π bonds are present in a) C 2 H2 and b) C2H4 ?  
4. Cl- ion is more stable than Cl atoms. Why ? 0 0 3 
3. If A = , then find A4
5. What is surface tention ?
6. What is Boltzman’s constant. Give its value ? 1 5 3   2 1 0 
 2 4 0  and B   0 2 5 
7. How many times methane diffuses faster than sulphur dioxide?    
8. How many number of moles of glucose are present in 540 grams of glucose?  3 1 5 1 2 0 
9. Calculate the oxidatgion number of Cr in K2 Cr2O7 ?
4. If A = then find 3A – 4B1.
10. Stae the third law of thermodynamics? 1 2 3 
II. Answer the following six questions. 6x4=24  2 3 4
 
11. State and explain the Hess’s law of constant heat summation?  0 1 2 
12. Define heat capacity? What are Cp and Cv ? Show that Cp – Cv = R? 5. Find the rank of a matrix
13. Balance the following redox reaction by ion electron method in acid 6. Find the unit vector in the direction of the sum of the vectors.
medium ? MnO4-(aq) + SO2(g) →Mn+2(aq) + HSO4- (aq) a=2i+2j-5k and b = 2i+j+3k
14. Calculate normality of H2SO4 solution of 50ml of it completely 7. Find the vector equation of the line joining the points 2i+j+3kand-4i+3j-k
8. If the vectors λ i-3j+5k and 2 λ i- λ j - k are perpendicular to each other , find λ
neutralizes 250ml of 0.1 N Ba(OH)2 Solution?
9. If | a | =13, |b| = 5 and a. b =60, then find | a x b|.
15. Find RMS speed average speed, and most probable speed of CO2 gas
10. If the vector a = 2i – j + k, b = i+2j – 3j and c=3i+pj+5k are coplanar, then find p.
at 27oC? II. Answer the following six questions. 5x4=20
16. Write the postulates of kinetic molecular theory of hydrogen bonds ?
 cos  sin  
17. What is hydrogen bond? Explain the different types of gases ?   sin  cos  
18. Explain the hybridization involved in PCl5 molecule? 11. If A =   then show that afor all the positive integers n,
III. Answer any two of the questions 2x8=16  cos n sin n 
19. Give the molecular orbital energy diagram of a)N 2 and b) O2. Calculate the   sin n cos n 
respective bond order. Write the magnetic nature of N 2 and O2 molecules? An =  
20. a) What are the Posatulates of Bohr’s model of hydrogen atom ? bc b  c 1
b) Explain Emission and absorption spectra? ca c  a 1
21. Write an Essay on s, p, d and f- block elements? ab a  b 1
12. Show that = ( a – b) (b-c) (c-a)
 1 2 2 
 2 1 2 
 
 2 2 1 
13. If A = , then show that the adjoint of A is 3A1 Find A-1
SUB:Botany Paper-I PRE-FINAL EXAM DATE:29.01.2020
14. If i, j, k are unit vectors along the positive directions, of the SEC:Junior BiPC MARKS:60
I. Anwer the following questions 10x2=20
coordinate axes, then show that the four points 4i+5j+k, -j-k,
1. What is growth? What is the differencebetween the growth in living things
3i+9j+4k and -4i+4j+4k are coplanar
and non living objects?
15. Prove that the angle θ between any two diagonals of
2. What is systematic ?
a cube is given by cos θ = 1/3.
3. How are viroids different from viruses ?
16. If a, b, c are unit vectors such that a is perpendicular to the of b, c 4. Name two disease caused by mycoplasms
and the angle between b and c is π/3, then |a + b + c|. 5. Explain how the ter m Botany has emerged.
17. If a = i -2j+3k, b = 2i+j+k, c = i+j+2k then find (a x b)x c and 6. Which group of plants is called amphibians of plant kingdom? Name the
|a x (b x c)| branch of botany which deals with them?
III. Answer any two of the questions 5x7=35 7. Differentiate between antheridium and archaegorium

18. If f : A → B is a bijection then prove that fof-1 = IB and f-1 of = IA 8. Mention the ferm characters found in cycas.
9. What is omega Taxonomy?
19. If f : A → Band g : B → A are two functions such that fog = IB
10. Give any two examples of xerach succession.
and gof = IA then porve that f is a bijection and g = f-1
II. Answer the following six questions. 6x4=24
20. Using the Mathematical induction, Prove that 3.52n+1 + 2 3n+1 is
11. Define a taxon. Give some examples of taxa at different hierachial levels.
divisible by 17 for all n € N
12. What are the advantages and disadvantages of two kindom classification.
2 3
1 a a 13. Explain the scope of botany taking plant physiologyas examples.
1 b2 a3 14. Draw labeled diagram of a) female & male thallus of liwerwort
1 c2 c3 b) Gametophyte and sporophyte of funaria
21.Show that = (a-b) (b-c) (c-a) ( ab+bc+ca).
22. Solve the equation x+y+z=1, 2x+2y+3z=6 and x+4y+9z=3 by 15. Describe essential floral parts of plants belonging to liliaceae
16. Explain floral formula
using guesses – Jordan method
17. Write a brief account on classification of xerophytes.
23. A line makes angles θ1, θ2, θ3 and θ4 with the diagonals of a cube.
18. What measures do you suggest to protect the pollinators?
Show that cos2 θ1 + cos2 θ2 + cos2 θ3 + cos2 θ4 = 4 / 3
III. Answer any two of the questions 2x8=16
24. Find the shortest distancebetween the skew lines
19. Explain various types of recemose infloresences with examples?
r = (6i+2j+2k)+t (i-2j+2k) and r = (-4i-k) + 8 (3i – 2j – 2k).
20. Explain the process of fertilization in angiosperms
21. Describe the following a) Difference between Red & Brown Algae
*** ALL THE BEST *** b) Write the economical importance of Algae & Broyophytes.


SUB:Botany Paper-I PRE-FINAL EXAM DATE:29.01.2020 SEC: Juniors MARKS:60
SEC:Junior BiPC MARKS:60
I. Anwer the following questions 10x2=20 I. Anwer the following questions 10x2=20

1. What is growth? What is the differencebetween the growth in living 1.

things and non living objects? .

2. What is systematic ? II. Answer the following six questions. 6x4=24

3. How are viroids different from viruses ? 11.

4. Name two disease caused by mycoplasms III. Answer any two of the questions 2x8=16
5. Explain how the ter m Botany has emerged.
6. Which group of plants is called amphibians of plant kingdom? Name the
branch of botany which deals with them?
7. Differentiate between antheridium and archaegorium
8. Mention the ferm characters found in cycas.
9. What is omega Taxonomy?
10. Give any two examples of xerach succession.
II. Answer the following six questions. 6x4=24
11. Define a taxon. Give some examples of taxa at different hierachial levels.
12. What are the advantages and disadvantages of two kindom classification.
13. Explain the scope of botany taking plant physiologyas examples.
14. Draw labeled diagram of a) female & male thallus of liwerwort
b) Gametophyte and sporophyte of funaria
15. Describe essential floral parts of plants belonging to liliaceae
16. Explain floral formula
17. Write a brief account on classification of xerophytes.
18. What measures do you suggest to protect the pollinators?
III. Answer any two of the questions 2x8=16
19. Explain various types of recemose infloresences with examples?
20. Explain the process of fertilization in angiosperms
21. Describe the following a) Difference between Red & Brown Algae
b) Write the economical importance of Algae & Broyophytes.


SUB:Physics Paper-I TERMINAL EXAM-4 DATE:31.01.2020
SUB: Pre-Final Exams DATE: .01.2020


SUB: Pre-Final Exams DATE: .01.2020


SUB: Pre-Final Exams DATE: .01.2020


SUB: Pre-Final Exams DATE: .01.2020


SUB:English Paper-I Pre-Final Exams DATE:31.12.2019 SUB: Pre-Final Exams DATE: .01.2020
SEC: Junior Science MARKS:100 SEC: MARKS:


SUB:English Paper-I Pre-Final Exams DATE:06.01.2020 SUB: Pre-Final Exams DATE: .01.2020
SEC: Junior Arts MARKS:100 SEC: MARKS:


SUB:English Paper-II Pre-Final Exams DATE:09.01.2020 SEC: MARKS:
SEC: Senior Science & Arts MARKS:100


SUB: Pre-Final Exams DATE: .01.2020 SUB: Pre-Final Exams DATE: .01.2020


SUB: Pre-Final Exams DATE: .01.2020
VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE :::CHITTOOR 12. Differentiative between liverworts and mosses.
SUB: Pre-Final Exams DATE: .01.2020 13. Distinguish between asexual and sexual reproduction. Why is vegetative
reproduction also condidred as a type of asexual reproduction.
14. Give economic importance of plants belonging to fabaceae.
VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE :::CHITTOOR 15. What are the characteristic of a prokaryotic cell ?
SUB: Pre-Final Exams DATE: .01.2020 16. Which division is necessary to maintain constant chromosome number in all
SEC: MARKS: body cells of multicellular Organism and why ?
17. What is the difference between lenticels and stomata ?
VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE :::CHITTOOR 18. Give in detail the anatomical adaptations shown by Xerophytes.
SUB: Pre-Final Exams DATE: .01.2020 III. Answer any two of the questions 2x8=16
SEC: MARKS: 19. Explain how stem is modified variously to perform different
20. Describe the process of Fertilization in angiosperms.
21. Describe the internal structure of a dicot root.


SUB:Botany Paper-I PRE-FINAL EXAM DATE:03.01.2020
SUB:Botany Paper-I PRE-FINAL EXAM DATE:03.01.2020
I. Anwer the following questions 10x2=20
SEC: Junior BiPC MARKS:60
1. Why are living organisms classified ?
I. Anwer the following questions 10x2=20
2. What are slime moulds? Explain what is meany by plasmodium with
1. Why are living organisms classified ?
reference to slime moulds.
2. What are slime moulds? Explain what is meany by plasmodium with
3. Name an algae which show
reference to slime moulds.
a) Haplo-diplontic and b) Diplontic types of life cycles.
3. Name an algae which show
4. Differentiate between Racemose and cymose infloresences?
a) Haplo-diplontic and b) Diplontic types of life cycles.
5. What is the type of fruit found in mango? How does it differ from that of
4. Differentiate between Racemose and cymose infloresences?
5. What is the type of fruit found in mango? How does it differ from that of
6. What is geocarpy? Name the plant which exihibits this phenomenon.
7. Which part of the bacterial cell is targeted in gram staining?
6. What is geocarpy? Name the plant which exihibits this phenomenon.
8. Explain the Zwitterionic form of an amino acid.
7. Which part of the bacterial cell is targeted in gram staining?
9. Which of the four chromatids of a bivalent at Prophase – I of meiosis can
8. Explain the Zwitterionic form of an amino acid.
involve in crossing over ?
9. Which of the four chromatids of a bivalent at Prophase – I of meiosis can
10. Define population and community?
involve in crossing over ?
II. Answer the following six questions. 6x4=24
10. Define population and community?
11. Explain the brief the scope of Botany in relation to agriculture,
II. Answer the following six questions. 6x4=24
horticulature and medicine?
11. Explain the brief the scope of Botany in relation to agriculture, horticulature
12. Differentiative between liverworts and mosses.
and medicine?
13. Distinguish between asexual and sexual reproduction. Why is vegetative
reproduction also condidred as a type of asexual reproduction.
14. Give economic importance of plants belonging to fabaceae.
15. What are the characteristic of a prokaryotic cell ?
16. Which division is necessary to maintain constant chromosome number in
all body cells of multicellular Organism and why ?
17. What is the difference between lenticels and stomata ?
18. Give in detail the anatomical adaptations shown by Xerophytes.
III. Answer any two of the questions 2x8=16
19. Explain how stem is modified variously to perform different
20. Describe the process of Fertilization in angiosperms.
21. Describe the internal structure of a dicot root.


63. If a circle of radius 2 touches X-axis at (1, 0) then its centre may be
1) (1, 2) and (1, -2 ) 2) (1, 2) and (2, -1 ) 3) (-1, 2) (1, -2 ) 4) (-1, -2) (-1, -2)
64. Locus of the centre of circle of radius 2 which rolls on out side the rim of the
circle x2+y2-4x-6y-12=0
1) x2+y2-4x-6y=0 2) x2+y2-4x-6y-36=0 3) x2+y2-4x-6y+3=04) x2+y2-4x-6y-25=0

65. The locus of the point (  ((3h  2), 3k ),

If (h, k )lies on x+ y = 1 is
1) a pair of straight lines 2) a circle 3) a parabola 4) an ellipse
66. Radical centre of x2+y2-x+3y-3=0, x2+y2-2x+2y+2=0, and
x2+y2+2x-3y-9=0 is
1) (2, 3) 2 ) 3, 2 ) 3) (-2, 3) 4) (-3, 2)

67. If the circle x2 + y2+2ax+cy + a = 0 and x2 + y2 + 2ax -3ax + dy-1= 0

Intersect in two distinct points ‘P’ and ‘ Q’the the lines 5x+by-a=0
asses through ‘P’ and ‘Q’ for
1) no value of a 2) exactly one value of a 3) exactly two values of a
4) infinitely many values of
68. The locus of amid points of parallel chords of a parabola is
1) a line parallel to the axis 2) a line parallel to directrix 4) a focal chord
69. If the tangents t1, t2, t3 on y2 = 4ax make angles 30o, 45o, 60owith the
axis then t1, t2, t3 are in
1) A.P 2) G.P 3) H.P 4) A.GP
x2 y2
 1
70. r  r  6 r  6r  5
2 2
will reprepsenta the ellipse, if r lies in the
1) (-∞, -2) ∪ (5, ∞) 2) (3, ∞,) 3) (-2, 3) 4) ( 1, ∞)71.


71. The eccentricity of an ellipse whose centre is at the origin is 1 / 2 . If one of
1  Sin 2 x
 2e

1. 1  Cos 2 x
 3
1,  is 1) exSecx+c 2) Tan x+c 3) exSecx Tan x +c 4) ex Cosec x+c
its directorices is x = -4, then the equation of the normal to it at  2  dx
1) x+2y=4 2) 2x-x=2 3) 4x-2y-1 4) 4x+2y=7 
2 1  sin x  cos x

72. If x = 9 is the chord of contact of the Hyperbola x2 – y2=9 then the 1) log |1+Tan x/2|+c 2) log |1-Tan x/2| + c
3) log |1-Cot x/2|+c 4) log |1+Cot x/2|+c
equation of the corresponding pair of tangents is
sin 6 x  cos 6 x
2 2 2 2
1) 9x – 8y + 18x – 9=0 2) 9x – 8y + 18x – 9=0
 sin 2 x cos2 x dx 
3) 9x2 – 8y2 +-18x – 9=0 4) 9x2 – 8y2 + 18x + 9=0 1) tan x + cot x + c 2) tan x + cot x + 3x + c
73. If h2 + k2 > a2 then the number of solutions of the equation 3) tan x – cot x – 3x + c 4) tan x + cot x – 3x + c
3 11
hx + ky = a2 and x2 + y2 =a2 is
4.  cos 7 x sin 7 xdx is equal to
1) 1 2) 2 3) 4 4) 0
1) log |sin4/7x|+c 2) 1) 4/7 |tan4/7x|+c
74.The ltangents to the parabola y2=4ax make complementary angles with 3) - 7/4 tan4/7x+c 4) log |cos3/7x|+c
the axis of the parabola then t1t2 = 1
 ( x  1)3/ 2 ( x  1)1/2 dx 
1) 0 2) 1 3) -1 4) -2 5.
75. S and S1 are the foci and A is one vertex of x2 -2y2=1 then SAS1 A  1 x  x 1
 sin 1  c c
1) 2 2) 1 3) 1 / 2 4) 1 / 4 1)  ( x  2) 2  2) x  1
2 x x 1 1) 3 log Tan x + 3/2 tan2 x + ¼ tan4x-1/2 cot2 x+c
1 c c 2) 3 log Tan x + 3/2 tan2 x + ¼ tan4x-1/2 tan2 x+c
3) x 1 4) x  1
3) 3 log Tan x + 3/2 cot2 x + ¼ cot4x-1/2 tan2 x+c
 1  x2 1  4) 3 log Tan x + 3/2 cot2 x + ¼ cot4x-1/2 cot2 x+c

Tan   dx 
 x  k
 
 x 6 sin(5 x 7 ) dx cos(5 x 7 )  c
5 , then k =
1 1 
 x Tan 1 x  log(l  x 2 )   c
1) 2  2  2) xTan-1 x – ½ log (x + x2) + c ( x) 3  x4 
3) xTan-1 x + ½ log (x + x2) + c 4) 1 /2xTan-1 x – log (1 + x2) + c
 ( x )5 x 4 dx  A log  k

x 1
12. then the values of A & K
respectively are
2  [5  3 x]
 ,1 and 
13. If [.] denotes greatest integer function and x  3  x2
dx=k log |x-2| + c then K =
 ( x  1) 3/2
( x  1)1/2
dx 
7. I. Anwer the following questions 10x2=20
1) Sin-1 x + 1  x  c 2) Cos-1 x - 1  x  c
2 2
2) 1. How many number of moles of glucose are present in 540 grams of glucose?
2. Calculate the oxidation number of Cr in K2Cr2O7?
3) Sin-1 x - 1  x  c 4)
1)1 / 2 3. What are intensive and extensive properties ?
1 1 4. State the third claw of thermodynamies ?
2 x 2  5 x  3  cosh 1  4 x  5   c 5. What is meany by ionic product of water?
4) 2 4
6. All bronsted bases are lewis bares explain?
8.  1  cos ecx dx
is equal to 7. Give two example’s of salts whose aqueous solution are basic ?
8. What is buffer solution ?
1) Sin (2 sin x +1) +c 2) – sin-1 (2 sin x + 1) c
9. Calculate the PH of 10-3M Hcl solution ?
3) Sin-1 (2 sin x -1) +c 4) -Sin-1 (2 sin x -1) +c
10. Define the term Enthalpy ?

9. If α > 1, then x  2ax  1
dx  II. Answer the following six questions. 6x4=24
11. Calculate the Empirical formula of a compound having percentage
1  x   1  x   composition. Potassium (k) = 26.57, Chromium (Cr) = 35.36, oxygen (o) =
tan 1   c cot 1  c 38.07 (given the atomic weights of K, Cr, and O as 39, 52 and 16respectively.
1) 1    1  2) 1    1 
2 2 2 2
 12. To 50 ml of 0.1 Na2Co3 solution 150 ml of H2O is added. Then calculate
 x  a a2 1  normality of resultant solution?
log  c 13. Oxalic acid is oxidized by permanganate ion in acid medium of Mn +2
2  2 1  x  a a2 1 
3)   Balance the reaction by ion – electron method ?
MnO4- + C2O4-2 ---- mn+2 + Co2
1  x  a  a2 1 
log  c 14. State and explain the Hess law of constant heat summation? Give example?
2  2 1  x  a  a2 1  15. Explain the Concept of Bronsted acids and Bronsted bases. Illustrate the
4)  
answer with suitable Example?
 3 5
10. sin x cos x
dx  16. Write the conjugate acid and conjugate base of each of the following
1) OH- 2) H2O 3) H CO3- d) H2O2 e) HSO4-
17. Define heat capacity ? What are Cp and Cr ? Show that Cp – Cv = R ? answer with suitable Example?
18. Aqeous solution of CH3 COONa is basic explain? 16. Write the conjugate acid and conjugate base of each of the following
III. Answer any two of the questions 2x8=16 1) OH- 2) H2O 3) H CO3- d) H2O2 e) HSO4-
19. Balance the following equation by ion electron method ? 17. Define heat capacity ? What are Cp and Cr ? Show that Cp – Cv = R ?
Cr (OH)3+ IO3 - ----→ I- + CrO4-2 18. Aqeous solution of CH3 COONa is basic explain?
20. Explain the different types of redox reactions? III. Answer any two of the questions 2x8=16
21. Explain Lewis acid – base theory with suitable example? 19. Balance the following equation by ion electron method ?
Classify the following species into lewis acids and lewis bases and show Cr (OH)3+ IO3 - ----→ I- + CrO4-2
these act as lewis acid / base? 20. Explain the different types of redox reactions?
a) OH- b) F- c) H+ d) BCl3 21. Explain Lewis acid – base theory with suitable example?
Classify the following species into lewis acids and lewis bases and show
these act as lewis acid / base?
a) OH- b) F- c) H+ d) BCl3


SUB:Chemistry Paper-I Monthly Test DATE:11.11.2019 VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE CHITTOOR
SEC: Juniors Science MARKS:60 SUB:Chemistry Paper-II Monthly Test DATE:04.11.2019
I. Anwer the following questions 10x2=20 SEC: Seniors Science MARKS:60
1. How many number of moles of glucose are present in 540 grams of lucose? I. Anwer the following questions 10x2=20
2. Calculate the oxidation number of Cr in K2Cr2O7? 1. What is Polymerisation ? Give an example of polymerization reaction?
3. What are intensive and extensive properties ? 2. What is PDI?
4. State the third claw of thermodynamies ? 3. What is Ziegler – Natta Catalyst?
5. What is meany by ionic product of water? 4. What is PHBV? How is it useful to man?
6. All bronsted bases are lewis bares explain? 5. What is Zwitter ion? Give an Example?
7. Give two example’s of salts whose aqueous solution are basic ? 6. Write the biological functions of nucleic acids?
8. What is buffer solution ? 7. What are antacids ?
9. Calculate the PH of 10-3M Hcl solution ? 8. What are tranquilizer’s ?Give example ?
10. Define the term Enthalpy ? 9. What are disinfectants ?
II. Answer the following six questions. 6x4=24 10. What are artificial sweeting agents ? Give example?
11. Calculate the Empirical formula of a compound having percentage II. Answer the following six questions. 6x4=24
composition. Potassium (k) = 26.57, Chromium (Cr) = 35.36, oxygen (o) = 11. What are LDP and HDP? How are they formed?
38.07 (given the atomic weights of K, Cr, and O as 39, 52 and 16respectively. 12. Write the names and structures of the monomers of the following polymers.
12. To 50 ml of 0.1 Na2Co3 solution 150 ml of H2O is added. Then calculate i) Buna-S ii) Buna – N iii) Dacron iv) Neo prene
normality of resultant solution? 13. Give the sources of the following vitamins and name the diseases caused by
13. Oxalic acid is oxidized by permanganate ion in acid medium of Mn +2 their deficiency
Balance the reaction by ion – electron method ? a) A b) D c ) E and d ) K
MnO4- + C2O4-2 ---- mn+2 + Co2
14. State and explain the Hess law of constant heat summation? Give e xample? 14. What are narmones? Give one example for each.
15. Explain the Concept of Bronsted acids and Bronsted bases. Illustrate the i) Steriod homones ii) Poly peptide hormones and
iii) amino acid derivaties
15. Write a brief note on the structure polymerization ? 15. Write a brief note on the structure polymerization ?
16. Explain the structure of DNA ? 16. Explain the structure of DNA ?
17. What are analgesics ? How are they classified? 17. What are analgesics ? How are they classified?
18. What are broad spectrum and narrow spectrum antibiotics? Give on 18. What are broad spectrum and narrow spectrum antibiotics? Give
example for each? on example for each?
III. Answer any two of the questions 2x8=10 III. Answer any two of the questions 2x8=10
19. Write notes on proteins? 19. Write notes on proteins?
20. Explain the classification of carbohydrates? 20. Explain the classification of carbohydrates?
21. Explain the classification of polymer’s based on theirs source and 21. Explain the classification of polymer’s based on theirs source and
structure ? structure ?


VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE CHITTOOR SUB:Zoology Paper-I Monthly Test DATE:04.11.2019
SUB:Chemistry Paper-II Monthly Test DATE:04.11.2019 SEC: Bipc MARKS:60
SEC: Seniors Science MARKS:60 I. Anwer the following questions 10x2=20
I. Anwer the following questions 10x2=20 1. What are the functions of canal system of sponges
1. What is Polymerisation ? Give an example of polymerization reaction? 2. Distinguish between amphids and phasmids
2. What is PDI? 3. What is botryoidal tissued ?
3. What is Ziegler – Natta Catalyst? 4. Which arthropod you have studied is called a living fossil? Name the
4. What is PHBV? How is it useful to man? respiratory organs.
5. What is Zwitter ion? Give an Example? 5.
6. Write the biological functions of nucleic acids?
7. What are antacids ? II. Answer the following six questions. 6x4=24
8. What are tranquilizer’s ?Give example ? 11.
9. What are disinfectants ? III. Answer any two of the questions 2x8=10
10. What are artificial sweeting agents ? Give example? 19.
II. Answer the following six questions. 6x4=24
11. What are LDP and HDP? How are they formed?
12. Write the names and structures of the monomers of the following
i) Buna-S ii) Buna – N iii) Dacron iv) Neo prene
13. Give the sources of the following vitamins and name the diseases caused
by their deficiency
a) A b) D c ) E and d ) K

14. What are narmones? Give one example for each.

i) Steriod homones ii) Poly peptide hormones and
iii) amino acid derivaties
SEC: Seniors Science & Arts MARKS: 25
I. Answer the following : 1x10=10
1. Write a character sketch of Tom Sawyer.
II. Answer the following : 3x5=15
1. Write a letter to the Principal of your college requesting him to issue
your transfer, bonafide and conduct certificates.
2. Write a letter to your father asking him to send money as you have
to buy new books and pay the public examination fee.
3. Write a letter to the editor of a local daily on acute shortage of water
in summer.


SUB: English Paper-II Weekly Test DATE:02.11.2019 SEC: Seniors Science & Arts MARKS: 25
SEC: Seniors Science & Arts MARKS: 25 I. Answer the following : 1x10=10
I. Answer the following : 1x10=10 1. Write a character sketch of Tom Sawyer.
1. Write a character sketch of Tom Sawyer. II. Answer the following : 3x5=15
II. Answer the following : 3x5=15 1. Write a letter to the Principal of your college requesting him to issue
1. Write a letter to the Principal of your college requesting him to issue your transfer, bonafide and conduct certificates.
your transfer, bonafide and conduct certificates. 2. Write a letter to your father asking him to send money as you have
2. Write a letter to your father asking him to send money as you have to to buy new books and pay the public examination fee.
buy new books and pay the public examination fee. 3. Write a letter to the editor of a local daily on acute shortage of water
3. Write a letter to the editor of a local daily on acute shortage of water in in summer.
SUB: English Paper-II Weekly Test DATE:02.11.2019
SUB: English Paper-II Weekly Test DATE:02.11.2019 I. Answer the following : 1x10=10
SEC: Seniors Science & Arts MARKS: 25 1. Write a character sketch of Tom Sawyer.
I. Answer the following : 1x10=10 II. Answer the following : 3x5=15
1. Write a character sketch of Tom Sawyer. 1. Write a letter to the Principal of your college requesting him to issue
II. Answer the following : 3x5=15 your transfer, bonafide and conduct certificates.
1. Write a letter to the Principal of your college requesting him to issue 2. Write a letter to your father asking him to send money as you have
your transfer, bonafide and conduct certificates. to buy new books and pay the public examination fee.
2. Write a letter to your father asking him to send money as you have to 3. Write a letter to the editor of a local daily on acute shortage of water
buy new books and pay the public examination fee. in summer.
3. Write a letter to the editor of a local daily on acute shortage of water in


SUB: English Paper-II Weekly Test DATE:02.11.2019
2. Distinguish between amphids and phasmids
3. What is botryoidal tissue?
4. Which arthropod you have studied is called a living fossil ? Name the
respiratory organs.


SUB: Zoology Paper-I Monthly Exam DATE:04.11.2019
SEC: Junior Bipc MARKS: 60
I. Answer all the questions 2x10=20
1. What are the functions of canal system of sponges
7. What are the differences between state and government ?
8. Is it India is a Nation State ?
9. What are the differences between Law and Morality?
10. Define Liberty ? Explain the safeguards of Liberty?
11. Write about Economic Rights?
12. Define Justice ? Explain the kinds of Justice?
13. Explain the qualities and good citizenship?
14. Explain the Features of Democracy?
15. Give the suggestions for making India as a secular State?
16. Explain the quantities are features of the constitution ?
17. Explain the important aFunctions of Legistature ?
III. Answer any fifteen of the following questions 8x5=40
18. Aristotle? 19. Define State ?
20. Internal Soverignty ? 21. Define Law ?
22. International Law ? 23. Political equality ?
24. Define Liberty ? 25. Classify Rights ?
26. Moral Responsabilities 27. Distributive Justice ?
28. Define Justice ? 29. Who is an Alien ?
30. Single citizenship? 31. Define secularism ?
32. What is meany by theocracy ?
33. Define constitution? 34. What is meant by written constitution?
35. What is meany by unitary Government?
36. Organs of Government ? 37. Recall ?


SUB: Civics Paper-I II-Terminal Examination DATE:14.10.2019
SEC: Juniors MARKS: 100
I. Answer any three of the following questions 3x10=30
1. Define Political Science? Explain its Scope?
2. Define Nationality? Explain its Elements?
3. Define Rights Explain the Civil Right ?
4. Define Democracy Explain the merits are advantages of Democracy ?
5. Explain the Features of Parlamentary Government ?
II. Answer any eight of the following questions 8x5=40
6. Write about any two element of state ?
9. Explain the Powers and functions of State Legislature ?
10. Explain the Powers and functions of StateGoverner ?
11. Explain the Powers and functions of Adocate General ?
12. Explain the Legislative relations between Union and State ?
13. Write about recommendations of Sarkaria Commission ?
14. Explain the features Indian Election system any five points ?
15. Explain the functions of Political parties ?
16. Explain the function N. H.R. C. ?
17.Explain the causes of Bi-furgation of A.P ?
III. Answer any fifteen of the following questions 8x5=40
18. Universal Adult Frachies ? 19. Write to property ?
20. Collective Responsibility ? 21. Categerious of Union council of Ministers ?
22. Deputy Spepaker of Loksabha ?23. Cantonment Boards ?
24. Pil ? 25. Qualifications of M L C ?
26. Deputy chairman of legislature council
27. Governor Qualification 28. State Eutives
29. High court Judges Appointement
30. Niti Ayog 31. Residery Powers
32. Gram Sabha 33. Contonment Boards
34. E V M S 35. Teritorial Representation.
36. Types of party system 37. National Parties


SUB: Civics Paper-II II-Terminal Examination DATE:15.10.2019
SEC: Seniors MARKS: 100
I. Answer any three of the following questions 3x10=30
1. Exlain the Iportant features of Indian Constitution ?
2. Explain the Indian citizens fundamental Rights ?
3. Explain the Powers and functions of Indian President ?
4. Explain the Powers and functions of Union Legislature ?
5. Explain the Powers and functions of District Collector ?
II. Answer any eight of the following questions 8x5=40
6. Preamble
7. Write about fundamental Duties ?
8. Explain the powers and functions of union Judiciary ?
5. (a) A fair coin is tossed 200 tiimes. Find the probability of getting a head
an odd number of times.
(b) Find the probability of drawing an Ace or a spade from a well
shuffled pack of 52 playing cards.
6. The probabilities of three events A,B,C are such that P(A) =0.3, P(B) = 0.4,
P(C)=0.8, P(A∪B) = 0.09, P(A∩C) = 0.28, P(A∩B∩C) = 0.08 and
P(A∪B∪C) ≥ 0.75 Show that P(B∩C) lies in the interval [0.21, 0.46]


Mathematics -IIA Weekly Test DATE : 31.10.19
SEC : Sr.MEC Marks: 25
I. Answer the following 5x4=20
1. State and prove addition theorem.
2. A,B,C are three horses in a race. The probability of A to win the race
is twice that of B, and probability of B is twice that of C. What are
the probabilities of A,B, and C to win the race?
3. In a box containing 15 bulbs, 5 are defective. If 5 bulbs are selected at
random from the box, find the probability of the event, that
(i) none of them is defective (ii) only one of them is defective
(iii) atleast one of them is defective.
4. Two persons A and B are rolling a die on the condition that the person
who gets 3 will win the game. If A starts the game, then find the
probabilities of A and B respectively to win the game.
5. (a) A fair coin is tossed 200 tiimes. Find the probability of getting a head
an odd number of times.
(b) Find the probability of drawing an Ace or a spade from a well
shuffled pack of 52 playing cards.
6. The probabilities of three events A,B,C are such that P(A) =0.3, P(B) = 0.4,
P(C)=0.8, P(A∪B) = 0.09, P(A∩C) = 0.28, P(A∩B∩C) = 0.08 and
P(A∪B∪C) ≥ 0.75 Show that P(B∩C) lies in the interval [0.21, 0.46]


VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR Mathematics -IIA Weekly Test DATE : 31.10.19
Mathematics -IIA Weekly Test DATE : 31.10.19 SEC : Sr.MEC Marks: 25
SEC : Sr.MEC Marks: 25 I. Answer the following 5x4=20
I. Answer the following 5x4=20 1. State and prove addition theorem.
1. State and prove addition theorem. 2. A,B,C are three horses in a race. The probability of A to win the race
2. A,B,C are three horses in a race. The probability of A to win the race is twice that of B, and probability of B is twice that of C. What are
is twice that of B, and probability of B is twice that of C. What are the probabilities of A,B, and C to win the race?
the probabilities of A,B, and C to win the race? 3. In a box containing 15 bulbs, 5 are defective. If 5 bulbs are selected at
3. In a box containing 15 bulbs, 5 are defective. If 5 bulbs are selected at random from the box, find the probability of the event, that
random from the box, find the probability of the event, that (i) none of them is defective (ii) only one of them is defective
(i) none of them is defective (ii) only one of them is defective (iii) atleast one of them is defective.
(iii) atleast one of them is defective. 4. Two persons A and B are rolling a die on the condition that the person
4. Two persons A and B are rolling a die on the condition that the person who gets 3 will win the game. If A starts the game, then find the
who gets 3 will win the game. If A starts the game, then find the probabilities of A and B respectively to win the game.
probabilities of A and B respectively to win the game. 5. (a) A fair coin is tossed 200 tiimes. Find the probability of getting a head
an odd number of times. (iii) atleast one of them is defective.
(b) Find the probability of drawing an Ace or a spade from a well 6. The probabilities of three events A,B,C are such that P(A) =0.3, P(B) = 0.4,
shuffled pack of 52 playing cards. P(C)=0.8, P(A∪B) = 0.09, P(A∩C) = 0.28, P(A∩B∩C) = 0.08 and
6. The probabilities of three events A,B,C are such that P(A) =0.3, P(B) = 0.4, P(A∪B∪C) ≥ 0.75 Show that P(B∩C) lies in the interval [0.21, 0.46]
P(C)=0.8, P(A∪B) = 0.09, P(A∩C) = 0.28, P(A∩B∩C) = 0.08 and
P(A∪B∪C) ≥ 0.75 Show that P(B∩C) lies in the interval [0.21, 0.46]
Mathematics -IIA Weekly Test DATE : 31.10.19
Mathematics -IIA Weekly Test DATE : 31.10.19 I. Answer the following: 5x5=25
SEC : Sr.MEC Marks: 25 1. State and prove addition theorem.
I. Answer the following 5x4=20 2. In an experiment of drawing a card at random from a pack, the event of
1. State and prove addition theorem. getting a spade is denoted by A and getting a pictured card (King,Queen
2. A,B,C are three horses in a race. The probability of A to win the race or Jack) is denoted by B. Find the probabilities of A,B, A∩B and A∪B.
is twice that of B, and probability of B is twice that of C. What are 3. Two persons A and B are rolling a die on the condition that the person
the probabilities of A,B, and C to win the race? who gets 3 will win the game. If A starts the game, then find the
3. In a box containing 15 bulbs, 5 are defective. If 5 bulbs are selected at probabilities of A and B respectively to win the game.
random from the box, find the probability of the event, that 4. If one ticket is randomly selected from tickets numbered 1 to 30, then find
(i) none of them is defective (ii) only one of them is defective the probability that the number on the ticket is (i) a multiple of 5 or 7
(iii) atleast one of them is defective. (ii) a multiple of 3 or 5.
4. Two persons A and B are rolling a die on the condition that the person 5. In a box containing 15 bulbs, 5 are defective. If 5 bulbs are selected at
who gets 3 will win the game. If A starts the game, then find the random from the box, find the probability of the event, that
probabilities of A and B respectively to win the game. (i) none of them is defective (ii) only one of them is defective
5. (a) A fair coin is tossed 200 tiimes. Find the probability of getting a head (iii) atleast one of them is defective.
an odd number of times. 6. The probabilities of three events A,B,C are such that P(A) =0.3, P(B) = 0.4,
(b) Find the probability of drawing an Ace or a spade from a well P(C)=0.8, P(A∪B) = 0.09, P(A∩C) = 0.28, P(A∩B∩C) = 0.08 and
shuffled pack of 52 playing cards. P(A∪B∪C) ≥ 0.75 Show that P(B∩C) lies in the interval [0.21, 0.46]
6. The probabilities of three events A,B,C are such that P(A) =0.3, P(B) = 0.4,
P(C)=0.8, P(A∪B) = 0.09, P(A∩C) = 0.28, P(A∩B∩C) = 0.08 and
P(A∪B∪C) ≥ 0.75 Show that P(B∩C) lies in the interval [0.21, 0.46]
VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR Mathematics -IIA Weekly Test DATE : 31.10.19
Mathematics -IIA Weekly Test DATE : 31.10.19 SEC : Sr. Vip-A & B Marks: 25
SEC : Sr. Vip-A & B Marks: 25 I. Answer the following: 5x5=25
I. Answer the following: 5x5=25 1. State and prove addition theorem.
1. State and prove addition theorem. 2. In an experiment of drawing a card at random from a pack, the event of
2. In an experiment of drawing a card at random from a pack, the event of getting a spade is denoted by A and getting a pictured card (King,Queen
getting a spade is denoted by A and getting a pictured card (King,Queen or Jack) is denoted by B. Find the probabilities of A,B, A∩B and A∪B.
or Jack) is denoted by B. Find the probabilities of A,B, A∩B and A∪B. 3. Two persons A and B are rolling a die on the condition that the person
3. Two persons A and B are rolling a die on the condition that the person who gets 3 will win the game. If A starts the game, then find the
who gets 3 will win the game. If A starts the game, then find the probabilities of A and B respectively to win the game.
probabilities of A and B respectively to win the game. 4. If one ticket is randomly selected from tickets numbered 1 to 30, then find
4. If one ticket is randomly selected from tickets numbered 1 to 30, then find the probability that the number on the ticket is (i) a multiple of 5 or 7
the probability that the number on the ticket is (i) a multiple of 5 or 7 (ii) a multiple of 3 or 5.
(ii) a multiple of 3 or 5. 5. In a box containing 15 bulbs, 5 are defective. If 5 bulbs are selected at
5. In a box containing 15 bulbs, 5 are defective. If 5 bulbs are selected at random from the box, find the probability of the event, that
random from the box, find the probability of the event, that (i) none of them is defective (ii) only one of them is defective
(i) none of them is defective (ii) only one of them is defective
(iii) atleast one of them is defective. 7. My friend’s family __(live) in this house since 1998.
6. The probabilities of three events A,B,C are such that P(A) =0.3, P(B) = 0.4,
P(C)=0.8, P(A∪B) = 0.09, P(A∩C) = 0.28, P(A∩B∩C) = 0.08 and
P(A∪B∪C) ≥ 0.75 Show that P(B∩C) lies in the interval [0.21, 0.46]


Mathematics -IIA Weekly Test DATE : 31.10.19
SEC : Sr. Vip-A & B Marks: 25
I. Answer the following: 5x5=25
1. State and prove addition theorem.
2. In an experiment of drawing a card at random from a pack, the event of
getting a spade is denoted by A and getting a pictured card (King,Queen
or Jack) is denoted by B. Find the probabilities of A,B, A∩B and A∪B.
3. Two persons A and B are rolling a die on the condition that the person
who gets 3 will win the game. If A starts the game, then find the
probabilities of A and B respectively to win the game.
4. If one ticket is randomly selected from tickets numbered 1 to 30, then find
the probability that the number on the ticket is (i) a multiple of 5 or 7
(ii) a multiple of 3 or 5.
5. In a box containing 15 bulbs, 5 are defective. If 5 bulbs are selected at
random from the box, find the probability of the event, that
(i) none of them is defective (ii) only one of them is defective
(iii) atleast one of them is defective.
6. The probabilities of three events A,B,C are such that P(A) =0.3, P(B) = 0.4,
P(C)=0.8, P(A∪B) = 0.09, P(A∩C) = 0.28, P(A∩B∩C) = 0.08 and
P(A∪B∪C) ≥ 0.75 Show that P(B∩C) lies in the interval [0.21, 0.46]


English Paper- I Weekly Test DATE : 02.11.19
SEC : Junior Arts Marks: 25
I. Answer the following questions in about 25-30 lines each: 2x4=8
1. Give an account of the series of troubles the narrator experienced
in the wake of winning a Road Engine.
2. How is “The Last Leaf” by O.Henry a story of hope,friendship
and sacrifice?
II. Fill in the blanks with suitable forms of verbs given in the
brackets: 1x7=7
1. Let’s wait till he ___ his work(finish)
2. My friends ____(see) the Prime Minister yesterday.
3. Look! The monkey ___(eat)banana.
4.I __(be)seventeen on my next birthday.
5. He __(buy) a new bike last week.
6.Mumbai __(be)one of the largest cities in the world.
English Paper- II Weekly Test DATE : 21.09.19
Seniors : Science & Arts Marks: 25
IAnswerthefollowingquestion: 1x5=5M
1.Explain the experiments of Bose about the growth and reaction of a plant.
II. Annotate the following questions 1x5=5
1. Walking the anaesthetized tree immediately took root in its new place and
III. Write a letter to the editor of a local daily on acute shortage of water in
Summer 1x5=5M
IV.Describe the Process of Withdrawing money from ATM
V.ICMR-NIRT Chennai, requires Data Entry Operator with good knowledge of
MS-Office, Mail Wizard. Good communication skills and good presentation
skills with two years of experience are other requirements. Apply with a
detailed CV. 1x5=5M


English Paper- II Weekly Test DATE : 21.09.19
Seniors : Science & Arts Marks: 25
IAnswerthefollowingquestion: 1x5=5M
1.Explain the experiments of Bose about the growth and reaction of a plant.
II. Annotate the following questions 1x5=5
1. Walking the anaesthetized tree immediately took root in its new place and
III. Write a letter to the editor of a local daily on acute shortage of water in
Summer 1x5=5M
IV.Describe the Process of Withdrawing money from ATM
V.ICMR-NIRT Chennai, requires Data Entry Operator with good knowledge of
MS-Office, Mail Wizard. Good communication skills and good presentation
skills with two years of experience are other requirements. Apply with a
detailed CV. 1x5=
English Paper- I I Weekly Test DATE : 21.09.19 English Paper- I Weekly Test DATE : 21.09.19
Seniors : Science & Arts Marks: 25 Junior : Arts Marks: 25
IAnswerthefollowingquestion: 1x5=5M I. Answer the following questions 1x8=8
1.Explain the experiments of Bose about the growth and reaction of a plant. 1. Give an account of the series of troubles the narrator experienced in the
II. Annotate the following questions 1x5=5 wake of winning a Road Engine.
1. Walking the anaesthetized tree immediately took root in its new place and II. Fill in the blanks with suitable forms of verbs given in the
flourished. brackets: 1x7=7M
III. Write a letter to the editor of a local daily on acute shortage of water in 1.Last year we ___(go)to zoo.
Summer 1x5=5M 2. My friends ____(see) the Prime Minister yesterday.
IV.Describe the Process of Withdrawing money from ATM
3. Look! The monkey ___(eat)banana.
V.ICMR-NIRT Chennai, requires Data Entry Operator with good knowledge 4.I __(be)seventeen on my next birthday.
of MS-Office, Mail Wizard. Good communication skills and good 5. He __(buy) a new bike last week.
presentation skills with two years of experience are other requirements. 6.Mumbai __(be)one of the largest cities in the world.
Apply with a detailed CV. 1x5=5 7. My friend’s family __(live) in this house since 1998.
III. The number of students in five different classes is like this. 150
students in 8th class, 120 in 9th class, 170 in 10th class, 100 in 11th class and
110 in 12th class. Represent this data on the Bargraph.
IV. Read the Pie-chart and convert it into a paragraph.
English Paper- I I Weekly Test DATE : 21.09.19 Student Grades
Seniors : Science & Arts Marks: 25
IAnswerthefollowingquestion: 1x5=5M
1.Explain the experiments of Bose about the growth and reaction of a plant.
II. Annotate the following questions 1x5=5
1. Walking the anaesthetized tree immediately took root in its new place and
III. Write a letter to the editor of a local daily on acute shortage of water in
Summer 1x5=5M
IV.Describe the Process of Withdrawing money from ATM
V.ICMR-NIRT Chennai, requires Data Entry Operator with good knowledge
of MS-Office, Mail Wizard. Good communication skills and good
presentation skills with two years of experience are other requirements.
Apply with a detailed CV. 1x5=5
English Paper- I Weekly Test DATE : 21.09.19 SEC: Sr. Science & Arts MARKS: 100
Junior : Arts Marks: 25 SECTION—A
I. Answer the following questions 1x8=8 I. Annotate ANY THREE of the following in 10-15 lines each 3x4=12
1. Give an account of the series of troubles the narrator experienced in 1. The only solution of the problem is to make mankind pure.
the wake of winning a Road Engine. 2. A mortal dose of chloroform was dropped into the water. The graph became the record
of a death agony.
II. Fill in the blanks with suitable forms of verbs given in the
3. Craft men contemn studies, simple men admire them, and wise men use them.
brackets: 1x7=7M 4. Work with freedom, inspired by love! There is no true love possible in the slave.
1.Last year we ___(go)to zoo. II. Annotate ANY THREE of the following in 10-15 lines each 3x4=12
2. My friends ____(see) the Prime Minister yesterday. 1. All are architects of Fate
3. Look! The monkey ___(eat)banana. Working in these wall of Time
4.I __(be)seventeen on my next birthday. 2. And inward ripeness doth much less appear,
5. He __(buy) a new bike last week. That some more timely-happy spirits endu’th.
6.Mumbai __(be)one of the largest cities in the world. 3. Up! Up! My Friend, and clear your looks;
7. My friend’s family __(live) in this house since 1998. Why all this toil and trouble?
III. The number of students in five different classes is like this. 150 4. Let us do our work as well,
Both the unseen and the seen
students in 8th class, 120 in 9th class, 170 in 10th class, 100 in 11th
III. Answer TWO of the following questions in 10-15 lines each 2x4=8
class and 110 in 12th class. Represent this data on the Bargraph. 1. What does Vivekananda say about a man of character?
1x5=5M 2. How did J. C. Bose record the heart beat of a plant?
IV. Read the Pie-chart and convert it into a paragraph. 3. How do studies cure the diseases of the mind?
1x5=5M IV. Answer TWO of the following questions in 10-15 lines each 2x4=8
Student Grades 1. Why does Wordsworth consider Nature to be a good teacher?
2. What is the central idea of the poem “Builders”?
3. Attempt critical appreciation of the poem “On his Having Arrived at the Age
of Twenty-Three.” SECTION—B
V. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that
The Titanic, is in its watery grave. It is a great museum of human history and is
at risk of being lost forever because of curious voyagers and treasure hunters,
fears Bob Ballard, who first discovered the remains of the iconic ship in 1985.
Famous for discovering the great ship, Ballard is a former U.S. Navy Officer
and a professor of oceanography. He presented a documentary called “Save the
Titanic” on the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the great ship-April 15, 1912.
The ship and her fate continue to fascinate, largely because of the horror that took
place that night, with 1,522 passengers and crew losing their lives. Ballard says,
“The story has all the ingredients to make it timelessly fascinating. You have this
revolutionary ship that’s unsinkable and carrying a cross section of people in
society. And then it goes and hits an iceberg and sinks on its maiden journey. It’s
an irony personified in history.
1. Who discovered the Titanic ship?
2. When were the remains of the iconic ship discovered?
3. Why does the ship fascinate people even today?
4. Pick out the word from the passage that means “being a first occurrence or
5. The Titanic ship sank___ 1. How many types of boats are shown in the diagram?
VI. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that 2. State true of false.
follow.5M The total number of persons employed is less than the total number of boats.
A man came to Hyderabad to attend a conference. He was visiting the city for 3. Maximum number of persons are employed for ___ boats.
the first time. He wanted to see the Charminar. So the next day after he attended 4. Which type of boats is lowest in quantity?
the conference, he set out to visit the Charminar. He asked a police officer for 5. The total number of the passenger boats is_____.
directions to reach the place. The officer said “Wait at this bus stop for the number SECTION – C
65 bus. It’ll take you right there. He thanked the police officer and the officer IX. Write a letter to the Chairman of your local Municipality, complaining about
drove off. Three hours later the police officer returned to the same area to find the
the poor sanitary conditions and mosquito menace in your locality. 5M
man still waiting at the bus stop. Surprised, he got out of his car and asked the (Hints: Resident of Nehru Nagar – poor garbage – no regular scavengers –
man. “Why are you still waiting? Didn’t you get the bus?” breeding mosquitoes – contaminated water – diseases such as dengue, diarrhea –
The man replied, “Don’t worry officer, it won’t be late now, The 58 th bus just request to take action.)
went by!” X. Write a letter to your friend describing the collage Annual Day
1. Why did the man come to Hyderabad? celebrations conducted recently in your college. 5M
2. Write a synonym for ‘surprised’. (Hints: Annual Day – colourful decorations in college premises – speech by
3. Why was the man waiting at the bus stop? Chief Guest and the principal – Message by seniors – Prize distribution – Cultural
4. Do you think the police officer gave the right directions to reach the Programmes.)
Charminar? XI. Write a short paragraph of about 8 lines describing the process of
5.State True or False. The man was visiting the Charminar for the first time. preparing vegetable fried rice. 1x5=5
VII. Study the Advertisement and answer the questions that follow. 5M Write a short paragraph of about 8 lines describing the process of
withdrawing money from ATM. 5M
1. Who is the national leader that can be seen in the advertisement? XII. Prepare a Curriculum Vitae in response to the following advertisement
2.Who has issued the advertisement? Pocha Sumalatha – aged 22years –B.Sc.(CS)-79% marks-Govt. Degree College,
3. Write the antonym of rural? Visakhapatnam-Intermediate (MPC)-88%-Govt. Junior College, Anakapalli-
4.Write the verb form of ‘development’. SSC-90%-Govt. High School, Anakapalli-applying for the post of ‘ System
5. What is the being guaranteed in the advertisement? Analyst’ -Mozaic Software Company, Visakhapatnam.
VIII. Study the following tables carefully and answer the questions that XIII. a. Fill in the form based on the following information. 10x1/2=5M
follow:5M Credit (today) an amount of Rs. 15000/-(in Rs. 2000x 5,500 x 10 notes
denomination) in the savings account of P. Harinath whose Saving Bank Account
S.L. Type of Boats Quantity Number of Persons Employed no. is 0598 10100 1044 in Andhra Bank S.V. University Branch, Tirupathi.
1. Tourist House Boat 825 3,300
2. Passenger Boats 1,152 2,304
3. Carriage Boats 685 1,037
4. Fishing Boats 480 960
5. Passenger Boats (Tourist 275 825
6. Taxi Boats 785 1,570
Total 4,202 9,996

b. Fill in the form based on the following information. 1x5=5M

You are Mr.Johnson D’Souza. Your Account No. is 100029035676. I.Annotate Any Two of the following in10-15 lines each
Issue today the crossed cheque in the name of Ms. Mary Mohanthy for Rupees 2x4=8
thirty five thousand four hundred. Fill the relevant details and sign the cheque. a) Teach him to learn how to gracefully lose, and enjoy winning when he
does win.
b) The compartment was full of people, but no one come to the rescue of
the girl being robbed and attacked.
c) Some modern technologies like Automated Teller Machines (ATM), automatic
cheque clearing systems, telephonic banking, credit cards, and electronic fund
transfers are being introduced in small way and will be prevalent in most of the
XIV. Imagine you are a customer and have gone to Big-B, a mobile show banks in the coming years.
room to buy a new mobile phone. Construct a dialogue between II. Annotate ANY TWO of the following in 10-15 lines each
yourself and the Shopkeeper. 1x5= 5M 2x4=8
OR a) So may a thousand actions, once a foot,
Write a dialogue between two friends who have met after two years and who End in one purpose, and be all well borne
are trying to update themselves about each other. Without defeat.
XV. Match the words with their meanings/definitions b) Strike, strike at the root of penury in my heart.
5x1=5M c) And then the wall rose, Rose slowly, Slowly,
Column A Column B Between me and my dream. Rose until it touched the sky-
1. Magnanimous ( ) a. Rule by a small group of powerful people The wall. Shadow. I am black.
2. Precaution ( ) b. a verbal dispute III. Answer TWO of the following questions in 10-15 lines each
3. Micrometer ( ) c. of being great in spirit 2x4=8
4. Oligarchy ( ) d. of good sound a) How is the teacher expected to inculcate honesty and wordly wisdom
5. Euphonious ( ) e. being cautious before hand in the child?
( ) f. an instrument for measuring minute distances b) What are the difficulties faced by Arunima while climbing Everest? What do
you learn
from her story?
c) How does information technology, according to Abdul Kalam and Y.S.Rajan
change the
agriculture sector?
IV. Answer TWO of the following questions in 10-15 lines each
a) According to Shakespeare, what are the lessons that human beings learn from
b) What kind of strength does Tagore seek and why?
c) What is theme of the poem “As I Grew Older”?
V. Answer ONE of the following questions in 10-15 lines each
a) Give an account of the series of troubles the narrator experienced in the wake
of winning a road engine.

b) How is “The Last Leaf” by O. Henry a story of hope, friendship and

VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE CHITTOOR VI. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
SEC: Jr. Sciences MARKS: 100
There are three stages in meditation. The first is what is called (Dharana),
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ concentrating the mind upon an object. I try to concentrate my mind upon this
SECTION—A glass, excluding every other object from my mind except this glass. But the mind
is wavering….when it has become strong and dose not waver so much, it is a. The President will preside _______the function.
called (Dhyana), meditation. And then there is a still higher state when the b. She jumped___ the river.
differentiation between the glass and myself is lost…..(Samadhi or absorption). c. The four girls quarreled _____________ themselves.
The mind and the glass are identical. I do not see any difference. All the senses d. Ali prefers coffee___ tea.
stop and all powers that have been working through other channels of other e. She has been ill____ Monday.
senses are focused in the mind. Then this glass is under the power of the mind f. We have a party ___his birthday.
entirely. This is to be realized. It is a tremendous play played by the Yogis. g. Students are anxious ___their results.
Questions: h. He can swim ____the river.
1. What are the three stages in meditation? X. Fill in the blanks with suitable forms of verbs given in the brackets:
2. What happened to mind in Dhyana stage? 5x1=5
3. Which object does the writer select in the passage for concentration of mind? 1. He _______(drink) tea every morning.
4. Find a word from the passage that means the opposite of the word “different”? 2. The boys ____________(watch) the T.V. since morning.
5.What is the verb form of the word “meditation”? 3. Rajiv _____(go) to Bengaluru yesterday.
VII. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: 4. When we reached the station the train ______(leave) the platform.
5x1=5 5. Teja ____(meet) him tomorrow.
Tagore insisted that education should be imparted in an atmosphere of nature XI. Use ANY FOUR of the phrasal verbs in your own sentences.
with all its beauty, colour, sounds, forms and such other manifestations. In his 4X1=4
opinion, education, in natural surroundings, develops intimacy with the world a. Break down b. Carry on c. Abide by d. Ask for
and the power of communication with nature. Nature, according to him, was XII. Identify the silent consonants in the following words:
manuscript of God. So he emphasized that education must enable a person to 8x1/2=4
realize his immediate relationship with nature. It should take the child nearer a. Christmas b. Debut c. Castle d. Amoeba e. Assign f. Pledge g. Parcel
nature and, therefore, in close proximity of God. It should help him to learn h. Mock
freely and spontaneously from the book of Nature. Since Nature never betrays XIII. Identify the parts of speech of the underlined words:
the heart that loves her, she will provide the child with spontaneous development 8x1/2=4
and natural growth. a. The Sikhs fought bravely.
Questions: b. Oh God! I forgot to lock the door.
1. What according to Tagore develops intimacy with the world? c. The old man was talking in a quiet voice.
2. What was considered the manuscript of God? d. Rashmi got an A grade in Mathematics.
3. “It should take the child nearer Nature”, ‘it’ refers to what?
4. Name the two things that are provided by Nature?
5. Write the present form of ‘emphasized’

XIV. Match the words in column ‘A’ with their meanings in column ’B’
SECTION:C 10x1/2=5
VIII. Fill in the blanks with ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’: Column A Column B
8x1/2=4 1. Impatient ( ) extremely rude and showing a lack of respect
a. Babar is ______first Mughal King in India. 2. Bestow ( ) to expand and contract rhythmically
b. ______Thar deserts also called Great Indian Desert. 3. Seismic ( ) the state of being very poor
c. ____Maldives and ____Andamans are in ___ East. 4. Catastrophic ( ) to change direction suddenly
d. Mr. Jhon is ___ European. 5. Trifle ( ) the state of being a lunatic; madness
e. We will leave after ___ hour. 6. Penury ( ) relating to earthquakes
f. They formed ___ union here. 7. Swerve ( ) to give something as an honour or present
IX. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions: 8. Pulsating ( ) a bad situation
8x1/2=4 9. Insolent ( ) easily annoyed by someone’s mistakes
10. Lunacy ( ) something that is not valuable or important
XV. Look at the Tree-diagram and interpret it in a paragraph:
Wind Percussion Stringed
(played by blowing air) (played by banging &striking) ( played by moving

Woodwind Others Harp Guitar Violin


Flute Clarinet Horn Mouth Organ Bagpipes

XVI. Read the paragraph and convert the information into Bar graph:
A survey conducted on a group of students about the time they spend on
watching television disclosed the fact that 4 students watched T.V. 0 to 2 hours a
week. All the same 7 students watched 3 to 5 hours a week; 22 students watched
7 to 9 hours; 32students watched 10 to 12 hours a week and 4 students watched
15 to 17 hours a week.
XVII. Find the word that is different from the other words in the group with
regard to the sound of the underlined letters:
1. Genuine Gent Guest
2. Fax Wax Xerox
3. Orange Open Orator
4. Easy End Eel
5.Feather Truth Father
XVIII. Write the number of syllables of the following words:
1. Handsome 2. Truth 3. Prosthetic 4. Speaker 5.Disaster
6. Fantastic 7. Light 8. Cosmetic 9. Despair 10.Administration
0 0

(821 ) (221 )
4. Evaluate sin 2 2 - sin 2 2 5. Find the range of 7cosx-24sinx+5.
II Answer any THREE of the following 3x5=15
6. If 0 A B = and sin( A+B) = 24/25 and cos (A-B) = 4/5, then find
the value of tan 2A.
7 4
7. If tan(∝-β)= 24 and tan ∝= 3 , where ∝ and β are in the first

quadrant. Prove that ∝+β= 2
8. If A-B=3 then S.T. (1-tan A)(1+tanB) =2
9. Sketch the region enclosed by y=sinx, y=cosx and x-axis in the interval [0,π]


. Answer the following 5x2=10 Mathematics -IA Weekly Test DATE : 21.08.19
1.Find the period of tan(x+4x+9x+----+n2x) (n any positive integer) SEC : Jr.Vip-A & B Marks: 25
2. Find a cosine function whose period is 7. I. Answer the following 5x2=10
3. If tan  = cos 11 + sin 11 and  is in the third quadrant, find  1.Find the period of tan(x+4x+9x+----+n2x) (n any positive integer)
Cos 11 - sin 11 2. Find a cosine function whose period is 7.
0 0 3. If tan  = cos 11 + sin 11 and  is in the third quadrant, find 
(821 ) (221 ) Cos 11 - sin 11
4.Evaluate sin 2 2 - sin 2 2 5. Find the range of 7cosx-24sinx+5. 0 0

II Answer any THREE of the following 3x5=15 (821 ) (221 )

4. Evaluate sin2 2 - sin2 2 5. Find the range of 7cosx-24sinx+5.
6. If 0 A B = and sin( A+B) = 24/25 and cos (A-B) = 4/5, then find
4 II Answer any THREE of the following 3x5=15
the value of tan 2A. 6. If 0 A B = and sin( A+B) = 24/25 and cos (A-B) = 4/5, then find
7 4 4
24 the value of tan 2A.
7. If tan(∝-β)= and tan ∝= 3 , where ∝ and β are in the first
7 4

7. If tan(∝-β)= 24 and tan ∝= 3 , where ∝ and β are in the first
quadrant. Prove that ∝+β= 2

8. If A-B=3 then S.T. (1-tan A)(1+tanB) =2
4 quadrant. Prove that ∝+β= 2
9. Sketch the region enclosed by y=sinx, y=cosx and x-axis in the interval [0,π] 8. If A-B=3 then S.T. (1-tan A)(1+tanB) =2
9. Sketch the region enclosed by y=sinx, y=cosx and x-axis in the interval [0,π]


Mathematics -IA Weekly Test DATE : 21.08.19
I. Answer the following 5x2=10 Mathematics -IA Weekly Test DATE : 21.08.19
1.Find the period of tan(x+4x+9x+----+n2x) (n any positive integer) SEC : Jr.Vip-A & B Marks: 25
2. Find a cosine function whose period is 7. I. Answer the following 5x2=10
3. If tan  = cos 11 + sin 11 and  is in the third quadrant, find  1.Find the period of tan(x+4x+9x+----+n2x) (n any positive integer)
Cos 11 - sin 11 2. Find a cosine function whose period is 7.
3. If tan  = cos 11 + sin 11 and  is in the third quadrant, find 
Cos 11 - sin 11 10 cash withdraw from Bank Rs 75,000/- for office use
0 0 12 cash withdrew for personal use Rs 25,000/-
(821 ) (221 ) 15 taken goods for personal use Rs 5,00/-
4. Evaluate sin2 2 - sin2 2 5. Find the range of 7cosx-24sinx+5. IV Answer any Three from the following: 3x5=15
II Answer any THREE of the following 3x5=15 1 Prepare Anurudh account from the following question
6. If 0 A B = and sin( A+B) = 24/25 and cos (A-B) = 4/5, then find 2014
4 Mar 7 Balance due from Anurudh Rs 3,500
the value of tan 2A. 7 sold goods to Anurudh Rs 1,500
7 4 10 purchased goods from Anurudh Rs 1,000
15 paid cash to Anurudh Rs 800
7. If tan(∝-β)= 24 and tan ∝= 3 , where ∝ and β are in the first
23 Received cash from Anurudh Rs 500

25 Returned goods to Anurudh Rs 200
quadrant. Prove that ∝+β= 2 28 Purchased goods from Vamsi Rs 200
8. If A-B=3 then S.T. (1-tan A)(1+tanB) =2 30 Received cheque from Horu Rs 800
4 Anurudh settled his account with cheque discount of 5%.
9. Sketch the region enclosed by y=sinx, y=cosx and x-axis in the interval [0,π]

2. Prepare Sudha Account from the following.

Commerce –I Terminal Exam DATE : 10.08.19 Feb 1 Amount due from Sudha Rs 8,000
4 Goods sold to Sudha Rs 1 1,000
SEC : Jr.CEC Marks: 75 12 Goods returned by Sudha Rs 4,000
I. Answer any one of the following: 5x2=10 16 Cash received from Sudha Rs 3,000
1. What is meant by Industry? Explain various types of Industries 22 Received cheque from Sudha Rs 6,000
with suitable examples. 28 Sudha account settled with 10% discount.
2. Define Sole-proprietorship and discuss its merits and demerits. 3. Prepare Vamsi Account from the following.
II. Answer the following: 2x5=10 2014
1. Define Business. What are its characteristics. Aug 1 Balance due to Vamsi Rs 4,400
2. Define Trade and explain the various types of Trade. 5 Purchased goods from Vamsi Rs 1,500
III. Answer the following: 2x10=20 10 sold goods to Vamsi Rs 1,200
1 Journalise the following questions. 13 Received cheque from Vamsi Rs 1,000
2014 17 Paid cash to Vamsi Rs 100
Apr 1st started business with cash Rs 1,00,000 23 Vamsi returned goods Rs 200
furniture Rs 50,000 machinery Rs 25,000 29 Purchased goods from Vamsi Rs 500
2nd purchased goods Rs 25,000 4. Enter the following in proper subsidiary books.
3rd purchased goods 75,000/- from Chandu 2013
3rd sold goods Rs 1,00,000/- Nov 5 Purchased goods from Arun Rs 5,800
3rd sold goods to Chandu Rs 50,000/- 8 Purchased goods from Tarun Rs 9,000
6th computer bought from Murali Rs 50,000 10 Returned goods to Tarun Rs 1,000
8th machinery sold to Mohan for cash Rs 50,000/- 15 Purchased goods from Varun Rs 11,000
15th salaries Rs 15,00,000/- 17 Purchased machinery from Jagan Rs 5,000
16th wages Rs 15,00,000/- 19 Purchased goods from Karun Rs 10,000
20th Interest allowed by bank Rs 10,000/- (Trade discount 15%)
2. Write journal entries in the books of Mr. Physio 23 Return outwards to Varun Rs 1,000
2019 5. Record the following in sales book and sales returns book.
Sep 1 started business with cash Rs 50,000 2013
1 purchased from Sindhu Rs 5,000 Jun 2 sold goods to Karthik Traders Rs 1,500
1 sold to Hindhu Rs 75,000/- 4 sold goods to Gupta Traders Rs 9,200
2 Returned goods to Sindhu Rs 500/- 5 Goods returned from Karthik Traders Rs 200
2 Returns from Hindhu Rs 500/- 8 Sold goods to Manish Traders Rs 2,800
4 Goods returned by us to Hema Rs 1,000/- 10 Return inwards from Gupta Traders Rs 1,500
4 Deposited cash Rs 1,00,000/-
13 sold goods to Jayanth Traders Rs 8,600
15 Goods sold to Karthikeya Traders Rs 2,400
V. Answer the following : 2x5=10
1. Write about Types of accounts along with their principles.
2. Write advantages of Double Entry Book-keeping system.
VI. Answer the following : 2x5=10
1 Proprietor 2 Drawings 3 Capital 4 Assets 5 Liabilities


Mathematics -IIA Weekly Test DATE : 16.08.19
SEC : Marks: 25
I. Answer the following 2x2=4
1. Find the algebraic equation whose roots are 3 times the
roots of x3+2x2-4x+1=0.
2. Form the polynomial equation whose roots are the cubes
of the roots of x3+3x2+2=0.
II Answer any THREE of the following 3x7=21
4 2
3. Solve x -4x +8x+35=0, given that 2+i 3 is a root.
4. Solve the equation x4-10x3+26x2-10x+1=0
5. Solve the equation 2x5+x4-12x3-12x2+x+2=0
6. Solve the equation 6x6-25x5+31x4-31x2+25x-6=0.
12) Explain different types of Accounts along with their Debit and Credit rules.
13) What are accounting concepts.
IV. Answer the following Questions 5X2=10
14) Capital 17) Book keeping
15) Transactions 18) Debit Note
16) Trade discount


SUB: COMMERCE-I TERMINAL EXAM Date: 18.08.2018 Marks: 60
I ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS 4x5=20 1) Define business. What are its characteristics.
1) Define business. What are its characteristics. 2) Explain social objectives of business.
2) Explain social objectives of business. 3) Explain various types of Industries
3) Explain various types of Industries 4) Define trade.Explain the types of trade.
4) Define trade.Explain the types of trade. II Answer the following Questions 5x2=10
II Answer the following Questions 5x2=10
5) Innovation 6) Profession
5) Innovation 6) Profession
7) Employment 8) Commerce
7) Employment 8) Commerce
9) Banking
9) Banking
III Aswer the following Questions 4x5=20
III Aswer the following Questions 4x5=20
10) Record the journal entries from the following transactions
10) Record the journal entries from the following transactions 2017 Jan 1 Business started with cash 10000
2017 Jan 1 Business started with cash 10000 Jan 2 sold goods to Arjun 5000
Jan 2 sold goods to Arjun 5000
Jan 3 Furniture purchased by cheque 6000
Jan 3 Furniture purchased by cheque 6000
Jan 4 Salaries paid 1000
Jan 4 Salaries paid 1000
Jan 5 cash deposited into Bank 7000
Jan 5 cash deposited into Bank 7000
11) Record the following transactions in subsidiary books
11) Record the following transactions in subsidiary books
2018 Jan1 sold goods to Ajay 10000
2018 Jan1 sold goods to Ajay 10000
Jan 2 Purchased goods from Rajesh 5000
Jan 2 Purchased goods from Rajesh 5000
Jan 3 sold goods for cash 1000
Jan 3 sold goods for cash 1000
Jan 4 Bought goods from Haritha 4000
Jan 4 Bought goods from Haritha 4000
Jan 5 Sold goods to Anand 6000
Jan 5 Sold goods to Anand 6000
Jan 6 Purchased goods from Krishna 5000(Trade discount 10%)
Jan 6 Purchased goods from Krishna 5000(Trade discount 10%)
Jan 7 Sold to Mahesh 7000
Jan 7 Sold to Mahesh 7000
12) Explain different types of Accounts along with their Debit and Credit rules.
13) What are accounting concepts. IV. Answer the following Questions 5X2=10
IV. Answer the following Questions 5X2=10 14) Capital 17) Book keeping
14) Capital 17) Book keeping 15) Transactions 18) Debit Note
15) Transactions 18) Debit Note 16) Trade discount
16) Trade discount


SUB: COMMERCE-I TERMINAL EXAM Date: 18.08.2018 Marks: 60
SUB: COMMERCE-I TERMINAL EXAM Date: 18.08.2018 Marks: 60
1) Define business. What are its characteristics.
2) Explain social objectives of business.
1) Define business. What are its characteristics.
3) Explain various types of Industries
2) Explain social objectives of business.
4) Define trade.Explain the types of trade.
3) Explain various types of Industries
II Answer the following Questions 5x2=10
4) Define trade.Explain the types of trade.
II Answer the following Questions 5x2=10 5) Innovation 6) Profession
5) Innovation 6) Profession 7) Employment 8) Commerce
7) Employment 8) Commerce 9) Banking
9) Banking III Aswer the following Questions 4x5=20
III Aswer the following Questions 4x5=20 10) Record the journal entries from the following transactions
2017 Jan 1 Business started with cash 10000
10) Record the journal entries from the following transactions
Jan 2 sold goods to Arjun 5000
2017 Jan 1 Business started with cash 10000
Jan 2 sold goods to Arjun 5000 Jan 3 Furniture purchased by cheque 6000
Jan 3 Furniture purchased by cheque 6000 Jan 4 Salaries paid 1000
Jan 4 Salaries paid 1000 Jan 5 cash deposited into Bank 7000
Jan 5 cash deposited into Bank 7000 11) Record the following transactions in subsidiary books
11) Record the following transactions in subsidiary books 2018 Jan1 sold goods to Ajay 10000
2018 Jan1 sold goods to Ajay 10000 Jan 2 Purchased goods from Rajesh 5000
Jan 2 Purchased goods from Rajesh 5000 Jan 3 sold goods for cash 1000
Jan 3 sold goods for cash 1000 Jan 4 Bought goods from Haritha 4000
Jan 4 Bought goods from Haritha 4000 Jan 5 Sold goods to Anand 6000
Jan 5 Sold goods to Anand 6000 Jan 6 Purchased goods from Krishna 5000(Trade discount 10%)
Jan 6 Purchased goods from Krishna 5000(Trade discount 10%) Jan 7 Sold to Mahesh 7000
Jan 7 Sold to Mahesh 7000 12) Explain different types of Accounts along with their Debit and Credit rules.
12) Explain different types of Accounts along with their Debit and Credit rules. 13) What are accounting concepts.
13) What are accounting concepts. IV. Answer the following Questions 5X2=10
14) Capital 17) Book keeping 38. Giffer’s Paradax
15) Transactions 18) Debit Note
16) Trade discount


SUB: ECONOMICS -I TERMINAL EXAM Date: 16.08.2018 Marks: 100

1.Explain the law of diminishing marginal utility theory?

2. Explain the law of eqal-marginal utility theory?
3. Define price elasticity of demand and what are the various types of
price elasticity of demand?
4. Explain the law of variable proportions theory?
5. Write about the characteristic features of human wants?
II Answer any eight of the following:
6. Define utility? What are the types of utility?
7. Write about Jacob Viner’s definition of economics?
8. What are the properties of Indifference curve?
9. What is price line budget line? Explain its changes?
10. Write about Indifference map?
11. What are the factors that determine demand?
12. Why does a demand curve has a negative slope?
13. Explain the Total outlay method of elasticity of demand?
14. What are the exceptions to the law of demand?
15. What are the factors that determine elasticity of demand?
16. Write about wealth definition of economics?
17. differences between cardinal utility and ordinal utility?
III Answer any Fifteen of the following:
18. Price 19. Intermediary goods
20.Wealth 21. Utility
22.Producer goods 23. Marginal Utility
24. Indifference Map 25. Budget Line/Price Line
26.Demand Curve 27. Demand Function
28. Demand Schedule 29. Income Demand
30. Cross Demand 31. Demand SUB: ENGLISH PAPER-I I-TERMINAL EXAMINATIONS Date:13-8.18 Marks:100
32. Elasticity of Demand 33. Arc method ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
34. Law of Supply 35. Marginal Cost I. Annotate Any Three of the following 3x5=15
36. Real Cost 37. Opportunity Cost 1. “It is all going to be strange and new to him for a while and I wish you would treat him
2. “Teach him to learn how to gracefully lose, and enjoy winning when he does win” by 2019, ‘Swachchata’ (cleanliness) of our motherland as a fitting tribute to Mahatma
3. “There can be glory in failure and despair in success” Gandhi on his 150th birth anniversary.
4. “ Teach him to have faith in his own ideas, even if every one tells him they are wrong”. Hon’ble Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh has established has established Swacha
II. Annotate Any three of he following 3x5=15 Andhra Corporation (SAC) which was incorporated from 1st May 2015 with a goal to
1. “Creatures that, by a rule in nature, achieve the campaign ‘Sach Bharat Mission”. The Maim aim is to eliminating open
teach the art of order to a peopled kingdom”. defecation, eradication of manual scavenging. Solid and Liquid Waste Management,
2. “Others like soldiers, armed in their stings, Information, Education and Communication and Capacity Building Swachha Andhra
Make book upon the summer’s velvet buds”. Corporation is taking the activities of construction individual House hold toilets
3. “The poor mechanic porters crowding in community Toilets and Public Toilets.
Their heavy burdens at his narrow gate”, 1.What are the two Sub-Missions of Swachh Bharat Mission?
4. “So may a thousand actions, once a foot, A.
End in one purpose, and be all well borne withour defeat”. 2. What is the best tribute that we can pay to Mahatma Gandhi?
III. Answer Any TWO of the following 2x5=10 A.
1. How is the teacher expected to inculcate honesty and wordly wisdom in the child? 3. What is the goal of Swachha Andhra Corporation?
2. How can the teacher instill faith, love and courage in Lincoln’s son? A.
3. What should the teacher do to help the child tackle good and evil in the world? 4. Write the antonym of ‘liquid’ from the above passage.
IV. Answer the following Questions 2x5=10 A.
1. According to Shakespeare, what are the lessons that human beings must learn from 5. Pick out the relevant synonym for ‘hygiene’.
Honey bees? A.
2. “Real results will emerge when we realize the power of combined individuals SECTION-C
actions”. How can you justify this statement in the light of the poem, “ common wealth of VII. Fill in the blanks with suitable article (a, an, the) 10x1/2=5
Bees”? 1. Wherever you go, be __________ good citizen.
SECTION-B 2. He married _______ Australian lady.
V. Read the given paragraph and answer the following questions 5x1=5 3. ____________ Rishi valley is in A.P.
Bapuji is in prison, but the magic of his message has stolen the hearts of India’s 4. It is ___________ universal rule.
millions. Men and Women, and even little children, come out of their little shells and 5. Hockey is ____________ interesting game.
become India’s soldiers or freedom. You and I are fortunate to see this happening before 6. ____ rich are not always happy.
our eyes and to take some pan ourselves in this great drama. What part shall we play in 7. They sell oil at Rs.60 ______ litre.
it? If we are to be India’s soldiers we have to respect India’s honour is a sacred trust. It is 8. Anil is ________ honest man.
no easy matter to decide what is right and what is not. One little test I shall ask you to 9. Babar is ________ first Mughal king in India.
apply whenever you are in doubt. Never do anything in secret or anything that you wish 10. Mr.John is ______ European.
to hide. For the desire to hide anything means that you are afraid and fear is a bad thing VIII. Fill in the blanks with suitable Prepositions 10x1/2=5
and unworthy of yours. Be brave and all the rest follows. 1. Charan is _______ the park.
1. What has stolen the hearts of India’s millions? 2. Do you work _______ Sundays?
A. 3. Bhanu goes _______ school by bus
2. Who have become the India’s soldiers of freedom? 4. Let us meet at the restaurant _________ 7.00 P.M.
A. 5. I have been waiting for you _______ 7’O’ clock.
3. Identify the word in the passage that means ‘lucky’. 6. Sreshta always sits __________ sonica in church.
A. 7. We walked _______ a narrow line.
4. What is India’s sacred trust? 8. We will fight _________ corruption with full strength.
A. 9. An MNC is looking _____ good marketing personnel.
5. Why should one not do things in secret? 10. He can swim _______ the river.

VI. Read the given paragraph and answer the following Questions. 5x1=5
The’ Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’ is a massive mass movement that seeks to create a IX. Fill in the blanks with suitable verb given in the brackets 10x1=10
Clean India. To accelerate the efforts to achieve universal sanitation coverage and to put 1. The earth ______ round the sun (revolve)
focus on sanitation, the Prime Minister of India, launched the Swachh Bharat Mission on 2. I _________ reading novels (like)
2 October 2014. The Mission Coordinator shall be Secretary, Ministry of Drinking Water 3. Where ______you __________ now?(go)
and Sanitation (MDWS) with two sub-Missions-the Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) 4. Look! Andy ________ in the garden(play)
and the Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban). The Mission aims to achieve a Swachh Bharat 5. I ________ the dishes last time(wash)
6. We ______ our breakfast half an hour ago(finish)
7. The phone rang while I ______ dinner(have)
8. He _____ from fever even before he left for Delhi(suffer)
9. In two days, I _________ my result(know)
10. Jim ________ some sweets on the way home(buy)
X.Identify the silent letters in the following words 10x1/2=5
1.mock 2. honest 3. calm 4.deaf 5. yawn 6. shawl 7. rock
8. knit 9. Iron 10. doubt.
XI. Identify the different sounding word (odd sounds) 5X1=5
1. food look book
2. unit upset umbrella
3. one orange often
4. cat car cell
5. goat move goal
XII. Identify the No. of syllables in the following words 10x1/2=5
1. June 2. pencil 3. beautiful 4. new 5. despair 6. Continent
7. Population 8. Shame 9. Strategy 10. Civil
XIII. Identify the No. of syllables in the following words 10x1/2=5
1. My brother is stronger then me.
2.The children ran happily to their father.
3. He doesn’t want to go with them.
4. Have a look under the couch.
5. Oh dear! What happened?
6. Elizabeth walks gracefully
7. Do you smoke?
8. Congrats! Finally you won the match.
9. He entered into my room.
10. Hema worked hard but failed.
SUB : MathS -IA Weekly Test SEC : VEP-2 Marks:25
I.Answer any five of the following 5X5=25M

bc ca ab

a  b b  c c  a  a 3  b 3  c 3  3abc
a b c
1) Show that
a a 2 1  a3 a a2 1
b b 2 1  b3  0 b b2 1  0
c c 2 1  c3 c c2 1
2)If and then show that abc =-1

3) Show that
a b c 2bc  a 2 c2 b2
b c a  c2 2ac  b 2 a2  (a 3  b3  c 3  3abc ) 2
c a b b2 c2 2ab  c 2
a b c
a2 b2 c 2  abc (a  b)(b  c )(c  a )
a3 b3 c3
4) show that
5) Solve the system of equations by using cramers rule x + y + z = 1,2x +2y +3z =6, x+4y+9z=3

6) Solve the system of equations by using cramers rule 2x –y+3z =9, x+y+z =6,x –y+z=2
SUB : MathS -IA Weekly Test SEC : VEP-2 Marks:25 I. Answer the following Questions : 1x4=4M
I.Answer any five of the following 5X5=25M  a1 b1 c1 
A   a2 b2 c2 
bc ca ab
 a3 b3 c3 
a  b b  c c  a  a 3  b 3  c 3  3abc 1) If is non singular matrix then A is invertible ,
1) Show that
a b c A1 
prove that DetA
a a 2 1  a3 a a2 1
b b 2 1  b3  0 b b2 1  0  Answer any three of the following 3x7=21
c c 2 1  c3 c c2 1 2. Show that the following system of equations is consistent and solve completely.
2)If and then show that abc =-1 x+z+z=6, x-y+z=2, 2x-y+3z=9.
3. Solve x+y+z=1, 2x+2y+3z=6, x+4y+9z=3 by using cramer’s Rule.
4. Solve 2x-y+3z=9, x+y+z=6, x-y+z=2 by using matrix inversion method.
5. Solve x+y+z=9,2x+5y+7z=52,2x+y-z=0 by using Gauss-Jordan method.

3) Show that
a b c 2bc  a 2 c2 b2
b c a  c2 2ac  b 2 a2  (a 3  b3  c 3  3abc )2 SUB : MathS -IA Weekly Test DATE : 05.07.18
c a b b2 c2 2ab  c 2 SEC : JR.MPC&MEC Marks:25
I. Answer the following Questions : 1x4=4M
a b c
 a1 b1 c1 
a2 b2 c 2  abc(a  b)(b  c)(c  a)
A   a2 b2 c2 
a3 b3 c3
4) show that  a3 b3 c3 
5) Solve the system of equations by using cramers rule x + y + z = 1,2x +2y +3z =6, x+4y+9z=3 1) If is non singular matrix then A is invertible ,
6) Solve the system of equations by using cramers rule 2x –y+3z =9, x+y+z =6,x –y+z=2 A1 
prove that DetA

 Answer any three of the following 3x7=21

2. Show that the following system of equations is consistent and solve completely.
x+z+z=6, x-y+z=2, 2x-y+3z=9.
3. Solve x+y+z=1, 2x+2y+3z=6, x+4y+9z=3 by using cramer’s Rule.
4. Solve 2x-y+3z=9, x+y+z=6, x-y+z=2 by using matrix inversion method.
5. Solve x+y+z=9,2x+5y+7z=52,2x+y-z=0 by using Gauss-Jordan method


SUB : MathS -IA Weekly Test DATE : 05.07.18 SUB : MathS -IA Weekly Test DATE : 05.07.18
SEC : JR.MPC&MEC Marks:25
I. Answer the following Questions : 1x4=4M
 a1 b1 c1 
A   a2 b2 c2 
 a3 b3 c3 
1) If is non singular matrix then A is invertible ,
A 1 
prove that DetA

 Answer any three of the following 3x7=21

2. Show that the following system of equations is consistent and solve completely.
x+z+z=6, x-y+z=2, 2x-y+3z=9.
3. Solve x+y+z=1, 2x+2y+3z=6, x+4y+9z=3 by using cramer’s Rule.
4. Solve 2x-y+3z=9, x+y+z=6, x-y+z=2 by using matrix inversion method.
5. Solve x+y+z=9,2x+5y+7z=52,2x+y-z=0 by using Gauss-Jordan method.


SUB : MathS -IA Weekly Test DATE : 05.07.18
SEC : JR.MPC&MEC Marks:25
I. Answer the following Questions : 1x4=4M
 a1 b1 c1 
A   a2 b2 c2 
 a3 b3 c3 
1) If is non singular matrix then A is invertible ,
A 1 
prove that DetA

 Answer any three of the following 3x7=21M

2. Show that the following system of equations is consistent and solve completely.
x+z+z=6, x-y+z=2, 2x-y+3z=9.
3. Solve x+y+z=1, 2x+2y+3z=6, x+4y+9z=3 by using cramer’s Rule.
4. Solve 2x-y+3z=9, x+y+z=6, x-y+z=2 by using matrix inversion method.
5. Solve x+y+z=9,2x+5y+7z=52,2x+y-z=0 by using Gauss-Jordan method
3. What is Doppler effect. Mention its limitations and explain with two
4. Compare longitudinal and transverse waves.

III Answer the following questions 1x4=4

5. Write the expression for velocity of sound in air by Newton laplace
equation and its correction.
6. An open organ pipe 50cm long is sounded. If velocity of sound is
350m/s, what us the fundamental frequency of open air column.
7. Mention expression for harmonics in closed tube.
8. What are the wavelength limits of audible sound (v=330m/s)


I. Answer the following question
1 Explain the formation of stationary waves in stretched sting and deduce
the law of transverse waves.

II Answer any two questions of the following

2. What is meant by beats? Explain with necessary theory mention two
applications of beats
9. What is Doppler effect. Mention its limitations and explain with two
10. Compare longitudinal and transverse waves.

III. Answer the following questions 1x4=4

11. Write the expression for velocity of sound in air by Newton laplace
equation and its correction.
12. An open organ pipe 50cm long is sounded. If velocity of sound is
350m/s, what us the fundamental frequency of open air column.
13. Mention expression for harmonics in closed tube.
14. What are the wavelength limits of audible sound (v=330m/s)


I. Answer the following question PHYSICS WEEKLY TEST
8x1=8M I. Answer the following question
1. Explain the formation of stationary waves in stretched sting and deduce 15. Explain the formation of stationary waves in stretched sting and deduce
the law of transverse waves. the law of transverse waves.
II Answer any two questions of the following II Answer any two questions of the following
2. What is meant by beats? Explain with necessary theory mention two 16. What is meant by beats? Explain with necessary theory mention two
applications of beats applications of beats
17. What is Doppler effect. Mention its limitations and explain with two 3. What is Doppler effect. Mention its limitations and explain with two
examples. examples.
18. Compare longitudinal and transverse waves. 4. Compare longitudinal and transverse waves.

III Answer the following questions 1x4=4 III Answer the following questions 1x4=4
19. Write the expression for velocity of sound in air by Newton laplace 5. Write the expression for velocity of sound in air by Newton laplace equation
equation and its correction. and its correction.
20. An open organ pipe 50cm long is sounded. If velocity of sound is 6. An open organ pipe 50cm long is sounded. If velocity of sound is 350m/s,
350m/s, what us the fundamental frequency of open air column. what us the fundamental frequency of open air column.
21. Mention expression for harmonics in closed tube. 7. Mention expression for harmonics in closed tube.
22. What are the wavelength limits of audible sound (v=330m/s) 8. What are the wavelength limits of audible sound (v=330m/s)


I. Answer the following question I. Answer the following question
23. Explain the formation of stationary waves in stretched sting and deduce
the law of transverse waves.

II Answer any two questions of the following

1. Explain the formation of stationary waves in stretched sting and deduce
24. What is meant by beats? Explain with necessary theory mention two
the law of transverse waves.
applications of beats
25. What is Doppler effect. Mention its limitations and explain with two II Answer any two questions of the following
examples. 2 What is meant by beats? Explain with necessary theory mention two
26. Compare longitudinal and transverse waves. applications of beats
3. What is Doppler effect. Mention its limitations and explain with two
III. Answer the following questions 1x4=4
27. Write the expression for velocity of sound in air by Newton laplace
4. Compare longitudinal and transverse waves.
equation and its correction.
28. An open organ pipe 50cm long is sounded. If velocity of sound is III Answer the following questions 1x4=4
350m/s, what us the fundamental frequency of open air column. 5. Write the expression for velocity of sound in air by Newton laplace equation
29. Mention expression for harmonics in closed tube. and its correction.
30. What are the wavelength limits of audible sound (v=330m/s) 6. An open organ pipe 50cm long is sounded. If velocity of sound is 350m/s,
what us the fundamental frequency of open air column.
7. Mention expression for harmonics in closed tube.
8. What are the wavelength limits of audible sound (v=330m/s)


I. Answer the following question
1. Explain the formation of stationary waves in stretched sting and deduce PHYSICS WEEKLY TEST
the law of transverse waves. I. Answer the following question
II Answer any two questions of the following
2 What is meant by beats? Explain with necessary theory mention two
applications of beats
1. Explain the formation of stationary waves in stretched sting and deduce
the law of transverse waves.

II Answer any two questions of the following

2 What is meant by beats? Explain with necessary theory mention two
applications of beats
3. What is Doppler effect. Mention its limitations and explain with two
4. Compare longitudinal and transverse waves.

III Answer the following questions 1x4=4

5. Write the expression for velocity of sound in air by Newton laplace
equation and its correction.
6. An open organ pipe 50cm long is sounded. If velocity of sound is
350m/s, what us the fundamental frequency of open air column.
7. Mention expression for harmonics in closed tube.
8. What are the wavelength limits of audible sound (v=330m/s)


I. Answer the following question
1. Explain the formation of stationary waves in stretched sting and deduce
the law of transverse waves.

II Answer any two questions of the following

2 What is meant by beats? Explain with necessary theory mention two
applications of beats
3. What is Doppler effect. Mention its limitations and explain with two
4. Compare longitudinal and transverse waves.

III Answer the following questions 1x4=4

5. Write the expression for velocity of sound in air by Newton laplace
equation and its correction.
6. An open organ pipe 50cm long is sounded. If velocity of sound is
350m/s, what us the fundamental frequency of open air column.
7. Mention expression for harmonics in closed tube.
8. What are the wavelength limits of audible sound (v=330m/s)

Answer the followingquestion 8x1=8

2. Define Doppler effect? Obtain an expression for the apparent frequency
of sound heard when the source is in motion with respect to an observer
at rest? And also mention its drawbacks?

Answer any TWO questions of the following 4x2=8M

2. What are beats? Obtain an expression for the Beat frequency?
3. Distinguish between transverse and longitudinal waves?
4. What do you understand by ‘resonance’? How would you use resonance
to determine the velocity of sound in air?
Answer the following questions. 2x2=4M
5. A stretched wire of length 0.6m is observed to vibrate with a
frequency of 30Hz in the fundamental mode. If the string has a
linear mass of 0.05kg/m. Then find
a) the velocity of propagation of transverse waves in the string?
B) The tension of the string?
6. What is the Newtons formula for velocity of sound in a gas? How is it
corrected by laplace?


Answer the followingquestion 8x1=8
Answer the followingquestion 8x1=8 1 Define Doppler effect? Obtain an expression for the apparent
1. Define Doppler effect? Obtain an expression for the apparent frequency frequency of sound heard when the source is in motion with respect to
of sound heard when the source is in motion with respect to an observer an observer at rest? And also mention its drawbacks?
at rest? And also mention its drawbacks?
Answer any TWO questions of the following 4x2=8M
Answer any TWO questions of the following 4x2=8M 2. What are beats? Obtain an expression for the Beat frequency?
2. What are beats? Obtain an expression for the Beat frequency? 3. Distinguish between transverse and longitudinal waves?
3. Distinguish between transverse and longitudinal waves? 4. What do you understand by ‘resonance’? How would you use
4. What do you understand by ‘resonance’? How would you use resonance resonance to determine the velocity of sound in air?
to determine the velocity of sound in air? Answer the following questions. 2x2=4M
Answer the following questions. 2x2=4M 5. A stretched wire of length 0.6m is observed to vibrate with a
5. A stretched wire of length 0.6m is observed to vibrate with a frequency of 30Hz in the fundamental mode. If the string has a
frequency of 30Hz in the fundamental mode. If the string has a linear mass of 0.05kg/m. Then find
linear mass of 0.05kg/m. Then find a) the velocity of propagation of transverse waves in the string?
a) the velocity of propagation of transverse waves in the string? B) The tension of the string?
B) The tension of the string? 6. What is the Newtons formula for velocity of sound in a gas? How is
6. What is the Newtons formula for velocity of sound in a gas? How is it it corrected by laplace?
corrected by laplace?
Answer the followingquestion 8x1=8
1Define Doppler effect? Obtain an expression for the apparent frequency of
sound heard when the source is in motion with respect to an observer at
rest? And also mention its drawbacks?

Answer any TWO questions of the following 4x2=8M

2. What are beats? Obtain an expression for the Beat frequency?
3. Distinguish between transverse and longitudinal waves?
4. What do you understand by ‘resonance’? How would you use resonance
to determine the velocity of sound in air?
Answer the following questions. 2x2=4M
5. A stretched wire of length 0.6m is observed to vibrate with a
frequency of 30Hz in the fundamental mode. If the string has a
linear mass of 0.05kg/m. Then find
a) the velocity of propagation of transverse waves in the string?
B) The tension of the string?
6. What is the Newtons formula for velocity of sound in a gas? How is it
corrected by laplace?
SUB : MathS -IA Weekly Test DATE : 05.07.18   
SEC : JR.MPC&MEC Marks:25 1) If 2 then show that
I. Answer the following Questions : 2X5=10M  cos  2
cos  .sin    cos 2  cos  .sin  
   
1) Define scalar matrix? Give an example?  cos .sin  sin 2    cos  .sin  sin 2   =0
1 2 3 8  1 2 1 
3 4 , B=  7 2 and 2X+A=B then find X?  0 1 1
2) If A=   
2 4  3 1 1 
then find A  3 A  A  3 ,Where  is
3 2
 1 2) If A=
3) If A= 
k  and A2 =0 then find the value of k? unit matrix of order 3.

 1 2 3  bc c a a b
 2 5 6 a b bc c a
 
 3 x 7  a b c a 3  b3  c 3  3abc
4) Define symmetric matrix? If A= is a 3) Show that =
symmetric matrix.then find x? a  b  2c a b
 1 3 5 c b  c  2a b
 2 1 5 
 a  b  c
  c a c  a  2b
4) show that =2
 2 0 1 
5) Find the trace of
SUB : MathS -IA Weekly Test DATE : 05.07.18
SEC : JR.MPC&MEC Marks:25
I. Answer the following Questions : 2X5=10M

1) Define scalar matrix? Give an example?

1 2 3 8
3 4 , B=  7 2 and 2X+A=B then find X?

2) If A= 
2 4
 1 k  and A2 =0 then find the value of k?
3) If A= 
 1 2 3 
 2 5 6
 
 3 x 7 
4) Define symmetric matrix? If A= is a
symmetric matrix.then find x?
 1 3 5
 2 1 5 
 
 2 0 1 
5) Find the trace of

 Answer any three of the following 5x3=15M

 Answer any three of the following 5x3=15M II. Answer the following questions 4x3=12
5. Describe about Euglenoids

   6. Give the salient features of Dianoflagellers
1) If 2 then show that 7. Write the role fo Fungi in our daily life.
a b c
a 2 b2 c 2  abc (a  b)(b  c )(c  a )  cos 2  cos  .sin   VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE : : CHITTOOR
 
a 3 b3 c 3  cos  .sin  sin 2   =0 SUB: BOTANY - I WEEKLY EXAM Date:
 1 2 1  SEC: Juniors Marks: 20
 0 1 1 I. Answer the following questions 2x4=8
 
 3 1 1  1. What do the terms Algal bloom & Red tides.
then find A  3 A  A  3 ,Where  is
3 2
2) If A= 2. Name two disease caused by Mycoplasm
unit matrix of order 3. 3. How Viroid differs from Viruses.
bc ca ab 4. What do the terms phybionts and Mycobionts.
II. Answer the following questions 4x3=12
a b bc c a
5. Describe about Euglenoids
a b c a 3  b3  c3  3abc 6. Give the salient features of Dianoflagellers
3) Show that =
7. Write the role fo Fungi in our daily life.
a  b  2c a b
c b  c  2a b
 a  b  c
c a c  a  2b
4) show that =2


SEC: Juniors Marks: 20 05.07.2018
I. Answer the following questions 2x4=8 SEC: Juniors Marks: 20
1. What do the terms Algal bloom & Red tides. I. Answer the following questions 2x4=8
2. Name two disease caused by Mycoplasm 1. What do the terms Algal bloom & Red tides.
3. How Viroid differs from Viruses. 2. Name two disease caused by Mycoplasm
4. What do the terms phybionts and Mycobionts. 3. How Viroid differs from Viruses.
II. Answer the following questions 4x3=12 4. What do the terms phybionts and Mycobionts.
5. Describe about Euglenoids II. Answer the following questions 4x3=12
6. Give the salient features of Dianoflagellers 5. Describe about Euglenoids
7. Write the role fo Fungi in our daily life. 6. Give the salient features of Dianoflagellers
7. Write the role fo Fungi in our daily life.


05.07.2018 SUB: BOTANY - I WEEKLY EXAM Date:
SEC: Juniors Marks: 20 05.07.2018
I. Answer the following questions 2x4=8 SEC: Juniors Marks: 20
1. What do the terms Algal bloom & Red tides. I. Answer the following questions 2x4=8
2. Name two disease caused by Mycoplasm 1. What do the terms Algal bloom & Red tides.
3. How Viroid differs from Viruses. 2. Name two disease caused by Mycoplasm
4. What do the terms phybionts and Mycobionts. 3. How Viroid differs from Viruses.
4. What do the terms phybionts and Mycobionts.
II. Answer the following questions 4x3=12
5. Describe about Euglenoids
6. Give the salient features of Dianoflagellers
7. Write the role fo Fungi in our daily life.


SEC: Juniors Marks: 20
I. Answer the following questions 2x4=8
1. What do the terms Algal bloom & Red tides.
2. Name two disease caused by Mycoplasm
3. How Viroid differs from Viruses.
4. What do the terms phybionts and Mycobionts.
II. Answer the following questions 4x3=12
5. Describe about Euglenoids
6. Give the salient features of Dianoflagellers
7. Write the role fo Fungi in our daily life.
Ideal gas.
17. Compare Isotherma, and Adiabatic process?
18. Obtain an expression for the workdone by an Ideal gas during Isothermal
III. Answer any Two of the following ? 8x2=16
19. a) State and prove law of conservation of energy in case of freely falling
b) A pump is required to lift 600 kg of water per minute from a well 25m
and to eject it with a speed of 50ms-1. Calculate the power required to
perform the above task?
20. Define work and K.E.? Explain work – energy theorem?
21. a) Explain reversible and Irreversible process. Obtain expression for
for cannot engine.
b) Why does the brake drum of an automobile get heated up while moving
SEC: Juniors Marks: 60
I. Answer the following all questions 10x2=20 VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE : : CHITTOOR
1. What is Physics ? SUB: PHYSICS - I MONTHLY EXAM Date: 04.12.2017
2. What is the contribution of S.Chandra Sekhar to Physics? SEC: Juniors Marks: 60
3. What is the discovery of C.V.Raman? I. Answer the following all questions 10x2=20
4. Define Mean free path ? 1. What is Physics ?
5. Name two prominent phenomena which provide conclusive 2. What is the contribution of S.Chandra Sekhar to Physics?
evidence of molecular motion? 3. What is the discovery of C.V.Raman?
6. What is the expression between pressure and K.E.of gas molecule ? 4. Define Mean free path ?
7. State law of equipartion of energy? 5. Name two prominent phenomena which provide conclusive
8. Four molecules of a gas have speed 1, 2, 3 abd 4 km/s. find the rms evidence of molecular motion?
speed of the gas molecule? 6. What is the expression between pressure and K.E.of gas molecule ?
9. What is the difference between Isochoric and Isobaric process. 7. State law of equipartion of energy?
10. A thermos flask containing a liquid is shaken vigorously. 8. Four molecules of a gas have speed 1, 2, 3 abd 4 km/s. find the rms
What happens to its temperature? speed of the gas molecule?
II. Answer any SIX of the following 6x4=24 9. What is the difference between Isochoric and Isobaric process.
11. State and explain first law of thermodynamics? 10. A thermos flask containing a liquid is shaken vigorously.
12. Derivation of Cp – Cv = R? What happens to its temperature?
13. A lorry and car moving with the same momentum are brought to rest by II. Answer any SIX of the following 6x4=24
application of brakes, which provide equal retarding forces. Which of 11. State and explain first law of thermodynamics?
them will come to rest in shorter time ? Which will come to rest in less 12. Derivation of Cp – Cv = R?
distance? 13. A lorry and car moving with the same momentum are brought to rest by
14. Show that in the case of 1-D elastic collision, the relative velocity of application of brakes, which provide equal retarding forces. Which of
approach of two colliding bodies before collision is equal to separation of them will come to rest in shorter time ? Which will come to rest in less
after collision. distance?
15. Prove that the average K.E of a moleculae of an ideal gas is directly 14. Show that in the case of 1-D elastic collision, the relative velocity of
proportional to the absolute temperature of the gas. approach of two colliding bodies before collision is equal to separation of
16. State Boyle’s and Charles law’s ? When does a real gas behave’s like an after collision.
15. Prove that the average K.E of a moleculae of an ideal gas is directly 14. Bank Reconcilation Statement
proportional to the absolute temperature of the gas. 15. Book Keeping
16. State Boyle’s and Charles law’s ? When does a real gas behave’s like an 16. Revenue Expenditure
Ideal gas. 17. Single Entry System
17. Compare Isotherma, and Adiabatic process? 18. Bank over Draft
18. Obtain an expression for the workdone by an Ideal gas during Isothermal
19. Capital Income
III. Answer any Two of the following ? 8x2=16 20. Debit Note
19.a) State and prove law of conservation of energy in case of freely falling body. 21. Credit Note
b) A pump is required to lift 600 kg of water per minute from 22. Debtors
a well 25m deep and to eject it with a speed of 50ms -1. 23. Creditors
Calculate the power required to perform the above task? 24. Outstanding Expenses
20. Define work and K.E.? Explain work – energy theorem? 25. Capital
21. a) Explain reversible and Irreversible process. Obtain expression for 26. Trade Discount
efficiency for cannot engine. 27. Cash Discount
b) Why does the brake drum of an automobile get heated up 28. Fixed Assets
while moving down at constant speed?

Accounts -5 Marks
Accounts -5 Marks
1 Explain the principles of Debit and Credit of different accounts?
2.Explain advantages of accounting
1. Explain the principles of Debit and Credit of different accounts? 3.Explain functions of accounting
2. Explain advantages of accounting 4.Explain Accounting Concepts?
3. Explain functions of accounting 5 Difference between book keeping and accounting?
4. Explain Accounting Concepts? 6. Advantages of Double Entry System
5. Difference between book keeping and accounting?
6. Advantages of Double Entry System 2-Marks

2-Marks 1. Accounting
2. Ledger
1. Accounting 3. Revenue Income
2. Ledger 4. Double Entry System
3. Revenue Income 5. Suspense Account
4. Double Entry System 6. Capital Expenditures
5. Suspense Account 7. Journal Proper
6. Capital Expenditures 8. Contra Entry
7. Journal Proper 9. Reasons for B.R.S
8. Contra Entry 10. Drawings
9. Reasons for B.R.S 11. Accounting Cycle
10. Drawings 12. Posting
11. Accounting Cycle 13. Imprest system
12. Posting 14. Bank Reconcilation Statement
13. Imprest system 15. Book Keeping
16. Revenue Expenditure
17. Single Entry System
18. Bank over Draft
19. Capital Income
20. Debit Note
21. Credit Note
22. Debtors
23. Creditors
24. Outstanding Expenses
25. Capital
26. Trade Discount
27. Cash Discount
28. Fixed Assets


YEAR CEC 2 Marks Questions
1. Bills of Exchange 37. Shares issued at Premium
2. Parties or Bills of Exchange 38. Preference Share
3. Due date of bill 39. MIS
4. Days of grace 40. Ready to Use accounting of
5. Noting charges 41. Single Entry System
6. Accuupatance of bill 42. Features of Single Entry System
7. Renewal of bill 43. Statement of Affairs
8. Endorsement
9. Honour, Dishonour of bill
10. Depreciation
11. Causes for Depreciation
12. Annual depreciation Rate of Depreciation
13. Straight line Method
14. Reducing balance method
15. Scrap Value
16. Consignment and parties
17. Del-credere commission
18. over riding commission
19. Profarma Invoice
20. Account Sales
21. Non Recurring expences
22. Capital Expenses
23. Revenue Expenses
24. Capital Income
25. Revenue Income
26. Legaciy
27. Entrance Fee
28. Subscriptions
29. Partnership Deed
30. P/L appropriation A/C
31. Revaluation Account
32. Sacrificing ratio
33. Gaining Ratio
34. Goodwill
35. Equity Share
36. Shares issued at par


SUB: English Paper- I TERMINAL EXAMINATIONS Date: 18.08.2016
SEC: Juniors CEC Marks: 100
I. Annotate any TWO the following in about 10-15 lines each:: 2 x 4 = 8
1. It is thinking differently or doing something different, doing something that might be
quite novel and unconventional in nature
2. With six hats, instead of confrontation there is supportive scruting.
3. Life was full of fun and joy. Did not know what helplessness or inujustice meant
4. But I am surprised how a company such as Telco is discriminating on the basis of
II. Annotate Any Two the following in about 10-15 lines each: 2x4=8
1. He is your fiend which you sow with love and reap with love and reap with thinks
giving. He is your board and your fireside.
2. For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.
3. In almost every house we’ve been, VIII. Fill in the blanks with ‘a’, ‘an’, or ‘the ‘:- :6x1/2=3
We’ve watched them gaping at the screen. a) He stayed in England for -------------- month
They loll and slop and lounge about,
b) Sonal Is --------------------- intelligent girl
And stare until their eyes pop out
4. It rots the sense in the head ! c) Who invented ------------------------------ telescope?
It kills imagination dead ! d) Rima is --------------- Lecturer in a college
It clogs and clutters up the mind! e) Sujatha is --------------- M . L . A
III. Answer Any Two the following in about 10-15 lines each: 2x4=8 f) F) He is playing -------------------- table
1. Most complex problem do have a solution’, Explain how the girl in the story used IX. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions:- 6x1/2=3
lateral thinking to come up with a solution for her problem a) Rahul lives ---------------- Agra
2. Explain the difference between lateral and logical thinking? b) She spoke to me ----------------- the telephone
3. Sudha Murthy was Planning to complete a doctorate abroad buf changed her mind. c) she has gone for a walk ------------------- her child
Why ? d) He was stuck ------------ lighting
4. Why did Sudha Murthy not feel nervous at the interview? Explain. e) He has been living here ---------------- a month
IV. Answer Any Two the following in about 10-15 lines each: 2x4=8 f) the boys quarreled ------------------- themselvel
1. “Who finds a faithfully friend, finds a treasure”. This is a Jewish saying. Do you X. Fill in the blanks with suitable form of eh verb given in the brackets:-10x1=10
agree? Base your answer on Kahlil Gibran’s “On Friendship”. a) The children -------------- in the garden (be)
2. List all the qualities a true friend should have, according to Kahlil Gibran. b) He ----------- tea every morming (drink)
3. How does television kill one’s imagination? c) The earth -------------- a round the son (revolve)
4. Describe how children spent their leisure time in the past and how they spend it now,
d) Take an umbrella with you, It ---------------- (rain)
V. Answer the following in about 25 to 30 lines each: 1x8=8
1) Did Bob and wells value their friendship? How do you know?
e) The beggar --------------- for alms (beg)
2) Data found a solution to his problem did it really work for him? Justify your f) What ----------------------- your ------------ about? (talk)
answer. SECTION - B g) She --------------- her finger (cut)
VI. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: h) The clock -------------- just -------------twelve (strike)
5x1=5 i) The boys ----------------foot ball since four O’ clock (play)
j) A thing of beauty --------------------a joy for ever (be)

XI. Rewrite the following sentences correcting the underlined part 5x1=5
a) Politics are a difficult subject b) I and he went for the movie.
c) Vasantha is elderthan uma d) These all books are interesting
e) Anil lent Surya rupees twenty.

XII. Supply the missing letters in the following words :- 6x1/2=3

VII. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: a) anc - - nt b) cr - - tive c) th - - sand d) con - - pt e) sev - - al f) po - - lar
XIII. Identify the silent letters in the following words: 6x1/2=3 XVIII. Write number of syllables for any six of the following words 6x1/2=3
a) receipt b) write c) comb d) honest e) half f) should 1) Winter 2) One 3) Photograph 4) Fry 5) Pollution 6) Expectation 7) Minute
XIV Identify paris of speech of the underlined words : 6x1/2=3 8) Box 9) Forever 10) Agitation
a) NTR was a famous actor b) The man in the red coat is my uncle. XIX Complee the following dialogue: 4x1=4
c) She came at 2 p.m. d) The old man walked Slowly
Teacher : you are late to class, pradeep
e) Alas ! we have been defeated. f) Yamini is a smart girl
Pradeed : Madam, I -------1---------the next. Bus -----------2-------
XV. Match the words in column ‘A’ with their meaning in column ‘B’ Teacher : In that case you should ----------------
Column – A Column – B 6x1/2=3
i) Forgo a) Close and careful examination Pradeep : ---------------4----------------
ii) providence b) Property acceptable as security for a loan
iii) Scrutiny c) Paltry, less in quantity
iv) bickering d) great or huge
v) obstinacy e) engaging in a bad tempered quarrel
vi) Stupendous f) to give up or do without
g) quality of being stabborn
h) god
XVI. Convert the following information into a tree diagram:- 1x5=5
A School has 625 students of these, 500 are residential students and 125
are non-residential studens. Amount the residential students are 325 boys and
175 girls where as, there are 80 girls and 45 boys who belong to the non
residential category.
In a Junior college the height percentage scored by a a student from the MPC,
stream was 92% However a student from the BiPC group secured 94% there by
becoming the topper of the college. The highest scores from the C E C., M E C
and HEC groups were 84%, 87% abd 78% respectively. Draw a bar diagram to
convey this information


SUB : Mathematics -IIA Weekly Test DATE : 24.08.16
SEC : Senior MEC Marks:25
I. Answer the following Questions : 2x2=4
XVII. Find the word that is different from the other words:- 5 x 1 = 5 1. Form the monic polynomial equation of degree 4 whose roots are
1. College Mileage Rouge 4+ 3 , 4 - 3 , 2 + i and 2 – i.
2. Sure Sun Super 2. Find the algebraic equation whose roots are 2 times the roots of
3. Island If Ink x5 – 2x4 + 3x3 – 2x2 + 4x + 3 = 0.
II. Answer any THREE of the following Questions : 3x7=21
4. Pin Pine Pit
3. Solve the equation x4 + 2x3 – 16x2 - 22x + 7 = 0, given that 2- 3 is
5. Unit Uniform Upset one of its roots .
4. Solve the equation x5 – 5x4 + 9x3 – 9x2 + 5x – 1 = 0. 4. Solve the equation x5 – 5x4 + 9x3 – 9x2 + 5x – 1 = 0.
5. Find the polynomial equation whose roots are translates of those of the 5. Find the polynomial equation whose roots are translates of those of the
equation x5 – 4x4 + 3x2 – 4x – 6= 0 by – 3 equation x5 – 4x4 + 3x2 – 4x – 6= 0 by – 3
6. Solve the following equation x4 – 10x3 + 26x2 – 10x +1 = 0 6. Solve the following equation x4 – 10x3 + 26x2 – 10x +1 = 0


SUB : Mathematics -IIA Weekly Test DATE : 24.08.16 SUB : Mathematics -IIA Weekly Test DATE : 24.08.16
SEC : Senior M E C Marks:25 SEC : Senior M E C Marks:25
I. Answer the following Questions : 2x2=4 I. Answer the following Questions : 2x2=4
1. Form the monic polynomial equation of degree 4 whose roots are 1. Form the monic polynomial equation of degree 4 whose roots are
4+ 3 , 4 - 3 , 2 + i and 2 – i. 4+ 3 , 4 - 3 , 2 + i and 2 – i.
2. Find the algebraic equation whose roots are 2 times the roots of 2. Find the algebraic equation whose roots are 2 times the roots of
x5 – 2x4 + 3x3 – 2x2 + 4x + 3 = 0. x5 – 2x4 + 3x3 – 2x2 + 4x + 3 = 0.
II. Answer any THREE of the following Questions : 3x7=21 II. Answer any THREE of the following Questions : 3x7=21
3. Solve the equation x4 + 2x3 – 16x2 - 22x + 7 = 0, given that 2- 3 is 3. Solve the equation x4 + 2x3 – 16x2 - 22x + 7 = 0, given that 2- 3 is
one of its roots . one of its roots .
4. Solve the equation x5 – 5x4 + 9x3 – 9x2 + 5x – 1 = 0. 4. Solve the equation x5 – 5x4 + 9x3 – 9x2 + 5x – 1 = 0.
5. Find the polynomial equation whose roots are translates of those of the 5. Find the polynomial equation whose roots are translates of those of the
equation x5 – 4x4 + 3x2 – 4x – 6= 0 by – 3 equation x5 – 4x4 + 3x2 – 4x – 6= 0 by – 3
6. Solve the following equation x4 – 10x3 + 26x2 – 10x +1 = 0 6. Solve the following equation x4 – 10x3 + 26x2 – 10x +1 = 0


SUB : Mathematics -IIA Weekly Test DATE : 24.08.16
I. Answer the following Questions : 2x2=4 SUB : PHYSICS Weekly Test DATE : 17.08.16
1. Form the monic polynomial equation of degree 4 whose roots are SEC : Juniors: VIP-A, B, VEP-1 Marks:20
I. Answer any five questions from following 4x5=20
4+ 3 , 4 - 3 , 2 + i and 2 – i.
1. Distinguish between centre of mass and centre of gravity
2. Find the algebraic equation whose roots are 2 times the roots of
2. Explain about centre of mass of the Earth moon system and its rotation
x5 – 2x4 + 3x3 – 2x2 + 4x + 3 = 0.
around the Sun
II. Answer any THREE of the following Questions : 3x7=21
3. Define vector product. Explain two properties
3. Solve the equation x4 + 2x3 – 16x2 - 22x + 7 = 0, given that 2- 3 is 4. Find the torque of force ( 7 i + 3 j – 5k) N about the origin. The force
one of its roots . acts on a particle whose position vector is ( i – j + k ) m
5. Find the location of centre of mass for symmetrical bodies like 4. Find the torque of force ( 7 i + 3 j – 5k) N about the origin. The force
i) Solid sphere ii) Square iii) Cylinder and iv) cone acts on a particle whose position vector is ( i – j + k ) m
6. Find the centre of mass of three particles of masses 1Kg, 2Kg and 2Kg 5. Find the location of centre of mass for symmetrical bodies like
located at ( 1, 0, 1) (2, 1, -1) and (3, -1, 2) i) Solid sphere ii) Square iii) Cylinder and iv) cone
6. Find the centre of mass of three particles of masses 1Kg, 2Kg and 2Kg
located at ( 1, 0, 1) (2, 1, -1) and (3, -1, 2)


SUB : PHYSICS Weekly Test DATE : 17.08.16
I. Answer any five questions from following 4x5=20 SUB : PHYSICS Weekly Test DATE : 17.08.16
1. Distinguish between centre of mass and centre of gravity SEC : Juniors: VIP-A, B, VEP-1 Marks:20
2. Explain about centre of mass of the Earth moon system and its rotation I. Answer any five questions from following 4x5=20
around the Sun 1. Distinguish between centre of mass and centre of gravity
3. Define vector product. Explain two properties 2. Explain about centre of mass of the Earth moon system and its rotation
4. Find the torque of force ( 7 i + 3 j – 5k) N about the origin. The force around the Sun
acts on a particle whose position vector is ( i – j + k ) m 3. Define vector product. Explain two properties
5. Find the location of centre of mass for symmetrical bodies like 4. Find the torque of force ( 7 i + 3 j – 5k) N about the origin. The force
i) Solid sphere ii) Square iii) Cylinder and iv) cone acts on a particle whose position vector is ( i – j + k ) m
6. Find the centre of mass of three particles of masses 1Kg, 2Kg and 2Kg 5. Find the location of centre of mass for symmetrical bodies like
located at ( 1, 0, 1) (2, 1, -1) and (3, -1, 2) i) Solid sphere ii) Square iii) Cylinder and iv) cone
6. Find the centre of mass of three particles of masses 1Kg, 2Kg and 2Kg
located at ( 1, 0, 1) (2, 1, -1) and (3, -1, 2)


SUB : Mathematics -IIA Weekly Test DATE : 17.08.16
SEC : Senior MEC Marks:25
VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE : : CHITTOOR I. Answer any FIVE Questions : 5x5=25
SUB : PHYSICS Weekly Test DATE : 17.08.16 1 If α, ,  are the roots of x – 6x + 11x – 6 = 0, then find the equation
3 2

SEC : Juniors: VIP-A, B, VEP-1 Marks:20 whose roots are α2 + 2 , 2 + 2 , 2 + a2.

I. Answer any five questions from following 4x5=20 2. Find the condition that x3 – px2 + qx – r = 0 may have the roots in G.P.
1. Distinguish between centre of mass and centre of gravity 3. Solve the following equations, give that the roots of each are in A.P.
2. Explain about centre of mass of the Earth moon system and its rotation i) 8x3 – 36x2 – 18x + 81 = 0
around the Sun 4. Solve x4 + x3 – 16x2 – 4x + 48 = 0, given that the product of two of the
3. Define vector product. Explain two properties
roots is 6. 5. Find the condition in order that the equation
5. Find the condition in order that the equation ax4 + 4b3 +6cx2 + 4dx + e = 0 may have two pairs of equal roots.
ax4 + 4b3 +6cx2 + 4dx + e = 0 may have two pairs of equal roots. 6. Solve the equation 8x3 - 20x2 +6x + 9 = 0 given that the equation has
6. Solve the equation 8x3 - 20x2 +6x + 9 = 0 given that the equation has multiple roots.
multiple roots.


SUB : Mathematics -IIA Weekly Test DATE : 17.08.16
SUB : Mathematics -IIA Weekly Test DATE : 17.08.16 I. Answer any FIVE Questions : 5x5=25
SEC : Senior MEC Marks:25 1 If α, ,  are the roots of x3 – 6x2 + 11x – 6 = 0, then find the equation
I. Answer any FIVE Questions : 5x5=25 whose roots are α2 + 2 , 2 + 2 , 2 + a2.
1 If α, ,  are the roots of x3 – 6x2 + 11x – 6 = 0, then find the equation 2. Find the condition that x3 – px2 + qx – r = 0 may have the roots in G.P.
whose roots are α2 + 2 , 2 + 2 , 2 + a2. 3. Solve the following equations, give that the roots of each are in A.P.
2. Find the condition that x3 – px2 + qx – r = 0 may have the roots in G.P. i) 8x3 – 36x2 – 18x + 81 = 0
3. Solve the following equations, give that the roots of each are in A.P. 4. Solve x4 + x3 – 16x2 – 4x + 48 = 0, given that the product of two of the
i) 8x3 – 36x2 – 18x + 81 = 0 roots is 6.
4. Solve x4 + x3 – 16x2 – 4x + 48 = 0, given that the product of two of the 5. Find the condition in order that the equation
roots is 6. ax4 + 4b3 +6cx2 + 4dx + e = 0 may have two pairs of equal roots.
5. Find the condition in order that the equation 6. Solve the equation 8x3 - 20x2 +6x + 9 = 0 given that the equation has
ax4 + 4b3 +6cx2 + 4dx + e = 0 may have two pairs of equal roots. multiple roots.
6. Solve the equation 8x3 - 20x2 +6x + 9 = 0 given that the equation has
multiple roots.


SEC: Juniors CEC-3 Marks: 100
VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE : : CHITTOOR I. Answer the following Questions : 3X10=30
SUB : Mathematics -IIA Weekly Test DATE : 17.08.16 1. Explain the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility Theory with the
SEC : Senior MEC Marks:25 help of table and diagram ?
I. Answer any FIVE Questions : 5x5=25 2. Define Price Elasticity of Demand and Explain types of Price
Elasticity Demand?
1 If α, ,  are the roots of x – 6x + 11x – 6 = 0, then find the equation
3 2
3. Explain the law of demand and its exceptions?
whose roots are α2 + 2 , 2 + 2 , 2 + a2. II. Answer the following Questions : 8X5=40
2. Find the condition that x3 – px2 + qx – r = 0 may have the roots in G.P. 4. Define Utility and explain various types of Utility?
3. Solve the following equations, give that the roots of each are in A.P. 5. What are the characteristic features of human wants?
i) 8x3 – 36x2 – 18x + 81 = 0 6. What are factors that determine Demand?
4. Solve x4 + x3 – 16x2 – 4x + 48 = 0, given that the product of two of the 7. Write about Total outlay method?
roots is 6. 8. Why a demand curve has a negative slope?
9. What are the properties of indifference curves? 9. What are the properties of indifference curves?
10. Distinguish between cardinal and ordinal utility? 10. Distinguish between cardinal and ordinal utility?
11. Define free goods and Economic Goods and distinguish them? 11. Define free goods and Economic Goods and distinguish them?
III. Answer the following Questions: 15X2=30 III. Answer the following Questions: 15X2=30
12. Define Price 12. Define Price
13. Define Intermediary Goods 13. Define Intermediary Goods
14, Define Indifference Map 14, Define Indifference Map
15. Define Budget Line ? 15. Define Budget Line ?
16. Define Marginal Utility? 16. Define Marginal Utility?
17. Define Utility? 17. Define Utility?
18. Define Giffen’s Paradox? 18. Define Giffen’s Paradox?
19. Define Demand Schedule 19. Define Demand Schedule
20. Define Income Elasticity of Demand 20. Define Income Elasticity of Demand
21 Define Cross Demand 21 Define Cross Demand
22. Define Demand Function? 22. Define Demand Function?
23. Define Producer Goods (OR) Capital Goods 23. Define Producer Goods (OR) Capital Goods
24. Define Marginal Rate of Substitution. 24. Define Marginal Rate of Substitution.
25. Economic Goods 25. Economic Goods
26. Demand 26. Demand


SEC: Juniors CEC-3 Marks: 100 SEC: Juniors CE-1 Marks: 100
I. Answer the following Questions : 3X10=30 I. Answer the following Questions : 3X10=30
1. Explain the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility Theory with the 1. Explain the Law of diminishing Marginal Utility?
help of table and diagram ? 2. Define Price Elasticity of Demand and Explain types of Price
2. Define Price Elasticity of Demand and Explain types of Price Elasticity Demand?
Elasticity Demand? 3. Define law of Equi-Marginal Utility with the help of table and
3. Explain the law of demand and its exceptions? diagram?
II. Answer the following Questions : 8X5=40 II. Answer the following Questions : 8X5=40
4. Define Utility and explain various types of Utility? 4. Define Utility and explain various types of Utility?
5. What are the characteristic features of human wants? 5. What are the characteristic features of human wants?
6. What are factors that determine Demand? 6. What are the factors that determine Demand?
7. Write about Total outlay method? 7. What are the exceptions of Law of Demand?
8. Why a demand curve has a negative slope? 8. Why does a demand curve has negative slope?
9. What are the properties of indifference curves? 9. What are the properties of indifference curves?
10. Write about budget line and shifts in Budget line, change in Price Line 10. Write about budget line and shifts in Budget line, change in Price Line
11. What are the factors that Determine Demand? 11. What are the factors that Determine Demand?
III. Answer the following Questions : 15X2=30 III. Answer the following Questions : 15X2=30
12. Define Price 12. Define Price
13. Define Intermediary Goods 13. Define Intermediary Goods
14, Define Indifference Map 14, Define Indifference Map
15. Define Budget Line ? 15. Define Budget Line ?
16. Define Marginal Utility? 16. Define Marginal Utility?
17. Define Utility? 17. Define Utility?
18. Define Giffen’s Paradox ? 18. Define Giffen’s Paradox ?
19. Define Demand Schedule 19. Define Demand Schedule
20. Define Income Elasticity of Demand 20. Define Income Elasticity of Demand
21 Define Income Demand 21 Define Income Demand
22. Define Demand Function? 22. Define Demand Function?
23. Define Producer Goods (OR) Capital Goods 23. Define Producer Goods (OR) Capital Goods
24. Define Marginal Rate of Substitution. 24. Define Marginal Rate of Substitution.
25. Define wealth 25. Define wealth
26. Define Demand 26. Define Demand


SEC: Juniors CE-3 Marks: 100
VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE : : CHITTOOR I. Answer the following Questions : 3X10=30
SUB: ECONOMICS TERMINAL EXAMINATIONS Date: 22.08.2016 1. Explain the Law of diminishing Marginal Utility?
SEC: Juniors CE-1 Marks: 100 2. Define Price Elasticity of Demand and Explain types of Price
I. Answer the following Questions : 3X10=30 Elasticity Demand?
1. Explain the Law of diminishing Marginal Utility? 3. What are the differences between Micro & Macro Economics
2. Define Price Elasticity of Demand and Explain types of Price II. Answer the following Questions : 8X5=40
Elasticity Demand? 4. Define Utility and explain various types of Utility?
3. Define law of Equi-Marginal Utility with the help of table and 5. What are the characteristic features of human wants?
diagram? 6. What are the factors that determine Demand?
II. Answer the following Questions : 8X5=40 7. What are the exceptions of Law of Demand?
4. Define Utility and explain various types of Utility? 8. Why does a demand curve has negative slope?
5. What are the characteristic features of human wants? 9. What are the properties of indifference curves?
6. What are the factors that determine Demand? 10. Write about budget line and shifts in Budget line, change in Price Line
7. What are the exceptions of Law of Demand? 11. What are the factors that Determine Demand?
8. Why does a demand curve has negative slope? III. Answer the following Questions : 15X2=30
12. Define Price 12. Define Price
13. Define Intermediary Goods 13. Define Intermediary Goods
14, Define Indifference Map 14, Define Indifference Map
15. Define Budget Line ? 15. Define Budget Line ?
16. Define Marginal Utility? 16. Define Marginal Utility?
17. Define Utility? 17. Define Utility?
18. Define Giffen’s Paradox ? 18. Define Giffen’s Paradox ?
19. Define Demand Schedule 19. Define Demand Schedule
20. Define Income Elasticity of Demand 20. Define Income Elasticity of Demand
21 Define Income Demand 21 Define Income Demand
22. Define Demand Function? 22. Define Demand Function?
23. Define Producer Goods (OR) Capital Goods 23. Define Producer Goods (OR) Capital Goods
24. Define Marginal Rate of Substitution. 24. Define Marginal Rate of Substitution.
25. Define wealth 25. Define wealth
26. Define Demand 26. Define Demand


SUB : Mathematics -IB Weekly Test DATE : 18.08.16
SUB: ECONOMICS TERMINAL EXAMINATIONS Date: 22.08.2016 I. Answer Any FIVE questions 5 x 5 = 25
SEC: Juniors CE-3 Marks: 100
1. Find the equations of the straight lines passing through the point (1, 2)
I. Answer the following Questions : 3X10=30
1. Explain the Law of diminishing Marginal Utility? and making an angle of 60o with the line 3 x + y + 2 = 0
2. Define Price Elasticity of Demand and Explain types of Price 2. Find the circumcenter of the triangle whose vertices are given below
Elasticity Demand? (-2, 3) , (2, -1) and (4, 0)
3. What are the differences between Micro & Macro Economics 3. If p and q are the lengths of the perpendiculars from the origin to the
II. Answer the following Questions : 8X5=40 straight lines x sec α + y cosec α = a and x cos α – y sin α = a cos 2 α
4. Define Utility and explain various types of Utility? prove that 4p2 + q2 = a2
5. What are the characteristic features of human wants? 4. Find the orthocenter of the triangle formed by the lines x + 2y = 0,
6. What are the factors that determine Demand? 4x +3y – 5 = 0 and 3x + y = 0
7. What are the exceptions of Law of Demand? 5. Find the orthocenter of the triangle whoes vertices are
8. Why does a demand curve has negative slope? ( -5, -7) , (13, 2) and (-5, 6)
9. What are the properties of indifference curves? 6. Find the equations of the straight lines passing through (1, 1) and
10. Write about budget line and shifts in Budget line, change in Price Line which are at a distance of 3 units from (-2, 3)
11. What are the factors that Determine Demand?
III. Answer the following Questions : 15X2=30
VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE : : CHITTOOR SUB : Mathematics -IB Weekly Test DATE : 18.08.16
SUB : Mathematics -IB Weekly Test DATE : 18.08.16 SEC : Junior : VEP-1, 2 & VCP Marks:25
SEC : Junior : VEP-1, 2 & VCP Marks:25 I. Answer Any FIVE questions 5 x 5 = 25
I. Answer Any FIVE questions 5 x 5 = 25 1. Find the equations of the straight lines passing through the point (1, 2)
1. Find the equations of the straight lines passing through the point (1, 2)
and making an angle of 60o with the line 3 x + y + 2 = 0
and making an angle of 60o with the line 3 x + y + 2 = 0 2. Find the circumcenter of the triangle whose vertices are given below
2. Find the circumcenter of the triangle whose vertices are given below (-2, 3) , (2, -1) and (4, 0)
(-2, 3) , (2, -1) and (4, 0) 3. If p and q are the lengths of the perpendiculars from the origin to the
3. If p and q are the lengths of the perpendiculars from the origin to the straight lines x sec α + y cosec α = a and x cos α – y sin α = a cos 2 α
straight lines x sec α + y cosec α = a and x cos α – y sin α = a cos 2 α prove that 4p2 + q2 = a2
prove that 4p2 + q2 = a2 4. Find the orthocenter of the triangle formed by the lines x + 2y = 0,
4. Find the orthocenter of the triangle formed by the lines x + 2y = 0, 4x +3y – 5 = 0 and 3x + y = 0
4x +3y – 5 = 0 and 3x + y = 0 5. Find the orthocenter of the triangle whoes vertices are
5. Find the orthocenter of the triangle whoes vertices are ( -5, -7) , (13, 2) and (-5, 6)
( -5, -7) , (13, 2) and (-5, 6) 6. Find the equations of the straight lines passing through (1, 1) and
6. Find the equations of the straight lines passing through (1, 1) and which are at a distance of 3 units from (-2, 3)
which are at a distance of 3 units from (-2, 3)


VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE : : CHITTOOR SUB : Mathematics -IB Weekly Test DATE : 18.08.16
SUB : Mathematics -IB Weekly Test DATE : 18.08.16 SEC : Junior : VEP-1, 2 & VCP Marks:25
SEC : Junior : VEP-1, 2 & VCP Marks:25 I. Answer Any FIVE questions 5 x 5 = 25
I. Answer Any FIVE questions 5 x 5 = 25 1. Find the equations of the straight lines passing through the point (1, 2)
1. Find the equations of the straight lines passing through the point (1, 2)
and making an angle of 60o with the line 3 x + y + 2 = 0
and making an angle of 60o with the line 3 x + y + 2 = 0 2. Find the circumcenter of the triangle whose vertices are given below
2. Find the circumcenter of the triangle whose vertices are given below (-2, 3) , (2, -1) and (4, 0)
(-2, 3) , (2, -1) and (4, 0) 3. If p and q are the lengths of the perpendiculars from the origin to the
3. If p and q are the lengths of the perpendiculars from the origin to the straight lines x sec α + y cosec α = a and x cos α – y sin α = a cos 2 α
straight lines x sec α + y cosec α = a and x cos α – y sin α = a cos 2 α prove that 4p2 + q2 = a2
prove that 4p2 + q2 = a2 4. Find the orthocenter of the triangle formed by the lines x + 2y = 0,
4. Find the orthocenter of the triangle formed by the lines x + 2y = 0, 4x +3y – 5 = 0 and 3x + y = 0
4x +3y – 5 = 0 and 3x + y = 0 5. Find the orthocenter of the triangle whoes vertices are
5. Find the orthocenter of the triangle whoes vertices are ( -5, -7) , (13, 2) and (-5, 6)
( -5, -7) , (13, 2) and (-5, 6) 6. Find the equations of the straight lines passing through (1, 1) and
6. Find the equations of the straight lines passing through (1, 1) and which are at a distance of 3 units from (-2, 3)
which are at a distance of 3 units from (-2, 3)


SUB : Mathematics -IB Weekly Test DATE : 18.08.16
SEC : Junior : VIP-A, B Marks: SUB : Mathematics -IB Weekly Test DATE : 18.08.16
I. Answer Any FOUR questions SEC : Junior : VIP-A, B Marks:
1. Find the equations of the straight lines passing through the point (1, 2) I. Answer Any FOUR questions
1. Find the equations of the straight lines passing through the point (1, 2)
and making an angle of 60o with the line 3 x + y + 2 = 0
2. If p and q are the lengths of the perpendiculars from the origin to the and making an angle of 60o with the line 3 x + y + 2 = 0
straight lines x sec α + y cosec α = a and x cos α – y sin α = a cos 2 α, 2. If p and q are the lengths of the perpendiculars from the origin to the
prove that 4p2 + q2 = a2 straight lines x sec α + y cosec α = a and x cos α – y sin α = a cos 2 α,
3. Let the equation ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 0 represent a pair of straight prove that 4p2 + q2 = a2
lines. Then the angle  between the lines is given by 3. Let the equation ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 0 represent a pair of straight
|ab| lines. Then the angle  between the lines is given by
( a  b) 2  4h 2
cos  =
( a  b) 2  4h 2
4. If the equation ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 0 represents a pair of intersecting lines the cos  =
combined equation of the pair of bisectors of the angles between these 4. If the equation ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 0 represents a pair of intersecting lines the
lines h (x2 – y2) = ( a – b ) xy. combined equation of the pair of bisectors of the angles between these
5. Show that the product of the perpendicular distances from a point lines h (x2 – y2) = ( a – b ) xy.
(α, ) to the pair of straight lines ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 0 is 5. Show that the product of the perpendicular distances from a point
| a 2  2h  b 2 | (α, ) to the pair of straight lines ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 0 is
| a 2  2h  b 2 |
( a  b) 2  4h 2
( a  b) 2  4h 2


SUB : Mathematics -IB Weekly Test DATE : 18.08.16 SUB : Mathematics -IB Weekly Test DATE : 18.08.16
SEC : Junior : VIP-A, B Marks: SEC : Junior : VIP-A, B Marks:
I. Answer Any FOUR questions I. Answer Any FOUR questions
1. Find the equations of the straight lines passing through the point (1, 2) 1. Find the equations of the straight lines passing through the point (1, 2)
and making an angle of 60o with the line 3 x + y + 2 = 0 and making an angle of 60o with the line 3 x + y + 2 = 0
2. If p and q are the lengths of the perpendiculars from the origin to the 2. If p and q are the lengths of the perpendiculars from the origin to the
straight lines x sec α + y cosec α = a and x cos α – y sin α = a cos 2 α, straight lines x sec α + y cosec α = a and x cos α – y sin α = a cos 2 α,
prove that 4p2 + q2 = a2 prove that 4p2 + q2 = a2
3. Let the equation ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 0 represent a pair of straight 3. Let the equation ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 0 represent a pair of straight
lines. Then the angle  between the lines is given by lines. Then the angle  between the lines is given by
|ab| |ab|
( a  b) 2  4h 2 ( a  b) 2  4h 2
cos  = cos  =
4. If the equation ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 0 represents a pair of intersecting lines the 4. If the equation ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 0 represents a pair of intersecting lines the
combined equation of the pair of bisectors of the angles between these combined equation of the pair of bisectors of the angles between these
lines h (x2 – y2) = ( a – b ) xy. lines h (x2 – y2) = ( a – b ) xy.
5. Show that the product of the perpendicular distances from a point 5. Show that the product of the perpendicular distances from a point
(α, ) to the pair of straight lines ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 0 is (α, ) to the pair of straight lines ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 0 is
| a 2  2h  b 2 | | a 2  2h  b 2 |
( a  b) 2  4h 2 ( a  b) 2  4h 2


SUB: English Paper- II TERMINAL Date: 20.08.2016
SEC: Seniors CEC Marks: 100
I. Annotate any two of the following in about 10-15 lines each:: 2 x 5 = 10
1. The first thing I have learnt is that we must always begin with our strengths.
2. The important thing is, when you lose, don’t lose the lesson
3. They go out in silly little suits and run Marathon heats before breakfast
4. “I can’t see any point in learning dates. One can always look them up in a book.”
II. Annotate any two OF the following in about 10-15 lines each: 2 x 5 = 10
1. So with this equipment they all began so start from the top and say ‘I can ‘.
2. You are the handicap you must face, you are the one who must choose your place
3. And they would play hide-and-go-seek.
4. I’ve seen the wonders of the world not yet one common man.
III. Answer any two of the following in about 10-15 lines each: 2 x 5 = 10
1. Discuss briefly the lessons that Azim Premji recounts in the eassy “ Respond instead
of Reacting “.
2. ‘Eat right, exercise regularly , die anyway’ why do you think Leacock feels that one
shouldn’t be a health m aniac?
3. What made Einstein unhappy at School?
4. How does the newspaper vendor prove that one must have faith in one’s own ideas
even if everyone else tells us that we are wrong?
IV. Answer any two of the following in about 10-15 lines each: 2 x 5 = 10
1. “Belief is the ignition switch that gets you off the launching pad”. Discuss this
statement in the light of the poem “Equipment”.
2. Describe the relationship between man and nature as described in the poem :
”The Giving Tree”.
3. We all belong to one race in the world ‘namely’ the human race. How does the poet Tomorrow is your birthday. Invite your teacher to your birthday
Maya Argetoo Justify this statement in the poem ‘Human Family’? party. Write a dialogue between you and your teacher
4. ‘The Giving Tree’ is a celebration of unconditional love. Illustrate.

VI. Read the following Passage carefully and answer the question that follows:-
XV. Read the following passage make notes 1x5=5
VII. Read the following Passage carefully and answer the question that follows:-

VIII. Read the following advertisement carefully and answer the questions 5x1=5

XVI. Match the words in column ‘A’ with their meanings in column ‘B’ 1x5=5

IX. Read the following table carefully and answer the questions that follow:
XVII. Mark the stress for any five of the following words:- 5x1=5


X. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper complaining about the bad roads in your SUB : Mathematics -IIB Weekly Test DATE : 19.08.16
locality 1x5=5 SEC : Senior : VIP Marks: 25
I. Answer the following questions 2x2=4
Write a letter to your father requesting him to allow you to go on a Picnic with your 2
 1  x dx
1. Evaluate the definite integral 0

XI. Write a short paragraph of about 8 lines, describe your daily routine 1x5=5 2
sin 5 x
Write a short paragraph of about 8 lines, describing the process of getting  sin 5 x  cos5 x
adrivers licence 2. Evaluate the integral 0

XII. Prepare a curriculum vitae based on the information given below:- . 1x5=5 II. Answer any THREE of the following questions 3 x7 = 21
(OR) 

K.Prameela – aged 23years – B.SC (chemistry) – good communication skills in x sin x 4
sin x  cos x
English – Degree from St. Pious Degree college, Seconderabad – Intermediate with  sin x  1
dx  9  16sin 2 x
M.P.C – 84%. Keys Jr College, seconderabad worked as Lab Assistant in analytical 3. Evaluate 0 4. Evaluate 0
laboratory in Nacharam for two years. Present Address: 2 – 3 – 157, st. No:4, 1
Domalguda, Hyderabad. 2
x sin 1 x
log(1  x)
XIII Fill in the form based on the following information :- 1x5=5
 1  x2
dx  1  x2
5. Evaluate 0 6. . Evaluate 0

XIV Write a dialogue between you and your friend on the first day at
(OR) SUB : Mathematics -IIB Weekly Test DATE : 19.08.16
SEC : Senior : VIP Marks: 25 SEC : Senior : VIP Marks: 25
I. Answer the following questions 2x2=4 I. Answer the following questions 2x2=4
2 2

 1  x dx  1  x dx
1. Evaluate the definite integral 0 1. Evaluate the definite integral 0
 
sin 5 x 2
sin 5 x
 sin 5 x  cos 5 x
dx  sin 5 x  cos5 x
2. Evaluate the integral 0 2. Evaluate the integral 0

II. Answer any THREE of the following questions 3 x7 = 21 II. Answer any THREE of the following questions 3 x7 = 21
 
 
x sin x 4
sin x  cos x x sin x 4
sin x  cos x
 sin x  1
dx  9  16sin 2 x
dx  sin x  1
dx  9  16sin 2 x
3. Evaluate 0 4. Evaluate 0 3. Evaluate 0 4. Evaluate 0
1 1
1 1
x sin 1 x log(1  x) 2
x sin 1 x log(1  x)
 1  x2
dx  1  x2
dx  1  x2
dx  1  x2
5. Evaluate 0 6. . Evaluate 0 5. Evaluate 0 6. . Evaluate 0
SUB : Mathematics -IIB Weekly Test DATE : 19.08.16 1. Two unlike charges attract each other with a force of 10N. If the
SEC : Senior : VIP Marks: 25 distance between them is doubled, the force between them is
I. Answer the following questions 2x2=4 1) 40N 2) 20N 3) 5N 4) 2.5N
2. A charge Q is divided into two parts q1 and q2 such that they
 1  x dx experience maximum force of repulsion when separated by certain
1. Evaluate the definite integral 0
distance. The ratio of Q, q1 and q2 is

1) 1 : 1 : 2 2) 1 : 2 : 2 3) 2 : 2 : 1 4) 2 : 1 : 1
sin 5 x
 sin 5 x  cos 5 x
dx 3. A charged spherical conductor has a surface charge density of 0.7
c/m2. When its charge is increased by 0.44C, the charge density
2. Evaluate the integral 0
changes by 0.14C/m2. the radius of the sphere is
II. Answer any THREE of the following questions 3 x7 = 21 1) 5 cm 2) 1 0 m 3) 0.5 m 4) 5 m
 4. Two charges of +200C and -200C are placed at the corners B and

x sin x 4
sin x  cos x C or an equilateral triangle ABC of side 0.1m. the force on a charge
 sin x  1
dx  9  16sin 2 x
dx of 5C placed A is
3. Evaluate 0 4. Evaluate 0
1 1) 1800 N 2) 1200 3 N 3) 600 3 N 4) 900N
x sin 1 x log(1  x) 5. A charge of 5 C is placed at the centre of a spherical Gaussian surface
 1  x2
dx  1  x2
dx 1
5. Evaluate 0 6. . Evaluate 0  2neE  2 1
 
of radius 5 cm. the electric flux through the surface is  4 g   0
times of
1) 0.1 N-m2/C 2) 0.5 N-m2/C 3) 1 N-m2/C 4)5 N-m2/C
6. In a region where intensity of electric field is 5 Nc-1, 40 lines of
SUB : Mathematics -IIB Weekly Test DATE : 19.08.16
electric force are crossing per square metre. The number of lines 1) 2500 Volt 2) 900 Volt 3) 1800 Volt 4) -900 Volt
crossing per square metre where intensity of electric field is 10 NC-1 13. Twenty seven identical mercury drops each charged to 10V, are
will be allowed to form a big drop. The potential of the big drop is
1) 20 2) 80 3) 100 4) 200 1) 90 V 2) 9 V 3) 900 V 270 V
7. 14. Charges +50, +20, +30 and -100 nano coulomb are placed at the four
corners of a square of side 5 2 cm. The potential at the
intersection of diagonals
1) 1.8 2 x 104 V 2) 3.6 x 104 V 3) 1.8 x 104 V 4) zero
15 The potential at the origin is zero due to electric field
E = 20i+30jNC-1. The potential at poit P (2m, 2m) is
1) 100V 2) 50 V 3) -100V 4) -50V


8. There are n electrons of charge e in a drop of oil of density  . It is in SUB: English Paper- I Weekly Test Date: 20.08.2016
equilibrium in an electric field E. Then the radius of drop is SEC: Juniors Marks: 25
1 1 1 1 I. Answer the following question in about 25-30 lines : 1x8=8
 2neE  2  neE  2  3neE  3  2neE  3
        a) Datta found a solution to his problem . Did it really work for him?
1)  4 g  2)   g  3)  4 g  4)   g  Justify your answer.
II Fill in the blanks with a, an or the :- 6x1/2=3
a) My heart is like --------------- apple tree b) I wandered lonely as ----------- cloud
c) ---------------weather is nice d) Sam was ----------------accountant
e) I am looking for ---------bungalow. F) The laboratory is on ---------floor
III Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions:- 6x1/2=3
a) Exercise is good --------------health b) She cut the fruit--------- a knife
10. c) Mr. Shastri knows Hindi --------Telugu d) He goes to college --------------foot
e) she died ----------Cholera f) The train leaves ----------7 ‘O’ clock.
IV. Fill in the blanks with suitable forms of the verbs given in brackets:-5x1=5
a) He ------- a lot of work in the house (do) b) Lakshmi -----the clothes now (wash)
c) They -------this house Since 2010(build) d) Hindi -------in India (Speak)
11. Two capacitors of capacities 1 F and CF are connected in series e) He --------Just --------(go) out
and the combination is charged to a potential difference of 120V. If V. Correct the following Sentences:- 3x1=3
the change on the combition is 80C, the energy stored in the
a) These all books are interesting b) Anil lent Surya rupees twenty
capacitor C in microjoules is:
1) 1800 2) 1600 3) 14400 4) 7200 c) The platinum is a very expensive metal.
12. Two charges q1 = 12 x 10-9C and q2 = 12 x 10-9C are placed 10cm V. Complete the following dialogue:- 1x3=3
apart. The potential at a point 6cm from q1 on the line joining the Shopkeeper : Good Morning, Sir -----------(1)
two charges
Customer : Do you ----------(2)------------
Shopkeeper : we have Several types of water purifiers and filters. Customer : Yes, I will -------- (3)------------- and decide ------------(4)---------
Customer : Yes, I will -------- (3)------------- and decide ------------(4)---------


SUB : PHYSICS EAMCET Test-1 DATE : 20.08.16
1. A bucket filled with water having a mass of 15kg is raised from a well
of depth 12m with the help of a rope. If the work done to do so is
2160j, the linear density of the rope is (g =10ms-2)
1) 0.2kg/m 2) 0.1kg/m 3) 1 kg/m 4) 0.5kg/m

2. The area under a force – ‘displacement’ curve gives:

1) impulse 2) Power 3) Work 4) Time
SUB: English Paper- I Weekly Test Date: 20.08.2016 3. A body is in motion and it is stopped by applying retarding force.
Initial speed magnitude of force applied are as given below
SEC: Juniors Marks: 25 Speed Force
I. Answer the following question in about 25-30 lines : 1x8=8 1. V F
2. 2V F/2
a) Datta found a solution to his problem . Did it really work for him? 3. V/2 2F
Justify your answer. If S1, S2, S3 are the distances traveled before coming to rest those can be arranged
II Fill in the blanks with a, an or the :- 6x1/2=3 in a ascending order as given below
1) S1, S2, S3 2) S3, S2, S1 3) S2, S1, S3 4) S3, S1, S2
a) My heart is like --------------- apple tree b) I wandered lonely as ----------- cloud
c) ---------------weather is nice d) Sam was ----------------accountant 4. A body of mass 12 kg is at the bottom of a lake of depth 5m. If the work
done in raising the body to the water surface is 350 J, the specific gravity of
e) I am looking for ---------bungalow. F) The laboratory is on ---------floor
the body is
III Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions:- 6x1/2=3 1) 1 .2 2) 4 . 8 3) 2 . 1 4) 2 . 4
a) Exercise is good --------------health b) She cut the fruit--------- a knife
5. A block of mass ‘m’ is lowered with the help of a rope of negligible mass
c) Mr. Shastri knows Hindi --------Telugu d) He goes to college --------------foot
through a distance ‘d’ with an acceleration of g/3, work done by the rope on
e) she died ----------Cholera f) The train leaves ----------7 ‘O’ clock. the block is
IV. Fill in the blanks with suitable forms of the verbs given in brackets:-5x1=5 2 Mgd 2 Mgd Mgd Mgd
a) He ------- a lot of work in the house (do) b) Lakshmi -----the clothes now (wash) 1) 3 2) - 3 3) 3 4) - 3
c) They -------this house Since 2010(build) d) Hindi -------in India (Speak)
6. A force of (4x2 + 3x) N acts on a practical which displaces it from x =
e) He --------Just --------(go) out
2m to x = 3m. the work done by the force is
V. Correct the following Sentences:- 3x1=3 1) 32.8J 2) 3.28J 3) 0.328J 4) zero
a) These all books are interesting b) Anil lent Surya rupees twenty
7. A force F = 5i - 3j + 2k moves a particle from r 1 = 2i + 7j + 4k to
c) The platinum is a very expensive metal.
R2 = 5i + 2j + 8k then work done is
V. Complete the following dialogue:- 1x3=3 1) 48 units 2) 32 units 3) 38 units 4) 24 units
Shopkeeper : Good Morning, Sir -----------(1)
8. A body of mass 5kg has linear momentum of 20kgm/s. If a constant force of
Customer : Do you ----------(2)------------ 5N acts on it in the direction of its motion for 10s. The change in kinetic
Shopkeeper : we have Several types of water purifiers and filters. energy of the body is
1) 320J 2) 600J 3) 200J 4) 450J 3) 2000J – 9000J 4) 4000 J – 6000J

18. With the application of a force of 20N, the momentum of a body of

9. A uniform chain of length 2 m is kept on a table such that a length of 60 cm mass 2Kg changes from 16kg ms-1 to 24 kg ms-1. Then,
hangs freely from the edge of the table. The total mass of the chain is 4 kg. 1) Time of application of force is 4s
What is the work done in pulling the entire chain on to the table?
2) Displacement of the body during this change is 8m
( g = 10m/s2 )
1) 7.2j 2) 3.6j 3) 120J 4) 1200J 3) Work done by the force is, 80J
4) Change in kinetic energy is 320J
10. A person of mass 50 kg carrying a load of 20kg walks up a staircase. If the
width and height of each step are 0.25m and 0.2m respectively, the work
done by the man in walking up 20 steps is, ( g = 100ms-2)
1) 1400J 2) 800J 3) 2000J 4) 2800J 19. If the kinetic energy of a body increases by 125% the percentage
increase in its momentum is
11. A simple pendulum is swinging in a vertical plane. The ratio of its potential 1) 50% 2) 62.5% 3) 250% 4) 200%
energies when it is making angles 30o and 60o with the vertical is
1) 1 : (2- 3 ) 2) (2 - 3 ):1 3) 1 : 2 4) 2 : 1 20. The kinetic energy of a body is ‘K’ If one fourth of its mass is
removed and velocity is doubled, its new kinetic energy is,
12 When a spring is compressed by 3cm, the potential energy stored in it is U. 1) K 2) 3 K 3) 4 K 4) 9K / 4
When it is compressed further by 3cm, the increase in potential energy is,
1) 4 U 2) U 3) 2 U 4) 3 U

13. A body of mass 5kg moving along a straight line is accelerated from 4ms -1
To 8ms-1 with the application of a force of 10N in the same direction.
1) Work done by the force is 120J
2) Displacement of the body is 12m
3) Time for the change in velocity is 2s 4) All the above

14. A body of mass 5kg at rest is acted upon by two mutually

perpendicular forces 6N and 8N simultaneously. Its kinetic energy
after 10s is,
1) 100 J 2) 200 J 3) 500 J 4) 1000 J
15. Under the action of a force a 2Kg body moves such that its position
‘x’ in meters as a fuction of time ‘t’in seconds given by:x = t2/2.
The work done by the force in the first 5 seconds is
1) 2.5 J 2) 0.25 J 3) 25 J 4) 250 J

17. The mass of an athlete is 40kg. He can cover a distance of 150m in

maximum of 15 sec and minimum of 10 sec then the range of his
kinetic energy is
1) 2000J – 4500J 2) 4500J – 9000J
2. What are regulators & conformers?
3. What is BOD? Bilogical magnification?
4. What is zone of compensation in an aquatic Ecosystem?
5. What is cyclomorphosis? Explain its importance in Daphnia?
6. Distinguish between phototaxis and photokinesis?
7. What is camouflage? Give its significance?
8. Distinguish between lentic and logic habitats
9. What are circadian rhythms?
10. What is photoperiodism?
II. Answer any SIX of the following questions 6x4=24
11. What is summer stratification?
12. Compare fresh water and marine water adaptations?
13. Describe Green house effect
14. Explain different types of aquatic Ecosystems
15. Discuss competitive release
16. How do predators act as biological control?
17. Write note on a) Eutrophication b) Biomagnification
c) Algal blooming
18. Discuss the causes and effects of Global warming? What measures
need to be takes to control Global warming?
III. Answer any two of the following 2x8=16
19. Write an essay on temperature as an ecological factor?
20. Write an essay on water as an ecological factor?
21. What are the causes of water pollution and suggest measures for
control of water pollution?


SUB : ZOOLOGY Monthly Test DATE : 22.08.16
SUB : ZOOLOGY Monthly Test DATE : 22.08.16
SEC : Juniors: BiPC Marks:60
SEC : Juniors: BiPC Marks:60
I. Answer all of the following questions 2 x 10 = 20
I. Answer all of the following questions 2 x 10 = 20
1. Distinguish between Ecosystem and biome?
1. Distinguish between Ecosystem and biome?
2. What are regulators & conformers?
3. What is BOD? Bilogical magnification? 3. What is adsorption Isotherm? Write the Equation of freundlich
adsorption Isotherm?
4. What is zone of compensation in an aquatic Ecosystem?
4. What are Enzyme? What is their role in human body ?
5. What is cyclomorphosis? Explain its importance in Daphnia? 5. What is critical micelle concentration (CMC) and Kraft temperature
6. Distinguish between phototaxis and photokinesis?
6. What is the role of depressant in froth floatation process?
7. What is camouflage? Give its significance? 7. Explain Poling?
8. Describe a method for the refining of nickel?
8. Distinguish between lentic and logic habitats
9. Explain the terms gangue & Slag?
9. What are circadian rhythms? 10 Why is Zinc not Extracted from Zinc Oxide through reduction
using CO ?
10. What is photoperiodism?
II. Answer any SIX of the following questions 6x4=24
II. Answer any SIX of the following questions 6x4=24
11 What are different types of adsorption? Give any four differences
11. What is summer stratification? between characteristics of these different types?
12. Give brief account of mechanism of enzyme catalysis with suitable
12. Compare fresh water and marine water adaptations?
13. Describe Green house effect 13. Describe the purification of colloidal Solutions by the Phenomenon
of dialysis with a neat diagram?
14. Explain different types of aquatic Ecosystems
14. Describe Cottrell smoke precipitator with a neat diagram?
15. Discuss competitive release 15. Explain Zone refining?
16. Giving Examples to differentiate roasting and Calcination?
16. How do predators act as biological control?
17. Explain the Extraction of Zinc from Zinc blende?
17. Write note on a) Eutrophication b) Biomagnification 18. Write down the chemical reactions taking place in different zones in
the blast furnace during the extraction of iron
c) Algal blooming
III. Answer any two of the following 2x8=16
18. Discuss the causes and effects of Global warming? What measures
19. Discuss the Extraction of copper from Copper Pyrites?
need to be takes to control Global warming? 20. a) Explain the Purification of Sulphide ores by froth
floatation method?
III. Answer any two of the following 2x8=16
b) Explain the process of leaching of alumina from bauxite?
19. Write an essay on temperature as an ecological factor? 21. Explain the following terms
20. Write an essay on water as an ecological factor? i) Electrophoresis ii) Coagulation iii) Tyndall effect
21. What are the causes of water pollution and suggest measures for
control of water pollution?


SUB : CHEMISTRY Monthly Test DATE : 22.08.16
SUB : CHEMISTRY Monthly Test DATE : 22.08.16
SEC : Seniors: M P C & BiPC Marks:60
SEC : Seniors: M P C & BiPC Marks:60
I. Answer all of the following questions 2 x 10 = 20
I. Answer all of the following questions 2 x 10 = 20
1. Among adsorption, absorption which is a surface phenomena and why?
1. Among adsorption, absorption which is a surface phenomena and why?
2.The critical temperature SO2 is 630K and that of CH4 is 190K which
2.The critical temperature SO2 is 630K and that of CH4 is 190K which
is adsorbed easily on activated char coal? Why?
is adsorbed easily on activated char coal? Why?
3. What is adsorption Isotherm? Write the Equation of freundlich
adsorption Isotherm? Making non zero intercepts whose sum is zero
4. What are Enzyme? What is their role in human body ? 4. Transform the equation x + y + 1 = 0 into normal form
5. What is critical micelle concentration (CMC) and Kraft temperature 5. Find the value of p, if the following lines are concurrent
(TK)? 4x – 3y – 7 = 0, 2x + py + 2 = 0, 6x + 5y – 1 = 0
6. What is the role of depressant in froth floatation process? 6. Find the value of p, if the straight lines 3x+7y –1=0 and 7x– py +3 = 0
7. Explain Poling? are mutually perpendicular
8. Describe a method for the refining of nickel? 7. Find the distance between the parallel straight lines 3x + 4y – 3 = 0
9. Explain the terms gangue & Slag? and 6x + 8y – 1 = 0
10 Why is Zinc not Extracted from Zinc Oxide through reduction 8. Find the in centre of the triangle formed by the lines x=1 , y = 1 and
using CO ? x+y =1.
II. Answer any SIX of the following questions 6x4=24 9. Find the values of k, if the angle between the straight lines
kx + y + 9=0and 3x – y + 4 = 0 is /4
11 What are different types of adsorption? Give any four differences
between characteristics of these different types? x y x y
  1 and   1,
12. Give brief account of mechanism of enzyme catalysis with suitable 10. If  is the angle between the lines a b b a find the
diagrams? value of sin  when a > b.
13. Describe the purification of colloidal Solutions by the Phenomenon II. Answer ANY FIVE of the following Questions: 5x4=20
of dialysis with a neat diagram? 11. The ends of the hypotenuse of a right angled triangle are (0, 6) and
14. Describe Cottrell smoke precipitator with a neat diagram?
15. Explain Zone refining? ( 6, 0). Find the equation of the locus of its third vertex.
16. Giving Examples to differentiate roasting and Calcination? 12. A (5, 3) and B (3, -2) are two fixed points. Find the equation of the
17. Explain the Extraction of Zinc from Zinc blende?
18. Write down the chemical reactions taking place in different zones in locus of P, so that the area of triangle PAB is 9.
the blast furnace during the extraction of iron 13. Show that the axes are to be rotated thorough an angle of
III. Answer any two of the following 2x8=16
1  2h 
19. Discuss the Extraction of copper from Copper Pyrites? Tan 1  
2  a  b  so as to remove the xy term from the equation
20. a) Explain the Purification of Sulphide ores by froth
floatation method? ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 0, If a  b and through the angle /4, if a = b.
b) Explain the process of leaching of alumina from bauxite? 14. When the axes are rotated through an angle 45o, the transformed
21. Explain the following terms equation of a curve is 17x2 – 16xy + 17y2 = 225, Find the original
i) Electrophoresis ii) Coagulation iii) Tyndall effect
equation of the curve

VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR 15. If 3a + 2b + 4c = 0, then show that the equation ax + by + c = 0
SUB : Mathematics –I B Monthly Test Dt : 22.08.16
SEC: Jr. VIP-A, B, VEP-1,2 & VCP Marks : 75 represents a family of concurrent straight lines and find the point of
I. Answer ALL the following Questions: 10x2=20 concurrency
1. If the area of the triangle formed by the straight lines x = 0, y = 0 and
3x +4y = a (a>0) is 6, find the value of a 16. Find the equations of the straight lines passing through the point
2. Find the value of x, if the slope of the line passing through (2, 5) and (-10, 4) and making an angle  with the line x – 2y = 10 such that
(x,3) is 2. tan  = 2
3. Find the equation of the Straight line passing through (-2, 4) and 17. Find the circumcenter of the triangle whose vertices are
(1, 3), (-3, 5) and (5, 1) cos 9o  sin 9o
III.Answer ANY FIVE of the following Questions: 5x7=35  cot 36o
4. Prove that cos 9  sin 9
o o

18. A straight line through Q ( 3 , 2) makes and angle /6 with the with
5. Find the range of 13cos x +3 3 sinx - 4
the positive direction of the X-axis. If the straight line intersects the II Answer any 3 of the following 3x5=15
6. Sketch the region enclosed by y = sin x, y = cos x and X-axis in the
line 3 x – 4y + 8 = 0 at P, find the distance PQ. interval [ 0, ].
7 If A + B , A are acute angles such that sin ( A + B) = 24/25 and tan A = ¾,
19. If Q(h, k) is the foot of the perpendicular from P(x1, y1) w.r.t the then find the value of cos B
straight line ax+ by + c=0, then prove that 8. If tan ( α - ) = 7/24 and tan α = 4/3, where α and are in the first
Quadrant prove that α +  = /2
h  x1 k  y1 (ax1  by1  c) 9. If A + B = /4, then P . T. ( 1 + tan A) (1 +tan B ) = 2
a = b = a 2  b2 Find the foot of the
perpendicular from (-1,3) on the straight line 5x – y -18=0 VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR
20. Find the area of the parallelogram whose sides are 3x + 4y + 5 = 0, Mathematics -IA Weekly Test DATE : 23.08.16
SEC : Junior : M P C Marks: 25
3x + 4y – 2 = 0, 2x +3y +1 = 0 and 2x + 3y – 7 = 0 I. Answer the following 5 x 2 = 10
21. Find the equations of the straight lines passing through the point 1. Find the period of tan ( x + 4x + 9x + -- - - - + n2 x) (n any positive integer ) 2.
Find the cosine function whose period is 7
(-3, 2) and making an angle of 45o with the straight line 3x – y + 4 = 0 0 0
3 1
 1 2 1
22. Find the orthocenter of the triangle with the following vertices  52   sin  22  
3. Prove that sin2  2   2 4 2
(5, -2), (-1, 2) and (1, 4) cos 9o  sin 9o
 cot 36o
4. Prove that cos 9  sin 9
o o
23. Find the orthocenter of the triangle formed by the lines
x + 2y = 0, 4x + 3y – 5 = 0 and 3x + y = 0 5. Find the range of 13cos x +3 3 sinx - 4
II Answer any 3 of the following 3x5=15
24. If p and q are the lengths of the perpendiculars from the orgin to the 6. Sketch the region enclosed by y = sin x, y = cos x and X-axis in the
straight lines x sec α + y cosec α = a and interval [ 0, ].
7 If A + B , A are acute angles such that sin ( A + B) = 24/25 and tan A = ¾,
x cos α – y sin α = a cos 2α prove that 4p2 + q2 = a2. then find the value of cos B
8. If tan ( α - ) = 7/24 and tan α = 4/3, where α and are in the first
Quadrant prove that α +  = /2
9. If A + B = /4, then P . T. ( 1 + tan A) (1 +tan B ) = 2
Mathematics -IA Weekly Test DATE : 23.08.16
SEC : Junior : M P C Marks: 25
I. Answer the following 5 x 2 = 10
1. Find the period of tan ( x + 4x + 9x + -- - - - + n2 x) (n any positive integer ) 2.
Find the cosine function whose period is 7
0 0
 1 2 1 3 1
 52   sin  22   VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR
3. Prove that sin2  2   2 4 2
Mathematics -IA Weekly Test DATE : 23.08.16
SEC : Junior : M P C Marks: 25
I. Answer the following 5 x 2 = 10 SEC : Junior : M E C Marks: 25
1. Find the period of tan ( x + 4x + 9x + -- - - - + n2 x) (n any positive integer ) 2. I. Answer the following 2 x 5 = 10
Find the cosine function whose period is 7 1. Evaluate cos245o + cos2 135o+cos2 225o + cos2 315o
 1
2 1
3 1 2. If cosec  + cot  = 1 / 3 , find the cos  and determine the quadrant in
 52   sin  22   which  lies
3. Prove that sin2  2   2 4 2
3. Prove that (tan  + sec  - 1) = 1 + Sin 
cos 9o  sin 9o (tan  - sec+1) cos 
 cot 36o
4. Prove that cos 9 o
 sin 9 o 4. Eliminate  from the x = a cos  ; y = b sin3 

5. Find the periods for the tan ( x + 4x + 9x + ……+ n2x)

5. Find the range of 13cos x +3 3 sinx - 4 (n any positive integer)
II Answer any 3 of the following 3x5=15 II Answer any THREE 3x5=15
6. Sketch the region enclosed by y = sin x, y = cos x and X-axis in the 6. If 8 tan A = -15 and 25 sin B = -7 and neigher a nor B is in the fourth
interval [ 0, ]. quadrant, then show that Sin a cos B + cos A sin B = -304/425
7 If A + B , A are acute angles such that sin ( A + B) = 24/25 and tan A = ¾, 7. 3(sin  - cos)4 + 6 (sin + cos)2 + 4 (sin6+cos6) = 13
then find the value of cos B
8. Sketch the graph of the cos 2x in the interval [0, ]
8. If tan ( α - ) = 7/24 and tan α = 4/3, where α and are in the first
9. Sketch the region enclosed by y = sin x, y cos x and X-axis in the
Quadrant prove that α +  = /2
9. If A + B = /4, then P . T. ( 1 + tan A) (1 +tan B ) = 2
interval [ 0, ]


Mathematics -IA Weekly Test DATE : 23.08.16 VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR
SEC : Junior : M P C Marks: 25 Mathematics -IA Weekly Test DATE : 23.08.16
I. Answer the following 5 x 2 = 10 SEC : Junior : M E C Marks: 25
1. Find the period of tan ( x + 4x + 9x + -- - - - + n2 x) (n any positive integer ) 2. I. Answer the following 5x2=10
Find the cosine function whose period is 7 1. If tan  = cos 11 + sin 11 and  is in the third quadrant, find 
0 0
 1 2 1 3 1 Cos 11 - sin 11
 52   sin  22   2. Find the value of tan 20o +tan 40o+√3 tan20o. tan 40o
3. Prove that sin2  2   2 4 2
3. Find the value of cos2 52 ½ o -sin2 =22 1 /2 o
cos 9o  sin 9o 4. Express cos6 A +sin6A in terms of sin 2A
 cot 36o 5. Find the period of 2sin x + 3cosx
4. Prove that cos 9 o
 sin 9 o

4 3
5. Find the range of 13cos x +3 3 sinx - 4 II Answer any THREE of the following 3x5=15
II Answer any 3 of the following 3x5=15 6. If 0 A B = and sin( A+B) = 24/25 and cos (A-B) = 4/5, then find
6. Sketch the region enclosed by y = sin x, y = cos x and X-axis in the 4
interval [ 0, ]. the value of tan 2A.
7 If A + B , A are acute angles such that sin ( A + B) = 24/25 and tan A = ¾, 7. If A-B=3 then S.T. (1-tan A)(1+tanB) =2
then find the value of cos B 4
8. If tan ( α - ) = 7/24 and tan α = 4/3, where α and are in the first 8. S.T. sin 4 (/8)+sin 4 (3/8)+ sin 4(3/8) + sin(5/8)+sin(7/8)=3/2
Quadrant prove that α +  = /2 9. If cos=3/5 and cos =5/13 and ,  are acute angles, then P.T.
9. If A + B = /4, then P . T. ( 1 + tan A) (1 +tan B ) = 2 1. sin 2 -=1/65 2. cos 2 -  = 16/65
2 2


Mathematics -IA Weekly Test DATE : 23.08.16
Mathematics -IA Weekly Test DATE : 23.08.16 SUB : COMMERCE TERMINAL-1 DATE : 24.08.16
SEC : Junior : M E C Marks: 25 SEC : Juniors: CE-2, 3 Marks:100
I. Answer the following 2 x 5 = 10 5x2=10
1. Evaluate cos245o + cos2 135o+cos2 225o + cos2 315o
I. What are the accounting concepts? Explain any three accounting
2. If cosec  + cot  = 1 / 3 , find the cos  and determine the quadrant in
which  lies
2. Explain account rules with examples
3. Prove that (tan  + sec  - 1) = 1 + Sin 
II Answer the following questions 2x10=20
(tan  - sec+1) cos 
3. Book – Keeping 4. Capital 5. Assets 6. Liabilities
4. Eliminate  from the x = a cos3  ; y = b sin3 
7. Drawings 8. Debtors 9. Creditors 10. Purchases
5. Find the periods for the tan ( x + 4x + 9x + ……+ n2x)
11. Sales 12. Accounting
(n any positive integer)
III Answer the following Questions
II Answer any THREE 3x5=15
6. If 8 tan A = -15 and 25 sin B = -7 and neigher a nor B is in the fourth
quadrant, then show that Sin a cos B + cos A sin B = -304/425
7. 3(sin  - cos)4 + 6 (sin + cos)2 + 4 (sin6+cos6) = 13
8. Sketch the graph of the cos 2x in the interval [0, ]
9. Sketch the region enclosed by y = sin x, y cos x and X-axis in the
interval [ 0, ]


Mathematics -IA Weekly Test DATE : 23.08.16
SEC : Junior : M E C Marks: 25
I. Answer the following 2 x 5 = 10
1. Evaluate cos245o + cos2 135o+cos2 225o + cos2 315o
2. If cosec  + cot  = 1 / 3 , find the cos  and determine the quadrant in
which  lies
3. Prove that (tan  + sec  - 1) = 1 + Sin 
(tan  - sec+1) cos 
4. Eliminate  from the x = a cos  ; y = b sin3 

5. Find the periods for the tan ( x + 4x + 9x + ……+ n2x)

(n any positive integer)
II Answer any THREE 3x5=15
6. If 8 tan A = -15 and 25 sin B = -7 and neigher a nor B is in the fourth
quadrant, then show that Sin a cos B + cos A sin B = -304/425
7. 3(sin  - cos)4 + 6 (sin + cos)2 + 4 (sin6+cos6) = 13
8. Sketch the graph of the cos 2x in the interval [0, ]
9. Sketch the region enclosed by y = sin x, y cos x and X-axis in the
interval [ 0, ]
15th Sales through credit card 500
20 Received cheque from Srinivas 1,800
25th Cash withdraw from bank 400
30 Sales through debit card 1,000
31st Paid Salaries 600
8. Prepare Triple column cash book
2007 Sep 1st Cash in hand 4,400
1st Cash at Bank 5,500
2 Cash Sales 3,000
4th Cash received from Raghu 1700 and
Discount 300
7th Paid office expenses 500
10th Deposited Cash into Bank 900
12th Received cheque from Murthy 850
Discount 150
18th Paid to Prasad by cheque 500
Discount 100
20th Cash with draw from bank 800
25th Received Interest 600
28th Paid commission by cheque 300

VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE : : CHITTOOR IV. Answer the following questions 4x5=20
SUB : COMMERCE TERMINAL-1 DATE : 24.08.16 9. Journalise the following transactions
SEC : Juniors: CE-1, Marks:100 2015 Jan 1st Started business with cash 10,000
I. Answer the following question 1x10=10 ,, 3 Purchased from Geetha 5,000
1. Explain Merits and demerits of sole Proprietorship ,, 5th Sold goods for cash 7,000
II. Answer any Four questions from the following 4x5=20 ,, 7 Cash deposited into bank 10,000
2. What is Trade and explain types of Trade ? ,, 9th Wages paid 1,000
3. Explain types of Industries 10. Prepare Sudha account from the following
4. Briefly explain aids to Trade 2014 Sep-1st Amount due from Sudha 4,000
5. What is Business and write its features (characteristics) ,, 4 Goods Sold to by Sudha 5,500
6. Explain Social responsibilities of business ,, 12th Goods returned by Sudha 2,000
II Answer the following Questions 2x10=20 ,, 16th Cash received from Sudha 1,500
7. Prepare three column cash book from the following ,, 22 Received cheque from Sudha 3,000
2014 March1 Cash Balance 8,400 ,, 28th Sudha account settled with 10% discount
1st Bank balance 3,000 11. Enter the following in purchase book and purchase returns book
7 th
Deposited into Bank 2,000 2012 July, 1st Purchased goods from Mohan 8,000
10th Paid to Hari 850 Discount received 50 ,, 5 Purchased goods from Rajesh 6,000
,, 10th Purchased goods from Hari 5,000 are allowed.
,, 12 Returned goods to Rajesh 600
5. Find the number of palindromes with 6 digits that can be formed using
,, 15th Purchase goods from Krishna 4,000
,, 20th Goods returned to Hari 300 the digits 0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8
12. Prepare sales book and sales returned book from the following I. Answer Any THREE Questions 3 x 5 = 15
2013 May 1st Sold goods to Rahul 6,500
,, 3rd Sold goods to Manish 6,000 6. If the letters of the word PRISON are permuted in all possible ways
,, 8th Returned goods by Rahul 700 and the words thus formed are arranged in dictionary order, find the
,, 11 Sold goods to Rajkumar 12,000
,, 14th Sold goods to Bhanu 11,000 rank of the word PRISON.
,, 17 Returned goods From Rajkumar 2,000 7. Find the number of that are greater than 4000 which can be formed
,, 21st Sold goods to Anand 9,000
V. Answer ‘4’ questions from the following 4x5=20 using the digits 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 without repetition
13. Explain functions of accounting 8. Find the sum of all 4 digited numbers that can be formed using the
14. Explain Accounting concepts
15. Difference between book keeping and accounting digits 0, 2, 4,7, 8, without repetition.
16. Types of accounts and write its Principles 9. Find the number of 4 –digit numbers that can be formed using the
VI. Answer any five questions from the following 2x5=10
17. Capital 18. Trade Discount 19. Debit Note digits 1,2,5,6, 7. How many of them are divisible by
20. Invoice 21. Contra entry 22. Leger Posting i) 2 ii) 3 iii) 4
23. Debtors – Creditors 24. Drawings


Mathematics -IIA Weekly Test DATE : 24.08.16
Mathematics -IIA Weekly Test DATE : 24.08.16
SEC : Senior : VIP, VEP-1, 2 Marks: 25
SEC : Senior : VIP, VEP-1, 2 Marks: 25
I. Answer All Questions 5 x 2 = 10
I. Answer All Questions 5 x 2 = 10
1. If 18P(r-1) : 17P (r-1) = 9 :7, find r .
1. If 18P(r-1) : 17P (r-1) = 9 :7, find r .
2. Find the number of ways of arranging the letters of the word
2. Find the number of ways of arranging the letters of the word
TRIANGLE so that the relative positions of the vowels and
TRIANGLE so that the relative positions of the vowels and
consonants are not disturbed.
consonants are not disturbed.
3. Find the number of ways in which 4 letters can be put in a 4 addressed
3. Find the number of ways in which 4 letters can be put in a 4 addressed
envelopes so that no letter goes into the envelope meant for it.
envelopes so that no letter goes into the envelope meant for it.
4. Find the number of 5-letter words that can be formed using the letters
4. Find the number of 5-letter words that can be formed using the letters
of the word MIXTURE which begin with an vowel when repetitions
of the word MIXTURE which begin with an vowel when repetitions
are allowed.
5. Find the number of palindromes with 6 digits that can be formed using Mathematics -IB Weekly Test DATE : 25.08.16
the digits 0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 SEC : Junior : M E C Marks: 25
I. Answer all questions 2x2=4
I. Answer Any THREE Questions 3 x 5 = 15 1. Find the value of k, if the angle between the lines kx + y + 9 = 0 and
6. If the letters of the word PRISON are permuted in all possible ways 3x – y + 4 = 0 is /4
2. Find the value of a if the distances of the points (2, 3) and (-4, a) from the
and the words thus formed are arranged in dictionary order, find the straight line 3x + 4y – 8 = 0 are equal
II Answer any THREE question 3 x 7 = 21
rank of the word PRISON.
7. Find the number of that are greater than 4000 which can be formed 3. Find the equation of the straight lines passing through he point (1, 2) and
using the digits 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 without repetition making an angle of 60o with the line 3 x + y + 2 = 0
4. Find the orthocenter of the triangle with vertices
8. Find the sum of all 4 digited numbers that can be formed using the (-2, -1), (6, -1) and (2, 5)
digits 0, 2, 4,7, 8, without repetition. 5. Find the circumcentre of the triangle whose vertices are (-2, 3) , (2, -1)
And ( 4, 0)
9. Find the number of 4 –digit numbers that can be formed using the 6. If P and q are the lengths of the perpendicular from the origin to the
digits 1,2,5,6, 7. How many of them are divisible by lines x sec α + y cosec α = a and x cos α – y sin α = a cos 2α. Prove
that 4p2 + q2 = a2
i) 2 ii) 3 iii) 4


Mathematics -IB Weekly Test DATE : 25.08.16 Mathematics -IB Weekly Test DATE : 25.08.16
SEC : Junior : M E C Marks: 25 SEC : Junior : M E C Marks: 25
I. Answer all questions 2x2=4 I. Answer all questions 2x2=4
1. Find the value of k, if the angle between the lines kx + y + 9 = 0 and 1. Find the value of k, if the angle between the lines kx + y + 9 = 0 and
3x – y + 4 = 0 is /4 3x – y + 4 = 0 is /4
2. Find the value of a if the distances of the points (2, 3) and (-4, a) from the 2. Find the value of a if the distances of the points (2, 3) and (-4, a) from the
straight line 3x + 4y – 8 = 0 are equal straight line 3x + 4y – 8 = 0 are equal
II Answer any THREE question 3 x 7 = 21 II Answer any THREE question 3 x 7 = 21

3. Find the equation of the straight lines passing through he point (1, 2) and 3. Find the equation of the straight lines passing through he point (1, 2) and
making an angle of 60o with the line 3 x + y + 2 = 0 making an angle of 60o with the line 3 x + y + 2 = 0
4. Find the orthocenter of the triangle with vertices 4. Find the orthocenter of the triangle with vertices
(-2, -1), (6, -1) and (2, 5) (-2, -1), (6, -1) and (2, 5)
5. Find the circumcentre of the triangle whose vertices are (-2, 3) , (2, -1) 5. Find the circumcentre of the triangle whose vertices are (-2, 3) , (2, -1)
And ( 4, 0) And ( 4, 0)
6. If P and q are the lengths of the perpendicular from the origin to the 6. If P and q are the lengths of the perpendicular from the origin to the
lines x sec α + y cosec α = a and x cos α – y sin α = a cos 2α. Prove lines x sec α + y cosec α = a and x cos α – y sin α = a cos 2α. Prove
that 4p2 + q2 = a2 that 4p2 + q2 = a2
VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR Mathematics -IB Weekly Test DATE : 25.08.16
Mathematics -IB Weekly Test DATE : 25.08.16 SEC : Junior : VIP-A Marks: 25
SEC : Junior : M E C Marks: 25 I Answer ANY FOUR
I. Answer all questions 2x2=4 1. Show that the equation of the pair of straight lines passing through the
1. Find the value of k, if the angle between the lines kx + y + 9 = 0 and
3x – y + 4 = 0 is /4 origin and making an angle of 30o with the line 3x – y – 1 = 0 is
2. Find the value of a if the distances of the points (2, 3) and (-4, a) from the 13x2 – 12xy – 3y2 = 0
straight line 3x + 4y – 8 = 0 are equal
II Answer any THREE question 3 x 7 = 21 2. Show that the straight line represented by ( x + 2a)2 - 3y2 = 0

3. Find the equation of the straight lines passing through he point (1, 2) and
and x = a form an equilateral triangle

making an angle of 60o with the line 3 x + y + 2 = 0 3. The adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 2x2 - 5xy + 3y2 = 0 and
4. Find the orthocenter of the triangle with vertices one diagonal is x + y + 2 =0 Find the vertices and the other diagonal
(-2, -1), (6, -1) and (2, 5)
5. Find the circumcentre of the triangle whose vertices are (-2, 3) , (2, -1) 4, Find the centroid and the area of the triangle formed by the following
And ( 4, 0) lines 2y2 – xy – 6x2 = 0, x + y + 4 = 0
6. If P and q are the lengths of the perpendicular from the origin to the 5. Find the equation of the bisector of the acute angle between the lines
lines x sec α + y cosec α = a and x cos α – y sin α = a cos 2α. Prove 3x – 4y + 7 = 0 and 12x + 5y – 2 = 0
that 4p2 + q2 = a2


Mathematics -IB Weekly Test DATE : 25.08.16
SEC : Junior : VIP-A Marks: 25
1. Show that the equation of the pair of straight lines passing through the
origin and making an angle of 30o with the line 3x – y – 1 = 0 is
13x2 – 12xy – 3y2 = 0
2. Show that the straight line represented by ( x + 2a)2 - 3y2 = 0
and x = a form an equilateral triangle
3. The adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 2x2 - 5xy + 3y2 = 0 and
one diagonal is x + y + 2 =0 Find the vertices and the other diagonal
4, Find the centroid and the area of the triangle formed by the following
lines 2y2 – xy – 6x2 = 0, x + y + 4 = 0
5. Find the equation of the bisector of the acute angle between the lines
3x – 4y + 7 = 0 and 12x + 5y – 2 = 0
SUB : PHYSICS I .I .T - Test-1 DATE : 27.08.16
Mathematics -IB Weekly Test DATE : 25.08.16 1. A l kg ball moving at 12ms-1 collides headon with a 2kg ball moving
SEC : Junior : VIP-A Marks: 25 in the opposite direction at 24m/s. If the coefficient of restitutions is
I Answer ANY FOUR 2/3, then energy lost in the collision is
1. Show that the equation of the pair of straight lines passing through the 1) 120 J 2) 240 J 3) 360 J 4) 480 J
origin and making an angle of 30o with the line 3x – y – 1 = 0 is 2. A ball a moving with a certain velocity of collides, with another ball B
of the same mass at rest. If the coefficient of restitution is e, the ratio
13x2 – 12xy – 3y2 = 0 of the velocities of A and B just after the collision is
2. Show that the straight line represented by ( x + 2a)2 - 3y2 = 0 1 e 1 e 1 e 1 e
1) 1  e 2) 2 3) 2 4) 1  e
and x = a form an equilateral triangle
3. The adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 2x2 - 5xy + 3y2 = 0 and
one diagonal is x + y + 2 =0 Find the vertices and the other diagonal
4, Find the centroid and the area of the triangle formed by the following
lines 2y2 – xy – 6x2 = 0, x + y + 4 = 0
5. Find the equation of the bisector of the acute angle between the lines
3x – 4y + 7 = 0 and 12x + 5y – 2 = 0

4. A motor of efficiently 80% draws water from a well of depth 20 m and

fills a talk of dimensions 4m x 3m x 2m is minutes. If the tank is at a
height of 10 m above ground, the power of the motor is
1) 0.3 kw 2) 24kw 3) 120 kw 4) 30 kw
Mathematics -IB Weekly Test DATE : 25.08.16
SEC : Junior : VIP-A Marks: 25 5. Match the following
List – I
a) Impulse b) coefficient of restitution
1. Show that the equation of the pair of straight lines passing through the
c) conservation of momentum 4) conservation of kinetic energy
origin and making an angle of 30o with the line 3x – y – 1 = 0 is List – II
e) elastic collision f) change in momentum
13x2 – 12xy – 3y2 = 0
g) relative velocity of separation/relative velocity h) internal forces
2. Show that the straight line represented by ( x + 2a)2 - 3y2 = 0 1) a-h, b-g, c-f, d-e 2) a-f, b-g, c-h, d-e
3) a-e, b-f, c-g, d-h 4) a-e, b-g, c-f, d-h
and x = a form an equilateral triangle
6. A) When a ball falls on the earth, its momentum is not conserved
3. The adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 2x2 - 5xy + 3y2 = 0 and B) When bullet is fired from a gun, gun moves in the direction of the
one diagonal is x + y + 2 =0 Find the vertices and the other diagonal
C) When a stationary bomb explodes, linear momentum is conserved
4, Find the centroid and the area of the triangle formed by the following 1) A and C are true 2) A & B are true
lines 2y2 – xy – 6x2 = 0, x + y + 4 = 0 3) A, B, C are true 4) A, B, C are false
5. Find the equation of the bisector of the acute angle between the lines 7. The work done in lifting a body of mass 20kg and specific gravity 3.2
3x – 4y + 7 = 0 and 12x + 5y – 2 = 0 to a height of 8 m in water is specific gravity 3.2 to a height of 8m in
water is, (g=10ms-2)
1) 110 J 2) 1600 J 3) 500 J 4) 1100 J
8. n identical cubes each of mass ‘m’ and side ‘l’ are on the horizontal If the width and height of each step are 0.25m and 0.2m respectively
surface. Then the minimum amount of work done to arrange them on the work done by the man in walking up 20 steps is, (g=10ms-2)
the other is 1400J 2) 800J 3) 2000J 4) 2800J
1) nmgl 2) 3) 3
9. A uniform rod of length 2m and mass 5kg is lying on a horizontal
surface. The work done is raising one end of the rod with the other
end in contact with the surface until the rod makes an angle 30o with
the horizontal is, (g=10ms-2 )
1) 125J 2) 50J 3) 25 3 J 4) 50 3 J
10.When a spring is compressed by 3cm, the potential energy stored in
it is U. When it is compressed further by 3cm, the increase in
potential energy is ,
1) 4 U 2) U 3) 2 U 4) 3 U 19. A motor pump lifts water from an average depth of 15m at the rate of
11. A body of mass 5 kg moving along a straight line is accelerated from 5kg per second. If the water is coming out of the pump with a
4ms-1 to 8 ms-1 with the application of a force of 10N in the same velocity of 4 ms-1, the power of the motor is ( g = 10ms-1, the power
direction. Then, of the motor is ( g = 10ms-2)
1) Work done by the force is 120J 20.
2) Displacement of the body is 12m
3) Time for the change in velocity is 2s 4) All the above
12. A body of mass 5kg at rest is acted upon by two mutually
perpendicular forces 6N and 8N simultaneously. Its kinetic energy
after 10s is,
1) 100 J 2) 200 J 3)500 J 4) 1000 J
13. Sand is falling on a conveyor belt at the rate of 5kg-1. The extra
power required to move the belt with a velocity of 16ms-1 is.
1) 30 W 2) 180 W 3) 150 W 4) 1.2 W
14. A machine gun fires 360 bullets per minute. Each bullet moves with 21. When U238 nucleus originally at rest, decays by emitting an alpha
a velocity of 600 ms-1. If the power of the gun is 5.4kw, the mass of particle having a speed u, the recoil speed of the residual nucleus is
each bullet is 4u 4u 4u 4u
1) 5 kg 2) 0.5kg 3) 0.05 kg 4) 4 gm 2)  3) 4) 
1) 238 234 234 238
15. A motor is used to lift water from a well of depth 10m and to fill a
22. A force of ( 5 + 3x) N acting on a body of mass 20kg along the x-
water tank of volume 30m3 in 10 minutes. The tank is at a height of
20m above ground. If 20% of energy’s watered, the power of the
displaces it from x = 2m to x = 6m. The work done by the force is
motor is
1) 20 J 2) 48 J 3) 68 J 4) 86 J
1) 18.75 kW 2) 20 kW 3) 22.5 kW 4) 37.5 kW
23. A body of mass 5kg makes an elastic collision with another body at
16 A ball striking a horizontal plane with velocity v rebounds with
rest and continues to move in the original direction after collision
velocity 256v/625 after 4th collision. The coefficient of restitution is
with a velocity equal . to 1/10th of its original velocity. Then the
1) 0.4 2) 0.6 3) 0.2 4) 0.8
mass of the second body is
1) 4.09 kg 2) 0.5 kg 3) 5 kg 4) 5.09 kg

24. A stationary bomb explodes into two parts of masses in the ratio of
17. A person of mass 50kg carrying a load of 20kg walk up a staircase.
1:3, If the hevier mass moves with a velocity 4 ms-1, what is the SUB : PHYSICS I .I .T - Test-1 DATE : 27.08.16
velocity of lighter part ? SEC : SENIORS :
1) 12 ms-1 opposite to heavier mass
2) 12 ms-1in the direction of heavier mass 21. Two positive charges q1 = 4 x 10-6C and q2 = 9x10-6C are placed
3) 6 ms-1opposite to heavier mass 10cm apart in air. The position of a third charge to be placed
4) 6 ms-1in the direction of heavier mass between them, such that there will be no resultant force on it is
1) 6cm from q1 2) 3 cm from q1 3) 4cm from q1 4) 7 cm from q1
25. The machine gun fires 240 bullets per minute. If the mass of each
bullet is 10 g and the velocity of the bullets is 600 ms-1, the power 22. The number of electrons to be removed from a glass rod in-order that
(in kW) of the gun is it acquires a charge of 1C is
1) 43200 2) 432 3) 72 4) 7.2 1) 6.25x1012 2) 1012 3) 6.25x1013 4) 1013
26. List – I List – II
a) Work e) ML2T-2 23. An electron is placed at the centre of a sphere of radius 0.2 metre
b) Linear momentum f) MLT-1 having a charge 5x10-2 coulomb. The force on the electron is
c) Power g) ML2T-3 1) Zero 2) 11x109 N 3) 22.5 x109 N 4) 2.5x109 N
d) Efficiency of motor) MoLoTo
1) a-e, b-f, c-g, d-h 2) a-f, b-e, c-g, d-h 24. Two unlike charges attract each other with a force of 10N. If the
3) a-g, b-f, c-e, d-h 4) a-h, b-g, c-f, d-e distance between them is doubled, the force between them is
27. List – I List – II 1) 40 N 2) 20N 3) 5 N 4) 2.5 N
1 HP e) 107 ergs-1
25. A charge Q is placed at the corner of a cube. The electric flux
b) 1 K WH f) 1.6 x 10-19 J through all the faces of the cube is
c) 1 eV g) 36 x 105 J Q Q Q Q
d) 1 W h) 746 W
1) a-g, b-h, c-f, d-e 2) a –e, b-f, c-g, d-h 1)  0 2) 6 0 3) 8 0 4) 3 0
2) a-h, b-g, c-f, d-e d) a-e, b-f, c-h, d-g
28. If the momentum of a body decreases by 30% it kinetic energy 26. A charge Q is a divided into two parts q1 and q2 such and they
decreases by experience maximum force of repulsion when separated by certain
distance. The ratio of Q, q1 and q2 is
1) 60% 2) 51% 3) 69% 4) 90%
1) 1 : 1 : 2 2) 1 : 2 : 2 3) 2 : 2 : 1 4) 2 : 1 : 1
29. Two bodies of masses m1 and m2 have equal momentum. Their K.E.
are in the ratio 27. Four point charge of -10-7 C, + 10-7 C, -10-7 and + 2 x -10-7are placed
m2 : m1 respectively at the corners of square ABCD of side length 0.5m.
1) 2) m1 : m2 3) m2 : m1 4) m12 : m22 Find the magnitude of the resultant force on the charge at D.
30. Consider the following statements A and B and identify the correct 1) 65.8 N 2) 65.8 x 10-5 N 3) 65.8 dyne 4) 65.8 x 105 N
A) In an elastic collision, if a body suffers a heat on collision with
another of same mass at rest, the fist body comes to rest while
the other stars moving with the velocity of the first one T
B) Two bodies of equal mass suffering a head on elastic collision
nearly exchanges their velocities
1) Both a and Bare true 2) Both A and B are false
3) A is true and B is false 4) A is false but B is true


SUB: English Paper- II Weekly Test Date: 27.08.2016 SEC: Seniors Marks: 25
SEC: Seniors Marks: 25
I. Annotate any one of the following in 10 – 15 lines each 1x5=15
I. Annotate any one of the following in 10 – 15 lines each 1x5=5 a) “The simplest thing will be for your own accord, and then the question won’t arise
a) “The simplest thing will be for your own accord, and then the question won’t arise b) “I can’t see any point in learning dates. One can always look them up in a book”.
b) “I can’t see any point in learning dates. One can always look them up in a book”. II. Answer any one of the following in 10-15 lines each:- 1x5=5
II. Answer any one of the following in 10-15 lines each:- 1x5=5 a) Did Einstein’s Succeeded in leaving School ? How ?
a) Did Einstein’s Succeeded in leaving School ? How ? b) What were Einstein’s views regarding rote learning? Why is mere rote learning?
b) What were Einstein’s views regarding rote learning? Why is mere rote learning? useless?
useless? III Write a letter to your friend describing the mobile you bought recently1x5=5
III Write a letter to your friend describing the mobile you bought recently1x5=5 (OR)
(OR) Write a letter to the station house officer about a burglary in your house
Write a letter to the station house officer about a burglary in your house
IV. Write a short paragraph of about 8 lines describing briefly how to celebrate a
IV. Write a short paragraph of about 8 lines describing briefly how to celebrate a festival you like most 1x5=5
festival you like most 1x5=5 (OR)
(OR) Write a short paragraph of about 8 lines describing briefly the process of applying
Write a short paragraph of about 8 lines describing briefly the process of applying for a Job
for a Job
V. Fill in the bank deposit form based on the following information: 10x1/2=5
V. Fill in the bank deposit form based on the following information: 10x1/2=5 Credit today an amount of Rs.9500/- ( Rs.500/- notes denomination) in the
Credit today an amount of Rs.9500/- ( Rs.500/- notes denomination) in the savings Account of Mr. Manoj Kumar whose Savings Bank account No.Rs135789 in
savings Account of Mr. Manoj Kumar whose Savings Bank account No.Rs135789 in Andhra Bank , Darga Branch, Chittoor.
Andhra Bank , Darga Branch, Chittoor.
Savings Bank Account Pay in Slip Date:------(1)--
Savings Bank Account Pay in Slip Date:------(1)-- Notes/No Rs ps
Notes/No Rs ps -----(2)----Branch ANDHRA BANK 1000x
-----(2)----Branch ANDHRA BANK 1000x
500x ---(7)--- --(8)-
500x ---(7)--- --(8)- S.B. A/C No:--------------(3)------- Name -------(4)---- 100x
S.B. A/C No:--------------(3)------- Name -------(4)---- 100x
50x Rupees --------(5) -------Only Rs-------------(6)--------- 10x
Rupees --------(5) -------Only Rs-------------(6)--------- 10x
Deposited by --------------(10)-------------- Total:--( 9 )---
Deposited by --------------(10)-------------- Total:--( 9 )---


SUB : PHYSICS Monthly Test DATE : 27.08.16
SUB: English Paper- II Weekly Test Date: 27.08.2016 1. Distinguish between transverse and longitudinal waves? 60x1=60
2. What is the phase difference between the incident and reflected waves when Explain
the wave is reflected by a rigid boundary? 36. There capacitors of capacitances 1 F . 2F and 3 F are connected in
3. What is a stationary or standing wave? parallel
4. What do you understand by the terms ‘node’ and ‘antinode’? a) What is the ratio of charges? B) What is the ratio of pontential differences?
5. What is the distance between a node and antinode in a stationary wave? 37. There capacitors of capacitances 1 F . 2F and 3 F are connected in
6. What is ‘Doppler effect’? Given an example Series a) what is the ratio of charge b) what is the ratio of potential differences
7. What is the phase difference between incident and reflected waves at 38. What happens to the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor if the area of
a) an open end and b) closed end? its plates is doubled.
8. What happens to the fundamental frequency of a stretched string when its 39. The dielectric strength of air is 3 x 106 V / m at certain pressure, a parallel
linear density becomes 1/4th of its initial value? plate capacitor with air in between the plates has a plate separation of 1cm,
9. Define critical angle. Explain total internal reflection using a neat diagram? Can you charge the capacitor to 3x106 V
10. Explain the formation of a rainbow? 40. What are the importance of Oersted’s experiment?
11. Explain the formation of mirage? 41. State ampere’s law and Biot-savart’s law.
12. Define Power of a convex lens. What is its unit? 42 A circular coil of radius ‘r’ having ‘N’ turns carries a current ‘I’. What is its
13. What is dissension? Which co lour gets relatively more dispersed? magnetic moment?
14. What is myopia? How can it be corrected? 43. What is the force on a charged particle of charge ‘q’ moving with a velocity ‘V’ in a
15. Define focal length and radius of curvature of a concave lens uniform magnetic field of induction B? When does it become maximum?
16. What is optical density and how is it different from mass density? 44. What is the force on a conductor of lengh ‘L’ carrying current ‘I’ placed in a
17. What are the laws of reflection through curved mirrors? mgnetic field of induction B ? When does it become maximum?
18. A small angled prism of 4o deviates a ray through 2.48o. Find the refractive 45. Distinguish between ammeter and voltmeter?
indeed of the prism. 46. What is the principle of a moving coil galvanometer?
19. Derive an equation for the couple acting on a electric dipole in a uniform 47. What is the smallest value of current that can be measured with a moving coil
electric field. galvanometer
20. What is meant by the statement ‘charge is quantized’? 48. How do you convert a moving coil galvanometer into an ammeter?
21. Repulsion is the sure test of electrification than attraction. Why? 49. How do you convert a moving coil galvanometer into a voltmeter?
22. How many electrons constitute IC of charge 
23. What happens to the weight of a body when it is charged positively? 50 What is the relation between the permittivity of free space o , the permeability of
24. What happens to the force between two changes if the distance between free space and the speed of light in vacuum?
them is a) halved b) doubled 51. What does a wave represent
25. The electric lines of force do not intersect why? 52). What is the Principle of superposition of waves?
26. Consider two charges +q and =q placed at B and C of an equilateral triangle 53) Under what conditions will a wave be reflected?
ABC. For this system, the total charge is zero. But the electric field 54) What is the distance between a mode and an antinode in a stationary wave?
(intensity) at A which is equidistant from B and C is not zero. Why? 55) What are harmonics ?
27. Electrostatic field lines of force do not form closed loops. If they form 56) What are ‘beats’?
closed loops then the work done in moving a charge along a closed path 57) What is myopia ? How can it be corrected?
will not be zero. From the above two statements can you guess the nature 58) What is hypermetropia ? How can it be corrected ?
of electrostatic force? electrostatics 59) A circular coil of radius r having N turns carries a current i. What is its magnetic
28. State Gauss’s law in electrostatics moment ?
29. When will be the electric flux negative? And when is it Positive 60) Three identical resistor s are connected in parallel and total resistance of circuit is
30. Write the expression for electric intensity due to infinite long charge due to R/3. Find the value of each resistance
infinite long charged wire, at a radial distancer from the wire 61) Calculate the potential at a point P due to a charge of 4 x10-7 C located 9 cm away.
31. Write the expression for electric intensity due to a charged conducting
spherical shell at points outside and inside the shell.
32. Can there be electric potential at a point with zero electric intensity? Give
an example


33. Can there be electric intensity at a point with zero electric potential?
Give an Example.
SUB : chemistry Monthly Test DATE : 29.08.16
34. What are meant by equipotential surfaces? SEC : Juniors: M P C & BiPC Marks:60
35. Why is the electric field always at right angles to the equipotential surface? SECTION - A
I Answer all of the following questions 10x2=20 1.Name the different intermolecular forces experienced by the molecules of a
1.Name the different intermolecular forces experienced by the molecules of a gas?
gas? 2. What are STP conditions ?
2. What are STP conditions ?
3. Give the values of gas constant in different units ?
3. Give the values of gas constant in different units ?
4. How many times methane diffuses faster than Sulphur dioxide?
4. How many times methane diffuses faster than Sulphur dioxide?
5. What is Botzmann’s constant ? Give its value.
5. What is Botzmann’s constant ? Give its value.
6. Give the ratio of RMS, average and most probable speed of a gas molecules ?
6. Give the ratio of RMS, average and most probable speed of a gas molecules ?
7. What is compressibility factor ?
7. What is compressibility factor ? 8. What is critical temperature? Give its for CO 2.
8. What is critical temperature? Give its for CO 2. 9. What are normal and standard boiling points? Give their values for H 2O
9. What are normal and standard boiling points? Give their values for H 2O 10. What is Surface tension ? How does it vary with temperature.
10. What is Surface tension ? How does it vary with temperature. SECTION - B
SECTION - B II .Answer any Six of the following questions 6x4=24
II .Answer any Six of the following questions 6x4=24 11. Write the postulates of kinetic molecular theory of gases.
11. Write the postulates of kinetic molecular theory of gases. 12. State and explain Dalton’s Law of Partial pressures
12. State and explain Dalton’s Law of Partial pressures 13. Deduce (a) Boyle’s Law b) Graham’s Law from Kinetic gas Equation
13. Deduce (a) Boyle’s Law b) Graham’s Law from Kinetic gas Equation 14. Write Vanderwaal’s equation of State ? Explain the physical significance of
14. Write Vanderwaal’s equation of State ? Explain the physical significance of vanderwaal parameters?
vanderwaal parameters? 15. Write note on the following properties of liquids
15. Write note on the following properties of liquids a) Vapour Pressure b) Viscosity
a) Vapour Pressure b) Viscosity 16. Write a short note on London dispersion forces?
16. Write a short note on London dispersion forces? 17. Derive an expression for Kinetic energy of gas molecules? Calculate the
17. Derive an expression for Kinetic energy of gas molecules? Calculate the Kinetic energy of 5 moles of Nitrogen at 27oC
Kinetic energy of 5 moles of Nitrogen at 27oC 18. 360cm3 of CH4 gas diffused through a porous membrane in 15 minutes.
18. 360cm3 of CH4 gas diffused through a porous membrane in 15 minutes. Under similar conditions 120cm3 of another gas diffused in 10 minutes.
Under similar conditions 120cm3 of another gas diffused in 10 minutes. Find the molar mass of the gas?
Find the molar mass of the gas? SECTION - C
SECTION - C III Answer any two of the following 2x8=16
III Answer any two of the following 2x8=16 19. Explain the following
19. Explain the following
a) Planck’s quantum theory b) Photoelectric Effct
a) Planck’s quantum theory b) Photoelectric Effct
20. What are the postulates of Bohr’s model of atom? Discuss the importance
20. What are the postulates of Bohr’s model of atom? Discuss the importance
of this model to explain various series of line spectra in huydrogen atom.
of this model to explain various series of line spectra in huydrogen atom.
21. Define atomic orbital. Explain the shapes of s, p and d – orbitals with the
21. Define atomic orbital. Explain the shapes of s, p and d – orbitals with the
help of diagrams.
help of diagrams.


SUB : chemistry Monthly Test DATE : 29.08.16 Mathematics -IA Weekly Test DATE :30.08.16
SEC : Juniors: M P C & BiPC Marks:60 SEC : Junior : M P C Marks: 25
I Answer the following 5x2=10
1. Express cos A + sin A interms of Sin2A.
I Answer all of the following questions 10x2=20
2. Find the extreme values of cos2x+cos2x 1. Express cos6A + sin6A interms of Sin2A.
3. If cos = -5/13 and /2 <  < , find the value of Sin2 2. Find the extreme values of cos2x+cos2x
4. For what value of A in the first quadrant, the expression 3. If cos = -5/13 and /2 <  < , find the value of Sin2
cot 3 A  3cot A 1 3 4. For what value of A in the first quadrant, the expression
 4 cot 3 A  3cot A 1 3
3cot 2 A  1 is positive ? 0
5. P.T. Sin10 cos10
 4
II Answer any 3 of the following 3x5=15 3cot 2 A  1 is positive ? 0
5. P.T. Sin10 cos10

 II Answer any 3 of the following 3x5=15

2  2  2  2 cos 4  2 cos( ) 
6. If 0 <  < /8, S.T. 2 2  2  2  2 cos 4  2 cos( )
7. If 180o <  < 270o and sin  = -4/5 calculate sin (/2)and cos (/2) 6. If 0 <  < /8, S.T. 2
8. If A is not an integral multiple of , 7. If 180o <  < 270o and sin  = -4/5 calculate sin (/2)and cos (/2)
sin16 A 8. If A is not an integral multiple of ,
sin16 A
P.T.Cos A . Cos2 A cos4 A . cos8A = 16sin A
 3 5 7 3 P.T.Cos A . Cos2 A cos4 A . cos8A = 16sin A
Sin 4  sin 4 ( )  sin 4 ( )  sin 4 ( )   3 5 7 3
9. P.T. sin4 8 8 8 8 2 Sin 4  sin 4 ( )  sin 4 ( )  sin 4 ( ) 
9. P.T. sin4 8 8 8 8 2


Mathematics -IA Weekly Test DATE :30.08.16 VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR
SEC : Junior : M P C Marks: 25 Mathematics -IA Weekly Test DATE :30.08.16
I Answer the following 5x2=10 SEC : Junior : M P C Marks: 25
1. Express cos6A + sin6A interms of Sin2A. I Answer the following 5x2=10
2. Find the extreme values of cos2x+cos2x 1. Express cos6A + sin6A interms of Sin2A.
3. If cos = -5/13 and /2 <  < , find the value of Sin2 2. Find the extreme values of cos2x+cos2x
4. For what value of A in the first quadrant, the expression 3. If cos = -5/13 and /2 <  < , find the value of Sin2
cot 3 A  3cot A 1 3 4. For what value of A in the first quadrant, the expression
 4 cot 3 A  3cot A 1 3
3cot 2 A  1 is positive ? 0
5. P.T. Sin10 cos10
 4
II Answer any 3 of the following 3x5=15 3cot 2 A  1 is positive ? 0
5. P.T. Sin10 cos10

 II Answer any 3 of the following 3x5=15

2  2  2  2 cos 4  2 cos( ) 
6. If 0 <  < /8, S.T. 2 2  2  2  2 cos 4  2 cos( )
7. If 180o <  < 270o and sin  = -4/5 calculate sin (/2)and cos (/2) 6. If 0 <  < /8, S.T. 2
8. If A is not an integral multiple of , 7. If 180o <  < 270o and sin  = -4/5 calculate sin (/2)and cos (/2)
sin16 A 8. If A is not an integral multiple of ,
sin16 A
P.T.Cos A . Cos2 A cos4 A . cos8A = 16sin A
 3 5 7 3 P.T.Cos A . Cos2 A cos4 A . cos8A = 16sin A
Sin 4  sin 4 ( )  sin 4 ( )  sin 4 ( )   3 5 7 3
9. P.T. sin4 8 8 8 8 2 Sin 4  sin 4 ( )  sin 4 ( )  sin 4 ( ) 
9. P.T. sin4 8 8 8 8 2
Mathematics -IA Weekly Test DATE :30.08.16
I Answer the following 5x2=10 SUB : PHYSICS Weekly Test DATE : 31-.08-.16
SEC : Juniors: M P C & BiPC Marks:20 SEC : Juniors: M P C & BiPC Marks:20
I. Answer any two questions 2x2=4 I. Answer any two questions 2x2=4
1. Give 2 examples of periodic motion which is not oscillatory. 1. Give 2 examples of periodic motion which is not oscillatory.
2. Can a simple pendulum be used as artificial satellite 2. Can a simple pendulum be used as artificial satellite
3. What fraction of total K.E when the displacement is one – half of 3. What fraction of total K.E when the displacement is one – half of
amplitude of a particle executing SHM amplitude of a particle executing SHM
II. Answer any two questions 2x4=8 II. Answer any two questions 2x4=8
4. If Y = 5 sin (3 t+ /6) m then find 4. If Y = 5 sin (3 t+ /6) m then find
a) amplitude b) Angular velocity c) time period a) amplitude b) Angular velocity c) time period
d) initial displacement d) initial displacement
5. Obtain an equation for the frequency of oscillation of spring of force 5. Obtain an equation for the frequency of oscillation of spring of force
constant ‘k’ which mass ‘m’ is attached. constant ‘k’ which mass ‘m’ is attached.
6. Define SHM. Give two examples. 6. Define SHM. Give two examples.
III Answer the following 1x8=8 III Answer the following 1x8=8
7. Show that the motion of a Simple pendulum is simple harmonic and 7. Show that the motion of a Simple pendulum is simple harmonic and
hence derive an equation for its time period. What is seconds hence derive an equation for its time period. What is seconds
pendulum (or) tick’s pendulum pendulum (or) tick’s pendulum


SUB : PHYSICS Weekly Test DATE : 31-.08-.16 SUB : PHYSICS Weekly Test DATE : 31-.08-.16
SEC : Juniors: M P C & BiPC Marks:20 SEC : Juniors: M P C & BiPC Marks:20
I. Answer any two questions 2x2=4 I. Answer any two questions 2x2=4
1. Give 2 examples of periodic motion which is not oscillatory. 1. Give 2 examples of periodic motion which is not oscillatory.
2. Can a simple pendulum be used as artificial satellite 2. Can a simple pendulum be used as artificial satellite
3. What fraction of total K.E when the displacement is one – half of 3. What fraction of total K.E when the displacement is one – half of
amplitude of a particle executing SHM amplitude of a particle executing SHM
II. Answer any two questions 2x4=8 II. Answer any two questions 2x4=8
4. If Y = 5 sin (3 t+ /6) m then find 4. If Y = 5 sin (3 t+ /6) m then find
a) amplitude b) Angular velocity c) time period a) amplitude b) Angular velocity c) time period
d) initial displacement d) initial displacement
5. Obtain an equation for the frequency of oscillation of spring of force 5. Obtain an equation for the frequency of oscillation of spring of force
constant ‘k’ which mass ‘m’ is attached. constant ‘k’ which mass ‘m’ is attached.
6. Define SHM. Give two examples. 6. Define SHM. Give two examples.
III Answer the following 1x8=8 III Answer the following 1x8=8
7. Show that the motion of a Simple pendulum is simple harmonic and 7. Show that the motion of a Simple pendulum is simple harmonic and
hence derive an equation for its time period. What is seconds hence derive an equation for its time period. What is seconds
pendulum (or) tick’s pendulum pendulum (or) tick’s pendulum


VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE : : CHITTOOR Mathematics -IIA Weekly Test DATE :31.08.16
SUB : PHYSICS Weekly Test DATE : 31-.08-.16 SEC : Senior : M P C Marks: 25
I Answer the following 5x2=10 1. Find the number of ways of arranging 4 boys and 3 girls around a circle so
1. Find the number of ways of arranging 4 boys and 3 girls around a circle so that all the girls sit together
that all the girls sit together 2. Find the number of different ways of preparing a garland using 7 distinct red
2. Find the number of different ways of preparing a garland using 7 distinct red roses and 4 distinct yellow roses such that no two yellow roses come together.
roses and 4 distinct yellow roses such that no two yellow roses come together. 3. Find the number of ways arranging the letters of the word MATHEMATICS
3. Find the number of ways arranging the letters of the word MATHEMATICS 4. How many numbers can be formed using all the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1 such
4. How many numbers can be formed using all the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1 such that even digits always occupy even places?
that even digits always occupy even places? 5. In how many ways can the letters of the word CHEESE be arranged so that
5. In how many ways can the letters of the word CHEESE be arranged so that no two E’s come together?
no two E’s come together? II Answer any 3 of the following 3x5=15
II Answer any 3 of the following 3x5=15 6. Find the number of ways of arranging 6 boys and 6 girls around a circular
6. Find the number of ways of arranging 6 boys and 6 girls around a circular table so that i) all the girls sit together ii) no two girls sit together
table so that i) all the girls sit together ii) no two girls sit together iii) boys and girls sit alternately
iii) boys and girls sit alternately 7. If the letters of the word EAMCET are permuted in all possible ways and if
7. If the letters of the word EAMCET are permuted in all possible ways and if the words thus formed are arranged in the dictionary order, find the rank of
the words thus formed are arranged in the dictionary order, find the rank of the word EAMCET.
the word EAMCET. 8. Find the number of ways of arranging the letters of the word
8. Find the number of ways of arranging the letters of the word ASSOCIATIONS. In how many of them
ASSOCIATIONS. In how many of them k) all the three S’s come together ii) The two A’s do not come together
i) all the three S’s come together ii) The two A’s do not come together 9. Find the number of 7-digit numbers that can be formed using 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4
9. Find the number of 7-digit numbers that can be formed using 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4


VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR Mathematics -IIA Weekly Test DATE :31.08.16
Mathematics -IIA Weekly Test DATE :31.08.16 SEC : Senior : M P C Marks: 25
SEC : Senior : M P C Marks: 25 I Answer the following 5x2=10
I Answer the following 5x2=10 1. Find the number of ways of arranging 4 boys and 3 girls around a circle so
1. Find the number of ways of arranging 4 boys and 3 girls around a circle so that all the girls sit together
that all the girls sit together 2. Find the number of different ways of preparing a garland using 7 distinct red
2. Find the number of different ways of preparing a garland using 7 distinct red roses and 4 distinct yellow roses such that no two yellow roses come together.
roses and 4 distinct yellow roses such that no two yellow roses come together. 3. Find the number of ways arranging the letters of the word MATHEMATICS
3. Find the number of ways arranging the letters of the word MATHEMATICS 4. How many numbers can be formed using all the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1 such
4. How many numbers can be formed using all the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1 such that even digits always occupy even places?
that even digits always occupy even places? 5. In how many ways can the letters of the word CHEESE be arranged so that
5. In how many ways can the letters of the word CHEESE be arranged so that no two E’s come together?
no two E’s come together? II Answer any 3 of the following 3x5=15
II Answer any 3 of the following 3x5=15 6. Find the number of ways of arranging 6 boys and 6 girls around a circular
6. Find the number of ways of arranging 6 boys and 6 girls around a circular table so that i) all the girls sit together ii) no two girls sit together
table so that i) all the girls sit together ii) no two girls sit together iii) boys and girls sit alternately
iii) boys and girls sit alternately 7. If the letters of the word EAMCET are permuted in all possible ways and if
7. If the letters of the word EAMCET are permuted in all possible ways and if the words thus formed are arranged in the dictionary order, find the rank of
the words thus formed are arranged in the dictionary order, find the rank of the word EAMCET.
the word EAMCET. 8. Find the number of ways of arranging the letters of the word
8. Find the number of ways of arranging the letters of the word ASSOCIATIONS. In how many of them
ASSOCIATIONS. In how many of them l) all the three S’s come together ii) The two A’s do not come together
j) all the three S’s come together ii) The two A’s do not come together 9. Find the number of 7-digit numbers that can be formed using 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4
9. Find the number of 7-digit numbers that can be formed using 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4 VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR
VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR Mathematics -IIA Weekly Test DATE :31.08.16
Mathematics -IIA Weekly Test DATE :31.08.16 SEC : Senior : V C P Marks: 25
SEC : Senior : M P C Marks: 25 I Answer all questions 5x2=10
I Answer the following 5x2=10 1. If 18P(r-1):17P(r-1) = 9:7, find r.
2. In a class there are 30 students. On the New year day, every student posts a greeting card to all his/her classmates. Find the total number of greeting
greeting card to all his/her classmates. Find the total number of greeting cards posted by them
cards posted by them 3. Find the number of ways of arranging the letters of the word MONDAY so
3. Find the number of ways of arranging the letters of the word MONDAY so that no vowel occupies even place.
that no vowel occupies even place. 4. Find the number of 4-digit numbers that can be formed using the digits 1, 2,
4. Find the number of 4-digit numbers that can be formed using the digits 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 , 8 when repetition is allowed
4, 5, 7 , 8 when repetition is allowed 5. Find the number of palindromes with 6 digits that can be formed using the
5. Find the number of palindromes with 6 digits that can be formed using the digits i) 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
digits i) 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 II. Answer any THREE questions 3x5=15
II. Answer any THREE questions 3x5=15 6. Find the sum of all 4 digited numbers that can be formed using the
6. Find the sum of all 4 digited numbers that can be formed using the digits 0, 2, 4, 7, 8, without repetition
digits 0, 2, 4, 7, 8, without repetition 7. Find the number of 4-digit numbers that can be formed using the digits 1, 2,
7. Find the number of 4-digit numbers that can be formed using the digits 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, if no two digits are the same. How many of them are divisible by
5, 6, 7, if no two digits are the same. How many of them are divisible by i) 2 ii) 3 iii) 4 iv) 5 v) 25
i) 2 ii) 3 iii) 4 iv) 5 v) 25 8. If the letters of the word MASTER are permuted in all possible ways and the
8. If the letters of the word MASTER are permuted in all possible ways and the words thus formed are arranged in the dictionary order, then find the ranks of
words thus formed are arranged in the dictionary order, then find the ranks of the words i) REMAST ii) MASTER
the words i) REMAST ii) MASTER


VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR Mathematics -IIA Weekly Test DATE :31.08.16
Mathematics -IIA Weekly Test DATE :31.08.16 SEC : Senior : V C P Marks: 25
SEC : Senior : V C P Marks: 25 I Answer all questions 5x2=10
I Answer all questions 5x2=10 1. If 18P(r-1):17P(r-1) = 9:7, find r.
1. If 18P(r-1):17P(r-1) = 9:7, find r. 2. In a class there are 30 students. On the New year day, every student posts a
2. In a class there are 30 students. On the New year day, every student posts a greeting card to all his/her classmates. Find the total number of greeting
greeting card to all his/her classmates. Find the total number of greeting cards posted by them
cards posted by them 3. Find the number of ways of arranging the letters of the word MONDAY so
3. Find the number of ways of arranging the letters of the word MONDAY so that no vowel occupies even place.
that no vowel occupies even place. 4. Find the number of 4-digit numbers that can be formed using the digits 1, 2,
4. Find the number of 4-digit numbers that can be formed using the digits 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 , 8 when repetition is allowed
4, 5, 7 , 8 when repetition is allowed 5. Find the number of palindromes with 6 digits that can be formed using the
5. Find the number of palindromes with 6 digits that can be formed using the digits i) 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
digits i) 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 II. Answer any THREE questions 3x5=15
II. Answer any THREE questions 3x5=15 6. Find the sum of all 4 digited numbers that can be formed using the
6. Find the sum of all 4 digited numbers that can be formed using the digits 0, 2, 4, 7, 8, without repetition
digits 0, 2, 4, 7, 8, without repetition 7. Find the number of 4-digit numbers that can be formed using the digits 1, 2,
7. Find the number of 4-digit numbers that can be formed using the digits 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, if no two digits are the same. How many of them are divisible by
5, 6, 7, if no two digits are the same. How many of them are divisible by i) 2 ii) 3 iii) 4 iv) 5 v) 25
i) 2 ii) 3 iii) 4 iv) 5 v) 25 8. If the letters of the word MASTER are permuted in all possible ways and the
8. If the letters of the word MASTER are permuted in all possible ways and the words thus formed are arranged in the dictionary order, then find the ranks of
words thus formed are arranged in the dictionary order, then find the ranks of the words i) REMAST ii) MASTER
the words i) REMAST ii) MASTER


Mathematics -IIA Weekly Test DATE :31.08.16 VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR
SEC : Senior : V C P Marks: 25 Mathematics -IB Weekly Test DATE :01.09.16
I Answer all questions 5x2=10 SEC : Junior : VIP-A & B Marks: 25
1. If 18P(r-1):17P(r-1) = 9:7, find r. I Answer ANY THREE
2. In a class there are 30 students. On the New year day, every student posts a 1. Show that the lines represented by (lx + my)2 – 3(mx – ly)2 = 0 and
n2 1. Show that the lines represented by (lx + my)2 – 3(mx – ly)2 = 0 and
3(l 2  m 2 ) n2
lx + my + n = 0 form an equilate triangle with area
2. Show that the straight lines represented by 3x 2 + 48xy+23y2=0 and 3x – 2y +13 =0 lx + my + n = 0 form an equilate triangle with area 3(l 2  m 2 )
13 2. Show that the straight lines represented by 3x 2 + 48xy+23y2=0 and 3x – 2y +13 =0
From equilateral triangle of area 13 sq. units
3. If (α, ) is the centroid of the triangle formed by the lines ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 0 From equilateral triangle of area 13 sq. units
  2 3. If (α, ) is the centroid of the triangle formed by the lines ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 0
    2
and lx + my = prove that bl  hm am  hl 3(bl  2hlm  am )
2 2
 
and lx + my = prove that bl  hm am  hl 3(bl  2hlm  am )
2 2
4. If the second degree equation S ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy +c = 0
in the two variables x and y represents a pair of lines then prove that 4. If the second degree equation S ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy +c = 0
i) abc + 2fgh – af2 – bg2 – ch2 = 0 ii) h2 ab, g2  ac and f2 bc in the two variables x and y represents a pair of lines then prove that
i) abc + 2fgh – af2 – bg2 – ch2 = 0 ii) h2 ab, g2  ac and f2 bc


Mathematics -IB Weekly Test DATE :01.09.16 VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR
SEC : Junior : VIP-A & B Marks: 25 Mathematics -IB Weekly Test DATE :01.09.16
I Answer ANY THREE SEC : Junior : VIP-A & B Marks: 25
1. Show that the lines represented by (lx + my)2 – 3(mx – ly)2 = 0 and I Answer ANY THREE
n 2 1. Show that the lines represented by (lx + my)2 – 3(mx – ly)2 = 0 and
3(l 2  m 2 ) n2
lx + my + n = 0 form an equilate triangle with area
2. Show that the straight lines represented by 3x 2 + 48xy+23y2=0 and 3x – 2y +13 =0 lx + my + n = 0 form an equilate triangle with area 3(l 2  m 2 )
13 2. Show that the straight lines represented by 3x 2 + 48xy+23y2=0 and 3x – 2y +13 =0
From equilateral triangle of area 13 sq. units
3. If (α, ) is the centroid of the triangle formed by the lines ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 0 From equilateral triangle of area 13 sq. units
  2 3. If (α, ) is the centroid of the triangle formed by the lines ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 0
    2
and lx + my = prove that bl  hm am  hl 3(bl  2hlm  am )
2 2
 
and lx + my = prove that bl  hm am  hl 3(bl  2hlm  am )
2 2
4. If the second degree equation S ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy +c = 0
in the two variables x and y represents a pair of lines then prove that 4. If the second degree equation S ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy +c = 0
i) abc + 2fgh – af2 – bg2 – ch2 = 0 ii) h2 ab, g2  ac and f2 bc in the two variables x and y represents a pair of lines then prove that
i) abc + 2fgh – af2 – bg2 – ch2 = 0 ii) h2 ab, g2  ac and f2 bc


Mathematics -IB Weekly Test DATE :01.09.16 Mathematics -IB Weekly Test DATE :01.09.16
SEC : Junior : VIP-A & B Marks: 25 SEC : Junior : V E P -1 & 2 Marks: 25
I Answer ANY THREE I Answer ANY THREE 8x 3 = 24
1. Show that the lines represented by (lx + my)2 – 3(mx – ly)2 and 1. Show that the lines represented by (lx + my)2 – 3(mx – ly)2 and
n2 n2
3(l 2  m 2 ) 3(l 2  m 2 )
lx + my + n = 0 form an equilateral triangle with area lx + my + n = 0 form an equilateral triangle with area
2. Find the centroid and the area of the triangle formed by the lines 2. Find the centroid and the area of the triangle formed by the lines
2y2 – xy – 6x2 = 0, x + y + 4 = 0 2y2 – xy – 6x2 = 0, x + y + 4 = 0
3. If the second degree equation ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0 3. If the second degree equation ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0
represents a pair of lines then prove that represents a pair of lines then prove that
i) abc + 2fgh – af2 – bg2 – ch2 = 0 ii) h2 ab, g2  ac and f2 bc i) abc + 2fgh – af2 – bg2 – ch2 = 0 ii) h2 ab, g2  ac and f2 bc
4. If the equation ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0 4. If the equation ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0
Represents a pair of parallel lines then prove that Represents a pair of parallel lines then prove that
i) h2 = ab ii) af2 = bg2 and i) h2 = ab ii) af2 = bg2 and
iii) the distance between the parallel lines iii) the distance between the parallel lines
g 2  ac f 2  bc g 2  ac f 2  bc
2 2 2 2
a ( a  b) b( a  b) a (a  b) b (a  b )


Mathematics -IB Weekly Test DATE :01.09.16
VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR SEC : Junior : V E P -1 & 2 Marks: 25
Mathematics -IB Weekly Test DATE :01.09.16 I Answer ANY THREE 8x 3 = 24
SEC : Junior : V E P -1 & 2 Marks: 25 1. Show that the lines represented by (lx + my) – 3(mx – ly)2 and
I Answer ANY THREE 8x 3 = 24
1. Show that the lines represented by (lx + my)2 – 3(mx – ly)2 and n2
n2 3(l 2  m 2 )
lx + my + n = 0 form an equilateral triangle with area
3(l 2  m 2 ) 2. Find the centroid and the area of the triangle formed by the lines
lx + my + n = 0 form an equilateral triangle with area
2y2 – xy – 6x2 = 0, x + y + 4 = 0
2. Find the centroid and the area of the triangle formed by the lines
3. If the second degree equation ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0
2y2 – xy – 6x2 = 0, x + y + 4 = 0
represents a pair of lines then prove that
3. If the second degree equation ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0
i) abc + 2fgh – af2 – bg2 – ch2 = 0 ii) h2 ab, g2  ac and f2 bc
represents a pair of lines then prove that
4. If the equation ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0
i) abc + 2fgh – af2 – bg2 – ch2 = 0 ii) h2 ab, g2  ac and f2 bc
Represents a pair of parallel lines then prove that
4. If the equation ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0
i) h2 = ab ii) af2 = bg2 and
Represents a pair of parallel lines then prove that
iii) the distance between the parallel lines
i) h2 = ab ii) af2 = bg2 and
iii) the distance between the parallel lines g 2  ac f 2  bc
2 2
g 2  ac f 2  bc a (a  b) b (a  b )
2 2
a ( a  b) b( a  b)
PHYSICS Weekly Test DATE :02.09.16
Mathematics -IB Weekly Test DATE :01.09.16 I. Answer the following question 8x1=8
SEC : Junior : V E P -1 & 2 Marks: 25 1. Derive an expression for Torque acting on loop. Describe
I Answer ANY THREE 8x 3 = 24 construction working of moving coil galvanometer
II. Answer any two questions 4x2=8 2. Explain the working of cyclotron .
2. Explain the working of cyclotron . 3. Derive an expression for magnetic dipole moment of revolving
3. Derive an expression for magnetic dipole moment of revolving Electron.
Electron. 4. Explain how crossed E and B field serve as a velocity selector
4. Explain how crossed E and B field serve as a velocity selector III Answer all of the question 2x2=4
III Answer all of the question 2x2=4 5. What is the relation between C, o and o
5. What is the relation between C, o and o 6. Distinguish between ammeter and Voltmeters
6. Distinguish between ammeter and Voltmeters


PHYSICS Weekly Test DATE :02.09.16 SEC : Senior : VIP & VEP-1 Marks: 20
SEC : Senior : VIP & VEP-1 Marks: 20 I. Answer the following question 8x1=8
I. Answer the following question 8x1=8 1. Derive an expression for Torque acting on loop. Describe
1. Derive an expression for Torque acting on loop. Describe construction working of moving coil galvanometer
construction working of moving coil galvanometer II. Answer any two questions 4x2=8
II. Answer any two questions 4x2=8 2. Explain the working of cyclotron .
2. Explain the working of cyclotron . 3. Derive an expression for magnetic dipole moment of revolving
3. Derive an expression for magnetic dipole moment of revolving Electron.
Electron. 4. Explain how crossed E and B field serve as a velocity selector
4. Explain how crossed E and B field serve as a velocity selector III Answer all of the question 2x2=4
III Answer all of the question 2x2=4 5. What is the relation between C, o and o
5. What is the relation between C, o and o 6. Distinguish between ammeter and Voltmeters
6. Distinguish between ammeter and Voltmeters


PHYSICS Weekly Test DATE :02.09.16 SEC : Senior : VIP & VEP-1 Marks: 20
SEC : Senior : VIP & VEP-1 Marks: 20 I. Answer the following question 8x1=8
I. Answer the following question 8x1=8 1. Derive an expression for Torque acting on loop. Describe
1. Derive an expression for Torque acting on loop. Describe construction working of moving coil galvanometer
construction working of moving coil galvanometer II. Answer any two questions 4x2=8
II. Answer any two questions 4x2=8 2. Explain the working of cyclotron .
2. Explain the working of cyclotron . 3. Derive an expression for magnetic dipole moment of revolving
3. Derive an expression for magnetic dipole moment of revolving Electron.
Electron. 4. Explain how crossed E and B field serve as a velocity selector
4. Explain how crossed E and B field serve as a velocity selector III Answer all of the question 2x2=4
III Answer all of the question 2x2=4 5. What is the relation between C, o and o
5. What is the relation between C, o and o 6. Distinguish between ammeter and Voltmeters
6. Distinguish between ammeter and Voltmeters
PHYSICS Weekly Test DATE :02.09.16 PHYSICS Weekly Test DATE :01.09.16
SEC : Senior : VEP-2 Marks: 20
SEC : Senior : VIP & VEP-1 Marks: 20
I. Answer the following 2x2=4
I. Answer the following question 8x1=8 1. What is the importance of Oersted’s experiment?
1. Derive an expression for Torque acting on loop. Describe 2. Distinguish between Ammeter and Voltmeter.
construction working of moving coil galvanometer II .Answer any 2 of the following 2x4=8
II. Answer any two questions 4x2=8 3. State and explain Biot – Savart Law
4. Derive the expression for Magnetic dipole moment of revolving electron 5. Derive an expression for the magnetic induction at the centre of a current
5. Derive an expression for the magnetic induction at the centre of a current carrying circulate coil using Biot-Savart Law.
carrying circulate coil using Biot-Savart Law. III. Answer the following 1x8=8
III. Answer the following 1x8=8 6. Deduce the expression for the force on a current carrying conductor placed in
6. Deduce the expression for the force on a current carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field. Derive an expression for the force per unit length between
a magnetic field. Derive an expression for the force per unit length between two parallel current carrying conductors
two parallel current carrying conductors


PHYSICS Weekly Test DATE :01.09.16 SEC : Senior : VEP-2 Marks: 20
SEC : Senior : VEP-2 Marks: 20 I. Answer the following 2x2=4
I. Answer the following 2x2=4 1. What is the importance of Oersted’s experiment?
1. What is the importance of Oersted’s experiment? 2. Distinguish between Ammeter and Voltmeter.
2. Distinguish between Ammeter and Voltmeter. II .Answer any 2 of the following 2x4=8
II .Answer any 2 of the following 2x4=8 3. State and explain Biot – Savart Law
3. State and explain Biot – Savart Law 4. Derive the expression for Magnetic dipole moment of revolving electron
4. Derive the expression for Magnetic dipole moment of revolving electron 5. Derive an expression for the magnetic induction at the centre of a current
5. Derive an expression for the magnetic induction at the centre of a current carrying circulate coil using Biot-Savart Law.
carrying circulate coil using Biot-Savart Law. III. Answer the following 1x8=8
III. Answer the following 1x8=8 6. Deduce the expression for the force on a current carrying conductor placed in
6. Deduce the expression for the force on a current carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field. Derive an expression for the force per unit length between
a magnetic field. Derive an expression for the force per unit length between two parallel current carrying conductors
two parallel current carrying conductors


PHYSICS Weekly Test DATE :01.09.16 SEC : Senior : VEP-2 Marks: 20
SEC : Senior : VEP-2 Marks: 20 I. Answer the following 2x2=4
I. Answer the following 2x2=4 1. What is the importance of Oersted’s experiment?
1. What is the importance of Oersted’s experiment? 2. Distinguish between Ammeter and Voltmeter.
2. Distinguish between Ammeter and Voltmeter. II .Answer any 2 of the following 2x4=8
II .Answer any 2 of the following 2x4=8 3. State and explain Biot – Savart Law
3. State and explain Biot – Savart Law 4. Derive the expression for Magnetic dipole moment of revolving electron
4. Derive the expression for Magnetic dipole moment of revolving electron 5. Derive an expression for the magnetic induction at the centre of a current
5. Derive an expression for the magnetic induction at the centre of a current carrying circulate coil using Biot-Savart Law.
carrying circulate coil using Biot-Savart Law. III. Answer the following 1x8=8
III. Answer the following 1x8=8 6. Deduce the expression for the force on a current carrying conductor placed in
6. Deduce the expression for the force on a current carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field. Derive an expression for the force per unit length between
a magnetic field. Derive an expression for the force per unit length between two parallel current carrying conductors
two parallel current carrying conductors


SEC : Senior : VEP-2 Marks: 20
Mathematics -IIB Weekly Test DATE :02.09.16
I. Answer the following 2x2=4 SEC : Senior : V I P Marks: 25
1. What is the importance of Oersted’s experiment?
2. Distinguish between Ammeter and Voltmeter. I. ANSWER ANY FIVE 5x5=25
II .Answer any 2 of the following 2x4=8 1. Find the area bounded between the curves y2 = 4ax, x2 = 4 by ( a > 0, b >0)
3. State and explain Biot – Savart Law 2. y = x2 , y = 2x Find the area of the region
4. Derive the expression for Magnetic dipole moment of revolving electron
3. Find the are of the region {(x, y) : x2 – x – 1  y  - 1 }. 3. Find the are of the region {(x, y) : x2 – x – 1  y  - 1 }.

x2 y 2 x2 y 2
 2 1 2
 2 1
4. Show that the area of the region bounded by a b (ellipse) is ab. 4. Show that the area of the region bounded by a b (ellipse) is ab.
also deduce the area of the circle x2 + y2 = a2 also deduce the area of the circle x2 + y2 = a2
x2 y2 x2 y 2
 2 1 2
 2 1
5. Let AOB be the positive quadrant of the ellipse a b with OA = a, 5. Let AOB be the positive quadrant of the ellipse a b with OA = a,
OB = b. Then show that the area bounded between the chord AB and the arc OB = b. Then show that the area bounded between the chord AB and the arc
(  2) ab (  2) ab
AB of the ellipse is 4 AB of the ellipse is 4


Mathematics -IIB Weekly Test DATE :02.09.16 Mathematics -IIB Weekly Test DATE :02.09.16
SEC : Senior : V I P Marks: 25 SEC : Senior : V I P Marks: 25
1. Find the area bounded between the curves y2 = 4ax, x2 = 4 by ( a > 0, b >0) 1. Find the area bounded between the curves y2 = 4ax, x2 = 4 by ( a > 0, b >0)
2. y = x2 , y = 2x Find the area of the region 2. y = x2 , y = 2x Find the area of the region
3. Find the are of the region {(x, y) : x2 – x – 1  y  - 1 }. 3. Find the are of the region {(x, y) : x2 – x – 1  y  - 1 }.

x2 y 2 x2 y 2
 2 1 2
 2 1
4. Show that the area of the region bounded by a b (ellipse) is ab. 4. Show that the area of the region bounded by a b (ellipse) is ab.
also deduce the area of the circle x2 + y2 = a2 also deduce the area of the circle x2 + y2 = a2
x2 y2 x2 y 2
 2 1 2
 2 1
5. Let AOB be the positive quadrant of the ellipse a b with OA = a, 5. Let AOB be the positive quadrant of the ellipse a b with OA = a,
OB = b. Then show that the area bounded between the chord AB and the arc OB = b. Then show that the area bounded between the chord AB and the arc
(  2) ab (  2) ab
AB of the ellipse is 4 AB of the ellipse is 4


Mathematics -IIB Weekly Test DATE :02.09.16
SEC : Senior : V I P Marks: 25
2 2
1. Find the area bounded between the curves y = 4ax, x = 4 by ( a > 0, b >0)
2. y = x2 , y = 2x Find the area of the region
answer 5x1=5
III Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:-
The greatest disease is not TB or Leprosy, it is being unwanted, unloved and
uncared for. We can cure physical diseases with medicine, but the only curve for
loveliness, despair and hopelessness is love. There are many in the world who are dying
for a piece of bread, but there are many more dying for a little love – mother Teresa
1. What is the only cure for loneliness and despair, according to Mother
2. Write the positive degree of the adjective ‘greatest’.
3. Pick out the word in the passage which means ‘sole’
4. Write the antonym of ‘love’
5. ‘Dying for a little love’ means [ ]
a) People fall in love and die.
b) People prefer to die rather than to love someone
c) People crave to be loved and cared for.
IV. Fill in the blanks with ‘a’ , ‘an’, or ‘the’ 6x½=3
a) He called me from ----------------distance
b) Mr. Naveen is --------------------NCC Officer
c) Where is ------------------ Phone ?
d) He works in --------------- University.
e) Lifting ------------object is work.
f) There is a book lying on ------------------- table
V. Fill in the blanks with Suitable Prepositions:- 6x½=3
a) I will meet you ------------ 8 A.M.
b) the poem was written-----him
c) The scooterist fell---------a ditch
d) Lalitha looks ------------- her mother
e) Kalam is a man ----------- principles
f) He is ----------------- the committee
VI. Fill in the blanks with suitable form of verbs given in brackets:-
a) He -------- (catch) a theif last night 4x 1 = 4
b) I will come even if it ---------- (rain)
c) Vegetables ----------(sell) in the market
d) I -----------------(go) to market now
VII. Identify the parts of speech of the underlined words:- 4x½=2
a) Read it carefully
b) I won’t go out before lunch
c) John Scored a goal
d) I will teach him a lesson


SUB: English Paper- I Weekly Test Date: 03.09.2016 SUB: English Paper- I Weekly Test Date: 03.09.2016
SEC: Juniors Marks: 25 SEC: Juniors Marks: 25
I. Answer any One of the following in 10-15 lines 1x4=4 I. Answer any One of the following in 10-15 lines 1x4=4
a) Through I was not Keen on taking up the Job, I saw it as a challenge a) Through I was not Keen on taking up the Job, I saw it as a challenge
b) “But you must start somewhere, otherwise no woman will ever be able to work in b) “But you must start somewhere, otherwise no woman will ever be able to work in
your factories”. your factories”.
II Answer any One of the following in 10-15 lines:- 1x4=4 II Answer any One of the following in 10-15 lines:- 1x4=4
a) Sudha Murthy was extremely determined and resolute. Justify this statement a) Sudha Murthy was extremely determined and resolute. Justify this statement
b) Do you think JRD Tata was happy to be introduced to Sudha Murthy ? Justify your b) Do you think JRD Tata was happy to be introduced to Sudha Murthy ? Justify your
answer 5x1=5
III Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:- 6. Two spherical balls each of mass l kg are placed lcm apart. Find the gravitational
The greatest disease is not TB or Leprosy, it is being unwanted, unloved and force of attraction between them?
uncared for. We can cure physical diseases with medicine, but the only curve for 7. Can a simple pendulum be used in an artificial satellite?
loveliness, despair and hopelessness is love. There are many in the world who are dying 8. Give two examples of periodic motion which are not oscillatory
for a piece of bread, but there are many more dying for a little love – mother Teresa 9. What happens to the energy of a simple harmonic oscillator if its amplitude is
Questions:- doubled?
1. What is the only cure for loneliness and despair, according to Mother 10. A girl is swinging seated in a swing. What is the effect on the frequency of
Teresa? oscillation if she stands?
2. Write the positive degree of the adjective ‘greatest’. SECTION - B
3. Pick out the word in the passage which means ‘sole’ II .Answer any Six of the following questions 6x4=24
4. Write the antonym of ‘love’ 11. State Kepler’s laws of planetary motion
5. ‘Dying for a little love’ means [ ] 12. Present graphically the variations of displacement, velocity and acceleration
a) People fall in love and die.
with time for a particle in S .H .M
b) People prefer to die rather than to love someone
c) People crave to be loved and cared for.
13.Obtain an equation for the frequency of oscillation of spring of force constant
IV. Fill in the blanks with ‘a’ , ‘an’, or ‘the’ 6x½=3 k to which a mass m is attached.
a) He called me from ----------------distance 14. Define simple harmonic motion. Give two examples
b) Mr. Naveen is --------------------NCC Officer 15. A Prticle is a SHM given by y = 10 sin (5 t + /6)m. then find
c) Where is ------------------ Phone ? i) Ampritude ii) Angular velocity iii) Time period and
d) He works in --------------- University. iv) Initial displacement
e) Lifting ------------object is work.
16. Distinguish between centre of mass and centre of gravity
f) There is a book lying on ------------------- table
V. Fill in the blanks with Suitable Prepositions:- 6x½=3
17. State and prove the principles of conservation of angular momentum.
a) I will meet you ------------ 8 A.M. Give examples .
b) the poem was written-----him 18. Define vector product or cross product. Explain the properties of a vector
c) The scooterist fell---------a ditch product with two examples
d) Lalitha looks ------------- her mother SECTION - C
e) Kalam is a man ----------- principles III Answer any two of the following 2x8=16
f) He is ----------------- the committee 19. State and prove parallel axes theorem and perpendicular axes theorems.
VI. Fill in the blanks with suitable form of verbs given in brackets:- 20. Show that the motion of a simple pendulum is simple harmonic and hence
a) He -------- (catch) a theif last night 4x 1 = 4 derive an equation for its time period. What is second’s pendulum?
b) I will come even if it ---------- (rain) 21. Derive the equation for the kinetic energy and potential energy of a simple
c) Vegetables ----------(sell) in the market
harmonic oscillator and show that the total energy of a particle in simple
d) I -----------------(go) to market now
VII. Identify the parts of speech of the underlined words:- 4x½=2 harmonic motion is constant at any point on its path
a) Read it carefully
b) I won’t go out before lunch
c) John Scored a goal
d) I will teach him a lesson


VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE : : CHITTOOR SUB : physics Monthly Test DATE : 06.09.16
SUB : physics Monthly Test DATE : 06.09.16 SEC : Juniors: M P C & BiPC Marks:60
SEC : Juniors: M P C & BiPC Marks:60 SECTION - A
SECTION - A I Answer all of the following questions 10x2=20
I Answer all of the following questions 10x2=20 1. Is it necessary that a mass should be present at the centre of mass of any system?
1. Is it necessary that a mass should be present at the centre of mass of any system? 2. Why are spokes provided in a bicycle wheel?
2. Why are spokes provided in a bicycle wheel? 3. Why is it easier to balance a bicycle in motion?
3. Why is it easier to balance a bicycle in motion? 4. Why do we prefer a spanner of longer arm as compared to the spanner of shorter
4. Why do we prefer a spanner of longer arm as compared to the spanner of shorter arm?
arm? 5. State the units and dimensions of universal gravitational constant (G)?
5. State the units and dimensions of universal gravitational constant (G)? 6. Two spherical balls each of mass l kg are placed lcm apart. Find the gravitational
force of attraction between them?
7. Can a simple pendulum be used in an artificial satellite? 5. If there are 25 railway stations on a railway line, how many types of single
8. Give two examples of periodic motion which are not oscillatory second class tickets must be printed, so as to enable a passenger to travel
9. What happens to the energy of a simple harmonic oscillator if its amplitude is from one station to another.
10. A girl is swinging seated in a swing. What is the effect on the frequency of
oscillation if she stands?
6. A number lock has 3 rings and each ring has 9 digits 1, 2, 3, ….9. Find the
SECTION - B maximum number of unsuccessful attempts that can be made by a person
II .Answer any Six of the following questions 6x4=24 who tries to open the lock without knowing the key code.
11. State Kepler’s laws of planetary motion
12. Present graphically the variations of displacement, velocity and acceleration 7. Find the number of ways of arranging 4 boys and 3 girls around a circle so
with time for a particle in S .H .M that all the girls sit together.
13.Obtain an equation for the frequency of oscillation of spring of force constant
k to which a mass m is attached. 8. Find the no of ways of arranging the letters of the word INDEPENDENCE
14. Define simple harmonic motion. Give two examples
9. If nPr = 5040 and nCr = 210, find n and r.
15. A Prticle is a SHM given by y = 10 sin (5 t + /6)m. then find
i) Ampritude ii) Angular velocity iii) Time period and 10. Find the number of ways of selecting 3 vowels and 2 consonants from the
iv) Initial displacement letters of the word EQUATION.
16. Distinguish between centre of mass and centre of gravity
17. State and prove the principles of conservation of angular momentum. II. Answer any Five 5x4=20
Give examples . 11. Find the number of numbers that are greater than 4000 which can be formed
18. Define vector product or cross product. Explain the properties of a vector using the digits 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 without repetition.
product with two examples
SECTION - C 12. If the letters of the word MASTER are permuted in all possible ways and
III Answer any two of the following 2x8=16 the words thus formed are arranged in the dictionary order, then find the
19. State and prove parallel axes theorem and perpendicular axes theorems. ranks of the words I) MASTER
20. Show that the motion of a simple pendulum is simple harmonic and hence
derive an equation for its time period. What is second’s pendulum? 13. Find the number of 4-digit numbers that can be formed using the
21. Derive the equation for the kinetic energy and potential energy of a simple digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 which are divisible by 6 when repetition of the digits is
harmonic oscillator and show that the total energy of a particle in simple allowed
harmonic motion is constant at any point on its path

VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR 14. Find the number of ways of arranging 6 red roses and 3 yellow roses of
Mathematics -IIA Monthly Test DATE :07.09.16 different sizes into a garland. In how many of them
SEC : Senior : M P C Marks: 75 i) all the yellow roses are together ii) no two yellow roses are together
I Answer all Questions 10x2=20 15. Find the number of ways of arranging the letters of the word
1.Form polynomial equations of the lowest degree, with roots as 0, 0, 2, 2, -2, -2 ASSOCIATIONS. In how many of them
i) all the three S’s come together ii) the two A’s do not come together
2. Form the cubic equation with real coefficients, two roots of which
16. Find the number of ways of giving away 4similar coins to 5 boys if each
are 1, 3- 2 boy can be given any number (less than or equal to 4) of coins
3. Find an algebraic equation of degree 4 whose roots are 3 times the roots of
the equation 6x4 – 7x3 + 8x2 – 7x + 2 = 0,
17. A class contains 4 boys and g girls. Every Sunday, five students with at
4. If P (r+6): 54 P (r+3) = 30800 : 1, find r. lest 3 boys go for a picnic. A different group is being sent every week.
During the picnic, the class teacher gives each girl in the group a doll. If the 7. What is down stream processing?
total number of dolls distributed is 85, find g.
8. PCR is a useful tool for early diagnosis of an infectious disease. Explain
III Answer any Five Questions 5x7=35
18. If α,,  are the roots of x – 6x + 11x – 6 = 0, then find the equation
3 2
9. For which variety of Indian rice, has a patent been failed by a USA
whose roots are α2+ 2, 2+2, 2+α2. company?
19. Solve x4 – 5x3 + 5x2 + 5x – 6 = 0, given that the product of two of its 10. What are molecular scissors? Where are they obtained from?
roots is 3. SECTION - B
II .Answer any Six of the following questions 6x4=24
20. Solve the following equations, given that the roots of each are in H.P. 11. Write short notes on restriction endo nuclease enzymes.
15x3 – 23x2 + 9x - 1 = 0
21. Solve 8x4 – 2x3 – 27x2 + 6x + 9 = 0 given that two roots have the same 12. Give an account of amplification of gene of interest using PCR.
absolute value , but are opposite in sing. 13. What is a bioreactor? Describe briefly the stirring type bioreactor
14. What are the different methods of insertion of r-DNA into host cell.
22. Solve the equation x4 + 2x3 – 16x2 – 22x + 7 = 0, given that 2 - 3
is one of its roots . 15. List out the beneficial aspects of transgenic plants.
16. What are some bio safety issues concerned with genetically modified crops.
23. Transform each of the following equations into ones in which the
coefficients of the third highest power of x is zero 17. Give a brief account of a) Bt – Cotton, b) Pest resistant plants.
i) x4 + 2x3 – 12x2 + 2x – 1 = 0 18. Write notes on green revolution and gene revolution.

24. Solve the following equations SECTION - C

i) 2x5 + x4 – 12x3 – 12x2 + x + 2 = 0 III Answer any two of the following 2x8=16
19. Give an account of biotechnological application in Agriculture and
other Fields
20. Explain briefly the various process of recombinant DNA
21. Give a brief account of tools of r-DNA Technology?


SUB : BOTANY -II Monthly Test DATE : 07.09.16 SEC : Seniors : BiPC Marks:60
SEC : Seniors : BiPC Marks:60 SECTION - A
SECTION - A I Answer all of the following questions 10x2=20
I Answer all of the following questions 10x2=20 1. Define biotechnology?
1. Define biotechnology? 2. Expand GMO. How it is differ with hybrid
2. Expand GMO. How it is differ with hybrid 3. What is polindromic sequence
3. What is polindromic sequence 4. What is GEAC what are its objectives?
4. What is GEAC what are its objectives? 5. How does one Visualise DNA on agargel
5. How does one Visualise DNA on agargel 6. What are cloning vectors ? Give an example
6. What are cloning vectors ? Give an example 7. What is down stream processing?
8. PCR is a useful tool for early diagnosis of an infectious disease. Explain second class tickets must be printed, so as to enable a passenger to travel
from one station to another.
9. For which variety of Indian rice, has a patent been failed by a USA
company? 6. A number lock has 3 rings and each ring has 9 digits 1, 2, 3, ….9. Find the
maximum number of unsuccessful attempts that can be made by a person
10. What are molecular scissors? Where are they obtained from?
who tries to open the lock without knowing the key code.
II .Answer any Six of the following questions 6x4=24 7. Find the number of ways of arranging 4 boys and 3 girls around a circle so
11. Write short notes on restriction endo nuclease enzymes. that all the girls sit together.
12. Give an account of amplification of gene of interest using PCR.
8. Find the no of ways of arranging the letters of the word INDEPENDENCE
13. What is a bioreactor? Describe briefly the stirring type bioreactor
9. Find the number of ways of preparing a chain with 6 different colored beads.
14. What are the different methods of insertion of r-DNA into host cell.
15. List out the beneficial aspects of transgenic plants. 10. Find the number of ways of arranging the letters of the word TRIANGLE so
that the relative potions of the vowels and consonants are not disturbed
16. What are some bio safety issues concerned with genetically modified crops.
17. Give a brief account of a) Bt – Cotton, b) Pest resistant plants. II. Answer any Five 5x4=20
11. Find the number of numbers that are greater than 4000 which can be formed
18. Write notes on green revolution and gene revolution.
using the digits 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 without repetition.
III Answer any two of the following 2x8=16 12. If the letters of the word MASTER are permuted in all possible ways and
19. Give an account of biotechnological application in Agriculture and the words thus formed are arranged in the dictionary order, then find the
ranks of the words I) MASTER
other Fields
20. Explain briefly the various process of recombinant DNA 13. Find the number of 4-digit numbers that can be formed using the
digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 which are divisible by 6 when repetition of the digits is
Technology. allowed
21. Give a brief account of tools of r-DNA Technology?

14. Find the number of ways of arranging 6 red roses and 3 yellow roses of
different sizes into a garland. In how many of them
Mathematics -IIA Monthly Test DATE :07.09.16
i) all the yellow roses are together ii) no two yellow roses are together
SEC : Senior : M E C Marks: 75
15. Find the number of ways of arranging the letters of the word
I Answer all Questions 10x2=20 ASSOCIATIONS. In how many of them
1.Form polynomial equations of the lowest degree, with roots as 0, 0, 2, 2, -2, -2 i) all the three S’s come together ii) the two A’s do not come together
2. Form the cubic equation with real coefficients, two roots of which 16. Find the sum of all 4-digit numbers that can be formed using the
are 1, 3- 2 digits 1, 3, 5, 7, 9.
3. Find an algebraic equation of degree 4 whose roots are 3 times the roots of
the equation 6x4 – 7x3 + 8x2 – 7x + 2 = 0, 17. Find the number of 4-digit numbers that can be formed using the digits
1,2,5,6, 7, if no two digits are the same. How many of them are divisible by
4. If 56
P (r+6): 54 P (r+3) = 30800 : 1, find r. i) 2 ii) 3 iii) 4 iv) 5 v) 25

5. If there are 25 railway stations on a railway line, how many types of single III Answer any Five Questions 5x7=35
18. If α,,  are the roots of x3 – 6x2 + 11x – 6 = 0, then find the equation
whose roots are α2+ 2, 2+2, 2+α2.

19. Solve x4 – 5x3 + 5x2 + 5x – 6 = 0, given that the product of two of its
roots is 3.

20. Solve the following equations, given that the roots of each are in H.P.
15x3 – 23x2 + 9x - 1 = 0
21. Solve 8x4 – 2x3 – 27x2 + 6x + 9 = 0 given that two roots have the same
absolute value , but are opposite in sing.

22. Solve the equation x4 + 2x3 – 16x2 – 22x + 7 = 0, given that 2 - 3

IV. Write a letter to your mother describing how you feel at your new college in a far
is one of its roots . away town (OR) 5x1=5
Write a letter to the commissioner of local municipality about the menace of street
23. Transform each of the following equations into ones in which the dogs and the need to take measures to sterilize them.
coefficients of the third highest power of x is zero
i) x4 + 2x3 – 12x2 + 2x – 1 = 0 V. Fill in the following cheque based on the following information 6x1/2=3
. you are Miss. Meena Prakash. Issue a crossed cheque
In the name of Miss Srividya for Rs 3,550/- , You’re A/C No:12503
24. Solve the following equations
i) 2x5 + x4 – 12x3 – 12x2 + x + 2 = 0 Date:-------(1)------
Pay -------------(2)--------------------------------------------------------------------
Rupees ---------------------------(3)-----------------------------only Rs.--------(4)------
A/C No. -----------(5) ---------------
CHITTOOR Signature -------(6)--------

V. Mark the stress for any four of the following :- 4x1=4

1) Vocation 2)Social 3) Delicious 4) Logic 5) Education
6) Courteous 7) Financial 8) Historic


SUB: English Paper- II Weekly Test Date: 10.09.2016
SEC: Seniors Marks: 25
I. Annotate any one of the following in 10 – 15 lines each 1x4=4
a) “Would I lay down my life to save my brother?
No, but I would to save two brothers or eight cousins.
b) Starkly put, we all simply carriers of genes
which manipulate us for their Survival and propagation.
II. Answer any one of the following in 10-15 lines each:- 1x4=4
a) ‘ It is better to save two brothers or eight cousins rather than one brother’.
b) Show that even bacteria and viruses exhibit cooperative behavior
III Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
SEC : Senior : VIP , VEP-1 Marks: 20
I. Answer the following 1x8=8
1. A small magnetic needle in set into oscillation in a magnetic field
Derive an expression for time period
II .Answer any 2 of the following 2x4=8
2. Compare the properties of dia, para and ferro magnetic substances
3. Define elements of Earth magnetic field
4. State and explain Coulomb’s Law in magnetism
III. Answer the following questions 1x4=4
5. Define magnetic susceptibility mention its SI units
6. What happens to compass needle of the Earth poles
7. What are SI unit of magnetic moment and magnetic induction
8. The force between two magnet poles separated by distance r in air is F.
At what distance between them does the force becomes doubled


Senior : PHYSICS Weekly Test DATE :08.09.16
SEC : Senior : VIP , VEP-1 Marks: 20
I. Answer the following 1x8=8
1. A small magnetic needle in set into oscillation in a magnetic field
Derive an expression for time period
II .Answer any 2 of the following 2x4=8
2. Compare the properties of dia, para and ferro magnetic substances
3. Define elements of Earth magnetic field
4. State and explain Coulomb’s Law in magnetism
III. Answer the following questions 1x4=4
5. Define magnetic susceptibility mention its SI units
6. What happens to compass needle of the Earth poles
7. What are SI unit of magnetic moment and magnetic induction
8. The force between two magnet poles separated by distance r in air is F.
At what distance between them does the force becomes doubled


Senior : PHYSICS Weekly Test DATE :08.09.16 SEC : Senior : VIP , VEP-1 Marks: 20
SEC : Senior : VIP , VEP-1 Marks: 20
I. Answer the following 1x8=8
I. Answer the following 1x8=8 1. A small magnetic needle in set into oscillation in a magnetic field
1. A small magnetic needle in set into oscillation in a magnetic field Derive an expression for time period
Derive an expression for time period II .Answer any 2 of the following 2x4=8
II .Answer any 2 of the following 2x4=8 2. Compare the properties of dia, para and ferro magnetic substances
2. Compare the properties of dia, para and ferro magnetic substances 3. Define elements of Earth magnetic field
3. Define elements of Earth magnetic field 4. State and explain Coulomb’s Law in magnetism
4. State and explain Coulomb’s Law in magnetism III. Answer the following questions 1x4=4
III. Answer the following questions 1x4=4 5. Define magnetic susceptibility mention its SI units
5. Define magnetic susceptibility mention its SI units 6. What happens to compass needle of the Earth poles
6. What happens to compass needle of the Earth poles 7. What are SI unit of magnetic moment and magnetic induction
7. What are SI unit of magnetic moment and magnetic induction 8. The force between two magnet poles separated by distance r in air is F.
8. The force between two magnet poles separated by distance r in air is F. At what distance between them does the force becomes doubled
At what distance between them does the force becomes doubled
Senior : PHYSICS Weekly Test DATE :08.09.16
SEC : Senior : VIP , VEP-1 Marks: 20 I. Answer the following 4 x 5 = 20
I. Answer the following 1x8=8 1. Define mass percentage? A solution is prepared by adding 2g of a
1. A small magnetic needle in set into oscillation in a magnetic field substance A to 18g of water. Calculate the mass percent of the solute.
Derive an expression for time period
II .Answer any 2 of the following 2x4=8
2. What is molarity? Find the molarity of NaOH in the solution prepared
2. Compare the properties of dia, para and ferro magnetic substances by dissolving 4 g in enough water to form 250ml of the solution?
3. Define elements of Earth magnetic field 3. State and explain the terms
4. State and explain Coulomb’s Law in magnetism a) molality b) Normality
III. Answer the following questions 1x4=4 4. State and Explain mole fraction?
5. Define magnetic susceptibility mention its SI units 5. Define the terms
6. What happens to compass needle of the Earth poles
a) Molarity – dilution principle b) Molarity – titration principle
7. What are SI unit of magnetic moment and magnetic induction
8. The force between two magnet poles separated by distance r in air is F.
At what distance between them does the force becomes doubled VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR
Senior : CHEMISTRY Weekly Test DATE :09.09.16
Senior : PHYSICS Weekly Test DATE :08.09.16
I. Answer the following 4 x 5 = 20
SEC : Senior : VIP , VEP-1 Marks: 20
I. Answer the following 1x8=8
1. Define mass percentage? A solution is prepared by adding 2g of a
1. A small magnetic needle in set into oscillation in a magnetic field substance A to 18g of water. Calculate the mass percent of the solute.
Derive an expression for time period 2. What is molarity? Find the molarity of NaOH in the solution prepared
II .Answer any 2 of the following 2x4=8 by dissolving 4 g in enough water to form 250ml of the solution?
2. Compare the properties of dia, para and ferro magnetic substances 3. State and explain the terms
3. Define elements of Earth magnetic field
4. State and explain Coulomb’s Law in magnetism
a) molality b) Normality
III. Answer the following questions 1x4=4 4. State and Explain mole fraction?
5. Define magnetic susceptibility mention its SI units 5. Define the terms
6. What happens to compass needle of the Earth poles a) Molarity – dilution principle b) Molarity – titration principle
7. What are SI unit of magnetic moment and magnetic induction
8. The force between two magnet poles separated by distance r in air is F.
At what distance between them does the force becomes doubled VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR
Senior : CHEMISTRY Weekly Test DATE :09.09.16
SEC : Juniors : MPC & BIPC Marks: 20
Senior : CHEMISTRY Weekly Test DATE :09.09.16
SEC : Juniors : MPC & BIPC Marks: 20 I. Answer the following 4 x 5 = 20
I. Answer the following 4 x 5 = 20 1. Define mass percentage? A solution is prepared by adding 2g of a
1. Define mass percentage? A solution is prepared by adding 2g of a substance A to 18g of water. Calculate the mass percent of the solute.
substance A to 18g of water. Calculate the mass percent of the solute. 2. What is molarity? Find the molarity of NaOH in the solution prepared
2. What is molarity? Find the molarity of NaOH in the solution prepared by dissolving 4 g in enough water to form 250ml of the solution?
by dissolving 4 g in enough water to form 250ml of the solution? 3. State and explain the terms
3. State and explain the terms a) molality b) Normality
a) molality b) Normality 4. State and Explain mole fraction?
4. State and Explain mole fraction? 5. Define the terms
5. Define the terms a) Molarity – dilution principle b) Molarity – titration principle
a) Molarity – dilution principle b) Molarity – titration principle
Senior : CHEMISTRY Weekly Test DATE :09.09.16
SEC : Juniors : MPC & BIPC Marks: 20
Senior : CHEMISTRY Weekly Test DATE :09.09.16
SEC : Juniors : MPC & BIPC Marks: 20 I. Answer the following 4 x 5 = 20
1. Define mass percentage? A solution is prepared by adding 2g of a dy  dy 
substance A to 18g of water. Calculate the mass percent of the solute. yx  5 y2  
8) Solve the differential equation dx  dx 
2. What is molarity? Find the molarity of NaOH in the solution prepared
by dissolving 4 g in enough water to form 250ml of the solution?  dy 
sin 1    x  y.
3. State and explain the terms 9) Solve the differential equation  dx 
a) molality b) Normality
4. State and Explain mole fraction? VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR
Senior : VIP Weekly Test DATE :09.09.16
5. Define the terms SEC : MPC Marks: 25
a) Molarity – dilution principle b) Molarity – titration principle I. Answer All questions 5x2=10
2/3 3/2
d y
 dy 
Senior : CHEMISTRY Weekly Test DATE :09.09.16 1. Find the order and degree of  dx   dx 
SEC : Juniors : MPC & BIPC Marks: 20 2. Find the order of the differential equation obtained by eliminating the
arbitary constants b and c from xy = c ex + be-x + x2.
I. Answer the following 4 x 5 = 20
3. From the differential equation of the following family of curves where
1. Define mass percentage? A solution is prepared by adding 2g of a parameters are given in brackets. y = a cos ( nx+b);(a,b)
substance A to 18g of water. Calculate the mass percent of the solute. 4. Obtain the differential equation which corresponds to each of the following
2. What is molarity? Find the molarity of NaOH in the solution prepared family of curves the circles which touch the Y-axis at the origin.
by dissolving 4 g in enough water to form 250ml of the solution? dy
 e x  y  x 2e y
3. State and explain the terms 5. Solve the differential equation dx
a) molality b) Normality II. Answer any 3 questions 3x5=15
4. State and Explain mole fraction? dy
 a2
5. Define the terms 6) Solve ( x – y) 2 dx
7) Solve
1  x 2 1  y 2 dx + xy dy = 0
a) Molarity – dilution principle b) Molarity – titration principle
dy  dy 
yx  5 y2  
8) Solve the differential equation dx  dx 
 dy 
Senior : VIP Weekly Test DATE :09.09.16 sin 1    x  y.
SEC : MPC Marks: 25
9) Solve the differential equation  dx 
I. Answer All questions 5x2=10 VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR
2/3 3/2
 d2y   dy  Senior : VIP Weekly Test DATE :09.09.16
 2   0 SEC : MPC Marks: 25
1. Find the order and degree of  dx   dx  I. Answer All questions 5x2=10
2/3 3/2
2. Find the order of the differential equation obtained by eliminating the  d2y   dy 
arbitary constants b and c from xy = c ex + be-x + x2.  2   0
dx   dx 
3. From the differential equation of the following family of curves where 1. Find the order and degree of 
parameters are given in brackets. y = a cos ( nx+b);(a,b) 2. Find the order of the differential equation obtained by eliminating the
4. Obtain the differential equation which corresponds to each of the following
arbitary constants b and c from xy = c ex + be-x + x2.
family of curves the circles which touch the Y-axis at the origin.
3. From the differential equation of the following family of curves where
dy parameters are given in brackets. y = a cos ( nx+b);(a,b)
 e x  y  x 2e  y
5. Solve the differential equation dx
4. Obtain the differential equation which corresponds to each of the following
family of curves the circles which touch the Y-axis at the origin.
II. Answer any 3 questions 3x5=15
dy dy
 a2  e x  y  x 2e y
2 dx 1  x2 1  y2 5. Solve the differential equation dx
6) Solve ( x – y) 7) Solve dx + xy dy = 0
II. Answer any 3 questions 3x5=15
dy 3 5
 a2
6) Solve ( x – y) 2 dx
7) Solve
1  x 2 1  y 2 dx + xy dy = 0 8
9. P.T. Cos48o cos12o = 10). P.T Sin21o cos9o – cos84o cos6o = 1 / 4
dy  dy  II.. Answer any Five of the following 5x 4 = 20
yx  5 y2  
dx  dx  tan 610o  tan 700o 1  p 2
8) Solve the differential equation 
tan 560o  tan 470o 1  p 2
 dy  11. If tan 20o = P, prove that
sin 1    x  y. 12. If sec  + tan  = 5, find the quadrant in which  lies and find the value of sin 
9) Solve the differential equation  dx  13. Sketch the graph of sin x in the interval [ - ,  ]
14. If tan (α-) = 7 /24 and tan α = 4 / 3, where α and  are in the first quadrant prove
Senior : VIP Weekly Test DATE :09.09.16 15. Prove that sin2 +sin2( + /3) + sin2( - /3) = 3/2
SEC : MPC Marks: 25

I. Answer All questions 5x2=10 2  2  2  2 cos 4  2 cos( )
2/3 3/2 16. If 0 <  < /8, S.T. 2
 d2y   dy 
 2   0   4  3  4  5  4  7  3
1. Find the order and degree of 
dx   dx     cos    cos    cos  
17. Show that cos4  8   8   8   8  2
2. Find the order of the differential equation obtained by eliminating the III. Answer any give of the following 5x7=35
arbitary constants b and c from xy = c ex + be-x + x2.
3 5
3. From the differential equation of the following family of curves where  and cos   and  , 
parameters are given in brackets. y = a cos ( nx+b);(a,b) 18. If cos α 5 13 are acute angles then prove that
4. Obtain the differential equation which corresponds to each of the following
family of curves the circles which touch the Y-axis at the origin.     1 2     16
a ) sin 2    and b) cos  
dy  2  65  2  65
 e x  y  x 2e  y
5. Solve the differential equation dx 19. Let ABC be a triangle such that Cot A + cot B + cot c = 3 . Then Prove That
II. Answer any 3 questions 3x5=15 ABC is an equilateral triangle.
dy 20. IF A + B + C = 2 then P.T. Sin2A – Sin2B + Sin2C = 4 CosA SinB CosC
 a2
6) Solve ( x – y)2 dx 7) Solve
1  x 2 1  y 2 dx + xy dy = 0 21. If A, B,C are angles in a triangle, then P.T. CosA + CosB – Cos C =
-1 + 4 Cos A/2 Cos B/2 sin C/2
dy  dy  A B C A  B  C
yx  5 y2    cos  cos  4 cos cos cos
8) Solve the differential equation dx  dx  22. In  ABC, P.T. Cos 2 2 2 4 4 4
23. If A + B + C + D = 2, then
 dy 
sin 1    x  y. P.T. cos2A+cos2B+cos2C+cos2D = 4cos(A+B) cos (A+C)cos(A + D)
9) Solve the differential equation  dx  24. If A + B + C = 2S, then P.T.
cos(S-A) + cos (S-B) + cos(S-C) + cos S = 4 cosA/2 cosB/2cosC/2
Mathematics -IA Monthly Test DATE :12.09.16
I Answer all Questions 10x2=20 Mathematics -IA Monthly Test DATE :12.09.16
SEC : Juniors : M P C Marks: 75
 4 6 9
 sin 2  sin 2  sin 2 . I Answer all Questions 10x2=20
1. Find the value of sin2 10 10 10 10  4 6 9
2. Evaluate cos225o – sin225o + tan 495o – cot 495o  sin 2  sin 2  sin 2 .
3. Find a cosine function whose period is 7. 1. Find the value of sin2 10 10 10 10
o o 2. Evaluate cos225o – sin225o + tan 495o – cot 495o
1 1
52  sin 2 22 3. Find a cosine function whose period is 7.
4. Prove that tan 70o – tan 20o = 2 tan 50o 5) Evaluate cos2 2 2 1o 1o
6). If A is not an integral multiple of /2, P.T. tanA+ cotA = 2 cose2A 52  sin 22

4. Prove that tan 70o – tan 20o = 2 tan 50o 5) Evaluate cos2 2 2
1 3 6). If A is not an integral multiple of /2, P.T. tanA+ cotA = 2 cose2A
 4
7. Express cos6A + Sin6A in terms of Sin2A 8). P.T. Sin10 cos10o
1 3 4. Give reasons as to why cell division cannot be a type of reproduction in
 4
7. Express cos6A + Sin6A in terms of Sin2A 8). P.T. Sin10 cos10o
o multicultural organisms
3 5 5. Define vivipary wix an examples
9. P.T. Cos48o cos12o = 8 10). P.T Sin21o cos9o – cos84o cos6o = 1 / 4 6. What is self incompatibility?
II.. Answer any Five of the following 5x 4 = 20
7. Name the parts of pistle which develop in to fruits and seeds.
tan 610o  tan 700o 1  p 2
 8. Are pollination and fertilization necessary in apomixes? Give reasons.
11. If tan 20o = P, prove that
tan 560o  tan 470o 1  p 2
12. If sec  + tan  = 5, find the quadrant in which  lies and find the value of sin  9. How is cross pollination carries out in water plants?
13. Sketch the graph of sin x in the interval [ - ,  ] 10. Mention two strategies evolved to present self pollination in flowers.
14. If tan (α-) = 7 /24 and tan α = 4 / 3, where α and  are in the first quadrant prove
that α +  = /2. II. Answer any six following questions 4x6=24
15. Prove that sin2 +sin2( + /3) + sin2( - /3) = 3/2
11. Give an account of sexuality in organisms.

2  2  2  2 cos 4  2 cos( ) 12. Fertilization is not an obligatory event for fruit production in certain plants
16. If 0 <  < /8, S.T. 2
  4  3  4  5  4  7  3 – Explain – the statement
   cos    cos    cos  
17. Show that cos4  8   8   8   8  2 13. List the changes observed in angiosperms flower subsequent to pollination
III. Answer any give of the following 5x7=35 and fertilization.
3 5
 and cos   and  ,  14. Define a) Jurnile phase b) Reproductive phase.
18. If cos α 5 13 are acute angles then prove that 15. Distinguish between asexual and asexual reproduction. Why is vegetative
     1 2     16 reproduction is also a type of asexual reproduction?
a ) sin 2    and b) cos   16. Write various types of entry of pollen tubes into ovules.
 2  65  2  65
17. What is bagging technique ? How is it useful in a plant breeding
19. Let ABC be a triangle such that Cot A + cot B + cot c = 3 . Then Prove That programmed?
ABC is an equilateral triangle. 18. Write briefly about the different types of ovules.
20. IF A + B + C = 2 then P.T. Sin2A – Sin2B + Sin2C = 4 CosA SinB CosC
21. If A, B,C are angles in a triangle, then P.T. CosA + CosB – Cos C = III Answer any two following questions 8x2=16
-1 + 4 Cos A/2 Cos B/2 sin C/2 19. Describe the parts of mature angiospermic embroyosae, mention the role of
A B C A  B  C symergids.
 cos  cos  4 cos cos cos 20. Draw the diagram of a microsporangium and write about the wall layers.
22. In  ABC, P.T. Cos 2 2 2 4 4 4
23. If A + B + C + D = 2, then
21. Describe the process of fertilization in angiosperms.
P.T. cos2A+cos2B+cos2C+cos2D = 4cos(A+B) cos (A+C)cos(A + D)
24. If A + B + C = 2S, then P.T.
cos(S-A) + cos (S-B) + cos(S-C) + cos S = 4 cosA/2 cosB/2cosC/2


SUB : BOTANY -I Monthly Test DATE : 12.09.16
SEC : Junior : BiPC Marks:60
SUB : BOTANY -I Monthly Test DATE : 12.09.16
I Answer all of the following questions 10x2=20 SEC : Junior : BiPC Marks:60
1. Mention the modes of reproduction in Algae and fungi. I Answer all of the following questions 10x2=20
2. How do liver worts reproduce vegetatively 1. Mention the modes of reproduction in Algae and fungi.
3. Why do we refer to offspring formed by asexual method of reproduction as 2. How do liver worts reproduce vegetatively
Clones 3. Why do we refer to offspring formed by asexual method of reproduction as
Clones 6). If A is not an integral multiple of /2, P.T. tanA+ cotA = 2 cose2A

4. Give reasons as to why cell division cannot be a type of reproduction in 1 3

 4
multicultural organisms 7. Express cos6A + Sin6A in terms of Sin2A 8). P.T. Sin10 cos10o

5. Define vivipary wix an examples

3 5
9. P.T. Cos48o cos12o = 8 10). P.T Sin21o cos9o – cos84o cos6o = 1 / 4
6. What is self incompatibility? II.. Answer any Five of the following 5x 4 = 20
7. Name the parts of pistle which develop in to fruits and seeds. tan 610o  tan 700o 1  p 2

8. Are pollination and fertilization necessary in apomixes? Give reasons. 11. If tan 20o = P, prove that
tan 560o  tan 470o 1  p 2
9. How is cross pollination carries out in water plants? 12. If sec  + tan  = 5, find the quadrant in which  lies and find the value of sin 
13. Sketch the graph of sin x in the interval [ - ,  ]
10. Mention two strategies evolved to present self pollination in flowers. 14. If tan (α-) = 7 /24 and tan α = 4 / 3, where α and  are in the first quadrant prove
that α +  = /2.
II. Answer any six following questions 4x6=24 15. Prove that sin2 +sin2( + /3) + sin2( - /3) = 3/2
11. Give an account of sexuality in organisms. 
2  2  2  2 cos 4  2 cos( )
12. Fertilization is not an obligatory event for fruit production in certain plants 16. If 0 <  < /8, S.T. 2
  4  3  4  5  4  7  3
– Explain – the statement    cos    cos    cos  
13. List the changes observed in angiosperms flower subsequent to pollination 17. Show that cos4  8   8   8   8  2
III. Answer any give of the following 5x7=35
and fertilization. 3 5
 and cos   and  , 
14. Define a) Jurnile phase b) Reproductive phase. 18. If cos α 5 13 are acute angles then prove that
15. Distinguish between asexual and asexual reproduction. Why is vegetative  
   1 2     16
reproduction is also a type of asexual reproduction? a ) sin 2    and b) cos  
16. Write various types of entry of pollen tubes into ovules.  2  65  2  65
17. What is bagging technique ? How is it useful in a plant breeding 19. Let ABC be a triangle such that cot A + cot B + cot c = 3 . Then Prove That
programmed? ABC is an equilateral triangle.
18. Write briefly about the different types of ovules. 20. Solve the following simulataneous linear equations by using Cramer’s rule. 3x+4y+5z=18,
2x-y+8z=13, 5x -2y+7z = 20
III Answer any two following questions 8x2=16 21. Solve 3x+4y+5z=18; 2x-y+8z=13 and 5x-2y+7z=20 by using ‘Matrix inversion method’.
19. Describe the parts of mature angiospermic embroyosae, mention the role of 22. By using Gauss-Jordan method, show that the following system has no solution
symergids. 2x+4y-z=0, x+2y+2z=5, 3x+6y-7z=2.
20. Draw the diagram of a microsporangium and write about the wall layers. 23. Suppose x = tan A, y = tanB, z = tanC. Suppose none of A, B, C, A – B, B-C, C-A is an odd
21. Describe the process of fertilization in angiosperms.  x y   x y 
  1  xy     1  xy 
multiple of /2 then prove that    
   2 
 x    tan  x  3
VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR 24. If tan x + tan  3  3  , show that tan 3x = 1.
Mathematics -IA Monthly Test 12.09.16 SEC : Juniors : V C PC Marks:75
I Answer all Questions 10x2=20 VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR
Mathematics -IA Monthly Test 12.09.16 SEC : Juniors : V C PC Marks:75
 4 6 9
 sin 2  sin 2  sin 2 . I Answer all Questions 10x2=20
1. Find the value of sin2 10 10 10 10  4 6 9
2. Evaluate cos225o – sin225o + tan 495o – cot 495o
 sin 2  sin 2  sin 2 .
3. Find a cosine function whose period is 7. 1. Find the value of sin2 10 10 10 10
o o 2. Evaluate cos225o – sin225o + tan 495o – cot 495o
1 1 3. Find a cosine function whose period is 7.
52  sin 2 22
4. Prove that tan 70o – tan 20o = 2 tan 50o 5) Evaluate cos2 2 2
3. Develop the notion of work and kinetic energy and show that it leads to work-energy theorem
1o 1o
52  sin 2 22 4. Show that the motion of a simple pendulum is simple harmonic and hence derive an
4. Prove that tan 70o – tan 20o = 2 tan 50o 5) Evaluate cos2 2 2 equation for its time period What is seconds pendulum?
5. Define simple harmonic motion. Show that the motion (point) projection of a particle
6). If A is not an integral multiple of /2, P.T. tanA+ cotA = 2 cose2A
performing uniform circular motion, on any diameter is simple harmonic.
1 3 6. Explain reversible and irreversible processes. Describe the working of carnot engine.
 4 obtain an expression for the efficiency.
7. Express cos6A + Sin6A in terms of Sin2A 8). P.T. Sin10 cos10o
7. State second law of thermodynamics. How is heat engine different from a refrigerator?
4 Marks.
3 5 8. State parallelogram law of vectors. Derive an expression for the magnitude and
9. P.T. Cos48o cos12o = 8 10). P.T Sin21o cos9o – cos84o cos6o = 1 / 4 direction of the resultant vector.
II.. Answer any Five of the following 5x 4 = 20 9. Show that the trajectory of an object thrown at certain angle with the horizontal is a Parabola
10. Show that the maximum height and range of a projectile are U2 sin2 and U2 sin2
tan 610o  tan 700o 1  p 2 2g g
 11. Mention the methods used to decrease friction
11. If tan 20o = P, prove that
tan 560o  tan 470o 1  p 2 12. Why is pulling the lawn roller preferred to pushing it
12. If sec  + tan  = 5, find the quadrant in which  lies and find the value of sin  13. Distinguish between centre of mass and centre of gravity
13. Sketch the graph of sin x in the interval [ - ,  ] 14. Define vector product Explain the properties of a vector product with two examples
14. If tan (α-) = 7 /24 and tan α = 4 / 3, where α and  are in the first quadrant prove 15. State and prove parallel axes theorem
that α +  = /2. 16. State and prove perpendicular axes theorem
15. Prove that sin2 +sin2( + /3) + sin2( - /3) = 3/2 17. State and prove the principal of conservation of angular non entum. Explain the
principles of conservation of angular momentum withy examples.

2  2  2  2 cos 4  2 cos( ) 18. Obtain an equation for the frequency of oscillation of spring of force constant k to
16. If 0 <  < /8, S.T. 2 which a mass m is attached.
19. State kepler’s laws of planetary motion
  4  3  4  5  4  7  3 20. What is orbital velocity? Obtain an expression for it
   cos    cos    cos   21. What is escape velocity? Obtain an expression for it
17. Show that cos4  8   8   8   8  2 22. Describe the behavior of a wire under gradually increasing load.
III. Answer any give of the following 5x7=35 23. Write short note on triple point of water
3 5 24. Two identical rectangular strips one of copper and the of steel, are riveted together
 and cos   and  ,  to forma a compound bar. What will happen on heating?
18. If cos α 5 13 are acute angles then prove that 25. What is a geostationary satellite? State its uses
26. State and explain first law of thermodynamics
    1 2     16
a ) sin 2    and b) cos   27. Derive a relation between the two specific heat capacities of gas on the basis of first
 2  65  2  65 law of thermo dynamics.
28. Compare isothermal and an adiabatic process
19. Let ABC be a triangle such that cot A + cot B + cot c = 3 . Then Prove That 29. Explain the kinetic interpretation of Temperature
ABC is an equilateral triangle. 30. Explain the concept of absolute zero of temperature on the basis of kinetic theory
20. Solve the following simulataneous linear equations by using Cramer’s rule. 3x+4y+5z=18, 31. How specific heat capacity of monoatomic, diatomic and polyatomic gases be
2x-y+8z=13, 5x -2y+7z = 20 explained on the basis of law of equatipartition of Energy?
21. Solve 3x+4y+5z=18; 2x-y+8z=13 and 5x-2y+7z=20 by using ‘Matrix inversion method’. 32. State Newton’s law fo motion. Hence, derive the equation of motion F = ma from it.
22. By using Gauss-Jordan method, show that the following system has no solution 33. State Boyle’s law and Charle’s Lw. Hence, derive ideal gas equation. Which of the two laws
2x+4y-z=0, x+2y+2z=5, 3x+6y-7z=2. is better for the purpose of the thermometry and why?
23. Suppose x = tan A, y = tanB, z = tanC. Suppose none of A, B, C, A – B, B-C, C-A is an odd 34. State explain Newton’s Law of cooling. State the conditions under which Newton’s law of
cooling is applicable
 x y   x y 
  1  xy     1  xy 
35. What is Reynold’s number? What is its significance?
36. Explain hydraulie lift and hydraulic brakes
multiple of /2 then prove that    
   2 
 x    tan  x  3
24. If tan x + tan  3  3  , show that tan 3x = 1.
PHYSICS IPE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTIONS ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1. State and prove law of conservation of energy in case of a freely falling body 8Marks
1. State and prove law of conservation of energy in case of a freely falling body 8Marks 2. What are collisions? Explain the possible types of one dimensional elastic collision.
2. What are collisions? Explain the possible types of one dimensional elastic collision. 3. Develop the notion of work and kinetic energy and show that it leads to work-energy theorem
4. Show that the motion of a simple pendulum is simple harmonic and hence derive an 4. How does the acceleration due to gravity charges with height and depth
equation for its time period What is seconds pendulum? II . Very short answer question 4x1=4
5. Define simple harmonic motion. Show that the motion (point) projection of a particle 5. An object projected with velocity greater than 11.2 kmps will not return to earth.
performing uniform circular motion, on any diameter is simple harmonic. Why
6. Explain reversible and irreversible processes. Describe the working of carnot engine.
obtain an expression for the efficiency.
6. Why are polar satellites. Mention its one use
7. State second law of thermodynamics. How is heat engine different from a refrigerator? 7. Hydrogen is in abundance around the sun but not around the Earth. Explain
4 Marks. 8. What is the time period of Geo-stationary satellite. Does it rotate from west to east
8. State parallelogram law of vectors. Derive an expression for the magnitude and or East to west
direction of the resultant vector.
9. Show that the trajectory of an object thrown at certain angle with the horizontal is a Parabola
10. Show that the maximum height and range of a projectile are U2 sin2 and U2 sin2 VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR
2g g
11. Mention the methods used to decrease friction
Senior : PHYSICS Weekly Test DATE :14.09.16
12. Why is pulling the lawn roller preferred to pushing it SEC : Juniors : VIP-A, B, VEP-1 Marks: 20
13. Distinguish between centre of mass and centre of gravity I. Answer any four questions 4x4=16
14. Define vector product Explain the properties of a vector product with two examples 1. Define orbital velocity. Derive an expression for it.
15. State and prove parallel axes theorem 2. Define escape velocity. Derive an expression for it
16. State and prove perpendicular axes theorem 3. What is meant by Geo-stationery satellite. Mention its uses
17. State and prove the principal of conservation of angular non entum. Explain the
4. How does the acceleration due to gravity charges with height and depth
principles of conservation of angular momentum withy examples.
18. Obtain an equation for the frequency of oscillation of spring of force constant k to II . Very short answer question 4x1=4
which a mass m is attached. 5. An object projected with velocity greater than 11.2 kmps will not return to earth.
19. State kepler’s laws of planetary motion Why
20. What is orbital velocity? Obtain an expression for it 6. Why are polar satellites. Mention its one use
21. What is escape velocity? Obtain an expression for it 7. Hydrogen is in abundance around the sun but not around the Earth. Explain
22. Describe the behavior of a wire under gradually increasing load. 8. What is the time period of Geo-stationary satellite. Does it rotate from west to east
23. Write short note on triple point of water or East to west
24. Two identical rectangular strips one of copper and the of steel, are riveted together
to forma a compound bar. What will happen on heating?
25. What is a geostationary satellite? State its uses
26. State and explain first law of thermodynamics VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR
27. Derive a relation between the two specific heat capacities of gas on the basis of first Senior : PHYSICS Weekly Test DATE :14.09.16
law of thermo dynamics. SEC : Juniors : VIP-A, B, VEP-1 Marks: 20
28. Compare isothermal and an adiabatic process
29. Explain the kinetic interpretation of Temperature I. Answer any four questions 4x4=16
30. Explain the concept of absolute zero of temperature on the basis of kinetic theory 1. Define orbital velocity. Derive an expression for it.
31. How specific heat capacity of monoatomic, diatomic and polyatomic gases be 2. Define escape velocity. Derive an expression for it
explained on the basis of law of equatipartition of Energy? 3. What is meant by Geo-stationery satellite. Mention its uses
32. State Newton’s law fo motion. Hence, derive the equation of motion F = ma from it. 4. How does the acceleration due to gravity charges with height and depth
33. State Boyle’s law and Charle’s Lw. Hence, derive ideal gas equation. Which of the two laws II . Very short answer question 4x1=4
is better for the purpose of the thermometry and why? 5. An object projected with velocity greater than 11.2 kmps will not return to earth.
34. State explain Newton’s Law of cooling. State the conditions under which Newton’s law of
cooling is applicable
35. What is Reynold’s number? What is its significance? 6. Why are polar satellites. Mention its one use
36. Explain hydraulie lift and hydraulic brakes 7. Hydrogen is in abundance around the sun but not around the Earth. Explain
8. What is the time period of Geo-stationary satellite. Does it rotate from west to east
or East to west


Senior : PHYSICS Weekly Test DATE :14.09.16 SEC : Juniors : VIP-A, B, VEP-1 Marks: 20
SEC : Juniors : VIP-A, B, VEP-1 Marks: 20 I. Answer any four questions 4x4=16
I. Answer any four questions 4x4=16 1. Define orbital velocity. Derive an expression for it.
1. Define orbital velocity. Derive an expression for it. 2. Define escape velocity. Derive an expression for it
2. Define escape velocity. Derive an expression for it 3. What is meant by Geo-stationery satellite. Mention its uses
3. What is meant by Geo-stationery satellite. Mention its uses 4. How does the acceleration due to gravity charges with height and depth
II . Very short answer question 4x1=4 3. H2O2(aq) + Fe+2(aq)  Fe+3(aq)+H2O(l) 6 ½ marks
5. An object projected with velocity greater than 11.2 kmps will not return to earth.
6. Why are polar satellites. Mention its one use
7. Hydrogen is in abundance around the sun but not around the Earth. Explain
8. What is the time period of Geo-stationary satellite. Does it rotate from west to east Senior : CHEMISTRY Weekly Test DATE :16.09.16
or East to west SEC : Juniors : Marks: 20
Balance the following redox reactions by ion-electron method in Acid
VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR 1. MnO4- + So3-2  Mn+2 + SO4-2 6 ½ marks
Senior : PHYSICS Weekly Test DATE :14.09.16
SEC : Juniors : VIP-A, B, VEP-1 Marks: 20 2. Cr2O7 + SO2(g)  Cr (aq) + So4
2- 3+ 2-
6 ½ marks
I. Answer any four questions 4x4=16 3. H2O2(aq) + Fe (aq)  Fe (aq)+H2O(l)
+2 +3
6 ½ marks
1. Define orbital velocity. Derive an expression for it.
2. Define escape velocity. Derive an expression for it
3. What is meant by Geo-stationery satellite. Mention its uses VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR
4. How does the acceleration due to gravity charges with height and depth Senior : CHEMISTRY Weekly Test DATE :16.09.16
II . Very short answer question 4x1=4 SEC : Juniors : Marks: 20
5. An object projected with velocity greater than 11.2 kmps will not return to earth.
Balance the following redox reactions by ion-electron method in Acid
6. Why are polar satellites. Mention its one use medium:-
7. Hydrogen is in abundance around the sun but not around the Earth. Explain 1. MnO4- + So3-2  Mn+2 + SO4-2 6 ½ marks
8. What is the time period of Geo-stationary satellite. Does it rotate from west to east 2. Cr2O72- + SO2(g)  Cr3+ (aq) + So42- 6 ½ marks
or East to west
3. H2O2(aq) + Fe+2(aq)  Fe+3(aq)+H2O(l) 6 ½ marks


SEC : Juniors : VIP-A, B, VEP-1 Marks: 20 Senior : CHEMISTRY Weekly Test DATE :16.09.16
I. Answer any four questions 4x4=16
SEC : Juniors : Marks: 20
1. Define orbital velocity. Derive an expression for it. Balance the following redox reactions by ion-electron method in Acid
2. Define escape velocity. Derive an expression for it medium:-
3. What is meant by Geo-stationery satellite. Mention its uses 1. MnO4- + So3-2  Mn+2 + SO4-2 6 ½ marks
4. How does the acceleration due to gravity charges with height and depth
II . Very short answer question 4x1=4 2. Cr2O7 + SO2(g)  Cr (aq) + So4
2- 3+ 2-
6 ½ marks
5. An object projected with velocity greater than 11.2 kmps will not return to earth. 3. H2O2(aq) + Fe (aq)  Fe (aq)+H2O(l)
+2 +3
6 ½ marks
6. Why are polar satellites. Mention its one use
7. Hydrogen is in abundance around the sun but not around the Earth. Explain
8. What is the time period of Geo-stationary satellite. Does it rotate from west to east
or East to west


Senior : CHEMISTRY Weekly Test DATE :16.09.16 SEC : Juniors : Marks: 20
SEC : Juniors : Marks: 20 Balance the following redox reactions by ion-electron method in Acid
Balance the following redox reactions by ion-electron method in Acid medium:-
medium:- 1. MnO4- + So3-2  Mn+2 + SO4-2 6 ½ marks
1. MnO4- + So3-2  Mn+2 + SO4-2 6 ½ marks 2. Cr2O7 + SO2(g)  Cr (aq) + So4
2- 3+ 2-
6 ½ marks
2. Cr2O7 + SO2(g)  Cr (aq) + So4
2- 3+ 2-
6 ½ marks 3. H2O2(aq) + Fe+2(aq)  Fe+3(aq)+H2O(l) 6 ½ marks
dx x2
 ( x  1)( x  2)  x2  1
VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR 5) Evaluate 6) Evaluate 0

Senior : CHEMISTRY Weekly Test DATE :16.09.16 

SEC : Juniors : Marks: 20 2
sin 2 x  cos 2 x
Balance the following redox reactions by ion-electron method in Acid  sin 3 x  cos 3 x
dx  sin 2 x cos 4 x dx
medium:- 7) Evaluate 0 8) Evaluate 0

1. MnO4- + So3-2  Mn+2 + SO4-2 6 ½ marks 2

2. Cr2O72- + SO2(g)  Cr3+ (aq) + So42- 6 ½ marks  sin 2  cos 7  d

3. H2O2(aq) + Fe+2(aq)  Fe+3(aq)+H2O(l) 6 ½ marks 
9) Find 2
10) Find the area of the region enclosed by the curves x = 4 – y 2, x = 0
II. Answer any Five Questions 5x4=20
1 2 cos x  3sin x
SEC : Juniors :
Weekly Test DATE :16.09.16
Marks: 20 11)

Evaluate 1  sin x  cos x
dx 
12) Evaluate 4 cos x  5sin x
 /2
Balance the following redox reactions by ion-electron method in Acid 2x  5 dx
medium:-  x  2 x  10
dx  4  5cos x
1. MnO4- + So3-2  Mn+2 + SO4-2 6 ½ marks 13) Evaluate 14) Evaluate 0

2. Cr2O7 + SO2(g)  Cr (aq) + So4
2- 3+ 2-
6 ½ marks
3. H2O2(aq) + Fe+2(aq)  Fe+3(aq)+H2O(l) 6 ½ marks  xsin 7 x cos 6 x dx
15) Find 0 16) Find the reduction formula
 /2


for 0
Senior : CHEMISTRY Weekly Test DATE :16.09.16 1/ n
SEC : Juniors : Marks: 20  1 22 n2 
Balance the following redox reactions by ion-electron method in Acid (1  n 2 )(1  n2 ).....(1  n2 ) 
17) Evaluate lim  
1. MnO4- + So3-2  Mn+2 + SO4-2
2. Cr2O72- + SO2(g)  Cr3+ (aq) + So42-
6 ½ marks
6 ½ marks
 (1  x) 3  2 x  x 2 dx
18) Evaluate
3. H2O2(aq) + Fe+2(aq)  Fe+3(aq)+H2O(l) 6 ½ marks

19) Evaluate  (6 x  5) 6  2 x 2  x dx


Mathematics -IIB Monthly Test 19-9-16
SEC : Senios : V IP, VEP-1, 2 Marks:75
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I Answer all Questions 10x2=20
 tan
1 x dx
sin 4 x 20) Obtain reduction formula for In = , n  2 and deduce the value
 ( x  3) x  2 dx  6 dx 
1) Evaluate 2) Evaluate cos x tan x dx
xe x
 dx
 sin
x dx  cos ec x
3) Evaluate ( x  1)
4) Evaluate 21) Obtain reduction formula for In = 4  2 and deduce the value of
 cos ec x 4. What is erythropoientin? What is its function ?
5. Distinguish between Diabetes mellitus & diabetes insipidus ?
6. What are androgens? Which cells secrete them?

x sin x 7. Write the name of male and female sex hormones and these functions ?
 1  sin x
dx 8. Explain the mechanism of vaccination or immunization?
22) Evaluate 0
9. Colostrum is very much essential for the new born infants ? Why.
log(1  x ) 10 Differentiate between performs and Granzymes?
 1  x2
dx 11. What are complement proteins?
23) Evaluate 0 12. How can the graft rejections be voided in patients?
x2 y2 13. Differentiate between mature Bcells- functional Bcells?
 2 1 14. Briefly explain humoral immunity
24.) Show that the area of the region bounded by a b (elliple) is  ab.
Also deduce the area of the circle x2 + y2 = a2 15. What are T cells & B cells ?
16. What is amnlocentesis? Name any two disorders that can be detected by
17. Mention the advantages of lactational amenorrhoea?
18. Write short notes on IVF (test tube baby)
19. Write short notes on vasectomy and tubectomy?
20. Write two major functions of each testis and ovarep.
21. What re the four extra embryonic membranes?
22. What is the capacitation of sperms?
23. What is menstrual cycle? Which hormone regulate menstrual cycle?
24. Name the yellow mass of cells accumulated in the empty follicle after
ovulation. Name the hormone secreted by its and write its function?
25. Draw a labeled diagram of sperm?
26. What is parturition? Which hormones are involved in inducing parturition?
27. What are the functions of sertoli cells and leyding cells of mass?
28. What are accessory grands of male &female reproductive systems?
29. Define Bilaminar & Trilaminar Embryo.
30. What is the reproductive period of Man and and Women ?


SUB : ZOOLOGY-II Monthly Test DATE : 19.09.16 SEC : Senior : BiPC Marks:60
SEC : Senior : BiPC Marks:60 Very Short Answer Questions Answer all Questions 30x2=30
Very Short Answer Questions Answer all Questions 30x2=30 1. What is accromeghly? Name the hormone responsible for this disorder.
1. What is accromeghly? Name the hormone responsible for this disorder. 2. What is insulin shock?
2. What is insulin shock? 3. What are islets of langerhans?
3. What are islets of langerhans? 4. What is erythropoientin? What is its function ?
5. Distinguish between Diabetes mellitus & diabetes insipidus ? 5. What are the safe guards of Rights ?
6. What are androgens? Which cells secrete them?
7. Write the name of male and female sex hormones and these functions ? II. Answer any 8 in the following Questions : 8x5=40
8. Explain the mechanism of vaccination or immunization?
6. Define State explain any two Essential Elements?
9. Colostrum is very much essential for the new born infants ? Why.
10 Differentiate between performs and Granzymes? 7. What are the differences between State & Society?
11. What are complement proteins?
12. How can the graft rejections be voided in patients? 8. In what way are the State and Government related?
13. Differentiate between mature Bcells- functional Bcells?
14. Briefly explain humoral immunity 9. Explain any five merits of Democracy ?
15. What are T cells & B cells ? 10 What are Safe Guards of Liberty? 11. What are relation between Law & Morality?
16. What is amnlocentesis? Name any two disorders that can be detected by
12 What do you mean by Equality explain ?
13. What are other Element of State Explain?
17. Mention the advantages of lactational amenorrhoea?
18. Write short notes on IVF (test tube baby) 14 Describe various types of Democracy ? 15. What are the features of law

19. Write short notes on vasectomy and tubectomy? 16 What is relation between Law & Liberty? 17.Discuss direct democracy devices ?
20. Write two major functions of each testis and ovarep.
III. Answer any 15 in the following Questions : 15x2=30
21. What re the four extra embryonic membranes?
18) Aristotle 19) City State ? 20) Define Democracy ? 21) Recall
22. What is the capacitation of sperms?
23. What is menstrual cycle? Which hormone regulate menstrual cycle? 22) Who is aliean 23) Organs of Government? 24) Nationality

24. Name the yellow mass of cells accumulated in the empty follicle after 25) Direrect Democracy means 26) What are political rights 27) Constitutional Law
ovulation. Name the hormone secreted by its and write its function? 28) Legal responsibility 29) Define Liberty 30) Moral responsibility
25. Draw a labeled diagram of sperm?
31) Define State 32) Secular State 33) Social Equality
26. What is parturition? Which hormones are involved in inducing parturition?
34) Theocracy 35) Referendum 36) Economic Justice
27. What are the functions of sertoli cells and leyding cells of mass?
28. What are accessory grands of male &female reproductive systems? 37) What are good qualities of citizen

29. Define Bilaminar & Trilaminar Embryo.

30. What is the reproductive period of Man and and Women ?


SUB : CIVICS MONTHLY DATE : 19.09.2016 I. Answer any 3 in the following Questions : 3x10=30
SEC : Jr. CE- 2 Marks : 100
I. Answer any 3 in the following Questions : 3x10=30 1. Define Political Science explain its Scope ? 2) Define Nationality its Elements ?

1. Define Political Science explain its Scope ? 2) Define Nationality its Elements ? 3. India is National State Explain it ? 4) Describe the Civil Rights?

3. India is National State Explain it ? 4) Describe the Civil Rights?

5. What are the safe guards of Rights ? 4. If tan p  = cot q, and p  - q show that the solutions are in A.P. with common

II. Answer any 8 in the following Questions : 8x5=40
difference pq
6. Define State explain any two Essential Elements? 5. Find all values of x  0 in ( - , ) satisfying the equation 81 +cos x +cos2 x +… = 43
7. What are the differences between State & Society? 6. Solve 1+ sin2  = 3sin  cos 

8. In what way are the State and Government related? VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR
Mathematics -IA Weekly Test DATE :20.09.16
9. Explain any five merits of Democracy ? SEC : Juniors : M P C Marks: 25
I. Answer any Five of the following 5 x 5 = 25
10 What are Safe Guards of Liberty? 11. What are relation between Law & Morality? 1. Solve the following equation and write general solution

2 cos2  + 11 sin  = 7 2) Solve cot x + cosec x = 3

12 What do you mean by Equality explain ?
  1
13. What are other Element of State Explain?     
3. If tan (  cos ) = cot (  sin ), then prove that cos  4 2 2
14 Describe various types of Democracy ? 15. What are the features of law 4. If tan p  = cot q, and p  - q show that the solutions are in A.P. with common

16 What is relation between Law & Liberty? 17.Discuss direct democracy devices ?
difference pq
III. Answer any 15 in the following Questions : 15x2=30 5. Find all values of x  0 in ( - , ) satisfying the equation 81 +cos x +cos2 x +… = 43
6. Solve 1+ sin2  = 3sin  cos 
18) Aristotle 19) City State ? 20) Define Democracy ? 21) Recall

22) Who is aliean 23) Organs of Government? 24) Nationality VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR
Mathematics -IA Weekly Test DATE :20.09.16
25) Direrect Democracy means 26) What are political rights 27) Constitutional Law SEC : Juniors : M P C Marks: 25
I. Answer any Five of the following 5 x 5 = 25
28) Legal responsibility 29) Define Liberty 30) Moral responsibility 1. Solve the following equation and write general solution

2 cos2  + 11 sin  = 7 2). Solve cot x + cosec x = 3

31) Define State 32) Secular State 33) Social Equality
  1
34) Theocracy 35) Referendum 36) Economic Justice     
3. If tan (  cos ) = cot (  sin ), then prove that cos  4 2 2
37) What are good qualities of citizen 4. If tan p  = cot q, and p  - q show that the solutions are in A.P. with common

difference pq
5. Find all values of x  0 in ( - , ) satisfying the equation 81 +cos x +cos2 x +… = 43
6. Solve 1+ sin2  = 3sin  cos 
Mathematics -IA Weekly Test DATE :20.09.16
I. Answer any Five of the following 5 x 5 = 25 Mathematics -IA Weekly Test DATE :20.09.16
1. Solve the following equation and write general solution SEC : Juniors : M P C Marks: 25
I. Answer any Five of the following 5 x 5 = 25
2 cos2  + 11 sin  = 7 2) Solve cot x + cosec x = 3 1. Solve the following equation and write general solution
  1 3
     2 cos2  + 11 sin  = 7 2) Solve cot x + cosec x =
3. If tan (  cos ) = cot (  sin ), then prove that cos  4 2 2
  1    2 
      x    tan  x    3,
3. If tan (  cos ) = cot (  sin ), then prove that cos  4 2 2 1. If tan x + tan  3   3  show that tan 3x = 1.
4. If tan p  = cot q, and p  - q show that the solutions are in A.P. with common   2  2  2  3  2  9 
    cos    cos    cos  2
2. Show that cos2  10   5   5   10 
difference 1  sec8 tan 8
5. Find all values of x  0 in ( - , ) satisfying the equation 81 +cos x +cos2 x +… = 43 
3. Prove that 1  sec 4 tan 2
6. Solve 1+ sin2  = 3sin  cos 
4. If A is not an integral multiple of , prove that
sin16 A
Mathematics -IA Weekly Test DATE :20.09.16 cos A. cos 2A. cos4A.Cos8A= 16sin A and hence deduce that
SEC : Juniors : M P C Marks: 25 2 4 8 16 1
I. Answer any Five of the following 5 x 5 = 25 .cos .cos .cos  .
1. Solve the following equation and write general solution cos 15 15 15 15 16
3   2   2   1
2 cos2  + 11 sin  = 7 2) Solve cot x + cosec x =      sin      sin     
  1 5. Prove that sin2  4  12   12  2
     6. If sin x + sin y = 1 / 4 and cos x + cos y = 1 / 3, then show that
3. If tan (  cos ) = cot (  sin ), then prove that cos  4 2 2 Cot ( x + y) = 7 /24
4. If tan p  = cot q, and p  - q show that the solutions are in A.P. with common

difference pq Mathematics -IA Weekly Test DATE :20.09.16
5. Find all values of x  0 in ( - , ) satisfying the equation 81 +cos x +cos2 x +… = 43 SEC : Juniors : V C P Marks: 25
6. Solve 1+ sin2  = 3sin  cos  I. Answer any Five of the following 5 x 5 = 25
   2 
 x    tan  x    3,
1. If tan x + tan  3   3  show that tan 3x = 1.
Mathematics -IA Weekly Test DATE :20.09.16
SEC : Juniors : M P C Marks: 25   2  2  2  3  2  9 
   cos    cos    cos  2
2. Show that cos2  10   5   5   10 
I. Answer any Five of the following 5 x 5 = 25
1. Solve the following equation and write general solution
1  sec8 tan 8
2 cos  + 11 sin  = 7
2). Solve cot x + cosec x = 3 
3. Prove that 1  sec 4 tan 2
  1
     4. If A is not an integral multiple of , prove that
3. If tan (  cos ) = cot (  sin ), then prove that cos  4 2 2 sin16 A
4. If tan p  = cot q, and p  - q show that the solutions are in A.P. with common cos A. cos 2A. cos4A.Cos8A= 16sin A and hence deduce that
 2 4 8 16 1
pq .cos .cos .cos  .
difference cos 15 15 15 15 16
5. Find all values of x  0 in ( - , ) satisfying the equation 81 +cos x +cos2 x +… = 43       1
2 2
6. Solve 1+ sin2  = 3sin  cos       sin      sin     
5. Prove that sin2  4  12   12  2
VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR 6. If sin x + sin y = 1 / 4 and cos x + cos y = 1 / 3, then show that
Mathematics -IA Weekly Test DATE :20.09.16 Cot ( x + y) = 7 /24
SEC : Juniors : V C P Marks: 25
I. Answer any Five of the following 5 x 5 = 25
Mathematics -IA Weekly Test DATE :20.09.16
I. Answer any Five of the following 5 x 5 = 25 Mathematics -IIA Weekly Test DATE :21.09.16
 2  SEC : Seniors : MPC Marks: 25
 
 x    tan  x    3, I. Answer the following 2x2=4
1. If tan x + tan  3  3  show that tan 3x = 1. 1. Find the middle terms of (4x2 + 5x3 )17
2. Find the sum of 3.Co+6.C1+12.C2 + - - - - + 3.2n . Cn
  2  2  2  3  2  9 
   cos    cos    cos  2 II. Answer any 3 of the following 3x7=21
2. Show that cos2  10   5   5   10  3. If the 2nd, 3rd and 4th terms in the expansion of ( a + x)n are respectively
1  sec8 tan 8 240, 720, 1080, find a, x, n.

3. Prove that 1  sec 4 tan 2 4. If and Q are the sum of odd terms and the sum of even terms respectively in the
4. If A is not an integral multiple of , prove that expansion of (x + a)n then prove that
sin16 A
i) P2 – Q2 = (x2 – a2)n ii) 4PQ = (x+a)2n – (x-a)2n
cos A. cos 2A. cos4A.Cos8A= 16sin A and hence deduce that
2 4 8 16 1 5. If R, n are positive integers, n is odd, 0 < F < l and if ( 5 5 + 11)n = R + F, then
.cos .cos .cos  .
cos 15 15 15 15 16 prove that i) R is an even integer and ii) ( R + F) . F = 4n
  2   2   1 6. For r = 0, 1, 2, ….., n prove that C0.Cr+C1.Cr+1.C2.Cr+2 + …+Cn-r.Cn = 2nC(n+r)
     sin      sin     
5. Prove that sin2  4  12   12  2 And hence deduce that i) Co2 + C12+C22 +-----+ Cn2 = 2nCn
6. If sin x + sin y = 1 / 4 and cos x + cos y = 1 / 3, then show that ii) i) Co C1+ C1C2+C2C3 +----+ Cn-1 Cn = 2nCn+1
Cot ( x + y) = 7 /24


Mathematics -IIA Weekly Test DATE :21.09.16
Mathematics -IA Weekly Test DATE :20.09.16
SEC : Seniors : MPC Marks: 25
SEC : Juniors : V C P Marks: 25
I. Answer the following 2x2=4
I. Answer any Five of the following 5 x 5 = 25
1. Find the middle terms of (4x2 + 5x3 )17
   2  2. Find the sum of 3.Co+6.C1+12.C2 + - - - - + 3.2n . Cn
 x    tan  x    3, II. Answer any 3 of the following 3x7=21
1. If tan x + tan  3  3  show that tan 3x = 1. 3. If the 2nd, 3rd and 4th terms in the expansion of ( a + x)n are respectively
  2  2  2  3  2  9 
   cos    cos    cos  2 240, 720, 1080, find a, x, n.
2. Show that cos2  10   5   5   10 
4. If and Q are the sum of odd terms and the sum of even terms respectively in the
1  sec8 tan 8
 expansion of (x + a)n then prove that
3. Prove that 1  sec 4 tan 2 i) P2 – Q2 = (x2 – a2)n ii) 4PQ = (x+a)2n – (x-a)2n
4. If A is not an integral multiple of , prove that
sin16 A 5. If R, n are positive integers, n is odd, 0 < F < l and if ( 5 5 + 11)n = R + F, then
cos A. cos 2A. cos4A.Cos8A= 16sin A and hence deduce that prove that i) R is an even integer and ii) ( R + F) . F = 4n
2 4 8 16 1
.cos .cos .cos  . 6. For r = 0, 1, 2, ….., n prove that C0.Cr+C1.Cr+1.C2.Cr+2 + …+Cn-r.Cn = 2nC(n+r)
cos 15 15 15 15 16 And hence deduce that i) Co2 + C12+C22 +-----+ Cn2 = 2nCn
  2   2   1
     sin      sin      ii) i) Co C1+ C1C2+C2C3 +----+ Cn-1 Cn = 2nCn+1
5. Prove that sin2  4  12   12  2
6. If sin x + sin y = 1 / 4 and cos x + cos y = 1 / 3, then show that
Cot ( x + y) = 7 /24
Mathematics -IIA Weekly Test DATE :21.09.16 VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR
SEC : Seniors : MPC Marks: 25 Mathematics -IIA Weekly Test DATE :21.09.16
I. Answer the following 2x2=4 SEC : Seniors :VCP Marks: 25
1. Find the middle terms of (4x2 + 5x3 )17 I. Answer any five questions 5 x 5 = 25
2. Find the sum of 3.Co+6.C1+12.C2 + - - - - + 3.2n . Cn 4
II. Answer any 3 of the following 3x7=21  (38  r )
C 4.
3. If the 2nd, 3rd and 4th terms in the expansion of ( a + x)n are respectively 34
1) Simplify C5 + r 0

240, 720, 1080, find a, x, n. 2. Find the number of ways of giving away 4 similar coins to 5 boys if each boy can be
given any number (less than or equal to 4) of coins
4. If and Q are the sum of odd terms and the sum of even terms respectively in the 4n
C 2 n 1.3.5....(4n  1)
expansion of (x + a)n then prove that 
3). Prove that
C n {1.3.5...(2  1)}2
i) P2 – Q2 = (x2 – a2)n ii) 4PQ = (x+a)2n – (x-a)2n
4) A question paper is divided into 3 sections A, B, C containing 3, 4, 5 questions
respectively. Find the number of ways of attempting 6 questions choosing atlest one
5. If R, n are positive integers, n is odd, 0 < F < l and if ( 5 5 + 11)n = R + F, then
from each section.
prove that i) R is an even integer and ii) ( R + F) . F = 4n 5. A class contains 4 boys and g girls. Every Sunday, five students with at lest 3 boys
go for a picnic. A different group is being sent every week. During the picnic, the
6. For r = 0, 1, 2, ….., n prove that C0.Cr+C1.Cr+1.C2.Cr+2 + …+Cn-r.Cn = 2nC(n+r) class teacher gives each girls in the group a doll. If the total number of dolls
And hence deduce that i) Co2 + C12+C22 +-----+ Cn2 = 2nCn distributed is 85, find g.
6. Prove that nCr + nCr-1 = ( n + 1 ) Cr
ii) i) Co C1+ C1C2+C2C3 +----+ Cn-1 Cn = 2nCn+1


Mathematics -IIA Weekly Test DATE :21.09.16 VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR
SEC : Seniors : MPC Marks: 25 Mathematics -IIA Weekly Test DATE :21.09.16
I. Answer the following 2x2=4 SEC : Seniors :VCP Marks: 25
1. Find the middle terms of (4x2 + 5x3 )17 I. Answer any five questions 5 x 5 = 25
2. Find the sum of 3.Co+6.C1+12.C2 + - - - - + 3.2n . Cn 4
II. Answer any 3 of the following 3x7=21
3. If the 2nd, 3rd and 4th terms in the expansion of ( a + x)n are respectively 34

r 0
(38  r )
C 4.
1) Simplify C5 +
240, 720, 1080, find a, x, n. 2. Find the number of ways of giving away 4 similar coins to 5 boys if each boy can be
given any number (less than or equal to 4) of coins
4. If and Q are the sum of odd terms and the sum of even terms respectively in the 4n
C 2 n 1.3.5....(4n  1)
expansion of (x + a)n then prove that 
3). Prove that
C n {1.3.5...(2  1)}2
i) P2 – Q2 = (x2 – a2)n ii) 4PQ = (x+a)2n – (x-a)2n
4) A question paper is divided into 3 sections A, B, C containing 3, 4, 5 questions
5. If R, n are positive integers, n is odd, 0 < F < l and if ( 5 5 + 11)n = R + F, then respectively. Find the number of ways of attempting 6 questions choosing atlest one
from each section.
prove that i) R is an even integer and ii) ( R + F) . F = 4n 5. A class contains 4 boys and g girls. Every Sunday, five students with at lest 3 boys
go for a picnic. A different group is being sent every week. During the picnic, the
6. For r = 0, 1, 2, ….., n prove that C0.Cr+C1.Cr+1.C2.Cr+2 + …+Cn-r.Cn = 2nC(n+r)
class teacher gives each girls in the group a doll. If the total number of dolls
And hence deduce that i) Co2 + C12+C22 +-----+ Cn2 = 2nCn distributed is 85, find g.
6. Prove that nCr + nCr-1 = ( n + 1 ) Cr
ii) i) Co C1+ C1C2+C2C3 +----+ Cn-1 Cn = 2nCn+1
Mathematics -IIA Weekly Test DATE :21.09.16 VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR
SEC : Seniors :VCP Marks: 25 Mathematics -IB Weekly Test DATE :22.09.16
I. Answer any five questions 5 x 5 = 25 SEC : Juniors :VEP-1, 2 Marks: 25
4 I. Answer all questions 2 x2 = 4
 (38  r )
C 4. 1. Find x if the distance between (5, -1, 7) and (x, 5, 1) is 9 units.
2. If (3, 2, -1), (4, 1, 1) and (6, 2, 5) are three vertices and (4, 2, 2) is the centroid of a
1) Simplify C5 + r 0

2. Find the number of ways of giving away 4 similar coins to 5 boys if each boy can be tetrahedron, find the fourth vertex
given any number (less than or equal to 4) of coins II. Answer all questions 3x7=21
3. Find the direction cosines of two lines which are connected by the relations
C 2 n 1.3.5....(4n  1) l -5m +3n=0 and 7l2 + 5m2 – 3n2 = 0

3). Prove that
C n {1.3.5...(2  1)}2 4. Find the direction consines of two lines which are connected by the relations
1 + m + n = 0 and mn-2nl – 21m = 0
4) A question paper is divided into 3 sections A, B, C containing 3, 4, 5 questions 5. Show that the lines whose d.c.’s are given by l + m + n =0, 2mn +3nl – 5lm=0 are
respectively. Find the number of ways of attempting 6 questions choosing atlest one perpendicular to each other.
from each section.
5. A class contains 4 boys and g girls. Every Sunday, five students with at lest 3 boys
go for a picnic. A different group is being sent every week. During the picnic, the VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR
class teacher gives each girls in the group a doll. If the total number of dolls Mathematics -IB Weekly Test DATE :22.09.16
distributed is 85, find g. SEC : Juniors :VEP-1, 2 Marks: 25
6. Prove that nCr + nCr-1 = ( n + 1 ) Cr
I. Answer all questions 2 x2 = 4
1. Find x if the distance between (5, -1, 7) and (x, 5, 1) is 9 units.
2. If (3, 2, -1), (4, 1, 1) and (6, 2, 5) are three vertices and (4, 2, 2) is the centroid of a
tetrahedron, find the fourth vertex
II. Answer all questions 3x7=21
VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR 3. Find the direction cosines of two lines which are connected by the relations
Mathematics -IIA Weekly Test DATE :21.09.16 l -5m +3n=0 and 7l2 + 5m2 – 3n2 = 0
SEC : Seniors :VCP Marks: 25 4. Find the direction consines of two lines which are connected by the relations
I. Answer any five questions 5 x 5 = 25 1 + m + n = 0 and mn-2nl – 21m = 0
4 5. Show that the lines whose d.c.’s are given by l + m + n =0, 2mn +3nl – 5lm=0 are
 (38  r )
C 4. perpendicular to each other.
1) Simplify 34C5 + r 0
2. Find the number of ways of giving away 4 similar coins to 5 boys if each boy can be
given any number (less than or equal to 4) of coins VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR
Mathematics -IB Weekly Test DATE :22.09.16
C 2 n 1.3.5....(4n  1) SEC : Juniors :VEP-1, 2 Marks: 25

3). Prove that
C n {1.3.5...(2  1)}2 I. Answer all questions 2 x2 = 4
1. Find x if the distance between (5, -1, 7) and (x, 5, 1) is 9 units.
4) A question paper is divided into 3 sections A, B, C containing 3, 4, 5 questions
2. If (3, 2, -1), (4, 1, 1) and (6, 2, 5) are three vertices and (4, 2, 2) is the centroid of a
respectively. Find the number of ways of attempting 6 questions choosing atlest one
tetrahedron, find the fourth vertex
from each section.
II. Answer all questions 3x7=21
5. A class contains 4 boys and g girls. Every Sunday, five students with at lest 3 boys
3. Find the direction cosines of two lines which are connected by the relations
go for a picnic. A different group is being sent every week. During the picnic, the
l -5m +3n=0 and 7l2 + 5m2 – 3n2 = 0
class teacher gives each girls in the group a doll. If the total number of dolls
4. Find the direction consines of two lines which are connected by the relations
distributed is 85, find g.
1 + m + n = 0 and mn-2nl – 21m = 0
6. Prove that nCr + nCr-1 = ( n + 1 ) Cr
5. Show that the lines whose d.c.’s are given by l + m + n =0, 2mn +3nl – 5lm=0 are
perpendicular to each other.
Mathematics -IB Weekly Test DATE :22.09.16 Mathematics -IB Weekly Test DATE :22.09.16
SEC : Juniors :VEP-1, 2 Marks: 25 SEC : Juniors :VIP-A Marks: 25
I. Answer all questions 2 x2 = 4 I. Answer any four questions
1. Find x if the distance between (5, -1, 7) and (x, 5, 1) is 9 units. 1. Find the angle between two diagonals of a cube.
2. If (3, 2, -1), (4, 1, 1) and (6, 2, 5) are three vertices and (4, 2, 2) is the centroid of a 2. Show that the lines whose d.c.’s are given by l + m + n =0, 2mn +3nl – 5lm=0 are
tetrahedron, find the fourth vertex perpendicular to each other.
II. Answer all questions 3x7=21 3. If a ray makes angles α, , , , with the four diagonals of a cube find
3. Find the direction cosines of two lines which are connected by the relations cos2α + cos2 + cos2 + cos2.
l -5m +3n=0 and 7l2 + 5m2 – 3n2 = 0 4. Find the angle between the lines whose direction cosines are given by the equations
4. Find the direction consines of two lines which are connected by the relations 31+ m+5n = 0 and 6mn – 2nl + 5lm = 0.
1 + m + n = 0 and mn-2nl – 21m = 0 5. If a variable line in two adjacent positions has direction cosines (1, m, n) and
5. Show that the lines whose d.c.’s are given by l + m + n =0, 2mn +3nl – 5lm=0 are (1 + 1, m + m, n +  n), show that the small angle  between the two positions is
perpendicular to each other. given by ()2 = (1)2 + (m )2 + (n )2


Mathematics -IB Weekly Test DATE :22.09.16 Mathematics -IB Weekly Test DATE :22.09.16
SEC : Juniors :VEP-1, 2 Marks: 25 SEC : Juniors :VIP-A Marks: 25
I. Answer all questions 2 x2 = 4 I. Answer any four questions
1. Find x if the distance between (5, -1, 7) and (x, 5, 1) is 9 units. 1. Find the angle between two diagonals of a cube.
2. If (3, 2, -1), (4, 1, 1) and (6, 2, 5) are three vertices and (4, 2, 2) is the centroid of a 2. Show that the lines whose d.c.’s are given by l + m + n =0, 2mn +3nl – 5lm=0 are
tetrahedron, find the fourth vertex perpendicular to each other.
II. Answer all questions 3x7=21 3. If a ray makes angles α, , , , with the four diagonals of a cube find
3. Find the direction cosines of two lines which are connected by the relations cos2α + cos2 + cos2 + cos2.
l -5m +3n=0 and 7l2 + 5m2 – 3n2 = 0 4. Find the angle between the lines whose direction cosines are given by the equations
4. Find the direction consines of two lines which are connected by the relations 31+ m+5n = 0 and 6mn – 2nl + 5lm = 0.
1 + m + n = 0 and mn-2nl – 21m = 0 5. If a variable line in two adjacent positions has direction cosines (1, m, n) and
5. Show that the lines whose d.c.’s are given by l + m + n =0, 2mn +3nl – 5lm=0 are (1 + 1, m + m, n +  n), show that the small angle  between the two positions is
perpendicular to each other.
given by ()2 = (1)2 + (m )2 + (n )2


Mathematics -IB Weekly Test DATE :22.09.16
Mathematics -IB Weekly Test DATE :22.09.16
SEC : Juniors :VEP-1, 2 Marks: 25
SEC : Juniors :VIP-A Marks: 25
I. Answer all questions 2 x2 = 4
I. Answer any four questions
1. Find x if the distance between (5, -1, 7) and (x, 5, 1) is 9 units.
1. Find the angle between two diagonals of a cube.
2. If (3, 2, -1), (4, 1, 1) and (6, 2, 5) are three vertices and (4, 2, 2) is the centroid of a
2. Show that the lines whose d.c.’s are given by l + m + n =0, 2mn +3nl – 5lm=0 are
tetrahedron, find the fourth vertex
perpendicular to each other.
II. Answer all questions 3x7=21
3. If a ray makes angles α, , , , with the four diagonals of a cube find
3. Find the direction cosines of two lines which are connected by the relations
l -5m +3n=0 and 7l2 + 5m2 – 3n2 = 0 cos2α + cos2 + cos2 + cos2.
4. Find the direction consines of two lines which are connected by the relations 4. Find the angle between the lines whose direction cosines are given by the equations
1 + m + n = 0 and mn-2nl – 21m = 0 31+ m+5n = 0 and 6mn – 2nl + 5lm = 0.
5. Show that the lines whose d.c.’s are given by l + m + n =0, 2mn +3nl – 5lm=0 are 5. If a variable line in two adjacent positions has direction cosines (1, m, n) and
perpendicular to each other. (1 + 1, m + m, n +  n), show that the small angle  between the two positions is
given by ()2 = (1)2 + (m )2 + (n )2
VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR Mathematics -IB Weekly Test DATE :22.09.16
Mathematics -IB Weekly Test DATE :22.09.16 SEC : Juniors :VIP-B Marks: 25
SEC : Juniors :VIP-A Marks: 25 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I. Answer any four questions I. Find the ratio in which the XZ-plane divides the line joining a (-2, 3, 4) and
1. Find the angle between two diagonals of a cube. B (1,2, 3).
2. Show that the lines whose d.c.’s are given by l + m + n =0, 2mn +3nl – 5lm=0 are 2. If (3, 2, -1), (4, 1, 1) and (6, 2, 5) are three vertices and (4, 2, 2) is the centroid of a t
perpendicular to each other. Tetrahedron, find the fourth vertex.
3. If a ray makes angles α, , , , with the four diagonals of a cube find 3. Show that the points (5, 4, 2), (6, 2, -1) and (8, -2, -7) are collinear.
cos2α + cos2 + cos2 + cos2. 4. A line makes angles 90o, 60o and 30o with the positive directions of X, Y, Z axes
4. Find the angle between the lines whose direction cosines are given by the equations respectively Find its direction cosines
31+ m+5n = 0 and 6mn – 2nl + 5lm = 0. 5. If a line makes angles α, ,  with the positive directions of X. Y, Z – axes, what is
5. If a variable line in two adjacent positions has direction cosines (1, m, n) and the value of sin2 α + sin2 + sin2  ?
(1 + 1, m + m, n +  n), show that the small angle  between the two positions is 6. Show that the lines PQ and RS are parallel where P, Q, R, S are the points (2, 3, 4),
given by ()2 = (1)2 + (m )2 + (n )2 ( 4, 7, 8) (-1, -2, 1) and ( 1, 2 5) respectively.
7. Find the point o intersection of the lines AB and CD where
VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR A= (7, -6, 1), B = (17, -18, -3), C = ( 1, 4, -5) and D = (3, -4, 11).
Mathematics -IB Weekly Test DATE :22.09.16
SEC : Juniors :VIP-A Marks: 25 8. A (3, 2, 0) B (5, 3, 2) , C (-9, 6, -3) are vertices of a triangle. AD, the bisector
I. Answer any four questions
BAC meets BC at D. Find the coordinates of D.
1. Find the angle between two diagonals of a cube.
2. Show that the lines whose d.c.’s are given by l + m + n =0, 2mn +3nl – 5lm=0 are
perpendicular to each other.
3. If a ray makes angles α, , , , with the four diagonals of a cube find
cos2α + cos2 + cos2 + cos2.
4. Find the angle between the lines whose direction cosines are given by the equations VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR
31+ m+5n = 0 and 6mn – 2nl + 5lm = 0. Mathematics -IB Weekly Test DATE :22.09.16
5. If a variable line in two adjacent positions has direction cosines (1, m, n) and SEC : Juniors :VIP-B Marks: 25
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
(1 + 1, m + m, n +  n), show that the small angle  between the two positions is
I. Find the ratio in which the XZ-plane divides the line joining a (-2, 3, 4) and
given by ()2 = (1)2 + (m )2 + (n )2
B (1,2, 3).
2. If (3, 2, -1), (4, 1, 1) and (6, 2, 5) are three vertices and (4, 2, 2) is the centroid of a t
Tetrahedron, find the fourth vertex.
3. Show that the points (5, 4, 2), (6, 2, -1) and (8, -2, -7) are collinear.
Mathematics -IB Weekly Test DATE :22.09.16
4. A line makes angles 90o, 60o and 30o with the positive directions of X, Y, Z axes
SEC : Juniors :VIP-A Marks: 25
respectively Find its direction cosines
I. Answer any four questions 5. If a line makes angles α, ,  with the positive directions of X. Y, Z – axes, what is
1. Find the angle between two diagonals of a cube.
the value of sin2 α + sin2 + sin2  ?
2. Show that the lines whose d.c.’s are given by l + m + n =0, 2mn +3nl – 5lm=0 are
6. Show that the lines PQ and RS are parallel where P, Q, R, S are the points (2, 3, 4),
perpendicular to each other.
3. If a ray makes angles α, , , , with the four diagonals of a cube find ( 4, 7, 8) (-1, -2, 1) and ( 1, 2 5) respectively.
cos2α + cos2 + cos2 + cos2. 7. Find the point o intersection of the lines AB and CD where
4. Find the angle between the lines whose direction cosines are given by the equations
31+ m+5n = 0 and 6mn – 2nl + 5lm = 0. A= (7, -6, 1), B = (17, -18, -3), C = ( 1, 4, -5) and D = (3, -4, 11).
5. If a variable line in two adjacent positions has direction cosines (1, m, n) and 8. A (3, 2, 0) B (5, 3, 2) , C (-9, 6, -3) are vertices of a triangle. AD, the bisector
(1 + 1, m + m, n +  n), show that the small angle  between the two positions is
given by ()2 = (1)2 + (m )2 + (n )2 BAC meets BC at D. Find the coordinates of D.
Mathematics -IB Weekly Test DATE :22.09.16 Chemistry Weekly Test DATE :23.09.16
SEC : Juniors :VIP-B Marks: 25 SEC : Juniors :VIP-A, B, VEP-1 Marks: 25
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I. Find the ratio in which the XZ-plane divides the line joining a (-2, 3, 4) and 1. Balance the following redox reaction by Half-reaction method.
B (1,2, 3).
Cr(OH)3 + IO3- OH- CrO4-2 + I –
2. If (3, 2, -1), (4, 1, 1) and (6, 2, 5) are three vertices and (4, 2, 2) is the centroid of a t
Tetrahedron, find the fourth vertex. 2. Balance the following redox reaction by oxidation number method
3. Show that the points (5, 4, 2), (6, 2, -1) and (8, -2, -7) are collinear. N2H4 + ClO3-  NO + Cl-
4. A line makes angles 90o, 60o and 30o with the positive directions of X, Y, Z axes 3. A carbon compound contains 12.8% Carbon, 2.1% hydrogen, 85.1% brominl. The
respectively Find its direction cosines molecular weight of the compound is 187.9. Calculate molecular formula.
5. If a line makes angles α, ,  with the positive directions of X. Y, Z – axes, what is
the value of sin2 α + sin2 + sin2  ?
6. Show that the lines PQ and RS are parallel where P, Q, R, S are the points (2, 3, 4),
Chemistry Weekly Test DATE :23.09.16
( 4, 7, 8) (-1, -2, 1) and ( 1, 2 5) respectively. SEC : Juniors :VIP-A, B, VEP-1 Marks: 25
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
7. Find the point o intersection of the lines AB and CD where
1. Balance the following redox reaction by Half-reaction method.
A= (7, -6, 1), B = (17, -18, -3), C = ( 1, 4, -5) and D = (3, -4, 11).
Cr(OH)3 + IO3- OH- CrO4-2 + I –
8. A (3, 2, 0) B (5, 3, 2) , C (-9, 6, -3) are vertices of a triangle. AD, the bisector
2. Balance the following redox reaction by oxidation number method
BAC meets BC at D. Find the coordinates of D. N2H4 + ClO3-  NO + Cl-
3. A carbon compound contains 12.8% Carbon, 2.1% hydrogen, 85.1% brominl. The
molecular weight of the compound is 187.9. Calculate molecular formula.


Chemistry Weekly Test DATE :23.09.16
Mathematics -IB Weekly Test DATE :22.09.16 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
SEC : Juniors :VIP-B Marks: 25 1. Balance the following redox reaction by Half-reaction method.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I. Find the ratio in which the XZ-plane divides the line joining a (-2, 3, 4) and Cr(OH)3 + IO3- OH- CrO4-2 + I –
B (1,2, 3). 2. Balance the following redox reaction by oxidation number method
2. If (3, 2, -1), (4, 1, 1) and (6, 2, 5) are three vertices and (4, 2, 2) is the centroid of a t
Tetrahedron, find the fourth vertex. N2H4 + ClO3-  NO + Cl-
3. Show that the points (5, 4, 2), (6, 2, -1) and (8, -2, -7) are collinear.
3. A carbon compound contains 12.8% Carbon, 2.1% hydrogen, 85.1% brominl. The
4. A line makes angles 90o, 60o and 30o with the positive directions of X, Y, Z axes
molecular weight of the compound is 187.9. Calculate molecular formula.
respectively Find its direction cosines
5. If a line makes angles α, ,  with the positive directions of X. Y, Z – axes, what is
the value of sin2 α + sin2 + sin2  ? VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR
6. Show that the lines PQ and RS are parallel where P, Q, R, S are the points (2, 3, 4), Chemistry Weekly Test DATE :23.09.16
( 4, 7, 8) (-1, -2, 1) and ( 1, 2 5) respectively. SEC : Juniors :VIP-A, B, VEP-1 Marks: 25
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
7. Find the point o intersection of the lines AB and CD where 1. Balance the following redox reaction by Half-reaction method.
A= (7, -6, 1), B = (17, -18, -3), C = ( 1, 4, -5) and D = (3, -4, 11). Cr(OH)3 + IO3- OH- CrO4-2 + I –
8. A (3, 2, 0) B (5, 3, 2) , C (-9, 6, -3) are vertices of a triangle. AD, the bisector 2. Balance the following redox reaction by oxidation number method
BAC meets BC at D. Find the coordinates of D. N2H4 + ClO3-  NO + Cl-
3. A carbon compound contains 12.8% Carbon, 2.1% hydrogen, 85.1% brominl. The
molecular weight of the compound is 187.9. Calculate molecular formula.
VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR SUB: English Paper- II Weekly Test Date: 24.09.2016
Chemistry Weekly Test DATE :23.09.16 SEC: Seniors Marks: 25
SEC : Juniors :VIP-A, B, VEP-1 Marks: 25 I. Answer the following question in about 25 lines:- 1x10=10
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
1. Balance the following redox reaction by Half-reaction method. a) Write a character Sketch of Nopoleon.
- - -2 –
Cr(OH)3 + IO3 OH CrO 4 +I
II. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:-
2. Balance the following redox reaction by oxidation number method 5x1=5
N2H4 + ClO3-  NO + Cl-
3. A carbon compound contains 12.8% Carbon, 2.1% hydrogen, 85.1% brominl. The
molecular weight of the compound is 187.9. Calculate molecular formula.


Chemistry Weekly Test DATE :23.09.16
SEC : Juniors :VIP-A, B, VEP-1 Marks: 25
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
1. Balance the following redox reaction by Half-reaction method.
Cr(OH)3 + IO3- OH- CrO4-2 + I –
2. Balance the following redox reaction by oxidation number method
N2H4 + ClO3-  NO + Cl-
3. A carbon compound contains 12.8% Carbon, 2.1% hydrogen, 85.1% brominl. The
molecular weight of the compound is 187.9. Calculate molecular formula.


Chemistry Weekly Test DATE :23.09.16
SEC : Juniors :VIP-A, B, VEP-1 Marks: 25
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
1. Balance the following redox reaction by Half-reaction method.
Cr(OH)3 + IO3- OH- CrO4-2 + I – III. Which the words in column ‘A’ with their meanings in column ‘B’ 1x5=5

2. Balance the following redox reaction by oxidation number method 1. Atheist a) apaprdonable offence

N2H4 + ClO3-  NO + Cl- 2. Etiquette` b) Who does not believe in God

3. Gregarious c) Knowing everything
3. A carbon compound contains 12.8% Carbon, 2.1% hydrogen, 85.1% brominl. The
molecular weight of the compound is 187.9. Calculate molecular formula. 4. Panancea d) fit for drinking
5. Omniscient e) rules of established behaviour
VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR f) which can not be seen
Chemistry Weekly Test DATE :23.09.16
g) of animals living in flocks
SEC : Juniors :VIP-A, B, VEP-1 Marks: 25
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h) a supposed cure for all diseases and problems
1. Balance the following redox reaction by Half-reaction method.
IV. Mark the stress for any five of the following words: 5x1=5
Cr(OH)3 + IO3- OH- CrO4-2 + I –
1. Optical 2) musician 3) emphasize 4) biography 5) authorize
2. Balance the following redox reaction by oxidation number method
6) anthology 7) Indian 8) orthography 9) symbolize 10) visibility
N2H4 + ClO3-  NO + Cl-
3. A carbon compound contains 12.8% Carbon, 2.1% hydrogen, 85.1% brominl. The
molecular weight of the compound is 187.9. Calculate molecular formula.


SUB: English Paper- I Weekly Test Date: 24.09.2016
SEC: Juniors (All Science ) Marks: 25
I. Annotate any one of the following in 10-15 lines each:- 1x4=4
a) We do it differently
in this dark continent
b) Holding a candelabrum before an idol
Just once a year
Is desecrating it.
II. Answer any one of the following in 10-15 lines each:- 1x4=4
a) How does the poet contrast the celebration of Mother’s Day in western
western countries and in our country ? 5x1=5
b) Does the poet approve of celebrating Mother’s Day ? Explain
III. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:-

IV. Rewrite the following sentences correcting the underlined part the entire sentence
must be written 4x1=4
a) When you saw the movie ?
b) Ganesh lives here since 1990
c) If I was a bird, I would fly
d) To swim is a pleasant exercise
V. Identify the part of speech of the underlined words:- 4x1/2 =2
a) Pradeep is not as bold as Ashok
b) He has gone to college
c) The old man left for Delhi yesterday
d) Unless you work hard, you can not reach the goal
VI. Find the word that is different from the other words in the group:- 4x1=4
1) bitter bit bite
2) chaos cheap cheat
3) yacht chat chip
4) feather weather mathematics
VII Write the number of syllables for any four of the following 4x1/2 =2
1) Important 2) mould 3) Avert 4) Incompetent


Chemistry Weekly Test DATE :27.09.16
SEC : Juniors :MPC Marks: 25
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I Answer any five of the following 5 x 5 = 25
1. P.T.sin-1 3/5 + sin-1 = cos-1 36/85
2, Find the values of sin (cos-1 3/5 + cos-1 12/13)
 1 1 2
 2(Tan  Tan 1   3 / 5
3. P.T. cos  4 9
4. P.T. Tan-1 1/2 + Tan-1 1/5 + Tan-1 1/8 = /4
1 x  1 1  1 
   Cot   , x  0 and x 1.
5. Solve Cot-1  1  x  2  x
6. If Tan-1 x + Tan-1 y + Tan-1 z =  , then P.T. x + y + z = xyz.


Chemistry Weekly Test DATE :27.09.16
SEC : Juniors :VCP Marks: 25
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I Answer any five of the following 5 x 5 = 25
1. If none of x, y, z is an odd multiple of /2 and if sin ( y + z – x),
Sin ( z + x – y), Sin ( x + y – z) are in A.P., then prove that
Tan x, tan y , tan z are also in A.P
2. If


Maths -IIA Weekly Test DATE :28.09.16
SEC : Seniors :VCP Marks: 25
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I State and prove Binomial Theorem 5 Marks
2. Prove that, for any teal numbers a, d,
a.Co+(a+d). C1 + (a+2d), C2 + . . . .+ (a+nd). Cn = (2a + nd). 2n-1

 r.C r  n.2n 1
3. If n is a positive integer, then we prove that i) r 1
n n

 r.(r  1).C r  n.(n  1).2n1  r .C 2

r  n(n  1).2n  2
2) r 2 3) r 2

4. With the standard notaion, if n is a positive integer, then

Co + C1 + C2 + …. + Cn = 2n
 2 p 3q 
  
5. Explain the following using binomial theorem  5 7 
 2x 3y 
  
6. Write don an simplify  3 2 
7. Find the number of terms in the expansion of (2x + 3y + z)7
8. Find the number of terms with non-zero coefficients in (4x-7y)49 + (4x + 7y)49


Maths -IIA Weekly Test DATE :28.09.16
SEC : Seniors :VIP, VEP-1. 2 Marks: 25
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I. Answer the following 2x2=4

1. Expand 5 5 in increasing powers of 4 /5

2. Find an approximate value of 1002  998

3 3

III Answer any 3 of the following 3x7=2

3.5 3.5.7
  
3. Find the sum of the series 5.10 5.10.15
4 4.7 4.7.10
  
4. Find the sum of the infinite series 1- 5 5.10 5.10.15
1.3 1.3.5 4 4.7 4.7.10
     
5. If f x = 3.6 3.6.9 , then P.T. 9x2+24x = 11 4. Find the sum of the infinite series 1- 5 5.10 5.10.15
6. Find the sum to infinite terms of 1.3 1.3.5
  
7 1 1.3 1 1.3.5 1  5. If f x = 3.6 3.6.9 , then P.T. 9x2+24x = 11
1  2  . 4 . 6     
5  10 1.2 10 1.2.3 10  6. Find the sum to infinite terms of
7 1 1.3 1 1.3.5 1 
1  2  . 4 . 6     
5  10 1.2 10 1.2.3 10 
Maths -IIA Weekly Test DATE :28.09.16
SEC : Seniors :VIP, VEP-1. 2 Marks: 25
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR
I. Answer the following 2x2=4 Maths -IIA Weekly Test DATE :28.09.16
SEC : Seniors :VIP, VEP-1. 2 Marks: 25
1. Expand 5 5 in increasing powers of 4 /5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I. Answer the following 2x2=4
2. Find an approximate value of 1002  998
3 3

III Answer any 3 of the following 3x7=2 1. Expand 5 5 in increasing powers of 4 /5

3.5 3.5.7
2. Find an approximate value of 1002  998
3 3
  
3. Find the sum of the series 5.10 5.10.15 III Answer any 3 of the following 3x7=2
4 4.7 4.7.10 3.5 3.5.7
     
4. Find the sum of the infinite series 1- 5 5.10 5.10.15 3. Find the sum of the series 5.10 5.10.15
1.3 1.3.5 4 4.7 4.7.10
     
5. If f x = 3.6 3.6.9 , then P.T. 9x2+24x = 11 4. Find the sum of the infinite series 1- 5 5.10 5.10.15
6. Find the sum to infinite terms of 1.3 1.3.5
  
7 1 1.3 1 1.3.5 1  5. If f x = 3.6 3.6.9 , then P.T. 9x2+24x = 11
1  2  . 4 . 6     
5  10 1.2 10 1.2.3 10  6. Find the sum to infinite terms of
7 1 1.3 1 1.3.5 1 
1  2  . 4 . 6     
5  10 1.2 10 1.2.3 10 


Maths -IIA Weekly Test DATE :28.09.16
SEC : Seniors :VIP, VEP-1. 2 Marks: 25
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I. Answer the following 2x2=4 VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR
Maths -IB Weekly Test DATE :29.09.16
1. Expand 5 5 in increasing powers of 4 /5
SEC : Juniors : Marks: 25
2. Find an approximate value of 1002  998
3 3
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I. Answer all questions 2x2=4
III Answer any 3 of the following 3x7=2
3.5 3.5.7 1. Find the angle between the planes x + 2y +2z +5 = 0 and 3x + 3y + 2z – 8 =0
  
3. Find the sum of the series 5.10 5.10.15 2. Find the equation of the plane passing ( 1, 1, 1) and parallel to the plane
x+2y+3z – 7 = 0.
II Answer any three questions 3x7=21 3. If a ray makes angles α, , ,  with the four diagonals of a cub e find
3. If a ray makes angles α, , ,  with the four diagonals of a cub e find cos2 α + cos2  + cos2  + cos2
cos2 α + cos2  + cos2  + cos2 4. Find the angle between the lines whose direction csines satisy the equations
4. Find the angle between the lines whose direction csines satisy the equations L + m + n = 0 , l2 + m2 – n2 = 0
L + m + n = 0 , l 2 + m 2 – n2 = 0 5. The vertices of a triangle are A(1, 4, 2),B(-2, 1, 2),C(2, 3, -4), Find A, B, C
5. The vertices of a triangle are A(1, 4, 2),B(-2, 1, 2),C(2, 3, -4), Find A, B, C 6. Find the angle between the lines whose direction cosines are given by the
6. Find the angle between the lines whose direction cosines are given by the equations 3l + m + 5n = 0 and 6mn – 2nl + 5lm = 0
equations 3l + m + 5n = 0 and 6mn – 2nl + 5lm = 0
Maths -IB Weekly Test DATE :29.09.16
SEC : Juniors : Marks: 25
Maths -IB Weekly Test DATE :29.09.16
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
SEC : Juniors : Marks: 25 I. Answer all questions 2x2=4
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I. Answer all questions 2x2=4 1. Find the angle between the planes x + 2y +2z +5 = 0 and 3x + 3y + 2z – 8 =0
1. Find the angle between the planes x + 2y +2z +5 = 0 and 3x + 3y + 2z – 8 =0 2. Find the equation of the plane passing ( 1, 1, 1) and parallel to the plane
2. Find the equation of the plane passing ( 1, 1, 1) and parallel to the plane x+2y+3z – 7 = 0.
x+2y+3z – 7 = 0. II Answer any three questions 3x7=21
II Answer any three questions 3x7=21 3. If a ray makes angles α, , ,  with the four diagonals of a cub e find
3. If a ray makes angles α, , ,  with the four diagonals of a cub e find cos2 α + cos2  + cos2  + cos2
cos2 α + cos2  + cos2  + cos2 4. Find the angle between the lines whose direction csines satisy the equations
4. Find the angle between the lines whose direction csines satisy the equations L + m + n = 0 , l2 + m2 – n2 = 0
L + m + n = 0 , l 2 + m 2 – n2 = 0 5. The vertices of a triangle are A(1, 4, 2),B(-2, 1, 2),C(2, 3, -4), Find A, B, C
5. The vertices of a triangle are A(1, 4, 2),B(-2, 1, 2),C(2, 3, -4), Find A, B, C 6. Find the angle between the lines whose direction cosines are given by the
6. Find the angle between the lines whose direction cosines are given by the equations 3l + m + 5n = 0 and 6mn – 2nl + 5lm = 0
equations 3l + m + 5n = 0 and 6mn – 2nl + 5lm = 0


Maths -IB Weekly Test DATE :29.09.16
Maths -IB Weekly Test DATE :29.09.16
SEC : Juniors : VIP - A Marks: 25
SEC : Juniors : Marks: 25
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I. Answer all questions 2x6=12
I. Answer all questions 2x2=4
1. Reduce the equation x + 2y – 3z – 6 = 0 of the plane to the normal form
1. Find the angle between the planes x + 2y +2z +5 = 0 and 3x + 3y + 2z – 8 =0 2. Find the eqation of the plane passing through (-2, 1, 3) and having (3, -5, 4) and
d. r. ‘s of its normal
2. Find the equation of the plane passing ( 1, 1, 1) and parallel to the plane 3. Find the angle between the planes x + 2y + 2z – 5 = 0 and 3x+3y+2z-8=0
x+2y+3z – 7 = 0. 4. Find the equation of the plane passing through (1, 1, 1) and parallel to the
plane x + 2y + 3z – 7 = 0
II Answer any three questions 3x7=21 5. Find the equation of the plane through the points (2, 2, -1), (3, 4, 2), (7, 0, 6).
6. A plane meets the coordinate axes in A, B, C. If the centroid of ABC is (a, b, c) 6. A plane meets the coordinate axes in A, B, C. If the centroid of ABC is (a, b, c)
show t.hat the equation to the plane is x/a + y/b + z/c = 3. 6 Marks show t.hat the equation to the plane is x/a + y/b + z/c = 3. 6 Marks
7. Find the constant k so that planes x – 2y + kz = 0 and 2x + 5y – z = 0 are at right 7. Find the constant k so that planes x – 2y + kz = 0 and 2x + 5y – z = 0 are at right
angles. Find the equation of the plane through (1, -1, -1) and perpendicular to these angles. Find the equation of the plane through (1, -1, -1) and perpendicular to these
planes planes
8. If (α , ) is the centroid of the triangle formed by the lines ax2 + 2hyx + by2 = 0 8. If (α , ) is the centroid of the triangle formed by the lines ax2 + 2hyx + by2 = 0
  2   2
   
and lx+my = 1 prove that bl  hm am  hl 3(bl  2hlm  am 2 )
and lx+my = 1 prove that bl  hm am  hl 3(bl  2hlm  am2 )


Maths -IB Weekly Test DATE :29.09.16 Maths -IB Weekly Test DATE :29.09.16
SEC : Juniors : VIP - A Marks: 25 SEC : Juniors : VIP - A Marks: 25
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I. Answer all questions 2x6=12 I. Answer all questions 2x6=12
1. Reduce the equation x + 2y – 3z – 6 = 0 of the plane to the normal form 1. Reduce the equation x + 2y – 3z – 6 = 0 of the plane to the normal form
2. Find the eqation of the plane passing through (-2, 1, 3) and having (3, -5, 4) and 2. Find the eqation of the plane passing through (-2, 1, 3) and having (3, -5, 4) and
d. r. ‘s of its normal d. r. ‘s of its normal
3. Find the angle between the planes x + 2y + 2z – 5 = 0 and 3x+3y+2z-8=0 3. Find the angle between the planes x + 2y + 2z – 5 = 0 and 3x+3y+2z-8=0
4. Find the equation of the plane passing through (1, 1, 1) and parallel to the 4. Find the equation of the plane passing through (1, 1, 1) and parallel to the
plane x + 2y + 3z – 7 = 0 plane x + 2y + 3z – 7 = 0
5. Find the equation of the plane through the points (2, 2, -1), (3, 4, 2), (7, 0, 6). 5. Find the equation of the plane through the points (2, 2, -1), (3, 4, 2), (7, 0, 6).
6. A plane meets the coordinate axes in A, B, C. If the centroid of ABC is (a, b, c) 6. A plane meets the coordinate axes in A, B, C. If the centroid of ABC is (a, b, c)
show t.hat the equation to the plane is x/a + y/b + z/c = 3. 6 Marks show t.hat the equation to the plane is x/a + y/b + z/c = 3. 6 Marks
7. Find the constant k so that planes x – 2y + kz = 0 and 2x + 5y – z = 0 are at right 7. Find the constant k so that planes x – 2y + kz = 0 and 2x + 5y – z = 0 are at right
angles. Find the equation of the plane through (1, -1, -1) and perpendicular to these angles. Find the equation of the plane through (1, -1, -1) and perpendicular to these
planes planes
8. If (α , ) is the centroid of the triangle formed by the lines ax2 + 2hyx + by2 = 0 8. If (α , ) is the centroid of the triangle formed by the lines ax2 + 2hyx + by2 = 0
  2   2
   
and lx+my = 1 prove that bl  hm am  hl 3(bl  2hlm  am 2 )
and lx+my = 1 prove that bl  hm am  hl 3(bl  2hlm  am2 )


Maths -IB Weekly Test DATE :29.09.16 SEC : Juniors : VCP Marks: 25
SEC : Juniors : VIP - A Marks: 25 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I. Answer all questions 9x2=18
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1. Find x if the distance between (5, -1, 7) and (x , 5, 1) is 9 units
I. Answer all questions 2x6=12 2. Show that the points (1, 2 3), (2, 3, 1) and (3, 1, 2) form an equilateral
1. Reduce the equation x + 2y – 3z – 6 = 0 of the plane to the normal form triangle.
2. Find the eqation of the plane passing through (-2, 1, 3) and having (3, -5, 4) and 3. Show that the points (1,2, 3) , (7, 0, 1) and (-2, 3, 4) are collinear
d. r. ‘s of its normal 4. Find the coordinates of the vertex ‘C’ of ABC if its centroid is the origin
3. Find the angle between the planes x + 2y + 2z – 5 = 0 and 3x+3y+2z-8=0 and the vertices A, B are (1, 1, 1) and (-2, 4, 1) respepctively.
4. Find the equation of the plane passing through (1, 1, 1) and parallel to the 5. A(3, 2, 0), B (5, 3, 2), C(-9, 6, -3) are vertices of a triangle. AD, the bisector
plane x + 2y + 3z – 7 = 0 of BAC meets BC at D. Find the coordinates of D.
5. Find the equation of the plane through the points (2, 2, -1), (3, 4, 2), (7, 0, 6).
6. Show that the points A (3, 2, -4), B(5, 4, -6) and C (9, 8, -10) are collinear 6. Show that the points A (3, 2, -4), B(5, 4, -6) and C (9, 8, -10) are collinear
and find the ratio in which B dividesAC and find the ratio in which B dividesAC
7. Find the direction cosines of the line joining the points (-4, 1, 7) and (2, -3, 2) 7. Find the direction cosines of the line joining the points (-4, 1, 7) and (2, -3, 2)
8. If a line makes angles α,,  with the positive directions of X, Y, Z – axes, 8. If a line makes angles α,,  with the positive directions of X, Y, Z – axes,
what is the value of sin2 α+ sin2 + sin2  ? what is the value of sin2 α+ sin2 + sin2  ?

9. If p(
3, 1, 2 3) is a point in space, find direction consines of OP. 9. If p(
3, 1, 2 3) is a point in space, find direction consines of OP.
II. Answer any one 7 marks II. Answer any one 7 marks
1. Find the direction cosines of two lines which are connected by the relations 1. Find the direction cosines of two lines which are connected by the relations
l -5m +3n=0 and 7l2 + 5m2 – 3n2 = 0 l -5m +3n=0 and 7l2 + 5m2 – 3n2 = 0
2. Find the direction cosines of two lines which are connected by the relations l + m + n = 0 and 2. Find the direction cosines of two lines which are connected by the relations l + m + n = 0 and
mn – 2nl – 2lm = 0 mn – 2nl – 2lm = 0


Maths -IB Weekly Test DATE :29.09.16 Maths -IB Weekly Test DATE :29.09.16
SEC : Juniors : VCP Marks: 25 SEC : Juniors : VCP Marks: 25
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I. Answer all questions 9x2=18 I. Answer all questions 9x2=18
1. Find x if the distance between (5, -1, 7) and (x , 5, 1) is 9 units 1. Find x if the distance between (5, -1, 7) and (x , 5, 1) is 9 units
2. Show that the points (1, 2 3), (2, 3, 1) and (3, 1, 2) form an equilateral 2. Show that the points (1, 2 3), (2, 3, 1) and (3, 1, 2) form an equilateral
triangle. triangle.
3. Show that the points (1,2, 3) , (7, 0, 1) and (-2, 3, 4) are collinear 3. Show that the points (1,2, 3) , (7, 0, 1) and (-2, 3, 4) are collinear
4. Find the coordinates of the vertex ‘C’ of ABC if its centroid is the origin 4. Find the coordinates of the vertex ‘C’ of ABC if its centroid is the origin
and the vertices A, B are (1, 1, 1) and (-2, 4, 1) respepctively. and the vertices A, B are (1, 1, 1) and (-2, 4, 1) respepctively.
5. A(3, 2, 0), B (5, 3, 2), C(-9, 6, -3) are vertices of a triangle. AD, the bisector 5. A(3, 2, 0), B (5, 3, 2), C(-9, 6, -3) are vertices of a triangle. AD, the bisector
of BAC meets BC at D. Find the coordinates of D. of BAC meets BC at D. Find the coordinates of D.
6. Show that the points A (3, 2, -4), B(5, 4, -6) and C (9, 8, -10) are collinear 6. Show that the points A (3, 2, -4), B(5, 4, -6) and C (9, 8, -10) are collinear
and find the ratio in which B dividesAC and find the ratio in which B dividesAC
7. Find the direction cosines of the line joining the points (-4, 1, 7) and (2, -3, 2) 7. Find the direction cosines of the line joining the points (-4, 1, 7) and (2, -3, 2)
8. If a line makes angles α,,  with the positive directions of X, Y, Z – axes, 8. If a line makes angles α,,  with the positive directions of X, Y, Z – axes,
what is the value of sin2 α+ sin2 + sin2  ? what is the value of sin2 α+ sin2 + sin2  ?
3, 1, 2 3) 9. If p(
3, 1, 2 3) is a point in space, find direction consines of OP.
9. If p( is a point in space, find direction consines of OP.
II. Answer any one 7 marks II. Answer any one 7 marks
1. Find the direction cosines of two lines which are connected by the relations 1. Find the direction cosines of two lines which are connected by the relations
l -5m +3n=0 and 7l2 + 5m2 – 3n2 = 0 l -5m +3n=0 and 7l2 + 5m2 – 3n2 = 0
2. Find the direction cosines of two lines which are connected by the relations l + m + n = 0 and 2. Find the direction cosines of two lines which are connected by the relations l + m + n = 0 and
mn – 2nl – 2lm = 0 mn – 2nl – 2lm = 0


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SEC : Seniors: M P C & BiPC Marks:60 DATE : 03.10.16
I. Answer all questions 9x2=18 SECTION - A
1. Find x if the distance between (5, -1, 7) and (x , 5, 1) is 9 units I Answer all of the following questions 10x2=20
2. Show that the points (1, 2 3), (2, 3, 1) and (3, 1, 2) form an equilateral 1. Nitrogen molecule is highly stabale. Why?
triangle. 2. Ammonia is a good complexing agent – explain with an Example?
3. Show that the points (1,2, 3) , (7, 0, 1) and (-2, 3, 4) are collinear
3. Give two examples for amphoteric oxides and neutral oxides.
4. Find the coordinates of the vertex ‘C’ of ABC if its centroid is the origin
and the vertices A, B are (1, 1, 1) and (-2, 4, 1) respepctively. 4. What is tailing of mercury? How is it removed?
5. A(3, 2, 0), B (5, 3, 2), C(-9, 6, -3) are vertices of a triangle. AD, the bisector 5. Why is H2O is liquid and H2S a gas at room temperature and pressure?
of BAC meets BC at D. Find the coordinates of D. 6. Write the reactions of F2 and Cl2 with water
7. What happens when Cl2 reacts with dry slaked lime? 7. What happens when Cl2 reacts with dry slaked lime?
8. In modern diving apparatus, a mixute of He and O 2 is used – why? 8. In modern diving apparatus, a mixute of He and O2 is used – why?
9. Name and following 9. Name and following
a) Most abundant noble gas in atmosphere a) Most abundant noble gas in atmosphere
b) Noble gas with least boiling point b) Noble gas with least boiling point
10. Write the IUPAC names of the following complexes 10. Write the IUPAC names of the following complexes
a) [Co (NH3)4 (H2O)2] Cl3 b) K3 [Al (C2O4)3] a) [Co (NH3)4 (H2O)2] Cl3 b) K3 [Al (C2O4)3]
II .Answer any Six of the following questions 6x4=24 II .Answer any Six of the following questions 6x4=24
11. Explain Werner’s theory of co-ordination compounds with suitable 11. Explain Werner’s theory of co-ordination compounds with suitable
examples. examples.
12. Explain the manufacture of ammonia by Haber’s Process? 12. Explain the manufacture of ammonia by Haber’s Process?
13. Explain the reactions of Ozone with 13. Explain the reactions of Ozone with
a) C2H4 b) KI C) Ag d) PbS a) C2H4 b) KI C) Ag d) PbS
14. Describe the shapes of SO4-2 and SO2 14. Describe the shapes of SO4-2 and SO2
15. What are interhalogen compounds ? Explain their classification? 15. What are interhalogen compounds ? Explain their classification?
16. Discuss the anomalous behaviour fluorine ? 16. Discuss the anomalous behaviour fluorine ?
17. Explain the structures of (a) XeO3 b) XeOF4 17. Explain the structures of (a) XeO3 b) XeOF4
18. Write the formula for the following Complexes ? 18. Write the formula for the following Complexes ?
a) Potassiumtetrahydroxozincate (II) a) Potassiumtetrahydroxozincate (II)
b) Ironpentacarbonyl c) Hexaammine Cobalt (III) chloride b) Ironpentacarbonyl c) Hexaammine Cobalt (III) chloride
III Answer any two of the following 2x8=16 III Answer any two of the following 2x8=16
19. How is nitric acid manufactured by ostwald’s process? How does it react 19. How is nitric acid manufactured by ostwald’s process? How does it react
with the following with the following
a) Copper b) Zn c) S8 d) P4 a) Copper b) Zn c) S8 d) P4
20. How is chlorine prepared by electrolytic method? Explain its reactions with 20. How is chlorine prepared by electrolytic method? Explain its reactions with
a) NaOH b) NH3 under different conditions? a) NaOH b) NH3 under different conditions?
21. How are XeF2, XeF4 and XeF6 prepared ? Explain their reaction with 21. How are XeF2, XeF4 and XeF6 prepared ? Explain their reaction with
water. Discuss their structures? water. Discuss their structures?


SUB : CHEMISTRY II -TERMINAL EXAMINATIONS –OCT-2016 SEC : Seniors :Science & Arts Marks:25
SEC : Seniors: M P C & BiPC Marks:60 DATE : 03.10.16 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
SECTION - A I. Road the following passage carefully and answer the question that follow 5x1=5
I Answer all of the following questions 10x2=20
1. Nitrogen molecule is highly stabale. Why?
2. Ammonia is a good complexing agent – explain with an Example?
3. Give two examples for amphoteric oxides and neutral oxides.
4. What is tailing of mercury? How is it removed?
5. Why is H2O is liquid and H2S a gas at room temperature and pressure?
6. Write the reactions of F2 and Cl2 with water
II. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: 5x1=5


SEC: MEC Date: 05.10.2016 Marks: 100
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
III Prepare a curriculum vitae in response to the following 1x5=5
I. Answer the following Questions : 3x10=30
Urgently wanter editors and transcribers for Busniness Transcription firm in
Nizamabad salary no bar. Bar. Experience of two years in similar capacity required
1. Describe Price determination under imperfect competition market?
apply with C.V. 2. Elucidate the features of perfect competition and its price determination?
IV. Fill in the pay – in – slip form based on the following information: 10x1/2=5 3. What are the various calculating methods of National Income?
Post office savings Bank. ------(1)--------------PO 4. Explain the law of variable proportions theory with the help of table and
Account No--------------(2)----------- Date ---------(3)----------------paid into the diagram.
credit of ------------(4)------------Rupees -----------(5)------------- Rs. -------(6)------ 5. Explain the law of equi marginal utility theory with the help of table and
------------ by cash/cheque No--------------(7)---Date ---------By --------------(8)------ diagram.
(Particulars of the cheque) Balance after transaction ---------(9) ----------- II. Answer the following Questions : 8x5=40
--------(10)--- 6. Define supply and explain the factors determine supply?
Signature of Depositor 7. What is meant by real wage? What are the factors determine real wages?
V. Read the following passage and make notes 1x5=5
8. Define National Income and explain what are the factors determine national
income ?
9. What are the sources of public revene ?
10. Differences between Internal and external economies
11. What are the factors determine prices of factors?
12. What are the components of National Income
13. List out various items of Public expenditure.
14. Write about production function?
15. Explain Recordian Rent Theory?
16. Write about National Income at factor cost ?
17. Define market and explain classification of market ?
III. Answer the following Questions: 15x2=30
18) Duopoly 19) Price discrimination 20) Product differentiation
21) Selling costs 22) Define law of supply 23) Define average cost
24) Define opportunity cost 25) What is meant by supply function
26) Define Marginal Revenue 27) Define Marginal Cost 28) Contract Rent 29) Net Interest 30) Grass Profit
28) Contract Rent 29) Net Interest 30) Grass Profit 31) Quasi Rent 32) Per capita Income 33) Gross national Product
31) Quasi Rent 32) Per capita Income 33) Gross national Product 34) Disposable Income 35) Gross Interest
34) Disposable Income 35) Gross Interest 36) Piece wage 37) Monopolistic competition
36) Piece wage 37) Monopolistic competition


SEC: MEC Date: 04.10.2016 Marks: 100
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
SEC: MEC Date: 05.10.2016 Marks: 100
I. Answer the following Questions : 3x10=30
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
1. What are the causes for Law productivity in Agriculature in India Suggest
I. Answer the following Questions : 3x10=30
any five measures to improve it.
1. Describe Price determination under imperfect competition market?
2. What are the causes for rural indebtedness. Suggest any four remedial
2. Elucidate the features of perfect competition and its price determination?
measures to reduce it
3. What are the various calculating methods of National Income?
3. Criticially evaluate the 1991 New Industrial Policy resolution of India
4. Explain the law of variable proportions theory with the help of table and
4. What are the merits and demerits of small scale enterprises in Indian
5. Explain the law of equi marginal utility theory with the help of table and
5. Explain the causes of regional imbalances in India and taken some measures
for balanced regional Development.
II. Answer the following Questions : 8x5=40
II. Answer the following Questions : 8x5=40
6. Define supply and explain the factors determine supply?
6. Explain the need for Land reforms in India
7. What is meant by real wage? What are the factors determine real wages?
8. Define National Income and explain what are the factors determine national 7. Write about regulated markets
income ?
8. Explain the present conditions of Agriculature
9. What are the sources of public revene ?
9. Explain the benefits of cooperative farming
10. Differences between Internal and external economies
10. Explain about Industrial Development bank of India
11. What are the factors determine prices of factors?
11. Write about I.I.B.I
12. What are the components of National Income
12. Write about Industrial Estates
13. List out various items of Public expenditure.
13. Explain the role of NABARD
14. Write about production function?
14. Explain the factors affecting cropping pattern
15. Explain Recordian Rent Theory?
15. Explain various sources of irrigation facilities in India
16. Write about National Income at factor cost ?
16. What are the advantages of roadways
17. Define market and explain classification of market ?
17. What is tourism? Explain its importance in Indian Economy.
III. Answer the following Questions: 15x2=30
III. Answer the following Questions: 15x2=30
18) Duopoly 19) Price discrimination 20) Product differentiation
18) TRYSEM 19) Micro Finance 20) dis-investment
21) Selling costs 22) Define law of supply 23) Define average cost
21) Service Sector 22) L I C 23) Rythu Bazors 24) Kisan credit Card
24) Define opportunity cost 25) What is meant by supply function
25) Consolidation of holidings 26) Agrobased Industries
26) Define Marginal Revenue 27) Define Marginal Cost
27) Objectives of Land reforms 28) Drip Irrigation 29) Organic farming 30) S I D B I 31) F D I 32) Special Economic Zones
30) S I D B I 31) F D I 32) Special Economic Zones 33) Water Transport 34) Science and Technology 35) Civil aviation
33) Water Transport 34) Science and Technology 35) Civil aviation 36) Micro Insurance 37) Zamindari system
36) Micro Insurance 37) Zamindari system


SEC: MEC Date: 04.10.2016 Marks: 100 SECTION - A
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I Answer all of the following questions 10x2=20
I. Answer the following Questions : 3x10=30 1. How is pinnately compound leaf is different from a palmately compound
1. What are the causes for Law productivity in Agriculature in India Suggest leaf? Explain with one example each.
any five measures to improve it. 2. Differentiate between Racomose and Cymose Inflorescences.
2. What are the causes for rural indebtedness. Suggest any four remedial 3. How do the petals in pea plant are arranged ? What is such type of
measures to reduce it arrangement called ?
3. Criticially evaluate the 1991 New Industrial Policy resolution of India 4. Why certain fruits are called false Fruit ? Explain with two examples.
4. What are the merits and demerits of small scale enterprises in Indian 5. What is omega taxonomy?
Economy. 6. Explain the scope and significance of Numerical taxonomy.
5. Explain the causes of regional imbalances in India and taken some measures 7. What are gas vacuoles ? State their Significance
for balanced regional Development. 8. What is referred to as Satellite chromosomes?
II. Answer the following Questions : 8x5=40 9. Which tissue of animals and plants exhibits meiosis
6. Explain the need for Land reforms in India 10.An another has 2852 pollengrains. How many pollen mother cells must have
7. Write about regulated markets been there ? SECTION - B
II .Answer any Six of the following questions 6x4=24
8. Explain the present conditions of Agriculature
11. Explain with examples different types of phyllotaxy?
9. Explain the benefits of cooperative farming
12. Describe any four types of placentations found in flowering plants.
10. Explain about Industrial Development bank of India
13. Give an account of Floral diagram.
11. Write about I.I.B.I
14. Give economic importance of plants belonging to fabaceae
12. Write about Industrial Estates
15. Comment on the cartwheel structure of centriole.
13. Explain the role of NABARD
16. What are the characteristics of a prokaryotic cell?
14. Explain the factors affecting cropping pattern
17. Through redundantly described as a resting phase. Interphase does not
15. Explain various sources of irrigation facilities in India
really involve rest. Comment.
16. What are the advantages of roadways
18. Differentiate between the events of mitosis and meoisis
17. What is tourism? Explain its importance in Indian Economy.
III. Answer the following Questions: 15x2=30
III Answer any two of the following 2x8=16
18) TRYSEM 19) Micro Finance 20) dis-investment
19. Define root, Mention the types of roots. Explain root Modifications with
21) Service Sector 22) L I C 23) Rythu Bazors 24) Kisan credit Card
25) Consolidation of holidings 26) Agrobased Industries
20. Explain how stem is modified variously to perform different functions
27) Objectives of Land reforms 28) Drip Irrigation 29) Organic farming
21. Explain different types of Racemose inflorescences.
SEC :Seniors: BiPC Marks:60 DATE : 06.10.16
I Answer all of the following questions 10x2=20
VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE : : CHITTOOR 1. How does guttations differ from transpiration
SUB : BOTANY II -TERMINAL EXAMINATIONS –OCT-2016 2. Explain why xylem transport is unidirectional while that in phloem is
SEC :Juniors: BiPC Marks:60 DATE : 03.10.16 bidirectional
SECTION - A 3. Define hydroponics?
I Answer all of the following questions 10x2=20 4. Write the balanced equations of nitrongen fixation
1. How is pinnately compound leaf is different from a palmately compound 5. Who proposed Lock and Key hypothesis and induced fit hypothesis?
leaf? Explain with one example each. 6. Define true breeding. Mention its significance
2. Differentiate between Racomose and Cymose Inflorescences. 7. Distinguish between apoenzyme and cofactor
3. How do the petals in pea plant are arranged ? What is such type of 8. What is emasculation? Why and when is it done?
arrangement called ? 9. Why distillation reguired for producing certain alcoholic drinks.
4. Why certain fruits are called false Fruit ? Explain with two examples. 10. Why do we prefer to call secondary waste wter treatment as biological
5. What is omega taxonomy? treatment? SECTION - B
6. Explain the scope and significance of Numerical taxonomy. II .Answer any Six of the following questions 6x4=24
7. What are gas vacuoles ? State their Significance 11. Transpiration is a necessary evil – Discuss
8. What is referred to as Satellite chromosomes?
9. Which tissue of animals and plants exhibits meiosis 12. How does ascent of Sap occur in tall trees.
10.An another has 2852 pollengrains. How many pollen mother cells must have 13. Explain the steps involved in the formation of root nodule.
been there ? SECTION - B
II .Answer any Six of the following questions 6x4=24 14. Write briefly about enzyme inhibitors.
11. Explain with examples different types of phyllotaxy? 15. Mention the advantages of selecting pea plant for experiment by Mendel.
12. Describe any four types of placentations found in flowering plants. 16. With the help of example differentiate between incomplete dominance and
13. Give an account of Floral diagram. codominance.
14. Give economic importance of plants belonging to fabaceae 17. Give few examples of biofortified crops. What benefit do they offer to the
15. Comment on the cartwheel structure of centriole. society?
16. What are the characteristics of a prokaryotic cell? 18. How was pencillin discovered?
17. Through redundantly described as a resting phase. Interphase does not SECTION - C
really involve rest. Comment. III Answer any two of the following 2x8=16
18. Differentiate between the events of mitosis and meoisis 19. You are botanist in the working area of plant breeding. Describe the various steps
SECTION - C that you will under take to release new variety?

III Answer any two of the following 2x8=16 20. Modern methods of breeding plants can alleviate the global food shortage –
19. Define root, Mention the types of roots. Explain root Modifications with
21. What are three options to increase food production? Write merit & demerits each
20. Explain how stem is modified variously to perform different functions
21. Explain different types of Racemose inflorescences.
SUB : BOTANY II -TERMINAL EXAMINATIONS –OCT-2016 SEC : Juniors: M P C Marks:75 DATE : 03.10.16
SEC :Seniors: BiPC Marks:60 DATE : 06.10.16 I Answer all Questions 10x2=20
SECTION - A 2 cos  , prove that cos  - sin  = 2 sin .
I Answer all of the following questions 10x2=20 1. If cos  + sin  =
1. How does guttations differ from transpiration 2. Find a sine function whose period is 2 / 3
2. Explain why xylem transport is unidirectional while that in phloem is
bidirectional cos 9o  sin 9o
3. Define hydroponics? 3. Prove that cos 9  sin 9 = cot 36o
o o

4. Write the balanced equations of nitrongen fixation

5. Who proposed Lock and Key hypothesis and induced fit hypothesis? 3 tan 20o tan 40o ?
6. Define true breeding. Mention its significance 4. What is the value of tan 20o + tan 40o +
7. Distinguish between apoenzyme and cofactor 1 3
8. What is emasculation? Why and when is it done? o

9. Why distillation reguired for producing certain alcoholic drinks. 5. Prove that sin10 cos10o = 4
10. Why do we prefer to call secondary waste wter treatment as biological
treatment? SECTION - B 3 5
II .Answer any Six of the following questions 6x4=24 6. Prove that cos 48o. cos12o = 8
11. Transpiration is a necessary evil – Discuss 7. If cosh x = sec  then prove that tanh2 x / 2 = tan2 /2
1 1
12. How does ascent of Sap occur in tall trees.    log e 3.
13. Explain the steps involved in the formation of root nodule. 8. Show that tanh-1  2  2
9. If sinh x = 3 / 4 , find cosh (2x) and sinh (2x).
14. Write briefly about enzyme inhibitors.
10. If sinh x = 3 , then show that x = loge
(3  10)
15. Mention the advantages of selecting pea plant for experiment by Mendel. II.. Answer any Five of the following 5x 4 = 20
16. With the help of example differentiate between incomplete dominance and (tan   sec   1) 1  sin 

codominance. 11. Prove that (tan   sec   1) cos 
17. Give few examples of biofortified crops. What benefit do they offer to the 12. If A – B = 3/4, then show that (1-tan A) (1 + tan B) = 2
society? 13. Solve 1 + sin2  = 3 sin  cos .
18. How was pencillin discovered?
  1
SECTION - C     
14. If tan ( cos ) = cot ( sin ), then prove that cos  4 2 2
III Answer any two of the following 2x8=16
15. If cos-1 p/a + cos-1 q/b= α, then prove that p2/a2 – 2pq/ab. cos α + q2/b2 = sin2 α
19. You are botanist in the working area of plant breeding. Describe the various steps
16. Prove that Sin-1 3/5 + Sin-1 8/17 = cos-1 36/85
that you will under take to release new variety?
20. Modern methods of breeding plants can alleviate the global food shortage – 1 1 1 
 Tan 1   Tan 1 
comment. 17. Prove that Tan-1 2 5 8 4
21. What are three options to increase food production? Write merit & demerits each


which  lies.
III. Answer any Five of the following 5x7=35
18. If A is not an integral multiple of , Prove that tan160o  tan110o 1   2

2. If tan 20o = , then show tht 1  tan160 .tan110
o o
sin16 A
and hence deduce that 3. Eliminate  from the x = a cos4: y = b sin4 
CosA.Cos2A.Cos4A. Cos8A = 16sin A
 4x  9 
2 4 8 16 1  
cos c os cos cos  4. Find the periods for the given function cos  5 
15 15 15 15 16 5. Find a cosine function whose period is 7
 3 5 7 3 cos 9o  sin 9o
 sin 4  sin 4 sin 4  .
6. Prove that cos 9  sin 9 = cot 36o
o o
4 8 8 8 8 2
19. Prove that sin
20. If A, B, C are angles in a triangle, then prove that 7. Find the range of 7 cos x – 24 sinx + 5
8. If A is not an integral multiple of /2, prove that tan A + cot A = 2cosec2A
cos 2A – cos 2B + cos2C = 1 – 4 sin A cos B sin C. 9. Find the expansion of cos (A – B – C)
21. If A, B, C are angles in a triangle, then prove that 3 5
2 2 2
Sin A + sin B - Sin C = 2 sin A sin B cosC. 10. Prove that cos 48o. cos12o = 8
22. In triangle ABC, prove that II.. Answer any Five of the following 5x 4 = 20
11. If 3 sinA + 5 os A = 5, then show that 5 Sin A – 3 cos A = 3.
A B C A  B  C 12. Sketch the graph of the function sin x in the interval [-, + ].
cos  cos  cos  4 cos 4 cos 4 cos
2 2 2 4 4 4 13. If A – B = 3 / 4, then show that ( 1 – tan A) ( 1 + tan B ) = 2
14. If a, b, c are nonzero real numbers and α, are solutions of the equation
23. If A + B + C = 2S, then prove that
a cos  + b sin  = c then show that
SA SB C i) sin α +  = 2bc/(a2 + b2) ii) sin α . sin  =c2 – a2 / a2 + b2
cos cos
cos ( S– A) + cos ( S – B) + cos C = - 1 + 4 cos 2 2 2 sin  cos 
 ,
15. If sin a b then prove that a sin 2α + b cos2 α= b.
24. If A + B + C =  , then prove that
 2 3 4 5 1
cos .cos .cos .cos .cos  .
A B C  A B C 11 11 11 11 11 32
 cos 2  cos 2  2 1  sin sin sin  16. Prove that
Cos2 2 2 2  2 2 2 17. Show that, for any   R,
5 3
cos cos 3  sin   sin 2  sin 4  sin 7
4sin 2 2
III. Answer any Five of the following 5x7=35
18. If none of the denominators is zero, prove that
n n
 cos A  cos B   sin A  s in B  n  A B 
      2.cot   , if n is even
 sin A  sin B   cos A  cos B   2 
0 , if n is odd


SEC : Juniors: V C P Marks:75 DATE : 03.10.16
I Answer all Questions 10x2=20
1. If sec  + tan  = 2/3, find the value of sin  and determine the quadrant in 19. If x, y, z are non zero real numbers and if
 2   4  1. Discuss the role of District Collector in District Administrations?
    z cos     for some   R , then
x cos = y cos  3   3  2. What re the powers and functions of the State Governor?
show that xy + yz + zx = 0
3. What are the Powers and functiosn of the Chief Ministerof a State?
20. If A, B, C are angles of a triangle, prove that
Sin 2 A + sin 2 B + sin 2C = 4 sin A sin B sin C. 4. Explain the Power and Functions of the Prime Miniser of a State?
21. If A, B, C are angles of a triangle, then prove that 5. Explain fundamentalRights of a Citizen?
A B C A B C II. Answer the following Questions: 8x5=40
 sin 2  sin 2  1  2 cos cos sin
Sin2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6. What are the recommendations of Sarkaria commission?

22. If A + B + C = 3 / 2 , then prove that 7. Discuss the Powers and functions of Attarney General of India
8. Explain powers of State High court?
Cos2A + cos2B – cos2C= -2 cosAcosBsinC
9. Discuss the administrative relationsbetween Union and State?
23. In triangle ABC, Prove that
10. What is Political party and explain its functions?
A B C  A  B  C
 cos  cos  4 cos cos cos 11. Write a short note on election commission of India?
Cos 2 2 2 4 4 4
12. Explain compsotion of MLC?
24. If A + B + C = 2S, then prove that 13. Discuss any four functions of Parliament?
SA SB C 14. Explain the powers of Supreme Court of India?
4 cos cos sin
Sin (S – A) + sin ( S – B) + sin C = 2 2 2 15. What are the electoral reforms in India?
16. Differences between Governor of a Sgtate and President?
17. Discuss the compsotion of Right to informationAct?
III. Answer the following Questions: 15x2=30
18) Advisary functions of Supreme court 19) Qualifications of Rajyasaba members
20) Any five names of Indian President 21) Village Secretary 22) Priagte Bill
23) Multi Party system? 24) Reasonal Parties 25) EvM’S 26) Contoment Bords
27) Smart Village 28) NITI AAyog 29) Certificate Power of High court
30) Discritionary Poers of Governor 31) PiL (Reblic interest Litigations)
32) Corrupt practices in election 33) TDP 34) Punchichi commission
35) Satate List 36) Concurrent List 37) Administrative Functions of Highcourt


Sub: Senior Civics (CE-1) Monthly Test Dt:03-10-16 Marks: 100
Sub: Senior Civics (CE-1) Monthly Test Dt:03-10-16 Marks: 100
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I. Answer the following Questions : 3x10=30
I. Answer the following Questions : 3x10=30
1. Discuss the role of District Collector in District Administrations?
2. What re the powers and functions of the State Governor? 1. Mention the names of any four drugs whicha re used as medicines to treat
patients with mental illness like depression, ingomnia ec.,
3. What are the Powers and functiosn of the Chief Ministerof a State? 2. Distinguish between lymphadenitis and lymphangits?
4. Explain the Power and Functions of the Prime Miniser of a State? 3. What are Schuffner’s dots? What is their Significance?
4. Distinguish between proter and opisthe?
5. Explain fundamentalRights of a Citizen? 5. What is a Kinety?
6. Draw a labeled diagram of T.S of flagella?
II. Answer the following Questions: 8x5=40
7. What is botryoidal tissue?
6. What are the recommendations of Sarkaria commission? 8. What are the functions of canal system of sponges?
7. Discuss the Powers and functions of Attarney General of India 9. What are Volkmann’s canals ? what is their role?
10. Cardiac muscles is highly resistant to fastigue. Justify?
8. Explain powers of State High court?
9. Discuss the administrative relationsbetween Union and State? II .Answer any Six of the following questions 6x4=24
10. What is Political party and explain its functions? 11. Compare briefly a centipede and Millipede?
11. Write a short note on election commission of India? 12. What are the Salient features exhibited by polychactes?
12. Explain compsotion of MLC?
13. Describe the structure of cardiac muslcle?
13. Discuss any four functions of Parliament?
14. Give an account of glandular epithelium?
14. Explain the powers of Supreme Court of India?
15. Descrive the process of Transverse binary fission in paramecium.
15. What are the electoral reforms in India?
16. What are lateral appendages ? Based on heir presence and absence, write
16. Differences between Governor of a Sgtate and President?
17. Discuss the compsotion of Right to informationAct?
the write the various types of flagella with examples.

III. Answer the following Questions: 15x2=30

17. Why adolescence is considred as vulnerable phase?

18) Advisary functions of Supreme court 19) Qualifications of Rajyasaba members

18. Explain the life cycle of Entameoba histolytica.

20) Any five names of Indian President 21) Village Secretary 22) Priagte Bill SECTION - C
23) Multi Party system? 24) Reasonal Parties 25) EvM’S 26) Contoment Bords III Answer any two of the following 2x8=16
27) Smart Village 28) NITI AAyog 29) Certificate Power of High court 19. Describe the life cycle of Ascaris in Man
30) Discritionary Poers of Governor 31) PiL (Reblic interest Litigations) 20. Describe the life cycle of watchereria banorofti
32) Corrupt practices in election 33) TDP 34) Punchichi commission
21. Describe the life cycle of plasmodium vivax in man?
35) Satate List 36) Concurrent List 37) Administrative Functions of Highcourt


SEC :Junior : BiPC Time: 3Hrs. Marks:60 DATE : 4.10.16
SEC :Junior : BiPC Time: 3Hrs. Marks:60 DATE : 4.10.16 SECTION - A
SECTION - A I Answer all of the following questions 10x2=20
I Answer all of the following questions 10x2=20 1. Mention the names of any four drugs whicha re used as medicines to treat
patients with mental illness like depression, ingomnia ec., 1. What are androgens? Which cells secrete them?
2. Distinguish between lymphadenitis and lymphangits?
2. Distinguish between diabetes inspidus and diabetes Mellitus.
3. What are Schuffner’s dots? What is their Significance?
4. Distinguish between proter and opisthe? 3. What are complement proteins?
5. What is a Kinety?
4. Colastrum is very mush essential for the new born infants “Justify”.
6. Draw a labeled diagram of T.S of flagella?
7. What is botryoidal tissue? 5. Draw a labeled diagram of asperm
8. What are the functions of canal system of sponges?
6. What re the functions of sertolicells and the leydig cells in man?
9. What are Volkmann’s canals ? what is their role?
10. Cardiac muscles is highly resistant to fastigue. Justify? 7. What is amniocentes is ? Name any two disorders that can be detected by
II .Answer any Six of the following questions 6x4=24
8. Wha are VNTRS?\
11. Compare briefly a centipede and Millipede?
9. What is haplodipolidy?
12. What are the Salient features exhibited by polychactes?
10. Compare the importance of Y.cromosome in human being and Drosophila.
13. Describe the structure of cardiac muslcle?
14. Give an account of glandular epithelium?
II .Answer any Six of the following questions 6x4=24
15. Descrive the process of Transverse binary fission in paramecium.
11. Describe eythroblastosis foetalis
16. What are lateral appendages ? Based on heir presence and absence, write
12. Describe the steps involved in DNA finger printing technology.
the write the various types of flagella with examples.
13. Explain any two chronological genetic disorders with their symptoms?
17. Why adolescence is considred as vulnerable phase?
14. What is Downsyndrome?
18. Explain the life cycle of Entameoba histolytica.
15. Write short notes on IC SI IUD’s I VF
16. What is oogeneis? Explain brief account of oogenses is humans.
III Answer any two of the following 2x8=16
17. Write short note on Bcells
19. Describe the life cycle of Ascaris in Man 18. Explain the Mechanism of humoral Immunity?
20. Describe the life cycle of watchereria banorofti SECTION - C
21. Describe the life cycle of plasmodium vivax in man? III Answer any two of the following 2x8=16
19 Criss – Cross inheritance
20. Multiple alleles in man
21. Female reproductive System


SEC :Seniors : BiPC Time: 3Hrs. Marks:60 DATE : 5.10.16
SEC :Seniors : BiPC Time: 3Hrs. Marks:60 DATE : 5.10.16 SECTION - A
SECTION - A I Answer all of the following questions 10x2=20
I Answer all of the following questions 10x2=20 1. What are androgens? Which cells secrete them?
2. Distinguish between diabetes inspidus and diabetes Mellitus. 4. State Faradays’s laws of electromagnetic induction?
5. What type of transformer is used in a 6V bed lamp?
3. What are complement proteins?
6. Micro waves are used in radar. Why ?
4. Colastrum is very mush essential for the new born infants “Justify”. 7. If the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation is doubled what happens to the
energy of photon?
5. Draw a labeled diagram of asperm
8. Give two drawbacks of Rutherford’s atomic model.
6. What re the functions of sertolicells and the leydig cells in man? 9. What is the physica meaning of ‘negative energy of an electron’?
10. What is a.m.u? What is its equivalent energy?
7. What is amniocentes is ? Name any two disorders that can be detected by
amniocentesis. II .Answer any Six of the following questions 6x4=24
8. Wha are VNTRS?\ 11. Distinguish between α,  and  radiation
9. What is haplodipolidy? 12. Explain different types of spectral lines
13. What is greenhouse effect and its contribution towards the surface
10. Compare the importance of Y.cromosome in human being and Drosophila. temperature of earth?
SECTION - B 14. State the principle on which a transformer works. Describe the working of
II .Answer any Six of the following questions 6x4=24 a trnsformer with necessary htoery.
15. What What are eddy currents? Describe the ways in which eddy currents
11. Describe eythroblastosis foetalis are used to advantage.
12. Describe the steps involved in DNA finger printing technology. 16. What are the basic components of cyclotron? Mention its uses?
17. A circular coil of wire consisting of 100 turns, each of radius 8.0cm carries
13. Explain any two chronological genetic disorders with their symptoms? a current of 0.40A. What is the magnitude of the magnetic field B at the
14. What is Downsyndrome? centre of the coil?
18. State the working principle of potentiometer with neat circuit diagram
15. Write short notes on IC SI IUD’s I VF SECTION - C
16. What is oogeneis? Explain brief account of oogenses is humans. III Answer any two of the following 2x8=16
19. Explain the principle and working of a nuclear Reactor with the help of a
17. Write short note on Bcells labeled diagram.
18. Explain the Mechanism of humoral Immunity? 20. Obtain an expression for the torque on a current carrying loop placed in a
uniform magnetic filed. Describe the construction and working of a
SECTION - C moving col galvanometer?
III Answer any two of the following 2x8=16 21. i) State Kirchhoff’s law for electrical network. Using these laws deduce the
condition for balancing in a Wheatstone bridge
19 Criss – Cross inheritance ii) Three identical resistors are connected in parallel and the total resistance
20. Multiple alleles in man of the circuit is R/3. Find the value of each resistance.

21. Female reproductive System


SUB : PHYSICS II -TERMINAL EXAMINATIONS –OCT-2016 SEC :Seniors MPC & BiPC Time: 3Hrs. Marks:60 DATE : 4.10.16
SEC :Seniors MPC & BiPC Time: 3Hrs. Marks:60 DATE : 4.10.16 SECTION - A
SECTION - A I Answer all of the following questions 10x2=20
I Answer all of the following questions 10x2=20
1. State Ohm’s law and write its mathematical form?
1. State Ohm’s law and write its mathematical form? 2. State Ampere’s Law and Biot-savart’s Law?
2. State Ampere’s Law and Biot-savart’s Law? 3. Distinguish between ammeter and voltmeter?
3. Distinguish between ammeter and voltmeter? 4. State Faradays’s laws of electromagnetic induction?
5. What type of transformer is used in a 6V bed lamp? doubled?
6. Micro waves are used in radar. Why ? 6. State units and dimensions of the universal gravitational consant (G)?
7. If the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation is doubled what happens to the 7. “Hydrogen is abundant around the sun but not around earth”, Explain?
energy of photon? 8. State Hooks law of elasticity ?
8. Give two drawbacks of Rutherford’s atomic model. 9. Calculate the length of a simple pendulum of length 1m. When its time
9. What is the physica meaning of ‘negative energy of an electron’? period of oscillation changes from 2 sec to 1.5 sec.
10. What is a.m.u? What is its equivalent energy? 10. Distinguish between centre of mass and centre of gravity
SECTION - B II .Answer any Six of the following questions 6x4=24
II .Answer any Six of the following questions 6x4=24 11. Show that in case of 1-Dimensional elastic collision, the relative velocity of
approach of two colliding bodies before collision is equal to the relative
11. Distinguish between α,  and  radiation
velocity of speration after collision.
12. Explain different types of spectral lines 12. State and prove Work-Energy Theorem.
13. What is greenhouse effect and its contribution towards the surface 13. Define Vector product. Explain the properties of Vector Product.
temperature of earth? 14. State and prove the principle of conservation of angular momentum.
14. State the principle on which a transformer works. Describe the working of Explain the principle of conservation of angular momentum with examples.
a trnsformer with necessary htoery. 15. Derive the equations for displacement, velocity and acceleration of a
15. What What are eddy currents? Describe the ways in which eddy currents particle execute SHM
are used to advantage. 16. What is orbital velocity? Obtain an expression for it
16. What are the basic components of cyclotron? Mention its uses? 17. Describe the behavior of a wire under gradually increasing load.
17. A circular coil of wire consisting of 100 turns, each of radius 8.0cm carries 18. Define strain energy and derive the equation for the same.
a current of 0.40A. What is the magnitude of the magnetic field B at the III Answer any two of the following 2x8=16
centre of the coil? 19. a) Derive an expression for the variation of acceleration due to gravity
18. State the working principle of potentiometer with neat circuit diagram a) above and b) beow the surface of earth
SECTION - C b)Two spherical spheres balls each of mass 1Kg are placed 1 cm apart.
III Answer any two of the following 2x8=16 Find the gravitational force of attraction between them.
19. Explain the principle and working of a nuclear Reactor with the help of a 20. Show that the motion of a Simple pendulum is simple harmonic and hence
labeled diagram. derive an equation for its time period. What is the length of Seconds
20. Obtain an expression for the torque on a current carrying loop placed in a Pendulum
uniform magnetic filed. Describe the construction and working of a 21. a) State and prove law of conservation of energy in case of a freely falling
moving col galvanometer? body.
21. i) State Kirchhoff’s law for electrical network. Using these laws deduce the b) A machine gun fires 360 bullets per minute and each bullet travels with a
condition for balancing in a Wheatstone bridge velocity fo 600ms-1 If the mass of each bullet is 5 gm. Then find the
ii) Three identical resistors are connected in parallel and the total resistance power of the machine gun?
of the circuit is R/3. Find the value of each resistance.


SEC :Juniors MPC & BiPC Time: 3Hrs. Marks:60 DATE :5.10.16
SEC :Juniors MPC & BiPC Time: 3Hrs. Marks:60 DATE :5.10.16
I Answer all of the following questions 10x2=20
I Answer all of the following questions 10x2=20 1. Define work, power. State their S.I. units
1. Define work, power. State their S.I. units 2. Why spokes are provided in a bicycle wheel?
2. Why spokes are provided in a bicycle wheel? 3. By Spinning eggs on a table top, how will you distinguish a hard boiled egg
3. By Spinning eggs on a table top, how will you distinguish a hard boiled egg from a raw egg?
from a raw egg? 4. Will a pendulum clock gain or lose time when taken to the top of a mountain
4. Will a pendulum clock gain or lose time when taken to the top of a mountain 5. What happens o the nergy of simple hormoic oscillator if its amplitude is
5. What happens o the nergy of simple hormoic oscillator if its amplitude is doubled?
6. State units and dimensions of the universal gravitational consant (G)? 1. Shilpa draws a bill on sruthi for Rs 15,000 on 01-01-2015 for 2 months. The
7. “Hydrogen is abundant around the sun but not around earth”, Explain? bill was dishonoured on the due date Shilpa noting charges paid rs.100 write
8. State Hooks law of elasticity ? the journal entries in the books of shilpa and sruthi
9. Calculate the length of a simple pendulum of length 1m. When its time 2. Sriram purchases goods 1,20,000 from srikrishna on 01-10-2014. He pays
period of oscillation changes from 2 sec to 1.5 sec. immediately in cash and sends his acceptance for 3 months to sri Krishna for
10. Distinguish between centre of mass and centre of gravity the balance srikrishna gets the bill discounted at 6% . the bill was dishnoured
II .Answer any Six of the following questions 6x4=24 on the due date. Pass the journal entries in the books of “Srikrishna”.
11. Show that in case of 1-Dimensional elastic collision, the relative velocity of 3. Lakshmi draws a bill on pranaya for rs.25,000 on 01-01-2015 for 3 months.
approach of two colliding bodies before collision is equal to the relative Lakshmi Purchased goods from Sandhya for Rs. 25,000 and endorsed the
velocity of speration after collision. bill. On the due date the bill was dishonoured. Write the journal entries in
12. State and prove Work-Energy Theorem. the books of lakshmi.
13. Define Vector product. Explain the properties of Vector Product.
14. State and prove the principle of conservation of angular momentum. 1. Shilpa draws a bill on sruthi for Rs 15,000 on 01-01-2015 for 2 months. The
Explain the principle of conservation of angular momentum with examples. bill was dishonoured on the due date Shilpa noting charges paid rs.100 write
15. Derive the equations for displacement, velocity and acceleration of a the journal entries in the books of shilpa and sruthi
particle execute SHM 2. Sriram purchases goods 1,20,000 from srikrishna on 01-10-2014. He pays
16. What is orbital velocity? Obtain an expression for it immediately in cash and sends his acceptance for 3 months to sri Krishna for
17. Describe the behavior of a wire under gradually increasing load. the balance srikrishna gets the bill discounted at 6% . the bill was dishnoured
18. Define strain energy and derive the equation for the same. on the due date. Pass the journal entries in the books of “Srikrishna”.
III Answer any two of the following 2x8=16 3. Lakshmi draws a bill on pranaya for rs.25,000 on 01-01-2015 for 3 months.
19. a) Derive an expression for the variation of acceleration due to gravity Lakshmi Purchased goods from Sandhya for Rs. 25,000 and endorsed the
a) above and b) beow the surface of earth bill. On the due date the bill was dishonoured. Write the journal entries in
b)Two spherical spheres balls each of mass 1Kg are placed 1 cm apart. the books of lakshmi.
Find the gravitational force of attraction between them.
20. Show that the motion of a Simple pendulum is simple harmonic and hence 1. Shilpa draws a bill on sruthi for Rs 15,000 on 01-01-2015 for 2 months. The
derive an equation for its time period. What is the length of Seconds bill was dishonoured on the due date Shilpa noting charges paid rs.100 write
Pendulum the journal entries in the books of shilpa and sruthi
21. a) State and prove law of conservation of energy in case of a freely falling 2. Sriram purchases goods 1,20,000 from srikrishna on 01-10-2014. He pays
immediately in cash and sends his acceptance for 3 months to sri Krishna for
the balance srikrishna gets the bill discounted at 6% . the bill was dishnoured
b) A machine gun fires 360 bullets per minute and each bullet travels with a on the due date. Pass the journal entries in the books of “Srikrishna”.
velocity fo 600ms-1 If the mass of each bullet is 5 gm. Then find the 3. Lakshmi draws a bill on pranaya for rs.25,000 on 01-01-2015 for 3 months.
power of the machine gun? Lakshmi Purchased goods from Sandhya for Rs. 25,000 and endorsed the
bill. On the due date the bill was dishonoured. Write the journal entries in
the books of lakshmi.

1. Shilpa draws a bill on sruthi for Rs 15,000 on 01-01-2015 for 2 months. The
1. Shilpa draws a bill on sruthi for Rs 15,000 on 01-01-2015 for 2 months. The bill was dishonoured on the due date Shilpa noting charges paid rs.100 write
bill was dishonoured on the due date Shilpa noting charges paid rs.100 write the journal entries in the books of shilpa and sruthi
the journal entries in the books of shilpa and sruthi 2. Sriram purchases goods 1,20,000 from srikrishna on 01-10-2014. He poays
2. Sriram purchases goods 1,20,000 from srikrishna on 01-10-2014. He pays immediately in cash and sends his acceptance for 3 months to sri Krishna for
immediately in cash and sends his acceptance for 3 months to sri Krishna for the balance srikrishna gets the bill discounted at 6% . the bill was dishnoured
the balance srikrishna gets the bill discounted at 6% . the bill was dishnoured on the due date. Pass the journal entries in the books of “Srikrishna”.
on the due date. Pass the journal entries in the books of “Srikrishna”. 3. Lakshmi draws a bill on pranaya for rs.25,000 on 01-01-2015 for 3 months.
3. Lakshmi draws a bill on pranaya for rs.25,000 on 01-01-2015 for 3 months. Lakshmi Purchased goods from Sandhya for Rs. 25,000 and endorsed the
Lakshmi Purchased goods from Sandhya for Rs. 25,000 and endorsed the bill. On the due date the bill was dishonoured. Write the journal entries in
bill. On the due date the bill was dishonoured. Write the journal entries in the books of lakshmi.
the books of lakshmi.
1. Shilpa draws a bill on sruthi for Rs 15,000 on 01-01-2015 for 2 months. The
bill was dishonoured on the due date Shilpa noting charges paid rs.100 write
the journal entries in the books of shilpa and sruthi
2. Sriram purchases goods 1,20,000 from srikrishna on 01-10-2014. He poays
immediately in cash and sends his acceptance for 3 months to sri Krishna for
the balance srikrishna gets the bill discounted at 6% . the bill was dishnoured
on the due date. Pass the journal entries in the books of “Srikrishna”.
3. Lakshmi draws a bill on pranaya for rs.25,000 on 01-01-2015 for 3 months.
Lakshmi Purchased goods from Sandhya for Rs. 25,000 and endorsed the
bill. On the due date the bill was dishonoured. Write the journal entries in
the books of lakshmi.

1. Shilpa draws a bill on sruthi for Rs 15,000 on 01-01-2015 for 2 months. The
bill was dishonoured on the due date Shilpa noting charges paid rs.100 write
the journal entries in the books of shilpa and sruthi
2. Sriram purchases goods 1,20,000 from srikrishna on 01-10-2014. He poays
immediately in cash and sends his acceptance for 3 months to sri Krishna for
the balance srikrishna gets the bill discounted at 6% . the bill was dishnoured
on the due date. Pass the journal entries in the books of “Srikrishna”.
3. Lakshmi draws a bill on pranaya for rs.25,000 on 01-01-2015 for 3 months.
Lakshmi Purchased goods from Sandhya for Rs. 25,000 and endorsed the
bill. On the due date the bill was dishonoured. Write the journal entries in
the books of lakshmi.

1. Shilpa draws a bill on sruthi for Rs 15,000 on 01-01-2015 for 2 months. The
bill was dishonoured on the due date Shilpa noting charges paid rs.100 write
the journal entries in the books of shilpa and sruthi
2. Sriram purchases goods 1,20,000 from srikrishna on 01-10-2014. He poays
immediately in cash and sends his acceptance for 3 months to sri Krishna for
the balance srikrishna gets the bill discounted at 6% . the bill was dishnoured
on the due date. Pass the journal entries in the books of “Srikrishna”.
3. Lakshmi draws a bill on pranaya for rs.25,000 on 01-01-2015 for 3 months.
Lakshmi Purchased goods from Sandhya for Rs. 25,000 and endorsed the
bill. On the due date the bill was dishonoured. Write the journal entries in
the books of lakshmi.


SEC : Juniors: MPC Marks:75 DATE : 04.10.16
I Answer all Questions 10x2=20 l-5m+3n=0 and 7l2 + 5m2 – 3n2 = 0
1. Find x if the distance between (5, -1, 7) and (x, 5, 1) is 9 units 16. If the direction ratios of a line are (3, 4, 0) find its direction consines and also the
2. Show that the points (2, 3, 5), (-1, 5, -1,) and (4, -3, 2) from a right angled angles made with the coordinate axes.
isosceles triangle 17. Find the angle between two diagonals of a cube
3. Find the ratio in which YZ-plane divides the line joining A(2, 4, 5) and III. Answer any Five of the following 5x7=35

B(3, 5, -4) 18. Show that the area of the triangle formed by the lines ax + 2hxy + by2 = 0

4. If (3, 2, -1), (4, 1, 1) and (6, 2, 5) are three vertices and (4, 2, 2) is the n 2 h 2  ab
centroid of terrahedron, find the fourth vertex. am 2  2hlm  bl 2
lx+my+n = 0 is
5. Find the coordinates of the vertex ‘C’ of ABC if its centroid is the origin 19. If the equation S = ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0 represents a pair of
and the vertices A, B are (1,1,1) and (-2, 4, 1) respectively. parallel straight lines, then i) h2 = ab (ii) af2 = bg2 and
6. Reduce the equation x + 2y – 3z – 6 = 0 of the plane to the normal form
g 2  ac f 2  bc
7. Write the equation of the plane 4x – 4y+2z + 5 = 0 in the intercept form 2
iii) the distance between the parallel lines =2
a ( a  b) b (a  b)
8. Find the angle between the planes 2x – y + z = 6 and x + y + 2z = 7
9. Find the equation of the plane passing through (2, 3, 4) and perpendicular to 20 Show that the lines joining the origin to the points of intersection of the curve
X-axis x2 – xy + y2 + 3x + 3y – 2 = 0 and the straight line x – y - 2 = 0 are mutually
10 Find the equation of the plane if the foot of the perpendicular from origin to perpendicular

the plane is ( 2, 3, -5) 21 Find the angle between the lines joining the origin to the points of intersection of
the curve x2 + 2xy + y2 +2x +2y – 5=0 and the line 3x – y + 1 = 0
II.. Answer any Five of the following 5x 4 = 20
2 2
11. Show that the two pairs if lines 3x + 8xy – 3y = 0 and 22 If a ray makes angles α, , ,  with the four diagonals of a cube find
2 2
3x + 8xy – 3y + 2x – 4y – 1 = 0 form a sqaure cos2 α + cos2 + cos2 + cos2

12. Find the product of the lengths of the perpendiculars drawn from (2, 1) upon the 23. Show that the lines whose d.c.’s are given by l + m + n = 0 2mn + 3nl – 5lm = 0
2 2
lines 12x +25xy +12y +10x +11y +2 = 0 are perpendicular to each other

13. Show that the product of the perpendicular distances from a point (α, ) to the pair 24. Find the angle between the lines whose direction cosines are given by the equations
3l + m + 5n = 0 and 6mn – 2nl – 5lm = 0
| a 2  2h  b 2 |
( a  b ) 2  4h 2
of straight lines ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 0 is
14. Find the centroid and the area of the triangles formed by the following lines
2y2 – xy – 6x2 = 0, x +y + 4 = 0


SEC : Juniors: VCP Marks:75 DATE : 04.10.16
15. Find the direction cosines of two lines which are connected by the relations
I Answer all Questions 10x2=20
1. Find x if the distance between (5, -1, 7) and (x, 5, 1) is 9 units l-5m+3n=0 and 7l2 + 5m2 – 3n2 = 0
2. Show that the points (2, 3, 5), (-1, 5, -1,) and (4, -3, 2) from a right angled 16. If the direction ratios of a line are (3, 4, 0) find its direction consines and also the

isosceles triangle angles made with the coordinate axes.

17. Find the angle between two diagonals of a cube
3. Find the ratio in which YZ-plane divides the line joining A(2, 4, 5) and
III. Answer any Five of the following 5x7=35
B(3, 5, -4)
18. Show that the area of the triangle formed by the lines ax + 2hxy + by2 = 0

4. If (3, 2, -1), (4, 1, 1) and (6, 2, 5) are three vertices and (4, 2, 2) is the
centroid of terrahedron, find the fourth vertex. n 2 h 2  ab
am 2  2hlm  bl 2
5. Find the coordinates of the vertex ‘C’ of ABC if its centroid is the origin lx+my+n = 0 is
and the vertices A, B are (1,1,1) and (-2, 4, 1) respectively. 19. If the equation S = ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0 represents a pair of
6. Show that the points (1,2, 3) , (7, 0, 1) and (-2, 3, 4) are collinear parallel straight lines, then i) h2 = ab (ii) af2 = bg2 and
7. Find the coordinates of the vertex ‘C’ of ABC if its centroid is the origin
and the vertices A, B are (1, 1, 1) and (-2, 4, 1) respepctively. g 2  ac f 2  bc
8. A(3, 2, 0), B (5, 3, 2), C(-9, 6, -3) are vertices of a triangle. AD, the bisector
iii) the distance between the parallel lines =2
a ( a  b) b (a  b)
of BAC meets BC at D. Find the coordinates of D.
9. Find the direction cosines of the line joining the points (-4, 1, 7) and (2, -3, 2)
10. If a line makes angles α,,  with the positive directions of X, Y, Z – axes, 20 Show that the lines joining the origin to the points of intersection of the curve
what is the value of sin2 α+ sin2 + sin2  ?
II.. Answer any Five of the following 5x 4 = 20 x2 – xy + y2 + 3x + 3y – 2 = 0 and the straight line x – y - 2 = 0 are mutually
11. Show that the two pairs if lines 3x2 + 8xy – 3y2 = 0 and
3x2 + 8xy – 3y2 + 2x – 4y – 1 = 0 form a sqaure 21 Find the angle between the lines joining the origin to the points of intersection of
the curve x2 + 2xy + y2 +2x +2y – 5=0 and the line 3x – y + 1 = 0
12. Find the product of the lengths of the perpendiculars drawn from (2, 1) upon the
lines 12x2 +25xy +12y2 +10x +11y +2 = 0 22 If a ray makes angles α, , ,  with the four diagonals of a cube find
13. Show that the product of the perpendicular distances from a point (α, ) to the pair cos2 α + cos2 + cos2 + cos2

| a 2  2h  b 2 | 23. Show that the lines whose d.c.’s are given by l + m + n = 0 2mn + 3nl – 5lm = 0
are perpendicular to each other
( a  b ) 2  4h 2
of straight lines ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 0 is
24. Find the angle between the lines whose direction cosines are given by the equations
14. Find the centroid and the area of the triangles formed by the following lines 3l + m + 5n = 0 and 6mn – 2nl – 5lm = 0
2y2 – xy – 6x2 = 0, x +y + 4 = 0


SEC : Senior : MPC Marks:75 DATE : 05.10.16
I Answer all Questions 10x2=20
15. Find the direction cosines of two lines which are connected by the relations
(a x  b x ) 2 dx
 a xb x dx 
11. Find 3cos x  4sin x  6
1. Evaluate
9 cos x  sin x
1  cos 2 x  4sin x  5cos xdx

2. Evaluate 1  cos 2 x
dx 12. Evaluate
 (1  x) 3  2x  x2
 12 dx
3. Evaluate 1  x
13. Evaluate
log(1  x)
 1  x2
 1  ( x  1x ) 0
  x2 e dx
1  14. Evaluate

4. Find
 x sin 7 x cos 6 x dx
x  1  sin x 
15. Find 0
 e  1  cos x dx 16. Solve : (1 + ex/y) dx + ex/y (1– x/y) dy = 0
5. Evaluate
17. Solve ( x + y + 1) dy / dx = 1

 | 2  x |dx
6. Evaluate
II.. Answer any Five of the following 5x7=35
0 1  x1/ 2 dx 5 x 1
 sin x  3 cos x dx
7. Evaluate
18. Evaluate
 x2
dx on (2, 5)
19) Evaluate

 sin 20. Obtain the reduction formula I = 

x cos 6 x dx sin x dx
n n being a politive integer,
8. Find 0

n  2 and deduce the value of 

sin x dx
 d 2 y  dy 3 
 2     6y  /2
x 
dx  dx  
9. Find the order and degree of   sin x  cos x dx  log( 2  1)
21 Show that 0 2 2
10. Form the differential equation corresponding to y = A cos3x + B sin3x,
where A and B are parameters. 
x sin x

1  cos 2 x
22. Evaluate

23. Solve y2 dx + ( x2 – xy + y2) dy = 0

24. Solve : dx ( x2 y3 + xy ) = 1

II.. Answer any Five of the following 5x 4 = 20 Amar sold goods for Rs.10,000 to Sunder on credit on 1st July 2014. Amar drew a bill of
exchange on Sundar for the same amount for the three months. Sundar accepted the bill
and returned it to Amar. Amar discounted the bill with his bank at 10% per annum on the
same day. Sundar met his acceptance on maturity. Rama sold goods to Priya worth Rs.9,000 on 1st June 2013 and drew a bill for 2 months
Pass necessary journal entries in the books of Amar and Sudar. for the same amount. Priya accepted the bill and returned it to Rama. Rama endorsed
the bill to his creditor Poorna on 1st Julu 2013. The bill was honoured on the due date.
Rama sold goods to Priya worth Rs.9,000 on 1st June 2013 and drew a bill for 2 months Pass the journal entries in the books of Poorna.
for the same amount. Priya accepted the bill and returned it to Rama. Rama endorsed
the bill to his creditor Poorna on 1st Julu 2013. The bill was honoured on the due date.
Pass the journal entries in the books of Poorna. Amar sold goods for Rs.10,000 to Sunder on credit on 1st July 2014. Amar drew a bill of
exchange on Sundar for the same amount for the three months. Sundar accepted the bill
and returned it to Amar. Amar discounted the bill with his bank at 10% per annum on the
Amar sold goods for Rs.10,000 to Sunder on credit on 1st July 2014. Amar drew a bill of same day. Sundar met his acceptance on maturity.
exchange on Sundar for the same amount for the three months. Sundar accepted the bill Pass necessary journal entries in the books of Amar and Sudar.
and returned it to Amar. Amar discounted the bill with his bank at 10% per annum on the
same day. Sundar met his acceptance on maturity. Rama sold goods to Priya worth Rs.9,000 on 1st June 2013 and drew a bill for 2 months
Pass necessary journal entries in the books of Amar and Sudar. for the same amount. Priya accepted the bill and returned it to Rama. Rama endorsed
the bill to his creditor Poorna on 1st Julu 2013. The bill was honoured on the due date.
Rama sold goods to Priya worth Rs.9,000 on 1st June 2013 and drew a bill for 2 months Pass the journal entries in the books of Poorna.
for the same amount. Priya accepted the bill and returned it to Rama. Rama endorsed
the bill to his creditor Poorna on 1st Julu 2013. The bill was honoured on the due date.
Pass the journal entries in the books of Poorna.
Amar sold goods for Rs.10,000 to Sunder on credit on 1st July 2014. Amar drew a bill of
exchange on Sundar for the same amount for the three months. Sundar accepted the bill
Amar sold goods for Rs.10,000 to Sunder on credit on 1st July 2014. Amar drew and returned it to Amar. Amar discounted the bill with his bank at 10% per annum on the
a bill of exchange on Sundar for the same amount for the three months. Sundar same day. Sundar met his acceptance on maturity.
accepted the bill and returned it to Amar. Amar discounted the bill with his bank Pass necessary journal entries in the books of Amar and Sudar.
at 10% per annum on the same day. Sundar met his acceptance on maturity.
Pass necessary journal entries in the books of Amar and Sudar. Rama sold goods to Priya worth Rs.9,000 on 1st June 2013 and drew a bill for 2 months
for the same amount. Priya accepted the bill and returned it to Rama. Rama endorsed
Rama sold goods to Priya worth Rs.9,000 on 1st June 2013 and drew a bill for 2 the bill to his creditor Poorna on 1st Julu 2013. The bill was honoured on the due date.
months for the same amount. Priya accepted the bill and returned it to Rama. Pass the journal entries in the books of Poorna.
Rama endorsed the bill to his creditor Poorna on 1st Julu 2013. The bill was
honoured on the due date.
Amar sold goods for Rs.10,000 to Sunder on credit on 1st July 2014. Amar drew a bill of
Pass the journal entries in the books of Poorna. exchange on Sundar for the same amount for the three months. Sundar accepted the bill
and returned it to Amar. Amar discounted the bill with his bank at 10% per annum on the
Amar sold goods for Rs.10,000 to Sunder on credit on 1st July 2014. Amar drew same day. Sundar met his acceptance on maturity.
a bill of exchange on Sundar for the same amount for the three months. Sundar Pass necessary journal entries in the books of Amar and Sudar.
accepted the bill and returned it to Amar. Amar discounted the bill with his bank
at 10% per annum on the same day. Sundar met his acceptance on maturity. Rama sold goods to Priya worth Rs.9,000 on 1st June 2013 and drew a bill for 2 months
Pass necessary journal entries in the books of Amar and Sudar. for the same amount. Priya accepted the bill and returned it to Rama. Rama endorsed
the bill to his creditor Poorna on 1st Julu 2013. The bill was honoured on the due date.
Rama sold goods to Priya worth Rs.9,000 on 1st June 2013 and drew a bill for 2 Pass the journal entries in the books of Poorna.
months for the same amount. Priya accepted the bill and returned it to Rama.
Rama endorsed the bill to his creditor Poorna on 1st Julu 2013. The bill was
honoured on the due date.
Pass the journal entries in the books of Poorna.

Amar sold goods for Rs.10,000 to Sunder on credit on 1st July 2014. Amar drew a bill of
exchange on Sundar for the same amount for the three months. Sundar accepted the bill VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE : : CHITTOOR
and returned it to Amar. Amar discounted the bill with his bank at 10% per annum on the SUB : CHEMISTRY II -TERMINAL EXAMINATIONS –OCT-2016
same day. Sundar met his acceptance on maturity. SEC :Juniors MPC & BiPC Time: 3Hrs. Marks:60 DATE :06.10.16
Pass necessary journal entries in the books of Amar and Sudar. I Answer all of the following questions 10x2=20
1. What do you mean by Significant figures? 2. What is a redox reaction? Give an example.
2. What is a redox reaction? Give an example. 3. The Empirical formula of a compound is CH2O. Its molecular wt. is 90.
3. The Empirical formula of a compound is CH2O. Its molecular wt. is 90. Calculate the molecular formula of the compound.
Calculate the molecular formula of the compound. 4. How many number of moles of glucose are present in 540 gms of glucose?
4. How many number of moles of glucose are present in 540 gms of glucose? 5. What volume of CO2 obtained by heating 4g of CaCO3 ?
5. What volume of CO2 obtained by heating 4g of CaCO3 ? 6. Define oxidation and Reduction?
6. Define oxidation and Reduction? 7. Calculate the weight of 0.1 moles of sodium Carbonate.
7. Calculate the weight of 0.1 moles of sodium Carbonate. 8. What volume of H2 at STP is required to reduce 0.795 g of CuO to give Cu and H2O.
8. What volume of H2 at STP is required to reduce 0.795 g of CuO to give Cu and H2O. 9. To 50ml of 0.1 N Na2CO3 solution, 150ml of H2O is added. Then Calculate
9. To 50ml of 0.1 N Na2CO3 solution, 150ml of H2O is added. Then Calculate the normality of resultant solution.
the normality of resultant solution. 10. Find the oxidation number to the underlined elements in each of the
10. Find the oxidation number to the underlined elements in each of the following Species? A) KMnO4 b) Cr2O7-2
following Species? A) KMnO4 b) Cr2O7-2 II .Answer any Six of the following questions 6x4=24
II .Answer any Six of the following questions 6x4=24 11. State the law of definite proportions. Suggest one problem to understand
11. State the law of definite proportions. Suggest one problem to understand the law, by woking out that problem.
the law, by woking out that problem. 12. What is molartiy of a solution? Calculate the molarity of NaOH in
12. What is molartiy of a solution? Calculate the molarity of NaOH in solution prepared by dissolving 4g in enough water to form 250ml of the
solution prepared by dissolving 4g in enough water to form 250ml of the solution.
solution. 13. Balance the following redox reaction by oxidation number method.
13. Balance the following redox reaction by oxidation number method. MnO42 + Cl2  MnO4 + Cl
MnO42 + Cl2  MnO4 + Cl 14. Balance the following redox reaction by ion - electron method:
14. Balance the following redox reaction by ion - electron method: Cr(OH)3+ IO3 OH CrO4 2 + I
Cr(OH)3+ IO3 OH CrO4 2 + I 15. What is Empirical cormula of a compound. Chemical analysis of a
15. What is Empirical cormula of a compound. Chemical analysis of a compound gave the following percentage composition by weight of the
compound gave the following percentage composition by weight of the element present, Carbon = 10.06%, hydrogen = 0.84% chlorine = 89.10%.
element present, Carbon = 10.06%, hydrogen = 0.84% chlorine = 89.10%. Calculate the compirical formula of the compound.
Calculate the compirical formula of the compound. 16. Balance the following redox reaction by ion - electron method: in acid
16. Balance the following redox reaction by ion - electron method: in acid medium Fe+2 + H2O2  Fe+3 + H2O
medium Fe+2 + H2O2  Fe+3 + H2O 17. Explain a) Disproportionation reaction and
17. Explain a) Disproportionation reaction and b) Comproportionation reactions
b) Comproportionation reactions 18. How do the following properties very in a group and in a period? Explain
18. How do the following properties very in a group and in a period? Explain a) E.A b) E.N
a) E.A b) E.N III Answer any two of the following 2x8=16
III Answer any two of the following 2x8=16 19. Write an essay on s, p, d and f-blocks?
19. Write an essay on s, p, d and f-blocks? 20. Relate the electronic contriguration of elements and their properties in the
20. Relate the electronic contriguration of elements and their properties in the classification of elements?
classification of elements? 21. Define IE1 and IE2 . Why is IE2 > IE1 for a given atom? Discuss the
21. Define IE1 and IE2 . Why is IE2 > IE1 for a given atom? Discuss the factors that effect IE of an element?
factors that effect IE of an element?


SEC :Juniors MPC & BiPC Time: 3Hrs. Marks:60 DATE :06.10.16 I Answer all Questions 10x2=20
I Answer all of the following questions 10x2=20 1. If 1, 2, 3 and 4 are the roots of x4 +ax3 + bx2 + cx +d =0, then find the
1. What do you mean by Significant figures? values of a, b, c and d
2. Find the condition that x3 – px2 + qx – r = 0 may have the sum of two of its once. Find the no. of times (i) each student can go to the park (ii) the
roots zero.
techer can go to the park.
3. Find the algebraic equation whose roots are 2 times the roots of
x5 – 2x4 + 3x3 – 2x2 + 4x+3 = 0 III. Answer any Five of the following 5x7=35
4. If 56P(r+6) : 54P(r+3) = 30800:1, find r 3 2
18. Solve the equation 54x – 39x – 26x + 16 = 0 , if the roots are in G.P.
5. Find the no. of ways of arranging the letters of the word MONDAY
so that no vowel occupies even place. 19. Solve 8x4 – 2x3 – 27x2 + 6x+9 = 0 given that two roots have the same
6. Find the no. of ways of arranging 4 boys and 3 girls around a circle absolute value , but are opposite in sign.
so that all the girls sit together.
7. Find the no. of ways of selecting x committee of 6 members out of 10 20. Solve 2x5 + x4 – 12x3 – 12x2 + x + 2 = 0
members always including a specified member. 21. If n is a +ve integer and x is any non-zero real number, Prove that
 3 
 3 5 x (1  x) n 1  1
8. Find the term independent of a in the expansion of  x 
Co + C1 . (x/2) + C2.(x2/3) + C3.( x3/4) + - - - - + Cn.(x n /n+1)= (n  1) x
 x
 2   5 +11)n = R + F then
3 22. If R, n are positive integers, n is odd, 0 < F < 1 and it (5
9. Find the 9th term of 
7 prove that (i) R is an even integer and (ii) (R+F).F = 4n
10. Find an approximate value of 127 . Corrected to 4 decimal places
II.. Answer any Five of the following 5x 4 = 20 23. If the coefficients of rth . (r+1)th and ( r + 2)nd terms in the expansion of (1+x)n and

11. If letters of the word MASTER are permuted in all possible ways in A.P. then show that n2 – (4r+1) n + 4r2 – 2 = 0

and the words thus formed are arranged in the dictionary order, 5 5.7 5.7.9
 
then find the rank of the word MASTER. 24. If x =
(2 ) (3 ).3 (4 ).33 + --- then find the value of x2 + 4x
3 2

12. Find the no. of 4 digit numbers that can be formed using the
digits 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 without repetition. How many of them are
divisible by (i) 2 (ii) 3 (iii) 4 (iv) 5
13. Find the sum of all 4 digited number that can be formed using the
digits 0, 2, 4, 7, 8 without repetition.
14. Find the no. of number less than 2000 that can be formed using the
digits 1, 2, 3,4 if repeition is allowed.
15. Find the no. of 4 – letter words that can be formed using the letters
of the word RAMANA


16. Find the no. of ways of giving away 4 similar coins to 5 boys if each boy SUB : MATHS-IIA II -TERMINAL EXAMINATIONS –OCT-2016
can be given any number (less than or equal to 4) of coins. SEC : Senior : VCP Marks:75 DATE : 06.10.16
I Answer all Questions 10x2=20
17. A teacher wants to take 10 students to a park. He can take exactly 3
1. If 1, 1, α are the roots of x3 – 6x2 + 9x – 4 = 0, then find α
students at a time and will not take the same group of 3 students more than
2. Form the polynominal equation with rational coefficients whose roots are x4

4 3, 5 2i 16. Resolve ( x  1)( x  2) into partial fractions.

3. Find an algebraic equation of defree 4 whose roots are 3 times the roots of x4
17. Find the coefficient of xn in the power series expansion of x  5 x  6
the equation 6x4 – 7x3 + 8x2 – 7x + 2 = 0
4. Show that 2x3 + 5x2 + 5x + 2 = 0 is a reciprocal equation of class one specifying the region in which the expansion is valid
5. From the polynomial equation whose roots are the cubes of the roots of III. Answer any Five of the following 5x7=35

x3+3x2+2=0 18. Find the number of 4-digit numbers that can be formed using the

6. If (n+1)P5:nP5 = 3:2, find n digits 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, if no two digits are the same. How many of them are

7. Find the number of ways in which 4 letters can be put in 4 addressed divisible by

envelopes so that no letter goes into the envelope meant for it i) 2 ii) 3 iii) 4 iv) 5 v) 25

8. Find the number of bijections from a set A containing 7 elements onto 4n

C2 n 1.3.5...(4n  1)

itself. 19. Prove that
Cn {1.3.5...(2n  1)}2
9. Find the number of 7-digit numbers that can be formed using 2, 2, 2, 3, 3,4,4 20. If α, ,  are the roots of x3 – 7x + 6 = 0, then find the equation whose roots
10. Find the number of positive divisors of 1080.
are (α- )2, (-)2 , (-α)2
II.. Answer any Five of the following 5x 4 = 20
21. Solve x4 – 5x3 + 5x2 + 5x – 6 = 0, given that the product of two of its roots is 3.
11. Find the sum of all 4-digit numbers that cana be formed using the
digits 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
22. Solve the equation 8x3 – 20x2 + 6x + 9=0 given that the equation has multiple roots
12. If the lettersof the word EAMCET are permuted in all possible ways and if
a2 b2 c2 k2
the words thus formed are arranged in the dictionary order, find the rank of    ....   xm
23. Show that the equation x  a x  b1 x  c1 x  k1

the word EAMCET.

where a, b, c, ….k, m, a1 b1, …..k1 are all real numbers, can not
13. A teacher wants to take 10 students to a part. He can take exactly 3 students
have a non-real root.
at a time and will not take the same group of 3 students more than once.
24. Solve the x4 – 10x3 +26x2 – 10x + 1= 0
Find the number of times. (i) each student can go to the park (ii) the
techer can go to the park.

x2  5x  7
14. Resolve ( x  3) into partial fractions.


SUB : MATHS-IA Weekly Test Marks:25
15. Resolve (1  x) (1  x ) into partial fractions.
2 2
SEC : Junior : MPC DATE :18.10.16
I Answer any five of the following 5 x 5 = 25
A B C  I Answer any five of the following 5 x 5 = 25
 b cos 2  c cos 2  S  A B C 
1. S.T. a cos2 2 2 2 R  b cos 2  c cos 2  S 
1  cos( A  B ) cos C a  b2 2 1. S.T. a cos 2
2 2 2 R
 2 2 1  cos( A  B ) cos C a  b
2 2

2. Prove that 1  cos( A  C ) cos B a c  2 2

3 If a : b: c = 7 : 8 : 9, find cos A : cos B : cos C. 2. Prove that 1  cos( A  C ) cos B a c
A B C s2 3 If a : b: c = 7 : 8 : 9, find cos A : cos B : cos C.
cot  cot  cot  A B C s2
4. Prove that i) 2 2 2  cot  cot  cot 
A B C bc  ca  ab  s 2 4. Prove that i) 2 2 2 
tan  tan  tan  A B C bc  ca  ab  s 2
ii) 2 2 2  tan  tan  tan 
5. If a2 + b2 + c2 = 8R2 , then prove that the triangle is right angled ii) 2 2 2 
6. The upper 3/ 4 th portion of a vertical pole subtends an angle Tan-1 3/5 at a point in 5. If a2 + b2 + c2 = 8R2 , then prove that the triangle is right angled
the horizontal plane through its foot and at a distance 40m from the foot. Given that 6. The upper 3/ 4 th portion of a vertical pole subtends an angle Tan-1 3/5 at a point in
the vertical pole is at a height less than 100 m from the ground, find its height. the horizontal plane through its foot and at a distance 40m from the foot. Given that
the vertical pole is at a height less than 100 m from the ground, find its height.


SEC : Junior : MPC DATE :18.10.16 SUB : MATHS-IA Weekly Test Marks:25
I Answer any five of the following 5 x 5 = 25 SEC : Junior : MPC DATE :18.10.16
A B C  I Answer any five of the following 5 x 5 = 25
 b cos 2  c cos 2  S  A B C 
1. S.T. a cos2 2 2 2 R  b cos 2  c cos 2  S 
1  cos( A  B ) cos C a 2  b 2 1. S.T. a cos2 2 2 2 R
 2 2 1  cos( A  B) cos C a  b2 2

2. Prove that 1  cos( A  C ) cos B a  c  2 2

3 If a : b: c = 7 : 8 : 9, find cos A : cos B : cos C. 2. Prove that 1  cos( A  C ) cos B a c
A B C s2 3 If a : b: c = 7 : 8 : 9, find cos A : cos B : cos C.
cot  cot  cot  A B C s2
4. Prove that i) 2 2 2  cot  cot  cot 
A B C bc  ca  ab  s 2 4. Prove that i) 2 2 2 
tan  tan  tan  A B C bc  ca  ab  s 2
ii) 2 2 2  tan  tan  tan 
5. If a + b + c = 8R2 , then prove that the triangle is right angled
2 2 2
ii) 2 2 2 
6. The upper 3/ 4 th portion of a vertical pole subtends an angle Tan-1 3/5 at a point in 5. If a2 + b2 + c2 = 8R2 , then prove that the triangle is right angled
the horizontal plane through its foot and at a distance 40m from the foot. Given that 6. The upper 3/ 4 th portion of a vertical pole subtends an angle Tan-1 3/5 at a point in
the vertical pole is at a height less than 100 m from the ground, find its height. the horizontal plane through its foot and at a distance 40m from the foot. Given that
the vertical pole is at a height less than 100 m from the ground, find its height.


1. Ravindra sold goods to Narayana for Rs.15,000 on 1st March 2015. Ravindra drew
SUB : MATHS-IA Weekly Test Marks:25
upon Narayana a bill of exchange for the same amount payable after two months .
SEC : Junior : MPC DATE :18.10.16
The bill was immediately discounted by Ravindra with his bank @ 6% p.a.. On the
due date the bill was dishonoured and bank paid rs.100 as noting charges. Pass the journal entries in the books of Ravindra and Narayana
journal entries in the books of Ravindra and Narayana
2. On 1st March 2013 Radhika sold goods to Harika worth Rs.9,000 and drew a bill
2. On 1 March 2013 Radhika sold goods to Harika worth Rs.9,000 and drew a bill for 2 months for the same amount. Harika accepted the bill and returned it to
for 2 months for the same amount. Harika accepted the bill and returned it to Radhika. The bill is honoured on the date of maturity. Pass journal entries in the
Radhika. The bill is honoured on the date of maturity. Pass journal entries in the books of Radhika & Harika
books of Radhika & Harika

1. Ravindra sold goods to Narayana for Rs.15,000 on 1st March 2015. Ravindra drew
1. Ravindra sold goods to Narayana for Rs.15,000 on 1 March 2015. Ravindra drew upon Narayana a bill of exchange for the same amount payable after two months .
upon Narayana a bill of exchange for the same amount payable after two months . The bill was immediately discounted by Ravindra with his bank @ 6% p.a.. On the
The bill was immediately discounted by Ravindra with his bank @ 6% p.a.. On the due date the bill was dishonoured and bank paid rs.100 as noting charges. Pass the
due date the bill was dishonoured and bank paid rs.100 as noting charges. Pass the journal entries in the books of Ravindra and Narayana
journal entries in the books of Ravindra and Narayana
2. On 1st March 2013 Radhika sold goods to Harika worth Rs.9,000 and drew a bill
2. On 1 March 2013 Radhika sold goods to Harika worth Rs.9,000 and drew a bill for 2 months for the same amount. Harika accepted the bill and returned it to
for 2 months for the same amount. Harika accepted the bill and returned it to Radhika. The bill is honoured on the date of maturity. Pass journal entries in the
Radhika. The bill is honoured on the date of maturity. Pass journal entries in the books of Radhika & Harika
books of Radhika & Harika

1. Ravindra sold goods to Narayana for Rs.15,000 on 1st March 2015. Ravindra drew
1. Ravindra sold goods to Narayana for Rs.15,000 on 1st March 2015. Ravindra drew upon Narayana a bill of exchange for the same amount payable after two months .
upon Narayana a bill of exchange for the same amount payable after two months . The bill was immediately discounted by Ravindra with his bank @ 6% p.a.. On the
The bill was immediately discounted by Ravindra with his bank @ 6% p.a.. On the due date the bill was dishonoured and bank paid rs.100 as noting charges. Pass the
due date the bill was dishonoured and bank paid rs.100 as noting charges. Pass the journal entries in the books of Ravindra and Narayana
journal entries in the books of Ravindra and Narayana
2. On 1st March 2013 Radhika sold goods to Harika worth Rs.9,000 and drew a bill
2. On 1st March 2013 Radhika sold goods to Harika worth Rs.9,000 and drew a bill for 2 months for the same amount. Harika accepted the bill and returned it to
for 2 months for the same amount. Harika accepted the bill and returned it to Radhika. The bill is honoured on the date of maturity. Pass journal entries in the
Radhika. The bill is honoured on the date of maturity. Pass journal entries in the books of Radhika & Harika
books of Radhika & Harika

1. Ravindra sold goods to Narayana for Rs.15,000 on 1st March 2015. Ravindra drew 1. Ravindra sold goods to Narayana for Rs.15,000 on 1st March 2015. Ravindra drew
upon Narayana a bill of exchange for the same amount payable after two months . upon Narayana a bill of exchange for the same amount payable after two months .
The bill was immediately discounted by Ravindra with his bank @ 6% p.a.. On the The bill was immediately discounted by Ravindra with his bank @ 6% p.a.. On the
due date the bill was dishonoured and bank paid rs.100 as noting charges. Pass the due date the bill was dishonoured and bank paid rs.100 as noting charges. Pass the
journal entries in the books of Ravindra and Narayana journal entries in the books of Ravindra and Narayana

2. On 1st March 2013 Radhika sold goods to Harika worth Rs.9,000 and drew a bill 2. On 1st March 2013 Radhika sold goods to Harika worth Rs.9,000 and drew a bill
for 2 months for the same amount. Harika accepted the bill and returned it to for 2 months for the same amount. Harika accepted the bill and returned it to
Radhika. The bill is honoured on the date of maturity. Pass journal entries in the Radhika. The bill is honoured on the date of maturity. Pass journal entries in the
books of Radhika & Harika books of Radhika & Harika


1. Ravindra sold goods to Narayana for Rs.15,000 on 1st March 2015. Ravindra drew SUB : English Weekly Test Marks:25
upon Narayana a bill of exchange for the same amount payable after two months . SEC : Senior : Inter DATE :22.10.16
The bill was immediately discounted by Ravindra with his bank @ 6% p.a.. On the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
due date the bill was dishonoured and bank paid rs.100 as noting charges. Pass the
I. Answer the following question in about 25 lines :- 1x8=8
a) Bring out the contrast in the character of snow ball and Napoleon.
II. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:-

III. Fill in the Bank Draft form based on the following information:- 10x1/2 = 5
Mrs. Vimala Reddy applied today at SBI, Repally

IV. Match the words with their meanings/definitions: 5x1=5

1. autocracy a) One who studies the past throufh objects left behind
2. apiary b) an instmment for measuring electric currents.
3. archaeologist c) government by a sovereign with uncontrolled
4. entynology d) a place where grain is stored
5. ammeter e) a place where bees are kept
f) the study of the originand history of words.
V. Mark the stress for any two of the following :- 2x1/2=2
i) Parent ii) academy iii) gold iv) economy
SUB : Physics Weekly Test Marks:20
SEC : Junior Inter DATE :19.10.16
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I Answer all questions 4x2=8
1. What is Magnus effect
2. What is the principle behind the carburetor of an automobile. 3. Give the expression for the excess pressure for a soap bubble in air
3. Give the expression for the excess pressure for a soap bubble in air 4. What are water proofing ageats and water wetting agents ? What do they do?
4. What are water proofing ageats and water wetting agents ? What do they do? II Answer all questions 3x4=12
II Answer all questions 3x4=12 5. What is atmospheric pressure ? And how it is determined using Barometor?
5. What is atmospheric pressure ? And how it is determined using Barometor? 6. What is venture-meter? Explain how it is used.
6. What is venture-meter? Explain how it is used. 7. State Bernoullis Principle. From conservation of energy in a fluid flow
7. State Bernoullis Principle. From conservation of energy in a fluid flow through a tube, arrive at Bernoullis equation.
through a tube, arrive at Bernoullis equation.


VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE : : CHITTOOR SUB : Physics Weekly Test Marks:20
SUB : Physics Weekly Test Marks:20 SEC : Junior Inter DATE :19.10.16
SEC : Junior Inter DATE :19.10.16 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I Answer all questions 4x2=8
I Answer all questions 4x2=8 1. What is Magnus effect
1. What is Magnus effect 2. What is the principle behind the carburetor of an automobile.
2. What is the principle behind the carburetor of an automobile. 3. Give the expression for the excess pressure for a soap bubble in air
3. Give the expression for the excess pressure for a soap bubble in air 4. What are water proofing ageats and water wetting agents ? What do they do?
4. What are water proofing ageats and water wetting agents ? What do they do? II Answer all questions 3x4=12
II Answer all questions 3x4=12 5. What is atmospheric pressure ? And how it is determined using Barometor?
5. What is atmospheric pressure ? And how it is determined using Barometor? 6. What is venture-meter? Explain how it is used.
6. What is venture-meter? Explain how it is used. 7. State Bernoullis Principle. From conservation of energy in a fluid flow
7. State Bernoullis Principle. From conservation of energy in a fluid flow through a tube, arrive at Bernoullis equation.
through a tube, arrive at Bernoullis equation.


VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE : : CHITTOOR SUB : Physics Weekly Test Marks:20
SUB : Physics Weekly Test Marks:20 SEC : Junior Inter DATE :19.10.16
SEC : Junior Inter DATE :19.10.16 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I Answer all questions 4x2=8
I Answer all questions 4x2=8 1. What is Magnus effect
1. What is Magnus effect 2. What is the principle behind the carburetor of an automobile.
2. What is the principle behind the carburetor of an automobile. 3. Give the expression for the excess pressure for a soap bubble in air
3. Give the expression for the excess pressure for a soap bubble in air 4. What are water proofing ageats and water wetting agents ? What do they do?
4. What are water proofing ageats and water wetting agents ? What do they do? II Answer all questions 3x4=12
II Answer all questions 3x4=12 5. What is atmospheric pressure ? And how it is determined using Barometor?
5. What is atmospheric pressure ? And how it is determined using Barometor? 6. What is venture-meter? Explain how it is used.
6. What is venture-meter? Explain how it is used. 7. State Bernoullis Principle. From conservation of energy in a fluid flow
7. State Bernoullis Principle. From conservation of energy in a fluid flow through a tube, arrive at Bernoullis equation.
through a tube, arrive at Bernoullis equation.


SUB : Physics Weekly Test Marks:20 SUB : MATHS-IIA Weekly Test Marks:25
SEC : Junior Inter DATE :19.10.16
SEC : Senior : MPC DATE :18.10.16
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I. Answer the following 2x2=4
I Answer all questions 4x2=8
1. What is Magnus effect
1. Find the mean diviation from the mean of the following discreate data:
2. What is the principle behind the carburetor of an automobile.
6, 7, 10, 12, 13, 4, 12, 16. 1. Find the mean diviation from the mean of the following discreate data:
6, 7, 10, 12, 13, 4, 12, 16.
2. Find the mean deviation about the meadian for the following data.
13, 17, 16, 11, 13, 10, 16, 11, 18, 12, 17 2. Find the mean deviation about the meadian for the following data.
13, 17, 16, 11, 13, 10, 16, 11, 18, 12, 17
II. Answer any 3 of the following 3 x 7 = 21
3. Let us find the mean deviation about the mean for the following data II. Answer any 3 of the following 3 x 7 = 21
xi 2 5 7 8 10 35 3. Let us find the mean deviation about the mean for the following data
Fi 6 8 10 6 8 2 xi 2 5 7 8 10 35
Fi 6 8 10 6 8 2
4. Find the mean deviation about the median for the following continuous
distribution 4. Find the mean deviation about the median for the following continuous
Class 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 distribution
interval Class 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80
Frequenc 5 8 7 12 28 20 10 10 interval
y Frequenc 5 8 7 12 28 20 10 10
5. Find the mean and variance using the step deviation method, of the following
tabular data, giving the age distribution of 542 members. 5. Find the mean and variance using the step deviation method, of the following
Age in 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 tabular data, giving the age distribution of 542 members.
years(xi) Age in 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90
Number 3 61 132 153 140 51 2 years(xi)
of (fi) Number 3 61 132 153 140 51 2
member of (fi)
s member
6.The scores of two cricketers A and B in 10 innings are given below. Find
who is better run getter and who is a more consistent player. 6.The scores of two cricketers A and B in 10 innings are given below. Find
Scores 40 25 19 80 38 8 67 121 66 76 who is better run getter and who is a more consistent player.
of A:xi Scores 40 25 19 80 38 8 67 121 66 76
Scores 28 70 31 0 14 111 66 31 25 4 of A:xi
of B:yi Scores 28 70 31 0 14 111 66 31 25 4
of B:yi


SEC : Senior : MPC DATE :18.10.16 SUB : MATHS-IIA Weekly Test Marks:25
I. Answer the following 2x2=4 SEC : Senior : VCP DATE :18.10.16
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I Answer any FIVE questions 5 x 5 = 25 1. Find the numerically greatest terms (s) in the expansion of
1. Find the numerically greatest terms (s) in the expansion of (3x + 5y)12 when x = 1 /2 , y = 4 /3
(3x + 5y)12 when x = 1 /2 , y = 4 /3 n
 8x 
2 
 8x 
2  2. If coefficients of x11 and x12 in the binomial expansion of  3  are
2. If coefficients of x11 and x12 in the binomial expansion of  3  are equal, find n
equal, find n 3. If the coefficients of x9, x10, x11 in the expansion of ( 1+x)n are in A.P.
3. If the coefficients of x9, x10, x11 in the expansion of ( 1+x)n are in A.P. then prove that n2 – 4ln +398=0
then prove that n2 – 4ln +398=0 4. If the 2nd, 3rd and 4th terms in the expansion of (a + x)n are respectively
4. If the 2nd, 3rd and 4th terms in the expansion of (a + x)n are respectively 240, 720, 1080, find a, x, n.
240, 720, 1080, find a, x, n. 5. If P and Q are the sum of odd terms and the sum of even terms respectively
5. If P and Q are the sum of odd terms and the sum of even terms respectively in the expansion of (x+a)n then prove that
in the expansion of (x+a)n then prove that i) P2 – Q2 = (x2 – a2 )n ii) 4PQ = ( x + a)2n – (x-a)2n
i) P2 – Q2 = (x2 – a2 )n ii) 4PQ = ( x + a)2n – (x-a)2n 6. If the coefficients of 4 consecutive terms in the expansion of (1+x) n are
6. If the coefficients of 4 consecutive terms in the expansion of (1+x) n are a1 a3 2a 2
a1 a3 2a 2  
  a a
a1, a2, a3, a4 respectively, then show that 1 2
a 3 a 4 a 2 a 3
a a
a1, a2, a3, a4 respectively, then show that 1 2
a 3 a 4 a 2 a 3


SUB : MATHS-IIA Weekly Test Marks:25 SEC : Senior : VCP DATE :18.10.16
SEC : Senior : VCP DATE :18.10.16 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I Answer any FIVE questions 5 x 5 = 25
I Answer any FIVE questions 5 x 5 = 25 1. Find the numerically greatest terms (s) in the expansion of
1. Find the numerically greatest terms (s) in the expansion of (3x + 5y)12 when x = 1 /2 , y = 4 /3
(3x + 5y) when x = 1 /2 , y = 4 /3 n
 8x 
2 
 8x 
2  2. If coefficients of x11 and x12 in the binomial expansion of  3  are
2. If coefficients of x11 and x12 in the binomial expansion of  3  are equal, find n
equal, find n 3. If the coefficients of x9, x10, x11 in the expansion of ( 1+x)n are in A.P.
3. If the coefficients of x9, x10, x11 in the expansion of ( 1+x)n are in A.P. then prove that n2 – 4ln +398=0
then prove that n2 – 4ln +398=0 4. If the 2nd, 3rd and 4th terms in the expansion of (a + x)n are respectively
4. If the 2nd, 3rd and 4th terms in the expansion of (a + x)n are respectively 240, 720, 1080, find a, x, n.
240, 720, 1080, find a, x, n. 5. If P and Q are the sum of odd terms and the sum of even terms respectively
5. If P and Q are the sum of odd terms and the sum of even terms respectively in the expansion of (x+a)n then prove that
in the expansion of (x+a)n then prove that i) P2 – Q2 = (x2 – a2 )n ii) 4PQ = ( x + a)2n – (x-a)2n
i) P2 – Q2 = (x2 – a2 )n ii) 4PQ = ( x + a)2n – (x-a)2n 6. If the coefficients of 4 consecutive terms in the expansion of (1+x) n are
6. If the coefficients of 4 consecutive terms in the expansion of (1+x) n are a1 a3 2a 2
a1 a3 2a 2  
  a a
a1, a2, a3, a4 respectively, then show that 1 2
a 3 a 4 a 2 a 3
a a
a1, a2, a3, a4 respectively, then show that 1 2
a 3 a 4 a 2 a 3


SUB : MATHS-IIA Weekly Test Marks:25 SUB : PHYSICS Weekly Test Marks:20
SEC : Senior : VCP DATE :18.10.16 SEC : S eniosr : VIP& VEP-1& Bipc DATE :20.10.16
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I Answer any FIVE questions 5 x 5 = 25
I. Answer the following question 8 Marks I. Answer the following question 8 Marks
1. Explaint he working of half wave and full wave rectifiers with circuit 1. Explaint he working of half wave and full wave rectifiers with circuit
diagrams. diagrams.
II. Answer any two questions 4x2=8 II. Answer any two questions 4x2=8
2. Compare n-type and p-type semi conductor 2. Compare n-type and p-type semi conductor
3. What is Zener didoe ? How. It can be used an voltage regulator. 3. What is Zener didoe ? How. It can be used an voltage regulator.
4. Draw and explain V –i characteries of junction diode. 4. Draw and explain V –i characteries of junction diode.
5. Draw truth table and diagram of OR, AND are NOT logic gets 5. Draw truth table and diagram of OR, AND are NOT logic gets
III Very short answer questions 4x1=4 III Very short answer questions 4x1=4
6. What are majority charge carriers in n-type and p-type semiconductors 6. What are majority charge carriers in n-type and p-type semiconductors
7. What is a P-N junction diode ? define depletion layer 7. What is a P-N junction diode ? define depletion layer
8. Which gates are called universal gates. 8. Which gates are called universal gates.
9. Draw the circuit symbols of p-n-p and n-p-n transistors. 9. Draw the circuit symbols of p-n-p and n-p-n transistors.


SUB : PHYSICS Weekly Test Marks:20 SUB : PHYSICS Weekly Test Marks:20
SEC : S eniosr : VIP& VEP-1& Bipc DATE :20.10.16 SEC : S eniosr : VIP& VEP-1& Bipc DATE :20.10.16
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I. Answer the following question 8 Marks I. Answer the following question 8 Marks
1. Explaint he working of half wave and full wave rectifiers with circuit 1. Explaint he working of half wave and full wave rectifiers with circuit
diagrams. diagrams.
II. Answer any two questions 4x2=8 II. Answer any two questions 4x2=8
2. Compare n-type and p-type semi conductor 2. Compare n-type and p-type semi conductor
3. What is Zener didoe ? How. It can be used an voltage regulator. 3. What is Zener didoe ? How. It can be used an voltage regulator.
4. Draw and explain V –i characteries of junction diode. 4. Draw and explain V –i characteries of junction diode.
5. Draw truth table and diagram of OR, AND are NOT logic gets 5. Draw truth table and diagram of OR, AND are NOT logic gets
III Very short answer questions 4x1=4 III Very short answer questions 4x1=4
6. What are majority charge carriers in n-type and p-type semiconductors 6. What are majority charge carriers in n-type and p-type semiconductors
7. What is a P-N junction diode ? define depletion layer 7. What is a P-N junction diode ? define depletion layer
8. Which gates are called universal gates. 8. Which gates are called universal gates.
9. Draw the circuit symbols of p-n-p and n-p-n transistors. 9. Draw the circuit symbols of p-n-p and n-p-n transistors.


SUB : MATHS-IIB Weekly Test Marks:25
SUB : PHYSICS Weekly Test Marks:20 ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~
SEC : S eniosr : VIP& VEP-1& Bipc DATE :20.10.16 I Answer any FIVE questions 5x5=25
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1. Find the equations of the tangent and normal to the parabola y 2 = 6x at the
positive end of the latus rectum 2. If lx+my+n=0 is a normal to the parabola y2 = 4ax, then show that
2. If lx+my+n=0 is a normal to the parabola y2 = 4ax, then show that al3+2alm2+nm2=0
al3+2alm2+nm2=0 3. Show that the equation of common tangents to the circle x2+y2=2a2 and the
3. Show that the equation of common tangents to the circle x 2+y2=2a2 and the parabola y2=8ax are y = (x+2a)
parabola y2=8ax are y = (x+2a) 4. Show that the locus of point of intersection of perpendicular tangents to the
4. Show that the locus of point of intersection of perpendicular tangents to the parabola y2=4ax is the directrix x+a=0
parabola y2=4ax is the directrix x+a=0 5. From an external point P tangents are drawn to the parabola y2 = 4ax and
5. From an external point P tangents are drawn to the parabola y2 = 4ax and these tangents make angles 1, 2 with its axis,such that cot 1, +cot2 is a
these tangents make angles 1, 2 with its axis,such that cot 1, +cot2 is a constant d.then show that all such p lie on a horizontal line
constant d.then show that all such p lie on a horizontal line 6. Prove that the area of the triangle formed by the tangents at (x 1, y1), (x2, y2)
6. Prove that the area of the triangle formed by the tangents at (x 1, y1), (x2, y2) and (x3, y3) to the parabola y2 = 4ax ( a>0) is 1/6a |(y1-y2) (y2 – y3) (y3 – y1)|
and (x3, y3) to the parabola y2 = 4ax ( a>0) is 1/6a |(y1-y2) (y2 – y3) (y3 – y1)| sq. units
sq. units


SUB : MATHS-IIB Weekly Test Marks:25 SEC : Senior : VIP DATE :21.10.16
SEC : Senior : VIP DATE :21.10.16 ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~
~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ I Answer any FIVE questions 5x5=25
I Answer any FIVE questions 5x5=25 1. Find the equations of the tangent and normal to the parabola y 2 = 6x at the
1. Find the equations of the tangent and normal to the parabola y 2 = 6x at the positive end of the latus rectum
positive end of the latus rectum 2. If lx+my+n=0 is a normal to the parabola y2 = 4ax, then show that
2. If lx+my+n=0 is a normal to the parabola y2 = 4ax, then show that al3+2alm2+nm2=0
al3+2alm2+nm2=0 3. Show that the equation of common tangents to the circle x2+y2=2a2 and the
3. Show that the equation of common tangents to the circle x 2+y2=2a2 and the parabola y2=8ax are y = (x+2a)
parabola y2=8ax are y = (x+2a) 4. Show that the locus of point of intersection of perpendicular tangents to the
4. Show that the locus of point of intersection of perpendicular tangents to the parabola y2=4ax is the directrix x+a=0
parabola y2=4ax is the directrix x+a=0 5. From an external point P tangents are drawn to the parabola y2 = 4ax and
5. From an external point P tangents are drawn to the parabola y2 = 4ax and these tangents make angles 1, 2 with its axis,such that cot 1, +cot2 is a
these tangents make angles 1, 2 with its axis,such that cot 1, +cot2 is a constant d.then show that all such p lie on a horizontal line
constant d.then show that all such p lie on a horizontal line 6. Prove that the area of the triangle formed by the tangents at (x 1, y1), (x2, y2)
6. Prove that the area of the triangle formed by the tangents at (x 1, y1), (x2, y2) and (x3, y3) to the parabola y2 = 4ax ( a>0) is 1/6a |(y1-y2) (y2 – y3) (y3 – y1)|
and (x3, y3) to the parabola y2 = 4ax ( a>0) is 1/6a |(y1-y2) (y2 – y3) (y3 – y1)| sq. units
sq. units


SUB : MATHS-IIB Weekly Test Marks:25 SEC :Seniors : MPC & BiPC Time: 3Hrs DATE :24.10.16
SEC : Senior : VIP DATE :21.10.16 I Answer all of the following questions 10x2=20
~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ 1. What are isotones and isomers?
I Answer any FIVE questions 5x5=25 2. What are thermal neutrons? What is their importance?
1. Find the equations of the tangent and normal to the parabola y 2 = 6x at the 3. Define Becquerel and Curie
positive end of the latus rectum
4. What is the function of moderator in a nucear reactor? 3. Define Becquerel and Curie
5. What is a p-n junction diode? Define depletion layer. 4. What is the function of moderator in a nucear reactor?
6. How is a battery connected to a junction diode in i) forward and 5. What is a p-n junction diode? Define depletion layer.
ii) reverse biased. 6. How is a battery connected to a junction diode in i) forward and
7. What happens to the width of the depletion layer in a p-n junction diode when ii) reverse biased.
it is i) forward – biased and ii) reverse biased? 7. What happens to the width of the depletion layer in a p-n junction diode
8. Draw the circuit symbols for p – n – p and n – p – n transistors. when it is i) forward – biased and ii) reverse biased?
9. Define amplifer and amplification factor. 8. Draw the circuit symbols for p – n – p and n – p – n transistors.
10. Which gates are called universal gates? 9. Define amplifer and amplification factor.
II .Answer any Six of the following questions 6x4=24 10. Which gates are called universal gates?
11. .Write a short note on the discovery of neutron. II .Answer any Six of the following questions 6x4=24
12. Define half life period and decay constant for a radioactive substance. 11. .Write a short note on the discovery of neutron.
Deduce the relation between them. 12. Define half life period and decay constant for a radioactive substance.
13. Distinguish between nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. Deduce the relation between them.
14. Discuss the behaviour of p-n junction. How does a potentialbarrier develop 13. Distinguish between nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.
at 14. Discuss the behaviour of p-n junction. How does a potentialbarrier develop
the junction. at the junction.
15. What is a photodiode? Explain its working with a ciruit diagram and draw its 15. What is a photodiode? Explain its working with a ciruit diagram and draw
I-V characteristics? its I-V characteristics?
16. Explain the working of LED and what are its advantages over conventional 16. Explain the working of LED and what are its advantages over conventional
incadesent low power lamps incadesent low power lamps
17. Explain how transistor can be used as a switch? 17. Explain how transistor can be used as a switch?
18. Explain the principle and working at a nuclear reactor with the help of a 18. Explain the principle and working at a nuclear reactor with the help of a
labeled diagram. labeled diagram.
III Answer any two of the following 2x8=16 III Answer any two of the following 2x8=16
19. What is rectifier? Explain the working or half wave and full wave rectifiers 19. What is rectifier? Explain the working or half wave and full wave rectifiers
with diagrams. with diagrams.
20. What is a junction diode? Explain the formation of depletion region at the 20. What is a junction diode? Explain the formation of depletion region at the
junction. Explain the variation of depletion region in forward and reverse- junction. Explain the variation of depletion region in forward and reverse-
biased condition. biased condition.
21. Explain the source of stellar energy. Explain the carbon – nitrogen cycle, 21. Explain the source of stellar energy. Explain the carbon – nitrogen cycle,
proton – proton cycle occurring in stars. proton – proton cycle occurring in stars.


SEC :Seniors : MPC & BiPC Time: 3Hrs DATE :24.10.16 SEC :Juniors : MPC & BiPC Time: 3Hrs DATE :24.10.16
I Answer all of the following questions 10x2=20 I Answer all of the following questions 10x2=20
1. What are isotones and isomers? 1. What is homogeneous equilibrium? Write two homogenous reactions?
2. What are thermal neutrons? What is their importance? 2. Can catalyst disturb the state of equilibrium?
3. Give two chemical Equilibrium reaction’s for which Kp=Kc? 3. Give two chemical Equilibrium reaction’s for which Kp=Kc?
4. Why the concentration of pure liquids and pure solids are ignored from 4. Why the concentration of pure liquids and pure solids are ignored from
equilibrium constant expression? equilibrium constant expression?
5. Define equilibrium constant? 5. Define equilibrium constant?
6. What is meant by ionic product of water? Write its value at 25 oc 6. What is meant by ionic product of water? Write its value at 25 oc
7. All Bronsted bases are Lewis bases Explain? 7. All Bronsted bases are Lewis bases Explain?
8. Ice melts slowly at high altitudes. Explain why? 8. Ice melts slowly at high altitudes. Explain why?
9. What is degree of ionization? 9. What is degree of ionization?
10. Give two examples of Salts whose aqueous solutions are acidic? 10. Give two examples of Salts whose aqueous solutions are acidic?
II .Answer any Six of the following questions 6x4=24 II .Answer any Six of the following questions 6x4=24
11. What is a conjugate acid-base pair ? Illustrate with examples? 11. What is a conjugate acid-base pair ? Illustrate with examples?
12. Give the General characteristics of equilibria involving physical process? 12. Give the General characteristics of equilibria involving physical process?
13. Discuss the application of Lechaterlier’s principle for the industrial synthesis 13. Discuss the application of Lechaterlier’s principle for the industrial synthesis
of Ammonia of Ammonia
14. 50ml of 0.2 M Hcl is added to 30ml of 0.1 M KOH solution find PH of the 14. 50ml of 0.2 M Hcl is added to 30ml of 0.1 M KOH solution find PH of the
solution? solution?
15. Calculate the PH for 0.004M NaOH Solution? 15. Calculate the PH for 0.004M NaOH Solution?
16. Explain Lewis acid – base theory with suitable example? 16. Explain Lewis acid – base theory with suitable example?
17. What is a buffer solution? 50ml of 0.1M NH4OH, 25ml of 2M NH4Cl were 17. What is a buffer solution? 50ml of 0.1M NH 4OH, 25ml of 2M NH4Cl were
used to make a buffer what is the PH if P ka is 4.8? used to make a buffer what is the PH if P ka is 4.8?
18. Aqueous solution of CH3 COONa is basic explain? 18. Aqueous solution of CH3 COONa is basic explain?
III Answer any two of the following 2x8=16 III Answer any two of the following 2x8=16
19. What do you understand by hybridization? Explain different types of 19. What do you understand by hybridization? Explain different types of
hubridisation involving sand porbitals? hubridisation involving sand porbitals?
20. Give the molecular orbitals energy diagram of N2 and O2. Calculate the 20. Give the molecular orbitals energy diagram of N2 and O2. Calculate the
respective bond order. Write the magnetic nature of N 2 and O2 molecules? respective bond order. Write the magnetic nature of N 2 and O2 molecules?
21. Give an account of VSEPR theory and its applications? 21. Give an account of VSEPR theory and its applications?


SEC : Senior : VCP Marks:75 DATE : 06.10.16
I Answer all Questions 10x2=20
VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE : : CHITTOOR 1. If 1, 1, α are the roots of x3 – 6x2 + 9x – 4 = 0, then find α
SUB : CHEMISTRY MONTHLY EXAMINATION Marks:60 2. Form the polynominal equation with rational coefficients whose roots are
SEC :Juniors : MPC & BiPC Time: 3Hrs DATE :24.10.16
I Answer all of the following questions 10x2=20 4 3, 5 2i
1. What is homogeneous equilibrium? Write two homogenous reactions?
3. Find an algebraic equation of defree 4 whose roots are 3 times the roots of
2. Can catalyst disturb the state of equilibrium?
the equation 6x4 – 7x3 + 8x2 – 7x + 2 = 0
4. Show that 2x3 + 5x2 + 5x + 2 = 0 is a reciprocal equation of class one divisible by
5. From the polynomial equation whose roots are the cubes of the roots of i) 2 ii) 3 iii) 4 iv) 5 v) 25
3 2
x +3x +2=0 4n
C2 n 1.3.5...(4n  1)

6. If (n+1) n
P5: P5 = 3:2, find n
19. Prove that
Cn {1.3.5...(2n  1)}2
7. Find the number of ways in which 4 letters can be put in 4 addressed
20. If α, ,  are the roots of x3 – 7x + 6 = 0, then find the equation whose roots
envelopes so that no letter goes into the envelope meant for it
are (α- )2, (-)2 , (-α)2
8. Find the number of bijections from a set A containing 7 elements onto
21. Solve x4 – 5x3 + 5x2 + 5x – 6 = 0, given that the product of two of its roots is 3.
9. Find the number of 7-digit numbers that can be formed using 2, 2, 2, 3, 3,4,4 22. Solve the equation 8x3 – 20x2 + 6x + 9=0 given that the equation has multiple roots
10. Find the number of positive divisors of 1080.
a2 b2 c2 k2
II.. Answer any Five of the following 5x 4 = 20    ....   xm
23. Show that the equation x  a x  b1 x  c1 x  k1

11. Find the sum of all 4-digit numbers that cana be formed using the
where a, b, c, ….k, m, a1 b1, …..k1 are all real numbers, can not
digits 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
have a non-real root.
12. If the lettersof the word EAMCET are permuted in all possible ways and if
25. Solve the x4 – 10x3 +26x2 – 10x + 1= 0
the words thus formed are arranged in the dictionary order, find the rank of
the word EAMCET.
13. A teacher wants to take 10 students to a part. He can take exactly 3 students
SUB : English Weekly Test DATE : 10.12.16
at a time and will not take the same group of 3 students more than once. SEC : Juniors : Science & Arts Marks:25
Find the number of times. (i) each student can go to the park (ii) the I. Annotate any one of the following:- 1x4=4
a) They sit and stare and stare and sit , until they’re hypnotized by it,
techer can go to the park. until they’re absolutely drunk, with all that shocking ghastly Junk
b) It rots the sense in the head? It kills imagination dead !
x2  5x  7 It clogs and clutters up the mind !
.II. Answer any one of the following :- 1x4=4
14. Resolve ( x  3)
into partial fractions. a) Sudha murthy was extremely determined and resolute.
Justify this statement
x3 b) Why did Sudha Murthy not feel nervous at the intervies ?
15. Resolve (1  x) (1  x ) into partial fractions.
2 2
III. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions
that follow. 5x1=5
x4 One day in primary school the teacher told our class, ‘Draw a leaf’ and left.
Later, as each boy showed him his work, the teacher was furious. When my return came,
16. Resolve ( x  1)( x  2) into partial fractions. he looked at the peepal leaf on my slate and asked, ‘Did you draw this ?’ I got scared and
said, ‘ No sir …….and Started walking backwards thinking I’d get a slap. But he said,
x4 very good, you’ll become a good artist’, and gave me 10 marks out of 10.
17. Find the coefficient of xn in the power series expansion of x  5 x  6
1. What were the children asked to draw ?
specifying the region in which the expansion is valid 2. How did the teacher praise the writer of the passage?

III. Answer any Five of the following 5x7=35

18. Find the number of 4-digit numbers that can be formed using the
digits 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, if no two digits are the same. How many of them are 3. Write the synonym of ‘ furious’.
4. Write the antonym of ‘backwards’ an early age.
5. Write True of False: The drawing talent of the writer was recognized at an IV. Supply the missing letters in the following words:- 4x1/2=2
early age. a) f – m – us b) n – rv – us c) gr – d – al d) str – t – h
IV. Supply the missing letters in the following words:- 4x1/2=2 V. Underline the silent consonants in the following words: 6x1/2=3
a) f – m – us b) n – rv – us c) gr – d – al d) str – t – h a) fasten b) align c) prayer d) build e) debut f) dawn
V. Underline the silent consonants in the following words: 6x1/2=3 VI. Match the words in column ‘A’ witht heir meanings in colum ‘B’:-
a) fasten b) align c) prayer d) build e) debut f) dawn A B 6x1/2=3
VI. Match the words in column ‘A’ witht heir meanings in colum ‘B’:- 1. buggy a) a short nap, after the midday meal
A B 6x1/2=3 2. sirloin b) a fine film of cobwebs light and delicate
1. buggy a) a short nap, after the midday meal 3. Siesta c) a small, light one – horse carriage
2. sirloin b) a fine film of cobwebs light and delicate 4. gossamer d) a unit of money in several European countries
3. Siesta c) a small, light one – horse carriage 5. crown e) a decorative candle stick.
4. gossamer d) a unit of money in several European countries 6. Candelabrum f) a piece of meat from a cow’s back.
5. crown e) a decorative candle stick. VII Complete the following dialogue:- 1x4=4
6. Candelabrum f) a piece of meat from a cow’s back. Rajesh : I am so happy to ……..1(a)…….after …..1(b)……..
VII Complete the following dialogue:- 1x4=4 Sateesh : Can’t believe that six years …2(a)….. since we …..2(b)……
Rajesh : I am so happy to ……..1(a)…….after …..1(b)…….. Rajesh : Are you ……3(a)…or still …3(b)………
Sateesh : Can’t believe that six years ……2(a)….. since we …..2(b)…… Sateesh : I complete ….4(a)…and soon after …………4(b)…
Rajesh : Are you ……3(a)…or still …3(b)………
Sateesh : I complete ….4(a)…and soon after ……4(b)…
3. Write the synonym of ‘ furious’.
4. Write the antonym of ‘backwards’
VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE : : CHITTOOR 5. Write True of False: The drawing talent of the writer was recognized at an
SUB : English Weekly Test DATE : 10.12.16 early age.
SEC : Juniors : Science & Arts Marks:25 IV. Supply the missing letters in the following words:- 4x1/2=2
a) f – m – us b) n – rv – us c) gr – d – al d) str – t – h
I. Annotate any one of the following:- 1x4=4
V. Underline the silent consonants in the following words: 6x1/2=3
a) They sit and stare and stare and sit , until they’re hypnotized by it,
a) fasten b) align c) prayer d) build e) debut f) dawn
until they’re absolutely drunk, with all that shocking ghastly Junk
VI. Match the words in column ‘A’ witht heir meanings in colum ‘B’:-
b) It rots the sense in the head? It kills imagination dead !
A B 6x1/2=3
It clogs and clutters up the mind !
1. buggy a) a short nap, after the midday meal
.II. Answer any one of the following :- 1x4=4
2. sirloin b) a fine film of cobwebs light and delicate
a) Sudha murthy was extremely determined and resolute.
3. Siesta c) a small, light one – horse carriage
Justify this statement
4. gossamer d) a unit of money in several European countries
b) Why did Sudha Murthy not feel nervous at the intervies ?
5. crown e) a decorative candle stick.
III. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions
6. Candelabrum f) a piece of meat from a cow’s back.
that follow. 5x1=5
One day in primary school the teacher told our class, ‘Draw a leaf’ and left.
VII Complete the following dialogue:- 1x4=4
Later, as each boy showed him his work, the teacher was furious. When my return came, Rajesh : I am so happy to ……..1(a)…….after …..1(b)……..
he looked at the peepal leaf on my slate and asked, ‘Did you draw this ?’ I got scared and Sateesh : Can’t believe that six years ……2(a)….. since we …..2(b)……
said, ‘ No sir …….and Started walking backwards thinking I’d get a slap. But he said, Rajesh : Are you ……3(a)…or still …3(b)………
very good, you’ll become a good artist’, and gave me 10 marks out of 10. Sateesh : I complete ….4(a)…and soon after ……4(b)…
1. What were the children asked to draw ?
2. How did the teacher praise the writer of the passage?


SUB : English Weekly Test DATE : 10.12.16
3. Write the synonym of ‘ furious’. SEC : Juniors : Science & Arts Marks:25
4. Write the antonym of ‘backwards’ I. Annotate any one of the following:- 1x4=4
5. Write True of False: The drawing talent of the writer was recognized at a) They sit and stare and stare and sit , until they’re hypnotized by it,
until they’re absolutely drunk, with all that shocking ghastly Junk a) Sudha murthy was extremely determined and resolute.
b) It rots the sense in the head? It kills imagination dead ! Justify this statement
It clogs and clutters up the mind ! b) Why did Sudha Murthy not feel nervous at the intervies ?
.II. Answer any one of the following :- 1x4=4 III. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions
a) Sudha murthy was extremely determined and resolute. that follow. 5x1=5
Justify this statement One day in primary school the teacher told our class, ‘Draw a leaf’ and left.
b) Why did Sudha Murthy not feel nervous at the intervies ? Later, as each boy showed him his work, the teacher was furious. When my return came,
III. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions he looked at the peepal leaf on my slate and asked, ‘Did you draw this ?’ I got scared and
that follow. 5x1=5 said, ‘ No sir …….and Started walking backwards thinking I’d get a slap. But he said,
One day in primary school the teacher told our class, ‘Draw a leaf’ and left. very good, you’ll become a good artist’, and gave me 10 marks out of 10.
Later, as each boy showed him his work, the teacher was furious. When my return came, Questions:
he looked at the peepal leaf on my slate and asked, ‘Did you draw this ?’ I got scared and 1. What were the children asked to draw ?
said, ‘ No sir …….and Started walking backwards thinking I’d get a slap. But he said, 2. How did the teacher praise the writer of the passage?
very good, you’ll become a good artist’, and gave me 10 marks out of 10.
1. What were the children asked to draw ? SUB : MATHS II B Weekly Test Marks:25
2. How did the teacher praise the writer of the passage? SEC :Senior: VEP-1 . DATE 16.12.16
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
3. Write the synonym of ‘ furious’.
I. Answer all questions 5x2=10
4. Write the antonym of ‘backwards’ 2 2
5. Write True of False: The drawing talent of the writer was recognized at an early age.
1. Find the angle between the circles x + y – 12x – 6y + 41 = 0 and
IV. Supply the missing letters in the following words:- 4x1/2=2 x2 + y2 +4x + 6y - 59 = 0
a) f – m – us b) n – rv – us c) gr – d – al d) str – t – h 2. Find k, if the pair of cirfcles x2 + y2 – 6x – 8y +12 = 0 and
V. Underline the silent consonants in the following words: 6x1/2=3
a) fasten b) align c) prayer d) build e) debut f) dawn x2 + y2 – 4x +6y +k = 0 are orthogonal.
VI. Match the words in column ‘A’ witht heir meanings in colum ‘B’:-
A B 6x1/2=3 3. Find the equation of the common chord of the pair of circles
1. buggy a) a short nap, after the midday meal x2 + y2 – 4x – 4y +3 = 0, x2 + y2 – 5x – 6y +4 = 0
2. sirloin b) a fine film of cobwebs light and delicate
3. Siesta c) a small, light one – horse carriage 4. Show that the circles x2 + y2 -2x+4y+4=0 and x2 + y2+3x +4y +1 = 0 are
4. gossamer d) a unit of money in several European countries
intersect each other othrogonally.
5. crown e) a decorative candle stick.
6. Candelabrum f) a piece of meat from a cow’s back. 5. If the angle between the circles x2 + y2 -12x - 6y + 41=0 and
VII Complete the following dialogue:- 1x4=4
Rajesh : I am so happy to ……..1(a)…….after …..1(b)…….. x2 + y2 +kx +6y -59= 0 is 45o then find k.
Sateesh : Can’t believe that six years ……2(a)….. since we…..2(b)……
Rajesh : Are you ……3(a)…or still …3(b)………
Sateesh : I complete ….4(a)…and soon after ……4(b)…

II Answer any 3 of the following 3x5=15

6. Find the eqation of the circle which is orthogonal to each of the following
SUB : English Weekly Test DATE : 10.12.16 circles x2 + y2 +2x + 17y + 4 = 0 , x2 + y2+7x +6y +11 = 0 ,
SEC : Juniors : Science & Arts Marks:25
x2 + y2 - x +22y +3 = 0
I. Annotate any one of the following:- 1x4=4
a) They sit and stare and stare and sit , until they’re hypnotized by it, 7. Find the eqation of the circle cutting orthogonally to the circles
until they’re absolutely drunk, with all that shocking ghastly Junk
b) It rots the sense in the head? It kills imagination dead ! x2 + y2 – 4x – 6y +11= 0, x2 + y2 -10x - 4y +21 = 0 and has 2x + 3y = 7 as
It clogs and clutters up the mind ! diameter
.II. Answer any one of the following :- 1x4=4
8. If the straight line represented by x cos  + y sin  = p intersects the circle x2 + y2 = a2 at the points A and B, then show that the equation of the circle
x2 + y2 = a2 at the points A and B, then show that the equation of the circle with AB as diameter is ( x2 + y2 – a2) – 2p ( x cos  + y sin  - p) = 0
with AB as diameter is ( x2 + y2 – a2) – 2p ( x cos  + y sin  - p) = 0 9. Find the equation and length of the common chord of the two circles.
9. Find the equation and length of the common chord of the two circles. S x2 + y2 +3x +5y +4 = 0 and S1  x2 + y2 +5x +3y +4 = 0
S x2 + y2 +3x +5y +4 = 0 and S1  x2 + y2 +5x +3y +4 = 0


SUB : MATHS II B Weekly Test Marks:25 SEC : JUNIORS : VIP-A, B, VEP-1 . DATE :09.12.16
SEC :Senior: VEP-1 . DATE :16.12.16 1. Describe two methods of preparation of Ethylene. Give equation for
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ the reactions of Ethylene with the following
I. Answer all questions 5x2=10 a) Ozone b) Hypohalous acid c) Cold & dil alk. KMnO4
d) Heated with O2 at high pressure. E) Hydrogen halide
1. Find the angle between the circles x2 + y2 – 12x – 6y + 41 = 0 and f) Hydrogen g) Bromine h) Water
x2 + y2 +4x + 6y - 59 = 0 i) Oxygen inpresence of Ag at 200oC.
II. Give two methods of preparation of acetylene. How does it react
2. Find k, if the pair of cirfcles x2 + y2 – 6x – 8y +12 = 0 and with a) Water b) Ozone c) Acetic acid d) Hydrogen e) Halogens
x2 + y2 – 4x +6y +k = 0 are orthogonal. f) Hydrogen halide g) ammonical AgNO3 and Cu2Cl2
3. Find the equation of the common chord of the pair of circles
x2 + y2 – 4x – 4y +3 = 0, x2 + y2 – 5x – 6y +4 = 0
4. Show that the circles x2 + y2 -2x+4y+4=0 and x2 + y2+3x +4y +1 = 0 are
SUB : CHEMISTRY Weekly Test Marks:20
intersect each other othrogonally. SEC : JUNIORS : VIP-A, B, VEP-1 . DATE :09.12.16
5. If the angle between the circles x2 + y2 -12x - 6y + 41=0 and 1. Describe two methods of preparation of Ethylene. Give equation
for the reactions of Ethylene with the following
x2 + y2 +kx +6y -59= 0 is 45o then find k. a) Ozone b) Hypohalous acid c) Cold & dil alk. KMnO4
d) Heated with O2 at high pressure. E) Hydrogen halide
f) Hydrogen g) Bromine h) Water
i) Oxygen inpresence of Ag at 200oC.
II. Give two methods of preparation of acetylene. How does it react
with a) Water b) Ozone c) Acetic acid d) Hydrogen e) Halogens
II Answer any 3 of the following 3x5=15 f) Hydrogen halide g) ammonical AgNO3 and Cu2Cl2
6. Find the eqation of the circle which is orthogonal to each of the following
circles x2 + y2 +2x + 17y + 4 = 0 , x2 + y2+7x +6y +11 = 0 , VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE : : CHITTOOR
x2 + y2 - x +22y +3 = 0 SUB : CHEMISTRY Weekly Test Marks:20
SEC : JUNIORS : VIP-A, B, VEP-1 . DATE :09.12.16
7. Find the eqation of the circle cutting orthogonally to the circles 1.Describe two methods of preparation of Ethylene. Give equation for
x2 + y2 – 4x – 6y +11= 0, x2 + y2 -10x - 4y +21 = 0 and has 2x + 3y = 7 as the reactions of Ethylene with the following
a) Ozone b) Hypohalous acid c) Cold & dil alk. KMnO4
diameter d) Heated with O2 at high pressure. E) Hydrogen halide
8. If the straight line represented by x cos  + y sin  = p intersects the circle f) Hydrogen g) Bromine h) Water
i) Oxygen inpresence of Ag at 200oC. with a) Water b) Ozone c) Acetic acid d) Hydrogen e) Halogens
II. Give two methods of preparation of acetylene. How does it react f) Hydrogen halide g) ammonical AgNO3 and Cu2Cl2
with a) Water b) Ozone c) Acetic acid d) Hydrogen e) Halogens
f) Hydrogen halide g) ammonical AgNO 3 and Cu2Cl2
~~ ~~


SUB : CHEMISTRY Weekly Test Marks:20
SUB : CHEMISTRY Weekly Test Marks:20 1. Give the methods of preparation of Acetylene? How does it react
SEC : JUNIORS : VIP-A, B, VEP-1 . DATE :09.12.16 with 8Marks
1.Describe two methods of preparation of Ethylene. Give equation for a) Water 2) Ozone c) Hydrogen d) Halogens
the reactions of Ethylene with the following e) With Ammonical AgNO3 Solution & with Ammonical Cu2Cl2 solution
a) Ozone b) Hypohalous acid c) Cold & dil alk. KMnO 4 2. Complete the following reaction and name the products A, B, & C.
d) Heated with O2 at high pressure. E) Hydrogen halide CaC2 H2o A hotmetal tube B AlCl3 + CH3Cl C 4Marks
f) Hydrogen g) Bromine h) Water 3. Give an account of V S E P R Theory and its applications ? 8Marks
i) Oxygen inpresence of Ag at 200oC.
II. Give two methods of preparation of acetylene. How does it react VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE : : CHITTOOR
with a) Water b) Ozone c) Acetic acid d) Hydrogen e) Halogens SUB : CHEMISTRY Weekly Test Marks:20
f) Hydrogen halide g) ammonical AgNO 3 and Cu2Cl2 SEC : JUNIORS :, VEP-2. BiPC DATE :09.12.16
1. Give the methods of preparation of Acetylene? How does it react
with 8Marks
VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE : : CHITTOOR a) Water 2) Ozone c) Hydrogen d) Halogens
SUB : CHEMISTRY Weekly Test Marks:20 e) With Ammonical AgNO3 Solution & with Ammonical Cu2Cl2 solution
SEC : JUNIORS : VIP-A, B, VEP-1 . DATE :09.12.16 2. Complete the following reaction and name the products A, B, & C.
1.Describe two methods of preparation of Ethylene. Give equation for CaC2 H2o A hotmetal tube B AlCl3 + CH3Cl C 4Marks
the reactions of Ethylene with the following 3. Give an account of V S E P R Theory and its applications ? 8Marks
a) Ozone b) Hypohalous acid c) Cold & dil alk. KMnO 4
d) Heated with O2 at high pressure. E) Hydrogen halide
f) Hydrogen g) Bromine h) Water VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE : : CHITTOOR
SUB : CHEMISTRY Weekly Test Marks:20
i) Oxygen inpresence of Ag at 200oC.
SEC : JUNIORS :, VEP-2. BiPC DATE :09.12.16
II. Give two methods of preparation of acetylene. How does it react
with a) Water b) Ozone c) Acetic acid d) Hydrogen e) Halogens 1. Give the methods of preparation of Acetylene? How does it react
f) Hydrogen halide g) ammonical AgNO 3 and Cu2Cl2 with 8Marks
a) Water 2) Ozone c) Hydrogen d) Halogens
e) With Ammonical AgNO3 Solution & with Ammonical Cu2Cl2 solution
2. Complete the following reaction and name the products A, B, & C.
CaC2 H2o A hotmetal tube B AlCl3 + CH3Cl C 4Marks
3. Give an account of V S E P R Theory and its applications ? 8Marks
SUB : CHEMISTRY Weekly Test Marks:20
SEC : JUNIORS : VIP-A, B, VEP-1 . DATE :09.12.16
1.Describe two methods of preparation of Ethylene. Give equation for VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE : : CHITTOOR
SUB : CHEMISTRY Weekly Test Marks:20
the reactions of Ethylene with the following
SEC : JUNIORS :, VEP-2. BiPC DATE :09.12.16
a) Ozone b) Hypohalous acid c) Cold & dil alk. KMnO 4
d) Heated with O2 at high pressure. E) Hydrogen halide 1. Give the methods of preparation of Acetylene? How does it react
f) Hydrogen g) Bromine h) Water with 8Marks
i) Oxygen inpresence of Ag at 200oC. a) Water 2) Ozone c) Hydrogen d) Halogens
II. Give two methods of preparation of acetylene. How does it react e) With Ammonical AgNO3 Solution & with Ammonical Cu2Cl2 solution
2. Complete the following reaction and name the products A, B, & C.
CaC2 H2o A hotmetal tube B AlCl3 + CH3Cl C 4Marks CaC2 H2o A hotmetal tube B AlCl3 + CH3Cl C 4 Marks
3. Give an account of V S E P R Theory and its applications ? 8Marks 3. Give an account of V S E P R Theory and its applications ? 8Marks


SUB : CHEMISTRY Weekly Test Marks:20
SUB : MATHS II B Weekly Test Marks:25
1.Give the methods of preparation of Acetylene? How does it react
SEC :Senior:VEIP-I . DATE :09.12.16
with 8Marks
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
a) Water 2) Ozone c) Hydrogen d) Halogens Answer any five of the following 5x 5 = 25
e) With Ammonical AgNO3 Solution & with Ammonical Cu2Cl2 solution 1. Find the eqation of a circle which passes through (4, 1) and (-6, 5) and having
2. Complete the following reaction and name the products A, B, & C. the centre on 4x + 3y -24 = 0
CaC2 H2o A hotmetal tube B AlCl3 + CH3Cl C 4 Marks 2. If (2, 0), (0, 1) ( 4, 5) and ( 0, c) are concyconcyclic then find c.
3. Give an account of V S E P RTheory and its applications ? 5Marks 3. Show that the four points in each of the concyclic and find the equation of the
circle on which they lie (9, 1) , (7, 9) (-2, ,12) , (6, 10)
4. Find the equqtions of circles which touch 2x-3y + 1 = 0 at (1, 1) and having


SUB : CHEMISTRY Weekly Test Marks:20 5. Find the direct common tangents of the circles
SEC : JUNIORS :, VEP-2. BiPC DATE :09.12.16 x2 + y2 + 22x – 4x – 100 = 0 and x2 + y2 - 22x + 4y + 100 = 0
1. Give the methods of preparation of Acetylene? How does it react 6. Prove that The combined equation of the pair of tangents drawn
with 8Marks from an external point P ( x1 , y1) to the circle S = 0 is SS11 = S12.
a) Water 2) Ozone c) Hydrogen d) Halogens
e) With Ammonical AgNO3 Solution & with Ammonical Cu2Cl2 solution
2. Complete the following reaction and name the products A, B, & C.
CaC2 H2o A hotmetal tube B AlCl3 + CH3Cl C 4Marks
3. Give an account of V S E P R Theory and its applications ?8Marks


SUB : CHEMISTRY Weekly Test Marks:20
SEC : JUNIORS :, VEP-2. BiPC DATE :09.12.16
1. Give the methods of preparation of Acetylene? How does it react
a) Water 2) Ozone c) Hydrogen d) Halogens SUB : MATHS II B Weekly Test Marks:25
e) With Ammonical AgNO3 Solution & with Ammonical Cu2Cl2 solution SEC :Senior:VEIP-I . DATE :09.12.16
2. Complete the following reaction and name the products A, B, & C. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Answer any five of the following 5x 5 = 25
CaC2 H2o A hotmetal tube B AlCl3 + CH3Cl C 4Marks
3. Give an account of V S E P R Theory and its applications ? 8Marks 1. Find the eqation of a circle which passes through (4, 1) and (-6, 5) and having
the centre on 4x + 3y -24 = 0
2. If (2, 0), (0, 1) ( 4, 5) and ( 0, c) are concyconcyclic then find c.
VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE : : CHITTOOR 3. Show that the four points in each of the concyclic and find the equation of the
SUB : CHEMISTRY Weekly Test Marks:20
circle on which they lie (9, 1) , (7, 9) (-2, ,12) , (6, 10)
SEC : JUNIORS :, VEP-2. BiPC DATE :09.12.16
4. Find the equqtions of circles which touch 2x-3y + 1 = 0 at (1, 1) and having
1. Give the methods of preparation of Acetylene? How does it react
with 8Marks radius 13
a) Water 2) Ozone c) Hydrogen d) Halogens 5. Find the direct common tangents of the circles
e) With Ammonical AgNO3 Solution & with Ammonical Cu2Cl2 solution x2 + y2 + 22x – 4x – 100 = 0 and x2 + y2 - 22x + 4y + 100 = 0
2. Complete the following reaction and name the products A, B, & C. 6. Prove that The combined equation of the pair of tangents drawn
from an external point P ( x1 , y1) to the circle S = 0 is SS11 = S12.


SUB : MATHS II B Weekly Test Marks:25
SEC :Senior:VEIP-I . DATE :09.12.16
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Answer any five of the following 5x 5 = 25
1. Find the eqation of a circle which passes through (4, 1) and (-6, 5) and having
the centre on 4x + 3y -24 = 0
2. If (2, 0), (0, 1) ( 4, 5) and ( 0, c) are concyconcyclic then find c.
3. Show that the four points in each of the concyclic and find the equation of the
circle on which they lie (9, 1) , (7, 9) (-2, ,12) , (6, 10)
4. Find the equqtions of circles which touch 2x-3y + 1 = 0 at (1, 1) and having
radius 13
5. Find the direct common tangents of the circles
x2 + y2 + 22x – 4x – 100 = 0 and x2 + y2 - 22x + 4y + 100 = 0
6. Prove that The combined equation of the pair of tangents drawn
from an external point P ( x1 , y1) to the circle S = 0 is SS11 = S12.


SUB : MATHS II B Weekly Test Marks:25
SEC :Senior:VEIP-I . DATE :09.12.16
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Answer any five of the following 5x 5 = 25
1. Find the eqation of a circle which passes through (4, 1) and (-6, 5) and having
the centre on 4x + 3y -24 = 0
2. If (2, 0), (0, 1) ( 4, 5) and ( 0, c) are concyconcyclic then find c.
3. Show that the four points in each of the concyclic and find the equation of the
circle on which they lie (9, 1) , (7, 9) (-2, ,12) , (6, 10)
4. Find the equqtions of circles which touch 2x-3y + 1 = 0 at (1, 1) and having
radius 13
5. Find the direct common tangents of the circles
x2 + y2 + 22x – 4x – 100 = 0 and x2 + y2 - 22x + 4y + 100 = 0
6. Prove that The combined equation of the pair of tangents drawn
from an external point P ( x1 , y1) to the circle S = 0 is SS11 = S12.
substangent is a constant and the length of the subnormal is y 2/a
9. Verify Rolle’s theorem for the function y = f (x) = x 2 + 4 in [-3, 3]
10. Find a point on the graph of the curve y = (x – 3)2, where the tangent is
parallel to the chord joining (3, 0) and (4, 1)
II. Answer any five of the following 5x 4= 20
11. Find the derivative of tan2x from the first principle.
12. Find the derivative of cos2 x from the first principle.

 1  x2  1  x2 
  dy
 1  x  1  x  for 0 < | x | < 1 , find dx
2 2
13. If y = Tan-1 
14. If the slope of the tangent to the curve y = x log x at a point on it
is 3 / 2, then find the eqations of tangent and normal at the point.


SUB : MATHS II B Weekly Test Marks:25 15. Find the lengths of subtangent, subnormal at a point t on the curve
SEC :JUNIORS : VIP-A, B, VEP-1, 2 . DATE 13.12.16
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ x = a (cos t + t sin t ) , y = a (sin t – t cos t)
I. Answer all questions 10x2=20 16 A container in the shape of inverted cone has height 12 cm and radius
x 3 x
1. If f (x) = 7 ( x > 0) then find f1 (x) 6 cm at top. If it is filled with water at the rate of 12cm 3/sec., What is
ax  b dy the rate of change in the height of water level when the rank is filled 8 cm ?
2. If f (x) = cx  d then find dx 17. The volume of a cube is increasing at a rate of 9 cubic centimeters per
3. If f (x) = 1 + x + x2 + …+ x100 then find f1 (1) second. How fast is the surface area increasing when the length of the
dy edge is 10 centimeters?
( tan x), find
4. If y = sec dx III. Answer any Five questions 5x7=35
5. Find y and dy for the function y = 5x2 + 6x + 6, x = 2 and x = 0.001 a 2  x 2  a 2 log( x  a 2  x 2 )then P.T  2 a 2  x2
18. If y = x dx
6. Find the approximate value of 82 dy
7. The diameter of a sphere is measured to be 40 cm. If an error 19. If y = x tan x + (sin x ) cos x , find dx
of 0.02 cm is made in it, then find approximate errors in volume and  a cos x  b 
 
surface area of a sphere. 20. If a > b > 0 and 0 < x <  , f (x) = (a2 – b2) , cos-1  a  b cos x  then P.T.

8. Show that at any point ( x, y) on the curve y = bex/a , the length of the f1 (x) = ( a + b cosx)-1
21. If the tangent at any point on the curve x 2/3 + y2/3 = a 2/3 intersects the
coordinate axes in A and B, then show that the length AB is a constant.
22. If the tangent at any point P on the curce xmyn = am+n (mn 0) meets the
coordinate axes in A, B, then show that AP:BP is a constant.
23. Show that the curves y2 = 4(x+1) and y2 = 36 (9-x) intersect orthogonally.
24. At any point t on the curve x = a (t + sin t) , y = a (1-cos t), find the
lengths of tangent, normal. Subtangent and subnormal.

1. Economic Growth 2. Dual Economy 3. Population Explosion

4. TMR 5. SSA 6. JSY 7. Micro Finance 8. Disgussed Unemployment
9. Rythu Bazzar 10 Kissan Credit Card 11. SEZ 12. Dis Investment
13. Service Sector 14 Tourism 15. WTO 16 MFN 17. Liberalization
18.Bio Diversity 19. Swatch Bharath Abhiyan 20 Ozone Deflation

1. Economic Growth 2. Dual Economy 3. Population Explosion

4. TMR 5. SSA 6. JSY 7. Micro Finance 8. Disgussed Unemployment
9. Rythu Bazzar 10 Kissan Credit Card 11. SEZ 12. Dis Investment
13. Service Sector 14 Tourism 15. WTO 16 MFN 17. Liberalization
18.Bio Diversity 19. Swatch Bharath Abhiyan 20 Ozone Deflation

1. Economic Growth 2. Dual Economy 3. Population Explosion

4. TMR 5. SSA 6. JSY 7. Micro Finance 8. Disgussed Unemployment
9. Rythu Bazzar 10 Kissan Credit Card 11. SEZ 12. Dis Investment
13. Service Sector 14 Tourism 15. WTO 16 MFN 17. Liberalization
18.Bio Diversity 19. Swatch Bharath Abhiyan 20 Ozone Deflation

1. Economic Growth 2. Dual Economy 3. Population Explosion

4. TMR 5. SSA 6. JSY 7. Micro Finance 8. Disgussed Unemployment
9. Rythu Bazzar 10 Kissan Credit Card 11. SEZ 12. Dis Investment
13. Service Sector 14 Tourism 15. WTO 16 MFN 17. Liberalization
18.Bio Diversity 19. Swatch Bharath Abhiyan 20 Ozone Deflation 13. Service Sector 14 Tourism 15. WTO 16 MFN 17. Liberalization
18.Bio Diversity 19. Swatch Bharath Abhiyan 20 Ozone Deflation

1. Economic Growth 2. Dual Economy 3. Population Explosion 1. Economic Growth 2. Dual Economy 3. Population Explosion
4. TMR 5. SSA 6. JSY 7. Micro Finance 8. Disgussed Unemployment 4. TMR 5. SSA 6. JSY 7. Micro Finance 8. Disgussed Unemployment
9. Rythu Bazzar 10 Kissan Credit Card 11. SEZ 12. Dis Investment 9. Rythu Bazzar 10 Kissan Credit Card 11. SEZ 12. Dis Investment
13. Service Sector 14 Tourism 15. WTO 16 MFN 17. Liberalization 13. Service Sector 14 Tourism 15. WTO 16 MFN 17. Liberalization
18.Bio Diversity 19. Swatch Bharath Abhiyan 20 Ozone Deflation 18.Bio Diversity 19. Swatch Bharath Abhiyan 20 Ozone Deflation

1. Economic Growth 2. Dual Economy 3. Population Explosion VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE : : CHITTOOR
SUB: English Paper- I Weekly Test Date: 18.11.2017
4. TMR 5. SSA 6. JSY 7. Micro Finance 8. Disgussed Unemployment SEC: Juniors Science & Arts Marks: 25
9. Rythu Bazzar 10 Kissan Credit Card 11. SEZ 12. Dis Investment I. Annotate the following ( Any two) 2x4=8
1. He must focus, and focus relentlessly.
13. Service Sector 14 Tourism 15. WTO 16 MFN 17. Liberalization
2. The concentration of a heart surgeon, the reflexes of a fighter pilot, the guts of a
18.Bio Diversity 19. Swatch Bharath Abhiyan 20 Ozone Deflation boxer.
3. I am a vessel of righteousness
Scattering seeds of justice
And serving the noblest uses
II. Answer the following 2x4=8
1. Economic Growth 2. Dual Economy 3. Population Explosion
1. What are the qualifications, according to the writer, that a wicket keeper should
4. TMR 5. SSA 6. JSY 7. Micro Finance 8. Disgussed Unemployment possess?
2. Describe the use of the fly and the spider in the poem ‘Aspider and a fly’.
9. Rythu Bazzar 10 Kissan Credit Card 11. SEZ 12. Dis Investment
III Anser in about 25 lines 1x8=8
13. Service Sector 14 Tourism 15. WTO 16 MFN 17. Liberalization 1. What is the moral of the story that the bachelor narrated? How is the story going to
create problems for the aunt?
18.Bio Diversity 19. Swatch Bharath Abhiyan 20 Ozone Deflation
IV. Write the synonyms 2x1/2=1
1. Pinnacle 2. Succumb

1. Economic Growth 2. Dual Economy 3. Population Explosion

4. TMR 5. SSA 6. JSY 7. Micro Finance 8. Disgussed Unemployment
9. Rythu Bazzar 10 Kissan Credit Card 11. SEZ 12. Dis Investment
13. Service Sector 14 Tourism 15. WTO 16 MFN 17. Liberalization
SUB: English Paper- I Weekly Test Date: 18.11.2017
18.Bio Diversity 19. Swatch Bharath Abhiyan 20 Ozone Deflation SEC: Juniors Science & Arts Marks: 25
I. Annotate the following ( Any two) 2x4=8
1. He must focus, and focus relentlessly.
2. The concentration of a heart surgeon, the reflexes of a fighter pilot, the guts of a
1. Economic Growth 2. Dual Economy 3. Population Explosion boxer.
3. I am a vessel of righteousness
4. TMR 5. SSA 6. JSY 7. Micro Finance 8. Disgussed Unemployment Scattering seeds of justice
9. Rythu Bazzar 10 Kissan Credit Card 11. SEZ 12. Dis Investment And serving the noblest uses
II. Answer the following 2x4=8
1. What are the qualifications, according to the writer, that a wicket keeper should 1. What are the qualifications, according to the writer, that a wicket keeper should
possess? possess?
2. Describe the use of the fly and the spider in the poem ‘Aspider and a fly’. 2. Describe the use of the fly and the spider in the poem ‘Aspider and a fly’.
III Anser in about 25 lines 1x8=8 III Anser in about 25 lines 1x8=8
1. What is the moral of the story that the bachelor narrated? How is the story going to 1. What is the moral of the story that the bachelor narrated? How is the story going to
create problems for the aunt? create problems for the aunt?
IV. Write the synonyms 2x1/2=1 IV. Write the synonyms 2x1/2=1
1. Pinnacle 2. Succumb 1. Pinnacle 2. Succumb


SUB: English Paper- I Weekly Test Date: 18.11.2017 1. BURETTLE STANDS 30
SEC: Juniors Science & Arts Marks: 25 2. CIBUCAK FKASJ - 40
3. BEAKER’S 60 (POLYTHENE – 30 + GLASS-30) (200ML)
I. Annotate the following ( Any two) 2x4=8
1.He must focus, and focus relentlessly.
5. PIPETTE – 40 (20 ML)
2.The concentration of a heart surgeon, the reflexes of a fighter pilot, the guts of a
3. I am a vessel of righteousness
Scattering seeds of justice
And serving the noblest uses
II. Answer the following 2x4=8
1. What are the qualifications, according to the writer, that a wicket keeper should
13. FUNNELS 25
2. Describe the use of the fly and the spider in the poem ‘Aspider and a fly’.
III Anser in about 25 lines 1x8=8
15. DROPPER 12
1. What is the moral of the story that the bachelor narrated? How is the story going to
create problems for the aunt?
IV. Write the synonyms 2x1/2=1
1. Pinnacle 2. Succumb
19. AgNO3 Solution – 500 ml (2)
20. Ammonium Carbonate – 500 gms (2)
21. Sodium hydroxide pellets – 500 gms(1)
22. Ammonia solution – 500 ml (2)
23. Ethy Alcohol – 500ml
24. Glacial Acetic acid – 500 ml (1)
25. Acetal dehyde – 500 ml (1)
SUB: English Paper- I Weekly Test Date: 18.11.2017 26. Acetone 500ml (1)
SEC: Juniors Science & Arts Marks: 25 27. Aniline -- 500ml (1)
I. Annotate the following ( Any two) 2x4=8 28. Benzaldehyde ---500ml (1)
1. He must focus, and focus relentlessly. 29. 2, 4 Dinitro Phyneyl Hydrazine – 250g
2. The concentration of a heart surgeon, the reflexes of a fighter pilot, the guts of a 30. Schiff’s reagvent - 125 nl x 2
boxer. 31. FeCl3 – 250 gms
3. I am a vessel of righteousness 32. Mortar , Pestle (20)
Scattering seeds of justice 33. - napthol 250gms
And serving the noblest uses 34. Benedicts reagent 250 ml. (1)
II. Answer the following 2x4=8
35. Barium Bromide – 500gms
36. Nickel Nitrate – 500gms
37. Lead Nitrate --500mgs
38. Ferrous Ammonium sulphate –500mgs
39. Phenol ----500ml (1)
40. Litmus Paper’s ss


SUB: English Paper- II Weekly Test Date: 25.11.2017
SEC: Seniors Science & Arts Marks: 25
I. Annotate the following ( Any two) 2x4=8
a. “ We like whatever helps us
To line our purse with pence”
b. A bull has no sense,
What about man
II. Short Answers 2x4=8
a. We abuse land because we regard it
as a commodity belongs to us
Discuss how the poet explains the abuse of
Land by modern man
In Harvest Hymn.
b. Explain how the poet compares and
contrasts the bull with modern
man in the poem Bull in the city
III . Sketch the character of Squealer the pig 1x8=8
IV. Write the meaning of the given word 1x1=1
1) Gastroenterologist


SUB: English Paper- II Weekly Test Date: 25.11.2017
SEC: Seniors Science & Arts Marks: 25
I. Annotate the following ( Any two) 2x4=8
a. “ We like whatever helps us
To line our purse with pence”
b. A bull has no sense,
What about man
II. Short Answers 2x4=8
a. We abuse land because we regard it
as a commodity belongs to us as a commodity belongs to us
Discuss how the poet explains the abuse of Discuss how the poet explains the abuse of
Land by modern man Land by modern man
In Harvest Hymn. In Harvest Hymn.
b. Explain how the poet compares and b. Explain how the poet compares and
contrasts the bull with modern contrasts the bull with modern
man in the poem Bull in the city man in the poem Bull in the city
III . Sketch the character of Squealer the pig 1x8=8 III . Sketch the character of Squealer the pig 1x8=8
IV. Write the meaning of the given word 1x1=1 IV. Write the meaning of the given word 1x1=1
1) Gastroenterologist 1) Gastroenterologist


SUB: English Paper- II Weekly Test Date: 25.11.2017 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
SEC: Seniors Science & Arts Marks: 25 I Answer the following 10x2=20
I. Annotate the following ( Any two) 2x4=8     
a. “ We like whatever helps us 0, , , , 
To line our purse with pence” 1. If A =  6 4 3 2  and f : A B is a surjection defined by
b. A bull has no sense, f ( x) = cos x then find B.
What about man x
II. Short Answers 2x4=8
a. We abuse land because we regard it 2. If f (x) = 2x-1, g (x) = 2 for all x  R, then find (gof) (x).
as a commodity belongs to us
Discuss how the poet explains the abuse of 3. If f =
 (1, 2),(2, 3),(3, 1) then find i) 2f ii)
Land by modern man
4. Find the domain of f (x) = 4x  x
In Harvest Hymn.
b. Explain how the poet compares and 5. Find the range of log |4-x2|
contrasts the bull with modern 6. Let f : R R, g : R R be defined by f (x) = 2x-3 ,g(x)=x3 +5 then find (fog)-
man in the poem Bull in the city 1
III . Sketch the character of Squealer the pig 1x8=8
IV. Write the meaning of the given word 1x1=1
1) Gastroenterologist 7. If cosh x =sec then prove that tanh2 2 = tan2 Tan 1 .
1 1
   log e 3
8. Show that tanh-1 2 2
9. If sinh x = ¾, find cosh (2x) and sinh (2x)
10. If sinh x = 3, then show that x = loge (3+ 10 )
SUB: English Paper- II Weekly Test Date: 25.11.2017 II. Answer any five of the following 5x4=20
SEC: Seniors Science & Arts Marks: 25 11. If a:b:c=7:8:9 then find CosA : CosB: CosC
I. Annotate the following ( Any two) 2x4=8
a. “ We like whatever helps us a 2 bc A
To line our purse with pence”
12. If sin  = ( b  c ) then show that cos  = b  c Cos 2
b. A bull has no sense,
What about man abc
II. Short Answers 2x4=8
13. Show that a2 cot A + b2 cot B+ c2 cot C = R
a. We abuse land because we regard it
a2 c2
14. Show that 4 sin 2C + 4 sin 2A = 
15. Show that r + r3+ r1 – r2 = 4R cos B.

16. Prove that r (r1 + r2 + r3) = ab + bc + ca - S2

17. If r1 = 2, r2 = 3 , r3 = 6 and r = 1 , Prove that a = 3, b = 4 and c = 5


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
III. Answr any five of the following 5x7=35 I Answer the following 5x2=10
1. For any x  R P.T. Cosh4 x – Sinh4x = cosh(2x)
18. If f : A B, g : B C be bijections. Then P.T. (gof) : A C is a x
bijection. 2. If cosh x =sec then prove that tanh2 2 = tan2 Tan 1 .
19. If f : A B , g: B C be bijections. Then P.T. (gof)-1= f-1 og-1 1 1
   log e 3
20. If f : A B, I A and I B be indentify functions on A and B respectively. 3. Show that tanh-1 2 2
4. If sinh x = ¾, find cosh (2x) and sinh (2x)
Then prove that foI A =f = I Bof
5. If sinh x = 3, then show that x = loge (3+ 10 )
21. If f : A B be a bijection. Then P.T. fof-1 = IB and f-1 of= IA.
II. Answer any three of the following 3x4=12
6. If a:b:c=7:8:9 then find CosA : CosB: CosC
r1 r2 r3 1 1
    a 2 bc A
22. Show that bc ca ab r 2 R
65 21 7. If sin  = ( b  c ) then show that cos  = b  c Cos 2
8. Prove that r (r1 + r2 + r3) = ab + bc + ca - S2
23. If a = 13 , b= 14, c=15,show that R = 8 r = 4, r1 = 2 , r2 = 12 and r3 = 14
21 3
  9. If r1 = 2, r2 = 3 , r3 = 6 and r = 1 , Prove that a = 3, b = 4 and c = 5
24. The upper 2 the protion of a vertical pole subtends and angle  4  at a III. Answr any four of the following 7x4=28
point in the horizontal plane through its foot and at a distance 40m from the foot.
10. If p1, p2 , p3 are altitudes drawn from vertices A ,B , C to the opposite side of a
Given that the vertical pole is at a height less that 100 m from the ground, find its
height triangle respresent then show that
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10. If p1, p2 , p3 are altitudes drawn from vertices A ,B , C to the opposite side of a
p p p
(a) 1 + 2 + 3 =
r (b) p1 + p2 - p3 = r3 c) P1P2P3 = triangle respresent then show that
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
(abc) 8
2 3
p p p
(a) 1 + 2 + 3 =
r (b) p1 + p2 - p3 = r3 c) P1P2P3 =

8R abc
r1 r2 r3 1 1 (abc) 2 83
    
11. Show that bc ca ab r 2 R 8R3 abc
65 21
12. . If a = 13 , b= 14, c=15,show that R = 8 r = 4, r1 = 2 , r2 = 12 and r3 = 14
  SUB : MathS -2A WEEKLY TEST DATE : 17.07.18
13.. The upper 2 the protion of a vertical pole subtends and angle  4  at a SEC : SR.MPC & MEC Marks:25
point in the horizontal plane through its foot and at a distance 40m from the I. Answer the following Questions : 2x5=10
foot. Given that the vertical pole is at a height less that 100 m from the  6 1 
ground, find its height x  6  1 i

If x=cis  , then find the value of 

x 
A B c bc  ca  ab  s 2 1) 2) Find the value of
 tan  tan  II Answer any three of the following 3x7=21
14. Prove that tan 2 2 2  , x  2x  4  0
n N
1) If are the roots of the equation then for any show that
 n 
 n   n  2n1 cos  
 3 
2) If
cos   cos   cos   0  sin   sin   sin  ,prove
SEC :JUNIORS MEC . DATE :27.11.17 3
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ cos 2   cos 2   cos 2    sin 2   sin 2   sin 2 
I Answer the following 5x2=10 that 2
1. For any x  R P.T. Cosh4 x – Sinh4x = cosh(2x)
3) Find all the roots of the equations x  x7  x4  1  0

x 8

2 Tan 1    3
2. If cosh x =sec then prove that tanh2 = tan2 .
 1  sin  i cos
1 1 8 8   1
  
   log e 3 1  sin  i cos 
2 2
3. Show that tanh-1
4) Show that one value of  8 8
4. If sinh x = ¾, find cosh (2x) and sinh (2x)
5. If sinh x = 3, then show that x = loge (3+ 10 )
II. Answer any three of the following 3x4=12
SUB : MathS -2A WEEKLY TEST DATE : 17.07.18
6. If a:b:c=7:8:9 then find CosA : CosB: CosC
SEC : SR.MPC & MEC Marks:25
I. Answer the following Questions : 2x5=10
a 2 bc A  6 1 
If sin  = ( b  c ) then show that cos  = b  c Cos 2
x  6  1 i

If x=cis  , then find the value of 

x  2) Find the value of
8. Prove that r (r1 + r2 + r3) = ab + bc + ca - S2
II Answer any three of the following 3x7=21

1) If
, are the roots of the equation x  2x  4  0
then for any n N show that
9. If r1 = 2, r2 = 3 , r3 = 6 and r = 1 , Prove that a = 3, b = 4 and c = 5
III. Answr any four of the following 7x4=28
 n   n 
 n   n  2n1 cos    n   n  2n1 cos  
 3   3 
2) If
cos   cos   cos   0  sin   sin   sin  ,prove 2) If
cos   cos   cos   0  sin   sin   sin  ,prove
3 3
cos 2   cos 2   cos 2    sin 2   sin 2   sin 2  cos 2   cos 2   cos 2    sin 2   sin 2   sin 2 
that 2 that 2
Find all the roots of the equations x  x  x  1  0 Find all the roots of the equations x  x  x  1  0
11 7 4 11 7 4
3) 3)
8 8
   3    3
1  sin 8  i cos 8  1  sin 8  i cos 8 
  1  1
    
1  sin  i cos  1  sin  i cos 
4) Show that one value of  8 8 4) Show that one value of  8 8


SEC : SR.MPC & MEC Marks:25
Seniors: VIP-B, VEP-2 & Bi.P.C Marks20
I. Answer the following Questions : 2x5=10
 6 1  1.What are the parameters used to describe a progressive harmonic wave?
x  6   1 i

1) If x=cis  , then find the value of 

x  2) Find the value of 2. What is the principle of superposition of waves?
II Answer any three of the following 3x7=21
, 3. What are harmonics?
1) If are the roots of the equation x2  2 x  4  0 then for any n N show that
4. What are ‘beats’?
 n 
 n   n  2n1 cos   5. The electric lines of forces do not intersect. Why?
 3 
cos   cos   cos   0  sin   sin   sin  ,prove 6. Repulsion is the sure test of charging than attraction. Why?
2) If
7.How many electrons constitute 1 C of charge?
cos 2   cos 2   cos 2    sin 2   sin 2   sin 2  8. When is the electric flux negative and when is it positive?
that 2
9. The dielectric strength of air is 3x106 Vm-1 at certain pressure. A parallel
Find all the roots of the equations x  x  x  1  0
11 7 4
8 Plate capacitor with air in between the plates has a plate separation of 1 cm.
   3
 1  sin  i cos Can you charge the capacitor to 3x106 v?
8 8   1
   10. Three capacitances 1F, 2F and 3F are connected in series.
1  sin  i cos  a. What is the ratio of charges?
4) Show that one value of  8 8
b. What is the ratio of potential differences?
11.Can there be electric intensity at a point with zero electric potential? Give
An example.
SUB : MathS -2A WEEKLY TEST DATE : 17.07.18 12. Define mean free path of electron in a conductor.
SEC : SR.MPC & MEC Marks:25
I. Answer the following Questions : 2x5=10
13. Define resistivity or specific resistance.

 6 1  14. Why is manganin used for making standard resistors?

x  6   1 i

1) If x=cis  , then find the value of 

x  2) Find the value of
15. What is the importance of Oersted’s experiment?
II Answer any three of the following 3x7=21 16. A circular coil of radius r having N turns carries a current i. What is its magnetic
1) If
, are the roots of the equation x  2x  4  0
then for any n N show that Moment?
17. What is the smallest value of current that can be measured with a moving 17. What is the smallest value of current that can be measured with a moving
Coil galvanometer? Coil galvanometer?
18. Distinguish between ammeter and voltmeter. 18. Distinguish between ammeter and voltmeter.
19. A current carrying circular loop lies on a smooth horizontal plane. Can a uniform 19. A current carrying circular loop lies on a smooth horizontal plane. Can a uniform
Magnetic field be set up in such a manner that the loop turns about the vertical axis? Magnetic field be set up in such a manner that the loop turns about the vertical axis?
20. What is the principle of a moving coil galvanometer? 20. What is the principle of a moving coil galvanometer?


Seniors: VIP-B, VEP-2 & Bi.P.C Marks20 SUB: ECONOMICS-I TERMINAL EXAM Date: 17.08.2018 Marks: 100
1.What are the parameters used to describe a progressive harmonic wave? I Answer any Three of the following: 3x10=30
2. What is the principle of superposition of waves? 1. Explain the law of diminishing marginal utility theory?
3. What are harmonics?
2. Explain the law of equi-marginal utility theory?
4. What are ‘beats’?
5. The electric lines of forces do not intersect. Why?
3. Define price elasticity of demand and what are the various types of
price elasticity of demand?
6. Repulsion is the sure test of charging than attraction. Why? 4. Explain the law of variable proportions theory?
7.How many electrons constitute 1 C of charge? 5. Write about the characteristic features of human wants?
8. When is the electric flux negative and when is it positive? II Answer any eight of the following: 8x5=40
9. The dielectric strength of air is 3x106 Vm-1 at certain pressure. A parallel
6. Define utility? What are the types of utility?
7. Write about Jacob Viner’s definition of economics?
Plate capacitor with air in between the plates has a plate separation of 1 cm. 8. What are the properties of Indifference curve?
Can you charge the capacitor to 3x106 v? 9. What is price line budget line? Explain its changes?
10. Three capacitances 1F, 2F and 3F are connected in series. 10. Write about Indifference map?
11. What are the factors that determine demand?
a. What is the ratio of charges?
12. Why does a demand curve has a negative slope?
b. What is the ratio of potential differences? 13. Explain the Total outlay method of elasticity of demand?
11.Can there be electric intensity at a point with zero electric potential? Give 14. What are the exceptions to the law of demand?
An example. 15. What are the factors that determine elasticity of demand?
16. Write about wealth definition of economics?
12. Define mean free path of electron in a conductor.
17.Differences between cardinal utility and ordinal utility?
13. Define resistivity or specific resistance. III Answer any Fifteen of the following: 15x2=30
14. Why is manganin used for making standard resistors?
15. What is the importance of Oersted’s experiment? 18. Price 19. Intermediary goods
20.Wealth 21. Utility
16. A circular coil of radius r having N turns carries a current i. What is its magnetic
22.Producer goods 23. Marginal Utility
Moment? 24. Indifference Map 25. Budget Line/Price Line
26. Demand Schedule 27. Income Demand 28. Cross Demand 29. Demand
28. Cross Demand 29. Demand 30. Elasticity of Demand 31. Arc method
30. Elasticity of Demand 31. Arc method 32. Law of Supply 33. Marginal Cost
32. Law of Supply 33. Marginal Cost 34. Real Cost 35. Opportunity Cost
34. Real Cost 35. Opportunity Cost 36. Giffen’s Paradox 37. Demand Function
36. Giffen’s Paradox 37. Demand Function

26. If the charge on a body is increased by an amount of 3 C, the energy stored

in it increases by 21%. The original charge on the body.
1) 1 C 2) 10 C 3) 20 C 4) 15 C
VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE : : CHITTOOR 27. The capacity of a parallel plate capacitor of each plate area aof 10cm x
SUB: ECONOMICS-I TERMINAL EXAM Date: 17.08.2018 Marks: 100 10cm abd separated by a distance 1 mm
1) 88.42 PF 2) 8 PF 3) 2 PF 4) 10 PF
I Answer any Three of the following: 3x10=30 28. Three connected conductors A, B and C have a total charge 49 C. the ratio
of their capacitances are 1 : 3 : 2. The charges on them individuaslly.
1. Explain the law of diminishing marginal utility theory? 1) 24C,12C,12C 2) 8C,18C,22C 3) 1) 8C,24C,16C
2. Explain the law of equi-marginal utility theory? 4) 16C,16C,16C
29. The potential due to the electrikc dipole at a distance r from the dipole on
3. Define price elasticity of demand and what are the various types of the axial line
price elasticity of demand? 1 2qa 1 qa 1 4qa
4. Explain the law of variable proportions theory? 2) zero 3) 4)
4 r 2
4 0 r 2
4 0 r 2
5. Write about the characteristic features of human wants?
II Answer any eight of the following: 8x5=40 30 12 J work should be done in moving 0.01C charge between two point sin the
6. Define utility? What are the types of utility? electric field. The potential diference between the points
1) 1200 V 2) 100 V 3) 10 V 4) 12 V
7. Write about Jacob Viner’s definition of economics?
8. What are the properties of Indifference curve?
9. What is price line budget line? Explain its changes?
10. Write about Indifference map?
11. What are the factors that determine demand?
12. Why does a demand curve has a negative slope? 26. If the charge on a body is increased by an amount of 3 C, the energy stored
13. Explain the Total outlay method of elasticity of demand? in it increases by 21%. The original charge on the body.
14. What are the exceptions to the law of demand? 1) 1 C 2) 10 C 3) 20 C 4) 15 C
15. What are the factors that determine elasticity of demand? 27. The capacity of a parallel plate capacitor of each plate area aof 10cm x
16. Write about wealth definition of economics? 10cm abd separated by a distance 1 mm
17.Differences between cardinal utility and ordinal utility? 1) 88.42 PF 2) 8 PF 3) 2 PF 4) 10 PF
III Answer any Fifteen of the following: 15x2=30 28. Three connected conductors A, B and C have a total charge 49 C. the ratio
of their capacitances are 1 : 3 : 2. The charges on them individuaslly.
1) 24C,12C,12C 2) 8C,18C,22C 3) 1) 8C,24C,16C
18. Price 19. Intermediary goods
4) 16C,16C,16C
20.Wealth 21. Utility 29. The potential due to the electrikc dipole at a distance r from the dipole on
22.Producer goods 23. Marginal Utility the axial line
24. Indifference Map 25. Budget Line/Price Line
26. Demand Schedule 27. Income Demand
1 2qa 1 qa 1 4qa 1 2qa 1 qa 1 4qa
2) zero 3) 4) 2) zero 3) 4)
4 r 2
4 0 r 2
4 0 r 2 1)
4 r 2
4 0 r 2
4 0 r 2
30 12 J work should be done in moving 0.01C charge between two point sin the 30 12 J work should be done in moving 0.01C charge between two point sin
electric field. The potential diference between the points the electric field. The potential diference between the points
1) 1200 V 2) 100 V 3) 10 V 4) 12 V 1) 1200 V 2) 100 V 3) 10 V 4) 12 V


26. If the charge on a body is increased by an amount of 3 C, the energy
stored in it increases by 21%. The original charge on the body.
1) 1 C 2) 10 C 3) 20 C 4) 15 C
27. The capacity of a parallel plate capacitor of each plate area aof 10cm x VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE::CHITTOOR
10cm abd separated by a distance 1 mm
1) 88.42 PF 2) 8 PF 3) 2 PF 4) 10 PF
28. Three connected conductors A, B and C have a total charge 49 C. the
ratio of their capacitances are 1 : 3 : 2. The charges on them VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE::CHITTOOR
1) 24C,12C,12C 2) 8C,18C,22C 3) 1) 8C,24C,16C
4) 16C,16C,16C
29. The potential due to the electrikc dipole at a distance r from the dipole on VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE::CHITTOOR
the axial line
1 2qa
2) zero 3)
1 qa
4 r 2
4 0 r 2
4 0 r 2
30 12 J work should be done in moving 0.01C charge between two point sin
the electric field. The potential diference between the points VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE::CHITTOOR
1) 1200 V 2) 100 V 3) 10 V 4) 12 V

26. If the charge on a body is increased by an amount of 3 C, the energy VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE::CHITTOOR
stored in it increases by 21%. The original charge on the body.
1) 1 C 2) 10 C 3) 20 C 4) 15 C
27. The capacity of a parallel plate capacitor of each plate area aof 10cm x
10cm abd separated by a distance 1 mm VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE::CHITTOOR
1) 88.42 PF 2) 8 PF 3) 2 PF 4) 10 PF
28. Three connected conductors A, B and C have a total charge 49 C. the
ratio of their capacitances are 1 : 3 : 2. The charges on them
1) 24C,12C,12C 2) 8C,18C,22C 3) 1) 8C,24C,16C
4) 16C,16C,16C
29. The potential due to the electrikc dipole at a distance r from the dipole on





SUB: English Paper- I Weekly Test Date: 05.09.2018
SEC: Juniors Science & Arts Marks: 25
I. Annotate the following 2x4=8
VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE::CHITTOOR 1. There can be glory in failure and despair in success.
2. “Others, like soldiers, armed in their stings,
Make boot upon the summer’s velvet buds”.
VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE::CHITTOOR II. Answer the following 2x4=8
1. How can the teacher install faith, love and courage in Lincoln’s son?
2. According to Shakespeare,what are the lessons that human beings
VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE::CHITTOOR must learn from honey-bees?
III. Identify the parts of speech of the following underlined words: 10x1/2=5
1. My parents are travelling to Japan next month
2. He doesn’t want to go with them.
3. My brother is stronger than me.
4. Calvin runs quickly.
VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE::CHITTOOR 5. Elizabeth walks gracefully.
6. Have a look under the couch.
7. Oh dear! What happened?
8. Meena doubts if she’ll pass the test.
9. The bridegroom looked so handsome
10. Dorothy has big blue eyes.
IV. Write the number of syllables in the following words 8x1/2=4
1. Portability 2. Vindictive 3. Perhaps 4. Good
VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE::CHITTOOR 5. Calibration 6. Soldier 7. Right 8. Tempest.
SUB : MathS -2B WEEKLY TEST DATE : 04.09.18
I. Answer the following Questions : 2x1=2
SUB: English Paper- I Weekly Test Date: 05.09.2018 1.Find the values of a,b if ax2+bxy+3y2-5x+2y-3=0 represents
a circle. Also find the radius and centre of the circle.
SEC: Juniors Science & Arts Marks: 25 2. If the length of the tangent from (2,5) to the circle x2+y2-5x+4y+k=0
I. Annotate the following 2x4=8 is √37 then find k.
II. Answer any three of the following Questions : 3x7=21
1. There can be glory in failure and despair in success. 3. Find the equation of a circle which passes through (4,1), (6,5) and having the centre
2. “Others, like soldiers, armed in their stings, on 4x+3y-24=0.
4. If (2,0), (0,1), (4,5) and (0,c) are concyclic then find c.
Make boot upon the summer’s velvet buds”. 5. Find the equations of circles which touch 2x-3y+1=0 at (1,1) and having radius √13.
II. Answer the following 2x4=8 6. Show that the tangent at (-1,2) of the circle x2+y2-4x-8y+7=0 touches
the circle x2+y2+4x+6y=0 and also find its point of contact.
1. How can the teacher install faith, love and courage in Lincoln’s son?
2. According to Shakespeare,what are the lessons that human beings
must learn from honey-bees? SUB : MathS -2B WEEKLY TEST DATE : 04.09.18
SEC : VIP-B VEP-1& 2 Marks:25
III. Identify the parts of speech of the following underlined words: 10x1/2=5
I. Answer the following Questions : 2x1=2
1. My parents are travelling to Japan next month 1.Find the values of a,b if ax2+bxy+3y2-5x+2y-3=0 represents
2. He doesn’t want to go with them. a circle. Also find the radius and centre of the circle.
2. If the length of the tangent from (2,5) to the circle x2+y2-5x+4y+k=0
3. My brother is stronger than me. is √37 then find k.
4. Calvin runs quickly. II. Answer any three of the following Questions : 3x7=21
3. Find the equation of a circle which passes through (4,1), (6,5) and having the centre on
5. Elizabeth walks gracefully. 4x+3y-24=0.
6. Have a look under the couch. 4. If (2,0), (0,1), (4,5) and (0,c) are concyclic then find c.
5. Find the equations of circles which touch 2x-3y+1=0 at (1,1) and having radius √13.
7. Oh dear! What happened? 6. Show that the tangent at (-1,2) of the circle x2+y2-4x-8y+7=0 touches
8. Meena doubts if she’ll pass the test. the circle x2+y2+4x+6y=0 and also find its point of contact.

9. The bridegroom looked so handsome

10. Dorothy has big blue eyes. SUB : MathS -2B WEEKLY TEST DATE : 04.09.18
IV. Write the number of syllables in the following words 8x1/2=4 SEC : VIP-B VEP-1& 2 Marks:25
I. Answer the following Questions : 2x1=2
1. Portability 2. Vindictive 3. Perhaps 4. Good
1.Find the values of a,b if ax2+bxy+3y2-5x+2y-3=0 represents
5. Calibration 6. Soldier 7. Right 8. Tempest. a circle. Also find the radius and centre of the circle.
2. If the length of the tangent from (2,5) to the circle x2+y2-5x+4y+k=0
is √37 then find k.
II. Answer any three of the following Questions : 3x7=21
3. Find the equation of a circle which passes through (4,1), (6,5) and having the centre on
4. If (2,0), (0,1), (4,5) and (0,c) are concyclic then find c. 6. Show that the tangent at (-1,2) of the circle x2+y2-4x-8y+7=0 touches
5. Find the equations of circles which touch 2x-3y+1=0 at (1,1) and having radius √13. the circle x2+y2+4x+6y=0 and also find its point of contact.
6. Show that the tangent at (-1,2) of the circle x2+y2-4x-8y+7=0 touches
the circle x2+y2+4x+6y=0 and also find its point of contact.
SUB : MathS -2B WEEKLY TEST DATE : 04.09.18
SEC : VIP-B VEP-1& 2 Marks:25
VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE : : CHITTOOR I. Answer the following Questions : 2x1=2
SUB : MathS -2B WEEKLY TEST DATE : 04.09.18 1.Find the values of a,b if ax2+bxy+3y2-5x+2y-3=0 represents
SEC : VIP-B VEP-1& 2 Marks:25
a circle. Also find the radius and centre of the circle.
I. Answer the following Questions : 2x1=2
2. If the length of the tangent from (2,5) to the circle x 2+y2-5x+4y+k=0
1.Find the values of a,b if ax2+bxy+3y2-5x+2y-3=0 represents
a circle. Also find the radius and centre of the circle.
is √37 then find k.
II. Answer any three of the following Questions : 3x7=21
2. If the length of the tangent from (2,5) to the circle x2+y2-5x+4y+k=0 3. Find the equation of a circle which passes through (4,1), (6,5) and having the centre on 4x+3y-24=0.
is √37 then find k. 4. If (2,0), (0,1), (4,5) and (0,c) are concyclic then find c.
II. Answer any three of the following Questions : 3x7=21 5. Find the equations of circles which touch 2x-3y+1=0 at (1,1) and having radius √13.
3. Find the equation of a circle which passes through (4,1), (6,5) and having the centre 6. Show that the tangent at (-1,2) of the circle x2+y2-4x-8y+7=0 touches
on 4x+3y-24=0. the circle x2+y2+4x+6y=0 and also find its point of contact.
4. If (2,0), (0,1), (4,5) and (0,c) are concyclic then find c.
5. Find the equations of circles which touch 2x-3y+1=0 at (1,1) and having radius √13.
6. Show that the tangent at (-1,2) of the circle x2+y2-4x-8y+7=0 touches
the circle x2+y2+4x+6y=0 and also find its point of contact. SUB : MathS -2B WEEKLY TEST DATE : 04.09.18
SEC : VIP-B VEP-1& 2 Marks:25
I. Answer the following Questions : 2x1=2
1.Find the values of a,b if ax2+bxy+3y2-5x+2y-3=0 represents
SUB : MathS -2B WEEKLY TEST DATE : 04.09.18
SEC : VIP-B VEP-1& 2 Marks:25
a circle. Also find the radius and centre of the circle.
2. If the length of the tangent from (2,5) to the circle x 2+y2-5x+4y+k=0
I. Answer the following Questions : 2x1=2
1.Find the values of a,b if ax2+bxy+3y2-5x+2y-3=0 represents is √37 then find k.
II. Answer any three of the following Questions : 3x7=21
a circle. Also find the radius and centre of the circle. 3. Find the equation of a circle which passes through (4,1), (6,5) and having the centre on 4x+3y-24=0.
2. If the length of the tangent from (2,5) to the circle x2+y2-5x+4y+k=0 4. If (2,0), (0,1), (4,5) and (0,c) are concyclic then find c.
is √37 then find k. 5. Find the equations of circles which touch 2x-3y+1=0 at (1,1) and having radius √13.
II. Answer any three of the following Questions : 3x7=21 6. Show that the tangent at (-1,2) of the circle x2+y2-4x-8y+7=0 touches
3. Find the equation of a circle which passes through (4,1), (6,5) and having the the circle x2+y2+4x+6y=0 and also find its point of contact.
centre on 4x+3y-24=0.
4. If (2,0), (0,1), (4,5) and (0,c) are concyclic then find c.
5. Find the equations of circles which touch 2x-3y+1=0 at (1,1) and having radius √13.
6. Show that the tangent at (-1,2) of the circle x2+y2-4x-8y+7=0 touches VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE : : CHITTOOR
the circle x2+y2+4x+6y=0 and also find its point of contact. SUB : MathS -2B WEEKLY TEST DATE : 04.09.18
SEC : VIP-B VEP-1& 2 Marks:25
I. Answer the following Questions : 2x1=2
VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE : : CHITTOOR 1.Find the values of a,b if ax2+bxy+3y2-5x+2y-3=0 represents
SUB : MathS -2B WEEKLY TEST DATE : 04.09.18 a circle. Also find the radius and centre of the circle.
SEC : VIP-B VEP-1& 2 Marks:25 2. If the length of the tangent from (2,5) to the circle x2+y2-5x+4y+k=0
I. Answer the following Questions : 2x1=2 is √37 then find k.
1.Find the values of a,b if ax2+bxy+3y2-5x+2y-3=0 represents II. Answer any three of the following Questions : 3x7=21
a circle. Also find the radius and centre of the circle. 3. Find the equation of a circle which passes through (4,1), (6,5) and having the
2. If the length of the tangent from (2,5) to the circle x2+y2-5x+4y+k=0 centre on 4x+3y-24=0.
is √37 then find k. 4. If (2,0), (0,1), (4,5) and (0,c) are concyclic then find c.
II. Answer any three of the following Questions : 3x7=21 5. Find the equations of circles which touch 2x-3y+1=0 at (1,1) and having
3. Find the equation of a circle which passes through (4,1), (6,5) and having the centre radius√13.
on 4x+3y-24=0. 6. Show that the tangent at (-1,2) of the circle x2+y2-4x-8y+7=0 touches
4. If (2,0), (0,1), (4,5) and (0,c) are concyclic then find c. the circle x2+y2+4x+6y=0 and also find its point of contact.
5. Find the equations of circles which touch 2x-3y+1=0 at (1,1) and having radius √13.
I. Answer the following Questions : 10x1=10
1.What is the principle of production of Electro-magnetic waves.
2. What are the applications of microwaves.
3. Give 2 uses of IR rays.
4. A transformer converts 200v A.c into 2000 v A.c.Calculate the number of
Turns on the secondary if the primary has 10 turns.
5. What type of transformer are used in a 6r bed lamp.
6. What is the phenomenon involved in working of a transformer.
7. What is transformer ratio.
8. When does a LCR series circuit have minimum impedance.
9. State Faradays laws of EMI.
10. State Lenz law.
I. Answer the following Questions : 5x4=20
1. Describe the ways in which eddy currents are used to advantage.
2. Obtain an expression for the current through an inductor when an
a.c emf is applied.
3. State the principle on which a transformer works. Describe the
Working of a transformer with necessary theory.
4. Obtain the expression for a mutual induction of 2 long co-axialsolenoids.
5. Describe the working of a Ac generator with the aid of a simple
Diagram and necessary expressions.
SUB : PHYSICS WEEKLY TEST DATE : 05.09.18 Mathematics -IA Weekly Test DATE : 06.09.18
Marks:25 SEC : Junior : M P C & MEC Marks: 25
I. Answer the following Questions : 10x1=10 I. Answer the following 2x2=4
1.What is the principle of production of Electro-magnetic waves. 3 5
2. What are the applications of microwaves.
3. Give 2 uses of IR rays. 1. Prove that Cos48o.Cos12o = 8
4. A transformer converts 200v A.c into 2000 v A.c.Calculate the number of  2   4 
Turns on the secondary if the primary has 10 turns. cos      cos   
5. What type of transformer are used in a 6r bed lamp. 2. Prove that Cos+  3   3  =0.
6. What is the phenomenon involved in working of a transformer.  2   4 
7. What is transformer ratio. cos      cos   
8. When does a LCR series circuit have minimum impedance.  3   3 
9. State Faradays laws of EMI. II Answer any THREE of the following 3x7=21
10. State Lenz law. 1. If A, B, C are angles in a triangles, then prove that
I. Answer the following Questions : 5x4=20 Sin2A-Sin2B+Sin2c=4 CosA SinB CosC
1. Describe the ways in which eddy currents are used to advantage. 2. In a triangle ABC, Prove that
2. Obtain an expression for the current through an inductor when an A B C   A  B   c 
a.c emf is applied.  cos  cos  4   cos   cos  
3. State the principle on which a transformer works. Describe the Cos 2 2 2  4   4   4 
Working of a transformer with necessary theory. 3. If A+B+C=2S then prove that
4. Obtain the expression for a mutual induction of 2 long co-axialsolenoids.
  A SB
5. Describe the working of a Ac generator with the aid of a simple   cos  
Diagram and necessary expressions. Sin (S-A)+Sin(S-B)+Sin C=4 Cos  4   2  Sin C/2
4. If Sec (+) +Sec (-)=2 Sec  and cos   1 then show that
cos  =  √2 Cos /2


Mathematics -IA Weekly Test DATE : 06.09.18
SEC : Junior : M P C & MEC Marks: 25
I. Answer the following 2x2=4
3 5
1. Prove that Cos48o.Cos12o = 8
 2   4 
cos      cos   
2. Prove that Cos+  3   3  =0.
 2   4 
cos      cos   
 3   3 
II Answer any THREE of the following 3x7=21
1. If A, B, C are angles in a triangles, then prove that
Sin2A-Sin2B+Sin2c=4 CosA SinB CosC
2. In a triangle ABC, Prove that
A B C   A  B   c 
 cos  cos  4   cos   cos  
Cos 2 2 2  4   4   4 
3. If A+B+C=2S then prove that
  A SB Sin2A-Sin2B+Sin2c=4 CosA SinB CosC
  cos   2. In a triangle ABC, Prove that
Sin (S-A)+Sin(S-B)+Sin C=4 Cos  4   2  Sin C/2
A B C   A  B   c 
4. If Sec (+) +Sec (-)=2 Sec  and cos   1 then show that  cos  cos  4   cos   cos  
cos  =  √2 Cos /2 Cos 2 2 2  4   4   4 
3. If A+B+C=2S then prove that
  A SB
  cos  
Sin (S-A)+Sin(S-B)+Sin C=4 Cos  4   2  Sin C/2
VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR 4. If Sec (+) +Sec (-)=2 Sec  and cos   1 then show that
Mathematics -IA Weekly Test DATE : 06.09.18 cos  =  √2 Cos /2
SEC : Junior : M P C & MEC Marks: 25
I. Answer the following 2x2=4
SUB: English Paper- II Weekly Test Date: 15.09.2018
1. Prove that Cos48o.Cos12o = 8 SEC: Seniors Science & Arts Marks: 25
 2   4  1. Annotate the following 3x4=12
cos      cos    a. “I want to buy things and have fun
2. Prove that Cos+  3   3  =0. b. “Mirror twins are different although their features Jibe
 2   4  In Minor ways we differ
cos      cos    In Major we’re the same”
 3   3  c. we are more alike, my friends than we are unalike”
II Answer any THREE of the following 3x7=21 2. Short Answers 2x4=8
1. If A, B, C are angles in a triangles, then prove that a.”The Giving Tree” is a celebration of unconditional love.Illustrate
Sin2A-Sin2B+Sin2c=4 CosA SinB CosC b. We all belong to one race in the world, namely, the human race.
2. In a triangle ABC, Prove that How does the poet justify this statement in the poem.
A B C   A   B   c 3. Write the meanings of the given words 5x1=5
 cos  cos  4   cos   cos   1. antidote 2. avaricious 3. concensus 4. egoist 5. etiquette
Cos 2 2 2  4   4   4 
3. If A+B+C=2S then prove that
  cos   SUB: English Paper- II Weekly Test Date: 15.09.2018
Sin (S-A)+Sin(S-B)+Sin C=4 Cos  4   2  Sin C/2 SEC: Seniors Science & Arts Marks: 25
4. If Sec (+) +Sec (-)=2 Sec  and cos   1 then show that 1. Annotate the following 3x4=12
cos  =  √2 Cos /2 a. “I want to buy things and have fun
b. “Mirror twins are different although their features Jibe
Mathematics -IA Weekly Test DATE : 06.09.18 In Major we’re the same”
SEC : Junior : M P C & MEC Marks: 25 c. we are more alike, my friends than we are unalike”
I. Answer the following 2x2=4 2. Short Answers 2x4=8
a.”The Giving Tree” is a celebration of unconditional love.Illustrate
3 5 b. We all belong to one race in the world, namely, the human race.
1. Prove that Cos48o.Cos12o = 8 How does the poet justify this statement in the poem.
3. Write the meanings of the given words 5x1=5
 2   4 
cos      cos    1. antidote 2. avaricious 3. concensus 4. egoist 5. etiquette
2. Prove that Cos+  3   3  =0.
 2   4 
cos      cos    VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE : : CHITTOOR
 3   3  SUB: English Paper- II Weekly Test Date: 15.09.2018
II Answer any THREE of the following 3x7=21 SEC: Seniors Science & Arts Marks: 25
1. If A, B, C are angles in a triangles, then prove that 1. Annotate the following 3x4=12
a. “I want to buy things and have fun b. “Mirror twins are different although their features Jibe
b. “Mirror twins are different although their features Jibe In Minor ways we differ
In Minor ways we differ In Major we’re the same”
In Major we’re the same” c. we are more alike, my friends than we are unalike”
c. we are more alike, my friends than we are unalike” 2. Short Answers 2x4=8
2. Short Answers 2x4=8 a.”The Giving Tree” is a celebration of unconditional love.Illustrate
a.”The Giving Tree” is a celebration of unconditional love.Illustrate b. We all belong to one race in the world, namely, the human race.
b. We all belong to one race in the world, namely, the human race. How does the poet justify this statement in the poem.
How does the poet justify this statement in the poem. 3. Write the meanings of the given words 5x1=5
3. Write the meanings of the given words 5x1=5 1. antidote 2. avaricious 3. concensus 4. egoist 5. etiquette
1. antidote 2. avaricious 3. concensus 4. egoist 5. etiquette


SUB: English Paper- II Weekly Test Date: 15.09.2018 SUB: English Paper- II Weekly Test Date: 15.09.2018
SEC: Seniors Science & Arts Marks: 25 SEC: Seniors Science BIPC Marks: 25
1. Annotate the following 3x4=12 1. Annotate the following 3x4=12
a. “I want to buy things and have fun a. with this equipment they all began so start from the top and say ‘I can’
b. “Mirror twins are different although their features Jibe b. “you are the handicap you must face you are the one who must choose his place
In Minor ways we differ c. “I wish that I could give you something but I have nothing left.
In Major we’re the same” II. Short Answers 2x4=8
c. we are more alike, my friends than we are unalike” a. Describe the relationship between man and nature as described in the
2. Short Answers 2x4=8 poem ‘The Giving Tree’
a.”The Giving Tree” is a celebration of unconditional love.Illustrate b. “Belief is the ignition switch that gets you off the launching pad”
b. We all belong to one race in the world, namely, the human race. Discuss this statement in the light of the poem equipment.
How does the poet justify this statement in the poem. III. Write the meanings of the given words 5x1=5
3. Write the meanings of the given words 5x1=5 1. aristocracy 2. bibliophile 3. colleagues 4. consensus 5. epidemic
1. antidote 2. avaricious 3. concensus 4. egoist 5. etiquette


SUB: English Paper- II Weekly Test Date: 15.09.2018 SUB: English Paper- II Weekly Test Date: 15.09.2018
SEC: Seniors Science & Arts Marks: 25 SEC: Seniors Science BIPC Marks: 25
1. Annotate the following 3x4=12 1. Annotate the following 3x4=12
a. “I want to buy things and have fun a. with this equipment they all began so start from the top and say ‘I can’
b. “Mirror twins are different although their features Jibe b. “you are the handicap you must face you are the one who must choose his place
In Minor ways we differ c. “I wish that I could give you something but I have nothing left.
In Major we’re the same” II. Short Answers 2x4=8
c. we are more alike, my friends than we are unalike” a. Describe the relationship between man and nature as described in the
2. Short Answers 2x4=8 poem ‘The Giving Tree’
a.”The Giving Tree” is a celebration of unconditional love.Illustrate b. “Belief is the ignition switch that gets you off the launching pad”
b. We all belong to one race in the world, namely, the human race. Discuss this statement in the light of the poem equipment.
How does the poet justify this statement in the poem. III. Write the meanings of the given words 5x1=5
3. Write the meanings of the given words 5x1=5 1. aristocracy 2. bibliophile 3. colleagues 4. consensus 5. epidemic
1. antidote 2. avaricious 3. concensus 4. egoist 5. etiquette


VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE : : CHITTOOR SUB: English Paper- II Weekly Test Date: 15.09.2018
SUB: English Paper- II Weekly Test Date: 15.09.2018 SEC: Seniors Science BIPC Marks: 25
SEC: Seniors Science & Arts Marks: 25 1. Annotate the following 3x4=12
1. Annotate the following 3x4=12 a. with this equipment they all began so start from the top and say ‘I can’
a. “I want to buy things and have fun b. “you are the handicap you must face you are the one who must choose his place
c. “I wish that I could give you something but I have nothing left. c. “I wish that I could give you something but I have nothing left.
II. Short Answers 2x4=8 II. Short Answers 2x4=8
a. Describe the relationship between man and nature as described in the a. Describe the relationship between man and nature as described in the
poem ‘The Giving Tree’ poem ‘The Giving Tree’
b. “Belief is the ignition switch that gets you off the launching pad” b. “Belief is the ignition switch that gets you off the launching pad”
Discuss this statement in the light of the poem equipment. Discuss this statement in the light of the poem equipment.
III. Write the meanings of the given words 5x1=5 III. Write the meanings of the given words 5x1=5
1. aristocracy 2. bibliophile 3. colleagues 4. consensus 5. epidemic 1. aristocracy 2. bibliophile 3. colleagues 4. consensus 5. epidemic


Mathematics -IA Weekly Test DATE : 20.09.18
SUB: English Paper- II Weekly Test Date: 15.09.2018 I. Answer the following 5x5=25
SEC: Seniors Science BIPC Marks: 25 1. Solve the equation and write general solution of 4 cos2 +√3 = 2 (√3+1) Cos
1. Annotate the following 3x4=12 2. Solve the equation √3 Sin  - Cos  = √2
a. with this equipment they all began so start from the top and say ‘I can’ 3. Solve Cos 3x – Cos 4x = Cos 5x – Cos 6x
b. “you are the handicap you must face you are the one who must choose his place   1
c. “I wish that I could give you something but I have nothing left.     
II. Short Answers 2x4=8 4. If Tan(πCos) = Cot (πSin), Then prove that Cos  4 2 2
a. Describe the relationship between man and nature as described in the 5. Find all values of x  0 in (-π, π) satisfying the equation 81+cosx+cos2x+----- = 43
poem ‘The Giving Tree’ 6. Solve 1+Sin2 = 3sin cos.
b. “Belief is the ignition switch that gets you off the launching pad”
Discuss this statement in the light of the poem equipment.
III. Write the meanings of the given words 5x1=5
1. aristocracy 2. bibliophile 3. colleagues 4. consensus 5. epidemic
Mathematics -IA Weekly Test DATE : 20.09.18
SUB: English Paper- II Weekly Test Date: 15.09.2018 I. Answer the following 5x5=25
SEC: Seniors Science BIPC Marks: 25 1. Solve the equation and write general solution of 4 cos2 +√3 = 2 (√3+1) Cos
1. Annotate the following 3x4=12 2. Solve the equation √3 Sin  - Cos  = √2
a. with this equipment they all began so start from the top and say ‘I can’ 3. Solve Cos 3x – Cos 4x = Cos 5x – Cos 6x
b. “you are the handicap you must face you are the one who must choose his place   1
c. “I wish that I could give you something but I have nothing left.     
II. Short Answers 2x4=8 4. If Tan(πCos) = Cot (πSin), Then prove that Cos  4 2 2
a. Describe the relationship between man and nature as described in the 5. Find all values of x  0 in (-π, π) satisfying the equation 81+cosx+cos2x+----- = 43
poem ‘The Giving Tree’ 6. Solve 1+Sin2 = 3sin cos.
b. “Belief is the ignition switch that gets you off the launching pad”
Discuss this statement in the light of the poem equipment.
III. Write the meanings of the given words 5x1=5
1. aristocracy 2. bibliophile 3. colleagues 4. consensus 5. epidemic VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR
Mathematics -IA Weekly Test DATE : 20.09.18
SEC : Junior : M P C & MEC Marks: 25
VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE : : CHITTOOR I. Answer the following 5x5=25
SUB: English Paper- II Weekly Test Date: 15.09.2018 1. Solve the equation and write general solution of 4 cos2 +√3 = 2 (√3+1) Cos
SEC: Seniors Science BIPC Marks: 25 2. Solve the equation √3 Sin  - Cos  = √2
1. Annotate the following 3x4=12 3. Solve Cos 3x – Cos 4x = Cos 5x – Cos 6x
a. with this equipment they all began so start from the top and say ‘I can’
b. “you are the handicap you must face you are the one who must choose his place
  1   1
         
4. If Tan(πCos) = Cot (πSin), Then prove that Cos  4 2 2 4. If Tan(πCos) = Cot (πSin), Then prove that Cos  4 2 2
5. Find all values of x  0 in (-π, π) satisfying the equation 81+cosx+cos2x+----- = 43 5. Find all values of x  0 in (-π, π) satisfying the equation 81+cosx+cos2x+----- = 43
6. Solve 1+Sin2 = 3sin cos. 6. Solve 1+Sin2 = 3sin cos.


Mathematics -IIA Weekly Test DATE : 23.10.18
SEC : SR.VEP-2 Marks: 25
I. Answer any Five of the following 5x5=25
Mathematics -IA Weekly Test DATE : 20.09.18
SEC : Junior : M P C & MEC Marks: 25 1. State and prove Baye’s Theorem.
I. Answer the following 5x5=25
2. State and prove multiplication theorem of Probability and definition of
1. Solve the equation and write general solution of 4 cos2 +√3 = 2 (√3+1) Cos conditional probability.
3. A,B,C are three horses in a race. The Probability of A to win the race is twice that of
2. Solve the equation √3 Sin  - Cos  = √2
B, and probability of B is twice that of C. What are the probabilities of A,B and C to
3. Solve Cos 3x – Cos 4x = Cos 5x – Cos 6x
win the race?
  1 4. The probabilities of three events A,B,C are such that
    
4. If Tan(πCos) = Cot (πSin), Then prove that Cos  4 2 2 P(A) = 0.3, P(B) = 0.4, P(C) = 0.8, (AB)= 0.09, P(AC) = 0.28, P(ABC) = 0.08
and P(ABC)  0.75
5. Find all values of x  0 in (-π, π) satisfying the equation 81+cosx+cos2x+----- = 43
Show that P(BC) lies in the interval 0.21,0.46
6. Solve 1+Sin2 = 3sin cos.
5. In an experiment of drawing a card at random from a pack, the event of getting a spade
is denoted by A and getting a pictured card (King, Queen or Jack) is denoted by B.
Find the probabilities of A, B, AB and AB
6. In a box containing 15 bulbs, 5 are defective. If 5 bulbs are selected at random from
the box, find the probability of the event, that
Mathematics -IA Weekly Test DATE : 20.09.18
(i) none of them is defective
SEC : Junior : M P C & MEC Marks: 25
(ii) only one of them is defective
I. Answer the following 5x5=25 (iii) atleast one of them is defective.
1. Solve the equation and write general solution of 4 cos2 +√3 = 2 (√3+1) Cos
2. Solve the equation √3 Sin  - Cos  = √2
3. Solve Cos 3x – Cos 4x = Cos 5x – Cos 6x VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR
  1 Mathematics -IIA Weekly Test DATE : 23.10.18
     SEC : SR.VEP-2 Marks: 25
4. If Tan(πCos) = Cot (πSin), Then prove that Cos  4 2 2
5. Find all values of x  0 in (-π, π) satisfying the equation 81+cosx+cos2x+----- = 43 I. Answer any Five of the following 5x5=25
6. Solve 1+Sin2 = 3sin cos. 1. State and prove Baye’s Theorem.
2. State and prove multiplication theorem of Probability and definition of
conditional probability.
3. A,B,C are three horses in a race. The Probability of A to win the race is twice that of
VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE: : CHITTOOR B, and probability of B is twice that of C. What are the probabilities of A,B and C to
Mathematics -IA Weekly Test DATE : 20.09.18 win the race?
SEC : Junior : M P C & MEC Marks: 25 4. The probabilities of three events A,B,C are such that
I. Answer the following 5x5=25 P(A) = 0.3, P(B) = 0.4, P(C) = 0.8, (AB)= 0.09, P(AC) = 0.28, P(ABC) = 0.08
1. Solve the equation and write general solution of 4 cos2 +√3 = 2 (√3+1) Cos and P(ABC)  0.75
2. Solve the equation √3 Sin  - Cos  = √2 Show that P(BC) lies in the interval 0.21,0.46
3. Solve Cos 3x – Cos 4x = Cos 5x – Cos 6x 5. In an experiment of drawing a card at random from a pack, the event of getting a spade
is denoted by A and getting a pictured card (King, Queen or Jack) is denoted by B.
Find the probabilities of A, B, AB and AB 6. In a box containing 15 bulbs, 5 are defective. If 5 bulbs are selected at random from
6. In a box containing 15 bulbs, 5 are defective. If 5 bulbs are selected at random from the box, find the probability of the event, that
the box, find the probability of the event, that (i) none of them is defective
(i) none of them is defective (ii) only one of them is defective
(ii) only one of them is defective (iii) atleast one of them is defective.
(iii) atleast one of them is defective.


Mathematics -IIA Weekly Test DATE : 23.10.18
Mathematics -IIA Weekly Test DATE : 23.10.18 I. Answer any Five of the following 5x5=25
SEC : SR.VEP-2 Marks: 25 1. State and prove Baye’s Theorem.
I. Answer any Five of the following 5x5=25 2. Three boxes numbered I, II, III contain the balls as follows:
1. State and prove Baye’s Theorem. White Black Red
2. State and prove multiplication theorem of Probability and definition of 1 2 3
conditional probability. I
3. A,B,C are three horses in a race. The Probability of A to win the race is twice that 2 1 1
of B, and probability of B is twice that of C. What are the probabilities of A,B and
C to win the race?
4. The probabilities of three events A,B,C are such that 4 5 3
P(A) = 0.3, P(B) = 0.4, P(C) = 0.8, (AB)= 0.09, P(AC) = 0.28, P(ABC) = III
0.08 and P(ABC)  0.75 One box is randomly selected and a ball is drawn from it. If the ball is red,
Show that P(BC) lies in the interval 0.21,0.46 then find the probability that it is from box II.
5. In an experiment of drawing a card at random from a pack, the event of getting a 1 2 3
spade is denoted by A and getting a pictured card (King, Queen or Jack) is , , and
denoted by B. Find the probabilities of A, B, AB and AB 3. In a shooting test the probability of A, B, C hitting the targets are 2 3 4
6. In a box containing 15 bulbs, 5 are defective. If 5 bulbs are selected at random from respectively. If all of them fire at the same target, Find the probability
the box, find the probability of the event, that that (i) only one of them hits the target, (ii) atleast one of them hits the
(i) none of them is defective target.
(ii) only one of them is defective Contd…2…
(iii) atleast one of them is defective.


Mathematics -IIA Weekly Test DATE : 23.10.18
SEC : SR.VEP-2 Marks: 25
I. Answer any Five of the following 5x5=25
1. State and prove Baye’s Theorem. //2//
2. State and prove multiplication theorem of Probability and definition of
conditional probability.
4. Two persons A and B are rolling a die on the condition that the person who
3. A,B,C are three horses in a race. The Probability of A to win the race is twice that
of B, and probability of B is twice that of C. What are the probabilities of A,B and gets 3 will win the game. If A starts the game, then find the probabilities of
C to win the race? A and B respectively to win the game.
4. The probabilities of three events A,B,C are such that 5. The probabilities of three events A,B,C are such that
P(A) = 0.3, P(B) = 0.4, P(C) = 0.8, (AB)= 0.09, P(AC) = 0.28, P(ABC) = P(A)=0.3, P(B)=0.4, P(C)=0.8, (AB)= 0.09,P(AC) = 0.28,(ABC)=0.08
0.08 and P(ABC)  0.75 and P(ABC)  0.75
Show that P(BC) lies in the interval 0.21,0.46 Show that P(BC) lies in the interval 0.21,0.46
5. In an experiment of drawing a card at random from a pack, the event of getting a 6. A problem in Calculus is given to two students A and B whose chances of solving
Spade is denoted by A and getting a pictured card (King, Queen or Jack) is denoted 1 1
by B. Find the probabilities of A, B, AB and AB and
it are 3 4 respectively. Find the probability of the problem being
solved if both of them try independently. solved if both of them try independently.


Mathematics -IIA Weekly Test DATE : 23.10.18 SEC : VIP-B & VEP- 2 Marks:25
SEC : SR.VEP-1 Marks: 25 I. Answer the following Questions : 5x2=10
I. Answer any Five of the following 5x5=25 1. Find the angle between the circles x2+y2+6x-10y-135=0, x2+y2-4x+14y-116=0
1. State and prove Baye’s Theorem. 3
2. Three boxes numbered I, II, III contain the balls as follows: 2. Show that the angle between the circles x2+y2 = a2, x2+y2 = ax +ay is 4
White Black Red 3. Find the equation of the radical axis of the circles.
1 2 3 x2+y2-2x-4y-1=0, x2+y2-4x-6y+5=0
I 4. Find the equation of the common chord of the pair of circles
2 1 1 x2+y2+2x+3y+1=0, x2+y2+4x+3y+2=0
II 5. Find k if the following pairs of circles are orthogonal
x2+y2-5x-14y-34=0, x2+y2+2x+4y+k=0
4 5 3
II. Answer any Three of the following Questions : 3x5=15
III 6. Find the equation of the circle which passes through the point (0, -3) and
One box is randomly selected and a ball is drawn from it. If the ball is red, intersects the circles given by the equations x2+y2-6x+3y+5=0 and x2+y2-x-7y=0
then find the probability that it is from box II. orthogonally.
1 2 3 7. Find the equation of the circle which intersects the circle x2+y2-6x+4y-3=0
, , and orthogonally and passes through the point (3, 0) and touches Y- axis.
3. In a shooting test the probability of A, B, C hitting the targets are 2 3 4 8. If the two circles x2+y2+2gx+2fy=0 and x2+y2+2gx+2f y=0 touch each other then
respectively. If all of them fire at the same target, Find the probability show that f g = fg .
that (i) only one of them hits the target, (ii) atleast one of them hits the 9. Find the equation of the circle which cuts the circles x2+y2+4x-7=0,
target. Contd….2….. 2x2+2y2+3x+5y-9=0, x2+y2+y=0 orthogonally.


SUB : MathS -IIB WEEKLY TEST DATE : 04.09.18
SEC : VIP-B & VEP- 2 Marks:25
I. Answer the following Questions : 5x2=10
1. Find the angle between the circles x2+y2+6x-10y-135=0, x2+y2-4x+14y-116=0
//2// 2. Show that the angle between the circles x2+y2 = a2, x2+y2 = ax +ay is 4
4. Two persons A and B are rolling a die on the condition that the person who 3. Find the equation of the radical axis of the circles.
gets 3 will win the game. If A starts the game, then find the probabilities of x2+y2-2x-4y-1=0, x2+y2-4x-6y+5=0
A and B respectively to win the game. 4. Find the equation of the common chord of the pair of circles
5. The probabilities of three events A,B,C are such that x2+y2+2x+3y+1=0, x2+y2+4x+3y+2=0
P(A)=0.3, P(B)=0.4, P(C)=0.8, (AB)= 0.09,P(AC) = 0.28,(ABC)=0.08 5. Find k if the following pairs of circles are orthogonal
and P(ABC)  0.75 x2+y2-5x-14y-34=0, x2+y2+2x+4y+k=0
Show that P(BC) lies in the interval 0.21,0.46 II. Answer any Three of the following Questions : 3x5=15
6. A problem in Calculus is given to two students A and B whose chances of solving 6. Find the equation of the circle which passes through the point (0, -3) and
intersects the circles given by the equations x2+y2-6x+3y+5=0 and x2+y2-x-7y=0
1 1 orthogonally.
it are 3 4 respectively. Find the probability of the problem being 7. Find the equation of the circle which intersects the circle x2+y2-6x+4y-3=0
orthogonally and passes through the point (3, 0) and touches Y- axis. orthogonally and passes through the point (3, 0) and touches Y- axis.
8. If the two circles x2+y2+2gx+2fy=0 and x2+y2+2gx+2f y=0 touch each other then 8. If the two circles x2+y2+2gx+2fy=0 and x2+y2+2gx+2f y=0 touch each other then
show that f g = fg . show that f g = fg .
9. Find the equation of the circle which cuts the circles x2+y2+4x-7=0, 9. Find the equation of the circle which cuts the circles x2+y2+4x-7=0,
2x2+2y2+3x+5y-9=0, x2+y2+y=0 orthogonally. 2x2+2y2+3x+5y-9=0, x2+y2+y=0 orthogonally.


SUB : MathS -IIB WEEKLY TEST DATE : 04.09.18 SUB : MathS -IIB WEEKLY TEST DATE :31.10.18
SEC : VIP-B & VEP- 2 Marks:25 SEC :SR.VIP-A Marks:25
I. Answer the following Questions : 5x2=10 I. Answer the following Questions : 5x5=25
1. Find the angle between the circles x2+y2+6x-10y-135=0, x2+y2-4x+14y-116=0 1.(a) Find the equations of the tangent and normal to the parabola y2 = 6x
3 at the positive end of the latus rectum.
(b) Show that the line 2x – y + 2 = 0 is a tangent to the parabola y2 = 16x.
2. Show that the angle between the circles x2+y2 = a2, x2+y2 = ax +ay is 4 Find the point of contact also.
3. Find the equation of the radical axis of the circles. 2. Find the equations of tangents to the parabola y2 = 16x.which are parallel and
x2+y2-2x-4y-1=0, x2+y2-4x-6y+5=0 perpendicular respectively to the line 2x-y+5=0, also find the coordinates of their
4. Find the equation of the common chord of the pair of circles points of contact.
x2+y2+2x+3y+1=0, x2+y2+4x+3y+2=0 3. Show that the equation of common tangents to the circle x2+y2=2a2 and the parabola
5. Find k if the following pairs of circles are orthogonal y2 = 8ax are y= (x+2a).
x2+y2-5x-14y-34=0, x2+y2+2x+4y+k=0 4. Show that the locus of point of intersection of perpendicular tangents to the parabola
II. Answer any Three of the following Questions : 3x5=15 y2 = 4ax is the directrix x+a=0.
6. Find the equation of the circle which passes through the point (0, -3) and 5. The normal at a point t1 on y2 = 4ax meets the parabola again in the point t2. Then
intersects the circles given by the equations x2+y2-6x+3y+5=0 and x2+y2-x-7y=0 prove that t1 t2+ t2 1 +2=0.
orthogonally. 6. From an external point P tangents are drawn to the parabola y2 = 4ax and these
7. Find the equation of the circle which intersects the circle x2+y2-6x+4y-3=0 tangents make angles 1 , 2 with its axis, such that cot 1 + cot 2 is a constant ‘d’.
orthogonally and passes through the point (3, 0) and touches Y- axis. then show that all such P lie on a horizontal line.
8. If the two circles x2+y2+2gx+2fy=0 and x2+y2+2gx+2f y=0 touch each other then
show that f g = fg .
9. Find the equation of the circle which cuts the circles x2+y2+4x-7=0,
2x2+2y2+3x+5y-9=0, x2+y2+y=0 orthogonally. VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE : : CHITTOOR
SEC :SR.VIP-A Marks:25
VIJAYAM JUNIOR COLLEGE : : CHITTOOR I. Answer the following Questions : 5x5=25
SUB : MathS -IIB WEEKLY TEST DATE : 04.09.18 1.(a) Find the equations of the tangent and normal to the parabola y2 = 6x
SEC : VIP-B & VEP- 2 Marks:25 at the positive end of the latus rectum.
I. Answer the following Questions : 5x2=10 (b) Show that the line 2x – y + 2 = 0 is a tangent to the parabola y2 = 16x.
1. Find the angle between the circles x2+y2+6x-10y-135=0, x2+y2-4x+14y-116=0 Find the point of contact also.
3 2. Find the equations of tangents to the parabola y2 = 16x.which are parallel and
perpendicular respectively to the line 2x-y+5=0, also find the coordinates of their
2. Show that the angle between the circles x2+y2 = a2, x2+y2 = ax +ay is 4 points of contact.
3. Find the equation of the radical axis of the circles. 3. Show that the equation of common tangents to the circle x2+y2=2a2 and the parabola
x2+y2-2x-4y-1=0, x2+y2-4x-6y+5=0 y2 = 8ax are y= (x+2a).
4. Find the equation of the common chord of the pair of circles 4. Show that the locus of point of intersection of perpendicular tangents to the parabola
x2+y2+2x+3y+1=0, x2+y2+4x+3y+2=0 y2 = 4ax is the directrix x+a=0.
5. Find k if the following pairs of circles are orthogonal 5. The normal at a point t1 on y2 = 4ax meets the parabola again in the point t2. Then
x2+y2-5x-14y-34=0, x2+y2+2x+4y+k=0 prove that t1 t2+ t2 1 +2=0.
II. Answer any Three of the following Questions : 3x5=15 6. From an external point P tangents are drawn to the parabola y2 = 4ax and these
6. Find the equation of the circle which passes through the point (0, -3) and tangents make angles 1 , 2 with its axis, such that cot 1 + cot 2 is a constant ‘d’.
intersects the circles given by the equations x2+y2-6x+3y+5=0 and x2+y2-x-7y=0 then show that all such P lie on a horizontal line.
7. Find the equation of the circle which intersects the circle x2+y2-6x+4y-3=0
SUB:PHYSICS-II Monthly Test DATE : 05.11.18
I Answer all of the following Questions : 10x2=20
SEC :SR.VIP-A Marks:25 1. Define Modulation. Why it is necessary?
I. Answer the following Questions : 5x5=25 2. Mention the basic methods of modulation.
1.(a) Find the equations of the tangent and normal to the parabola y2 = 6x 3. Define power of a convex lens. What is its unit?
at the positive end of the latus rectum. 4. What is myopia? How can it be corrected?
(b) Show that the line 2x – y + 2 = 0 is a tangent to the parabola y2 = 16x. 5. What is dispersion? Which colour gets relatively more dispersed?
Find the point of contact also. 6. Draw the circuit symbols for p – n – p and n – p – n transistors.
2. Find the equations of tangents to the parabola y2 = 16x.which are parallel and 7. How is a battery connected to a junction diode in i) forward and ii) reverse bias?
perpendicular respectively to the line 2x-y+5=0, also find the coordinates of their 8. Distinguish between ammeter and voltmeter.
points of contact. 9. What is the importance of Oerested’s experiment?
3. Show that the equation of common tangents to the circle x2+y2=2a2 and the parabola 10. A wire of resistance 4R is bent in the form of a circle. What is the effective
y2 = 8ax are y= (x+2a). resistance between the ends of the diameter?
4. Show that the locus of point of intersection of perpendicular tangents to the II. Answer any Six of the following : 6x4=24
parabola y2 = 4ax is the directrix x+a=0. 11.Derive the relation between radius of curvature(R ) and focal length(f) of a
5. The normal at a point t1 on y2 = 4ax meets the parabola again in the point t2. Then concave mirror.
prove that t1 t2+ t2 1 +2=0. 12.Explain the formation of mirage.
6. From an external point P tangents are drawn to the parabola y2 = 4ax and these 13. What is rectifier? Explain the working of full wave rectifier.
tangents make angles 1 , 2 with its axis, such that cot 1 + cot 2 is a constant ‘d’. 14. Define NAND and NOR gates. Give their truth tables.
then show that all such P lie on a horizontal line. Contd….2…..


SEC :SR.VIP-A Marks:25
I. Answer the following Questions : 5x5=25 15. Write a short note on discovery of neutron.
1.(a) Find the equations of the tangent and normal to the parabola y2 = 6x 16. Explain the a) Carbon-Nitrogen cycle and b) Proton-Proton cycle occurring in stars.
at the positive end of the latus rectum. 17. State the working principle of potentiometer. Explain with the help of circuit diagram
(b) Show that the line 2x – y + 2 = 0 is a tangent to the parabola y2 = 16x. how the emf of two primary cells are compared by using the potentiometer.
Find the point of contact also. 18.State Kirchhoffs law for an electrical network. Using these laws deduce the condition
2. Find the equations of tangents to the parabola y2 = 16x.which are parallel and for balance in a wheatstone bridge.
perpendicular respectively to the line 2x-y+5=0, also find the coordinates of their III. Answer any Two of the following : 2x8=16
points of contact. 19.(a) What is Doppler effect? Find an expression for the apparent frequency
3. Show that the equation of common tangents to the circle x2+y2=2a2 and the parabola heard when the source is in motion and the listener is at rest.
y2 = 8ax are y= (x+2a). (b) A Closed organ pipe 70cm long is sounded. If the velocity of sound is 331 m/s.
4. Show that the locus of point of intersection of perpendicular tangents to the What is the fundamental frequency of vibration of the air column.
parabola y2 = 4ax is the directrix x+a=0. 20. (a) What is the force on a charged particle of a charge strength (q) moving with
5. The normal at a point t1 on y2 = 4ax meets the parabola again in the point t2. Then velocity (v) in a uniform magnetic field of induction (B) ? When is it
prove that t1 t2+ t2 1 +2=0. maximum?
6. From an external point P tangents are drawn to the parabola y2 = 4ax and these (b) A potentiometer wire of 5m long and potential difference of 6V maintained
tangents make angles 1 , 2 with its axis, such that cot 1 + cot 2 is a constant ‘d’. between 2 ends. Find the emf of a coil which balances against a length
then show that all such P lie on a horizontal line. of 180cm of the potentiometer wire.
21. (a) Explain the principle and working of a nuclear reactor with help of a
labelled diagram?
58 58
(b) The half life of C0 is 72 days. Calculate its average life. (b) The half life of C0 is 72 days. Calculate its average life.


SUB:PHYSICS-II Monthly Test DATE : 05.11.18 SEC : Sr: CEC Marks: 50
SEC : Senior MPC & BiPC Marks: 60 I. Answer the following question 1x10=10
I Answer all of the following Questions : 10x2=20
1. From the following receipts and payments A/c of a Trust.
1. Define Modulation. Why it is necessary?
2. Mention the basic methods of modulation. Prepare Income and expenditure account for the year
3. Define power of a convex lens. What is its unit? ended 31-12-2011.
4. What is myopia? How can it be corrected? Dr Receipts Amount Payments Amount Cr
5. What is dispersion? Which colour gets relatively more dispersed? To Donations 25,000 By Rent takes 1,300
6. Draw the circuit symbols for p – n – p and n – p – n transistors. To Membership fee 1,500 By Stationery 1,200
7. How is a battery connected to a junction diode in i) forward and ii) reverse bias?
8. Distinguish between ammeter and voltmeter. To Entrance fee 2,400 By Scholarships 2,000
9. What is the importance of Oerested’s experiment? To Subscriptions By Salaries 3,000
10. A wire of resistance 4R is bent in the form of a circle. What is the effective 2010 1,400 By News papers 900
resistance between the ends of the diameter? 2011 7,500 By Govt Bonds 14,000
II. Answer any Six of the following : 6x4=24 2012 1,000 By Books 16,000
11.Derive the relation between radius of curvature(R ) and focal length(f)
of a concave mirror. To sale of furniture 650 By Sports equipment 7,850
12.Explain the formation of mirage. (value Rs.1000)
13. What is rectifier? Explain the working of full wave rectifier. To Interest 800
14. Define NAND and NOR gates. Give their truth tables. 40,250 40,250
Contd….2….. Adjustments:
1.Subscription receivable for the year 2011 Rs. 2500
2. Prepaid rent 300 3. outstanding stationery 150
4. capitalize donations 5. Half of the entrance fee capitalized
6. Interest receivable Rs.200
15. Write a short note on discovery of neutron. 2. From the following Receipts and payments account of Kadapa city
16. Explain the a) Carbon-Nitrogen cycle and b) Proton-Proton cycle club. Prepare income and expenditure account as on 31-12-2014.
occurring in stars.
17. State the working principle of potentiometer. Explain with the
help of circuit diagram how the emf of two primary cells are compared 1. Subscription received included Rs. 1200 for the year 2013,
by using the potentiometer. and Rs. 2400 for the year 2015
18.State Kirchhoffs law for an electrical network. Using these laws deduce the 2. Subscription due for the year 2014 Rs 1800
condition for balance in a wheatstone bridge. 3. Printing payable for Rs 240.
III. Answer any Two of the following : 2x8=16
19.(a) What is Doppler effect? Find an expression for the apparent frequency
4. Salaries payable for the year 2014 for Rs 3600
heard when the source is in motion and the listener is at rest. 3 Dr Receipts Amount Payments Amount Cr
(b) A Closed organ pipe 70cm long is sounded. If the velocity of sound is 331 m/s. To Balance
What is the fundamental frequency of vibration of the air column. Cash 1800
20. (a) What is the force on a charged particle of a charge strength (q) moving with Bank 5400
velocity (v) in a uniform magnetic field of induction (B) ? When is it
To Subscription 38,400
(b) A potentiometer wire of 5m long and potential difference of 6V maintained To Interest on
between 2 ends. Find the emf of a coil which balances against a length of
180cm of the potentiometer wire.
21. (a) Explain the principle and working of a nuclear reactor with help of a
labelled diagram?
Senior Sanskrit Paper –II TERMINAL EXAM Marks:100

1.एकस्य श्लोकस्य प्रतिपदार्थं भावना लिखते। 1x8=8

तक्षकस्य विषं दन्ते मक्षिकायास्तु मस्तके।

ृ कस्य विषं पच्
ु छे सर्वाङ्गे दर्ज
ु ने विषम ्।।

3 Mr.Ramesh commenced business on 1st April 2013 with a capital दातत्ृ वं प्रियवत्तत्ृ वं धीरत्वमचि
ु तज्ञता।
of Rs 35000 on 31 March 2014 his position was as follows
अभ्यासेन न लभ्यन्ते चत्वारःसहजा गण
ु ाः।।
Furniture Rs 2000, Cash in hand Rs 10000, Machinery Rs 18000
Creditors Rs 5000, Debtors Rs 20000, Bills Payable 3000 2. अ, रावणाय विभीषणेन कृतमप
ु तेशं लिखते।
During the year he with drew Rs 12,000 for his personal use and 1x6=6
introduced additional capital Rs 6000. Prepare statement of affairs and
statement of profit or loss. अ,धर्मनिष्ठा इति पाठ्यांशस्य सारांश संक्षेपेण लिखते।
5. Explain the categories of share capital 3. अ, विक्रमस्य औदार्यमिति पाठ्यभागस्य सारांश लिखत।
6. Answer any five questions from the following 2x5=10
1. Preference shares 2. Entrance fee 3. Legacies 1x6=6
4 Capital expenditure 5. Demerits of single entry system अ, वेड्क़टरावस्य स्वभावं संग्रहे ण लिखत।
6 statement of affairs 7. Single entry system 8.shares issued at premium
8 shares issued at premium 4. त्रयाणां प्रश्नानां समाधानों लिखत। 3x2=6
अ, कर्णभारं केन विरचितम?्
अ, भग
ृ ुवंशकेतुःकः?
सः, नप
ृ श्रियः कीदृशाः?
5. द्वयोःससन्दर्भं व्याख्यानं लिखत। 2x3=6
अ, वदे त ् क्षमं स्वामिहितं सं मन्त्री।
अ, अप्रियस्य च पथ्यस्य शत्रत
ु ा श्रोता च दर्ल
ु भः।
इ, दिलीपेन सेव्यमानं नन्दिनी धेनुं कःचकर्ष।
ई,धर्मनिष्ठा इति पाठ्यांशःकस्मात ् संगह
ृ ीतः।
6.द्वयोःससन्दर्भं व्याख्यानं लिखत। 2x3=6
ु ण े कुलं नप
ृ ेण वसुधा लोकत्रयं भानुना।
आ,यःकृतमुपकारं विस्मरति स एव पुरुषाधमः।
इ, वैद्योऽपि मानवः एव।
ई, विवाहो नाम वणिग्व्यवहार एव।
7, त्रयाणां लघस
ु माधान प्रश्नानि लिखत।
3x2=6 अस्ति कस्मिंश्चित ् पर्वतैकदे शे महान ् वक्ष
ृ ः।तत्र च सिन्धुकनामा कोऽपि पक्षी
अ, सीता कीदृशी ? प्रतिवसतिस्म। तस्य परु ीषे सव
ु र्णमत्ु पध्यते।अथ कदाचित ् तमद्दि
ु श्य व्याधः
आ, नराःक इव रणे सीदन्ति । कोऽपि समाययौ।स च पक्षी तदग्रत एवं परीषमत्ु ससर्ज।अथ पतनसमकालमेव
इ, दिलीपेन सेव्यमानं नन्दिनीधेनुं कः चकर्ष ? तत्सव
ु र्णीभत
ू ं दृष्ट्वा धर्मांधों विस्मयमगमत ्।अहो-मम शिशक
ु ालादारभ्य शकुनि-
बन्ध-व्यसनिनाऽशीति-वर्षाणि समभव
ू न ्। न च कदाचित्पक्षिपरु ीषे सव
ु र्णं दृष्टम ् 
इति विचिन्त्य तत्र वक्ष
ृ प े ाशं बबन्ध।

ई, धर्मनिष्ठा इति पाठ्यांशः कस्मात ् संगहृ ीतः?

उ, सर्वेन्द्रियाणाम ् प्रधानं किम ् ?
ऊ, पथि
ृ व्यां त्रीणि रत्नानि कानि ?
ृ े प्रतिवसतः पक्षिणो नाम किम?्
8, त्रयाणां लघस
ु माधान प्रश्नानि लिखत। 3x2=6
2,कस्मिन ् सव
ु र्णमत्ु पध्यते ?
अ, मन्दविषो नाम सर्पः कुत्र वसति ?
ु श्य कः समाययौ ?
आ,हितोपदे शे कति भागाः सन्ति?ते च के ?
4,सः पक्षी कुत्र परीषमत्ु ससर्ज ?
इ, ब्राह्मणः पत्र
ु प्रा प्त्यर्थः कीदृशं व्रतमाचरितवान ् ?
5,व्याधः वक्ष
ृ े को बबन्ध ?
ई, विक्रमेण पष्ृ टःभत्ृ यःकिमत्ु तरमदात ् ?
12, नामनिर्देशपर्व
ू कं त्रीणि सन्धत्त। 3x2=6
उ, वेड्कटरावस्य पिता कः ?
1, ,हरिः+गच्छति  2, रामः+अपि 3, षट्+मुखः
ऊ, मञ्जुहासिनी का ?
4 अच+् अन्तः 5, तत ् +टीका 6,शरत+् चन्द्रः।
9, एकेन वाक्येन समाधानं दत्त। 5x1=5
13, नामनिर्देशपूर्वकं त्रीणि विघटयत। 3x2=6
अ, रणे रामेण कः हतः ?
1, पितरि
ु च्छा 2, कोऽपि  3, जगन्नाथः
आ,केषां फलानि अमेयानि ?
4, तदपि  5, पेष्ठा  6, सज्जनः।
इ, दिलीपस्य धर्मपत्नी का ?
14, द्वयोः शब्दयोः सर्वविभक्तिरूपाणि लिखत। 2x6=12
ई, मुनिहोमधेनुः का ?
1, वणिक्   2, भवत ्  3, सरित ्  4, सम्पद्
उ, सर्वत्र का पूज्यते ?
15, त्रयाणां समासानि विग्रह वाक्यानि लिखत। 3x2=6
10, एकेन वाक्येन समाधानं दत्त। 5x1=5
1, त्रिभुववनम ्   2, सप्तर्षयः  3, रामलक्षणौ
अ, कौण्डिन्यस्य पत्र
ु ः कः ?
4, शिवकेशवौ  5, यथाशक्ति।  6,शाकप्रति ।
आ,मण्डूकनाथः कः ?
16,अधोनिर्दष्टपट्टिकामाधारीकृत्य पञ्चसाधुवाक्यानि लिखत ।
इ, दे वदत्तः राजानं कुत्र अनीनयत ् ?
शिवः        फलं       खादामि 5x1=5
ई, विक्रमार्जित केन विरचितम ् ?
सः           पाठं         पठसि
उ, वेङ्कटरावस्य पत्नी का ?
अहं           चित्रं       पश्यति
11, अधोनिर्दिष्टं कथां पठित्वा प्रश्नानां समाधानानि दत्त। 5x1=5
त्वं            दे वं         पिबति
गीता         क्षीरं         पूजयति ।


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