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7/5/2020 On estimates of solutions to systems of differential equations of neutral type with periodic coefficients

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All Russian mathematical portal

GV Demidenko, II Matveeva, On estimates of solutions to systems of differential

equations of neutral type with periodic coefficients, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 2014,
Volume 55, Number 5, 1059-1077

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7/5/2020 On estimates of solutions to systems of differential equations of neutral type with periodic coefficients

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Siberian Mathematical Journal

September October, 2014. Volume 55, No. 5

UDC 517.929.4

G.V. Demidenko, I.I. Matveeva

Annotation. Systems of differential equations of neutral

type with periodic coefficients. The conditions of exponential
general stability of the zero solution. New estimates are obtained that characterize
the decay rate of solutions at infinity.

Key words: differential equation with retarded argument,

periodic coefficients, exponential stability, A
Punov Krasovsky, evaluation decisions.

Dedicated to Yu. G. Reshetnyak 2/24
7/5/2020 On estimates of solutions to systems of differential equations of neutral type with periodic coefficients

1. Introduction

The paper considers systems of differential equations with

a argument of the following form:

dt (y (t) + Dy (t - τ)) = A (t) y (t) + B (t) y (t - τ), t> 0,

where d n × n constant matrix, A (t), B (t) n × n matrix

with continuous T-periodic elements, i.e.

A (t + T) ≡ A (t), B (t + T) ≡ B (t),

τ> 0 is the delay parameter. For D \ = 0, systems of the form (1.1) are called
neutral type systems [1]. Our goal is the study of exponential
stability of solutions and obtaining estimates of solutions on the semi-axis {t> 0}, character
terizing exponential decay as t → ∞.
Currently, there are a very large number of works on the theory of stable
solutions of autonomous differential equations with delay
argument (see, for example, the bibliography in [2–4]). Unlike standalone
equations the problem of stability of solutions of non-autonomous equations less
studied. The main studies in this direction are carried out for linear

This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research
(project No. 13–01–00329) and the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (interdisciplinary
outdoor project No. 80).

c from 2014 Demidenko G.V., Matveeva I.I.

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1060 G.V. Demidenko, I.I. Matveeva

differential equations with retarded argument with periodically

mi coefficients

dty (t) = A (t) y (t) + B (t) y (t - τ), t> 0.
Fundamentals of the theory of stability of solutions of linear differential equations
with a lagging argument with periodic coefficients are embedded in
[5-10]. The main approach in these studies is the development of theory
Floquet and the use of the monodromy operator. This approach also applies.
in studying the stability of solutions of linear differential equations
with a delayed argument of a neutral type with periodic coefficients
cients (1.1). Further development of Floquet theory for systems of equations with 3/24
7/5/2020 On estimates of solutions to systems of differential equations of neutral type with periodic coefficients
a delayed argument is stated, for example, in [11–13].
In addition to the indicated approach to the problem of stability of solutions of systems of
yes (1.1), (1.2) are developed in the literature: the method of generating functions (see,
for example, [14, 15]), the method of monotone operators (see, for example, [16, 17]),
the method of Lyapunov Krasovsky functionals (see, for example, [18,19]). Note
that the latter method is also used in the study of the asymptotic stability
sustainability of solutions of some classes of non-autonomous linear systems [20–22].
It should be noted that in practice it is often difficult to verify the substance of
conditions for the asymptotic stability of solutions of non-autonomous systems
differential equations with retarded argument. Difficulties
also disappear when obtaining asymptotic estimates of solutions as t → ∞
and in the development of algorithms for the numerical study of asymptotic
stability of solutions of systems (1.1), (1.2).
In order to cope with these difficulties, the authors of [23, 24] proposed
to use when studying the asymptotic stability of solutions of the system
(1.2) the modified Lyapunov functional of Krasovsky following
v (t, y) = (H (t) y (t), y (t)) + (K (t - s) y (s), y (s)) ds, (1.3)
H (t) = H ∗ (t) ∈ C 1 [0, T], H (t) = H (t + T)> 0, (1.4)
K (s) = K ∗ (s) ∈ C 1 [0, τ], K (s)> 0, (1.5)
dsK (s) <0, s ∈ [0, τ].
In the case where the T-periodic matrix A (t) is such that the zero solution
systems of ordinary differential equations

x = A (t) x, t> 0,
asymptotically stable; functional (1.3) can be easily constructed using
asymptotic stability criterion from the authors [25]. Valid-
but, according to this criterion, the following boundary-value problem for differential
Lyapunov equation
H + HA (t) + A ∗ (t) H = −Q (t), t ∈ [0, T],
H (0) = H (T)> 0,

uniquely solvable for any continuous matrix Q (t). Moreover, if

Q (t) = Q ∗ (t)> 0, then H (t) = H ∗ (t)> 0 on the whole interval [0, T]. Continue

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matrix H (t) in a T-periodic manner on the entire semi-axis {t> 0} and we will use it
use in functional (1.3), since conditions (1.4) are satisfied. Then in
by virtue of [23, 24], the solutions of system (1.2) are asymptotically stable if
is a matrix K (s) satisfying conditions (1.5) and such that it is positive
composite matrix defined

−Q (t) + K (0) H (t) B (t)

C (t) = - ( > 0, t ∈ [0, T]. (1.7)
B ∗ (t) H (t) −K (τ))

Note that this is equivalent to the inequality

K (0) + H (t) B (t) (K (τ)) −1 B ∗ (t) H (t) <Q (t), t ∈ [0, T].

Obviously, for a wide class of T-periodic matrices B (t), the matrix K (s)
can be searched in the form

K (s) = α (s) K 0 , K 0 = K ∗ 0 > 0, where α (s)> 0, α ′ (s) <0, s ∈ [0, τ].

We can take, for example, α (s) = α 1 e −α 2 s , α 1 , α 2 > 0.

If condition (1.7) is satisfied using functional (1.3) for the first time,
estimates were obtained for the solutions of the initial problem
dt y (t) = A (t) y (t) + B (t) y (t - τ), t> 0,
y (t) = ϕ (t), t ∈ [−τ, 0], ϕ (t) ∈ C ([- τ, 0]), y (+0) = ϕ (0),
of the following form:

∫ 0t ε (ξ) dξ v (0, ϕ),

ǁY (t) ǁ 2 ≤ h −1 (1.8)
min (t) exp −

c min (t)
ε (t) = min {
ǁH (t) ǁ, k},
h min (t)> 0 and c min (t)> 0 are the minimum eigenvalues of the matrices H (t) and
C (t), respectively, k> 0 is the maximum number such that

dsK (s) + kK (s) ≤ 0, s ∈ [0, τ].
This estimate implies the exponential stability of the solutions of system (1.2).
Note that estimate (1.8) is an analogue of the Kerin inequality [26] for
solutions of systems of ordinary differential equations with constants
Using functional (1.3) also allowed us to study the asymptotic
stability of the zero solution of nonlinear differential systems

dty (t) = A (t) y (t) + B (t) y (t - τ) + F (t, y (t), y (t - τ)), t> 0.
In particular, estimates were obtained that characterize the exponential
the stabilization rate of solutions at infinity, attraction sets are described
zero solution (see, for example, [23, 24, 27]).
To study the stability of solutions of linear systems of neutral type
with constant coefficients

dt (y (t) + Dy (t - τ)) = Ay (t) + By (t - τ), t> 0, 5/24
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1062 G.V. Demidenko, I.I. Matveeva

in the work of the first author [28], it was proposed to use a generalization of the functional
Lyapunov Krasovsky in the following form:

∫ t

(H (y (t) + Dy (t - τ)), (y (t) + Dy (t - τ))) + (K (t - s) y (s), y (s)) ds, (1.10)


where H = H ∗ > 0, K (s) = K ∗ (s)> 0. Using this functional

in the case ǁDǁ <1, the conditions of asymptotic stability and estimates are obtained
solutions of system (1.9), which are analogues of the Kerin estimate [26]. Of these
estimates it follows that all solutions decrease at an exponential rate, when
In this case, the decrease rate substantially depends on the matrix D.
Note that estimates are obtained without information on the roots of the quasivalence

det (A + e −λτ B - λI - λe −λτ D) = 0.

In [29], an analogue of such estimates was obtained for solutions of system (1.9) in
case when the spectrum of the matrix D lies in the unit disk {λ ∈ C: | λ | <1}.
A somewhat different type of estimation of solutions to systems of neutral type (1.9) contains
harvested in [30, 31].
Using modified Lyapunov functionals Krasovsko-
th form (1.3) and (1.10) when obtaining analogues of the Kerin inequality leads to
the idea of using functionality

∫ t

V (t, y) = (H (t) (y (t) + Dy (t - τ)), (y (t) + Dy (t - τ))) + (K (t - s) y (s), y (s)) ds

to study the stability of solutions of systems of differential equations
neutral type with periodic coefficients (1.1). In this ra-
bot, based on the previous results and using the functional (1.11), we
We study the exponential stability of the solutions of system (1.1). The main
the results are stated in § 2. In Theorem 1 we indicate the conditions of exponential
the social stability of the zero solution (1.1). In Theorems 2–4, we establish
estimates characterizing the rate of exponential decay of solutions for
t → ∞.

2. The main results

We assume that all eigenvalues of the matrix D belong to

are pressed to the unit disk {λ ∈ C: | λ | <1}.

Theorem 1. Suppose that there exist matrices

H (t) = H ∗ (t) ∈ C 1 [0, T], K (s) = K ∗ (s) ∈ C 1 [0, τ]

such that

H (0) = H (T)> 0, K (s)> 0, 6/24
7/5/2020 On estimates of solutions to systems of differential equations of neutral type with periodic coefficients
dsK (s) <0, s ∈ [0, τ].
If the matrix
C 11 (t) C 12 (t)
C (t) = ( ,
C ∗ 12 (t) C 22 (t))

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On estimates of solutions of systems of differential equations 1063

C 11 (t) = -
dtH (t) - H (t) A (t) - A ∗ (t) H (t) - K (0),
C 12 (t) = -
dtH (t) D - H (t) B (t) - A ∗ (t) H (t) D,
C 22 (t) = −D ∗
dtH (t) D - D ∗ H (t) B (t) - B ∗ (t) H (t) D + K (τ),
positive definite for t ∈ [0, T], then the zero solution to system (1.1) is ex-
potentially stable.
Consider the initial problem for system (1.1):

dt (y (t) + Dy (t - τ)) = A (t) y (t) + B (t) y (t - τ), t> 0, (2.1)
y (t) = ϕ (t), t ∈ [−τ, 0], y (+0) = ϕ (0),

where ϕ (t) ∈ C 1 [−τ, 0] is a given vector function. We will look for a solution in the class
functions y (t) ∈ C [−τ, ∞) such that y (t) ∈ C 1 [(k - 1) τ, kτ], k = 0, 1, 2, ....
It is well known that the solution of the initial problem (2.1) in this class of functions
exists and is unique.
Under the assumption that the conditions of Theorem 1 are satisfied, we establish below
estimates of the solutions of the initial problem (2.1), characterizing the speed of the exponential
decrease as t → ∞.
To state the results, we introduce a number of notation. If the matrix
H (t) satisfies the conditions of Theorem 1, then

H (t) + H (t) A (t) + A ∗ (t) H (t) <−K (0),
i.e., H (t) is a solution to a boundary value problem of the form (1.6). Then, as noted
In the introduction, it follows from the results of the authors of [25] that H (t)> 0 on
the whole segment [0, T]. We extend this matrix in a T-periodic manner to the whole
axis {t ≥ 0}, keeping the same notation. Using this matrix H (t) and
matrix K (s) satisfying the conditions of Theorem 1, we consider the functional
(1.11) and define

∫ 0 7/24
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V (0, ϕ) = (H (0) (ϕ (0) + Dϕ (−τ)), (ϕ (0) + Dϕ (−τ))) + (K (−s) ϕ (s), ϕ (s)) ds.

P (t) = -
dtH (t) - H (t) A (t) - A ∗ (t) H (t) - K (0)
- (H (t) A (t) D + K (0) D - H (t) B (t)) [K (τ) - D ∗ K (0) D] −1
× (H (t) A (t) D + K (0) D - H (t) B (t)) ∗ .

As will be shown in §3, the T-periodic matrix P (t) is positive definite

divided. Denote the minimum eigenvalue of the matrix P (t) by
p min (t)> 0, the minimum eigenvalue of the matrix H (t) through h min (t)>
0. Let k> 0 be a maximum number such that

dsK (s) + kK (s) ≤ 0, s ∈ [0, τ].

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1064 G.V. Demidenko, I.I. Matveeva

γ (t) = min {p min (t), kǁH (t) ǁ}, (2.4)

= max ǁΦ (t) ǁ, α = max , (2.5)

t∈ [−τ, 0]
t∈ [0, T] √V (0,hϕ)
min (t)

γ (t)
β (t) = , β + = max β (t), β - = min β (t). (2.6)
2ǁH (t) ǁ t∈ [0, T] t∈ [0, T]

We pass to the statement of the statements. By analogy with the argument,

carried out in [28], we distinguish three cases. Since the spectrum of the matrix D for
belongs to the unit disk {λ ∈ C: | λ | <1}, then ǁD j ǁ → 0 as j → ∞. Let be
l minimal natural number such that ǁD l ǁ <1. Depending on
quantities ǁD l ǁ below in Theorems 2–4 we establish estimates of solutions if

ǁD l ǁ <e −lβ + τ , e −lβ + τ ≤ ǁD l ǁ ≤ e −lβ - τ , e −lβ - τ <ǁD l ǁ <1

respectively, where β + and β - are defined in (2.6).

Theorem 2. Suppose that there exist matrices H (t) and K (s) satisfying
creating the conditions of Theorem 1. Let

ǁD l ǁ <e −lβ + τ . (2.7) 8/24
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Then, to solve the initial problem (2.1), we have the estimate


ǁY (t) ǁ ≤ [α (1 - ǁD l ǁe lβ + τ ) −1 ǁD j ǁe jβ + τ

∫ t0
- β (ξ) dξ
+ max {ǁDǁe β + τ , ..., ǁD l ǁe lβ + τ }] e , t> 0, (2.8)

where α, β (t), β + , defined in (2.5), (2.6).

Theorem 3. Suppose that there exist matrices H (t) and K (s) satisfying
creating the conditions of Theorem 1. Let

e −lβ + τ ≤ ǁ D l ǁ ≤ e −lβ - τ .

Then, to solve the initial problem (2.1), we have the estimate

t ∑
ǁY (t) ǁ ≤ [α (1 + ǁD j ǁe jβ + τ

∫ t0
- ˜β (ξ) dξ

+ max {1, ǁDǁe β + τ , ..., ǁD l − 1 ǁe (l − 1) β + τ }] e , t> 0, (2.9)

where α, β (t), β + , β - , defined in (2.5), (2.6),

˜β (t) = min {β (t), - (2.10)
lτln ǁD l ǁ}.

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On estimates of solutions of systems of differential equations 1065

Theorem 4. Suppose that there exist matrices H (t) and K (s) satisfying
creating the conditions of Theorem 1. Let

e −lβ - τ <ǁD l ǁ <1. (2.11)

Then, to solve the initial problem (2.1), we have the estimate


ǁY (t) ǁ ≤ [αǁD l ǁe lβ - τ (ǁD l ǁe lβ - τ - 1) −1 ǁD j ǁe jβ - τ
j=0 9/24
7/5/2020 On estimates of solutions to systems of differential equations of neutral type with periodic coefficients

+ ǁD l ǁ
l −1 max {1, ǁDǁ, ..., ǁD l − 1 ǁ}] exp (
lτln ǁD l ǁ), t> 0, (2.12)

where α, β - , defined in (2.5), (2.6).

In § 3 we first prove Theorems 2–4. It follows directly from them

statement of Theorem 1.

3. Proof of the main results

First, we prove several auxiliary lemmas that will be used.

when proving the main statements.

Lemma 1. Let
Q 11 (t) Q 12 (t)
Q (t) = (
Q 21 (t) Q 22 (t))
Hermitian matrix of size 2n × 2n with continuous elements, positive
but defined for t ∈ [0, T]. Then the identity holds
〈Q (t) (z 1
〈[S 11 (t) - S 12 (t) S −1
z 2 ), (z 1 z 2 )〉 ≡ 22 (t) S 21 (t)] (z 1 + Dz 2 ), (z 1 + Dz 2 )〉

+ 〈S 22 (t) (S −1
22 (t) S 21 (t) (z 1 + Dz 2 ) + z 2 ), (S −1 22 (t) S 21 (t) (z 1 + Dz 2 ) + z 2 )〉, z 1 , z 2 ∈ C n ,

where d an arbitrary constant matrix of size n × n,

S 11 (t) = Q 11 (t), S 12 (t) = Q 12 (t) - Q 11 (t) D,

S 21 (t) = Q 21 (t) - D ∗ Q 11 (t), S 22 (t) = Q 22 (t) + D ∗ Q 11 (t) D - Q 21 (t) D - D ∗ Q 12 (t),

moreover, the matrices S 11 (t) - S 12 (t) S −1

22 (t) S 21 (t), S 22 (t) are positive definite
for t ∈ [0, T].

Evidence. Obviously
(z 1 + Dz 2 ) = (ID
z2 0 I) ( z 2 ).

From here
〈Q (t) (z 1 ), (z 1 + Dz 2 )〉
0 I −D z 1 + Dz 2
z 2 ), (z 1 z 2 )〉 ≡ 〈(I −D ∗ I) Q (t) ( 0 I) ( z2 z2
), (z 1 + Dz 2 )〉, (3.2)
z 1 + Dz 2
≡ 〈S (t) (
z2 z2

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1066 G.V. Demidenko, I.I. Matveeva


S 11 (t) S 12 (t)
S (t) = ( , S 11 (t) = Q 11 (t), S 12 (t) = Q 12 (t) - Q 11 (t) D,
S 21 (t) S 22 (t))

S 21 (t) = Q 21 (t) - D ∗ Q 11 (t), S 22 (t) = Q 22 (t) + D ∗ Q 11 (t) D - Q 21 (t) D - D ∗ Q 12 (t).

Obviously, the matrix S (t) is positive definite for t ∈ [0, T] if and only
then when the matrix Q (t) is positive definite for t ∈ [0, T]. Not difficult
verify that
IS 12 (t) S −1
S (t) ≡ ( 22 (t)
0 I

S 11 (t) - S 12 (t) S −1 0 I 0
×( 22 (t) S 21 (t) .
0 S 22 (t)) ( S −1
22 (t) S 21 (t) I)
Therefore, the matrix S (t) is positive definite for t ∈ [0, T] then and
only when the matrices S 11 (t) - S 12 (t) S −1
22 (t) S 21 (t), S 22 (t) is positive
are defined for t ∈ [0, T]. By the transformations performed above, we have
〈S (t) (z 1 + Dz 2 ), (z 1 + Dz 2 )〉

z2 z2
≡ 〈[S 11 (t) - S 12 (t) S −1
22 (t) S 21 (t)] (z 1 + Dz 2 ), (z 1 + Dz 2 )〉
+ 〈S 22 (t) (S −1
22 (t) S 21 (t) (z 1 + Dz 2 ) + z 2 ), (S −1 22 (t) S 21 (t) (z 1 + Dz 2 ) + z 2 )〉.
From this, by virtue of (3.2), we obtain (3.1).
Lemma 1 is proved.

In the following lemma, we derive an estimate for solving the initial problem (2.1),
which is preliminary and will be used substantially
upon receipt of the main results.

Lemma 2. Suppose that there exist matrices H (t) and K (s) satisfying
creating the conditions of Theorem 1. Then, to solve the initial problem (2.1)
an assessment takes place

∫ t

(H (t) (y (t) + Dy (t - τ)), (y (t) + Dy (t - τ))) + (K (t - s) y (s), y (s)) ds


∫ 0t
γ (ξ)
≤ V (0, ϕ) exp −
ǁH (ξ) ǁdξ , t> 0, (3.3)

where V (0, ϕ), γ (t) are defined in (2.2), (2.4), respectively.

Evidence. In the proof we follow the scheme from [23, 24, 28].
Let y (t) be a solution to the initial problem (2.1). Using the matrices H (t) and K (s),
the above, we consider the Lyapunov Krasovsky functional (1.11) on
decision. Differentiating it, we get

d d
dtV (t, y) ≡ 〈 dtH (t) (y (t) + Dy (t - τ)), (y (t) + Dy (t - τ))〉
+ (H (t) (A (t) y (t) + B (t) y (t - τ)), (y (t) + Dy (t - τ)))
+ (H (t) (y (t) + Dy (t - τ)), (A (t) y (t) + B (t) y (t - τ))) 11/24
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∫ t 〈DdtK (t - s) y (s), y (s)〉 ds.

+ (K (0) y (t), y (t)) - (K (τ) y (t - τ), y (t - τ)) +

Using the matrix C (t) defined in Theorem 1, we have

∫ t 〈DdtK (t - s) y (s), y (s)〉 ds.

d y (t) y (t)
dtV (t, y) ≡ - 〈C (t) ( y (t - τ)), ( y (t - τ))〉
By the proved Lemma 1, we can write
〈C (t) (y (t)
y (t)
y (t - τ)), ( y (t - τ))〉
≡ 〈[S 11 (t) −S 12 (t) S −1
22 S 21 (t)] (y (t) + Dy (t − τ)), (y (t) + Dy (t − τ))) + (S 22 z (t), z (t)〉,
S 11 (t) = -
dtH (t) - H (t) A (t) - A ∗ (t) H (t) - K (0),
S 12 (t) = H (t) A (t) D + K (0) D (t) - H (t) B (t), S 21 (t) = S ∗ 12 (t),

S 22 = K (τ) - D ∗ K (0) D, z (t) = S −1

22 S 21 (t) (y (t) + Dy (t - τ)) + y (t - τ).
From here we get
〈C (t) (y (t)
y (t)
y (t - τ)), ( y (t - τ))〉
≡ (P (t) (y (t) + Dy (t - τ)), (y (t) + Dy (t - τ))) + (Rz (t), z (t)),


P (t) = -
dtH (t) - H (t) A (t) - A ∗ (t) H (t) - K (0)
- (H (t) A (t) D + K (0) D - H (t) B (t)) [K (τ) - D ∗ K (0) D] −1
× (H (t) A (t) D + K (0) D - H (t) B (t)) ∗ ,

R = K (τ) - D ∗ K (0) D

positive definite matrices,

z (t) = R −1 (H (t) A (t) D + K (0) D - H (t) B (t)) ∗ (y (t) + Dy (t - τ)) + y (t - τ).

〈C (t) (y (t)
y (t)
≥ (P (t) (y (t) + Dy (t - τ)), (y (t) + Dy (t - τ)))
y (t - τ)), ( y (t - τ))〉 12/24
7/5/2020 On estimates of solutions to systems of differential equations of neutral type with periodic coefficients
≥ p min (t) ǁy (t) + Dy (t - τ) ǁ 2 ,
where p min (t)> 0 is the minimum eigenvalue of the matrix P (t). Using
matrix H (t), we have
〈C (t) (y (t)
y (t) p min (t)
≥ (H (t) (y (t) + Dy (t − τ)), (y (t) + Dy (t − τ))).
y (t - τ)), ( y (t - τ))〉 ǁH (t) ǁ

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By virtue of (3.4), we obtain

d p min (t)
(H (t) (y (t) + Dy (t - τ)), (y (t) + Dy (t - τ)))
dtV (t, y) ≤ - ǁH (t) ǁ
∫ t 〈DdtK (t - s) y (s), y (s)〉 ds.

Using condition (2.3), we have

d p min (t)
(H (t) (y (t) + Dy (t - τ)), (y (t) + Dy (t - τ)))
dtV (t, y) ≤ - ǁH (t) ǁ
∫ t

-k (K (t - s) y (s), y (s)) ds.


Then, by the definition of functional (1.11)

d γ (t)
V (t, y),
dtV (t, y) ≤ - ǁH (t) ǁ
where γ (t) = min {p min (t), kǁH (t) ǁ}. From this differential inequality follows
blowing score
∫ 0t
γ (ξ)
V (t, y) ≤ V (0, ϕ) exp −
ǁH (ξ) ǁdξ ,

which, taking into account the definition of functional (1.11), gives (3.3).
Lemma 2 is proved.

The following statement follows directly from Lemma 2.

Lemma 3. Let the conditions of Theorem 1 be satisfied. Then, to solve

of the initial problem (2.1) we have the estimate

∫ 0t
V (0, ϕ) γ (ξ)
ǁY (t) + Dy (t - τ) ǁ ≤ √ (3.5) 13/24
7/5/2020 On estimates of solutions to systems of differential equations of neutral type with periodic coefficients
h min (t) exp − 2ǁH (ξ) ǁdξ , t> 0,

where V (0, ϕ), γ (t) are defined in (2.2), (2.4), respectively, h min (t)> 0 mini-
the minimum eigenvalue of the matrix H (t).
Based on the result obtained, below we obtain estimates of the solutions
of the initial problem (2.1) on the intervals t ∈ [kτ, (k + 1) τ), k = 0, 1, ....
Lemma 4. Let the conditions of Theorem 1 be satisfied. Then, to solve
of the initial problem (2.1) on each interval t ∈ [kτ, (k + 1) τ), k = 0, 1, ..., has
place rating
t − jτ

∑k - β (ξ) dξ
ǁY (t) ǁ ≤ α ǁD j ǁe + ǁD k + 1 ǁ, (3.6)

where α, β (t), defined in (2.5), (2.6).

Evidence. Obviously, by virtue of (3.5), for t ∈ [0, τ), taking into account
of relations (2.5), (2.6) we have
∫ t0 ∫ t0
- β (ξ) dξ - β (ξ) dξ
ǁY (t) ǁ ≤ αe + ǁDy (t - τ) ǁ ≤ αe + ǁDǁ,

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On estimates of solutions of systems of differential equations 1069

which gives the required inequality (3.6) for k = 0.

Let t ∈ [τ, 2τ). By virtue of (3.5), taking into account the notation (2.5), (2.6), we have
∫ t0
- β (ξ) dξ
ǁY (t) ǁ ≤ αe + ǁDy (t - τ) ǁ
∫ t0
- β (ξ) dξ
≤ αe + ǁDy (t - τ) + D 2 y (t - 2τ) ǁ + ǁD 2 y (t - 2τ) ǁ

- β (ξ) dξ
≤ αe + ǁDǁ ǁy (t - τ) + Dy (t - 2τ) ǁ + ǁD 2 ǁ ǁy (t - 2τ) ǁ
∫ t0 ∫

- β (ξ) dξ - β (ξ) dξ
≤ αe + αǁDǁe + ǁD 2 ǁ,
which gives the required inequality (3.6) for k = 1.
Let t ∈ [kτ, (k + 1) τ). It is easy to write out a chain of inequalities
∫ t0
- β (ξ) dξ
ǁY (t) ǁ ≤ αe + ǁDy (t - τ) ǁ

- β (ξ) dξ
≤ αe + ǁDy (t - τ) + D 2 y (t - 2τ) ǁ + ǁD 2 y (t - 2τ) + D 3 y (t - 3τ) ǁ + ... 14/24
7/5/2020 On estimates of solutions to systems of differential equations of neutral type with periodic coefficients
+ ǁD k y (t - kτ) + D k + 1 y (t - (k + 1) τ) ǁ + ǁD k + 1 y (t - (k + 1) τ) ǁ
∫ t0
- β (ξ) dξ
≤ αe + ǁDǁ ǁy (t− τ) + Dy (t - 2τ) ǁ + ǁD 2 ǁ ǁy (t - 2τ) + Dy (t - 3τ) ǁ + ...

+ ǁD k ǁ ǁy (t - kτ) + Dy (t - (k + 1) τ) ǁ + ǁD k + 1 ǁ ǁy (t - (k + 1) τ) ǁ.
By virtue of (3.5), we obtain
∫ t0 ∫
t − τ0 ∫
t − 2τ0

- β (ξ) dξ - β (ξ) dξ - β (ξ) dξ

ǁY (t) ǁ ≤ αe + αǁDǁe + αǁD 2 ǁe + ...

t − kτ

- β (ξ) dξ
+ αǁD k ǁe + ǁD k + 1 ǁ,
which gives the required inequality (3.6).
Lemma 4 is proved.

We proceed directly to obtaining estimates for the solutions of the initial

problems (2.1) on the whole half-line {t> 0}.
Proof of Theorem 2. Using (3.6) to solve the initial
of problem (2.1) on each interval t ∈ [kτ, (k + 1) τ), k = 0, 1, ..., we can write
∫t ∫ t0 ∫ t0
∑k β (ξ) dξ
β (ξ) dξ ] e- β (ξ) dξ
ǁY (t) ǁ ≤ [α ǁD j ǁe
t − jτ
+ ǁD k + 1 ǁe
]e- ∫ t0
∑k β (ξ) dξ
≤ [α ǁD j ǁe jβ + τ + ǁD k + 1 ǁe (k + 1) β + τ ,

where β + is defined in (2.6). Hence, taking into account condition (2.7) on ǁD l ǁ, for the solution
of the initial problem (2.1) on the whole half-line {t> 0} we obtain the estimate
∫ t0
∑∞ - β (ξ) dξ
ǁY (t) ǁ ≤ [α ǁD j ǁe jβ + τ + max {ǁDǁe β + τ , ..., ǁD l ǁe lβ + τ }] e . (3.7)

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1070 G.V. Demidenko, I.I. Matveeva

Consider a series
j=0ǁ D j ǁe jβ + τ . Obviously

∑∞ l−1
∑ 2l − 1
∑ 3l − 1

ǁD j ǁe jβ + τ = ǁD j ǁe jβ + τ + ǁD j ǁe jβ + τ + ǁD j ǁe jβ + τ + ....
j=0 j=0 j=l j = 2l

Hence, 15/24
7/5/2020 On estimates of solutions to systems of differential equations of neutral type with periodic coefficients
∑∞ l−1
∑ l−1

ǁD j ǁe jβ + τ ≤ ǁD j ǁe jβ + τ + ǁD l ǁe lβ + τ ǁD j ǁe jβ + τ
j=0 j=0 j=0


+ (ǁD l ǁe lβ + τ ) 2 ǁD j ǁe jβ + τ + ...


= (1 + ǁD l ǁe lβ + τ + (ǁD l ǁe lβ + τ ) 2 + ...) ǁD j ǁe jβ + τ .

Hence, since by condition (2.7) ǁD l ǁe lβ + τ <1, we have

∑∞ l−1

ǁD j ǁe jβ + τ ≤ (1 - ǁD l ǁe lβ + τ ) −1 ǁD j ǁe jβ + τ .
j=0 j=0

Using this inequality, from (3.7) we obtain the required estimate (2.8).
Theorem 2 is proved.

Proof of Theorem 3. First, we carry out the proof in the case

more often l = 1. From estimate (3.6) for solving the initial problem (2.1) on each
interval t ∈ [kτ, (k + 1) τ), k = 0, 1, ..., we have
t − jτ
∫t ∫0
β (ξ) dξ
τ ln D dξ−
ǁY (t) ǁ ≤ α e
t − jτ
+ ǁD k + 1 ǁ. (3.8)

By the definition of the function ˜β (t) in (2.10) for functions in the exponent
exponential, inequalities are true

t − jτ
∫ t ∫0 ∫ 0t
˜β (ξ) dξ.
β (ξ) dξ ≤ -
τln ǁDǁ dξ -
t − jτ

Therefore, from (3.8) we obtain

∫ t0
- ˜β (ξ) dξ

ǁY (t) ǁ ≤ α (k + 1) e + ǁD k + 1 ǁ.

Hence, on each interval t ∈ [kτ, (k + 1) τ), k = 0, 1, ..., we have

∫ t0 ∫ t0
- ˜β (ξ) dξ - ˜β (ξ) dξ
t t
ǁY (t) ǁ ≤ α (1 + e + ǁDǁ k + 1 = α (1 + e + e (k + 1) ln D
τ) τ)
∫ t0
- ˜β (ξ) dξ
≤ α (1 + e +et τ ln D .

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On estimates of solutions of systems of differential equations 1071

By the definition of the function ˜β (t), we obtain

∫ t0 ∫ t0
- ˜β (ξ) dξ - ˜β (ξ) dξ
ǁY (t) ǁ ≤ α (1 + e +e ,

which gives the required inequality (2.9) in the case l = 1.

Let l ≥ 2. As proved in Lemma 4, to solve the initial problem (2.1)
on each interval t ∈ [kτ, (k + 1) τ), k = 0, 1, ..., estimate (3.6) holds.
First, we consider the case when l ≤ k ≤ 2l - 1. We denote the first term by
defined in (3.6) by I 1 (t) and rewrite it as follows:

t − jτ t − jτ
∑ - β (ξ) dξ ∑k - β (ξ) dξ
I 1 (t) = α ǁD j ǁe +α ǁD j ǁe
j=0 j=l

∫ t
∫ t0 t − jτ
∑ β (ξ) dξ - β (ξ) dξ ∑k - β (ξ) dξ
=α ǁD j ǁe
t − jτ
e +α ǁD j ǁe .
j=0 j=l

In view of the definition of β + in (2.6), we have

∫ t0 ∫0
t − jτ
∑ - β (ξ) dξ ∑k - β (ξ) dξ
I 1 (t) ≤ α ǁD j ǁe jβ + τ e +α ǁD j ǁe
j=0 j=l
t− (l + j) τ
∫ t0 ∫0
l−1 k−l
∑ - β (ξ) dξ ∑ - β (ξ) dξ
≤α ǁD j ǁe jβ + τ e +α ǁD l ǁǁD j ǁe
j=0 j=0

t ∫
t − lτ
t − lτ
l−1 k−l
∑ - β (ξ) dξ ∑ β (ξ) dξ - β (ξ) dξ
=α ǁD j ǁe jβ + τ e +α ǁD j ǁe
t− (l + j) τ
ǁD l ǁe
j=0 j=0

∫ t0 ∫
t − lτ
l−1 k−l
∑ - β (ξ) dξ ∑ - β (ξ) dξ
≤α ǁD j ǁe jβ + τ e +α ǁD j ǁe jβ + τ ǁD l ǁe .
j=0 j=0

Using the definition of the function ˜β (t) in (2.10), we obtain

t − lτ
0 ∫t ∫
t − lτ
0 ∫ t0
- β (ξ) dξ dξ− β (ξ) dξ - ˜β (ξ) dξ
lτ ln D l
ǁD l ǁe =e t − lτ
≤e .

∫ t0 ∫ t0
l−1 k−l
∑ - β (ξ) dξ ∑ - ˜β (ξ) dξ

I 1 (t) ≤ α ǁD j ǁe jβ + τ e +α ǁD j ǁe jβ + τ e .
j=0 j=0

Since l ≤ k ≤ 2l - 1, we have 1 ≤ t
lτ <2. Then
∫ t0
l−1 ˜β (ξ) dξ
t ∑ -
I 1 (t) ≤ α (1 + ǁD j ǁe jβ + τ e . (3.9)

Consider the second term in estimate (3.6) for t ∈ [kτ, (k + 1) τ):

I 2 (t) = ǁD k + 1 ǁ. 17/24
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If l ≤ k ≤ 2l - 2, then


lτ ln D l
I 2 (t) ≤ ǁD l ǁ ǁD k + 1 − l ǁ = e ǁD k + 1 − l ǁ
t − lτ

∫ t ∫
t − lτ0

t − lτ
dξ− β (ξ) dξ β (ξ) dξ
lτ ln D l
=e t − lτ
e ǁD k + 1 − l ǁ.

Hence, by the definitions of β + in (2.6) and ˜β (t) in (2.10), we obtain

∫ t0 ∫ t0
- ˜β (ξ) dξ - ˜β (ξ) dξ

I 2 (t) ≤ e e (t − lτ) β + ǁD k + 1 − l ǁ ≤ e e (k + 1 − l) β + τ ǁ D k + 1 − l ǁ.


∫ t0
- ˜β (ξ) dξ

I 2 (t) ≤ max {ǁDǁe β + τ , ..., ǁD l − 1 ǁe (l − 1) β + τ } e . (3.10)

If k = 2l - 1, then (2l - 1) τ ≤ t <2lτ. Then obviously

∫ t0 ∫ t0
dξ - ˜β (ξ) dξ
t lτ ln D l
I 2 (t) ≤ ǁD l ǁ 2 = e 2 ln D l ≤e lτ ln D l =e ≤e .

In view of estimate (3.10) for l ≤ k ≤ 2l - 1 for the second term in (3.6) we have

∫ t0
- ˜β (ξ) dξ

I 2 (t) ≤ max {1, ǁDǁe β + τ , ..., ǁDǁ l − 1 e (l − 1) β + τ } e . (3.11)

Estimates (3.9) and (3.11) give the required inequality (2.9) for l ≥ 2 for
t ∈ [kτ, (k + 1) τ), l ≤ k ≤ 2l - 1. Note that obtaining estimate (2.9) for
0 ≤ k ≤ l - 1 is straightforward.
We pass to the case ml ≤ k ≤ (m + 1) l − 1, m = 2,3, .... First we consider
the first term I 1 (t) in (3.6) and rewrite it as follows:

∫t ∫ t0 ∫0
t − jτ
l−1 2l − 1
∑ β (ξ) dξ - β (ξ) dξ ∑ - β (ξ) dξ
I 1 (t) = α ǁD j ǁe
t − jτ
e +α ǁD j ǁe + ...
j=0 j=l

t − jτ
t − jτ
ml − 1
∑ - β (ξ) dξ ∑k - β (ξ) dξ
+α ǁD j ǁe +α ǁD j ǁe .
j = (m − 1) l j = ml

In view of the definition of β + in (2.6), we have

t− (l + j) τ
∫ t0 ∫0
l−1 l−1
∑ - β (ξ) dξ ∑ - β (ξ) dξ 18/24
7/5/2020 On estimates of solutions to systems of differential equations of neutral type with periodic coefficients
I 1 (t) ≤ α ǁD j ǁe jβ + τ e +α ǁD l ǁ ǁD j ǁe + ...
j=0 j=0

t - ((m − 1) l + j) τ t− (ml + j) τ
∫ 0 ∫0
l−1 k − ml
∑ - β (ξ) dξ ∑ - β (ξ) dξ
+α ǁD l ǁ m − 1 ǁD j ǁe +α ǁD l ǁ m ǁD j ǁe .
j=0 j=0

∫ t0 ∫
t − lτ
t − lτ
l−1 l−1
∑ - β (ξ) dξ ∑ β (ξ) dξ - β (ξ) dξ
=α ǁD j ǁe jβ + τ e +α ǁD j ǁe
t− (l + j) τ
ǁD l ǁe + ...
j=0 j=0

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On estimates of solutions of systems of differential equations 1073

t− (m − 1) lτ
∫ ∫0
t− (m − 1) lτ
∑ β (ξ) dξ - β (ξ) dξ
+α ǁD j ǁe
t - ((m − 1) l + j) τ
ǁD l ǁ m − 1 e

t − mlτ
t − mlτ
k − ml
∑ β (ξ) dξ - β (ξ) dξ
+α ǁD j ǁe
t− (ml + j) τ
ǁD l ǁ m e

∫ t0 ∫
t − lτ
l−1 l−1
∑ - β (ξ) dξ ∑ - β (ξ) dξ
≤α ǁD j ǁe jβ + τ e +α ǁD j ǁe jβ + τ ǁD l ǁe + ...
j=0 j=0
t− (m − 1) lτ
∫ 0
∑ - β (ξ) dξ
+α ǁD j ǁe jβ + τ ǁD l ǁ m − 1 e

t − mlτ
k − ml
∑ - β (ξ) dξ
+α ǁD j ǁe jβ + τ ǁD l ǁ m e .

As above, using the definition of the function ˜β (t) in (2.10), for i = 1, ..., m
t − ilτ ∫t ∫0
t − ilτ
∫ t0
- β (ξ) dξ dξ− β (ξ) dξ - ˜β (ξ) dξ
lτ ln D l
ǁD l ǁ i e =e t − ilτ
≤e .


∫ t0
∑ - ˜β (ξ) dξ

I 1 (t) ≤ α (1 + m) ǁD j ǁe jβ + τ e .

Since ml ≤ k ≤ (m + 1) l - 1, then m ≤ t
lτ <m + 1. Then 19/24
7/5/2020 On estimates of solutions to systems of differential equations of neutral type with periodic coefficients
l−1 ∫ t 0 ˜β (ξ) dξ
t ∑ -
I 1 (t) ≤ α (1 + ǁD j ǁe jβ + τ e . (3.12)

Consider the second term I 2 (t) in the estimate (3.6) for t ∈ [kτ, (k + 1) τ). If a
ml ≤ k ≤ (m + 1) l - 2, then

∫t t − mlτ
∫0 t − mlτ
dξ− β (ξ) dξ β (ξ) dξ
lτ ln D l
I 2 (t) ≤ ǁD l ǁ m ǁD k + 1 − ml ǁ = e e ǁD k + 1 − ml ǁ
t − mlτ

∫ t0 ∫ t0
- ˜β (ξ) dξ - ˜β (ξ) dξ

≤e e (t − mlτ) β + ǁD k + 1 − ml ǁ ≤ e e (k + 1 − ml) β + τ ǁ D k + 1 − ml ǁ.


∫ t0
- ˜β (ξ) dξ

I 2 (t) ≤ max {ǁDǁe β + τ , ..., ǁD l − 1 ǁe (l − 1) β + τ } e . (3.13)

If k = (m + 1) l - 1, then ((m + 1) l - 1) τ ≤ t <(m + 1) lτ. Then obviously

∫ t0
- ˜β (ξ) dξ

I 2 (t) ≤ ǁD l ǁ m + 1 = e (m + 1) ln D l ≤e lτ ln D l ≤e .

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1074 G.V. Demidenko, I.I. Matveeva

In view of estimate (3.13) for ml ≤ k ≤ (m + 1) l − 1 for the second term in (3.6)

we have the inequality

∫ t0
- ˜β (ξ) dξ

I 2 (t) ≤ max {1, ǁDǁe β + τ , ..., ǁD l − 1 ǁe (l − 1) β + τ } e . (3.14)

Since m is arbitrary, estimates (3.12) and (3.14) yield the required inequality
(2.9) in the case l ≥ 2 for all t> 0.
Theorem 3 is proved.

Proof of Theorem 4. Using inequality (3.6) proved

in Lemma 4, to solve the initial problem (2.1) on each interval t ∈
[kτ, (k + 1) τ), k = 0, 1, ..., we can write the estimate

ǁY (t) ǁ ≤ α ǁD j ǁe −β - (t − jτ) + ǁD k + 1 ǁ, (3.15)

where β is defined in (2.6).

First, we consider the first term in (3.15). Obviously, for 0 ≤ k ≤ l − 1 20/24
7/5/2020 On estimates of solutions to systems of differential equations of neutral type with periodic coefficients

∑k l−1

ǁD j ǁe jβ - τ ≤ ǁD j ǁe jβ - τ .
j=0 j=0

Let l ≤ k ≤ 2l - 1. Then

∑k l−1
∑ ∑k
ǁD j ǁe jβ - τ = ǁD j ǁe jβ - τ + ǁD j ǁe jβ - τ
j=0 j=0 j=l

l−1 k−l
∑ ∑
≤ ǁD j ǁe jβ - τ + ǁD l ǁe lβ - τ ǁD j ǁe jβ - τ
j=0 j=0


≤ ǁD l ǁe lβ - τ [1 + (ǁD l ǁe lβ - τ ) −1 ] ǁD j ǁe jβ - τ .

Let ml ≤ k ≤ (m + 1) l - 1, m = 2,3, .... Obviously,

∑k l−1

ǁD j ǁe jβ - τ ≤ ǁD j ǁe jβ - τ
j=0 j=0

l−1 k − ml
∑ ∑
+ ǁD l ǁe lβ - τ ǁD j ǁe jβ - τ + ··· + ǁD ml ǁe mlβ - τ ǁD j ǁe jβ - τ
j=0 j=0


≤ [1 + ǁD l ǁe lβ - τ + ··· + ǁD l ǁ m e mlβ - τ ] ǁD j ǁe jβ - τ .


ǁD j ǁe jβ - τ ≤ ǁD l ǁ m e mlβ - τ


× [1 + (ǁD l ǁe lβ - τ ) −1 + ··· + (ǁD l ǁe lβ - τ ) −m ] ǁD j ǁe jβ - τ

Page 18

On estimates of solutions of systems of differential equations 1075


≤ ǁD l ǁ m e mlβ - τ [1 + (ǁD l ǁe lβ - τ ) −1 + ··· + (ǁD l ǁe lβ - τ ) −m + ...] ǁD j ǁe jβ - τ .

Since ǁD l ǁe lβ - τ > 1 according to condition (2.11), we have 21/24
7/5/2020 On estimates of solutions to systems of differential equations of neutral type with periodic coefficients
∑k l−1

ǁD j ǁe jβ - τ ≤ ǁD l ǁ m e mlβ - τ [1 - (ǁD l ǁe lβ - τ ) −1 ] −1 ǁD j ǁe jβ - τ .
j=0 j=0

Given that mlτ ≤ t <(m + 1) lτ, we obtain

∑k l−1

ǁD j ǁe −β - (t − jτ) ≤ ǁD l ǁ m e −β - (t − mlτ) [1 - (ǁD l ǁe lβ - τ ) −1 ] −1 ǁD j ǁe jβ - τ
j=0 j=0

t ∑
≤ ǁD l ǁ lτ [1 - (ǁD l ǁe lβ - τ ) −1 ] −1 ǁD j ǁe jβ - τ .

Thus, for the first term in (3.15) for any k we arrive at


α ǁD j ǁe −β - (t − jτ) ≤ α [1 - (ǁD l ǁe lβ - τ ) −1 ] −1

l−1 (tlτ ln ǁD l ǁ). (3.16)

×( ǁD j ǁe jβ - τ ) exp

Consider the second term in (3.15). Obviously, for 0 ≤ k ≤ l - 2

ǁD k + 1 ǁ ≤ max {ǁDǁ, ..., ǁD l − 1 ǁ}.

Let ml - 1 ≤ k ≤ (m + 1) l - 2, m = 1, 2, .... Then

ǁD k + 1 ǁ≤ǁD l ǁ m ǁD k + 1 − ml ǁ≤ǁD l ǁ m max {1, ǁDǁ, ..., ǁD l − 1 ǁ}.

Since ǁD l ǁ <1 and t <((m + 1) l - 1) τ, then

t− (l − 1) τ 1 t
ǁD l ǁ m ≤ ǁD l ǁ lτ = ǁD l ǁ l −1 exp (
lτln ǁD l ǁ).

Then, since m is arbitrary, we have

1 t
ǁD k + 1 ǁ≤ǁD l ǁ l −1 max {1, ǁDǁ, ..., ǁD l − 1 ǁ} exp (
lτln ǁD l ǁ)

for any k. Taking into account the estimate (3.16) for the first term in (3.15), the
we go to inequality (2.12).
Theorem 4 is proved.

Proof of Theorem 1. From the estimates (2.8), (2.9), (2.12), we have established
null in Theorems 2–4, the exponential stability of the zero solution follows
system (1.1) under the conditions of Theorem 1.
Theorem 1 is proved.

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1076 G.V. Demidenko, I.I. Matveeva


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The article was received on March 14, 2014.

Demidenko Gennady Vladimirovich, Matveeva Inessa Izotovna

Institute of Mathematics S. L. Sobolev SB RAS,
Akademika Koptyug ave., 4, Novosibirsk 630090;
Novosibirsk state University
st. Pirogova, 2, Novosibirsk 630090, 24/24

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