Laplace Transform Notes

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| LAPLACE TRANGFORM “*esgncttag is on integral transformation of a function PLE) from the Ke domain yntothe complex Frequenoy Goma, giving FS). Giver a finction fF te), its Loplace transform denoted ‘by Fug) or LCF YT ip defined by: 7 St LTfuy]=Fea= f fne*at where is a complex Yariable. gyen by S = Tt yw Find the Laplace tansfrm of Ube). Solution: Oo 4 est tun fte%a «$e = _ lL. das =| 4 = yO+ su 5 oO ° Find the Laplace transform of Fe) = e* wk), azo Solution. o Lieu: KlE*I= f et*etat I e (sta) Sta ° Subseribie-0n youtuloe, Po is Fuy- Gerginerdmath sta Fle) Fw a Fis) + a, Fs) FCS e* FL) Fista) sFls) - FW) Fl) - sf) -f') aS SF )-sf0)- sf)-$ts) Property Lineosity aft) + 0, 4,14) Sealing Flat) Time chit Flt-a)ult-a) Frequency and e* Flt) Time differenhat ion, at dt a’f a ae of av Time, \nkegeation, $f 9@at s’F6)- 3" “0 ss!) _ ~$ (0) x Tb) “Cont me Subscribe, on youtube, REG / @enoinerdmath Frequenoy AiFferenhation tlt) - Fe) Frequency integra ion, Pu) 0 Tequenoy. ney ; So rOas Time periodiay f= FE HT) _ ie) |- et Initial Value. fw) ln eT ls) ¢-300 Final Value, $(00) lin SF ts) so Convo\ut yon fiw fw RW Fas) ty) —————————_ OO ————————— \ Cf) | at \ e Stq fm 4° n -ot te | (Stay prenae nt (Ss tay" ' 4 Subsonic 09 youtube, Af cont a, @engiyerdinath rs) sina Stor os wt > = = SP +a) Sin Wt +B) ——____, ssind + wast St wo cos (wt + 8) Scosh = wand SF tor -at, Ww e*snwt ———___________, (eray® Foor =a oo sugt Sta Se SI Gina Note: Defined Rr t =O, Fe) =O, for t <0 Obtan +e Laplace hanshim of fle)= Ste) + 2ult) ~ 36*ut) Solution: : By nearby prperty: FA) = LLSW) + 2kCWWI -3LTE wey] = = a + =} tabs ad, =|seset Determine tne Laplave Hranstorin of FU)= t*om 2b utd) E . Subsoflve, on) youtube, 4$b Solution: @enginerdinath We know that of Csn2t] = Se Using, Hequensy diftevenbation: 2 jA2 2 Fis) = AL sinat]= EN) 4a) --d_| =4s | ea 12s* —b (s*4+4y° Find the Laploce ieee OF fhe gate finction wn the Fue 10 dj t 3 at We am expess te gnte Rarckion above as: gl#)= |0Lult-2) ~ ult -3)| Sine we know the Lodexe teansform of ult) pure OpAy tre, Fine anitt property ond oan: Cu)= (= ~ £2) hte" é*) olution: 6 subsotlve, 09 youtuloe, Afb @enginerdmatn Calculate tre Laplace transform of the periodic Fincton mn Ae gute 9) | dot 2 3 4 % t Hits ‘The period of the Rincon is T=2. To oy mn ‘hime evibdity prety dota He Laplace transform of the frat oat of He Ranckion Pye 2t ale) ~ ult) ]= he gtult) = Dbl) — 2-141 Jult-1) = dtuet) ~ 2t- Putt) - 2ut+1) Using the time shift property hr S- 2h - 26% = S i-e-se) Thus, Me transi of the periodic. farchon alnove Fa = aang tr oe) Subsofite on yputule, RE Genginordmath TS CTW = FS) then the inverse Lapove. transform Fl4) 1s 0 that is; PTO fe) where &” is called he inverse Laplace. transform opa ate ard is a hnenr sperat suda Hat ; LPOR EGR) r it CORUM od LR t ek LE oint od Bal 1) Dewommpose, Fs) into simple ferms using parla ach expansion 2) Find the vwielse of eadn fern ‘wy mnatnng in the tale obsve Fing Ye as nse ple vans Bvm of the full lou a) Fs) = b) CO= Beil + ¢) H (5) = 2 + ay Sti 4) I) S8(st7V(8r3) _ _ \bs?+4 &) Jw = werner g c ubsoriee on) yortubbe, £9 Xdution: ° en ype FA Genginerdmath a fDrel: fe) OTe PO EE » dee) = SRS] “od Seg ah ete] =|BasNSt Lani DFT: LB t er] 35° [k] 34" [aa] +8 [ena] B-Get + Ban 2k ) ffl ORS Sl542Z)st3) Devomprse first LS) ay sum of ypattal Rackions: Sy _~ AL B & —e_ SHIT) SS st2 SK by residual Method: - lw)... = ttt hz Teco een =_ft = ° le) a Subsorite, 00 yprtuloe Rf exp ‘ yg Beserdmath B= (sal) | ~ 8 (543) |o-o ~ (2)Q) = $ - T _ thn = Je C= (545) o $1542) Is--3 Hu) ; Ibs 2-% +4 Tu) S St2 sts S'T]= af" [2] -2L" Le] AL [as] = |2-%*+4e* . Os* + 4 €) eT] = JS" ence Decomnpose Art Wst+4 vial achuns: mnpose, Ars Se as sum of po stt+4 _ A B cf Dd serysny S tot Gon sry By residual method: ' _ Wee 4 2 is Ae TI) |... GAs !s-0 (2? ' - is — Wet4_ - Yoo B= GrijJe) sq 86642)? [504 cy M ; a eed =_44__= bho. ee ee 10 Subsorilie vn yautulbe, £06 a. 4 Ts: STS] | _ Genginerdmath s=-2 _ &+3)04) — fos +4) (251) | = 52.3 (s+5* s2 4 pp 4_22 J) = -#£ + 9F2 (S42)? Sina) “p (8) 1d" [a] La) eh leg zli- we’ +Be" + mte* The conplution of fo signals aonicts oF tne veyering one of the signals shifting it, and mulhpyig iF ponnt by point with the sexi) sign, and \nkegr ang the product The convolution of two Functions Fle) and gl) 15 the fynction of + that is: 4% Fwy guy= fF Fodal-ax assuming nat thic integral ext. whee X \s a dumeny \avialle and gated. CX) denotes wrrvelubon. ‘| ‘Toe wmmutote Law for wnyolution 1s sabshed thab is sate on ypuhibe £6 Fux gt) = gy ¥ fa) © deuce S. Gigtt ras = FF gooP- 70424 LTH * 94h] = Lf LF Ca] in another Pym Anis reoult can be writen as oF firmula fr the inverse of a product that is £ [FD GE}|> FA) * gt) uber fl) = "TED and gy= $' Lees) ] Find the Laplave hansfixm of 2% e* Sclution bray f CEH) * 94)) = ATELY) AGH) urore Pie CF and gl) =e of Let * o*) = Se Lle*] Using Convolution, Find the inverse Laplace transform of are subsorite, on yputulbe, Rf Solutioy: _ Genginordmath : _ oy £ [es] £ les] ) -fL s- re st) hapying f£' LFA: Gel|= Fay* gl where, : Foy gy 3 and = (5)= = a ~fi)=e* gd glt)> € Cebhng Flt) * gl¥) = = e * e =f e ete aa aK = fete an _ WK + -7ere'y’ . tfette -t (ee*)] glee “e ° 41e*-e"] Application of Loploce Transform tn Solhiing Differential Equohons with initial conditions. Values We can use the tite differentiation property of Laplace trunsbrn cline fr odve differential enuabions with wnitial vondttion Values : Svhe the PEt y ty =sinx y yle)=0 13 user ie, cul b Toke the haplave transfirm of bol sides: . an gies @engnerdmath Lly'+yl- Lan) Styl PGI = eH SYS) -0 + Y)= St) Yu) (s+ = +a \ Ye)- Sin) Taking He inverse hoplate transfirm of oth sites: S'[¥e)) = y* £ lwenl - A as Bst Ct (s+)Cs*41) sr\ s+) y= Alot) + Bst CYESH) By equating wefh cents: pr: OF ATB 70) Si} 0 = BtC ~@) ° ss 1 = AtC (ld Elimnake Bin cy 4 (2) O=AtTB ~ 0 -C+B 0 =A-c (4) Elimnate C in @F4 4=hte tpt rarwe L Teagn 2. APG hy ‘ Subsonic 0 youtube, $b Using (D @engmerdmath Using (2) t -tg42 = a [a + a7 1 do" eae 2 Ta] yrge 7g Theveml Let $14) be a finckon of expend wider and that Flt) is integrable on the ynterval C0, fr ewory t 20 hen LL Spat] - Ska v wsx 4 TSnx Similarly, re | eff iswab- kD - Lf. 30a 5 subsatte 09 youtube, 2.0 @engiserdinath Trewin 2? Let FL) be a Rinction of eapnentia) order ond agumme, that wth f+) ond a have Lapleve teans firm. Then & [207 = fr etetas Find the \oplove transform vf: a) St singt dt b) st eat Solution 0) of] Seasatdt] Usteg Hreotom = $LCos at | -t.—£ “g St _fo S74 t b) fis. eat | = tele Lp Mat lnc if e*|' Seed Ske D - \ — te 20) 210) Ss2) 28 [e"-e""] 7 Cd ae £2) 28 (e ')

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