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What is Python?

Python is an interpreted (An interpreter is a program that reads and executes code.), object-
oriented(Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a method of structuring a program by bundling
related properties and behaviors into individual objects.), high-level programming
language(programming language with strong abstraction(Abstraction is related to both
encapsulation and data hiding.) from the details of the computer) with dynamic
semantics(dynamics objects are instances of values contained into constructs in the code, and
they exist at run-time level). ... Python's simple, easy to learn syntax emphasizes readability and
therefore reduces the cost of program maintenance. Python supports modules and packages, which
encourages program modularity and code reuse

What is pywin32 in Python?

Pywin32 is basically a very thin wrapper of python that allows us to interact with COM
objects and automate Windows applications with python. The power of this approach is
that you can pretty much do anything that a Microsoft Application can do
through python.

What is visual c++ compiler?

It features tools for developing and debugging C++ code, especially code written for the
Windows API, DirectX and . NET.

What is Scrapy in Python?

Scrapy is a free and open-source web-crawling framework written in Python. Originally
designed for web scraping, it can also be used to extract data using APIs or as a
general-purpose web crawler. It is currently maintained by Scrapinghub Ltd., a web-
scraping development and services company.

What is a web crawler used for?

A web crawler, or spider, is a type of bot that's typically operated by search engines
like Google and Bing. Their purpose is to index the content of websites all across the
Internet so that those websites can appear in search engine results

What is a Web crawler and how does it work?

A web crawler copies webpages so that they can be processed later by the search
engine, which indexes the downloaded pages. This allows users of the search engine to
find webpages quickly. The web crawler also validates links and HTML code, and
sometimes it extracts other information from the website.
What is pip?
pip is the package installer for python. Pip is one of the most famous and widely used package
management systems to install and manage software packages written in Python and found in
the Python Package Index (PyPI). Most distributions of Python come with pip preinstalled.

How does PIP work in Python?

You use pip with an install command followed by the name of the package you want to
install. pip looks for the package in PyPI, calculates its dependencies, and installs them
to ensure requests will work. Notice that you use python -m to update pip . The -m
switch tells Python to run a module as an executable

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