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UDE 621.872.2 | 621.874 :624.96.014.2_ DEUTSCHE NORM February 1981 Craneways Steel structures Principles for calculation, design ang construction Kranbshnen; Stahltragworke; Grundaitee fir Bereshnung, bouliche Durohbildung und Auefihrung As its current practice in standards published by the Internationel Orgenizetion for Standardization (ISO), the comma ‘has Boon used throughout 36a decimal marker. This standard has been prepared by the Stee! Construction section of the NABau (Building Construction Standards Com mittee) It has been recommended to the Building Insoectorates of the Laender by the Institut fir Beutechnik (Institute for Building Technology), Berlin, for inclusion in the official licensing procedure. i Dimensions in mm Contents 1. General information... - 244 Service strength analysis 1.4 Field of application 2 44.1 General information 1.2. Other relevant standards and documents | 11. 2 44.2. Caloulation according to loading groups 44.3 Stressanalyses ..... 4.4.8 Secondary stresses n atticegircers 2 Grane operating conaitions 2 445 Permissible stresses 2U1 Ope, 7Ul Tpe,2Ul Ta Ber 2._Design toads 2 ul 0i.b6 8 3.1 Min toads (4) 345. Permissible forces and permissible stresses when 3.1.1 Permanent loads 3 using hightensie bolts 8 3.1.2 Live loads of crane running wheels 3° 48.1 SLP connections. 8 3.13. Vibration coefficients 3 452 GV andGVP connections «2.222... 22 10 3.1.4 Wheel Loads from several erenes. 24.8. Beablity analysis and other analyses 10 3.2. Additional toads (2) 347. Deformations 10 3.2.1 Leads transverse to the runway . - +3 B2A1.1 Craneway girders 3 & Design and construction principles .......... 10 3] 3.2.12. Craneway supportsandcraneway sispensions 4 5,1 Rivet connections and bolt connections... 10 B] 5.2.2" Horizontal loads L along the runway due to 5A1 Rivets, 10 i starting up or braking the eranes ++ 4 81.2 Body-fit bolts cot 210 2] 323 Additional loads (Z) from severl cranes .... 4 5.1.3 Black bolts 10 3] 3.24 Live loads on catwalks, stairways, platforms 5.1.8 High-tensile bolts» + PII ia 5 and handrails seceteseesese & 5116. Arrangement of rivetsand bolts s. 2... 10 3.2.5 Wind toads 482 Flamecutroliea proaucrs w Loads caused by wind on cranes + 5 63. Welded joints 10 3.25.2_Loads caused by wine on craneways 5 63.1 Requirements of works and skilled personnel. 10 326. Temperature effects 5 5.3.2 Typerand qualities of welds " 327 Snow loads 5 5.3.3. Structural design of welded members... 11 43] 33. special toaing cases © 3 5.3.4 Thickness of the tlange plates welded to the 3.3.1. Tilting in the case of trolleys with rigidly sirder web " Q uided hoirt loads 5 5. Connections and joints clas 33.2 Colision of cranes against stops — butter end 6.4.1 Number of rivets and bolts Mn foeces. 5 5.42 Indirect overlap " 5.4.3. Liner plates Soa 4 Strength calculations and permissible stresses... 5 5.4.4 Angle cleats and angle plates... " 441 Caloulation princip. 5 6.4.5. Interaction of wade with othr moans of 4.1.1 General information 5 connection " 4.1.2 Stresses indeed by the spplication of 5.5. Special mesures. " whee loads 5 55.1. Load applications and foree deflections =.) 11 42. General stress analysis .. 8 5.5.2 Flange bending from the application of 43 Stability analysis 7 eh loads " Continued on pages 2 to 32 Sciesnierahso Gran Scare OR Nomen aro Tivetoy Gn BondD ‘DIN 4132 nol. Price oroun 14 Copyright by the DIN Deutsches Inti Pur Normung KV Sun Oot 09 12:17-25 2006 Page 2 DIN 4132 56 Corrosion protection ....... " 6. Requirements for the erection of sroneways for bridge cranes oo. sees eee n 8.7.1 Track aauce : 12 5.22 Position of the ail inplan |... 0.0000... 12 5.73 Height of the top of the rail 2 5.718 Position of the eng sions ..» 12 6 Tables of weld qualities, clasitication of the usual types of construction under notch cases and per- smissible stresses for the service strength analysis, . 13 1. Gonoral information ‘The calculation, design and construction of stel struc ‘rae for oranowaye require thorough tech neal know: ledge. This work must therefore only be entrusted to ‘engingers anc firms who have this knowledge and can ‘ensure its meticulous application. The secial require- ments of subclause 5.3.1 must be complied with by skilled personnel and works fabricating welded stu: Im exceptional cases, deviations may be made from this standard if they are justified by caleulations and, where necessary, also by suitable tests, and provided they ace approved by the competent authority responsible for the supervision of construction. Due to the scetter of the strength tert results under fre ‘quently repeated stress end due also to inaccuracies in the prediction ofthe crane operation, itis necessary to ‘check the eraneways for incipianteraeks. Thie must be carried out at suitable intervals by the operstor of the Cteneway (or nis authorized representative). = Is the responsibility of the manufacturer to inform the employer of the necessity for these later inspections when the erane- ‘ways are handod over. ‘11 Feld of application “This standard is to be applied to stool svuctures of erane- ‘ways of el types, ineluding runway girders for ude suns ‘monorall trolleys and fixed oF swinging surpended runway sirdors for overhead travelling cranes. The standrd supple iments, expands or restricts DIN 1050 which serves as the basie standard for this purpose, and alee DIN 4100 which is only epplicable to structures carrying predominantly static Loads; it also deals with the service strenath analysis, lof craneways, DIN 1000 i also used 2¢ a basi standard, 1.2 Other relovant standards and documents “The following standards") and guidelines must be ‘observed unless otherwise specified in this standard: DIN 1000 Stee! suuctures; conswuctlon DIN 1050 Steal in building construction; caleula ‘on and constructional design, DIN 1056 Part 1 Design loads for buildings; stored ‘materials, building materials and struc tural members, dead load and angle of friction DIN 1055 Part 3 Design loads for buildings; live loads DIN 1055 Part 4 Design loads for buildings; ive loads, wind loads of seructures unsuscepuble to vibration Copyright by the DIN Deutsches Initul Pur Nermung EV Sun Oot 09 12:17.51 2005 6.1 Weld qualities (table 4) 2218 6.2 Classification of the usual types of construction ‘undor notch eases (tables S and 6) --- 3 6. Pomiaibl sree for the sve erg analysis. -- 20 1.3.1. Permissible stresses for t.37 (tables 7 10 12) . 20 6.3.2 Permisible stresses for St 62 (ables 13 to 18). 28 4 Infermation tobe supplied by te employer (rable 19)... 2 DIN 1086 Part S Davin loads for builaing snow load and ice load Welded structural steslwork with pre: dominantly static loading: design and structural details DIN 4114 Part 1 Steel structures; stability cases (buckling, ‘overturning, bulging); caloulation beses; specifieations DIN 4114 Pare 2 Steel construction; stability caee (buckling, overturning, bulging); calcu lation bases; guidelines DASt-Richtlinie (Guideline) 008 Guidelines for the use of limit design in steel construction *) DASt-Richlinie (Guideline) O10 Use of high-ensiie bolts in steel construe tion *) Further standards and guidelines which are referred 10 in the noxt are summarized on page 12. tive loads, DIN 4100 2 Crane operating conditions ‘The cateulation depends on the type and number ot cranes operating, The various types of crane are clasified in DIN 1 018 Part 1, April 1974 edition ~ according to hoisting capacities in hoisting classes H 1, 12, H3,H4, (oe table 23 therein), according tothe stross cycle ranges and stress collec tives in loading groups 8 1, B 2,8 3,8 4,85 and 86 (see tables 14 and 25 therein. If crane operates with two different useful loads under deviating operating conditions in accordance with DIN 16 O18 Part 1, April 1974 edition, table 23, the procedure deseribed in clause & must be followed for both eases, ‘Special operating conditions such 2s the planned opera: tion of two cranes working together to form a pair must be allowed for (see subclauses 3.1.4 and 3.2.3) Due consideration may be giren to more favourable ‘operating conditions o- host loads for individual eee- tions of craneways specified and guaranteed by the tomployer. It is mandatory for the employer to specify the influences, conditions and circumstances which must be taken into account (see subelause 6.4, table 19), This ) Obiainable from Deutscher Stahlbauverag, Ebert- platz 1, 05000 Kein 1 **) The designation “Part” is used even if the currently existing edition quoted here still bears the designa ton “Sheet” information must be incorporated into the strength ca: culation, Subsequent ateratione cll fr new investigetions Its assumed that the manutecturing tolerances of the cranes agreed by the employer and manufacturer of the cranee will b achered to. For inetance, inthe eato of bridge cranes the running wheel axles must be parallel with the limits of tolerance and be atthe same height on both sides, 3 Dotign loads “The main loads make up the loading case H, the main ‘and additional loads toaether make uo the loading case HZ. 3.1. Main toads (H) ‘Moin toads are permanent loads accorcing to LIN 1088 Parc 1, the live loads of crane running wheels including vitvations and, in special cause, the horizontal lateral Toads due to the “mass forces from drives” (see subclause f they oceur regularly and repeatedly at a \efinite section of the craneway caused by the crane operation specified by the employer (table 19). See subclause regarding restrictions of live loads from crane runsing wheels and subclause 3.2.7, 2nd para ‘raph reaardina the treatment of snow loads as main loads, Inthe case of curved craneways over which monorail trol Jeys travel (trolley runways), the arising centrifugal forces must be regarded 25 main loads 3.1.1. Permanent loads In addition to those specified in DIN 1055 Part, these alo include permanent effects of planned changes in the Support conaitions, prestressing *) and unintentional changes in the support conditions ifthe planned ones are rot rettared. \ccarding to DASt Guideline 008, claute 2, these effects are dsrecarded when safe load bearing capac- ty is verified in accordance with subclause 4.1.1, para: sreph 4. 3.1.2 Live loads of erane running wheels ‘The most unfavourable wheel loads from the permanent load and hoist load when the crane is travelling at planned in the smost unfevoutatte position must be then. IF iis more unfavourable, calculation must be made without hoist load, In the cata of loading groups B 1 to 83, the wheel loads fof wheels running on rails may be assumed to be in planned contact with the centre of the rail head unless the employer specifies otherwise for special conditions of ‘operation. In the cate of loading groupe B 4 to B 6, an coff-centre application ofthe load of + "V4 of the rail head width must be assumed ganeally for the servis strength analysis. 3.1.3 Vibration coefficients “The whee! loads must be rtiplied by the vibration coefficient y to allow for the effects of vibration on the craneway when the cranes and trolleys are in mocion, Its ‘magnitude depends on the erane hoisting classes H 1 to H4 and must be derived from table | for eraneway irders and their supports oF suspensions) When calculating stresses due to the simultaneous oper tion of several cranes, the vibration coefficient for the crane withthe greatest value p P must be used, and for ‘he remaining orones the vibration coefficient for hoisting class H1 Copyright by the DIN Deutsches Initul Pur Nermung EV Sun Oot 09 12:17.51 2005 DIN 4132 Poge 3 ‘Table 1, Vibration coefficients (Crane halting lace Structural member ‘Structural Hi) H2| Ma | He ircers| ta [42 Supports oF 1 suspensions ° | The following are always calculated without vibration coefficient Foundations, earth pressures, deformetion ane stability (see also subelauses 3.3.1, 3.3.2 and 4.6) 3.1.4 Wheel loads from several cranes “Two cranes of similar or different design which are speci isd by the employer to operate mainly 2¢ a pair of cranoe must be treated a one crane. ‘Otherwise, for load case H, the maximum wheal loads to bbe adopted ~ in each casein the most unfavourable posi tion — areas follows 8) 2eranes to each ersneway, b) Seranes to each shop bay ‘3 cranes in multi-bey buildings {alweye hoving rgard to condition 3). ‘Should additional eranes be under contideration, this must be specilly agreed. For information concerning additional vertical loads of further cranes, see subclause 32 Additional loads (2) 3.2.1. Loads wansverse 0 the runway S214 Craneway girders Morinzonrat tara! toads Hy due 1 “mess forces from tives” of lateral loads ls and S as “forces due to skew ing”®) must be used in aocordance with DIN 15.018 Pare 1 April 1974 edition, subelauses 41.5 and 4.2.2, in tach case choosing the most unfavourable magnitude ond s0 Chords ta vn Struts 05+001 se Props 138 138, 1) Inorementel factors 5 for trusses whose upper chords are directly loaded ue est | sle>16 Uoperchord | 04 |g loaded 0,26 +0,01 sfe . ewer chord tniosded, 198 135 prope * End strut 250 250 Remaining sue 166 165 Copyright by the DIN Deutgches Init Pur Normung EV Sun Oot 09 1231753 2005 isthe distance, measured inthe plane of the lattice, of, the relevant adge of the member from its centroidal axis (se also subctause 8.5.1, 2na paragraph. Decisive: compression chord: upper edge of the member tenston shore: lower eoge or tne member web members ‘maximum distance 44.5 Permissible stressos2ul 054,70 Tye, 2Ul Tse» 2ul one The permissible stresses for structural members and means of connection for loading groups B 1 to B 6 are specified at 2 function of the strest ratio m according £0 steel grade and norch care in tables 7 to 18, The tabu- lated values ae derived from the detain table 3 and the dlagram in figure 3. For fillet welds (table 4, lines 6 and 9), the permissible shear stresses (table 3, line 7, and tables 7 to 18, 4th col ‘umn from the right in each case) must be reduced by the Factor 06. In the Huetusting range Ox = + 1, caleula- tion may be made also using higher values in aocordence with the following formula, 2 Gpe2.0 294 24! Ome 24 being used for the notch cases specified in table 3 line 7, 08-2 ope poly Bese aeeieteee)., ° ‘The stress values in the tables which exceed (and which tare printed in italics) the permissible streses ofthe general stress analysis in loading case 1 may only be used if a veifiation of tafe load bearing capacity ie por- formed in accordance with DASt Guideline 008 or if secondary stresses ae taken into account, e.g, by the application of the wheel load to the eraneway girders In accordance with subclause 4.1.2 oF in accordsnee with wabelause 4.4.4 in the see of letice cremeway sirders ane when using formula (ah. 4.5 Permissible forces and permissible stresses when using nigh-tansile bolts ‘The following may be used when observing DASt Guide: line 010: ‘shear hole-bearing body-fi bolt connections (SLPI, lip extant connections with high-tensile prestressed bolts (GV) and Slipecstant connsetione with high torcile prastressed bbody-fit bolts (GVP} In particular, the regulations for “fatigue strength analy sis” must be observed when caring out the service strength analysis fHigh-tenste rts In accordance with OIN 6914 may onty be used for the transfer of force in SL connections if a service strength analysis in accordance with subclause 4.4.1 is not necessary. High-tensile bolts may only be ‘sed on the same assurmption in unplanned prestressed ‘connections forthe transter of Forces in the direction of ‘the bolt axis 45.1 SLP connections When carrying out a service swength analysis of SLP con- nections, the values of notch case W 2 must be achered to as permissible stresies 2u| pe forthe bolted structural DIN 4132 Pages Table 3, Permissible streses 2ul Oye, Ul Tye, ZU 30, ZU101,5¢ in Nim? Loading group ote? ovse ‘8t97 una 952") wi | w2| wo] wi [we | Ko | «1 | 2 | Ks 81 | 2854 | 228.8 | 199.8 | 306.4 | 908.9 | 247.2 [1475.21 1424.21] 956,4)| 258.6 82 | 24000 | 132.0 | t680 | 3130 | 2490 | 199.2 /1386,01(300)|(2520)| 1400 | 108,0 Ba | 20106 | 161.4 | 141.0 | 2522 | 2006 | s00.6 1207.6) 212.) 1782 | 127.9 | 768 Normal stress 1 2 ony x= 84 | 1007 | 195 | 108 | 2052| 1617 | 1293 | 1280 1500 | 1290| 900| 540 | Bs | 1427 |1142| 900| 1698/1203] 1042] 1188 1051 | 01 | 696] 82 I we [1200 v60| 240 1320/1050] e40| e410] 750| 680| 450] 270 2) ope 4188 4241 wate Blose nes t - | lose<0 (ettermating stres cange) 4 | 2 ope c-0 24 05,407 2° 2Ul Og, 20 0p5.2x>0™ 2U1op6.4>0= 2ulope x>0 - zu o,4.0 _ 5 | (fiuetiating range) ( WU @seao x = (:- eee) BU oe. a = = 12aulope 2220 | loge gs) em hm on 20h Ope, 6.41 a None Sm SE 078 wate =12- 209-00 ° sta7 st62 % 3700 5200 Bl onnaat a8 2900 Bones 3880 4680 structural Tangent | SUR a zp zope «| YSwith 20 pe storing 10 notch ese W 0 7 | shear res Unite tee 2 0g [YB with zope, 2000rdng to notch case W 0 Weld eee Eau Cane lower | Sher seme arene aul te Bex 70,8 Zul Obes x with ‘The above-mentioned values must tla, | beredoced to 75% for singeesr Bearing stress Bul OL Bex = notch case W 2 | UnsuPPorted joints 9) alo. ane (92.0 ZU Oban ©) (1: 2ul Ogg of notch case WO is exceeded with St37 Lk 2ul oye of notch case W 0 is exceeded with St 37 and St 82 Copyright by the DIN Deutgches Init Pur Normung EV Sun Oot 09 1231753 2005 Page 10 DIN 4132, // \ Uoer “4 WY smeee= tension Figure 3. Relationships between 2ul oga,x and 2U! Opa for the high-tensile body it bes, the Values 2u 7, In accordance with rable 3, line 8, for strongth class 8.6 (St 52) 452. GV and GVP connections ‘Tho values of notch case W 1 must be adhered to 3 per rmisiblestrestes 2 ope for GV connections of bolted structural members when carrying cut the service strength ‘analysis, and for GVP connections, the values of notch ‘ese W 2, WI also applies to GVP connections which are only strested up to 261 Nay. 4 Stability analysis and other analyses DIN 1050 applies to these 47 Deformations For structural or operational reasons the employer may epecily a restriotion of deformation (re subelause 6.7.3 as regards deflections) 5. Design and construction principles 5.1 Rivet connections and bolt connections SAA Rivets Lengths of rivets between heads (in mm) exceeding 024? (¢ in mm) are not permitted 5.1.2 Body-fit bolts ‘The thread of body-fit bolts in accordance with DIN 7968 must not extend into the members being con- nected. The ft must be atleast H11/hy (bolts in accord lance with DIN 1S0 898 Fart 1). 5.13 Black bolts Black bolts in accordance with DIN 7990 for a transfer (of force may only be used in connections for which a service strength enalysis n eccordonce with subelouse 4.4.1 is not necessary. Copyright by the DIN Deutsches Initul Pur Normung EV Sun Oot 09 1231754 2005 5.1.4 High-tensite bolts The regulations of DASt Guideline 010 for not pre ominartly static loads must be observed for connections with high-tenile bolts 5.1.6 Arrangement of rivets and bots: DIN 1050 applies to the spacing between holes and edges and between holes, DIN 997. DIN 998 and DIN 999 apply to marking out steel sections and steel bars, 9.2 Flame-cut rotied products ‘The flame-cut surfaces must be a last of quality 23 in ecordarce with DIN 2910 Part 9, February 1975 eu tion, clause 2, for notch case W 11 (see table 8) anc of quality 12 for notch case W 01 53 Welded joints 5.3.1 Requirements of works and skilled personnel Welded steel structural members for eranoways in accord ‘ence with this stendard may only be fabricated in works: having a cortiticate of their suitability in accordance with Supplement 1 to DIN 4100 extended to cover the range of application of DIN 41327) Welding supervision may only be entrusted to welding engineers who are familiar with the special requirements of this standard and, in particular, with the relationships Dbotwoon weld cuality and notch oases, ‘The welders employed must at least mest the require ‘ments of test group B IT in accordance with DIN 8560 and be under supervision, 7) According to the building inspectorate regulations proof is regarded as valid when a certificate of suit- bility is available for the field of application of DIN 15 018 or OV 848 (DS 804 new edition}. 532 Types and qualities of welds ‘The type and quality of@weld must comply with each of the notch cases specified in table 6 on which the service strength analysis in accordance with subelause 4.4 is bozed (or with one having higher permissible stress); they must be denoted by using the symbols drawn in table 4 5.3.3 Structural design of welded members ‘The design of welded structural members mnt comply. with the natch eases on which the service strength ana lysis ie based. Ths also applies avon if the general stress analysis is applicable instead of the service strength ans ysis, ‘The welding of stierers and ral anchoring plates to flanges whieh are traversed by erane wheel loads is inad missible for loeding groups 8 G ond 8 6. 5.3.4 Thickness of the flange plates welded to the web ofthe girder “The thicknesses of the flange plates in accordance with DIN 4100, Devember 1968 edition, subciause, shall generally not be exceeded, Flange plates which are under tensile stress and are traversed by wheel loads of ‘travelling cranes, and which are welded directly to the web of the girder may be made in a single thickness up ‘© 50mm, compression langes up to 80 mm, in oroer to avoid higher stresses in the connections between several flange plates. always assuming that suitable measures are taken when welding 5.4 Connections and joints 5.4.1. Number of rivets and bolts Every cross-sectional part of a member must be con nected with atleast 2 rivats or bolts to each row i line inthe girection of the force and with not more than 8 inthe case of pulsating stress and 5 in the case of alter- nating stress. With incirect overtap ofa joint over m linings, the rum- ber of rivets or bolts, but not the bolts inslip-esisant ‘connections in accordance with DASt Guidlines 010, must be increased to n’ = nl + 0,3 m) as compared with the calculated requived number n for direct overt. 6.4.3 Liner plates Foree-transmitting liner pletes, except in slipresistant connections in accordance with DAS: Guideline 010, ith thickness exceeding 6 mm and wich are larger then. Ya of the part tobe lined, must be connected with at least 2 rivets or 2 bolts or with adequate welds (while tak ing note of te notch case}; otherwite the number of con: Recting rivets or connecting bolts must be increased In sccordance with subelause 5.4.2 on account of the Indirect connection of the lined part. 5.4.4 Angle leets and anole plates Inthe case of riveted or bolted connections, but with the ‘excention of slinsesistant connections in accordance with DASt Guideline 010, ange clets must either be con nected in one leg with 1,5 times the value of the propor: ‘lonate sectional piane parameter or in oth tags with 1,25 times its value, Copyright by the DIN Deutsches Initul Pur Normung EV Sun Oot 09 1231754 2005 DIN 4132. Page 11 5.4.5 Interaction of welds with other means of the service strength analysis is cructal, joint transfer of «sectional plane parameter in slip resistant connections ‘with welds and high tonsla bolte and in connections with Welds and rvets or body-fit bolts, deviating from DIN 4100, December 1968 edition, subclause 3.2.2, may only be asiumed if itis possible to distribute the sectional plane parameter over the individual elements of cross see- tion, taking inte aocourt the different deformation. resistances of the means of connection, and ifthe indi vidual elements of the sectional plane parameter are trans- {erred by only one type of connection acting on its own in each cross section. 5.5 Special measures 5.5.1. Load applications and force deflections To the extent required by the appropriate strength al: culation (see clause 4), suitable structural measures must be taken to deal with load applications or force deflec tions where kinks, bend, cut-away portions and break throughs occur. Connections of frame mambers with unfavourable second ‘ry strentee 8) shal e fer 8 possible not be carried out, ‘They must be avoided by simplified use of the secondary stresses in accordance with subclause 4.4.4 5.5.2 Flange bending from the application of wheel loads “The bending stres in the transverse direction, to which the flange plates are exposed by the laminar load transfer ‘rom the erane ral, especially with elastic undertay beneath the reils, on account of ther linear support from the wob plate, murt be kept at low st possible by suitable structural messures, ‘The same applies to tangential and shear stress to which ‘te connections between several flange plates which are traversed by crane running wheels are exposed by their toga elsiributing action in the longltudinal direction and by torsionel moments. 55 Corrosion protection ‘The permissible stresses in accordance with clause 4 ‘apply on the essimption that the structural stel mem- bers are adequately and permanently protected against reductions of srossapetionel aroa ond ageinst surface ‘roughness caused by rust. DIN Bb 928 Pert | to Pert 8 must be observed in conjunction with DIN 18.364 as ‘eyards the correct method of corrosion protection for structural members and the choice and proper applica: ‘on of surtable systems of protection including the necessary surface preparation, ‘Types and eysteme of corrosion protection which are not mentioned in DIN 55 928 Part 5 may only be used when their serviceability Is veritied by the expert opinion of a recognized materials testing laboratory. Immodiataly ator the complotion of inetalletion, the fo owing conditions of dimensional accuracy must be met ) See “Der Srahtbau" (Stee! Construction), No. 9/1968, age 266 Pase 12 DIN 4132 in the ease of only those eraneway girders which are sub- jected to the permanent load. Devieting conditions must De specified by the employer. ‘The measurements must be carried out with fficint imeseuring instruments under uniferm temperature con 15m: As=+5+0,25 (s — 15) mm sisinm) 8.7.2 Position of the rll in plan ech orane rl must not deviate by mere than #10 mm ‘rom the desired position (of its axis). In addition, at ppoint on a macsuring longth of 2,0 m in the lorgitudinal direction of the ral the cauge may be exceeded by + 1 mm. In the case of cranes which are guided on both sides by horizoneal rollers, the sbove-mentioned values also apply ‘to their treads, In the case of cranes which are guided by ccansersint on one side, the gauge must be raciced to 05mm. “There must be no noticeable misalignment atthe rail joints. f necessary, the transition points must be levelled Cut, 9. By Finding, while Keeping within tres limiting values. 5.7.3 Height of the top of the rail “The top of the rail must not deviate from the desired ‘eight by more than = 10 mm. The desired neight may be constant, oF if necessary have a planned inclination, oF follow the planned superelevation curve. If it axeaade 10 mm, the planned superslevation shall correspond to ‘the deflection due to the dead weight of the craneway land the averaged whee! loads, Yq" (max. A+ min. R) of loading case H without vibration coefficient. In adeltion, tno point on a measurieg length of 2,0 inthe longitudinal diection ofthe rail may 2 gauge be ‘exceeded by £ 2 mm. There must be no noticeable dit- ferences in height at rll joints. If necessary, the transition Points must be levelled out, e.g. by grinding, while keep ng within these Hiriting values, 5.74 Position of the end stops Tho ond stops must not be displaced relative to each ‘other in the direction of the craneway by more than 1 ne of the treek gouge end in any case not more then 20mm Further standards and documents bases of process, quality, dimensional deviations hexagon ruts, for steel structures for building works; Part C: General techniaal specifications for building work DIN. 97 “Tracing dimensions for bars and rolled stool sections DIN 998 Hole pitches in unequal ange steels DIN 999 Hole pitches in equel ange stels DIN 2310 Part 1 Thermal cutting: detinrtions ang terms DIN 2310 Part 3. Thermal cutting; oxygen cut DIN 914 Hexagon bolts wit large wiaths aeross fats for high-tensile Dotting in steel structures DIN. 7968. Hexagon fit bolts, without nuts, wi DIN. 7990 Hexegon bolts with hexagon ruts for rel structures DIN 8560 Testing of welders for welding stel DIN 16 018 Pert 1 Cranes; principles For see! etructures, stress analysis DIN 17 100 Steels for general structural purposes; quality standard DIN 10.364 Contract procadur \works for protection against corrosion of steel and aluminium structures DIN 55.028 Part 1 to Part ® Corrosion protection of steel structures by organic and metallic coatings volas71 Manufacturing tolerances for bridge cranes; running wheel, running wheel bearing and trolley runway" *°*9) Obbtainable from Bauth Verlag GmbH, Surggratenetrasce 4.10, D-1000 Bertin 20, Copyright by the DIN Deutsches Initul Pur Normung EV Sun Oot 09 1231754 2005 DIN 4132. Page 13 6 Tables of weld qualities, classification of the usual types of construction under notch cases and permissible stresses for the service strength analysis 6.1. Wala qualities Tabled, Weld qual Execution of wee » Soundees eng ine | Typeotwela | Following requirements must bemet | Symbol u Type of weld in addition to Ktexamples)) Test methoa ‘| Letter | into: | sim 7 [eutewe 2) Root brosshed and ling an Nonesmuceve wee | F100 ‘pet usiy Doki ingot foo wes length, e.g. by radio- } Weld machined flush with plate h, 6.0. By ‘grephic examination surface in ditection of stress 1 No end eraters 7 | Dosti never bute was ‘with double filet nel BIN 4100, Faure 8 | Single-bevel butt weld with filet weld | DIN 4100, figure 4 2 | Futer woe AN 0.2. Classification of the usual types of construction under noreh eases ‘Tables 5 and 6 form a guide to the classification ofthe vatious types of construction under notch eases “Types of construction which are not specified must be classed as appropriate ‘Types of construction with even more unfavourable notch cases then given in table G are inadmissible, Spacing inthe tables indicates whether the weld, the continuous component which affected by welding ur but are Classified under the respective notch case. This may possibly result in weld or component being classified under different notch cases, Copyright by the DIN Deutsches Initul Pur Normung EV Sun Oot 09 12:17.55 2005 Page 14 DIN 4132 Table 5. Components, botted and riveted connections Notch cate W O and notch case W 1 Giesfieation Description and illustration Sym bol wor IComponentswith normal surface finish and with |metrical notch effects present or taken Into account in lhe stress analysis, e.g, n the case of cut outs. Flame. ut surfaces must be atleast of quality 12 in aocord= snce with DIN 2310 Part 3, February 1975 edition, eure 2 rated or sawn edges if vere are no superimposed geo | components with sheared or flamecut surfaces Part 3, February 1975 edition, clause 2, if there are no [superimoosed geometrical notch effects present or kcaken into account in the stress analysis e.g. nthe ca lot curouts. lo atleast quality 23 in accordance with DIN 2310 _ wie Perforated components alsowith rivets land bolts where the rivets and bolts are loaded up to a maximum of 20% or, for nigh-tnsile bolts in GV con- nections, up to 100% of the permissible valuct [The cestraints on notch cases W 22 and W 23 also apply lnere to single-shear connections, wis Web projection of rolled sections with appli- | lation of whee! loads Notch cate W_ = Riveted connections, body-fit bolts in accordance with DIN 7968, SLP and GVP connections wat Perforated components indoubleshesr, riveted or bolted connections Perforated components insingle shear, ‘but backed, riveted or bolted connections; the backing ray only ba atsumed for a wich B S15 & was Perforated components insingle shear, but non-backed, riveted or bolted connections with analysis ofthe off-centre force effects Copyright by the DIN Deutsches Initul Pur Normung EV Sun Oot 09 12:17.55 2005 Table 6. Components and welded connections Notch case K 0 — slight notch effect DIN 4132. Page 15 ssteaion | Sym | symect Peston Daeription nd tstration or |e tes nih ‘woe 0:1 [Components connected by 1 specalquality Dutt weld transversaly Pre fe the destin of force P10 012 | Componente ofdtieantthickree con nected byapecalauaity butt weld at P10 tah ares tthe decton of force, th ay toi piesntcaunere reeorwen ome | | P1090 ‘mer ont and amt 923 021 [Components connected longi Por tudinal tothe direction of force by norma: P00 ity Burt weld, singic-berel Por Butt weld with fillet weld or double-bevel butt weld with) 4 P 100 Gouble flitet weld k 022 |Web plates and flang ule | Thoms, made of ste! seth Pio | bas, ed aneeted by normabauaity X [Por | butt weld LA | bio | Notch case K 1 — Moderate notch effect 111 [Components connected with wes normal quility butt weld tanwersaly too To the denton of force | por X | 5% 112 [Componente of aiternt mickneses Connected by nomelmality butt y | Be weld. tanwersly to the drection of force, = P00 With asymmetric joint and chamfer 53 : 4, bse for with symmetric joint and charnfer S13 y | eer, = Pioo - | 128 [Components connected torah 5 {usinaly «othe giresvon of free by r Gouble-bevel butt weld with . broad root face with double P fillet weld, single-bevel & Rutt weld with filler wala, o double fillet weld or filleé | eta Al a} 131 [Continuous component wo ‘which components are welded transerely 0 Rk | the cretion of force by 9 continuous double | bovel butt weld with double fillet weld p 151 Components connected wane eral tothe dretion of Fore By © % Duble-bevel butt weld with Kio ouble fillet weld") § /***) Particular attention must be given to laminar cracks of components loaded inthe thickness direction. Copyright by the DIN Deutsches Initul Pur Normung EV Sun Oot 09 12:17.55 2005 Page 16 DIN 4132, Notch case K 11 — Moderate notch effect (table 6 continued) ] symbe \essificatior il ie ‘Sym | in accor sien Dessription and illustration ar | newer 162 [Double-bevel butt wold wih Souble filet weld meonnections & ‘subjected to bending *' 1K io p 183 |Double-bevel butt weld with double fillet weld between flange land web with concentrated loads applied. Compression and tension transversely to the weld (only applicable to transverse stressing oF the weld) =") We Notch case K 2 — Medium notch effect zm [Components ot see! rections ana stoe! bars, oxcopt flats connected tranc versily to the direction of force by normal- Guality butt weld. (DIN4100, sub- clause 5.4, December 1968 edition, must be ‘beerved for the general erate prot). P 100 100 < 1K 212 [Components of different thicknesses Connected by normal quatty butt weld, with axymmertical joint and | chamfer 1:3, or with symmetrical Joint and charifer < 1:2 Por P 100 K 00 281 [Continuous component omtownen | components are welded transversely to he double fot weld. Weld intrfocesnoteh fee 233 [Flange places anc web plates Cont which Wansverie daphrsgre or tfenes with utaway comars to walse tennersly to th ‘Srsotion of fors by speci cunty out filet ‘aot, Wl naraces notch re ‘The clasfiction into not ea ony apts to the wonaere filet weld sone. zr [Continuous component rome ge of which components with charferod or rounded fends ere welded longitdinally tothe direction of ‘Force by ormat-auaity burt weld Weld ends Imachinad to sod tenes , | Por X | P00 X | Peo 242 [Continuous component onto which components or stiffeners with cham: {ered or rounded ends are welded 1ongita. nally to the direction of foree, The end welds in the zone 25 tare double-bovel butt welds with double fillet welds. Weld interfacas notch free. | End weld | only 244 [Continuous component onto vihich o flange plate with end charafer S13 is welded, In the zone 26 the Weld is @ special quality fillet weld with 20,5 1 Weld interfaces noten tree, ) See pane 15 Copyright by the DIN Deutsches Initul Pur Normung EV Sun Oot 09 12:17.55 2005 DIN 4132 Pago 17 Notch case K 3 — Strong notch effect (table 6 continued) = symbet ilustation SYM | accor Description and ilusrati | mses umber 31 [Components connected trane versely to the direction of force by butt weld. run from one side on root backing 312 [Components of atterentmicxreses Epnnscteg samara te dracon offre by noes quality butt wel Stich sym eal ont sud chamfer S12, with asymmetiajont witout chamfer wits increas ifeaneat 3 oo orth ‘ymmeteat ein wrthoutchemtar 313 | Normal-quality butt weld and con- tinuous component, bothirans- verse to the direction of force,'.g, at flange plete intersections with section reinforcing plates welded with normal-quality burt wal, Weld ends machined to avoid notches. yy | Por ¥ | Pt00 X | P00 281 [Continuous component onto ‘which components are welded transversely to | the direction of foree by continuous double | let weld 903 |Fienge plates ana web plates ono, which tencvere phragm of einer ar weloed anweraiy to We droston of fore by continuous ‘buble ier weld, The clacton Into noten fase only apples othe Warsi et wed 20. a1 [Continuous component tothe 0s of hich components with chamfered ends are welded longitudinally to the direc: tion of force by filet weld or double fillet wold Wald ence machined to avoid natches v 42 [Continuous component onto = | which components or st eners with cham- ‘ered ends are welded longitudinally to the aA direction of force, Weld ends in the zone | 5 are machined to avoid notches . g3 [Continuous component slotted ‘to reotve e plate with chemfered or rounded lends which is welded t the component, The tnd elds inthe zone 8 are coublebevel S fae welds with double it wee machined to avoid notches End wed only gaa Continuous component onto j twhiona flange plats swede with fy <1, | a fin the tone = Sty ave ssc ‘ Copyright by the DIN Deutsches Init Pur Normung EV Sun Oot 09 12:17.58 2005 Page 18 DIN 4132 Notch case K 3 — Strong notch effect (table 6 continued) asco Description and illustration 346 Continuous component onto which longitucinal stiffeners ‘are welded by intermintant double fillet weld ‘or by double fillt cutout wold, The slo# tation according to note ease only apalies 10 the short section of the weld between the lend welds; sae classification numbers 282, 342 or 442 according to design, 351 Components connected want versely to the direction of force by double fillet weld J with we 362 Double-bevel butt weld with double fillet weld incon: Rections subjected to bending 359 we Double-bevel butt weld with double fillet weld between flange and web with concentrated loads applied in web plane, comaression and tension transversely to the weld (only applies 10 transverse stressing ofthe weld) wr Notch ease K 4 — Very strong notch effect 48 Components of different thicknenae connected by normalquality butt weld. transversely to the direction of force, ‘wien asymmetrical Jolre, wn backing, ro chamfer Unbacked joints taking offeantra concltion 419 aa Components connected atinter| sections, e.g. of flange plats, by normal quality ‘butt weld transversely tothe Girection of foree, ‘onto which tranaverse diaphragm are welded by continuous fillet weld on one side trans- versely to the dirsction of force Flange plates and web plates a Continuous component tothe ede of hich eorponants ending perendcuarly sre ‘elded ongtodinaly tothe direction of force Continuous component onto which components ensing perpendicularly, €2.g stiffeners or lugs for fastening down rails, are welded tonghuatnally to the dlrection of force by double filet weld Copyright by the DIN Deutsches Init Pur Normung EV Sun Oot 09 12:17.58 2005 DIN 4132 Page 19 Notch case K 4 — Very strong notch effect (table 6 continued) Tomer | sem Sym |p accorde sree mith astcatin / . umber Descrintion and illustration Sym 443 [Continuous component onto which a perpendiculeriy encing plate which — passes through fs welded by double fillet A 40a [Continuous component ending With wob plate welded with filet wold all, round aac [Continuous components with bonding strips welded in between by fille. weld or normal quality butt weld “a7 Tubular members welded together all round by filet welds 449 [Bute straps welded by fillet weld in ‘normal and in parallel shear to components off 451 [Components connected by double fillet weld orby Single-bevel butt weld with Tile weld on root backing transverse ly to the direction of force (cruciform joint) Xb Wea [Boubie tities wold moore | Fendt we bendy 45a [Double fillet weld between flange and web with concentrated loads acting in the wed plane, compression and {ersion transversely to the weld (onty applies to transverse stressing of the weld) Copyright by the DIN Deutsches Init Pur Normung EV Sun Oot 09 12:17.58 2005 feeo-Jiao-] ~ T= [=] =] ~ | pre iose-fooceecen-] — | - | wore esooso— - -|-]-|-]-/- | -[- | | om ot 8 or ‘o0re | aore | core [wore | oorc |oors ore | ore] ovre | ore] ore | cre | our | ore | ore | oare vor | | | vor vor | or | | vos \ o [ (Goa) LC I vo- a | gee z0 (srs) srzc| o- | aver | vee vo~ | veiz | e007 so- | wen | won 980% | eae wore) vo~ osu est est | pmse one omse — | (e'er2) eer vo | om | ous aout | | eset cxce so- | rie | veer “01 | lover zur on) co | zon | som 9 012 evar teow esse | | oi | vee | wee | ersce |erron) coat | cos |rrso|nvse eee aa 77 7 = =r TF a ar 7 z © we “soa aid -seid | wows | -sead| uors | -s04c | vos | -soat | vos | sad | vos seays sem te sogl ek | Sg] St | og] Set | es) Ses | oe St | Se] se | eet eet rir cca | | ae 2 Sane | “Saas | “ane | “hens | “Ssas'* | “at ones ru 3m ous samaney | andren | wnuren | unuxen | unum | unaren | unairey | unuaxen | ones ee oc 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|eze1 ovee | ovie| veo: eve] rae) s0- go- | om oor | sia | eve vost |s'zet joyce 0012 ovee| veri rzz| ome) o~ vo- | cow eus|seo | ro |esor | ezor| vars | zens |syee [soe over | eves | gees e001 vo~ wo | ze 901 | 009 | ces | ovor| azo | worr| over |z'991 forse ever | o'er | o'ze grea vo- eo | ree vaoi| ess |eve | sve | eee | reat) ever ezss Joos: oye |ooz| oes oon vo~ ov | ou ow | ors | ors eset [921 |o0at Joost oes | owe | a oat con] 01 = x ora sar Ta Ta oo z wars | on “on | vow [sod Juow se | vor we | vor soe weg | 0 S09 [85 | tog [se og | Sat ep | SF xucine | en | Ss | Sau Baie’ |““Rens* “Bane ane one ancien wunwen | wnuxey wna eeyL wruupren song \anys 0p senses » ial On om ape see) yonou 70} guy uy 8D sstane jusOU BSHDg nos0 19807 a8 oraaer Copyright by the DIN Deutsches Init Pur Nermung EV Sun Oot 09 12:17.58 2005 Page 24 OIN 4132 T foros Teaco [ooo |rav0+]ace+ orcs coe seov+]sso0slerro+|sez 04 peros|oaros]on:9-Jraove] vove x ps4 roo osos ure vojps0- pave sero-oo-leeo-leeo-fevo-ore-fpex>-|oio-] dows x ove [com [wes cent Jones [oor nvze] oor [axe] ve [owe [owe [oore wove] oor] oe] oon] vo [ooré [owe [ome] ove sot |ie'sre!] czoz avez essa] \ | wo4 sor | wa) ve: ose: wise] cooe| | rvee | wares orn) rot cor | over esa eee | 605s | voze vee leva cue) [covve vot vos | ever czoe| gust frre soe] over —fvsez| —Jevse| | sree vow sos | cow | aver| esi] rzee|sver] love avez |cceral roo] | see vot vos | roe tess |eor| eoiz|rz0: leore|eo0z | eee| avee| ene] | rae row vor | ree cwst | govt ae |rzer| race roo fovie| owe) caer] | vow roe vos | ove Jose] viz | voor |cees /eaee [oer | oose| eae over |ieere| vow ro+ vor | vom tn_{ewn sei | rou zoce [seat ree) over) rs02| vesi| eset |eve| lea) ro 0 | one ori [eat ze | Foor Faiz jwoci | ice] Omer veer |eosi| —_|ite} 0 vo~ | eeie wit | eae Ten | Yee eer [sor joo] 50: Suir | reat [Sea] oe] TO t0~ wee seer |e vot | 96 | sort | over | ere eves y061 | o'z9 | e'zec | eo | vo ~ so- | rue xe | vee | zor | eves 2001 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