F3 English-1

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NAME:……………………………………………………………. ADM.




(Comprehension, literary Appreciation and Grammar)

2 hours




Instruction to candidates

 Write your name and admission number in the spaces provided above.
 Answer all the questions in this paper.
 All your answers must be written in the spaces provided in this question paper.

For examiner's use only

Questions Maximum score Candidate's score

1 20

2 25

3 20

4 15


1. Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow (20marks)
The number of new cancers and cancer deaths is rising, yet many types of cancers can be
prevented by simple lifestyle choices.

High levels of estrogen in the body predispose women to cancer, so efforts to reduce the risk
of breast cancer have focused largely on reducing estrogen levels. A fatty diet increases the levels of
estrogen in the body, and foods containing soy can mimic estrogen and cause cells to proliferate in
the breast. Greater physical activity, even if started late in life, reduces the overall risk of developing
breast cancer.

Lung cancer is largely related to tobacco use. The risk of getting lung cancer increases with
duration of smoking and the number of cigarettes smoked daily. Exposure to second–hand smoke in
childhood has been found to carry a risk of developing lung cancer later. Diets rich in fruits and
vegetables are believed to offer Protection against lung cancer, possibly due to their rich
antioxidant content. The risk of developing bowel cancer is higher among those who eat few
vegetables than those who eat. Unrefined plant foods such as whole cereals, legumes and more
vegetables. Frequent consumption of red meat (beef, lamb) and alcohol increases the risk, while
eating fish and poultry carries a lower risk.

A high calcium intake protects against bowel cancer, and physical activity stimulates bowel
movement, thereby decreasing the time food remains in the gut, thus lowering the risk of
developing bowel cancer.

Certain sexual behavior increases the risk of developing cervical cancer. Having many sex
partners or Sleeping with someone who has had many sexual partners increases the risk of
contracting the germs that cause STIs, thus heightening the risk. The age at which a woman first
engages in sex has also been cited as a risk factor because it might damage her still under developed

A high calorie intake has been linked with increased prostate cancer deaths. Indeed, taking
little carbohydrates lowers the growth of prostrate tumors. Advanced prostrate cancer and the risk
of dying from it have been diagnosed in obese men. Whereas frequent sex in men in their 20s
increased the risk of prostrate cancer, it appeared to protect against the disease in those above 50.

(Daily Nation, Wednesday March3, 2010.-Adapted)

a) What is the authors’opinionontheincreaseofnewcancersandcancerdeaths? (2marks)
b) According to the passage, how can a woman reduce the risk of suffering from breast cancer?
c) Make notes on how human behavior leads to higher risks of cancer attack (6marks)
d) What do you think would be the result of eating few fruits and yet smoking tobacco.
e) Paraphrase the following statement. (2marks)
“Greater physical activity, even if started late in life, reduces the overall risk of developing breast
f) What is the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the passage? (2marks)
i. bowel movement

ii. unrefined


g) “A high calorie intake has been linked with increased prostrate cancer deaths.”Rewrite this
statement in the negative. (1mark)
h) Explain the irony in the last paragraph (3marks)

2. Read the following excerpt and answer the questions that follow. (25marks)

Helmer: When did my squirrel come home?

Nora: Just now. (Puts the bag of macaroons into her pocket and wipes her mouth.) Come in here,
Torvald, and see what I have bought.

Helmer: Don’t disturb me. (A little later, he opens the door and looks into the room, pen in hand.)
Bought, did you say? All these things? Has my little spendthrift been wasting money again?

Nora: Yes but, Torvald, this year we really can let ourselves go a little. This is the first Christmas
that we have not needed to economies.

Helmer: Still, you know, we can’t spend money recklessly.

Nora: Yes, Torvald, we may be a wee bit more reckless now, mayn’t we? Just a tiny wee bit! You are
going to have a big salary and earn lots and lots of money.

Helmer: Yes, after the New Year; but then it will be a whole quarter before the salary is due.

Nora: Pooh! We can borrow until then.

Helmer: Nora! (Goes up to her and takes her playfully by the ear) The same little featherhead!
Suppose, now, that I borrowed fifty pounds today, and you spent it all in the Christmas week, and
then on New Year’s Eve a slate fell on my head and killed me, and –

Nora (putting her hands over his mouth) oh! Don’t say such horrid things.

Helmer: Still, suppose that happened, --what then?

Nora: If that were to happen, I don’t suppose I should care whether I owed money or not.
Helmer: Yes, but what about the people who had lent it?

Nora: They? Who would bother about them? I should not know who they were.

Helmer: That is like a woman! But seriously, Nora, you know what I think about that. No debt, no
borrowing. There can be no freedom or beauty about a home life that depends on borrowing and
debt. We two have kept bravely on the straight road so far, and we will go on the same way for the
short time longer that there need be any struggle.

Nora: (moving towards the stove) As you please, Torvald.

Helmer: (following her). Come, come, my little skylark must not droop her wings. What is this! Is
my little squirrel out of temper? (Taking out his purse). Nora, what do you think I have got here?


a) Describe what happens just before this excerpt. (2 marks)


b) What do you learn about the character traits of the Nora and Helmer from the excerpt?
i) Nora


ii) Torvald


c) According to the excerpt, why is Helmer against borrowing? (2marks)

d) By calling Nora ‘the same little featherhead,’ what can we say about Helmer’s attitude towards
Nora? Explain. (2marks).


e) “No debt, no borrowing…We two have kept bravely on the straight road so far.” Using your
knowledge of the rest of the play, explain the irony in this statement. (2marks)


f) “We can borrow until then.” Add a question tag. (1mark)


g) What is the position of women as evident in the above excerpt? (2marks)


h) Other than irony, describe one stylistic devices used in the extract. (2marks)


i) Nora has been portrayed as a naïve character. Make notes of the evidence of her naivety as
evident in the excerpt. (3marks)

j) Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the excerpt (3marks)
i) Squander……………………………………………………………………..................
ii) Spendthrift………………………………………………………………………………
iii) Droop…………………………………………………………………………………...
k) Briefly explain what happens after the excerpt (2marks)


3. Read the song below and answer questions that follow. (20 marks)

Shaka Honours Muzilikazi

The hills echoed with the laughter of the Zulu army.

At the southernmost point the army rested,

Shaka addressed them:”My brothers, our journey is now pointless.

Everywhere we go we find only those who acknowledge our authority,

Zulu power no longer issues from conquest

But from a bond of an all-embracing nationhood,

Must we turn back to our homes?

Perhaps in the north Soshangane and his lot need a lesson?”

At Bulawayo they sang and danced for the returning army.

Shaka was still eager to consolidate the nation’s boundaries.

He said to his war councillors,” Our easy life

Shall soon undermine our fighting spirit

I want you Muzilikazi, to head to the north

And there establish peace among the quarrelling nations

And subdue the troublesome people of Ranisi

Subdue the troublesome people of Ranisi

Subdue the troublesome people of Ranisi

They mustn’t cause endless wars among friendly nations,

You shall seize from them the loot of cattle

And return it to its original owners.”

The king spoke to Muzilikazi with great warmth and friendliness,

He said:”I give you my own axe, Muzilikazi,

So that when you pass the ruins of your native country

You raise it and pray for guidance of your ancestors.

I give you this so that wherever you are

You may know I shall always honour those who are our heroes.”

Muzilikazi of Mashoba was moved by this act,

He said, his eyes wet with tears;

“My lord, I do not know what great things I have done,

What great heroism I have displayed,

That I should deserve a gift most coveted by all heroes of Zululand?

Long ago you sheltered me when I was orphaned

And now you honour me.”

i. What kind of an oral poem do you think this is? Give evidence to your answer (2 marks)
ii. Describe the culture of the Zulu as reflected in the poem. (2 marks)

iii. What is the economic activity of the Zulu as evident in the song above? (2 marks)
iv. The axe is highly symbolic in this song. Explain its significance. (3marks)
v. What features of this poem makes it an oral song? (4marks)
vi. What do you learn from Shaka’s character from this poem? (2marks)
vii. What do you learn about Shaka’s character from this poem? (2marks)
This song was sung in Zulu language before it was translated in English. What could have
been lost in the process of its translation? (1mark)
ix. State and explain a proverb that could be used to warn/caution the people of Ranisi
4. Grammar (15 marks)

a) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Do not
change the meaning of the original sentence. (3marks)
i) The snake did not bite the boy. (Begin: The snake…)

ii) They were so happy that they forgot to lock the door. (Begin: So happy…)

iii) Nafula leaves for South Africa next month. (Rewrite in present continuous to indicate

b) Complete the following with the correct form of the word in brackets. (3marks)

i) The film, though poor in artistic value, was a ……………………….success.(finance)

ii) Will you …………………….your theory? (clear).

iii) They gave him morphine to……………………….the pain. (dead).

c) Fill the gaps below with the appropriate personal pronouns. (3marks).
i. Could it have been………………….at the door?

ii. Jane and …………………are leaving now.

iii. Koech runs as fast as …………………………

d) Fill the blanks with the correct preposition (3marks)
i. Some people are keen …………..working in a team.

ii. Many office workers are fond………… having coffee breaks.

iii. The plane wasn’t allowed to take……………..because of the bad weather.

e) Supply the appropriate question tags in the sentences below. (3marks)

i. We needn’t worry about tomorrow………………………..
ii. Let me have a taste………………………………………….
iii. They’ll come early in the morning………………………….


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