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Welcome to Pleasuredome, please take the time to read this as it contains a lot of useful

information for maintaining your account.

Duplicate accounts

You are permitted to have a single account at Pleasuredome, the creation of multiple (dupe) accounts will
not be tolerated under any circumstances and members who ignore this rule will be permanently banned,
there will be no discussion or second chances.

In the time Pleasuredome has been running as a BitTorrent Tracker we have become very experienced in
locating dupe accounts so no matter how clever you may think you are we will catch you and any and all
accounts we can link to you will become permanently banned, is it really worth the risk?

Anonymous Proxies

The use of anonymizers or anonymous proxy servers is strictly forbidden and anyone found to be doing so
will find themselves permanently banned.

Hitting & Running

Members are expected to seed a torrent for a reasonable amount of time upon completing the download
and not just quit the torrent straight away (commonly referred to as Hitting & Running).

BitTorrent is a Peer to Peer download system and in order for you to download your files other members
have sacrificed their upload bandwidth. Extend the same courtesy to those who follow you.

Members who are found to have consistently Hit & Run on torrents may find their accounts Shitlisted.

[FREE] Torrents

[FREE] torrents don't record what you download, they only record what you upload this means they can
only serve to improve your ratio. Any uploading to these torrents can therefore be used to offset your
downloads on the regular torrents which do record both upload and download stats.

Just because a torrent is marked as [FREE] and your download totals are not recorded it does not mean
that you should download all of these torrents and upload next to nothing in return. Most [FREE] torrents
have a steady stream of leechers so you have no excuse to Hit & Run on them.

Your ratio

All members are expected to do their best to maintain a good ratio (data uploaded divided by data
downloaded) and should aim to try and keep a ratio of 1.0 or better.

We realise that it is mathematically impossible for every single person to get 1.0 on every torrent they
download as when torrents have been active for a long time there are fewer downloaders for you to seed
the data back to and this is why we provide [FREE] torrents.

Members who are unable to maintain a reasonable ratio despite the major advantage of [FREE] torrents
may find their accounts Shitlisted to prevent them getting in any further trouble.

Should your account become Shitlisted

Never create a duplicate account.

If you get Shitlisted don't panic, a lot of our current best seeders were Shitlisted at some point so you've
just joined an exclusive club. Shitlisted is considered as a temporary ban and can usually be resolved by
visiting the Shitlisted section of our forums and stating your case. Be sure to read the pinned topic before
making your post and if you take the process seriously the chances are you will be offered a chance to
redeem yourself.


You should only ever download from a single location at any one time, you can however seed from as many
locations as you'd like but if you do so then you are expected to transfer the files to the other seed
computers manually rather than downloading it again.

You may be permitted to download files more than once under exceptional circumstances for example
losing the data to hard drive death (although you should really make backups) but you should seek staff
approval in the forums before proceeding.

Account pruning

Any account not logged into for 6 months or over will be subject to automatic deletion and if you decide to
return after your account has been deleted you will be permitted to create a new account without breaking
any rules however we won't restore any previous stats you may have had, you will have to start again.

It is your responsibility to protect your account by keeping it active, don't let it get deleted.

Live Help

Live Help is available by visiting our IRC Channel, access can be gained either by using the Java IRC client
by clicking here or alternatively you can use your own IRC client by visiting:

Channel: #pleasuredome

Please note if you are visiting in this fashion you will need to register your nickname with NickServ in order
to enter the channel, you can do this by typing the following once connected to the ForeverChat server:

/ns REGISTER password email

You will need to replace "password" with a password of your own choosing and "email" with a valid email
address, you will receive a verification code and instructions to complete the registration via your email

Once you have completed the verification you can identify yourself by typing this:

/ns IDENTIFY password

Once registered and identified you will be able to access #pleasuredome by typing:

/join #pleasuredome

To save time you can add these lines to your IRC Perform on Connect options, in mIRC (other IRC clients
may differ) this can be found by selecting Tools --> Options --> Connect --> Options, click the "Perform..."
button, tick "Enable perform on connect" and for "Network" select "Other Networks" and click "Add". You
will now be presented with a list of channels so find "ForeverChat" in the list and click "OK", now in the box
that says "Perform Commands:" enter:

/ns IDENTIFY password

/join #pleasuredome

Then click OK and everytime you connect to the Foreverchat network it will automatically identify you and
join the channel.
NOTE: When you ask for help please be patient in waiting for a response, we may be doing
other things and it could take us a few minutes to respond.

In order to activate your account you will need to enter the code which can be found in the
Torrent "comments" of your BitTorrent client, by entering this code you are agreeing to follow
the rules stated above. If you do not wish to follow these rules then you should leave now.

Below are screenshots from the three most common BitTorrent clients currently in use at Pleasuredome, the
screenshots highlight where you can find your code:

µTorrent (should be the same for the standard BitTorrent client as it's based upon µTorrent)

Vuze (formerly Azureus)

I'm sorry if your client isn't listed above but taking screenshots of every BitTorrent client would be
impractical so if you use a different client you will need to find where it displays the torrent comments

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