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This game references the Savage Worlds Deluxe game system, available from Pinnacle

Entertainment Group at Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks
are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no
representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.

This game references and in some cases modifies elements from various Savage Worlds game settings,
specifically Agents of Oblivion (Reality Blurs), Shaintar: Legends Arise Players Beta Guide (Reality Blurs),
Hellfrost Player’s Guide (Triple Ace Games), Savage Worlds Horror Companion (Pinnacle
Entertainment Group). All associated elements used in this document are trademarked and copyrights
of the respective companies. No disrespect or intended infringement of any intellectual property is
intended within this document.

Midnight and all related characters are TM and © by Fantasy Flight Games, Inc. Midnight Copyright
2003, Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Reference to other copyrighted material in no
way constitutes a challenge to the respective copyright holders of that material. Midnight and their
associated logos are trademarks of Fantasy Flight Games.

All information is presented herein in order to clarify availability and customizations of the various
elements pulled from these setting books to the Savage Midnight Setting. None of the aforementioned
companies makes any representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of
this product.

This is a fan-made product. If any of the companies represented above have issues with the content
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objectionable and I will do my utmost to redact and modify as necessary as quickly as possible.

Thanks and I hope the Savage community enjoys the work herein! If anyone has any comments or
errata, please feel free to e-mail me at so I can correct any issues. Thanks!
1. Choose a Race
Savage Midnight has several races to choose from, and a few have sub-cultures within them. Pick the one that best suits your character
concept. Choose among Human (Dorn, Erenlander, or Sarcosan (Urban or Nomadic)), Dwarf (Kurgan or Clan), Elf (Caransil, Danisil, Erunsil, or
Miransil), Gnome, Halfling (Agrarian or Nomadic), Dwarrow (Gnome-Raised or Dwarf-Raised), Dworgs, Elflings (Danisil-Raised or Halfling-

2. Background and Point of Origin

Carefully consider who your character is. Keep in mind your background determines your Common Knowledge and serves to differentiate you
from others.

3. Traits
Traits are broken down into two categories: Attributes, which define who you are (how strong, agile, smart, and so on), and Skills, which
define what you know and how well you do things (Climbing, Swimming, and so on). Carefully select those that fit your overall character

Your hero begins with a d4 in each of the five basic attributes: Agility, Smarts, Spirit, Strength, and Vigor. Distribute 5 points among
them in any way you wish. Raising an attribute one die type costs 1 point, and you may not raise any attribute above d12 at
character creation.

Next, distribute 15 points among your hero’s skills. Raising a skill by a die type costs 1 point as long as it is no higher than the linked
attribute. Raising a skill above its linked attribute costs 2 points per die type. All skills in the Savage Worlds core rulebook are
available, along with a number of new ones found within these pages.

Derived Statistics
Pace is 6”.
Parry is equal to 2 plus half your Fighting.
Charisma is a combination of your hero’s appearance, manner, and general likeability. It is added to Persuasion and Streetwise rolls.
The GM also uses it to see how NPCs react to you. Your Charisma modifier is +0 unless modified by Edges or Hindrances.
Toughness is equal to 2 plus half your Vigor.

4. Edges and Hindrances

Check out the Edges and Hindrances sections to see what is and isn’t allowed from the Savage Worlds core rulebook, and search these pages
for all new options.

You may take one Major Hindrance (worth 2 points) and two Minor Hindrances (worth 1 point each). If you take any Hindrances, you may use
the points gained from them for the benefits listed below.

For 2 Hindrance points you can:

• Raise an attribute one die type.
• Choose an Edge.

For 1 Hindrance point you can:

• Gain another skill point.
• Gain additional money equal to your starting funds (you start with 100 vp, so you gain an additional 100 vp).

5. Gear
All heroes begin the game with a set of normal clothes, appropriate to their race and culture, and 100 vp. A list of Savage Midnight specific
gear is provided in the Gear section. Other gear can be found in the Savage Worlds core rulebook.

6. Languages
All characters in the Midnight setting are considered to have the Illiterate Hindrance for no extra points. Characters know a native language in
which they are fluent speakers and are considered to automatically have a Knowledge (Language) skill of d8. They are not necessarily literate
even in their native tongue unless they invest in the relevant Knowledge (Language) skill at d12. Besides their native tongue, all heroes know
half their Smarts die in additional languages, chosen from the Bonus Language lists under each race, at a skill rank of Knowledge (Language)
d6. They speak these additional, non-native languages with an obvious accent. Social interaction skills dependent upon speech are at a –2
when attempted in the speaker’s non-native tongue. This penalty in non-native languages is forgone at a skill level of Knowledge (Language)
d8 or better.
Languages available in Savage Midnight include: Black Tongue, Courtier, Colonial, Erenlander, Danisil, Halfling, High Elven, Norther, Old
Dwarven, Dwarven Clan Dialects, Orcish, Snow Elf Patrol Sign*, The Sundered Tongues*, Sylvan*, Trader’s Tongue.
* Restricted Languages: Some languages, like items, are restricted, meaning that only characters of certain races can begin play with any
skill ranks in the language. Others can only learn the language during gameplay, and must of course find teachers to instruct them or live
among those who use it.

7. Defining Interests
Every hero is a sum of his parts. In addition to skills and attributes, he has a number of hobbies and other interests that may have nothing to
do with his professional pursuits, or at best, complement them on occasion. Your character begins with a number of Defining Interests equal to
half his Smarts. This number increases as his Smarts increases.
8. Heroic Path
Every hero must choose a single heroic path at character creation. This choice is permanent—a character can never change her heroic path or
have more than one. There are certain prerequisites for any heroic path; granted abilities are gained once the character reaches the listed
Rank. Sample heroic paths are presented below; others are possible, however, and many have yet to be discovered.

9. Background
Finish your character by filling in any history or background you care to. Ask yourself why your hero is where she is and what her goals are. Or
you can just start playing and fill in these details as they become important. You might also want to talk to the other players. Maybe your
characters know each other right from the start. Or you might collectively decide to optimize your group a bit and ensure you’ve got a good
assortment of skills and abilities. If so, make sure you’re playing what you want to play. There’s no point in being the party’s channeler, for
example, if that’s not a role you’re interested in.

• Tough: Dwarves are stout and tough. They start with a d6 in Vigor.
• Slow: Dwarves have a Pace of 5”.
• Low Light Vision: Dwarves see well under conditions of scarce light. They ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
• Orc-bane: Dwarves have fought orcs for thousands of years. They receive a +1 bonus on all Fighting rolls against orcs.
• Dwarves gain the Arcane Resistance Edge, ignoring any requirements.
• Dwarves receive 5 less Spell Energy anytime they take the Arcane Background Edge.
• Proud: Dwarves are extremely proud people and it is not easy for them to admit they make mistakes. They gain the Stubborn Hindrance.
• Brotherhood: Dwarves are extremely protective of their clans. They have the Loyalty Hindrance towards any Dwarf or member of their clan.
• Enemies of the Shadow: All fey races are branded as enemies of the Shadow and are to be reported or killed on sight. They automatically
gain the Wanted (Major: The Shadow) Hindrance.

In addition, dwarves receive one of the following abilities depending on if they belong to the underground-dwelling clans or the
surface-dwelling Kurgan:

Clan Dwarves
• Stonecunning: Clan dwarves are very much at home in their underground caverns. They receive a +2 bonus on all Notice rolls to
notice unusual stonework, such as sliding walls, new or unsafe construction, and the like. A clan dwarf can also intuit depth, sensing
his approximate depth underground as naturally as a human can sense which way is up.
• +1 Parry bonus against orcs. In the long war of attrition with the orcs, clan dwarves have developed an innate sense that helps
them to avoid the orcs’ powerful blows.
• Native Language: Clan Dialect (Native). Bonus Languages: Old Dwarven, Orcish, other Clan Dialect, Trader’s Tongue.

Kurgun Dwarves
• Natural Mountaineers: Kurgun dwarves are natural climbers and scramblers. They begin with a d6 in Climbing.
• When wielding two urutuk hatchets, Kurgan Dwarves gain the Two-Fisted Edge, ignoring any requirements.
• Native Language: Erenlander (Native); Bonus Languages: Colonial, High Elven, Orcish, Norther, and Trader’s Tongue.

• Agile: Elves are graceful and agile. They start with a d6 in Agility.
• Enemies of the Shadow: All fey races are branded as enemies of the Shadow and are to be reported or killed on sight. They automatically
gain the Wanted (Major: The Shadow) Hindrance.
• Heightened Senses: Elves have sharp eyes and keen ears. They receive a +2 bonus to all Notice rolls.
• Light Constitution: Elves are not as hardy as other races. It costs them 2 points per step to raise their Vigor during character creation and 2
Advances to raise during game play.
• Low Light Vision: Elves see well under conditions of scarce light, such as starlight or moonlight. They ignore attack penalties for Dim and
Dark lighting.

In addition, elves receive the following abilities depending on which elven culture they come from:

Caransil (Wood Elves)

• Natural Channelers & Woodsmen: The Caransil make great sorcerers and woodsmen. They may choose to either receive 5 extra Spell
Energy (if they have the Arcane Background Edge) or begin with a d8 in Survival.
• Native Language: High Elven (Native). Bonus Languages: Colonial, Erenlander, Halfling, Jungle Mouth, Old Dwarven, Orcish, Sylvan,
Trader’s Tongue.

Danisil (Jungle Elves)

• Stealthy: Jungle elves are light-footed and stealthy hunters. They begin with a d6 in Stealth.
• Jungle Folk: Due to their extreme isolation, Danisil are not used to urban environments. They suffer -2 to Streetwise rolls in urban settings.
• When wielding two sepi Danisil gain the Two-Fisted Edge, ignoring any requirements.
• Native Language: Jungle Mouth (Native). Bonus Languages: Colonial, Erenlander, Halfling, High Elven, Sylvan, Trader’s Tongue.
Erunsil (Snow Elves)
• Northern Warriors: Snow elves are used to the cold climate of northern Erethor. They receive a +4 bonus to resist the effects of cold.
• Racial Weapons: Erunsil are expert archers. They may begin play with an Icewood bow (at one-quarter cost) and receive the Trademark
Weapon Edge, ignoring any requirements, when using an Icewood Bow.
• When wielding two snow elf fighting knives Erunsil gain the Two-Fisted Edge, ignoring any requirements.
• Superior Attitude: Erunsil can come off as condescending and rude, especially to other cultures. They gain the Outsider Hindrance when
dealing with non-elves.
• Death Wish: Erunsil are completely dedicated to their cause and will sacrifice anything to achieve victory over the Shadow.
• Brotherhood: Erunsil are extremely protective of their people. They have the Loyalty Hindrance towards any Erunsil.
• Native Language: High Elven (Native). Bonus Languages: Black Tongue, Erenlander, Norther, Orcish, Patrol Sign, Sylvan, Trader’s Tongue.

Miransil (Sea Elves)

• Natural Swimmer Edge, ignoring any requirements.
• Natural Sailors: Sea elves start with a d6 in Boating.
• Water Focus: Due to their society being so water-centric, Miransil suffer -2 to Tracking rolls when on land.
• Starting Language: High Elven (Native). Bonus Languages: Halfling, Jungle Mouth, Sylvan, Trader’s Tongue.

• Pleasant: Gnomes get along with everyone and are very successful traders. They gain the Charismatic Edge, ignoring any requirements.
• Natural Traders: Whenever engaged in interactions involving trading or smuggling, gnomes gain a +2 to Persuasion, Gambling, and
Streetwise rolls.
• Small: Gnomes are of short stature, averaging around 3 1/2 feet. Their small size subtracts 1 from their Toughness.
• Slow: Because of their small size, gnomes can’t move as fast as larger folks. They have a Pace of 5”.
• Low Light Vision: Gnomes see well under conditions of scarce light, such as starlight or moonlight. They ignore attack penalties for Dim and
Dark lighting.
• Riverfolk: Gnomes are at home on rivers. They begin with a d6 in Boating and a d6 in Swimming.
• Planners: Gnomes live and die by their ability to hide under the eyes of the Shadow. This has made them extremely careful. They gain the
Cautious Hindrance.
• Natural Swimmer Edge, ignoring any requirements.
• Enemies of the Shadow: All fey races are branded as enemies of the Shadow and are to be reported or killed on sight. They automatically
gain the Wanted (Major: The Shadow) Hindrance.
• Native Language: Trader’s Tongue (Native). Bonus Languages: Any except Black Tongue, Orcish, and Patrol Sign.

• Agile: halflings are agile and dexterous. They start with a d6 in Agility.
• Small: halflings are of short stature, averaging around 3 feet. Their small size subtracts 1 from their Toughness.
• Slow: Because of their small size, halflings can’t move as fast as larger folks. They have a Pace of 5”.
• Low Light Vision: halflings see well under conditions of scarce light, such as starlight or moonlight. They ignore attack penalties for Dim and
Dark lighting.
• Stealthy: halflings are light-footed and nimble. They begin with a d6 in Stealth.
• Common Bond: halflings, due to a majority of them being slaves for the Shadow, have developed many survival mechanisms. They watch
out for each other constantly. They gain the Loyal Hindrance towards any halfling.
• Adaptive: Halflings have a very resourceful nature. They draw one extra benny at the beginning of every game session. This stacks with
any additional bennies gained from such things as the Luck or Great Luck Edges.
• Enemies of the Shadow: All fey races are branded as enemies of the Shadow and are to be reported or killed on sight. They automatically
gain the Wanted (Major: The Shadow) Hindrance.
• Native Language: Halfling (Native). Bonus Languages: Black Tongue, Colonial, Courtier, Jungle Mouth, Orcish, Trader’s Tongue.

In addition, halflings receive one of the following abilities depending on their background:

Agrarian halflings
• Stout or Studious: start with a d6 in Vigor or a d6 in Smarts.

Nomadic halflings
• Skilled Rider: Nomadic halflings live in a symbiotic relationship with their wogren mounts. They begin with a d6 in Riding and an
adult Wogren mount.


• Strong: Dorns are a tall and strong race. They start with a d6 in Strength.
• Men of the North: Dorns are used to the cold climate of northern Eredane. They receive a +4 bonus to resist the effects of cold.
• Clan Mentality: Dornish culture is traditionally clan-based, and brotherhood is highly valued. Dorns gain a +1 bonus on all Fighting rolls
whenever they are fighting in groups of five or more Dorns.
• Two-handed cleave: Dorns gain +1 to Fighting rolls when using a melee weapon two-handed.
• Brotherhood: Dorns are extremely protective of their people. They have the Loyalty Hindrance towards any Dorn.
• Proud: Dorns are an extremely proud people and it is not easy for them to admit they make mistakes. They gain the Stubborn Hindrance.
• Native Language: Norther (Native); Bonus Languages: Colonial, Erenlander, High Elven, Orcish, and Trader’s Tongue.
• Two Bonus Edges: Erenlanders are the most adaptable of races and start play with two free Edges of their choice. They must meet the
requirements of the Edges as usual.
• Bonus Skill Points: Upon Advancing to a new Rank, an Erenlander character gains 2 extra skill points to spend on any skills.
• Noble Spirit: Erenlanders are the hope for the people of Eredane. Due to their natural inclinations to help people, they have the Heroic
• Restore the Crown: All Erenlanders are brought up with stories of the Hidden Prince of the Badens. They all secretly hope for the return of
the Prince one day and, if given the chance, will do whatever they can to ensure that this comes to pass. They gain the Vow (Minor)
• In the Last Age, life in central Erenland is hard, and men and women must develop useful trades and crafts at a young age simply to
survive. Erenlanders begin play with a d6 in any one Knowledge skill related to trades and crafts.
• Native Language: Erenlander (Native); Bonus Languages: Any.
As an alternative to the Erenlander backgrounds, below is a list of base Erenlander traits and the drawbacks to those traits that a player may
take at character creation. For each drawback a player applies to his Erenlander character, he may select one variant trait from the table
below. Each variant trait may only be selected once.

 Erenlanders normally gain two bonus Edges. As a drawback, the player may choose to forego one or both Edges. Each Edge he does
not take counts as one drawback.
 Erenlanders normally gain 2 extra skill points upon Advancing to a new Rank. As a drawback, the player may choose to receive only
1 extra skill point upon Advancing to a new Rank. This drawback may only be chosen once; the Erenlander’s diverse skills and talents
are an ingrained part of their heritage, and cannot be completely foregone.

Variant Erenlander Traits

Trait Description
Animal Whisperer Animals tend to trust you.
Beast Slayer A lifetime of fighting creatures gives you a good idea of their strengths and weaknesses.
Burly You're bigger than the average Erenlander.
Charm Crafter In the long hours of the dark of winter, you've perfected the art of charm crafting.
Dorn Heritage Though you're an Erenlander, your bloodline and family have strong Dorn Traits.
Flexible Craftsman Making do is what you do best.
Intuitive It doesn't take much for you to apply skill at one task to skill at another task.
Listener to the Land You know your home territory as well as any elf knows his forest.
Paranoid It's not survival of the fittest; it's survival of the most skittish.
Rugged Life on the open plains has toughened you to natural hardships.
Sarcosan Heritage Though you're an Erenlander, your bloodlline and family have strong Sarcosan Traits.
Secretive You've learned to hold your cards close to your chest.
Spirit Speaker You have a talent for magic akin to that of some fey.
Squalor Dweller Rubbish is your home, your meal, and your protection, so what's a little disease?
Sturdy You're hard to distract or to keep down.
Survivor You're skilled at avoiding mundane dangers.

Animal Whisperer: You have had to depend on animals, both domestic and wild, for survival. As such, you have developed a knack with
them; they trust you. Typical domestic animals have starting attitudes of friendly toward you, wild animals have starting attitudes of neutral,
and even animals trained to attack strangers or guard an area have starting attitudes of merely uncooperative, rather than hostile. These
starting attitudes assume that the character is not, for instance, waving a weapon at the animal, invading its lair, or attacking its young.

Beast Slayer: You have grown up defending your community against all manner of beasts, both natural and unnatural. You've picked up basic
knowledge along the way regarding their habits, preferred prey, and weaknesses. You may make Knowledge checks to identify monsters and
their special powers or vulnerabilities without having any ranks in the requisite Knowledge skill. Additionally, success with a raise on this roll
always results in correct identification of the creature and some useful information about it. This ability may only be used when identifying
animals, magical beasts, monstrous humanoids, humanoids, and undead; other creatures are too exotic and otherworldly for you to have any
experience with.

Burly: They grow them big out there on the open plains. You are larger than the average Erenlander, and thanks to a life of hard work, you
have a strong back and are adept at using leverage and sheer strength to get the upper hand. You gain a +1 on all Strength Trait rolls (except
damage rolls).

Charm Crafter: Charms are very useful items to Erenlanders, whether for their own use or to trade to others. Erenlanders have so few
resources with which to craft mundane items that being able to create something "from nothing" is seen as a blessing from the world spirit.
Your teacher taught you all the tricks, and during those long winters or while hiding from the tithe-takers, you perfected your craft. You may
create charms using half the time and resources normally required; alternatively, you may spend half again as much time when creating a
charm, which raises the difficulty to identify it, requiring two raises.
Dorn Heritage: Your northern bloodline is purer than most, and your parents taught you to respect your heritage. You gain the Clan Mentality
Dorn ability and count as a Dorn for that purpose. Additionally, you begin play with Knowledge (Norther) d8 and, if need be, can pass as a full-
blooded Dorn rather than an Erenlander.

Flexible Craftsman: Making do with little is the Erenlander way of life. When you craft mundane items, you may either take half the normal
time to do so or use up only 50% of the normal materials (your choice for each project). Additionally, you suffer no penalty when crafting an
item using improvised tools.

Intuitive: It doesn't take much training for you to get the hang of something, and you rapidly learn to apply skill in one area to activities in
another. Any time he makes an unskilled roll for a Smarts-based skill, he may add +1 to the roll. This may stack with the Jack-of-all-Trades

Listener to the Land: Whether the spirits of the land actually speak to you or not is up for debate. The fact is, you seem to know the lay of
the land, the ways of the plants and animals, and the events of the past without having to be told about them. You may make Common
Knowledge rolls (including the areas relating to geography, history, local, or nature) relating to any subject having to do with central Erenland
and gain +1 to the roll.

Paranoid: It can be unwise to trust your neighbors, much less outsiders. A life of avoiding overseers' attention and predicting their moods has
given you a useful, if skittish, awareness of your surroundings. Once per social encounter, you may re-roll a Notice roll. Additionally, any time
you make a reactive Notice roll to avoid being surprised, you may re-roll the result. You must choose to re-roll after rolling but before learning
the results of the roll, and you must accept the results of the second roll, even if it is lower than the first. bennies can be used as usual in re-
rolling the result a third time, but only the second and third rolls may be chosen from as option for results.

Rugged: Those who fall under the lashmaster's whip often aren't allowed to rise again, and enduring the elements on the open plains is part
and parcel of survival in Erenland. You receive a +2 on all Vigor rolls made to resist natural heat, natural cold, or exposure and to resist
suffering Fatigue from forced marches and similar continuing efforts.

Sarcosan Heritage: Your family's Sarcosan bloodline is strong, and your isolated homestead has allowed them some freedom to keep horses.
You begin play with a Sarcosan riding horse for free. Additionally, you begin play with Knowledge (Colonial) d8 and, if need be, can pass as a
full-blooded Sarcosan rather than an Erenlander.

Secretive: When the tithe-takers come, time is of the essence. Whether hiding friends for an ambush or concealing goods from others' eyes,
you may hide friends or equipment in half the normal time and gain +1 to your Stealth rolls.

Spirit Speaker: Erenlanders have never been very spiritual, focusing instead on the pragmatic aspects of survival. In this dark age, however,
spirituality has become pragmatic; without help from the land around you, your people probably couldn't survive. You gain 1 bonus Spell
Energy and know one additional Novice Rank spell. Only characters that begin with the Channeler Edge may select this variant Trait.

Squalor Dweller: Erenlanders are sometimes forced to live in disgusting environments. They can either succumb to the filth and disease
therein, or can develop a hardiness and natural immunity to such threats. You're one of the lucky ones. Anytime you must make a Vigor roll
against a disease, whether natural or supernatural in origin, you roll two dice and take the higher of the two rolls.

Sturdy: Erenlanders must learn to keep working, even when they hear the screams of their peers behind them or they feel the lash of the
overseer's whip. You receive a +2 on Smarts and Smarts-based skill rolls when dealing with stressful situations where keeping your cool is

Survivor: Erenlanders may not be as quick as their Sarcosan forebears or as resilient as their Dornish ancestors, but they learn to keep their
heads down in the face of mundane difficulties. You receive a +1 on Smarts or Spirit rolls during Tests of Will to resist Intimidation and Taunt
attempts against you.

• Sociable: Sarcosans are outgoing and usually have strong personalities. Their Charisma is increased by +2.
• Bonus Edge: Sarcosans start play with one free Edge of their choice. They must meet the requirements of the Edge as usual.
• Educated: Sarcosans due to their diverse cultural background, begin play with 2 extra skill points that they may distribute as desired.
• Better than you: Sarcosans are extremely confident, almost to the extreme. They have the Arrogant Hindrance.
• Justice for all: Sarcosans do not easily forgive nor forget. They have the Vengeful (Minor) Hindrance.
• Native Language: Erenlander (Native); Bonus Languages: Colonial, Courtier, Halfling, Norther, Orcish and Trader’s Tongue.

In addition, Sarcosans receive on set of the following abilities depending on their background:

Urban Sarcosans
• Persuasive: Sarcosans raised in urban environments are adept at communication and interaction. They begin with a d6 in
• Sarcosans raised in urban environments begin with a d6 in Streetwise but suffer a -2 to all Survival rolls in the wilderness and
other non-urban environments.
Nomadic Sarcosans
• Natural Horsemen: Sarcosans are traditionally a nomadic people. They begin with a d6 in Riding and begin play with a Sarcosan riding horse
or a Sarcosan war horse (at one-quarter normal cost).
• Urban Naivety: Due to their nomadic nature, nomadic Sarcosans get -2 on Streetwise rolls in urban environments.
• Nomadic Sarcosans gain a +1 on damage rolls against creatures smaller than their mounts when using a melee weapon from
• Rider’s Code: Nomadic Sarcosans are extremely loyal to each other and have the Loyalty Hindrance towards any nomadic

• Strong: Orcs are large and strong. They start with a d6 in Strength.
• Low-light Vision: Orcs are creatures of the night. They ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
• Resistant to Cold: Orcs were originally bred by Izrador in the far north of Eredane. They receive a +4 bonus to resist the effects of cold.
• Pack Mentality: The wild calls and howls of attacking orcs fill their brethren with a frenzied sort of valor. Orcs receive a +1 bonus on all
Fighting rolls when fighting in groups of 10 or more orcs, whether they are enemies or allies.
• Dwarf bane: Orcs have fought dwarves for thousands of years. They receive a +1 bonus on all damage rolls against dwarves.
• Orcs gain the Arcane Resistance Edge, ignoring any requirements.
• Orcs receive 5 less Spell Energy anytime they take the Arcane Background Edge.
• Uncharismatic: Orcs are crude and brutish creatures. They gain the Mean Hindrance.
• Light Sensitivity: Orc eyes are sensitive to strong light. They suffer a -1 attack penalty when in bright sunlight.
• Bloodthirsty: Orcs are naturally cruel and have the Bloodthirsty Hindrance.
• Native Language: Black Tongue (Native). Bonus Languages: Any except restricted languages.

• Pleasant: Like their gnomish parent, dwarrows tend to be sociable. They gain the Charismatic Edge.
• Dwarrows gain the Arcane Resistance Edge, ignoring any requirements.
• Low-light Vision: Dwarrows ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
• Slow: Because of their small size, dwarrows can’t move as fast as larger folks. They have a Pace of 5”.
• Small: Dwarrows are of short stature, averaging around 3 1/2 feet. Their small size subtracts 1 from their Toughness.
• Enemies of the Shadow: All fey races are branded as enemies of the Shadow and are to be reported or killed on sight. They automatically
gain the Wanted (Major: The Shadow) Hindrance.

In addition, dwarrows gain the following abilities depending on if they are raised by the gnomes or by the dwarves:

Gnome-raised Dwarrow
• Riverfolk: Dwarrows raised by gnomes are at home on rivers, although they are not as naturally skilled swimmers as the gnomes.
They begin with a d6 in Boating.
• Natural Traders: Whenever engaged in interactions involving trading or smuggling, gnomes gain a +1 to Persuasion and
Streetwise rolls.
• Starting Languages: Clan Dialect, Old Dwarven (Pidgin), Trader’s Tongue, any two unrestricted languages (Pidgin). Bonus
Languages: Any unrestricted languages.

Dwarf-raised Dwarrow
• Kurgun or Clan: A dwarrow raised by the dwarves can choose either the clan dwarf Stonecunning ability or the Kurgun dwarf
Natural Mountaineers ability.
• +1 Parry when fighting orcs.
• Native Language: Clan Dialect (Native). Bonus Languages: Old Dwarven, Orcish, other Clan Dialect, Trader’s Tongue.

• Strong: Dworgs are strong and tough. They start with a d6 in Strength.
• Low-light Vision: Dworgs ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
• Orc-bane: Dworgs hate orcs even more than normal dwarves do. They receive a +1 bonus on all Fighting and damage rolls against orcs.
• Kurgun or Clan: A dworg can choose either the clan dwarf Stonecunning ability or the Kurgun dwarf Natural Mountaineers ability.
• Dworgs gain the Arcane Resistance Edge, ignoring any requirements.
• Dworgs receive 5 less Spell Energy anytime they take the Arcane Background Edge.
• Forever Apart: Dworgs have some of the brutality of their orcish fathers in them and as such, they are looked down upon by dwarves and
other races. Their dwarf blood taints them in the eyes of their orc kin. They gain the Outsider Hindrance.
• Light Sensitivity: Dworg eyes are sensitive to strong light. If they fail a Vigor roll, they suffer a -1 attack penalty when in bright sunlight.
• Enemies of the Shadow: All fey races are branded as enemies of the Shadow and are to be reported or killed on sight. They automatically
gain the Wanted (Major: The Shadow) Hindrance.
• Native Language: Clan Dialect (Native). Bonus Languages: Old Dwarven, Orcish, other Clan Dialect, Trader’s Tongue.
• Agile: Elflings are agile and dexterous. They start with a d6 in Agility.
• Low Light Vision: Elflings see well under conditions of scarce light, such as starlight or moonlight. They ignore attack penalties for Dim and
Dark lighting.
• Stealthy: Like their parents, Elflings are light-footed and nimble. They begin with a d6 in Stealth.
• Small: Elflings are of short stature, averaging around 4 feet. Their small size subtracts 1 from their Toughness.
• Adaptive: Elflings have inherited some of their Halfling parents’ resourceful nature. They draw one extra benny at the beginning of every
game session. This stacks with any additional bennies gained from such things as the Luck or Great Luck Edges.
• Enemies of the Shadow: All fey races are branded as enemies of the Shadow and are to be reported or killed on sight. They automatically
gain the Wanted (Major: The Shadow) Hindrance.

In addition, Elflings gain one the following abilities depending on if they are raised in the halfling or elvish society:

Danisil-raised Elflings
• Very Stealthy: Elflings raised in the Aruun Jungle by the Danisil are truly skilled at moving silently and unnoticed. They begin with
a d8 in Stealth instead of the usual d6.
• Jungle Folk: Due to their extreme isolation, Danisil-raised Elflings are not used to urban environments. They suffer -2 to
Streetwise rolls in urban settings.
• Native Languages: Jungle Mouth (Native). Bonus Languages: Colonial, Erenlander, Halfling, High Elven, Orcish, Trader’s Tongue.

Halfling-raised Elflings
• Agrarian or Nomadic: Elflings raised by Halflings gain either the Stout or Studious or the Skilled Rider ability.
• Common Bond: Halfling-raised Elflings, have developed many survival mechanisms, based on their Halfling parents often being
slaves. They watch out for each other constantly. They gain the Loyal Hindrance towards any Halfling or Elfling.
• Native Languages: Halfling (Native). Bonus Languages: Colonial, Erenlander, Jungle Mouth, Orcish, Trader’s Tongue.

See Agents of Oblivion (Reality Blurs) for details on Defining Interests. They work identically in this setting as written in AoO.


See Agents of Oblivion (Reality Blurs) for details on Extended Trait Checks. They work identically in this setting as written in AoO.


The following skill will be removed as I don't see them being used all that much in a Savage Midnight game: Piloting.

Knowledge (Herbalism)
The Knowledge (Herbalism) Skill is a new skill added to reflect those who have the capability to manufacture herbal remedies.

This skill application works in all ways as introduced in Agents of Oblivion (Reality Blurs).

This skill application works in all ways as introduced in Agents of Oblivion (Reality Blurs).

This skill application works in all ways as introduced in Agents of Oblivion (Reality Blurs).

This skill application works in all ways as introduced in Agents of Oblivion (Reality Blurs).

This skill application works in all ways as introduced in Agents of Oblivion (Reality Blurs).


All characters in the Midnight setting are considered to have the Illiterate Hindrance for no extra points. Characters know a native language in
which they are fluent speakers and are considered to automatically have a Knowledge (Language) skill of d8. They are not necessarily literate
even in their native tongue unless they invest in the relevant Knowledge (Language) skill at d12. Besides their native tongue, all heroes know
half their Smarts die in additional languages, chosen from the Bonus Language lists under each race, at a skill rank of Knowledge (Language)
d6. They speak these additional, non-native languages with an obvious accent. Social interaction skills dependent upon speech are at a –2
when attempted in the speaker’s non-native tongue. This penalty in non-native languages is forgone at a skill level of Knowledge (Language)
d8 or better.
Languages available in Savage Midnight include: Black Tongue, Courtier, Colonial, Erenlander, Danisil, Halfling, High Elven, Norther, Old
Dwarven, Dwarven Clan Dialects, Orcish, Snow Elf Patrol Sign*, The Sundered Tongues*, Sylvan*, Trader’s Tongue.
* Restricted Languages: Some languages, like items, are restricted, meaning that only characters of certain races can begin play with any
skill ranks in the language. Others can only learn the language during gameplay, and must of course find teachers to instruct them or live
among those who use it.

Knowledge (Language) (Smarts)

Knowledge can also be used to reflect knowing a language other than one’s own native tongue. The higher the level, the better the character
can speak and mimic regional dialects, as shown under the Knowledge (Smarts) listing in the Savage Worlds core rulebook.


Power Points are referred to in Midnight as Spell Energy and powers are referred to as spells. Any character can become a spellcaster by
taking the Channeler Edge.


What constitutes a familiar? Well, that depends on the game world. For example, in a fantasy world it could be a standard black cat, raven, or
dog. In a game set in the far future, perhaps a cybernetic imp or a virtual AI would be more appropriate. In a roaring pulp adventure, robotic
familiars or perhaps the ubiquitous “brain in a jar” would better fit the bill. Theoretically, any arcane character can have a familiar—if the GM
allows it, that is. They are traditionally most common amongst spellcasters (i.e., the Arcane Background (Magic) Edge), although they can be
appropriate for a character that possesses more divine inclinations (i.e., Legates with the Arcane Background (Miracles) Edge) and their
astirax), as well.

Arcane characters may only have one active familiar. The familiar is loyal to the character, but it isn’t blindly loyal—if it's abused it will leave
and seek out a more congenial companion. In such cases, the offending character must perform an act of contrition—the permanent sacrifice
of a benny! When the new familiar arrives, it will have one more benny than normal and the character will have one less. This act affects the
character beyond any permanent bond with the character, so if the familiar dies or is driven off at a later date the character does not get his
benny back—through the act of contrition it is irrevocably lost. If a familiar is destroyed, through no fault of the character, a new one of the
same type will arrive in 2d6 days. If the familiar dies due to an action of the character, the familiar is lost and may not be regained short of
taking the Familiar Edge again. The new familiar does not gain any of the advancements the lost familiar obtained.

So How Does One Obtain a Familiar?

In order to obtain a familiar, the arcane character must take the Familiar Edge at any normal Advance at which he meets the listed

Use the Herbalism rules from the Hellfrost Player’s Guide, p. 45-48. The relevant skill is Knowledge (Herbalism) instead of Knowledge
(Alchemy) and requires the Herbalist Edge.


Though more limited than casters in other settings, channeling casters have a great boon in the form of ritual magic. Rituals can greatly
increase a spell's Duration, lower the amount of Spell Energy needed to cast it, or even lessen the apparent Rank of the spell so that it is less
likely to be detected by the dark god's legates.

Learning Rituals
In order to learn and lead rituals, a character must have the Ritual Magic Edge.

Casting Rituals
Activating a power via ritual is a Dramatic Task (see Savage Worlds core rulebook). The time for each “action” is typically 10 minutes per Spell
Energy cost of the ritual (minimum 10 minutes at a Spell energy ritual cost of zero), but it might also be hours or even days, depending on the
setting and importance of the spell. This includes time preparing material components, drawing glyphs and symbols on the target of the spell
(or area that it will affect), and mentally preparing for the grueling task ahead.

Ritual Costs
Rituals essentially allow a channeling caster to push, prod, and stretch the mystic energy of the world into the manner he desires. Each ritual
participant must pay the ritual Spell Energy cost from their personal Spell Energy reserves, but this does not count towards fulfillment of the
ritual spell’s Spell Energy cost. The ritual takes a great physical toll on all participants and the ritual is cast as if each ritual participant was
casting the ritual spell using the Soul Drain Edge, where the number of points of Spel Energy is equivalent to the final Spell Energy cost of the
ritual. While costly, this option allows desperate casters to accomplish longer-lasting, farther-reaching, and less easily detectable spell effects
than would otherwise be possible. Also, if the number of participants is balanced with the Spell Energy cost of the ritual, the ritual may have no
Spell Energy cost whatsoever. It is the use of such rituals, often for days without rest, that allows the hard-pressed healers of the elves and
dwarves to keep up with the constant battlefield wounds of their soldiers.

Ritual Effects
In exchange for the complication of performing a ritual, the caster can choose one or more of the following effects:

· No Effect: For each ritual assistant who participates, the Spell Energy cost of the ritual is lowered by one, with no minimum
(meaning that a ritual can allow a spell to be cast for zero Spell Energy).
· Double his Power Points: Every Power Point the caster spends-whether of her own Arcane Background or from a storage device
she might be using-counts as two.
· Extend the Range: The caster may double the Range of a spell. She can extend it to her Smarts in miles and ignore any sight
restrictions by making her Arcane Skill rolls at -4.
· Extend the Duration: The caster may double the normal Duration, or extend it to “Concentration” at a -2 penalty to her Arcane
Skill rolls. With a -4 on the Arcane Skill roll, the Duration is measured in days (if possible). Spells with Instant Durations may not be
· Increase Damage: The caster can increase the damage of a spell by +2d6, or +4d6 if she suffers a -2 penalty to her Arcane Skill
· Increase Effect: The caster adds an additional +2 to a spell’s effect (or adds +2 to any resulting opposed roll). This may be
increased to +4 by subtracting -2 from the Arcane Skill roll.
· Lower Detection: Lower the spell's Rank aura by one for the purposes of astirax detection.

Preparation & Assistance

Using additional casters, spending additional time, or sacrificing resources make rituals easier to complete.

· Additional Casters: Assistants who can cast spells of a Rank similar to the ritual spell to be cast may aid the caster by making
cooperative rolls at each step with their Arcane Skill. The maximum number of such assistants is limited to half the the ritual leader’s
Arcane Skill.
· Time: Increasing the steps it takes to cast a ritual makes it easier to complete. If the Dramatic Task takes eight actions rather than
the usual five, the caster may add +1 to her Arcane Skill totals each action. If the task takes ten actions, she may add +2.
· Materials: A caster may consume expensive or rare items as part of his ritual. Every ritual is assumed to require some small amount
of common items. If a small number of rare, unique, or valuable items are sacrificed, the caster may add +1 to her Arcane Skill
check each action. If the sacrifice is greater-a very expensive or incredibly hard to obtain item is used-she may add +2. In either
case the components are destroyed at the end of the ritual, whether it was successful or not.

Ritual Failure
Rituals can fail for a variety of reasons. A ritual fails if the caster is disrupted, the ritual area is disturbed, or the caster simply stops performing
the ritual. Other situations may cause a ritual to automatically fail as well, according to the GM. If a ritual fails, any character participating in
the casting must pay for the ritual cost immediately. This penalty is harsh, and characters are well advised to use rituals only under
circumstances they fully control.
Designing Rituals
Rituals are an important part of the magic of the world, and each should be designed to reflect the particular culture from which it springs.
Different types of magic also have certain common elements in their rituals, elements that can be found in rituals of diverse cultures.

The material components used in rituals are rarely valuable, as items of worth—food, clothing, and tools—are hard to come by in these trying
times. They are more likely to be materials common to the area in which the rituals are conceived. The elves make liberal use of wood, leaves,
flowers, herbs, and moss in their rituals, while gnomes use the bones of river fish, reeds, and smooth stones from shallow areas. The humans
adapt to their varied surroundings, using clay for drawing and other materials where appropriate.

Some of the most common types of ritual spells and their components are as follows.

Healing: Healing rituals are common, especially when greater healing is needed and there are not many healers to perform the duties. The
subject of the healing is usually painted with an aromatic paste made from various local plants. The spellcaster then chants over him for several
hours while applying more of the paste and sometimes feeding him roots or leaves during the process.

Illusion: Illusions are often used to hide entire communities from oncoming armies or to facilitate the movement of small numbers of people
through enemy territory. When used on these scales, it is often more than local channelers can handle, so they turn to rituals to aid them.
Illusion rituals often use translucent gemstones and minerals such as quartz. Light is shone through the stone and reflected onto the area to be
glamoured, while the channeler envisions and describes the illusion to be wrought.

Abjuration: Spells used for protection can often be made to affect more people and larger areas when used in conjunction with rituals.
Protection rituals often make use of powdered substances that are used to draw circles and symbols on the area to be protected. Common
materials include bone and dirt from an area that is sacred or somehow special to the local population.

Transmutation: Sometimes a channeler needs to use powerful transmutation magic to aid himself or another. This is common when a great
champion is needed in battle. Transmutation rituals are always intense and personal, and they usually involve the use of colorful dyes or pastes
that are applied to the subject in a way related to the enhancement he is being given. For instance, a character being augmented by a ritual
boost Trait spell targeting Strength may have an exaggerated or stylized musculature painted on his body during the ritual.


As described on page 30 in the Savage Worlds Horror Companion (Pinnacle Entertainment Group).

Resource Rolls

This system works in all ways as introduced in Shaintar: Legends Arise Players Beta Guide (Reality Blurs). The following are additions to those

Condition Resource Roll Modifiers

Fey -2 to rolls (this is in addition to any Charisma penalties if a Persuasion roll is attempted)

Region Regional Worth Cost Modifiers by Item Type

Food Raw Materials Finished Goods Contraband Baubles
Northern Erenland x3 x3 x3 x2 No value
Central Erenland x1 x1 x2 x2 x1/50
Southern Erenland x1 x2 x1 x2 x1/10
Veradeen x2 x1 (ore x2) x3 x2 No value
Caraheen x1/2 x2 (wood x1/10), (ore x3) x2 x1 x1/100
Aruun/Miraleen x1/2 x2 (wood x1/2) x3 x2 No value
Kaladruns x4 x2 (ore x1/10) x1/2 x1/2 No value
White Desert/Asmadar x3 x3 x3 x2 No value

Restricted Items: Some items are so valued by the cultures from which they stem that they are not available under normal circumstances.
Characters may not begin play with restricted items unless access to those items is specifically mentioned in their racial descriptions.
Additionally, such items should not be purchasable in normal gameplay, but should rather be rewards for courageous and selfless service to the
culture with which the restricted item is affiliated or the goals of dangerous quests. Restricted items are noted as such in the Notes section.

Coverage: This works in all ways as introduced in Shaintar: Legends Arise Players Beta Guide (Reality Blurs).

Type Armor Coverage Weight Cost Value Availability
Partial Leather +1 -2 10 35 -2 -2
Full Leather +1 -4 15 50 -2 -2
Partial Scale +2 -2 15 200 -4 -2
Full Scale +2 -4 20 240 -4 -2
Partial Chain +3 -2 20 350 -4 -2
Full Chain +3 -4 25 500 -4 -2
Partial Plate & Chain +4 -2 25 750 -6 -4
Full Plate & Chain +4 -4 40 900 -6 -6
Partial Plate +5 -2 40 1200 -6 -6
Full Plate +5 -4 50 1600 -6 -6

White Silver Chain +4 -4 10 n/a -6 -6
Type Weight Cost Value Availability Notes
Bracers 6 40 +0 -2 +1 Parry; Two must be worn, does not stack with
Shield; Minimum Agility d8

Small Shield (Buckler) 8 25 -2 -2 +1 Parry

Medium Shield 12 50 -2 -2 +1 Parry, +2 Armor versus ranged shots that hit

Large Shield (Kite, Pavise) 20 100 -4 -4 +2 Parry, +2 Armor versus ranged shots that hit

Tower Shield 30 300 -6 -6 +3 Parry, -1 Fighting, counts as Medium cover versus

ranged attacks (-2 to be hit)

**Shields protect only against attacks from the front and left (assuming a right-handed character).
Melee Weapons
Name Damage Weight Cost Value Availability Notes
Atharak Str+d6 4 2 +2 +0 Parry -1, Reach 1, 2 hands, -2 Notice to find
Axe Str+d6 2 8 -2 -2
Bastard Sword Str+d8 10 35 -2 -2 Parry -1; if used 2-handed, no Parry penalty,
and Str+d8+1
Battle Axe Str+d8 10 10 -2 -2
Cedeku Str+d6 3 12 -2 -4
Club Str+d4 4 1 +2 +0
Dagger/Knife Str+d4 1 2 +0 +0
Farmer’s Rope Str 5 -- +2 +2 +1 to Agility Tricks
Fighting Knife Str+d6 2 10 -2 -4
Flail Str+d6 8 8 -2 -2 Ignores shield Parry and Cover bonus

Great Axe Str+d10 15 20 -2 -2 AP 1, Parry –1, 2 hands

Great Flail Str+d8 25 15 -2 -2 AP 2 vs. Rigid Armor, Parry -1, 2 hands, Ignores
shield Parry and Cover bonus
Great Sword Str+d10 12 50 -2 -2 Parry -1, 2 hands
Halberd Str+d8 15 10 -2 -2 Reach 1, 2 hands
Lance Str+d8 10 10 -2 -2 AP 2 when charging, Reach 2, only usable in
mounted combat
Lance, halfling Str+d6 5 10 -2 -4 AP 2 when charging, Reach 2, 2 hands (1 when

Lance, Sarcosan Str+d8 4 20 -2 -2 AP 2 when charging, Reach 2, 2 hands (1 when

Long Sword Str+d8 8 15 -2 -2 Includes scimitars
Maul Str+d8 20 12 -2 -2 AP 2 vs. Rigid Armor, Parry -1, 2 hands

Pike Ste+d8 10 10 -2 -2 Reach 2, 2 hands

Rapier Str+d4 3 20 -2 -2 Parry +1
Sepi Str+d6 2 8 -2 -4
Short Sword Str+d6 4 10 -2 -2
Spear Str+d6 5 5 -2 -2 Parry +1, Reach 1, 2 hands
Spear, Dornish horse Str+d10 12 8 -2 -2 On foot: Parry +1, Reach 1, 2 hands; Mounted:
AP 2 when charging, Reach 1, 2 hands
Staff Str+d4 8 1 -2 -2 Parry +1, Reach 1, 2 hands
Staghorn Str+d6 6 8 +0 -2 Parry +1, -1 to defenders Strength roll to

Tack Whip Str+d4 7 7 +0 +0 Parry -1, -1 to defenders Strength roll to Disarm

Urutuk Hatchet Str+d8 4 30 -2 -2

Vardatch Str+d10 12 6 -2 -2 Parry -1, 2 hands (1 hand with Strength d8+)

Vardatch, crafted Str+d8+2 10 312 -4 -4 Parry -1, 2 hands (1 hand with Strength d8+)
Vardatch, greater Str+d12 16 10 -4 -2 Parry -1, 2 hands

Warhammer Str+d6 8 12 -2 -2 AP 1 vs. Rigid Armor

Ranged Weapons
Name Range Damage ROF Cost Value Availability Weight Min Str Notes
Axe, throwing 3/6/12 Str+d6 1 15 -2 -2 2 -
Bow 12/24/48 2d6 1 75 -2 -2 3 d6
Crossbow 15/30/60 2d6 1 50 -2 -4 10 d6 AP 2, 1 action to
Dagger/Knife 3/6/12 Str+d4 1 2 +0 +0 1 -
Darts 4/8/16 Str 1 1/10 +0 -2 1/2 -
Hand Crossbow 6/12/24 2d4 1 100 -2 -4 2 - AP 1, 1 action to
Inutek 3/6/12 Str+d4 1 6 +2 +0 3 - +1 to Agility
Lance, Sarcosan 1/3/6 Str+d8 1 20 -2 -2 4 - May only be
thrown during a

Longbow, Icewood 12/24/48 2d6 1 500 -6 -6 10 d6 Restricted, Easily

(reduces Spell
Energy required
by 1 and time by

Sling 4/8/16 Str+d4 1 - +2 +0 - -

Sling, great 4/8/16 Str+d6 1 10 +0 +0 2 -

Spear 3/6/12 Str+d6 1 10 -2 -2 6 d6

Urutuk Hatchet 3/6/12 Str+d8 1 30 -2 -2 5 -

Type Weight Cost Value Availability Notes
Arrow 1/5 1/2 +2 -2
Arrow, Armor Piercing 1/5 1 -2 -2 AP 2
Arrow, Fleshstripper 1/5 1 -2 -2 +2 damage, but target’s Armor Value is doubled
Arrow, Shard 1/5 12 -2 -4 1d6 damage only; no extra damage on a raise
Shooting roll; on a raise on Shooting roll, target
makes a Vigor roll or suffers a Fatigue level and -2
Pace until successful Healing roll

Arrow, Signal 1/5 1 -2 -2 This arrow does no damage, but produces a high-
pitched whine when fired which can be heard at a
distance of 200’
Quarrel, Crossbow 1 2 -2 -2

Quarrel, Hand Crossbow 1/10 1 -2 -4

Sling Stone 1/10 1 / 20 +2 +2 Stones can also be found for free with a Notice roll
and 1d10 minutes searching, depending on terrain

Adventuring Gear
Item Cost Weight Value Availability Notes
Backpack 25 2 +2 +0
Bandolier 10 1 -2 -2
Bedroll 25 3 +2 +0
Blanket 10 4 +2 +2
Candle 1 - +0 +0 Provides light in 2” radius
Charm Buckle 50 1/4 -2 -4
Climbing Gear 5 2 -2 -4 +2 Climbing
Crowbar 10 2 -2 -2
Drop Sheath 20 2 -4 -4 -2 Notice to find
Flask, Metal 10 1 -2 +0
Flint and 3 1 +0 +0
Foldable X2normal 1.5x normal -2 -4 -1 Toughness
Grappling 50 2 -2 -2 +2 Climbing
Hammer 10 1 -2 +0
Hollowed 3x normal Varies -2 -4 See Notes
Lantern 25 3 -2 -2 Provides light in 4” radius
Lockpicks 100 - -2 -2 +2 Lockpicking
Oil 2 1 -2 -2 1 pint
Parchment 1 - -4 -4 Per 3 sheets
Poison Stone 100 1 -4 -4
Quiver 25 2 -2 -2 Holds 20 arrows/bolts
Rope, 10’ 10 15 +0 +0
Shovel 50 5 +0 +0
Soap 1 1/5 +0 -2
Spike 1 1 -2 -2
Torch 1 1 +2 +2 Provides light in 4” radius
Whetstone 5 1 -2 -2
Whistle 2 - -2 -2

Alchemical Gear
Item Cost Weight Value Availability Notes
Corpse Acid 40/dose 1 -4 -6 Restricted, Knowledge (Herbalism) roll (-2) to make; 1d6 damage with the Acid
Burn Trapping (only affects undead)
Essence of 50/dose 1 -4 -6 Restricted, Knowledge (Herbalism) roll (-4) to make
Herbal Varies 1/4 -4 -4
Orcbane -4 -6 Restricted, Poison: Paralysis (non-orc); Venomous (orc)
Orcish 50 2 -4 -6 Restricted, Short-term, debilitating disease delivered by touch

Item Cost Weight Value Availability Notes
Sarcosan 300 - -4 -4 Restricted; see Sarcosan-Bred Horse Template
Riding Horse
Sarcosan War 600 - -4 -4 Restricted; see Sarcosan-Bred Horse Template
Wogren 800 - -6 -6 Restricted

Item Cost Weight Value Availability Notes
Beltpouch 5 - +0 +0
Clothing, Formal 100 2 -2 -2 +1 Charisma in the right situations
Clothing, High Formal 1000+ - -4 -4 +2 Charisma in the right situations; must be tailored
Clothing, Travel 20 - +0 +2
Clothing, Winter 60 3 -2 -2 +2 Vigor to resist cold
Refugee Leathers +200 Varies -4 -4 Restricted, Armor +2

Food & Lodging

Item Cost Weight Value Availability Notes
Poor Fare 2 - +2 +2 Vigor roll or suffer a Fatigue level for 8 hours after eating
Typical Fare 5 - +0 +0

Exceptional 10+ - -2 -4 +1 next Spirit roll

Poor Lodging 3 - +2 +2 Vigor roll or suffer a Fatigue level for 8 hours after waking
Typical 10 - +0 +0

Exceptional 20+ - -4 -4 +1 on next Vigor roll for 8 hours after waking

Bath 5 - -2 -2 +1 on next Healing attempt affecting character
Trail rations 10 - -2 -2 5 meals; keeps 1 week

Kits represent everything from specialized sets of tools to delicate instruments to pre-packed survival items. They provide a variety of necessary and
useful things oriented towards a category of tasks. Each kit has a description in the Notes below the table.
Much of a kit’s composition is permanent in nature, but there are consumables as well. As a general rule, assume one-tenth (1/10) of the cost of
the kit must be spent each month to keep it well stocked. If the alternate Resource Rolls system is in use, a Resource roll is made every month with
the Moderate Value (+0) and Common Availability (+0) Rating modifiers applied (unless otherwise altered by the GM).

Item Cost Weight Value Availability Notes
Alchemist’s Chest 300 15 -4 -4
Artificer’s Chest 600 15 -4 -4
Harvesting Tools 50 5 -2 -4 +1 Survival to harvest herbalism ingredients
Healer’s Kit 100 2 -4 -2 +2 Healing

Magical Gear
Item Cost Weight Value Availability Notes
Charm (minor) 5 - -2 -2
Charm (lesser) 25 - -4 -4
Charm (greater) 100 - -6 -4
Charm (true) 2,500 - -6 -6
Elven Traveling Clothes 250 - -6 -6 Restricted
Erethor Tea 80 - -6 -6 Restricted
Hearthstone 75 - -6 -6 Restricted

The following Hindrances from the Savage Worlds core rulebook do not exist in Savage Midnight:
· All Thumbs
· Doubting Thomas

The following Hindrances are modified in Savage Midnight:
· Illiterate: All characters default to having the Illiterate Hindrance, unless certain measures are taken (see the Knowledge (Langiage) &
Illiteracy section for more details).

You can't remember events before a specific point in your life. The details are left to the GM, but may include additional Hindrances (such as Hunted
by the Shadow) that your character is unaware of, forgotten family members, or perhaps unknown organizational ties.


Your character suffers a -2 (Minor) or -4 (Major) penalty to resist magic effects. In addition, his Toughness also suffers a -1 (Minor) or -2 (Major)
penalty against damage from magic effects. Characters with this Hindrance may not take the Arcane Resistance Edge, or any Edge based on Arcane

Some heroes (and villains) just don’t know when to brag and when to act. Your character suffers from this affliction.
The character’s first round in any combat must be spent announcing how great he is, or pronouncing the doom of those who oppose him. If for
some reason your character must act instead, it costs him a benny. A villain with this Hindrance never delivers a finishing blow to a foe. Instead, he
leaves them to die, or orders his minions to finish them while he stalks off well out of earshot. Inevitably, these heroes survive their wounds, escape
the minions, and so on.


Your character is inexperienced in combat and recovers slowly from shock and trauma. He suffers a -2 penalty to Spirit rolls to recover from being
Shaken. The character may use an Advance once he reaches Seasoned or any time thereafter to eliminate this Hindrance. Characters with this
Hindrance may not take the Combat Reflexes Edge until after the Hindrance has been eliminated.


Your character has a "skeleton in his closet". If his secret becomes known it will cause embarrassment and possibly prevent him from continuing to
act in his current capacity. Whether the Hindrance is Major or Minor depends on the actual secret and the severity of the consequences if it
becomes known.

Your character has a family member or significant other, or perhaps an entire family, to worry about in addition to the daily concerns of his chosen
profession. This is only a Hindrance if your dependents are in a position to be exploited by others.

Your character has a physical Trait (either natural or artificial) which makes him stick out like a sore thumb. Whenever someone attempts to track
you down, they get a +2 on Notice and Streetwise rolls related to the search effort. You cannot take this Hindrance in conjunction with the Non-
Descript Edge.

This character has a tendency to believe what people tell him. As a result he has a -2 to all Tests of Will initiated against him.


Your character is nearly incapable of telling a lie and keeping a straight face. Whenever making an Intimidation, Persuasion, or Taunt roll in which
anything more than a "slight bending of the truth" is involved, a –2 modifier is applied to the roll.


For some reason, the Shadow wants you captured or killed. Perhaps you are a known spellcaster or a rebel that has thwarted them too many times.
As a Minor Hindrance, you are searched for, but can generally escape notice by using a different identity. As a Major Hindrance, the Night Kings
themselves compete in finding you and bringing you to their dark god. This Hindrance may not be taken by any fey, as they are hunted and
enslaved or killed on sight by the Shadow regardless.

Your character suffers a -2 penalty on all Notice rolls. Characters with this Hindrance may not take the Alertness Edge.


Your character was destined for a life under the shadow. As a lesser Hindrance, the character was intended to serve the Shadow, as a priest,
administrator, or something else. How and why this did not come to pass is up to you, but the time spent within the shadow's minions has made
the resistance uncertain about your loyalties. As a Major Hindrance, you are of the blood of a known traitor. Resistance fighters will at best have a
hard time trusting anything you say or do, and at worst might kill you or take you hostage to extort your evil kinsmen.
This Edge works in all ways as introduced in RunePunk (Reality Blurs).

Your character is obsessed with something - acquiring occult knowledge, protecting abused children, collecting rare weapons, and getting a date
with the cute girl who works at the library. Whatever it is, it's just about the most important thing in his life. He'll neglect his friends and
responsibilities, expend vast amounts of energy and resources, and even put himself and his companions in danger to pursue his obsession. This
can actually be useful sometimes: an obsession can drive a character into an adventure or keep him going against impossible odds. Usually though,
his obsession will just cause problems.


When drawing cards for initiative, your character must discard any card higher than a jack (except for a Joker) for a new card. Characters with this
Hindrance may not take the Quick Edge.


You have self-esteem issues and for whatever reasons have a difficult time making your wishes known, let alone imposing them on others! You
suffer a –2 penalty on all Intimidation and Taunt rolls.


For whatever reason, you’re not the stealthiest guy on the block. You suffer a –2 penalty on all Stealth rolls.

Any time your character is wounded, he suffers an additional -1 penalty to Pace and all Trait rolls, due to the pains of his wounds. Characters with
this Hindrance may not take the Nerves of Steel Edge, or any Edge based on Nerves of Steel.


You’re communication skills are sorely lacking and you have a heard time expressing your viewpoint to others, let alone convincing others of its
veracity! You suffer a –2 penalty on all Persuasion rolls.

The following Edges from the Savage Worlds core rulebook do not exist in Savage Midnight:
· Adept
· Arcane Background (Psionics)
· Arcane Background (Super-Powers)
· Arcane Background (Weird Science)
· Gadgeteer
· Mentalist
· Mr. Fix It
· Rock-N-Roll (there are no Full Auto weapons)
· Wizard

The following Edges are modified in Savage Midnight:
· Arcane Background (Miracles)
· Martial Artist (replaced by the Professional Edge in Savage Midnight)
· Improved Martial Artist (replaced by the Professional Edge in Savage Midnight)

TIERED ABILITIES: Tiered abilities are specific abilities tied to particular Edges. These abilities have certain prerequisite minimum Ranks at which
they may be taken and each is an added option to the standard list of available Advancement options.
Upon taking an Edge with Tiered abilities, the character gains one Tier 1 ability of their choice automatically.


Requirements: Seasoned, Human
This Edge works in all ways as introduced in The Fantasy Companion (Pinnacle Entertainment Group).


Requirements: Novice, Legate
See the Savage Worlds core rulebook for description.

IZRADOR, Shadow of the North

Aspects: Death, corruption, evil, undead.
Symbol: A blackened skull.
Powers: animation, arcane shield, armor, assist, banish, barrier, bestow spell, blast, blind, boil blood, bolt, boost/lower trait, burrow (in
graveyards), burst, confusion, curse, damage field, darksight, deflection, detect/conceal arcana, disguise, dispel, drain power points,
draining touch, entangle, environmental protection, fear, greater healing, healing, intangibility, invisibility, light/obscure, mend, protection,
pummel, puppet, quake, rending, sanctify/despoil, scryer’s mark, silence, shape change (into an undead), shatter, smite, speak language,
speak with fell, storm, stun, suggestion, summon ally, warrior’s gift, withering speech, zombie.
Trappings: Only legates may use Necromantic Trappings and may apply these to any appropriate spells.
Duties: The Order of Shadow is the dark church dedicated to the worship and service of Izrador. The priests of this foul religion are the
legates and their sole purpose is to serve the will of Izrador. Most legates are powerful clerics and wield potent magic. Many serve in
Theros Obsidia, attending Izrador in his enigmatic rituals. Others serve the Night Kings and district governors as advisors, providing them
with both dark insight and black magic. Still others cast powerful spells in support of the orc armies fighting the fey. They heal the injured
and spread magical fear and plague among the enemy. They raise the dead and send them into battle against the elves, controlling the
foul creatures with necromantic arts. The most vital service the legates provide the Shadow is the creation, maintenance, and growth of
his network of temples and the black mirrors contained therein. The corith are the instruments through which Izrador collects the arcane
energies he requires to achieve his ultimate goals. As the custodians of these dark altars, the legates are therefore key to the Shadow’s
plans. They scour the land, searching for sources of magic that could be used to fuel the dark god’s escape from his bonds. They are also
used as hunters, along with their astirax companions, to root out sources of magic not under Izrador’s control. Their task is simple: recruit
or kill any spellcaster who does not pledge his soul to the Shadow in the North.
Sins: (Minor) failure in assigned legate duties; (Major) allowing an infraction of the Laws of the Shadow to go unpunished; allowing
arcane knowledge to be destroyed or concealed; refusing to fight the forces of the resistance; recognizing any deity but Izrador; (Mortal):
Giving aid to the fey, all acts of direct rebellion.

Requirements: Seasoned, Berserk, Orc or Dworg
This Edge works in all ways as introduced in The Fantasy Companion (Pinnacle Entertainment Group).


Requirements: Veteran, Barbaric Blood, Spirit d8+
This Edge works in all ways as introduced in The Fantasy Companion (Pinnacle Entertainment Group).
Requirements: Novice, Riding d8+
Your character gains a +2 to all Riding rolls, except when using Riding in place of Fighting for melee. Additionally, he can mount or dismount as a
free action, without taking any penalties for multiple actions.

Requirements: Novice, Gnome or Human
When interacting with agents of Izrador, you gain a +2 to Notice rolls made to determine their allegiance (GM will secretly add the bonus). When
interacting with enemies of Izrador and folk that actively resist his reign, you gain a +2 to Persuasion rolls made to convince them of your

Requirements: Novice, Strength d6+
Your character likes to climb things. In fact, it’s safe to say that he’s more at home in the air than he is on the ground. He gains a +2 bonus on all
Climbing rolls and his Climbing Pace equals his normal Pace. In addition, he need only make a Climbing roll once for every 20” ascended or
descended (rather than every 10”).

Requirements: Novice, Agility d6+, Swimming d8+
This Edge works in all ways as introduced in 50 Fathoms (Pinnacle Entertainment Group).

Requirements: Novice
Your character is completely lacking distinctive features of any kind and can easily go unnoticed. Whenever someone attempts to track you down,
they get a –2 on Notice and Streetwise rolls related to the search effort. For obvious reasons, this may not be taken alongside the Attractive Edge or
the Distinctive or Ugly Hindrances.

Requirements: Novice, Agility d6+
Your character is adept at sneaking and skulking. He gains a +2 bonus on all Stealth rolls.

Requirements: Novice, Vigor d8+
Your character gains a +2 bonus on all Vigor rolls to resist the effects of disease, poison or environment.

Requirements: Novice, Sarcosan, Agility d6+, Spirit d6+, Riding d6+
You gain +2 Parry bonus when riding a horse and a +2 bonus on all Persuasion rolls with horses or other Sarcosans.

Requirements: Novice, Dwarf, Dworg or Orc
You start with the normal amount of Spell Energy if you possess the Arcane Background Edge, but you do not possess the Arcane Resistance Edge
normally granted to your race.
Normal: Dwarves, Dworgs, and Orcs normally start with 5 less Spell Energy, but gain the Arcane Resistance Edge.

Requirements: Veteran, Brave, Spirit d8+
Your character is nearly fearless; the bonus gained from Brave is increased to +4.


Requirements: Veteran, Quiet as a Mouse, Agility d8+
Your character has mastered the art of sneaking. You gain a +4 bonus to all Stealth rolls. This replaces the bonus from Quiet as a Mouse.


Requirements: Seasoned, Fighting d10+
The warrior is experienced at moving across a large distance and getting the most effect out of rushing their foe. He may perform the Run
maneuver and attack a target without suffering a –2 multi-action penalty. He is considered to be making a Wild Attack, but his Parry is only reduced
by -1.

Requirements: Novice, Elf or Danisil-raised Elfling, Agility d8+, Fighting d8+, short sword or smaller blade
This Edge works in all ways as introduced in 50 Fathoms (Pinnacle Entertainment Group).


Requirements: Seasoned, Close Fighting
This Edge works in all ways as introduced in 50 Fathoms (Pinnacle Entertainment Group).

Requirements: Seasoned, Agility d8+, Fighting d8+, Notice d8+
This character is adept at fighting and keeping track of multiple foes. Opponents gain no Gang Up bonus against him.
Requirements: Seasoned, Strength d8+, Fighting d10+
The character is a master at exploiting the crushing power of such weapons as maces, hammers, and mauls. When wielding such a weapon, he may
take a –1 Parry on a given round to add +2 to his damage.

Requirements: Novice, Fighting d8+, Notice d6+
This Edge works in all ways as introduced in Evernight (Pinnacle Entertainment Group).

Requirements: Veteran, Agility d8+, Fighting d10+
Any character wielding a rapier, dagger, or similar small/light weapon can become experienced enough to exploit opportunities to strike weak points
and vital areas. When such a character successfully performs a Trick Maneuver, they get the benefit of getting The Drop on that target (gaining +4
to their attack and damage rolls, though they are not considered on Hold). This bonus is in addition to the –2 Parry the target suffers for being

Requirements: Seasoned
This Edge works in all ways as introduced in 50 Fathoms (Pinnacle Entertainment Group).


Requirements: Seasoned, Dirty Fighting
This Edge works in all ways as introduced in 50 Fathoms (Pinnacle Entertainment Group).

Requirements: Seasoned, Archer, Shooting d8+
This Edge works in all ways as introduced in The Fantasy Companion (Pinnacle Entertainment Group).


Requirements: Veteran, Double Shot
This Edge works in all ways as introduced in The Fantasy Companion (Pinnacle Entertainment Group).

Requirements: Seasoned, Shooting d8+ or Throwing d8+
Your character gains a +2 bonus that can only be used to offset range penalties associated with ranged attacks.


Requirements: Heroic, Giant Killer
This Edge works in all ways as introduced in Hellfrost (Triple Ace Games).

Requirements: Seasoned, Strength d8+, Fighting d10+
The character is skilled at using the reach and size of a larger weapon to enhance their defensive posture. The hero adds +1 to his Parry if using a
weapon that requires 2 hands to wield. This is in addition to any bonus already granted by such a weapon (though it does not apply if he doesn’t
have the minimum strength required to wield it).

Requirements: Heroic, Agility d8+, Fighting d10+
The character masters his defensive techniques. A character with this Edge who performs the Defend action gains a +4 to his Parry (instead of just
+2). He also subtracts 2 from any ranged attacks against him this round, as well as adding +2 to any attempts to evade area effect attacks.

Requirements: Novice, Vigor d8+
This Edge works in all ways as introduced in Solomon Kane (Pinnacle Entertainment Group).

Requirements: Novice, Fighting d8+
This Edge works in all ways as introduced in Solomon Kane (Pinnacle Entertainment Group).

Requirements: Veteran, Strength d8+, Shooting d10+
This Edge works in all ways as introduced in Hellfrost (Triple Ace Games).

Requirements: Veteran, Strength d8+, Throwing d10+
This Edge works in all ways as introduced in Hellfrost (Triple Ace Games).


Requirements: Veteran, Strength d10+, Fighting d10+, Size +0 or greater
This Edge works in all ways as introduced in Hellfrost (Triple Ace Games).
Requirements: Seasoned, Strength d8+, Fighting d10+
The character knows how to take advantage of the armor-punching power of such weapons as axes and halberds. On any given round, they can
take a –1 Parry to gain a +2 AP bonus (this is in addition to any existing AP bonus the weapon may have).

Requirements: Seasoned, Halflings or Elflings, Agility d8+
This Edge works in all ways as introduced in The Fantasy Companion (Pinnacle Entertainment Group).

Requirements: Veteran, Scamper
This Edge works in all ways as introduced in The Fantasy Companion (Pinnacle Entertainment Group).

Requirements: Heroic, Wild Card, Iron Jaw
This Edge works in all ways as introduced in Solomon Kane (Pinnacle Entertainment Group).

Requirements: Seasoned, Smarts d8+, Fighting d8+, Notice d6+
This Edge works in all ways as introduced in Solomon Kane (Pinnacle Entertainment Group).

Requirements: Seasoned, Dwarf or Strength d10+
This Edge works in all ways as introduced in The Fantasy Companion (Pinnacle Entertainment Group).

Requirements: Veteran, Sunder
This Edge works in all ways as introduced in The Fantasy Companion (Pinnacle Entertainment Group).

Requirements: Seasoned, Orc or Dorn, Intimidation d8+
This Edge works in all ways as introduced in Hellfrost (Triple Ace Games).

Requirements: Veteran, Agility d8+, Fighting d8+, Two-Fisted, two weapons
This Edge works in all ways as introduced in Evernight (Pinnacle Entertainment Group).

Requirements: Veteran, Whirlwind
This Edge works in all ways as introduced in Evernight (Pinnacle Entertainment Group).


Requirements: Veteran, Command, Smarts d6+, Shooting d8+, Throwing d8+
This Edge works in all ways as introduced in Hellfrost (Triple Ace Games).

Requirements: Seasoned, Command, Fervor
This Edge works in all ways as introduced in Hellfrost (Triple Ace Games).


Requirements: Seasoned, Arcane Background (Any), Arcane Skill d6+, Knowledge (Alchemy) d6+
This Edge is modified from the Edge introduced in Hellfrost (Triple Ace Games).
Despite its name, alchemy is the creation of potions and scrolls. The creation of permanent magic items requires the Enchant Edge, Improved
Enchant, or Arcane Artificer Edges.
Spells to be placed into an alchemical device must be part of the alchemist’s repertoire—if he doesn’t know healing, for instance, he can’t use it with
this Edge. Alchemical devices may only contain spells that do not require an opposed roll to be effective—alchemical devices have no arcane skill.
For instance, you could create a potion of fog cloud, scroll of quake, or even a scroll of warding, but not a potion of puppet, potion of confusion, or
scroll of disease.
Players should use common sense when creating alchemical devices. For instance, bolt makes more sense in a scroll rather than a potion. Obscure
could be a potion, but would be thrown or sprinkled over an area rather than drunk. The GM has the final say on whether a spell belongs in a potion
or scroll.
Creation: To create an alchemical item or device, the alchemist needs access to at least a small lab, ingredients, and time. Creating a device takes
a number of hours equal to twice the spell’s Rank (Novice is 2 hours, Seasoned 4 hours, and so on). The monetary cost of the ingredients is equal
to 50 vp per Rank of the spell.
At the end of the required time, the alchemist pays the monetary costs, and rolls his Knowledge (Alchemy). (Note that to create a triple bolt spell
requires three rolls, as each bolt is essentially a unique casting). If a spell allows for a negative modifier for an increased effect, the creator must
declare before rolling that he is trying to invoke the additional effect. The hero is, in essence, distilling a spell into physical form.
If the skill roll is successful, the device is complete. Any living being can use the device as an action (this is assuming they can read the language of
the scroll) and gains the benefits of the spell. A potion of Vigor, for example, might contain the boost Vigor spell. On a failure, the device is ruined,
the ingredients lost, and the alchemist may be subjected to backlash.
Backlash: When an alchemist rolls a 1 on his Knowledge (Alchemy) die (regardless of his Wild Die), he is automatically Shaken, as some fault in
the preparation causes a minor incident during creation. This can cause a wound. On a critical failure, the device explodes for 2d6 damage in a
Large Burst Template (various Trappings may apply, at Gm discretion).
Effects: The effects of the device are the same as the spell. This includes any additional effects from raises on the original skill roll. Maintained
spells in alchemical devices have a Duration of one hour and do not count as being Maintained by the creator. Using an alchemical device does not
risk backlash.
Ranged Spells: Spells designed to function at range, such as obscure or stun, can be thrown with the Throwing skill at Range 3/6/12 (this
replaces their usual range) or fi red from a wand using Shooting. Spells with Range brackets (bolt or blast) or which use the Cone Template (burst)
must be activated using Shooting.
Scrolls: Any person who can read the scroll can cast the spell as an action. No die roll is required. Once used, the scroll turns to dust.

Requirements: Seasoned, Arcane Background (Any), Smarts d6+, Spirit d6+, Vigor d6+
This Edge works in all ways as introduced in Hellfrost (Triple Ace Games).

Requirements: Veteran, Concentration
This Edge works in all ways as introduced in Hellfrost (Triple Ace Games).

Requirements: Seasoned, Arcane Background (Any), appropriate Power Nexus location
Enchant allows a character to craft “enchanted items.” These are devices which essentially allow the user—whether he’s a spellcaster or not—to cast
whatever spell the item is imbued with. Each time the caster takes this Edge, he may create an enchanted item with any one of his own existing
spells. The Edge may be taken only once per Rank. The item has the arcane skill of the caster at the time of its creation, and half his Spell Energy
(round down). Items recharge at the standard rate (typically one Spell Energy per hour), though if the creator has Rapid Recharge or Improved
Rapid Recharge then so does the item. The wielder cannot use his own Spell Energy with enchanted items—they are effectively “locked.” Items
created through this Edge are referred to as minor artifacts.
Malfunction: Items created in this way fail to activate if the arcane skill die roll is a 1, regardless of the Wild Die, but have no further ill effects.
Multiple Enchantments: An item with more than one spell does not gain additional Spell Energy. (Though if the second Enchant Edge is “cast”
after the character gained more Spell Energy, the device gains the higher total). The same applies to the creator’s arcane skill. If it has increased
since he placed the previous enchantment, it now increases to his current level. While a character can add further spells to his own devices, he
cannot alter those of others. The user can decide which spells he’s activating when he makes his arcane skill roll, however. He may also make a
single roll for all the spells the device has. If a hero carries a ring enchanted with invisibility and armor, for example, both spells must share its pool
of Spell Energy, but the wearer can decide whether to activate only one of its spells or both with a single roll.
Soul Drain: Characters with the Soul Drain Edge may not use their Edge to power magical devices.

Requirements: Legendary, Enchant
Improved Enchant works the same way as Enchant with one important exception—the spell is “always on” and no longer requires Spell Energy to
use (it has infinite points). The cost, however, is the permanent expenditure of the creator’s own Spell Energy. For a high magic setting, the cost in
permanent Spell Energy is equal to the triple the usual cost of casting the spell. A wand of fireballs (blast), for example, could be created for 6
points. If the caster wanted the fireballs to cause 3d6 damage, the cost would be 12. For 3d6 damage and a Large Burst Template, the cost is 18.
Similarly, a suit of plate mail could be given additional Toughness with the expenditure of 2 permanent Spell Energy. When the device is created,
the creator makes an arcane skill roll. Failure means the Spell Energy are lost (and at the GM’s fiat, the device is destroyed as well—or it could
become cursed). A success means the spell is activated as usual. A raise means the spell forever activates with a raise (if desired by the user).
Artifacts which are always on (a ring of invisibility, a cloak of stealth, and so on), don’t require an arcane skill roll to activate—but may require an
action to “ready”—the ring must be put on, the cloak pulled over the shoulder, etc. Thus a ring of invisibility could always be worn and require no
activation roll—but the wearer would always be invisible. Artifacts requiring activation, such as a wand of fireballs, require a suitable skill roll
(Shooting for wands, for example). All artifacts created using this Edge are called major artifacts.

Requirements: Novice, Arcane Background (Any)
Rune Magic is based on the power of the runic alphabet. When casting a spell, the caster may opt to have the spell be inscribed as a rune of
power. See the Runes of Power section for more details.


Requirements: Seasoned, Trademark Weapon, Spirit d6+, Fighting d10+
Special: The character must have wielded his ancestral blade exclusively for one entire Rank before taking this Edge. The ancestral blade must be
a covenant item. Additionally, the character may never use a weapon other than the ancestral weapon. If he does so, he loses all abilities granted
by this Edge for one week.

Tier 1 Abilities (may be taken at Seasoned Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Unbreakable Blade: The character's ancestral blade becomes unbreakable. No amount of magical or physical damage can destroy or harm
the blade as long as a rightful heir of its family lives.
 Advance Ancestral Blade: When wielding his ancestral blade, the character unlocks an additional power above and beyond that which his
Rank allows him to know. Thus, if a Seasoned ancestral bladebearer wielded a covenant item that gained abilities at Seasoned, Veteran,
Heroic, and Legendary Ranks, the bladebearer would be able to access both the Seasoned and Veteran Rank abilities. If the character
gains this ability after he has unlocked all of his ancestral blade's abilities, then it gains a +1 bonus to its damage.
Tier 2 Abilities (may be taken at Veteran Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Immovable Blade: The character's ancestral blade may never be removed from his grasp by physical or magical means without his
permission. This includes disarming, telekinesis, or any other means by which the blade might be removed from his person.
 Ancestral Guide: The character's ancestral blade detects hidden and secret doors as if it had a permanent detect/conceal arcana spell cast
upon it. It alerts the character to the presence of any such door within 2” by emitting an audible hum and vibrating slightly.

Tier 3 Ability (may be taken at Heroic Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Unwavering Blade: The character's ancestral blade becomes his ultimate protector. If it is somehow separated from him despite the
immovable blade property, he may unerringly detect its direction and distance. In addition, if he should ever fall in combat, the blade
immediately fights on its own using the Fighting Trait of the one who loosed it to defend him until he dies or regains consciousness and
grasps the weapon. While dancing, the person who activated it is not considered armed with the weapon. In all other respects, it is
considered wielded or attended by the creature for all maneuvers and effects that target items. While dancing, it takes up the same space
as the activating character and can attack adjacent foes (weapons with Reach can attack opponents up to 1” feet away). The dancing
weapon accompanies the person who activated it everywhere, whether she moves by physical or magical means. The blade will not
attack those who approach to offer healing or to move his body to safety.

Requirements: Seasoned, Caransil elf (completely loyal to the Witch Queen), Smarts d6+, Notice d6+, Persuasion d8+, Streetwise d8+
Aradil’s Eye fight the Shadow from behind the scenes, gathering valuable information that can be used by the resistance. They gain a +2 bonus to
all Persuasion and Streetwise rolls. Aradil’s Eyes are the Witch Queen’s most trusted servants.

Tier 1 Ability (may be taken at Seasoned Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Alter Ego (Rank1): Upon being initiated into the group, the character must choose a disguise into which she transforms to avoid detection
when in other lands. This disguise must be versatile enough to exist in many lands and must be one of the human races. The character
studies the mannerisms, speech patterns, and habits of the chosen creature until the initiate can recreate them with little or no effort. At
this point, the character undergoes a ritual that permanently imbues her with the ability to shift into this form. The transformation takes
one minute to complete and is physically taxing, causing the character to become fatigued whenever she undergoes it. She can recover
with a successful Vigor roll. The same process allows her to revert to her normal form, although doing so when behind enemy lines is very
risky. Once the transformation is complete, the character does not radiate a magical aura. She does radiate magic while undergoing the
transformation, however. Her true form is revealed by detect/conceal arcana spells or abilities. The transformation caused by this ability
is complete, and the Aradil's eye becomes completely indistinguishable from a normal specimen of whatever race she chooses. Her
speech and mannerisms change along with her physical form. She retains her personality, however, and her ability scores, skills, Edges,
and race abilities remain the same. Casual observation and conversation will not reveal the disguise, although if someone suspects that
something is wrong and interrogates the character she must make a successful Persuasion check opposed by the interrogator's Notice in
order to maintain believability.
 Mindbond: The character is mindbonded to one of the master spies who report directly to the Witch Queen herself. The character can
establish this link once per day, usually at a predetermined time so that the master spy is prepared, and the two may communicate
telepathically for up to 10 minutes. She may not perform any strenuous action while communicating through the link, although normal
activities such as walking or breaking camp do not interfere. The character's appointed mentor can activate the mindbond at any time,
although this is only a one-way communication that does not allow the character to respond. If a response is urgently needed, the
character might be asked to establish her mindbond so that the two might communicate.
 Spy Initiate: Once the character establishes a minimum level of competency at performing her duties within the organization, she gains
the title of Spy Initiate, which grants her the following benefits:
o She gains a +2 on Persuasion rolls when dealing with elves and their allies.
o Her mentor gives her a small pin, called a lenuin, that identifies her as a Spy Initiate within the organization. This pin is small
enough to be sewn into clothing and is almost undetectable under a normal search.
o She can request basic services from elven contacts across Eredane. This includes providing a meal and hiding her (but not her
companions) for a night. It does not include giving or loaning her equipment, revealing sensitive information, or in any way
placing the contact in further danger.

Tier 2 Abilities (may be taken at Veteran Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Alter Ego (Rank2): The Aradil's eye gains an additional alter ego at the Veteran Rank that follows all of the rules for the first. She must
return to the Caraheen in order to undergo the ritual again, and until she does this she does not gain the benefits of the second alter ego.
The master spies impress upon each initiate how important it is to acquire this second alter ego, as even infallible disguises wear out if
the alter ego is connected by time and place to too many suspicious events. This second form must be humanoid and must be Small or
Medium, but need not be human (a gnome identity is possible, for instance, or even an orc). However, experienced eyes recommend that
a second human form is by far the most versatile, useful, and easy identity to assume.
 Spy: The character has proven her worth enough to be promoted to the Rank of Spy. Her lenuin automatically changes to denote her new
Rank, and she gains the following benefits:
o Her bonus to Persuasion rolls when dealing with elves and elf friends increases to +3.
o Her ability to request help from allies increases. She may now house her companions for up to one day with any elf friend and
may request one day's worth of rations per companion from the ally. The ally is also willing to take more severe risks on behalf
of the character, such as making first contact with a magical artisan or revealing the location of a stash of contraband.
o The spy can request help if she is in a bad situation. She has a 10% chance per character Rank of receiving the aid of 1d3
other Aradil's eyes if her mentor deems the situation dire enough to warrant possibly exposing several agents to the Night
Kings. It may take up to three days for such aid to arrive, and even then there is no guarantee the other agents can help. It is
up to the GM to determine the exact nature, speed, and effectiveness of the help.
o The character is given several outfits of hollowed clothing.

Tier 3 Abilities (may be taken at Heroic Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Alter Ego (Rank3): At Heroic Rank, the Aradil's eye must once again return to Caraheen to undergo a ritual and period of study that lasts
for one month. Her experience with the other peoples and cultures of Eredane allow her to transform into any humanoid race that she
has seen. She now may adopt any number of aliases, although each must be carefully studied and practiced for one week before she
adopts it. She cannot, for example, change into a dworg if she has never encountered and studied one. The Aradil's eye becomes so
practiced in the art of transformation that she no longer radiates magic when transforming, and detect/conceal arcana spells and the like
do not reveal her true form. She still reverts to her natural form when killed.
 Master Spy: The highest Rank within the organization is known as Master Spy. The character's mentor must sponsor the character in
order for her to achieve this level, and even then a council must determine her fitness to accept this important position. In times of dire
need these rituals will be eschewed in favor of an automatic promotion, but this does not happen often. When the character becomes a
Master Spy she takes on several responsibilities and gains several benefits, as noted below:
o The character is placed in charge of a specific region or mission (the Northlands, the Horse Plains of Erenland, the halfling slave
populations, Izrador's search for new nexuses, etc.). In order to help her with her mission she is given 1d4+1 Seasoned Rank
Aradil's eyes that are stationed throughout her region or areas of interest. She may establish mindbonds with these initiates as
well as receive theirs. The Master Spy may be given fewer or additional apprentices as time goes on or the importance of her
area of focus waxes and wanes.
o The character may now mindbond with any Master Spy she has ever met, and may do so at any time. She may also mindbond
with the Master Spies that have returned to the Caraheen to act as Aradil's advisors, whether or not she has previously met
them. This ensures that, should even a Master Spy be in danger of discovery or capture, her information will not be lost.
o If the character's identities have been compromised, her position outside the great forest less useful, or if Aradil simply likes the
character, she may be commanded to remain in the Caraheen to act as a "dispatcher" and advisor to the queen. Because it
takes several years to build an identity of the sort that Master Spies are expected to maintain, those that return to the Caraheen
seldom sortie back out as spies. There are always several Master Spies at Caradul at any one time.
o The character's bonus to Persuasion rolls when dealing with elves and elf friends increases to +4.
o The character gains the benefits of being a trusted advisor to the Witch Queen herself. She never doubts the character's word,
considers her advice and reports carefully, and may impart even the most sensitive of secrets to her. On the other hand, the
existence of Master Spies is suspected by the Shadow and any that were discovered would meet a gruesome, soul-rending

Requirements: Seasoned, Arcane Background (Magic or Miracles), Knowledge (Arcana) d10, appropriate Power Nexus location
True relics are outside the scope of an adventurer’s life, but one trained in the creation of magical items might still manage a few devices during his
travels. This is most often done by crafting an item by hand and then etching mystical runes upon it. This takes great time and energy, however,
and more often that not results in failure. Still, a diligent artificer can make some truly amazing devices.
On taking this Edge, the hero may craft (or modify) an item that adds +1 to the user’s relevant Trait roll, increases the damage of a weapon by +1,
or increases the bonus of armor by +1. No activation roll is required.
Assuming the artificer is always “fiddling” with devices (not locked in a dungeon, for example), and has adequate tools, he may make a Knowledge
(Arcana) roll at –4 at the end of any session in which he gains a new Rank. If successful, he adds another +1 to any item of his choice. This could
be his own blade, the cloak of another, or any other item of his choice. The item now adds that bonus to the user’s relevant Trait or damage roll, or
armor rating. No item may have more than a +3 bonus (such devices are relics and outside the scope of this ability).
Stacking: Bonuses from items don’t stack, so a sword +3 (Fighting) wielded by someone with gauntlets +3 (Fighting) gets only the highest of the
Trappings: Runes are the most common “trapping” of this Edge.


Requirements: Veteran, Arcane Artificer
Truly experienced mages and priests can inscribe runes of power that provide an item with an Edge. This Edge uses the same rules as Arcane
Artificer, with one notable exception. While the character need not have the Edge he is placing into an item, he must be of the same Rank. For
instance, a Veteran character could not inscribe Improved First Strike.
An individual item may contain no more than three Edges (again, items with more are considered true relics and beyond the ken of characters).
Where an Edge requires another Edge as a requirement (such as Improved Frenzy needing Frenzy), the requirement Edge must be worked into the
item first and uses one of the item’s three Edge “slots.”
Edges placed in items allow anyone wearing or carrying the object (as appropriate) to gain the benefits of the Edge without needing to meet the
requirements. An item must be worn or a weapon drawn to gain the effects of the Edge. Simply owning an axe of the berserker does not grant one
the Berserk Edge.
Stacking: Some Edges, typically those granting a fixed bonus, do stack with Edges possessed by the wielder.

Requirements: Novice, Marksman, Agility d6+, Shooting d8+, only works with bows
This Edge works in all ways as introduced in Shaintar: Legends Arise Players Beta Guide (Reality Blurs).

Requirements: Seasoned, Arcane Background (Magic), Smarts d8+, Spirit d6+, Knowledge (Arcana) d8+

Tier 1 Abilities (may be taken at Seasoned Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Resist Izrador's Will: The bane of legates gains the Arcane Resistance Edge against the divine magic of Izrador's legates. If he already has
the Arcane Resistance Edge, he gains the Improved Arcane Resistance Edge. If he already possesses the Improved Arcane Resistance
Edge, the bonus conferred increased to +6. This defense does not protect him against other sources of magic, such as the magic of
channelers and the like.
 See Astirax: The bane of legates gains the ability to see the shadowy form of an astirax no matter what its current form is. If the astirax
is possessing an animal, the character can see a faint outline around an animal, and if the astirax is in its natural form the character can
see it despite its natural invisibility.

Tier 2 Abilities (may be taken at Veteran Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Counter Izrador's Will: The bane of legates gains the ability to counter any divine magic cast by a legate. He automatically learns the
dispel spell, gains a +2 on counterspell rolls against divine magic cast by a legate and may ignore the -2 penalty for dispelling a spell of a
different type.
 Bind Astirax: As an action, the bane of legates can perform a ritual that binds one astirax within 10” in its current form. The astirax can
resist this ritual with a successful opposed Spirit roll versus the bane of legates arcane skill roll. An astirax so bound cannot possess or
dispossess an animal; it is trapped in its current form. Furthermore, if an astirax is bound inside an animal and that animal is killed, the
astirax is also destroyed. This ability has a duration of one hour per Rank of the bane of legates.

Tier 3 Abilities (may be taken at Heroic Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Conceal Magic: The Rank of all spells the bane of legates casts are considered to be two Ranks less (to a minimum of Novice) for the
purposes of detection by a legate's astirax, both while being cast and while existing as non-instantaneous effects.
 Sundered Spirit: The bane of legates becomes a living damper of the flow of divine energy. This manifests itself in a divine dead magic
zone around the character. The character is considered to be surrounded by an antimagic field with a radius of 1” that affects only the
divine magic granted by Izrador and affects all spells, including Legendary Rank spells. For every additional 1” outward from the
character, the level of spells affected is lowered by Rank, to a minimum of Novice. A character with this ability will be hunted mercilessly
by the legates of Izrador, as the dark god will not tolerate any interruption of his power.

Requirements: Seasoned, Arcane Background (Magic), Agility d8+, Smarts d8+, Spirit d6+, Fighting d8+, Knowledge (Outsiders) d8+,
Spellcasting d8+

Tier 1 Abilities (may be taken at Seasoned Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Hunter of the Damned: The banisher gains a +1 bonus on Notice and Survival rolls using them against outsiders (demons or other beings
not native to Aryth). Likewise, he gets a +1 bonus on weapon damage rolls against such creatures. At Veteran, Heroic, and Legendary
Ranks, these bonuses increase by +1.
 Detect Demon: A banisher can use the detect demon ability at will with no Spell Energy cost. This ability works like detect/conceal arcana,
except that it only reveals the presence of outsiders (demons or other beings not native to Aryth).

Tier 2 Abilities (may be taken at Veteran Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Spellcasting: The banisher gains the New Power Edge, ignoring any requirements.
 Resist Demonic Magic: The banisher gains the Arcane Resistance Edge against the magic of outsiders. If he already has the Arcane
Resistance Edge, he gains the Improved Arcane Resistance Edge. If he already possesses the Improved Arcane Resistance Edge, the
bonus conferred increased to +6 against the magic of outsiders.

Tier 3 Abilities (may be taken at Heroic Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Spellcasting: The banisher gains the New Power Edge, ignoring any requirements..
 Strike at the Demon's Heart: Any weapon the banisher wields, including the ammunition of missile weapons, gains AP 2 against any
outsider it strikes. This ability increases to AP 4 at Legendary Rank.

Requirements: Novice, Smarts d6+, Spirit d6+, Persuasion d8+, at least 2 appropriate Knowledge skills (such as History, Legends, or Nobles)
The bringers of news and entertainment around the world, Bards are a respected (though sometimes mistrusted) lot. They are well-educated and
well-traveled, taking every opportunity to learn a new tale or a new piece of news. Bards are skilled orators, jugglers, singers, and musicians. They
are also capable negotiators, and in many smaller towns they are called upon to arbitrate disputes. Bards may expect hospitality almost anywhere
they go, and they gain a +2 to their Charisma. They also gain a +2 on any Knowledge checks, and they are considered to have a subjective
modifier of +2 on all Common Knowledge rolls. Bards all know how to play multiple instruments, sing, juggle, and tell good stories. They may use
their Persuasion skill whenever they perform.

CHANNELER (Spiritual, Hermetic, or Charismatic)

Requirements: Novice, Smarts d8+, Spirit d6+, Knowledge (Arcana) d6+, Spellcasting d6+

Tier 1 Ability (Novice, free ability when the Channeler Edge is chosen)
 Magecraft: The channeler gains the Arcane Background (Magic) Edge for free. When a character gains the Magecraft ability, he must
choose a spellcasting tradition. The tradition chosen determines the channeler gifts that he may gain as he advances in Rank. Each
channeler tradition is essentially a sub-class of the Channeler Professional Edge; the members of the separate traditions have varying
methodologies, outlooks, specialties, and strengths. Even within a single tradition, the styles of magic and details of spellcasting run a
wide gamut, but channelers of the same tradition are always united by the nature of their spellcasting gifts. The spellcasting gifts
conferred upon the Channeler also give him the Alertness Edge (ignoring any prerequisites), as his senses become more attuned to the
world around him. All Channelers also automatically have the Soul Drain Edge, ignoring any requirements, and may risk damage to
themselves to gain extra Spell Energy to power their spells.

Spiritual Tradition

Master of Two Worlds: Spiritual channelers are gifted with the ability to command the natural world and to ward off that which is unnatural. The
spiritual channeler may use this ability a number of times per day equal to half his Spirit die. Unless otherwise stated, each power must be used

Tier 1 Ability (may be taken at Seasoned Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Mastery of Nature: The spiritual channeler may repulse animals and plants. He gains the Holy/Unholy Warrior Edge (ignoring the Arcane
Background (Miracles) and Faith skill prerequisites), but it only functions on animals and plants. The channeler affects both creature types
when he uses this power, and may not choose to affect only one creature type or another. The Channeler is considered to have 6 Spell
Energy for the purposes of this ability.

Tier 2 Ability (may be taken at Veteran Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Mastery of the Unnatural (Requires Mastery of Nature): The spiritual channeler may repulse outsiders (demons or other beings not native
to Aryth and constructs). His use of the Holy/Unholy Warrior Edge increases to include outsiders and constructs. The channeler affects
both creatures when he uses this power, and may not choose to affect only one creature type or another. Furthermore, all ousiders gain
+2 to their Spirit roll. Note that outsiders (spirits) that are possessing another entity are immune to these repulsion attempts, and must
first be removed (such as via Mastery of Spirits, below) from their hosts.
 Precise Effect: When the spiritual channeler uses master of two worlds, he may choose a specific creature type from among those he may
affect. The effect is applied to creatures of that type before all others.
 Specific Effect (requires Precise Effect): When the spiritual channeler uses master of two worlds, he may choose specific individuals from
among those he may affect. The effect is applied to those individuals before all others.

Tier 3 Abilities (may be taken at Heroic Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Mastery of Spirits: The spiritual channeler may exorcise any possessing entity from a corporeal, living creature. This ability requires a
successful Repulsion roll from the Holy/Unholy Warrior Edge and it only functions on creatures using a spell or supernatural ability to
possess another creature. If the channeler is successful, the entity is forced out of the host and back into its own body, a receptacle, or
simply expelled into the nearest space outside the host, whichever is appropriate for the possessing effect. A creature that has benefited
from the channeler's exorcism ability may not be possessed by the same being for 24 hours; if the possessing entity rolled a 1 on their
Repulsion roll, that creature may not possess the same creature for one year. Considered to have 6 Spell Energy for the purposes of this
 Universal Effect: When the spiritual channeler uses master of two worlds, he may include any mastery power he knows in the attempt.
The channeler still cannot control which type of creature is affected first.

Hermetic Tradition

 Lorebook: Hermetic channelers not only have their own experiences from which to draw knowledge, they are also able to tap into an
understanding of history, hearsay, and tales as separate pieces of a larger whole. At the end of each day, the hermetic channeler records
all of the knowledge he has gained over the course of the day in his lorebook. His memory and awareness are such that even random
snippets of conversation and seemingly unimportant observations are remembered and written down.

By the time he reaches Seasoned Rank, the lorebook has acquired so much information ranging from the esoteric to the essential, so
many scraps of the whole tapestry of the knowledge of the human race, that it can be used both as a study tool and to jog the hermetic
channeler's memory and insight on nearly any topic. To use the lorebook, the hermetic channeler may consult it over one minute. At the
end of that minute, he may make a lorebook check (Smarts Trait test). If successful, he gains some useful bit of knowledge or insight
from his book. Lorebooks contain information on history, people, places, legends, and creatures. Retries are not possible. Each raise on
the roll enables more detailed information to be available for access.

The hermetic channeler may instead scan the book rapidly as a full-round action. In this case, the lorebook check suffers a -4 penalty,
and may be retried.

It is assumed that the hermetic channeler spends 10 minutes of uninterrupted work at the end of each day recording information he has
picked up, and spends 10 minutes of uninterrupted study at the beginning of each day perusing the book. If either step is skipped, the
hermetic channeler suffers a cumulative -1 penalty on all lorebook checks for each day a step is skipped.

Lorebook Checks
Raises Type of Knowledge Examples
A legend about a spirit that haunts the nearby forest; the local
0 Common, known by at least a substantial minority of the local population. lord's tax collection schedule, or what other burdens he places
on the people.
Legends of a lost city sunk in a nearby swamp; the fact that
1 Uncommon but available, known by only a few people in the area.
the town's healer also brews potions

The fact that the town's healer is an insurgent; that the town
2 Obscure, known by few, hard to come by.
was once the site of a mass destruction of the Fell

Extremely obscure, known by very few, possibly forgotten by most who

That the elves refer to the town's orchard as elluinel; identify
3 once knew it, possibly known only by those who don't understand the
an artifact.
significance of the knowledge.

Tier 1 Abilities (may be taken at Seasoned Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Quick Reference (Requires Lorebook): The hermetic channeler is practiced at looking up information under stress. The penalty for
scanning the lorebook rapidly is reduced to -2. This power may be chosen a second time, reducing the penalty to 0.
 Knowledge Specialty (Requires Lorebook): The hermetic channeler has learned to earmark different sections of the book depending on his
needs. At the beginning of each day, he may choose one Knowledge skill as he peruses his book. The channeler is gains +2 to rolls
involving that specific area of knowledge for the day.

Tier 2 Ability (may be taken at Veteran Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Foe Specialty (Requires Lorebook): The hermetic channeler recognizes the value of knowledge as a weapon. At the beginning of each
day, he may choose one creature type as he peruses his book. The channeler +2 to Knowledge rolls to identify creatures and their special
powers or vulnerabilities. Additionally, the channeler can rattle off what he knows about such creatures by rote. In game terms, this
means that he may communicate any knowledge he has about such creatures to his companions as soon as initiative is rolled, assuming
his companions are within earshot. This power may be chosen multiple times; each time it is chosen, the hermetic channeler may use the
foe specialty ability on one additional creature type per day.

Tier 3 Ability (may be taken at Heroic level and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Spell Specialty (Requires Lorebook): The hermetic channeler can gain insight into the nature of magic by reading about the world around
him. At the beginning of each day, he may choose one spell that he knows. A successful casting of that spell automatically confers the
benefits of a single raise, even if the roll was not high enough to qualify for a raise at the time of the roll. This ability may be chosen
multiple times. Each time it is chosen, it applies to a different spell the hermetic channeler knows.

Charismatic Tradition

Force of Personality: Charismatic channelers manipulate magic through sheer force of will, and that same personal power can be used to affect
living beings. Charismatic channelers are gifted with the ability to extend that force of will to affect the actions, thoughts, and emotions of others.
The charismatic channeler may use this ability a number of times per day equal to his Charisma score +2 (minimum 1). Unless otherwise noted,
using the force of personality power requires a move action to activate and a move action to maintain. Some force of personality abilities require
either a round to activate, an action each round to maintain concentration, or both. Unless otherwise stated, each power must be used
independently. For instance, if a charismatic channeler with the inspire confidence ability and the inspire fury ability wants to use both to assist his
comrades, he may only activate one such ability per round.

Tier 1 Abilities (may be taken at Seasoned Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Inspire Confidence: The channeler can use his strong sense of self to help others resist assaults on their minds. To be affected, an ally
must be within 10” and be able to see and hear the channeler. For as long as the channeler continues to use this ability as a move action,
all affected creatures gain +2 to Spirit rolls to resist Fear effects. If an ally is already being affected by a Fear effect when this ability is
activated, he may immediately make new Spirit roll to end the effect. Inspire confidence is a mind-affecting ability, and may be
maintained for 1 round per Rank.
 Inspire Fascination: The channeler can use his conversational skills, performances, or sheer magnetic personality to cause one or more
creatures to become fascinated must be within 20”, be able to see and hear the channeler, and able to pay attention to him. The
channeler must also be able to see the creature. The distraction of nearby combat or other dangers prevents the ability from working.
The channeler can target one creature per Rank. Activating this ability requires an action. Each target must make an opposed Spirit roll.
If the creature succeeds and wins the opposed Spirit roll, the channeler cannot attempt to fascinate that creature again for 24 hours. If it
fails the opposed Spirit roll, the creature sits quietly and watches or listens to the channeler, taking no other actions, for as long as the
channeler continues to speak or perform and concentrate as an action (up to a maximum of 1 round Rank). While fascinated, a target
takes a -2 penalty on skill rolls made as reactions, such as Notice rolls. Any potential threat allows the creature a new opposed Spirit roll.
Any obvious threat, such as someone drawing a weapon, casting a spell, or aiming a ranged weapon at the target, automatically breaks
the effect.
 Inspire Fury: The channeler can use his powerful presence to inspire his allies (including himself), bolstering them against attacks and
improving their combat abilities. To be affected, an ally must be within 10” and able to see and hear the channeler. The effect lasts for as
long as the channeler maintains the ability (or for as long as the ally is in range and can see and hear the channeler) and for 5 rounds
thereafter. The effect may be maintained for up to 1 round per Rank. An affected ally receives a +1 to Fighting rolls and weapon damage

Tier 2 Abilities (may be taken at Veteran Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Improved Fury (Requires Inspire Fury): When the channeler uses the inspire fury ability, affected creatures gain an additional +1 to
Fighting rolls and weapon damage rolls. This gift may be chosen multiple times, and its effects stack.
 Improved Confidence (Requires Inspire Confidence): When the channeler uses the inspire confidence ability, even allies that fail their
Spirit check against Fear effects suffer the next lowest Fear status (as shown on the Fear table).
 Suggestion (Requires Inspire Fascination): When the channeler uses the inspire fascination ability, he can influence the actions of the
target creature by suggesting a course of activity (limited to a sentence or two). The suggestion must be worded in such a manner as to
make the activity sound reasonable. Asking the creature to do some obviously harmful act automatically negates the effect of the ability.
The suggested course of activity can continue for 1 hour/Rank or until the suggestion is completed. If the suggested activity can be
completed in a shorter time, the spell ends when the subject finishes what it was asked to do. You can instead specify conditions that will
trigger a special activity during the duration. If the condition is not met before the duration expires, the activity is not performed. Using
this ability does not break the channeler's concentration on the inspire fascination effect. A successful opposed Spirit roll negates the
effect. Making a suggestion uses up one of the channeler's daily allotments of force of personality uses.

Tier 3 Abilities (may be taken at Heroic Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Greater Fury (Requires Inspire Fury and Improved Fury): When the channeler uses his inspire fury ability, he can inspire greater fury in
himself or a single willing ally within 5” as a move action, granting him or her extra fighting capability. The effect lasts for as long as the
inspire fury ability continues to affect the target. A creature inspired with greater fury gains the Improved Nerves of Steel Edge (ignoring
any requirements), a +2 to Fighting rolls, and +1 Toughness. Each use of greater fury on a single target uses up one of the channeler's
daily allotments of force of personality uses.
 Greater Confidence (Requires Inspire Confidence and Improved Confidence): When the channeler uses his inspire confidence ability, after
5 rounds of using the ability, he may target one ally within range as an action. That ally receives the benefits of the dispel spell. For every
subsequent 5 rounds of using the inspire confidence ability, the channeler may use this ability an additional time. Each use of greater
confidence on a single target uses up one of the channeler's daily allotments of force of personality uses. A channeler can't use greater
confidence on himself.
 Mass Suggestion (Requires Inspire Fascination and Suggestion): This ability functions like suggestion, above, except that the channeler
can make the suggestion simultaneously to one additional creature per Rank that he has already fascinated (see above). Each creature
targeted with mass suggestion uses up one of the channeler's daily allotments of force of personality uses.

Requirements: Novice, Agility d6+, Strength d6+, Vigor d6+, Fighting d8+
You are trained at fighting unarmed, which can be a great boon as carrying a weapon is a punishable felony by the Shadow. Defenders gain the
Martial Artist Edge (ignoring any requirements).

Tier 1 Abilities (may be taken at Seasoned Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Grappling Training: The defender may attempt to disarm or damage an object (including weapons) of a foe with whom he is grappling. In
both cases, the attempt takes the place of a damage attempt.
 Speed Training: Once per round, the defender may make an additional move action without taking a multiple action penalty.

Tier 2 Abilities (may be taken at Veteran Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Cover Ally (Requires Speed Training): Once per round when an ally within 1” would be struck by a melee or ranged attack, the defender
can choose to suffer the effects of the attack. The defender must choose to cover the ally before the effects of the attack are determined
(i.e. damage is rolled, etc.).
 Strike and Hold (Requires Grappling Training): Once per round as a free action, the defender may attempt to establish a hold against any
opponent he hit with an unarmed strike. If he succeeds, he may deal additional damage to the target as with an unarmed strike. He then
has the option of letting the target go or of maintaining the grapple.

Tier 3 Abilities (may be taken at Heroic Rank as an added option when Advancing)
 Furious Grapple (Requires Grappling Training, Speed Training, and Strike and Hold): Once per round when the defender is grappling an
opponent he may make an extra grapple check as a free action, either before or after his regular actions. This grapple check may be used
to perform either an additional opposed damage roll, disarm attempt, or damage object roll. This ability does not stack with other effects
that grant additional attacks.
 Weapon Trap (Requires Grappling Training, Speed Training, and Cover Ally): Once per round when a defender is attacked by a foe in
melee but before the attack roll is resolved, he may make an opposed Fighting roll (with a -2 penalty) to catch the weapon in his bare
hands. This ability may only be used once per round, and the defender must have both hands free to make the attempt.

If the defender fails, he is hit and damage is dealt as normal. If the defender succeeds, he has grabbed the weapon by the hilt, the flat of
the blade, etc., such that he suffers no damage from the attack. The defender may now perform one of the following as a free action:

 Attempt to disarm the opponent. If the weapon trapped is a natural weapon, this option is impossible.
 Automatically deal damage to the weapon as with an unarmed strike. If the weapon trapped is a natural weapon, the damage
is dealt to the creature.
 Make a single unarmed strike against the opponent.

Once the defender has resolved one of these actions, the weapon is released. The attacker may continue with his turn as normal,
including making additional attacks with other weapons if able.

Requirements: Seasoned, Erunsil elf, Agility d8+, Strength d8+, Fighting d10+

Tier 1 Abilities (may be taken at Seasoned Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Holding Action: When called upon to cover his comrades' retreat, the dire blade becomes a resolute force. A holding action gives the dire
blade phenomenal strength, durability, and reflexes, giving him a +1 die type to Strength and Vigor, a +2 on all Spirit rolls, and a +2 to
Parry. A holding action last for a number of rounds equal to twice the dire blade's number of Ranks. When the holding action ends, the
dire blade's Strength and Vigor drop back to normal and the dire blade becomes fatigued for the duration of the current encounter.
 Respect: The dire blade is a respected but tragically necessary position in Erunsil society. As a result, all other snow elves are
automatically friendly toward the dire blade. Additionally, dire blades gain +2 on Persuasion rolls when dealing with other snow elves.

Tier 2 Abilities (may be taken at Veteran Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Improved Combat Reflexes: The dire blade's reflexes sharpen. The dire blade gains the Improved First Strike Edge, ignoring all
 Intercept: The dire blade learns to protect a wider area. Once per round when an enemy passes near him (within 1”), the dire blade may
move to intercept his foe even when it is not the dire blade's turn. This movement may interrupt the enemy's action. At Heroic and
Legendary Ranks, the dire blade becomes able to travel 1” farther during the intercept.

Tier 3 Abilities (may be taken at Heroic Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Ward the Blow: The dire blade learns to ward off enemies' attacks with his fighting knives. When wielding two fighting knives, the dire
blade is treated as having the Improved Block Edge, ignoring all requirements.
 Master Knife Fighter: The dire blade reaches his pinnacle as a whirling death giver. He gains the Improved Whirlwind Edge and the
Deadly Opportunity Edge, ignoring all requirements.
Requirements: Seasoned, Channeler, Smarts d8+, Spirit d6+, Knowledge (Arcana) d8+, Knowledge (Nature) d8+, Spellcasting d6+
Druids are channelers of magic who are at home in the wild. They gain a +1 bonus on all arcane skill rolls when casting spells to affect animals and
plants. Further, the beast friend and shape change spells cost two Spell Energy less to cast than normal. The Druid also gains the following
 Nature Sense: A druid can identify plants and animals (their species and special Traits) with perfect accuracy. He can determine whether
water is safe to drink or dangerous (polluted, poisoned, or otherwise unfit for consumption).
 Venom Immunity: A druid gains immunity to all organic poison, including monster poisons but not mineral poisons or poison gas.
 Find the Way: The druid becomes as one with the natural world, able to move through it like a ghost. He gains woodland stride (as the
wildlander ability). If he already has woodland stride, he instead a permanent version of the wilderness walk spell. The druid may
suppress or resume this effect as a free action.

Requirements: Seasoned, Berserk, Agility d6+, Strength d8+, Fighting d8+, Intimidation d6+, the character must be of the Durgis clan, either by
blood or by bonding

Tier 1 Ability (may be taken at Seasoned Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Ferocious Rage: A Durgis battlerager learns to channel his hatred of the Shadow to even greater heights. Thereafter, whenever he goes
berserk, it is considered a ferocious rage. In addition to the normal effects of a berserk rage, the battlerager's Strength and Fighting rolls
as well as his toughness each increase by an additional +2 (to +4 total). However, the battlerager's ferocity comes with a price. His parry
is decreased by an additional -2 (to -4 total) and any time a battlerager is raging, he must continue to fight until no more foes are
available. If any foes are visible, the battlerager must attempt to close with them as expeditiously as possible. If no foes are visible but
the battlerager has reason to believe that nearby foes exist (such as those that fled, or if reinforcements are approaching), he must
attempt to close with them as expeditiously as possible. The battlerager will not do anything obviously suicidal to reach his foes (such as
attempting to leap a chasm that he cannot possibly cross), but will do anything else he possibly can to close with enemies, including
crossing through damaging magical effects.

Tier 2 Abilities (may be taken at Veteran Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Improved Grapple: The Durgis battlerager gains a +2 on Fighting rolls to initiate and maintain a Grapple.
 Whirlwind Charge: The Durgis battlerager gains the Improved Whirlwind Edge, ignoring any requirements.

Tier 3 Abilities (may be taken at Heroic Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Throat Crusher: The Durgis battlerager can start and maintain a grapple with only one hand, provided he has a hand free and his target is
the same size or smaller. He may attack other opponents while maintaining the grapple, but suffers an additional -2 to all Fighting rolls in
addition to the standard multi-action penalty of -2 to all rolls (a total of -4 to all Fighting rolls).
 Mindless Rage: The Durgis battlerager becomes a mindless fighting machine. While in a ferocious rage, a Durgis battlerager is immune to
all mind-affecting magic or effects.

Requirements: Seasoned, Dwarf, Channeler, Smarts d8+, Spirit d6+, Knowledge (Arcana) d6+, Spellcasting d6+

Literacy: The dwarven loremaster gains Knowledge (Old Dwarven) d12 and Knowledge (Clan Dialect) d12, thereby becoming literate in those

Tier 1 Abilities (may be taken at Seasoned Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Lorebook: The dwarven loremaster gains the lorebook ability of a hermetic channeler. If the dwarven loremaster already has this ability,
she may take an additional lorebook power.
 Recharge Nexus: The dwarven loremaster has learned a great deal about the power nexuses found at the center of many clanholds. The
dwarven loremaster gains the ability to recharge a power nexus by channeling Spell Energy. The dwarven loremaster must stand in the
exact center of the power nexus for 10 minutes to activate this ability. Fore every three Spell Energy expended by the dwarven
loremaster, the power nexus regenerates one point of Spell Energy energy.

Tier 2 Abilities (may be taken at Veteran Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Improved Recharge Nexus: The dwarven loremaster's ability to form a connection to a power nexus improves: she must expend only two
Spell Energy per one Spell Energy recharged.
 Rune Magic: The Dwarven Loremaster gains the Rune Mage Edge. The dwarven loremaster may carve runes that store spells onto
stationary objects such as walls or large rocks. Such runes do not detect as magic until triggered, though they are large enough that they
tend to be visible and legible at a distance of 10”. To be effective, a rune must always be placed in plain sight and in a prominent
location. As a default, the spell stored in the rune is triggered whenever a creature does one or more of the following, as the dwarven
loremaster selects: looks at the rune, reads the rune, touches the rune, passes over the rune, or passes through a portal bearing the
rune. Regardless of the trigger method or methods chosen, a creature more than 10” from a rune can't trigger it. Once the rune is
inscribed, its triggering condition cannot be changed. The dwarven loremaster can also set a special triggering limitation which can be as
simple or elaborate as she desires. Special conditions for triggering a rune can be based on a creature's name, race or other factor but
otherwise must be based on observable actions or qualities. Intangibles such as character Rank don't qualify. Any variables, such as
targets of the spell, must be chosen at the time the rune is inscribed. When inscribing a rune, she can specify a password or phrase that
prevents a creature from triggering the effect. Any creature using the password does not trigger it so long as it remains within 10” of the
rune. If the creature leaves the 10” area and returns later, it must use the password again. She can create a rune of any spell that she
knows, up to a maximum spell Rank equal to her character Rank. Spells with area effects originate at the center of the rune, while those
that require touch or ranged attacks can only target creatures that touch, pass over, or pass through a portal bearing the rune. All other
spells, such as those that target a number of creatures in an area, start with creatures closest to the center of the rune and work their
way outward towards its edges.
Requirements: Seasoned, Elf, Archer, Agility d8+, Notice d6+, Shooting d8+, Stealth d8+, Tracking d8+
Elven Raiders are experts at hunting orcs in the forests of Erethor, and are one of the reasons the Shadow has not yet conquered the elves. They
gain a +2 bonus to all Stealth and Tracking rolls made in the wilderness. Also, the bonus for getting The Drop on someone with a bow is increased
to +6.
The Elven Raider also gains the following abilities:
 Leaf Reader: By observing the environment, the elven raider is able to eliminate concealment by vegetation. When firing at a target
that has cover due to vegetation, he may make a Notice roll as a free action. For every raise, the cover penalty to attack rolls is
reduced by 1.
 Intimidating Shot: Legends speak of the lone raider turning back an entire squad of orcs with a single shot. The elven raider is able
to make but a single shot with his bow as his action for the round (no movement is allowed). If the raider misses his target, the
attempt clearly fails and the ability may not be used against the same foes for at least 24 hours. If the attack hits, however, the
raider has a chance to frighten the allies of his target. The raider is entitled to a Test of Wills (Intimidation) with a bonus equal to
one-half the total damage caused by the attack.

Requirements: Seasoned, Erunsil Elf, Quick Draw, Agility d8+, Strength d8+, Fighting d10+, Intimidation d8+, Stealth d8+, Survival d8+

Tier 1 Abilities (may be taken at Seasoned Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Silent Killer: The blood moves more quietly than snow falling on a windless day. The Erunsil blood gains a +2 on Stealth rolls in forests
and mountainous terrain.
 Cuts Like Ice: The blood's knives move with liquid, deadly grace. The Erunsil bloods are the greatest knife fighters of their people. The
whirling dance of their blades is filled with the grace of falling snow and the deadliness of a raging blizzard. The Erunsil blood gains the
Improved Trademark Weapon Edge, ignoring any requirements, with his Erunsil fighting knives.

Tier 2 Abilities (may be taken at Veteran Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Destiny Marked: The hand of Xione is upon the protector of her chosen people. The Erunsil blood character gains the Command Edge and
the Inspire Edge, ignoring any requirements.
 Inspiring Leader: A blood's warriors will follow him to death and beyond. All allies of the Erunsil blood within 10” of the character gain a
+1 to Fighting or Shooting rolls as long as the Erunsil blood is on his feet and fighting.

Tier 3 Abilities (may be taken at Heroic Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Pale as Snow: The blood is one with the snows. The character gains a +2 to Stealth rolls when in snowy terrain (this stacks with the
bonus from the Silent Killer ability) and is permanently affected by the wilderness walk spell. The character gains the effects of light
cover in snowy terrain (-1 on any attack roll against him).
 Razor Sharp: Like a razor, the Erunsil blood's knives cut to the heart of his enemy. The weapons of an Erunsil blood give the character the
Mighty Blow Edge and Dead Shot Edge, ignoring any requirements, as long as he conducts a daily ritual of sharpening and prayer to
Xione, to be performed under the open sky each evening. The ritual takes 10 minutes to complete.
 Xione's Herald: The cold fury of Xione swirls around the blood in a righteous storm. The Erunsil blood wears an invisible cloak of swirling,
righteous anger that casts fear into the hearts of all his enemies within a 5” radius. Opponents of the Erunsil blood must make a Fear
check. If the check is successful, the creature is still Shaken for 1 round.

Requirements: Novice, Arcane Background (Any), Knowledge (Arcana) d8+, Spellcasting d6+ or Faith d6+*
This Edge works in all ways as introduced in The Fantasy Companion (Pinnacle Entertainment Group), except as follows.

Rank Animal Types

Novice astirax*
* = Character with the Legate Professional Edge only

Requirements: Seasoned, Sarcosan or Erenlander, Spirit d6+, Riding d8+, Survival d8+, Tracking d6+
Freeriders gain a +2 bonus to all Riding rolls, as well as Survival and Tracking rolls made in a plains or desert environment.
The Freerider also gains the following abilities:

 Deft Dodging: By focusing on dodging opponents and defensive maneuvers, this maneuver grants both the freerider and his mount a
bonus to Parry. If both he and his mount do nothing but move during a round, both gain a +2 Parry bonus.
 Dismounting Cut: The freerider may make a Disarm attack with any weapon to dismount a mounted opponent. The opponent receives a
+1 to their roll if they are riding in a saddle.
 Erratic Attack: By weaving, dodging, and feinting, the freerider and horse make themselves unpredictable and difficult targets. Either the
freerider or his horse may gain a +1 Parry bonus in any round that either make an attack.

Requirements: Seasoned, Smarts d8+, Intimidation d6+, Persuasion d8+
 Conceal Magic: The insurgent spy can completely conceal three magical auras per Rank. This can be used to hide magic items, spell
effects (such as a stone with light/obscure cast on it), and other such sources of magical emanation. While concealed on the insurgent
spy's person, items and effects radiate no magical auras. Spells such as detect/conceal arcana and abilities such as the astirax's sense
magic ability cannot detect the presence of magic on the spy's person. If the insurgent spy has more magical objects than she can
conceal, those with the strongest auras are unaffected by this ability.
 Shadow Contacts: Unlike most denizens of Eredane, the insurgent spy has made friends within the armies of the Night Kings. She may
have grown up gambling with a local guard captain or could be the acquaintance of a prominent orcish war leader. Whatever the case,
her association provides her many benefits. She is able to use her affiliation to get favors, gather information, or get local authorities to
look the other way. The smuggler gains the Connections Edge (Shadow Contacts) Edge.

Shadow Contacts Favors

Persuasion Check (Raises required for
Type of Favor Sought
Minor (ignore illicit trading, let character pass unmolested) 1
Major (secure release of an ally,
ignore punishable offense such as weapon possession)
Incredible (actively deceiving a legate,
hiding contraband or wanted individuals)

 Shadow Speak: Through her contact with minions of the Shadow, the character learns jargon, names, speech patterns, and other verbal
cues that allow her to more effectively communicate with those characters. Any time the character uses Persuasion or Intimidation
against a minion of Izrador, she gains +2 to the roll.

Requirements: Novice, Faith d6+, Knowledge (Arcana) d6+
Special: In order to be a Legate, a character must worship Izrador and is considered a part of the Shadow’s forces.
The character is a priest of Izrador. He gains the Arcane Background (Miracles) Edge and the Unholy Warrior Edge. The character also gains the
Arcane Familiar Edge and access to an astirax as a familiar. The astirax improves its abilities as the legate advances in Rank. At Veteran Rank, the
astirax gains the ability to communicate with the legate telepathically up to 100 feet and the astirax's sense magic ability improves. Also, the range
at which it may detect any channeled effect is increased by five miles. At Heroic Rank, the astirax's sense magic ability improves. The range at
which it may detect any channeled effect increases by 10 miles. This ability supersedes the previous enhanced sense ability. At Legendary Rank, as
a byproduct of their long telepathic association, the empathic link between the legate and his astirax now has no maximum range. As long as they
are on the same plane, the connection is maintained. Likewise, the astirax can no longer close the link off at will; the legate's force of will is so great
that he can always sense the astirax's basic emotions and circumstances.
Temple Dependency: Legates cannot simply pray for spells anywhere in the world and hope to receive them. Just as their dark god is bound to
the physical world, so are they bound to his temples. In order to maintain his connection to their god, a legate must participate in the ritual
sacrifices at a zordrafin corith on a regular basis. In order to receive his spells each day, the legate must participate in a sacrifice once per year at a
pale mirror. Access to higher Rank spells requires more frequent ritual participation at more powerful mirrors: legates who wish to receive spells of
Veteran Rank or higher must instead participate in a sacrifice once per season at a blood mirror, and those who wish to receive spells of Heroic
Rank and higher must instead participate in a sacrifice once per month at a grand mirror.

Requirements: Novice, Fighting d6+
The character has trained extensively in Martial Arts and has honed his body to be a lethal weapon. He is never considered unarmed in combat and
so is never subject to the Unarmed Defender rule (see theSavage Worlds core rulebook). With a successful unarmed attack, he adds +d4 to his
Strength roll (as if he were using a small weapon).
Also, the character’s body (a hand/foot) is considered a weapon, so Edges like Trademark Weapon can apply.


Requirements: Veteran, Martial Artist, Fighting d10
The character may use Agility instead of Strength for unarmed damage. The character also now adds +d6 to his unarmed damage.

Requirements: Seasoned, Dorn, Spirit d6+, Strength d8+, Vigor d8+, Fighting d8+, Intimidation d8+, Survival d8+

Tier 1 Abilities (may be taken at Seasoned Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Dornish Pride: In addition to the +1 on Fighting rolls when fighting in groups of 5 or more Dorns, all Dorns within 10” of the mhor that
can see or hear him gain an additional +1 bonus to damage rolls. Additionally, the group can consist of any racial makeup, although only
Dorn’s gain the bonuses. As long as the mhor is the leader of these Dorns (they are part of his warband or under his command), these
bonuses apply to the mhor as well.
 Leadership: The mhor gains the Command Edge and the Hold the Line Edge, ignoring any requirements.

Tier 2 Abilities (may be taken at Veteran Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Whispering Step: If the mhor actively tries to hide the trails and traces of his warband, the trackers get an additional -2 to their Tracking
 Uncanny Dodge: The mhor becomes resistant to ambushes, and gains the Danger Sense Edge, ignoring any requirements, and cannot be
affected by anyone of his Rank or lower getting The Drop on him.

Tier 3 Abilities (may be taken at Heroic Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Loyal Companions: The mhor gains the Sidekick Edge, ignoring any requirements.
 Improved Dornish Pride: The bonus to damage rolls from the Dorniush Pride ability increases to +2.

Requirements: Seasoned, Strong Willed, Spirit d8+, Fighting d6+

Tier 1 Abilities (may be taken at Seasoned Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Backlash Resistance: The Mirrorbreaker gains Armor 2/Rank against damage caused by the release of energy from a destroyed or
disconnected Black Mirror.
 Mirrorbreaking: The Mirrorbreaker may subtract 2 points per character Rank from the hardness of a Black Mirror when she attacks it in

Tier 2 Abilities (may be taken at Veteran Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Presence of Magic: If the Mirrorbreaker chooses, she may grant all creatures in a 10” radius of her a bonus equal to +1 plus 1/character
Rank to opposed arcane skill rolls for the purpose of resisting dispel checks made by a Black Mirror only.
 Greater Sunder: The Mirrobreaker may add +1d6 damage when attempting to smash a Black Mirror.

Tier 3 Abilities (may be taken at Heroic Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Presence of Protection: If the Mirrorbreaker chooses, she may grant all creatures in a 10” radius of her Armor 2/Rank against damage
from a destroyed Black Mirror.
 Fangsunder: The Mirrorbreaker may attempt to sunder natural weapons. Treat this as a normal break object attempt, but if she succeeds,
the creature suffers -1 to attack and damage rolls with that natural weapon for one day. This effect is cumulative, to a maximum of -4.

Requirements: Novice, Agility d6+, Spirit d6+, Strength d6+, Vigor d6+
The orphic has an amount of Spell Energy equal to twice his Rank. He uses this Spell Energy to power his abilities but may never learn to cast spells
unless he takes the Channeler Edge. All rules that govern Spell Energy for channelers also apply to orphics. The orphic, however, does not have a
spellcasting tradition.

Orphic Powers: Orphics may use Spell Energy to enhance his physical characteristics. Using these powers gives off a magical aura when activated
and while in use. The aura strength is equal to the Rank of the orphic. He awakens a new power every Rank. A power may be activated as a free
action and costs the normal amount of Spell Energy required as a similar spell, but only one power may be activated per round. There is not limit to
the number of powers that an orphic may maintain at once, but he may not have more than one instance of any single power active at once, nor
may he further enhance maintained powers with additional Spell Energy once activated. The following are a listing of the Orphic’s powers:
 Burst of Speed: The orphic may spend Spell Energy to mimic the effects of the speed spell.
 Energy Resistance: The orphic may spend Spell Energy to mimic the effects of the environmental protection spell.
 Evasive Action: The orphic may spend Spell Energy to mimic the effects of the deflection spell.
 Extreme Focus: For each Spell Energy spent, the orphic gains +1 on a single skill roll with one of the following skills: Gambling,
Investigation, Lockpicking, Persuasion, or Repair.
 Heighten Senses: For each Spell Energy spent, the orphic gains +1 on a Notice rolls for 10 minutes.
 Improved Movement: For each Spell Energy spent, the orphic gains +1 on one of the following skills or Trait rolls affecting the action for
all rolls for 10 minutes: Climbing, Jumping, or Swimming.
 Mighty Break: The orphic does +1 damage per Spell Energy spent to any object he attempts to break.
 Mighty Strike: The orphic does +1 damage per Spell Energy spent on a successful melee attack. In addition, for every 2 Spell Energy
spent on the strike, he may Push the target (using the Bash option) as if he had made a raise on his Strength roll.
 Mighty Toss: For every Spell Energy spent, the orphic increases the Range he may throw objects, including weapons, by 100% of its
normal Range. For example, 4 Spell Energy increases the Range of a thrown dagger from 3/6/12 to 12/24/48.
 Night Sight: For 1 Spell Energy, the orphic gains the Dark Fighting Edge. For 2 Spell Energy, he gains Low-Light Vision. For 4 Spell
Energy, the orphic ignores all penalties for lightning conditions or darkness, even magical effects. All effects last for 10 minutes.
 Piercing Strike: For 1 Spell Energy, the orphic can make attacks as though his weapons were magical. For 3 Spell Energy, he attacks as
though he wields a silver or cold iron weapon. For 5 Spell Energy, he attacks as though he has an adamantine weapon. All effects last 1
 Spirit Warrior: For 1 Spell Energy, the orphic can sense undead or outsiders at a Rabge of 4". For 3 Spell Energy, he gains the ability to
affect Ethereal beings with his attacks. For 5 Spell Energy, the orphic gains the ability to affect Ethereal beings with his attacks, his
attacks do +2 damage when attacking undead, and such beings are affected as if targeted by the Holy Warrior Edge if hit by the attack.
 True Vision: For 1 Spell Energy, the orphic can sense invisible or concealed creatures within 3” (he may detect the invisible presence if he
makes a Notice roll at –4). For 2 Spell Energy, he can see invisible or concealed creatures. For 5 Spell Energy, he gains the ability to see
all things as they actually are. The orphic sees through normal and magical darkness, notices secret doors hidden by magic, sees the
exact locations of creatures or objects under thedeflection spell, sees invisible creatures or objects normally, sees through illusions, and
sees the true form of polymorphed, changed, or transmuted things. Further, the orphic can focus his vision to see Ethereal beings. The
range of true seeing conferred is 24”. All effects last for 10 minutes.

Tier 1 Abilities (may be taken at Seasoned Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Enhance Ability: The orphic can increase one of his physical Traits (Agility, Strength, or Vigor) as if he possessed the boost trait spell; no
more than one Trait may be enhanced at a time. He must pay all Spell Energy costs as normal and the ability may be Maintained.
 Evasion: An orphic gains evasion. If exposed to any area effect that normally allows him to attempt to dive for cover, he does not suffer
the normal -2 to the Agility roll. The evasion ability can only be used if the orphic is wearing light armor or no armor and is not

Tier 2 Abilities (may be taken at Veteran Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Detect Magic: The orphic may use thedetect arcana spell at will. This costs no Spell Energy.
 Heal Self: The orphic may use the healing spell on himself at will. This costs the normal Spell Energy to fuel the ability.
 Power Affinity: The orphic chooses one orphic power he possesses. Once the choice is made, it cannot be changed. When activating this
power, he uses one less Spell Energy (minimum 1) than normal.

Tier 3 Abilities (may be taken at Heroic Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Spell Resistance: The orphic gains the Arcane Resistance Edge.
 Power Affinity: The orphic chooses one orphic power he possesses. Once the choice is made, it cannot be changed. When activating this
power, he uses one less Spell Energy (minimum 1) than normal. He may choose the same orphic power chosen at Tier 2 if desired or
choose a different one.


Requirements: Seasoned, Sarcosan, Agility d10+, Strength d8+, Vigor d6+, Fighting d8+

All of the Pellurian blade dancer's abilities may only be used while the blade dancer is wearing light or no armor and, in most cases, is wielding a
greatsword or falchion using two hands. Additionally, they may not be used while the blade dancer is carrying a medium or heavy load or is using a
shield. These limitations apply to the Blade Dance, Fluid Defense, Wrashing Waves, and What Was Will Be Again abilities.

Tier 1 Abilities (may be taken at Seasoned Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Blade Dance: A Pellurian blade dancer knows the secret of the shurapoli, a dance using a two-handed sword meant to mimic the fluid
back-and-forth motion of a wave. The Pellurian blade dancer gains the Improved Sweep Edge, ignoring any requirements.
 Fluid Defense: The Pellurian blade dancer has learned to twist and turn along with the momentum caused by his weapon, making him
hard to target. The blade dancer gains the Improved Block Edge, ignoring any requirements.

Tier 2 Abilities (may be taken at Veteran Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Evasion: A Pellurian blade dancer gains evasion. If exposed to any area effect that normally allows him to attempt to dive for cover, he
does not suffer the normal -2 to the Agility roll. The evasion ability can only be used if the blade dancer is wearing light armor or no
armor and is not carrying a medium or heavy load.
 Uncanny Dodge: A Pellurian blade dancer gains the Danger Sense Edge, ignoring any requirements, and cannot be affected by anyone of
his Rank or lower getting The Drop on him. The uncanny dodge ability can only be used if the blade dancer is wearing light armor or no
armor and is not carrying a medium or heavy load.

Tier 3 Abilities (may be taken at Heroic Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Crashing Waves: When using the full defense action in melee combat and wielding any two-handed weapon in both hands, a Pellurian
blade dancer may make a free disarm attempt against a foe that attacks him in melee. This attack is resolved immediately before the
provoking attack is resolved. The blade dancer may make one such attack per round, plus one attack per Rank. The blade dancer may
only make one attempt per opponent.
 What Was Will Be Again: The Pellurian blade dancer has mastered the shurapoli and is in tune with the fluid motions it replicates. Once
per day per Rank while performing an attack, the blade dancer may make an extra melee attack with his falchion or greatsword.

Requirements: Seasoned, Agility d6+, Smarts d6+, Strength d6+, Boating d8+, Intimidation d6+, Swimming d8+
Whether they sail the Seas of Pelluria or run barges up and down the Eren River, pirates are at home on boats and in the water. They gain a +2
bonus to all Boating and Swimming rolls. Additionally, they may use a d8 as their Wild Die while on-board any boat.

Tier 1 Abilities (may be taken at Seasoned Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Connections: A pirate of Erendane is familiar with resistance cells throughout Erendane, though the world in which they operate is not a
pretty one. When operating in a region in which she has at least Knowledge (local) d6+, the character gains a +2 on Persuasion and
Intimidation rolls. Additionally, the pirate gains the Connections (smuggler) Edge, , ignoring any requirements, and can always find a
smuggler to carry herself, her friends, or her goods secretly out of a region, though the price increases the more dangerous the cargo is.
 Pirate's Luck: Pirates of Erendane are bold folk that always seem able to come out of a mess clean and profited. Their legendary luck
promotes reckless attitude, even in those operating under the vise grip of the Shadow. Once per day per character Rank, the pirate can
roll and extra d6 die and add it as a bonus to any roll. The pirate of Erendane may wait to hear the result of his original roll before
deciding whether to use pirate's luck to add a bonus. Every Rank after Seasoned, the pirate of Erendane gains the ability to add a die
bonus an additional time per day, with a die type of one higher. The pirate of Erendane may stack these die bonuses, but each die type
may only be added once per day.

Tier 2 Abilities (may be taken at Veteran Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Skilled and Sure: At Seasoned Rank and at every Rank thereafter, the pirate of Erendane may choose one skill from the following list.
Thereafter, the pirate gains a special benefit relating to that skill, as described below.
o Climbing: The pirate of Erendane gains a climb speed equal to her Strength.
o Intimidate: Once per round, the pirate of Erendane may demoralize an opponent using a Test of Wills (Intimidation) as a free
o Jump: The pirate of Eredane's Pace increases by +1.
o Swim: The pirate of Erendane gains the Natural Swimmer Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Tier 3 Abilities (may be taken at Heroic Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Quick Draw: The pirate of Erendane learns to keep her wit sharp and her weapon ready. She gains the Quick Draw Edge and Deadly
Opportunity Edge, , ignoring any requirements.
 Commander: The pirate's fame has spread among rogues and rebels alike. She comes into possession of a sailing ship outfitted for
smuggling and combat. She also gains the Followers Edge, ignoring any requirements, thereby gaining a crew to man the ship.

Requirements: Seasoned, Agility d8+, Smarts d6+, Fighting d6+, Taunt d6+, Size -1 or smaller

Tier 1 Abilities (may be taken at Seasoned Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Elusive: The larger the foe, the more effective a quickjack. Quickjacks gain a +1 Parry per size category by which their foe is larger. This
bonus increases by +1 every character Rank thereafter.
 Close Fighting: Quickjacks dance and feint inside their opponents' reach. A quickjack can occupy the same space as a foe that is two size
categories larger. Entering the creature's space does not provoke an attack of opportunity. The quickjack is considered to provide a bonus
on ganging up to all allies outside or within the opponent's space. Further, the foe acts as soft cover for the quickjack, granting him light
cover (-1 to attack rolls) from all ranged and melee attacks, even those of the foe himself. Attacks directed at the quickjack (by creatures
other than the foe whose space he is in) that miss are subject to the innocent bystander rule, with the bystander automatically being the
quickjack’s for whose space he is in.

Tier 2 Abilities (may be taken at Veteran Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Evasion: A quickjack gains evasion. If exposed to any area effect that normally allows him to attempt to dive for cover, he does not suffer
the normal -2 to the Agility roll. The evasion ability can only be used if the blade dancer is wearing light armor or no armor and is not
carrying a medium or heavy load.
 The Bigger They are: The quickjack gains the Giant-Killer Edge and the Quick Edge, ignoring any requirements.

Tier 3 Abilities (may be taken at Heroic Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Retribution: The quickjack learns to take advantage of clumsy foes' attacks. Once per round when an opponent misses him with a melee
attack, the quickjack may make an immediate attack against that opponent. This attack does not count as the quickjack’s action for the
 Improved Close Fighting: The quickjack gains the Improved Close Fighting Edge, ignoring any requirements.

Requirements: Novice, Sarcosan, Channeler, Spirit d6+, Knowledge (Arcana) d4+, Knowledge (Nature) d6+, Knowledge (Religion) d6+

Gift of the Riders: At each Rank the Sahi astrologer learns to focus on the patterns and energies of one of the
Sorshef. Each Rider grants a unique benefit to those who study them, as shown below.

Tier 1 Abilities (may be taken at Novice Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Gift of Shareel: Shareel teaches the fine line between what is and what could be. Once per day, the character gains a +2 bonus on a
Persuasion check.
 Gift of Doshram: Doshram teaches the necessity of the bonds of family and friendship. Once per day, the character can cast armor wiith
no cost in Spell Energy.
 Gift of Sahaad: Sahaad teaches that a horse can bring a man closer to heaven. The character gains a +2 bonus on all Riding and
Persuasion rolls with horses.
 Gift of Sennach: Sennach teaches that battle is often the best option. The character gains a +1 bonus on all Fighting or Shooting rolls
versus orcs, legates, and other creatures associated with the armies of Izrador.
 Gift of Halail: Halail teaches that the radiance of the sun sustains life. The character gains the ability to evoke an aura of warmth about
herself once per day. The aura has two effects. First, it protects the character and all within 5” and adds +2 to their Vigor rolls to resist
damage suffered from cold environments. Second, the area glows with light equivalent to a light/obscure spell. This effect can be
suppressed if the character desires. The aura lasts for up to one hour per Rank, and can be dismissed whenever the character chooses. A
character cannot invoke the gift of Halail and the gift of Hisha in the same 24-hour period.
 Gift of Zimra: Zimra teaches that even the most skilled astrologers seem foolish in the eyes of the Riding Host. Once per day the
character can breathe a Curse, as the spell, upon the wind to a range of 120 feet. The curse travels forward toward its target, which must
make a Spirit roll or be affected by a bless/curse spell.
 Gift of Obares: Obares teaches that rejuvenation can lead to success as often as hard work. Once per week, the character can touch up
to one character per Rank. Any character so touched is refreshed as if he had slept for 8 hours and eaten a full meal and the effects of
lack of sleep and food are ameliorated for a full day.
 Gift of Hanud: Hanud teaches that death is inevitable for all creatures. Once per day the character can evoke prophecies of death for all
creatures with at least a Smarts of d4 in a 10” burst. These creatures must make a successful Spirit roll or be shaken for the duration of
the combat as they see flashes of the time of their own death.
 Gift of Hisha: Hisha teaches that things must wither under the cold sky to insure balance in the world. The character gains the ability to
evoke an aura of coldness about herself once per day. The aura has two effects. First, it protects the character and all within 5” and adds
+2 to their Vigor rolls to resist damage suffered from hot environments. Second, the area dims to the equivalent of a light/obscure spell.
This effect can be suppressed if the character desires. The aura lasts for up to one hour per Rank, and can be dismissed whenever the
character chooses. A character cannot invoke the gift of Halail and the gift of Hisha in the same 24-hour period.
 Gift of Sutara: Sutara teaches that hope is the greatest of man.s gifts. Once per day the character can evoke hope in all allies within
10”. This cancels the effects of Fear from the allies in question. Affected allies also gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls for one full round.

Requirements: Novice, Persuasion d6+, Streetwise d8+
This Edge works in all ways as introduced in Shaintar: Legends Arise Players Beta Guide (Reality Blurs).

Requirements: Seasoned, Knowledge (Specific Creature) d6+, at least 2 battles with creatures of the type in question
Some sense a calling, others are driven by revenge, while still others just become very good at what they do. When this Edge is chosen, the
character must declare a specific creature type (see the Wildlander Master Hunter ability). When fighting creatures in which he specializes and
gaining a raise on his attack roll, the Slayer does not gain an extra d6 damage on his damage roll. Instead, the bonus damage die is a d12; this die
can still open-end normally. This only affects single-target attacks, not area effect attacks.

Requirements: Seasoned, Agility d6+, Smarts d8+, Boating d6+, Gambling d6+, Intimidation d6+, Lockpicking d8+, Notice d6+, Persuasion d6+,
Stealth d6+, Streetwise d8+

Tier 1 Abilities (may be taken at Seasoned Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Smuggler's Trade: The smuggler learns that the art of lying is as necessary to his work as swordplay is to his hired guards. His skills in
this area grow as he has to perpetrate one smuggling job after another, granting him +2 to all Persuasion and Streetwise rolls when
involved in smuggling operations.
 Dominant Will: A truth spell or the hot end of a torturer's iron can both spell doom for a smuggler and his illicit cargo. Smugglers learn to
control their minds so that they can almost convince themselves of their own lies as well as resist magic that would cause them to betray
their cause. As a result of this practice and training, the smuggler gains +4 on Spirit opposed Spirit rolls against magical detection,
compulsion spells, lie detection spells, and any effects or attacks that would cause him to betray his cause. This bonus only comes into
play when the smuggler is engaged in smuggling or similarly clandestine operations, and only when the failure would cause the smuggler
to reveal his activities, allies, or secrets. For instance, the bonus would apply to a legate casting a compulsion spell forcing the smuggler
to reveal the names of all his contacts, but would not apply to the same spell if cast in combat to get the smuggler to defend the legate,
restrain his allies, surrender, etc.

Tier 2 Abilities (may be taken at Veteran Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Mystifying Speech: Once per day, the smuggler can talk his way out of almost any situation. By taking his target's attention away from his
illegal activities and spinning a verbal web of deceptive and misleading statements, the smuggler can cause them to forget what they
have seen or even change specific details they recall. This ability allows the smuggler to reach into the subject’s mind and modify as many
as 5 minutes of its memories in one of the following ways.
 Eliminate all memory of an event the subject actually experienced.
 Allow the subject to recall with perfect clarity an event it actually experienced.
 Change the details of an event the subject actually experienced.
 Implant a memory of an event the subject never experienced.
Using this ability takes 1 round. If the subject fails an opposed Spirit roll, you proceed with the ability by spending as much as 5 minutes
(a period of time equal to the amount of memory time you want to modify) visualizing the memory you wish to modify in the subject. If
your concentration is disturbed before the visualization is complete, or if the subject is ever beyond the ability’s range during this time,
the ability’s use is lost. A modified memory does not necessarily affect the subject’s actions, particularly if it contradicts the creature’s
natural inclinations. An illogical modified memory is dismissed by the creature as a bad dream or a memory muddied by too much wine.
This ability can affect up to one target per Rank. All targets must be within 2” of the smuggler and giving him their attention to be
 Information Network: Whenever the smuggler enters a new city, settlement, or other definitive area, he is able to learn the latest gossip
in very little time thanks to his widespread network of informants. Given one hour he is able to find out the local happenings as if he had
gained a free raise on his Streetwise check.

Tier 3 Abilities (may be taken at Heroic Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Disguise Contraband: The smuggler learns how to stow illegal materials in such a way that defies divination and detection spells and
abilities. This ability misdirects the information from spells that reveal auras (detect/conceal arcane and the like). On using this ability, you
choose another object within range. For the duration of the ability, the subject of the ability is detected as if it were the other object.
Detection spells provide information based on the second object rather than on the actual target of the detection unless the caster of the
detection succeeds on an opposed arcane skill vs. smuggler’s Spirit roll. For instance, you could make yourself detect as a tree if one were
within range at the time the ability was used: not evil, not lying, not magical, and so forth. The smuggler can hide up to two cubic feet of
creatures or materials per Rank for up to one hour per Rank, no matter the quantity or amount of any specific objects. This ability also
hides magical auras from the tracking ability of an astirax. The smuggler can divide up the hidden creatures or materials any way he likes
and may hide materials in different places and at different times throughout the day.
 Slippery Mind: The smuggler gains the ability to shrug off magical compulsions. If the smuggler is affected by an enchantment and fails
his opposed Spirit roll, one round later he can attempt an opposed Spirit roll again. He only gets this one extra chance to succeed at his
opposed Spirit roll. If it fails as well, the spell's effects proceed normally. Unlike the Dominant Will ability, this ability applies to all
enchantment effects, regardless of whether or not the smuggler's secrets are at risk.

Requirements: Seasoned, Agility d6+, Vigor d8+, Notice d8+, Stealth d8+, Survival d8+, Tracking d8+

Tier 1 Abilities (may be taken at Seasoned Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Wild Trapping: The sylvan slayer learns to build deadly traps out of the natural tools available to him in the mountains and woodlands of
his home. He can build any trap that could be made with the equipment he carries plus things to be found in nature. Building a trap costs
the character no money, but takes a minimum of 20 minutes. He can reduce the time necessary with a Knowledge (Trapmaking) check;
for every raise by which the character exceeds, reduce the time needed by 10 minutes, with a minimum of 10 minutes necessary to build
a trap. (Pit traps are an exception to this rule. The GM may rule that the character can find a natural deadfall or pit and cover it, in which
case the normal rules apply. If not, and if the terrain is suitable for digging, then it requires 4 man-hours of work to dig a 10 ft. x 10. ft.
pit to a depth of 10 feet.). Any poison or disease listed for each trap must be found separately (see below).
 Disease Use: The sylvan slayer learns to gather and use virulent or diseased plant and animal matter in his traps. With a successful
Survival roll and a minimum of 1 hour of searching, the sylvan slayer can find enough diseased matter to coat a single wild trap element
or weapon. For every successful raise, the sylvan slayer finds enough diseased material to coat another element of a trap or another
weapon. The sylvan slayer can search for such material while he is on the move (thus saving search time), but this requires a raise on the
Survival roll. Trap elements or weapons coated with diseased material remain contagious for a number of days equal to 1 +1/Rank. The
sylvan slayer is not at risk of catching the disease that he is handling.

Tier 2 Abilities (may be taken at Veteran Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Woodland Stride: This ability works exactly like the Wildlander ability of the same name.
 Poison Use: The sylvan slayer learns to gather and use natural venoms without harming himself. With a successful Survival roll and a
minimum of 1 hour searching, the sylvan slayer can find enough poison to coat a single wild trap element or weapon. For every successful
raise, the sylvan slayer finds enough poison to coat another element of a trap or weapon. The sylvan slayer can search for such material
while he is on the move (thus saving search time), but this but this requires a raise on the Survival roll. Trap elements or weapons
coated with poison remain poisonous for a number of days equal to 1 +1/Rank. The sylvan slayer is not at risk of poisoning himself when
handling poison.

Tier 3 Abilities (may be taken at Heroic Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Death Attack: If a sylvan slayer studies his victim for 3 rounds and then makes an attack where he has The Drop with a melee or ranged
weapon that successfully deals damage, the attack has the additional effect of possibly either paralyzing or killing the target (sylvan
slayer's choice). While studying the victim, the sylvan slayer can undertake other actions so long as his attention stays focused on the
target and the target does not detect the sylvan slayer or recognize the sylvan slayer as an enemy. If the victim of such an attack fails a
Vigor roll against the kill effect, he is Incapacitated and has to take the normal checks to determine if he dies. If the victim's Vigor roll
succeeds, the attack is just a normal attack. Once the sylvan slayer has completed the 3 rounds of study, he must attack within the next 3
rounds. If a death attack is attempted and fails (the victim makes his Vigor roll) or if the sylvan slayer does not launch the attack within 3
rounds of completing the study, 3 new rounds of study are required before he can attempt another death attack.
 Misdirection: When hiding his trail, the sylvan slayer learns to leave false tracks to lead his enemies into traps he sets. If someone
tracking the sylvan slayer fails an opposed Tracking roll (based on the slayer hiding his trail), that character has stumbled upon a false
trail left by the sylvan slayer. The false trail can lead in any direction the sylvan slayer designates for up to 50 feet before the trail runs
cold (or a trap is sprung).

Requirements: Seasoned, Smarts d8+, Spirit d6+, Vigor d6+, Knowledge (Arcana) d10+, Spellcasting d8+

Tier 1 Abilities (may be taken at Seasoned Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Soul Drain: A syphon is able to use a variation of the Soul Drain Edge twice per day. By making a successful Touch attack against a
target, the syphon initiates a contested Spirit roll against the target in an attempt to drain some of their energy to fuel his spells (the
siphon receives a penalty to their roll equal to the number of Spell Energy he is trying to drain). If the contested Spirit roll is successful,
the syphon obtains an equal amount of bonus Spell Energy from the target as that drained. A syphon can store an amount of bonus Spell
Energy in excess of his own Spell Energy total equal to his 1 +1/Rank. This Spell Energy vanishes after 5 rounds if not used. This ability
works even on creatures without the Arcane Background Edge. This ability requires skin-to-skin contact with the target.
 Deathwatch: The syphon has a supernatural ability to see the darkening shadow of death. The syphon gains the ability to determine the
condition of creatures near death within the ability’s range. He instantly knows whether each creature within the area is dead, Shaken,
Incapacitated, undead, or neither alive nor dead (such as a construct). The syphon can use this ability twice per day for free and may
use it more often, although each additional daily use costs a Spell Energy.

Tier 2 Abilities (may be taken at Veteran Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Ignore Armor: A syphon seldom has the luxury of using his abilities on targets without some form of armor. He gains the ability to ignore
armor when making his Touch attack to initiate his Soul Drain ability.
 Blood Syphoning: The syphon develops the ability to drain power from fresh and strong targets. By spending three Spell Energy and
making a successful Fighting Touch attack, the syphon is able to deliver a syphoning blow to his enemy. This causes the target to become
Fatigued and the target also loses up to 1d4 + the 1/Rank points of Spell Energy, which are gained by the syphon. This ability cannot
extract Spell Energy from creatures with no Spell Energy. The syphon can use a melee weapon or an unarmed strike to deliver a
syphoning blow.

Tier 3 Abilities (may be taken at Heroic Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Spell Syphoning: The syphon is able to use his blood syphoning ability to draw spells from his victims. The syphon can use this ability in
one of two ways. Both ways function like blood syphoning, but with the following changes. First, the syphon is able to extract the
knowledge of any one spell from a target he hits with his blood syphoning ability. The syphon retains the ability to cast this spell until he
next recovers his used Spell Energy, when the spell fades from his mind. He casts this spell as if he had learned it himself. Syphons may
use an extracted spell to create a scroll or other magic item. Alternately, if the sypon can get a grip on his target, he can cast spells the
target knows, using the target's own Spell Energy. To do this, the syphon must succeed at a blood-syphoning attack as normal. The
syphon and his target then make opposed grapple checks. If the syphon succeeds, he has the target in his grip and may cast any spell
the target knows, using the target's Spell Energy, on subsequent rounds. The target is entitled to a grapple check on his turn to escape
the syphon's grip. Neither participant is considered grappled during this exchange; the victim may attack, move, cast spells, and
otherwise act normally, but cannot leave the syphon's threatened space without a successful grapple check, unless the syphon releases
him or is incapacitated.
 Blood Talisman: The Spell Energy cost of using the blood syphoning ability is reduced to two.

Requirements: Seasoned, Strength d6+, Vigor d8+, Climbing d8+, Fighting d6+, Survival d6+

Tier 1 Abilities (may be taken at Seasoned Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Tight Quarters: Tunnel wraiths become increasingly capable in cramped quarters and places where others lack leverage. The tunnel
wraith suffers half the normal penalty to Parry and Fighting rolls when he is prone or squeezing into a space half as wide as he is.
 Tunnel Rat: Tunnel wraiths spend a lot of time in tunnels, even when they aren't fighting. They become accustomed to the sounds and
feel of the underground. As a result, tunnel wraiths gain +2 to Notice rolls whenever they are in a natural underground environment.
They also gain the same bonus to their Parry whenever they are fighting adjacent to a tunnel or cavern wall. They learn to use the wall as
a "second floor", performing maneuvers and faints that help block an opponent's weapon. This bonus also applies above ground, if the
character is adjacent to any wall or vertical surface that is at least 5 feet wide (a wall, a thick tree, a large bolder, etc.).

Tier 2 Abilities (may be taken at Veteran Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Heightened Senses: The tunnel rat learns to use all his senses and is not confused by the echoing sounds of the tunnels he traverses.
The tunnel rat gains the Combat Sense Edge and the Danger Sense Edge, ignoring any requirements.
 Dark Fighting: The tunnel wraith gains a superhuman ability to determine his enemies' positions through a combination of sound,
temperature, vibrations, and changing air pressure. He gains the Dark Fighting Edge and Improvisational Fighter Edge, ignoring any

Tier 3 Ability (may be taken at Heroic Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Patient Predator: Tunnel wraiths often need to wait for hours, or even days, before striking at their unsuspecting foes. The tunnel wraith
can go for twice as long as normal without food, water, or air. For instance, a tunnel wraith can go without water for 2 days plus a
number of hours equal to twice his Vigor die type before having to make a Vigor check. Likewise, a tunnel wraith in a sealed 10-ft.-by-10-
ft. chamber can breathe easily for 12 hours rather than just six.

Requirements: Seasoned, Agility d6+, Smarts d8+, Knowledge (City) d8+, Notice d6+, Streetwise d8+, Survival d6+

Tier 1 Abilities (may be taken at Seasoned Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 City Speak: The vigilant defender has embraced the cosmopolitan nature of large cities and the people that live there. The vigilant
defender can understand and speak with any urban dweller with a pidgin level of competence, regardless of what languages the vigilant
defender or the dweller speak. Communicating in this way takes twice as long as normal, and requires that the two individuals be able to
see each other.
 Blade or Fist: The vigilant defender may choose to further either his defender training or his ability when he gains The Drop. Once this
choice is made, it cannot be changed. If he chooses to further his defender training, the vigilant defender gains a defender ability at
Seasoned Rank, one at Veteran Rank, one at Heroic Rank, and one at Legendary Rank. Tiered Ranks must be adhered to as normal. If
he chooses to further his ability to improve his ability with The Drop, he gains +1 to attack and damage rolls when he gains The Drop on
someone. He gains an additional +1 at every Rank after Seasoned (Veteran Rank, Heroic Rank, and Legendary Rank), to a maximum of
+4 additional (total +8 to attack and damage) when gaining The Drop on someone.

Tier 2 Abilities (may be taken at Veteran Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Survival of the Skilled: The vigilant defender may choose any skill he possesses. Once chosen, the skill cannot be changed. Whenever
making that skill roll in an urban environment, he may add 1 + 1/Rank as a bonus on the skill roll. At Veteran Rank and again at Heroic
Rank, the vigilant defender may choose an additional skill to which this bonus applies.
 Uncanny Dodge: A vigilant defender becomes resistant to ambushes, and gains the Danger Sense Edge, ignoring any requirements, and
cannot be affected by anyone of his Rank or lower getting The Drop on him.
 Urban Mobility: The vigilant defender learns to navigate urban environments as if he were born for them. The vigilant defender may
choose either the narrowswending, roofjumping, or wallcrawling abilities. At Veteran Rank and again at Heroic Rank he may choose an
additional ability from the three listed below.
o Narrowswending: The vigilant defender masters movement through the rough and narrow back allies of the urban environment.
When in an urban environment, he may ignore difficult ground. Additionally, the vigilant defender may move at normal speed
when crouching.
o Roofjumping: The vigilant defender may leap from rooftop to rooftop without fear of falling or faltering. When in an urban
setting, he gains a +4 to Agility rolls to resist falling.
o Wallcrawling: The vigilant defender may scale building walls by finding handholds that others cannot find. When in an urban
setting during combat, he gains a climb speed equal to his Strength and also gains a +2 on all Climbing rolls in urban
 Cloaked in City Shadows: So tied to the urban environment is a vigilant defender, he can use the Stealth skill in any sort of urban terrain,
even if the terrain doesn't grant cover. This means, for instance, that the vigilant defender can use Stealth merely by standing against a
wall or blending in with a courtyard. The vigilant defender may not attempt to hide if he is being observed when the attempt is made. The
vigilant defender ceases to gain the benefits of the cloaked in city shadows ability immediately after his first attack from hiding.
 City Sight: The vigilant defender gains Low-light Vision and the Scrounger Edge, ignoring any requirements.

Tier 3 Abilities (may be taken at Heroic Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Improved Uncanny Dodge: The vigilant defender can keep track of multiple foes easily – he gains the Combat Sense Edge, ignoring any
requirements, and can never be affected by anyone getting The Drop on him, regardless of Rank.
 City is My Shield: The vigilant defender knows how to find cover in urban environments, such as carts, boxes, lantern poles, or other
pedestrians. When in an urban environment and benefiting from a cover bonus, the vigilant defender receives twice the normal cover
bonus. When in an urban environment and in a situation in which he would gain no cover bonus, the vigilant defender still receives a
minimum of light cover (-1 to all attack rolls targeting him) from the various items and people around him. The GM may rule that in some
situations (such as a completely empty large room), there is no cover to be had, in which case the vigilant defender loses this bonus.
 City Stance: The vigilant defender gains the Improved Level Headed Edge, ignoring any requirements.

Requirements: Seasoned, Smarts d8+, Spirit d8+, Vigor d6+, Persuasion d10+, Streetwise d8+
 Vision: The visionary creates a unique view of the future. This vision, regardless of its contents, feels just as real to the character as the
real world does to ordinary people. The visionary can, as an action, use his Persuasion skill to communicate this vision to one character
per Rank within range. For each successful raise on the Persuasion roll, a target either gains a +1 bonus to attacks and/or suffers a -1
penalty to their Parry and to damage rolls for as long as the visionary communicates the vision. A target may gain both the penalty and
the bonus from this ability simultaneously. This ability has a range of 5” and requires line of sight. The vision is maintained for as long as
the visionary spends an action each round, up to a maximum of 4 minutes per Rank. After the visionary ceases to maintain the vision, all
affected targets retain their bonuses and penalties for a number of rounds equal to the visionary's Charisma score. The visionary may use
this ability a number of times per day equal to 1 +2/Rank.
 Guiding Light: The visionary's inspiration draws others to him. He gains the Followers Edge, ignoring any requirements.
 Vision's Gifts: When Advancing, in lieu of other Advenacement choices, the visionary may select one of the following special abilities.
These abilities arise from his vision of the future; as such, their selection should reflect the visionary's hopes as well as his ability force
that dream into the real world. Unless otherwise noted, each gift may only be chosen once.
o Forged in Dreams: Those who interact with you can almost see your dream's edges with their waking eyes. With an action and
one use of your vision ability, you may target one indifferent, unfriendly, or hostile creature within 10”. The target must make a
Test of Wills (Intimidation). If he fails, his attitude shifts to friendly for a number of hours equal to the absolute value of your
Charisma score.
o Kindle Hearts: Your vision sparks an answering flame in others' hearts. Even though they may not know exactly why, those who
feel it find it both comforting and sustaining. With an action and one use of your vision ability, you may target one creature
within 10” that is suffering from a Fear effect. The target may make an additional immediate Spirit roll against the effect with a
bonus equal to the absolute value of your Charisma modifier.
o Kindle Minds: Your vision reminds others of their inner courage. With a standard action and one use of your vision ability, you
may target one creature within 10” that is suffering from a compulsion effect. The target may make an additional immediate
Spirit Trait roll against the effect with a bonus equal to the absolute value of your Charisma modifier.
o Light the World: You must have kindle hearts, kindle minds, and kindle spirits to select this ability. Your vision radiates out from
you in everything you do, subtly bending the world to your will. By using one of your daily uses of the vision ability as a free
action, you may re-roll an attack roll or skill roll you just made. You must declare that you wish to re-roll before the GM declares
whether the roll results in success or failure. You must take the result of the re-roll, even if it is worse than the original roll.
o Oathbinder: Those who swear to follow your vision find themselves bound to you. They become one of your oathbound, sworn
to your cause. You can, as an action, use one of your daily uses of the vision ability to sense the direction, distance, mental
state, and health of any of your own oathbound. You may have a number of oathbound equal to the absolute value of your
Charisma score. This is a magical connection that has no maximum range, but can be severed by anything that prevents
divination magic. You instantly know if any of your oathbound die.
o Oathholder: You must have oathbinder to select this ability. You can, at need, use their oaths to strengthen your oathbound.
Whenever one of your oathbound must make a Test of Will or Fear test, you can, as a free action, use one of your daily uses of
the vision ability to substitute your Trait score for those of your oathbound. If you fail the Test of Will or Fear test, both you and
the oathbound suffer the effect equally.
o Oathkeeper: You must have oathbinder to select this ability. You can, as an action that uses one daily use of your vision ability,
issue a mental command to one of your oathbound in which you give the subject a single command (with a duration in minutes
equal to the absolute value of your Charisma score), which it obeys to the best of its ability at its earliest opportunity. You may
select from the following options.
 Approach: On its turn, the subject moves toward you as quickly and directly as possible for 1 round. The creature
may do nothing but move during its turn, and it provokes free attacks for this movement as normal.
 Drop: On its turn, the subject drops whatever it is holding. It can’t pick up any dropped item until its next turn.
 Fall: On its turn, the subject falls to the ground and remains prone for 1 round. It may act normally while prone but
takes any appropriate penalties.
 Flee: On its turn, the subject moves away from you as quickly as possible for 1 round. It may do nothing but move
during its turn, and it provokes free attacks for this movement as normal.
 Halt: The subject stands in place for 1 round. It may not take any actions but is not considered helpless.
 If the subject can’t carry out your command on its next turn, the ability automatically fails.
If the oathbound suffers from any magical effect(s) that would prevent him from obeying (such as paralysis, being subject to
the puppet spell, etc.), you may make an immediate Spirit Trait test to attempt to dispel each effect. If the oathbound wishes to
refuse the command he must make an opposed Spirit test. If he succeeds, he breaks his oath and is no longer counted among
your oathbound.
o Oathmaker: You must have oathbinder, oathholder, and oathkeeper to select this ability. You can, as an action that uses one
daily use of your vision ability, see and hear any of your oathbound with a Rank equal to or less than yours which may be at
any distance. This ability does not create a magical sensor and therefore cannot be detected. If the subject succeeds on an
opposed Spirit roll, the scrying attempt simply fails. The difficulty of the save depends on how well you know the subject and
what sort of physical connection (if any) you have to that creature. Furthermore, if the subject is on another plane, it gets a +2
bonus on its Spirit roll.

Knowledge Spirit roll Modifier

None +5
Secondhand (you have heard of the subject) +2
Firsthand (you have met the subject) +0
Familiar (you know the subject well) –2
1 You must have some sort of connection to a creature you have no knowledge of.
Connection Spirit roll Modifier
Likeness or picture –1
Possession or garment –2
Body part, lock of hair, bit of nail, etc. –5

If the oathbound’s opposed Spirit roll fails, you can see and hear the subject and the subject’s immediate surroundings
(approximately 1” in all directions of the subject). If the subject moves, the sensor follows at a Pace of 25. If the oathbound’s
opposed Spirit roll succeeds, you can’t attempt to scry on that subject again for at least 24 hours.

Requirements: Seasoned, Fighting d8+, Spirit d8+, Knowledge (Erenland) d10+, Notice d8+, Persuasion d8+, Streetwise d8+, Survival d6+,
Tracking d8+
Warden's Vows: The warden of Erenland must live according to the vows he takes when he is initiated into the order. This code includes, in order of
priority, seeking out the heirs of the King of Erenland, keeping secret any information regarding those heirs or the Wardens, helping all Erenlanders
in need, and killing the dark god's minions whenever possible. These goals need not be followed beyond reason. If attacking the dark god's minions
would jeopardize the warden's quest for the heir, for instance, he need not do it. If the warden fails to follow his vows, he loses all of this Edge’s
abilities until the error has been rectified or atoned for. Many of the warden's abilities described below only work when the warden is within central
or southern Erenland.
 Spirit Speaker: The warden gains the Spirit Speaker variant Erenlander Trait. If he already has this Trait, he may add +1/Rank as a bonus
to all Knowledge checks and Survival checks having to do with central or southern Erenland.
 Spirit Speaker: Erenlanders have never been very spiritual, focusing instead on the pragmatic aspects of survival. In this dark age,
however, spirituality has become pragmatic; without help from the land around you, your people probably couldn't survive. You gain 1
bonus Spell Energy. You must have the Arcane Background Edge to select this Trait.
 Mediator: The Wardens were once heralds and emissaries, judges and enforcers. Now they are forced to act as smugglers, guardians, and
messengers, but their skills at communication are no less valuable in those roles. Once per, he can use this ability to automatically shift
the initial attitude of any creature or group of creatures (up to a maximum of five creatures per Rank of the warden) by one step, such as
from neutral to friendly or from friendly to helpful. Further adjustments to the creatures' attitudes can be attempted as normal, using
Persuasion checks. At Veteran, Heroic, and Legendary Ranks, the warden gains one additional use of this ability per day.
 Aryth's Blessing: Once per day, the warden may select a heroic path ability from a path other than the one he possesses (if any). The
ability may be any one that is normally gained at a Rank equal to the warden's Rank, although it cannot be an ability that depends on
significant physical qualities (such as the Giantblooded's size alteration or the Beast's vicious assault ability). An ability can be selected at
the beginning of each day, or may be chosen in the middle of the day, requiring 10 minutes of uninterrupted concentration. Once this is
accomplished, the warden may then either use that ability once during the day as described under the ability (if it is a one-use effect) or
gains its benefits until he next rests. At Veteran and Heroic Ranks, the warden may select one additional ability per day.
 Dreams of the Land: The warden partakes in a special bond with the land. Each night, if he shares blood with the land (by cutting himself
and letting his blood flow onto the soil or waterways of central Erenland), he experiences prophetic dreams. At Seasoned Rank, the
warden becomes one with nature, attaining knowledge of the surrounding territory. The warden instantly gain knowledge of as many as
three facts from among the following subjects: the ground or terrain, plants, minerals, bodies of water, people, general animal population,
presence of woodland creatures, presence of powerful unnatural creatures, or even the general state of the natural setting. In outdoor
settings, the ability operates in a radius of 10 miles + 1 per Rank of the warden. In natural underground settings—caves, caverns, and
the like—the radius is limited to 50” per Rank. The ability does not function where nature has been replaced by construction or
settlement, such as in dungeons and towns. Further, this range is doubled for the purposes of detecting the locations of other wardens of
Erenland or direct descendants of the King of Erenland. The ability functions at 10 minutes per Rank. At Veteran Rank, the warden, or a
messenger touched by him, sends a phantasmal message to others in the form of a dream. At the beginning of the ability, the warden
must name the recipient or identify him or her by some title that leaves no doubt as to identity. The messenger then enters a trance,
appears in the intended recipient’s dream, and delivers the message. The message can be of any length, and the recipient remembers it
perfectly upon waking. The communication is one-way. The recipient cannot ask questions or offer information, nor can the messenger
gain any information by observing the dreams of the recipient. Once the message is delivered, the messenger’s mind returns instantly to
its body. The duration of the ability is the time required for the messenger to enter the recipient’s dream and deliver the message. If the
recipient is awake when the ability begins, the messenger can choose to wake up (ending the ability) or remain in the trance. The
messenger can remain in the trance until the recipient goes to sleep, then enter the recipient’s dream and deliver the message as normal.
A messenger that is disturbed during the trance comes awake, ending the ability. Creatures which don’t sleep (such as elves) or don’t
dream cannot be contacted by this ability. The messenger is unaware of its own surroundings or of the activities around it while in the
trance. It is defenseless both physically and mentally while in the trance. At Heroic Rank, the warden may also send messages to allies
via these dreams and gains a powerful sixth sense in relation to himself or another. The warden receives instantaneous warnings of
impending danger or harm to the subject of the ability. The warden is never surprised or flat-footed. In addition, the ability gives the
warden a general idea of what action he might take to best protect himself and gives him a +1 to his Parry. This insight bonus is lost
whenever an opponent gets The Drop on him. When another creature is the subject of the ability, the warden receives warnings about
that creature. He must communicate what he learns to the other creature for the warning to be useful, and the creature can be caught
unprepared in the absence of such a warning. Shouting a warning, yanking a person back, and even telepathically communicating (via an
appropriate spell) can all be accomplished before some danger befalls the subject, provided the warden acts on the warning without
delay. The subject, however, does not gain the Parry bonus. The benefits of the ability can be chosen upon waking with regards to
himself or one person of his choice, except that it lasts 1 hour per Rank instead of 10 minutes per Rank. None of the effects radiate
magical auras. Once per arc per ability, the warden may gain the benefits of the aforementioned abilities during the day. This requires
the spilling of blood as normal, and 1 minute of meditation.
 For the King: The warden may utter this war cry as a free action. When doing so, he gains a +1 on all weapon attack rolls against
creatures of the dark god during the round, and inflicts +1d6 points of damage on each successful hit against such foes. Additionally, this
cry gives all allies within a large burst template of the warden (including the warden himself) a +2 on Spirit rolls against Fear effects for a
number of rounds equal to the 1 + 1/Rank. Any allies within a Large Burst Template who are already suffering from a Fear effect may
immediately make another Spirit check with the +2 bonus to resist the effects The warden may use this cry for a number of rounds (not
necessarily contiguous) equal to 1 + 2/Rank every day.

Requirements: Seasoned, Channeler, Spirit d8+, Fighting d8+, Spellcasting d8+
 Channeled Combat: The first thing the warrior arcanist learns is how to channel his Spell Energy in ways that will aid him in combat. The
character may spend one Spell Energy as a free action to grant his weapon a +1/Rank on melee attack or damage rolls or to his Parry
until the beginning of his next turn. The warrior arcanist must decide to use this ability before making any attacks. The warrior arcanist
may spend Spell Energy on all three types of channeled combat in a single round, but no more than one Spell Energy per type of
channeled combat.
 Melee Caster: The warrior arcanist learns to deliver spells through his weapons, adding power and utility to his attacks. Any time the
warrior arcanist is attacking, he may attempt to deliver a spell through one of his melee attacks. Even if the spell would normally affect
multiple targets or an area of effect, its effects only apply to the creature hit with the weapon, who gains an opposed Spirit roll against its
effects as normal. If the character misses with his attack, the Spell Energy for whatever spell he chose is still considered spent.
 Regenerative Strike: Any time the warrior arcanist Aces on an attack with a melee weapon, he recovers 1d4 Spell Energy.


Requirements: Seasoned, Dworg, Slayer (Legates), Spirit d8+, Strength d6+, Fighting d6+, Intimidation d6+, Knowledge (Shadow) d6+
Special: The character must have 0 Spell Energy and no ability to cast spells, whether through the Arcane Background Edge or a heroic path. If he
ever gains such ability, he immediately loses all special abilities of this Edge.

Tier 1 Abilities (may be taken at Seasoned Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
o Hunter of Dark Magic: The warrior of the dark blood gains a +2 bonus on Notice, Persuasion and Survival rolls when using them against
astiraxes or legates. Likewise, he gets a +1 bonus on weapon damage rolls against such creatures. At Veteran, Heroic, and Legendary
Ranks, these bonuses increase by +1.
o Detect Astirax: At will, a warrior of dark blood can detect dark magic. This ability functions just like the detect/conceal arcana spell,
except that it only reveals the presence of the divine magic of Izrador. In other words, the ability will detect the magic aura of a spell cast
by a legate, but not one cast by an orc channeler.
o Resist Izrador's Will: The warrior of dark blood gains the Improved Arcane Resistance Edge, ignoring any requirements, against the divine
magic of Izrador's legates. If he already has the Improved Arcane Resistance Edge the bonus increases by +2.

Tier 2 Abilities (may be taken at Veteran Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
o Faithless Stare (Su): Once per day, a warrior of dark blood can stare down a legate and make him question his faith. The legate must
succeed on a Test of Wills (Intimidation) or lose a number of Spell Energy equal to the 1 per warrior of dark blood's Rank. The warrior of
dark blood may use this ability an additional time at Legendary Rank. This ability angers and confuses Izrador, and he is on verge of
ordering a pogrom against the dworgs in order to root out and destroy the warriors of dark blood.
o Spirit Hunter: The warrior of dark blood gains the ability to see the shadowy form of an astirax no matter what its current form is. If the
astirax is possesing an animal, the character can see a faint outline around the animal, and if the astirax is in its natural form, the
character can see it despite its natural invisibility. Additionally, all melee attacks the warrior of dark blood makes against an astirax,
whether with weapons or unarmed, are ignore the ethereal nature of the astirax.

Tier 3 Abilities (may be taken at Heroic Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
o Locate Dark Servant: The warrior of dark blood can detect dark servants at will. The warrior of the dark blood can sense the presence of
astiraxes and legates. The warrior of the dark blood slowly turns and senses when he is facing in the direction of the legate or astirax to
be located, provided it is within range (200“). You also know in which direction the legate or astirax is moving, if any. The ability allows
the warrior of dark blood to know which creatures it is detecting are astiraxes and which are legates, but he cannot locate specific
o Cleave Spells: Whenever a warrior of dark blood makes a successful melee attack against a creature under the effect of a legate's spell
(whether negative or beneficial), he may attempt to dispel one spell effect (must be the highest Ranked spell). Each melee attack may
only dispel a single spell effect, and no such spell effect may be dispelled if a higher-Rank legate spell is still in place. The warrior of the
dark blood uses his Spirit as his Arcane Skill.

Requirements: Seasoned, Elf or Elfling, Spirit d8+, Knowledge (Spirits) d8+
Whisper Adepts are highly attuned to the Whispering Wood, the network of spirits that is an integral part of the elven forest of Erethor. They have
trained with the mystics in the Druid’s Swamp to hone their ability to listen to the flow of spirit voices, and they use this information in the
protection of their homeland.
Whisper Adepts gain a +2 bonus on the Spirit roll to attune to the Whispering Wood as well as on the Knowledge (Spirits) roll made to glean
information from it. Furthermore, as they are so aware of their surroundings, they are considered to have the Quick Edge, ignoring any
requirements, and opponents can never get The Drop on them whenever they are in Erethor.
Whisper Adepts also gain the following abilities:
 Fell Touch: Whisper adepts learn and participate in day-long rituals that bond the bodies of fallen elven warriors to the life of the forest,
commanding the plants themselves to gather around the warriors' bodies and lift them into the canopy. These rituals were born of a need
to prevent fallen elves from rising as the Fell. While not a generally useful ability while adventuring, whisper adepts have adapted the
ritual to create shorter rites for times of war and when speed is of the essence. The whisper adept can perform a rite as an action that
prevents a creature from rising as a fell. The rite involves placing a seed from the great forest within the deceased's mouth, but rather
than growing vines and becoming a part of the environment, the body simply fails to be animated.
 Tree Meld: The whisper adept becomes a living part of the forest. He can meld his physical form with any whispering tree, allowing him to
perfectly hide from enemies and to rest without worry of being found. This ability can be used once per day and lasts for up to one hour
per Rank. The whisper adept may carry up to 100 pounds of nonliving gear into the tree with him. The tree must be large enough to
accommodate the whisper adept's body in all three dimensions. While within the tree the whisper adept remains aware of the passage of
time and may hear what goes on around the tree, but he may not see out of the tree while melded. Minor physical damage to the tree in
which a whisper adept is melded does not harm him, but if the tree is partially destroyed to the extent that the character no longer fits
within it he is forcibly expelled and suffers 5d6 points of damage. This also occurs if the tree is set on fire and burns for more than three
rounds. The tree's complete destruction expels the character and the character suffers 4 wounds and becomes incapacitated and may die.
Make Vigor checks per normal for incapacitation. The whisper adept may step out of the tree at any time before the duration expires. If
the effect's duration runs out before the character voluntarily exits, he is forcibly expelled and suffers 5d6 points of damage.

Requirements: Novice, Agility d6+, Spirit d6+, Knowledge (Nature) d6+, Survival d8+, Tracking d8+
Wildlanders gain the Woodsman Edge and Beast Master Edge (ignoring any requirements).

Tier 1 Abilities (may be taken at Seasoned Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Woodland Stride: The wildlander may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas,
and similar terrain) at his normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. However, thorns, briars,
and overgrown areas that are enchanted or magically manipulated to impede motion still affect him.
 Quick Stride: The wildlander's speed is faster than the norm for his race by +1 Pace. This benefit applies only when he is
wearing no armor or leather armor, and not carrying more than 1x his load limit. A wildlander may select this Trait multiple
times, increasing his speed by +1 Pace each time; however, he may not choose this Trait twice in a row and never more than
once per Rank.
 Rapid Response: The wildlander gains Danger Sense as a bonus Edge, ignoring any requirements.
 Master Hunter: The wildlander may choose a type of creature (from the table below). Against that creature he gains a +2
bonus to Notice and Survival rolls when using these skills against this type of creature. In addition, he gains a +1 bonus on
weapon damage rolls against such creatures. A wildlander may select this ability multiple times, choosing a new creature type
or the same type. If the same creature type is chosen more than once, the bonuses stack; however, a wildlander may not
choose the Master Hunter ability against the same creature type twice in a row.

Creatures Other
Aberration Channeler
Animal Legate
Construct Fell
Dragon Bodiless Spirits
Fey Humanoids
Giant Aquatic
Magical Beast Elf (all)
Monstrous Humanoid Dwarf
Ooze Gnome
Outsider Goblinoid
Plant halfling
Undead (non-Fell) Human
Vermin Orc

Tier 2 Abilities (may be taken at Veteran Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Trackless Step (Requires Woodland Stride): The wildlander leaves no trail in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked. He
may choose to leave a trail if desired.
 Instinctive Response (Requires Rapid Response): After the wildlander makes an initiative draw but before his place in the
initiative order is determined, he may choose to re-draw his initiative check. He must take the second draw, even if it is worse
than the original draw.
 Sense Dark Magic (Requires Master Hunter: Legate or Master Hunter: Outsider): The corrupt magic of the dark god and of the
malevolent spirits of the world leave subtle marks in the natural world: a faint stench, a splotch of decay on a leaf, a chill in the
air. The wildlander can use this extraordinary ability to detect/conceal arcana as the spell, except that this ability only reveals
the presence of the divine magic of the dark god (if he has Master Hunter: Legate) or magic caused by the supernatural or
spell-like abilities of outsiders (if he has Master Hunter: Outsider).

Tier 3 Abilities (may be taken at Heroic Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Improved Woodland Stride (Requires Woodland Stride and Trackless Step): As woodland stride, except that the wildlander may
move at his normal speed through terrain and plants that have been enchanted or magically manipulated to impede motion,
without taking damage or suffering any other impairment.
 Slippery Mind (Requires Hunted by the Shadow): The wildlander knows that to be ensnared by the dark god's magic is to die,
and his force of will and survival instinct allow him to avoid such situations. If a wildlander with this Trait is affected by spell
cast by a servant of the dark god and fails his relevant Trait roll against the spell, he can attempt it again 1 round later with the
same conditions and modifiers. He gets only one extra chance to succeed on his roll.
 Hunted by the Shadow (Requires Rapid Response and Sense Dark Magic): The magic of the Shadow in the North leaves a taint
on all that it touches, something the wildlander has learned to recognize using a sixth sense. Whenever he would normally be
surprised by a servant of the dark god, regardless of creature type, the wildlander automatically passes the Notice roll and can
act during the surprise round.

Requirements: Seasoned, Halfling, Agility d8+, Vigor d6+, Fighting d8+, Riding d8+, Survival d6+
Special: Those halflings who wish to become wogren riders must complete a quest given to them by the riders of their tribe. This quest always
involves defeating some enemy of the tribe or acquiring some item the tribe needs. This is an adventure in its own right, and the halfling is allowed
to bring along a few companions, provided he leads them and guides them to success. Though the companions gain no special reward for their part
in the quest, they will not be treated as enemies by the nomads from that time forward.

Tier 1 Abilities (may be taken at Seasoned Rank and higher as an added option when Advancing)
 Special Mount: The wogren rider gains a mature wogren or his immature Wogren advances to mature. Wogren are incredibly rare. If the
wogren dies, the wogren rider cannot gain a new mount unless he chooses this ability at a new Advance. Even then, he must have proven
to his tribe that the first wogren died with honor and for a purpose that furthered the cause of the halfling people.
 Coordinated Attack: In any round in which either the wogren or his rider hits a target in melee, the other member of the partnership gains
a +2 bonus to his attack roll for his next melee attack against the same target. The combination of attacks from rider and mount makes it
very difficult for enemies to avoid either the flashing blade or snapping jaws.
 Mounted Ability: The wogren rider may choose one of the abilities below. He may choose from this list as a tiered option each time he
Advances. Each option may only be selected once.
o Improved Charge: The rider may now perform charge actions without needing to move a minimum of 6” and without needing
to move in a straight line.
o Improved Mounted Archery: The wogren rider gains the Steady Hands Edge and the Double Shot Edge, ignoring any
o Improved Spirited Charge: While they don't have the strength and stature of their Sarcosan allies, wogren riders have learned
to use momentum and skill to damage their foes. The wogren rider’s damage while charging increased to +1d6 to his damage
o Improved Trample: The wogren rider gains and his mount do not provoke any free attacks from the defender when moving
adjacent to a foe and ignore the First Strike and Imrpoved First Strike Edges.
o Speed Mount: The wogren knows when to crouch and let his rider swing up into the saddle quickly and easily. This ability
allows the wogren rider to mount or dismount as a free action, with no Riding roll required and no multiple-action penalty.
o Mounted Hide: The wogren rider may use his Stealth skill while mounted, provided he is not moving. This allows the rider to
hunker down with his mount and camouflage them both with his Stealth roll. This ability may only be used in natural, outdoor
o Wogren Dodge: The wogren keep their eyes peeled during battle, constantly watching where their riders are not. In this way,
the rider and his mount can watch the entire battlefield, giving them a greater awareness of their environment. As a result, the
wogren and rider both gain a +2 to Parry during any round in which the rider is mounted and the wogren moves at least 1”.
o Wogren's Sight: The wogren rider is so attuned to his wogren he is able to make some limited use of the creature's Spirit Sense
ability by reading the cues and body language of the wogren. This gives the rider the Dark Fighting Edge and Danger Sense
Edge, ignoring any requirements, within 6”, as long as he is mounted on or adjacent to his wogren.


Requirements: Novice, Repair d4+, Special (see under the Craft Charm description later)
You can create charms, beneficial items that use the innate magic of Aryth. Charms can take any shape, so long as you are skilled in a knowledge
that allows you to produce a mundane version of that item. Most are innocuous, every day items with hints of their creator's tribal, clan, or cultural
origins. Creating a charm does not require the expenditure of a benny.


Requirements: Seasoned, Channeler
You can create a spell talisman for any spell you know. A spell talisman can be of any shape, size, or material. Each is a unique creation and often
reflects either the purpose or the spell for which it is being created or the personality of its creator. Creating a spell talisman takes one day for each
1,000 vp in its base price. To craft a spell talisman, you must spend 1 benny.

Requirements: Seasoned, Channeler
When you gain this Edge, you can use your Channeler gift 4 more times/day than normal. You can gain Extra Gift multiple times. Its effects stack.

Requirements: Novice, Smarts d8+, Knowledge (Herbalism) d6+, Survival d6+
You can identify specific plants and brew them to create herbal concoctions, invaluable tools to the resistance in a world in which potions and scrolls
are as much a burden as a boon.

Requirements: Seasoned, Channeler, Knowledge (Arcana) d6+
Select a spell you know. You pay one less Spell Energy when casting that spell, exactly as though you were wearing a spell talisman attuned for it.

Requirements: Channeler
You may store an additional amount of Spell Energy - above your normal limit – equal to the half your Smarts die. Thus, you can store Spell
Energy siphoned off a power nexus or other arcane source. This extra Spell Energy is not recovered once it has been spent, though it may be
replaced with more siphoning.

Requirements: Channeler
You can learn and lead rituals.


Requirements: Novice
You have the ability to sense nearby power nexuses as a shiver running through your body. Less than one in 10,000 has the ability to detect
nexuses, and they are highly prized by both the Shadow and his foes.
When you come within five miles of a nexus, make a Spirit roll to detect it. With a raise on the roll you can immediately find its exact location,
otherwise you have to spend an entire day to pin-point it (which also requires another successful Spirit roll).


Requirements: Novice, Strength d8+, Vigor d6+, Fighting d8+, Shooting d6+
Battlebound characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Berserk Edge, ignoring any requirements.

Seasoned: boost/lower trait spell; considered to have 6 Spell Energy for casting; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll.
Veteran: Battleheart: The Battlebound gains a +1 bonus to melee attack and damage rolls for every ten creatures - allies or enemies - engaged in
combat within 20”.
Heroic: +1 Parry (stacks with Block and Improved Block).
Legendary: Battlesoul: As Battleheart, but the melee attack and damage bonus changes to +1 per five creatures.


Requirements: Novice, Spirit d6+, Fighting d6+

Beast characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Low-light Vision; Claws on hands (Str +d4) and are always considered armed.
Seasoned: Bestial Aura: Holy/Unholy Warrior Edge, ignoring any requirements. The effects of this Edge only work on animals; the beast suffers -4
to Persuasion rolls on animals; considered to have 6 Spell Energy for the purposes of this ability.
Veteran: Berserk Edge, ignoring any requirements; Bestial Aura: All animals within 15 ft. of him always act negatively toward him. Horses buck in
their stalls, watchdogs bay, caged animals rattle the bars, etc. In any case, a natural animal refuses to let the beast ride him.
Heroic: Pounce: The beast may pounce on their prey to best bring their mass and claws to bear. The beast can leap 1d6” to gain +2 to its attack
and damage. Its Parry is reduced by -2 until its next action when performing the maneuver however; Claws damage increases (Str +d8).
Legendary: Go for the Throat: The beast instinctively goes for an opponent’s soft spots. With a raise on its attack roll, it hits the target’s most
weakly-armored location.


Requirements: Novice, Spirit d8+, Faith d6+

Blessed characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: May cast the following spells (Spells only affect “evil” characters and monsters): armor, smite, sanctify/despoil; use Spirit as relevant Trait
for arcane skill roll.
Seasoned: Automatically successful with a Persuasion roll to improve "good" NPC attititude 1 step; "evil" NPCs are immediately Hostile.
Veteran: Champion Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Heroic: Fearless: Immune to Fear and Intimidation.
Legendary: banish spell; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll; considered to have 6 Spell Energy for the purposes of this ability.


Requirements: Novice, Spirit d6+, Vigor d8+, Healing d8+, Notice d8+
Bloodletter characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Blood Draw: Whenever wielding a piercing or slashing weapon, the character may do damage to himself with it as a free action. Each level
of self-inflicted damage causes a Fatigue level. The character must self-inflict a at least 1 Fatigue level before each battle, or lose all abilities from
Bloodletter for that encounter; Blood Rise: As they lose blood, the Bloodletter revels in it, and awaken to the world around them, and become more
difficult to hit as their adrenaline rises. For every wound or Fatigue level inflicted upon the character since the beginning of battle, their Parry is
increased by 1. Self-inflicted damage is counted for this effect. This effect lasts until five minutes after the end of battle.
Seasoned: Fast Healer Edge, ignoring any requirements; may make a Natural Healing roll immediately after each battle.
Veteran: Blood Haze: As they lose blood, the Bloodletter enters into a near-spiritual daze, allowing them to attack their enemies without holding
back. For every wound or Fatigue level inflicted upon the character since the beginning of battle, his melee damage may be increased by 1, instead
of his Parry bonus (from Blood Rise). Self-inflicted damage is counted for this effect. The character may use any combination bonuses from Blood
Rise and Blood Haze. Bonuses may be transferred at the beginning of the character's turn, as a free action. This effect lasts until five minutes after
the end of battle.
Heroic: Blood Sight: As they lose blood, the Bloodletter focuses more intently on the enemy before him, and is able to strike at them more
accurately. For every wound or Fatigue level inflicted upon the character since the beginning of battle, he gains +1 to Fighting rolls, instead of his
Parry bonus (from Blood Rise). Self-inflicted damage is counted for this effect. The character may use any combination bonuses from Blood Sight,
Blood Rise and Blood Haze. Bonuses may be transferred at the beginning of the character's turn, as a free action. This effect lasts until five minutes
after the end of battle.
Legendary: Bloody Retaliation: The character's senses are so heightened by battle that they can respond to attacks with blinding speed. Any time
the character takes melee damage from an enemy, he may immediately make one standard attack against that enemy. There is no limit to the
number of enemies he may apply this to, but he may only attack each enemy once per round with this ability.


Requirements: Novice, Agility d6+, Spirit d8+

Chanceborn characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Great Luck Edge, ignoring any requirements.

Seasoned: Dodge Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Veteran: Improved Dodge Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Heroic: Hard to Kill Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Legendary: Harder to Kill Edge, ignoring any requirements.


Requirements: Novice, Smarts d8+, Spirit d8+, Persuasion d8+

Charismatic characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Charismatic Edge, ignoring any requirements.

Seasoned: Command Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Veteran: Inspire Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Heroic: Hold the Line! Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Legendary: Fervor Edge, ignoring any requirements.


Requirements: Novice, Spirit d8+, Strength d6+, Vigor d6+, Knowledge (Demons) d8+, Notice d6+
Demonbane characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Immune to Fear from demons or outsiders; +2 to Tracking rolls when tracking demons or outsiders.
Seasoned: detect/conceal arcana - no Spell Energy cost (demons or outsiders only); use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll; Fear ability
(demons and outsiders only).
Veteran: See True Form: Years of hunting the demonic have sharpened the Demonbane’s mind and eyes, easily seeing through the tricks they use
to hide their true forms. The Demonbane is immune to the illusions and transformations cast by demons/evil outsiders and sees them in their true
form; this includes astiraxes.
Heroic: Improved Sunder Edge (demons and outsiders only), ignoring any requirements.
Legendary: +1d6 damage on successful attacks against demons and outsiders.


Requirements: Novice, Strength d6+, Vigor d8+, Intimidation d8+

Dhampyre characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Fangs: Str+d4 damage.

Seasoned: Fast Healer Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Veteran: Exsanguinate: With a Touch attack, the dhampyre can draw vital blood from her victims. This deals one Fatigue level, 2 with a raise, to
the victim and the dhampyre may eliminate an equivalent amount of Fatigue effects. The effects of Fatigue on the victim disappear after 1 hour.
Heroic: Unliving Toughness: The dhampyre can channel her ancestry to grant herself protection from many weapons. This ability grants her +2
Toughness versus weapon attacks; it lasts for two rounds per Rank and may be used twice per day. The increased Toughness can be penetrated by
silver or piercing wooden weapons, which are considered AP 2 versus the dhampyre.
Legendary: puppet spell; considered to have 6 Spell Energy for casting; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll.


Requirements: Novice, Smarts d8+, Knowledge (Arcana) d6+, Spellcasting d8+

Dragonblooded characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Channeler Edge, ignoring any requirements.

Seasoned: New Power Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Veteran: Subtract 2 from the amount of Spell Energy drain when using the Soul Drain Edge.
Heroic: Improved Rapid Recharge Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Legendary: Fear ability when casting spells.


Requirements: Novice, Strength d8+, Vigor d6+, Intimidation d8+, Survival d6+
Dragonheart characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Low-light Vision.

Seasoned: Berserk Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Veteran: +2 to Intimidation and Persuasion checks.
Heroic: -2 damage from one of the following: cold, acid, electricity, or fire effects.
Legendary: Fear ability while going berserk.


Requirements: Novice, Smarts d6+, Spirit d6+, Persuasion d8+, Streetwise d6+
Dreamer characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Master of Sleep: The dreamer must be familiar with her own circadian rhythms, sleep patterns and state of mind, because dreams can be
influenced by all these things. She may add +1 for every Rank as a bonus to rolls to resist sleep spells and effects, and dream-related magic. In
addition, the dreamer can control her own wakefulness, falling asleep with a successful Spirit roll (retry every minute), and awakening exactly when
she chooses.
Seasoned: Arcane Resistance Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Veteran: illusion spell (via dreams only); use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll; considered to have 6 Spell Energy for casting
Heroic: telepathy spell (via dreams only); use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll; considered to have 4 Spell Energy for casting.
Legendary: divination spell (via dreams only); use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll; considered to have 5 Spell Energy for casting.


Requirements: Novice, Strength d6+, Vigor d8+, Survival d6+

Earthbonded characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Low-light Vision

Seasoned: Stonecunning: Character is very much at home in underground caverns. They receive a +4 bonus on all Notice rolls to notice unusual
stonework, such as sliding walls, new or unsafe construction, and the like. Character notices secret or concealed doors simply by passing within 6”
of them. Character can also intuit depth, sensing his approximate depth underground as naturally as a human can sense which way is up.
Veteran: burrow spell; considered to have 6 Spell Energy for casting purposes.
Heroic: Toughness +2
Legendary: Keen Senses: Earthbonded can “sense” the vibrations in the ground, giving them +2 to all Notice rolls. This ever-present advantage
means they are always considered “Active” when consulting the Stealth results table.


Requirements: Novice, Spirit d6+, Vigor d8+, Healing d8+

Empath characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: +2 to Notice rolls.

Seasoned: Fast Healer Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Veteran: Empathic Bond: The Empath can attune her body with another and draw sickness from that individual into herself. The Empath can take
the wounds, poison, disease, or blindness/deafness from a single individual into her own body.
Heroic: May cast the following spells: healing, greater healing, and purify; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll; considered to have 20
Spell Energy for casting.
Legendary: mind reading spell; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll; considered to have 6 Spell Energy for casting.


Requirements: Novice, Spirit d8+, Vigor d6+, Intimidation d8+, Stealth d8+
Fading Soul characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Arcane Resistance Edge, ignoring any requirements.

Seasoned: +2 to Stealth and Intimidation checks, -2 to Persuasion and Streetwise checks.
Veteran: Fear ability.
Heroic: light/obscure spell; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll; considered to have 4 Spell Energy for casting.
Legendary: The character will never rise as Fell, or return as a Lost. Possessing no soul, the character is forever unaffected by any magic that
would take his life. He becomes immune to the special attacks of Undead and spells involving the character’s soul. He cannot be resurrected by any


Requirements: Novice, Spirit d8+, Faith d8+

Faithful characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: May cast the following spells: bless/curse, smite, sanctify/despoil; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll; considered to have 10
Spell Energy for the casting purposes.
Seasoned: Arcane Resistance Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Veteran: Holy/Unholy Warrior Edge, ignoring any requirements; considered to have 6 Spell Energy for the purposes of this ability.
Heroic: Rapid Recharge Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Legendary: bless/curse spell; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll; considered to have 6 Spell Energy for the purposes of this ability.


Requirements: Novice, Spirit d6+, Fighting d6+

Fellhunters characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: +2 bonus on all Knowledge (Undead) rolls; Iron Will Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Seasoned: Champion Edge (Fell only), ignoring any requirements; only gains benefits against Fell
Veteran: Sense the Dead: The fellhunter can sense the presence of undead at 4". This ability takes an action and may be used at will. The
fellhunter must make a Spirit roll to detect the undead.
Heroic: Combat Sense Edge (vs. Undead only), ignoring any requirements.
Legendary: Disrupting Attack (4/day): Before making a melee attack roll against an undead creature, the fellhunter may decide to attempt a
disrupting attack. If the attack hits, the target must make a Spirit check (-2 to the Spirit check if the Fellhunter gains a raise on the attack) or be
destroyed. If the attack misses or if the fellhunter accidentally uses a disrupting attack against a creature that is not undead, the distrupting attack
has no effect and the daily use of the ability is still used up.

Requirements: Novice, Agility d6+, Smarts d8+, Spellcasting d6+

Feyblooded characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Low-light Vision

Seasoned: May cast the following spells: beast friend, slumber and invisibility; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll; considered to have
10 Spell Energy for the casting purposes.
Veteran: +2 bonus on all Knowledge (Arcana) and Spirit rolls related to arcane skill checks
Heroic: detect/conceal arcana spell; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll
Legendary: Unearthly Grace: For the feyblooded, the concept of self and spirit are intrinsically tied to their power. Once this ability is gained, the
feyblooded may choose either her Parry or an Attribute. She gains a bonus equal to her Charisma modifier (up to +2) to the chosen character Trait.
Once her Charisma modifier is added to a Trait, the bonus can not be later increased.


Requirements: Novice, Strength d8+, Vigor d6+, Fighting d8+

Forgesoul characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Trademark Weapon Edge (maul and warhammer), ignoring any requirements.
Seasoned: -2 damage from fire-based sources; +2 to Knowledge (weaponsmithing), Knowledge (armorsmithing), or Knowledge (blacksmithing)
Veteran: Two-Fisted Edge (warhammer), ignoring any requirements.
Heroic: summon ally spell; considered to have 7 Spell Energy for casting; can only summon a fire elemental and requires a sufficiently large fire
source; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll.
Legendary: shape change spell; considered to have 7 Spell Energy for casting; can only shape change into the form of a Large Fire Elemental; use
Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll.


Requirements: Novice, Spirit d8+, Vigor d8+, Healing d8+, Survival d6+
Formless characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Low-light Vision.

Seasoned: May cast the following spells: growth/shrink, boost/lower trait; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll; considered to have 10
Spell Energy for casting.
Veteran: Fast Healer Edge, ignoring any requirements; +2 to Vigor rolls to resist poison or disease effects.
Heroic: Alter Form: After what seems to be a lifetime of failure, the Formless has begun to master the ability to change its body to meet his needs.
The character can transform himself into any humanoid race, which he has closely observed – he is limited to 1 form per Rank. The transformation
does not change the character’s statistics nor does it provide any special abilities/immunities of the race he is imitating. The character can stay in
this form for 1 hour per Rank.
Legendary: Formless: The formless has mastered the potential of his abilities and can change his form at will. The character can change between
any of its five forms (original and the four other forms it has gained) at will and stay in any of the forms as long as desired.


Requirements: Novice, Spirit d8+, Vigor d6+, Intimidation d8+

Foundling characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: +2 to Intimidation and Spirit checks to resist Fear effects.

Seasoned: Ghost Touch: Attacks can harm Ethereal beings; Intangible Tread: +2 to Strength or Agility rolls when resisting a grapple, +2 to Stealth
Veteran: Ghostfall: The foundling learns how to move her light body with the wind, reducing the damage from any fall by half; Deflection spell
(use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll; considered to have 4 Spell Energy for casting); Breathless: As the penultimate step of her
annihilosis, the foundling stops breathing.
Heroic: Ghostly Strike: Sunder Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Legendary: Ethereal: The foundling's last hold on the flesh fails, and she becomes as the Lost. She gains the Ethereal ability and all of its
advantages and drawbacks. She loses the following Path abilities: Ghost Touch, Intangible Tread (she is utterly weightless and silent), Ghostfall (she
takes no damage from falls), Ghostly Strike (except for other Ethereal targets) and Breathless.


Requirements: Novice, Strength d6+, Vigor d6+, Intimidation d8+

Giantblooded characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Brawny Edge, ignoring any requirements; Rock throwing (range 60/90/120, Str +d10).
Seasoned: +2 to Intimidation rolls.
Veteran: Fleet-Footed Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Heroic: Charge Edge, ignoring any requirements; May take -2 to Parry until next turn to gain an additional +1d6 to damage.
Legendary: Size +3.

Requirements: Novice, Smarts d6+, Vigor d6+, Persuasion d8+

Guardian characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Command Edge, ignoring any requirements.

Seasoned: Character automatically succeeds on Spirit checks to ignore Fear effects; Allies have +1 to Spirit checks to ignore Fear effects.
Veteran: smite spell; considered to have 6 Spell Energy for casting; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll
Heroic: Improved Sunder Edge, ignoring requirements.
Legendary: Awe-Inspiring Presence Edge, ignoring any requirements.


Requirements: Novice, Agility d8+, Strength d6+, Shooting d8+, Throwing d8+
Hawkeyed characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Low-light Vision.

Seasoned: +2 to Notice checks.
Veteran: Assassins Aim: When the Hawkeyed is hidden and has The Drop on a target then the Hawkeyed performs a single ranged attack. If the
strike hits, the strike is automatically treated as if it hits with a raise. The Hawkeyed can use this ability 4x/day.
Heroic: Defensive archery: If the Hawkeyed has a ranged weapon in his hands and is not the subject of The Drop, then this ability is in effect if he
so wishes. For that turn he may attempt to deflect with his projectile any arrow, bolt or any other small projectile; he cannot deflect projectiles of
the same size category as him or larger, for example a human cannot deflect boulders, or magical ones, like a bolt spell. He makes an opposed
attack roll versus the attack roll of the incoming projectile. If he succeeds with a raise the Hawkeyed has deflected the attack and sends it out of
harms way. This maneuver destroys both projectiles. The Hawkeyed may deflect up to three projectiles per round in this manner.
Legendary: Sight of legends: The Hawkeyed can see four times as far as a normal character of his race could normally see, also increasing his
Low-light Vision appropriately; +1 bonus to Shooting rolls with ranged weapons (this stacks with the bonus from Trademark Weapon and Improved
Trademark Weapon).


Requirements: Novice, Spirit d8+, Vigor d8+, Healing d8+

Healer characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: May cast the following spells: healing and succor; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll; considered to have 10 Spell Energy for
Seasoned: Healer Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Veteran: banishspell; considered to have 6 Spell Energy for casting; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll.
Heroic: Power Surge Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Legendary: greater healing spell; considered to have 20 Spell Energy for casting; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll.


Requirements: Novice, Spirit d6+, Vigor d8+, Healing d8+

Honorable characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: +2 to Persuasion rolls versus opponents of the Shadow and +2 to Intimidation rolls versus Shadow forces.
Seasoned: Iron Will Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Veteran: Rallying Cry: The honorable can attempt to strengthen the resolve and heart of his comrades when they are in doubt. As an action, he
can unleash a rallying cry. Any ally within earshot may immediately attempt to re-roll any Spirit check versus Fear effects, with a +2 bonus on the
attempt. He may only use this ability once per encounter.
Heroic: Righteous: Should the honorable character and his allies find themselves outnumbered in a combat, for every whole multiple (x2, x3, x4
etc.) the enemy outnumbers his party with, the honorable gains +1 on all attack and damage rolls. However, if his party should ever outnumber the
enemy, he suffers the same number as a penalty to his attack and damage rolls. However, the penalty does not change depending on how much
his side outnumbers the enemy.
Legendary: Punish the Wicked: The honorable will tolerate no threat or harming of those he protects. Whenever a creature wounds one of the
honorable's allies, or an unarmed or innocent creature, the honorable may make an immediate attack against that foe with +1 to the attack and
damage rolls.\


Requirements: Novice, Spirit d8+, Vigor d8+, Survival d8+

Ironborn characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Robust Edge, ignoring any requirements.

Seasoned: Ignore 1 level of wound penalties (stacks with the Nerves of Steel Edge).
Veteran: +2 Armor (stacks with worn armor).
Heroic: Gets an immediate natural healing roll after combat ends.
Legendary: Gets a free Soak roll if takes damage that would Incapacitate him.

Requirements: Novice, Smarts d8+, Spellcasting d6+, Any skill at d6+

Jack-of-All-Trades characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: May cast any three spells; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll; considered to have 10 Spell Energy for casting.
Seasoned: 2 extra points to raise any two skills, subject to normal advancement limits.
Veteran: Jack-of-All-Trades Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Heroic: 1 extra point to spend on raising any Trait, ignores normal advancement limits.
Legendary: Free Edge of character’s choice (must meet any requirements).


Requirements: Novice, Smarts d6+, Spirit d8+, Persuasion d8+

Jann characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: +2 to Persuasion rolls with genies and +1 to Persuasion rolls with all Air creatures; legerdemain spell; use Spirit as relevant Trait for
arcane skill roll; considered to have 4 Spell Energy for casting.
Seasoned: May cast the following spells: environmental protection, barrier, boost/lower trait; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll
Veteran: havocspell; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll; considered to have 4 Spell Energy for casting.
Heroic: invisibility spell; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll; considered to have 4 Spell Energy for casting.
Legendary: Whirlwind: As long as the Jann does not move that turn it may attempt to pick up a foe. Make an opposed Strength check. If the Jan
wins then its foe is pulled into the swirling maelstrom of its creation. While trapped, the target is at –2 on all rolls including damage, to hit, and
Strength rolls to free himself, and suffers 2d6 damage per round. The Jann cannot move as long as it wants to keep foes trapped inside its form.


Requirements: Novice, Strength d8+, Vigor d8+, Intimidation d8+

Juggernaut characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Brawny Edge, ignoring any requirements.

Seasoned: Brute Strength: +2 to any Strength-related rolls (except damage rolls) and Climbing rolls.
Veteran: Ignore Toughness: The juggernaut's great strength and will to power allow her to ignore some of the Toughness of objects she strikes.
When the juggernaut strikes an object or animated object, subtract the 4 from the object's Toughness before applying damage to it.
Heroic: Surge of Power: The juggernaut raises her Brute Strength bonus by +4 at a cost: she must make a uccessful Vigor roll or she is Fatigued
for one hour afterwards.
Legendary: Hands of Destruction: With an epic effort, the juggernaut shows that no steel or stone can stand before her. Her next attack deals
double damage to objects (before Ignore Toughness is taken into account).


Requirements: Novice, Spirit d8+, Vigor d6+, Healing d8+, Knowledge (Plants) d8+, Tracking d6+
Lifebond characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: May cast the following spells: growth/shrink (plants only), entangle (plants only), barrier (plants only); use Spirit as relevant Trait for
arcane skill roll; considered to have 10 Spell Energy for casting.
Seasoned: Fast Healer Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Veteran: Healer Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Heroic: animation spell; considered to have 6 Spell Energy for casting; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll.
Legendary: Pure body: Immune to poison and disease and does not age.


Requirements: Novice, Smarts d6+, Spirit d8+, Healing d8+

Light Blessed characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: May cast the following spells: light/obscure, dispel, smite, and healing; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll; considered to have
10 Spell Energy for casting.
Seasoned: detect/conceal arcana at no Spell Energy cost (Shadow taint only); use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll.
Veteran: Holy/Unholy Warrior Edge; considered to have 6 Spell Energy for the purposes of this ability.
Heroic: sanctify/despoil spell; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll; considered to have 9 Spell Energy for casting.
Legendary: summon ally spell; considered to have 7 Spell Energy for casting; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll.


Requirements: Novice, Spirit d8+, Vigor d8+, Healing d6+

Martyr characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Absorb Ailment: The suffering can absorb the ills of others into himself. As an action, he may touch a creature, and transfer any disease,
poison, curse or other penalizing effect to himself. In doing this, the Suffering resigns himself to his agony, and he may not make any check to
resist any of the effects of the absorbed ailment.
Seasoned: Transfer Wounds: Self-sacrifice is the essence of the martyr. As an action, he may transfer any wounds from another creature to
himself. He may suffer enough wounds to become Incapacitated and possibly kill himself in this way. This ability cannot be used to bring back
someone who has already died.
Veteran: Suffers -1 damage from any source.
Heroic: Touch of Sorrow: With a melee touch attack, the martyr can channel part of the pain, loss and sorrow he has felt and witnessed into
another creature. The effect is staggering to most. A creature touched must succeed with a Spirit check or become Shaken for 1d4+1 rounds. The
Martyr may perform this action a number of times per day equal to their die steps in Spirit.
Legendary: Control the Pain: Any wounds or other effects the martyr transfers from others to himself is halved before it is applied to the martyr
(minimum 1 wound or 1 Fatigue level). Thus, if the martyr was to transfer 2 wounds from another creature to himself, he would only suffer 1
wound. If he should absorb 1 Fatigue level from another character, he would suffer 1 Fatigue level himself.


Requirements: Novice, Agility d8+, Spirit d6+, Climbing d6+, Stealth d6+, Survival d8+, Tracking d8+
Mountainborn characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Woodsman Edge, ignoring any requirements; +2 to Climbing.

Seasoned: Alertness Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Veteran: environmental protection spell; use Vigor as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll; considered to have 4 Spell Energy for casting.
Heroic: Danger Sense Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Legendary: Ralling Cry: Mountainborn survive in an environment where communication between members of a hunting party or warband is the
key to avoid being surprised or ambushed by hidden foes. They may raise powerful cries that help their allies coordinate attacks against their
enemies. When the mountainborn fails to be surprised in an ambush, he can raise this cry as a free action, even if it is not his turn, in order to grant
his allies a +2 bonus to Notice checks to avoid being surprised. Even if his allies are surprised, they are not subject to The Drop during the surprise
round thanks to the mountainborn's warning call.


Requirements: Novice, Agility d6+, Spirit d8+, Knowledge (nature) d6+, Riding d6+, Survival d6+
Naturefriend characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Beast Master Edge, ignoring any requirements.

Seasoned: Beast Bond Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Veteran: Plant Friend: Plant creatures must make a successful Spirit check each round in order to attack the naturefriend. In addition, the
character gains a +2 bonus to all Persuasion checks against intelligent plant creatures.
Heroic: Elemental Friend: Elementals must make a successful Spirit check each round in order to attack the naturefriend. In addition, the character
gains a +2 bonus to all Persuasion checks involving elementals.
Legendary: May cast the following spells: column of destruction, tempest, and summon ally (elemental only); use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane
skill roll; considered to have 10 Spell Energy for casting.


Requirements: Novice, Spirit d6+, Vigor d8+, Fighting d6+, Intimidation d6+, Survival d8+, Taunt d6+
Northblooded characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Immunity to Fatigue caused by cold environments (as if protected by the environmental protection spell); +2 to Survival checks in cold
Seasoned: War Cry Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Veteran: Aura of Warmth: The northblooded can extend his natural resistance to cold-based dangers to his friends. All characters who remain
within 2” of a northblooded character receive a +2 bonus to Vigor rolls versus cold weather conditions.
Heroic: +2 Toughness versus cold effects and +2 bonus on Vigor rolls versus cold effects, magical or otherwise
Legendary: Frost Weapon: The icy bite of a frost weapon can paralyze a target. Anyone Shaken or wounded must make a Vigor roll or be
paralyzed for 2d6 rounds.


Requirements: Novice, Spirit d8+, Vigor d6+, Survival d8+, Null characters can never take the Arcane Background Edge.
Null characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Arcane Resistance Edge, ignoring any requirements.

Seasoned: Improved Arcane Resistance Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Veteran: detect/conceal arcana spell; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll; considered to have 10 Spell Energy for casting.
Heroic: Null Field: The null character can conceal one magical aura per 5 XP they have earned. Magical auras that should emanate from the
character or any object on her person are suppressed by the null field. While concealed, objects and spell effects cannot be detected by
Detect/Conceal Arcana or an astirax's sense magic ability. If the null character has more magical objects than she can conceal, those with the
strongest auras are unaffected by this ability. The null character cannot choose to conceal some objects and not others. Raising and lowering the
null field is a free action. An object cannot be used by the null character while its aura is being concealed.
Legendary: +2 points of Armor when hit by damage-causing arcane spells, and adds +2 to his Trait rolls when resisting opposed spells (stacks
with Improved Arcane Resistance Edge).

Requirements: Novice, Spirit d8+, Vigor d8+, Intimidation d8+

Painless characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Ignores 4 points of nonlethal damage from any source; +2 to Vigor rolls to resist Fatigue from any source.
Seasoned: Nerves of Steel Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Veteran: +2 to Spirit or Smarts rolls to resist mind-affecting spells or effects
Heroic: Improved Nerves of Steel Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Legendary: Hard to Kill Edge, ignoring any requirements.


Requirements: Novice, Erenlander, Spirit d8+, Vigor d6+, Persuasion d6+

Pureblood characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Master Adventurer: The pureblood excels at several skills necessary for survival in the hard life of an adventurer. He chooses three skills at
character creation and gains a +2 bonus to rolls involving to those skills.
Seasoned: Blood of Kings: The pureblood is a leader among men and a foe to be feared. His ancestors' blood has been spilled for all the free
peoples of Erendane, and his features are akin to those whose gaze has stricken fear into the heart of the darkest orcs and most fell generals. One
of the pureblood's greatest virtues is that he has a powerful personality and heroic lineage, but may still manipulate the dark one's forces without
them ever realizing he is anything but a common Erenlander. This allows him to choose one of two aspects at beginning of each day; he may act as
a canny and subtle hero, gaining a +2 bonus to any Persuasion, Intimidation, Streetwise, or Taunt rolls while interacting with a member of the dark
god's forces. If he chooses, however, he may reveal himself as a hero among men, and for that day gains a +2 bonus to all Persuasion,
Intimidation, Streetwise, or Taunt rolls when interacting with enemies of the Shadow. The Intimidation and Taunt skills are an exception, and may
only be used against enemies when the other bonuses apply to allies, and vice versa.
Veteran: Skill Mastery: At each rank hereafter, including this one, he can choose a single skill. He may thereafter add +2 when using that skill.
Heroic: 2 extra points to raise any two skills, subject to normal advancement limits.
Legendary: 1 extra point to spend on raising any Trait, ignoring normal advancement limits.


Requirements: Novice, Agility d8+, Vigor d6+, Shooting d6+, Throwing d6+
Quickened characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Quick Edge, ignoring any requirements.

Seasoned: Quick Draw Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Veteran: Fleet-Footed Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Heroic: speed spell; considered to have 4 Spell Energy for casting; use Agility as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll.
Legendary: Improved Level Headed Edge, ignoring any requirements.


Requirements: Novice, Smarts d6+, Spirit d8+, Persuasion d8+

Reborn characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: +1 to all Spirit-related checks.

Seasoned: Past Voices: Your memories are filled with ideas and pictures in languages that are both familiar and unfamiliar at the same time. The
Reborn knows a number of languages equal to half their Smarts die +2; speak language spell (considered to have w Spell Energy for casting; use
Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll)
Veteran: Lost Talent: The barriers between the memories of your past lives are weakening and old abilities flow through your mind and body. Each
time this ability is granted you gain one of the following Edges for which you meet the requirements: Any Professional Edge, Alertness, or Beast
Heroic: Unlock Memories: In the many lives your soul has existed it has taken diverse paths and experienced all that life has to give. Lost Talent
gives the Reborn a temporary +4 bonus to a skill of their choice once per day.
Legendary: Impervious Mind: Your control of your mind and memories is unassailable. The Reborn is immune to all mind influencing spells.


Requirements: Novice, Smarts d8+, Spirit d6+, Intimidation d6+, Persuasion d8+
Regent characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Diplomat: +1 bonus on all Persuasion and Notice rolls.

Seasoned: Arcane Resistance Edge (only functions against Legate magic), ignoring any requirements.
Veteran: Command Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Heroic: Monarch at Arms: +1 bonus on all attacks with a chosen weapon (stacks with Trademark Weapon)
Legendary: Sovereign Strike: Once per day per Rank, the character can gain The Drop on someone during an attack without having to resort to
Tricks or surprise.

Requirements: Novice, Spirit d8+, Notice d6+

Risen Martyr characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: At Novice Rank, the Risen Martyr has a 25% chance of ignoring someone getting The Drop on them. This chance increases to 50% at
Veteran Rank, 75% at Heroic Rank, and 100% at Legendary Rank; the Risen Martyr can never return as a Fell nor can his body be turned into an
undead by use of magic or through any special ability of certain undead.
Seasoned: The Risen Martyr gains a +1 bonus on all Spirit rolls made to resist the effects of Fear.
Veteran: Terrible Sense of Purpose: The Risen Martyr gains +1 to Spirit-related skill checks.
Heroic: Combat Reflexes Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Legendary: The Risen Martyr gains an extra wound level and can now take 5 wounds before becoming Incapacitated.


Requirements: Novice, Agility d8+, Vigor d6+, Knowledge (The Sea) d6+, Swimming 8+
Seaborn characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Natural Swimmer Edge, ignoring any requirements.

Seasoned: Deep Diver Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Veteran: Aquatic Blindsight: Seaborn can sense vibrations in the water around them, giving them the ability to see 10” even when the water is too
murky or violent to allow them to use normal vision. This ability only works if the seaborn is completely submerged, and only allows the character to
detect creatures or objects that are in the same body of water.
Heroic: Beast Master Edge (aquatic animals only).
Legendary: Aquatic monstrous ability.


Requirements: Novice, Smarts d6+, Spirit d6+, Knowledge (Any Two) d6+, Spellcasting d6+
Seer characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: May cast the following spells: detect/conceal arcana, locate, and wandering senses; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll;
considered to have 10 Spell Energy for casting.
Seasoned: Seer Sight: The seer can divine information from an object, place, or person that she is touching. She can see all events that occurred
to or near the target, as far back into the past as 1 year per Rank. Using this ability requires uninterrupted concentration, during which the
information is transferred to her as a series of quick flashes in her mind. The seer may choose to look back several days, several months, or several
years. If looking back over days, the seer gains a detailed understanding of all of the day's events. If looking back over months, the seer gains a
comprehensive understanding of events of each week, with dramatic events being highlighted. If looking back over years, the seer gains a general
understanding of events of each season, with dramatic events being highlighted. Each day, month, or hour observed requires one minute of
concentration. After using this ability, the seer is Shaken for one minute.
Veteran: precognition spell; considered to have 6 Spell Energy for casting; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll.
Heroic: grave speak spell; considered to have 3 Spell Energy for casting; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll.
Legendary: freeze pattern spell; considered to have 4 Spell Energy for casting; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll.


Requirements: Novice, Agility d6+, Vigor d8+, Intimidation d6+, Stealth d8+
Shadow Walker characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Darksight: Permanent darksight spell effect on character’s vision. This allows the character to see without any source of light, negating all
penalties for bad lighting, even conditions of darkness created by magic. The character must be capable of sight in order for the ability to function—
it does not allow the blind to see.
Seasoned: +2 to Stealth checks; Shadow jump: A shadow walker can become one with the shadows, stepping into and traveling through them as
if they were rivers of darkness. The shadow walker can move up to 10” as an action, bypassing any barriers as if they did not exist, so long as he
begins and ends his jump in shadowed areas. Thus, a character hiding behind a boulder could shadow jump to the other side of the boulder to
avoid searching foes. The shadow walker must be unrestrained (and able to actually “step into” the shadows) in order to use his shadow jump
ability. If he is chained, grappled, pinned, or paralyzed he must first escape his bonds, succeed at an opposed grapple check, escape the pin, or
somehow remove the paralysis before using his ability.
Veteran: deflection spell; considered to have 4 Spell Energy for casting; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll.
Heroic: speed spell; considered to have 2 Spell Energy for casting; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll.
Legendary: +4 to Stealth checks (replaces previous Stealth bonus); Cloaked in Shadow: the Shadow Walker is always considered to have light
cover for purposes of being attacked.


Requirements: Novice, Spirit d8+, Vigor d6+, Intimidation d6+

Shadowed characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Body of the Shadowed: May be affected by effects that target “evil”. A shadowed character is typically regarded with indifference by evil
NPC's and with unfriendliness by good NPC's; Darksight: Permanent darksight spell effect on character’s vision. This allows the character to see
without any source of light, negating all penalties for bad lighting, even conditions of darkness created by magic. The character must be capable of
sight in order for the ability to function—it does not allow the blind to see.
Seasoned: Imposing Presence: +2 to Intimidation rolls against strangers and +2 to Persuasion rolls targeting the servants of Izrador; Coldness of
Shadow: Character automatically succeeds on Spirit checks to ignore Fear effects.
Veteran: Holy/Unholy Warrior Edge (undead only), ignoring any requirements; considered to have 6 Spell Energy for the purposes of this ability.
Heroic: Gift of Izrador: A shadowed character is tempted with spells granted by Izrador. The shadowed character receives the gift of Izrador: he
may cast the following spells (may not add new spells unless character gains the Channeler or Legate Edge): boil blood, drain power points, speak
with fell, and withering speech; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll. When a shadowed character uses one of these granted spells,
Izrador immediately knows the character's precise location. Astiraxes within one mile of the caster automatically pinpoint the spot where the
granted spell was cast, though the character may be gone when they get there.
Legendary: Fear (-2).


Requirements: Novice, Spirit d6+, Vigor d8+, Notice d6+, Persuasion d6+
Sheer Intensity characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Robust Edge, ignoring any requirements.

Seasoned: Ignore Exposure: Character suffers no harm from being in a hot or cold environment. He can exist comfortably in conditions between –
50 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit without having to make Vigor rolls). The character’s equipment is likewise protected.
Veteran: Focus: For each character Rank, the character designates a specific action to which he has applied specific focus. All rolls related to this
specified action gain a +1 bonus. The character must pick a different focus for each Rank, and these effects do not stack with each other.
Heroic: quickness spell; considered to have 8 Spell Energy for casting; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll.
Legendary: The character may move and attack normally, even under the influence of magic that usually impedes movement, such as the Paralyze
or Entangle spells. The character automatically succeeds on any grapple check made to resist a grapple attempt, as well as on Strength or Agility
checks made to escape a grapple or a pin. The spell also allows the subject to move and attack normally while underwater, even with slashing
weapons such as axes and swords or with bludgeoning weapons such as flails, hammers, and maces, provided that the weapon is wielded in the
hand rather than hurled.


Requirements: Novice, Smarts d8+, Persuasion d8+, Spellcasting d6+, Taunt d6+
Speaker characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: May cast the following spells: speak language, burst (sonic trapping), and pummel (sonic trapping); use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane
skill roll; considered to have 10 Spell Energy for casting.
Seasoned: tongue tied spell; considered to have 4 Spell Energy for casting; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll.
Veteran: Language Savant: The speaker character is so in tune with the power of the spoken word that he can understand any language spoken to
him. Once he has heard a language being spoken for 10 minutes, he may speak that language fluently for the rest of the day; +2 to Persuasion rolls
Heroic: concentrate spell; considered to have 4 Spell Energy for casting; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll.
Legendary: puppet spell; considered to have 6 Spell Energy for casting; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll.


Requirements: Novice, Smarts d6+, Vigor d8+, Notice d6+

Spellsoul characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Untapped Potential: The spellsoul has 10 raw Spell Energy. This raw power may not be used to cast spells. In fact, the spellsoul character
can never take the Arcane Background Edge. The spellsoul may share this raw Spell Energy with spellcasters near him, however. Any time a spell is
being cast within 5” of the spellsoul, he may give up raw Spell Energy to power the spell. This works in all ways as if the Spell Energy were coming
from the spellcaster, and is a free action. The spellsoul may contribute raw Spell Energy to partially power a spell, in which case the other character
must pay the remainder of the Spell Energy. Raw Spell Energy is recovered in the same way standard Spell Energy.
Seasoned: Arcane Resistance Edge, ignoring all requirements.
Veteran: Metamagic Aura: The spellsoul is able to use his awareness of magic to shift and shape spells cast in the area around him. This ability
manifests itself in allowing for the spellsoul the ability to modify the spell by granting potential raises that a spellcaster can use to alter spells as
they are cast. Some of the abilities can be used to enhance the spells cast by his allies, while others can be used to weaken or even nullify spells
cast by his enemies. Any time a spell is cast within 10” of the spellsoul, he can choose to perform a Spirit Trait test to modify the spell. Doing so is
a free action. The spellsoul can target any spell whose Rank is equal to or less than the spellsoul's character Rank. Upon a successful roll, the spell
being cast acts as if a single raise was applied to it. If the success of the Trait test was such that the check itself generated raises, these raises may
be added to the single raise produced on a 1-for-1 basis. The character must know a spell is being cast to use this ability. Thus, a spellsoul could
not affect a silent spell being cast by an invisible opponent. The spellsoul does not need to know which spell is being cast in order to affect it,
although it is helpful. He may identify the spell by making a successful Notice check. If unsuccessful, he may still attempt to modify the spell, but
the effects applied may be helpful, superfluous, or dangerous, depending on the actual spell. Knowing what spell is being cast is a tactical factor,
but in no way affects the spellsoul's ability.
Heroic: Improved Arcane Resistance Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Legendary: New Power Edge, ignoring any requirements.


Requirements: Novice, Agility d8+, Strength d8+, Fighting d8+, Intimidation d6+
Steelblooded characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Ambidextrous Edge, ignoring any requirements.

Seasoned: Trademark Weapon Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Veteran: Sunder, ignoring any requirements.
Heroic: Improved Sunder, ignoring any requirements.
Legendary: Cannot be targeted by the First Strike or Improved First Strike Edges.


Requirements: Novice, Agility d6+, Strength d6+, Vigor d6+, Survival d6+
Stormborn characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Stormborn: The stormborn carries the dangers of the storm within him. He gains a +2 bonus on any check involving violent weather
(Vigor rolls to endure a blizzard, Agility rolls to remain standing in strong winds, Swim rolls to swim in a stormy sea, etc.)
Seasoned: Windheart: The stormborn understands winds and violent weather better than most. He only suffers half the penalties normally
involved with rough weather of any sort, whether mundane or magical weather (skill check penalties, attack penalties, etc). At Veteran Rank, he no
longer suffers any penalties from bad weather. At Heroic Rank, numerical penalties from bad weather become bonuses instead.
Veteran: Thunderous Charge: When the stormborn charges, his weapon deals one point of electric or sonic damage in addition to its normal
damage, determined by the stormborn at the beginning of the charge.
Heroic: barrier spell (wind trapping); considered to have 6 Spell Energy for casting; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll.
Legendary: Eye of the Storm: The stormborn can create an area of utter stillness around himself. The area has a radius of 2”, and no natural
weather hazards or conditions apply within the area, and any magical weather conditions are subjected to a dispel spell effect (no Spell Energy
required). Eye of the Storm lasts for up to 10 minutes per character Rank.


Requirements: Novice, Smarts d8+, Spirit d8+, Fighting d8+, Intimidation d6+
Sunderborn characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Low-light Vision; detect/conceal arcana (outsiders only) – permanent effect.

Seasoned: Blood of the Planes: Outsiders can sense the common blood flowing in the veins of the sunderborn character. This grants him +2 on
Persuasion rolls when dealing with outsiders, no matter their origin or alignment.
Veteran: Berserk Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Heroic: Darksight: Permanent darksight spell effect on character’s vision. This allows the character to see without any source of light, negating all
penalties for bad lighting, even conditions of darkness created by magic. The character must be capable of sight in order for the ability to function—
it does not allow the blind to see; Connections Edge (Outsiders), ignoring any requirements
Legendary: detect/conceal arcana (invisible creatures) – permanent effect; summon ally spell (considered to have 7 Spell Energy for casting; use
Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll)


Requirements: Novice, Smarts d8+, Spirit d8+, Fighting d6+, Knowledge (Battle) d6+, Taunt d6+
Tactician characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Tactician Edge, ignoring any requirements.

Seasoned: Combat Overview: The tactician is able to see the battle and its effects in her mind and may thereby organize her allies optimally. Use
of this ability count as an action, and allows a single ally within 12” to do one of the following things:
 Avoid an attack caused by withdrawing from combat. Any single attack to which an opponent would otherwise be entitled by the ally
withdrawing from combat is avoided entirely by the tactician's ally. This ability must be declared on the tactician's turn and the ally and
opponent who are affected must be declared at that time. If circumstances change such that the attack of opportunity is not provoked,
the ability still counts as used.
 By spending a benny, the tactician can give one ally The Drop on an opponent.
Veteran: Coordinated Initiative: The tactician must declare the use of this ability before initiative is determined in combat. When activated,
coordinated initiative allows all of the tactician's allies within 10” to use his initiative instead of theirs.
Heroic: Coordinated Attack: Use of this ability is an action and the tactician's allies must delay their own actions until the tactician's initiative if they
wish to gain its benefits. On her initiative, the tactician calls out a single target and all of her allies within 5” may immediately make their normal
melee or ranged attack rolls against that target. These attacks all receive a +1 bonus to both attack and damage for every ally involved, up to a
maximum or +5.
Legendary: Perfect Assault: Using this ability is an action. All of the tactician's allies within 6” automatically gain a raise on their successful attacks
that round.


Requirements: Novice, Strength d6+, Vigor d8+, Survival d8+, Tracking d6+
Traveller characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Nerves of Steel Edge, ignoring any requirements.

Seasoned: wilderness walk spell; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll; considered to have 6 Spell Energy for casting.
Veteran: +2 to Streetwise, Persuasion, Stealth, and Survival checks made to avoid Shadow forces.
Heroic: speed spell; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll; considered to have 6 Spell Energy for casting.
Legendary: Word of Recall: At her journey's end, the traveler has a knack for getting home again. She may use an effect similar to Teleport, with
the following changes: the teleport location must be a known power nexus within 500 miles of the Traveler’s current location, and the transported
characters are not teleported. Instead, they turn to air, temporarily becoming elemental creatures, and move back towards the designated site at
500 miles per hour. They must avoid the magic drain areas of black mirrors, but are not otherwise in danger, unless the GM wishes to stage an
encounter with an angry air elemental.

Requirements: Novice, Smarts d8+, Spirit d8+, Any two skills d8+
Twice Born characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Starting d6 in either Spirit or Smarts.

Seasoned: Unlock Memories: Upon gaining enough XP to first enter a new Rank, a Twice Born character gains an extra skill point to spend on any
skill, subject to normal skill advancement limitations.
Veteran: In Two Minds: Gains a +1 bonus on all Spirit rolls made to resist the effects of Fear.
Heroic: Recall Talent: Either the Alertness Edge or the Quick Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Legendary: Recall Talent: Either the Tough as Nails Edge or the Weapon Master Edge, ignoring any requirements.


Requirements: Novice, Spirit d6+, Vigor d8+, Fighting d6+, Knowledge (Bonded Animal) d6+, Tracking d8+
Special: A warg must choose a single type of animal of size Large or smaller as his bonded creature when this path is chosen. His warg abilities
apply only to this type of animal. Dire animals may not be chosen, as dire animals in Midnight are intelligent magical beasts. Halfling wargs can
choose immature wogrens as their bonded creature, even though wogrens are magical beasts.
Warg characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Low-light Vision or +2 to Tracking; Wild Empathy: The wildlander can improve the reaction of an animal. This ability functions just like a
Persuasion check to improve the attitude of a person. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are
usually unfriendly. To use wild empathy, the wildlander and the animal must be able to study each other, which means that they must be within 30
feet of one another under normal visibility conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute, but, as with influencing people, it
might take more or less time. The wildlander can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an animal intelligence, but he takes a -4
penalty on the check.
Seasoned: Beast Master Edge (bonded creature type only), ignoring any requirements.
Veteran: Beast Bond Edge (bonded creature only), ignoring any requirements.
Heroic: Low-light Vision or +2 to Tracking; Improved Nerves of Steel Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Legendary: shape change spell; considered to have 7 Spell Energy for casting; can only shape change into the form of their bonded animal; use
Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll.


Requirements: Novice, Smarts d6+, Spirit d8+, Knowledge (Battle) d6+, Notice d8+
Warheart characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: analyze foe spell (Range: Large Bust Template); considered to have 6 Spell Energy for casting; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill
Seasoned: Level Headed Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Veteran: Gains an additional +1 to Gang-Up Bonus, maximum +6.
Heroic: Tactician Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Legendary: Danger Sense Edge, ignoring any requirements.


Requirements: Novice, Spirit d6+, Vigor d6+, Notice d6+, Stealth d8+
WindWalker characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: +1 to Stealth and Notice checks (+2 is at least moderately windy)

Seasoned: Charge Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Veteran: speed spell; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll; can only gain effects when charging, no Spell Energy necessary to activate.
Heroic: Fleet-Footed Edge, ignoring any requirements; She also reduces the distance of any fall by half for the purposes of determining damage
from falling.
Legendary: +2 Pace.


Requirements: Novice, Agility d6+, Strength d8+, Notice d6+, Shooting d6+
Winged One characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Wings: Flight Pace of 12” (with a “Run” Pace of d10), Climb 0.
Seasoned: Wing Buffet: Wing attack (Str +d4) and are always considered armed as long as their wings are free. The wings can be used as a
second attack, but suffers the multi-action penalty.
Veteran: Fleet-Footed Edge (specified for Flight), ignoring any requirements; increases Flight Pace to 15” with a d12 “Run”, Climb 0.
Heroic: Air Mastery: Airborne creatures and those with the Air subtype suffer -2 Fighting and damage against the Winged One.
Legendary: Swoop: Winged Ones may swoop on their prey to pin it to the ground. They gain +4 to their attack and damage for this action. Their
Parry is reduced by –2 until its next action when performing the maneuver, however.

Requirements: Novice, Smarts d8+, Spirit d6+, Investigation d6+, Any three Knowledge skills d8+
Tactician characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Bonus Skill Points: Upon gaining enough XP to first enter a new Rank, a wiser character gains an extra skill point to spend on any skill.
Seasoned: Scholar Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Veteran: Choose two skills: the maximum advancement may be increased to d12+2 during character advancement; this stacks with the bonuses
from the Professional and Expert Edges.
Heroic: +2 to Common Knowledge rolls and all Smarts-based skill rolls.
Legendary: Jack-of-All-Trades Edge, ignoring any requirements.


Requirements: Novice, Spirit d6+, Vigor d6+, Notice d6+, Persuasion d6+, Survival d8+
Woodborn characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Free skill: Knowledge (Nature) at d6; +2 to Knowledge (Nature) checks; Flamefear: Always in sympathy with the trees around her, the
woodborn suffers +1 damage from all sources of fire.
Seasoned: Beast Master Edge (forest animals only), ignoring any requirements.
Veteran: +2 to Agility checks to avoid being tripped; armor spell; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll; considered to have 6 Spell Energy
for casting.
Heroic: +1 Toughness.
Legendary: One With the Woods: The woodborn's type changes to plant. She no longer needs to eat, sleep, or breath, and gains the Improved
Arcane Resistance Edge, ignoring any requirements.


Requirements: Novice, Spirit d8+, Vigor d8+, Intimidation d8+

Wraithborn characters gain the following benefits:

Novice: Pallid: The wraith is pale and sickening to behold. They look decomposed, and justly so. This grants them a +2 bonus to Intimidation
against all mortals, and a +2 bonus on Spirit checks versus Fear effects. The wraith also suffers a -1 penalty to Charisma; Low-light Vision.
Seasoned: Ghostly Form: The wraith looses substantiality, gradually slipping away from the physical world. The weight of the wraith, as well that
of anything he carries, is reduced by 50%. He also gains a +2 bonus to Stealth checks.
Veteran: intangibility spell; considered to have 6 Spell Energy for casting; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll.
Heroic: Whisp of shadow: The visual appearance of the wraith fades away, so that the wraith looks like a faint shadow, unless he wants to be
seen, in which case he can reveal his now hideously pale and gaunt figure. He gets a +4 bonus to Stealth checks (this replaces the earlier bonus
from Ghostly Form), and increases the penalty from all levels of concealment gained from darkness by -1.
Legendary: Leave the world of the living: The wraithborn becomes an Ethereal Undead, with all the benefits and penalties this includes. He gains
Weakness (silver) and suffers normal damage from silver weapons.

Raw Materials Cost: There is effectively no raw materials cost to create a magic item. The character need only provide the focus of the magical
creation, whether it be a sword, wand, or other object, and then find a power nexus that can accommodate the item's creation.

Location: A spellcaster must create the item at a power nexus.

Time: The time to create a magic item is unchanged.

Item Cost: Magic items do not have a cost in the campaign, as they are invaluable and are rarely traded, especially for gold.

Potions and Scrolls: These items do not require a power nexus to create, although they do require the Alchemy Edge. Use all of the existing rules
for brewing potions and scribing scrolls, including the costs listed in the core Midnight rules. In most cases, characters must gather, discover, or
barter for a potion's material components or the rare inks and parchments used to scribe a scroll. These specialized items are not openly bought
and sold and the attempt to acquire them may draw the attention of a legate or other minions of the Shadow.
General Information
 Charms use innate magic rather than channeled magic, and so can be carried without fear of detection
 Charms look like everyday objects
 Identifying a charm requires a successful Knowledge (Arcana) or Knowledge (Nature) roll
 All charms except true charms are single-use items; a true charm's ability is always active
 Activating a charm is a free action
 A character can only benefit from one charm effect and one true charm effect at any given time
Charm Effects
When a charm is in use, charm effects all detect as magic, with spell Ranks as follows:
Charm Type Spell Rank
Minor Novice
Lesser Seasoned
Greater Veteran
True Heroic

Creating Charms
Creating charms does not require spellcasting ability, nor does it require expensive components or expenditure of personal energy. A character must
have the Craft Charms Edge and a Knowledge skill appropriate to the medium in which he works. Most charms are made with Knowledge checks
representing one day of work. To create a charm, the character must master his awareness of the world and its inherent energies as well as his
understanding of how the rise of evil has affected the world over the years. Awareness is represented by the Knowledge (Arcana) and Knowledge
(Nature) skills, while understanding is represented by Knowledge (History) and Knowledge (Spirits). When creating a charm, the character's total
skill ranks in the awareness skills must equal or exceed the prerequisite for the type of charm he is creating. The same applies to the understanding

Charm Creation Prerequisites

Minor Charm
Requirements: Knowledge (Arcana) d4+ or Knowledge (Nature) d4+, Knowledge (History) d4+ or Knowledge (Spirits) d4+
The character may make a Repair roll and, if successful, he creates a minor Charm.
Example Benefits: +1 bonus to any single skill roll, attack roll, or Trait roll within 1 round of activation.
Value: 5 vp

Lesser Charm
Requirements: Knowledge (Arcana) d6+ or Knowledge (Nature) d6+, Knowledge (History) d6+ or Knowledge (Spirits) d6+
The character may make a Repair roll at –2 and, if successful, he creates a Lesser Charm.
Example Benefits: +1 bonus to any skill rolls, attack rolls, Parry, or Trait rolls for 1 minute following activation
Value: 25 vp

Greater Charm
Requirements: Knowledge (Arcana) d8+ or Knowledge (Nature) d8+, Knowledge (History) d8+ or Knowledge (Spirits) d8+
The character may make a Repair roll at –4 and, if successful, he creates a Greater Charm.
Example Benefits: +2 bonus to any single skill roll, attack roll, or Trait roll, +1 bonus to any skill rolls, attack rolls, Parry, or Trait rolls for 2
minutes following activation.
Value: 100 vp

True Charm
Requirements: Knowledge (Arcana) d10+ or Knowledge (Nature) d10+, Knowledge (History) d10+ or Knowledge (Spirits) d10+
The character may make a Repair roll at –6 and, if successful, he creates a True Charm.
Example Benefits: +2 bonus to a specific Trait or skill roll, immunity to a specific type of disease or poison, other effects at GM’s discretion.
Value: 2,500 vp

Arcane Skill: Knowledge (Arcana) is the Arcane Skill a channeler uses when activating runes of power.

Runic Spell Effects: Runes of power may be crafted to evoke a variety of spell effects, defined by the intent of the inscriber. Runes of power may
be crafted using the following spell effect options. Some of those spell effects work a bit differently with runes of power, however.

 Single Use, Spell Completion: The runes of power are intended for use by other spellcasters. The runes supply the structure of the
spell, while the user supplies the Spell Energy to activate the spell. Such inscriptions are also called energy-activated runes of power, and
are usually (but not always) written in an elaborate manner, using concepts that only make sense to characters with the Arcane
Background Edge.

 Single Use, Use-Activated: The runes of power are meant to work only once. After a single use, activated by reading the runes, they
become ordinary, nonmagical etchings. Single-use runes are always powered by the arcane energy of the inscriber in the form of Spell
Energy spent during creation, and are typically written in simple language for use by non-spellcasters. Spells with a range of personal
cannot be stored in use-activated runes.

 Multiple Use, Energy-Activated: The runes of power are activated when the user supplies Spell Energy. The runes have no charges
and may be used indefinately, provided a supply of Spell Energy is available (whether from a character or a power nexus). Energy-
activated runes are usually complex arcane engravings not intended to be understood by non-spellcasters.

 Command Word: The runes of power may be activated by anyone who speaks the correct command word, regardless of personal
magical ability. The power of the runes persists after use because the inscriber imbued them with his own essence in the form of Spell
Energy. The power of the runes persists through the essence of the crafter, instilled in the form of Spell Energy. The cost, however, is the
permanent expenditure of the creator’s own Spell Energy, equal to the triple the usual cost of casting the spell. The command word or
words may be the runes themselves or something else altogether.

 Continuous: The runes of power are constantly active - the spell is “always on” and no longer requires Spell Energy to use (it has
infinite Spell Energy). The power of the runes persists through the essence of the crafter, instilled in the form of Spell Energy. The cost,
however, is the permanent expenditure of the creator’s own Spell Energy, equal to the triple the usual cost of casting the spell.

Creating Runes of Power: To create a rune of power, a character needs the Rune Mage Edge, a surface to engrave and some simple tools. He
must make the inscription by hand, but may be assisted; the casting of the spell to be inscribed and the Rune Mage Edge fills the etchings with
arcane power. He also needs a supply of materials (inks, precious metals, etc.) to go into the carvings, though the runes retain their power even if
these materials naturally erode. The costs for runes of power are difficult to formularize; refer to the table below when estimating prices. Creating a
rune of power costs half the market value.

Spell Effect Base Price Weight

Single use, spell completion Spell Rank# x caster Rank x 25 vp Spell Rank x 1 lb
Single use, use-activated Spell Rank x caster Rankx 50 vp Spell Rank x 25 lb
Multiple use, energy-activated Spell Rank x caster Rank x 375 vp Spell Rank x 100 lbs
Command word Spell Rank x caster Rank x 1,800 vp Spell Rank x 175 lbs
Continuous * Spell Rank x caster Rank x 2,000 vp Spell Rank x 250 lbs

# Novice = 1, Seasoned = 2, Veteran = 3, etc.

* If a continuous rune of power’s inscribed spell has a Duration in rounds, multiply the cost by 4. If the spell’s Duration is in minutes, multiply the
cost by 2, and if the Duration is hours multiply the cost by 1.5. For spells with a Duration of 24 hours or more, divide the cost in half.

The creator must know the spell to be inscribed. The act of engraving triggers the spell to be inscribed and drains Spell Energy from the creator as
normal. Depending on the Spell Effect, this expenditure may be permanent.

Runes of power must be inscribed into large objects like standing stones, walls, and planks. The total surface area required is determined by the
complexity of the spell, while the total weight required of the engraved object is determined by the raw power of the runes inscribed. The cost of
the object inscribed and the rune’s arcane ingredients are subsumed in the cost of creating the runes of power. A single object may be carved with
multiple runes of power so long as the total weight of the object is equal to or greater than the necessary weight of all the inscribed runes of power.

The GM may allow very expensive, precious, or otherwise unique objects to diminish the necessary surface area for the inscribed spell or even to
bypass the weight requirements.

Crafting a rune of power requires one day for each 1,000 vp of the base price.

Imperfections: Sometimes wear and tear causes a rune to become damaged. If anyone uses a rune of power and rolls a 1 on his Knowledge
(Arcana) die (regardless of his Wild Die), the runes were smudged or scratched. The rune of power may not be used again until the rune is
repaired, which requires a Knowledge (Arcana) roll and 2d6 hours worth of work.

Maintaining Spells: Spells accessed using runes of power may not be Maintained.

Rune of Power Access: To use any rune of power, the inscription must be legible and the user must be able to read it. Illiterate spellcasters are
therefore unable to use runes of power unless the GM decides the character recognizes specific individual runes from previous experience, which
may require a Smarts roll.

Any character with the Arcane Background Edge can use energy-activated runes without having to identify the specific spell the runes describe. A
Knowledge (Arcana) roll allows a character to identify runes of power amid otherwise ordinary inscriptions and recognize the particular activation
method for the runes of power (use-activated, energy-activated, etc.). Channeling sufficient spell energy into the runes activates the spell within. If
the user doesn’t have sufficient spell energy to use, the activation fails and none of her spell energy is used in the attempt. Users may use the Soul
Drain Edge if available for Spell Energy, if they wish.


Totem Heads (Steel & Shadow – pg. 23-25)

Totem heads are always true charms and have the same prerequisites for creation. Anyone can create the totem head charm, but only the
individual who defeated the opponent to whom the head belonged can benefit from its powers. Activation of a Totem Head power via the
expenditure of Spell Energy for anything other than effects which are instantaneous effects which last for a pre-determined amount of time last until
the end of the current scene. Powers may not stack.

Rank of Creature Spell Energy Totem Powers True Charm Effect

Novice 2 1 None
Seasoned 4 2 +2 on Intimidation rolls
Veteran 8 3 +2 on Spirit rolls vs. Fear
Heroic 12 4 Immunity to all Fear effects
Legendary 24 4 Armor 4

Power Spell Energy Cost

+1 Parry 1
+1 to Fighting rolls 1
+1 to damage 1
+1 to an opposed Trait roll 1
Gain access to the Level Headed Edge 2
Cast any Seasoned or lower Rank spell that involves 2 points/Rank
scrying or divination effects
Gain access to any Combat Edge 4 if the character has all requirements for the Edge, 8 if
the character only has some or none of the requirements
Cast Boost Trait 4
Cast Fear 4
Re-roll any one die roll 8

A covenant item’s abilities are unlocked simply by being picked up and the character spending a benny. Once an ability or power has been
unlocked, the character gains access to all the item’s abilities that are equal to or less than the character’s current Rank. For the purposes of
magical detection, only powers that have been unlocked my be divined. Once a character Advances, new abilities may be unlocked through the
spending of an additional benny at each designated Rank listed by the Covenant Item. If a character spends a benny to unlock an ability and there
is no ability to be unlocked at that particular Rank, the benny is not spent.

For purposes other than the detection of Rank and type of magic, the Rank of the item is considered to be Legendary.

Sample Covenant Items (see M2E and referenced sourcebooks for description of items)


Novice Rank 1: +2 to Stealth rolls in dark areas
Novice Rank 2: 2 points less of damage from any fire source
Novice Rank 3: 2 points of Spell Energy if wearer has the Arcane Background (Magic) Edge
Seasoned Rank 2: Wearer gains +1 Toughness
Seasoned Rank 4: Breath dragon’s fire 1x/day using the flame template, doing 6d6 damage. A successful Agility roll with a raise halves the
Veteran Rank 1: +1 Charisma
Veteran Rank 3: +1 Toughness


Novice Rank 1: Can be made to glow as the Light spell 1x/day for 10 minutes per Rank
Novice Rank 3: +2 to Spirit checks against Fear
Seasoned Rank 2: +1 bonus to damage
Seasoned Rank 4: 1x/day for 1 minute, blade may inflict fire damage and inflicts +3d6 damage to orcs during that time
Veteran Rank 3: +1 bonus to Fighting rolls


Novice Rank 1: +2 to Stealth rolls while in hand
Novice Rank 3: can cast the quickness spell 1x/day
Seasoned Rank 3: +1 bonus to damage
Veteran Rank 1: can cast the invisibility spell 1x/day


Novice Rank 2: AP 3
Seasoned Rank 1: +1 bonus to weapon damage
Seasoned Rank 4: can cast the open spell 3x/day
Veteran Rank 2: Ignores 2 points of Toughness when striking an object


Special: As long as the wearer wields a shortbow or longbow of any type, the quiver will always have at least 1 arrow in it.
Novice Rank 2: Wearer gains the Marksman Edge, ignoring any requirements
Seasoned Rank 1: Cover penalties for medium and heavy cover are reduced by 1
Seasoned Rank 2: 1x/day, quiver can cast the smite spell upon all arrows inside it (holds up to 20 arrows)


Special: If the bearer has the Arcane Background (Magic) Edge, he gains +2 Spell Energy.
Novice Rank 2: The chain can be used as a bola and the user is proficient with it.
Seasoned Rank 1: The chain acts as if under a permanent Animation spell.
Seasoned Rank 2: As a free action, the bearer of Endiken’s Pain can lengthen or shorten to a minimum of 1 foot and a maximum of 50 feet in
length. In addition, the chain can be commanded to become rigid, allowing it to be used as a crossing wire or pole.
Veteran Rank 1: The chain may be used as if it possessed the entangle spell but may only target a single target.


Novice Rank 1: As long as the wielder of the stone is holding it, they may cast light/obscure at will with no Spell Energy cost.
Seasoned Rank 1: The wielder may make Natural Healing checks every 2 days instead of every 5 days and gains +1 to their Vigor rolls.
Seasoned Rank 3: 1x/day, the eris stone can shed a soothing green light in a 5” radius. All good creatures within the light are bolstered, gaining
the benefits of the Fervor Edge, ignoring any requirements. This effect lasts for 1 minute.
Veteran Rank 1: 3x/day, the eris stone can shoot forth a beam of pure energy that acts as the bolt spell with the light trapping.


Special: A character must don and wear both straps to gain any of these benfits.
Novice Rank 2: A character wearing the fire lashes is considered armed when fighting without a weapon (negate the Unarmed Defender penalty).
If they already have this ability, they gain +1 damage on unarmed strike rolls.
Seasoned Rank 1: The wielder’s unarmed strike gains AP 1. If the wielder already has an ability that allows him to bypass armor, such as the
defender’s precise strike ability, then the two abilities stack.
Seasoned Rank 2: The wielder’s unarmed strikes gain +1 to their Fighting roll.
Seasoned Rank 4: The wielder’s unarmed strikes gain the fire trapping, but this ability is suppressed until an attack is made (such that the
wielder’s hands are not always flaming and do not detect as such). When this ability is used, a thick, purple-red flaming demon’s blood drips from
the hands of the wielder.
Special: The wielder of the fist of the Aruun must randomly roll a die at the beginning of each day to determine whether or not the good or evil
force is dominant during that day. If good is dominant, the character gains a +2 bonus to all Persuasion rolls, but suffers a -1 to all Spirit rolls
against mind-affecting magic. If evil is dominant, the character gains +1 to all damage rolls, but suffers -1 to all Agility or Vigor rolls.
Novice Rank 1: The sepi grants its wielder +2 to all Knowledge checks when using it to craft an item.
Novice Rank 2: If good is dominant, the character can cast Fortune 3x/day. If evil is dominant, 1x/day the character can deliver a Smite attack
(with the electrical trapping) via a normal attack with the sepi.
Seasoned Rank 1: The sepi gains a +1 to all damage rolls.
Veteran Rank 2: If good is dominant, the character can cast Healing 2x/day. If evil is dominant, 1x/day the character can deliver a Poison Touch
spell ) via a normal attack with the sepi.
Veteran Rank 2: The character gains +1 to their Fighting rolls when using the sepi.


Special: Can only be worn by Large humanoids
Novice Rank 3: The gauntlet grants +1 Toughness
Seasoned Rank 2: The gauntlet increases the wearer’s Strength by 1 die type.
Veteran Rank 1: The wearer is protected at all times by a deflection spell that only affects ranged attacks by arrows. It can protect for up to 50
points of damage per day.

Novice Rank 1: The weapon gains the ability to glow with an ethereal light, shedding illumination as if it was the target of a light/obscure spell.
This ability functions 3/day for 10 minutes each use.
Novice Rank 3: On command as a free action, the greatsword can be made to appear as any 1-handed or 2-handed melee weapon. If it is used
to attack when it is seen as anything but its true form, the character suffers -2 to their Fighting rolls.
Seasoned Rank 1: The weapon can affect Ethereal creatures normally.
Seasoned Rank 3: +1 bonus to damage
Veteran Rank 1: Ghost can now become completely invisible, and its wielder has awareness of the blade as if it were in its normal state. The
wielder suffers no penalty to attack rolls when using the blade in any form.
Veteran Rank 3: The character gains +1 to their Fighting rolls when using Ghost.
Heroic Rank 1: The wielder gains the ability to see invisible creatures at will. In addition, Ghost automatically detects spirits within a 5” radius,
even those that have inhabited another body, such as an astirax that has possessed an animal. The sword communicates this information to its
wielder via an empathic link.


Special: This dwarven waraxe is formed entirely of mithral, granting it a +1 on all damage rolls.
Novice Rank 1: The bearer is considered proficient with the dwarven waraxe when wielding this weapon.
Novice Rank 3: The wielder gains +1 to Vigor rolls to resist hunger, thirst, and sleep deprivation.
Seasoned Rank 2: The wielder gains the Hard to Kill Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Veteran Rank 1: The wielder gains the ability to cast the healing spell as a free action 3x/day. Each time he has done so, one of the golden rings
cries forth a song of fury and dulls until the next day.
Veteran Rank 3: The wielder constantly emanates an aura identical the fear spell in a 2” radius. He may activate or suppress this aura as a free
action. Once a creature successfully passes their Spirit roll to resist a Fear effect, it cannot be affected again for 24 hours.


Novice Rank 1: The wearer gains +2 Charisma when dealing with people of the opposite gender.
Novice Rank 3: The wearer can cast puppet 1/day at no Spell Energy cost, but the puppet will not do anything that is against their nature nor
harmful to themselves.
Seasoned Rank 2: The wearer gains the Attractive Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Veteran Rank 1: Anyone of the opposite gender who tries to attack the wearer must make a successful Spirit roll to make the attack. This works
like a permanent protection spell.
Veteran Rank 3: The wearer gains the Very Attractive Edge.


Novice Rank 3: The wearer gains the Hard to Kill Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Seasoned Rank 1: The wearer gains the Charismatic Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Veteran Rank 1: The wearer gains the Command Edge, ignoring any requirements, as long as he dons the helmet in front of his men at least
Veteran Rank 3: The wearer can cast puppet 1x/day.


Novice Rank 2: The character gains +2 Armor
Seasoned Rank 1: The wearer is always considered under the effects of an environmental protection spell.
Seasoned Rank 2: The character gains +4 Armor
Seasoned Rank 4: The wearer can cast armor 1x/day, causing his skin to take on the appearance of dragon scales. This magical armor stacks
with any other armor that the character has.
Veteran Rank 1: The character gains an additional 4 points of Armor (this stacks with existing Armor) against attacks with the acid trapping.


Special: Jzaedrin’s Staff can only be wielded by a good character.
Novice Rank 1: The character gains +2 to Notice rolls to determine evil creatures’ intentions.
Novice Rank 2: The character gains +2 to Spirit rolls when targeted by evil creatures.
Seasoned Rank 1: The bearer can cast deflection and armor 1x/day and their effects only affect evil creatures. Both abilities last 1 minute.
Seasoned Rank 2: +1 on all damage rolls.
Seasoned Rank 4: 1x/day, the staff’s wielder can touch any target with the staff and cure an ailment he is suffering. This ability functions as
either a greater healing, healing, or dispel spell (use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll).
Veteran Rank 1: The character gains +1 to their Fighting rolls.
Veteran Rank 3: The bearer may use the staff’s healing abilities 2x/day. In addition, 2x/day, the wielder may designate a touch attack as a
paralyzing strike. If the attack succeeds and the target is an evil creature, it is subject to the effects of the stun spell.


Novice Rank 1: Korg’s hatchet is incredibly resilient, gaining a Toughness of 15.
Novice Rank 3: Ignores 5 points of Toughness when striking objects.
Seasoned Rank 2: +1 on all damage rolls.
Veteran Rank 1: Ignores 10 points of Toughness when striking objects.
Veteran Rank 3: The character gains +1 to their Fighting rolls.
Heroic Rank 1: The weapon gains the ability to be wielded via telekinesis, per the spell, and may be commanded to attack anywhere within 10” of
its owner.


Novice Rank 2: A character wielding the reaver’s claw need not make a Riding check to stay horsed when Shaken or wounded. If the character is
a Sarcosan, he may dismount as a free action without making a Riding check. In addition, he gains +2 to Riding rolls.
Seasoned Rank 1: The reaver’s claw increases the pace of the mount by 1.
Seasoned Rank 2: +1 on all damage rolls.
Seasoned Rank 4: A character wielding reaver’s claw gains +2 to Persuasion and Intimidation rolls and to opposed Spirit rolls.
Veteran Rank 1: The reaver’s claw gains the ability to be thrown from horseback and the character gains the Steady Hands Edge, ignoring any
requirements, when throwing the reaver’s claw. In addition, the weapon returns to its wielder at the start of the round after being thrown.
Veteran Rank 3: The character gains +1 to their Fighting rolls.


Special: Unless wielded together, Silence and Fury lose all abilities other than the damage and Fighting bonuses.
Novice Rank 3: Both weapons gain +1 to damage rolls. The character is treated as having the Two-Fisted and Ambidextrous Edges, ignoring any
requirements, when wielding both knives.
Seasoned Rank 2: Silence gains the ability to invoke a silence around the wielder 1x/day, as if under the silence spell. Fury gains the ability to
shatter objects and ignores 5 points of Toughness when striking objects.
Veteran Rank 1: The character gains +1 to their Fighting rolls.
Veteran Rank 3: The first time a foe is struck by Silence in an encounter, he must first make a Vigor roll or be deafened permanently. The first
time a foe is struck by Fury in an encounter, he must make a Vigor roll or be stunned for 1d4 rounds.
Heroic Rank 1: Both weapons gain +2 to damage rolls.


Novice Rank 1: The wielder may make Natural Healing checks every 2 days instead of every 5 days and gains +1 to their Vigor rolls.
Novice Rank 2: The character needs only 1/5 the normal food and water to survive.
Seasoned Rank 1: The wearer only needs 4 hours of sleep to refresh him as if he had rested for a full 8 hours.
Seasoned Rank 2: The character gains the Nerves of Steel Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Seasoned Rank 4: The amulet increases the wearer’s Vigor by 1 die type.
Veteran Rank 1: The character gains the Improved Nerves of Steel Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Veteran Rank 3: The amulet increases the wearer’s Vigor by 2 die types.


Novice Rank 3: +1 on all damage rolls.
Seasoned Rank 2: 1x/day, the wielder can invoke the name of Izrador. This ability casues all non-evil creatures within 5” of the wielder to be
Shaken for 1d4 rounds. A Spirit roll with a raise negates the effects.
Veteran Rank 1: The staff’s wielder gains the Unholy Warrior Edge, ignoring any requirements, and is considered to have 6 Spell Energy for the
purposes of this Edge. If they already have this Edge, the opposed Spirit rolls suffer a -1 penalty.
Veteran Rank 3: The staff’s wielder can cast the summon ally spell (considered to have 7 Spell Energy for casting; use Spirit as relevant Trait for
arcane skill roll).


Novice Rank 1: The bearer is considered proficient with the dwarven urutuk when wielding this weapon.
Novice Rank 3: If one hatchet is thrown while the other is held, the thrown hatchet returns to its wielder at the start of the round after being
Seasoned Rank 1: +1 on all damage rolls.
Seasoned Rank 3: Whenever the user wishes, the weapons will jump into his hands from any distance as long as there is a clear path to them. If
the weapons are restrained in any manner, they make opposed Strength rolls (their Strength is considered d12) to free themselves. The urutuks
reach their user at the end of the round in which he recalls them. Catching both returning weapons is an instinctual manifestation of the item’s
Veteran Rank 1: The character gains +1 to their Fighting rolls.
Veteran Rank 3: The urutuk’s powers provide the wielder with defensive prowess in place of the shield he would normally wield with an off hand.
The wielder gains +1 Parry, +2 Armor to ranged shots that hit.
AXE OF ELEANELLE (Sorcery & Shadow)
Novice Rank 1:.The wielder gains the Quick Draw Edge, ignoring any requirements, with the axe.
Seasoned Rank 1: +1 on all damage rolls
Seasoned Rank 3: 2x/day, the axe enables the wielder to cast the guiding wind spell which can affect only the axe (use Spirit as relevant Trait for
arcane skill roll).
Veteran Rank 1: The axe grants the wielder +2 to Strength rolls to resist being disarmed and the character gains +1 to their Fighting rolls.

BOOTS OF BJORNAR (Sorcery & Shadow)

Novice Rank 1:.The boots grant the wearer +2 to riding checks.
Novice Rank 3: 1x/day, the boots allow the wearer to cast the wilderness walk spell (use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll).
Seasoned Rank 2: The boots grant the wearer +2 to Vigor rolls to resist cold effects.

HELM OF BJORNAR (Sorcery & Shadow)

Novice Rank 2:.The helmet grants the wearer Armor +4 versus head shots.
Seasoned Rank 1: 3x/day, the helmet allows the wearer to cast detect/conceal arcana to see invisible objects or creatures (use Spirit as relevant
Trait for arcane skill roll).
Seasoned Rank 2: The boots grant the wearer a +1 die type increase to their Spirit.
Veteran Rank 1: 1x/day, the wearer may cast detect/conceal arcana to see through any enchantment or illusion effects (use Spirit as relevant
Trait for arcane skill roll).


Novice Rank 2: If the sword is used to score a hit while gaining The Drop on a channeler, the victim loses 2 points of Spell Energy.
Seasoned Rank 1: The sword glows bright white when brought within 10” of a magical aura.
Seasoned Rank 2: +1 on all damage rolls.
Veteran Rank 3: 1x/day, the sword enables its wielder to perform a targeted dispel on a creature by hitting it with a successful attack. This
functions like the dispel spell, but is a free action subsumed in the attack action.

THE ELKSWORD (Sorcery & Shadow)

Novice Rank 1: The elksword cuts like steel and is in all ways wielded like a longsword, except that it doesn’t appear to be a weapon at first
Seasoned Rank 1: 2x/day, the elksword enables its wielder to cast speak languages targeted towards animals.
Seasoned Rank 2: +1 on all damage rolls.
Veteran Rank 1: The elksword now deals either slashing or piercing damage as the wielder sees fit. The damage increases to Str+d10.

FLETCHER’S MATCH (Sorcery & Shadow)

Novice Rank 2: The shield denies up to three chances per day for someone to get The Drop on the bearer, but only from attacks made with bows.
Seasoned Rank 1: The shield acts provides and additional +1 Armor versus ranged shots that hit.
Seasoned Rank 3: 1/day, the shield allows the bearer to cast the deflection spell versus Shooting or Throwing attacks.
Veteran Rank 1: 1/day, the shield allows the bearer to cast the barrier spell (trapping – wind wall).

THE LIVING SCALES (Sorcery & Shadow)

Novice Rank 1: The armor is unusually light and flexible – it weighs just 20 lbs. The armor can repair itself over the course of 3 days to perfect
condition, as long as it has not been totally destroyed.
Novice Rank 3: The armor gives the wearer a +2 to their Vigor rolls to recover from their initial state of Incapacitation.
Veteran Rank 2: 1x/day, the armor allows the wearer to cast the healing spell.

THE SPEAR OF KUNHAR (Sorcery & Shadow)

Novice Rank 1: As a regular action, the spear’s wielder can resize the spear (Str+d6, Parry +1, Reach 1, 2 hands) to a shortspear (Str+d4, Parry
+1) or a longspear (Str+d8, Reach 2, 2 hands).
Novice Rank 3: The spear can mentally alert its wielder to intruders.
Seasoned Rank 2: +1 on all damage rolls.
Veteran Rank 1: The spear can be reconfigured in size during a regular action without causing a multiple action penalty.
Veteran Rank 3: The spear now does an additional +2 damage (in addition to the standard +1d6) with a raise on the Fighting roll.

WHIP OF AUTUMN (Sorcery & Shadow)

Novice Rank 2: The autumn whip allows the user to transfer Spell Energy to any target he strikes with the whip. The whip does minimal damage
(1d4, Reach 1) on a hit. Up to 1 point of Spell Energy per damage suffered can be transferred t the target. The wielder can transfer as little Spell
Energy as he likes on each hit.
Seasoned Rank 1: A channeler wielding the autumn whip may use its reach (Reach 1) to deliver touch attacks for spells.
Seasoned Rank 2: As a regular action, the autumn whip may be used as a shield to swat away incoming attacks, granting the wielder an
additional Parry +1 during the Defend action.
Veteran Rank 1: The autumn whip empowers any spell delivered through it. Any touch spell delivered through the whip reduces the opposed
Trait roll by the opponent by -1.

DAWN’S LIGHT (Steel & Shadow)

Novice Rank 1: The wielder can cast the light/obscure spell centered on the sword, at will.
Novice Rank 3: 1x/day, the wielder can cast the dispel spell.
Seasoned Rank 1: +1 on all damage rolls.
Seasoned Rank 3: The wielder gains the Command Edge, ignoring any requirements. Additionally, the sword has the ability to rend darkness
itself; whenever the sword enters the area of effect of (or is an area targeted by) a light/obscure spell, the wielder may make an attempt to cast the
dispel spell as an action (using either his arcane skill or Spirit Trait if he does not have an arcane skill) with no multi-attack penalty.
Veteran Rank 1: 1x/day, the wielder can cast the boost/lower trait spell.
Veteran Rank 2: The character gains +1 to their Fighting rolls.
TORC OF DYTHYS-IRE (Steel & Shadow)
Novice Rank 2: The wearer gains the Hard to Kill Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Seasoned Rank 1: The wearer gains the Nerves of Steel Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Seasoned Rank 4: The wearer gains the Improved Nerves of Steel Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Veteran Rank 3: The wearer gains a +1 die type increase to their Vigor.
Heroic Rank 1: The wearer gains the Harder to Kill Edge, ignoring any requirements.

THE CROWN OF THE KING (Destiny & Shadow)

Novice Rank 1: +2 to Intimidation rolls against evil creatures and +2 to Persuasion rolls with good creatures.
Seasoned Rank 1: May invoke the light/obscure spell at will as an action that suffers no multi-action penalty, surrounding himself with a brilliant
halo of ancient light.
Seasoned Rank 3: The wearer gains the Command Edg, ignoring any requirements e.
Seasoned Rank 4: The wearer gains +1Toughness.
Veteran Rank 1: The wearer gains the Arcane Resistance Edge, ignoring any requirements, versus all spells granted by evil deities as well as spells
which are inherently evil by nature.
Veteran Rank 3: Any evil creature struck in melee by the bearer of the crown must make a successful Spirit roll or suffer as if targeted by the Fear
spell. If the creature makes a successful check, it is immune to it for the next 24 hours.
Heroic Rank 1: The wearer gains an additional +1Toughness.


Novice Rank 1: All allies within 10” of the banner gain +2 to Spirit rolls to resist Fear.
Seasoned Rank 1: 1x/day, the standard bearer may imbue all weapons of all allied, good characters within 10” a +1 on damage rolls for 20
Seasoned Rank 3: When the standard bearer charges, all allies within 10” of the banner who charge with it, or who charge on the same turn,
gain +1 on damage rolls.
Veteran Rank 1: Whenever the bearer of the banner and any allies within 10” are outnumbered at least 2 to 1, they gain +1 to Fighting rolls and
+1Toughness and all Wild Card allies gain the Nerves of Steel Edge, ignoring any requirements, as long as they are outnumbered at least 2 to 1.
Heroic Rank 1: 1x/day, the standard bearer may cast the sanctify/despoil spell, with the added benefit in that it affects all creatures, not just
undead; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll.


Novice Rank 1: The staff grants the wielder +1 Parry.
Novice Rank 3: When used to strike an object or weapon, the weapon grants the wielder the Improved Sunder Edge, ignoring any requirements.
Seasoned Rank 2: +1 on all damage rolls.
Veteran Rank 1: The staff becomes incredibly resistant to damage, gaining Toughness 15, and when used to sunder a weapon or object, it gains
an additional AP 2, for AP 4 total (including the Improved Sunder Edge).
Veteran Rank 3: +1 on all Fighting rolls.
Heroic Rank 1: 1x/day, a creature struck by the staff may receive the benefits of a dispel spell which targets any enchantment effects on the

STORM (Destiny & Shadow)

Novice Rank 1:.The greataxe is made from mithral, and as such possesses a Toughness of 13 and gains AP 2 against objects. The axe weighs 6
Seasoned Rank 1: +1 on all damage rolls
Seasoned Rank4: 1x/day/Rank, the wielder of the axe may cast the column of destruction spell as a regular action which incurs no multi-action
penalty; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll.
Veteran Rank 2: +1 on all Fighting rolls.
Veteran Rank 4: 1x/day/Rank, the wielder of the axe may cast the shatter spell as a regular action which incurs no multi-action penalty upon an
object held or worn by a creature struck with the axe; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll. Unlike normal use of the shatter spell, this
effect has a chance to affect magical items. The item must make an opposed Spirit roll versus the caster’s arcane skill. If it fails, it is subject to the
effects of the shatter spell.

TOME OF THE TEACHER (Destiny & Shadow)

Novice Rank 1: The tome, which is written in Erenlander, allows anyone who is not literate in the tongue to read the book anyway. Only those
who are not already literate can read the book; those who are not good see nothing but scrawls and scribbles. Good Erenlanders can read the book
regardless. Those who learn tales directly from the book gain a single +2 bonus to any one roll, usable within the next 10 years, so long as it is
applied to an action taken for the greater good of the old kingdom or descendants of its residents. The character may decide to use the benefit
after he has learned the outcome of the roll. Each character can only gain this benefit once.
Novice Rank 2: Each day, by perusing the book for 10 minutes, the bearer may gain the benefits of either the foe specialty or knowledge specialty
hermetic channeler abilities. If the character is a hermetic channeler with these abilities, he may apply the ability to an additional creature type or
Knowledge skill. This benefit may only be granted to a single person each day.
Seasoned Rank 1: So long as he uses the book as a teaching tool, he may grant any student a fluent level of literacy in Erenlander (Knowledge
(Language) d8), along with the potential for lower-level literacy in related languages like Colonial, Courtier, and Norther (Knowledge (Language)
d4). Teaching a single individual requires 20 hours of study, either continuous or broken up over several days. For each additional student being
taught at the same time, add 2 hours to this amount of time, up to a maximum number of student equal to one for every Rank of the teacher (who
must also be the book bearer).
Seasoned Rank 4: The bearer of the book is considered literate in all written tongues, including Sundered tongues. This does not allow the
bearer to decipher codes.
Veteran Rank 2: While undertaking missions to find an unite the crown of the king, the standard of Erenland, and the wings of the griffon, the
book’s bearer can find within the pages of the book any spell of a Rank he can cast. Once a spell is cast from the book, it disappears and may not
be used again on the quest to reunite the true heirs of Erenland with the covenant items that are their birthright. Bearer’s who do not have the
spellcasting abilities are instead granted the Channeler (hermetic) Edge, ignoring any requirements, for as long as they are on the mission. They
know can cast any Novice Rank spell from the book while on the quest.


Special: The wings only provide the listed benefits when worn by a creature on a mission for those who seek to restore the old Kingdom of
Novice Rank 2: The cloak provides +2 to Stealth and Survival rolls made to evade patrols.
Seasoned Rank 1: The cloak and all magic aura’s on the cloak’s bearer are considered to be two Ranks less than normal for the purposes of
astirax detection, detect/conceal arcana, and similar spells. If this brings the item’s effective Rank to less than Novice, than the items do not detect
as magic at all.
Seasoned Rank 4: The wearer of the cloak and any mount they ride acts as if under a permanent wilderness walk spell
Veteran Rank 3: 1x/day, the wearer of the cloak gains the ability to cast the fly spell. The effects last for 2 rounds/Rank.


Novice Rank 1: The wearer receives +2 to Notice rolls when assessing how valuable an item may be.
Seasoned Rank 1: The wearer is affected as if under a permanent environmental protection spell.
Seasoned Rank 3: The wearer gains +2 to Trait rolls to resist cold-based effects.
Seasoned Rank 4: 3x/day, the wearer may activate the boots power and the boots allow the wearer to pinpoint the largest mass of metal within
10”. However, the wielder can concentrate on a specific metal or mineral. If the specific mineral is within 10”, the boots pinpoint any places it is
located, and the wearer knows the approximate quantity as well. If more than one deposit of the specified metal or mineral is within range, the
boots pinpoint the largest cache first.
Curse: When bartering, purchasing, claiming, or attempting to use an item, the wearer must succeed with a Spirit roll. If she fails, she must refuse
to purchase, carry, or use anything that is not of the highest quality (or at least looks like it is, even if just on the surface). The owner suffers a -2
penalty to their Spirit roll if they are a Dornish woman.

HROST’S VALOR (Honor & Shadow)

Novice Rank 1: +1 Parry while wearing the helm.
Novice Rank 2: +2 to Persuasion rolls made to lie to or impress others, even when not wearing the helm. 1x/day, may cast the puppet spell; use
Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll.
Seasoned Rank 2: The wearer gains +1 Pace.
Veteran Rank 1: All allies (not the wearer himself, though) within 5” are immune to Fear effects. This aura does not function if the wearer is
unconscious or dead.
Veteran Rank 4: 1x/day, wearer may cast the boost/lower trait spell; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll.
Curse: At the beginning of every combat, the wearer must make a successful Spirit roll or become panicked, as the Fear effect. If the Spirit roll is
successful, the wearer is only Shaken. This curse affects even characters immune to Fear.

ROSE (Honor & Shadow)

Novice Rank 1: +1 to Vigor rolls to resist poison and intoxication.
Novice Rank 2: 3x/day, the wearer may drink from Rose to gain a measure of inner warmth, bolstering himself from the biting cold. When this
occurs, all Fatigue levels taken from cold environmental effects are removed. However, Rose only creates the illusion of keeping the bearer warm,
and does not actually do so. The following day, the bearer suffers half the number of Fatigue levels which were removed the previous day.
Seasoned Rank 3: At will, the bearer may drink from Rose and find his courage renewed, as if benefiting from a dispel spell against Fear effects.
Veteran Rank 3: The bearer of Rose gains +1 die type to Vigor. This effect is lost if the bearer is separated from Rose or if the curse is lifted.
Curse: Whoever bears Rose suffers from a horrible thirst for alcoholic drinks. He cannot refuse them and goes out of his way to consume them,
constantly sipping from the wine skin. This leads to a near constant state of drunkenness, which inflicts a -1 die type penalty to Agility and Spirit.

THE STAFF OF SOULS (Fury of Shadow – Pg. 143-144)

Novice Rank 1: The character gains the supernatural ability to trap souls within the staff. This ability only affects spirits which have been severed
from their body by death and who have not failed their Spirit roll to become Fell. The wielder must be able to detect the spirit’s presence (such as
through detect/conceal arcana). The spirit is allowed a successful Spirit roll to resist the pull of the malign staff. Failure indicates that it is trapped
within the Craven Staff until it is freed by the staff’s wielder. The souls in the Craven Staff can be consumed to fuel the other powers of the scepter.
A single soul can be used to power one charge and is completely destroyed when expended in this way. There is no limit to the number of souls
that can be trapped with this method. For every soul above 50 in the staff, there is a cumulative 5% chance that the staff’s wielder loses control of
the artifact and is subject to the effects of a puppet spell (Spirit roll with a raise to resist). Failure results in the character being dominated by
Remwuan’s spirit.
Novice Rank 2: A soul charge can be expended to increase the potency of the staff wielder’s necromantic magic. The next necromancy spell cast
by the character adds +2 to the wielder’s Trait when reacting to opposed rolls by the opponent.
Seasoned Rank 1: The Craven Staff gains the ability to harm ethereal creatures and a bonus to damage rolls (maximum +4) for a number of
rounds (20 maximum) equal to the number of soul charges expended.
Seasoned Rank 2: By expending 3 soul charges, the wielder may cast the fear spell; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll.
Seasoned Rank 4: +1 bonus to damage (does not stack with the Seasoned Rank 1 ability); also, for every 3 soul charges expended, the wielder
gains a +1 die type increase to a single ability score or skill for one hour.
Veteran Rank 1: The wielder of the Craven Staff gains the ability to cast the poison touch spell focused through the staff for the expenditure of 2
soul charges. Using the ability is a free action incurring no multi-action penalties and must be taken before the attack result is determined.
Veteran Rank 3: The character gains +1 to his Fighting rolls. The wielder also gains the ability to cast the rending spell focused through the staff
for the cost of 4 soul charges. If the target is slain by the attack, their soul is immediately imprisoned within the staff. Activating this power is a
free action incurring no multi-action penalties and must be taken before the attack result is determined.


As written in Crown of Shadows, pg. 60.


As written in Crown of Shadows, pg. 60. The cloak imposes an additional raise required to successfully scry a person (such as with the clairvoyance


As written in Crown of Shadows, pg. 60.
The wearer of the Crown of Shadows has any evil aura completely nullified by the power of the item, and instead projects an aura of good to any
detection or divination abilities or spells.
Further, the crown allows its wearer to use Shapeshifting, similar to a doppleganger’s ability.
 Shapeshifting: The wearer can duplicate a target from Size -1 to +1 with a Smarts roll. With a normal success, the copy is extremely
close, though it can be detected with a Notice roll at -2. On a raise, the duplication is perfect, down to moles, birthmarks, etc. The
Crown’s power is considered to be protected by a detect/conceal arcana spell at all times; just like the evil suppression effect, any
detection or divination abilities or spells will not pierce the Shapeshifting ability.
If the wearer of the crown is not evil, they suffer -1 die to all Agility, Strength, Smarts, Vigor, and Spirit scores. They are also considered one Rank
lower (minimum of Novice) than they actually are, possibly affecting access to spells, covenant item abilities, etc.
Each time the crown is used, there is a cumulative 5% chance that t he wearer will become evil. Should this happen, they will likely use the crown
for their own nefarious purposes or potentially give it over to Izrador’s forces in the hopes of a reward.


As written in Heart of Shadow, pg. 62.
The carapace is the equivalent of a plate corselet which provides the following abilities:
 Armor +3
 If the wearer of the armor is successfully repulsed, he ignores the effect and instead the armor ceases to function for 2d4 rounds. If the
wearer would be destroyed or suffer wounds from the repulsion, the armor instead takes damage as if hit by a Str+d6 weapon and must
check to see if it is damaged, as per the Breaking Things rules.
 The corselet has a Toughness of 14.

SEVER (Heart of Shadow)

As written in Heart of Shadow, pg. 62.
Sever is a foot-long, razor-sharp obsidian dagger, deceptively primitive in design, which provides the following abilities:
 +1 bonus to Fighting rolls and to damage
 Wounds caused by the dagger cannot be healed through magic
 For every sacrifice of sentient life to the Dark God with Sever (including creatures killed in combat), the dagger gains 1 point of Spell
Energy, to a maximum of 10. Its wielder can use the dagger’s Spell Energy pool freely as if it was part of his Spell Energy pool.

VOIDSONG (Heart of Shadow)

As written in Heart of Shadow, pg. 62.
Voidsong is a large longsword which provides the following abilities:
 +2 bonus to Fighting rolls and damage
 1x/day, bearer can cast the light/obscure spell at no Spell Energy cost
 1x/week, bearer can cast the rending spell at no Spell Energy cost
 Soul Drinking: This melee weapon reduces an opponents effective Spirit Trait by one die type (minimum d4) and allows the wielder to
gain a +2 die type increase to Strength on a successful raise on their Fighting roll and if the damage roll Aces. The Strength increase
fades after 1 hour. One day after being struck, subjects must make a successful Vigor roll or the Spirit reduction is permanent.
 If Voidsong is destroyed, the blade is diminished in power but persists, becoming a wicked splinter of darkness that has the following
o +1 bonus to Fighting rolls and damage
o Soul Drinking: This melee weapon reduces an opponents effective Spirit Trait by one die type (minimum d4) and allows the
wielder to gain a +2 die type increase to Strength on a successful raise on their Fighting roll and if the damage roll Aces. The
Strength increase fades after 1 hour. One day after being struck, subjects must make a successful Vigor roll or the Spirit
reduction is permanent.

A power nexus can be anything from a mystic tree whose fallen branches may be used to craft magic staffs to a lava flow with a trapped fire spirit
living within it that can be used to forge magic weapons and armor.

The power within a nexus is finite, and if it is used too often or as a conduit for too much magic, it can be drained forever. This power is measured
in Spell Energy, similar to a channeler's Spell Energy pool. These points can be drained for two principle uses: to power spells and to allow
permanent magic items to be created. Unlike spellcasters, however, a nexus does not automatically recover all of its Spell Energy hourly. Instead,
each nexus has a unique rate of recovery. Some recover quite slowly, while others recover their spell energies daily. If a power nexus ever reaches
zero Spell Energy, it ceases to function and any physical manifestation of the power nexus is destroyed (usually violently and dramatically).

Attuning to a Power Nexus

Before a power nexus can be used, a spellcaster must attune herself to a nexus by positioning herself within or above its center (often a feat
requiring magical assistance, given the nexuses' exotic and dangerous locations) and concentrating on the nexus's power. This requires undisturbed
concentration and takes 1 hour per 10 points of the nexus's maximum Spell Energy (round up). At the end of this period, the spellcaster makes a
Smarts roll (this requires an additional raise per 50 points of the nexus's maximum Spell Energy (round up). If she succeeds, the spellcaster is
attuned to the power nexus for one week. After the duration of the attunement runs out, the spellcaster must repeat the process.

If the spellcaster exceeds the amount needed for a success (each additional raise is worth a “point”), she may "spend" the excess "points" in one of
two ways: by increasing the duration of her attunement by one week per point spent, or by increasing the result needed for others to attune to the
power nexus by one per point spent.

Attuning yourself to a power nexus to which another spellcaster has laid claim is difficult, as the power nexus's mystic structure naturally shapes
itself according to the mindset and leanings of the people who have tapped its power. For every other spellcaster currently attuned to a power
nexus, the roll result needed to attune yourself increases by +1. Additionally, the task can be made even harder by attuned spellcasters who
attempt to block others from using the power nexus.

Using a Power Nexus

Powering Spells

When a channeling spellcaster casts a spell within the boundaries of a power nexus to which she is attuned, she may draw on the nexus's Spell
Energy to help power the spell. To do so, she casts the spell as normal and makes a successful Smarts roll. If she succeeds, the power nexus
provides 1 point of the required Spell Energy from its Spell Energy pool, while the channeler provides the rest from her own Spell Energy pool or by
suffering a Soul Drain damage. For every raise result achieved, the power nexus provides an additional point of Spell Energy.

Using a power nexus in this way is not considered an action, and requires no additional time beyond that normally consumed in the casting of the

The exact boundaries of a power nexus are determined by the GM, and often must be discovered by trial and error. The boundaries are often
defined by the natural feature that shapes the nexus itself, but as a general rule should not extend farther than 1” from the center per Spell Energy
in the nexus's maximum Spell Energy pool.

Nexus's use as immobile spell batteries made them favored defensive positions and lairs for channelers of old. Spellcasters no longer have that
luxury, and making one’s home at a nexus is likely to draw the legates' attention to the place of power. Likewise, attempting to hold a nexus that
has been discovered by the legates, unless it is deep in the forest or surrounded by the clanholds of the dwarves, is tantamount to suicide.

Crafting Magic Items

To create magic items, the creator need not spend wealth for the raw materials or have access to a lab, but he must provide the item to be
enchanted and be able to cast the prerequisite spells. On the other hand, the creator must attune himself to a power nexus with the appropriate
attributes and must perform all of the crafting within that nexus's boundaries.

Each power nexus may only be used to create specific types of magic items, defined by the specific nature of the nexus. Additionally, creating an
item at a nexus drains its Spell Energy. The amount of energy drained to create magic items is shown on the table below.

Nexus Affinities

While the raw magical energy found in a power nexus can be used to cast any types of spells or help enchant a magic item with any power, some
nexuses work more efficiently with spells with certain descriptors. This is known as an affinity. Affinities work similarly to spell talismans, except that
in addition to specific spells, affinities may provide discounts to spells with specific descriptors. An affinity can also be specific, such as a broad-
leafed tree whose leaves, when filled with summer rainwater, act as a power nexus for the creation of a specific staff. In general, the more specific
the nexus's affinity, the greater the discount it provides on the creation of such items.
The GM may feel free to create new descriptors or use other aspects of a spell when creating power nexus affinities. For instance, any spell that
affects or creates water would benefit from a water affinity; likewise, any spell that creates a fog or cloud might benefit from a gas affinity.

Whenever a power nexus is used to help create a magic item, the GM determines whether or not the item being imbued matches (usually by nature
of its spell prerequisites) the nexus's affinity. If it does, the drain on the power nexus's Spell Energy is lessened by an amount equal to the discount.

Affinities also work when a power nexus is used to help power a spell. Affinities only lessen the Spell Energy drained from the nexus's pool, not the
channeler's. Additionally, an affinity is not applied to a spell that the nexus is helping to power until after the spellcaster makes her Smarts roll. For
instance, a channeler that casts an ice spell within the boundaries of a power nexus with affinity 2 for all cold effects might meet the exact roll
needed for a successful Smarts roll, which would only allow her to use 1 point of the power nexus's Spell Energy to help power the spell. Even
though the power nexus has an affinity of 2 for the effect, so that zero Spell Energy will be drained from its pool, only 1 Spell Energy is discounted
from the Spell Energy cost to the channeler. If she had exceeded roll with a two raises, on the other hand, allowing her to pay 3 fewer Spell Energy
to cast the spell, the full discount of 2 would be applied and the power nexus would only lose 1 Spell Energy.

Power Nexus Spell Energy Costs

Item Ability Spell Energy Cost
+1 bonus 2 (weapon) or 1 (armor or other item)
+2 bonus 50 (weapon) or 25 (armor or other item)
+3 bonus 200 (weapon) or 100 (armor or other item)
Bonus Edge 1 18 (weapon) or 9 (armor or other item)
Bonus Edge 2 72 (weapon) or 36 (armor or other item)
Bonus Edge 3 162 (weapon) or 81 (armor or other item)

In the temples built by the legates across the north and in every orc-occupied settlement in the land are magical altars called zordrafin corith, or
Black Mirrors. The corith are not true mirrors, but rather are large stone basins crafted from obsidian stone quarried from some unknown location
far to the north. They are at least 10 ft. in diameter and 3 ft. deep and filled with a vile recipe of blood and unholy water. Through these corith the
dark god is able to draw on the magical essence of the lands surrounding a given temple and collect that power to his use. The power that currently
remains within a given region therefore depends on the proximity and age of the closest corith.

There are essentially three classes of corith, based on their relative ages. Those that have stood for less than a decade are called pale mirrors and
have only begun to draw power from their surroundings. Those that have existed for up to 100 years are called blood mirrors and have stolen
much of the magical essence of their surrounding lands. Those that have stood for more than 100 years are called grand mirrors. These are found
only in the far north or in long-corrupted places and the wicked holdfasts of evil dwarves that support the dark god. These terrible altars have
drawn all but the last vestiges of magic from vast regions across the north.

Drinking the Magic of the World

Since the arcane energies around these temples are greatly reduced, the magical power on which spellcasters can draw is limited by their proximity
to a zordrafin corith. Likewise, magic items and ongoing spell effects that are powered by channeled magic that enter the area of influence of a
corith can be suppressed as if targeted by a dispel spell.

In the table below, find the mirror type on the left and cross-reference it with the effect's distance from the mirror on the right. The first number
listed is the increase in the Spell Energy cost to cast a channeled spell when within that distance of the corith. The second number is the maximum
spell Rank affected by the dispel effect.

Mirror Range
Type 1 mile 10 miles 100 miles 200 miles
Pale 2; Veteran 1; Seasoned — —
Blood 3; Heroic 2; Veteran 1; Seasoned —
Grand 4; Legendary 3; Heroic 2; Veteran 1; Seasoned

Note that while pale and blood mirrors are relatively common in the central part of the continent, grand mirrors are found only in a few of the major
cities and in the orc lands of the far north. As a result, the severe effects they can have on magic and magical items should be rather limited within
the scope of most campaigns.

Dispelling Effects

In all cases, check once for each item created via channeled magic or each ongoing channeled magic spell effect to see if it is dispelled or
suppressed when it enters the area. Check again when it draws closer and crosses one of the listed thresholds. For example, a character with an
active spell effect would have to check to see if the effect was dispelled when he approaches within 10 miles of a pale mirror. He would have to
check again if he approaches to within one mile of the mirror. No spell effects or magic items can prevent this effect.


Spell effects that are countered upon crossing a mirror's threshold are entirely gone, not simply suppressed. They may be recast once through the
threshold, though with greater cost in Spell Energy.

Magic Items

Magic items that are suppressed upon crossing a mirror's threshold remain powerless, even if they travel beyond the mirror's reach, for a number of
hours equal to the number of additional Spell Energy needed to cast spells within that threshold. If a powerless magic item is carried from a weaker
threshold to a stronger one, another dispel spell is targeted on the item, even though it is technically non-magical. If the new dispel spell works, the
new suppression duration supersedes the old one.

Rank: Seasoned
Spell Energy: 2
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour (1/hour)
This subtle but powerful effect makes the target immune to all natural and environmental hazards. This includes extreme heat, cold, poisons,
noxious gasses, pressure changes, and (if applicable) radiation. Those under Adaptation need not breathe. They don’t need to eat or drink anything
while under the effects of Adaptation, nor do they need to expel wastes; these processes are suspended, so they are not starving or dying of thirst
when the effect is off.

Note that this spell has no effect on fire or the damaging effects of energy, nor does it have any effect on any supernatural or magical effects. In
the case of a spell used to conjure a storm, Adaptation will protect against the summoned elements. However, it will not defend against a lightning
bolt created by similar effects.

Rank: Seasoned
Spell Energy: 3
Range: Touch
Duration: 3 (1/round)
The caster is able to make some objects “come to life,” effectively turning them into servitor constructs for a time. Only items that have some
conceivable means of movement (statues, tables, and suits of armor are good examples) can be animated to any reasonable effect. The caster can
only animate items of up to roughly human size, though they may animate smaller objects if they wish. Such smaller objects would not have the
same statistics as listed below and probably would not be as useful in combat.

Animated objects have no self-will and very limited capacity for interpreting orders. They obey the will of the caster, but only the most rudimentary
commands may be given. Animated objects are mostly good for carrying items or fighting.

Animated Stone Object

Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d10, Vigor d10
Skills: Fighting d6
Pace: 4; Parry: 5; Toughness: 11
Gear: Stone Skin (+4)
Special Abilities
 Construct: +2 to recover from being Shaken; no additional damage from called shots; piercing attacks do half-damage;
constructs do not suffer from disease or poison
 Fearless: Animated objects are immune to Fear and Intimidation

Animated Wood Object

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8
Gear: Wood Skin (+2)
Special Abilities
 Construct: +2 to recover from being Shaken; no additional damage from called shots; piercing attacks do half-damage;
constructs do not suffer from disease or poison
 Fearless: Animated objects are immune to Fear and Intimidation

Rank: Seasoned
Spell Energy: 6
Range: Smarts x 2
Duration: 1/Rank of caster (1/round)
This powerful spell neutralizes the abilities of other channelers. The subject may not cast spells until the duration expires or she pays a cost in Spell
Energy equal to 2+1/Rank of caster. This cost cannot be reduced by spell talismans, but it can be paid for with any Spell Energy channeled through
the target character, such as that from a power nexus. Paying this cost is a free action. A creature that makes a successful opposed Spirit roll must
pay only half the cost to end the spell.

Rank: Seasoned
Spell Energy: 4
Range: Smarts
Duration: 3 (1/round)
This spell originated in Erethor as a means of protecting elven diplomats sent to meet the first Dornish arrivals in Erendane. The subject of this spell
emanates a field of overwhelming magical power that interferes with the energy of other spells within the area. Any spell cast into or from the area
of arcane interference costs additional Spell Energy equal to 2 + 1/Rank of caster. Spells that do not pay this additional cost fail to affect anything
within the spell area; treat the area of interference as an antimagic field for the purpose of underpowered spells.
Any character with the Arcane Background (Magic) Edge can automatically sense the presence of arcane interference and can judge the magnitude
of the interference--and hence the extra cost in Spell Energy--with a successful Knowledge (Arcana) roll. The dispel spellaffects arcane interference
only if it’s cast with the necessary extra Spell Energy. Two or more fields of arcane interference use the more potent caster’s Smarts Trait where
their areas overlap; they do not stack.
Rank: Novice
Spell Energy: 2
Range: Touch
Duration: 3 (1/round)
The caster can invoke magical energies to protect someone from other eldritch or spiritual forces.

The caster can temporarily grant the Arcane Resistance Edge to a chosen target (including their own person, of course). For a raise, the target is
granted the Improved Arcane Resistance Edge.

Rank: Novice
Spell Energy: 2
Range: Special (see text)
Duration: Concentration (no more than 4 hours per casting)
This spell steadies hands, calms breathing, and soothes nerves, making it easier to accomplish skill checks. To cast this spell, you must be able to
speak to the targets, all of which must be within a 10” radius area. For as long as you speak to, coach, inspire, or otherwise verbally encourage the
targets, and for one round after you stop, they all gain a +2 on skill checks made within the area of the spell.

Rank: Seasoned
Spell Energy: 2
Range: Sight
Duration: Instant
This dangerous and highly-specialized spell allows a caster to follow a mystic link back to its source. If an ally is puppeted by an enemy adept, for
example, a friendly caster could use this spell to send a surge of power back along the link to attack the enemy. To use this spell, the caster
nominates a character currently affected by another character’s actively-maintained spell. The attacking caster and the original caster then make
opposed arcane skill rolls. The character using backlash adds +2 to their roll. The loser suffers 3d10 instant damage that ignores normal armor
(magical armor still counts).

Rank: Seasoned
Spell Energy: 4
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent until discharged
This spell allows you to bestow a spell and the ability to cast it onto another character. Only characters with a score d6 or more in Smarts may
receive a bestowed spell. A character cannot bestow a spell of a Rank higher than the character's Rank. To bestow multiple spells you must cast
bestow spell multiple times.
To cast this spell, you pay the Spell Energy cost for both this spell and the spell you bestow upon the target, plus any other costs of the spell you
bestow upon the target. Spell Energy from bestowed spells is not recovered until the bestowed spell has been cast or until you "recall" that energy
by dismissing the spell. Recalled Spell Energy robs the target of his bestowed spell and does not return to you until you recover Spell Energy as
normal (1 Spell Energy per hour, normally).
For example, bestowing a burst spell on an ally reduces your Spell Energy by six points: four for bestow spell and two for the burst spell. Your
maximum amount of Spell Energy is reduced by two until the target actually casts the burst spell or until you recall that energy.
Characters with bestowed spells use them as spells with a casting time equal to the bestowed spell's casting time.

Rank: Novice (Legate or Shadowed Heroic Path only)
Spell Energy: 2
Range: One creature
Duration: Concentration + 1 round, up to 1 round/Rank
This is an interrogation spell used by legates to slowly but inevitably torture a subject. Pairs of legates combine this spell with the discern lies spell
for sure and simple inquisitions.
To cast this spell, you must speak words infused with the wrath and malice of the Shadow to the target, whose insides are heated and scalded in
the name of Izrador. Each round you spend speaking to, questioning or threatening the target maintains the spell. This dialogue counts as
concentration for purposes of this spell.
Every round the spell is maintained, and for one round thereafter, the target suffers 1d8 points of fire damage. A subject who successfully makes a
Vigor roll each round they suffer damage only suffers half damage.

Rank: Novice
Spell Energy: 1
Range: Smarts
Duration: Instant
This spell, originally used for ceremonies of peace and settlement by halfling communities, has come to be used by smugglers in Erenland and
anyone fearful of the rising Fell.
You command the earth to shift and move to swallow up the object you target with the spell. The object must fit within a 10-foot diameter area and
weigh less than 400 lbs. Creatures and attended objects are not affected.
This spell requires enough soft earth to accept the mass of the object. No substances are altered by this spell; burial merely asks the earth to carry
out the task of burying the target object. This spell leaves no trace of digging or disturbed ground and will function even if weeds or grass grow in
that area. Burial does not prevent a creature from finding the object if it digs in the right place.
Corpses interred in the ground with this spell are slightly less likely to rise as Fell (successful Spirit roll with +1 modifier). Buried corpses that later
become Fell must dig themselves free, if possible.


Rank: Novice
Spell Energy: Special
Range: 1 mile x Spirit
Duration: 1 minute (1/minute)
This spell summons and controls natural creatures – not monsters and other abominations. The call goes out to specific types of creatures, such as
bats, rats, wolves, bears, and so on. Once summoned, the animal may move up to the spell’s range. The caster can communicate with the creature,
and can access its five senses as well.

The cost in Spell Energy depends on the creature summoned. The caster can summon multiple creatures in a single casting by paying the
appropriate cost in Spell Energy. Summoning 2 bears, for instance, costs 10 Spell Energy.

Creature Spell Energy

Bear 5
Insect Swarm 2
Lion 3
Rat Swarm 3
Rattlesnake 1
Scorpion Swarm 3
Shark, Medium 3
Shark, Great White 5
Wolf 3

Rank: Novice
Spell Energy: 4
Range: Touch or personal
Duration: 1 round/Rank or until discharged
This spell evokes magical power and channels it through the muscles and bones of the target. The next successful attack the target makes
automatically deals maximum damage plus 1 point of damage per character Rank.

Rank: Seasoned
Spell Energy: 3
Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
This spell allows you to restore minor and lesser charms, making them available for use again. When the spell is cast, the charm is restored and
may be used as normal. No charm may be repaired more than once.

Rank: Novice
Spell Energy: 3
Range: Varies
Duration: 3 (1/round)
Clairvoyance allows the caster to see people, places, and things beyond their normal sight. The range varies depending on how well the arcane skill
roll is made. A normal success gives the caster a range equal to their Spirit x2, with each raise doubling the distance. Walls, doors, and other
barriers do not hamper Clairvoyance in any way, though the GM may decide that magical barriers can block it.

Clairvoyance is not quite as good as normal sight. All Notice and similar checks take a –2 penalty.

For an additional 3 Spell Energy, the caster can use their hearing through the spell (with the same penalties applied). The GM may allow other
senses, as well, for the same added cost.

Rank: Novice
Spell Energy: 2
Range: Personal
Duration: Concentration + 1 round (up to 1 round/Rank)
With this spell, you become a living power nexus--a battery for any other spellcasting within reach. So long as you maintain this Spell Energy to cast
spells, any creature within reach of you that uses Spell Energy to cast spells may substitute your Spell Energy for its own. Creatures do not have to
physically touch you, they must only be able to reach within 1” of you. Creatures that can reach you do not have to use your Spell Energy. The Spell
Energy from multiple characters cannot be added together using confer power. Creatures who use your energy may cause you spell damage by
drawing beyond your remaining Spell Energy. The caster makes a Spirit roll minus the amount of Spell Energy trying to be drained from him. (This
is a free action.) On a Spirit roll total of 1 or less, the character suffers a wound and falls unconscious for 1d6 hours. On a failure, the character
suffers a wound. On a success or better, the character is able to provide the excess Spell Energy without ill effect.

Rank: Seasoned
Spell Energy: 10
Range: Sight
Duration: Permanent
Some casters may call upon great magics or dire spirits to bring great, long-lasting harm to those that cross them.

To do so, the caster pits their arcane skill against the victim’s Spirit. If the caster is successful, the victim becomes sick and might even die. The
character suffers Fatigue immediately and each day thereafter. Once he becomes Incapacitated, he makes a Vigor roll each day to avoid death.

Instead of sickness and death, the curse may be used to cause one of the following effects: Blind, Deaf, Dumb (as in unable to speak), Horrid (as
the Ugly Hindrance, except that the Charisma penalty is –4), Clumsy (Agility drops a die type, which cannot be raised until the curse is lifted, and all
Agility-linked Skills are at –2), or Unlucky (as the Bad Luck Hindrance, plus a –1 to all rolls).

The curse can be lifted by the caster or use of the dispel spell. Additionally, most curses have some special task or set of circumstances that can be
fulfilled to remove them.

Rank: Novice
Spell Energy: 2
Range: Sight
Duration: 3 (1/round)
This spell is identical to detect/conceal arcana. You can detect an astirax in a quarter circle emanating out from you in whatever direction you face
within range of sight. This spell detects any such creature whether it is in its natural form or if it has possessed an animal or other creature. The
amount of information revealed depends on how long you search a particular area or focus on a specific astirax.
1st Round: Presence or absence of an astirax.
2nd Round: Number of astiraxes in the area, and the condition of the healthiest specimen.
3rd Round: The condition and location of each individual present. If an astirax is outside your line of sight, then you discern its direction but not its
exact location.
Conditions: For purposes of this spell, the categories of conditions are as follows:
Normal: Not wounded.
Fair: Shaken or Fatigued.
Poor: Wounded or Exhausted.
Weak: Incapacitated.
If an astirax falls into more than one category, the spell indicates the weaker of the two.
Note: Each round you can turn to detect astiraxes in a new area. The spell can penetrate barriers, but 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a
thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks it.

Rank: Novice
Spell Energy: 2
Range: Personal
Duration: 3 (1/round)
You must cast this spell within the Whispering Wood, although once cast you may leave its confines. This spell allows you to hear the Whisper more
effectively, granting you a +2 bonus to all Spirit rolls to hear the Whisper. In addition, you can detect the Whisper even when you are not within the
Wood itself. As long as you remain within 10 miles per character Rank of the nearest whispering tree, you retain the ability to communicate with the
Whisper normally. If you move beyond this range, the link is lost and may not be reestablished until you move back into the Whispering Wood and
cast this spell again.

Rank: Novice
Spell Energy: 2
Range: Smarts
Duration: 3 (1/round)
This spell forbids undead from entering the spaces you specify. A non-intelligent undead creature gets no opposed Spirit roll; an intelligent undead
creature does. On a failed opposed Spirit roll, the undead creature cannot move through, over, or under the forbidden 1” square. A successful
opposed Spirit roll allows the undead to move through the forbidden space as though it were difficult ground. This spell does not prevent an undead
creature from making ranged attacks through the forbidden space so long as the projectile is not part of the Fell creature's physical form.

Rank: Novice
Spell Energy: 2
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour/Rank
You create a magical campfire specially crafted by a fire or nature spirit. This campfire cannot be seen, heard, or felt by any creature more then 5”
away from the spell's radius. Creatures occupying within 5” directly adjacent to the spell's radius can experience and interact with the fire as if it
were normal flame. Creatures who sit by the fire for at least an hour heal 1 wound and all Fatigue.
The fire burns no fuel and leaves no ash or other trace, but may be used to ignite flammable materials.
Flame removed from the fey fire becomes ordinary fire.
Fey hearth doubles the duration of fey fire.

Rank: Novice
Spell Energy: 2
Range: Smarts
Duration: 3 (1/round)
This spell turns a fire into a source of hope. Creatures within the spell's area enjoy a +2 morale bonus to Spirit rolls. Creatures that naturally heal
within the spell's area gain +2 to their Vigor rolls to heal.
Fey hearth lasts for as long as the place the fire is centered on continues to burn. Fey hearth doubles the duration of fey fire.

Rank: Novice
Spell Energy: 1
Range: Touch
Duration: 3 (1/round)
Fire walk allows the caster or their ally to ignore the effects of heat or flame. While so protected, they suffer no damage from fire, burning heat, or
spells such as blast or bolt (though the recipient would suffer normally from something like a lightning bolt).

The caster’s clothes and personal items are also protected from combusting, but other living beings must have the spell cast upon them even if
carried in the caster’s arms at the time of enchantment.

Rank: Novice
Spell Energy: 2
Range: Smarts
Duration: 1 hour/Rank
This spell may only be cast in a natural setting with abundant foliage. When the spell is cast, the local flora swell up to form a shield over the
affected area in a seamless hemisphere. If cast above ground (in the foliage of a tall tree, for instance), a full sphere is formed. Though this shield
looks natural, it can be detected with a Notice check with a raise. The magical auras of any objects or creatures inside the greenshield when it is
cast are completely masked by this spell. The flora forming the wall of the sphere may be parted and passed through without damaging the barrier
or leaving mark of any passage. However, the masking ability is not granted to any objects or creatures who enter the greenshield after its initial
casting, nor to any who leave the area and later return.
Divinations like detect/conceal arcana work normally when cast within the area.

Rank: Novice
Spell Energy: 1
Range: Touch
Duration: 2 (1/round)
Guiding wind increases a target’s chance to hit with a thrown weapon or an arrow. The bonus is +2 for a success, and +4 for a raise.

Rank: Novice
Spell Energy: 3
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour/Rank
When this spell is cast, the channeler touches the earth. This immediately opens a small hole in the ground, into which size +0/-1 creatures can
slither. The hole leads to a small but warm and cozy burrow that is 2” beneath ground level. The burrow will hold one size -1 creature per
spellcaster Rank; for purposes of this spell, size +0 creatures take up the space of two size -1 creatures. Size +2 creatures count as eight Size -1
creatures, and must make an Agility check with two raises to even fit through the hole.
The caster of the spell can open or close the hole leading to the burrow at will with a simple touch of the hand, but no one else can open or close
the hole. The earth can be dug through as normal, however. The interior of the burrow is comfortable and warm, protecting those within from any
extreme weather conditions and providing them with the equivalent of an elemental protection spell against extreme temperatures. There is no
food, water, or light in the burrow, however, and those who intend to stay inside for any length of time will want to bring their own supplies.
Finding the hole from outside is very difficult, requiring a Survival or Notice roll with two raises.
A side effect of the halfling burrow is its ability to make those inside comfortable. Provided they bring enough food with them, creatures who spend
at least four hours inside the burrow emerge as if they had had a full night's rest.

Rank: Novice
Spell Energy: 3
Range: Spirit
Duration: 3 (1/round)
Illusion makes the target see something that isn’t there, or else see things differently than they actually are. The caster’s arcane skill is opposed by
the target’s Spirit; a success means the target perceives the illusion as real with one of their five senses. Once they examine the illusion with any of
their others senses, the illusion is broken. A raise indicates that the target perceives the illusion as real with all of their other senses.

Illusory attacks can never actually wound a target, though they can cause a target to become Shaken. Passive illusions, like a wall, take little effort
to maintain. The Spell Energy cost must be met, but only normal maintenance penalties apply. Active illusions, such as a black cat or phantom
enemies, require constant concentration to maintain. The caster may move their normal Pace, but may take no other actions while maintaining such
an illusion.

This spell only works on sentient, living beings. It is useless against animals, spirits, or the undead.

Rank: Novice
Spell Energy: 2
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
You bolster the confidence and steadiness of a craftsman with encouraging words and a bit of magic. The creature you touch gains a +4 on one
Knowledge skill roll related to a craft, whether that roll represents one hour's worth of work or one day's worth of work.

Rank: Seasoned
Spell Energy: 4
Range: Smarts
Duration: 3 (1/round)
With poetics, a song, or a rousing speech, you spur your allies on with inspiring confidence. This spell mimics the bardic ability Inspire Greatness.
You do not need any Ranks in Knowledge (Perform) to cast this spell. The subjects must hear you speak or sing during the casting of the spell, but
not afterwards.

Rank: Novice
Spell Energy: 2
Range: Smarts x 2
Duration: 3 (1/round)
By speaking or singing, you rally or otherwise bolster the subjects, provided they can hear you. The attitudes of unfriendly, indifferent, and friendly
NPCs automatically improve by one step (from neutral to friendly, for example). Subjects that are Shaken are unShaken. Subjects gain a +2 on
Spirit rolls versus Fear effects so long as they can hear you. This spell is maintained each round so long as you can and do speak, and do not cast
any other spells.
You can use this spell to appease two parties in a negotiation, with a +4 bonus to your Persuasion check.
This spell amplifies genuine sentiment, making it clear even without skillful poetics. If used to bluff, betray, or trick the targets, the spell
automatically fails.


Rank: Novice
Spell Energy: 2
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
On a successful opposed Spirit roll, this spell reveals the name of the creature or object you touch. The target's most common or well-known name
is revealed first, even if that is not the target's real name. Subsequent casting of know the name on the same target reveals other, more obscure
names, if they exist.
For example, casting know the name on the local blacksmith reveals his name to be "Wat of Lefron". A second casting on Wat reveals another
moniker: "the Daggersmith of Dallow." A third casting turns up a secret surname: "Son of Vaun".
This information is drawn from the arcane aura that surrounds all named people and objects; the target may not even be aware of the name
himself. Characters referred to by names may be easier to influence, at the GM's discretion.

Rank: Novice
Spell Energy: 2
Range: Personal
Duration: Instant
A lie you speak may be able to convince even listeners who should be suspicious or unwilling to believe you. You gain a +4 bonus on a single
Persuasion check.

Rank: Novice
Spell Energy: 2
Range: Plants in a 20” radius spread
Duration: 1 round/Rank
This spell causes the plants in the area of effect to rise up and entangle any undead creatures they encounter. At the end of the spell's duration, the
plants release their life force into the undead in an attempt to sever the connection between the spirit and the flesh.
When the spell is cast, all grasses, weeds, bushes, trees, and vines in the area twist and twine around corporeal undead creatures in the area of
effect while not hindering or entangling the living. Undead who succeed with a successful Agility roll are not entangled, but may only move at one-
half speed through the affected area. Creatures who fail their Agility roll are entangled and suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls and a -2 die type to
effective Agility, and can't move. Creatures entangled while casting a spell must make a successful Smarts roll or lose the spell.
Creatures can break free from the lifetrap and move at one-half normal speed by using a regular action and succeeding at a Strength roll. The
lifetrap attempts to entangle any creatures in the area of effect every round on the caster's turn.
When the spell expires, any entangled undead immediately suffer 3d6 points of damage and the plants in the affected area turn to ash.


Rank: Seasoned
Spell Energy: 3
Range: Spirit
Duration: 1 minute (1/minute)
This spell functions like sanctify/despoil, except it affects creatures that are currently, actively, and knowingly acting on behalf of or in the name of
Izrador, the Shadow in the North.

Rank: Novice
Spell Energy: 1
Range: Smarts x 2
Duration: Permanent of until discharged
Memorial is one of a very few spells stemming from Dornish and elven exchanges of magic; some believe it originated in Nalford. Memorial is used
to record important battles or defeats, to remember the funerals of important people, or to leave behind desperate warnings for those who follow
later. Memorial is often mistaken for an illusion or a haunting, and so sometimes scares away those it was meant for.
You infuse an area with the memory of an event, which persists over time until successfully received by future visitors to the side. The area you
touch absorbs the pathos of recent or upcoming events, up to ten minutes per Rank before or after the spell is cast. The time to be set forth into
memorial can be divided as the caster sees fit. For example, a Seasoned channeler could infuse the earth with twenty minutes of activity just before
the spell was cast, the twenty minutes about to occur, or any combination of minutes totaling twenty either before or after the spell is cast.
The spell area must be centered on a patch of ground that you can touch, but that ground need not be natural earth. If the ground shifts, collapses,
or otherwise leaves the spell area, the memorial is unaffected.
The events remembered by the spell play out over and over, each day, at the same time of the day the events occurred originally. Memorial
projects these events into senses of passersby as ghostly shapes of muted colors and shallow echoes of sound. The shapes and sounds require
successful Notice check (-2 to the roll) to perceive outside the area of the spell. Within the spell's area, the perception of the events is automatic.
Memorial records only those events that occur within the area you define. The spell has no specific sensory point or "eye;" events are replayed in
the space in which they occured.
Once an intelligent creature has occupied the memorial area at the time of the "performance", the spell completes that one final presentation and is

Rank: Veteran
Spell Energy: Special
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Casters with this spell can actually mend damage done to objects and structures made of wood, metal, or stone. The caster must concentrate for
one full action, then cast the spell on their next, subtracting a penalty equal to the structure’s “wounds” on their arcane skill roll.

The cost in Spell Energy is equal to half the structure’s base Toughness (ignore Armor and magical bonuses); if applicable. In cases where such
numbers are not known, the GM should simply assign a number (1-3 for objects, 4-6 for wood buildings, 7-10 for stone buildings, 11-15 for castles).

A success repairs one wound, a raise mends two. For items or sites that do not have wounds measured, the GM can simply decide how many
applications of the spell will be needed.

Rank: Novice
Spell Energy: 2
Range: Spirit x2
Duration: Instant
The caster can cause a single target to become dazed or even unconscious by means of a direct, brutal mental assault. The caster’s arcane skill is
opposed by the target’s Spirit. On a success, the target must then make a Vigor check at –2 or be Shaken. On a raise, they are automatically
Shaken. This spell cannot be used to cause actual harm to anyone; if it successfully hits a target that is already Shaken, however, they go
unconscious for 1d6 rounds.

This spell only works on sentient, living beings. It is useless against animals, spirits, or the undead.

Rank: Seasoned
Spell Energy: 2
Range: Self
Duration: 3 (1/Round)

The caster gains the ability to link their mind into the Aether in such a fashion as to see beyond the normal world. This enables them to see through
any form of darkness, and to see invisible entities as well. They can also peek into a room without anyone being the wiser.

Casting this spell allows the user to ignore the effects of the light/obscure and invisibility spells, as well as any normal lighting penalties. In addition,
with a raise, the user can see past doors and walls that are not somehow mystically shielded.

Rank: Novice
Spell Energy: 3
Range: 1 mile x Spirit
Duration: 1 minute (1/minute)
A caster can use this spell to hear through a subject’s ears, see through their eyes, etc. This is an opposed roll of the caster’s arcane skill versus the
target’s Spirit.

If the target wins, the victim knows they were targeted by magic and the spell is unsuccessful (though the Spell Energy are still spent). The caster
can sense anything the victim can if they prove successful.

The caster can cast this spell on an unseen target if they have an object the subject has touched within the last week.

Rank: Seasoned
Spell Energy: 3
Range: Smarts x 2
Duration: 1 round/Rank (1/round)
This spell causes all plants and animals in the area to pinpoint the location of any hidden or invisible creature in the area of effect. Tree limbs point,
vines pull back bushes, and animals seem to stare intently at the hiding creatures. This reduces cover penalties by 1 for any non-invisible creatures
in the affected area and gives observers a good general idea as to the whereabouts of invisible foes (the GM should designate no less than 5” in a
general direction that the invisible creature might occupy for any attackers to choose from). This does not allow the caster or his allies to actually
see invisible creatures; they still suffer a -4 (partial invisibility) to -6 (complete invisibility) to their attack rolls in the area of effect. The spell
provides benefits to anyone looking for hidden creatures in the area of effect, whether enemies or allies. Note that creatures which leave the area of
effect are no longer revealed.

Rank: Seasoned
Spell Energy: 6
Range: Touch
Duration: 72 hours
This spell is used by those with few moral compunctions about the taking of life and a great deal of interest in restoring power to a power nexus.
This spell culminates with the ritual killing of a single intelligent creature (Smarts d4 or higher), slain within the power nexus.
This boosts the power nexus's recovery rate for the duration of the spell by two points of Spell Energy per Rank of the sacrificial victim.

Rank: Novice
Spell Energy: 3
Range: Touch
Duration: Varies
When the caster touches an object, they get a sudden flash of insight into the item’s past, present, or possible future. On a success, a flash of brief,
indistinct information is gained. Raises will increase the duration of the vision and the amount (though necessarily the clarity) of information.
Information gleaned through Object Reading is entirely up to the GM to determine; it will rarely serve to show exactly who stabbed the king to
death with knife being read, for example (though enough raises should point out some very helpful clues, such as a tattoo on the arm of the
wielder). The vision will always be centered on a moment in time that is highly emotionally charged.

Rank: Novice
Spell Energy: 2
Range: Touch
Duration: 3 (1/round)
You change the weapon type of the object touched, but the weapon's appearance does not change. Thus, a sword may become a bludgeoning
weapon or a makeshift club may deal slashing damage. You decide what the weapon's new type will be for the duration of the spell when you cast
phantom edge.
A weapon with its type changed is only effective when used as part of an attack action. An unaffected club has no actual edge on which someone
could accidentally cut himself, for example, and cannot be used for precision cutting work, such as for Repair checks and the like.

Rank: Veteran
Spell Energy: 5+
Range: Self
Duration: Instant
The caster is able to teleport over a distance, normally by opening a “hole” in space and stepping through to the other side. The initial distance they
can cross is their Spirit x2, but this distance can be doubled for an added 5 PPs. Each 5 PPs spent doubles the distance again, so that a caster with
a Spirit of d8 who spends 20 total Spell Energy can cover 128” (or 256 yards).

Failure may have some negative results. On a simple failed roll, the caster goes nowhere. On snake-eyes, however, the caster is Shaken and a card
is drawn. If it is a Joker, the caster (and anyone else using the Portal) disappears, with the GM having final say as to what happens to them.

By doubling the final cost, the caster can cause the Portal to remain open (and usable by others) for a number of rounds equal to one-half their
Spirit. Anything up to Large Size can get through such a Portal.

Rank: Seasoned
Spell Energy: 3
Range: 1 mile radius or less (see text)
Duration: Varies
By opening their mind to the flows of psychic energy, the caster can catch glimpses of past events in the area. The caster can try to shrink the area
of effect to a 100 yard radius by taking a –2 penalty to their arcane skill roll. By taking a –4, they can focus their attention to the area of a Large

On a success, the caster witnesses a surge of memories, focused on events that are emotionally charged from within the last 10 years. Each raise
allows the caster to see farther into the past (per the GM’s discretion). Note that really major, dramatic, or emotion-filled events (such as a murder
or a couple falling in love) are always treated as “fresher” memories and, thus, can be witnessed on a normal success regardless of how far in the
past they occurred.

After getting a “reading,” the caster can make a Smarts roll to try and pick out pertinent pieces of information (based on what they were trying to
discover by using the spell). Each raise allows them to attain more information (like an added piece of data). By successfully shrinking the area of
the reading, the caster gets a +2 or +4 to their Smarts roll (based on how focused the reading was).
Rank: Veteran
Spell Energy: 5
Range: Special
Duration: Varies
Precognition allows the caster to catch a glimpse of possible future events. The intensity of emotion, drama, and importance is a factor – events like
disasters, murders, or fatal accidents are easier to pick up than who is likely to walk through the door next.

A normal arcane skill roll is made. Failure means no vision is had, or else the vision is so chaotic (or traumatic) that they can’t make any sense out
of it. On a success, they get a hunch about the future, with no images or anything concrete (“Wait! We shouldn’t kill that one… we’re going to need
him later,” or “We need to get out of this building NOW!”).

With a raise, the caster receives an actual vision, though it may be couched in symbolism that the characters won’t understand until later. Storm
clouds with lots of lightning over a castle may represent a siege about to begin, or the vision of a younger sibling who died walking to near a cliff’s
edge might represent a local child about to fall off a nearby ledge.

If the caster is specifically trying to learn about a particular future (who will enter the tavern next, or what card will next turn up from the deck),
they will take a –4 to their roll, and the GM should make this roll for them, in secret. Regardless of the result, they will get a hunch, but they will
have no idea how accurate it is.

Rank: Novice
Spell Energy: 0/1
Range: Self/Touch
Duration: Concentration
A priest, druid, or acolyte who does nothing but concentrate on their faith is very difficult for creatures of opposing forces to oppose. Appropriate
symbols, chants, and other trappings must be in place, or the character suffers a –2 penalty to their arcane skill roll.

A supernatural creature that wants to directly attack a character under protection must first win an opposed test of its Spirit versus the caster’s
arcane skill.

Rank: Veteran
Spell Energy: 5
Range: Smarts x 3
Duration: Instant
Quake causes a tiny but powerful earthquake that can crush foes and level buildings. It works only upon solid earth—not sand, water, wood, floors,
or any other substances. The area of effect is a Large Burst Template centered within the caster’s Range. Victims within the template must make an
Agility roll or fall into the hole where they are crushed by earth and stone for 2d10 damage. Those who make the roll cling to the sides and may
climb out on their next action. Those who succeed with a raise jump free and may act normally on their next action.

Walls crumble and are breached with this spell, opening a hole as wide across as the earthquake.

Rank: Seasoned
Spell Energy: 3
Range: Smarts
Duration: Instant
This grotesque spell uses force to squeeze, pull, and tear internal organs, bones, and other vitals. A good attack can kill a foe in one quick blast,
leaving nothing but a mangled pile of bleeding flesh and busted bones. Regardless of the specific effect and reaction, the attack is an opposed roll
between the caster’s arcane skill and the victim’s Vigor. Such fine manipulation of an unseen object is very difficult –the attack roll is made at -2. It
does not work on undead, constructs, or creatures without a beating heart. Success inflicts 1d10 damage for success, and an additional 1d10
damage per raise. Two raises, for example, causes 3d10 damage. Only magical armor protects from this attack.

Rank: Novice
Spell Energy: 3
Range: Sight
Duration: Permanent
Characters cannot usually give their bennies to others without the Common Bond Edge. Casters with this spell can bypass this restriction and give
any character a benny if they first make a successful arcane skill roll.

Rank: Novice
Spell Energy: 10
Range: Special
Duration: Permanent
Sanctify allows the caster to consecrate areas of earth, causing great pain to supernaturally evil creatures that attempt to tread upon it. Alternately,
casters of evil natures can despoil an area, making it anathema to creatures of Light and Life (including Fae).
Sanctification takes an entire week of prayer. The caster must remain within the bounds of the area for the entire duration. The area is determined
by the GM, but is typically the grounds of a church, a battle, or some other place of importance. If no clear boundaries exist, the area is equal to
five times the caster’s Spirit in yards.

When the ritual is complete, the arcane skill roll may be attempted. If successful, the area is consecrated. If the roll is failed, the caster must start
from scratch. Any supernaturally evil (or good, if appropriate) creature that attempts to enter the sacred ground must make a Spirit roll each round
or suffer a wound.

Rank: Seasoned
Spell Energy: 3
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent until dispelled
You create a magical connection between you and the subject you touch, which empowers later divination (scrying) spells involving the subject. The
subject suffers a -2 to Spirit rolls to resist or oppose any divination (scrying) spells you cast to monitor or observe the subject. This penalty stacks
with any other modifiers to the roll.
A scryer's mark is invisible to normal sight. Creatures can recognize the mark with a successful arcane skill roll, provided they can see the skin
where the scryer's mark was placed.

Rank: Heroic
Spell Energy: 10
Range: 15 square miles
Duration: Instant
Druids can quell even the world’s most violent storms.

To cast the spell, the caster must be within or near the heart of the storm, chanting for 2d6 uninterrupted rounds. At the end of the period, the
caster makes their arcane skill roll at -4. If successful, the storm is quelled 2d6 rounds later. A light drizzle continues and visibility is cut to a
thousand yards, but the storm is over. A raise brings sunshine and clear skies.

Rank: Novice
Spell Energy: 3
Range: Smarts or one solid object or one crystalline creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Shatter creates a loud, ringing noise that breaks brittle, nonmagical objects; sunders a single solid, nonmagical object; or damages a crystalline
Used as an area attack, shatter destroys nonmagical objects of crystal, glass, ceramic, or porcelain. All such objects within a 1” radius of the point
of origin are smashed into dozens of pieces by the spell. Objects weighing more than 2 pounds per your Rank are not affected, but all other objects
of the appropriate composition are shattered.
Alternatively, you can target shatter against a single solid object, regardless of composition, weighing up to 20 pounds per Rank. Targeted against a
crystalline creature (of any weight), shatter deals 1d6 points of sonic damage per Rank (maximum 5d6), with a successful Vigor roll for half

Rank: Novice
Spell Energy: 2
Range: Smarts
Duration: 3 (1/round)
This spell acts like the light/obscure spell, except this one creates an area of absolute quiet over a Large Burst Template. No sound can be made or
heard within the space while the spell is active. This will effectively shut down any spell casting for most arcane types.

Rank: Novice
Spell Energy: 2
Range: Self
Duration: 1 hour
This spell infuses the blood of the caster with the elemental properties of silver, turning it into a weapon to use against astiraxes. More importantly,
this blood can be used to coat weapons, create barriers, and otherwise substitute for silver in the casting of spells.
Once the spell is completed, the caster may draw his own blood, with which he may do any of the following:
 Coat up to 20 arrowheads, which are then treated as if they were silver weapons.
 Coat a single one-handed weapon or two light weapons, which are then treated as if they were silver weapons.
 Draw a 1-inch-thick by 1-foot-long warding line.
 Use as a silver spell component worth up to 10vp.
Rank: Seasoned
Spell Energy: 4
Range: Smarts x 2
Duration: Instantaneous
This spell is identical to the bolt spell.
Trappings: When this spell is cast, the channeler throws a handful of silver dust in the direction he wishes to target. The dust is transformed into
needles, which then hurtle forward to impale the targets. Though small, the needles move at a tremendous velocity and cause damage. Creatures
particularly vulnerable to silver, like astiraxes, lycanthropes, or trapped spirits with silver vulnerability, take 2d6 points of damage per caster Rank
(maximum 10d6). Additionally, such creatures that fail a Spirit roll are immediately forced out of any creature they might have been possessing at
the time.

Rank: Seasoned
Spell Energy: 3
Range: Smarts x 2
Duration: 1 round/Rank (1/round)
This spell calls into being a swirling cloud of magical silver particles that whips through an area equal to a Medium Burst Template (Large Burst
Template with a raise) throughout the duration. These particles cling to any creatures they encounter, including invisible creatures and incorporeal
beings such as astiraxes. This reveals all invisible creatures and negates penalties for nonmagical darkness as the particles glow visibly. This silver
dust cannot be removed and will continue to cling and glow until the spell's duration expires.
All creatures in or entering the area of effect are also blinded unless they make successful Spirit rolls. If they fail, they are considered blinded for as
long as they remain in the spell's area of effect. Creatures that make their Spirit roll need not roll every round they remain in the area of effect.
The wind and silver dust also make breathing difficult. Targets in the area of effect must hold their breath or suffer 1d6 points of damage per round
for inhaling the dust. Any spell requiring a verbal component cannot be cast in the area of effect of the spell, and all other spells require a
successful Smarts roll to cast.
Astiraxes and other creatures harmed by silver who are caught in the area of effect suffer 1d8 points of damage per round. Because the silver clings
to the target, this damage occurs every round until the spell ends, regardless of where the creature moves. If the astirax is possessing an animal,
the astirax takes damage but the animal doesn’t. Additionally, such creatures that fail a Spirit roll are immediately forced out of any creature they
might have been possessing at the time.

Rank: Special
Spell Energy: Special
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 minute (1/minute)
This spell allows the caster to alter the size (up or down) of the target. All items carried or worn by a person changed by this spell are also changed
accordingly. In the case of weapons, this may mean their damage ratings go up or down (the GM must decide the final effect). If the effect is
unwanted, the target gains an opposed Spirit roll (against the caster’s arcane skill) to resist the effect.

The effects of changing Size are based on the Size and Small/Large/Huge entries in the Savage Worlds core rulebook. Both positive and
negative effects apply when the new size is achieved.

The cost in Spell Energy is based on the size change desired. Also, the amount of change allowed is based on the Rank of the caster. The following
table indicates what is possible, and the cost, based on the Rank of the caster.

Rank Size Change

4 Seasoned Tiny (-1 Toughness and to be hit); Large (+4 Toughness, +2 to be hit)
5 Veteran Large (+6 Toughness, +2 to be hit)
6 Heroic Small (-2 Toughness and to be hit); Huge (+8 Toughness, +4 to be hit)
7 Legendary Gargantuan (+10 Toughness, add Size to Strength rolls, +4 to be hit; attacks count as Heavy Weapon)


Rank: Seasoned
Spell Energy: 3
Range: Smarts
Duration: 1minute/Rank
Special: Legate only
You enable a Fell creature to speak regardless of its ruined body, its hatred, or its sanity. The creature's attitude does not change--it may continue
to attack, cower, flee, or otherwise act even while it speaks to you. You may compel it to answer up to three questions truthfully (the answer to the
third question ends the spell), but the Fell creature is allowed an opposed Spirit roll versus the Legate’s Faith Trait to resist this spell. If the creature
desires to speak, it may voluntary fail its Spirit roll. Unlike the dead, Fell creatures are aware of what has gone on around them since their death.

Rank: Novice
Spell Energy: 1
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour
This useful spell allows a stone to absorb the nutrients of the earth and transform them into an edible, appetizing form. When the spell is cast, the
stone it is cast upon must be immediately buried in the earth. After one hour, when the spell expires, the stone is pushed back up from the earth.
If this stone is boiled within the next day in at least one gallon of water, it creates a nourishing broth that meets the daily food requirements for one
human size creature (or two Small creatures) per caster Rank. The broth can be stored for up to one week, in any container, but becomes stale
water after that point.

Rank: Veteran
Spell Energy: 8
Range: 5 square miles
Duration: 2d6 hours
Storm summons up a small but powerful squall that can cause vessels to become lost (or perhaps even sink), deter pursuers over land, and even do
great damage to a local area. It takes four full rounds of concentration to cast, during which time clouds begin to form overhead. If successful, rain
falls, lightning crashes, and a sudden storm manifests over an area 15 miles square and centered on the caster.

The effects of the storm count as Hazards; every 10 minutes a character spends trapped in the full fury of a storm, they should make a Vigor check
or suffer a level of Fatigue. In general, expect limited visibility and severe damage to wooden buildings, crops, and ships.

Rank: Novice
Spell Energy: 3
Range: Spirit
Duration: 1, plus 1/raise
Suggestion allows the caster to make the target follow a single, simple command, or to believe without question something the caster tells them so
long as the evidence at hand doesn’t obviously contradict the suggestion. A contested roll is made between the caster’s arcane skill and the target’s
Spirit. A success indicates that they will follow the Suggestion, so long as it does not contradict their nature (a Pacifist will not kill, for example).
They will only follow the suggestion for a single round, plus one additional round for every raise achieved.

Example suggestions might be “You don’t need to see our papers,” or “These aren’t the dwarves you’re looking for.” While standing over a body –
obviously stabbed to death – with a bloody sword in your hand, you couldn’t suggest to the town guard that the sword was not the murder weapon.
You might, however, convince them that you did not do the stabbing, and only found the weapon before they arrived.

Targets in combat or otherwise under high stress or emotional state may get a +2 to their roll to resist. However, if a suggestion plays to one of
their Hindrances, they may suffer a –2 (or even a –4 for some Major Hindrances). A failed suggestion attempt means the caster may not attempt to
affect the same target again for at least that day. Additionally, they will be aware of what has happened, and consequences will likely follow…

Rank: Novice
Spell Energy: 3+
Range: Smarts
Duration: 3 (1/round)
This spell is identical to the spell in the Savage Worlds core rulebook. The table below lists additional creature selections which are possible in
The statistics for some of the creatures are found in the Bestiary. The remainder should be created by the GM as needed.

Cost Rank Examples

4 Seasoned Ancestral Warrior
Celestial Dog
Celestial owl
Celestial giant fire beetle
Celestial porpoise1
Celestial badger
Celestial monkey
Fiendish dire rat
Fiendish raven
Fiendish monstrous centipede, Medium
Fiendish monstrous scorpion, Small
Fiendish hawk
Fiendish monstrous spider, Small
Fiendish octopus1
Fiendish snake, Small viper
Celestial giant bee
Celestial giant bombardier beetle
Celestial riding dog
Celestial eagle
Lemure (devil)
Fiendish squid1
Fiendish wolf
Fiendish monstrous centipede, Large
Fiendish monstrous scorpion, Medium
Fiendish shark, Medium1
Fiendish monstrous spider, Medium
Fiendish snake, Medium viper
5 Veteran Celestial black bear
Celestial bison
Celestial dire badger
Celestial hippogriff
Elemental, Small (any)
Fiendish ape
Fiendish dire weasel
Hell hound
Fiendish snake, constrictor
Fiendish boar
Fiendish dire bat
Fiendish monstrous centipede, Huge
Fiendish crocodile
Dretch (demon)
Fiendish snake, Large viper
Fiendish wolverine
Archon, lantern
Celestial giant owl
Celestial giant eagle
Celestial lion
Mephit (any)
Fiendish dire wolf
Fiendish giant wasp
Fiendish giant praying mantis
Fiendish shark, Large1
Yeth hound
Fiendish monstrous spider, Large
Fiendish snake, Huge viper
6 Heroic Ancestral Hero
Archon, hound
Celestial brown bear
Celestial giant stag beetle
Celestial sea cat1
Celestial griffon
Elemental, Medium (any)
Devil, bearded
Fiendish deinonychus
Fiendish dire ape
Fiendish dire boar
Fiendish shark, Huge
Fiendish monstrous scorpion, Large
Shadow mastiff
Fiendish dire wolverine
Fiendish giant crocodile
Fiendish tiger
Celestial polar bear
Celestial orca whale1
Bralani (eladrin)
Celestial dire lion
Elemental, Large (any)
Janni (genie)
Chaos beast
Devil, chain
Fiendish monstrous centipede, Gargantuan
Fiendish rhinoceros
Fiendish elasmosaurus1
Fiendish monstrous spider, Huge
Fiendish Giant Constrictor Snake
Celestial elephant
Avoral (guardinal)
Celestial baleen whale1
Djinni (genie)
Elemental, Huge (any)
Invisible stalker
Devil, bone
Fiendish megaraptor
Fiendish monstrous scorpion, Huge
Babau (demon)
Fiendish giant octopus1
Fiendish girallon
7 Legendary Celestial dire bear
Celestial cachalot whale1
Celestial triceratops
Elemental, greater (any)
Fiendish giant squid1
Fiendish monstrous centipede, Colossal
Fiendish dire tiger
Fiendish monstrous spider, Gargantuan
Fiendish tyrannosaurus
Vrock (demon)
Leonal (guardinal)
Celestial roc
Elemental, elder (any)
Devil, barbed
Fiendish dire shark1
Fiendish monstrous scorpion, Gargantuan
Night hag
Bebilith (demon)
Fiendish monstrous spider, Colossal
Hezrou (demon)
1=May be summoned only into an aquatic or watery environment.

Rank: Novice
Spell Energy: 3+
Range: Spirit x2
Duration: 3 (1/round)
Telepathy is used to communicate mentally with another person. If the target is willing, a normal roll is all that is needed to succeed. Otherwise, the
roll is opposed by the target’s Spirit. Success allows communication with the target. Only those thoughts and images the participants wish to send
can be sensed; anything more requires Mind Reading.

The range on Telepathy can be doubled for another 3 Spell Energy, and again for each additional 3 Spell Energy spent. If the caster cannot see
their target, they must know and be able to identify the intended recipient in some reasonable fashion.
Telepathy can be used to speak with entities with whom you do not share a language; communication is based on thoughts and images. However,
this can be difficult and basic in nature. The stranger the being (spirits, monsters, or beings from entirely different realms), the more complicated
even the most basic communication can be.

Telepathy can also be used to enter into “psychic combat” with others who possess mental powers, or even Ethereal beings. Once a link has been
established, the following round begins the combat, with the combatants drawing initiative as normal. The arcane skill is used to hit, or Spirit for
those involved who do not have an appropriate Skill. The target number to hit is 4, and each combatant has a Mental Toughness rating of 2 plus
one-half their Spirit rating. Spirit is rolled to determine damage, though this damage is normally non-lethal. Combatants can be Shaken, wounded,
and Knocked Out, but they cannot be actually injured (except in rare, GM-determined circumstances, such as battle with a truly nasty ghost). Either
side in such a battle can make an opposed Spirit roll to try and break contact as an action.

Rank: Veteran
Spell Energy: Special
Range: Touch
Duration: 3 (1/round); Special
This very powerful and infamous effect allows the caster to transform objects and creatures into something very different from what they currently
are. The degree of transformation directly affects the final cost in Spell Energy, so only the most powerful casters can make truly dramatic changes
to things. Permanent changes are extremely costly, and it takes a true master practitioner to permanently change a living being.

Transformations are measured in terms of Categories and Degrees. The Categories are Size, Form, and Substance. It costs 4 Spell Energy per
Category of change applied. In addition, the GM must determine to what Degree the quality of the target has been changed. The Degrees, and their
costs, are measured in terms of the following scale:

Degree Spell Energy

No Change 0
Very Similar 2
Somewhat Similar 4
Different 6
Very Different 8

Normally a transformation lasts only for a few rounds. However, for double the total calculated cost in Spell Energy, the effect will last for a full
hour. In the case of inanimate objects only, the caster may pay triple the final cost in Spell Energy to make the transformation permanent.
Legendary casters may actually pay to make the transformation of living beings permanent.

If transformation is used against an unwilling target, they make an opposed Vigor roll to the caster’s arcane skill, and the caster suffers a –4 penalty
to their roll.

The following are some examples to better guide the GM in determining the Spell Energy costs of some Transformations:

 Changing a dagger to a sword would be a Size change only, and the items are Very Similar, so it would only cost 6 Spell
Energy (12 for an hour, 18 to be permanent).

 Lead to gold – This is a Substance change (4 Spell Energy), with 3 Degrees of change (the substances are Different to a great
degree in quality, but they are still both metals). Thus a cost of 10 Spell Energy (20 for an hour, and 30 to be permanent).

 Goblin to Dragon – This is a change in both Form and Size (a base 8 Spell Energy right there). The Degree of Size change is
Very Different (8 Spell Energy), and the Degree of Form Change is also Very Different (8 Spell Energy). The total cost for this
transformation is 24 Spell Energy (or 48 to last an hour; a Legendary caster could permanently change the goblin into a dragon
for a whopping 72 Spell Energy!).

Rank: Novice
Spell Energy: 1
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 minute (1/minute)
Water-affiliated druids can walk upon the very surface of the water as if it were solid ground. Lakes, becalmed seas, and other calm waters may be
traversed normally. Rough seas count as Difficult Ground as the druid must run up and down waves. While under the effects of the spell, the caster
or target walks as if in a shallow puddle. They cannot go beneath the surface any more than he can go beneath that of the earth.

Rank: Novice
Spell Energy: 1
Range: Self
Duration: 1 hour (1/hour)
Wilderness walk allows a caster to move through the outdoors quietly and without leaving a trace. The magic quiets the sound of the caster’s
footsteps, adding +1 to his Stealth rolls. They also disguise his tracks, making his footprints impossible to track. The spell does not apply to his
companions, however.

Wilderness walk cannot be used indoors or in urban settings.

Rank: Seasoned
Spell Energy: 3
Range: Smarts
Duration: 1 minute/Rank
This insidious spell transforms ordinary words into subtle instruments of dispair. As you speak--whether you threaten or commiserate--your words
slowly wither the subject's Spirit Trait. Each minute you maintain the spell by continuing your dialogue, the subject suffers one die type reduction to
their Spirit (minimum d4). You may make a Persuasion roll to hide your intent, and the subject must make an arcane skill roll to recognize that you
are using magic against her. The target experiences the Trait damage as a deepening depression if she does not recognize it as a magical effect.
Trait damage from withering speech heals according to the usual rules for Trait damage.
Legates use this spell to secretly weaken channelers before revealing themselves. More often, the spell is used to break captives or prepare
unwitting spies for enchantment spells.

Rank: Seasoned
Spell Energy: 2
Range: Smarts x 2
Duration: 1 round/Rank
By speaking or singing, you shake the subjects with a demoralizing display, provided they can hear you. If they fail an opposed Spirit roll vs. the
caster’s arcane skill, subjects are Shaken and suffer an additional -2 penalty to Spirit rolls to resist Fear effects so long as you can and do speak,
and do not cast any spell except enchantment spells that further demoralize the subjects of their allies.
You can use this spell to influence NPC actions, with a +4 bonus on your Intimidation check in a Test of Will.

Rank: Novice
Spell Energy: 5
Range: Smarts x 2
Duration: Concentration (no more than 4 hours per casting)
This is the spell ship-bound druids are most commonly asked to perform. It gently pushes ships along even in a dead calm, and can also improve
top speed in normal winds or during deadly combat. Used for daily travel, the ship automatically increases its Top Speed by one, or two with a raise
(refer to 50 Fathoms for more information about ship travel and rules). It also has combat effects on ship movement (again, refer to 50 Fathoms for
more on that).

On land, zephyr simply creates a blustery wind, useful for blowing things over or blowing smoke away. Treat it as having the effects of telekinesis,
but only able to push roughly in one direction.


Ancestral Hero (Honor & Shadow - pg. 55-56)

Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12+1
Skills: Climbing d12, Fighting d12+1, Intimidation d10, Knowledge (Sailing) d12, Notice d12, Stealth d12, Survival d12, Swimming d12
Pace: 7; Parry: 8 (7); Toughness: 14
Edges: Berserk, Quick, Brawny, Tough as Nails, Professional, Expert, Trademark Weapon (Greatsword)
Gear: Enchanted greatsword (Str+d10+1, +2 to Fighting rolls), bow (2d6)
Special Abilities
 Aura of Menace: An aura of fury surrounds ancestral warriors when they are fighting or angry. Hostile creatures within a 5” radius of an
ancestral warrior must succeed on a Spirit roll to resist its effects. Those who fail suffer -1 to attacks, Parry, and opposed Trait rolls for
24 hours or until they successfully hit the ancestral warrior that generated the aura. A creature that has resisted or broken the effect
cannot be affected again by the same ancestral warrior’s aura for 24 hours.
 Battle Cry: 3x/day, the ancestral hero can let out a great battle cry. This duplicates the effects of the War Cry Edge. In addition, all
Dornish allies within a 10” radius gain +1 to Spirit rolls to resist Fear or charm effects and +1 to Fighting and damage rolls for 5 rounds.
 Dorn Traits
 Low-light Vision: Ancestral heroes ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
 Freedom of movement: Cannot be hindered via spells such as Entangle or other movement-restricting methods.
 Immunity: Fear, petrification, and poison
 Armor +4
 Spells: No Spell Energy requirement. At will – detect/conceal arcana (evil, astirax), mind read, elemental protection; 3x/day – smite,
healing; 1x/day – boost/lower trait, purify, detect/conceal arcana (invisibility)

Ancestral Warrior (Honor & Shadow - pg. 55-56)

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d12, Vigor d8
Skills: Climbing d4, Fighting d10, Notice d8, Stealth d8, Survival d8, Swimming d10
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 10
Edges: Berserk, Arcane Resistance
Special Abilities
 Aura of Menace: An aura of fury surrounds ancestral warriors when they are fighting or angry. Hostile creatures within a 5” radius of an
ancestral warrior must succeed on a Spirit roll to resist its effects. Those who fail suffer -1 to attacks, Parry, and opposed Trait rolls for
24 hours or until they successfully hit the ancestral warrior that generated the aura. A creature that has resisted or broken the effect
cannot be affected again by the same ancestral warrior’s aura for 24 hours.
 Dorn Traits
 Low-light Vision: Ancestral warriors ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
 Immunity: Fear, petrification, poison
 Armor +4
 Spells: No Spell Energy requirement. At will – detect/conceal arcana (evil, astirax), light/obscure; 1x/day – boost/lower trait

Astiraxes are the bane of spellcasters. The dark god recruited, bred, or created the astiraxes to help his servants find and eradicate any spellcaster
that stood against him. To this day, legates are given an astirax as a companion and ally in their task to destroy the last remnants of magic among
the subjugated peoples of the world.
Astiraxes are naturally invisible and bodiless spirits. Should one become visible via spells or other methods, it appears as an apparition of rotting
animal flesh. It takes on the appearance of all the animals it has ever possessed, causing an older astirax to look like a cobbled-together, phantom
animal golem, made of the rotting flesh of dead animals.

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, Strength d4, Vigor d10
Skills: Fighting d8+, Intimidation d8, Knowledge (arcana) d8, Knowledge (local) d8, Knowledge (Shadow) d8, Notice d8, Stealth d8, Survival d8,
Taunt d6, Tracking d8
Pace: -; Parry: 8; Toughness: 7
Edges: Strong Willed
Special Abilities
 Flying: Pace 9, Climb 2.
 Combat (Bodiless)
o Like most spirits, astiraxes are fairly impotent creatures in their natural forms, and so must rely on the host bodies of animals.
o Horrid Visage: While astiraxes are normally invisible, their true appearance can be perceived by magic. The unwary may have
a surprise in store should they go searching for spirits, however; any living creature within 10” that can see an astirax's true,
invisible form must succeed at a Spirit check (-2) or roll on the Fright Table as if affected by a Fear effect.
o Possession: Animals only. Opposed Spirit rolls to resist possession. Because astiraxes have no original form other than their
bodiless one, creatures possessed by an astirax's possession ability never undergo transformation.
o Magic Subtype: Unlike other outsiders, astiraxes have no elemental subtype. Rather, they are formed from the weave of
magic that surrounds the world. Therefore, the sensory exception that they may see and hear clearly is channeled magic.
Whether enchanted items, existing spell effects, or spells as they are being cast, astiraxes have no penalty to Notice rolls when
perceiving magic items and effects in their bodiless forms.
 Combat (Taking Form)
o Drain Spell Energy: When possessing an animal, the astirax is able to deliver the attack that causes it to be feared by
channelers. Whenever an astirax hits any character with the Arcane Background (Magic) Edge with the primary attack of its
host creature, it immediately drains 1d4 Spell Energy from its victim in addition to normal damage. If this reduces the Spell
Energy of the creature to zero, then the creature becomes Shaken.
o Sense Magic: Astiraxes' essences are formed from the magic of the world itself; when they possess the animals of the world,
their connection to both the physical world and the unseen world of magic allows them to sense nearby spell effects almost as
if by scent. Spells cast by a channeler, magic items crafted by a channeler at a power nexus, and continuous magic effects from
either of those sources can all be detected by an astirax's senses. The range at which an astirax can sense such effects, while
theoretically unlimited, is determined by how powerful the magic is. It senses active spells and magic items at a range of one
mile per Rank of the spell cast or 2 miles for magic items. An astirax can detect the general direction and distance (to within
one-half mile) of any detected effect. However, emanations that are near each other create a sort of mystical feedback,
amplifying the range at which any emanation can be detected. For each additional emanation within a 1” radius beyond the
first, the range at which all emanations within that radius can be detected increases by one-half mile. The ability of legates'
astiraxes companions to sense magic improves as the legate advances. This enhanced sense adds a flat 5-mile (at Veteran
Rank) or 10-mile (at Heroic Rank) increase to the distance at which any spell effect can be detected. Astiraxes do not need to
be concentrating to use this ability, so they automatically become aware of any channeled spell effect within range. If the spell
is instantaneous, it registers for only a moment, but long enough for the astirax to detect the general direction and distance
(within one-half mile) of the emanation. Astiraxes automatically determine the Rank of the spell effects that they detect and
may make spellcrafting rolls to determine what spell is being cast, identify spells that are already in place, all as if they had cast
detect/conceal arcana and were able to see the spellcaster or effect in question. Once within one-half mile of an effect, an
astirax may make Survival roll to determine the exact direction and estimated distance (within 50 ft.) of each effect. Items
such as wands and staffs are considered to have 2 Ranks less for detection purposes unless they are being used, since the
power stored within is not fully realized until the user activates it. Power nexuses cannot be sensed by an astirax unless they
are currently being used by a channeler to create an item or help power a spell. In this case, the nexus radiates at twice the
strength of the item being created or as if the Rank of the spell being cast was increased by two. Since an astirax is sensing
emanations via its spirit self, physical barriers do not block its ability to sense magic. It can sense a spell being cast miles below
the surface, although tracking those emanations is made very difficult by the intervening stone. The illusion spell can be used to
mask an item's aura from an asirax's sense magic ability, in which case it gets an opposed Spirit roll versus the arcane skill of
the caster to see through the illusion. If it fails this roll, it believes the magic (or lack thereof) to be valid until it can examine it
within 5”, at which time it gains another Spirit roll.
 Weakness (Silver): All astiraxes have vulnerability to silver. Silver items used as weapons can harm an astirax normally.

Bog Hag (Fury of Shadow - pg. 134-135)

Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d12, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d10, Knowledge (Eris Aman) d6, Spellcasting d8, Notice d6, Stealth d10, Swimming d8, Survival d4
Pace: 5; Parry: 7; Toughness: 6
Edges: Arcane Resistance
Special Abilities
 Claws: Str+d4
 Disease: A character struck by a bog hags claws must succeed at a Vigor roll or be infected with a foul Bog Fever (-4): loss of 1d2 die of
Vigor and Strength in 1d2 days.
 Mimicry: The bog hag can imitate the sounds of almost any animal found in the Foul Bog, as well as the sounds of human or elven
children in distress.
 Spells: No Spell Energy requirement. 1/day – blind, entangle, wilderness walk, speak language, environmental protection (water), shape
change (elf only)
 Swamp Sight: When within the bog, they gain darksight, as per the spell, to 20” and are able to effectively “see” within the thick
swirling mists. Bog hags can sense all foes within 20” as a sighted creature would, no matter the concealment provided by the fog or
other weather conditions. Even creatures moving silently or under the effects of an invisibility spell do not escape the bog hag’s senses;
the evil bog and malignant mists reveal the location of the bog hag’s enemies. Beyond 20”, all targets are considered to have heavy
cover from the bog hag.

Dark Tree (Dubhitich) (Fury of Shadow - pg. 136-137)

Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d8, Spirit d4, Strength d12+3, Vigor d12+1
Skills: Fighting d10, Knowledge (local) d4, Intimidation d6, Notice d6
Pace: -; Parry: 7; Toughness: 12
Edges: Two-Fisted, Ambidextrous
Special Abilities
 Low-light Vision: Dark trees ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
 Size +4
 Slam: Str+d8
 Bite: Str+d6
 Roots: Str+d4
 Animate Trees: A dark tree can animate trees within 60” at will, controlling up to two trees at a time. Animated trees cannot move, but
can lash with their branches as a dark tree. Animated trees lose their ability to attack if the dark tree that animated them is
incapacitated. Animated trees have the same vulnerability to fire that a dark tree has.
 Camouflage: To the untrained, a dark tree appears to be simply a dead tree in the forest. However, those who make a successful
Knowledge (nature) roll recognize it as a dark tree when they come within 10”.
 Foul Vapors: 10” cloud, 1x/4 rounds (but no more than 5x/day). Foes must make a successful Vigor roll with a raise or be nauseated.
Nauseated creatures are unable to attack, cast spells, concentrate on spells, or do anything else requiring attention. The only action such
a character can take is movement on their turn. This condition lasts as long as the creature is in the cloud and for 1d4+1 rounds after it
 Dark Whispers: The dark tree can affect 1 person at a time with its whispers. Anyone that a dark tree targets must succeed with a
Spirit roll or fall instantly under the dark tree’s influence as though affected by a puppet spell. This ability has a range of 1 mile.
 Improved Grab: To use this ability, a cold one must hit a creature at least one size smaller than itself with its root attack. It can then
attempt to start a grapple as a free action with no multi-action penalties. If it wins the Fighting roll to initiate a grapple, it establishes a
hold and drags the opponent to it as a free action with no multi-action penalties.
Rime Tusk Boar (Heart of the Shadow - pg. 44-45)
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d8, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12+2
Skills: Fighting d10, Notice d6, Stealth d4 [+2 Stealth (snow)]
Pace: 7; Parry: 7; Toughness: 10
Special Abilities
 Low-light Vision: Corrupted spirits ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
 Size +2
 Tusks: Str+d8
 Gore: Rime tusk boars charge maneuver to gore their opponents with their long tusks. If they can move at least 6” before attacking, they
add +4 to their damage total.
 Trample: Str+d10; A rime tusk boar can attempt to trample opponents at least one size smaller than itself. Opponents may make an
Agility roll with a raise to take half damage.
 Warbeast: A rider on a trained warbeast mount gets +2 to their Riding rolls.
 Immunity: natural cold weather effects

Shadowflesh (Heart of the Shadow - pg. 47)

Attributes: Agility d12+3, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d12+3, Strength d12+3, Vigor d12+3
Skills: Fighting d12+3
Pace: -; Parry: 7; Toughness: 16
Special Abilities
 Darksight: Shadowflesh can see without any source of light, negating all penalties for bad lighting, even conditions of darkness created
by magic.
 Flying: Pace 7, Climb 2.
 Touch Attack and Ethereal Touch Attack: Str+d10
 Size +8
 Devouring Constriction: A shadowflesh deals automatic damage and reduces an opponents Vigor by -1 die type with a successful
grapple roll. Each time the shadowflesh constricts, all the target’s magic items must make a successful Spirit roll with a raise or become
mundane items. If an opponent is reduced to less than Vigor d4, he is permanently destroyed and cannot be brought back to life by any
 Disrupting Energy: The damage dealt by the shadowflesh’s touch attack, ethereal touch attack, and constriction all ignore any Armor
and immunities.
 Dual Existence: Though corporeal, an aspect of the shdowflesh exists in the spirit world as well, allowing it to make an ethereal touch
attack anytime it makes a normal attack. This ethereal attack can affect ethereal creatures normally.
 Improved Grab: To use this ability, a shadowflesh must hit with its touch attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action
with no multi-action penalties. If it wins the Fighting roll to initiate a grapple, it establishes a hold and can constrict.
 Spirit-devouring Constriction: A shadowflesh deals automatic ethereal touch damage and reduces an opponents Spirit by -1 die type
with a successful grapple roll. If an opponent is reduced to less than Spirit d4, he is permanently destroyed and cannot be brought back
to life by any means. Optionally, the shadowflesh absorbs the character and he becomes a servant of Izrador, loyal to the dark god and
twisted to the core. Such a character reappears in the southlands serving the dark god’s will, though how they get there remains a
 Spirit Grab: A shadowflesh can grapple its victim’s spirits and souls as easily as their bodies. To use this ability, a shadowflesh must hit
with its ethereal touch attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action with no multi-action penalties. If it wins the Fighting
roll to initiate a grapple, it establishes a spirit hold and can constrict. A spirit grapple is conducted like a normal grapple, except that the
victim’s break free check is opposed by Smarts rather than Strength or Agility.

Vardrath (Heart of the Shadow - pg. 48)

Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d12+3, Vigor d12
Skills: Climbing d12, Fighting d8, Stealth d12, Notice d6
Pace: 7 Parry: 6 Toughness: 10
Edges: Quick
Special Abilities
 Low-light Vision: Vardrath ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
 Wall Walker
 Bonesword appendage: Str+d6
 Boneshard Webs: A boneshard spider may spin a 1” cube of webbing per 10 minutes. The webs may be spun as thin as 1” thick.
Creatures can either force their way through the web by making a Strength roll or cutting through them. For every raise on the Strength
roll, a creature moves 1”, up to a maximum of its Pace. Alternatively, creatures may chop the webs away using a slashing weapon,
creating passages 2.5’-wide x 2.5 ’-high x 2.5’-deep with 1 minute of effort for Small creatures and increasing 2.5’ on a side for each size
category larger the creature. Regardless of whether a creature attempts to force through, cut through, or is forced into the web by
another creature, it must make a successful Agility roll for each 1” it travels through the web. If it fails, it becomes entangled. Entangled
characters can still move at ½ Pace and fight, but all physical actions are at -4. Additionally, entangled creatures take 1d4 points of
slashing damage every 1” of movement or for each action taken while in the web. The amount of damage is reduced by any armor value
that the character has. Finally, any creature attempting to cast spells in the web must make a Disruption check versus a damage value of
4 or lose the spell.
 Impale: A bonesword spider’s appendage attacks ignore any Armor the target may have.
 Tremorsense: A bonesword spider can detect and pinpoint any creature or object within 20” in contact with the ground or within any
range in contact with the spider’s web.
 Size +2
Meruros (Minions of Shadow – pg. 4)
Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d8, Spirit d12, Strength d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d10, Intimidation d10, Knowledge (Spirits) d10, Notice d10, Stealth d10
Pace: -; Parry: 7; Toughness: 6
Edges: Quick
Special Abilities
 Trapped Spirit (see template)
 Flying: Pace 9, Climb 2.
 Combat (Bodiless)
Meruros have few abilities in their spirit form, and are rarely encountered as such. A meruros driven out of its raven body
immediately seeks a new one.
 Possession: Ravens only; when fully transformed, use stats for eagle
 Combat (Taking Form)
o Summoned Herald: Meruros are less vigilant than the tadulos, but tend to remain within their raven hosts for
longer periods of time, using their keen senses to seek out the fallen and travel to them on the wing. A meruros who
hears the howl of a Taludos reluctantly wings toward its duty.
o Soul Pluck: The meruros is capable of pulling the souls of humanoids and monstrous humanoids from their bodies
by consuming their eyes. This forever after prevents a creature from rising as one of the Fell (or any other corporeal
undead) or Lost (any incorporeal dead), whether naturally or through direct necromantic magic. It also means that
the creature's soul has departed, and it can only be brought back to life via a powerful resurrection spell. This ability
has varying effects when used on creatures that are either still living or are already dead. Against corporeal foes,
living or dead, the meruros' touch attacks do 5d6 damage. Against incorporeal foes, the meruros' touch attacks are
considered to ignore Etherealness, and not only produce this touch effect, but also act in the same manner as a Holy
Warrior repulsing evil ability: the target must make a Spirit roll. Failure means that spirit is destroyed.
 Spells (no Spell Energy cost): At will - fear, detect/conceal arcana; 3/day: boost/lower trait; 1/day: grave speak, anger,
 Invulnerability Meruros can only be harmed by their Weaknesses. They may be Shaken by other attacks, but never wounded.
 Weakness (Cold Iron): All meruros have vulnerability to cold iron. Cold iron items used as weapons can harm a tadulos

Raven Form (Manifested Meruros)

Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d8, Spirit d12, Strength d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d10, Intimidation d10, Knowledge (Spirits) d10, Notice d10, Stealth d10
Pace: 4; Parry: 7; Toughness: 6
Edges: Quick
Special Abilities
 Trapped Spirit (see template)
 Low-light Vision: Meruros are creatures of the night. They ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
 Flying: Pace 8, Climb 2.
 Possession: Ravens only; when fully transformed, use stats for eagle
 Combat (Taking Form)
o Summoned Herald: Meruros are less vigilant than the tadulos, but tend to remain within their raven hosts for
longer periods of time, using their keen senses to seek out the fallen and travel to them on the wing. A meruros who
hears the howl of a taludos reluctantly wings toward its duty.
o Soul Pluck: The meruros is capable of pulling the souls of humanoids and monstrous humanoids from their bodies
by consuming their eyes. This forever after prevents a creature from rising as one of the Fell (or any other corporeal
undead) or Lost (any incorporeal dead), whether naturally or through direct necromantic magic. It also means that
the creature's soul has departed, and it can only be brought back to life via a powerful resurrection spell. This ability
has varying effects when used on creatures that are either still living or are already dead. Against corporeal foes,
living or dead, the meruros' touch attacks do 5d6 damage. Against incorporeal foes, the meruros' touch attacks are
considered to ignore Etherealness, and not only produce this touch effect, but also act in the same manner as a Holy
Warrior repulsing evil ability: the target must make a Spirit roll. Failure means that spirit is destroyed.
 Spells (no Spell Energy cost): At will - fear, detect/conceal arcana; 3/day: boost/lower trait; 1/day: grave speak, anger,
 Invulnerability: Meruros can only be harmed by their Weaknesses. They may be Shaken by other attacks, but never
 Weakness (Cold Iron): All meruros have vulnerability to cold iron. Cold iron items used as weapons can harm a meruros

Where the tadulos guards the earthly vessel of the dead, it is the duty of the meruros to claim the souls of the recently deceased Dorns
and usher them into the Eternal. The meruruos have become spiteful and vain with their contact with the dark god, and not all souls are
reaped now. Some are left to rot and find their own way if the meruros deems them unworthy, and competition between individual
meruros for choice souls often leads to bickering and infighting.
Those who can perceive spirits in their bodiless forms see the Meruros as grim Dorn hunters splattered in blood, shrewdly surveying the
carnage of the battlefield.
Meruros can converse in a squawking version of Norther, if they choose to but normally only do so if offered shiny baubles.

Tadulos (Minions of Shadow – pg. 4)

Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12
Skills: Fighting d10, Intimidation d10, Knowledge (Spirits) d10, Notice d10, Stealth d10, Survival d8, Tracking d10
Pace: -; Parry: 7; Toughness: 8
Edges: Quick
Special Abilities
 Trapped Spirit (see template)
 Flying: Pace 8, Climb 2.
 Combat (Bodiless)
Tadulos have few abilities in their spirit form, and are rarely encountered as such. A tadulos driven out of its wolf body
immediately seeks a new one.
 Possession: Wolves and dire wolves only. When a tadulos possesses a normal wolf, its transformation eventually alters its
physical ability scores (Strength, Agility, and Vigor) and natural Armor to match those of a dire wolf.
 Combat (Taking Form)
o Howl: As regular action at will, a tadulos can emit a soulful howl. Undead within 30” must succeed on a Spirit roll or
becomes Shaken. Dorns who hear the howl receive a +2 on Spirit rolls against Fear and enchantment effects.
Additionally, once per day when guarding a fallen Dorn, a tadulos can emit a howl that is heard for miles around (10
miles per Rank of the tadulos). This howl has two effects. First, it summons a meruros, should one be within range.
Second, any Dorn who hears the call will instinctively know that it bodes ill for one of his kinsmen, and that the
kinsman in question can be found near the howl's source. How the character interprets this feeling can vary; he may
assume that the howling creature is hunting the fellow Dorn and means it ill, particularly when he finds the Dorn's
dead body.
o Sense Death: Tadulos are drawn to the moment of a Dorn's death. They can sense it from great distances, and
come as quickly as they are able to prevent the dead rising as Fell. The tadulos can sense the death of any Dorn from
a number of miles away equal to 40 miles per Rank of the dying character. For example, a Novice Dornish warrior is
slain by an orc patrol. If there is a tadulos within 40 miles, it will come. The tadulos then guards the body and waits
for the arrival of the meruros. If a tadulos finds other, non-Dornish bodies near the fallen Dorn, it mutilates them to
such an extent that they cannot rise as Fell or be made into some other form of corporeal undead (though they may
still become one of the Lost). Tadulos have been known to range around the bodies of their charges for many miles
in search of other bodies to mutilate or corporeal undead to destroy.
o Soul Ward: So long as a tadulos remains within a certain radius of a fallen body, it cannot rise as Fell or be made
into a corporeal undead creature. The radius is equal to 1” per Rank of the tadulos. This ability does not protect a
creature from ever rising, but merely suppresses the effect. So for instance, if a fallen character failed his Spirit roll
against rising as a Fell, or is animated as a zombie by a legate, it would remain inanimate as long as a tadulos was
within 45 feet. As soon as the tadulos moved away, however, the character would rise as one of the undead.
 Invulnerability Tadulos can only be harmed by their Weaknesses. They may be Shaken by other attacks, but never wounded.
 Weakness (Cold Iron): All tadulos have vulnerability to cold iron. Cold iron items used as weapons can harm a tadulos

Wolf Form (Manifested Tadulos)

Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12
Skills: Fighting d10, Knowledge (Spirits) d10, Notice d10, Stealth d10, Survival d8. Tracking d10
Pace: 8; Parry: 7; Toughness: 8
Edges: Alertness, Quick
Special Abilities
 Trapped Spirit (see template)
 Low-light Vision: Tadulos are creatures of the night. They ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
 Bite: Str+d4.
 Possession: Wolves and dire wolves only. When a tadulos possesses a normal wolf, its transformation eventually alters its
physical ability scores (Strength, Agility, and Vigor) and natural Armor to match those of a dire wolf.
 Combat (Taking Form)
o Howl: As regular action at will, a tadulos can emit a soulful howl. Undead within 30” must succeed on a Spirit roll or
becomes Shaken. Dorns who hear the howl receive a +2 on Spirit rolls against Fear and enchantment effects.
Additionally, once per day when guarding a fallen Dorn, a tadulos can emit a howl that is heard for miles around (10
miles per Rank of the tadulos). This howl has two effects. First, it summons a meruros, should one be within range.
Second, any Dorn who hears the call will instinctively know that it bodes ill for one of his kinsmen, and that the
kinsman in question can be found near the howl's source. How the character interprets this feeling can vary; he may
assume that the howling creature is hunting the fellow Dorn and means it ill, particularly when he finds the Dorn's
dead body.
o Sense Death: Tadulos are drawn to the moment of a Dorn's death. They can sense it from great distances, and
come as quickly as they are able to prevent the dead rising as Fell. The tadulos can sense the death of any Dorn from
a number of miles away equal to 40 miles per Rank of the dying character. For example, a Novice Dornish warrior is
slain by an orc patrol. If there is a tadulos within 40 miles, it will come. The tadulos then guards the body and waits
for the arrival of the meruros. If a tadulos finds other, non-Dornish bodies near the fallen Dorn, it mutilates them to
such an extent that they cannot rise as Fell or be made into some other form of corporeal undead (though they may
still become one of the Lost). Tadulos have been known to range around the bodies of their charges for many miles
in search of other bodies to mutilate or corporeal undead to destroy.
o Soul Ward: So long as a tadulos remains within a certain radius of a fallen body, it cannot rise as Fell or be made
into a corporeal undead creature. The radius is equal to 1” per Rank of the tadulos. This ability does not protect a
creature from ever rising, but merely suppresses the effect. So for instance, if a fallen character failed his Spirit roll
against rising as a Fell, or is animated as a zombie by a legate, it would remain inanimate as long as a tadulos was
within 45 feet. As soon as the tadulos moved away, however, the character would rise as one of the undead.
 Invulnerability Tadulos can only be harmed by their Weaknesses. They may be Shaken by other attacks, but never wounded.
 Weakness (Cold Iron): All tadulos have vulnerability to cold iron. Cold iron items used as weapons can harm a tadulos
Dire Wolf Form (Manifested Tadulos )
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12
Skills: Fighting d10, Intimidation d10, Knowledge (Spirits) d10, Notice d10, Stealth d10
Pace: 8; Parry: 7; Toughness: 10
Edges: Alertness, Quick
Special Abilities
 Trapped Spirit (see template)
 Low-light Vision: Tadulos are creatures of the night. They ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
 Bite: Str+d6.
 Possession: Wolves and dire wolves only. When a tadulos possesses a normal wolf, its transformation eventually alters its
physical ability scores (Strength, Agility, and Vigor) and natural Armor to match those of a dire wolf.
 Combat (Taking Form)
o Howl: As regular action at will, a tadulos can emit a soulful howl. Undead within 30” must succeed on a Spirit roll or
becomes shaken. Dorns who hear the howl receive a +2 on Spirit rolls against Fear and enchantment effects.
Additionally, once per day when guarding a fallen Dorn, a tadulos can emit a howl that is heard for miles around (10
miles per Rank of the tadulos). This howl has two effects. First, it summons a meruros, should one be within range.
Second, any Dorn who hears the call will instinctively know that it bodes ill for one of his kinsmen, and that the
kinsman in question can be found near the howl's source. How the character interprets this feeling can vary; he may
assume that the howling creature is hunting the fellow Dorn and means it ill, particularly when he finds the Dorn's
dead body.
o Sense Death: Tadulos are drawn to the moment of a Dorn's death. They can sense it from great distances, and
come as quickly as they are able to prevent the dead rising as Fell. The tadulos can sense the death of any Dorn from
a number of miles away equal to 40 miles per Rank of the dying character. For example, a Novice Dornish warrior is
slain by an orc patrol. If there is a tadulos within 40 miles, it will come. The tadulos then guards the body and waits
for the arrival of the meruros. If a tadulos finds other, non-Dornish bodies near the fallen Dorn, it mutilates them to
such an extent that they cannot rise as Fell or be made into some other form of corporeal undead (though they may
still become one of the Lost). Tadulos have been known to range around the bodies of their charges for many miles
in search of other bodies to mutilate or corporeal undead to destroy.
o Soul Ward: So long as a tadulos remains within a certain radius of a fallen body, it cannot rise as Fell or be made
into a corporeal undead creature. The radius is equal to 1” per Rank of the tadulos. This ability does not protect a
creature from ever rising, but merely suppresses the effect. So for instance, if a fallen character failed his Spirit roll
against rising as a Fell, or is animated as a zombie by a legate, it would remain inanimate as long as a tadulos was
within 45 feet. As soon as the tadulos moved away, however, the character would rise as one of the undead.
 Size +2
 Invulnerability Tadulos can only be harmed by their Weaknesses. They may be Shaken by other attacks, but never wounded.
 Weakness (Cold Iron): All tadulos have vulnerability to cold iron. Cold iron items used as weapons can harm a tadulos

The tadulos are the guardians of the dead, and they are charged with defending the bodies of fallen Dorns until the meruros can claim
their souls. The tadulos are also responsible for making certain that the dead are found by their fellow Dorns or, if none are nearby, by
those who seem likely to give the fallen an appropriate burial. They can only possess the bodies of wolves, and can only do so when they
sense the body of a fallen Dorn.
The tadulos are fierce enemies of the Fell. Since their return to the world, they have made it their mission to eradicate the Fell wherever
they find them. The presence of the undead sends them into a fury that leads them even to abandon their duty in order to destroy the
dark god's blasphemies.
Those who can perceive spirits in their bodiless forms see the tadulos as bold Dorn warrior women, proudly standing guard over fallen
kinsmen with blades drawn.
Tadulos do not speak.

War Boro (Fury of Shadow - pg. 138-139)

Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d8, Strength d12+3, Vigor d12+2
Skills: Fighting d10, Notice d4
Pace: 8; Parry: 7; Toughness: 12
Special Abilities
 Size +4
 Tusks: Str+d10
 Gore: War Boros charge maneuver to gore their opponents with their long tusks. If they can move at least 6” before attacking, they add
+4 to their damage total.
 Trample: Str+d10; A War Boro can attempt to trample opponents at least one size smaller than itself. Opponents may make an Agility
roll with a raise to take half damage.
 Warbeast: A rider on a trained War Boro mount gets +2 to their Riding rolls.

Wogren, Adult
Wogren are intelligent creatures that resemble thick-bodied hunting dogs. They are almost exclusively found in the company of halflings, whose
communities the wogren faithfully serve and protect. Wogren do not speak any languages, but they understand halfling.
Wogren aggressively defend their territory as well as any halflings they have befriended. They charge the nearest enemy and attempt to knock him
off his feet before delivering the killing blow.

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, Strength d10, Vigor d10
Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d6, Survival d6, Tracking d6
Pace: 7; Parry: 6; Toughness: 7
Edges: Alertness, Quick
Special Abilities
 Bite/Claws: Str+d4
 Spirit Sense: Wogren seem to be so closely tied to the natural rhythms of the world that they can tell when something nearby is not
natural. This acts as the Dark Fighting Edge with a range of 20”, except that the wogren can also detect the presence of bodiless spirits.
Wogren can differentiate between harmless Eternal spirits, the Lost, and the Trapped.
 Fleet Footed: Wogren roll a d10 when running instead of a d6.
 Go for the Throat: Wogren instinctively go for an opponent’s soft spots. With a raise on its attack roll, it hits the target’s most weakly-
armored location.

Wogren, Immature
Immature wogren are simply younger and weaker versions of the adult creature. Their senses are not as finely tuned, nor are their minds as keen;
they are commonly protected and cared for by the halflings to which their parent wogren are bonded.
Immature wogren are impetuous and playful, and may rush into danger to defend their halfling "family."

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d4, Survival d6, Tracking d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6
Edges: Quick
Special Abilities
 Bite/Claws: Str+d4.
Spirit Sense: Immature Wogren seem to be so closely tied to the natural rhythms of the world that they can tell when something nearby
is not natural. This acts as the Dark Fighting Edge with a range of 10”, except that the wogren can also detect the presence of bodiless
spirits. Wogren can differentiate between harmless Eternal spirits, the Lost, and the Trapped.
 Fleet Footed: Immature Wogren roll a d10 when running instead of a d6.
 Go for the Throat: Immature Wogren instinctively go for an opponent’s soft spots. With a raise on its attack roll, it hits the target’s most
weakly-armored location.

Yadruul (Heart of the Shadow - pg. 48)

Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d12+1, Vigor d12
Skills: Fighting d8, Stealth d8, Notice d8
Pace: 5 Parry: 6 Toughness: 8
Edges: Quick
Special Abilities
 Low-light Vision: Yadruul ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
 Claws: Str+d4
 Flying: Pace 10, Climb 1.
 Improved Grab: To use this ability, a yadruul must hit with its claw attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action with
no multi-action penalties. If it wins the Fighting roll to initiate a grapple, it establishes a hold the target is grappled.
 Rend: If a yadruul hits with two claw attacks in a round, it does an additional 2d4 points of damage.
 Immunity: natural cold weather effects
 Fast Healing


Crawler (Minions of Shadow – pg. 4)

Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, Strength d12, Vigor d10
Skills: Climbing d12, Fighting d10, Notice d4, Survival d6, Tracking d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6
Special Abilities
 Bite/Claws: Str+d8.
 Baffling Howl: A crawler can try to confuse an emitting a loud howl that disorients its opponents. Targets within the area must make a
Spirit roll at -4 or become confused for 2d4 rounds (see Umber Hulk for confusion effects). A crawler can use this ability once per round;
it incurs no multi-action penalty. The howl has a 5" range. For each crawler that is using its baffling howl with 5”, there is an additional -1
to the Spirit roll of opponents to ignore the effect and the duration of the effect increases by an additional round.
 Fast Healing

Dark Walker (Minions of Shadow – pg. 4)

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d10, Knowledge (Arcana) d10, Notice d10, Persuasion d10, Stealth d10
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 5
Edges: Dark Fighting
Special Abilities
 Claws: Str+d6.
 Mind Ride: A Dark Walker can attempt to ride the mind of any creature within 10”. The target must make a Spirit roll with a raise;
failure means that the dark walker can now see, hear, smell, and feel everything that the ridden creature experiences. The creature has
no idea that it was attacked, or that the dark walker is riding its mind. The dark walker’s shadow form dissipates while he is riding a
mind, and when the dark walker disengages from its target, its body reforms at the spot it last was when it attacked the mind. A dark
walker cannot leap from mind to mind without first reforming its body. A target that succeeds at the Spirit roll realizes that something
attacked its mind and is immune to the dark walker’s mind ride ability for 1 day.
 Shadow Form: A dark walker’s body is composed of quasi-real shadow and is partially illusory. A dark walker is able to shape its form to
appear much stronger and deadlier than it truly is. The dark walker has the following altered statistics as long as an opponent has yet to
disbelieve the dark walker’s illusory appearance:
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d12, Vigor d12+1
Skills: Fighting d12, Knowledge (Arcana) d10, Notice d10, Persuasion d10, Stealth d10
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 5
o Claws: Str+d10.

All who interact with the dark walker can make a Spirit roll with a raise to recognize its shadowy nature. Those who succeed see the dark
walker as a transparent image superimposed on a vague, shadowy form, and interact with the dark walker as normal. Once a creature
succeeds, it is immune to the illusory nature of the dark walker for 24 hours. A dark walker’s quasi-real shadow form allows it to move
through solid objects.
 Fast Regeneration
 Ethereal
 Invulnerability: Dark Walkers can only be harmed by their Weaknesses. They may be Shaken by other attacks, but never wounded.
 Weakness (Sunlight): Dark walkers burn if they are exposed to direct sunlight. After that they suffer 2d10 damage per round until they
are dissipated and are considered Exhausted. Armor does not protect.

Taker (Minions of Shadow – pg. 4)

Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d6, Strength d12+1, Vigor d10
Skills: Fighting d10, Notice d8, Stealth d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 9
Edges: Dark Fighting
Special Abilities
 Bite/Claws/Wings: Str+d6.
 Low-light Vision: Takers are creatures of the night. They ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
 Flying: Pace 10, Climb 1.
 Scouring Lifesense: A taker’s most feared ability, and that for which it is named, is its lifesense ability. As long as it keeps its eyes of
blue flame open while flying, it can detect the auras of living, intelligent creatures beneath it as if it possessed the darksight spell ability.
The range of this ability varies depending on the power of the life force being detected, however. Creatures of Novice Rank can be
detected at a range of a half-mile, and the range doubles for every Rank thereafter. This means that the higher the Rank of a creature,
the easier it is to find. The taker’s lifesense ability has two drawbacks. The first is that, in order to see the auras for which it searches, it
must keep its eyes open. Since these are bright blue glowing balls of flame, the position of a taker on the hunt is fairly visible from the
ground. Second, while it can sense and differentiate between any number of Novice creatures, the taker can only sense the presence of
the single nearest living, intelligent creature of Novice Rank or higher. This means that a taker’s ability is significantly weakened if it is
ridden by anything other than a rank-and-file orc or goblin soldier or low-ranking legate.
 Size +2


Cold One (Heart of the Shadow - pg. 38-39)

"Cold One" is an acquired template that can be added to any creature with Smarts d4+ (referred to hereafter as the base creature). A cold one uses
all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted here.
Cold ones are created when a creature dies from the cold within Izrador’s realm. Any creature that dies in these icy wastes may suffer a -2 penalty
to its Spirit roll against rising as a Fell. Such creatures also have a 75% chance of rising as a cold one.

Creature type: The creature becomes an undead. It uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted below.
Pace: Same as base creature.
Armor: Gains an Armor bonus (Armor +2) or the base creature’s armor, whichever is better.
Attacks: Claws (Str+d6); Bite (Str+d8); cannot use any weapons other than the base creature’s natural weapons, if it had any.
Attributes: Strength +1 die type
Skills: +1 die type to Stealth and Notice
Edges: Two-Fisted
Special Abilities
 Undead: Cold ones gain the following: +2 Toughness, +2 to recover from Shaken, called shots do no extra damage, immune to
 Degenerative Hunger: A cold one must feed on the still-warm flesh of a non-spirit with Smarts d4 or higher. If it does not consume its
own weight in such flesh each week, its Agility decreases by one die type. If Agility is lowered to below d4, the cold one becomes
completely frozen and it spirit is trapped within its unmoving dead flesh for eternity.
 Regenerative Hunger: After inflicting damage with its bite attack (or every 10 lbs. of still-warm flesh it consumes), a cold one may
make a Vigor roll to heal any damage it has sustained.
 Cold Aura: A cold one emanates such intense cold that each creature within 1” takes 1d6 cold damage per round on the cold ones turn
(successful Vigor roll halves the damage).
 Improved Grab: To use this ability, a cold one must hit with a claw attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action with
no multi-action penalties. If it wins the Fighting roll to initiate a grapple, it establishes a hold and automatically inflicts its bite damage.
Each round that a character is grappled by a cold one, it suffers double the normal damage from the cold aura (no Vigor roll allowed).
 Cold Dependence: For each day in cold conditions, the cold ones Strength decreases 1 die type (d4 minimum). For each 32 degree
Fahrenheit above freezing, the Strength loss doubles.

Corrupted Creature (Heart of the Shadow - pg. 39-40)

"Corrupted Creature" is an acquired template that can be added to any creature with Smarts d4+ (referred to hereafter as the base creature). A
corrupted creature uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

Creature type: The creature becomes an aberration. It uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted below.
Pace: Same as base creature.
Armor: Gains an Armor bonus (Armor +2) or the base creature’s armor, whichever is better.
Attacks: Slam (Str+d6); cannot use any weapons other than the base creature’s natural weapons, if it had any.
Attributes: Strength +2 die types, Agility -1 die type (min d4), Vigor +1 die type, Spirit -2 die types (min d4)
Skills: Same as base creature
Special Abilities
 Diseased: Any creature taking damage from a corrupted creature’s natural attacks must make a successful Vigor roll or contract Filth
Fever (-4): loss of 1 die of Agility and Vigor in 1d3 days.
 Wail of Madness: A corrupted creature can manifest its madness as either an aura, gaze-, or sonic-based attack (use rules for the Burst
or Blast spells). The exact form of madness attack is determined by the GM for each creature. Affected individuals must succeed on a
Spirit roll or become Shaken until they are no longer in range of the corrupted creature’s madness effect. Additionally, regardless of
whether or not the Spirit roll is a success, all rolls to resist Disruption by the character are at -2 while within range of the effect.
 Low-light Vision: Corrupted creatures ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
 Fast Healing
 Immunity: Taint, Madness or insanity effects

Corrupted Spirit (Heart of the Shadow - pg. 41-43)

"Corrupted Spirit" is an acquired template that can be added to any elemental, fey, or outsider with the trapped template (referred to hereafter as
the base creature). A corrupted spirit uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

Creature type: Same as base creature. It uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted below.
Pace: Same as base creature.
Attacks: Same as base creature.
Attributes: Smarts -1 die type, Spirit -2 die types (min d4), Charisma +2
Skills: Stealth +1 die type
Special Abilities
 Baleful: Corrupted spirits radiate a fear aura with a radius equal to their Spirit. Affected creatures must make Spirit rolls or be affected
as if by the fear spell. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected by the same corrupted spirit’s aura for 24 hours. Other
corrupted spirits are immune to the aura.
 Steal Essence: The touch of a corrupted spirit forces the target to make a successful Vigor roll or suffer temporary -1 die type reduction
in their Vigor. The corrupted spirit gains a +1 die type increase (max d12) in Vigor for every die drained from a victim. A creature
reduced to below d4 in Vigor dies and rises as a Wight.
 Low-light Vision: Corrupted spirits ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
 Fast Healing
 Immunity: Taint
 Weakness (Sunlight): A corrupted spirit is utterly powerless in bright natural sunlight and flees from it, often dismissing or escaping
from its manifested body to do so.
 Shadow’s celerity: A corrupted spirit’s Pace in all forms of movement increases by 50% (round down) when in shadowy conditions, but
decreases to half their normal Pace in brightly illuminated conditions.

Ghulam (Heart of the Shadow - pg. 44-45)

“Ghulam" is an acquired template that can be added to any Small to Huge-sized creature with Smarts d4+ (referred to hereafter as the base
creature). A ghulam uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

Creature type: The creature becomes an undead. It uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted below.
Pace: Same as base creature.
Armor: Gains an Armor bonus (Armor +2) or the base creature’s armor, whichever is better.
Attacks: Claws (Str+d8); Can only use weapons that were on the base creature at the time of transformation.
Attributes: Strength +2 die types, Agility +2 die types, Charisma +2
Skills: Stealth +1 die type, Notice +1 die type
Edges: Alertness
Special Abilities
 Weakness (Sunlight): A corrupted spirit is utterly powerless in bright natural sunlight and flees from it, often dismissing or escaping
from its manifested body to do so.
 Dying Scream:
 Dark Fluid: On a successful hit, a ghulam’s attack inflicts an additional 1d6 points of damage. An opponent can make an opposed Spirit
roll vs. the total damage dealt to only take half damage. If the victim fails the save, he gains taint (mechanic to be determined
 Dying Scream: Anyone within 20” of the ghulam that can hear its scream must make a successful Spirit check or be forced to roll on the
Fear table, as if affected by a terror effect. Each subsequent failed Spirit check adds one to the roll on the Fear Table roll.
 Blood Gear: Anything the ghulam was wearing or carrying when it was transformed remains with the ghulam in its new form; however,
the gear is all simply a manifestation of the blood of the zordrafin corith.
 Bound: A ghulam is connected irrevocably to its zordrafin corith . If a ghulam is ever forced more than 100” from the zordrafin corith it
suffers a negative Rank each round on its turn. If it ever reaches lower than Novice Rank, it is destroyed. If the zordrafin corith is ever
destroyed, so is the ghulam. So long as it remains within 300ft. of its zordrafin corith, it is considered bolstered by it and gains a +1 (if
the mirror is a blood mirror) or +2 (if a grand mirror) to checks against repulsion. While hiding within a zordrafin corith’s blood, the
ghulam gains a +6 to their Stealth rolls to maintain hiding.
 Fast Healing
 Spell Resistance: A ghulam gains the Arcane Resistance Edge.
The Hadukar (Minions of Shadow – pg. 4)
"Hadukar" is an inherited template that can be added to any horse. A Hadukar uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as
noted here.
Pace: Increase the Pace by 1; Parry: Same as base creature; Toughness: Toughness increases by 1.
Attacks: The hadukar retains all the attacks of the base creature. If it does not already have a bite attack, it gains one (Str+d4). If the base
creature already had a bite attack, it increases the bite damage by one die type.
Special Abilities: The hadukar retains all the special qualities of the base creature. In addition, it gains all of the following.
 Amenable: Hadukar are bred to be easy creatures to handle and ride. As a result, characters riding these animals gain a +2 to Ride rolls.
 Vessel: The most important quality of these beasts is their willingness to accept an astirax. When threatened with possession by any
spirit, a hadukar receives no opposed Spirit roll.
Attributes: Modify from the base creature as follows: Strength d12+1, Vigor d10, Spirit d8.
Skills: Same as the base creature, but increase Notice to d8.
Edges: Hadukar gain the Alertness Edge.

Horse, Sarcosan-bred (Stars & Shadow - pg. 52)

"Sarcosan-bred" is an inherited template that can be added to any horse (referred to hereafter as the base creature). The creature's size, Edges,
and special attacks do not change.
A Sarcosan-bred horse uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

Pace: Faster than horses bred elsewhere; increase the base creature's Pace by 1.
Special Abilities: Sarcosan-bred horses often possess quirks that make them especially unique. Roll once on the Quirks chart below.
Attributes: Sarcosan-bred horses tend to be smaller but faster than normal horses. Adjust the base creature as follows: Agility +1 die type, Vigor -
1 die type.

Sarcosan-Bred Quirks
D10 Roll Quirk Game Effect
1 Skittish This horse is especially jittery, and receives the Quick Edge and a -2 to Spirit rolls against Fear effects.
This horse forms a close bond with its master and should its master fall unconscious or die, the horse
will attack any enemy who approaches the owner, fighting to the death to defend him or her.
2 Loyal Characters known by the horse to be his master's friends or allies may approach with a successful
Persuasion roll, but those with evil intent posing as friends (such as spies or assassins) must also make
an opposed Spirit roll; normal body language and skill at bluffing are not a factor against an animal.
This horse is more at home in the wild. The rider receives a +2 to Riding rolls made while in natural
3 Wild
settings, and a -2 penalty to the similar checks made in cities or towns.
This horse is used to the noises of big cities and gains a +2 to Spirit rolls against ear effects. However,
4 Domesticated it can never be trained to fight unnatural creatures (i.e., anything other than humanoids, monstrous
humanoids, giants, or animals).
This horse is especially alert and gains the Alertness Edge. Unfortunately, the horse is often nervous
5 Alert
and does not eat well. It suffers -1 to any Vigor rolls.
This horse is built for strength instead of speed or intelligence. It receives a +1 die type to Strength
6 Strong
but loses the +1 Pace increase and +1 die type to Agility of most Sarcosan-bred horses.
This horse does not get along well with other horses. When not in battle, it attempts a nonlethal bite
attack against any other horse that enters its threat range. If the horse is being ridden, this instinct
7 Disgruntled
can be countered with a successful Persuasion roll with a raise. The horse gains a +1 to Fighting rolls
using its bite attack at all times.
This horse gains +1 die type to Smarts (still Animal-based, however), but it is also more docile than
8 Smart
most. It takes a successful Ride roll to get the horse to attack on command.
This horse has an especially sensitive nose and gains Tracking d8 as a skill. It gains a +2 to Tracking
9 Tracker rolls made to track by scent, but it also suffers a -2 to Vigor rolls against effects that would sicken or
nauseate it.
GM's Choice (The GM may invent his own, choose one of the above, or choose a bonus Edge that the
10 GM's Choice
horse receives.)

Shadow Servant (Forge of Shadow - pg. 59-60)

"Shadow Servant" is an inherited template that can be added to any humanoid or monstrous humanoid creature of at least Seasoned Rank (referred
to hereafter as the base creature).

Creature type: The creature becomes an aberration. It uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted below.
Pace: Same as base creature.
Armor: Gains an Armor bonus (+2 Large or smaller, +4 Huge or bigger).
Attacks: Claws (Str+d4)
Attributes: Strength +2 die type, Agility -1 die type (min d4), Vigor +2 die type, Smarts or Spirit – 2 die type (min d4)
Special Abilities
 Fast Regeneration
 Immunity: Cold
 Black Shroud: 2x/day, may cast the light/obscure spell; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll.
 Malevolent Presence: 2x/day, may cast the fear spell; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll.
 Shadow’s Will: 1x/day, may cast the puppet spell; use Spirit as relevant Trait for arcane skill roll.
 Invulnerability Shadow Servants can only be harmed by their Weaknesses. They may be Shaken by other attacks, but never wounded.
 Weakness (Silver): All Shadow Servants have vulnerability to silver. Silver items used as weapons can harm a Shadow Servant

Soulreaved (Destiny & Shadow - pg. 57-58)

"Soulreaved" is an inherited template that can be added to any creature (referred to hereafter as the base creature).

Creature type: The creature becomes an undead. It uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted below.
Pace: Same as base creature or Pace 7, whichever is better.
Armor: Gains an Armor bonus (Armor +2) or the base creature’s armor, whichever is better.
Attacks: Slam (Str+d6); cannot use any weapons other than the base creature’s natural weapons, if it had any.
Attributes: Strength +2 die type, Agility +2 die type, Smarts drops to d4(A)
Skills: +1 die type to Stealth, Notice, and Survival
Edges: Quick
Special Abilities
 Drain Vitality: Each round an individual stays within 30” of the soulreaved, it must make a successful Vigor check or be fatigued.
 Siphon Magic: The soulreaved is like a mobile, half-strength pale mirror with regards to channeled magic. Within a 1-mile radius,
channeled spells require +1 Spell Energy to cast, and both channeled magic items and ongoing channeled spell effects must make an
opposed check versus a Dispel effect,
 Spells: No ability to cast spells. Creatures that cast spells or have spell abilities lose those abilities when they become soulreaved.
 Bound: The soulreaved cannot venture beyond the original dispelling radius of the now-destroyed mirror that created it.
 Dampen Light: All light, natural or magical, within 20” of a soulreaved becomes dampened. The area around it is considered Dim
 Lifescent: The soulreaved have an uncanny ability to track living creatures within its territory. It feels the presence of any living beings
within a 1-mile radius, and will pursue them unceasingly until they are destroyed.
 Unnatural Aura: Animals, whether wild or domesticated, can sense the unnatural presence of a soulreaved at a distance of 30”. They
do not willingly approach nearer than that and panic if forced to do so; they remain panicked as long as they are within that range.
 Invulnerability Soulreaved can only be harmed by their Weaknesses. They may be Shaken by other attacks, but never wounded.
 Weakness (Sunlight, Silver and Magic): All Soulreaved have vulnerability to silver and magic. Silver and magic items or spells used
as weapons can harm a Soulreaved normally. Sunlight weakens a soulreaved and they suffer a -3 Strength and Agility die type (minimum
d4) and their Pace is halved (round up).

Brine Ungral (Under the Shadow - pg. 60)
Creature type: The creature gains the Undead special ability and is considered Fell. "Brine Ungral" is an inherited template that can be added to
any corporeal creature with a Smarts d4+, other than plants and undead (referred to hereafter as the base creature).
Pace: Same as base creature.
Armor: Gains an Armor bonus (+2 Small, +4 Size 0, +6 Large, +8 Huge).
Attacks: Claws (Str+d4); Bite (Str+d6)
Attributes: Strength +1 die type
Special Abilities
 Undead: Brine ungral gain the following: +2 Toughness, +2 to recover from Shaken, called shots do no extra damage, immune to
 Rend: If the brine ungral hits with both claw attacks (suffering the multiple action penalty of -2 per usual), then it automatically hits with
its bite attack and inflicts (Str+d6) damage.
 Vile Salt: If the brine ungral attacks an unarmored opponent with its claws or rends an armored foe, the foe must succeed with a Vigor
roll. If the target fails this roll, he becomes Exhausted.
 Degenerative Hunger: A brine ungral must feed on the fresh meat every 15 days. If it does not, it devolves into a brine faengral.
 Regenerative Hunger: After inflicting damage with its bite attack (or every 10 lbs. of still-warm flesh it consumes), a brine ungral may
make a Vigor roll to heal any damage it has sustained.

Creature type: The creature gains the Undead special ability. "Faengral" is a template that can be added to an ungral that fails to eat its own
body weight in still-warm flesh in a single week and has a Smarts score of d4 or higher.
When creating a faengral, use the base creature's statistics rather than those created by the application of the ungral template. For instance, when
adding the faengral template to an ungral hobgoblin, simply apply the faengral template directly to the hobgoblin's original statistics. The faengral
uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted here.
Attributes: Same as base creature, Strength +1 die type, Vigor +1 die type. Additionally, in order to qualify as a faengral a creature must have a
Smarts score of d4, and its Spirit is likely to be significantly lower than that of the base creature.
Skills: Same as base creature, +2 on Notice and Stealth rolls
Pace: Same as base creature; Parry: Same as base creature; Toughness: Same as base creature
Edges: Same as base creature
Special Abilities
 Undead: Faengral gain the following: +2 Toughness, +2 to recover from Shaken, called shots do no extra damage, immune to
 Bite/Claws: Str. The faengral retains all the attacks of the base creature, and as the flesh of its fingers harden or rot away, it also gains
two bony claw attacks if it did not have them. A faengral loses the ability to use weapons--it is a feral beast that would rather claw its way
to food than wield a weapon of steel. A creature with natural weapons retains those natural weapons.
 Degenerative Hunger: A faengral must feed on the still-warm flesh of a non-spirit with Smarts d4 or higher. If it does not consume its
own weight in such flesh each week, its Smarts decreases by one die type. If at any point a faengral has gone one week without eating
this amount of flesh and its Smarts is already a d4, it devolves into a maelgral. Traits cannot be decreased in this manner lower than d4.
 Regenerative Hunger: After inflicting damage with its bite attack (or every 10 lbs. of still-warm flesh it consumes), a faengral may
make a Vigor roll to heal any damage it has sustained.
Faergral (Fury of Shadow - pg. 137-138)
Creature type: The creature gains the Undead special ability. "Faergral" is a template that can be added to any corporeal creature with a Smarts
of d4+ other than undead (referred to hereafter as the base creature).
Pace: Same as base creature.
Armor: Gains an Armor bonus (+2 Small, +4, Size 0, +6 Large, +8 Huge+).
Attacks: Slam (Str+d6); as weapon or natural weapon
Attributes: Strength +2 die types, Agility -1 die type, Smarts -1 die type, Spirit -1 die type
Edges: A faergral loses all Edges
Special Abilities
 Undead: Faergral gain the following: +2 Toughness, +2 to recover from Shaken, called shots do no extra damage, immune to
 Slam: Str+d6. The faergral retains all the attacks of the base creature, and gains a slam attack if it did not have it.
 Burn: Any creature hit by the faergral’s slam attack (or that hits the faergral with a natural weapon or unarmed attack) must make a
successful Agility roll or catch fire (see fire rules in SWEX pg. 104). The fire burns for 1d4 rounds.
 Consumed: A faergrals body is slowly consumed by its own flames from the moment it rises. The faergral must make a successful Vigor
roll each hour or suffer a wound.
 Immunity: Fire
 Weakness (cold, water): A faergral suffers double damage from cold or water-based attacks unless a Trait roll for half damage is
allowed. In that case, the creature takes half damage on a successful Trait roll or double damage on a failure.
 Single Actions Only: The faergral have poor reflexes and cannot take multiple actions in a round.

Creature type: The creature gains the Undead special ability. The maelgral, or "walking dead," is the last state of the Fell before total decay.
Maelgral have lost nearly all of their personality and are less dangerous, though more durable, than the other forms of undead. They have more
durability and an inability to feel pain, but no longer have the dexterity to claw or bite their prey; instead, they can only attempt to bludgeon their
victims with desperate clubbing motions of their often handless arms.
"Maelgral" is a template that can be added to a faengral that fails to eat its own body weight in still-warm flesh in a single week and has a Smarts
score of d4 or lower (e.g. animal intelligence).
When creating a maelgral, use the base creature's statistics rather than those created by the application of the faengral template. For instance,
when adding the maelgral template to a faengral hobgoblin, simply apply the maelgral template directly to the hobgoblin's original statistics.
The maelgral is identical to the Zombie except as noted here.
Attributes: Same as base creature, Strength +1 die type, Vigor +1 die type, Agility -1 die type. Additionally, in order to qualify as a maelgral a
creature must have a Smarts score of d4.
Skills: Same as base creature
Pace: Same as base creature; Parry: Same as base creature; Toughness: Same as base creature
Edges: None
Special Abilities
 Bite/Claws: Str. The maelgral retains all the attacks of the base creature, and as the flesh of its fingers harden or rot away, it also
gains two bony claw attacks if it did not have them. A maelgral loses the ability to use weapons--it is a stupid creature that would does
not remember how wield a weapon of steel. A creature with natural weapons retains those natural weapons.
 Undead: Maelgral gain the following: +2 Toughness, +2 to recover from Shaken, called shots do no extra damage, immune to
 Fearless: Maelgral are immune to Fear and Intimidation.
 Weakness (Head): Shots to a maelgral’s head are +2 damage.

Creature type: The creature gains the Undead special ability. "Ungral" is a template that can be added to any aberration, dragon, giant,
humanoid, magical beast, or monstrous humanoid creature and Smarts d6 or higher (referred hereafter as the "base creature"). An ungral uses all
the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted here.
Attributes: Same as base creature
Skills: Same as base creature
Pace: Same as base creature; Parry: Same as base creature; Toughness: Same as base creature
Edges: Same as base creature
Special Abilities
 Undead: Ungral gain the following: +2 Toughness, +2 to recover from Shaken, called shots do no extra damage, immune to
 Bite: Str. The ungral retains all the attacks of the base creature, and gains a bite attack. A creature with natural weapons retains those
natural weapons.
 Degenerative Hunger: An ungral must feed on the still-warm flesh of a non-spirit with Smarts d4 or higher. If it does not consume its
own weight in such flesh each week, its Smarts decreases by one die type. If at any point an ungral has gone one week without eating
this amount of flesh and its Smarts is already a d6, it devolves into a faengral. Traits cannot be decreased in this manner lower than d4.
 Regenerative Hunger: After inflicting damage with its bite attack (or every 10 lbs. of still-warm flesh it consumes), an ungral may make
a Vigor roll to heal any damage it has sustained.

Trapped Spirit
"Trapped" is an acquired template that can be added to any elemental, fey, or outsider (referred to hereafter as the base creature).

 Creature type: A trapped spirit uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted here. Though trapped spirits
are based on creatures with corporeal forms, most lost those forms during or after the fall of the dark god. A trapped spirit's natural state
is referred to as bodiless. While extremely limited, as described below, all trapped spirits have an ability that allows them to interact with
the physical world, however, which is referred to as manifesting.
 Size and Type: Trapped spirits gain the Ethereal Monstrous Ability.
 Pace: All trapped spirits have Pace (fly) 6, unless the base creature has a higher fly speed. A trapped spirit that takes form does not keep
this speed, gaining instead the speed and movement types of the form that it takes.
 Attacks, Damage, and Special Attacks: A trapped spirit cannot attack, damage, or otherwise affect the physical world in any way
while bodiless. Nor may it use any of its special attacks or special qualities that rely on a physical form. Special Qualities (bodiless):
When bodiless, trapped spirits may use none of their special qualities, instead gaining the special qualities listed below.
 Bodiless: Bodiless is a state of being similar to incorporeality, but is one step farther removed from the physical world. All of the core
rules for interaction between ethereal creatures and corporeal creatures are applied to interaction between bodiless creatures and other
creatures. While bodiless, a spirit can take no actions other than moving. While a trapped spirit is bodiless it can only perceive the
physical world via its worldsense ability.
 Superior Invisibility: While bodiless, a trapped spirit is invisible at all times. Though this effect cannot be dispelled and continues even
in areas where invisibility is dispelled, bodiless spirits can still be seen through divination spells that can see ethereal creatures. Since the
world is rather crowded with bodiless spirits of all types, however, it can often be difficult for a viewer to differentiate between his target
and spirits that simply happen to be present.
 Worldsense: Bodiless spirits can sense only vision and sound from the physical world, and may only do so at a range of 2” per Rank. If a
mortal were to look through a spirit's "eyes," he would behold a strange and muted world. All physical objects are seen as vague,
colorless, and muted, and sound is heard as a slow-motion warble. This means that bodiless spirits generally cannot understand the
meanings of conversations they hear, nor can they identify the details of individual creatures beyond size. Adjacent objects seem melded
together, such that a group of adventurers sitting around a campfire might simply look to the spirit like a stand of shrubs or a jumble of
rocks, at least until they move. Likewise, a large serpent and a line of wolves traveling down a trail might look identical to the spirit's
uncertain perceptions. Bodiless trapped spirits therefore have a base penalty to Notice rolls of -8.
 Each creature type with the trapped template has an exception to this perceptual limitation, things that the spirit can behold clearly and
sharply. The bodiless spirit suffers no penalty to Notice rolls when perceiving these exceptions, and they appear and sound clear and well-
defined to the spirit. The exceptions for each creature type are described below
o Elementals: Elemental spirits' exceptions are, not surprisingly, the elements that matches their elemental affinity: earth and
stone for earth elementals, air for air elementals, etc. They can clearly see and hear such material, and can also determine its
level of purity or pollution.
o Fey: Fey spirits' exception is the natural world, which means in game terms that they can clearly hear and see plant and animal
types, as well as determine their level of health and whether or not they suffer from any diseases.
o Outsiders: Outsiders are the most various of the trapped spirits. Their exceptions depend on their subtypes. Outsiders with
elemental subtypes have exceptions identical to elementals. If an outsider has multiple subtypes, it may benefit from multiple
exceptions. Additionally, regardless of their subtypes, all outsiders can sense the presence and Rank of any creatures on which
they may use their possession abilities, although they cannot make out additional details about the creature until they possess
Because these limited stimuli are the only clear "landmarks" that bodiless spirits have in regards to the physical world, they are fairly poor
navigators and can be nearly blind to the physical world when not near one of their exceptions. Even if a bodiless outsider that was scouting or
spying for its master were to notice a group of creatures pass by, for instance, it might have trouble returning to its master to report their presence.
Distance and direction, after all, have little meaning to bodiless spirits.
Special Qualities (Manifest): Each creature type with the trapped template uses a different special quality to manifest, as descried below. All
three methods of manifestation are supernatural abilities. When elementals and fey manifest, they gain all of the stats of a normal creature of their
type, including pace, Parry, Toughness, attributes, special attacks and qualities, and so on. Until they are destroyed they essentially become a
normal creature of that type. Outsiders, on the other hand, can vary significantly from the original form depending on the manner in which they
Regardless of a spirit's method of manifestation, all trapped spirits can abandon their physical forms as a regular action.
 Elementals: Unless summoned by a spellcaster, trapped elementals may only manifest through the element to which they have an
affinity. Additionally, an amount of mass appropriate for the elemental's size must be present for the elemental to manifest. So long as
these two conditions are met, a trapped elemental can manifest at will and remains in that form until violence destroys it or boredom
gnaws away at its desire to remain in physical form.
 Fey: Fey are even more mysterious than elementals, and only manifest when it suits their whim. They create bodies for themselves out of
pure desire and life energy, rather than animating inanimate mass like elementals or possessing living creatures like outsiders, but to a
specific network of plant and animal lives, whether it be a tree, a glade, a pond, or some other natural setting, so a dryad would manifest
in the heart of a tree, a nixie in the middle of a pond, a pixie in the heart of a flowerbed, and so on. The fey can only journey in its
present form within a radius of 30” of that point per Rank it possesses; if it goes any farther, it immediately returns to its bodiless state.
 Outsiders: Outsiders' method of manifesting, called possession, is more dependent than the others on creatures with hearts and minds,
and therefore is all the more insidious. Once per round as a regular action, a trapped outsider can attempt to merge its body with a living
creature that does not have the spirit subtype. To use this ability, the spirit must move into the target's space. The target can resist the
attack with a successful opposed Spirit roll. A creature that successfully passes the opposed Spirit roll is immune to that same spirit's
possession ability for 24 hours, and the spirit cannot enter the target's space. If the save fails, the spirit vanishes into the target's body. A
trapped outsider may continue to possess a creature for as long as it wishes. Each day, the creature gets a new opposed Spirit roll against
the effect; if it succeeds, the spirit is cast out of the body and cannot attempt to use its possession ability again on that host for 24 hours.
If it fails, the creature's Smarts and Spirit are each reduced by one die type and the spirit continues to posses the creature. Once any of a
creature's mental ability scores reaches a score of d4 or lower, it may begin to suffer the effects of a transformation (see below). Note
that, since the possessing spirit continues to use its own mental ability scores, this decrease does not affect the spirit's capabilities.
 Transformation: Before a possessed creature undergoes a transformation, it retains all of its own Strength, Agility, Vigor, natural
abilities, and automatic abilities. The creature now has the mind, will, knowledge, and skills of the possessing spirit, however, including its
Smarts and Spirit, Rank, Professional Edges, attacks, and mental abilities (including spell-like abilities and spellcasting abilities if the
possessed creature has the manual dexterity required). The possessing spirit also retains all of its non-physical special qualities, such as
Arcane Resistance, ability to see in darkness, telepathy, and so on. Most spirits may only possess creatures with a character Rank and
Smarts Trait equal to or lower than their own; mindless creatures, like some undead, plant creatures, and most vermin, cannot be
possessed at all. There are exceptions, of course; some spirits may only use their possession abilities on mindless creatures, while others
can only inhabit animals regardless of their Rank, like astiraxes. Each spirit's particular limitations are decided by the GM at their creation.
As soon as any of a possessed creature's mental ability scores reaches lower than d4, and if the possessed creature is the same size
category as the spirit's original form, it may also begin the horrid or miraculous process known as a transformation. At first it begins to
take on characteristics of the physical form that once belonged to the creature possessing it, and eventually it becomes the creature
entirely. When that happens, the host is lost and effectively dies. The outsider may choose not to initiate the transformation of its host,
such as in cases where it is concerned for the host's continuing life and welfare. Each day of a transformation, compare the physical
attributes (Strength, Vigor, Agility) and natural Armor of the possessed creature and those of the spirit's original form. If these numerical
Traits of the spirit's original form differ from those of the possessed creature, increase or decrease each of them by +1 or -1 die type (for
attributes) or numerically (for natural Armor) to bring them closer to the spirit's original form. This continues each day until the possessed
creature succeeds at its opposed Spirit roll or its natural Armor and physical attributes are equal to the spirit's original form. Once a
possessed creature reaches this point, it completes it transformation. It becomes the spirit's original form for all intents and purposes,
including gaining all special attacks and all special qualities. Trapped outsiders that have possessed and remained in an appropriate
vessel for long enough to gain their true form, complete with powers, are loathe to put such bodies in danger. After all, the closer a being
is in power to the outsider's original form, and therefore the quicker the transformation, the more resistant such a creature is to
possession. Fully transformed bodies are therefore a treasure to be preserved whenever possible. Any time characters encounter an
outsider in its natural form, it means that a successful transformation created it. A possessed creature may be able to throw off the
shackles of its parasitic spirit before the transformation is complete, such as by making its daily opposed Spirit roll against the possession
or by being exposed to a spell or other ward that blocks possession. If this occurs before any of the possessed creature's mental
attributes (Smarts or Spirit) reached lower than d4, it is free of the spirit and regains the attribute dice at a rate of 1 die type per day for
each attribute. If the possessed creature is freed after the transformation has begun, however, it might not walk away unscathed. Such a
creature must make a Vigor roll + the number of days of transformation it underwent. If it fails this Vigor roll, the creature dies due to the
shock of its body attempting to return to its natural form.

Destroying a Spirit's Physical Form

When they manifest, their bodies can be destroyed by being Incapacitated as normal for their creature type. If the body of a trapped spirit is
destroyed, the spirit's bodiless form is ejected from the physical form and is Shaken for one round. The spirit also loses the ability to manifest for
the next 2d4 days. If the trapped spirit abandons its physical form of its own volition, however, it may manifest again as soon as it likes.
Keep in mind that wounds and even physical attribute damage done to the body do not actually harm the spirit itself. In most cases, a spirit that is
ejected from a body by its destruction will be unharmed, unless the attackers were taking advantage of its vulnerabilities (see below).
Destroying a Spirit Utterly
Spirits are notoriously difficult to permanently destroy, though it is not impossible to do so. Although invisible to the naked eye and immune to most
weapons and effects, a bodiless spirit can still be harmed via some spells. If a spirit's bodiless form suffers enough wounds to Incapacitate it and it
fails the Vigor rolls per normal, it is forever destroyed, its essence having been dispersed into oblivion.
The time when a spirit is most vulnerable is just after its physical form has been destroyed. Given that they are bodiless, such spirits have a fairly
good chance of escaping any pursuers by simply traveling away from them at top speed, maybe straight into the ground, preventing pursuit.
All trapped spirits have a vulnerability to either magic or a specific material, be it cold iron, silver, wood, or something else. The method of delivery
is sometimes key as well, such as a spirit who is only vulnerable to piercing wooden weapons. This vulnerability has two effects.
First, weapons made from the substance are the best way to damage the spirit. They bypass any Invulnerability or Immunities it may have when it
manifests, and any damage dealt by such weapons is dealt simultaneously to the spirit and physical bodies. Additionally, these weapons can always
be used to damage the spirit in it bodiless form.
Second, the spirit cannot pass over or through the substance. Thus, a spirit vulnerable to silver could not enter a ring of silver, and could be trapped
should it be surrounded by a solid barrier or line of the substance. Creating such a circle requires a Knowledge (spirits) roll with a raise and requires
5 minutes of work per 1” radius of the circle. The vertical plane does not matter when creating such circles (for instance, a spirit couldn't come up
"through the floor" in the middle of a circle of warding, as the barrier extends upward and downward infinitely).
 Fey: All fey are vulnerable to cold iron. This is why cold iron is necessary to bypass some fey's Invulnerabilities.
 Elementals: All elementals are vulnerable to the energy of their opposite element as listed below.
Elemental Energy
Air Acid
Earth Electricity
Fire Cold
Water Fire
 Outsiders: Unlike fey and elementals, outsiders have no single vulnerability, even two identical demons taken straight from the core
rules and given the trapped template may have wildly differing vulnerabilities. To determine a trapped outsider's vulnerability, roll on the
table below (or choose a vulnerability, either from the table or of your own devising, that fits the theme of the outsider or the encounter).
A trapped outsider's vulnerability replaces the type of weapon normally necessary to bypass that creature type’s Invulnerabilities.

Characters can research a particular spirit to find its vulnerability using the normal methods used to learn about a creature's powers. As with all
creatures, an appropriate Knowledge check (in this case Knowledge [spirits]) with a raise can reveal information about the spirit, including its
vulnerability at the GM's discretion. Alternative methods of investigation that may be allowed include the use of a hermetic channeler's lorebook,
Streetwise rolls made in communities near the spirit's home lair, Knowledge (history) rolls, or even Notice rolls to attempt to decipher what a
creature fears by watching its behavior or motion.

Outsider Vulnerabilities
% Roll Vulnerability
01-10 Magic*
11-20 Bone
21-30 Silver
31-40 Cold iron
41-50 Mithral
51-60 Coral (weapon) and running water (boundary)
61-70 Wood
71-75 Specific herbal concoction
76-80 One elemental type
81-85 One energy type
86-90 Roll twice, ignoring result higher than 90. The spirit is vulnerable to both results.
91-95 Roll twice, ignoring any result higher than 90. The spirit is only vulnerable to a combination of the two materials or effects.
96-00 Roll again, ignoring any result higher than 90, and roll on table below.

% Roll Delivery Method

01-30 Bludgeoning
31-60 Piercing
61-00 Slashing

* A character with the Channeler Edge can create a magical barrier that a spirit with this vulnerability cannot cross by channeling Spell Energy
into mundane items used to make the barrier. For every point of Spell Energy thus spent, the character can create a 5” diameter barrier that
lasts for one hour. Doubling the size of the barrier increases the Spell Energy cost by one for each size increase.
Crown of Shadows Allies, Wild Cards & Creatures
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d6, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d6, Throwing d6
Charisma: -2; Pace: 6; Parry: 5 (6 w/javelin); Toughness: 8 (1)
Gear: Leather armor (+1), vardatch (Str+d10), 2 javelins (Str+d6), heavy hobnail boots, small wooden shield, wide leather belt, armored greaves
(+3 legs), large fighting knife (Str+d4), large belt pouch, 2 man-days of rations
Special Abilities
 Low-light Vision: Orcs are creatures of the night. They ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
 Resistant to Cold: Orcs were originally bred by Izrador in the far north of Eredane. They receive a +2 bonus to resist the effects of cold
but suffer a -4 to resist the effects of heat.
 Pack Mentality: The wild calls and howls of attacking orcs fill their brethren with a frenzied sort of valor. Orcs receive a +1 bonus on all
Fighting rolls when fighting in groups of 10 or more orcs, whether they are enemies or allies.
 Dwarf bane: Orcs have fought Dwarves for thousands of years. They receive a +1 bonus on all damage rolls against Dwarves.
 Arcane Resistance Edge: He acts as if he had 2 points of Armor when hit by damage-causing arcane spells, and adds +2 to his Trait
rolls when resisting opposed spells.
 Orcs receive 5 Spell Energy less anytime they take the Arcane Background Edge, unless they are members of the Kusratch Uradeen.
 Uncharismatic: Orcs are crude and brutish creatures. They gain the Mean Hindrance.
 Light Sensitivity: Orc eyes are sensitive to strong light. They suffer a -1 attack penalty when in bright sunlight.

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d6, Throwing d8
Charisma: -2; Pace: 6; Parry: 7 (8 w/javelin); Toughness: 8 (1)
Gear: Leather armor (+1), vardatch (Str+d10), 4 javelins (Str+d6), heavy hobnail boots, large steel shield, wide leather belt, armored greaves (+3
legs), large fighting knife (Str+d4), large belt pouch, 2 man-days of rations
Special Abilities
 Low-light Vision: Orcs are creatures of the night. They ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
 Resistant to Cold: Orcs were originally bred by Izrador in the far north of Eredane. They receive a +2 bonus to resist the effects of cold
but suffer a -4 to resist the effects of heat.
 Pack Mentality: The wild calls and howls of attacking orcs fill their brethren with a frenzied sort of valor. Orcs receive a +1 bonus on all
Fighting rolls when fighting in groups of 10 or more orcs, whether they are enemies or allies.
 Dwarf bane: Orcs have fought Dwarves for thousands of years. They receive a +1 bonus on all damage rolls against Dwarves.
 Arcane Resistance Edge: He acts as if he had 2 points of Armor when hit by damage-causing arcane spells, and adds +2 to his Trait
rolls when resisting opposed spells.
 Orcs receive 5 Spell Energy less anytime they take the Arcane Background Edge, unless they are members of the Kusratch Uradeen.
 Uncharismatic: Orcs are crude and brutish creatures. They gain the Mean Hindrance.
 Light Sensitivity: Orc eyes are sensitive to strong light. They suffer a -1 attack penalty when in bright sunlight.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d6, Climbing d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d8, Shooting d8, Stealth d8, Survival d6+, Throwing d8
Charisma: -2; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6 (1)
Gear: Leather armor (+1), hand axe (Str+d6), light crossbow (2d6), small wooden shield, small pack with straps for hand axes, 3 man-days of
Special Abilities
 Low-light Vision: Orcs are creatures of the night. They ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
 Resistant to Cold: Orcs were originally bred by Izrador in the far north of Eredane. They receive a +2 bonus to resist the effects of cold
but suffer a -4 to resist the effects of heat.
 Pack Mentality: The wild calls and howls of attacking orcs fill their brethren with a frenzied sort of valor. Orcs receive a +1 bonus on all
Fighting rolls when fighting in groups of 10 or more orcs, whether they are enemies or allies.
 Dwarf bane: Orcs have fought Dwarves for thousands of years. They receive a +1 bonus on all damage rolls against Dwarves.
 Arcane Resistance Edge: He acts as if he had 2 points of Armor when hit by damage-causing arcane spells, and adds +2 to his Trait
rolls when resisting opposed spells.
 Orcs receive 5 Spell Energy less anytime they take the Arcane Background Edge, unless they are members of the Kusratch Uradeen.
 Uncharismatic: Orcs are crude and brutish creatures. They gain the Mean Hindrance.
 Light Sensitivity: Orc eyes are sensitive to strong light. They suffer a -1 attack penalty when in bright sunlight.

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d10, Climbing d6, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d6, Survival d4, Throwing d8
Charisma: -2; Pace: 6; Parry: 8 (10 w/javelin); Toughness: 9 (3)
Gear: Plate corselet (+3), vardatch (Str+d10), 4 javelins (Str+d6), heavy hobnail boots, large steel shield, wide leather belt, armored greaves (+3
legs), large fighting knife (Str+d4), large belt pouch, 2 man-days of rations
Special Abilities
 Low-light Vision: Orcs are creatures of the night. They ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
 Resistant to Cold: Orcs were originally bred by Izrador in the far north of Eredane. They receive a +2 bonus to resist the effects of cold
but suffer a -4 to resist the effects of heat.
 Pack Mentality: The wild calls and howls of attacking orcs fill their brethren with a frenzied sort of valor. Orcs receive a +1 bonus on all
Fighting rolls when fighting in groups of 10 or more orcs, whether they are enemies or allies.
 Dwarf bane: Orcs have fought Dwarves for thousands of years. They receive a +1 bonus on all damage rolls against Dwarves.
 Arcane Resistance Edge: He acts as if he had 2 points of Armor when hit by damage-causing arcane spells, and adds +2 to his Trait
rolls when resisting opposed spells.
 Orcs receive 5 Spell Energy less anytime they take the Arcane Background Edge, unless they are members of the Kusratch Uradeen.
 Uncharismatic: Orcs are crude and brutish creatures. They gain the Mean Hindrance.
 Light Sensitivity: Orc eyes are sensitive to strong light. They suffer a -1 attack penalty when in bright sunlight.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d10, Strength d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Climbing d6, Faith d8, Fighting d8, Healing d8, Intimidation d8, Knowledge (Arcana) d8, Knowledge (Nature) d6, Knowledge (Religion) d8,
Notice d6, Persuasion d10, Riding d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d6+2, Streetwise d8-2, Survival d8+2, Taunt d8, Tracking d8+2
Edges: Arcane Background (Miracles), Power Points (x3), New Power (x7), Unholy Warrior, Legate, Arcane Familiar (astirax), Wildlander,
Woodsman, Beast Master (Sarcosan war horse)
Hindrances: Arrogant, Vengeful (Minor), Obsession
Charisma: +1; Pace: 6; Parry: 6 (8); Toughness: 11 (5)
Gear: Enchanted Plate Corselet (+5, -4 coverage), longsword (Str+d10+1, +1 to Fighting rolls), longbow (Str+d6), tall walking boots, worn black
traveling leathers, large steel shield, worn brown satchel, 5 days of rations
Spells: armor, light/obscure, boost/lower trait, detect/conceal arcana, fear, healing, silence, blindside, bolt, smite
Spell Energy: 25
Special Abilities
 Nomadic Sarcosans gain a +1 on damage rolls against creatures smaller than their mounts when using a melee weapon from horseback.


Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d10
Skills: Climbing d6, Fighting d8, Knowledge (Kaladrun Mountains) d6, Knowledge (Nature) d4, Notice d4, Shooting d6, Stealth d6+2, Survival
d8+2, Tracking d10+2
Edges: Arcane Resistance, Wildlander, Woodsman, Beast Master, Master Hunter (Orc)
Hindrances: Stubborn, Loyalty (Dwarf and clan)
Charisma: 0; Pace: 5; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9 (2)
Gear: Chain shirt (+2, -2 coverage), battle axe (Str+d8), short bow (Str+d6), large hunting knife (Str+d4), Goat fur clothes, heavy rabbit cloak,
heavy ort-hide brogans, 50’ coarse rope
Special Abilities
 Low-light Vision: Dwarves can see even in pitch darkness. They halve attack penalties (round down) for bad lighting.
 Orc-bane: Dwarves have fought orcs for thousands of years. They receive a +1 bonus on all Fighting rolls against orcs.
 Stonecunning: Clan dwarves are very much at home in their underground caverns. They receive a +2 bonus on all Notice rolls to notice
unusual stonework, such as sliding walls, new or unsafe construction, and the like. A clan dwarf can also intuit depth, sensing his
approximate depth underground as naturally as a human can sense which way is up.

WENDELL GALE (Ally – Male Gnome)

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d4, Vigor d8
Skills: Boating d8+, Fighting d6, Gambling d6+2, Knowledge (Eren River Valley) d8, Notice d6, Perform (storytelling, wood flute) d8, Persuasion
d8+2, Shooting d6, Swimming d8+, Stealth d4, Streetwise d10+2, Survival d4, Taunt d4
Edges: Charismatic, Non-Descript
Hindrances: Cautious, Small
Charisma: +2; Pace: 5; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
Gear: Small traveler’s kit, gnome trader’s vest, wool and leather clothes, brown travel cloak, rugged boots, wooden club (Str+d4) , light crossbow
(2d6), belt pouch, 5 days of rations, pipe and tobacco
Special Abilities
 Low-light Vision: Gnomes see well under conditions of scarce light, such as starlight or moonlight. They ignore attack penalties for Dim
and Dark lighting.

Stone golems are the traditional animated statue. As with most golems, they are shaped in the form of warriors and serve as guardians.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12
Skills: Fighting d10, Intimidation d8, Notice d6
Pace: 5; Parry: 7; Toughness: 13
Treasure: None
Special Abilities
 Armor +4: Magically hardened stone.
 Construct: +2 to recover from being Shaken; No additional damage from called shots; Piercing attacks do half-damage; immune to
poison and disease.
 Fearless: Golems are immune to Fear and Intimidation.
 Improved Arcane Resistance: +4 Armor against damage-causing arcane spells and +4 on Trait rolls to resist opposed spells.
 Size +1: Stone golems stand over 8’ high and weigh 4,000 pounds.
 Stone Fists: Str+d8.

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d4, Vigor d6
Skills: Climb d6, Fighting d6, Notice d6, Taunt d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d10, Throwing d6, Swim d6
Pace: 5; Parry: 5; Toughness: 4
Gear: Short spears (Str+d4)
Special Abilities
 Infravision: Goblins halve penalties for dark lighting against living targets (round down).
 Size -1: Goblins stand 3-4’ tall.

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d4, Vigor d6
Skills: Climb d6, Fighting d6, Notice d6, Taunt d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d10, Throwing d6, Swim d6
Pace: 5; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6
Gear: Short spears (Str+d4)
Special Abilities
 Infravision: Goblins halve penalties for dark lighting against living targets (round down).
 Size -1: Goblins stand 3-4’ tall.
 Undead: Ungral gain the following: +2 Toughness, +2 to recover from Shaken, called shots do no extra damage, immune to
 Bite: Str. The ungral retains all the attacks of the base creature, and gains a bite attack. A creature with natural weapons retains those
natural weapons.
 Degenerative Hunger: An ungral must feed on the still-warm flesh of a non-spirit with Smarts d4 or higher. If it does not consume its
own weight in such flesh each week, its Smarts decreases by one die type. If at any point an ungral has gone one week without eating
this amount of flesh and its Smarts is already a d6, it devolves into a faengral. Traits cannot be decreased in this manner lower than d4.
 Regenerative Hunger: After inflicting damage with its bite attack (or every 10 lbs. of still-warm flesh it consumes), an ungral may make
a Vigor roll to heal any damage it has sustained.


Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d6, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d6, Throwing d6
Charisma: -2; Pace: 6; Parry: 5 (6 w/javelin); Toughness: 10 (1)
Gear: Leather armor (+1), vardatch (Str+d10), 2 javelins (Str+d6), heavy hobnail boots, small wooden shield, wide leather belt, armored greaves
(+3 legs), large fighting knife (Str+d4), large belt pouch, 2 man-days of rations
Special Abilities
 Low-light Vision: Orcs are creatures of the night. They ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
 Resistant to Cold: Orcs were originally bred by Izrador in the far north of Eredane. They receive a +2 bonus to resist the effects of cold
but suffer a -4 to resist the effects of heat.
 Pack Mentality: The wild calls and howls of attacking orcs fill their brethren with a frenzied sort of valor. Orcs receive a +1 bonus on all
Fighting rolls when fighting in groups of 10 or more orcs, whether they are enemies or allies.
 Dwarf bane: Orcs have fought Dwarves for thousands of years. They receive a +1 bonus on all damage rolls against Dwarves.
 Arcane Resistance Edge: He acts as if he had 2 points of Armor when hit by damage-causing arcane spells, and adds +2 to his Trait
rolls when resisting opposed spells.
 Orcs receive 5 Spell Energy less anytime they take the Arcane Background Edge, unless they are members of the Kusratch Uradeen.
 Uncharismatic: Orcs are crude and brutish creatures. They gain the Mean Hindrance.
 Light Sensitivity: Orc eyes are sensitive to strong light. They suffer a -1 attack penalty when in bright sunlight.
 Undead: Ungral gain the following: +2 Toughness, +2 to recover from Shaken, called shots do no extra damage, immune to
 Bite: Str. The ungral retains all the attacks of the base creature, and gains a bite attack. A creature with natural weapons retains those
natural weapons.
 Degenerative Hunger: An ungral must feed on the still-warm flesh of a non-spirit with Smarts d4 or higher. If it does not consume its
own weight in such flesh each week, its Smarts decreases by one die type. If at any point an ungral has gone one week without eating
this amount of flesh and its Smarts is already a d6, it devolves into a faengral. Traits cannot be decreased in this manner lower than d4.
 Regenerative Hunger: After inflicting damage with its bite attack (or every 10 lbs. of still-warm flesh it consumes), an ungral may make
a Vigor roll to heal any damage it has sustained.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d6, Throwing d8
Charisma: -2; Pace: 6; Parry: 7 (8 w/javelin); Toughness: 10 (1)
Gear: Leather armor (+1), vardatch (Str+d10), 4 javelins (Str+d6), heavy hobnail boots, large steel shield, wide leather belt, armored greaves (+3
legs), large fighting knife (Str+d4), large belt pouch, 2 man-days of rations
Special Abilities
 Low-light Vision: Orcs are creatures of the night. They ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
 Resistant to Cold: Orcs were originally bred by Izrador in the far north of Eredane. They receive a +2 bonus to resist the effects of cold
but suffer a -4 to resist the effects of heat.
 Pack Mentality: The wild calls and howls of attacking orcs fill their brethren with a frenzied sort of valor. Orcs receive a +1 bonus on all
Fighting rolls when fighting in groups of 10 or more orcs, whether they are enemies or allies.
 Dwarf bane: Orcs have fought Dwarves for thousands of years. They receive a +1 bonus on all damage rolls against Dwarves.
 Arcane Resistance Edge: He acts as if he had 2 points of Armor when hit by damage-causing arcane spells, and adds +2 to his Trait
rolls when resisting opposed spells.
 Orcs receive 5 Spell Energy less anytime they take the Arcane Background Edge, unless they are members of the Kusratch Uradeen.
 Uncharismatic: Orcs are crude and brutish creatures. They gain the Mean Hindrance.
 Light Sensitivity: Orc eyes are sensitive to strong light. They suffer a -1 attack penalty when in bright sunlight.
 Undead: Ungral gain the following: +2 Toughness, +2 to recover from Shaken, called shots do no extra damage, immune to
 Bite: Str. The ungral retains all the attacks of the base creature, and gains a bite attack. A creature with natural weapons retains those
natural weapons.
 Degenerative Hunger: An ungral must feed on the still-warm flesh of a non-spirit with Smarts d4 or higher. If it does not consume its
own weight in such flesh each week, its Smarts decreases by one die type. If at any point an ungral has gone one week without eating
this amount of flesh and its Smarts is already a d6, it devolves into a faengral. Traits cannot be decreased in this manner lower than d4.
 Regenerative Hunger: After inflicting damage with its bite attack (or every 10 lbs. of still-warm flesh it consumes), an ungral may make
a Vigor roll to heal any damage it has sustained.

A typical worg has gray or black fur, grows to 5 feet long and stands 3 feet tall at the shoulder. It weighs 300 pounds. More intelligent than their
smaller cousins, worgs speak their own language. Some can also speak Common and Goblin.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Survival d6, Tracking d8
Pace: 10; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6
Edges: Alertness
Special Abilities
 Bite/Claws: Str+d6.
 Low-light Vision: Worgs are creatures of the night. They ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
 Fleet Footed: Wogren roll a d10 when running instead of a d6.
 Go for the Throat: Worgs instinctively go for an opponent’s soft spots. With a raise on its attack roll, it hits the target’s most weakly-
armored location.

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d4, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Knowledge (Southern Erenland) d4, Notice d6, Riding d8, Shooting d8, Stealth d6, Survival d4, Throwing d8
Charisma: +1; Pace: 6 (7); Parry: 6; Toughness: 7 (1)
Edges: Alertness, Level Headed
Hindrances: Arrogant, Vengeful (Minor)
Gear: Studded Leather Armor (+1, -4 coverage), Sarcosan Lance (Str+d8), Scimitar (Str+d6), cedeku (Str+d6), shortbow (Str+d6), small shield
Special Abilities
 Nomadic Sarcosans gain a +1 on damage rolls against creatures smaller than their mounts when using a melee weapon from horseback.
 Urban Naivety: Due to their nomadic nature, nomadic Sarcosans get -2 on Streetwise rolls in urban environments.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d10, Climbing d6, Intimidation d8, Knowledge (Northern Marches) d4, Notice d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d6, Survival d4, Taunt d6,
Throwing d8
Charisma: -2; Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 6
Edges: Level Headed, Strong Willed, Mighty Blow
Gear: None
Special Abilities
 Low-light Vision: Orcs are creatures of the night. They ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
 Resistant to Cold: Orcs were originally bred by Izrador in the far north of Eredane. They receive a +2 bonus to resist the effects of cold
but suffer a -4 to resist the effects of heat.
 Pack Mentality: The wild calls and howls of attacking orcs fill their brethren with a frenzied sort of valor. Orcs receive a +1 bonus on all
Fighting rolls when fighting in groups of 10 or more orcs, whether they are enemies or allies.
 Dwarf bane: Orcs have fought Dwarves for thousands of years. They receive a +1 bonus on all damage rolls against Dwarves.
 Arcane Resistance Edge: He acts as if he had 2 points of Armor when hit by damage-causing arcane spells, and adds +2 to his Trait
rolls when resisting opposed spells.
 Orcs receive 5 Spell Energy less anytime they take the Arcane Background Edge, unless they are members of the Kusratch Uradeen.
 Uncharismatic: Orcs are crude and brutish creatures. They gain the Mean Hindrance.
 Light Sensitivity: Orc eyes are sensitive to strong light. They suffer a -1 attack penalty when in bright sunlight.

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d12+3, Vigor d12
Skills: Climbing d8, Fighting d10, Intimidation d8, Notice d10
Pace: 5; Parry: 7; Toughness: 9
Special Abilities
 Bite/Claws: Str+d8.
 Size +3: An umber hulk stands roughly 8 feet tall and measures nearly 5 feet across, weighling about 800 pounds.
 Low-light Vision: Umber Hulks are creatures of the night. They ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
 Large: Attackers add +2 to their attack rolls when attacking an umber hulk due to its large size.
 Burrow (5”): Umber Hulks can burrow into and out of the ground.
 Confusing Gaze: An umber hulk can try to confuse an opponent by catching their gaze. Make an opposed Agility roll; if the umber hulk
wins, the target must make a Smarts roll at -2 (-4 if the unmber hulk had a raise on the opposed Agility roll) or is affected as per the
confusion spell. You can try to fight the umber hulk with your eyes closed; it’s the same as fighting in complete darkness (-6 to attack
rolls). An umber hulk can use this power once per round; it incurs no multi-action penalty. The gaze has a 10" range.
Massive, feral pigs, with razor-sharp tusks; they’re notoriously short-tempered. Dire boars are omnivorous and spend most of their time rooting
around, much as ordinary pigs do. They viciously attack anything that approaches them, however.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d12+4, Vigor d12
Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d6, Stealth d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 12
Special Abilities
 Armor +2: Tough, thick hide.
 Low-light Vision: Dire Boars are creatures of the night. They ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
 Charge: A boar can attack at the end of a run with no multi-action penalty, and gets a +2 to damage when doing so.
 Large: Attackers add +2 to their attack rolls when attacking a Dire Boar due to its large size.
 Tusks: Str+d8.
 Size +2: Dire boars grow up to 12 feet long and weigh as much as 2,000 pounds.

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d6, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d6, Throwing d6
Charisma: -2; Pace: 6; Parry: 5 (6 w/javelin); Toughness: 10 (1)
Gear: Leather armor (+1), vardatch (Str+d10), 2 javelins (Str+d6), heavy hobnail boots, small wooden shield, wide leather belt, armored greaves
(+3 legs), large fighting knife (Str+d4), large belt pouch, 2 man-days of rations
Special Abilities
 Low-light Vision: Orcs are creatures of the night. They ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
 Resistant to Cold: Orcs were originally bred by Izrador in the far north of Eredane. They receive a +2 bonus to resist the effects of cold
but suffer a -4 to resist the effects of heat.
 Pack Mentality: The wild calls and howls of attacking orcs fill their brethren with a frenzied sort of valor. Orcs receive a +1 bonus on all
Fighting rolls when fighting in groups of 10 or more orcs, whether they are enemies or allies.
 Dwarf bane: Orcs have fought Dwarves for thousands of years. They receive a +1 bonus on all damage rolls against Dwarves.
 Arcane Resistance Edge: He acts as if he had 2 points of Armor when hit by damage-causing arcane spells, and adds +2 to his Trait
rolls when resisting opposed spells.
 Orcs receive 5 Spell Energy less anytime they take the Arcane Background Edge, unless they are members of the Kusratch Uradeen.
 Uncharismatic: Orcs are crude and brutish creatures. They gain the Mean Hindrance.
 Light Sensitivity: Orc eyes are sensitive to strong light. They suffer a -1 attack penalty when in bright sunlight.
 Undead: Ungral gain the following: +2 Toughness, +2 to recover from Shaken, called shots do no extra damage, immune to
 Bite: Str. The ungral retains all the attacks of the base creature, and gains a bite attack. A creature with natural weapons retains those
natural weapons.
 Degenerative Hunger: An ungral must feed on the still-warm flesh of a non-spirit with Smarts d4 or higher. If it does not consume its
own weight in such flesh each week, its Smarts decreases by one die type. If at any point an ungral has gone one week without eating
this amount of flesh and its Smarts is already a d6, it devolves into a faengral. Traits cannot be decreased in this manner lower than d4.
 Regenerative Hunger: After inflicting damage with its bite attack (or every 10 lbs. of still-warm flesh it consumes), an ungral may make
a Vigor roll to heal any damage it has sustained.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d10
Pace: 8; Parry: 5; Toughness: 4
Special Abilities
 Bite: Str+d4.
 Fleet Footed: Dogs roll a d10 when running instead of a d6.
 Go for the Throat: Dogs instinctively go for an opponent’s soft spots. With a raise on its attack roll, it hits the target’s most weakly-
armored location.
 Drain Spell Energy: When possessing an animal, the astirax is able to deliver the attack that causes it to be feared by channelers.
Whenever an astirax hits any character with the Arcane Background (Magic) Edge with the primary attack of its host creature, it
immediately drains 1d4 Spell Energy from its victim in addition to normal damage. If this reduces the Spell Energy of the creature to zero,
then the creature becomes Shaken.
 Sense Magic: Astiraxes' essences are formed from the magic of the world itself; when they possess the animals of the world, their
connection to both the physical world and the unseen world of magic allows them to sense nearby spell effects almost as if by scent.
Spells cast by a channeler, magic items crafted by a channeler at a power nexus, and continuous magic effects from either of those
sources can all be detected by an astirax's senses. The range at which an astirax can sense such effects, while theoretically unlimited, is
determined by how powerful the magic is. It senses active spells and magic items at a range of one mile per Rank of the spell cast or 2
miles for magic items. An astirax can detect the general direction and distance (to within one-half mile) of any detected effect. However,
emanations that are near each other create a sort of mystical feedback, amplifying the range at which any emanation can be detected.
For each additional emanation within a 1” radius beyond the first, the range at which all emanations within that radius can be detected
increases by one-half mile. The ability of legates' astiraxes companions to sense magic improves as the legate advances. This enhanced
sense adds a flat 5-mile (at Veteran Rank) or 10-mile (at Heroic Rank) increase to the distance at which any spell effect can be detected.
Astiraxes do not need to be concentrating to use this ability, so they automatically become aware of any channeled spell effect within
range. If the spell is instantaneous, it registers for only a moment, but long enough for the astirax to detect the general direction and
distance (within one-half mile) of the emanation. Astiraxes automatically determine the Rank of the spell effects that they detect and may
make spellcrafting rolls to determine what spell is being cast, identify spells that are already in place, all as if they had cast detect
/concealarcana and were able to see the spellcaster or effect in question. Once within one-half mile of an effect, an astirax may make a
Survival roll to determine the exact direction and estimated distance (within 50 ft.) of each effect. Items such as wands and staffs are
considered to have 2 Ranks less for detection purposes unless they are being used, since the power stored within is not fully realized until
the user activates it. Power nexuses cannot be sensed by an astirax unless they are currently being used by a channeler to create an item
or help power a spell. In this case, the nexus radiates at twice the strength of the item being created or as if the Rank of the spell being
cast was increased by two. Since an astirax is sensing emanations via its spirit self, physical barriers do not block its ability to sense
magic. It can sense a spell being cast miles below the surface, although tracking those emanations is made very difficult by the
intervening stone. The Illusion spell can be used to mask an item's aura from an asirax's sense magic ability, in which case it gets an
opposed Spirit roll versus the arcane skill of the caster to see through the illusion. If it fails this roll, it believes the magic (or lack thereof)
to be valid until it can examine it within 5”, at which time it gains another Spirit roll.
 Silver Vulnerability: All astiraxes have vulnerability to silver. Silver items used as weapons can harm an astirax normally.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d4, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Stealth d6
Charisma: 0; Pace: 5; Parry: 4; Toughness: 8
Gear: None
Special Abilities
 Undead: Ungral gain the following: +2 Toughness, +2 to recover from Shaken, called shots do no extra damage, immune to
 Bite: Str. The Ungral retains all the attacks of the base creature, and gains a bite attack. A creature with natural weapons retains those
natural weapons.
 Degenerative Hunger: An ungral must feed on the still-warm flesh of a non-spirit with Smarts d4 or higher. If it does not consume its
own weight in such flesh each week, its Smarts decreases by one die type. If at any point an ungral has gone one week without eating
this amount of flesh and its Smarts is already a d6, it devolves into a faengral. Traits cannot be decreased in this manner lower than d4.
 Regenerative Hunger: After inflicting damage with its bite attack (or every 10 lbs. of still-warm flesh it consumes), an ungral may make
a Vigor roll to heal any damage it has sustained.

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d6, Intimidation d8, Notice d8+2, Stealth d8+2
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 8
Gear: None
Special Abilities
 Undead: Faengral gain the following: +2 Toughness, +2 to recover from Shaken, called shots do no extra damage, immune to
 Bite: Str. The faengral retains all the attacks of the base creature, and as the flesh of its fingers harden or rot away, it also gains two
bony claw attacks if it did not have them. A faengral loses the ability to use weapons--it is a feral beast that would rather claw its way to
food than wield a weapon of steel. A creature with natural weapons retains those natural weapons.
 Degenerative Hunger: A faengral must feed on the still-warm flesh of a non-spirit with Smarts d4 or higher. If it does not consume its
own weight in such flesh each week, its Smarts decreases by one die type. If at any point a faengral has gone one week without eating
this amount of flesh and its Smarts is already a d4, it devolves into a maelgral. Traits cannot be decreased in this manner lower than d4.
 Regenerative Hunger: After inflicting damage with its bite attack (or every 10 lbs. of still-warm flesh it consumes), a faengral may
make a Vigor roll to heal any damage it has sustained.


Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d10, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Faith d8, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Knowledge (Manuscript Illumination) d6, Knowledge (Order of the Shadow) d8, Notice d6, Persuasion
Edges: Arcane Background (Miracles), Power Points (x2), New Power (x5), Unholy Warrior, Legate, Rapid Recharge, Command
Hindrances: Delusional (Minor), Overconfident (Major), Habit (Minor)
Charisma: -1; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9 (1)
Gear: Enchanted bracers (+1, -2 coverage), heavy mace (Str+d6), tattered black robes, light leather shoes, silver pendant denoting legate Rank
and position
Spells: armor, light/obscure, boost/lower trait, detect/conceal arcana, fear, bolt, smite, dispel
Spell Energy: 20
Special Abilities
 Undead: Ungral gain the following: +2 Toughness, +2 to recover from Shaken, called shots do no extra damage, ignores all wound
penalties, immune to disease/poison.
 Bite: Str. The ungral retains all the attacks of the base creature, and gains a bite attack. A creature with natural weapons retains those
natural weapons.
 Degenerative Hunger: An ungral must feed on the still-warm flesh of a non-spirit with Smarts d4 or higher. If it does not consume its
own weight in such flesh each week, its Smarts decreases by one die type. If at any point an ungral has gone one week without eating
this amount of flesh and its Smarts is already a d6, it devolves into a faengral. Traits cannot be decreased in this manner lower than d4.
 Regenerative Hunger: After inflicting damage with its bite attack (or every 10 lbs. of still-warm flesh it consumes), an ungral may make
a Vigor roll to heal any damage it has sustained.
Into the Garden of Good & Evil –
Allies, Wild Cards & Creatures
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d6, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d6, Throwing d6
Charisma: -2; Pace: 6; Parry: 5 (6 w/javelin); Toughness: 8 (1)
Gear: Leather armor (+1), vardatch (Str+d10), 2 javelins (Str+d6), heavy hobnail boots, small wooden shield, wide leather belt, armored greaves
(+3 legs), large fighting knife (Str+d4), large belt pouch, 2 man-days of rations
Special Abilities
 Low-light Vision: Orcs are creatures of the night. They ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
 Resistant to Cold: Orcs were originally bred by Izrador in the far north of Eredane. They receive a +2 bonus to resist the effects of cold
but suffer a -4 to resist the effects of heat.
 Pack Mentality: The wild calls and howls of attacking orcs fill their brethren with a frenzied sort of valor. Orcs receive a +1 bonus on all
Fighting rolls when fighting in groups of 10 or more orcs, whether they are enemies or allies.
 Dwarf bane: Orcs have fought Dwarves for thousands of years. They receive a +1 bonus on all damage rolls against Dwarves.
 Arcane Resistance Edge: He acts as if he had 2 points of Armor when hit by damage-causing arcane spells, and adds +2 to his Trait
rolls when resisting opposed spells.
 Orcs receive 5 Spell Energy less anytime they take the Arcane Background Edge, unless they are members of the Kusratch Uradeen.
 Uncharismatic: Orcs are crude and brutish creatures. They gain the Mean Hindrance.
 Light Sensitivity: Orc eyes are sensitive to strong light. They suffer a -1 attack penalty when in bright sunlight.

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d6, Throwing d8
Charisma: -2; Pace: 6; Parry: 7 (8 w/javelin); Toughness: 8 (1)
Gear: Leather armor (+1), vardatch (Str+d10), 4 javelins (Str+d6), heavy hobnail boots, large steel shield, wide leather belt, armored greaves (+3
legs), large fighting knife (Str+d4), large belt pouch, 2 man-days of rations
Special Abilities
 Low-light Vision: Orcs are creatures of the night. They ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
 Resistant to Cold: Orcs were originally bred by Izrador in the far north of Eredane. They receive a +2 bonus to resist the effects of cold
but suffer a -4 to resist the effects of heat.
 Pack Mentality: The wild calls and howls of attacking orcs fill their brethren with a frenzied sort of valor. Orcs receive a +1 bonus on all
Fighting rolls when fighting in groups of 10 or more orcs, whether they are enemies or allies.
 Dwarf bane: Orcs have fought Dwarves for thousands of years. They receive a +1 bonus on all damage rolls against Dwarves.
 Arcane Resistance Edge: He acts as if he had 2 points of Armor when hit by damage-causing arcane spells, and adds +2 to his Trait
rolls when resisting opposed spells.
 Orcs receive 5 Spell Energy less anytime they take the Arcane Background Edge, unless they are members of the Kusratch Uradeen.
 Uncharismatic: Orcs are crude and brutish creatures. They gain the Mean Hindrance.
 Light Sensitivity: Orc eyes are sensitive to strong light. They suffer a -1 attack penalty when in bright sunlight.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d6, Climbing d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d8, Shooting d8, Stealth d8, Survival d6, Throwing d8
Charisma: -2; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6 (1)
Gear: Leather armor (+1), hand axe (Str+d6), light crossbow (2d6), small wooden shield, small pack with straps for hand axes, 3 man-days of
Special Abilities
 Low-light Vision: Orcs are creatures of the night. They ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
 Resistant to Cold: Orcs were originally bred by Izrador in the far north of Eredane. They receive a +2 bonus to resist the effects of cold
but suffer a -4 to resist the effects of heat.
 Pack Mentality: The wild calls and howls of attacking orcs fill their brethren with a frenzied sort of valor. Orcs receive a +1 bonus on all
Fighting rolls when fighting in groups of 10 or more orcs, whether they are enemies or allies.
 Dwarf bane: Orcs have fought Dwarves for thousands of years. They receive a +1 bonus on all damage rolls against Dwarves.
 Arcane Resistance Edge: He acts as if he had 2 points of Armor when hit by damage-causing arcane spells, and adds +2 to his Trait
rolls when resisting opposed spells.
 Orcs receive 5 Spell Energy less anytime they take the Arcane Background Edge, unless they are members of the Kusratch Uradeen.
 Uncharismatic: Orcs are crude and brutish creatures. They gain the Mean Hindrance.
 Light Sensitivity: Orc eyes are sensitive to strong light. They suffer a -1 attack penalty when in bright sunlight.

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d10, Climbing d6, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d6, Survival d4, Throwing d8
Charisma: -2; Pace: 6; Parry: 8 (10 w/javelin); Toughness: 9 (3)
Gear: Plate corselet (+3), vardatch (Str+d10), 4 javelins (Str+d6), heavy hobnail boots, large steel shield, wide leather belt, armored greaves (+3
legs), large fighting knife (Str+d4), large belt pouch, 2 man-days of rations
Special Abilities
 Low-light Vision: Orcs are creatures of the night. They ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
 Resistant to Cold: Orcs were originally bred by Izrador in the far north of Eredane. They receive a +2 bonus to resist the effects of cold
but suffer a -4 to resist the effects of heat.
 Pack Mentality: The wild calls and howls of attacking orcs fill their brethren with a frenzied sort of valor. Orcs receive a +1 bonus on all
Fighting rolls when fighting in groups of 10 or more orcs, whether they are enemies or allies.
 Dwarf bane: Orcs have fought Dwarves for thousands of years. They receive a +1 bonus on all damage rolls against Dwarves.
 Arcane Resistance Edge: He acts as if he had 2 points of Armor when hit by damage-causing arcane spells, and adds +2 to his Trait
rolls when resisting opposed spells.
 Orcs receive 5 Spell Energy less anytime they take the Arcane Background Edge, unless they are members of the Kusratch Uradeen.
 Uncharismatic: Orcs are crude and brutish creatures. They gain the Mean Hindrance.
 Light Sensitivity: Orc eyes are sensitive to strong light. They suffer a -1 attack penalty when in bright sunlight.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d10, Strength d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Climbing d6, Faith d8, Fighting d8, Healing d8, Intimidation d8, Knowledge (Arcana) d8, Knowledge (Nature) d6, Knowledge (Religion) d8,
Notice d6, Persuasion d10, Riding d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d6+2, Streetwise d8-2, Survival d8+2, Taunt d8, Tracking d8+2
Edges: Arcane Background (Miracles), Power Points (x3), New Power (x7), Unholy Warrior, Legate, Arcane Familiar (astirax), Wildlander,
Woodsman, Beast Master (Sarcosan war horse)
Hindrances: Arrogant, Vengeful (Minor), Obsession
Charisma: +1; Pace: 6; Parry: 6 (8); Toughness: 11 (5)
Gear: Enchanted Plate Corselet (+5, -4 coverage), Enchanted longsword (Str+d10+1, +1 to Fighting rolls), longbow (2d6), tall walking boots, worn
black traveling leathers, large steel shield, worn brown satchel, 5 days of rations
Spells: armor, light/obscure, boost/lower trait, detect/conceal arcana, fear, healing, silence, blind, bolt, smite
Spell Energy: 25
Special Abilities
 Nomadic Sarcosans gain a +1 on damage rolls against creatures smaller than their mounts when using a melee weapon from horseback.

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12
Skills: Fighting d10, Notice d8 (+2), Stealth d6
Pace: 4 (d4 running); Wings: (Fly 15, “Run” d8); Parry: 7; Toughness: 13
Edges: Ambidextrous, Awareness, Two-Fisted
Treasure: None
Special Abilities
 Claws/Spines: 1d12+1d8+2, AP 1.
 Living Stone: +5 Armor; +2 to recover from being Shaken; No additional damage from called shots; Piercing attacks do half-damage;
immune to poison, disease, Fatigue effects; +2 Stealth when motionless.
 Fearless: Gargoyles are immune to Fear and Intimidation.
 Infavision
 Hardy: The creature does not suffer a wound from being Shaken twice.


Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d8, Strength d12+1, Vigor d10
Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d8, Stealth d8, Tracking d6
Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8
Special Abilities
 Bite or Claw: Str+d6.
 Improved Frenzy: Leopards may make two Fighting attacks each action at no penalty.
 Low Light Vision: Leopards ignore penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
 Pounce: Leopards often pounce on their prey to best bring their mass and claws to bear. It can leap 1d6” to gain +4 to its attack and
damage. Its Parry is reduced by -2 until its next action when performing the maneuver however.
 Size +2: Male leopards can weigh over 500 pounds.

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d12+1, Vigor d8
Skills: Climbing d8, Fighting d8, Notice d6
Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8
Edges: Berserk, Combat Reflexes
Special Abilities
 Brachiation: Apes can move through the treetops at a Pace of 6.
 Claws/Bite: Str+d4.
 Fleet-footed: Apes can move incredibly quickly when they drop down to all fours; they have a Pace 8 and roll a d8 for running.
 Leaping: Albino apes can leap 4” +2” with a Strength roll.
 Low-light Vision: They ignore Dim and Dark lighting penalties.
 Size +2
AKSTHINDRELAI (Ally - Female Danisil Seer)
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d10, Spirit d12, Strength d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Spellcasting d10, Fighting d8, Knowledge (Arcana) d8, Knowledge (Nature) d12, Knowledge (Aruun) d10, Knowledge (Herbalism) d10,
Notice d8+2, Persuasion d6, Stealth d8, Survival d10, Swimming d6
Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Channeler (Spiritual), Master of Two Worlds (Mastery of Nature, Mastery of the Unnatural, Precise Effect),
Druid, Herbalist, Power Points (x2), New Power (x7), Soul Drain, Alertness
Hindrances: Pacifist (Minor), Quirk (“seer affectation”), Easily Flustered
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6
Gear: Refugee leathers, two cold iron sepi fighting knives (Str+d6), the kettle of stars, 1d8 assorted lesser and greater charms, 2d4 assorted herbal
Spells: beast friend, clairvoyance, detect/conceal arcana, entangle, healing, postcognition, shape change, summon ally (natural beasts only),
wandering senses
Spell Energy: 20
Special Abilities
 Low-light Vision: Elves see well under conditions of scarce light, such as starlight or moonlight. They ignore attack penalties for Dim
and Dark lighting.
 Jungle Folk: Due to their extreme isolation, Danisil are not used to urban environments. They suffer -2 to Streetwise rolls in urban
 Nature Sense: A druid can identify plants and animals (their species and special Traits) with perfect accuracy. He can determine
whether water is safe to drink or dangerous (polluted, poisoned, or otherwise unfit for consumption).
 Venom Immunity: A druid gains immunity to all organic poison, including monster poisons but not mineral poisons or poison gas.
 Find the Way: The druid becomes as one with the natural world, able to move through it like a ghost. He gains woodland stride (as the
Wildlander ability). The druid may suppress or resume this effect as a free action.

ASAR (Ally - Male Sarcosan Sahi Astrologer)

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d8, Healing d8, Intimidation d8, Knowledge (Arcana) d8, Knowledge (Nature) d8, Knowledge (Religion) d8, Notice d6, Persuasion
d10, Riding d6, Streetwise d6+2, Survival d8-2
Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Block, Channeler (Spiritual), Sahi Astrologer
Hindrances: Arrogant, Vengeful (Minor), Cautious
Charisma: +1; Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 5
Gear: None
Spells: cairvoyance, object reading, wandering senses
Spell Energy: 10
Special Abilities
 Gifts of the Riders: Gift of Zimra, gift of Obares, gift of Sutara.

Sometimes the most deadly foes come in the smallest packages. The swarm described below can be of most anything— from biting ants to stinging
wasps to filthy rats. The swarm is treated just like a creature. When it is wounded, the swarm is effectively dispersed. Swarms cover an area equal
to a Medium Burst Template and attack everyone within every round.
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d12, Strength d8, Vigor d10
Skills: Notice d6
Pace: 10; Parry: 4; Toughness: 7
Special Abilities
 Bite or Sting: Swarms inflict hundreds of tiny bites every round to their victims, hitting automatically and causing 2d4 damage to
everyone in the template. Damage is applied to the least armored location (victims in completely sealed suits are immune).
 Split: Some swarms are clever enough to split into two smaller swarms (Small Burst Templates) should their foes split up. The Toughness
of these smaller swarms is lowered by -2 (to 5 each).
 Swarm: Parry +2; Because the swarm is composed of scores, hundreds, or thousands of creatures, cutting and piercing weapons do no
real damage. Area-effect weapons work normally, and a character can stomp to inflict his damage in Strength each round. Swarms are
usually foiled by jumping in water (unless they are aquatic pests, such as piranha).
 Poison (-1): Insects this size do little serious damage with their bite, but may inject deadly venom. A character bitten by a centipede
must make a Vigor roll. With success, the bite area swells and becomes numb. The victim becomes Exhausted until healed. With a failure,
the victim becomes Incapacitated and must make a second Vigor roll or die.
ETIEL (Ally – Male Caransil Defender)
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d10, Spirit d12, Strength d8, Vigor d10
Skills: Climbing d6, Fighting d10, Intimidation d6, Knowledge (Woodworking) d8, Notice d8+2, Persuasion d6, Stealth d8, Survival d10, Swimming
d6, Taunt d6
Edges: Strong Willed, Marital Artist, Improved Martial Artist
Hindrances: Overconfident
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 9 (2)
Gear: true charm (cast Detect Evil at will), enchanted amulet (Armor +2), two potions of Healing, two cold iron daggers (Str+d4), seven days
Special Abilities
 Low-light Vision: Elves see well under conditions of scarce light, such as starlight or moonlight. They ignore attack penalties for Dim
and Dark lighting.
 Natural Channelers & Woodsmen: The Caransil make great sorcerers and woodsmen. They may choose to either receive 2 extra Spell
Energy (if they have the Arcane Background Edge) or begin with a d6 in Survival.
 Superior Attitude: Caransil can come off as condescending and rude, especially to other cultures. They suffer a -2 to Persuasion rolls
when dealing with non-elves.
 Grappling Training: The defender may attempt to disarm or damage an object (including weapons) of a foe with whom he is grappling.
In both cases, the attempt takes the place of a damage attempt.
 Speed Training: Once per round, the defender may make an additional move action, either before or after his regular actions.
 Cover Ally: Once per round when an ally within 1” would be struck by a melee or ranged attack, the defender can choose to suffer the
effects of the attack. The defender must choose to cover the ally before the effects of the attack are determined (i.e. damage is rolled,
 Strike and Hold: Once per round as a free action, the defender may attempt to establish a hold against any opponent he hit with an
unarmed strike. If he succeeds, he may deal additional damage to the target as with an unarmed strike. He then has the option of letting
the target go or of maintaining the grapple.

FESHILA (Ally - Female Caransil Channeler/Avatar of the Witch Queen)

Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit d12, Strength d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Climbing d6, Spellcasting d12, Fighting d10, Healing d10, Knowledge (Arcana) d10, Knowledge (Caraheen) d10, Knowledge (Aruun) d10,
Knowledge (Nature) d10, Notice d8+2, Persuasion d6, Stealth d8, Survival d8, Swimming d6
Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Channeler (Spiritual), Master of Two Worlds (Mastery of Nature, Mastery of the Unnatural, Precise Effect,
Specific Effect), Power Points (x3), New Power (x5), Soul Drain, Alertness, Arcane Artificer, Enchant, Sense Nexus.
Hindrances: None
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 9 (3)
Gear: Enchanted longsword (Str+d8+1), Enchanted leather armor (+3, -2 coverage), tiara of the ancients*, ring of mind shielding, three spell
talismans (detect/conceal arcana, healing, mend), ring of levitation, two potions of Healing, potion of clairvoyance, six random greater charms,
seven days rations.
Spells: detect/conceal arcana, healing, mend, healing, dispel, silver wind, telekinesis, quickness
Spell Energy: 25
Special Abilities
 Low-light Vision: Elves see well under conditions of scarce light, such as starlight or moonlight. They ignore attack penalties for Dim
and Dark lighting.
 Natural Channelers & Woodsmen: The Caransil make great sorcerers and woodsmen. They may choose to either receive 2 extra Spell
Energy (if they have the Arcane Background Edge) or begin with a d6 in Survival.
 Superior Attitude: Caransil can come off as condescending and rude, especially to other cultures. They suffer a -2 to Persuasion rolls
when dealing with non-elves.
INSH-KULK (Ally - Male Danisil Wildlander)
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d10, Vigor d8
Skills: Climbing d8, Fighting d10, Healing d8, Knowledge (Weaponsmithing) d6, Knowledge (Nature) d6, Knowledge (Aruun) d6, Notice d8+2,
Persuasion d4, Stealth d8+2, Survival d8, Throwing d10, Tracking d10
Edges: Danger Sense, Alertness, Trademark Weapon (sepi), Two-Fisted, Ambidextrous, Quiet as a Mouse
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Vow (minor)
Charisma: 0; Pace: 7; Parry: 7; Toughness: 7 (1)
Gear: Enchanted Refugee leathers (+1, -2 coverage), two enchanted cold iron sepi fighting knives (Str+d6+1, +1 Fighting) 1d4 assorted lesser and
greater charms, 1d2 herbal gnaw roots.
Special Abilities
 Low-light Vision: Elves see well under conditions of scarce light, such as starlight or moonlight. They ignore attack penalties for Dim
and Dark lighting.
 Jungle Folk: Due to their extreme isolation, Danisil are not used to urban environments. They suffer -2 to Streetwise rolls in urban
 Master Hunter (demons): The wildlander may choose a type of creature (from the table below). Against that creature he gains a +2
bonus to Notice and Survival rolls when using these skills against this type of creature. In addition, he gains a +1 bonus on weapon
damage rolls against such creatures.
 Quick Stride: The wildlander's speed is faster than the norm for his race by +1 Pace. This benefit applies only when he is wearing no
armor or leather armor, and not carrying more than 1x his load limit. A wildlander may select this Trait multiple times, increasing his
speed by +1 Pace each time; however, he may not choose this Trait twice in a row and never more than once per Rank.

IRENIA (Demon Erinyes - WILD CARD)

Attributes: Agility d12+1, Smarts d10, Spirit d12, Strength d12+1, Vigor d12+1
Skills: Fighting d8, Healing d8, Intimidation d8, Knowledge (Arcana) d 12, Knowledge (The Planes) d12, Notice d6, Persuasion d8, Shooting d10,
Stealth d12+2, Survival d4, Taunt d8, Tracking d6
Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Attractive, Very Attractive, Charismatic, Arcane Resistance, Improved Arcane Resistance, Block, Improved
Block, Dodge, Marksman
Hindrances: Obsession,
Charisma: +6; Pace: 6; Parry: 8; Toughness: 11 (5)
Gear: Longsword (Str+d10), enchanted composite longbow (2d6+2, does fire damage)
Special Abilities
 Darksight: Permanent darksight spell effect on character’s vision. This allows the character to see without any source of light, negating
all penalties for bad lighting, even conditions of darkness created by magic. The character must be capable of sight in order for the ability
to function—it does not allow the blind to see.
 Immunity: Fire, poison, disease, illusions
 Telepathy: As the spell with a range of 30”.
 Armor: +4
 Demon: +2 to recover from being Shaken; Half-damage from non-magical attacks except for cold iron.
 Weakness (Cold Iron): Demons take normal damage from pure iron weapons.

JAEL THE HUNTER (Fallen) (Male Sarcosan - WILD CARD)

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d4, Strength d8, Vigor d10
Skills: Climbing d6, Faith d4, Fighting d8, Healing d8, Intimidation d8, Knowledge (Arcana) d8, Knowledge (Nature) d6, Knowledge (Religion) d8,
Notice d6, Persuasion d10, Riding d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d6+2, Streetwise d8-2, Survival d8+2, Taunt d8, Tracking d8+2
Edges: Arcane Background (Miracles), Power Points (x3), New Power (x7), Unholy Warrior, Legate, Arcane Familiar (astirax), Wildlander,
Woodsman, Beast Master (Sarcosan war horse), Trademark Weapon (longsword), Block
Hindrances: Arrogant, Vengeful (Minor), Obsession
Charisma: +1; Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 10 (3)
Gear: Enchanted Chain hauberk (+2, -4 coverage), Doomstrider - longsword (Str+d10+1, +2 to Fighting rolls), icewood longbow (2d6), tall walking
boots, worn black traveling leathers, worn brown satchel, 5 days of rations, potion of Healing, dusty rose ioun stone (+1 Toughness)
Spells*: armor, light/obscure, boost/lower trait, detect/conceal arcana, fear, healing, silence, blind, bolt, smite
Spell Energy*: 25
Special Abilities
 Nomadic Sarcosans gain a +1 on damage rolls against creatures smaller than their mounts when using a melee weapon from horseback.
 *Note that Jael has lost almost all his spellcasting ability because of his loss of Faith and Spirit.
KEKUTU THE SNEAK (Ally – Male elfling Thief)
Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Climbing d6, Fighting d8, Knowledge (Southern Erenland) d8, Knowledge (Aruun) d4, Notice d8, Persuasion d8, Stealth d8, Streetwise d10-
2, Swimming d6, Taunt d8
Edges: Non-Descript, Block, Luck
Hindrances: Phobia (bats), Poverty
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 5 (1)
Gear: refugee leathers (+1, -2 coverage), sepi (Str+d6), true charm (+4 bonus on Trait rolls versus mind-affecting magic), 4d6 lesser or greater
charms, 100 sp, 50 gp worth of assorted trade goods.
Special Abilities
 Low-light Vision: Elves see well under conditions of scarce light, such as starlight or moonlight. They ignore attack penalties for Dim
and Dark lighting.
 Jungle Folk: Due to their extreme isolation, Danisil-raised elflings are not used to urban environments. They suffer -2 to Streetwise rolls
in urban settings.


Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d10
Skills: Climbing d8, Fighting d10, Healing d8, Knowledge (Weaponsmithing) d6, Knowledge (Nature) d8, Knowledge (Aruun) d8, Notice d8+2,
Persuasion d4, Stealth d8, Survival d8, Throwing d10, Tracking d10
Edges: Danger Sense, Alertness, Trademark Weapon (kintarak sepi), Two-Fisted, Ambidextrous, Marksman
Hindrances: Phobia (Minor), Vow (minor)
Charisma: 0; Pace: 7; Parry: 7; Toughness: 9 (2)
Gear: Kintarak leathers (+2, -2 coverage), four kintarak sepi fighting knives (Str+d6+1), composite shortbow (2d6), sepi bandolier, 4 doses of
anari resin, 20 kintarak arrows.
Special Abilities
 Low-light Vision: Elves see well under conditions of scarce light, such as starlight or moonlight. They ignore attack penalties for Dim
and Dark lighting.
 Jungle Folk: Due to their extreme isolation, Danisil are not used to urban environments. They suffer -2 to Streetwise rolls in urban
 Master Hunter (demons): The wildlander may choose a type of creature (from the table below). Against that creature he gains a +2
bonus to Notice and Survival rolls when using these skills against this type of creature. In addition, he gains a +1 bonus on weapon
damage rolls against such creatures.
 Quick Stride: The wildlander's speed is faster than the norm for his race by +1 Pace. This benefit applies only when he is wearing no
armor or leather armor, and not carrying more than 1x his load limit. A wildlander may select this Trait multiple times, increasing his
speed by +1 Pace each time; however, he may not choose this Trait twice in a row and never more than once per Rank.

METHERENE (Ally - Female Sarcosan)

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d4, Healing d8, Knowledge (Southern Erenland) d8, Knowledge (Nature) d6, Knowledge (seamstress) d10, Notice d8, Persuasion
d6, Repair d6, Riding d6, Streetwise d6+2, Survival d4-2, Swimming d6
Edges: Craft Charm, Healer
Hindrances: Doubting Thomas
Charisma: +1; Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5
Gear: None
Special Abilities None

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d6, Climbing d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d8, Shooting d8, Stealth d8, Survival d6, Throwing d8
Charisma: -2; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6 (1)
Gear: Leather armor (+1), hand axe (Str+d6), light crossbow (2d6), small wooden shield, small pack with straps for hand axes, 3 man-days of
Special Abilities
 Low-light Vision: Orcs are creatures of the night. They ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
 Resistant to Cold: Orcs were originally bred by Izrador in the far north of Eredane. They receive a +2 bonus to resist the effects of cold
but suffer a -4 to resist the effects of heat.
 Pack Mentality: The wild calls and howls of attacking orcs fill their brethren with a frenzied sort of valor. Orcs receive a +1 bonus on all
Fighting rolls when fighting in groups of 10 or more orcs, whether they are enemies or allies.
 Dwarf bane: Orcs have fought Dwarves for thousands of years. They receive a +1 bonus on all damage rolls against Dwarves.
 Arcane Resistance Edge: He acts as if he had 2 points of Armor when hit by damage-causing arcane spells, and adds +2 to his Trait
rolls when resisting opposed spells.
 Orcs receive 5 Spell Energy less anytime they take the Arcane Background Edge, unless they are members of the Kusratch Uradeen.
 Uncharismatic: Orcs are crude and brutish creatures. They gain the Mean Hindrance.
 Light Sensitivity: Orc eyes are sensitive to strong light. They suffer a -1 attack penalty when in bright sunlight.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d12, Vigor d10
Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d4
Charisma: -2; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 10 (3)
Gear: Plate corselet (+3, -2 coverage), greataxe (Str+d10, AP 1, Parry 1, 2 hands), 2 large javelins (Str+d6)
Special Abilities
 Low-light Vision: Oruks are creatures of the night. They ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
 Resistant to Cold: Oruks were originally bred by Izrador in the far north of Eredane. They receive a +2 bonus to resist the effects of
cold but suffer a -4 to resist the effects of heat.
 Arcane Resistance Edge: Acts as if he had 2 points of Armor when hit by damage-causing arcane spells, and adds +2 to his Trait rolls
when resisting opposed spells. Oruks receive 5 Spell Energy less anytime they take the Arcane Background Edge, unless they are
members of the Kusratch Uradeen.
 Uncharismatic: Oruks are crude and brutish creatures. They gain the Mean Hindrance.
 Light Sensitivity: Oruk eyes are sensitive to strong light. They suffer a -1 attack penalty when in bright sunlight.
 Size +2
 Large: Attackers add +2 to their attack rolls when attacking an Oruk due to its large size.
 Sweep: May attack all adjacent foes at -2.

Sometimes the most deadly foes come in the smallest packages. The swarm described below can be of most anything— from biting ants to stinging
wasps to filthy rats. The swarm is treated just like a creature. When it is wounded, the swarm is effectively dispersed. Swarms cover an area equal
to a Medium Burst Template and attack everyone within every round.
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d12, Strength d8, Vigor d10
Skills: Climb d10, Notice d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 7
Special Abilities
 Bite or Sting: Swarms inflict hundreds of tiny bites every round to their victims, hitting automatically and causing 2d4 damage to
everyone in the template. Damage is applied to the least armored location (victims in completely sealed suits are immune).
 Split: Some swarms are clever enough to split into two smaller swarms (Small Burst Templates) should their foes split up. The Toughness
of these smaller swarms is lowered by -2 (to 5 each).
 Swarm: Parry +2; Because the swarm is composed of scores, hundreds, or thousands of creatures, cutting and piercing weapons do no
real damage. Area-effect weapons work normally, and a character can stomp to inflict his damage in Strength each round. Swarms are
usually foiled by jumping in water (unless they are aquatic pests, such as piranha).
 Poison (0): Insects this size do little serious damage with their bite, but may inject deadly venom. A character bitten by a centipede
must make a Vigor roll. With success, the bite area swells and becomes numb. The victim becomes Fatigued until healed. With a failure,
the victim becomes Exhausted and must make a second Vigor roll or find their Strength Trait lowered by one die (minimum d4) until
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d12+1, Vigor d12+1
Skills: Climbing d12, Fighting d10, Intimidation d8, Knowledge (Arcana) d 12, Knowledge (The Planes) d12, Notice d12, Persuasion d8, Stealth d12,
Survival d6, Taunt d10, Tracking d8
Edges: Improved Frenzy
Hindrances: Quirk, Arrogant
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 10 (2)
Gear: longsword (Str+d10), enchanted composite longbow (2d6+2, does fire damage)
Special Abilities
 Low-light Vision: Syxxth can see well under conditions of scarce light, such as starlight or moonlight. Syxxth ignores attack penalties for
Dim and Dark lighting.
 Immunity: Electricity, Fire, Cold, poison, disease
 Claws: Str+d4
 Telepathy: As the spell with a range of 30”.
 Armor: +2
 Demon: +2 to recover from being Shaken
 Half-damage from non-magical attacks except for cold iron.
 Weakness (Cold Iron): Demons take normal damage from pure iron weapons.
 Deepen Shadows: As long as Syxxth is in an area illuminated by less than full daylight, the shadows surrounding him seem to deepen
and dance around his body. This gives him a +2 bonus on all Stealth checks made in such areas, as well as concealment as if he were in
an area of Dim lighting.
 Shadow Double: Once per day, Syxxth can create a double of himself as long as he and the double remain in an area illuminated by
less than full daylight. Doing so is an action and the double appears anywhere within 20” of Syxxth.s position. Syxxth must remain within
20” of the double at all times, otherwise it dissipates. Controlling the double is a free action and it can act in the round that it is created.
The shadow double has the same abilities as Syxth except for the spell abilities and the Shadow Double ability. The double lasts for up to
10 minutes, or until it is dispelled or destroyed.
 Spells: No Spell Energy requirement. At will - dispel, detect/cocneal arcana, teleport.

Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d4, Vigor d6
Skills: Climbing d8, Fighting d8, Notice d4, Persuasion d4, Shooting d8, Stealth d10, Survival d4, Taunt d10, Tracking d4
Edges: Marksman, Quick
Hindrances: Yellow
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 3
Gear: Spit dart (Range: 6/12/24, Damage: 1d6)
Special Abilities
 Low-light Vision: Tuks can see well under conditions of scarce light, such as starlight or moonlight. Tuks ignores attack penalties for
Dim and Dark lighting.
 Small: -2 Toughness; attackers subtract 2 from any attack rolls directed at it.
 Cooperation: A tuk can the cooperative roll to help any tuk within 6”. Unlike the normal Gang Up roll which has a limit of +4 and is only
applicable to adjacent attackers, this bonus can be applied to ranged attacks (such as the tuk’s spit dart) and there is no limit to the
number of tuks that can aid an attack. The attack’s target must be within 5” of both the attacking tuk and any tuks who are Ganging Up
for the bonuses to apply.

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d6, Intimidation d8, Notice d8+2, Stealth d8+2
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 8
Gear: None
Special Abilities
 Undead: Faengral gain the following: +2 Toughness, +2 to recover from Shaken, called shots do no extra damage, immune to
 Bite: Str. The faengral retains all the attacks of the base creature, and gains a bite attack. A creature with natural weapons retains
those natural weapons.
 Degenerative Hunger: A faengral must feed on the still-warm flesh of a non-spirit with Smarts d4 or higher. If it does not consume its
own weight in such flesh each week, its Smarts decreases by one die type. If at any point a faengral has gone one week without eating
this amount of flesh and its Smarts is already a d6, it devolves into a maelgral. Traits cannot be decreased in this manner lower than d4.
 Regenerative Hunger: After inflicting damage with its bite attack (or every 10 lbs. of still-warm flesh it consumes), a faengral may
make a Vigor roll to heal any damage it has sustained.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d4, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Stealth d6
Charisma: 0; Pace: 5; Parry: 4; Toughness: 8
Gear: None
Special Abilities
 Undead: Ungral gain the following: +2 Toughness, +2 to recover from Shaken, called shots do no extra damage, immune to
 Bite: Str. The ungral retains all the attacks of the base creature, and gains a bite attack. A creature with natural weapons retains those
natural weapons.
 Degenerative Hunger: An ungral must feed on the still-warm flesh of a non-spirit with Smarts d4 or higher. If it does not consume its
own weight in such flesh each week, its Smarts decreases by one die type. If at any point an ungral has gone one week without eating
this amount of flesh and its Smarts is already a d6, it devolves into a faengral. Traits cannot be decreased in this manner lower than d4.
 Regenerative Hunger: After inflicting damage with its bite attack (or every 10 lbs. of still-warm flesh it consumes), an ungral may make
a Vigor roll to heal any damage it has sustained.


Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d12+1, Vigor d8
Skills: Climbing d10, Fighting d8, Notice d6+2, Stealth d10
Pace: 5; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8
Edges: Alertness
Special Abilities
 Hardy: The creature does not suffer a wound from being Shaken twice.
 Low-light Vision: Vine beast apes can see well under conditions of scarce light, such as starlight or moonlight. Vine beast apes ignore
attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
 Woodland Stride: Vine beast apes may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and
similar terrain) at their normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. However, thorns, briars, and
overgrown areas that are enchanted or magically manipulated to impede motion still affect them.
 Multiattack: Vine ape beasts can attack up to three times a round with no multiaction penalty.
 Claws/Bite/Tentacles: Str+d6.
 Immunity: sleep, paralysis, poison, stunning, mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects).
 Size +2
 Large: Attackers add +2 to their attack rolls when attacking an Oruk due to its large size.
 Fast Regeneration

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