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Practice Problems

1. Determine the maximum and minimum of f ( x , y )=x 2+ y 2+6 x +12

2. Expand the function 

f x, y   x y
in powers of 
x  1 and  y  1
upto third
0 .7 0.3
3. Consider the Cobb-Douglas production function f (x , y)=200 x y. Where x
represents the capital and y represents the labor. Estimate (i) the marginal
productivity of labor and (ii) the marginal productivity of capital, Given that x =
1000 and y = 500.
4. A rectangular box open at the top is to have volume of 64 cubic feet. Determine the
dimensions of the box requiring least material for its construction.
∂( x , y , z)
ρcos ∅ , y=ρsin ∅ , z=z =ρ
5. In cylindrical coordinates x = then ∂( ρ , φ , z)
6. A company manufactures two types of wood-burning stoves: a freestanding model
and a fireplace-insert model . The cost function for the producing x freestanding

and y fireplace-insert stoves is C=32 √ xy+175 x+205 y+1050 . Then evaluate

∂C ∂C
(i)the marginal costs ( ∂ x ∂ y ) when x = 80 and y = 20.

7. Obtain the points where the function x y  xy  axy has a minimum or a

2 2

8. An Open rectangular container is to have a volume of 32m 3.Determine the
dimensions and the total surface area such that the total surface area is a
9. A rectangular box has sides of length x cm, y cm and z cm. Sides x and z
are expanding at rates of 3 mm/s and 5 mm/s respectively and side y is
contracting at a rate of 2 mm/s. Determine the rate of change of volume when
x is 3 cm, y is 1.5 cm and z is 6 cm.
10. The altitude of a right circular cone is 15 cm and is increasing at 0.2cm/s.
The radius of the base is 10 cm and is decreasing at 0.3 cm/s. Find the
volume changing?
11. Expand x 3 + y 3 in powers of ( x−1 ) and ( y−2 ) up to terms of second
12. . Determine the volume of the greatest rectangular parallelepiped that can
2 2 2
x y z
+ + =1
be inscribed in the ellipsoid a2 b2 c2

13. Determine the volume of the greatest rectangular parallelepiped that

2 2 2
can be inscribed in the ellipsoid 4 x +4 y +9 z =36 is maximum.
14. A rectangular box without a lid is to be made from 12 m of cardboard. Find the
maximum volume of such a box
Obtain the co-ordinates of the stationary points on the surface
  
z  x 2  y2  8 x 2  y2 . 
Obtain the maximum and minimum volumes of a rectangular box whose
surface area is 1500 cm and whose total edge length is 200 cm.
17.A delivery company accepts only rectangular boxes the sum of whose length
and girth (perimeter of a cross-section) does not exceed 108 in. Obtain the
dimensions of an acceptable box of largest volume.

1. Change the order of integration and evaluate the iterated integral

   xy  sin  y   dydx
1 1
0 x1/3

2. Find the length of the arc of the semi-cubical parabola ay  x from the
2 3

vertex to the ordinate x  5a .

3. Determine the mass of the lamina corresponding to the first quadrant

portion of the circle x 2 + y 2 =16 where the density at the point  x, y  is

proportional to the distance between the point  x, y  and the origin.

4. Determine the volume of the solid over the rectangle
0  x  1,0  y  3 and

bounded by the xy  plane and the plane

z  x  y.
2 9 x 2

   x  y  dydx.
5. Change the order of integration and evaluate the integral 1 0

6. Calculate the area of the plane bounded by the curves y   x  1 and


y  16 -  x  3  .

7. Determine the volume of the solid in the first octant bounded by the planes
x  0, y  0, z  0, x  2 y  3z  9

 r drd

8. Calculate R , where R is the region bounded by

R :0  r  cos θ, 0  θ   /2
9. Obtain the volume of the region bounded by the plane
x  0, x  2, y  0, y  x , z  0, z  y
10. Convert the integral from rectangular coordinates to cylindrical coordinates
2 4 x2 4

and evaluate
  2  4  x 2 
x2  y 2
x dz dy dx
11. Transform the following to cartesian form and hence calculate the integral
 a

 r sin  cos  dr d .

0 0

f  x,y   x  x 2  y 2 
12. Calculate the integral value of the function ,where the

region bounded by the coordinates x  0, x  5, y  0 and y  x .


 y dxdy

13. integral R , where R is the region over the area outside

Evaluate the
x  y 2  ax  0 and inside x 2  y 2  2ax  0 .

 z dV
where A is the region inside the sphere x  y  z  2, inside the cylinder
2 2 2
14. Compute A

x 2  y 2  1 and the above the xy  plane.

15. Obtain the moment of inertia of the area bounded by the curve
r 2  a 2 cos 2 about its axis.
16. Determine the volume of the greatest rectangular parallelepiped that can
x2 y2 z2
+ + =1
17. a2 b2 c2
be inscribed in the ellipsoid
f  x, y , z   x 2  y 2  2 z 2 P  1, 2,3
1. Obtain the directional derivative of at the point
in the direction of the line PQ where Q is the point (5, 0, 4). Also calculate the
magnitude of the maximum directional derivative.

2. Calculate the work done by the force field F  x i  2yzj  zk in moving an


object along the line segment from

 1,1,1 to  4, 4, 4  .
3. Find the divergence and curl of the vector function F  2xyi  xe j  2zk at

the point
 1, 1,0 
  yzi  zxj  xyk  .ds
4. Apply appropriate theorem, evaluate S where S is the

surface of the sphere x  y  z  a .

2 2 2 2

 F .dS where F  xi   z 2  zx  j  xyk

5. Evaluate S and S is the triangular

surface with vertices

 2,0,0  ,  0,2,0  and  0,0,4  .
  xydx  y sin xdy  ,
6. Evaluate C where C has the coordinate functions
x  t , y  t for  1  t  2.

7. A wire is bent into the shape of the quarter circle C is given by

x  2cos t , y  sin t , z  3 for 0  t   / 2 and the density function is
  x , y, z   xy 2 .
Obtain the mass of the wire.
8. F  x 2i  2yzj  zk in moving an
Calculate the work done by the force field

object along the line segment from

 1,1,1 to  4, 4, 4  .
9. Obtain the constants a, b, c, if the vector
A   x  2 y  az  i   bx  3 y  z  j   4 x  cy  2 z  k
is irrotational.

The relation between the rectangular coordinates 

x, y , z 
10. into
cylindrical coordinates is given by x  r cos  y  r sin  , z  z , determine the
Jacobian of the transformation.
 Vdr
Suppose V  xy z , Calculate
11. C along the curve C having

parametric equations x  3t , y  2t , z  t between 

2 3
A 0, 0, 0  and B  3, 2,1
12. Calculate the directional derivative of φ=x 2−2 y 2 +4 z 2 at (1,1,-1)
in the direction of 2i  j  k .

13. Obtain the curl of a flow field

   
A  y 4  x 2y 2 i  x 2  y 2 j  x 2yz k

the point 
1,3, 2
∫ [ ( x 2+ xy ) dx+( x 2+ y 2) dy ]
14. Evaluate
C , where C is the square formed

by the lines x=±1, y=±1.

15. Find a unit vector normal to the surface x 3 + y 3 +3 xyz=3 at the

16. Find a and b such that

  
F  3x 2y i  ax 2  2yz 2 j  3z 2  by 2z k
  
Obtain the work done in moving a particle in the force field
F  3x 2i   2xz  y  j  zk
along the straight line from the origin to the point
 2,1,3 .
18. φ=x 2−2 y 2 +4 z 2 at (1,1,-1) in
Calculate the directional derivative of
the direction of 2i  j  k .

  yz i  zx j  xy k  .dS
19. Evaluate C where S is the surface of the sphere
x 2  y 2  z 2  a 2 in the first octant.

1. Form the partial differential equation of the following by eliminating the arbitrary Functions
from z¿ f ( x +ct ) + g( x−ct)
2. Obtain the solution of partial differential equation p tan x +q tan y =tan z. Using
3. Lagrange’s method
4. Apply method of Separation of variables, solve the partial differential equation
∂u ∂u
=2 +u −3 x
∂x ∂t given that u( x ,0)=6 e .
5. Obtain the general solution of the partial differential equation
x 2  z 2  y2  p  y2  x 2  z 2  q  z 2  y2  x 2 
6. A rod of length l with insulated sides is initially at a uniform temperature u0 .
Its ends are suddenly cooled to 0oC and are kept at that temperature. Find the
temperature function u(x,y).
 2u  2u  2u
 2  4 xy
7. Write a MATLAB code for the value of y x xy where

u( x , y )=x 4 +4 y 3 −3 xy +6 y−14

8. Using method of Separation of variables, find the solution of the partial

∂u ∂u
=4 given that u( x,0)=8e−3 x
differential equation ∂ x ∂y .
9. Obtain the partial differential equation from the relation
1 
z  y 2  2 f   log y 
x  by eliminating the arbitrary function.
10. Obtain the general solution of the partial differential equation
x  z 2  y2  p  y  x 2  z 2  q  z  y2  x 2 
11. Using the method of separation of variables, solve
u u
5  u, where u  x ,0   6e 12 x .
x y
xyz  f  x 2  y 2  z 2 
12. Form the partial differential equation from the relation
13. A string is stretched and fastened to two point’s l apart. Motion is started
by displacing the string into the form y=6 α(lx−x ) from which it is
released at time t=0. Determine the displacement of any point on the string
at a distance of x from one end at a time t
14. Obtain the general solution of the partial differential equation
x 2  z 2  y2  p  y2  x 2  z 2  q  z 2  y2  x 2 
15. Using Charpit’s method, obtain the solution of the partial differential equation
z 2  pqxy .

f  x  y  z , x 2  y 2  z 2   0.
16. Form the partial differential equation from the relation

17. Solve the partial differential equations

x 2
 yz  p   y 2  zx  q  z 2  xy.
18. Apply finite difference method,solve the Laplace equation∇ 2 u=0 at the
pivotal points of the following figure.

19. Apply Lagrange’s method, solve the linear partial differential equation
x  y  z  p  y  z  x q  z  x  y
20. Form the partial differential equation of all spheres whose centres lies on the z-
21. Using Charpit’s method, obtain the solution of the partial differential equation
z 2  pqxy

Using the method of separation of variables, solve

u u
2  u, where u  x ,0   6e 3 x .
x x
A thin homogeneous bar having thermal diffusivity of 9 and a length of 2cm has

insulated sides and its left end maintained at zero temperature, while its right end
f  x   x 2 for 0  x  2.
is perfectly insulated. The bar has an initial temperature
u  x,t  .
Determine the temperature

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