2.2.light Detection Ranging

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Acceleration Using Modern Technologies: Light Detection and

Ranging (LiDAR) & Seismic Refraction Survey

-Rajneesh Saroj,


Financial viability of any project depends on its completion as per estimated cost and
estimated time. The estimated cost apart from other factors, depends on estimated
time also. If the estimated time exceeds the cost is bound to exceed. Hence it is of
utmost importance that time line of a project is decided sensibly and execution is
done as per it.

Lack of advance planning and accurate estimation, is one of the key factors that
derails a project from its time line, otherthan external factors viz. land acquisition,
geological surprises etc. Railway generally depends on the data received during
Final Location Survey for planning and estimation. Hence, any error or
misrepresentation at the FLS stage is bound to affect the timeline of a project,
including revision of estimate.

FLS is generally done using Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) / Total
Station (TS), which is time consuming and also have accuracy issues. The accuracy
of DGPS/TS is also dependent on the operator of the instrument. Light Detection and
Ranging (LiDAR) is the latest technology, which is very fast and accurate, is being
used for topographic survey these days for highways, defense and irrigation projects.

Similarly, Soil Investigation in perennial river and identification underground utilities

such as oil pipe line, gas pipe line is also required to be done before start of project.
Technology of seismic refraction survey, which does not require the river to be dry,
can be used for under water subsoil investigation and Ground penetration radar can
be used for finding underground utilities.

Dy Chief Project Manager, NHSRCL, Mumbai 1

1.0 Introduction asset failure, reduced reliability etc.
The staff responsible for maintenance
Indian Railways, the premier transport are under tremendous pressure and
organization of the country is the facing mental agony.
largest rail network in Asia and the
world’s second largest under one Railway being cheapest and effective
manageme mode of transport will always be the
nt. It a back bone of economy. Strengthening
network of and expanding railways is
more than strengthening the nation. Railway is
1.2 lakh always working to enhance its capacity
trackkilomet by expanding its infrastructure by
ers and Gauge conversion, Doubling, New
most of the Line.
routes are Among all type of infrastructure
running at projects doubling project is most
more than challenging since work is to be done
the section beside a running line in a constrained
capacity. environment. Timely delivery with
desirable quality and safety is always a
Railway has challenge in such cases.
been under 2.0 Doubling Project Vs New Line
pressure to Project
run higher
number of Railway is expanding through
goods as Doubling,New Line and Gauge
well as Conversion Projects. Though, it is
passenger ultimately formation work, bridge work
trains.It is and track linking work only, but the
not always intermediate steps define the time line,
possible safety and quality of work. it may be
due to either doubling work or newline work,
constrains the goalsmay be the same, but the
of challenges are different. For example,
infrastructur in case of new line, land is a major
e. Most of constraint, but land is generally not a
the problem in doubling. Approaches to
important the work site will not be available in
routes on new line, but that will not be the case
existing in doubling. Similarly, there will be very
infrastructur meagre problem of infringing utilities in
e new line whereas in doubling utility
arealready shifting is a major concern.
that causes When we talk about accelerated
substantial construction, it actually means cutting
maintenanc down the ultimate delivery time
e efforts, without compromising the safety

Dy Chief Project Manager, NHSRCL, Mumbai 2


Figure 1:Flow Chart Project Planning to Execution

quality and cost. There are two The survey by total station have two
aspects of the project, which should be problems. 1. Reliability of levels 2.
looked into; Direct visibility of object from the
source station. This problem was
sorted to some extant with the use of
1. Planning/ Managerial
DGPS, but the reliability of levels is still
Aspects: Such as planning of
doubtful. And the time required for a
work, sequence of execution,
project length of about 500 km is about
optimum utilization of resources,
1 year with total station and 6 months
hiring sufficient and skilled staff
with DGPS if two sets of instruments
are used.
2. Technical Aspects: Such as
design, detailing, making of plan
In order to overcome all these
and profile.
problems and squeeze the time, aerial
3. Technological Aspects: Using
survey has been done with use of
latest technologies for survey,
LIDAR in Mumbai Ahmadabad High
planning and construction such
Speed Rail Project.
as Light Detection And Ranging
(LIDAR), GPR (Ground
Penetration Radar), Seismic 3.2 Final Location Survey:
Refraction Survey etc. Geotechnical Investigations,
Plan and Profile, Engineering
The delivery time of any project can be Scaled Plan, and General
optimally reduced by focusing on the Arrangement Drawings
above the aspects.
All the above activities are important
from the point of view of planning and
3.0 Project: Planning to Execution
execution. The correctness and
reliability of data should be ensured so
From Final Location Survey to
that it avoids any duplication of work
Commissioning, the time line for any
and saves time.
activity can be curtailed by managerial
/ technical/ technological inputs. The
However it is more important to involve
focus may be kept on use of latest
such staff in planning who have
technologyto cut down the time line.
actually worked in field.
The flow chart in figure:1, shows
various phases of project execution.
3.3 Preliminary Works: MoEFCC
3.1 Final Location Survey: Digital Clearances
Terrain Model
It’s a general misunderstanding that
clearances from Ministry of
Final location survey includes items
Environment, Forest and Climate
such as preparation of Digital Terrain
Control(MoEFCC) is not required for a
Model (DTM), Geotechnical
Railway Project. But it is required to be
Investigations, preparation of plan &
understood, that there are as many as
profile, preparation of ESP & GAD.
5 type of clearances which are
During earlier days the DTM was being
required from MoEFCC for any project.
made using Total Station, but it is very
Environmental Clearance is not
time consuming. Since a person need
required for railway project, since it
to go to each and every point
is considered that the railway is
physically for measurement of levels.
Dy Chief Project Manager, NHSRCL, Mumbai 3
nonpolluting mode of transportation. other utilities, like underground
Other clearances are still required for pipeline. Since Cable Route Locator
any project.Other clearances include catches the magnetic flux generated
Forest Clearance (Forest from the signaling or electrical cable
Conservation Act-1980), Wild Life but sewerline or water pipe line does
Clearance (Wile Life Protection Act- not generate any flux hence it is not
1972), Coastal Regulatory Zone detected by cable route locator.
Clearances ( as per CRZ Notification
2011) and special clearances are Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) is
required for Tiger Reserves , or answer to it. It is a geophysical method
Biodiversity Zone. that uses radar pulses to image the
subsurface.This is a non-
Apart from clearance, it is also destructive method that uses
essential to plan suitable mitigation electromagnetic radiationin
measures so that the wild life is not the microwave band (UHF/VHF
affected. frequencies) of the radio spectrum and
detects the reflected signals from
It is therefore important to finalize the subsurface structures.
alignment considering the minimum
involvement of forest land. Even in Generally, it can scan the ground upto
case of doing doubling of existing a depth of 1.5 m and give details of
track, forest and wildlife clearances any underground utility.
may be required in certain cases.
Since the track might have been laid 3.5 Execution: Yard Remodeling to
before implementation of the Forest be linked with Doubling
Act 1980 or Wild Life Protection Act
1972. Little diversion from the While planninga doubling yard the aim
alignment may be useful since it will should be to design the yard
save the cost of mitigation measures. considering the future growth. Though
A cost benefit analysis is required to this activity sometimes affects the time
be done by competent agency. line, since certain additional works
may be required to be executed such
Planning of alignment duly as provision of additional loop,
considering the forest and non- increasing the Clear Standing Room
forest area will help in fast (CSR), provision of track machine
execution of project. siding etc.There may be certain work
which will necessitate change in
3.4 Preliminary Works: Shifting of interlocking/ relay room if taken up at
Utilities later date and the change in
interlocking in big yards costs heavily
Any surprise during construction is in case of major yards.
liable to derail the project from the time
line. Underground utilities are one of Hence, it is desirable to consider all
potential reason for such instances. such work for execution along with
Identification of underground utilities is doubling.
also one area where technological
advancement can be used for quick 3.6 Execution: Geometrical
delivery. Cable Route Locator is one of Constraints
the well-known equipment for
identification of cable, but what about

Dy Chief Project Manager, NHSRCL, Mumbai 4

Geometrical constraints are always However, this technique was used for
critical in planning of doubling yard. the first time for aRailway project of
Such as availability of very steep Mumbai Ahmadabad High Speed Rail
gradient at the approach of yard, Corridor. As a result the Final Location
availability of curve with in yard, Survey for 508 kmlong project of
availability of level crossing at the yard MAHSR could be completed in 3
approach etc. months with an accuracy of less than
50 mm. The accuracy which is
However, in midsection also, achieved is 39 mm for vertical and 43
excessive difference in formation level mm for horizontal.
may be an obligatory location.
4.1.1 The Technology
Identification of such problems in
advance and prior planning is the only The technology is in use since 1960,
solution to it. but the applications of this technology
have increased in recent times by
4.0 Use of Latest Technologies introduction of self driving car,
to Tackle the Critical or likely generation of 3D terrain model etc.
to be Activity
The LiDAR system rhymes with
RADAR and the working principal is
4.1 Aerial/ Ground Light Detection also same as RADAR. The only
And Ranging (LiDAR) difference is, LiDAR uses light waves,
and RADAR uses radio waves.
LiDAR technique is one of the best Bothworks on the simple concept of
known practices for survey time of flight.
internationally. It is used in urban The instrument emits rapid laser
planning, highways, forest, defense, signals, sometimes up to 150,000
irrigation etc. but its seldom used in pulses per second. The signals reflects
Railway Project. from the obstacles. The sensor/


Dy Chief Project Manager, NHSRCL, Mumbai 5

detector positioned on the instrument All the above equipment are mounted
measures the amount of time it takes iDn the helicopter. A flight path is
for each pulse to reflect. The time finalized depending upon requirement
between transmitted pulse and of area to be covered. The 100 MP
received pulse is measured. Thus, camera will keepon clicking photos
theinstrument can calculate the during the flight. Ground station GPS
distance between itself and the will be connected to on board GPS so
obstacle. The Lidar is coupled with that the co-ordinate are recorded.
some other instruments like GPS, These coordinates are applied with
Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), correction as per IMU data. The
Computer to generate the data of any corrected coordinates are feeded to
field. INS (Inertial Navigation System)
solution.The laser data is processed

4.1.2 Methodology
SMU(sensor management unit) AerialLidar
The complete set of Scanner
equipment will consist of IMU (Inertial
GPS unit (for positioning MeasurementUnit)
of the aircraft/ helicopter) ,
Inertial Measurement Unit AerialCamera
(IMU) to apply corrections (Camera 100MP) System
related with pitching and
yawing. A sensor
management unit, high
resolution camera (100
MP) connected with Figure 3: EQUIPMENT FITTED IN HELICOPTOR or Drone or Vehicle
computer system is also
mounted in the helicopter. with the data received from INS and
Georeferenced Point Cloud is
Control station are fixed before taking generated.
up the Lidar survey. In case of MAHSR
master control stations were set at a 4.1.3 Uses and Output of LiDAR data
distance of 25 to 28 km and secondary
control stations were set at 5 km - 8 As discussed above, LiDAR uses
km distance. upto150,000 light pulses per second to






Dy Chief Project Manager, NHSRCL, Mumbai 6

Figure 4: Flow Chart for data processing and Output

capture the data. Accordingly point It’s a big advantage and it can be used
clouds are generated. The generated in planning and execution e.g. number
point cloud can be used in of trees to be cut, number and size of
locating topographic feature, structures, natural streams and canals
defining feature geometry, etc. can be very well ascertained in
creating 3D surface. advance. The quality of orthophoto is
much better than google image. Orthophoto Existing yard layout can be plotted with
accuracy and remodelling can be
When the point cloud is
clubbed with photos
taken during the flight,
orthophotos are
generated. “An
orthophotograph or
orthoimage is an aerial
photograph or satellite
imagery geometrically
corrected such that the
scale is uniform: the
photo or image follows
a given map
projection.” Figure 5: Orthophoto Taken from LiDAR

As the definition says, it is possible to planned accordingly.

take measurement of any feature
available on orthophoto. Software like DigitalTerrain Model,
QGIS, Pix4D, AutoCAD 3D, Global Contour Map, Topographic
Mapper etc, are available wherein Survey Sheet
measurement could be done and
these images can also be exported to
google earth also for seamless view.

Figure 6 Point Cloud Generated from LiDAR

Dy Chief Project Manager, NHSRCL, Mumbai 7

Figure 7:Methodology for Final Location Survey

The point cloud contains billions of Station/DGPS. The methodology in

points which are generally difficult to brief is shown in Fig: 7.
work with. However, the recent
versions of AutoCAD are specially The scope of work is “Soil
designed to handle large number of investigations for bridges by drilling
points generated by LiDAR survey bore holes, collecting samples,
(*.LAS files). Using AutoCADthe point Calculation of water way requirement
cloud can be filtered in different theme for bridges, fixing of alignment,
of stand classification (water, pegging out centre line, taking levels
vegetation, building), elevation or and preparations of GADs for
intensity values. In additionto it 3D bridges/ROBs, station yards,
surface can be generated, it can be preparation of Project sheets,
visualized and analyzed. These surveying of land” and it is being done
outputs can further be exported for use at a cost of ₹ 77000/- per km. The time
in other geospatial data sources. line for the FLS is 12 months.
However, in case of railways the used
shall be limited to generation of 3D The major infrastructural input from the
surface or Digital Terrain Model, agency in such case is getting the
Contour Map or Topographic Survey topographic survey done i.e. activities
Sheets. Once, the terrain profile is 1 & 2. Shown in the figure 7 .
available the quantities of earthwork,
planning of major or minor bridges At the same time, the cost of getting
along with catchment area and flood
discharge can also be done.

4.1.4 Cost Benefit Analysis

In order to ascertain the costing and

corresponding benefits, reference of
some of the Final Location Survey
works is taken which are in progress.
These work is being done using Total

Dy Chief Project Manager, NHSRCL, Mumbai 8


Figure 8: Cost Benefit Analysis

Topographic Survey done from Lidar is 20,000/- to 40,000/- depending upon
₹ 60,000/- per km, if it is done by number of bridges in the stretch.
Aerial vehicle and ₹ 35,000/- if it is
done by road vehicle. These rates Considering the above cost benefit
areas per the information collected analysis, it is desirable to have a
from the agencies involved in this paradigm shift in the way Final
business. Location survey is carried out for any
project, (see figure 8) since it will
Permissions from authorities of directly save 8 to 9 months’ time for
Ministry of Defence and Ministry of any project. And the output is very
Civil Aviation is required in case of much reliable and accurate, which will
Aerial LiDAR, however no permission help in execution project
is required for Vehicular Lidar. It takes
45 days to 60 days to take permissions 4.2 Seismic Refraction Survey
and it is taken by the agency.
The alignment of MAHSR is passing
Aerial LiDAR survey can be done @ through undersea tunnel. Since
100 km per day/ aircraft, with an making borehole along the centreline
accuracy of less than 50 mm. Whereas will create perpetual source of water
the progress by DGPS survey will be 4 leakage in tunnel borehole was done

Figure 9: Schematic Diagram Showing Seismic Refraction Survey

to 5 km/day/ team, with an accuracy of at 75m away from the centre line on
less than 100 mm. the either side of the proposed tunnel
alignment. Seismic Refraction Survey
The cost for remaining activities of was used to ascertain the quality of
geotechnical investigations, sub soil strata under the tunnel
preparation of GAD/ ESP and alignment.
preparation of estimate will be about
Dy Chief Project Manager, NHSRCL, Mumbai 9
4.2.1 The Technology subsurface interfaces where the waves
are reflected or refracted.
Seismic Refraction Surveyis one of the
important tools in the family of Normally, seismic wave velocities
exploration geophysics. Seismic increase with depth, and hence travel-
investigations utilize the fact that time plot of arrival of seismic waves in
elastic waves (also called seismic an array of sensors (geophones)

Figure 10:Velocity Model for Undersea Tunnel in Thane Creek

Layer Velocity Rock Borton’s Rock Interpreted Rock Mass
No: Thickness Q value Mass Lithology Classification
(m) Rating based on Q-
RMR value
Vp (m/s) From To
1 1600 to 1.17 22.5 0.01 to 22 to Sea sediment with Extremely
2200 0.05 31 highly to poor
weathered basalt.
2 2800 to 0.94 30.64 0.20 to 40 to Weathered and Very poor
3500 1.00 50 jointed/Fractured
3 3300 to 5.27 33.58 0.63 to 47 to Slightly weathered Fair
4200 5.01 61 to fresh less
jointed basalt.
4 4600 to - - 12.59 to 67 to Fresh basalt. Good
5100 39.81 74
waves) travel with different velocities in spread linearly will show the presence
different rocks. By generating seismic of various layers based on the
waves at a point and observing the distance in slope of different segment
time of arrival of these waves at a of the first arrival time plot.
number of other points on the surface
of the earth, it is possible to determine Seismic (P-Wave) velocity of materials
the velocity distribution and locate the relates to the strength properties and
the degree of weathering and joints

Dy Chief Project Manager, NHSRCL, Mumbai 10

available in-situ. This defines rocks in great tool which can be used during
various sub-categories such as Hard, Final Location Survey, and deciding
Weathered and Soft in terms of range the type of foundation of any bridge
of P-wave velocities. location which is falling on a perennial
river. There by avoiding mistakes in
Seismic velocity for different rock types selection of type of foundation.
in earth crust has been placed at table
1. Soil classification is done Based on 5.0 Recommendations
seismic velocity (Vp) of different
layers, engineering properties of rock On the basis of above discussions, the
mass “Q” & RMR assessed by using following are recommended in order to
empirical relations of Barton and rock cutdown the final delivery time
mass strength “σC” through Linear without compromising on safety,
Regression Equation by Freyburg, quality and cost or any other railway
1972. project and its smooth completion;

4.2.2 Methodology and Output  The timeline should be

realistic, achievable and with
Seismic Refraction Survey is carried least possible assumptions.
out with help of two ships or barges,  LiDAR should be used while
called Source Ship and Recording carrying out for making Digital
Ship. A bay cable having hydrophone Terrain Model during Final
is sunk along the alignment, and it is Location Survey instead of
connected with recording ship. Source DGPS/ Total station.
ship shall travel along the alignment  While carrying out
with an air gun, that generates seismic Geotechnical
waves as per signal sent by recording InvestigationsSeismic
unit. The recording unit records the Refraction Method may be used
data of reflected wave. The data is to verify the strata under
processed in in-built software and riverbed before deciding type of
depending upon the time difference, foundation for any bridge.
the distance travelled, velocity of  Ground Penetration Radar may
seismic wave in sub soil strata is be used to scan the ground for
calculated. any underground utility.Utility
shifting should be planned in
Seismic Refraction Survey was used in advance, before planning of
for geotechnical exploration for tenders.
undersea tunnel of High speed Rail  Planning of alignment should be
Project. The velocity model of seismic dine duly considering the forest
waves at the centre line generated area and non-forest area and
through the seismic refraction survey Railway Officials should be
is shown as under. trained about various
clearances required from
4.3 Regular Geotechnical Ministry of Environment, Forest
Investigation Vs Seismic and Climate Control (MoEFCC)
Refraction Survey for any project.
 The yard plans should be
Seismic Refraction Survey can’t be finalised considering future
used as a replacement to the expansion, and remodeling
geotechnical investigations, but it’s a
Dy Chief Project Manager, NHSRCL, Mumbai 11
should be taken up as a part of
doubling to the extant possible.

Dy Chief Project Manager, NHSRCL, Mumbai 12


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