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Characteristics of Software:

 It is engineered or designed but its not manufactured in classical

 It doesn’t wear out.
What is Software engineering?
It is the establishment or use of sound engineering principles to
make fully working and economical software products which can
work flawlessly on real machines.
Software engineering models:
Waterfall Model: This model is the linear or sequential way of
developing a software. In this model requirement gathering, planning,
designing, coding, testing, deployment and maintenance are the major
steps. This is also called as classical model of software development.
Many criticize done over this model as development team can face
confusion when changes has to be made. It will be best to use in the
scenario where we are crystal clear about all phases at once so that there
is no need to look after once we started working.
Some found that there exist blocking states in waterfall model where
the team member need to stop for other members if there is dependent
task. So it takes longer time to complete task than it actually should take.
So for new real projects applying waterfall model can be disastrous.
RAD Model:
RAD projects follow iterative and incremental model. RAD stands for
Rapid Application Development. In the RAD model, the functional
modules are developed in parallel as prototypes and are integrated to
make the complete product for faster product delivery.

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