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Midwifery is as old as the history of human species. There is reference to the
midwives in the Old Testament. Archeological event of woman squatting childbirth
supported by another woman from behind demonstrates the existence of midwifery in
5000 BC.
Through the centuries, midwifery the art of assisting women in childbirth has grown
fulfilling its meaning “with women” at birth.

Early development
The development of obstetrics and gynecology possibly started in the Indus Valley
where civilization was flourishing 5 millennia ago. Even though it was started in Indus
Valley, Aurignacian arts which are represented by paintings of animals and by status
depicted interest in gynecology.

Egypt (6000-1200 bc)

In most Muslim countries and in Egypt women were attended only by women. Men
were excluded from the place where women were laboring. It is still remaining in
Middle Eastern and Eastern area of the world. Women squatted either on the ground
or brick to deliver. In Egypt, the women’s urine was used to water wheat and barley
corn. If the plants grew rapidly, pregnancy was confirmed & if the barley grew faster
than the wheat the fetus was a female.

Mesopotamia (4000-331 bc)

The practice of medicine in Mesopotamia began either simultaneously with that of
Egypt or soon after the Code of Hummurabi, the famous ruler of the old Babylonian
dystany which was one of the first codes of regulates practice of medicine.

Greek & rome

 A Greek physician named “Soranus” known as the “Father of Obstetrics” wrote
his gynecological book in Greek and described that fetus could takes up various
positions inside the uterus. Soranus gave one of the earliest descriptions of uterus
and also described on fertilization. He is the best known for podalic version.
 Gabrelious Falloppius was an Italian who described the fallopian tube connecting
the ovaries to the uterus.

Arestotle (384-322 bc)

The father of embryology described the uterus and female pelvic organs. He also
discussed essential qualities of the midwife.

European development
 Artists such as Leonardo Da Vinci made anatomical drawings of pregnant women
 Ambroise Pare laid the foundation of modern obstetrics. He was the first to deliver
a woman in bed instead of birthing stools. His contribution to the science of


obstetrics was perhaps the turning point that shifted the responsibility of the
management of pregnancy.
 In 1953, the first book on midwifery was printed in Germany.
 From 5th century onwards Hotel Dieu in Paris became the most famous maternity
hospital in Europe and therefore the world which helped to spread the knowledge
of midwifery widely.
17 century
 The development of the obstetrics forceps was a major peak through in 17 th
century. Instruments to assist delivery has been used for centuries but were mainly
for extracting the dead fetus.
 Chamberlen family credited the invention of obstetrical forceps.
 William Harvey developed embryology.
 Francois Mauriceau was the first to observe that puerperal fever was epidemic.
He described a mechanism for breech extraction.
18 century
 18th century is known as “Age of Reason.” The beliefs and ideas accepted for
centuries were questions and resolution sought.
 Smellier, master of British Midwifery observed and recorded the mechanism of
labor, invented curved and locked forceps and advocated a conservative III rd stage
of labor.
 Charles White (1728-1813) stressed the need for cleanliness to avoid the onset of
puerperal sepsis.
19 century.
1809 Ephraim Mc Dowell Performed ovariotomy.
1843 A.M Health and Charles First abdominal hysterectomy.
day of Manchester
1849 James Mario Repair of fistula
Introduced Sims position
Sims position for gynecological nursing.
1912 Kroning Lower segment vertical incision
1926 MunrokenriI Lower segment caesarian operation.
Discovery of anesthesia in the 19 century is of major importance to obstetrics.
Scientists viewed it as an end to pain.
United States
176 William Ship pen Establishment of school for midwifery in Philadelphia &
2 become a part of university and curriculum.
187 American Medical Section on obstetrics women diseases and children
3 Association
191 Maternity center association founded.
192 First federal legislation to provide funds for state
1 Program in maternal and child health.
193 Social Security Act, grants for health and welfare
5 program.
196 Official professional organization in American college


9 of nurse Midwives established.

Midwifery in India
In ancient India, the untrained dais belonging to the lower communities were mostly
responsible for conducting deliveries. This system leads to the various complications
and increased maternal and infant deaths.
The number of woman, doctors, nurses and midwifes were few and they were
available only in a very few cities and towns. Majority of deliveries during that time
was taking place in rural areas in most unhygienic way. The umbilical cord were cut
by any available bamboo or wooden strip often sharpen by rubbing the end of the
floor of the room where the delivery used to takes place.
 1912: maternal and child health services.
 1931: “Indian Red Cross Society” started maternity centers in different parts.
 International organization like WHO & UNICEF also began to help the nations
in improving MCH services.
 First five year plan, more than 200 MCH centers were started in different
 Second five year plan, MCH services were integrated with the services of PHC.
More staffs such as public health nurses, lady health visitors and midwives,
dais etc. were trained and appointed.
 Union ministry of health and family planning (1969) introduced the following:
 Immunization of infant and preschool age children against diphtheria, pertusis
and tetanus.
 Prophylaxis against nutritional anemia of mother and child.
 Prophylaxis against blindness in children due to vit A deficiency.
 1977: MCH scheme under family planning has been reemphasized.
 1992: child survival and safe motherhood programme initiated.

In maternity nursing from ancient to modern world, major contributions happened in
obstetrical and gynecological nursing. New interventions and supporting equipments
are established and are used by training the midwives and dais. Thus the midwifery
and maternal nursing makes a major role in controlling the mortality and morbidity
ratio among the mother and infants.



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