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Aragalas: Significations of various houses are interlinked.

Support provided by one

house to another is called Argala and the obstruction offered to supporting houses is
called virodha argala.

Planets or bodies in 2, 4 and 11th house cause primary argalas on a given house, whereas
the planets in 12th, 10th and 3rd cause virodha argalas to 2nd, 4th and 11th respectively.

Planets or bodies in 5th and 8th houses cause secondary aragalas, whereas planets in 9th
and 6th offer secondary virodha argalas.

Banefic give shubha argalas, malefic offer papa argalas. If however a malefic has an
argala on house of which it is a significator, such an aragala can be termed as shubha. *

Also benefics can give paparagalas if they are opposed to naisargika karkas of the house.

Exception: malefic from 3rd house from karka bhava cause shubha aragala.

2nd house aragala is also called dhanaragala, 4th sukharagala or 11th labharagala.

Aragala and virodha-aragala from equal number of planets results in Bandhana yoga. If
both are malefic, bandhana yoga can be very evil.

COVA covers many examples to illustrate the above. Some of these examples are given

1. Jupiter (well aspected) in 2nd will protect Asc through shubharagala.

2. Sun (mild natural malefic) in 2nd will show good income through its aragala on
11th and will also indicate lavish spending though its aragala on the 12th (3rd
aragala for malefic).
3. Saturn, a malefic in 2nd will have adverse impact on 11th, income may become a
difficult task, and unwanted expenditure is indicated through its aragala on 12th.
4. Rahu in 4th through its aragala on 2nd (exception, 3rd) will indicate sudden rise or
fall in wealth.
5. Planets in 4th house through their agarala on 3rd will indicate place of intercourse.
6. Planets in 4th through their aragala on 1st will indicate personality and nature of the
person. Sun will indicate a Good soul, God fearing disposition, pom and show.
Moon in 4th will indicate happy disposition, good learning. Mars shows a person
with bellicose disposition, short tempered, hard hearted, Saturn a selfish,
conceated, hard hearted and Rahu either a saint or a fraud depending on other
7. Venus in 5th can have adverse effect on Mother because of its aragala on the 4th
house, it being a natural enemy of Moon, naisargika matrukarka Moon. **
however being natural significator for mother-tongue/ motherland, the native will
be devoted to his motherland.
8. malefics in 7th will indicate bad relations with co-borns, mother and father due to
aragala on 3rd, 4th (exception, 3rd)and 9th.
9. Mars in 7th causes sorrow in married life due to papargala on 4H. it gives a short-
lived spouse.
10. Sun or Jupiter in 10th will have a favorable aragala on 9th and will promote father,
guru and good fortune. It will also destroy the evil effects of malefics in 9th.
11. Rahu or Saturn in 10th will have paparagala on 9th and father/ guru will suffer.
12. Saturn in 10th will have shubharagala on the 12th house of which it is a significator
and the native will learn spiritual practices. *
13. Ketu (mokshakarka) in 10th will also have paparagala on 9th but shubharagala on
the 12th house of final emancipation. *
14. Ketu in 10th can be very bad for dogs or pets which are the significations of 6th
house – paparagala from 5th house.
15. Saturn in 10th through paparagala on 6th can create many enemies.
16. Mercury or Ketu in 10th will make the native fickle minded.
17. Mercury or Venus in 10th can be blessing for business. (shubha aragala on 7th)
18. If the planet in 1H is friendly to planet in 10H, native will have job satisfaction
through sukharagala.
19. Planets in 11H has dhanaragala on 10H. Rahu in 11H will give sudden gains
while Saturn will delay fruits.
20. 8th house has labharagala on 10th. Thus it determines end of career. (11th aragala is
labharagala and it has the responsibility of finishing the activity represented by
the house.)
21. Jupiter in 11th gives fame and power through its argala on 1st and 10th.
22. Mars in 11th can give employment in armed forces through aragala on 10th, danger
of accidents through aragala on 8th and marital disharmony through aragala on 7th.
23. Sun in 11th through its aragala on 10th will make the person ambitious and famous
(aragala on 1st). Its aragala on 8th could give inheritance.

According to COVA, Argalas like aspects, also help to explain significations of lord of
one house being placed in another. It would carry the significations of house owned by it
and will impact the significations of house of its placement and from there the houses
aspected plus houses on which it has argalas. Benefic or malefic will decide on the kind
of impact it will have. (exception of 3rd from karka bhava needs to be remembered)

Some of the examples are given below.

1. Second lord placed in 8th will link wealth to dowry or alimony. 8th house has a
secondary aragala on the 1st. If the 2L is benefic the aragala will be shubha and will bring
in wealth, whereas if it is malefic the aragala will be papa and will indicate loss.

2. 5th lord placed in 2nd, if a natural benefic, will bring love for money and finances, may
have a good voice, a singer. Its shubha argala on 4th will bring in happiness. Its aspect on
8th may bring inheritance.
Malefic will have adverse effect on wealth. Its aspect on 8th may bring diseases or death.
It will have papa argala on 4th, causing sorrow and unhappiness.

I am learning further to get a better understanding of the concept

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