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Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS (CWE) PO/M T-X -Pr el i m s-M T-53003

I B PS (CWE) PO/M T-X -Pr el i m s –M T - 53003

Direction(1-5): In the following questions, a word is given along with its usage in
sentences given in the options. Choose the option in which use of the given word
is contextually and grammatically correct.

1. Routine
I. Our goal is to improve routine with customer requirements.
II. Urban life contributes directly to increased routine
III. He had a routine face
1)Only I 2) only II 3) Only III 4) All of the above 5) None
2. Pragmatic
I. He made a pragmatic decision to settle the lawsuit because in the end it would
cost more to try it in court.
II. In business, the pragmatic approach to problems is often more successful than
an idealistic one.

III. We have such a pragmatic handwriting.
1)Only I 2) Only II 3) both I and II 4) All of the above 5) None
3. Elementary
I. This book contains a series of elementary exercises for learners.

II. Millions of travelers fail to take even the most elementary of precautions.
III. He was older than me and from London and I thought him very elementary.
1)Only III 2) Only II 3) both I and II 4) All of the above 5) None
4. Sedentary
I. The staff working on the unit are hard working and have very little time to sit at

a desk.
II. My doctor says I should start playing sport because my lifestyle is too sedentary
III. Being a writer is a sedentary occupation.
1)Only II and III 2) Only I 3) Only III 4) All of the above 5) None
5. Dormitory
I. The latest refugees were housed in makeshift dormitories.
II. The investments remained dormant for many years.
III. We were determined to build not just dormitories but communities.
1)Only I 2) both I and III 3) both II and III 4) None 5) Only III
Direction(6-12): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions
given. Certain words have been given in bold to help you locate them while
answering some of the questions.
This past decade has witnessed a surge in wildlife tourism that has doubled
and tripled the tourist load in several of the more accessible national parks and
reserves. But serious infrastructural shortcomings have brought us precariously
close to a breakdown of the ecosystem‘s capacity to absorb this load. The result is
an unsatisfactory tourist experience (and an opportunity to impart conservation
values lost), overworked, pressurized and confused wildlife staff, and occasional
man-animal confrontation crises such as man-killing by tigers. Not to speak of
the ecosystem that is being battered by humans. A road area, which accommodated
four vehicles a day, ten years ago, is now being used by 12 a day. The road area
the wildlife population of that area has in any case gone up. A collision of interests
Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS (CWE) PO/M T-X -Pr el i m s-M T-53003

is inevitable. An important function of wildlife refuges is to encourage tourism.

recognising that it forms an ideal hands-on method of orienting, educating and
winning the hearts and minds of the general public over to conservation values
and concepts. This can only be achieved by communication with tourists before
and during their visits to a wildlife refuge. The ?interpretation? as it is generally
referred to, is properly done by having an interpretation centre, consisting of
photographic, written and audio-visual exhibits supplemented by free or priced
literature and a person on hand to answer the queries of visitors. Tourists should
perforce be routed through this facility by the simple expedient they have some
time to see it while their entry permits are being prepared. The general message

should be the history of the wildlife refuge as a conservation microcosm,
interesting facts of some of the species it supports, and an explanation of the
mechanics of an ecosystem and its relevance to man, plus codes of conduct specific
to the area and to wildlife and jungles in general. This should be backed up by a
cadre of trained naturalist guides, preferably from the local population, who should
accompany the tourists in the refuge. In some of our wildlife refuge, very poor
facilities for this sort of thing exist. In most, none exist at all. The result is tourist
traffic, which is generally quite ignorant of wildlife, ecology and conservation
values, who leave the refuge no wiser than when they came in. leaving behind for

good measure the detritus of their presence: plastic bags, cigarette packets,
bottle, paper, a lot of which is non biodegradable and toxic. Added to this is the
fact that wildlife guards and rangers are often diverted from their normal work-
monitoring and managing wildlife and the ecosystem –and made to guide tourists

and generally be at the back and call of people, irrelevant to the priorities of the
wildlife refuge.
6. Which of the following is not true in the context of the passage?
1) The forest staff are diverted from their normal work
2) The priorities of the wildlife are sometime ignored by the forest staff.

3) The tourists are generally equipped with the necessary knowledge of wildlife
4) The tourists leave behind lots of toxic disposals 5) None of these
7. According to the passage, the main purpose of bringing tourists in the forest
areas is
1) to involve the general public in maintaining the ecosystem
2) to educate the general public about wildlife and ecosystem
3) to reduce the wildlife population
4) to make them understand the codes of conduct of the jungles 5) None of these
8. Which of the following best explain this according to the passage?
1) Unwillingness to build more road area vis-à-vis of vehicular traffic
2) Development of tourism vis-à-vis the conservation of the ecosystem
3) Better tourist capability vis-à-vis lack of funds
4) Positioning people to ecosystem and also destruction of the ecosystem
5) None of these
9. The main concern expresses by the author in the above passage is to
1) Improve facilities for tourists 2) Build more road areas
3) Restrict wildlife population
4) Balance the ecosystem by careful planning 5) None of these
10. Which of the following words is most nearly the same in meaning as the word –
‘detritus’ as used in the passage
1) Useful 2) Disposals 3) Valuable 4) Gravel 5) Unimportant

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS (CWE) PO/M T-X -Pr el i m s-M T-53003

11. The main concern expresses by the author in the above passage is to
1) Improve facilities for tourists 2) Build more road areas
3) Restrict wildlife population
4) Balance the ecosystem by careful planning 5) Reduce toxic waste
12. Man-animal confrontation, according to the passage leads to
1) Killing of tigers by man 2) Killing of animals by other animals
3) Confusion of wildlife staff 4) Destruction of mutual bond 5) None of these
Direction(13-15): In the following questions, a word is given along with its usage
in sentences given in the options. Choose the option in which use of the given
word is contextually and grammatically correct.
13. Any change in oil prices has knock-on effects on almost every sector such as food

manufacturing transport and infrastructure. Such has been the nature of Indian
A) The nature of the
B) Oil pricing has to be
C) Effects on every sector
1)A and C
2) Only C 3) Only A 4) B and C 5) None of these
14. You cannot choose to act neutral in a situation of injustice. It’ll imply that you
have chosen the side of the oppressor.
A) If in a situation
B) If you are acting

C) The side of the oppressor
1)A and C 2) only B 3) None of these 4) B and C 5) A and B
15. For many youngsters, Right to Education still remains elusive across the country.

There are good Samaritans striving to ensure that students get education they
A) At a time when
B) In order to ensure
C) While there’s good

1)A and C 2) A and B 3) Only C 4) B and C 5) None of these

Direction(16-20):This question has two blanks. Each blank indicates that
something has been omitted. Choose the option with the words that best fits the
meaning of the sentence as a whole and mark it as your answer.
16. Confused and _____________ Hogwart fumbled to make sense of seemingly
inconsistent statements, _____________ the impatience of his listeners.
1) Prostrate, listening to 2) muddled, aware of
3) philosophical, overlooking, 4) incoherent, oblivious to 5) agitated, following
17. Just as a high way automobile accident leaves lasting marks of spilled coolant,
___________ and oil, the smashing together of gigantic land masses releases and
redirects fluids that flow, heat, ___________ and deposit, leaving an enduring
record of their presence.
1) Petrol, disappear 2) gases, electric 3) paint, mark
4) anti-freeze, drip 5) fuel, evaporate
18. Although publicity has been __________ the film itself is intelligent, well acted,
handsomely produced and altogether __________.
1) Tasteless, respectable 2) extensive, moderate 3) sophisticated, amateur
4) perfect, spectacular 5) useless, extraneous
19. Ironically, his normally __________speaker became shy and ___________ when
confronted with the approbatory stares of her eager audience.
1) Quiet, passionate 2) garrulous, reticent 3) dispassionate, passionate
4) humble, supercilious 5) soft, remorseful
Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS (CWE) PO/M T-X -Pr el i m s-M T-53003

20. Although the whole team acted in unison, each member was __________ for a(n)
__________ of the production process.
1) Reliable, source 2) responsible, element 3) appointed, article
4) agreeable, felony 5) agreeable, amount
Direction(21-25): In the given passage there are blanks, each of which has been
denoted by (21), (22), (23), (24) and (25). Against each five words have been given.
Read the passage carefully and decide which of the given words will come in
place of the blank in each case.
In October 1997, when global leaders gathered in Oslo to strategize how to
end child labor, we brought a huge ambition and a deep commitment to change.
Through improved collaboration and planning, we sought to protect children

from_________(21) , and to develop “new strategies to eliminate child labor at the
national, regional, and international levels.” Now, 20 years later, it is time to
ask: how have we done? Poorly. Since that first meeting, the world has not even
halved the number of children in the workforce. In the last five years, the
international community has managed to reduce the number of employed children
by just 16 million, the slowest pace of__________(22) in decades. Of the 152 million
children working today, some 73 million are doing jobs considered hazardous .
Even “safe” child labor affects victims’ physical and physiological wellbeing long
into adulthood. Worse, according to the most recent data from the International
Labor Organization, the world has made the least progress in protecting two of

the most at-risk populations: children between the ages of five and 11, and young
girls. The problem is not that we have failed to learn anything during our four
global gatherings (the most recent one, held in Buenos Aires, wrapped up earlier
this month). The problem is that we have failed, and are failing, to take our own
advice. Even as we talk, disturbing global developments have added a__________(23)
twist to child labor and trafficking. This was supposed to be the century of

empowerment for the most marginalized. Instead, we are witnessing globalization

of the most__________(24) kind, with children becoming victims many times over.
Because traffickers can easily prey amid chaos, children in conflict zones are
particularly vulnerable . Syria has commanded attention for years because of the
horrific violence to which children there are subjected. But the global rise of
organized gangs means that children in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Europe

are also at risk. Stemming this trend requires urgent and coordinated investment
in education and safety wherever children are at risk – in__________(25) zones,
refugee camps, and in areas affected by natural disasters.
21. 1) foster 2) cherish 3) garrison 4) exploitation 5) smudged
22. 1) nourish 2) apathy 3) ceremoniousness 4) sparkling 5) reduction
23. 1) speck less 2) taintless 3) sinister 4) cordial 5) conserve
24. 1) consulting 2) deliberating 3) bulwark 4) perverted 5) proliferation
25. 1) conflict 2) civility 3) etiquette 4) counseling 5) courtesy
Direction(26-30): In this question a sentence divided into four parts denoted by
(1), (2),(3) and (4) has been given. Read the sentence to find out whether there is
any grammatical error in it. The error if any, will be in one part of the sentence.
That part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is “No error”. Ignore the
errors of punctuation if any.
26. The government have indicted (1)/four members of China’s (2)/Liberation Army
for hacking into (3)/ the credit-reporting agency Equifax.(4)/No error.
27. Images from a recent Antarctic (1)/expedition during which scientists (2)/ studied
the dramatically drop (3)/ in the population of chinstrap penguins. (4)/ No error.
28. Medical advances have (1)/dramatically extend life spans worldwide, (2)/ but
investment in basic health care(3)/ has not kept up.(4)/No error.
29. The president is bestowed (1)/favour on his loyal defenders, (2)/and visiting
revenge on those (3)/ he feels have betrayed him.(4)/No error.
30. The Trump administration’s attempt to (1)/kill one of America’s strongest (2)/
climate policies have (3)/been a complete debacle.(4)/No error.

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS (CWE) PO/M T-X -Pr el i m s-M T-53003

Direction (31-35) : Study the following information carefully to answer the
There are 6 villages around City ‘X’, namely A, B, C, D, E, F. The population
of Village A is 25% of the population of City ‘X’. The population of Village ‘B’ is 20%
of the total population of City ‘X’. The population of Village C is two-fifth of the
total population of City ‘X’. The population of Village D is 60 % of the total population
of Village C. The population of Village E is 85% of the total population of Village B.
The total population of Village F is 21000. which is 35% of the total population of
City ‘X’.

31. What is the average number of villagers in Village B, D, E and F together ?
1) 14600 2) 14000 3) 14400 4) 14800 5) 14300
32. In Village B, 32% of the total population are females, in Village D 30% of the total
population are females and in Village E. 28% of the total population are females.
What is the total female population of Village B. D and E together ?
1) 11280 2) 11194 3) 11760 4) 10108 5) 11016
In Village A, the respective ratio between the total number of males and the total
number of females 2 : 3. If the total number of males in Village C is 250% of the
total number of males in Village A. what is the respective ratio between total

2) 3 : 2

number of males and total number of females of Village C ?
1) 5 : 4 3) 2 : 1 4) 5 : 3 5) 3 : 1
34. The total population of Village A and B together is what percent more than the
total population of Village D and E together ? (rounded off to two decimal places)
1) 9.76 2) 12.38 3) 10.24 4) 8.75 5) 13.82

35. The total number of children below 10 years of age in Village B and E together is
6000 out of whom three fifth are in Village B. What percent of population is below
10 years of age in Village E ?
6 9 5 6 9
1) 24 2) 24 3) 23 4) 23 5) 23

17 17 17 17 17
Direction(Q.No:36-40) : In this question two equations numbered I & II are given.
You have to solve both the equations and find out whether
36. I. 6x2 + 19x + 15 = 0 II. 24y2 + 11y + 1 = 0
1) X  Y 2) Relationship between X and Y cannot be established
3) X  Y 4) X > Y 5) X < Y
37. I. x - 6x + 9 =0 II. y2 - 11y + 24=0
1) X  Y 2) X < Y 3) X  Y
4) Relationship between X and Y cannot be established 5) X > Y
38. I. 9X2 - 27x + 20 = 0 II. 6y2 - 5y + 1 = 0
1) X > Y 2) X < Y 3) X  Y 4) X  Y
5) Relationship between X and Y cannot be established
39. I. x2 - 5x - 24 = 0 II. y2 - 7y-18 = 0
1) X < Y 2) X > Y
3) Relationship between X and Y cannot be established
4) X  Y 5) X  Y
40. I. 8x + 26x + 15 = 0 II. 4y2 + 24y + 35 = 0
1) X > Y 2) X  Y
3) Relationship between X and Y cannot be established
4) X < Y 5) X  Y

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS (CWE) PO/M T-X -Pr el i m s-M T-53003

Direction(41-45) : Study the following graph carefully to answer the given question.
Production of rice in kgs per hectare (yield) for three states over the years

Production in Kg's per hectare



500 Odisha Andhra Pradesh West Bengal
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
ha Year

41. In West Bengal the area of production of rice in 2006 was 120 hectares and in

2005 this area was 150 hectares, what was the ratio between the quantities of
rice produced in 2006 and 2005 respectively ?
1) 75:116 2) 77:115 3) 76:115 4) 15 : 23 5) 19 : 29
42. Area used for cultivation of rice in 2007 in Odisha was 125 hectares and in West

Bengal it was 140 hectares. What was the difference between total production of
rice in 2007 by the two states (in kgs) ?
1) 23000 2) 22000 3) 22800 4) 24600 5) 24000
43. What is the difference between average production of rice per hectare for Odisha
in 2004, 2005 & 2006 and average production of rice per hectare for Andhra

Pradesh in the same years (in kgs per hectare) ?

1) 620 2) 650 3) 480 4) 600 5) 500
44. What was the average per hectare yield (in kgs.) for the three states in 2008 ?
(rounded off to nearest integer)
1) 2952 2) 2933 3) 2853 4) 2833 5) 2953
45. The production per hectare for Odisha. Andhra Pradesh and West Bengal increased
by 10%, 15% and 12% respectively from 2009 to 2010. What was the total production
in kgs. per hectare for all three states together in 2010?
1) 8726 2) 8816 3) 9322 4) 8956 5) 9116
Direction(Q.No:46-50) : In this question a number series is given. Only one number
is wrong which doesn’t fit in the series. Find out the wrong number.
46. 11 14 22 37 68 96 144
1) 14 2) 22 3) 96 4) 37 5) 68
47. 119 130 129 154 203 284 405
1) 284 2) 130 3) 129 4) 154 5) 203
48. 3 4 12 45 198 1005 6066
1) 45 2) 198 3) 12 4) 4 5) 1005
49. 39 43 51 60 87 110 167
1) 51 2) 87 3) 110 4) 43 5) 60
50. 20 10 12 15 30 75
1) 12 2) 30 3) 10 4) 15 5) 75

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS (CWE) PO/M T-X -Pr el i m s-M T-53003

Direction(51-55) : Refer to the pie chart and the table and answer the given
question :
Distribution of total number of cellular phones
(Nokia, Samsung and HTC) sold by 6 stores:
Total number: 66000

17% 14% Stores Respective ratio of Nokia
Samsung and HTC cellular
phones sold

E A 2 :3: 2
11% B 6 :5: 5
C 3 :3: 2
D 5 :2: 2
E 3 :3: 5
18% 32%
ha F 7 :6:7

51. Total number of Samsung and HTC cellular phones together sold by store F is

what percent of the number of cellular phones (Nokia, Samsung and HTC) sold by
store A ?
1 11 13 5 9
1) 80 2) 72 3) 78 4) 74 5) 76
14 14 14 14 14

52. What is the difference between total number of Nokia cellular phones sold by
stores B, C and D together and total number of HTC cellular phones sold by the
same stores together ?
1) 6750 2) 7110 3) 6590 4) 7070 5) 6930
53. What is the average number of Samsung cellular phones sold by all the given

stores together ?
1) 3774 2) 3632 3) 3842 4) 3586 5) 3388
54. What is the central angle corresponding to number of cellular phones (Nokia,
Samsung and HTC) sold by store C ?
1) 115.2° 2) 108.8° 3) 124.2° 4) 118.4° 5) 112.6°
55. Total number of Nokia cellular phones sold by stores A and E together is what
percent less than the number of cellular phones (Nokia, Samsung and HTC) sold
by store D ?
1 5 2 7 5
1) 61 2) 65 3) 63 4) 59 5) 57
9 9 9 9 9
56. The average weight of boys in a class is 45 kg and the average weight of girls in
the same class is 36 kg. If the average weight of the whole class is 42.25 kg.
number of girls constitutes what percent of the total number of students in the class ?
5 1 6 2 4
1) 30 2) 33 3) 37 4) 29 5) 28
9 9 7 7 9
57. A rectangular plot. 36m long and 28m wide, has two concrete crossroads (of same
width) running in the middle of the plot (one parallel to length and the other
parallel to breadth). The rest of the plot is used as a lawn. If the area of the lawn
is 825 sq m. what is the width of the roads ?
1) 4m 2) 2m 3) 3m 4) 3.5m 5) 2.5m

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS (CWE) PO/M T-X -Pr el i m s-M T-53003

58. Equal sum of money were invested in scheme A and scheme B for two years.
Scheme A offers simple interest and scheme B offers compound interest
(compounded annually) and the rate of interest (p.c.p.a.) for both the schemes
are same. The interest accrued from scheme A after two years is Rs. 1920 and
from scheme B is Rs. 2112. Had the rate of interest (p.c.p.a.) of scheme A been
4% more, what would have been the interest accrued from that scheme after 2 years ?
1) Rs. 2252 2) Rs. 2336 3) Rs. 2480 4) Rs. 2304 5) Rs. 2284
59. The respective ratio between present ages of P and Q is 8 : 5. The respective ratio
between P’s age 4 years ago and Q’s age 4 years hence is 4 : 3. What is the
respective ratio between P’s age 7 years hence and Q’s age 7 years ago ?
1) 18 : 11 2) 11 : 6 3) 11 : 7 4) 9 : 5 5) 9 : 4
60. In a stream, running at 4 kmph. a motorboat goes 18 km upstream and returns
back to the starting point in 144 minutes. What is the speed of the motorboat in

still water ? (in kmph)
1) 20 2) 16 3) 18 4) 24 5) 12
Direction(Q.No:61-65) : Study the table to answer the given question.
YEAR Annual Salary of an employee in
different department of Company
ha 'X' (in lacs)

Finance HR Marketing Production Procurement

2006 2.96 2.58 2.40 2 1.82

2010 4 3.80 3.64 3 2.64
2011 4.24 4.50 4 3.42 2.80

61. What is the respective ratio between the sum of the annual salary of an employee

who worked in Finance Department and an employee who worked in HR

department in the year 2010 and the sum of the annual salary of an employee
who worked in Marketing department and an employee who worked in Production
department in the year 2009 ?
1) 38 : 35 2) 39 : 34 3) 38 : 31 4) 39 : 31 5) 39 : 28

62. What is the percentage increase in the annual salary of an employee who worked
in Finance Department from 2006 to 2011 ?
9 9 9 9 9
1) 46 2) 42 3) 45 4) 43 5) 44
37 37 37 37 37
63. If in the year 2007, there are 20 employees in HR Department. 24 employees in
Procurement Department and 30 employees in Marketing Department, what is
the total expenditure of Company X in the annual salaries of the employees for
these 3 departments together ? (in Rs. Lacs)
1) 182.4 2) 220 3) 194.6 4) 240.2 5) 176.2
64. If in the year 2012, the annual salary of an employee who worked in Marketing
Department is 28% more than the annual salary of an employee who worked in
the same department in the year 2011 the annual salary of an employee who
worked in Procurement Department is 17% more than the annual salary of an
employee who worked in the same department in the y7ear 2011 and the annual
salary of an employee who worked in Finance Department is 32% more than the
annual salary of an employee who worked in the same department in the year
2011. what is the difference between the annual salary of the employees who
worked in these three departments in 2012 together and the annual salary of the
employees who worked in these three departments in 2011 together ?
1) Rs. 2,65,780 2) Rs. 2,85,430 3) Rs. 2,45,340 4) Rs. 2,95,280 5) Rs. 2,75,980
65. What is the average annual salary of an emp7loyee who worked in Production
department for all the given years together ? (inRs.)
1) 2,60,800 2) 2,30,600 3) 2,50,400 4) 2,70,500 5) 2,40,200
Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS (CWE) PO/M T-X -Pr el i m s-M T-53003

Direction (66-70) : Read the given information to answer the given question :
Nine people viz. P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W and X are sitting around a circular
table facing the centre with equal distance between each other, but not necessarily
in the same order. Only one person sits between P and V (either from left or
right). T sits third to the right of V. W sits second to the right of T. Only one
person sits between W and U (either from left or right). Only two people sit between
R and S (either from left or right). Neither S nor X is an immediate neighbour of W.
66. How many people sit between X and P when counted from the left of P ?
1) More than four 2)One 3)Two
4) Three 5) Four

67. Who sits second to the left of T ?
1) S 2) X 3) P 4) R 5) Q
68. Which of the following is true about Q as per the given information ?
1) X sits second to the left of Q 2) Q sits fourth to the right of T
3) Only two people sit between Q and V when counted from the left of Q
4) None of the given statements is true 5) U is an immediate neighbour of Q
As per the given arrangement, U is related to V in a certain way and X is related
to S in the sffme way. To who amongst the following is P related following the
same pattern ?
1) W 2) T 3) R 4) X 5) Q

What is the position of U with respect to R ?
1) Fourth to the left 2) Third to the left 3) Second to the right
4) Fourth to the right 5) Third to the right
Direction (71-75) :Read the given information to answer the given question :
Seven people viz. A, B, C, D, E, F and G visit seven different schools viz.

Cambridge, Ryan, Jaipuria, Loreto, St. Fidelis, Orchids and Lakshdham of the
same week starting from Monday and ending on Sunday. Thus only one person
visits one school on a given day.
A visits a school on one of the days before Wednesday. Only two people visit
a school between A and the one who visits Ryan. Only three people visit between
A and G. No one visits between G and the one who visits Lakshdham. No one

visits between the one who visits Lakshdham and E. E does not visit Lakshdham.
Only three people visit between E and the one who visits Cambridge. Only two
people visit between the one who visits Cambridge and C. The one who visits
Jaipuria visits on a day immediately before the one who visits Orchids. Only one
person visits between the one who visits Orchids and B. The one who visits St.
Fidelis visits on a day after the one who visits Loreto. D visits on one of the days
before F.
71. Which school does A visit ?
1) Cambridge 2) Lakshdham 3) Loreto 4) Orchids 5) Jaipuria
72. Four out of the following five are alike in a certain way as per the given arrangement
and thus form a group. Which one the following does not belong to that group ?
1) Cambridge - G 2) Ryan - Tuesday
3) C-St.Fidelis 4) Lakshdham - B 5) A- Wednesday
73. Which of the following is not true as per the given arrangement ?
1) A visits on one of the days before the one who visits Orchids
2) E visits St. Fidelis on Saturday
3) No one visits between the one who visits Jaipuria and D
4) All the given statements are true
5) Only three people visit between the one who visits Jaipuria and Loreto
74. Who visits the school on Thursday ?
1) E 2) C 3) The one who visits Ryan
4) F 5) The one who visits Loreto
75. How many people visit a school between D and F ?
1) None 2) One 3) Four 4) Two 5) Three
Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS (CWE) PO/M T-X -Pr el i m s-M T-53003

Direction (76-80) : Study the following information to answer the given question:
Eight friends, P, Q, R, S, W, X, Y and Z are seated in a straight line, but not
necessarily in the same order. Some of them are facing north while some face
* R sits third from one of the extreme ends of the line. X sits fourth to the left of
R. Both the immediate neighbours of X face south.
• Y sits second to the left of Q. Q is not an immediate neighbour of R. Q does not
sit at any of the extreme ends of the line.
• As many people sit between Y and R as between X and S.
* W sits third to the left of S. W and S face opposite directions.
• Both the immediate neighbours of Z face the same direction. The immediate
neighbours of Q face opposite directions.

* Both the immediate neighbours of R face the same directions as X.
76. Who amongst the following, sitting at the extreme end of the line, faces north ?
1) P 2) W
3) Both the people sitting at extreme ends face south
4) S 5) Y
77. Which of the following is true with respect to the given arrangement ?
1) Only four people sit between Y and R
2) People sitting at extreme ends face the same direction
3) No one sits to the left of P
4) None of the given options is true 5) X sits to immediate right of S

How many people sit to the right of Q ?
1) Two 2) Three 3)One 4)Four 5)Five
79. In which of the following pairs are both the persons facing north ?
1) Q,Z 2) R,P 3) Q,R 4) Y, Z 5) W,X
80. What is the position of Q with respect to R ?
1) Second to the right 2) Third to the left

3) Fourth to the right 4) Fourth to the left 5) Second to the left

Direction (81-85) : Study the following information and answer the question :
Twelve people, namely A, B, C, D, E, F, L, M, N, O, P and Q have exams in
one of the months viz. March, April, May, June, September and November of the
same year. In each month the exam will be held on 9th and 18th with each
person appearing on a different date. Hence only two people have an exam in

each of the given months.

• C has an exam on 9th in a month having 31 days. Only three people have exams
between C and O. C has an exam on one of the days before O.
• Only four people have exams between F and O. Only two people have an exam
before A.
• The number of people having an exam between A and O is same as that between
F and Q. N has an exam on one of the days after Q but not on 9th.
• Only five people have their exams between B and E. B has his exam on one of
the days before E. L has an exam on one of the days before B.
• D and M have exams on the same date but different months. More than two
people have exams between D and P.
81. How many people have exams between B and M ?
1) Two 2) Three 3) One 4) Four 5) None
82. Which of the following is true regarding Q as per the given arrangement ?
1) None of the given options is true
2) Q and O have exams in different months
3) Q has an exam in June 4) L has an exam immediately before Q
5) Only four people have exams after Q
83. Which of the following correctly represents the date and month on which D has
his exam ?
1) I8th June 2) 18th April 3) 9th May 4) 9th November 5) 9th April
84. As per the given arrangement four of the following five are alike in a certain way
and thus form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group ?
1) L 2) A 3) P 4) C 5) D

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS (CWE) PO/M T-X -Pr el i m s-M T-53003

85. Who amongst the following has an exam on 18th May ?

1) A 2) Q 3) L 4) P 5) D
Direcion (86-90) : Study the given information carefully to answer the given
question :
In a certain code language :
‘good friends in office’ is written as, ‘rs te kp nh’
‘these gardens are good’ is written as, ‘fo ru bz nh’
‘pretty flowers in gardens’ is written as, ‘te ru om ad’
‘office friends very pretty’ is written as, ‘kp ad rs dv’
(Note : All the codes are two letter codes only)
86. If these pretty ladies’ is coded as ‘bz vg ad’ in the given code language, then how

will ‘ladies are good’ be coded as ?
1) fo nh bz 2) fo kp ad 3) fo nh vg 4) bz vg kp 5) bz nh te
87. What may be the possible code for ‘very spacious gardens’ in the given code language ?
1) dv ig ru 2) bz dv ru 3) ig dv kp 4) ru ig nh 5) ru om fo
88. What is the code for ‘good’ in the given code language ?
1) fo 2) nh
ha 3) rs 4) ru
5) Other than those given as options
89. What is the code for ‘office’ in the given code language ?
1) either ‘fo’ or’ad’
3) te 4) nh

E 2) Other than those given as options

5) either’kp’ or’rs’
90. In the given code language, what does the code ‘te’ stand for?
1) either ‘friends’ or ‘in’ 2) pretty 3) in
4) flowers 5) either ‘flowers’ or ‘gardens’

Direction (91-95) : Study the given information carefully to answer the given
question :
Five boxes viz. A, B, C, D and E are kept above one another. Each box has a
different colour viz. Blue, Yellow, Red, Green and Orange. The blue box is kept
second from the top. Only one box is kept between the blue box and D. Only two

boxes are kept between the red box and A. A is kept at one of the positions above
the red box. As many boxes are kept between the red and the blue box as between
C and the orange box. C is not kept exactly in the middle of the stack. The green
box is kept immediately above B.
91. Which of the following represents the colour of box C ?
1) Green 2) Cannot be determined 3)Red
4) Yellow 5) Blue
92. What is the position of the yellow box in the given the stack of boxes ?
1) Immediately below the green box 2) Second from the top
3) Third from the top 4) Immediately below the red box
5) Third from the bottom
93. Which of the following boxes is kept at one of the positions above box B ?
1) The yellow box 2) The blue box 3)E 4) The orange box 5) A
94. Which of the following is/are true with respect to the given arrangement ?
(i) A is kept above the blue box
(ii) The red box is kept at the bottom-most position
(iii) The orange box is kept exactly between B and D
1) None is true 2) Both (i) and (iii) 3) Only (i)
4) Only (ii) 5) Both (ii) and (iii)
95. How many boxes are kept between D and the green box ?
1)One 2) Two 3) None 4) Cannot be determined 5) Three

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS (CWE) PO/M T-X -Pr el i m s-M T-53003

Direction (96-100) : In this question two/three statements followed by two

conclusions numbered I and II have been given. You have to take the given
statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known
facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the
given statements.
96. Statements : Some jugs are mugs. All mugs are plates.
No plate is a tray.
Conclusion I : Atleast some plates are jugs
Conclusion II : No tray is a mug
1) only Conclusion I follows 2) neither Conclusion I nor II follows
3) either Conclusion I or II follows

4) both Conclusions I and II follow 5) only Conclusion II follows
97. Statements : Some jugs are mugs. All mugs are plates.
No plate is a tray.
Conclusion I: No tray is a jug
Conclusion II : All plates are mugs
1) both Conclusions I and II follow
2) neither Conclusion I nor II follows 3) only Conclusion II follows
4) either Conclusion I or II follows 5) only Conclusion I follows

98. Statements : Some cities are towns.
No village is a district.
Some towns are villages.
Conclusion I: All districts being cities is a possibility
Conclusion II: All towns being districts is a possibility
1) only Conclusion I follows 2) neither Conclusion I nor II follows

3) only Conclusion II follows 4) either Conclusion I or II follows

5) both Conclusions I and II follow
99. Statements : All branches are leaves. All leaves are roots.
Some roots are stems.
Conclusion I : Atleast some stems are branches

Conclusion II : Atleast some roots are branches

1) either Conclusion I or II follows
2) neither Conclusion I nor II follows 3) only Conclusion I follows
4) both Conclusions I and II follow 5) only Conclusion II follows
100. Statements : No missile is a bomb. No bomb is an attack.
Conclusion I: All missiles being attacks is a possibility
Conclusion II : No attack is a missile
1) only Conclusion I follows 2) either Conclusion I or II follows
3) neither Conclusion I nor II follows
4) both Conclusions I and II follow 5) only Conclusion II follows

1.5 2.3 3.3 4.1 5.2 6.3 7.1 8.4 9.4 10.2
11.4 12.4 13.1 14.5 15.2 16.4 17.5 18.1 19.2 20.2
21.4 22.5 23.3 24.4 25.1 26.1 27.3 28.2 29.1 30.3
31.3 32.5 33.4 34.5 35.5 36.5 37.1 38.1 39.1 40.5
41.3 42.1 43.4 44.2 45.5 46.5 47.2 48.2 49.3 50.1
51.3 52.5 53.4 54.1 55.1 56.1 57.3 58.4 59.5 60.2
61.4 62.4 63.1 64.4 65.4 66.3 67.1 68.5 69.3 70.5
71.5 72.3 73.2 74.3 75.1 76.1 77.4 78.1 79.2 80.2
81.4 82.2 83.4 84.3 85.4 86.3 87.1 88.2 89.5 90.3
91.4 92.4 93.5 94.2 95.2 96.4 97.2 98.1 99.5 100.1


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