Bio STP Final Print

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S.No. Description Page No.

(i) Covering letter I

1 Introduction 1

2 Proposed Technology/Method 4

3 Design 8

4 Rate Analysis 10

List of Figures
Figure 1: Flow chart of proposed technology 7

Kasauli is a small town in the state of Himachal Pradesh located at an altitude of 1,927 m. The
town is 77 km from Shimla and 70 km from Chandigarh. Kasauli is a hill station that was
developed by the British Empire during its peak period in India. Despite its beauty, it has yet
to find itself prominently on the tourist's map. The Himachal Pradesh Tourism Development
Corporation (HPTDC) in order to cater the needs of the incoming tourists and visitors in
Kasauli is in process of construction of a 32 rooms hotel with a conference hall for 300 people.
The environmental consideration for any construction in an ecologically fragile zone is the
need of the hour. In this context the Construction and Environment (C&E) Consultancy,
Shimla has proposed a Sewerage Treatment Plant STP with anaerobic digester of 25 KLD
capacity for efficient biological removal of the harmful organic matter.


From the standpoint of the sources of generation, wastewater may be defined as a combination
of the liquid or water carried waste removed from residence institution and commercial and
industrial establishment together with such groundwater, surface water and storm water as
may be present. When untreated wastewater accumulates and is allowed to go septic the
decomposition of the organic matter will lead to nuisance conditions including the production
of malodorous gases in addition, untreated waste water contains numerous pathogenic
microorganisms that dwell in the human intestinal tract. Wastewater also contains nutrients
which can stimulate the growth of aquatic plants and may contain toxic compounds or
compounds that potentially mutagenic or carcinogenic for these reasons the immediate the
nuisance free removal of waste water from its source of generation followed by treatment,
reuse or dispersal into the environment is necessary to protect public health and the


Some of the major important types of waste water treatment process are as following: -
1. Effluent treatment plants.
2. Sewerage treatment plants.
3. Common and Combined effluent treatment plant

Effluent treatment plants(ETP)

Effluent Treatment Plants (ETP) are mostly used by big pharmaceutical and industrial
organizations. Effluent Treatment Plants are all the more synthetically engaged. Since these
organizations work in industries that create chemical spillover, an ETP will likely cleanse
water to help ensure the environment. These facilities utilize evaporation and other drying
techniques and additionally microscopic filtration to spur the chemical processing.

Sewerage treatment plants (STP)

Sewage treatment is the known to be the process in which contaminants from wastewater and
family unit sewage, both spillover effluents and domestic are expelled on a large scale. It
incorporates physical, chemical, and biological procedures to evacuate physical, chemical and
biological contaminants Its goal is to create a waste stream or treated pro-effluent and a solid
waste etc., appropriate for release or reuse. This material is frequently coincidentally debased
with numerous poisonous natural and inorganic mixes.
Pre-treatment evacuates materials that are accumulated from the raw wastewater in order to
prevent damage or clogging up of pumps and pipes. The influent sewage water is filtered to
expel every single substantial object conveyed in the sewage stream. In present-day plants
serving extensive populaces, this is most likely done with an automated mechanically rounded
bar screen, on the other hand in smaller or less modern plants a manually cleaned screen might
be utilized.
The solids are gathered and later arranged in a sludge bed. Pre-treatment may incorporate Grit
evacuation in which, a sand or coarseness channel or chamber where the speed of the
approaching wastewater is deliberately controlled to permit sand, grit, and stones to settle.
Common and Combined effluent treatment plant (CETP)
Small-scale industries might not have sufficient energy, space, or funds to set up treatment
frameworks of their own, so they depend on a consolidated networking system arrangement
of plants to help wipe out wastewater. In industrial centers that make a pocket of
contamination, combined effluent treatment plants are frequently introduced, in order to battle
the reach of these organization’s belongings.
Your septic tank isn’t only a basic tool for keeping your home clean, it is additionally
imperative in ecological assurance. A consistent cleaning out of your channels and depletes is
one approach to keep squander from clogging up your septic tank.


1. Primary treatment
2. Secondary treatment
3. Tertiary treatment
Primary treatment is the initial stage of removal of heavy solid particles and oils and greases
from the raw sewage water. Primary treatment process involves techniques like grit chamber
separation, screen separation, sedimentation etc.
Secondary treatment is a secondary stage of waste water treatment which is designed to
subsequently degrade the biological matter. Secondary treatment can be carried out using the
following two methods: -

• Aerobic Digestion
Treatment using aerobic digestion is a biological process that uses oxygen to break down and
remove the dissolved and suspended organic matter. It converts organic matter into carbon
dioxide and new biomass. In aerobic digestion, continuous supply of oxygen is required for
which the air is forced into the system with air blower/compressors. Unlike the traditional
septic tank, aerobic treatment system produces a high quality secondary effluent which can be
used for surface irrigation.
• Anaerobic Digestion
Treatment using anaerobic digestion is a biological process in absence of oxygen. Anaerobic
degradation of organic matter is a balance between the activities of different group of micro-
organisms and takes place in four steps: hydrolysis, acidogenesis, acetogenesis, and
methanogenesis. During hydrolysis, hydrolytic micro-organisms produce extracellular
enzymes which degrade complex organic compounds into their monomeric and dimeric
components, i.e. proteins into amino acids, carbohydrates into simple sugars, and lipids into
long chain fatty acids (LCFA). Acidogenic bacteria then degrade these components further
into volatile fatty acids (VFA), such as acetic, propionic, butyric and valeric acids, and
alcohols. During acetogenesis, these intermediary compounds are converted to acetic acid,
hydrogen, and carbon dioxide, from which methanogenic bacteria produces methane and
carbon dioxide as the end product.

Tertiary treatment is the final treatment process that improves wastewater quality before it
is reused, recycled or discharged to the surrounding environment. The treatment removes
remaining inorganic compounds such as the nitrogen and phosphorus left in the effluent from
the secondary treatment.



All organic waste disposal in India is a burning problem. The problem has further aggravated
in rural places in India & responsible for spreading of Water Born Diseases like Typhoid,
Cholera, Shigellosis, Amoebic Dysenteries and Diarrhoea etc. With help of this BIO-STP
Technology we can overcome with all these problems and make our environment better to live.


This technology is suitable for any area/ application in India. The process under this
technology culminates in to treated effluent which is free from Pathogens and is also
environmentally acceptable. The technology has major three components:

A-Low temp active inoculums/AMI

C-Reed Beds

A consortium of Anaerobic Microbial Inoculum (AMI) has been formulated and adopted to
work at temperature as low as -52°C to 50°C. This is the component which acts as inoculums
(seed material) to the bio digester and converts the organic waste into biogas and carbon
dioxide. The anaerobic process inactivates the pathogens responsible for water borne
diseases. The optimum temperature is maintained by microbial heat, insulation of the reactor.
The Outlet from bio digester is directly fed into the Reed Bed System, the final effluent is
clear clean water.






Technology is developed and approved by DRDO-Ministry of Defence an innovative

technology for disposal of Organic waste in eco-friendly manner in bio digesters. These bio
digesters can function at any atmospheric temp between -55°C to 60°C. The bacterial
consortium degrades night soil at temp as low as -55°C and produces colourless, odourless and
inflammable biogas containing 50%-70% methane.

The main constituents of bio digesters are AMI which is filled into the bio digester in a capacity
of 40% to the volume of bio digesters tank. Black & Grey water from Housing Multiplexes,
Villages, and Public Places are connected to the bio digester. Night soil degradation occurs
through microbial reaction which converts it into biogas & Clean Water.

The smell of night soil, the disease-causing organisms in the night soil and the solid matter are
eliminated totally. On dry weight basis 90% of the solid waste is reduced. The gaseous effluent
(Biogas) is continuously let off to the atmosphere/Bio-Gas can be used for various energy
incentive activities like cooking, water and room heating. Liquid effluent can be drained to any
surface or soak pit without any environmental hazards.


Reed Bed has become the principle waste water treatment method around the world. Reed beds
(vertical flow subsurface constructed wetlands) are the most significant advance in water and
waste treatment since the activated waste process was first used over a century ago. Reed bed
technology designs and constructs highly effective and simple to operate systems for treating
a wide range of contaminant chemicals including ammonia, BOD, COD, suspended solids,
organic chemicals, chlorinated organic chemicals, industrial solvents, and hydrocarbons.

Reed beds rely on biological processing of contaminants to treat water to a quality suitable for
environmental disposal or reuse. But unlike activated waste, reed beds consume no energy,
require no chemicals, have no moving parts, and are carbon neutral. Reed beds have been
operating across Europe and the US for over 20 years to manage and treat domestic wastewater,
water treatment waste, leachate and contaminated groundwater, and mining and industrial
process water. These systems are still in operation today and continue to function with very
little maintenance.

We design and install Reed beds to treat domestic waste water, domestic waste water, industrial
wastes and contaminated wastes and mine waters. Our reed beds transform and remove a range
of different contaminants from these wastes, including organic loads (BOD), petrochemicals
& solvents, suspended solids & sediments, metals and nutrients.


• Disposes human waste in a 100% ECO friendly manner.

• Generates colourless, odourless inflammable Bio gas (can be used for cooking heating)
and absolutely clear odourless water. Water is full of nutrients and minerals and is good
for irrigation purpose of nearby gardens, lawns etc.

• Suitable for sub-zero temperature of Himalayan Region, Glaciers, Highways, Remote

areas, Sea Ports, Mining area, Metro Cities etc.

• 100% maintenance free, continuous Biological process.

• Complete elimination of pathogens.

• Economically viable.

• No dependence on the limited and costly conventional energy sources.

• Can be installed and made operational in least Time-duration.

• Inoculums charging is only once during the entire life of Bio STP.

• No need of connectivity to the sewage line, septic tank. No disposal of sludge is



Comparative study Normal STP and BIO STP

Particulars Normal STP Bio-STP

Design Design is Complex Very Simple Design & easy

to work based on DRDO,
Bio-digester Technology

Installation Cost Very High Far less

Maintenance Cost Maintenance required, Additional Maintenance not required it

Running cost recovers its cost within 10

Space Required Larger space requirement, Above the Very small space needed to
Ground Construction that of Normal STP’s due to
underground Construction

Hygiene Hygienic More hygienic than normal


Diseases Water-borne diseases spread by the All pathogens are killed

effluent sewage inside the Bio-digester Tank

Suitability Suitable for most terrain Suitable for all terrain

By-Products Lesser Biogas in comparison to Bio- Relatively higher amounts

Generated STPs of Bio gas & potable water

Power/Electricity Required Electricity No Electricity Required

(Save Lots of Money)


Black water Grey Water Kitchen waste water

(from toilets) (from bathrooms) (from kitchen)

Gas Outlet

Bio-Digester Oil and Grease Trap

Reed Beds
Sludge Beds

Backwash Multi-grade Pressure Sand Filter

Activated Carbon Filter

Treated Water Tank

Proposed infrastructure: -
1. Guest Rooms 32
2. Conference Hall 1 (300 people Capacity)
3. Restaurant 1(30 covers)
3. Laundry No (outsourced)
4. Kitchen 1
5. Public Washrooms 4
6. Employees on roll 50


It is estimated that the waste water would be generated from the guest washrooms,
Conference hall, kitchen sinks, staff quarters, public washrooms and cleaning and
maintenance/cleaning. The Calculations are as below:


S.NO. APPLICATION Prescri User Computation Quantity Crit Quantity Black Grey
bed eria Water water

Lpcd Ltr/day % Ltr/day Ltr/day Ltr/day

1. Guest Rooms 180 96 96*180 17,280 80 13,824 2,765 11,059
2. Staff 45 50 50*45 2,250 80 1,800 360 1,440
3. Restaurant 70 30 70*30 3,500 80 2,800 - 2,800
4. Public 5 350 350*5 1,750 80 1,400 280 1,120
5. Cleaning/ ~ ~ ~ 300 80 240 - 240
6. Total Discharge (peak load) 25,080 ~ 20,064 3,405 16,659

7. Assumed peak discharge with future provisions 5,000 20,000

Accordingly, it is suggested to install a plant of 15KLD for treatment of black water and 4
Reed Beds for the treatment of grey water, having provision for further expansions.

Preliminary Treatment
A. Screen 500mm x 600mm
B. Oil and Grease trap 1000mm x 1000mm 2.4 cm/sec

Secondary Treatment of Black Water using Bio STP (Anaerobic Bio Digester)
A. BOD removal efficiency 80%

B. Flow rate 15m3

C. Length, width and depth of Bio- 7m x 2m x 1.5m
D. Area required 14m2
Secondary Treatment of Grey Water using Reed Beds Technology
A. BOD removal efficiency 80%
B. COD removal efficiency 80%
C. TSS removal efficiency 90%
D. Length, width and depth of Reed 9m x 3m x 1m
E. Area required 27m2

Tertiary Treatment using Sand Carbon Filter

A. Multi-grade Sand Carbon Filter 2m x .5m x 2m
B. Area required 1m2

NOTE: - The mentioned design has certain assumed values which follow general design
parameters like HRT, SRT, Avg. Conc. of sludge in blanket, Depth of Reactor, etc.


Approximate cost estimate of proposed technology.


Site Visit, Design and Site Visit & providing detailed design 30,000/-
Drawings with structural with
details Structural drawings and BOQ of entire
plant. The design will include
STP components such as Bio-digester
tanks, Reed bed, treated water
collection tank etc.
Civil works/ FRP Construction of bio-digester, reed beds 18,00,000
which includes FRP and civil works.
The cost also includes installation and
plantation cost in reed beds and all
other civil works including sludge
beds, Screen, Oil and grease trap etc.
Anaerobic bacteria Providing anaerobic bacterial 1,00,000/-
inoculum inoculum in Bio-digester tank digest
sludge in form of dehydrated conc.
powder or liquid.
Special bio-media for Bio- 3 cum pall ring bio-media which will 54,000/-
digester provide max. surface area & shelter
for bacteria.
Dual media filters (sand Supply, installation of dual media 3,00,000/-
filter and activated carbon filters.
filter) Specification: 2 no. of FRP vessels of
1650mm X 450mm consisting of
multi-grade sand, & activated carbon.
Max. flow rate 5000 LPH Feed pump
(2 no’s): 1 operational & 1 stand by
pump of 1.5 HP.
Methane gas collection Methane gas collection tank with 15,000
piping channel and burner stove.
Installation supervision Installation and supervision of entire 1,50,000
plant with quarterly lab testing of
treated water for first year.
Total 24,49,000


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