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Which Elements Are Metalloids?

René E. Vernon*
Charles Sturt University, Locked Bag 588, Wagga Wagga, New South Wales 2678, Australia

ABSTRACT: The results of a recent survey of 194 metalloid lists are consistent with a three-criterion description of metalloids
published over 35 years ago. The classifications of selenium, polonium, and astatine, and other metalloid-like elements, are briefly
reviewed in this light.
KEYWORDS: High School/Introductory Chemistry, First-Year Undergraduate/General, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry,
Misconceptions/Discrepant Events, Metalloids/Semimetals, Periodicity/Periodic Table

that metalloids are typically semiconductors, “although

P ast issues of this Journal have reviewed the concept of a
metalloid,1 investigated the most easily defensible list of
metalloids,2 and challenged the basis for classifying polonium
antimony and arsenic [being semimetals in the physics-based
sense] have electrical conductivities which approach those of
and astatine as metalloids.3,4 The concept of a metalloidas a metals”.13 The applicable elements and criterion values are
member of a class of elements intermediate between metals and listed in Table 1.
nonmetalsis a relatively old one, straddling the establishment
of the periodic law in 1869.5 Even so, this concept has only Table 1. The Six Elements Commonly Recognized as
been reasonably well accepted since 1940−1960, and has yet to Metalloids12,14−16
be more clearly defined, even if only to establish a common or
core set of metalloids. The related purpose of this IP/ IP/ Electronic
Element (kcal/mol) (kJ/mol) ENa ENb Band Structurec
communication is to draw attention to a recent survey of 194
metalloid lists and to an older (little known) description of β-Boron 193 800 2.0 2.04 semiconductor
metalloids based on three criteria. It transpires that the α-Silicon 189 786 1.8 1.90 semiconductor
elements most commonly recognized as metalloids in the α-Germanium 184 762 1.8 2.01 semiconductor
survey are the same as the elements whose properties were used α-Arsenic 228 944 2.0 2.18 semimetal
to inform the three-criterion description. The classifications of α-Antimony 201 830 1.9 2.05 semimetal
selenium, polonium, and astatine, as well as gray tin and other α-Tellurium 210 869 2.1 2.10 semiconductor
metalloid-like elements, are briefly reviewed in this light. Average 201 832 1.9 2.05 -

Original Pauling electronegativity value. bRevised Pauling value. cFor
SURVEY OF ELEMENTS COMMONLY RECOGNIZED the element in its standard state, as shown in the first column.
By way of a literature search, the author compiled a list of 194 Masterton and Slowinski’s description is remarkable for its
metalloid lists, dating from 1947 onward.6 The list includes 26 use of these three more-or-less clearly defined criteria. In
different elements identified as metalloids, across 67 different contrast, metalloids tend to be collectively characterized in
list configurations, with an average of just over seven elements terms of generalities or a few broadly indicative physical or
per list. The percentage appearance frequencies of the elements chemical properties,1 with a single quantitative criterion or
most frequently identified as metalloids are boron (86), silicon attribute (such as electrical conductivity,17 packing efficiency,18
(95), germanium (96), arsenic (100), selenium (23), antimony or the acid−base character of group oxides19) being mentioned
(88), tellurium (98), polonium (49), and astatine (40). Of the only occasionally.20 Their description can be expressed more
menagerie of other elements occasionally identified as metal- formally, in SI units, to give the following semiquantitative
loids, carbon (9), aluminum (9), and bismuth (6) are the front working definition:
runners. A metalloid is a chemical element that, in its standard state,
The survey results are consistent with the assertions made by has (a) the electronic band structure of a semiconductor or a
other authors that six elements are commonly recognized as semimetal, (b) an intermediate first ionization potential (say,
metalloids: boron, silicon, germanium, arsenic, antimony, and 750−1,000 kJ/mol), and (c) an intermediate electronegativity
tellurium.1,2,7−11 (1.9−2.2, revised Pauling).

The elements commonly recognized as metalloids in the survey
Neither selenium nor polonium satisfies the working definition
had also been identified and described as such in 1977 by of a metalloid noted above. Selenium has a first ionization
Masterton and Slowinski.12 They wrote that metalloids have potential of 941 kJ mol−1 and is sometimes described as a
first ionization potentials (IP) clustering around 200 kcal/mol
and electronegativity (EN) values close to 2.0. They also said
© XXXX American Chemical Society and
Division of Chemical Education, Inc. A | J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of Chemical Education Communication

semiconductor. However its electronegativity of 2.55 is too As well, the question of which elements would be counted as
high. Polonium has an ionization potential of 812.1 kJ mol−1 insulators rather than semiconductors was not addressed.
and an electronegativity of 2.0, but has a metallic band There may be some merit in adapting Adler’s suggestion by
structure.21,22 Hawkes2,3,23 also concluded that polonium was distinguishing between the notion of a “metalloid”, and that of a
better classified as a metal. “near metalloid”. Metalloids are those elements commonly
Astatine has a first ionization potential24 of 899 kJ·mol−1 and recognized as such, which fall within the scope of the definition
an electronegativity of 2.2. However, its electronic band set out in this article. A near metalloid then becomes any other
structure is not known with any great degree of certainty. chemical element having the electronic band structure of a
Batsanov25 gave a calculated band gap energy for diatomic semimetal or a semiconductor, with the latter (for this purpose)
astatine of 0.7 eV, a figure which could reasonably be associated being taken as an element having a band gap less than or equal
with semiconductor status. Evidence for the existence of to the visible spectrum cutoff of 1.8 eV.48 A semiconductor with
diatomic astatine is, however, sparse and inconclusive.26 such a relatively narrow band gap49 has a metallic or black
Edwards and Sienko27 speculate, on the basis of the appearance,50,51 and metalloids have traditionally been regarded
Goldhammer−Herzfeld criterion for metallicity, that astatine as looking like metals52 (semiconductors with wider band gaps,
is probably a metalloid. Siekierski and Burgess28 contend or and insulators, appear colored, white, or transparent).53,54 This
presume that astatine would be a metal if it could form a definition would include graphitic carbon, black phosphorus,
condensed phase but do not give a specific basis for their claim. gray selenium, gray tin, iodine,55 and bismuth. As noted, these
Hawkes2,3,23 initially concluded that astatine should be are all elements described in the literature as being metalloid-
classified as a nonmetal but has subsequently agreed, upon like, or words to that effect. Craig,56 for example, refers to the
further reviewing its mixed and intermediate properties (known “near metalloidal” status of selenium; Schroers57 refers to
and extrapolated),13 that astatine is better classified as a carbon and phosphorus as near metalloids. Although aluminum
metalloid.29 This development is consistent with other and polonium are also mentioned in the literature as showing
references to the character of astatine. Bresler30 commented some metalloid character, both elements have the electronic
that “the properties of the metal and the halogen are curiously band structures of metals and, arguably, show at least a
combined in this element”. Rössler31 similarly highlighted “the reasonable preponderance of metallic character. They are both
chemical ambiguity of astatine between halogen and metal better regarded as poor metals or chemically weak metals.37,38
character”. More recently, Restrepo et al.32 reported that
astatine appeared to share more in common with polonium (a
metal) than it did with the established halogens. They did so on
There are six elements commonly recognized as metalloids.
the basis of detailed comparative studies of the known and Thirty-five years ago, Masterton and Slowinksi published a
interpolated properties of 72 elements.

three-criterion description of metalloids. Their description
provides a useful basis to establish a more formal definition of a
metalloid. In this light, selenium is better classified as a
ELEMENTS nonmetal, and polonium as a metal. Astatine may or may not
Gray tin is the stable form of tin below around 55 °F (13 °C). be a metalloid according to this definition. However, on the
As tin, it has a first ionization potential14 of 708 kJ/mol and an basis of its currently known and extrapolated properties, astatine
electronegativity of 1.96 revised Pauling. Unlike ordinary tin, is better classified as a metalloid. If it subsequently transpires
which has the electronic band structure of a metal, gray tin has that the band structure of astatine is found to be metallic, then
the electronic band structure of a semimetal.33 With its the working definition of a metalloid suggested here may need
relatively low first ionization potential, gray tin does not satisfy to be revisited. Gray tin and other elements with semimetal or
the definition of a metalloid suggested here. semiconductor band structures, such as graphite and bismuth,
Cohen and Chelikowsky34 regard gray tin as a very poor while not falling within the scope of the metalloid definition
metal; Pauling35 says it has the properties of a metalloid; suggested in this communication, may be usefully regarded as
Ebbing and Gammon,36 who distinguish between metals, near metalloids, in recognition of their metalloid-like character.

metalloids, and nonmetals, treat gray tin as a nonmetal.
Physically, gray tin could be viewed as a metalloid (silvery AUTHOR INFORMATION
metallic appearance; brittle; moderate conductivity, increasing
with temperature; semimetal band structure). Chemically, Corresponding Author
however, gray tin falls marginally on the metal side of the * E-mail:
line given tin is ordinarily regarded as chemically weak metal Notes
rather than a chemically weak nonmetal.37,39
The authors declare no competing financial interest.

Similar to gray tin, there are a number of other elements that
are mentioned in the literature as being “near metalloidal”,
showing metalloid(al) character, or having metalloid-like or ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
some metallic characteristics. Examples include graphitic I gratefully acknowledge the opportunity to put questions about
carbon40,41 (a semimetal along its basal plane; a semiconductor metalloids to, and discuss related matters with,
along its edge plane), black phosphorus42−44 (a semi- Stephen Hawkes, at Oregon State University; William Jensen,
conductor), and bismuth45,46 (a semimetal). of the Department of Chemistry, University of Cincinnati;
An interesting and elegant solution for accommodating these David Johnson, editor of Metals and Chemical Change (2002);58
metalloid-like elements was provided by Adler,47 who suggested Peter Nelson, of the Department of Chemistry, University of
defining a metalloid simply as a semiconductor or a semimetal. Hull; and Alan Russell, lead author of Structure−Property
His suggestion can be viewed as a step too far; few other Relations in Nonferrous Metals (2005).59 The approach taken in
authors have regarded these additional elements as metalloids. this communication does not necessarily reflect the views of
B | J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of Chemical Education Communication

these authors. I thank anonymous reviewers for their helpful (18) Suresh, C. H.; Koga, N. A consistent approach toward atomic
comments and suggestions. radii. J. Phys. Chem. A 2001, 105 (24), 5940−5944 (5942−5943).

(19) Hutton, W.; Dickerson, R. E. A Study Guide to Chemical
Principles; Benjamin: New York, 1970; p 162.
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