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Fool — Yes, take a chance on love. Go with how you feel.

Magician — Yes, you have the power to make this relationship work.
High Priestess — Perhaps. You must take it slowly and follow your inner guidance. (But you knew that, right?)
Empress — Yes. Go for it with passion, but don’t forget the birth control.
Emperor — No, there are external pressures to deal with first.
Hierophant — Maybe. Seek advice from one who has a neutral perspective.
Lovers — Hell, yes! But wait. . . if this is a life-changing choice, then make sure you consider all possible outcomes.
Chariot — Maybe. You are in control here and need to navigate your way forward carefully.
Strength — Yes. You may have to use your powers of persuasion to get your erstwhile lover to come around to your way of
Hermit — No. You must spend some time working through your issues alone before you can share your life with another.
Learn to love yourself first.
Wheel of Fortune — Yes. No. Maybe. Choose another card. (Yes, I know I said never to choose another card, but in this
case, feel free.)
Justice — Yes, if the person is available: No if they are not.
Hanged Man — No, it’s not happening yet, but give it time. Things change.
Death — No. Something has to end before a new relationship can begin.
Temperance — Yes, the chemistry’s right. You are a good match.
Devil — No. You have to let this go. It’s not good for you.
Tower — No. This could be a destructive relationship.
Star — Yes, love is all around. Feel it permeate your whole being.
Moon — Maybe. There is much confusion. Let some time pass and you will know more clearly what you want.
Sun — Yes, all is well. Have fun, enjoy it. It might be temporary.
Judgment — Yes, you are being strongly called forward.
World — Yes, though you may feel you are stuck in a holding pattern. That’s okay, all is happening for your benefit. You are
exactly where you are meant to be.

The Everyday Witch Tarot: Suit of Wands | Source

Yes or No: Wands

Ace of Wands — Yes. Yes! Yeeesss! I’ll have some of what she’s having.
Two of Wands — No, not yet. Possibly not ever. Circumstances are not in your favor.
Three of Wands — Possibly. You’ve done all that you can. Now you have to wait and see.
Four of Wands — Yes, and have fun with it all. There is cause for celebration.
Five of Wands — No. There are challenges to be dealt with. You may have competition.
Six of Wands — Yes, everything is in place. Go for it.
Seven of Wands — No, there’s too much at stake right now.
Eight of Wands — Yes, but you must set your priorities right from the start.
Nine of Wands — No. You are not ready to go back into the romantic arena. You are hurting too much.
Ten of Wands — No. Either you have too many responsibilities or you need to heal first.
Page of Wands — Yes, life’s an adventure; don’t let this one go.
Knight of Wands — Yes, if you want a quick fling. No if you want a long-term relationship. This one's a butterfly.
Queen of Wands — Yes, be your gorgeous sexy self.
King of Wands — Yes, but don’t let the other person push you around.

The Everyday Witch Tarot: Suit of Cups | Source

Yes or No: Cups

Ace of Cups — Yes, your cup of love floweth over.
Two of Cups — Yes. This is it!
Three of Cups — Yes, but you have to find the right balance between your romance and your long-standing friendships.
Four of Cups — No. Heal your heart.
Five of Cups — No, wait until you feel better.
Six of Cups — Yes. This could be unconditional love.
Seven of Cups — Maybe. . . once you can make up your mind.
Eight of Cups — No. You have to walk away from this one, even if it breaks your heart.
Nine of Cups — Yes, if you feel it’s a positive thing. No, if you don’t. You are in the right place for you. It’s all good.
Ten of Cups — Yes, this one is a keeper.
Page of Cups — Yes, although there may be some soul-searching required.
Knight of Cups — Yes, but the romance may not last. This one’s all show.
Queen of Cups — Yes, but the emotional commitment may be one-sided.
King of Cups — Yes, this person is your harbor in a tempest.
The Everyday Witch Tarot: Suit of Swords | Source

Yes or No: Swords

Ace of Swords — Maybe. Wait a day or two and you may receive a revelation that will affect your decision.
Two of Swords — No. You are not seeing things properly. Don’t let yourself be blinded by desire.
Three of Swords — No, you have some thinking to do. There could be a communication issue going on.
Four of Swords — No. You need time to heal and recuperate.
Five of Swords — No, this person is not being honest.
Six of Swords — Yes, you are moving towards a better future. Take it slowly.
Seven of Swords — Yes, possibly, but check his or her history before you move forward.
Eight of Swords — No. You have got yourself into a situation and you must get out of it. There is a way forward.
Nine of Swords — No. Beware of using this relationship as an escape route.
Ten of Swords — Yes, perhaps this is what you need to move on with your life.
Page of Swords — Yes, but be prepared for it to be fiery and feisty.
Knight of Swords — Yes, as long as you can live with their intense focus on their missions and goals.
Queen of Swords — Yes, and know that both partners must be transparent and honest.
King of Swords — Yes, this might be a meeting of formidable intellects.

The Everyday Witch Tarot: Suit of Pentacles | Source

Yes or No: Pentacles (or Disks or Coins)

Ace of Pentacles — Yes, this is a new beginning. There may be nest-building ahead.
Two of Pentacles — Yes, if you have time for this.
Three of Pentacles — Yes, but you might need help to attract his or her interest.
Four of Pentacles — No, it’s not going to happen unless you get out more.
Five of Pentacles — Maybe. Life is tough at the moment, so perhaps this person will help you through.
Six of Pentacles — Yes, but do be careful that you are not being taken advantage of.
Seven of Pentacles — Yes, it’s what you’ve been patiently waiting for.
Eight of Pentacles — No. You need to focus on your education or career right now.
Nine of Pentacles — Yes, you are ideally placed to take this forward. On the other hand, you might not even feel the need for
anyone else at this time.
Ten of Pentacles — Yes, everyone approves. Bring them into the family.
Page of Pentacles — Yes. This will be a journey of discovery.
Knight of Pentacles — Yes, this person has hidden depths. Enjoy the dive.
Queen of Pentacles — Yes, if you are ready to settle down.
King of Pentacles — Yes, this one has a lot to give and is very generous. Keep your feet firmly planted and be realistic.

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